(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) right so Luke chapter 20 I want to focus on the last two verses so verses 46 and 47 so Luke 20 46 beware of the scribes which desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the markets and the highest seats in the synagogues and the chief rooms at feasts which devour widows houses and for a show make long prayers the same shall receive greater damnation and the title of my sermon today is the false Church of England the false Church of England now 14% of people in this country call themselves basically Church of England Christians now this is according to British social attitude survey and that's pretty similar in Scotland with the Church of Scotland but that might seem quite low but bear in mind that over 50% according to that survey in the UK are non-religious so of the remaining 50% we've got 14% call themselves Church of England Christians 8% Catholic 10% some other Christian affiliations and 8% non-christian faiths now of those of those Catholics 42% do go to church regularly but 21% of the C of E Christians are 21% of that 14% also go to church regularly now that is the highest amount that's the highest amount not only of regular church guys but of people that claim to be of religion in this country now on top of that on top of that as church goers there are many many people who who don't call themselves Church of England Christians in this country but have had exposure so I don't know how many of you aware but you've got schools in this country so many C of E schools okay you've got C of E schools you've got pretty much the majority I would say still of weddings take place if they're in a church they're gonna be in a C of E church funerals obviously as well baptisms Christians were christening soy whatever you want to call it and there's been a lot of expo there's been a lot of exposure for anyone born and born and raised in this country their version a lot of time of Christianity is Church of England Christianity okay on top of that many who don't call themselves Church of England they still think of the Church of England when they think a church so if you talk to people I've had it when I've talked to people about church are you a vicar you're a priest that's the sort of thing they're thinking of and some of that obviously there's a bit of a crossover with Catholicism there as well now that's not surprising as the Church of England has 16,000 church buildings in this country and the weekly attendance in 2019 was eight hundred and fifty four thousand eight hundred fifty four thousand of the inner in an attendance on one week in a church of England Church around the country now it's also the mother church of the Anglican Communion is the religion or at least that goes out around around the world and that's a denomination with 85 million in 165 countries okay so this is quite a big religion now we all probably here know quite a bit about Catholicism we probably heard Catholicism preached about we probably have had exposure to it and probably when we knock a lot of doors we come across them a lot and of course there are 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide but 40% of those are in Latin America now you might be thinking well I rarely meet a Church of England type I rarely meet a Church of England Christian maybe you do maybe you don't it depends on you've been door-knocking because as a general rule and I'm really generalizing here you will find that Church of England Christians a lot of the time are from the middle classes a lot of the time not always and it does cross over but a lot of the time you'll find that and we generally we target poorer areas to give the gospel because they're more receptive don't we as a general rule so you'll probably find you come a lot across maybe because there's a lot of there's a lot of immigrants in this country poor poor immigrants from a Roman Catholic background that you might come across that quite a lot but when we move buildings we're going to knock every single door in the radius of our building and we're going to keep doing that as we've said before okay so we're going to start knocking every single door which means unfortunately for those that love receptive areas we are gonna knock some unreceptive areas as well within a year and on our Sundays that's what we're going to do is Sundays will be knocking doors in the local area and we'll just keep going as far as we can in a year so we make sure we knock every single door in our area where our churches for a year so with that in mind we're likely to come across this more than we did I have come across quite a lot already but like I said the influence goes further than people that just go there and the influence of the Church of England Church is massive massive in this country okay now as it's got less they say that over I think it is 20 years it's reduced from 30% that call themselves Church of England Christians to this 14% now but but it's still has a massive effect like I said with the schools with with everything everything you know weddings christenings you name it okay right regardless of any of that regardless of any of that one of our jobs as a church as a pillar and ground of the truth is found in Ephesians 5 11 you turn there quickly if you like so in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 and I think I read this last week or the week before anyway but just to remind you Ephesians 5 11 says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them reprove them now not only is the sea of E churches it's known as sea of E Church of England Church darkness but we are often assumed to have fellowship with them like I said people look at us if you're a non-catholic Christian in this country a lot of the time people assume you must be some sort of Church of England or Protestant type whatever else like I said I've been asked before you you know you training to be a priest or a vicar or rector or something else it's a bit embarrassing and you have to try and explain that a little bit and that's what people think about a lot of the time in this country when they think about Christianity that is that is their go-to that is their benchmark so let's reprove them then I'll start with the most important point the Church of England and other Anglican churches preach false gospel okay clear as day I don't think anyone here would need convincing of that but let's just have a look what they actually believe okay let's see what they believe so what the Anglicans believe if you go on the Anglican Communion website this is what they believe Anglicans believe that there is only one God but that there are three elements to this one God God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit not a bad start that human beings decision to reject this eternal God and live according to their own standards sin cause a relational breakdown between them that God the Son Jesus Christ lived and died to give people a model and a way to be reconciled with God Anglicans consider the Bible to be fundamental to life as a Christian and believe that the scriptures contain all things necessary for salvation Anglicans believe that the Christian life involves regular praise and prayer both private and public and that Christians must practice what they preach and pray both on Sundays a day when Anglicans normally gather for worship and every day as they seek to live out their worship Anglicans believe that people become members of God's Church through baptism and all Christians celebrate Holy Communion also known as Eucharist as a shared meal of bread wafer and wine which they eat together in Jesus name Anglicans accept the major creeds as expressing their Christian faith the Apostles Creed is a statement of faith used in baptism and morning and evening prayer while the Nicene Creed is prayed in the service of Holy Communion these can be found in the Anken prayer book and can summarise their basic beliefs in the Catechism an old word meaning what is to be taught which is as shady and hazy as that and you notice it's not clear it's vague isn't it pretty vague okay now I was looking on the Church of England website just for a clear statement of faith and it's actually pretty hidden so let me tell you where it was so they have a section what we believe you'd think you'd find it there wouldn't you but you have to go in that section of 11 subsections to somewhere called the pilgrims way and then one of five subsections in the pilgrims way called the Apostles Creed to finally find this what does it mean to believe in one God Father Son and Holy Spirit to believe is to trust in the Father's love for the world in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross and in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit how do you become a Christian by turning to Jesus Christ in faith by repenting of your sin and being baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit what is sin sin means not living according to the will of God sin is to fall short and our thoughts words are deeds through what we do and through what we fail to do sin separates us from God and neighbor what is baptism baptism in water is a sacrament of new birth in Christ we die to sin that we may live his risen life we are washed by the Holy Spirit and become members of the church what is the church the church the pilgrim pilgrim people of God the body of Christ a community of disciples in in every age in earth and heaven pilgrim how will this shape the journey of your life by God's grace I will seek to understand my faith and be able to give a reason for the hope that is in me what's the hope that's in them I'm assuming the hope is that they've repented of their sins enough that the baptism saved them and that they've turned to Jesus Christ in faith now that's pretty different isn't it to what we know the Bible says it's pretty different to act 1630 says what must I do to be saved believe on the Lord Jesus Christ thou shalt be saved on the house Ephesians 2 8 and 9 for by grace is saved through faith they're not of yourselves it's a gift of God not of works as any man should boast John 3 16 for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but ever last your life and of course Romans 4 5 but him that worketh not but believeth on him that just fired the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness it's a long way away from that is it getting baptized repenting of your sins following Jesus and the rest of it now we should get baptized shouldn't we but it's not required for salvation I don't remember the thief on the cross fitting in a quick dip anyone remember that quick dip with the feet thief on the cross maybe there I don't know what they would claim I haven't heard it preach maybe they claim that maybe you know they took him down quickly or maybe someone dunked him or maybe it's just a bit of a sprinkle there was a bit of a sprinkle I don't know but you know it's one of those where they will they're a bit shifty because they'll say oh yeah it's faith in Jesus but it obviously needs closer inspection doesn't it and as you see with that Anglican one that was pretty shifty wasn't it they try to just be a bit hazy with how they explain it well regardless on the turn of Galatians 1 and it clearly is a different gospel in Galatians 1 8 says but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you then that you have received let him be accursed and with man there we could apply that to the multitude of female vicars, rectors, priests and the rest of it couldn't we okay now as with their false prophet names and titles as I said that they are vicars, priests I think they're all deacons, rectors are the kind of most obvious ones and there seems to be a bit of a bit of leeway with how they worship as well okay so they're not all the same you're not going to go into one church in one part of the country or even in the same area and the next one it's going to be identical you've got everything in the Church of England church from guitars and kumbaya to pipe organs and incense okay and people in funny hats and it looks you think you've just stepped into a Roman Catholic Church okay and they've got everything in between as well now they also seem to love embracing images there and especially those what they call the higher churches which are the ones more like the Church of England ones so from stained-glass windows you've probably seen if you've ever looked at these churches covered in imagery of Jesus dead saints and the rest of it and they have lots of stuff in there with that sort of thing and pictures up on the walls and and the rest of it and let alone all the artwork and some of its impressive stuff if you like imagery of things that we're not really meant to be making imagery of now of course they would claim that they don't worship them wouldn't they they were claimed they don't worship them but but just in case in case you know you're unsure luckily they've got the Ten Commandments on their website as well okay just in case now the Ten Commandments on their website they don't tell you what Bible version it is because I don't think it is a Bible version I think it's a summary of Bible versions and what they decide to be true but what we read these have a quick look at turn of Exodus chapter 20 Exodus chapter 20 from verse 4 we've got thou shalt not make an unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself them nor serve them for either Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments verse 7 thou shalt not take the name the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain well let's see what their version of that part is so we start off with I am the Lord your God you shall you shall have no other gods but me okay not bad then we have you shall not make for yourself any idol nothing about graven images there nothing about the graven images that they're worshipping just not make you an idol that's pretty open to interpretation second one obviously not take the name of the Lord in vain we know what that is don't we an emptiness no you shall not dishonor the name of the Lord your God shall not dishonor it what on earth does that mean how do you so how are we dishonoring it is saying oh my you know G and how everyone else does that dishonoring it again just just the typical sort of ambiguous stuff they have on their website the watering down and as we see in Exodus 20 that's very different now back to Luke 20 okay so back to Luke 20 and from verse 46 we had beware of the scribes which desire to walk in long rows and love greets in the markets and the high seats in the synagogues and the chief rooms at feast which devour widows houses and for a show make long prayers the same shall receive greater damnation now I want to preach this just quickly as well because this won't get preached I doubt in many other countries okay this needs to be preacher we need to be aware of what we're dealing with as well okay these C of E vicars bishops archbishops yeah they are an example in my mind of some of the UK's modern-day scribes okay they're usually highly educated theology degrees for starters are a great advantage to getting on the ladder and it is a ladder and and don't they love to walk in long robes I don't know how many people have experience of it they love a long robe if I could give you a slideshow now behind me maybe we should look at that one day in the future of what you see just on their website it is amazing all these guys I mean they have a section on on recruitment and you know going to one of their you know live in places and all running around with these skirts and holding on to their dresses they're running all these guys it's horrendous okay they love a long robe and but I've been to many of these churches too I've been to many of these churches always at one of these churches as a fan like my mum went to one of these churches when I was a young kid on on the in the summers I used to play rugby on a Sunday and in the summers I used to go to one of these churches and that is horrific the stuff that goes on there and the way they are looking back at it as well and that was you know that was a local church my school that was local went to that church and they had these people come into it as well so I've got some experience of this now what are those long robes that they wear well it's called a cassock okay so they wear what's called a cassock now this is very different to what we would think of as a long sort of dressing gown type robe this is basically like a long dress it's a long dress with a few buttons at the front and then it's just a dress down to the bottom why do they wear a cassock well who knows it well actually it seems to have come from Roman Catholicism anyway now obviously you don't have to turn it but Deuteronomy 22 5 says a woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God it is an abomination what they're wearing is clearly female clothing it is a dress okay now on that note on that note just quickly they're female false prophets are regularly in trousers on their website so you've got these men wearing dresses and then the women wearing trousers in these and these black shirts with the collar and everything else you've probably seen that that before now let's have a look at this because it's there they they lead well I wouldn't quite maybe not leading the way but they have a lot a lot of female rectors bit and it's getting more and more and more and they've got this recruitment drive with it and everything else so let's have a quick look at first Timothy chapter 2 and see what the Bible says about that not what the Church of England says about that and first Timothy chapter 2 from verse 11 says let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety okay a bit hard when you're leading the service isn't it that's a bit hard to lead a service and and be in silence isn't it and not to teach or usurp authority it just beggars belief but let's have a quick look you've had had a look at first Timothy 2 sorry were we in first Timothy 2 have a look at first Corinthians 14 as well and keep a finger of first Timothy 2 we'll go back there in a second but first Corinthians 14 and from verse 34 says let all your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church so how does that work how does that work and back to Timothy there back to Timothy so we're looking at Timothy chapter 2 and verse 11 he said let the woman learn in silence all subjection and he suffers them not to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence okay that's clearly talking about church services there so how do you lead a church service like that and the problem is with that obviously that's just way off the deep end but I was at a church not long ago the last church I was at before here where they had on the Wednesday evening they had this prayer night I think I might have talked about this before and what would happen is is it would just go around the church people just decide to pray I mean if ever you've got a problem there because people people obviously are praying in their doctrine aren't they to some degree well that would go around the church it's a free-for-all just to just to pray and if you dared to pray that people go and get saved then the pastor then when he prayed afterwards would maybe pray about it being God's you know that God does the saving something else but anyway if you pray for people to get the gospel it was ridiculous yeah but but his wife would then do this long sort of five-minute prayer but it's so against what this what these verses say isn't it and and you know we're not down on women here but we all have roles don't we we all have roles we have roles in the church as well and and like it said for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman been deceived was in the transgression now the Bible saying they're basically that women are more are more likely to be deceived okay they're more likely to be deceived that's the way it is you know that's what the Bible says that's what it is in the same way for any of the feminists here they get upset what are you saying we're not exactly the same you know shock horror and what how dare you well in the same way you wouldn't probably want to leave your men day in day out looking after a family of kids would you because I tell you what you know you leave me for a couple of days with the kids and I don't know but they might about just about get looked after but nothing else gets done in the house the place an absolute mess my wife's thinking great it's almost like creating more work for her it seems you know I have a day off love you know it comes back and there's writing all over the walls and you know mess everywhere and that's just the way it is isn't it we all we're all better at different things we'll have different roles well well in that in that way and that's why one of the reasons why we as men are the spiritual head of a household aren't we with a spiritual head and for that and this is one of the reasons Eve was easily easily deceived wasn't she at the beginning and and what on earth when you start having women getting out there like said just the praying it becomes you can start adding doctrine in there that can be a problem but here here at these wicked churches you've got these women here basically running the show okay so with that with that as men here though as men just just just to finish on that point if they are to ask their men at home we need to make sure don't we that we're going to be godly Christian men don't we okay so we can kind of get a bit puffed up about that thing yeah you know women don't you dare speak you need to ask me well we all need to make sure we're able to answer questions so if you're coming to church with your wife and this is obviously to the married men and then you're switching off in the service if she's asked you or what did he mean by that there or what was that and you can't even answer that then then basically you're failing in your duty aren't you and then we might get to a point where the women start to feel like they need to put their hand up and call out it's like the guy's not gonna tell me and the men need to be a godly example as well because for a woman to want to be spiritually led by you you have to be a godly example to be able to do that and that's an important thing to do and that's in many areas of our lives okay so just on that point then apparently this is what we've got here a total of 570 deacons were ordained in 2019 they become deacons before they become priests in the Church of England Church false church with women making up fifty one percent of the new intake fifty one percent now so there is now more women and men okay deacons are the first of three and remember that the whole Bible is everything you need apparently for salvation obviously not for anything else okay deacons are the first of three orders of a day ministry while all clergy continuous deacons throughout the majority are also ordained as priests at the end of their first year ministry now the statistics the statistics show that women made up around 32 percent of the 20,000 active clergy last year with a growing proportion of senior post such as bishops archdeek is the cathedral deans growing from 25 percent in 2018 to 27 percent last year don't forget that verse but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to assert authority over the man but to be in silence we're not just going priests we're going much higher up now okay it's wicked isn't it it's absolutely wicked now back to the long robes and in defense of the men at least their long robes do do cover their nakedness okay on the plus side the long robes at least down to the feet but it's to be seen isn't it it's to be seen of men the dog collar is the same it's to be seen of men the desire for long robes I think is there from early it's like diotrophies from 3rd John who loveth to have the preeminence among men and I think part that's part of that lure isn't it it's to be superior it's to be superior remember Luke 20 verse 46 beat said beware of the squires which desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the markets and the high seats in the synagogues in the chief rooms of feast there is we you might most people here I doubt are in a little village somewhere in rural England but there's a respect that the C of E vicar gets in the hundreds and and villages and towns around the country okay they do still to this day get respect a month so sort of very middle-class little English villages there's a lot of respect they get and that's something that's luring them into that and you know what the G I'm sure a lot of you do you know what the blasphemous greeting is for most of these Vic vicars and priests anyone know turn of Matthew 23 okay Matthew 23 these kind of like the director's cut of Luke 20 yeah and we're gonna go back there again in a bit Matthew 23 and from verse 5 Matthew 23 5 but all their works they do for to be seen of men they make broad their phylacteries and enlarge the boards of their garments I love the uttermost rooms at feasts of the chief seats in the synagogues and greetings in the markets are to be called a men Rabbi Rabbi but be not ye called Rabbi for one is your master even Christ and ye all are brethren and call no man your father upon the earth for one is your father which is in heaven and they are all called father this father that how dare they how dare they it's so clear it's in the Gospels don't even hidden off in an Old Testament book that they could claim oh it does that count today or any of the rest of it it's clear as day Jesus said do not call any man your father and they all get called father the majority the vast majority they could choose to take it oh what a surprise they all take it father this father that the women are starting to take on mother as well well at least they're not contradicting something in the Bible there after the whole deciding to be a false prophet in the first place but father this and father that how dare they blasphemous devils now this is what's funny oh it's not funny this is the sad thing about it is it's even more of a joke now as rarely rarely now they even play the token family game that they did before okay rarely now do they even need to pretend that they're that they're basically a straight male and have a family because nowadays they're very often open sodomites open sodomites I was talking to a brother actually a while back who was telling me about someone a family member who was sadly training for this who was it something like wow okay so 20 on the course on the theater it was a theology degree or was it actually training is he in-house training 20 of them were just open sodomites I mean what what on earth okay so yet they're calling themselves father okay but again you know sodomites can have kids 2 Timothy 3 let's have a look at this quickly then 2 Timothy 3 there's something you know it's something that I think most people probably get but it's to get your head around this with these false prophets 2 Timothy 3 and from verse 1 this note also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous by the way it's a nice pay-packet preaching lies boasters proud in their long dresses blasphemers call me father disobedient to parents unthankful unholy their fakes by the way without natural affection these people are happy to abuse truce breakers will look at that by the way in a minute false accusers okay what what do you think they feel about real Christians by the way King James Bible because the one the church that that that my mum went to there I was talking to some old family friends are still there and their reprobate vicar open reprobate open sodomite who was formerly a Roman Catholic monk but then decided to convert to the Church of England to then live in with his sodomite parties it was wicked oh just happens to be a big King James Bible attacker is on all these forums studies to try and disprove the King James Bible being the word of God anyway false accusers incontinent with their vile affections fierce despise of those that are good traitors heady high-minded high-minded so obviously like I said being put on the village pedestal lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God having a form of godliness to some but denying the power thereof that's the power of the gospel from such turn away for this of this sort are they which creep in houses elite captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts that's your female priests ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth and they could study all their life their hearts are hardened aren't they now as Yanis and yam breeze we've stood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith and there's your religious reprobate but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was okay so they're fully shall be manifest and we do often see these perverts exposed so as well as thousands of historic case of abuse there was a 50% rise in concerns and allegations about abuse between 2015 2017 according to the most recent church figures this is in the Church of England incidents relating to the abuse of children and vulnerable adults including some allegations of serious criminal offenses increased to three thousand two hundred eighty seven in 2017 compared with two thousand one hundred ninety five in 2015 they concerned both current and past events with 12% of concerns allegations relating to clergy others against whom concerns and allegations were made included church wardens employees volunteers congregation members and people with church connections and bear that in mind when I show you something later 12% is three hundred and ninety four point four four just did them yeah that was 394 I'm joking yeah all right three hundred eight four point four four that did take a calculator in one year right bear in mind that half of the churches have just three old people in a village in them yeah so bear in mind a lot of these are like these little village churches and still we got 395 of those were clergy okay were clergy around the country in one year and that's the allegations that were made okay there was one of these you know those independent inquiries they love to do that a lot of the time don't seem to be very independent and don't really seem to to profit anyone anything but it looks really great we've we've held an independent inquiry into it great these people should be hung okay well the independent inquiries into the Church of England Charles child sexual abuse the IIC sa report in 2020 states the culture of the Church of England facilitated it becoming a place where abusers could hide it says deference to the authority of the church and to individual priests taboos surrounding discussion of sexuality don't know what that means an environment where alleged perpetrators were treated more supportively than victims presented barriers to disclosure that many victims could not overcome cases are also repeated of clerics being ordained despite a history of child sexual offenses and of clerics who were unable or unwilling to properly fulfill their safeguarding responsibilities so that's all that safeguarding where they're meant to be there to stop that happening to stop them getting in the jobs to stop them having access and as usual what is it access to the children as usual it's access to children and in case you're unaware and you think well is it not just some weird priest in a dress standing at the front of a church waving around incense and doing all this strange hocus-pocus well no because there are church choirs at all these places or at least the bigger ones where they actually have children still that sadly are stupid enough to go there where their parents are church choirs church choirs that go on on choir clubs choir camping trips holidays you know summer holidays summer theme park trips and then often it finishes at what they call the vicarage which is basically or the rectory or whatever else where is where these reprobates live okay you've got schools where they go in on mass Church of England schools a lot of the time not even I not even registered Church of England schools they still come in as well and have access to these children youth clubs all churches have youth clubs they have Sunday schools they have youth clubs as well okay and they have these evenings where they come down and and the main man that the top dog will come and and be like some sort of celebrity down there Oh father whatever's come down it's absolutely horrendous okay but it's no surprise is it it's no surprise to us is with our Bibles here which says what these people are like it is no surprise to us but what we've got to kind of get our heads around as well with this because I think it's easy to just switch off and be almost like well serves you right almost but a lot of these people are deceived aren't they they're deceived they go to these places they get involved with these places and look what's going on there look what's going on there but it will be manifest whether in this life or before the great white throne of judgment it will be manifest won't it okay and and like flies around feces sorry to be vulgar a sodomites around false religion aren't they they're around this isn't just a Church of England Church it's all false religion they're everywhere in it turn to 2nd Kings 23 2nd Kings 23 okay and this is Josiah the righteous King yeah he's basically he's read the Bible to the people then he just goes on this rampage against false religion he just goes on this rampage it's one of my favorite passages I think in the Bible and from verse 3 in 2nd Kings 23 and the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the Lord to walk off the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book but all the people stood stood to the covenant and the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second order and the keeps of the door to bring forth out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that were made for Baal and for the grove and for all the hosts of heaven and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Caiadron and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel and he put down the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the places round about Jerusalem them also that burned incense under Baal to the Sun and to the moon and to the planets and to all the hosts of heaven and he brought out the grove from the house of the Lord without Jerusalem unto the Brook Caiadron and burned it at the Brook Caiadron and stamped it small to powder and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord where the women wove hangings for the grove okay so they were by the house of the Lord weren't they where the grove which is basically an area of idol worship was and obviously that had been taken away and destroyed but the sodomites houses were being used for making things for the grove they're basically encamped aren't they entrenched in the false religion around by the house by the house of God which they've just completely just turned into this idolatrous place these sons of Belial and they are everywhere in these false religions aren't they they're everywhere in there right in the heart of it right there they're providing the house for that and and this you know this does affect us as well in another way because I was trying to give the gospel to someone at work a while back and and in his mind he was saying but it's just full of queers it's full of queers Christianity it's a load of queers isn't it load of effeminate men like that's that was his experience he was at a church school when he was little he had some Church of England priests vicar that he you know and for him it's just they're all sodomites they're all sodomites why would I want to even listen to the gospel it's just a load of sodomites now as it goes he actually quite like sodomite is it sort of my deception it's called and now what's it called again the one recently that it's sort of my deception and I'll be working on him with with that angle recently but he hasn't he hasn't put his faith in the gospel but for him that was a big stumbling block he had no interest at the beginning it took a while to get there but anyway back to Luke Luke chapter 20 Luke 20 I won't sit on that point for too long but but it's a big part of it isn't it's a massive part and it's something that we we you know we got it we need to be aware but but if only our country was aware this more if only the people are the people of our country were aware of where they're sending their kids what they're doing when they're sending them off to these places with the choirs just quickly on that they're wearing the same thing they're wearing the cassocks they're wearing this effeminate clothing and they're singing in the highest voice they can and they actually want to keep their voice so some of them are successful choruses and by the way to get paid as well some of them actually make fairly good money but from a young age what they do is they pay the choir boys to come along on because they've been weddings so they pay them for this and a lot of the time they'll give them like a monthly little wage to be a choir boy so they entice them into it to basically dress up in a dress and start singing very effeminately and amongst it all if you look at you look at these choirs they look at even the men on the back row of these it's it's horrific it's horrific just it just stinks of like at least 50% if more sodomites of all the men involved in it the kids it's absolutely horrendous and these are still kids around the country getting involved in this okay but sorry Luke 20 verse 46 beware the scribes which desire to walk in long rows and love greets in the markets in the higher seats in the synagogues and the chief room at feast so they love being the top dog the special guest aren't they with the black shirt and the dog collar but listen if they get up to the top job if you're aware this okay the church is led by the archbishops of Canterbury and York and 106 other bishops okay the two archbishops and 24 other bishops sit in the House of Lords anyone know that they sit in the House of Lords 24 other bishops make you a major contribution to Parliament's work they are known as Lord spiritual could you believe that Lord spiritual okay that's definitely the chief room at the feast isn't it that's the chief room at the feast by the way they all claim massive amounts of expenses there and everything else Her Majesty the Queen this is where it just goes into just goes in a comedy now Her Majesty the Queen is the supreme governor of the Church of England the Queen appoints archbishops bishops and deans of cathedrals on the advice of guess who the Prime Minister the Prime Minister advises the Queen who to a point out of all these reprobates the Prime Minister you know that spirit you know that spiritual head of our country Boris yeah that godly spiritual leader he appoints so he advises the Queen who to a point you couldn't make this stuff up could you you couldn't make this a hundred percent this isn't a lie this is a hundred percent you could not make this stuff up what happened to render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are gods what happened is separation Church say I obviously don't believe in that as we know okay verse 47 oh let's move on which devour widows houses and for a show make long prayers the same shall receive greater damnation okay so in 2019 the C of E received nearly 1.1 billion pounds okay they received 1.1 billion pounds and this was through various ways but there was a way that that doesn't count this I'll tell you about that in a second 513 million of that so basically half of that was in weekly givings so they receive over 500 million pounds in a year in weekly givings and they received on top of that 60 million pounds from legacies so that's basically people dying and leaving money to the Church of England isn't that wicked isn't it to give all that money to this place okay now a lot of that most that spent on staff and running costs and it looks like well they're working and they just get a little profit it's not you know that bad well what they don't like to mention those graphs is that they also have 8.7 billion pounds in assets which generates 1 billion pound a year on top of that that's from all their buildings all they're all the land and buildings that they've brought up so they're already earning 1 billion pound a year as an organization then they're fleecing off widows off off people off people going along the church and giving their their bits of money to these false prophets now go forward to the beginning of the next chapter of Luke so we're in Luke 20 Luke 21 and from verse 1 and he looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the Treasury and he saw also a certain poor widow casting in the other two mites and he said of a truth I sound to you that this poor widow have cast in more than they all for all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had okay so a mite is basically it's the lowest value coin okay so she cast in the lowest value coin and how many widows do you think are turning up at these these listed church buildings amongst their 8.7 billion pounds of assets and casting in maybe their their last two mites I'd say it probably still goes a lot because again with work salvation as well these people are thinking they've got to please their way they've got to carry on giving money or will they really go to heaven evil places and it said also obviously in Luke 20 and for a show make long prayers now another thing you'd notice in a C of E Church is the long set prayers now many have maybe heard the chanting of the Lord's Prayer probably a lot of people have heard this around the place maybe heard it at schools other things well turn to Matthew 6 and from verse 5 when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily I sound to you they have their award now that's the Church of England kind of praying but thou when thou press enter into thy closet and when thou shut thy door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking well they seem to miss this verse they pray these repetitive empty chants every service verse 8 says be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things you have need of before you ask him after this manner therefore pray ye our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name etc okay after this manner after this manner it's an example isn't it it's not to be chanted word for word funny though I wasn't it this has even gone across the so-called Bible believing evangelical churches I was at one soon after getting saved and there was a visiting preacher there but he was from another evangelical church that then decided to get the whole congregation and there was like it was quite a busy church hundred fifty odd plus people all chanting the Lord's Prayer suddenly which had never happened before there but this isn't just in these sorts of churches but they love that chant don't they but they also do these weird set chants at these churches where the priest says a prayer and then the congregation all chant back this responsive prayer anyone ever heard of this stuff before yeah okay so for example this is one example the priest will say and a lot of time they'll sing this in this weird time they'll be like Jesus is the Lamb of God and they're not thinking about the words it takes who takes away the sin of the world bless to those who are called to his supper and then the whole congregation replied by the way this is week in week out okay so I don't even have to read it Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof but speak the word only and my soul shall be healed a mishmash of verses there but anyway just ridiculous and they're just chanting this to each other but obviously it's all for a show isn't it's all for show they're repeating the same child every service they're not thinking about really what they're saying at all but those priests those vicars at the front of these churches those reprobates at the front of these churches verse 47 of Luke 20 which devour widows has it for a show make long prayers the same shall receive greater damnation they're gonna receive greater damnation aren't there and there are levels of damnation now hell is bad enough but these reprobates are going to be in the lowest depths of hell and to right a to right there absolute scum they are absolute scum what they do to people and in this country it's it's obviously a big thing this type of church and you've got the same sort of churches throughout the world haven't you but like I said Matthew 23 is like the uncut version okay so have a look at Matthew 23 and verse 13 okay Matthew 23 and verse 13 there but woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in now notice how they neither suffer them that are entering okay how they entering you ever wondered that when you've read that verse so obviously we salvation isn't a process yeah he that believeth on me hath everlasting life present tense but there is sometimes a process towards get to that point where people sometimes are starting to think they're starting to be interested there they're considering God we know how many of us have knocked on doors and people have said I've been thinking about this all week or you know some of us I've been praying for just God to reveal to me or something else there are people that I would say maybe maybe entering maybe maybe I'm reading that wrong but that's how I see it now I reckon there are people because we have free will and we're not Calvinists we don't think well if they were going to get saved they're going to get saved there are people that are probably were would and could have got saved and one of the people in this room knocked on their door and given him the gospel but instead have gone down to one of those wicked churches and ended up deeply entrenched in their false religion and you know when you give the gospel to people that are entrenched in these sorts of religions it can be a lot harder now there are ones that have a little awareness of God they go down again they're usually not so bad when you have people that are really into a false religion it's hard to be really hard gone it the pride comes up they're not having it so he says here for you neither going yourself neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in then he says well one to you scribes of Pharisees hypocrites for ye devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayer therefore you shall receive the greater damnation greater damnation too right too right greater damnation why aren't you scribes of Pharisees hypocrites for ye come per sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves okay right these people these people they're making proselytes they're hypocrites aren't they they're hypocrites with their work salvation even though they commit abominable iniquities themselves they're hypocrites but they take Anglicanism around the globe to make converts basically that's what a proselyte is a convert but what are they begetting when they make a convert to it they'll be getting another reprobate false prophet a lot of the time aren't they now I you know I'm not saying that everyone that goes those churches is but when they're making full-on converts to that religion that's why so much of the abuse what I said to think about that what I read earlier so much of that abuse isn't just the clergy it's everyone else there it's everyone else in the different positions there they're the full-on proselytes there aren't they the church wardens you know that the people in charge of this and the readers and the you know what and you name it okay turn to Matthew 7 and obviously famous passage of scripture here many here probably know it well but Matthew 7 and from verse 15 Matthew 7 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves right now thinking about this verse to us their sheep's clothing absolutely sucks doesn't it it's like the pound shop fancy dress isn't it I mean no one's looking every guy who looks like a godly man to me okay to be a wolf in sheep's clothing in a church like ours in a church like ours they would probably have to have the full battery-powered Harrods sheep's outfit wouldn't they would have to have the man noises and everything else because they're not walking in in a cassock and cutting anyone in here I'd hope not anyway okay but but some sheep are pretty stupid aren't they there are sheep that are pretty stupid and the only reason we're not stupid is praise God for this Bible and for good preaching that we've heard over the years because some some sheep are pretty stupid and some lambs that maybe were on their way to becoming sheep but they're probably less discerning than the dumbest sheep aren't they and there are people that maybe at one point maybe they could have got so maybe they would have been open to the gospel but it sees people these wolves in sheep's clothing and for them they are for people that have grown up with it they think that's a Christian a lot of people in this country they started thinking about God a lot of them will turn up down the Church of England Church and start asking the reprobate about about God and everything else that's the truth remember in Matthew 23 13 you don't have to go there remember neither suffer ye that them that are entering to go in and I think that's what it's what it's talking about here look at verse 16 though here in Matthew 7 you shall know them by their fruits the men gather grapes the thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit and it's not that they bring just bring forth no fruit and that's an important thing to remember here as well they bring forth evil fruit and you can look at this and just we can look at those verses and go see look you know and obviously you know someone can't be saved by an unsaved person clearly and if if you're saved and if you can see fruit of someone that's a good way of checking if someone is really saved but but what about the second part but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit now it's not I'm not talking about the people that going out pretending to give the gospel I'm not doing about those sorts of infiltrates here because a false goss sorry a real gospel just won't get someone saved it might get some fake salvation's it might get it might get some people you know some some yes men and everything else but what I'm talking about here is people that are basically creating proselytes to what they believe proselytes to basically their false religion they bring forth evil fruit and and we beget after our own kind don't we and the bad apples it says here they make them twofold more the child of hell than themselves we just saw earlier didn't we twofold more the child of hell than themselves and sadly it's it's like an ongoing thing isn't it with this it's not our world it's his Church of England Church a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit we know that but look there's there's no benefit to these churches because there's there's a tendency I think and I've been on this as well where you kind of think well at least there's some Christian morals being taught at least there's a bit of Bible at least in this country there's a bit of Christian well it's a Christian country okay but you the more you learn the more you guys Chris you realize well it's not is it it's kind of lip service to the Bible and then you think well isn't that better isn't it better that we're in a country where at least they claim to believe the Bible or at least they claim to understand at least they claim that God is real at least they claim to believe the Trinity they don't believe the Trinity because they don't believe who Jesus Christ really is okay but they claim to believe all that but they're damning they're damning people to hell they're damning people to hell and they're reproducing reprobates sodomites they reproduce them the women too look at all that all of those with all of those I mean it's a big website if you ever interested in it it's wicked but you look at that website and just look at picture it's like basically just without the filth it's what I'd imagine would be some sort of basically some sort of sodomite website I mean just every single one is just it's just crying out from their faces their eyes just just look at them going reprobate reprobate reprobate and these are all their examples of godly people standing there in their cassocks in their dresses the women in their men's clothing with their short little little crew cuts and everything else it's absolutely horrendous okay and they're reproducing that and we look at it and we think well you know this country well it was kind of Christian and we don't want that to stop do we do we not oh I want that sure I want every one of those churches are burned down why wouldn't you they should be burnt down and I'm not saying anyone should go out and burn them down just in case anyone's watching on YouTube here okay obviously we don't do that we'll pray them to be burned down because they are absolutely wicked aren't they they are absolutely wicked and people aren't getting helped by that because you know you think well maybe a child's had a bit of exposure they know God's real look how hard is it to get someone saved a child usually it's pretty easy it's easier when they haven't already had the false doctrine isn't it and it's not hard to teach them who God is because it's written on their hearts anyway it's not hard to teach them so we don't want to look at it and go well at least there's some Christianity no it's wicked it's it's a false gospel it's a false religion and it's full of perverts and they're begetting more perverts and the way they do that a lot of the time is through the children it is it's horrendous but but there is isn't there there are people maybe there are people here that have thought well at least they're learning something about the Bible well at least at that school you know it's like no those schools are wicked absolutely wicked my daughter and my sorry my daughter my eldest daughter for the first year of her life went to a little village C of E school we thought we were just recently saved thought well it's probably the best thing we could do okay no way was it it was a wicked place it was an absolutely wicked place it was just a little infant school like up three years or something like that little village school the sort of thing you think oh well it's your best at best of a bad bunch no it was horrendous the stuff that went on in that in that year they're just from what we heard and what was going on the playground the rest wicked wicked place because they forget their own and and the people teaching there the whole thing it's it's terrible and like I said we want to we want to be the opposite of that I would prefer a nation of people that don't have any interest in the Bible with if it meant we didn't have those churches there that we could then go out and preach them the gospel it's the power of God that saves I've got the other day and not not because of me because it was a power of God I knocked on a door and and it was it was a guy that he did not know I mean he was he had literally just got to England for a few weeks before from India Hindu background good English well-educated could could understand it you know the gospel understand me speak to him but he he didn't have a clue didn't have a clue what sin was who Jesus was none of it 20 minutes half hour later he saved and nothing to do with me that's the power of God that's a word of God and that it's a word of God it's not oh well oh they could have had a little bit of you know brainwash first from the false church otherwise it's not easy to get them say no it is easy to get it's easier to get them say give me a blank canvas any day of the week and get these wicked false religions and these false churches get them out the country that's what I say and I would say that's what God says as well because they are wicked places and here's the thing you can't undo the abuse can you you can't undo that when these poor kids are victims of that and adults as well they talk about vulnerable adults as well and all sorts of victims in these places you can't undo that you can't undo that and often you can't undo the brainwash often you can't undo the brainwash because how many doors have you knocked on her in religions like the ants and even this religion themselves and they do not want to hear it they do not want to hear it they don't want to hear how easy it is to go to heaven because I'm a reader at this church or I'm a church warden or I've been in this church or I know I'm a Christian or ever else but they're not saved and they don't want to hear it so yeah for me no way Christian country no chance this ain't a Christian country nothing nothing Christian about it some false religion claiming to believe the Bible it's a lie and they're all liars verse 19 said every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire amen to that cast it into the fire cast them into the fire and that will be happening right Psalm 119 verse 104 similar to our verse of the week which is verse 1 to 8 says through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way okay and praise God that all of us here have understanding have the understanding that we need to hate false religions we should hate false religions like this not think well at least they've got a bit of Bible no I hate every false way I hate this false way and we should all be hating that false way and and keeping that on our mind when we're going out and preaching the gospel we hate the religion we hate the false way but let's not hate the people that are caught up in it okay until they become what what sadly a lot of them do until they're they're obviously obviously a reprobate until then we need to try and get these people saved because it's a wicked wicked wicked false religion and they're all victims in it aren't they on that let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you that that through your precepts we we have understand it's not our own intelligence it's not our own wisdom it's your wisdom father and thank you that you you make it clear and that we can we can read and understand your word and thank you that that before that you gave us the chance of salvation and that we got saved and father I just pray that you help us to go and you know rescue people from this false religion get more and more of them saved and and be a real force in this country to turn the tide here of what's been sadly just under false religion for many many years now and help us to go out and get get these people saved and starting this afternoon in Jesus name we pray amen