(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so Isaiah chapter 44 and I want to focus on verses 24 and 25 here so Isaiah 44 and from verse 24 thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb I am the Lord that maketh all things that stretch forth the heavens alone that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself that frustrateth the tokens of the liars and maketh divine as mad that turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolish and the title of my sermon today is the foolishness of atheism the foolishness of atheism let's go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for this church I thank you for the opportunity to preach where please just fill me with your spirit now fill me with boldness and help me just preach the word accurately and and help people to have open ears and open hearts this in Jesus name we pray amen okay because it is absolute folly isn't it absolute folly it is so ridiculous it is such a ridiculous hair brained idea isn't it yet somehow it's gained such traction in in this world I mean somehow it's just it is foolishness now just just a quick quick kind of a couple of stats here from 2019 the number of people who don't believe in God has more than doubled in the past two decades according to the most recent British social attitude survey Britain's longest running survey of public opinion 26% of Brits say they don't believe in God 18% are agnostic so basically sitting on the fence and only 19% of the public is absolutely certain of God's existence in 1998 10% didn't believe in God so that's that's you know compared to 26% now with 21% certain of God's existence suggesting that as well as secularization there has been an increase in confident atheism they call it confident atheism the survey by the National Center for Social Research also highlights a continued religious decline in Britain 52% of people say they do not belong to a religion up from 31% in 1983 when a server was first carried out now that's a big rise isn't it that's a big rise and when you look at all the various surveys and studies the number is always highest among the younger age brackets okay so it's just the younger they get the more likely they are to fit into the these brackets of thinking there is no such thing as a God now by the way they are also very sneaky with their stats so when you look at the stats they'll use things like they'll try to use a 50% non-religious stat and then insinuate that basically half the UK are atheists and that's ridiculous that's a that's a nonsense but basically because many fools will just blindly follow what they consider to be the majority decision you know so they want to constantly encourage everyone with you know so when you look at the headlines you look for this sort of thing it looks like there's even more but when you assess it it's not that many but it's still a ridiculous amount isn't it it's still a ridiculous amount obviously being non-religious doesn't mean that that you're denied it doesn't mean you're denying a crate that creator is it and so a creator and it is better being non-religious is better than being one of the many non religions isn't it so being non-religious would be better than sitting in one of the false religions somewhere and listening to a load of rubbish every week but they will start trying to put those stats together now apparently a quarter of our nation believe that all of this creation has no Creator okay a quarter of our nation believes that all of this creation has no creator that is ridiculous isn't it absolutely absurd well their creator is the kind of nothing exploding into something God isn't it and the foolishness of a theme is the title and number one on my points of this is it's not scientific it is not scientific keep a finger in eyes iron turn of first timothy 620 keep a finger in eyes iron turn of first timothy 620 where pull under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he's instructing Timothy here and you can say this applies to all of us first timothy 620 Oh Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so-called now profane means irreverent so it's proceeding from a contempt of holy things or or at least implying a contempt of holy things and that's the motivation of this isn't it the motivation all of this is is contempt of God empty babblings and idle talking it's contempt of God it's an attack on God and his word any way they can try their best to disprove the Bible isn't it that's what it is any way to disprove the Bible to just put God out of their minds to the point of ignoring overwhelming evidence for a worldwide flood there is overwhelming evidence everywhere for a worldwide flood ignored trying to explain away the fact that the oldest writing found only seems to go back less than 6,000 years or that almost every single culture has stories engravings and sightings of creatures that we used to call dragons and we now call dinosaurs Oh impossible they lived billions and billions of years ago but notice how the Chinese zodiac for example and there's so much evidence isn't there for this sort of thing the Chinese zodiac years are all real animals you've got the rat the ox the tiger the rabbit the snake the horse the sheep the monkey the rooster the dog the pig and then we're meant to believe they just threw in this mythological dragon in there for a bit of fun yeah with all these and we'll just throw in a dragon there just have a laugh with that the mythological dragon that seems to transcend cultures and corners of the world every culture corner of the world seems to have drawings pictures legends and stories of the mythological dragon the mythological dragon or dinosaurs of which two are described in depth in joke 40 long long before over 3,000 years before they were apparently discovered by our expert scientists over 3,000 years before that is a miracle isn't it based on what the world would think how on earth were they describing these these creatures well it's not a miracle because God wrote it but just because they call it science it doesn't mean it's science does it okay and I think I'd imagine everyone understands this here but just because some of the so-called experts have extremely thick glasses and comb over hairdos okay doesn't mean that these people are so a scientist by God's that description of the word does it okay they can come over all the hair they like yeah they can get those glasses thick as they like yeah they can wear little monocles if they won doesn't mean they speak the truth it doesn't mean these people are speaking wisdom does it and they love to use long words are they to display their dizzying intellects don't they so dizzying those intellects but again doesn't mean that it's science does it that doesn't mean it's science let alone the fact that most of people who claim to believe this science couldn't even switch on a Bunsen burner probably could they let alone know the difference between the scientific truth and profane and vain babblings okay most people who say I believe in science literally do not have a clue do they they don't have a clue what they're saying is I believe what I'm told is science yeah I believe everything I'm told now science in the dictionary has a few different descriptions I mean number two is what we're talking about here systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation okay observation or experimentation so who managed to observe this creatorless creation who managed to observe it now listen to this this is what what they this is kind of their current current belief on this yeah the Big Bang Theory is a prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe from the earliest known periods for its subsequent large-scale evolution the model describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature and offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena including the abundance of light elements a cosmic microwave background radiation and large-scale structure crucially the theory is compatible with Hubble the Maitre law the observation that the further away galaxy is a faster it is moving away from Earth extrapolating this cosmic expansion backwards in time using the known laws of physics the theory describes the increasingly concentrated cosmos preceded by a singularity in which space and time lose meaning typically named the Big Bang singularity detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place a Big Bang singularity at around 13.8 billion years ago which is us considered the age of the universe after its initial expression an event that is by itself often called the Big Bang the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles in later atoms giant clouds of these primordial elements mostly hydrogen with some helium and lithium later coalesced through gravity forming early stars and galaxies the descendants of which are visible today beside these primordial building materials astronomers observe the gravitational effects of an unknown dark matter surrounding galaxies most of the gravitational potential in the universe seems to be in this form and a Big Bang theory and various observations indicate that this excess gravitational potential is not created by baryonic matter such as normal atoms measurements of the red shifts of supernovae indicate that the expansion of the universe is accelerating an observation attributed to dark energies existence this is Wikipedia this is for you to look up what the Big Bang is and that that is that is for the layman to read yeah these guys all sound like they got high on drugs and watch far too many Star Trek episodes I know I mean that is ridiculous isn't it absolutely ridiculous that is a definition of profane and vein babblings isn't it that is the definition of profane and vein babblings great I mean they're giving us a good example of that so we can really you know get an idea what that is now it's more believable take away all that's what more believable for me to say that this pulpit made itself isn't it that would be more believable for me to say this pulpit just came together you know a few bits few bits there much more believable because that it doesn't matter how many supernovae eyes and you know extrapolations and everything else you put into that if I if I started talking about you know cosmic events that came together and you know and extrapolated this and then the pulpit just suddenly bang and it was there it's a nonsense isn't it it's an absolute nonsense proverbs 15 14 you'd have to turn this is the heart of him that has understanding seeketh knowledge but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness it feeds on foolishness because they didn't observe it did they they didn't observe that now maybe they gained this knowledge through experimentation maybe they gained it through experimentation so how are those explosions of nothing going creating life how do you think they're going in their labs right now explosions creating life or in fact how they're getting on just creating life out of anything without an explosion with all of the ingredients and themselves as a creator how do you think they're getting on with that no way they're failing every time of course they are or how about how about showing us a creature that is slowly becoming another creature how about that how about a creature that is part one creature and part another creature you know that macro evolution that is handily umbrella termed evolution so we can just use the micro evolution the adaptation of species and just lump it all what you don't believe in evolution oh look you know there's there's creatures that are adapting no I don't believe that a creature suddenly becomes a new creature it's ridiculous how many billions and billions of years you throw in there the missing ingredient and that is their missing ingredient isn't it that is where we that's where we've got it all wrong because without you know it's a billions of years you don't realize this happened over billions of years so let's have a look at their their theories because right now surely they've got it all sus seven day right now they got it sus cuz these guys you know there's some clever guys there okay let's have a quick look at this so the the historical aspects in finding out the age of the earth 1860 they said the earth was ancient but no date many geologists have evidence that earth is ancient but cannot give an actual day as I only have relative dating methods some still use the Bible and other religious texts to support the idea that the earth is only about 6,000 years old 1862 earth was apparently a hundred million years old they decided in 62 1860 this is William Thompson later called later called Lord Kelvin estimates the earth is a hundred million years old based on its cooling from a very hot creation is a long way out because he does not know about the heat from natural radioactivity poor old Lord Kelvin Lord Kelvin the first Baron Kelvin was a Scottish mathematician apparently a physicist who developed the Kelvin scale of temperature measurement he also had theories on the age of the earth and some that were later disproved oh dear 1903 heat from radioactivity George Darwin and John Jolie pointed out the new discovered at heat for radioactivity and rocks would upset earlier assumptions about scientific age of the earth 1905 they found a way to date rocks this was using radioactive elements apparently with long half-lives such as uranium but 1907 they got a new age for the earth now Bertram bolt wood uses the ratios of uranium and its decay product led in rock suggest dates of 92 to 570 million years so you know he didn't really want to put himself on the line there did he 1911 they went even earlier dates Arthur Holmes improves improves on bolt woods work I disagree with that rock determined to be carboniferous by relative dating is 340 million years old a precambrian rock is 1 billion 640 million years old these dates are not widely accepted as they disagree with earlier dating methods 1920 they got this mass spectrometer that's some sort of thing that's for studying isotopes 1927 not the oldest rocks are the home suggested the earth is 1.6 to 3 billion years old again he's he hasn't gone for a precise number there he realized that all the rocks being chemically dated were formed a long time after the earth was formed 1941 3.2 billion years old EK Jerling estimates the earth of the earth is 3.2 billion years he bases this on rocks they love rocks don't know these guys you ever notice he based is this on rocks he because we all came from rocks yeah exactly they worship the rock died day he thinks of from the time when earth was formed these rocks are later shown to come from after Earth's formation ah that's where he got it wrong 1956 meteorites Claire Claire Patterson this is a guy though realizes that some meteorites were formed at the same time as the earth and have stayed unchanged he gets the age never trust a man that's called Claire he gets the age of 4.5 5 billion plus or minus 0.3 billion years which is 300 million years isn't it from the canyon Diablo meteorite okay so nearly done here 1972 the moon rock the oldest rocks brought back for the moon by the Apollo 17 mission have radiometric radiometric dates of up to 4.5 billion years it is sought the moon formed at a similar time to earth 1983 they got the oldest crystal zircon crystals in Western Australia dated to 4.2 billion years so we're just going up and up and up where do you think they're going to be in sort of 50 years time with this up to the trillions won't we 2007 the oldest earth rocks the oldest no rocks called Acosta nice found in Canada date at 4.03 billion years old the 1983 crystals are older but are no longer in their original okay last one 2010 improved error range many meteorites have now be date improving Pat Patterson's 1956 age of the earth of 4.5 5 plus or minus 0.3 billion years to 4.5 5 plus or minus 0.02 billion years this reduction error means that geologists have become more confident in their estimates of the age of the earth okay until when until when until next year next decade whenever it is if you know things are still going on as they are so um now people say oh but but but now they know best now we've got some better dating methods yeah now we get it okay so you're not you should be in Isaiah 44 go back to Isaiah 44 okay verse 24 Isaiah 44 24 says thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb I am the Lord that maketh all things that stretches forth the heavens alone that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself that's what God said I am the Lord that maketh all things that stretches forth the heavens alone that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself Genesis 1 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth my inspired preserved Word of God that is 100% accurate on absolutely everything I've ever put it to the test on says in Revelation 4 11 thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created how can you look at this world and think it happened by accident you have to be a fool don't you an absolute fool verse 25 of Isaiah 44 said thus that frustrateth the tokens of the liars and maketh diviners mad that turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolish how frustrating to be one of these lies with their ever-changing tokens or evidence of their madness say that's got to be pretty frustrating how maddening to be studying this divination this guesswork conjecture and get to the end of your career or life and still have no idea yeah still have no idea how embarrassing how embarrassing to consider yourself wise but have to rethink your whole life's work and realize that actually all of your knowledge was foolishness either here or in hell yeah how embarrassing how pathetic but they're not really searching the truth are they okay and that's something we've got to understand it they're not searching the truth proverbs 18 2 says a fool have no delight in understanding but that his heart may discover itself okay their whole motivation is to prop up their ridiculous model of spontaneous explosions creating life and anything else to disprove God isn't it okay that's what they're fixated on and the foolishness of atheism number one was atheism number one was it's not scientific number two it's hard to escape it's hard to escape Turner job 12 will I read read Romans chapter 1 verse 20 in Romans 1 describing reprobates given up by God verse 20 says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse now verse 20 is saying that the creation is evidence of God and his power and that's to everyone everyone everyone is without excuse job 12 you're in job 12 verse 7 but ask now the beasts and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall tell thee or speak to the earth and it shall teach thee and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee who knoweth not in all these at the hand of the Lord has wrought this in whose hand is the soul of every living thing and the breath of all mankind we can learn so much from creation can't we but who doesn't know that it's all of the Lord who doesn't know not just not just a creation but the sustaining of life as well the sustaining of life because without God this would end in a second wouldn't it turn to Psalm chapter 14 Psalm chapter 14 okay Psalm 14 and verse 1 says the fool has said in his heart there is no God they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that doeth good now look there are people that claim atheism atheism is a handy way to avoid acknowledging God yeah there are those but deep down they know the truth deep down they know the truth but to say in your heart to say in your heart to have convinced yourself that there is no God is hard maybe impossible to come back from maybe possible because it's interesting that that Psalm and the parallel Psalm to it as well for me are describing a describing someone who's given up on by God there and I don't know I don't know where that line is there with I think there are fools that obviously aren't reprobate but a lot of the time the fool is describing that we'll see that in a second why is it hard to come back from well Proverbs 27 22 before you're given up by God says though thou shouldest Bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle yet will not his foolishness depart from him so you can break that's to pound to beat to grind small a fool but he will still be a fool okay you can beat them down and try and beat that foolishness out of them sometimes it's tempting but they they will still they will still end up a fool because as Proverbs 14 3 says in the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride but the lips of the wise shall preserve them how many times when you speak to a real atheist I'm not saying someone that just kind of use it as a handy excuse and within five seconds they're acknowledging there's a God when you speak to someone who said in his heart how often is the pride just oozing off them isn't it they're so prideful with it it's usually an attempt to proudly show you their intellect isn't it they're so proud of their atheism their belief in science they usually you know I don't believe in a god you know you're at the door and it's terrible is it's sad really they like well I believe in science you know it is bad but you see that the pride is these guys are so puffed up so proudful Proverbs 14 16 says a wise man fearth and departed from evil but the fool rageth and is confident he's a fool he's raging because they get angry these guys don't they how angry is the atheist the atheist is more angry a lot of the time than the guy from the false religion he's more angry than the than the music sometimes in the Jew when you knock on the door and you say to me start trying to preach you know so why are you so offended you're so you're so confident you're so puffed up you're so knowledgeable and intelligent why don't you feel sorry for me why aren't you being kind and trying to show me your your beliefs and show me the error of my ways why are you instead angrily slamming the door in my face if not shouting curse words and the rest of it because because the fool rageth but and is confident he's confident in his raging isn't he they do rage a lot so angry that you would dare invite them to church I mean how dare you invite me to your church and you know they're so arrogant in their folly aren't they but of course this is then exasperated by any wealth so Proverbs 1 32 says for the turning of a way of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them the prosperity of fools shall destroy the wealth of that atheist will basically provide a one-way underground ticket to the heart of the earth right now that that that wealth will provide them that one-way underground ticket to the heart of the earth interestingly the end of Proverbs 1 which I just quoted there is definitely for me describing the reprobate there it says for the Tony whether simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them they reject that innate knowledge again and again and when you try to reach them Proverbs 23 9 says speak not in the ears of a fool for he will despise the wisdom of thy words they don't want to hear it do they they hate it they absolutely I've actually had an atheist basically covering his ears ago well I try to give him a verse and shut the door it was like it whoa like he was just you know when I said oh can I just tell you my favorite verse you know quickly shut the door I mean they despise the wisdom of your words they despise it they don't want to hear it they hate the truth but it's like any other false religion though once they're deeply entrenched once they're deeply entrenched it the more time that goes by the harder it is to get them out if they're still capable and that's one of the pitfalls of atheism isn't it like any other false religion once you're you're to the point where you're just saying in your heart there's no God it's is a is there a way out once you get to that point I don't know Psalm 53 turn to Psalm 53 now this is the parallel Psalm to Psalm 14 it's almost identical Psalm 53 and verse 1 says to the it's to the chief musician upon Maolath Mascula Psalm David it says the fall have said in his heart there is no God corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity there is none that doeth good why does God repeat himself why does God repeat himself why is there an almost identical song maybe because he knew that the world would put these people on a pedestal do you think maybe God knew maybe he knew they'll convince themselves that it's the intellectual stance will somehow turn it around to where they call the vast majority of people in the world that don't believe in explosions of nothing creating all of this the false because it is still the vast majority the vast majority of people around the world don't believe in this nonsense now they try and make out like you know anyone with any intelligence but the vast majority don't do they and and look yeah the Western world has been getting hoodwinked for a lot longer with this and maybe one of the reasons I don't know why why a lot of the time in the Western world the people that aren't maybe or maybe first second or third generation only here generally a lot more receptive aren't they because those are growing up in Britain a lot of the time I don't know if it's the atheism or whatever else but but it seems like this it's really hard isn't it with a lot of them but you know it is the vast majority of people haven't been done by this yet as much as they try and tell us it is and and because I'm gonna get onto this in a second the point of that um but look these people are corrupt aren't they they are corrupt they have done abominable iniquity the people where they're saying it in their heart I'm not talking about the person who's grown up at school and says yeah I'm an atheist and then sort of really deep down they don't really believe that they're just oh well I've got to fit in you know that's what I've been told but people who say that in their heart they have done abominable iniquity most the time there is none that doeth good and as with all false religion this is especially evident amongst the leaders okay especially evident amongst leaders a foolishness of atheism number one it's not scientific number two it's hard to escape and number three they follow vile perverts okay they follow vile perverts like all these other false religions Proverbs 19 3 says the foolishness of man perverted his way and his heart fretted against the Lord like the billions of Muslims that have no issue with their Prophet Muhammad being a pedophile like the billions of Catholics that don't seem to care about the massive cover-ups that continue to go on throughout the Roman Catholic Church same with the imams by the way it's not just the Catholics yeah they're just because they're Christian as far as the world is concerned we hear a lot more about them the imams the pervert imams everywhere the rabbis the other rabbis who are who are just full of this pedophilia I mean the stores eat the arrests are so many the Buddhist monks anyone heard about the Buddhist monks over in Thailand have a look next time next time you you know you want to look at this stuff you're interested the Buddhist monks in Thailand I mean it's like absolute like mayhem going on where they're just basically all these poor boys are put in these kind of these monk places where they kind of gather to be an apprentice it's wicked okay and it's all the same it's false religion because that's like the core religion right now isn't it Buddhism no they're just a bunch of perverts as well bunch of pedophiles the Jehovah's Witnesses what about Jehovah's Witnesses the amount of payouts from the Jehovah's Witnesses the the Mormons they're more just a sex cult isn't it now we don't we don't run into them much here I've actually got past you know sort of maybe I think I might have seen a couple of Mormons before here but there was one that I actually worked with briefly on a job once a few years back and I've got to talk to this guy the one Mormon I've ever really talked to properly and he turned out to be a nonce he turned out to be basically some sort of abuse of his his wife's because they generally marry quite young his wife's little sister and this guy was young as well I mean just wicked that the only one and for me that says a lot to me but regardless as we know again just perverts and look the religious leaders the religious leaders of atheism are no different okay exactly the same Richard Dawkins anyone know much about Richard Dawkins we've all probably heard of Richard Dawkins haven't we okay born in 26th of March 1941 he's a British evolutionary biologist and author he is an emeritus fellow of New College Oxford and was professor for public understanding of science in the University of Oxford from 95 to 2008 an atheist he is well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design because his whole motivation is attacking God isn't it now this was Richard Dawkins talking about one of his pedophile masters at boarding school he said he said other children in his school peer group this is our summarizing here I'll quote him in a second had been molested by the same teacher but concluded this is him I don't think he did any of us lasting harm I am very conscious that you can't condemn people of an earlier era by the standards of ours just as we don't look back at the 18th and 19th centuries and condemn people for racism in the same way as we would condemn a modern person for racism I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning like mild pedophilia and can't find it in me to condemn it by the same standards as I or anyone would today he said this is Richard Dawkins yeah he said the most notorious case of pedophilia involved rape and even murder should not be bracketed with what he called just mild touching up just mild touching up and I'm not going to describe what happened to him but his reasons for defending the behavior seem to focus on three points firstly that hysteria over a fear of pedophilia is overblown by society second that instilling a child with fundamentalist religious beliefs is actually a worse way to abuse a child and third that he personally overcame childhood sexual abuse meaning it must not be that big of a deal for anyone else who was subjected to similar behavior it's like to see why he hates God yeah or at least what started the hating of God all three of the boarding schools I attended employed teachers whose affections for small boys overstepped the bounds of propriety that was indeed reprehensible nevertheless if 50 years on they had been hounded by vigilantes or lawyers as no better than child murderers I should have felt obliged to come to their defense even as a victim of one of them an embarrassing but otherwise harmless experience this is quoting Richard Dawkins people still respect follow and listen to this guy people still put this guy up there as some sort of you know atheist example you know what a what a dizzying intellect okay here's another one anyone heard of Peter Singer Peter Singer so this guy's on the number one of atheists apparently in the world again depends what list you look at this guy's been quite outspoken recently he's an Australian moral philosopher currently the IRA W decant professor of bioethics at Princeton University he specialized in applied ethics and approaches ethical issues I mean ethical issues coming from these people from a secular utilitarian perspective now along with justifying killing babies okay which he has and his support of bestiality this guy more recently he's argued in favor of the rape of disabled people this guy is up there on their top top guy this is so this I'm not going to quote it anyway I'll go through these quickly because it's absolutely vile okay this guy basically saying because there was a case in in the States where where basically some woman was was she was sentenced for this and he basically came in defense of her saying that well you know the disabled person who couldn't you know kind of he couldn't willfully say yes or no well you know basically it's not right it's a long story but it's vile and we won't go into it David Silverman born night August 13 1966 he's an American secular advocate I don't know if anyone's heard of this guy because he was he previously served as president of American atheists a nonprofit organization supporting the rights of atheists and the removal of expressions of religion in government seems so angry about this don't they from 2010 to 2018 his annual anti Christmas billboard which calls Christmas a myth has often sparked controversy Silverman is also the subject of the popular are you serious face internet meme recently fired for two allegations of sexual assault Silverman who claims to be in an open marriage says that it was consensual you know the old open marriage yeah yeah two allegations sexual assault and then what about Stephen Fry anyone know Stephen Fry anyone heard of Stephen Fry okay so Stephen Fry is an English actor broadcaster comedian director and writer in 2010 Fry was made a distinguished supporter of the British Humanist Association stating it is essential to nail one as colors to the mass as a humanist on 22nd February 2011 Fry was presented with a lifetime achievement award in cultural humanism by the humanist chaplaincy at Harvard University when interviewed in 2015 by veteran Irish broadcaster gay burn fry was asked what he would say if he came face to face we've got anyone seen that rubbish and I've seen this so basically this went around the internet was on YouTube millions and millions of you where this guy always asks his interviewees what would you do if you came face to face with God at the pearly gates or something like that and fry just went on this I would say how dare you how children with bone cancer how dead and he just goes on this rant this attacker it is absolutely wicked it's even more wicked when you consider that that pervert fry was in a 15 year relationship with Daniel Cohen which ended in 2010 fry was listed number two in 2016 number two in 2000 number 12 in 2017 on the pride power list on 6th of January 2015 British tabloid The Sun reported that fry would marry his partner comedian Elliot Spencer now if anyone I saw this when the news come up maybe maybe I saw on Facebook at the time I still on Facebook this this guy Elliot Spencer looks like a child okay he's apparently in his 20s I don't know he literally looks like a child fry wrote on Twitter Stephen Fry is what would we say born in 1957 so he's basically the best part of six over 60 now so okay so fry said it looks as though a certain cat is out of a certain bag I'm very very happy of course but had hoped for a private wedding fat chance 11 days off the news story fry married Spencer on 17th of January at Derryham in Norfolk this guy if you've seen pics of him he is a vile vile pervert and and and this guy again is highly respected amongst the atheists in this country this guy great that he gave you know goddess tongue-lashing on on this and gay burn this guy isn't I don't think he's a sodomite I might have that wrong but I think that is actually his name but I'm on his talk show it wasn't you know and look people people put these guys up people like what a great guy to be outspoken about it and now the argument could be yeah but these people infiltrate everywhere they do but look the atheist like other false religions are still following these vile perverts okay they still follow him they still respect him they still quote them they still kind of copy their statements said their quotes they still listen to them they still support them a lot of the time as well and we're not like we don't do that so look there's every chance isn't there there could be some pervert at some point you know in in churches like ours and and there will be and there has been that have been kicked out and stuff like that but you're not gonna keep following them are you you're not gonna listen to him you know well never mind you know that's it they're done on it you imagine if I started quoting I'm not standing up here just trying to justify pedophilia do you think anyone would be here next week no way no say good the atheists would yeah well I don't know if we got any in here though but but no one would would they but these guys it doesn't matter to them does it now but have you noticed as well have these how many atheist comedians there are anyone notice that there are a lot of atheist comedians and they always seem to find sick things hilarious don't they obviously or pretty much all of them part of their routine will all be an attack on God won't it and a mockery of Christianity it's all just one big laugh isn't it turn to Turner's second Peter three while I read Ecclesiastes 7 6 so Ecclesiastes 7 6 says for as a crackling of thorns under a pot so is a laughter of the full this also is vanity and proverbs 15 21 says folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom but a man of understandeth Walker a man of understanding walketh uprightly um I remember listening to a comedian where many years ago where the big joke was how many how many of the names in the Bible it's got it's like their English names trying to claim like people in the Middle East were called John and Mark and Matthew and like all these people are like roaring with laughter it just what a load of nonsense where do you think the names came from you but like this is the sort of stuff they come out with you know and everyone's in stitches just yeah maybe we've got like British names you know Western names you know these people are so foolish yeah folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom they love it absolutely love it love the sick jokes love the twisted stuff love the foolish jokes now second Peter chapter 3 from verse 3 knowing this first that there shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this a willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against a day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men they are scoffers aren't they less scoffers walking after their own disgusting lusts and that's what it is isn't it they're walking after their own disgusting lusts they are willingly ignorant and so are the fools that follow these perverts aren't they they're willingly ignorant and to until they get to the point where they they basically convince themselves that there's no God and these people are scoffers and you hear them scoffing all the time and it's all just it's like that scoffing noise isn't it God the Bible you know it's that scoff scoff scoff scoff so look it's foolishness it's unscientific it's a slippery slope and it's full of perverts and I would imagine most people here probably understand that maybe a bit of it's just remind you maybe they haven't heard some of those quotes from these people but are probably pretty aware probably understood it would be pretty lightly so what's the point what can we do about it so what can we as Christians do about this nonsense well number one don't compromise okay number one don't compromise Turner Turner Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 Colossians 2 8 says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ how many Christians have tried to fit macro evolution into the Bible somehow how many have tried to do that well maybe God created the monkey to evolve into man you have you heard this nonsense before or they've tried to fit the Big Bang in God could have caused the Big Bang you have heard Christians come out with this or read Christians coming out with this stuff or the gap theory what about the gap theory okay now if you're wondering if you don't know what the gap theory is you just want a reminder gap creationism they like to call it because it's not a theory also known as ruin restoration creationism restoration creationism or the gap theory is a form of old earth creationism that posits at the six yom creation period okay yom is a Hebrew day yeah but you know six yom creation period as you got to go back to the Hebrew as described in the book of Genesis involves six literal 24-hour days light being day and dark night as God specified and that there was a gap of time between two distinct creations in the first and the second verse of Genesis which the theory states explains many scientific observations including the age of the earth it differs from day age creationism which posits that the days of creation were much longer periods thousands or millions of years and from young earth creationism which although it agrees concern the six literal 24-hour days of creation does not posit any gap of time because there's none there is there well there's a big problem with the gap theory and a day age theory it's called Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 you could turn there if you like Exodus 20 11 give you a minute if you want to turn there Exodus 20 11 says this Exodus 20 11 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it in six days now six days according to the day age compromises the Sabbath day is actually thousands or millions of years long that would be a long Sabbath day wouldn't it that'd be a long service yeah if the Sabbath day was thousands of years but no it was in six literal days now I don't know about you but I believe this book yeah everyone else believes this book and this book I don't need the world's approval to believe this book do I I don't need the world's approval and try and fit in this book with their foolishness yeah why would you do that why do they do that it's infuriating you'd have to turn there Proverbs 21 30 says there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord there isn't is there why am I going to take what these unsaved people are saying and try and fit it in with the book you're not going to do it are you now Ecclesiastes 10 1 says you have to owner says dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour so does a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor don't let the pressure of this nonsense start making you seek a way of incorporating it into the Bible okay and look people do do it people have done it they're strong Christians I'd imagine that have slowly started doing that a little folly will ruin your wisdom and honor okay a little folly you can be right on everything else you start trying to fit in billions of years and the rest of it people are just they're not gonna respect you are they they're not gonna respect you as a man of God God created man from the dust of the earth didn't he not from a monkey Genesis 1 27 says so God created him so it's so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them my God isn't a monkey okay my God isn't a monkey in Daniel 4 Nebuchadnezzar saw four men in the fiery furnace didn't he not three men and a primate swinging around my God didn't cause an explosion of nothing I don't know about yours but mine didn't cause exposure nothing and when my God says six days guess what he means six days doesn't he when he says six days he means six days we don't have to go back to the Hebrew and start trying to find other ways of explaining a way to fit in with the wicked world and their nonsense right so number one don't compromise okay that's pretty obvious I think and again I think we've got some strong Christians here that are very unlikely to start you know going down the route of trying to fit in atheism and all their nonsense into the Bible but how about number two don't give it any credibility don't give it any credibility first Timothy 6 20 said Oh Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so-called avoiding he said to avoid it didn't he I don't even want to hear the stupidity coming out of these people's mouths I just want to avoid it I don't want to hear it I personally don't even think it warrants a debate I really don't I don't think it warrants a debate now as far as I'll go if I have someone try and say that first thing I'll just say is that the creation is evident of the Creator yeah that's evidence you know I think that's pretty obvious do you want me to continue and show you the gospel I'm not gonna stand there and start going down their route and start going it's not it doesn't have the credibility of that it's ridiculous because that there are two types people in this world aren't there there are those that want to hear the truth and those that don't okay and they'll come up with an excuse of reason you know and they might use that and maybe that'll be their initial thing they say but just offer them the gospel when you're out soul winning because for me like I don't I don't know if anyone here has managed to debate with a proper atheist who and then somehow at the end of it got him saved let me know afterwards but look learning the holes in all of their scientific theories is a waste of time as it's all just one big black hole isn't it it's just one big black hole what are you gonna do let's spend years learning creationism sorry learning a light learning Big Bang and atheism and their so-called evolution theory to argue like what is a point in any of that because it doesn't it doesn't it shouldn't have that amount of credibility if someone can't just see when it's quickly pointed out for them that is ridiculous just look at you and me look at that the creations evident of the grade what did Romans 1 say you know they're without excuse you know even his eternal parent Godhead Timothy was told to avoid it wasn't he Timothy was told to avoid it if I stated some folly now that I know that the sky was actually green so say I'll just like going the sky is green and I try to you know bamboozle you with a load of technical terms yeah about how the sky is green you know optical illusions centered around the blue light spectrum you know is a reason why you've you know you believe that you know and everything it's because of the Bible and religion has brainwashed you into believing that the sky is blue yeah and look you you wouldn't bother debate would anyone here have a debate with me about it would you call I need to have a debate I'm gonna have to learn about this guy's green theory you know so I could really win brother Ian over with it no you just be such an idiot if you're gonna carry on we're not gonna talk yeah surely yeah that's what that's what you should say you just wouldn't bother now turn a second Timothy to while I read Proverbs 26 Proverbs 26 8 says as he that bindeth a stone in a sling so is he that giveth honor to a fool so look give them a chance yeah people want to talk about yourself give them a chance in case they're just a victim but don't give them don't give honor to a fool don't actually get into a debate about this rubbish yeah there's no debate to be had it's just ridiculous it's a nonsense Proverbs 29 9 says if a wise man contendeth with a foolish man whether he rage or laugh there is no rest so when they're actually a fool when they've said in their heart yeah when they really believe this rubbish you know you contend with them whether he rage or laugh there's no rest you know you know you're not gonna it's not gonna go well you're not gonna end up with ah we got there in the end it just he just really needed me to explain the errors in all these ways nice it's nonsense it's nonsense debating contending with these people is a waste of time I think it's a complete waste of time 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and verse 23 says but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strife so 2nd Timothy 2 verse chapter 2 verse 23 but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strife we should avoid all of those foolish questions shouldn't we all that so what about this what about that just avoid it verse 24 the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient right you're teaching them the gospel though not teaching there you don't have to learn every ridiculous subject to be apt to teach we don't want to row the fool won't listen the fool's not going to listen we should be gentle we should be apt to teach we should be patient but the powers in the gospel isn't it the powers in the Word of God it's in the gospel it's not in some long-winded debate about atheism and big bangs verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth look we can do it we can do it gently without pride and arrogance can't we okay this isn't a soul-winning sermon okay this isn't I wouldn't send this sermon to a load of unbelieving atheists this is going to get them saved no that's not what this is about this is to the safe churches for the saved isn't it took for the believers and we're you know part of this sermon is for some of these points to strengthen faith a little bit we got young youngsters here as well just to remind you how ridiculous it is and you don't have to be swayed by you have to oh well you know a bit nervous about you know preaching the truth because you know they're so scientific no they're just it's foolishness it's ridiculous they're clowns I mean it really like you should just picture an atheist with like a red nose on and some big shoes and and a blue wig and that because it they are they're clowns as soon as you honestly try and come out of that you're a clown you're an absolute clown you know I should be like at the end because because because it's a joke there should be a punchline shouldn't there okay verse 26 and and that sorry and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him as well and ultimately they have been taken captive by the devil okay of course the devil is behind this you don't return a second Corinthians 4 verses 3 to 4 says but if our gospel be hid it is hid unto them that are lost in whom the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them the answer is the gospel isn't it the answer is the gospel not debate debates about the cosmic microwave background radiation okay you ain't getting anywhere with that Star Trek stuff it's the gospel so number one was don't compromise number two don't give it any credibility and number three don't stop being a shining light okay don't stop being a shining light turn to 1st Peter 2 of course Matthew 5 16 says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven now 1st Peter chapter 2 and from verse 12 says having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorify God in a day of visitation submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king of supreme or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men look the moral depravity of these people is clear isn't it is clear it's just coming off them in waves but the worse it gets the more they call good evil and evil good the more that people will look for the truth the more people will look for the truth people that really want the truth will look because it's so ridiculous isn't it you can't look at the world right now and go thank thank you know well you what they wouldn't say God thank whatever for atheism thank you know it's just lucky that we finally got rid of that religion because now you know things are sorted look at the state of them all look at the state of it look if amongst these delusional atheists yeah our behavior is honest we're full of good works some might look at it and stop and think those I haven't gone too far yet might look and stop and think yeah when we obey government where possible because we should where possible when it doesn't contradict God's law we should obey the higher power look they want to call you evildoers anyway don't they they want to call you even they want to find something to criticize when you're living right when you're living morally right when you're living you know as far as you can under the law of the land and you're and you're a shining light to people well then it's they're running out of things to criticize us with aren't they verse 15 it says therefore so is the will of God that with well-doing he may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men with well-doing that's you know the will of God is that will silence them with our own well-doing yeah because the the attacks on God the attacks on Christians the attacks on the Bible all the time isn't it but the more we're just that contrasts the more we're that separate group not trying to fit in with them not trying to or appease them somehow not trying to be a little bit like them so they don't hate us too much look they're gonna hate you but with time they're gonna have to look at that and see the difference the way we live as to the way they live yeah the way the majority live in a way that men of God women of God children of God with this book living by this book live and that according to God here and that's his will that with well-doing we may put to science ignorance of ignorance of foolish men but what is the ultimate well doing what's the ultimate well doing going out preaching the gospel isn't it going out preaching the Word of God and in part it's not that I'll just be a shining light one day they might just kind of realize it that God's true and understand the whole gospel no we have to go out and preach the gospel and that's it that's all too that's that's the biggest charity that's the biggest love isn't it now get out there get out there preach the gospel and live right at the same time now turn to turn of Philippians chapter 2 mmm Philippians chapter 2 and verse 14 Philippians 2 14 says do all things without murmurings and disputings that ye may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom ye shine as lights in the world avoid the disputes it's a waste of time is that we want to be blameless what to be harmless like it says here in the middle of a crooked and perverse nation and look you know in in this crooked and perverse nation yeah how could we even think about compromise how we think about trying to appease them how can we give them the credibility that they don't deserve you know it's ridiculous but if we doing things right we we should be a shining light shouldn't we in what is a bizarre illogical dark land that we live in but be that shining light get out there preach the gospel and we can make a difference can't we and that's the Christians response and on that note let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you for you know the many truths that you give us of which you know that that truth that you know in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and thank you that all of us here just just have that faith we know the truth that we haven't been you know condoned hoodwinked by by just these ridiculous you know oppositions of science falsely so-called and help us to be strong with this help us to be to be bold about it help us not to get drawn into pointless debates and help us not to compromise and help us to be a shining light to these people and to preach the gospel to these people and and you know and keep us away from those that are too far gone as well just just help us not to waste our time with those and just to focus on those and lead us to people that that are receptive to your to your gospel and starting this afternoon please just help us to get many people saved help us to go out and preach your word and for all of us to be bold and confident in it and help us to return here for this evening service and in Jesus name we pray all of this