(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Right, so, if any of you were expecting a Halloween sermon, I've got something a bit more wicked for you today. A couple of reasons on that, look, it's not like the US here, I'd hope no one here even contemplates celebrating, in inverted commas, Halloween, getting into, you know, getting their kids into costumes, celebrating the dead and demons and witches and all that absolute wickedness. So, personally, I don't feel there's necessarily a need every year on that here, like in the US it's unbelievable, isn't it, but we don't have that here and there's going to be a lot of good sermons for you guys to check out if you want to listen about that, I'm sure there's probably a lot of sermons going on there, in a few hours time it's going to be about that subject, but today we're going to be looking at something else. If you look down at Romans chapter 1 and from verse 24, I just want to look at this passage again, Romans chapter 1 and from verse 24 says, We've been going through, for the last several weeks, we went through a Sunday evening series called Sins That Get You Kicked Out of Church, and it was a Sunday evening series and we looked at fornication, we looked at covetousness, idolatry, railing, drunkenness, extortion, causing divisions and offences and then finally refusing church judgement. And I said at the end of that service, well if anyone can think of any others, and I went to the back of the church and straight away I remembered the one thing that I'd actually thought about before I wrote the series and had forgotten to preach on, and that is this particular title, which is Sins That Get You Kicked Out of Church, Sodomy and Similar Vile Affections. So the title of my sermon today is Sins That Get You Kicked Out of Church, Sodomy and Similar Vile Affections. On that we're just going to go to the Lord and a word of prayer before we continue. Father thank you for your word, thank you for how clear you make subjects such as this where the world says one thing but your word says something else. Lord we know what we want to listen to, I hope everyone here wants to listen to what the word has to say about this, what you have to say about this Lord. I just pray right now that everyone just has attentive ears, attentive hearts, it just puts away preconceived ideas and just listens to what you think about this subject, what you think about this horrendous sin. Lord help me to preach this clearly, boldly, accurately, please fill in with your spirit Lord, help everyone to just listen clearly and keep the distractions to a minimum in Jesus' name I pray all this, Amen. So sodomy and similar vile affections, what is sodomy? Well turn to Genesis chapter 19 which has a pretty disturbing story that takes place in a place called Sodom and that's where the word originates from and the word that really is the biblical word is sodomite, sodomite the word comes from the city Sodom and what happens here from this story specifically but we get the word sodomy from that as well. So in Genesis chapter 19 God's about to destroy this wicked place, now you don't have to turn a bit in the chapter before, in Genesis 1820 he explains and the Lord said because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is very grievous, he said their sin is very grievous. Now he agrees with Abraham to spare the city if there are just 10 righteous people there and there aren't even 10 righteous people there and you say well not everywhere has righteous people, when we say righteous people we're talking about the saved okay because you're only righteous ultimately by salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. Now there's not even 10 righteous people yet, Abraham's nephew Lot has been living there for a long time now and sadly he hasn't it seems got anyone borrowing maybe a couple of family members if so saved. He sends two angels in there to check the place out, it says in verse 14 and there came two angels to Sodom at even and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and he said behold now my lords turn in I pray you into your servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet you shall rise up early and go on your ways and they said nay but we will abide in the street all night. So these angels have come in, Lot's kind of seen them at the gate, kind of the entry to the city, he said then please come into my house they say no we're going to stay in the street and he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did bake unleavened bread and they did eat but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compass the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter. So this isn't just dirty old men this is young it says here now it did say men so I don't know how young we're talking here but it did say that the men of Sodom compass the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter they're coming from everywhere okay these people are coming to this house what is it they're coming to do just to greet the angels maybe just to come and say oh we've got some newcomers you know guys let's bring you a couple of gifts. Well let's read on and they called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them now that is a euphemism for doing vile unnatural things unto them okay bring them out that we may know them now notice they said the men they didn't say the angels so these angels appear like a man would appear these guys know that there's basically sorry for for wonder of a better especially fresh meat in there in in this wicked place and there's and they've just surround the house they bring them out so we can do vile disgusting things them that we may know them and lot went up went out to the door unto them and shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly no it's not they want to shake hands him okay I don't think it would take really the bible scholar to know exactly what it is that these men want to do okay the the bible just doesn't set out disgusting things like that clear as day for us thank god for that and the next well he said and pray you brethren do not so wickedly then we see after that the sort of depravity that is a result from spending so much time living amongst these people verse eight says behold now this is lot speaking to these to these vile sodomites behold now I have two daughters which have not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do ye to them as is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof and they said stand back and they said again this in fact before we do let's just stop for that verse for a second you can read this you could read through this chapter and just go what on earth can't you what on earth lot's offering is two young daughters to these guys instead of letting them get to these angels and you're thinking what sort of a father does that and the bible's not encouraging this in case you know some people here haven't read the bible much and think well every story must be you know of god or something else and no by the way we're not calvinists here and we don't believe that god ordained that and he ordained that sort of attitude of of lot to do that but but what that is is that's the result of living amongst these people that's the result of spending so much time he's calling them brethren okay he calls them brethren he said earlier that i said i pray you brethren do not so wickedly that's what happens when you spend too much time with these sorts of people right okay to the point where he's now offering his daughters now what's interesting is that he still obviously sees this act as so disgusting that he's offering his daughters instead okay of of saying well okay i'm just going to have to let you get to these angels anyway let's continue and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn and he will needs be a judge i had that before hey judge not judge how dare you judge us how dare you judge us you how dare you come in to be amongst us and now you're judging now will we deal worse with thee than with them and they press saw upon the man even lot and came near to break the door these guys want you know they're they're adamant they're going to get what they want right but the men put forth their hand let's talk about the angels and pulled lot into the house of them and shut to the door so they've pulled him in shut the door and they smoke the men who are at the door of the house with blindness okay they these sodomites they've been made blind and this is obviously some some miraculous power that these angels have they they smoke them with blindness both small and great and don't miss the end of this verse so that they wearied themselves to find the door these guys are so just eaten up with their lust that they've just been made blind and they're still trying to find the door of the house they're wearing they're so intent they're so driven by this vile lust that they're still trying to get in and break down the door i mean that's amazing isn't it so what happens after well lot ends up fleeing with his daughters but jump forward to verse 24 and just for sake of time jump forward to verse 24 so he ends up fleeing the angels get him out the daughters come with him then the lord verse 24 says then the lord rained upon sodom and upon gomorrah brimstone and fire from the lord out of heaven and he overthrew these cities and all the plane and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground and that was the end of sodom okay it got burnt to the ground everything that grew there the whole lot got raised okay but the place is used as as an example and has been since throughout the bible as an example to others you know what happens to what can come to a place obviously about this sort of wicked type of sin and everything else and and sodom is where the word sodomite comes from it's quite a clear example of what that is yeah what it is these guys were doing now there will be the literal bible denying type who will claim that that the issue is actually the rape not the sodomy anyone ever heard these sort of guys come out of this stuff before yeah one or two okay so they'll go no no no it wasn't it wasn't sorry it was the fact that they were rapists that was the problem okay well turn to turn to jude some anyone heard the ones that say oh oh it was maybe it was more about the sins mentioned in ezekiel chapter 16 anyone heard that one before yeah yeah a couple have heard this one before well what you turn to jude i'm going to read it ezekiel 16 verse 49 which says behold this was the iniquity of thy sister sodom pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy oh that must have been why god rained down fire and brimstone on them well but these were precursors weren't they because the next verse says and they were haughty and committed abomination before me therefore it's because the abomination and we can see this an abomination therefore i took them away as i saw good okay no it had nothing to do with the other things they were precursors to what was the vile abomination that resulted in god raining down fire brimstone the abomination was sodomy now look at jude where we're warned about these sorts of people and it's talking specifically about the infiltrating types it says beloved when i gave verse three sorry beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints and and look there are many parts of our faith this sort of truth does need preaching now more than ever doesn't it okay look at the state of the world right now when it comes to this sort of truth and how opposite the the mainstream view is it seems to what the bible says or at least what they claim the mainstream view is anyway verse four says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ i will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how that the lord having saved the people out of the land of egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he had reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh that's basically queer flesh set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire okay what's strange flesh not normal queer okay something that's not what the normal people do that's what they were doing going after strange flesh what what was the result well suffering the vengeance of eternal fire i was i had a quick look at an email uh last night we were just chatting about some of the emails again and one guy trying to deny everlasting torment and he tried to say that look see it wasn't an everlasting fire in sodom yeah no no they went into the everlasting fire anyway it was just one of these guys trying to argue with the bible but anyway point being that these sodomites these sodomites eternally burning obviously forever and they're an example they're an example to others okay they should be example to all what happened to sodom is an example okay the bible keeps talking about jesus spoke about sodom and gomorrah in multiple times talking about saying look people denying it could be even worse for you these people that were being given over to recreate minds in in judo at the time now here this is a new testament isn't it telling us that sodom and gomorrah are an example to us agreed yeah anyone wondering if they're in the new testament or not because you hear this one as well it said in verse 8 likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities okay they defile the flesh and and here it's talking about likewise these sorts of infiltrated types of the same types of people now it's pretty clear what sodomy is right okay going after strange flesh we've seen in romans one men with men working out which is unseemly even the women okay change the natural use okay it's pretty clear what are the similar vile affections i'm talking about then the other strange flesh well turn to leviticus chapter 18 which has a pretty handy list of which the vast majority of vile affections i'll try and read through them quite quick but it is quite handy to just read most of the chapter here so leviticus chapter 18 has a lot of vile affections in it leviticus 18 and from verse 1 leviticus 18 1 reads and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto the children of israel and say unto them i am the lord your god after the doings of the land of egypt wherein you dwelt shall you not do and after the doings of the land of canan whether i bring you shall you not do neither shall you walk in their ordinances and we're bible believers here aren't we i hope everyone here is a bible believer god's standards don't change just because the outside world plunges further and further into debauchery okay because the outside world because the people that are basically influencing those around at least the western world through mainstream media and other things just because they go lower and lower and lower we don't follow suit do we he said in verse 4 you shall do my judgments to keep mine ordinances to walk therein i am the lord your god you shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments which if a man do he shall live in them i am the lord none of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him to uncover their nakedness i am the lord now this is referring to incest okay incest the nakedness of thy father the nakedness of thy mother shalt thou not uncover she is thy mother thou shalt not uncover her nakedness the nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover it is thy father's nakedness this is stepmother's the nakedness of thy sister the daughter of thy father a daughter of thy mother whether she be born at home or born abroad even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy son's daughter of thy daughter's daughter even their nakedness shalt thou not uncover for theirs is i know nakedness that's grandchildren the nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter begotten of thy father she is thy sister thou shalt not uncover her nakedness that's a step sister that shall not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister she is thy father's near kinswoman that shall not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister for she is thy mother's near kinswoman that's auntie's thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother that shall not approach to his wife she is an aunt that's that's uncles and aunties by marriage that shall not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter-in-law she is thy son's wife that shall not uncover her nakedness that shall not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife it is thy brother's nakedness thou shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter neither shalt thou take her son's daughter her daughter's daughter to uncover her nakedness for they are her near kinswomen it is wickedness neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister to vex her to uncover her nakedness beside the other in her lifetime this is no family members of your spouse also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness this is during certain times of month moreover thou shalt not lie calmly with our neighbor's wife to defile thyself for that that's adultery and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to molec neither shalt thou profane the name thy god i am the lord that's child sacrifice and blasphemy and then verse 22 says thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination so you've got all this wickedness you've got incest you've got even child sacrifice but the one that's highlighted here specifically particularly as an abomination to be highlighted above all the rest of them an abomination is something of extreme hatred or something that god detests is this sodomy he then says neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there too it is confusion that's bestiality define not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which i cast out before you it does help you understand why some of these nations were literally wiped out and god called for them to be wiped out and the land is defiled therefore i do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited outer inhabitants you shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments and shall not commit any of these abominations all abominations there's one he singled out wasn't there neither any of your own nation nor any stranger that sojourneth among you for all these abominations have the men of the land done which were before you and the land is defiled that the land spew not you out also when you defile it as it spewed out the nations that were before you for whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people it's interesting isn't it therefore shall you keep mine ordinance that you commit not any one of these abominable customs which were committed before you and that you defile not yourselves they're in i am the lord your god okay so like i said one was particularly highlighted wasn't it there yes they are all abominable that's pretty clear one was highlighted and interesting how the souls are to be cut off from among their people go back to romans one what is sodomy then it's what the world calls homosexuality what the bible calls going after strange flesh what are similar vile affections other strange flesh such as incest bestiality pedophilia necrophilia all these disgusting type things okay let's not even go through the list of them really i think everyone gets an idea how bad is it then like we've been going through this series how bad is it well we just saw it in a list with all sorts of incest child sacrifice bestiality and like i said it's the one that was singled out as an abomination now the the what people will say and you will have heard this i'm sure before is oh but that was the old testament anyone heard that before yeah oh well that's the that's either the old testament god that was back in the old testament well that was back in those days or something like that is incest now okay anyone heard the incident because i haven't heard that repeated by jesus in in the gospels about incest did he feel the need to repeat that no is child sacrifice now okay funnily enough the world does think that it's okay yeah but when you put it like that i'm sure they will try and deny well it's not child sacrifice just having your baby murdered in your room but that's not okay what about bestiality is that okay now oh but jesus didn't mention bestiality must be okay now because he didn't bring it up no these stuff just goes without saying doesn't it does this stuff not just go without saying surely and jesus didn't repreach any of that because if he did the new testament would be quite a bit bigger wouldn't it in fact the new testament would be pretty much same size the old testament so no there was no need it goes without saying he never said oh oh but we've moved on from that i'll forget that no in fact he said in matthew 517 think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i'm not come to destroy but to fulfill he said in matthew 4 24 35 heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away and words like we just saw in leviticus 18 22 thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination jesus christ said his word shall not pass away and by the way jesus christ is a word and jesus christ wrote the bible so how bad is it it's abomination but this isn't a normal sin okay so this isn't the sort of sin that everyone here has to hopefully try their best to avoid committing so this isn't the sort of thing that we kind of sit there and go oh thank god someone's preaching on this because you know i was getting some temptations i hope not because unlike the rest of sins on our list sodomy and similar vial affections are the result of a reprobate mind they're the result of a reprobate mind go back to did you go back to romans one look at verse 18 romans one and verse 18 says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of god is manifesting them for god has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power in godhead so that they are without excuse everyone is born with an innate knowledge of god aren't they everyone has a knowledge of god to some degree verse 21 says because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and forfeited beasts and creepy things so these people who have rejected god got puffed up and changed god in one way or another okay what's the result verse 24 wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves so the result is that god gave them up to this uncleanness he's given up on them basically there's no more conscience okay the conscience is seared it's done there is they they no longer have that god-given conscience verse 25 who changed the truth have gone into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever i mean they changed the truth got into a lot i preached this the other day that that you see that with all real reprobate type sins you see in the bible blaspheming the holy spirit change the truth of god into light saying that jesus possessed with the devil that the take your way out adding to god's word again change the truth of god into a lie we see it with you could even say in a way with the reparation with the mark of the beast ultimately getting down and worshipping the antichrist as if he's christ change the truth got into a lie for this cause and obviously false prophets what do they do they change the truth of god into a lie don't they for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature they changed the truth of god into a lie they changed the glory of the uncorruptible god that's why god gave them up for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections their conscience is gone they're now able to do these wicked vile things and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me and just to make this very clear here because there's a lot of brainwash about this subject no matter how many sitcom soap operas or movies say otherwise this isn't just some normal attraction this isn't like a normal just heterosexual and just the other way around okay the bible says here they burn in their lust one toward another and if anyone has ever been around these sorts of people or any or even just heard any of the statistics on this sort of thing the average amount of partners by these sorts of people is through the roof the stds are through the roof they're the bible is always right and the bible says they burn in their lust one toward another i i've heard some disgusting stories over the years of what goes on in some of these clubs and things where they have just rooms for these people to get do all sorts of disgusting wicked wild things this is they're not just oh i just want to marry a guy and live happily that doesn't i don't think there's such thing as as as a so-called marriage where there's nothing going on you know with other people behind the scenes because they're burning their lust one toward another it's disgusting this isn't this isn't what the media tries to tell us it is the recompense of what they get in return i believe here is just what they get in return for change of truth of god is this vile lifestyle that's the recompense this vile disgusting lifestyle burning in their lust one toward another like what what a terrible terrible life to live right and even as they did not like to attain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient they rejected god changed him so he said okay i'll give up on you too there goes your god-given conscience the law of god written on your hearts it's pretty bad right how bad is it it's a result of being given up on by god it's a result of a reprobate mind okay now just a quick one on this because people people you know you get the questions on this look i i can imagine that there could be a case of maybe someone in their past getting drunk or high on drugs and doing some crazy stuff because people sometimes do crazy stuff right because of drug abuse because of alcohol abuse as well okay this is why we don't want to be anywhere near those sorts of things yeah okay they're wicked the things that they do to people okay but people do do some crazy stuff okay and i could maybe i could maybe accept that there might be some people that have done some crazy stuff maybe that maybe they're what what what first corinthian six calls abusers of themselves in mankind maybe i don't know well what i do know is that someone burning their last one toward another is a sodomite and they're a reprobate they've been given over to that reprobate mind okay now normal people don't battle with this sin okay normal people don't sit there going i just need to really resist that sin okay that's not normal that's the result of a reprobate mind that's the result of being given over to a reprobate mind in the same way normal people don't burn in their lust for their close family members okay that's a reprobate mind normal people don't burn in their lust for animals does anyone think that normal people just have to try and fight that sin i hope not normal people don't burn in their lust for children anyone think that's just something just got to deal with guys get some prayers on that on the group chat no okay it's all the result of a reprobate mind okay the bible's very clear about that i believe okay it's talking about a reprobate mind uncleanness it's vile affections yeah now the bible says that this is the result of god giving them up to this uncleanness to vile affections being given over to a reprobate mind okay and the reprobate mind is a rejected mind because some people don't understand this topic that much okay they some people kind of think oh well someone's done that now they're a reprobate oh so that's like an unforgivable sin no no look you don't do that sin you don't burn in your lust for the same sex you don't burn in your lust for children for animals for your for your aunt your uncle or any of that sort of stuff unless you've been given over to a reprobate mind okay that's what the bible teaches and that's being rejected by god turn to deuteronomy 23 while i read jeremiah 630 which says reprobate silver shall men call them because the lord has rejected them it's a rejection a reprobate is someone rejected by god so it's being rejected by god not because they're a sodomite they're a sodomite because they were rejected by god and they were rejected by god ultimately because they rejected god okay because they changed the truth of god into a lie they're not born that way that is a lie that's a lie there's no gay gene yes there are some effeminate kids and effeminacy isn't the same as being a queer okay it's not the same there is there is effeminacy and sadly a lot of queers are effeminate okay but it's not the same so when you see someone that's like a little bit effeminate it doesn't mean right 100 they must be but but look a lot of the time it does go hand in hand but it doesn't always okay and there will be children that sometimes sadly are raised and allowed to be a bit because it's a sin of feminacy the feminacy isn't the result of reprobate mind and and parents you're raising your kids if they're if they're being a bit effeminate for whatever reason you're young boys you want to you want to punish it out of them right yeah you correct them you teach them how to how a man should behave because that's what we're raising for a matter you have a young girl that's acting like some sort of man that's acting like some sort of brutish male you teach them you correct them you might have to chastise them if it continues you do what you need to do to correct your children right okay so that's effeminacy that's separate no one's born what the what the world story calls gay okay and there's nothing happy about this lifestyle by the way Deuteronomy 23 says this it basically says that they've been rejected by God so much that he rejects even any money to do with them regardless of what good cause it could go to look at Deuteronomy 23 and verse 17 there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog okay that's basically just interchange the word sodomite for dog that's what the bible calls them into the house of the lord thy god for any vowel for even both these are abomination unto the lord thy god so yes obviously that goes for the money from whoredom too okay but we're focusing on something else here are we supposed to believe that we're to kick out fornicating whores like i've preached the bible's clear fornicators should be kicked out of the church but sodomites are okay oh no no but sodomites are okay he wouldn't accept the money in church from selling a sodomite off to someone so this might be somebody's like right i don't want you know i've got some sodomite child here i'm just going to flog him to like the Canaanites yeah i've got some money let me put it in the offering let me put it in oh yeah i made a vow to god if that ever happened i was just going to sell him and get rid of it right he's not even going to accept i don't even want that i don't want that filthy money why why does he not want that because in the old testament there is one way of dealing with these reprobates go back a couple of books in leviticus chapter 20 which is on the front of our bulletin leviticus chapter 20 and verse 13 leviticus 20 13 says this if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them now just make it clear we don't live under god's law in this nation and no we're not vigilantes but god hasn't lightened up about this god didn't have this as a law and then went oh well you know i kind of moved on a bit this as a law and then went oh well you know i kind of moved on a bit from there maybe i maybe i just needed to watch a few more will and graces maybe i just need to sit down and watch you know some some bbc queer characters on east enders a few more times to just really get me to lighten up about this issue maybe i just needed to you know maybe jesus just needed some queer family members to to help just water him watered down his opinion on this a bit right no no the bible says in in hebrew certain age jesus christ same yesterday and today and forever the same yesterday and today and forever he doesn't change yeah he changes not go back to romans one what is sodomy what is sodomy it's what the world calls homosexuality what the bible calls going on for strange flesh what are other vile affections other strange flesh we gave some examples incest bestiality pedophilia etc how bad is it it's an abomination it's the result of a reprobate mind they're called dogs in the bible and under god's law they would be put to death pretty bad right so here's a question if anyone's wondering why is it a sin that gets you kicked out of church why is it a sin that gets kicked out of church because is there a bible verse that says not to have these people mark and avoid like maybe in roman 16 17 or is a bible verse that says you know well you know have nothing to do with them etc no there isn't because it shouldn't need to be okay there should be no reason to have a verse saying that and i'm going to show you why first off we'll look at romans one see it's not just the uncleanness and vile affections the bible teaches a reprobate mind that's a mind without a conscience also manifests in other ways too look at verse 29 it says talking about these reprobates being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them and they do know that they're worthy of death how many people have tried to preach the gospel to a sodomite who's just turned around and said i know i'm going to hell over half the room has got their their hands raised over half the room has tried to preach the gospel and say would you like to know how to go to heaven to someone that it turned out was a sodomite and they've turned around and said no i'm i know i'm going to hell they know they know aren't they best friend material aren't they best friend material for you ladies out there no isn't it cool being a fag hag because you know they're just so funny aren't they they're so coarse they're so vile aren't they just such good fun with their innuendos aren't they babysitting material aren't they because they're so good with kids because they're just so silly because they speak in weird childlike ways sometimes isn't that just just you know shouldn't we just get them in for the kids they're just so so great with children aren't they well let's look at a few of those characteristics we just saw there fornication fornication that's the church discipline of friends isn't it apparently they're filled with all unrighteousness fornication they're filled with fornication we kick out fornicators oh yeah yeah look we're we're fornicate phobes as well here is that what they call them no we're not because we're not scared of them we're not scared we're not phobic of them but we do discriminate against fornicators in this church people who are who are basically shacked up living like married couples who aren't married are not welcome in our church either yeah is there a word for that i don't know maybe it's a fornicate phobe fornication phobic what else wickedness covetousness wait a second that's another one on our list wasn't it people who are covetous are to be kicked out of our church we don't want the covetous that's sadly a lot of the world it seems in our church we don't want that type in our church that's what the bible says yeah not to fellowship with them no not to eat with them says put away from among yourselves that wicked person and apparently these people are filled with covetousness as well what about this bit whisperers and then beginning of verse 30 backbiters haters of god let's go with the whisperers and backbiters that's division causing isn't it they're the division causes the whisperers the backbiters the people are trying to cause trouble in the church whispering their own little views on things trying to encourage other people into their own little sins into their own ways of doing things trying to whisper against the preaching whisper contrary to it and preaching whisper contrary to it and everything else those people we're told to mark and avoid that means get them out the church these guys are filled with all of that but the bible says here that they're haters of god verse 30 said haters of god so why on earth why on earth would a hater of god want to be in a real house of god any ideas anyone why would a hater of god want to be in a real house of god yes the man over there in the dark tie okay it's not my daughter yeah yeah sorry come on tear down the leadership that's a good one any other any other reasons why someone who hates god would want to come into the house of god any other any other second prey on children good one yeah we're going to cover that in a minute praying on children any anyone else curse christians yes sir spread lies we've got a load here haven't we okay so there's a lot of reasons that someone who hates god might want to come into the house of god but none of them are good reasons are they do haters of god want to come in to worship god i don't think so the haters of god the bible makes that clear and what's funny is they make it clear they make it clear anyone seen the protesters outside churches or or or anyone ever seen any of the placards and stuff they have at their pride parades and stuff oh it's blasphemous they hate god they mock him they say all these sorts of things i remember reading about that wicked vole sodomite um i always forget his name the guy that was gandalf in in the lord of the rings anyone know his name any of the men know his name here that's the one the scotsman about you because he's a bit of a shame to scotsman is it ian mcclellan is that it is it ian sir sir ian mcclellan once stated that every time he stayed in a in a hotel he reached for the bible in the draw because i used to have them in the draw the hotels and ripped out leviticus chapter 20 he ripped it out of every bible of every hotel he went did he that's a man that hates the word of god he hates god they hate god anyone anyone ever see that interview of that other uh notable sodomite uh stephen fry yeah here how he what he was saying about god i mean that is some hard viewing isn't it how dare you he said he'd be saying to him when he comes across god good luck with that yeah i'm sure you will stephen fry and god will be shaky in his boots won't he amazing i won't repeat the rest of what he said no they do hate god so why would they want to be here well yeah causing trouble in one way or another like we said and praying on the week praying on the week oh but they're just two consenting adults what's the harm that's what you hear isn't it what's the heart they're just two consenting adults aren't they that's what people try and come out with that's what if you've ever talked about this with the unsaved or or just young church who are saved and just don't want to really follow the things of god and know what the bible says well in genesis 19 they were surrounding a house weren't they they were surrounding a house wanting to beat down the door in judges 19 they're surrounding a house wanting to beat down the door they're two of the most notable stories in the bible and romans 129 said being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters hates of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful implacable unmerciful romans 126 said for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections so is it any surprise that over 40 percent of known child abuse victims in this nation are male is that any surprise over 40 percent of known and by the way that's the sort of thing that probably doesn't get known as much sadly because it's so horrific for the victims of it that they don't even necessarily want to ever make it known and put it in the public sphere and go to the authorities about it over 40 percent are male 40 percent yet in prison those arrested for these sorts of offences against children you've got literally 99.99 percent are male yet apparently two to three percent of the nation is what they call homosexual is anyone noticing that the maths don't add up the maths don't add up do they that two to three percent are responsible for over 50 and by the way a lot of them are responsible for the ones which aren't for the ones that aren't male victims but two to three percent are responsible for sorry for over 40 percent of the known child abuses sexual abuses in this in this nation that is horrific isn't it but sodomy throughout history has gone hand in hand with pedophilia i don't it's always been okay up until very recently in this country you had public service broadcasts warning people of sodomites warning children of those types of people that was just that was that everyone knew that okay it always has throughout if you look at those past civilizations it was always it was the young boys is what they especially wanted that's what they saw it's it's these people are predators the bible makes it clear these people are predators yet you have actual so-called it seems christians saved men of god in this nation others trying to get them into their church how bible illiterate are you proving yourself to be or how wicked are you proving yourself to be it's one of the two isn't it to actually try and encourage these people into the house of god now you might be sitting there now going brother ian you can't say all this what about equality what about equality i'm glad you asked because i had a look at equality in this nation which i found quite interesting the equality act says this it says a religious organization can do the following things exclude you from participation in certain activities or services they offer restrict membership of the organization restrict the use of its premises if the organization can show it's necessary because of its religious aims or to avoid offending people who share its religious aims it's not unlawful discrimination so let's put this out to a vote then who here would be offended offended if we allowed sodomites in here if you don't have your hand out you we've got a couple of two hey all the god's people say amen amen we've got a church full of people who would be offended if we had those sorts of people in this in this house of god and we'll always have that because over my dead body will we ever ever have those sorts of people in this church to pray on our children to pray on the week in this church to cause strife in this church to do who knows what in this church and we have a house of christians that agree praise god for that it said here for example a church could say only members of their religion can attend a church-run toddler group how about a church service or at least people that could be part of their religion yeah where the parents meet to discuss their faith if you're not able to attend a toddler group because you're not a member of that religion you couldn't complain about unlawful discrimination here but if the religious organization is providing a service on behalf of public authority like a local council they're not allowed to discriminate against you because of your sexual orientation or religion or belief local council events anyone not in your life solved solved and if anyone else maybe watches this or is sitting there thinking but brother in you can't say have i said anything that's not in the bible anyone anyone hear me say anything that's not clear in the bible here today it's all in the word of god so if they want to discriminate against us because of what the bible says what people throughout history have believed in this nation they believed what the bible says up until very recently then so be it but i'm but i'm preaching the bible aren't i turn to second peter two whilst you're turning i'm going to read about a few of the righteous kings of judah your turn to second peter two first kings 15 says and asa did that which was right in the eyes of the lord as did david his father what did asa do and he took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols that his fathers had made first kings 22 says of jehoshaphat and he walked in all the ways of asa his father he turned not aside from it doing that which was right in the eyes of the lord nevertheless the high places were not taken away for the people often to burn incest yet in the high places a jehoshaphat made peace with the king of israel now the rest of the acts of jehoshaphat and his might that he showed and how he warred are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of judah and the remnant of the sodomites which remained in the days of his father asa he took out of the land so it's like asa got rid of him but there was some that managed to loiter maybe hang around get back in some remaining he got rid of them because he did what was right in the sight of the lord second kings 23 says of jesiah from verse three and the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the lord to walk off the lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book and all the people stood to the covenant and verse seven says and he break down the house of the sodomites that were by the house of the lord where the women wove hangings for the grove he didn't just get rid of them oh no that wasn't enough for jesiah he broke down the houses too he he he didn't want any trace of them near the house of god that was a righteous godly king that's what the bible says was a righteous godly king he followed after the commandments of god and he broke down their houses because they have a way of getting into religion they have a way of getting into to to sadly false religion as well they're everywhere and they like to pray on people and christians are generally nice people yeah we generally look don't get me wrong we all have sinned about we've a lot of people want to try and be kind they want to be loving they want to be accepting they want to give people the benefit of the doubt that's how we should be that's how we preach we should be and that's why sodomites like to come into the house of god and that righteous king broke down the houses that were anywhere near it and we can't do that here that would be a criminal offense but what you do have instead is so-called pastors claiming to be welcoming to these reprobates what on earth is that how do you read the bible how can how can you read the bible do they read the bible maybe they don't read the bible they came to read bible believing churches and they're trying to welcome them in yet jesiah was smashing down any houses any remnant of them anywhere near can you imagine being in a church like that imagine being in a church like that imagine sitting in a church like imagine sitting in a church where there's known sodomites in the church probably better that they're known you could say better that at least you're aware and you can keep your children away you can't see that the bible says that they're predators doesn't it second peter too says of lot living amongst these people that he was in verse seven vexed with the filthy conversation that's behavior of the wicked he was vexed with it for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds now in case you're sitting there go wait a second wasn't that lot that offered his two daughters why was he righteous because he was saved because he had faith in jesus christ this was a wicked baxter and christian though this guy was so baxter and he was hanging around in sodom calling them his brothers offering his daughters to them and the end of his life we're not even going to go into because we've gone into too much wickedness already today but that was a wicked guy but but ultimately he was righteous because he put his faith in jesus christ and as a right as having the holy swell maybe he wasn't in dwell but being a righteous man living amongst him let alone us being in dwelt with the holy spirit can you imagine how much that would vex you and how much that even vexed lot backslidden lot living in sodom because he saw the well-watered planes and thought well i'll get a bit more money going that way vexed with the filthy filthy conversation that's behavior of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds and i hope no one here has to be around these people too often but doesn't it vex you doesn't it vex your soul being around those types of people doesn't it just it just makes you sick when you when you have to be around can you imagine coming to church every week and and people are just queering away like billio could you imagine it just quaring away you know and chatting about you know all their you know what they've been doing but there are churches out there that think that that's that's acceptable let alone all the other reasons that we just talked about now he chose to live in that place but we have the choice too don't we yeah we have the choice the leadership of a church has a choice the equalities act makes it clear we have a choice and if they and by the way regards and what that said we would still be making that choice okay because god's law trumps whatever wicked laws of the land you know are brought upon us next but interestingly we do still have the choice and our choice is i'll follow god thank you very much and not the propaganda in this wicked world that we live in coming out of hollywood coming out from a load of queers what is sodomy it's what the world calls homosexuality and what the bible calls going after strange flesh what are other vile affections other strange flesh such as but let's not even go into them we've all heard it the sodomy is bad enough it's all bad how bad is it an abomination it's an abomination the result of a reprobate mind they're called dogs and under god's law they would be put to death why is it a sin that gets you kicked out of church well it's a manifestation of a reprobate mind that's what i'm hopefully you've understood from today okay it's the manifestation of a reprobate mind which includes many other disqualifying tendencies as we've seen as well the haters of the true god they can't be saved they've been rejected they've been given up on their predators that are a danger to the vulnerable their behavior vexes god's people and i hope if you're not vexed by their behavior read your bible more and it will start vexing you and i'm not saying we should that's our goal but that's what happens the more you read the more you go as a christian the more it vexes you and just quickly before we finish in case you're wondering after all that no it's not a sin you can get restored from okay okay and and it's something that we we will prevent someone coming in and being involved in our church because of all those reasons we said them because we're perfectly within our rights to do that well whether we were or not we would do that but we are within our rights and i'm within my rights to preach the word of god and that's what we've just preached here and it's not something that you can recover from you've been given over to a reprobate mind that's you done okay you might as well go down to most of the churches probably around this area and go and hang around there if what you really want to do is go and hang around in the church okay but if you're if you're and i'm sure there aren't here i don't want to start start saying that but if in the future we get someone coming like that i would hope that that they you know we'd just quickly recognize that and if someone someone is clearly what what the world calls a homosexual they're not welcome in this church okay so just remember that when you start inviting your cousins and you know uncles aunties and all the rest of it yeah there's a simple queer test you can do yeah nah let's not go into it okay so sins that get you kicked out of church sodomy and similar vile affection it's nice to have a little smile now and again because that's a pretty grim subject isn't it but it's subject that needs to be preached and it's something that obviously is part of of things that that disqualify you from church um i hope that i've made that clear today i hope you've all understood that this evening i will hopefully have some lighter sermons um on that let's pray father i thank you um thank you for just the clarity that we get from your word in in what seems to be such a muddled confused dark and hazy world out there lord thank you that we can just open the word of god and just get some sense just read some sense read the truth the ultimate truth that doesn't change you don't change thank you for that lord thank you that we're not guessing we're not like some of these other so-called religious folk that always seem to be guessing and making up what their so-called god must feel nowadays no you don't change you're the same yesterday today and forever thank you for that lord thank you that we can just be grounded upon that rock please help us to just be a strong church lord help us to to protect us lord from these types of people that want to come in and defile people lord and help us to just be strong lord in in what will be probably more and more attacks because of these sorts of issues among others um and lord help us to get out and get people safe lord as well today and and and you know prevent those from from getting to that point where maybe they would be given over to a rep right mind as well and just don't pray all of this amen