(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, well let's look at verses one to six again that's a great chapter of the Bible look many different themes in that chapter that you could preach on but we're going to just look at the beginning of the chapter so from verse one Acts 2 and verse 1 says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and they were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and the title of my sermon today is the satanic false doctrine of tongues the satanic false doctrine of tongues I'd like to pray before we continue father thank you for your word thank you for this great chapter of the bible thank you for um just just the many teachings you give us um throughout your word and and this particular doctrine today that I want to preach on lord this false doctrine out there um help me to just me to preach this just boldly and clearly and accurately and effectively for people just to remember you know how clear it is in your word lord and not to be troubled by this sort of false doctrine out there um help me to just be filled with your spirit lord help everyone to have attentive ears jesus no problem with this amen so um look many people probably this isn't even something that they really need to think about but for some it is okay we we have a church of varying different people from different backgrounds that come out of certain churches that maybe have friends ins other churches etc um and there are people that have grown up maybe as children here we've got we've got a varied church as we should do um and look this is a this is a big doctrine out there and what what is this false doctrine of tongues basically there are various churches around this nation and others professing to be bible believing okay claiming the bible as their final authority that seem to think that here in acts two first corinthians 14 and a few other places around the bible it's describing people mumbling muttering chanting screaming sometimes some unintelligible nonsense and look many of you have probably kind of seen videos and sort of stuff some of you sadly will have been in churches and seen this going on and not only do they claim that this is what it's talking about but it's actually some sort of evidence of salvation so that's kind of it's not just oh well this is you know this is um this is what we believe happens you know when you're filled with the holy spirit you just start mumbling and chanting like nonsense no one can hear but in fact they try and claim that that proves therefore that you're saved because it's an outward manifestation of the holy spirit now you might be sitting there thinking but isn't this just like the holy fire type ministry you know the the pentecostal churches etc do these circuses really affect us maybe you're thinking that does it really make much difference to us here and like i said look people don't come from different backgrounds here but even if the even if it was just those types of people even if it was just the sort of weird churches out there you know where they're calling themselves apostle this and that and everything else it does still affect us why because they're claiming the name of christ okay they claim the name of christ they claim to be bible believing they claim to follow the bible and people see this stuff in their so-called biblical justification and either run the other way okay that's one thing some people do they just think what on earth christians they run one way or worse they get drawn into this seeking of another spirit and keep a finger here and turn to second peter too because it's not just the pentecostals okay it's not just the pentecostals there are charismatic or like we sometimes call charismatic churches all over the place non-denominational ones that buy into this junk so-called evangelical churches baptist churches there are baptist churches around this nation where there are people claiming to speak with the gift of tongues and there are people claiming that this is biblical these are people that claim to believe the bible it's not just the pentecostal churches if you walked into i would say a random baptist church in this nation you've got probably a good uncertainty maybe 40 chance that there'll be people there at some point starting to do some of this crazy stuff starting to start mumbling in tongues during a prayer some of them might be a bit quieter they might still have some staunch older die-hard baptists there that don't really approve of it but kind of put up with it a little bit some are just full-blown gone okay yet they call themselves baptist churches and what's the goal of this stuff well i read this verse uh verse two here a lot but we're going to start at verse one but second peter chapter two and verse one says but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privilege shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so let's just get this straight these tongue-wagging pastors preachers apostles whatever they want to call themselves and never saved okay worse they're all false prophets okay the people preaching this stuff standing behind a pulpit doing this stuff are false prophets all day long okay there's no one maybe they were just a little bit conned they all repent of your sins or some other damnable heresy when it comes to salvation okay just to make that clear but we're going to talk about that a bit more in a minute and by the way just here the lord bought everyone did you know that any of you calvinist types out there and i don't think fortunately we have any it said here denying the lord that bought them he even bought false prophets but they rejected him okay denying the lord that bought them yeah no there's no limited atonement okay what a load of nonsense that is but we're not going to go on to that for now okay so they've denied him verse two says and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be even evil so he's spoken of so did you know that a lot of these churches are packed as well a lot of these types of churches but some of these like big televangelist types who do who are speaking this kind of jibba jabba tongue rubbish i mean they've got some busy churches haven't they people swaying arms up in the air while the chanting goes on all this it's it's it's popular stuff yeah because the worldly stuff is always popular isn't it pernicious by the way is destructive having the quality of killing okay that's what these ways are they're destructive they have the quality of killing what's the result well the way of truth is any is then spoken of as evil isn't it people are looking at that and going what on earth what is that christianity these guys are holding bibles these guys because a lot of them they they a lot of them look and dress like an independent fundamental baptist a lot of them carry a bible in their arms they claim to be bible believing you're knocking these guys doors and you sometimes they i mean they have a sticker on the front door don't they you know holy fire ministries you know you know this is going to be a rough rough attempt to getting them safe and then you're not going to die oh yeah believe the bible believe this believe grace be found they sound it sounds right doesn't it until you start digging a little deeper okay but yeah they they sound they sound like like they're they're one of us yeah we had um it made me think of when when we were doing a bit of work on this roof the other the other month and um myself and brother adam were up on this roof and there was a roof on the other roof yeah and he started trying you know he constantly looked up and saw us how did you get up there i was like well it's a ladder just just over there he's kind of it is a funny story because he was a bit panicky up on this roof kind of on these boards and maybe foolishly me and brother adam are just kind of jumping out of this room and he's looking at us like we're nuts anyway but he said to us he he said something or other are you i was like oh no we're a church actually he's just oh yeah of course you are one of those happy clappy types you know in his mind we were like one of those others you know and all that stuff and jibber jabbering tongue but but he didn't he was joking he was just like yeah whatever as if you're because in his mind it's like what so what are you talking about he's thinking industrial estate church yeah like of course you guys are you know a couple of guys up on the roof we're like no we are actually a church anyway point being that the way of truth for these guys just evil they're like yeah what one of those like weird happy clappy jokes because you're clearly not a c of e church because you're in an industrial estate so what what exactly are you or you get those ones who are like oh you're you're in the oh you're christian so all those fake miracles what do you think you get people say this i had a guy try to preach the gospel too that i used to know many years ago and one of the first things he said to me soon after was have you seen this video what about these people that claim that they did this or claim that they saw this or claim that they've you know this miracle or claiming they speak a special language and he's just like what a joke what are you into that and and then you're trying to tell them no and by them they're just shutting off aren't they by by reason for whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of normal people look normal people in this world just run-of-the-mill people see through that junk they see through that fakeness they see through the dissimulation as well they see through the fake smile when you turn up at the church they see through the kind of i'm so holy but really i'm not exterior they see that normal people see they have to be like some great spiritually discerning person see through that stuff but people still get pulled in don't they they see people literally talking and make believe nonsense language yeah and craving it some special biblical language and they see it like look normal people don't get conned by that do they people know and we're going to look at why maybe some people do get conned by that but they literally make it up and they lump it all together with christianity and then what happens is that the the many people following them then makes it worse so you've got that stuff and look if it was one guy on their own you'd just kind of most people would see some guy walking down the street going and just be like kids come this way across the road keep away yeah turn the other way as you drive past or something else but it's not so you've got all these people following them as well like i said they look like us i carry a bible like us but they lie about it and they preach another gospel all these people preach another gospel okay i i'm yet to see i'm yet to meet someone who claims to speak in tongues that doesn't either believe they had to repent of their sins to get saved or believe that they have to keep repenting of their sins to be to stay saved it's all it's all work salvation all of its work so some of it's subtle but it's all work salvation their evidence of their salvation is that they speak a load of made-up nonsense that's their evidence i'm saved because i speak a lot of rubbish i mean what on earth it's absolute madness isn't it rather than because i believe in the lord jesus christ or i must be saved because i can talk and make believe language which any child can in fact i think the uvaga do you remember the old anyone remember the uvaga language where you try to talk and then you go talk and then you go like instead of saying my name is in you go move a guy never game if it is ever good so anyway the point yeah yeah we got one at the back this is like this is like sort of 80s sort of time period yeah and this is like a way of talking hopefully so other people didn't understand what you were saying that's cleverer than the junk that these guys come out with okay that's more in depth and that there's something there's some skill required to that to remember to put the uvaga into each syllable then there is to literally just go or whatever version they do because they'll have a different version of this depending on the culture depending and that doesn't sound the same because it's not an angelic language yeah it's a load of nonsense however the result is that bible believe in christianity becomes a laughing stock to many yeah not to all but to many it becomes a laughing stock the way of truth is an evil spoken of but there's another problem too keep a finger here in turn of second corinthians chapter 11 right now some people are in there just trying to blag that they have this special gift okay so there are some that go to one of these churches and they're like look if i don't start talking like in a make-believe language everyone's going to think i'm unsaved and i'm not part of the gang or that i'm not staying saved you know whatever version it is everyone think i've lost my salvation you know because i'm not talking not so i'm just going to have to just fall into line here and talk you know talk the same as everyone else there are those but others are praying for people to have a spirit come and come upon them so that they can do these sorts of miracles so there are people you go to one of these churches i've heard many testimonies of this sort of thing for people i know well who have kind of gone into one of these churches and they're going oh have you have you spoken in tongues yet and then these people are coming over them and trying to put hands on them and pray for them to for the holy spirit yeah holy spirit to come upon them over them to then speak in tongues now what spirit is that that they're praying for because that's not the holy spirit i know from the word of god right so they're laying hands on each other praying for this but then none of these people are saved right they all believe in work salvation some subtly some not so subtly so what spirit is it that they're praying for to come on them anyone anyone has it i guess it is an unclean spirit also knows a familiar spirit or another spirit or many many other words for it it's another spirit because it's not the holy spirit of the bible this is a spirit that people in this church or so-called church are praying for to come upon someone so they can basically do a load of stuff which is unbiblical that's not the holy spirit that's contrary to the holy spirit paul said this is a corinthian church it said corinthians 11 would to god you could bear with me a little in my folly and indeed bear with me for i am jealous over you with godly jealousy for i have a spouse you to one husband that i may present you as a chaste virgin to christ who's the bride the individual church here okay that's who he's talking to here now look verse three he says but i fear less by any means as a serpent beguild he threw his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ now of course you can apply this to the individual as well just being kind of led astray but ultimately really i believe he's just talking about a church as a whole and the worry of a church going apostate okay that's what he's saying he's talking about a church slowly turning into an apostate church and this has happened to previously good churches around the world for the last couple of thousand years you know of new testament churches there'll be churches where is the church at Ephesus now anyone know you don't know where it is the corinthian church the church church at galatia no these churches have at some point something's happened and eventually they've turned into apostate churches haven't they in fact all these churches if you think about all these churches writing letters to in in in the new testament all those letters that Paul wrote where are those churches now because that is a risk and that's the fear and sadly that's what happened and it's even happened we can see even in recent history with churches maybe that were previously great churches out in the us that have just gone apostate which were part of you know maybe the glory days the independent fundamental baptist movement and what are these churches doing now preach repent of your sins or something else and in every church because you might be like but wait a second because isn't he just talking to a load of saved people well look in every church you're going to have saved you're going to have unsaved you're going to have children and you're going to have wrong ones okay that's just church life okay you're going to have that that mixture in a church if you compromise in whether it's leadership or other members of the church itself then slowly but surely the whole church will turn bad okay that's what will happen so if you start compromising that's happened in this nation as well anyone think that this nation just never had any good soul-winning baptist churches of course they did there have been there have been previously but what happens is they start compromising compromising and they turn apostate and this is the warning that he's giving him okay he's warning here verse four says for if he that cometh preacheth another jesus whom you we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with him so you've got another jesus another spirit and another gospel because people want to come in the churches and priests preach false doctrine don't they and they'll be subtle and it depends on the makeup of the church it depends on how you know the sorts of people in the church as to what those devils think they can get away with but that is a goal sadly they want to preach another christ and you think what sort of other christ well there's another gospel and that is ultimately another christ the christ that only died for some of your sins the christ that only died for your past sins or a christ that only died for those sins that you really asked for you know that you were really sorry about or whatever it is but also but also think about things like oneness pentecostalism and and that sort of stuff and they're people that have and will do come into church to try and slowly start to sow that seed it's another christ isn't it it's another jesus and then you've got another spirit another holy spirit such as one that manifests itself with people rolling around the floor barking like dogs and chanting mystical languages which is just people chanting like they're made up nonsense now like i said some of it is just people just blagging it but some of it is spiritual some of it is another spirit some of it is people literally possessed by another spirit okay worshiping another spirit rolling around and uncontrollable and doing crazy stuff and i don't believe all those people are just completely blaggy okay a lot of those people uh basically they've received another another spirit said here whom we've not preached or if you receive another spirit like some of it sounds like they're literally chanting voodoo spells okay and that's not just oh that's a bit random isn't it someone once telling me i can't remember i mean brother gary telling me about some sort of some comparison was done with a lot of voodoo and then certain tongue speaking and how many similarities there were and a lot of the sounds and noise and everything else but that's not the holy spirit the holy spirit doesn't result in people barking like dogs people suddenly you know rolling around giggling like uncontrollably and doing all that crazy stuff and we've got to understand as a church there is no compromise with that okay there is no compromise and you're thinking okay look we're not going to obviously if someone suddenly now goes i can feel the spirit and then starts like barking that everyone here is going to go yeah whoo praise god everything else of course not but there look there are people that might just start to slowly just think well look maybe they're still saved or maybe look maybe it's not that bad maybe it's just a slight doctrinal difference then you slowly start to compromise right and that is a it's a long slope but it's a slippery slope isn't it down to being an apostate church and and like i said these aren't people that just they're not just a little bit off about what tongues is this is another spirit okay it's another spirit or they're lying and blagging it okay it's one of the two isn't it and that's dangerous to be dabbling with another spirit whether you're saved or not now if you're sitting there going but how do you know that by the way who says it's not just a doctrinal difference well we're just going to look now we're you know for this one we're going to look at what tongues really is yeah what the bible says the gift of tongues is and what it's not and and whether or not people with their eyes rolling in the back of their heads chanting like unintelligible nonsense is what the bible says and if it's not well we kind of narrowed it down a bit there haven't we because it's not the holy spirit then so let's have a little look and because the holy spirit leads into all truth doesn't it yeah he leads us into all truth so therefore for me it has to be another spirit leading people to sound like nutters yeah that's not the holy spirit so let's have a look at acts two and verse one where it says and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind that filled all the house where they were sitting and they appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each limb so there's about 120 of them according to chapter one and this great miracle happens where they have cloven or divided tongues like fire on top of them okay must been amazing to see right verse four says and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance case closed right special tongues you know some special spiritual language coming from the spirit yeah i mean do we need to read any further must be when they got saved right it must be salvation well don't forget that they were in dwelt with the holy spirit back in john 20 and verse 22 when jesus had just resurrected in the middle of them and said peace be unto you i'm sending you out and when he had said this he breathed on them and said saith unto them receive you the holy ghost so they've already received the holy ghost so what's going on here in acts 2 at least we know the 12 have or 11 the holy ghost is coming upon them they're filled with the holy spirit okay so this is the holy ghost coming on you this is you basically being as controlled or led to the holy spirit by the holy spirit as possible okay this is the holy spirit just coming like surrounding you coming upon you like we've seen many times in the bible what was the result they began to speak with other tongues what's a tongue is that random word like noises well let's keep reading verse five says and they were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven so there are people from all over the world there right okay these people have come from all over the world now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language so we've just been told the result of being filled with the holy spirit is that they're speaking with other tongues verse 6 then says that people are confused because every man is hearing them speak in their own language verse 7 says and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born right anyone wondering what the tongue is referring to there anyone a bit confused here going this must be some miraculous you know language that no one knows where you talk to god is that what it says anyone wondering what other times should we ask a child here just just to double check that maybe maybe it's because we're just so mature that we understand what this is talking about let's pick on my son there jack what's he's talking about what's another tongue wow man these kids are getting brighter aren't they pretty simple isn't it pretty sick i mean you only just have to read a few more verses and you can see it's another and by the way i didn't prime him for this even right don't say it's some weird spiritual voodoo language okay verse nine let's just keep reading though because it makes it even clearer clearer parthians and meads and elamites in the dwellers in mesopotamian in judia and kapadocia in pontus and asia frigia panphilia in egypt and in the parts of libya around so about syrene and strangers of rome jews and proselytes cretes and arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god must be some unintelligible gobbledygook yeah no they've hearing them speak in their tongues clearly languages they speak they're hearing them speak the wonderful works god and it's sad isn't it this amazing miracle and we can see what the what the goal of this miracle is right the gospel is suddenly going out on mass isn't it all over the world now all these people imagine how hard that would have been otherwise with maybe a lot of people that didn't speak many other languages by maybe greek and maybe if they still spoke hebrew or whatever else but suddenly you got these people just just hearing the gospel in all these different languages all at once amazing right absolutely amazing but instead whenever you go to these sorts of passages a lot of people end up having to talk about this false doctrine out there which changes it into some sort of gobbledygook now approximately nowadays i don't know what it was then there's 2 700 languages worldwide which is claimed could you imagine how hard it would have been for the gospel to have gone out everywhere without this miracle you see what the goal of this miracle was right absolutely amazing suddenly just all these people are coming from all every nation are suddenly hearing the gospel having it preached them and they're hearing it in their own language okay amazing right and they were all amazed and we're in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this just amazing that someone could just just talk a load of mumbling rubbish they're all like wow there's people who's going about it's madness isn't it okay i must be dreaming okay so but look we're gonna we're just gonna make this really clear because this this should be enough shouldn't it from this it's just so clear what tongue what that means what tongues is this first kind of outward showing of this miracle and from there we you know we should just be able to read the rest of the new testament and go okay that's clear however we're just going to make it even clearer turn to genesis 10 because from genesis to revelation the word tongue or the plural tongues means one of three things okay you've got language you've got speech yeah or the literal tongue in your mouth okay and that's it and when i say speech while you're turning to genesis 10 for example first john 318 says my little children let us not love in word neither in tongue but indeed and in truth so you're not saying language you're saying what comes out of our mouth right don't just love with your with your mouth but indeed is in truth yeah okay that's what he's that's what he's saying here genesis 10 5 is is the first use of the word you're in genesis 10 look at verse 5 and he's talking about the division of people to come post babel when their languages were confounded it says this but these were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their nation so again quite obvious just talking about language here genesis 10 20 is the first use of plural tongues it says these are the sons of ham after their families after their tongues in their countries and in their nations remember that they're divided at babel and given and confounded their languages and these are the divisions of them after their individual languages okay language is plain and simple like we saw in acts 2 turn to revelation 17 and this continues throughout the old testament into the new testament all the way to chapter 17 of revelation deuteronomy 28 49 while you're turning to revelation 17 says the lord shall bring a nation against you from afar from the end of the earth as swift as eagle fly a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand talking about their language ezra 4 7 says in the days of artaxerxes wrote bishlam mithradath tabil and the rest of their companions unto artaxerxes king of persia and the writing of the letter was written in the syrian tongue and interpreted in the syrian tongue isiah 66 18 says for i know their works their thoughts it shall come that i will gather all nations and tongues and they shall come and see my glory just every time just clearly language language languages in the new testament john 5 2 says now there is at jerusalem by the sheep market of paul which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda having five porches the hebrew language acts 2140 and when he had given him license paul stood on the stairs and becker with the hands unto the people and when there was made a great silence he spoke unto them in the hebrew tongue saying and then he continues to talk to them again in the hebrew language in revelation 17 and verse 15 talking about the end time says and he saith unto me the waters which thou sawest where the horse sitteth are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues look throughout the bible okay clear as day from first use to last use okay not once anywhere is it talking about a made-up language between you and apparently your god and we're going to say with a small g there however there are some passages in the bible that these heretics try to make say something that they don't okay so that's what they do is then they'll they'll find the passages where then it's not so clear so i don't know how many of them maybe maybe in their false bibles they might go to to acts too but many will go to other passages you know first corinthians 14 being a big one we'll go there in a minute so we're going to go there today with our biblical definition of the word and see if it makes sense with tongue and tongues like we've just seen throughout the bible meaning languages turn to acts chapter 10 which is the next place that we see an example of this miracle of languages in the bible acts 10 peter's preaching to cornelius and his men amongst others it seems and it says this in verse 44 while peter this is acts 10 and verse 44 while peter yet spake these words the holy ghost fell on all them which heard the word and they have the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peter because on the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god then answered peter can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the holy ghost as well as we and he commanded them to be baptized in name of the lord then prayed they him to tarry certain days so have we suddenly jumped from languages to some unknown jibber jabber has has the bible just suddenly gone from it being languages languages languages languages you know to then we see it in acts 2 just clearly explaining it as languages to suddenly just some unknown kind of weird you know muttering and mumbling to god no now if you took that verse alone and went oh that's actually yeah you could you know it'd be hard to have around but we're told to study to show ourselves approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly divine in the word of truth yeah it doesn't take much division you just go to the acts too and you're kind of done aren't you however they're filled with the holy ghost okay the jewish believers are hearing them speak with languages why is it to show off is it to to show how spiritual they are no it's to magnify god isn't it okay to magnify god and how they magnifying god preaching the gospel yeah now remember that that many of these jews were from every nation so now they're hearing them speak in their own languages too yeah and by the way just on there did they receive the holy ghost before or after baptism after because baptism isn't a condition for salvation yeah or or either in dwelling or filling okay so so anyway let's keep going turn to acts 19 where we see the next instance of this miracle of the holy ghost so it says here in verse one and it came to pass that while apollos was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast is acts 19 Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether they're being holy ghosts and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto John's baptism so for me it seems that these guys haven't really understood the gospel okay and that does happen doesn't it okay that happens when you're out preaching the gospel even the greatest man that ever lived you know John the Baptist and obviously not counting the lord Jesus Christ there was look he would have still had people that he preached to that didn't get saved and that's what I think this is talking about was that John's fault well verse 4 says then said Paul John verily baptizes the baptism baptism of repentance saying unto the people so what's John clearly saying that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so John's clearly preaching the gospel he's preaching to put their faith in Jesus Christ but these guys didn't seem to do that for what from what I that's what I believe this passage is saying when they heard this so heard what it was that baptism that repentance was they were baptized in the name of the lord Jesus so it seems for me they've got saved they got baptized verse 6 says and when Paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied so is it suddenly satanic chanting now suddenly changed now so now the but it just didn't explain it but now actually they're just going well no they spake with language just like the first example of the miracle in acts two and they're preaching the gospel now okay they've been given this gift now this is like the very early days of the church and and the gospel is meant to be going out everywhere around the world yeah and this is obviously key to that happening yeah and again what was the purpose of this miracle for the gospel to spread far and wide okay that's what it's about what what why else what what what would be another reason for it just to showboat showboat your spirituality no it was to preach the gospel so now it's time for first Corinthians 12 where we see the spiritual gift talked about and first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 7 says this first corinthians 12 and versed in verse 7 paul says this in verse 7 but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all now with all means together okay so these varying gifts were given for a church to profit together okay and what's the what's the profit what's the idea is to do the work of god that's what church is for yeah so there's different gifts given to a church for the church to profit together in doing them you know what god wants it to do and ultimately that's getting people saved and building them up to go out and save other people yeah and can anyone tell me what the profit of someone talking this unintelligible nonsense is anyone tell me what profit to anyone someone you know the the claim of what these people like i said sadly so-called baptists as well though in this country would just be all this wicked bailing baptist union churches however what are they what what are you profiting going whatever version of it what does it profit absolutely nothing other than makes people think you're a nutter or a liar or possessed yeah profits nothing so the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all okay together for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these worketh that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will so you've got these miraculous gifts here which for me i've preached this before i think when i went through maybe maybe in uh romans chapter 12 they have for me a non-miraculous application today so i believe that every one of these gifts here i believe that we kind of have a non-miraculous non kind of sign and non-confirmation of the word application today with all of these things the word of wisdom and there are people but but in a way that where people aren't going to go oh what a miracle but there are people that do seem to have that that that gift of wisdom with the word of god there are those we do seem to have a gift of knowledge there are those that have that sort of just have more faith than others there are those there and when we see healing and the work of miracles if you think what's the application when we look at the miraculous healings what's the application salvation isn't it there are people that that are great soul winners okay there are people who just have that gift of that the miracles there are people think some of these miracles are like for me the miracles you see in people's lives and there are people that can get up and just preach a sermon and and do miracles in people's lives and really change and really just manage to make it apply to people's lives and change their lives and you'll see those miracles happen you see people who's come to a church and maybe walked in here you know one person and years later maybe not even years later it's like there's a miracle in their life and but it's not it's not it's not the miraculous sign stuff anymore to another prophecy there are people that have the gift of preaching to another discerning of spirits and again look there is there are those that can look at people and can just kind of just get a bad feel there are people that have that okay that have that ability to to kind of sit to spot the devil sometimes yeah but there are also those as well i do believe this applies as well there are people that if you think that spirit can also be the spirit that something's done in there are people that are just very in tune with when someone comes to you and asks you something and where really they can see it it's a bit of an envious spirit or maybe it's a little bit of a covetous spirit or maybe it's a bit i'm not talking about i'm not talking about um devils here i'm just talking about the spirit the vein in which you're asking something you're talking you're behaving if that makes sense yeah there are people that are good at discerning that sort of stuff as well could just see when people are kind of really really they're saying one thing but they're meaning something else as an ulterior motive to another diverse kinds of tongues what's the application today there are people with a gift of languages aren't there there are people in this in in in our church here that can speak multiple languages and there are other people that can't even speak english who are english okay there are people with different gifts yeah and then there are people by the way because being able to speak a language isn't the same as being able to interpret a language and look to be able to interpret what someone's saying quick off the cuff and be able to explain and describe what that person's saying especially if you think about the ultimate interpretation and translations and things like that there are people that can do that people that can't just because you can speak a lot of languages doesn't mean you can necessarily accurately quickly interpret as well okay and there are all the applications today but all these work of the one at that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severely as he will so why the miraculous gifts then and not now okay why the miraculous gifts and don't and people go oh you're limiting are you saying god can't do miracles you might have heard these people say this stuff before are you saying god yet god can do god does amazing miracles yeah but i'm i'm not i can't suddenly and no one else here anyone here suddenly be able to speak dozens of languages without even knowing how on earth they managed to do it no anyone i dare you it's it's not happening is it and and same with same with the other anyone here suddenly just healing someone miraculously because i tell you what if the miracle if the healing miracles really work why aren't they down to children's hospitals healing everyone why aren't they in the cancer awards because they're liars because they're either fakes or they're devils okay and look some people do some weird stuff sometimes i can't explain kind of some of the more kind of weird stuff it's not i don't think it's all just complete just just fake setups there are some people that do some weird devilish stuff but it's all wicked okay and it's and they're not walking around literally finding some guy who's literally lame on his feet crippled or got a withered hand and just miraculously bringing it back to life okay that stuff ceased keep a finger here and turn to hebrews 2 mark 16 20 says well you turn to hebrews 2 and they went forth and preached everywhere the lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following our men that's the last verse of the gospel of mark the signs of wonders are confirming the word don't forget that holy scripture is being written during this time and it's all being confirmed by miraculous signs isn't it what they're saying whether or not they're full of the holy ghost whether or not what they are doing is of the holy spirit okay hebrews 2 and verse 3 says how shall we escape hebrews 2 and verse 3 if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him okay that's the apostles verse 4 god also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the holy ghost according to his own will so the word is being confirmed the signs and wonders the gifts of the holy ghost of god bearing them witness yeah in paul's life we we do kind of see the miracles and healing sort of peter out of it don't we with him you know talking about leaving people sick you know and and talking about prescribing remedies to timothy yeah to drink some some wine for thy stomach's sake and line often infirmities why don't you just go and just miraculously heal it go back to first corinthians 12 which said in verse 10 to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues so in these first churches they're preaching the gospel okay they've got various spiritual gifts confirming the word profiting the church to some of them diverse or different basically kinds of languages to another the interpretation of it and like we said you know these are two different things and some could speak from from what i from what i see there is that there were some that would just be speaking language and being like wow i don't even know how this happened and then there's others that were able to hear what they were saying and interpret what they were saying to other people as well and and they were two different two different gifts there but paul didn't say if you're saved then you'll have all have this gift did he did he say that no he said to another this to another that to one this to one that look at verse 27 jump forward to verse 27 now year the body of christ and members in particular and god has set some in the church first apostles as secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues yeah are all apostles are all prophets all teachers are all works and miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret clearly not everyone had this gift either did they some did some didn't yeah but cover earnestly the best gifts and yet shall i unto you a more excellent way so look same as nowadays not everyone's adept at languages are they not everyone has those what i believe the kind of non-miraculous sort of continuation of these gifts of the spirit are and look not everyone has those it doesn't make them any lesser a christian everyone has their own gifts and own skills to profit the church for the church to basically function as a body as we see you know it's being described as and functioning together not not everyone's the arm not everyone's the eye yeah everyone has different skills and things for church to function but not everyone who gets saved is suddenly talking even this version the real version of what the gift of tongues was yeah you've got all these clowns out there going if you're saved and we're going to pray for the gift of tongues to then stand there and just chip a jabber to no one like what it's madness isn't it okay so this then go goes on to chapter 13 and and so far we've seen nothing obviously to suggest that tongues means anything other than languages in all of these passages and contexts okay then first corinthians 13 it follows on for verse 31 to show that the more excellent way that more excellent way being charity okay it says though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and not charity i am become a sounding brass or tinkling symbol okay there you go the languages of angels right and again you can imagine that oh so i'm going to grab this and go look languages of angels tongues of angels so this is what it's actually talking about that's what they're actually doing but again fine if you haven't looked at any of the other passages yeah then you might find that hard to debate on one verse on its own what does angels mean messages okay an angel's a messenger and that can be either a heavenly angelic being or a man but either way what's it what what's their what are they a messenger of god messenger of god there is nowhere in the bible where angels speak with another language and we don't see any example of anywhere in the bible where these angels are just kind of communing in this unknown mystical language so therefore what are we talking about here well tongues of angels is the language of god isn't it it's just the language of god paul's saying even though he speaks in both the speech of men and the word of god without charity he's just a loud goal noise or a quiet noise with a tinkling symbol okay even though basically he's preaching you know the the words of god and he's also talking as men he's he's nothing he's nothing without charity he said and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and no i have all faith so i can remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing he's nothing without it this is some suddenly just completely out of the context of tongues about the whole bible new revelation about special angelic languages with no other reference in the bible about that okay then on to chapter 14 now by the way for me chapter 13 of verse 8 is just the difference between charity and languages so i i yeah i i don't believe you even need to try and interpret that in a different way for this point but chapter 14 which perhaps if you didn't already have a clear definition of tongues from everywhere else in the bible you might find the odd verse here again open to debate if you couldn't compare to anywhere else if you didn't know the bible if you were just you know and and there are people that will have been conned by this there are unbelievers that will have gone into places like this and got conned by this okay there might even be people that are saved and be confused about this but for me what if you're speaking in tongues it's either of a devil or you're lying okay it's one of the two now like i said you might find the odd verse over to debate but like i said we're told to study to show ourselves approved as i 28 10 you have to turn this says for precept must be upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little okay that's how it works okay and i don't care how many theology degrees someone might claim to have and often in these sorts of churches it's not that but there will be some you know claim or how how many you know whatever education they have it doesn't matter because it's about comparing the bible with the bible not a load of worldly books and other stuff verse first corinthians 14 and verse 1 says follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy for he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries but he that prophesies speaks unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort so with our definition of an unknown tongue being an unknown language we understand what paul is talking about don't we he's saying sure desire spiritual gifts but desire to be able to preach yeah sure desire this stuff but being able to preach being able to prophesy be able to preach to others is is ultimately the the one isn't it this is where you're going to edify the most people at once you could obviously include soul winning with that although he does kind of make the differentiation later on rather than this gift with languages where it seems when you read the whole passage some are maybe showing off about some random language that no one knows and they're getting a bit puffed up with this um and remember he's talking to a pretty carnal church here as well okay the the book the first you know the book of first corinthians they got a lot of problems these guys all right there's a lot of issues okay verse two says for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mystery so he might be saying some great stuff but only god can understand him what a waste of time okay you're just speaking some unknown language in church and no one understands what you're saying get out i'm just showing off with my gift of tongues who are you benefiting but he that prophesy of speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort which is funny because what these guys do is even worse isn't it okay it's not just that they're speaking something that hardly anyone knows it's not just that they're speaking a kind of language that maybe people aren't there to interpret and it's just kind of they're all just talking these different languages these guys are talking a made-up language that no one understands just talking like made-up nonsense it's not for edification it's not for exhortation it's not for comfort apart for comforting your own ego as to how like lifted up and spiritual you are because you think that you speak a special language that's made up i would or or worse that's just just being pushed on you by some devils i would that you that you all spake with tongues so you say look nothing wrong with speaking with languages but rather that you prophesy that's what you'd prefer for greater receive that prophesy than he that speaks with tongues except you interpret that the church may receive and to find out prophesy can mean being both prophesying preaching of future events and preaching itself okay it can mean either and we look at the context with that and obviously they're you know when it comes to when it comes to prophesying of future events there will be those before the bible was completed that were prophesying of things which god was putting in their hearts to prophesy of right okay but however here we're for me we're just talking about preaching here okay so he said he would rather that they preach so it's fine if the language is interpreted he says except he interpreted that the church may receive edifying so that everyone in the church understands so look if you're preaching and it's a language that can be interpreted to others great yeah now brethren if i come unto you speaking with tongues what shall i profit you accept i shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesy or by doctrine so there's no profit of the languages unless he's imparting some spiritual truths okay so there's no profit there it says the gift was for preaching um where are we sorry well let's read that verse again it says now brethren if i come to you speak with tongues what shall i profit you except i shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine so it it was getting the word out far and wide wasn't it okay for a sign confirming the word not not to make the church disorderly it's not so just everyone just speaking these different languages what's going on imagine if that went on here just imagine if everyone here and a lot of people here have a native tongue if everyone was just speaking in native tongues if we had a men's preach night everyone was just getting up and speaking in their native tongue you know we have a lot of a lot of people in different nations here in different languages it would just be a joke wouldn't it i'd just be like what on earth what's going on here and this seems to be going on as well here whether or not it's just a gift or it's people as well in their own languages here she said even so ye verse 12 now jump forward to verse 12 even so you for as much as you're zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that you may interpret for if i pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful so again one of the gifts was speaking foreign languages another was interpreting them okay two different things look you it seems with this gift that you could just speak these languages you didn't really know necessarily what you're even speaking you know you're just speaking and speaking these different languages etc here he's saying look if i'm if i'm praying in an unknown tongue look my spirit might be praying but my understanding is i'm fruitful that no one's really i can't explain i can't can't you know go through in it and and show everyone what it is that i'm praying he said then he said i thank my god i speak with tongues more than you all now is that because jul paul was like jibber jabbering non-stop no it's the amount of languages so paul just being this spirit-filled man of god just had all these and obviously he's going all over the place as well wasn't he just preached the gospel preach the gospel he spoke all these different languages he said yet in the church i'd rather speak five words in my understanding that by my voice i might teach others also than 10 000 words in an unknown tongue so it should all be about edifying others okay it's pointless if he's just there just preaching a language that no one understands yeah in the lord is written with men of other tongues and other lips will i speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me saith the lord and that's from isaiah 28 which i just quoted a part of earlier we're going to keep going verse 22 then says wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying service not for them that believe not but for them which believe so the majority of preaching is for the saved isn't it yeah that's the point of preaching that's why we don't preach the gospel here every week that's why sometimes yeah sometimes you need to hear the gospel sometimes just to remind you just to you know strengthen your faith etc but we're preaching to the saved here okay this isn't just like a kind of right you know walk the sawdust trail they used to call it you know let's keep just preaching the gospel preaching the gospel like what can you imagine that you imagine like third fourth week yes i know i've been at a church like that it's just just finding new and fanciful ways of preaching the gospel you know new ways to springboard into the gospel and eventually you're just sitting there yeah we're kind of all saved here the no's aren't saved here well i don't know if they're ever going to get saved you know anyway so verse 23 says if therefore the whole church we come together unto one place and all speak with tongues and they're coming those that are unlearned or unbelievers were they not say that you're mad even worse they're mumbling a made-up language let alone here it's just talking about if they're just all speaking different languages people just come in imagine if people came in here everyone's just talking different languages different preaching was all in different languages people were coming up the song leader was talking a different language you know and then the sky prays oh brother whoever can you pray he starts praying in his language everyone just what on earth is going on there let alone if it was a made-up language verse 24 be a full prophesy and they're coming one that believeth not one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest so falling down his face he will worship god and report that god is in you of a truth and even though preachy is for the saved it can really hit the unsaved nevertheless okay so that's another thing is a lot of people here i know people that have said i got saved after listening to this sermon or this documentary or this whatever and then they heard maybe a gospel presentation at the end yeah people will hear and they'll just be like yeah like the word of god's just hitting me i'm getting that yeah this is clearly the truth this is the word of the living god and then they hear the gospel and they get saved yeah then it says in verse 26 how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you have the psalm how the doctrine have a tongue yeah not have tongues have a tongue that's a language how the revelation has an interpretation let all things be done unto edify so as mentioned you know this carnal church really they're boasting it seems they're all just trying to come out with a new thing lift themselves up verse 27 says if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret so if someone is speaking another language it's one at a time maximum three of them and there has to be an interpreter and again if you think about you know and this is it seems quite a new church to early church maybe there's like a lot of different guys preaching at the beginning and maybe there are like kind of times where different people are preaching and they're doing like we do a men's preach and things like that can you imagine what a mess it would be if everyone was just preaching all different languages people didn't understand he's going look it needs to be one at a time maximum three of them and it makes me think this as well i was thinking about because it actually says in verse 28 and but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in church let him speak to himself and to god i was thinking about um because i remember my past sentence when i went out to poland and it was like a really it felt like a really weird sermon if anyone's ever seen that um where because i'm i'm preaching but i'm i'm trying to get you know and it was a new new thing for me to learn to do was preach and then for the interpreter to interpret it and i remember thinking at the time i've heard this before when the interpreter maybe would have been mic'd up and just speaking at the same time but i don't think that would have been biblical because it should be in order decently and in order and how we did it was biblical okay and i remember my pastor saying that to me i said yeah i don't know if maybe like should have been like where you know he could maybe try to talk and then kind of pick up what i'm saying and it wasn't because it felt very stop start and say a passage or you know like a couple of sentences and then wait for him to interpret but that is that is very biblical really because it's decent and it's in order and people can hear the english you want to hear the english we could hear the Polish want to hear the boat they're not trying to tune into one or the other etc and i think that's kind of what it's talking about here and that's our pastor said that to me he just said yeah well that's that's how it should be done you know as per first corinthians 14 then verse 31 says for you may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints so it's funny isn't it this is like a go-to passage for these devils because again if you rip this out and you don't go to anywhere else about tongues then you could kind of go oh well you know tongues it must because it doesn't then say languages right but they miss the glaring verses don't they he said for god is not the author of confusion but of peace in all churches of the saints verse 39 says wherefore brethren verse 39 covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues so he's just explained how it should be done though let all things be done decently and in order and are they is that going on in these churches it's like a circus absolute circus so anything there about made-up languages though anything there about evidence of salvation of course not of course there isn't because that's not what the what we're seeing here what we're seeing here is this miraculous gift this amazing gift which meant that the the gospel went out everywhere the gospel is going all over the world people going whatever else in some or worse in some satanic voodoo type trance is is not edifying anyone it's not the gospel going out to the world it's nonsense and worse it's satanic it's the satanic doctrine it's wicked so how do all these people read the bible and come up with this junk you ever wondered that never like look like just thought how do they like how do they read the bible claim to know the bible and come up with this well of course there are the wicked false prophets the deceivers there's that yeah okay there are those who are leading these churches and stuff and look and and there are people again i've said this before look we go out and get a lot of people saved yeah that we get people saved that are in churches like this does that mean that they automatically leave that church no so that there are saved people in these churches and that's a wicked place to be and there are many reasons why people do that might be family it might be the awkwardness of leaving it might be that it's a big statement to suddenly go it might be because that's what they know love because they have a fondness of people because they're used to it because they don't want the kind of the the big deal of suddenly getting up upping sticks and going or anything else like that but look i i would say that if they're saved and they have the holy spirit come in them i can't see them then sitting in the church and act and actually then being possessed by by some wicked familiar spirit and preaching this sort of wickedness so either they're going to kind of keep up the charade or they're kind of not going to speak in tongues or what they call tongues or they just look or they're either lying about it and they're going to start to fill you'd imagine surely they're going to start to kind of see things a bit differently once it's saved you'd hope again it's not automatic you know they need to read their bible they need to start to understand and learn and stuff and maybe people get saved just sit there and kind of something feels not quite right but they sit there for all the reasons i just mentioned and others okay but there are people out there and they need to understand and we need to encourage if you know people and you've got them saying look you need to let make it clear look those people are unsaved devils yeah those people those churches are wicked churches you know and you can't even call them churches really but they're for all intensive purposes that's what the world calls them and they've got false prophets up there preaching this sort of devilry it's it's as bad as going to the witch doctor you know and and and having him chant some voodoo spells okay because it's the same version it's just a so-called socially acceptable version in this nation yeah it's all the same stuff but like i said you're a run-of-the-mill person that buys into this turn to proverbs 17 well i read proverbs 15 2 proverbs 15 2 so someone who's unsaved well the bible says the tongue of the wise uses knowledge are right but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness so the unsaved get led into all this sort of false doctrine including talking absolute nonsense make-believe languages okay they put look the fool is going to pour out foolishness you're turning to proverbs 17 aren't you why is it why is it well first corinthians 2 14 says but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for their foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned look the unsaved person could listen to a whole sermon like this just not get it not understand it they can't just sit they're still like yeah but but that proves i'm saved no but because i've grown up seeing this or i've seen no i've seen people that say something really cool i saw a guy once going someone else said exactly what he was saying said oh he was actually saying blah blah blah you know look look there's there's there's trickery there's lying there's devils there's all sorts involved what does the word of god say okay what do we base it on the word of god okay but if you're unsaved then you're not going to receive those things of the spirit of god for their foolishness unto you neither can you know them because they're spiritually discerned but once they're shown the truth once they're shown the right way there is no excuse okay if you're shown the word of god you're shown the word of truth there is no excuse proverb 17 verse 4 says this because if you don't then look this that's it that's and again i'm not really preaching hopefully doing on here but but if if there is if there's someone here is like yeah i still get a bit lent towards i still want to like talk that tongues everything else well problem 17 4 says a wicked doer giveth heed to full slips and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue yeah and i know it sounds a bit funny that the naughty tongue but when god says naughty he's not talking about like a naughty child type stuff yeah look there can't be much more false and naughty than made up languages from other spirits can they're communing to another god because that's really what you're doing you're communing to another god and if if people if people are still just going into that stuff and you know people in your life and stuff like that's not someone you really want to be kind of fellowshiping with is it okay that's not really someone who like you've got like a go i think they might be saved i'm not sure they're kind of because they could be a bit kind of they skirt around the tree because these people they know what the bible says yeah they they know the verse so they say they sound like they say the right thing oh yeah grace through faith etc but really do they really believe it well while they're chanting in tongues and and all this weird stuff look that's a that's a slippery slope isn't it yeah you go down that slope and look is it is it is there a way out once you're really down and you're possessed by devils and you're kind of doing all that stuff that is a bad place to be isn't it okay and we want to make sure that we preach this clearly we preach this you know and make it clear to people and and make it clear as well they need to hear the gospel yeah i need to preach the gospel to these people with this sort of thing as well just before i finish it look it's not it's not that with tongues and all this stuff that you need to stand on the door and re-preach this sermon to them but just a bit more succinctly yeah hopefully because we've gone into an hour file i think already okay it's not that people need that what they what they need ultimately is a gospel but you're not they're not gonna go oh man i'm just if only someone told me this about tongues right how do i get saved okay sadly the truth is you're just going to end up in a debate and a waste of time debate at that and then you're just going to end up thinking i could have spent that last half an hour trying to get people saved yeah but look this stuff though for people that you know and you know in your life and stuff like that it's not that you really need oh god they just got to see this what you got to realize is that when people are deep into this stuff they need salvation they need salvation that's the way i see it i haven't come and i'm not trying to put well if they do this then they can't be safe because look people can do some wicked stuff and go down some bad routes however i've never met anyone who's into this stuff currently and and goes yeah i go to i talk in tongues and blah blah blah who's actually saved they all believe in works okay it's and and you know what that sort of that sort of false sort of church with with with the bible sometimes i have the king james bible with the kind of the so-called bible believing with the oh yeah yeah grace through faith yeah born again all that stuff they're some of the most wicked types they're some of the hardest types because because they they appear to be a biblical church and really they're they're they're they're just full of dead men's bones aren't they they're full of unclean spirits as well but with people like this you just need to preach the gospel they don't want to hear the gospel you need to find someone that wants to hear the gospel but um that's the satanic full structure in the tongues um oh that you know that's edified some of you and on that we're going to pray father thank you for your word thank you for um well that you just make things you know so clear in the bible that false doctrine all false doctrine can be disproved by the word of god lord um help us to just to do that help us to not you know buy into these sorts of false doctrines out there or to be at least soft on them and weak on them and compromise and try and you know just just find some sort of get out for people in these things help us to just preach these these things just strongly and boldly and lord help us also though to to to focus on what we need to preach when we're out of this church and that's preaching the gospel lord lead us to people that want to hear the gospel not the people that want to try and pretend they're saved help us to to just get more people saved lord help us get more people involved with this church to go out and get more people saved and help us to return this often his service in Jesus name for all of this amen