(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. We're on to Romans chapter three in our Bible study. Sunday evenings we generally go through a book of the Bible, we've been going through the book of Romans. We're up to chapter three now, I've enjoyed the first two chapters, I hope you guys have as well. Romans chapter three starts with verse one saying, what advantage then have the Jew or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. Let's go to the Lord in the word of prayer before we get started. Father thank you for your word please now just help me to expand it clearly, please just fill me with your spirit, please just help everyone to be attentive now, to not get sleepy and this Sunday evening after a busy long day in this warm room and just help everyone to be alert, to hear what you've got to say to them, help me to to just preach boldly clearly and just full of your spirit. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Okay so if you remember chapter two at the very end of it, Paul explained in verses 28 to 29 where it said, for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God. And we showed you a few verses last week but obviously the you know one obvious one, Philippians 3, you don't have to turn this says, for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. We covered that last week, clearly we are the Jews now okay, the bible is so clear about that, we are spiritual Israel, we are those that are circumcised, it's the circumcision of the heart, the bible says okay, and I don't think anyone could read through these passages and come up to any other conclusion unless you've just got so much preconceived stuff that you just can't shake out your mind. But in Romans 3 chapter 1 here, he's back referring to them as they're known by the world okay, they're known as Jews, we still refer to people today as Jews but although we know deep down that we are the Jews okay, we are Jews based on faith in Christ Jesus yeah. But here he's referring to them as they're known as, and he's saying here well what is the advantage then, what advantage do they have? Well he says here, much every way, chiefly because unto them were committed the oracles of God, now the oracles being the holy scriptures, you don't have to turn about Acts 7 38, talking of Moses it says, this is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angels which spoke to him in the Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us okay, the oracles are the scriptures, the word of God, the biggest advantage that the Jew had was the word of God because how does anyone get saved? The word of God, how do we live right, how do we try and live for God? Through the word of God yeah, it's so important the word of God and whether that was orally or eventually penned down as well, the Jew had that access to that didn't they? Because if you think about it, how did people get to the word of God? They had to basically go originally to Israel and yes I appreciate that the Jews did then disperse and go around but they still had to come to them for the word of God, it's not like now is it? I mean now you don't even need it printed, now you get the word of God just on the internet, on your phone you can get King James Bible online, I mean amazing isn't it? Great tool, you don't even have to go anywhere to get, you don't even have to order it, you can have that word of God but it wasn't like that was it? Okay and what an advantage they had to have that exposure to it but with the word of God there, does that mean that everyone gets saved? You can think of it here that in the same way our children, people here in this church, our children have access to the word of God don't they? From young to the word, does that mean they're automatic salvation? Now you could look at it and think yeah but isn't it easy to get children saved and I hope everyone here is experiencing, I'd hope when your children get to an age of understanding how it is pretty easy to get children saved isn't it? Okay and you're thinking well surely, surely all these Jews would have done but how many people do you get saved at the door for example who don't, they're just not even interested in getting their kids out? You go well would you like me to show, you like me to show any of your, oh well they won't really be interested, well they, how much selfishness is there with it? People who just don't care, they get themselves they're not even interested in anyone else or you could think of the people that maybe didn't just drifted, probably not even really unsure without that conviction how to really show and explain it and don't even bother and go off the rails and I'm sure that was exactly the same back then. Sure there are many people, there are many saved Jews that sadly that didn't go any further than themselves and that's what happened and then obviously there was the worst as well, those that clearly rejected the word of God, changed the truth of God into a lie. So yeah obviously having the word of God, what an advantage that is but it doesn't mean automatic salvation does it? Verse 3 says for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? Because like now there are those that had the word of God that didn't believe weren't there? What if some did not believe? There were and like I said there could be many reasons for that but shall their unbelief make the faith of God without faith? Does a load of wicked Jews who reject Christ make it untrue? Does that make the Bible not true because there are people that reject the word of God? Every time you go out and you preach the gospel to someone they don't get saved, does that mean that the gospel is not real? Does that mean the gospel is not true? Does it? Does it? In the same way you could say does like some so-called ex-IFB member, you get these people don't you online sometimes you know why I left the IFB and people that claim to go so does that mean that it wasn't true in the first place? No there are wicked people and there are people that reject there are people that that claim to be saved and aren't there? There are people that just completely reject the word of God from the beginning but it doesn't mean it's not true does it? Everyone here who's saved knows in their heart it's true don't they? They know that the word of God is true. Well verse 4 says God forbid to that, God forbid yea let God be true but every man a liar as it is written that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings and mightest overcome when thou art judged. Now we obviously many of us will use the first application of this verse to just make it clear that absolutely everyone in the world has lied yeah everyone's a liar and and it starts pretty early with kids unfortunately doesn't it those of you parents out there I just don't know what they lied yeah yeah because people lie don't they people lie sadly um everyone's a liar apart from God and that is that is a great truth in the world isn't it it's a great truth to preach to people that yeah look lying's a sin you've lied you are a sinner okay there's no one that hasn't lied everyone's a liar but here I think you know really it's talking about those who want to lie about the truth found in scripture isn't it because it's talking here about those people that don't believe and and there are many people like that aren't there many people that want to lie about the word of God and there are even there are people there are safe people that want to lie let's say people that want to change a little verse to suit themselves aren't there there are people that want to take things out of context to suit their own preconceived ideas to suit justify themselves to justify some false how many times have we heard it with you know some of the bigger doctrines like the rapture and and you know Zionism and things like that and people that are lying about the word of God I believe some of those deep down know they're lying not everyone some are just deceived but some people know because when they can't when you're showing them verse after verse after verse and and and this is with many many doctrines in the Bible isn't it there are people that do that but here he's quoting Psalm 51 for just by the way but everything that God says is true and justified he said that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings and might overcome mightest overcome when thou art judge because God will always come on top when judge won't he won't he he always comes out on top however much the latest breaking science is is casting doubt on something in creation most of the time it just ends up getting disproved doesn't it and eventually it will anyway even if you oh this one hasn't yet it will one day and even if we have to wait until we're in heaven it will but so often it does this so many of the things that try and go against the doctrines of Christ so many times that people try and pull a verse out of nowhere but when you really study it and show what the context that's in that God is not a liar is he and he will overcome when he's judged and he always does and isn't it a great thing when you see that and it helps helps your faith I don't mean oh make me be more safe no but I mean it helps strengthen you doesn't it help strengthen your faith in the word of God verse five says but if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God what shall we say is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance I speak as a man and when he's saying you speak as a man he's basically saying like some might say yeah this is what someone not me might say this say but basically you know well what you know is is God unrighteous taking vengeance because our unrighteousness is commending the righteousness of God so basically the more sinful people are the more it shows how righteous God is doesn't it because he's he's the level here and the more sinful people are the more you just realize how righteous God really is and you could you know you obviously you could put that to Jesus Christ and go wow when you realize you know how hard it is to go through a day in life without sinning and Jesus Christ went through 33 plus years without sinning and that is amazing but but God is righteous and here when he says but if if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God what shall we say is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance is there anything more unrighteous than a Christ rejecting reprobate Jew really because I think that when you look at this passage that's the context of it isn't it and these people are pretty wicked aren't they but that doesn't mean that he's wrong to punish them even if it does commend the righteousness of God again he says I speak as a man look verse six and he says God forbid for then how shall God judge the world so regardless of what the result of your sin is yeah God still judges doesn't he yeah and yeah that's right God judges the world and and sometimes that really needs to be pointed out to people doesn't it because they just don't want to accept that that God judges the world he's not just up there sky daddy in the clouds saying just coming up and coming up you know roll up roll up unless you're much worse than whoever it is you decide is really bad you know much worse than you well no God judges and many say oh that's just scare stories isn't it scare stories to control us but doesn't a creator have the right to judge his creation doesn't he does he not have the right to judge what he created he sure does especially when he preserved every single word of his and has clearly we still have in front of us like I said you even have on your phone now you can access exactly what God requires of you exactly how God expects you to live is it not right that God judges you well he makes it clear in fact he's written on our hearts isn't he yeah don't we all have a conscience we know we know especially when he's also then given us a way out as well of being judged well says God forbid for then how shall God judge the world repercussions for actions are a fact of life aren't they a fact of life repercussions for your actions that's just it's almost like a law of life isn't it yeah there are repercussions and one is an eternal repercussion and that's the way life is and that's known as a great white phone of judgment and and when it comes that great white phone of judgment every single person who's not saved will be getting judged for every sin they have ever done isn't that scary isn't that scary for those people for you here are saved no it might not be scared for you but for every person that hasn't put their faith in Jesus Christ hasn't received that free gift of salvation they're going to get judged for absolutely everything I know you get people talk about the jumbotron you know the kind of history of their life and everything else look the embarrassment is going to be the least of their troubles isn't it who cares about that when you're getting judged in front of the true God by the true God and what's the result eternity in the lake of fire scary isn't it verse seven for if the truth of God has more abounded through my lie unto his glory why yet am I also judged as a sinner now again he's continuing the speaking as a man that we just saw from verse five here okay so if God is indirectly glorified by sinners why are they judged is basically the kind of you know the devil's advocate for whatever better word that he's saying here because when you look at the vile reprobate that changed the truth of God into a lie it can make the truth of God abound now it's a bit of a two-sided coin we saw in in chapter 2 verse 24 where it says for the name of God is blasphemed among the gentiles through you there are those that blaspheme the word of God but I know that there are many people here that that or at least some people here I've spoken to and I would say part of kind of part of before I got saved I remember this part of my life was really kind of getting to grips with the wickedness in the world and going wow there is some real wickedness out there there are some real scum out there devil worshiping scum and that did kind of make the truth of God abound for me for me it made me in a way I was seeking God because I was like look look at all this wickedness there has to be there has to clearly be a God when you when you understand there is a devil yeah for me for many that can be the case here and he did say here where are we in verse in verse seven he said for if the truth of God is more abandoned through my line to his glory why yet am I also judged as a sinner but again he's just saying that as a sort of well you know is that the case well no but then he also adds another argument here but and not rather as we be slanderously reported some affirm that we say let us do evil that good may come whose damnation is just so the question here isn't shall we just willfully sin so that God's glorified he's saying by the way I'm not talking about the lying slander that we're encouraging people to sin and we hear that a lot don't we you hear that so often when you're trying to preach the gospel people basically saying oh you're just giving people a free pass to sin cheap grace is one they like to say don't they there's nothing cheap about grace is there yeah it's we don't have to pay anything but Jesus Christ paid a lot for that didn't he or yeah oh you're just saying that people live how you want are you saying you could just do what you want yeah is that what sort of a message is this well no we're saying get saved yeah we're saying yes it's got nothing to do with your own works yeah that's clear but we're not saying to people go and do evil are we that good may come and there are those that do say that to some degree aren't there there are those liberal soft churches if they're even saved some of them may be oh like I'm under grace man you know it's just grace and it doesn't doesn't you know I don't have to worry about all the rest of that bible or anything else you know because because we're saved by grace yeah you're living under grace man but is that is that how god wants you living god forbid no he doesn't want you living like that does he and they were slanderously reported saying led us to evil that good may come like well you know god's grace will shine forth and oh well god's grace will show through this sinful christian and there are people like that aren't there they try and promote that sort of christianity no no that's not what god wants but you can't earn your way to heaven can you you can't earn your way to heaven and it's a funny thing when you look at this because when you look around churches like like ours again everyone's a sinner I'm not saying they're not but when you look around the church well let's do the capacity when you look at the work salvation churches in inverted commas churches it's usually just full of all sorts of open blade to wickedness isn't it and then you go to a church where we're saying no grace is a free gift and it's generally got a lot of people in it that are trying to better and trying to live for god but they don't but when you preach the gospel they're trying to oh well you're just saying do what you want do it it's like do I look like that I'm just saying I'm knocking on your door yeah on a sunday when when a lot of christians are out boozing yeah or whatever else I'm knocking on your door and trying to preach the gospel after what all of us are here is spending a full day look I'm not trying to say we're great people but what I am trying to say is I hope everyone here say I want to live for god but we know it's got nothing to do with going to heaven has it okay so I'm actually a free gift what do you say in verse nine what then are we are we better than they knowing no wise for we have before proved both jews and gentiles that they are all under sin so basically to summarize the opening verses Paul's saying that just because the oracles the word of god was given to the jews that god was still glorified despite their unbelief the jews are still no better than the gentiles because everyone's a sinner yeah because they're all sinners they're all under sin he's just said in verse nine now I'm going to read these next uh sort of eight or nine verses all together and then we're going to go back to them listen to it just all as one then and I believe when you when you read this I this is how I believe and this has been preached many different ways okay my belief when I read this is that he's basically now referring to the jews that have just been the subject matter here he just said what then are we better than they know in no wise talking about himself as a jew for we've both proved both jews and gentiles that they are all under sin then he says as it is written there is none righteous no not one there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after god they're all gone out of the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues they have used to see the poise of asps is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and misery misery are in their ways and a way of peace have they not known there is no fear of god before their eyes so this was written about 25 years after jesus's crucifixion okay jesus preached to the jews did he not yeah in fact he went to the jews yeah that was the first thing he did paul and the other apostles often stubbornly continued to just preach to the jews didn't they and we're now talking 25 years later who's remaining out of the jews here those that have rejected christ yeah now many of those i believe have been given over to a reprobate mind there are many that jesus christ clearly pointed out in many passages such as john 12 and others that they could not see because their eyes were blinded that's why they could not believe yeah so who's left pretty much is it not the synagogue of satan here yeah pretty much and as a as a generalization here turn over to psalm 53 because psalm 14 and 53 are being quoted in that passage we just read they're almost identical those two psalms and i believe they really help you to understand what he's talking about in roman 3 here because you could people use that to just say well that's just the world but is that really just the world psalm 53 by the way has an extra bit that i think helps to understand it so we're going to look at psalm 53 and often in the bible for those of you that are unsure when you're studying out passages and things and it's quoting old testament scripture always go to that old testament scripture because i think it really helps you understand the passage okay psalm 53 in verse 1 it says to the chief musician upon mayolath masculine psalm and david the fool have said in his heart there is no god corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity there is none that doeth good now we use these psalms to show the foolishness of atheism don't we and isn't it foolish yeah it is absolutely ridiculous and i've said this many times i'll say it again i'm i'm not a big fan of the whole debating atheists you know long long big you know ministries about fighting back against the atheist everything else because you're giving it too much credibility the whole thing is a nonsense yeah it's completely ridiculous and if we have people that were you know running around saying i don't know just something just completely ridiculous the sky's green the sky you're not going to even bother oh you're not going to sit there go right we need to really fight this we need to get into the science that they're coming up with to disprove them i need to study how the the sky isn't green for many years to be able to show them how they're wrong because how many people are really getting saved through the atheist stroke you know creation evolution debates are there many look it can help a little bit to strengthen you a bit as a christian sometimes because you are getting a bit bombarded with it in the west maybe um you maybe get a little bit from a few angles it can be nice to hear someone who who who is into that sort of science and and knows about the science falsey so-called but that could be done in the odd sermon by these people that could be done with a lay preacher coming up and and someone who's maybe a bit more into that sort of thing preaching it now and again people like kent ovine could have preached the odd sermon every now and again maybe done a seminar series once and then he could have gone out and knocked doors yeah and got people saved because are there really that many people tuning in just going he did he proved it now i'm getting saved no because they choose to follow the lie because it is ridiculous it is absolute nonsense isn't it but here here in in psalm 53 1 where it says the fool have said in his heart this isn't just the fool that chooses it is it this isn't just the fool that goes oh yeah atheism's a good excuse for not putting my faith in christ atheism's a good excuse to reject the god of the bible because that's really what it is with most people isn't it they just it's well that one that'll do i'll just just oh yeah well i i believe in the science what science is someone said that there's some long words and it means that god didn't exist so it must be right but but really how many of those people really believe that they don't even know what they believe they're just grabbing that's oh i'll take stephen hawking as my god or i'll tell you who's that wicked pervert richard dawkins he can be my god but it's a load of nonsense isn't it but here they're saying in their heart there is no god that sounds to me like a reprobate doesn't it to say in your heart there is no god they're basically they are saying there is no god with a big g with a capital g aren't they that's what they're saying and they're changing the truth of god into a lie they do not like to retain god in their knowledge don't they and again i'm not talking about somebody just says i'm an atheist i'm saying that saying in their heart they've basically rejected christ to the point where they've not retained the knowledge of god this isn't someone that wants to sound clever pretending they're an atheist this is someone saying in their heart yeah and they've done abominable iniquity there is none that doeth good now it goes on verse two god looked down from heaven upon the children men to see if there were any that did understand that did seek god every one of them is gone back they are all together become filthy there is none that doeth good no not one obviously you can see the similarities with what we've just been reading in in romans three is he talking about everyone in the world here well no of course not because there are those that do understand and do seek god aren't there yeah psalm 105 verse 3 that says glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the lord and he's not just talking about not you know people that don't exist so who's he referring to in verse three well let's have a look at verse four have the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they eat bread they have not called upon god who are the workers of iniquity that's another term used for reprobate false prophets that's who workers of iniquity are so keep a finger here and turn over to psalm five which by the way is also quoted in romans three while you're turning now i'm going to read psalm 92 9 which says for lo thine enemies oh lord for lo thine enemies shall perish all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered so the works of iniquity are what enemies of god okay these are enemies of god psalm 5 you've turned to in verse 4 says for thou art not a god that has pleasure in wickedness neither shall evil dwell with thee the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity god hates them yeah if if you if you're new to this sort of preaching there are people that god hates the bible says they're people that god hates it's not all fluffy and god is just waiting for people on their deathbed everyone till their last dying breath and all that those lies and false doctrine being preached no there are people that god hates they're workers of iniquity they're people that are preaching lies they're people that are spreading lies that change the truth gone into life they're reprobate concerning the faith god hates them he says here he says thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing leasing is falsehoods lies the lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man these are people speaking lies damning people to hell no wonder he hates it doesn't he of course he hates it he wouldn't hate someone that's sending someone to an eternity in a lake of fire what it's just bizarre to try and act like you don't but people do don't they the holier than thou we just love everyone man you know love love there's just not enough love preached it's just love love you know love your enemy yeah but what about god's enemies what about god's enemies because god hates them and god tells us to hate them and the psalmist said he hates them didn't he but as for me i will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy and in thy fear will i worship toward thy holy temple that's a contrast of the false prophet isn't it coming to the house in a multitude of thy mercy in the fear of god that's salvation isn't it that's people coming to the house say lead me oh lord in thy righteousness because of mine enemies make thy way straight before my face for there is no faithfulness in their mouth their inward part is very wickedness their throat is an open sepulcher they flatter with their tongue see what's being quoted in romans 3 romans 3 13 said their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues they have used to see the poison of asps is under their lips we've just seen their throats an open sepulcher they flatter with their tongue romans 3 13 said with their tongues they have used to seek the positive asps is under the lips so that's an alternative to flattering with the tongue and that's what wicked people do don't they look people get confused with this give me some of the compliment isn't flattery okay flattery is when it's a lie flattery is when you don't think it flattery is when you're trying to butter people up when you're flattering them flattering them with things like yeah you could earn your way to heaven yeah you could you're good at you're a really good christian i think no saint peter's definitely going to let you in at the pearly gates or whatever nonsense they come out with that's lies isn't it and there are many people that do that unfortunately verse 10 destroy thou them oh god strong language that isn't it let them fall by their own counsels cast them out in a multitude of their transgressions for they have rebelled against thee it's rebellion against god isn't it but let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice let them ever shout for joy because our defenders them let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee that's the save that put their trust in god isn't it verse 12 for thou lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield now go back to psalm 53 so we've clearly seen it that the workers of iniquity are reprobates hated by god yeah okay i think everyone's seen that haven't they psalm 53 says have the workers verse four have the works of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they eat bread they have not called upon god so they're not saved they haven't called upon god in faith and how many people around this nation are eaten up by them as well how many people are eaten up by false prophets everywhere by these workers of iniquity with their false religions you name it you name the religion that's not that's not saying it's grace through faith and they're workers of iniquity they're false prophets and this nation is full of them this town alone is full of them and how many people are eaten up by them everywhere aren't they whether you want to call your nation your hometown you want to call your nation you know the nation you live in or the nation you came from they're everywhere absolutely everywhere they eat up our people don't they they eat up our people there were they in great fear where no fear was for god has scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee thou has put them to shame because god had despised them so see that again he hates him he despises them and i would say if you don't hate these people if you either are trying to convince people or you honestly don't you ain't right with god you're not right with god like the bible's clear yeah god hates them we're told to hate them why wouldn't you hate someone that's casting damning people to hell why wouldn't you hate god's enemy his literal enemies why would you not hate them and if you claim that you don't hate oh you're just so loving you're either a liar or you're just completely out of god's will and look i'm not saying you have to just be because people make out like we're just so full of hate we're just walking around fuming angry and everything else no no we're actually full of love yeah we want to warn people about these about these wicked false prophets these reprobates everywhere these scumbags these perverts we want to warn people about them we want to warn children about we want to warn adults about them i want to stop people going to hell don't we but but if you love people you're going to hate these people aren't you if you love everyone else you're going to hate the false prophet and yeah we hate the false prophet i hope everyone in this church agrees that i hate these people and god hates them as well and that's why we look we're not saying look in case you're hearing me wrong here i'm not saying i hate anyone in a false religion i'm hating the people that are preaching lies behind pulpits you name it whatever they call it around this nation okay false prophets reprobate concern of the faith workers of iniquity i hate them okay and so should you verse 6 says oh that the salvation of israel will come out of zion when god bringeth back the captivity of his people jacob shall rejoice and israel shall be glad so his people are the saved aren't they now go back to romans 3 back in romans 3 paul is referring to these remaining jews i believe or those that say they are jews and are not verse 11 says there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after god they are all gone out of the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues they have used to see the poison of asps is under their lips what's an open sepulcher it's an open tomb or grave basically it's rotten can you imagine the stench of that he's saying it's like that with these people's throats yeah their throat is an open sepulcher it's rotten because it's basically all that's coming out of it is lies lies and flattery and deceit and deceiving people and look lies can be softly spoken can't they lies can be lies can be said in a very very calm and very holy sounding way can't they lies can be said in a very posh way lies can be said in a very so-called intellectual sounding way but they're still lies aren't they okay and god sees that and he thinks their throats are like an open sepulcher because with their tongues they've used to see the poison of asps that snakes is under their lips because it's poisonous the tongue is so powerful isn't it the tongue is so powerful and what these people are preaching what these people are saying right now i believe he's talking about these reprobate jews that are still can you imagine what they're saying at this point well the gospel's going out from jerusalem it's going out around the world yeah can you imagine what they're saying in in reply to that they're probably preaching their work salvation harder than they've ever preached aren't they they're preaching their lies they're preaching all their their pharisee and and and the rest of it nonsense they're just their throat is an open sepulcher whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness and look has that changed to this day when you talk when you talk to to anyone knocked on doors of what we call jews to this day so many of them how much cursing and bitterness is there when you dare to mention the name of the lord jesus christ they absolutely hate him talk about hate speech hey they hate him they despise him their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness and it was the same then their feet are swift to shed blood and think about that as well these types of people think about the zionist warmongers today yeah think about them to this day the calls for war the calls for gen think about the past genocides think about things like like the the uh the jewish bolshevings think about like the genocides have gone on and carry on and will probably continue to go well they will continue to go on because we know there's coming a time where it's going to be absolutely horrific and no flesh should be spared will it or shouldn't be spared but but for the elect's sake it will be but think about the amount of warmongering and calls for war and the amount of stuff like this goes on everywhere and sadly so often it's these same people these christ hating christ rejecting people destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known there is no fear of god but for their eyes and that for me i believe there is a description of the christ hating rightfully false jew that's what i believe that it's talking about there some might say well it's just kind of a generalization of people and maybe just using extreme language i don't think so i think that that's what it's talking about i think that was the context there now he goes on in verse 19 to say now we know that what things soever the law saith it saith to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before god therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is a knowledge of sin so the law shows that all the world is guilty of sin doesn't it there shall no flesh be justified in his sight no flesh it doesn't matter how how sweet and innocent you think you are how perfect you know your old neighbour is or whoever it doesn't matter doesn't matter there there shall no flesh be justified in his sight how clear is that how of how blatant is that but the veil's over their eyes these people isn't it and not just that the people that have been deceived by them as well all these all these people in these false churches thinking they can earn their way to heaven in one way or another well for by the law it says for by the therefore by the deeds of law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is a knowledge of sin and it just shows everyone is guilty now turn to matthew 22 basically the way you can look at it is that the condensed summarized version of the law is in the 10 commandments and the 10 commandment shows that everyone's a sinner but that could be further summarized under two commandments can't it that we see in matthew chapter 22 and from verse 35 matthew 22 35 says then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him and saying master which is a great commandment in the law and this is talking to jesus christ here and they're constantly wanting him to slip up aren't they wanting him to say something that they can use against him and nowadays we see that with preachers today don't we preachers are actually preaching the truth oh well he said you know you can imagine what they want him to say one law and then they can go they go oh look he's discrediting all the other laws oh he's saying that one's more important than you know whatever it is they want to do and nowadays you know it'll be oh he he preached on sodomites he he didn't preach on love for at least two weeks you know whatever it is whatever criticism way they want to attack the man preaching the word of god well verse 37 jesus said unto him thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets now you could look at this first glance and go and you hear sometimes any of you have people on the door come out with something similar to this oh well as long as i you know love god or love my neighbor just love your neighbor isn't it well of course i love god and i love my neighbor of course i do no because when you love the lord god with all your heart all your soul all your mind you won't ever put anything before him will you yeah you won't ever put anything before him thinking about the ten commandments you won't you won't make graven images either will you so you things before him like whatever whatever it is popularity family friends tv shows well i don't know what it is whatever it is and everyone's probably got something everyone here has got something that they've put before god at some point in their life and probably will continue to do so you won't make graven images like i said yeah if you love the lord god with all your heart not just oh well i love him yeah i say i love him i talk about him sometimes uh you know i have a little cross or i have a little fish on the back of my car so i clearly love him don't i because i've got a graven image on my car i must love him anyone see those stupid darwin ones they put up with the feet it's so ridiculous anyone who has that is even more idiotic than the person that has a fish on the back of their car that's all they're doing aren't they just go i am a complete fool but anyway what about taking the name of god in vain and i'm sure many people here have done that haven't they and maybe continue to do that sometimes and that's just an emptiness it's not really you're not really treat it with the reverence you should do yeah the name of god now the the sabbath if you think about the ten commandments is fulfilled in christ but people that that you know think they're able to earn their way to heaven basically well they're not resting in christ are they so in a way they're not observing what is a fulfilled sabbath which is resting christ how about you will you know you'll honor your father and your mother you would wouldn't you if you love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind but is everyone honoring their father and mother all the time are they no so in fact you'll do the whole list won't you the ten commandments because god commands you to but if you loved your neighbor as yourself let's focus on the second half you wouldn't kill would you oh well of course hopefully there's no murderers here well this is expanding first on 315 whosoever hated his brother is a murderer yeah i bet everyone here has hated their brother before you wouldn't commit adultery would you if you loved your neighbor as yourself and matthew 5 28 Jesus expanded that but i say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after earth committed adultery with already in his heart kind of narrowing down a list of people that can qualify by the ten commandments yeah and like i said even from those two commandments where it summarizes isn't it you wouldn't steal and that includes by the way on your tax return slacking at work is basically stealing from your employer isn't it turning up late to work is stealing from your employer not and if you think well i don't have an employer i'm self-employed or in the same way you're probably stealing from your customer when you slack on that job when you do a bit of a bit of a shoddy job just want to get out get away with that one not tithing what about not tithing that's stealing isn't it malachi 38 says will a man rob god yet have you robbed me but you say where and have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings still stealing isn't it how about bearing false witness against your neighbor could anyone say they've never bared false witness against anyone their whole life everyone has haven't they if you love your neighbor as yourself would you bear false witness against them and by the way that's lying about someone and that can include any sort of little liar economy with the truth people like a little white lie something to make yourself seem better to lift yourself up to get yourself out of some sort of trouble whatever it is we just read didn't we verse four god forbid let god be true but every man a liar yeah the bible says every man's a liar okay everyone's lied oh but the commandment is not against your name you've heard people say that before well in fact the ten commander actually says you know it's about bearing false witness against your neighbor well yeah but revelation 21 27 talking the new jerusalem says and there shall in no wise entered it enter into it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie but they which are written in the lamb's book of life yeah and everyone's lied haven't they proverbs 12 22 says lying lips are abomination to the law but they that deal trulia is the lie and regardless everyone has probably bared false witness against their neighbor at some point if you just think about from childhood upwards telling tales and your siblings and so often those tales are a little bit dodgy when it comes to the truth yeah aren't they everyone pretty much has and continues to bear false witness and if you loved your neighbors yourself you wouldn't covet their stuff would you their things their wives their husbands their oxes their asses you name it would you but doesn't everyone hasn't everyone don't they to some point to some degree at some point in their life and coveting is a big deal isn't it everything's a big issue such a common sin that's why jesus said in luke 12 15 he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consists of not in the abundance of the things which he possessive so do you think there's anyone in the world ever that's ever lived that's not broken one of those commandments it's a trick question max mutter there jesus christ there's one man that didn't break any of those commandments that's the lord jesus christ verse 21 but now the righteousness of god without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets so the prophesied righteousness that comes from who jesus christ yeah even the righteousness of god which is by faith of jesus christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference what you have to do just believe that's all it takes faith trust in jesus christ yeah belief putting your trust putting your faith putting your belief on the lord jesus christ at his death his burial his resurrection pay for all your past present and future sins how amazing is that why for all have sinned that's why for all all have sinned and come short of the glory of god you can't earn when you earn your way to heaven every one of us come short there's no like a little bit of him and a little bit of us well we come sure so i put my faith in christ and then if i'm good enough no because you come short there's no works there's no combination and the romans 11 six among many other scriptures makes that so clear doesn't it and if by grace then is it no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of works then is it no more uh grace otherwise works is no more works yeah it's clear as day isn't it it's one or the other which one are you going to put your faith in your own goodness good luck with that all faith in jesus christ verse 24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ jesus what does free mean it's not paid for either before or after okay free it's not free and then you've got to work for it is it is that free no free means free it's not free like they try and oh free whatever you know no no no interest until six months later no when the bible says it's free it's free yeah that means you don't have to pay for it not now not ever okay it is free for whom god has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of god now propitiation means atonement the appeasing of god's wrath yeah and by the way there's nothing limited about that atonement either in case any of you are wondering because of our such intellectual calvinists out there who are so intellectual that they don't seem to be able to read first john 2 2 which says and here's the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world okay there's nothing limited about it is there no the remission of the remission of sins that are passed by the way is not talking about just your old sins it's saying that those sins are passed away they're put behind gone and in case you're wondering about that turn over quickly to roman's four great verse a couple of verses for this from verse six says even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the lord will not impute sin okay will not impute sin the verse back back to where we were in roman's three and verse 26 to declare i say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and justify of him which believeth in jesus what does it come down to just believe faith trust in jesus it's so clear isn't it and what a chapter of the bible this is isn't it if someone just wanted to read a chapter what a chapter roman's three to just make it so clear where is boasting then it is excluded by what law of works nay but by the law of faith not of works this any man should boast hey yeah there's no boasting about it because it's faith alone and there are some people i find that i don't know if you ever spoke to kind of sometimes maybe newer Christians sometimes people they they almost want to try and find well i must have been good i must have like done something to have been able to get well i must have been a free thinker i must have no no look you just put your faith in jesus christ okay someone pray praise god someone preached you the gospel but it's just faith it is there's nothing you're doing there's nothing you do to lose it and let's just make it clear once again yeah anyone believes that you can lose your salvation they are not saved you cannot be saved if you think you have to work for it it is impossible you you how how does that if there are people out there that claim to be saved that believe that someone else can be saved even though they believe they can lose their salvation what is that about well i think they're saved even though they said that they've got to you know keep repenting every time they sin no they're not saved okay you are not saying that's why we like to ask extreme questions at the door just because it just cuts through the nonsense doesn't it what if you killed someone what if you killed someone tomorrow you're still going to heaven oh well as long as i ask for forgiveness you're not saved you don't have to do anything in the future you're not so well well he kind of said forgiveness i think he might have meant salvation no he didn't mean that he meant he still had to do something he meant he's still trusting himself didn't he yeah it's got nothing to do with you okay salvation is by grace through faith yeah okay it's not of yourselves yeah okay it's a gift of god not of works it's any match about and and it sounds obvious doesn't it but how many people will quote all of that and then go oh yeah but you can lose salvation no well how does that work so you're still working for it so it is of works is it so you can no is he the god of the jews only is he not also of the gentiles verse 29 yes of the gentiles also seeing it is one god which shall justify the circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith do we then make void the law through faith god forbid yea we establish the law so again people sit here well maybe sit through something like this or watch something like this and just give you a license to sin what sort of what sort of wicked people say you can do what you want yeah you can do what you want but should you do what you want no way should you do we make void the law through faith god forbid yea we establish the law pull you legalist because then you've got the opposites so you've got the ones who go you say you can do what you want you've got the other ones going oh well you you know are you saying that that you should still be looking at actually the law you're saying that that when he said you know that that sodomites should be killed yeah that they should die in leviticus 2013 that they're an abomination that that what you're saying that still stands oh we're under grace yeah but since when since when did any of that get changed yeah no they shouldn't the righteous government should do that and if we lived under a godly government yeah they'd be killed along with adulterers yeah they would be killed as well yeah along with people into bestiality and all sorts of wicked things and incest and all sorts of stuff yes yes and that's what we believe that's what we believe because the bible says that because nothing has ever changed is it because the same people that go oh well yeah but that's in the old testament yeah well we're under grace now no same people what are they saying oh yeah yeah an incest is okay now yeah yeah a bit bestiality is all right yeah you know because we're under grace we're under grace now it's all done away with no no because because do we make void the law god forbid no obviously when it comes to meats drinks diverse washings carnal ordinances the things that are done away with yeah sure they're done away but the moral law none of that has changed at all has it and that is how we should live by every word of god shouldn't we that's how we want to try and live that's how we that's how people in this church i hope try and live but it's got nothing to do with going to heaven it's got nothing to do with going to heaven it's to do with serving the god that freely gave us the gift of heaven turn in matthew chapter five is it void god forbid that's some pretty strong language isn't it no way is what he's saying no chance and people that teach otherwise are wicked aren't they yes they are wicked matthew 5 17 says think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily i sound to you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven amen to that eh yeah yeah they're still in the kingdom of heaven these people yeah these wicked liberal pastors out there are saying that when i say wicked i'm saying in terms of a christian i'm not talking about them being wicked false prophets those ones that are saved there are saved people out there by the way just in case you're wondering it's not just our sort of church there are saved people are out there okay believe it or not and there are saved people out there that tell people that they don't have to follow the law at all that none of it's none of it's of any interest it's just interesting to look at that that's how they live but now you're under grace do what you like if it feels good do it unless you get a pricking from the holy spirit unless you feel like you get a little nudge when you do but the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things who can know it so how on earth you're going to trust your own heart no we trust what the word of god says and the more you live right by the way the more you start to actually understand and start to realize when you are completely or when you are going out of god's will don't you the more you're following the word of god the more you start to get right and get pure and look we're all going to sin i'm not standing here going oh man i've got it sorted look we all we are all sinners all have sinned to come short the glory of god okay that's clear as day but but we try our best don't we we should be trying our best to live for god and if anyone's teaching otherwise and people do that there'll be people that will come into this church and try and turn your head they'll try and do oh well you know but you know try to like preach too hard on that bit or they'll have a little whisper to you just in the pride in private well we're all sinners aren't we you know and everything yeah we are all sinners but you better not be trying to teach people to break the least of these commandments yeah because god wants us to to live the best we possibly can doesn't he but praise god that that's not to get us into heaven otherwise none of us would be in heaven none of us will be going to heaven it's got anything to do with how we live yeah but look we better make sure like it says here verse 19 whosoever therefore shall break the one of these these commands and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven make sure that you're not doing that make sure you're not doing that with your kids make sure you're not making up your own list of what you think is okay and not no the word of god is our final authority isn't it okay um and that was romans chapter three and look that what what a great what a great chapter of the bible isn't it what how can you read you can't read romans chapter three and come away and go yeah i still think i've got to like be good to go to heaven i still think i've got to at least do certain things i still got to at least repent of my sins what what what do you mean what which sins what all your sins what what even is that tell you what it is it's a lie it's a lie from the pit of hell is it not it's a lie from the pit of hell and and like the rest of it that one's just a more subtle one because it sounds a little bit biblical doesn't it oh yeah yeah repent yeah i've heard that word yeah yeah repent and believe oh yeah it must be not of your sins yeah good luck with that good luck with that and i'm sick and tired of those churches that preached out praise god we've got a church that doesn't and praise god for romans chapter three on that let's pray father i thank you for your word i thank you for this just great book that that what a chapter of the bible thank you that um that also that you've you know we don't have that veil in front of our eyes that we can just read that for what it is and just take the truth from that and help us to go go and preach that to other people to just be clear with that to be clear with your gospel how it's a free gift how easy it is how it is just putting the your faith your trust in in jesus christ and thank you for that thank you for for everything you do for us thank you for for for this church and thank you for all the many blessings you give us please help us to go go out this week and keep you at the center of it to keep thinking of you to keep reading your word to keep in prayer to keep preaching the gospel to just just keep trying to get sin out sin out of our lives as well and and to keep trying to encourage others to do that as well and and help us help us lord to to return back safely next week as well and to get here safe and sound for another day in your house in jesus name pray all of this amen