(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're up to Romans chapter 6 and our Sunday evening Bible study through the book of Romans. Now if you remember in Romans chapter 5 verse 20 it read moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more abound that as sin has rained unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. And then it goes straight into saying what shall we say then in Romans 6 chapter verse 1 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein. Let's let's go to the Lord in another word of prayer Father please just fill me with your spirit now help you to help me to preach this accurately boldly just just so that people understand what what you're trying to say to them through this chapter help me to to edify those in this room and help everyone to just stay awake and alert as well just to pay attention and to let your word speak to them and to put it into their lives as well in Jesus name we pray that amen. Okay so basically we're saying yes God's grace covers all our sin yeah God's grace covers all our sin just a little bit not some of it not part of it all of it but does that mean that we should just plan to live in sin like the the angry Pentecost will tell you on the door no we don't plan to live in sin do we God forbid I mean that's some strong language isn't it God forbid that you would get saved and just sing great free gift now let's just crack on what does he mean that we are dead to sin here though what does he mean that we are dead sin how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein well he says here know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life now what's baptism a picture of what's it what's it a picture of firstly the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ right yeah okay so it's a picture here is death burial and resurrection why do we get baptized why do we get baptized well firstly God commands us to get baptized yeah okay that should be the first reason is that God commands you to get baptized yeah and and I hope that everyone wants to follow God's commandments he tells you to get baptized and who who showed us that that by example Jesus Christ didn't he Jesus Christ got baptized did Jesus Christ need his sins washed away no Jesus Christ knew no sin he was sinless did Jesus Christ need it for salvation no because baptism doesn't save you but Jesus Christ showed us by leading by example to get baptized didn't he and we are told to get baptized but of course baptism doesn't save us otherwise Jesus Christ wouldn't have got baptized okay baptism doesn't save us because if it did it would contradict literally hundreds of salvation verses wouldn't it literally hundreds that are telling you it's belief only it's you know to him that worketh not but believeth on him that just far the ungodly his faith is kind of for righteousness and look getting baptized is it the easiest thing for some okay for some it is it's not exactly difficult but look to him that worketh not okay belief belief believe all throughout the gospel of john we're seeing belief believe believe so of course it doesn't save us yeah and we've just literally read if you're looking at in context of the book of Romans just read Romans 3 4 and 5 which are pretty clear about what's what salvation is about it's grace through faith okay it's not by the works of the Lord nothing you do etc but when we get baptized we are telling God that we want to follow Christ don't we okay when we get baptized that's what we're doing a lot of people get saved don't get baptized and and they're basically saying I don't really want to follow God okay now are they going to get all the rewards in heaven they could do no are they going to get the blessings in life they're going to get that fulfillment that you get from serving Christ no but they're still saved okay they're still safe still going to heaven but when we get baptized we say no I want to thank you for the salvation I also want to follow you okay I want to follow you and the first first step on that is getting baptized okay that death burial and resurrection though also represents the death and burial of the flesh a new life in Christ yeah okay it's also representing that that's what he's saying here therefore we're buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ is raised and dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life look at verse five for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceful we should not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin does that mean that we automatically won't sin anymore though does getting baptized mean why you're not going to sin now no no of course not that it is absolutely ridiculous isn't it yeah it like it kind of bought you could say it doesn't even warrant even discussing it but how many people still come out of this rubbish don't they and people still believe that they think that somehow as a Christian that's it now you better not sin or you're suddenly unsaved again or what you know and there's obviously many different versions of that but it's absolutely ridiculous and all it does is show that someone has no idea about the bible as it's literally never read the bible and has any idea how many sins there are that we commit on a daily basis okay on a daily basis we sin don't we we talked we've talked about that obviously over the last few chapters and the following verses here make that clear that it's not saying that anyway but so did the previous three chapters didn't they okay they made it clear as day it's impossible okay that's not what we're talking about here but look if if if sin no longer has power over us unto eternal death we should not serve sin okay we should not okay we've been freed from that and we should not serve sin we should try our best and getting baptized is the first part of that isn't it is the first part of saying that i want i don't want to look i know i'm gonna sin okay but i know it's getting your heart in the right places i was talking about this with someone recently and say you know talking about that kind of line and that you know and well at what point are you do you think you're in the will of god at what point i'll tell you when you're in the will of god is when your heart's saying i don't want to sin okay because you're gonna sin okay you're gonna sin but when you're saying in your heart but i don't want to see okay i don't want to sin i want to serve you it doesn't matter what it doesn't matter how hard that commandment is it doesn't matter how difficult that is to put into my life it doesn't matter how unpopular i might be with this person or how i might you know this might affect my life in what i consider to be a negative way is your heart saying yeah but but i want to serve you i know i'm going to get one but i want to say and that's when we're in god's will isn't it really ultimately when you're trying when you want in deep down you want to and look we're going to have times obviously everyone is going to have times when he when they can't do that either when their hearts just you know that that lure that lust the sin that's what we're that's what our goal is isn't it that's what our aim is and obviously to work hard as well trying to live more for christ and trying to be more like he wants to be but the first step is baptism okay if you can't if you and look again i'm not i'm not going around this church on the tick list of of it but if you can't even get baptized okay if anyone here is going well yeah but i got sprinkled when i was young by a pervert in a dress okay that's not baptism okay if oh well uh you know well i kind of when i was in a pentecostal church look you're not that's if you were if you unsaved that isn't about baptism comes after faith but if you can't get baptized if you're refusing to get baptized then what do you think god's looking down and saying he's just looking down and seeing basically an unruly child you see something that can't even obey the first clear thing the clear commandment to do after salvation is get baptized yeah get baptized no it's not saving you no it's not keeping you safe no it's not doing any of that but it is the answer of good conscience towards god isn't it okay and you should get baptized now if we be dead with christ we believe that we shall also live with him and that's a great thing isn't it that it's not just being safe from hell because you look at these these you know you look at it sometimes and wow it's amazing it is amazing is it's amazing that we've been saved from what we should be getting every one of us here deserves hell okay every single person deserves hell unless you're too young to even understand what that is okay but we all and and soon enough you're going to deserve hell okay but but not only have we been saved from hell but we also will live with it we're going to live with with god we're going to live with jesus quite that's amazing isn't it what an amazing gift that is it's not just oh you're saved from that you also now given just something that we you know you don't deserve anything like that and isn't it sad isn't it how many false religions lead people at least people want to be led to believe that somehow they they you know deserve to live in heaven with god for eternity because they walked an old lady across the road once or you know or because they got sprinkled actually you know when i was a baby i got sprinkled so i live with god in heaven yeah good luck with that now verse 9 knowing that christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him and that transfers to us as well doesn't it it's eternal it's eternal for in that he died he died under sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto god likewise reckon you also yourselves be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord so sin no longer has dominion over us but does that mean that we won't sin does that mean that we won't sin verse 12 let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof so whilst we still have these mortal bodies sin can still reign in it yeah and again like it seems like a kind of pointless point to make doesn't it but again how many false fake christians read these verses and then come away with yep no automatically you'll save you won't sin what a load of nonsense he says let not sin therefore he's exhorting them not to isn't he therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lusts thereof because whilst we still have these mortal bodies like i said sin can still reign them now what does raining make you think of only makes you think of a king doesn't it so rainy makes me think of a king the one in charge that we obey in the lusts of it yeah yeah if that throne is empty vacant sin in its various forms will be scrambling to occupy it won't it so if there's nothing raining in your body if there's no no no one on the throne there sin is going to be scrambling to reign in your body i think of like i was thinking about this when i was looking at this think about you know when there's been no direct heir to a throne in you know over history and different nations and stuff suddenly you've got all sorts of distant second cousins scrambling for it butchering each other trying their utmost to be the one that that should deserve to inherit that throne don't they and in the same way i think probably old sins that were never an issue will start scrambling for it you've got nothing on that throne no no one on that throne they're all scrambling to reign in that in that throne which is you know if you're looking at kind of a comparison there to that throne of our mortal bodies yeah to reign on it well they could be sneaky though can't they those sins seem like a bit of amusement yeah sneaky like those distant third cousins trying their way to worm their way into that onto that throne just a bit of worldly music it's not that bad you know they mentioned god nan again in it just a little bit of worldly music it's just just you know a bit of lingerie modeling it's not exactly porn you know just just just a lingerie model it's just a bit of slander it's not you know it's a bit gossip it's not that bad you know nothing too it's not like i'm you know railing on anyone i'm just just just a little bit of gossip it's interesting exciting stuff just a temporary little occupying of the throne isn't it but you know what those third cousins are hard to get off once they're on it yeah it's a slippery slope next time next thing you know the kingdom's being overrun by Germans that's what we've got here isn't it yeah what are they sacks coburg something or other aren't they i don't know but that's what happens yeah next thing you know you've got Germans on the phone in Britain okay well in the same way in the same way you get that you think oh it's just a little it's just a little bit of occupying for a time you're not going to get them off yeah next thing you know it's going to be Charles and it's going to be what is it William and next after that and you've just got a line of Germans on your throne i'm only messing with the Germans okay right that's what happened here and look how do you stop how do you stop your kingdom how do you stop the kingdom of your mortal body being overrun well you put a stronger king on the throne though you put a strong king on the throne that they've got no chance of usurping and who's that god yeah we need to put god on the throne yeah make sure god's on the throne but i don't think that's just getting saved yeah getting saved is one thing like we just spoke about there are many many people that get saved and don't put god on the throne do they they get saved and then they put or just keep whatever sin it was on the throne but it's up to you you've got to put him on there don't you that throne has to be occupied yeah you have to choose to put him on the throne okay it comes down to you at the end of the day the people have to put that king there yeah and in your mortal body you have to you have to put that king on the throne and not just pretend he's there either okay not just pretend he's there well i wear a cross so you know god's on the throne yeah i go to church every now and again i call myself a christian no put him on the throne because when god's on the throne in your life you need to be serving him don't you okay if you're going to have him on the throne you need serving as well god wants serving so how do we serve god on the throne of our life well start started he's going to church isn't it okay if you're not even going to church how you serving god yeah and it sounds obvious but look there'll be people here there'll be people here that have been regular week in week out since we started this church who are going to have times their life when they get tempted to drop out okay they're going to have you're going to get it you're going to get those pressure you're going to you you might think no way yeah yeah no way i'm a regular there's no church that's the first part of my week things will start to to try and usurp church okay that's what happened that's part of the battle is it get them out of church that's you know that once you're out of church already you know you're on that slippery slope aren't you god wants over yeah how you serve god well you make sure you're in church you make sure you're in your bible don't you you serve god you weren't no you're not going to serve a king and then shut your ears when he talks to you are you yeah is that serving a king yeah you're in the courts of the king and every time he talks you just put your hands over your ears that's not serving a king is it and that's the same as you do when you're not when you're not reading your bible it's like you just put your hands over your ears saying yeah cheers god but i don't want to hear what you got to say to me oh you already said that once i've read through the bible once that's it now i'm right just do devotional one verse one one verse a week yeah we're just just a devotional once a week hey i don't know i get the verse of the day comes through on my bible app yeah that's it is it you're basically just covering your ears and going i'm not interested in what you've got to say king that's not serving a king is it what about soul winning yeah that king that king commands you to go out and battle for him doesn't he yeah he doesn't just say that king doesn't just say oh yeah just just turn up turn up to the kingdom and you know eat the king's fair and you know and and wear some nice royal apparel and that's it no he wants you out there he wants you out there fighting for him he wants you out there in the world that's how you serve the king isn't it okay and if you're not soul winning and again that's a slippery slope as well oh well i'll do it next week and then suddenly that turns in a couple of weeks and suddenly there's more reasons and suddenly things start slipping more and more don't they yeah don't don't you know don't don't jump out that battle just be in the thick of it be in the front line praying as well serve a king you got to talk to him don't you because a lot like again you know i think i don't know if that's a cliche i know a lot of people say that that you know one area where most christians probably feel like they could do more is in their proper life yeah one area a lot of people say is their prayer life make set times for it maybe set times when you're in the court of the king set times when you go there and you do it some that can help if that's the problem for you go right first thing in the mornings when i pray maybe lunch time you know obviously but you know we should be giving thanks for our food shouldn't we we should be giving thanks for everything as well it's not just food is it you know and all things but but we should be giving that and it look and that's a good start though if you're not giving thanks for your food you know already you look you're disobeying that and already your prayer life for me is weak yeah because that's a great time that's it well hopefully three times a day so might be five six times a day for others yeah might be only one time a day for those of you that are you know everyone's got their own ideas but look if you're giving thanks for your food that's already surprised you're doing isn't it and and look we should be we should be in our prayer life for basically we're not we're not coming to the king and even talking to him we're just yeah yeah i'll serve him but i'm not going to talk to him but that stuff's the bare minimum isn't it isn't that the bare minimum Ben bare minimum is read your bible praying soul winning coming to church yeah because there's a lot more isn't there there's a lot more in in that we should be doing our life to be serving god yeah how about getting sin out of your life yeah and you could look at it as getting those you know just hunting down and butchering all those other third cousins out there that that maybe want to want to try and get that thrown yeah hunt them down hunt them down like the good old medieval kings of the past yeah anyone that can even have any claim to the throne any sin out there just butcher it make sure that it's never going to be a challenge it's never going to be a test to your life that's how we should be shouldn't we yeah just make sure any any temptation any sort of sin that you think could end up rainy you want to do your utmost to get that out of your life yeah how are you going to do that you you know you best how you can do that if that's i don't know if that's coming off social media you can't go on social media without ogling you know basically what's porn isn't it yeah let's be honest 20 years ago it's pornography okay now it's like oh well that's fine you're scrolling through and it's just naked clad women a lot of the time sadly men as well and if you can't deal with it if if that's something that that you can't get the look get rid of it yeah you don't have to be on it life doesn't have to revolve around social media it's not just social media maybe it's the guys from work that you just have to look i can't have that that that you know work meal or whatever it is once a month because it ends up being a booze up or something whatever it is whatever is that temptation you can see that happening get butcher it yeah cut its head off don't give it a chance of getting on the getting on your phone yeah and that's how we should live shouldn't we yeah we should we want to just make sure that there's no chance at all but and also though when you're busy serving god there's less chance isn't there for for anyone else remaining on that throne yeah if you're serving him he's going to be a happy happy king on your throne and that's what we need to be doing we need to be making sure that we're just we're serving probably in verse 13 says neither yield you your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god when you're busy serving god and by the way that also includes going to work yeah going to work you are commanded to do that it's not oh right well i've got to find a way to do nothing all day and just just watch sermons online you know watch back to back you know so no no look serving god's going to work serving god is keeping a home serving god is raising children yeah serving god is is is much more than just coming to church and going soul winning and reading your bible yeah when you're serving god and doing all those parts of your life like that then there is less chance isn't there for for that sin to reign there's less chance then to yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin as it says here when you're an instrument of righteousness as it talks about in verse 13 there you're yielding to god in the spirit that kingdom's strong then isn't it yeah if you're yielding to god you're trying to lift it then it's that bit harder for sin to reign over your life over your mortal body and that's what we want isn't it because it's a cruel taskmaster isn't it yeah who would you prefer as king on your throne god or some sin that you just it's all good for a little bit yeah that king looks all right he's got he's got you know white teeth in that smile he's glistening he's you know he looks good in his royal apparel but soon you find out that he's a wicked king isn't he and that's what it's like with sin you let sin reign in your life it's just it's a horrible kingdom in the end isn't it and we see we see that and as you're growing a lot of people here like i said before first generation christians and maybe they haven't experienced that so much so far with baxter and christians and stuff but the more you start seeing that happening the more you see wow that that is that is a harsh life as a christian it's even worse isn't it because look when you start going downhill as a christian it you go downhill okay and you don't want to be like that so verse 14 says for sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace now romans 3 20 said remember therefore by the deeds of law sorry for therefore by the deeds of law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is a knowledge of sin if you're saved then you're not trying to work your way to heaven are you you're under grace okay if you're saved you're not trying to work your way down anyone here is thinking well there's a little backup plan that you ain't saved yeah okay if you're saved you're not trying to work your way to heaven in any way you know there's no like little little fallback plan well you know if it's not really if the gospel's not really look look obviously now and again you're gonna have moments of weak faith but you know in your heart yeah if you're saved yeah you're not trying to work your way at the same time verse 14 sorry verse 15 says what then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace god forbid should we just say great i'm saved let's now just live a carnal lifestyle god forbid but do christians do that yep all that how many people do you get saved that do that and yes i know i i completely understand that there will be people that that look profess faith and and pray with you and say they believe and they won't be saved yeah that's it yeah look there's no doubt about it it's going to be people that like but there's also going to be people that maybe go away and do get saved that maybe won't at that time yeah but look everyone here who's saved knows that they heard the gospel and some it might have taken a few times others it didn't and they got saved yeah okay but that doesn't mean that everyone who is is going to end up in church does it as much as you know the the the unsaved heretics and some of these people a bit mixed up on this will tell you that yeah and then how many people have you got what do we just read 1100 and something whatever salvations sadly the vast majority vast vast majority haven't come to church they might go to a church in the future they might not it doesn't mean they're not saved does it okay but most of those are saying well great and then they're probably back in their carnal lifestyle aren't they isn't that sad and ultimately what does it mean less salvation is coming from them doesn't it as well but many people here have and will have got people saved and it might even be people they know people that they feel they can disciple a bit and have they got them into church but when you spoke to them are they still saved yeah yeah i know people that i've got saved i've bumped into people that i've got saved over the years and they're still saved and you ask them when they're saved they understand they know it some of them might even be trying to read a bible some of them might not some of them might have actually gone to a church for a little bit and then dropped out none of that makes a difference because the bible says but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that just for the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness verse 16 says know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness now i think i had a pentecostal once trying to use this to say that you're still earning salvation yeah you can lose your salvation i remember um i might have even been with brother adam um in plumstead that time i think she was quoting this verse if you remember we had a bit of a debate with a lady there yeah but um but paul here is just contrasting the unsafe to the safe doesn't he here no you're not that to yield yourself servants to obey servants you obey whether of sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness because verse 17 he then says but god be thanked that you were the servants of sin you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you because everyone here at one point was unsaved weren't they yeah and therefore the servant of sin because without standing in grace sin had dominion over you didn't it yeah what did you obey so what does it say here but you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you he obeyed every every commandment in the bible yeah good luck with that what have you obeyed well verse 16 said obedience or of obedience unto righteousness is that obeying the law anyone here obeying the law no of course not romans 3 20 said therefore by the deeds of law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin you have to turn but galatians 2 16 says knowing that man is not justified by the works of the law but the faith of jesus christ that we even we have believed in jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified yeah pretty clear isn't it so verse 17 here expands it more saying ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you now turn the second thessalonians chapter one that form of doctrine is the gospel it's a command to believe and that's to believe it in your heart isn't it yeah that's the command it's not just oh yeah yeah it sounds about right it's to believe it in your heart that's why romans 10 9 says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth lodges and shalt believe in thine heart that god is raised from dead thou shalt be saved romans 10 16 you have to turn that says but they have not all obeyed the gospel for isiah saith lord who hath believed our report they've not all obeyed the gospel so what exactly are we obeying you're in second thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7 says and to you who are troubled rest with us when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not god and obey not the gospel of our lord jesus christ so what does he mean by obeying here how do you obey the gospel well look at verse nine who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the lord and from the glory of his power but look at verse 10 when he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe that believe that's the main gospel because our testimony among you was believed in that day just belief and it's one once a lifetime event isn't it in that day that's obeying the gospel it's a command isn't it it's a command to obey the gospel and that is to put your faith in jesus christ act 17 30 after tenor says and at times this ignorance god winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent that's where someone's just crossed out of your sins obviously yeah he meant of your sins didn't he no he meant repent and believe yeah okay he commandeth all men everywhere to repent that's the change of mind put your faith in jesus christ yeah stop trusting whatever it is you were trusting on before and that's a command that's a command of god and you have to obey that command god's commanded everyone everywhere to put their faith in christ okay and that's what the command is talking about now look back in romans chapter 6 and verse 18 it says being then made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness but that doesn't mean that you'll automatically be righteous it's this is an exhortation or an encouragement isn't it it's trying to persuade you he then says i speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity that's a weakness of your flesh for as you have yielded your parents servants so your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness he's saying look you need to yield your members you need to yield yourselves like the parts of your body everything yeah as servants to righteousness and then holiness yeah that's something that we're being persuaded to do otherwise this chapter is pointless if it was automatic obviously and and there are heretics that say that don't they it's automatic that you would know christian when you ask people what if you did it no christian would do that if i was saved i wouldn't do that what are you talking about of course you would you're wicked in fact you're not saved either most of the time when they say that so why is he saying all of this if that was the case if it was automatic no he's encouraging us he's trying to encourage us to want to live right like if if it was automatic basically it'd be like spending a chapter telling us to breathe or spending a chapter telling you to blink or something else yeah it'd just be a complete waste of time or what waste of a chapter oh he's encouraging you he's encouraging you to do something and again like you might be thinking why are you saying that brother because they are coming i've run into him a lot people that think that if you were really saved you wouldn't do sin you wouldn't sit like what are you talking about what are you talking about how many thoughts of foolishness have you had today it's madness how many times have you not loved your neighbor today as yourself not just oh yeah i love you yeah yeah because i don't care if you're a sodomite no that's not what he's talking about he's talking about love them as yourself yeah okay so verse 20 says for when you were the servants of sin you were free from righteousness what fruit had you then in those things where of ye are now ashamed for the end of those things is death and when you look back at those things those things used to what a fruitless existence wasn't it and again it's easy to say now that we're saved now that we're enlightened by the word of god but what a fruitless existence pretty much everyone here lived yeah at some point at some point in their life at the least at the very least it's like ecclesiastes one two says vanity of vanity serve the preacher vanity of vanities all is vanity so much of what you cared about so much of you know those empty pointless worthless causes the things used to get wound up about you know all those sort of you know just pointless principles about nothing that you kind of jump on board with you want a reason to let out your frustration on someone else it's just vanity of vanity so much of it isn't it when you look at them sadly at the unsaved one it's not looking at we're so better you know sort of i think you know i'm so clever i got saved no but but you do look at you just think wow like what a waste of life isn't it so much of it what a waste of putting so much time and effort into just stuff that's just going to burn up it's going to burn up isn't it but that bit's shameful enough when you just look back at like the sort of pointless life you lived but turn to ephesians chapter two because what about that sinful life too hey what about a sinful life the sins you used to just partake in without a second thought huh i'm not just fruitless just how wicked how wicked and and you don't want to you don't want to go back into that life do you i hope no one here wants to go back into that life ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 says and you have he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience and that's everyone at some point here wasn't it yeah that spirit was working in you among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind who were by nature the children of wrath even as others whatever it was whether it was covetousness fornication pride it was fruitless yeah wherever you sit there and go well i didn't do that whatever you were doing whatever wickedness you're into yeah and it's all wickedness really isn't it whatever you're into and hopefully you're not still into it's all just it's all the lusts of the flesh the fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and it should make you a shame looking back shouldn't it yeah i hope you do i hope you look back and i hope you don't sit here just going well you know i was unsafe then it is it's shameful really isn't it it's shameful and we don't want to ever risk slipping back into that sort of stuff verse four says but god who is rich in mercy for his great love where with he loved us even when we when we were dead in sins have quickened us together with christ by grace you're saved and have raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus and a couple of famous verses after that now we were quickened or made alive that's what it's talked about there when we were dead in sins and like i said we don't want to be slipping back into them though do we and that's the whole point is it is to remind us of what a fruitless what a wicked life that you live don't slip back into it because everyone here can everyone here has that ability everyone here sadly there are many people in this room that that will at future times their life look and it's not my you know it's not obviously what i want but we'll backslide to some degree we'll slip back into certain things and that's the sad truth of life isn't it and how do you stop that how do you prevent that well make sure god's raining on your throne yeah make sure that you're you're living right make sure you're doing those things that you do have control over yeah yeah some of those lusts some of those things you find it hard you're like i just can't help you know feeling drawn to do that yeah but make sure you're doing the things of god first and those things will be easier yeah that kind of church is something you can choose to do okay we have a church here amen we have a church you could choose to do that can't you i was talking to someone um just earlier about you know that how much harder is it for people that are in countries where there isn't even a church and the only people that really you're going to fellowship with when you're just doing soul winning marathons right and i'm not saying just because that's a great thing to be doing are people that are bold enough and and for whatever reason have been convicted and inspired to go out and so win before they're even getting getting preached it week in week out in a church to do that because there are many people that will come to a church like this and have never done anything like that but with time will be inspired to so win but but that's that's rough isn't it that's hard because then it's like look there are people around the country that want to do stuff for god but they kind of need to be they need to be meeting each week in church they need to get that discipline they need someone preaching and encouraging them getting that importance of soul when you're not being able to just switch off and go well that preaching's for like 10 000 miles away when there's churches you know and look we we have a church and we have that so make sure we're in church yeah everyone should look and look i understand there's times illnesses and other issues why people can't but if you're able to you're well enough to be in church yeah be in your bible oh look it's as simple as just setting your alarm that's as simple as it is it's to set your how hard is it to set an alarm wake up and read your bible that's what it comes down to if you haven't read your bible today it's because you're lazy it's because you're lazy you don't care enough about it you're undisciplined okay that's true anyone here sitting here says yeah i haven't actually well i came to church you know that we read we read a chapter in the morning in the evening no you want to be sick look you want to sit down you have the chance to sit on your own with god the god of this world talking to you yeah if you can't do that you're lazy and you don't you don't think it's important enough in your life yeah set your alarm get up read the bible oh well i want an extra half hour sleep or whatever it is in 15 minutes read three chapters read your bibles yeah read your bibles because you know the longer the day goes on when you don't look the morning's got to be the time you do it in the morning you've read your bible you're gonna you're gonna let's be honest you're probably gonna have a better day for it as well right yeah when you don't when it's oh well i'll read it at some point i'll read it later i'll read it like i'll read it in the evening how often does that slip how often does that sit just set you along set your alarm it's as simple as that hey i'll go to bed earlier yeah if it's that hard you'll go to bed early the next night yeah how hard is it because those things you can control aren't they those things making sure there's a set time when you put it you could have a a calendar on your phone that actually bleeps and says pray pray oh that wouldn't be organic you know maybe i won't really what it is pray yeah pray to god make sure that you have a routine that you do stuff for god and it's so much easier when you're doing those things the rest of it send that little bit harder to slip into isn't it yeah isn't it for me for sure that's how i see it you know just get disciplined get disciplined get right with god because we don't want to be like that do we we don't want to end up slipping back into those things verse 22 says but now being made free from sin we've been made free from sin eternally haven't we and become servants to god you have your fruit under holiness in the end everlasting life we've got everlasting life waiting for us but before that we have the ability to produce some holy fruit don't we yeah everybody not only do you have eternal life waiting for you yeah if you're safe it's waiting for you you are sealed nothing can change that but not only do you have that but you can actually do some good in this life yeah and it's not just going to be like as filthy rags no those works of righteous actually have some eternal reward yeah those things that you do are actually going to make a difference you make a difference people's lives yeah you could earn yourself eternal rewards in heaven or you could just go nah yeah you found preachers getting at me a bit there forget that switch off no done no you don't understand my life yeah much harder no i can't get up in the morning no whatever else yeah well i don't get much sleep well you know i'm uncomfortable at night or whatever look just get up get busy get through stuff for god and then the rest of it will be so much and then you'll start actually getting eternal rewards and everything else it's not just you know oh well it's just that well someone else could do it i was just for my own good well i don't really care well what about the stuff that you're going to get in heaven eternity eternity for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and that's a great verse isn't it yeah what an absolutely great verse it's a gift yeah it's a gift and what a great gift we've been given it does it like it should make you ashamed when you're embarrassed about that yeah anyone here and people look look most people here will have times like i said the other week you have times when you do get that little bit of shame little bit embarrassed whatever but it's again we've been given a gift we want to tell other people about that gift don't we but it made me think of something as well i was i was presented with this recently so i got um i got an email and it was actually a funny email because i haven't really been presented with this before where someone uh someone said to me that uh basically they agree with everything our church preaches yeah they said they that they're you know they gave the list grace through faith you know yeah king james only etc etc they're uh and then they said they're good with everything but they are firm believers in conditional immortality anyone heard of this before okay they believe in heaven for the saved and healthfully unsaved amen to that yeah however they do not believe in eternal torment anyone heard that before yeah okay so it's kind of similar to the jw sort of thing but but with its own twist so this is what they said i'm going to just just double check i display this right because i don't want to do them a disservice they said that of the white throne of judgment they believe that the wicked face a final annihilation in the lake of fire so basically everything else is the same yeah oh they believe in you know that the millennials still to come but they believe that after that we have the great white throne of judgment then it's annihilation that means gone yeah no more consciousness gone soul finished yeah also known as the second death they said hell is also thrown into the lake fire then there will be no more sorrow or pain said as a form of things will pass away they also wanted to add in that they believe that the bible teaches this from genesis to revelation apparently and are not prepared to teach eternal torment door to door soul winning is that a problem would they be okay to come to our church and get involved in soul winning and i said to him you can come to our church but you can't be be preaching that to anyone in our church obviously and by the way just a quick heads up here if anyone is teaching you weird things in this church or trying to whisper and people do that but i'll do that when i'm out soul winning with you and they'll just start to whisper you know you've got to be careful people start trying to whisper their own stuff or trying to convince you of something else you you come and tell me about that yeah because look people it's not just they're going to be walking around going everyone come and listen to my you know false prophet behavior they're going to be clever about it okay but okay obviously i said that but i said but no you cannot represent a soul winning you cannot represent a soul winning okay why would i let them represent the soul winning because they're not representing the truth are they now what i did say to them is look eternal torment is hard and uncomfortable and yes it you know it'd be nice to go ah final annihilation that's a bit easier the stomach isn't it but you can't escape the verses which make it clear can you the truth is the truth however much you don't want to believe however much you say it teaches it from genesis to revelation and i just picked out a few so you know i read them uh i just i sent back an email sent back matthew 25 46 and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal like life's eternal and everlasting so is punishment isn't it mark 9 43 to 44 and if thy hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands are going to hell into the fire that never shall be quenched where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched second thessalonians chapter 1 and verses 8 to 9 reading flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not god there may not the gospel of our lord jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the lord and from the glory of his power revelation 14 11 says and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have not just ever ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast's image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name and revelation 20 10 the devil that deceived them was cast into lake fine brimstone where the beast and the false prophet shall be tormented day and night forever and ever yeah and what I did point out as well as I said that the beast and false prophet are there a thousand years later yeah I think a lot of people probably I sometimes go to this one soul when you just point out that it's eternal yeah it's not just because there are people in the world tries to promote this sort of you know thing or that hell's not that bad they're there a thousand years later so obviously no final annihilation for them in the lake of fire yeah they've been in the lake of fire for a thousand years they're people yeah I also point out that if the lake of fire was total annihilation then that would suggest that there's a lessening time of punishment in hell wouldn't there so that would basically be saying that from early on in genesis you get seven thousand years in hell if you die in your sins you know from the beginning of time listening to if you die in the millennium in your sins and you reject the lord Jesus Christ who's actually there ruling and reigning with his saints don't worry you won't even get any years in hell by the end of the millennium you just do final annihilation not so bad is it and look let's keep reading that though go to revelation 20 yeah revelation chapter 20 by the way I didn't get a reply in case you're wondering I've never just I've never heard anyone heard this before not like that like not like we believe like again I've heard that with the whole like you know Jehovah's Witness just full salvation everybody never heard that oh weird okay so revelation 20 so we read verse 10 it shall be tormented day and night forever and ever verse 11 says and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open another book was open which is a book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which are written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they would judge every man according to their works so why were they being judged according to their works if they're all about to suffer extinguishment why if it was extinguishment what were they being judged for what was the point verse 14 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire so what would be the point in any of that judgment or any of the rest of that if it was and look you might think well no one here believes that but well look when you when you get stuff like that means it's out there doesn't it means it's out there it just reminded look guys Matthew 25 41 says then shall he say unto them on the left hand depart me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels okay it's ever long and look there's probably many more verses they were just ones that just just on a quick like fired off email just to say what you're talking about but look that means it's out there and just to remind you just a reminder on that because they're saying we are not prepared to teach eternal torment you have to be prepared to preach eternal torment if you're going out soul winning from this church okay if you're not preaching eternal torment in hell then you have no business soul winning from this church okay just just to understand so just in case this was anyone here who pretended to be i'm sure it wasn't just pretending to be an anonymous you know some anonymous guy on an email okay just to test the water a bit there before they come out with it it's not going so ready for a chat get right yeah just read just take the bible for what it says yeah look it's it is hard it's uncomfortable for many okay and we don't want it to be true but it is true because the word of god says it's true it didn't just say it once it's not one one verse we can maybe well i don't know because here it says no the bob says time and time again it's eternal it's everlasting it's fire forever that is that that's that's a hard truth that is a bits of truth isn't it it's the truth and if you can't if you can't get your head around that and you can't teach that on the door look i'm not saying you have to literally be like one of them repent of your sins idiots on the street you know with a sign with fire and it going burn burn yeah you don't have to do that but you know what you know you know others say with fear pulling them out of the fire yeah you need to make it clear you're putting them out of fire and when people understand the fire a lot of times it doesn't that make the difference doesn't that sometimes you have a hard salvation sometimes you have to go back to hell a bit don't you sometimes you've got to go to luke 16 sometimes you've got to go to other passages sometimes you go back to revelation and just remind them again you do appreciate what it is that you're rejecting here and where you're going to end up you have to preach it you have to preach they have to know if they don't know that they're being saved from hell they ain't being saved okay it's not salvation that's good okay just remember that and if you're uncomfortable if you're sitting here thinking yeah well i don't really talk about hell i just kind of gloss over that bit i wage the sin is death yeah yeah that's all yeah anyway yeah then don't preach the gospel be a silent partner yeah we silent partner nothing wrong with being a silent partner yeah silent partner be a great silent partner you know be ready for the distractions pray like a prayer warrior nothing wrong with that yeah yeah that's great no no one's gonna go i don't know silent part look we we want silent partners here don't we and some of us we love talking we want silent partners yeah oh someone that's talking no like seriously yeah we want to look be a silent partner because you've got to preach it and it's hard isn't it sometimes sometimes you know look you're saying something look you're gonna look it's hell it's eternal you're gonna and they have to agree they're not being saved if they don't believe that they're being saved from hell what are you saving them from yeah if they if you're just glossing over it basically you a lot of the time you're ruining someone's salvation there because you're not giving them the chance of getting saved if they're not understanding what they're being saved from yeah and like i said you don't have to spend 15 minutes of your soul winning presentation on hell and how the flames lick and i said there's something here recently where it's always given the example of people maybe trying to light a match and go see that that's going to be where you're going to look you don't have to do that yeah but like they have to agree they have to believe that they're going to hell or they're not getting saved from anything are they okay and that's part of the truth of the gospel isn't it yeah okay people have to but but doesn't that truth of the gospel make you appreciate salvation even more doesn't it and doesn't it like i said doesn't that truth make people want to get saved yeah because look they need to get saved from hell and so isn't it amazing sometimes when you preach that truth to someone and they're like yeah no no no no i like i said the other week had someone who said no i'm going to hell no all right i'm you know it's going to be hot there i like the hot you're like what but she understood she knew the verse brother john wasn't she knew the verses she knew the knew the gospel i think looking back she's probably a reprobate knew it all but she was just like no no that's it are you sure you know you do understand like you know because you want to you you have a duty to warn people don't you yeah yeah don't we have a duty to warn people it's not just getting people saved it's warning them as well yeah so warning not just so winning that's why i'm roman 6 23 for where we were and by the way just on that last point on that yeah like it or not when when god breathed into to uh adam's nostrils the breath of life yeah when he he became a living soul okay if you're still kind of like well why isn't it just extinguishment you're an eternal soul you have an eternal soul you have two choices where that eternal soul is going it's either going into a lake of fire for eternity or it can go up into the glory of heaven for eternity barring a nice little thousand year stint of millennial reign as well yeah okay you have a choice it's there is no extinguishment you're eternal we have a soul we're not we're not animals as much as the the atheists and the rest of them want to try and at least convince us you're not an animal you have an eternal soul and that's what we something to say to people on the door don't we how do you really you don't believe we have a soul and because look we know deep down we have a soul don't we okay but that soul ain't just getting cut off anywhere okay no the soul either goes into eternal punishment or eternal heaven okay and look if you can't preach it and you can't preach it don't preach it that's why roman 6 23 said for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord what an amazing gift that is isn't it and when you really and look hell makes that even more and again if you're sitting there thinking but isn't that harsh look they have that everyone has the choice from when they're born they're born into this world and they have the ability when they're old enough to have that ability to get saved okay there are no excuses you have that ability in fact he said if i be lifted up from the earth i shall draw all men unto me they'll be all sitting there going but what about you know aunt mabel or whatever else she's a nice old dear she just she never heard the gospel look she could have heard the gospel yes she could have done she could have she could have sought him she could have looked for the truth she could have wanted the truth but she didn't she chose not to okay they choose not to it's it's crazy isn't it it's crazy to think about it people choose hell they choose hell they reject christ it's not it's not oh well it's just oh poor thing they just didn't hear no they could have heard they could have heard they could have got saved they didn't get saved okay and people have that choice and oh by the way also if if you're thinking well yeah but they were in wherever it was it look well their parents um look don't start blaming god yeah their parents raised them in some false religion away from anyone away from anything else and ultimately they still chose to follow that yeah as they got older they still chose to follow that but look there are many many other people to blame it's not god's fault yeah god makes it clear god's got he's preserved his word he's got it here it's clear as day it's the word of god isn't it yeah the only one sitting there going well i'm still not sure you might be if you're sitting there reading niv or some other perversion when you're reading the king james bar the word of god you know it's the word of god yeah god preserved it it's there everyone has that opportunity and and that because the gift of god is eternal life the trees across the lord we don't deserve that gift okay no one deserves that but he's given it to us and what a great gift that is on that let's pray father thank you um thank you for your word thank you for for you know strong strong chapter in the bible there and what what an ending as well you know the wages of sin is death but the gift of god's eternal life trees across the lord help us to just to get that soul warning going out there help us to warn people of that eternal death in hell but also to to to you know show them how they can take that eternal gift in heaven as well and and uh please just you know help us to to use this use this chapter to just inspire us to want to live right to want to live for you knowing that the the more we live right for you as well ultimately the more we're going to do for you the more people we're going to save from this this eternal hell and um you know we we pray that you just just look help us to to live right and then go forward a part of that is going forward giving the gospel preaching the gospel to people doing things for you um getting that sin out of our life getting you to reign on the throne of our mortal body help us to to start that tonight tomorrow just going into this week not just making excuses for all the all the sin in our lives and just just to get rid of it to get rid of it and and start living more for you and help us through that starting this week helps get home safely um help us to return back safely next week for another Daniel House in Jesus name we pray all of this amen