(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so Psalm 106, I want to just look at a section there starting from verse 34, so Psalm 106 and verse 34 reads, they did not destroy the nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them but were mingled among the heathen and learned their works and they served their idols which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils and shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan and the land was polluted with blood thus were they defiled with their own works and went to whoring with their own inventions therefore was a wrath of the Lord kindled against his people insomuch that he aboard his own inheritance and the title of my sermon today is resisting child sacrifice in the UK, resisting child sacrifice in the UK. Let's go to the Lord and a word of prayer before we get started. Father thank you for your word, thank you for how clear you make it about about certain subjects and topics and issues that we face today in our world and how there's nothing new under the sun, there's so much that we can learn from your word about current day issues and and father I pray right now that you help me to preach accurately, boldly and you know preach a subject which is sensitive to some but but help me help them as well sitting here to just understand that you know that we have to preach to whole counts of God, we have to preach on all sorts of issues and wicked sins that we face in our world and please help me to do that clearly today and fill me with your spirit Lord in Jesus name we pray all this Amen. Okay so it's an interesting time in the world right now isn't it on one hand you've got the overturning of Roe versus Wade in the US and that's pretty amazing isn't it that I'll be honest I didn't see that coming I'm unsure what will come from that next I think there's probably going to be a lot of violence you know and all sorts of sort of division from it but basically if anyone's unsure what really is going on there you've got this situation now where where states in the US are allowed again to make abortion illegal which sure said it should be illegal shouldn't it and and look they you know while that's going on there we in the UK people love to watch what goes on the US you're sitting there going okay what's going to happen with the UK then you know with people follow suit there with people maybe start assessing this well how does our nation respond then to that has our UK government decided to have a look and a rethink has it done that do you think anyone here wondered if they maybe thought yeah maybe maybe we need to do something about this baby holocaust that's been going on here for the past 50 years plus no just like that vile pervert Biden because it wasn't Biden by the way that overturned it Boris Johnson apparently opposes individual states being allowed to decide for themselves whether or not baby murder is legal apparently that's a step backwards he's quoted as saying it's a step backwards which for most people is a good thing isn't it a step backwards would be a good thing because I don't think anyone looks at our so-called progressive world and goes we're really going in the right direction aren't we well I really really don't want to go backwards I don't do you think there's many elderly people right now around this nation I'm talking about the elderly people who's who's minds haven't been defiled to the point where they agree with the wickedness that we see everywhere do you think they look back and go those were terrible days oh you know what in fact we would we were saying about this the other week they probably look back to even wartime and think those were better days yeah because because well how do you live through through 20 30 40 50 then go through the 60s and get to this point and go yeah things were things are much better now things are much better so a step backwards is a good thing isn't it but look a moronically ironic statement which is what it is by by our weirdos in power by people such as Boris Johnson say it's a step backwards doesn't mean that it is a step backwards in terms of how he's trying to say it isn't it our pro baby murder heathen MPs are apparently now calling for baby murder to be a human right can you believe that they want it to now apparently be a human right and enshrined in law and they come out with all this sort of stuff now this is according to you turn to Isaiah five well I read part of a report by the critics Christian Institute on this where this is this this is I'm quoting here this is what it says pro-abortion MPs are demanding the abortion be made a human right in the UK following the US Supreme Court overturning of Roe vs. Wade the pressure came during an urgent question time in the House of Commons called by Dame Diana Johnson she asked when the foreign secretary would put pressure on the Biden administration to ensure abortion is protected in the US oh oh yeah that'll do it won't it if only they hadn't called him earlier you know that that guy from the UK he's you know he's really holding some sway there apparently Christian MPs spoke up in defense of the unborn but many others reacted angrily to the Supreme Court ruling calling the decision to hand back power to elected state representatives an abomination and a threat to women everywhere you can't make up this sort of stuff can you an abomination apparently they use our own words yeah and about a threat to women unbelievable isn't it now of course Isaiah 5 20 talks of this sort of upside-down inside-out wickedness woe unto them Isaiah 5 20 woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter woe unto them I mean they are wicked aren't they actually come out with a statement it's an abomination an abomination be able to call murder illegal to make murder illegal unbelievable isn't it but before we continue before we continue with this let's just confirm a few truths so in case is anyone here unsure about this subject because we can sometimes take for granted think well we're safe we just know it's murder but some people might be a bit unsure because the brainwash is strong the desensitization is strong so let's for a second forget the baby murders terminology okay so forget the fetus the bundle of cells and all this sort of junk that they come out with post-conception what does the Bible refer to it to a baby in the womb as well either a child an infant or a babe a child an infant or a babe not a bundle of cells not a fetus not any other scientific sounding name that makes you think that it's not actually a baby yet turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 11 second Samuel 11 5 is talking of Bathsheba and says and the woman conceived and sent and told David and said I am with child she conceived sent and told David yet this wasn't a good situation but she said I am with child with child she called that conceived baby a child Ecclesiastes 11 and verse 5 is talking of our real is talking of our lack of real knowledge because we do have a lack of real knowledge don't we really when it comes to things although we love to think that we know it all that our scientists know it all it says as thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all so according this verse the woman with a with a baby growing in a womb is with child yeah I don't think I don't think it's confusing to see that is it it's quite clear with child yes depending on the time since conception it may look more or less like the eventual baby that is born yeah but it's still a child it's still a baby isn't it okay and and how developed they are isn't the criteria is it it's not the criteria turn to Luke chapter 1 Job 3 16 says or as an hidden untimely birth I had not been as infants which never saw light that's referring to a miscarry baby as an infant an infant and again he's not saying I'll pass a certain time Luke 1 and we're going to look from verse 39 talks of when Mary went to her cousin Elizabeth who was six months pregnant with John the Baptist and verse 39 says a Mary arose in those days and went to the hill country with haste into a city of Judah and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth and it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary the babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost and she spake out with a loud voice said blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb and whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me for lo as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded it in mine ears the babe leaped in my womb for joy that's a babe yeah that's a babe in the womb that's a six-month-old babe in the womb no it's it you know there's no other explanation for it other than life begins at conception okay and that's pretty obvious isn't it life begins at conception I don't think you need to be a scientific expert to understand that life begins at conception so we have child we have infant we have babe all at varying ages inside the womb used interchangeably so with that in mind killing a babe or child or infant in their mother's womb is murder okay it's murder you're murdering a human life okay and again you don't have to go to long debates about it and go to scientific textbooks it's murder it's clear as day it's plain and simple forget the desensitizing terminology termination abortion removal and all that sort of junk which is just basically trying to make you think that it's not actually murder when it's murder okay it's murder in fact it's not just murder it's baby murder baby murder and Exodus 20 13 says thou shalt not kill thou shalt not kill and by the way that is talking about murder not the death penalty God says that he hates hands that shed innocent blood doesn't he he hates hands that shed innocent blood and is there anything more innocent than a baby in the womb there I don't think there's anything more innocent than a baby in the womb and that's why it needs preaching about loud and clear doesn't it it's not a pleasant thing to preach about but we command to preach about it okay turn a second Timothy chapter 4 Ephesians 5 11 says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them we're told to reprove these unfruitful works of darkness and look when you reprove it look it might be that we offend someone here it might be that we offend someone who's watching it might be that we offend someone who may be sadly has done something like this in their past maybe they know someone maybe they have friends family etc but this is a word of God okay and it still has to be preached doesn't it look praise God that if you have and you put your faith in Christ then look God God God can and does forgive you yeah for a sin like that but look it doesn't mean that it's any less grievous okay this is a grievous sin and we're told to preach about it second Timothy 4 and from verse 1 Paul's telling the preacher Timothy I charge that's command I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead of his appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine we have to preach it we have to rebuke this wickedness for the time will come when they will not injure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap themselves teachers having itching ears a love love stuff the don't offend stuff the you're such a great Christian stuff and they shall turn away there is from the truth and shall be turned unto fables maybe fables like it's just a bundle of cells fables like our medical establishment is of God fables like preaching the truth will stop getting people saved that's what we're seeing out there how many preachers are preaching this stuff anymore very few okay so it's a babe it's a child it's an infant it's murder and we're command to preach about it okay that's pretty clear isn't it okay I don't think we have to go into the science I don't think we have to go any further it's clear as day isn't it so with that in mind let's get back to our report there which was an urgent question time in the House of Commons called by Dame Diana Johnson apparently was urgent this question time who by the way some pro abortion pro baby murder bloodthirsty animal this woman recently calling for baby murder up until birth she's called for baby murder up until birth she wanted this new amendment an amendment that would have allowed for sex selective baby murder like this is the people up there calling for like drafting amendments it's just unbelievable isn't it an amendment that stops medical professionals from being able to refuse involvement based on conscience but this murderous isn't the only one so it's not just one bad egg up there a minister in the Foreign Office Amanda milling responding on behalf of the government explained that the Supreme Court ruling did not make abortion illegal while she and the Prime Minister regard the ruling as a step backwards she reminded MPs the court is in another jurisdiction just just in case anyone was wondering and you like thousand miles away but anyway but but milling did say that the UK's position is that women and girls in the UK should have the right to access essential health services which she said included safe abortion care adding that the UK does seek to support access to abortion for women and girls around the world essential health services safe abortion care sadly people around the world do fall for this doublespeak don't they how many people in this nation fall for what is doublespeak isn't it the murderers need to be able to do it safely she said that the poor murderers they need to be able to do it safely what's next car jackers need high-speed chase training yeah yeah seriously yeah it's there any difference yeah armed armed robbers need need you know gun safety certificates we need to make sure they're not going to backfire on them it's nuts isn't it absolutely nuts but but a bit bit a bit of terminology they're a bit of like you know doublespeak and you have probably millions of people agreeing with this fan around this country she said the UK does seek to support access to abortion for women and girls around the world yeah the UK wants to make sure that all nations take part in baby murder too because it's not enough that it's here the whole of the world needs to also partake in baby murder and ritual child sacrifice and I'll show you about that in a second a number of MPs use the debate as an opportunity to push for more explicit abortion laws in the UK with Stella Creasy asking if an amendment to the Bill of Rights would be tabled to protect a woman's right to choose for every single woman in the United Kingdom again doublespeak a woman's right to choose murder that's what she's talking about a woman's right to choose murder the minister said she could not preempt future legislation but confirmed her own view that she is pro abortion meaning pro-murder the article then quotes some sorry I think this is what I said I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go into the so-called Christian MPs who give some weak opposition and it is weak opposition what we think that blah blah blah you've got a couple of kind of nominal so-called Christians that want to maybe please their constituencies who maybe they've got some sort of so-called Christian presence there but basically it's weak opposition to a mob of baying child killers yeah and then it continues with this at the end the issue was raised again in Prime Minister's questions later in the week the Labour MP Rosie Duffield asked deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab if he would accept an amendment to the proposed Bill of Rights which would enshrine in law a woman's right to choose murder enshrined in law Raab responded that the position of abortion is settled in UK law and it is decided by honourable members across the house he added it is an issue of conscience and I do not think there is a strong case for change that sounds so sure to me does it but what exactly is a law right now because I don't know if anyone is really aware of what the law is in the UK what is a law around abortion well abortion United Kingdom is legally available through the Abortion Act 1967 in Great Britain in the abortion Northern Ireland number two regulations 2020 1967 that's not a long time is it that's not a long time so progressive aren't we yeah because for most of history it was looked at as what it was murder okay in England Scotna Wells abortion is permitted on the grounds of risk to the life of the pregnant woman preventing grave permanent injury to her physical or mental health risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or any existing children of her family up to a term limit of 24 weeks of gestation at six months basically or substantial risk that if the child were born he or she would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped okay did anyone notice say if you just fancy an abortion get it no so what's going on because that doesn't seem to be the case does it well the third ground that says here the third ground is typically interpreted liberally the third ground said risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or any existing children of her family up to a term limit of 24 weeks of gestation so the third ground is typically interpreted liberally with regards to mental health to create a de facto state of abortion on demand and nearly all abortions 98 percent in 2019 and 20 are performed to protect the woman's mental health so basically it's legal up to six months as long as you say it's making me depressed as long as you say there's a chance I might get depressed as long as you're saying it's going to upset the other kids as long as you basically say anything about you're not happy having a baby you just claim number three there and you can see how they would have passed this through without people going wait you're just because it looks like oh well it's to protect the mum and all of this people go well that's not so bad but really it's just used to just have abortions on demand so 98 percent are based on the mental health excuse so how many is that what's the real figures here what's the real numbers based on so-called mental health excuse well according to the latest figures from England's Office for Health Improvement and Disparities there were 214,869 child murders in 2021 in this nation over 4,000 more than the previous year and a new record high this is a growing growing Holocaust 98% means that two hundred and ten thousand five hundred and seventy two babies were murdered with the excuse being to protect the mother's mental health and do you know how ironic that is because not only was it obviously too late for that for them to choose that in the first place but secondly it's their mental health that is so often pretty much all the time destroyed by having what the world calls an abortion what we call murdering a baby okay because most women most women when you look into this find it hard to ever recover from that most women are traumatized by it most women go through post-traumatic stress from that most women find it hard to ever come back from that and yet they're claiming they're doing it to protect their mental health how wicked is it how inside out how again what we read earlier you know light for dark and dark for light it's just ridiculous isn't it so over two hundred and ten thousand baby murders there interestingly one of the number one arguments you hear is what about life-threatening disabilities what about threats to the mother's health yet it's over two hundred ten thousand baby murders were due to the claim of protecting the mother's mental health it's a nonsense isn't it what about the other argument what about rape victims heard this one well well maybe they're two hundred thousand rape victims yeah and I'm sorry I know it's not a nice subject to think about maybe some of these were rape victims does that make it okay then so how about this and I heard a similar argument I think I passed and talked about this not long ago say say a poor lady was a victim of a rape yeah and then her child gets to say five years old and starts to look like that rapist yeah starts to a mind to of that rapist would that be okay to kill that five-year-old would that be okay just kill the five-year-old because okay oh no that's not what about three years old what about one year old what about one month old what about one day old what about six months old in the womb what about three months old in the womb none of it is okay yeah murder doesn't justify it sorry right doesn't justify murder does it it's ridiculous it's not like and I had I talked about this not long ago with a guy an unsaved guy who said to me what about rape victims I and I answered exactly similar to that he just went silent I mean it's common sense isn't it yeah how desensitized and people become where you got fairly normal people fairly sane seeming people just going what about a rape victim what what just murder the baby what's wrong with people it's nuts isn't it murdering a baby doesn't solve any of that you know what would would be putting to death the rapist yeah that would solve that putting to death I'll tell you what would solve that putting to death the child murdering doctor doctor death ripping babies out of women's wounds that might solve that oh but that would be inhumane again the irony oh but but what the death penalty how terrible how inhumane thou shalt not kill they start coming out we don't know these liberal idiots unbelievable okay so we're command to preach about it but what will that achieve what does it achieve preaching about it well firstly if we don't preach the truth who will if we don't if God's people don't preach the truth who's going to preach the truth the Roman Catholics well apparently they do apparently they actually still have Roman Catholics camped outside some abortion clinics but surely the hypocrisy of a Roman Catholic claiming to chair claiming to care about children isn't lost on most yeah most people are just thinking yeah right buddy we know why you want that child born yeah yeah really because look that that's ridiculous isn't it who else is doing it who else is speaking up about this there's not many are there no there are a few pro-life types out there but there's not many so what am I achieving here though well if this sermon resulted on one it resulted one less baby murdered yeah maybe it just kind of put it back on someone's heart to talk to a family member maybe it's someone here that maybe might contemplate it down the line maybe it's a child here that maybe might contemplate it further down the line wouldn't it be worth it would it be worth it because when there's a missing child in this nation have you noticed how the whole town and village all flock out and everyone's on the search team trying to find that child make sure that Charles recovered before that child ends up dying yeah but and that's worth it isn't it yeah a life a child is precious and we should remember that shouldn't we and that's exactly same an unborn child is it is okay so all of us here can have an effect on the world around us can't we yeah everyone here can have effect on the world around us we'll have our own worlds outside of it we'll have our own you know circumstances people that we're around that we can have an effect on but God's people do get poisoned by the world don't they and we do get poisoned by the world because there are Christians out there that have and will continue to murder their own babies okay that's the truth you're sitting there going no what yeah yes way yeah I guarantee you there are Christians that will that are saved there are Christians even that are saved and go to church and try to live for God to some degree that will choose to do what the world does and then murder their babies and there are at least some that are apathetic towards it yeah there are at least some that justify it that excuse it and there are Christians out there also whose children whose children's children or at least there were Christians maybe whose children's children have grown up to end up thinking that it's okay to do that and have made that decision at least maybe they didn't think it was okay but maybe they still chose to do it so by the way it's not just the abortion baby murder industry either that I'm talking about here that's just the start of the gauntlet okay they just I mean that's the first part yeah that's like the test at the beginning can they get through every angle and every pressure to get to murder babies in the womb because once they get through that if they even make it to birth you've got the cues of death care professionals wanting to inject poison in them yeah they've made it through to birth and they're literally queuing up to inject them to poison them and if they get through that and they get through the the many sudden infant death syndromes and we all have our own theories on on what what a lot of those are caused by then it's a junk formulas out there and just just filled poison in a bottle poison in in a packet within the food industry and poison in a drink and it's just non-stop isn't it and if they get through that and they make it to school age and they get to school well then they're just being brainwashed and conditioned to become a baby murderer in the future then they've been brainwashed and conditioned to maybe even be part of the baby murder establishment in the future and they're also just being conditioned to for spiritual murder as well aren't they for their own spiritual death so it's a gauntlet out there isn't it it's a gauntlet out there and we don't want to be a part of that do we so let's turn back to some 106 which is telling us about God's people getting involved in exactly the sort of wickedness so if you're sitting there thinking our brother in you know you're preaching to it to a room full of you know God-fearing child murder hating people well look that wasn't the case it seemed it seemed with the children of Israel here in some 106 so let's see what we can learn from it apply it to ourselves in this day and age so Psalm 106 and from verse 34 the Bible reads they did not destroy the nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them so as you know the title of my sermon is resisting child sacrifice in the UK how do we resist child sacrifice and like I said that might be for us it might be for our kids it might be for our kids kids it might be for other Christians around us number one is by destroying the nations number one is destroying the nations the children of Israel were commanded to destroy the wicked nations that occupied the promised land turn to Deuteronomy 7 because murdering their own children was one of the qualifiers for God wiping out these wicked nations throughout you know who were surrounding Israel and doing it through Israel so yes God did basically call for genocide of these wicked nations what sort of God is this a God that hates this sort of wickedness a God that will judge this sort of wickedness and he'll judge it in various different ways and he wanted them wiped out he wanted them destroyed Deuteronomy chapter 7 and from verse 1 Deuteronomy 7 1 reads when the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whether thou goes to possess it and has cast out many nations before thee the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations greater and mightier than now and when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them thou shalt make no covenant with them nor show mercy unto them God commanded them to destroy them didn't he no covenant no mercy is that what we should do now get out there and destroy these wicked people surrounding us it could be tempting can't it yeah really fancy I don't think we've quite got the numbers yet in here but we're working on that but yes we are called to do that we are but it's to be done spiritually okay it's to be done spiritually and a few eyes were looking up there we're thinking can we well second Corinthians 10 4 says for the weapons of our warfare and not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds it's by wielding the spiritual sword isn't it by the Word of God it's preaching its soul winning its church planting it's spreading the word throughout this nation that's how we fight it that's how we destroy the nation's but there's no covenant with them is there there's no covenant to be made there's no ecumenical meetup there's no oh we just believe differently on salvation oh we just believe in a different God but let's all buddy up and team up with this on this no I'll just bring your favorite Bible perversion then come on in and join in we destroy them by preaching the truth don't we that's how we destroy the nation's by tearing down their false doctrine by calling out their wickedness that's what we're called to do to call out their wickedness to preach against their wickedness to destroy the nation's to so that basically they're standing on thin ice when it comes to anyone that really wants to know the truth to just see what apps absolute wickedness it is by the only measuring stick the Word of God yeah calling out wickedness like abortion like baby murder like child sacrifice we should be calling out shouldn't we we should be preaching loud and clear about it by calling out the wickedness of vaccines by preaching hard on what that what what that is a filth of it that that that they that hold need not need not a physician but they that are sick that it's completely against the principles of the Bible by calling out false religion by making it clear that it's false religion that the nation that surrounds us are all into some sort of false religion or other by calling it out by destroying that false religion with the Word of God and then that will naturally help the next point okay so if we're if we're there and we're we're calling these things out we're destroying the nation's through the Word of God we're preaching it loud we're out solely we're planting churches to tear down those strongholds we're spiritually destroying them then that will help the next point turn back to Psalm 106 but keep a finger there in Deuteronomy 7 keep a finger in Deuteronomy 7 and turn back to Psalm 106 which verse 34 said they did not destroy the nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them but were mingled among the heathen and learned their work so resisting child sacrifice in the UK number one by destroying the nation number two by separating from the nation by separating from the nation verse 35 says that they ended up being mingled among the heathen and learning their works so go back to Deuteronomy 7 how do we as New Testament Christians spiritual nation that has to live mingled among the heathen separate how do we do that well look at verse 3 Deuteronomy 7 verse 3 neither shalt thou make marriages with them thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son okay again it's a spiritual separation but that includes not being unequally yoked okay that includes not being unequally yoked that means not marrying unbelievers okay don't marry unbelievers singles here don't just don't end up getting into that don't I might get them say well I'm not quite so sure but hopefully well they're a bit sketchy on salvation I think you can lose your salvation but I'm gonna marry him anyway because I'm sure I'll be able to convince them don't do it kids don't do it don't make marriages with them okay don't don't do business partnerships with them yeah don't make business partnerships with unbelievers it's just you're unequally yoked it's gonna go wrong best friends you shouldn't be making best friends with unbelievers okay because again you're unequally yoked yes fuck look I'm not saying you have to not be friendly not look they're all friends that you want to get saved okay that's great you don't have to cut them out of your life but if you're buddying up if you're trying to be a best buddy and that's who you're hanging around with you're spending more time with with the devil's people than God's people you're gonna be a problem you on you're not separating from the nation when it comes to marriage though that is massive isn't it yeah I know people that have got saved they're married to an unbeliever are they in church are they doing the things of God are they serving God are they getting pulled into the world are these the types of people I would say they're the types of people that are most likely to then start to excuse what the world does because they're just around the world the whole time they yoked up with the world they're in the world they're not separate from the world turn to 2nd Corinthians 6 because again you might be going look we're not going to think about baby murder just because we're best friends with an unbeliever well 2nd Corinthians 6 and verse 14 2nd Corinthians 6 14 says be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship had righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Belial or what part of thee that believeth with an infidel and what agreement has the temple of God with idols for ye are the temple of the living God as God has said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people you have the Holy Spirit the living God dwelling in you if you're saved being bound to someone who either directly or indirectly worship the devil isn't going to work is it okay being unequally yoked is not going to work wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and I will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty okay we're told to come out from among them that's not living in a commune that's not living in a in in a you know Shaw Foundation Baptist Church UK commune somewhere it's not refused to talk with them but it's not being unequally yoked together okay it's not being paired up with them in the ways that that whether or not that's that's marriage business things such as that okay bit coming up from among them is spiritually is what we do is is is our our principles our morals yeah being holy being different to the world because when you're yoked you're joined together then you start to compromise that they're the compromises the compromises are the ones yoked up the compromises are the ones still in the world still still just just living like the rest of the world they're the ones that compromise they get desensitized because they're around it the whole time if you're your buddies all the people you're hanging around with are all pro baby murder are all going down the baby murder clinic like it's some sort of contraception and doing all of that wickedness you're going to get desensitized to some degree that's standard isn't it because I tell you what 50 a hundred years ago do you think maybe more than that maybe 150 years ago do you think people were just you know just oh yeah okay is that what they're doing because they're Christians here that will know people that gone and done that been a bit sad about it moved on going to get your baby murdered you would have been what on earth you would have been pleading with them you would have been begging them not to do it you would have been rebuking them you would have done the lot wouldn't you and so would most of this nation so would most of this nation how wicked is it got now and look when you're if you're joined together say you you marry kids here say you grow up but you care about just really they're just so you know they're just so gorgeous so they're just so whatever it is so smooth got such such a smooth you know smooth tongue they're just such a great guy yeah you marry you marry someone that's that's not a believer and what what when they start calling for that what when your wife says I'm getting an abortion my body my choice what you're gonna do we can do men young boys men out here because I tell you what you try and stop them you probably end up in prison how dare you her body her you abuser you abuser for trying to prevent a murder that that's that's where we got to isn't it yeah what are you gonna do wives you get with a guy that just not interested you're getting an abortion I'm not have you I'm taking you down the clinic etc look and that stuff happens isn't it yeah that stuff happens not just not just the abortions we just talked about the vaccines look and just because someone's saved doesn't mean they're automatically gonna just write they'll be clued up and understand but you would hope when they hear the Word of God preached yeah they hear the Word of God they're gonna come to the conclusion pretty quickly that vaccines are wicked yeah if they're going and getting fed properly so but what if you got someone who's unsaved and they're yeah well I'm still gonna I mean look and if you're sitting here going yeah well I got vaccinated brother in what's the big deal I'll tell you what the big deal is 30 injections in the first year of life so 30 different vials some of them in four in one five in one six in one just jabbing up that baby in the first year of life and onward from that as well that's the problem yeah that is a big problem in fact one was a problem yeah 30 in a year if that's even up-to-date I don't know if it just seems to just keep adding up and adding up that is a big problem isn't it and what you're gonna do when the money when the unsaved mother of your child says yeah but I think that they should because the doctor can't be wrong he's so clever how could how could the doctor be wrong how could the nurse be how could whoever be wrong how could the world be wrong about this yeah look don't be unequally yoked yeah because you're gonna open up a world of hurt a world of hurt because look everyone here is gonna now and again disagree on things it whether with a saved husband or wife there are gonna be things but I tell you what imagine when it sings like this imagine when it sings as extreme as this and and at the least it's going to be harder to make a stand you're surrounded by those people you're surrounded by friends who are all pro baby murder pro baby poison pro child poison and the rest of it is you're gonna find it that that bit harder to really make a stand to really talk the truth to really be honest about what you feel aren't you okay so we need to come out from among them and be ye separate Psalm 106 back to verse 35 said but were mingled among the heathen and learned their works when you're mingled when you're unequally yoked you learn their works yeah Proverbs 13 20 says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed okay that's a good thing to remember isn't it yeah and look there could be some Christian fools as well okay you've got to remember that as well but he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools should be destroyed and one of those works that was that that they learned there was baby murder was baby sacrifice yeah and you know what's what's one of those other works was that that probably led to that fornication yeah fornication in fact it just mentioned earlier in Psalm 106 about phenah has when he javelins one of the guys who's just openly bringing in his his you know fornicating concubine or everyone to call her into the camp well well look what do you think is a big big cause of child murder in this country it's fornication it's fornication now so in case you're sitting there and you're thinking you know this sermons against the world it's it's against those wicked feminazis out there and they are wicked aren't they these feminazis these moronic brainwashed women and by the way it's just a good reminder yeah men and I'm look this is the truth is that men we need to lead our women yeah okay men you need to and it's not just your wives yeah you need to lead your daughters as well because look they're the targets so often aren't they their minds are so easily how many if you go along and you see these protests how many are women that shouldn't even be there on their own standing there screaming and shouting painted in all sorts of colors bright green hair and the rest of it where's the leadership and that's who it falls at the leadership their fathers are to blame their husbands are to blame and men here you're to blame if you're going out and fornicating okay young boys you go out here you're to blame because you're going out there you're a big part of the problem you're a big cause of the problem you're going out fornicating and then these women these these women are just like what do I do now I don't want this baby I mean we've got a man to go on you haven't even there's no chance of marriage just out trying to get what you can for women no way you're a part of the problem yeah men find a wife not a whore yeah and you know how you do that as well yeah is get your eyes avert your eyes from all that junk from all that social media or everything sexualized and everything else avert your eyes and find a godly woman you have find a godly woman not some slut which is what sadly so many of these women are and here's a question just on that as well in case you think you got a bother and this is pretty out there you know what do by the way in case you want in fornication is any physical relationship when we know what physical relationship is outside of marriage okay it's wicked it's wicked and in case you're thinking well well yeah but come on you know you know it's you know the world's the world's got this right you know since the 60s you know you're a bit uptight and everything else are you really going to calibrate your moral compass with a society that justifies mass baby murder it's ridiculous isn't it and look I've had these discussions I had a guy recently at work who was telling me he was you know he's a vegan yeah came up on veggie I can't remember yeah came up in conversation and I said to him you know we're just talking about it and he's talking about eyes just support animals I said I couldn't resist I said what's your view on abortion said well I think you know it's okay blah blah blah said so so you think it's okay to murder a baby in a womb but you're worried about an animal getting eaten it's like these people just discredited anything else that comes out of their mouth with that haven't they these are these are child sacrifices yeah baby murderers trying to tell you what's morally right and what is it trying to tell you that sodomy is okay yet these people their moral compass is so it's not going like this yeah it's like you don't even know where you're going with it because they honestly believe it's okay to murder a baby in a womb they they're so mental that they come out with just completely ridiculous statements like my body might have no it's not your body it's a baby it's a baby ridiculous isn't it come out from among them and be you separate yeah and we look we have to remember that come out from among them and be you separate because you will you know take heed yeah you you think you you know those who think you sound take you lest you fall because look you can and will fall you start hanging around with these people you start spending all your time you get married to these to these people these people who justify mass child murder you're going to end up getting desensitized at the least yeah you could end up with your child your child's child or whatever it is being another baby sacrificer how wicked is that look at verse 36 there where we are in some hundred six it said and they serve their idols which were snare unto them yay they sacrifice their sons and their daughters unto devils and shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrifice unto the idols of Canaan and a lamb was polluted with blood resisting child sacrifice in the UK number one by destroying the nation and we talked about doing that spiritually by the word of God by churches by church planted by soul winning number two by separating from the nation talking about being separate come out from among them not yoking up not being unequally yoked number three by not worshipping with the nation by not worshipping with the nation verse 36 said that they served their idols which were a trap a snare is a trap notice how in verse 37 and 38 how devils and idols are used interchangeably yeah they sacrifice their sons their daughters unto devils verse 38 says and shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrifice unto the idols of Canaan notice how they're interchangeable there yeah because they're the same thing turn of 1st Corinthians 10 behind every idol is a devil and when you sacrifice to idols you're sacrificing to devils you turn us to 1st Corinthians 10 when I read Psalm 96 verse 5 which reads for all the gods of the nations are idols but the Lord made the heavens okay all these gods are idols all these idols are gods small G they're all wicked they're all devils 1st Corinthians 10 of from verse 19 is talking about meat sacrificed to idols it says what say I then that the idol is anything or that which is offered in sacrifice the idols is anything but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils mind all these false gods all of the various idols are devils and when our heathen nation and this is a heathen nation yeah a sacrificing their children it's to devils they're sacrificing their children to devils now you might sit there and go hold on brother in it's an abortion it's a termination it's hardly sacrificing to devils it's not like they're up on a hill you know and dancing around with with Baphomet signs and everything else well go back to Psalm 106 where it says in verse 36 they serve their idols which were snare unto them yea they sacrificed their sons their daughters unto devils and shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan and the land was polluted with blood Ecclesiastes 1 9 by the way says the things that have been the thing that have been it is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the Sun there's nothing new yeah the idols of Canaan are today in the UK idol such as money the idol of money the idol of I'm gonna get my baby murdered because it might mean that I can't get the career I want yeah I'm not gonna have as much cash to go on holiday yeah I'm not going to be able to do whatever it is I'm not well if I have this baby now I won't have saved enough money I won't have enough cash men forcing their girlfriends in most of the cases even wives and that does happen by the way men forcing their wives to murder their babies because of cash because of money because of the idol of money the perfect career and it's the same thing really isn't it the perfect career women that that that will get their babies murdered by some wicked vile child sacrifice sir because well it might mean that they can't make it through their university degree it means that they might you know they might not be able to stay in that job they might not get that job in the first place they've already got a baby they've got some sort of period where they can't you know they can't go and have a baby first or something else or whatever else is written in there the uni degree the Instagram body how about the idol of the Instagram body yeah that's it that's so many people's on there and it's popularity really isn't it yeah it's to get get you know get all the the likes and all the popularity and all the looks and everything else the beach body whatever you know whatever it is yeah how many people will go out and murder their baby because they're worried about what it might do to their body to their figures it's wicked isn't it the boozy nights out they could be an idol for some how many people live for their weekends they live and sometimes even for their midweek booze up as well well I can't do that if I'm praying in fact you know sadly a lot of them probably still do anyway but can't do that better go and get the baby murdered better sacrifice that baby until the idol of the boozy night out and the idol of money until the idol of Korea until the idol of the Instagram body until the idol of the boozy holiday yeah well if I have a baby then then that week that two weeks in Ibiza or whatever it is oh don't know if I'll be able to do that I know I'll just go down the contraception clinic yeah and by the way that includes morning after pills that includes all of this that includes the pill by the way yeah before we just go well it's just these people that go down and actually get that that baby removed yeah in horrendous ways that we don't even want to go into how about how about the the person that's that's taking some chemical pill whose backup mechanism is basically silent abortion silent murder of that baby yeah is that okay no it's not it's exactly the same exactly the same exactly the same with the morning after pill oh it sounds so it's just a morning after pill no it's it's it's a it's a murder toxin that murders a baby in your womb yeah it's all wicked it's all wicked and by the way by the way with that this does continue into childhood doesn't it continues into childhood with the worship of the doctor God and the injectable upgrades yeah just worship the doctor God God just inject us that'll make us better that will make us healthier that will make us our immune system stronger it's the same thing isn't it and sadly there's a risk there at least there may be I don't know what what what the you know maybe if there's a scriptural way I don't think when they pass through the fire they ever lived maybe there's a chance I'm living through that maybe it's like that with the injectables well they might get through that they might not but either way you know the doctor gods right all bow down and worship crazy isn't it look like I said I can guarantee you that just like 3,000 odd years ago here there are save women of God out there sacrificing their children to idols one way or another okay they're out there they're doing it there are men of God out there encouraging it taking them to do it so how does the Christian resist well first Corinthians 10 14 says wherefore my dearly beloved flee from idolatry yeah flee from idolatry run from it escape it go in the other direction make sure you're not making idols you're not pairing up with the idols of this world you're not worshipping the idols of this world and that starts by lifting things up as more important than God that's how it starts isn't it things become more important than God things in your life become more important than Church things in your life become more important than your Bible reading things in your life become more important than going soul-winning things in your life start getting lifted up above God yeah or that thing even though I know that sinful but I just really you know I just love it so much you start to lift it up above God and then it ends in all sorts of debased debauched forms of worship including baby murder including baby murder it's a slippery slope turn back to Deuteronomy 7 again for more instruction on how to deal with these idols these false gods so Deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 4 talking of the wicked nation says for they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and destroy thee suddenly so fearing God's chastisements a good way as well isn't it yeah to avoid falling into idol worship fear God's chastisement the do you want the anger of the Lord kindled against you and you can get destroyed suddenly yeah it can happen it does happen and whether or not it's getting destroyed suddenly in that way maybe or it's just the ongoing chastisement of God it happens it continues to happen to Christians and sadly so many Christians when they're getting chastised by God refuse to accept they're getting chastised by God and that's pride it's stubbornness that's the first thing we want to look at don't we okay verse 5 says but thus shall you deal with them you shall destroy their altars and break down their images and cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire sounds fun doesn't it how do we do that spiritually speaking with the Word of God again it's with that sharp two-edged sword isn't it we destroy we break we cut we've a burn with it we destroy those idols by preaching the Word of God yeah that's how we do it preach the Word of God preach it loud preach it clear you have to know as I 58 one says to cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins yeah we preach it that's how we destroy those idols we preach it we preach on the idols we preach on all those things that that sadly men and women and children of God will make an idol in their life we preach it we preach it loud we cut down the false gods we burn the false prophets with the Word of God by preaching it loud from the pulpit yeah that's how we do it that's why when you come to church you're gonna hear sins you're gonna hear idols in your life getting torn down getting ripped down getting cut down getting burned yeah and that's a good thing yeah you're not coming here to come here and just get a slap on the back and be told how great you are look sometimes sometimes you need some encouragement but often you need the orders in your life cut down and burnt down okay and that's why that's why people sit in a church like this and listen sort of thing because hopefully you're sitting here thinking yeah I want to make sure I get those orders out of my life and sometimes those idols will creep back in and any cutting straight back down it's not enough that you got rid of them once you need to keep getting rid of them because we're in the world and they're everywhere aren't they we need to make sure that that we're hearing it we're listening to it we're taking it in and well is are open we're not just sitting in in there going I'm not really interested I just keep flicking through the Bible show I don't care yeah that's not what we're here to do we're here to listen to the Word of God and if you're not there's no point being in here because you're not just here to hear oh well I'm in there I'll tick the church box now I can hang out with my mates oh you're here to hear the Word of God and to apply it to your lives and improve that's why you come to church that's why you should be coming to church but if you're not you need to assess yourself so why am I coming to church if I'm not trying to apply the preaching to my life oh but you're not pastor Anson brother Ian you're not you're not passing minutes no but I've got the Word of God here and am I am I not preach out the Word of God I'm preaching the Word of God so if you're listening to the Word of God it should affect your life and if it doesn't you're the problem yeah you're the problem tear down those idols yeah let the Word of God tear down those idols in your life how do we resist sacrificing to idols verse 6 says for thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God had chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth that we need to be as far away from this wickedness as possible don't we okay go back to Psalm 106 because there's an alternative unfortunately there's an alternative if we don't do it if we don't be that holy people that God wants us to be if we don't be that special people that God wants us to be above all people that upon the face of the earth well look what happened here in Psalm 106 and we'll read from verse 34 again they did not destroy the nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them but were mingled among the heathen and learned their works and they served their idols which were snare unto them yea they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils and shed innocent blood even a blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Cain in the land was polluted with blood thus were they defiled with their own works and went to whoring with their own inventions therefore was a wrath of the Lord kindled against his people in so much that he abhorred his own inheritance so God's people ended up defiled going after their own gods the role and the result is his righteous anger imagine having God just abhorring or a boring however you want to pronounce it you just hating you despising you and look you could look at this a point on this you could look at this nation couldn't you you could look at this nation and and most of the world and think why do they get away with it why they get away with this 210,000 babies murdered just just those in the womb yeah in this nation just in one year well a couple of interesting thoughts I had on this firstly those people the vast majority of those people the Lord will one day be saying depart for me ye cursed into everlasting fire yet everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels so there is that isn't there there is that to take home but have you ever stopped to realize how many babies are in heaven right now wondered that how many babies are in heaven right now of which most let's be honest probably would have been raised to eventually reject the true gift of salvation yeah the vast majority of those would have done of course the best case scenario would have been physical life would have been salvation rewards you know having that chance at life to earn those rewards to go on you know to then go to heaven but look all those babies every single one of those murdered babies is in heaven right now with and that's amazing isn't it you don't have to turn up at David said of his recently deceased baby in seconds Samuel 12 23 but now he is dead wherefore should I fast can I bring him back again I shall go to him but he shall not return to me yeah and where do you think David was going he was a man after God's own heart yeah David went straight to heaven and so it so does every single one of these murder babies but for us for us here we may have to live here but it doesn't mean that we want to then be partakers or become desensitized to it doesn't mean that we go well they go to heaven so it's right it's not that bad look it's wickedness yeah it's vile yeah it look God hates hands that shed innocent blood okay and the land is defiled by the blood as well okay and only by the blood of those that are shedding the blood can that land be healed and look look again we sit here and we think it's coming the ends coming okay and yeah probably is soon but wouldn't it be great would it be great if while we were here just sing start turning around and changing and they just started rounding up every one of those wicked vile abortion doctor deaths and just hang them or stone them or burn them with fire or did any of those things in front of the whole nation and said the blood is on your hands yeah and how about while they're at it they're pretty much most of politicians in this nation as well that have supported this and everyone else that supports this and have basically been party to this yeah yeah it's not going to happen but it'd be great if that did happen if a righteous government rose up somehow but in the meantime we have to keep ourselves unspotted last verse again you have to know James 1 27 says pure religion and under fire before God and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world yeah and that's something that we want to do our best to be unspotted from the world yeah and that comes from like I said destroying the nation spiritually separating from the nation spiritually not worshiping with the nation spiritually yeah and and for us we can apply all those physical wars and battles and all those things to our own spiritual lives here we apply them to our lives and we can keep ourselves unspotted from the world on that let's pray Father thank you for your word thank you for for just again making things so clear just with not much study really of just exactly what you think about the wickedness that we see in the world around us the examples that we get from from you know three thousand plus years ago that we can apply to our life our lives today we thank you that that your your word is just you know everlasting that it just applies to all generations and thank you that we have your word because without it we'd you know we'd be pretty lost but tell you what we would still have our consciences and look that is a defiling of a conscience to acknowledge and to accept ritual child murder in this nation help us to be as far away from it as possible help us to be to be you know bold about that as well to talk about that clearly with those around us to not be ashamed of your word to not be ashamed of the truth to hopefully try and have an effect on those around us to preach the word of God to them and help them to resist child sacrifice in the UK and in Jesus name pray all this Amen