(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, right Proverbs chapter 8 now in our Sunday evening study on the book of Proverbs and we were in Proverbs 7 last week which was mostly about the strange woman. We saw God through Solomon saying that the law, the commandments, wisdom and understanding will protect us from her and that includes both men and women with the influence of them being a problem too, we talked about that. There was in this story, wasn't there, about a simple youth not avoiding her. One of the giveaways was that she was in the attire of an harlot and we talked about that at length and what that really means, what that is and you know what you know how God does look on how we dress, right. Yeah look you know the inward is more important than the outward but if you get the inward right the outward should follow, shouldn't it, right. And we saw that she was also subtle yet loud and stubborn. So she was subtle yet she was loud, she was stubborn, saw that her feet abide not in her house. We just saw all these descriptions of what we're seeing described as of the strange woman. She's using all the the kind of usual stuff we've already looked at, the flattery, then we saw that enticement, the persuasion and how this is someone that does the utmost to get what they want, okay. This is someone who's just unscrupulous, they just do what they need to do to get what they want, it's a real predator and and how do you avoid that because the thing is men can be weak to that particular angle we're looking at. Well you don't want to be in that situation in the first place, okay. You just don't want to be in a situation one-on-one alone with a strange woman. I mean you want to avoid them in general anyway let alone one-on-one with this sort of woman that this youth yields and we saw by the way earlier we saw that you know that the youth being you know basically it was a simple one he was a youth and and it was used interchangeably wasn't it because they don't have the wisdom, they don't have that kind of that experience of that and he yields, goes to a house and then but then we're also told it's not just the foolish youths though. So the example was this youth but then we saw that many strong men have been slain by her and and this type of woman basically ruins lives, okay. She ruins lives, this is a very real threat, a very real danger to everyone in here but obviously especially to the, well to all men and that's why we've seen many warnings already about her haven't we in the book of Proverbs. So like we you know we constantly call it it's the book of wisdom, it's the book of Proverbs, it's got so much as practical advice and in sort of at least over half of the chapters we've already looked at we've been warned about the strange woman, okay. Time and time and time again because she's a real threat. And it's said in verse 24, Harken unto me now therefore all you children attend to the words of my mouth let not thine heart decline to our ways go not astray in our paths for she hath cast down many wounded yea many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is a way to hell going down to the chambers of death. That's a pretty stern warning isn't it. Then Proverbs 8 and chapter 1, sorry in verse 1 starts with, doth not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice. I'd like to pray before we continue. Father thank you for your word, thank you for this great chapter of the Bible here just all about wisdom and where that comes from Lord and just just help me to preach this just clearly Lord and and as you'd want it preached now we want to have attentive ears tonight to just stay focused on your word after a long day just film with your spirit please help all these things to be done Jesus Christ in the name of Amen. Okay so we've got this great chapter now all about wisdom that was that's a pretty great poetic chapter isn't it what a great passage of Scripture to listen to all about wisdom and with the picture analogy being wisdom as a woman okay that's a picture we've been seeing as we go through the book of Proverbs but to really understand this passage we are we have to understand understand what true wisdom is and where it comes from and go back to Proverbs chapter 2 because the simple explanation of wisdom is a correct use of knowledge even if that was purely in decision-making so it's not doesn't have to be in something actually practical you do just even if it was just in your mind it's a use of knowledge true wisdom though comes from one place okay true wisdom ultimately comes from one place Proverbs 2 and verse 6 says for the Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding so it all comes from the words of God it's out of his mouth but the average person isn't reading the Bible and getting filled with wisdom it says in verse 7 he layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly so there are two ingredients to gain that wisdom for the from the Word of God firstly you need to be saved you need to be saved to be able to gain really you know in any amount of his look you can take the odd nugget here and there on the same people can do that but you need to be safe to really understand the Word of God and then secondly you need to apply that knowledge from the Word of God so it's not that you're saved and that's it automatically you're just full of wisdom no you get saved first okay you need to be saved to be able to start to really grow and learn and have true wisdom and then then you need to apply the knowledge that you get from the Word of God it said for the Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding he layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly so turn to Job 28 and while you turn I'm going to read Proverbs 9 10 you turn to Job 28 Proverbs 9 10 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding so without fearing the Lord there is no salvation is there that you and I'm sure everyone here that we've got some pretty thorough soul winners here okay I had someone say that to me recently from from I think it was a guy at in Switzerland he just said you know what he loves is every time he's been someone who be from this church he just said they're just thorough in the gospel presentation preach it thoroughly and I know we have that and part of that is that people have to accept they have to accept that they're on the way to hell they have to fear hell to require the Savior don't they because if they don't it's oh yeah yeah well you know you just got to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ well yeah yeah you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but you're believing on the Lord Jesus Christ you're trusting him to save you from eternal hellfire and people have to understand that don't they and have to accept that and and the fear of the Lord is a beginning isn't it you have to you have to fear the Lord you have to fear the judgment the punishment that comes from the Lord to get saved don't you well he says in Proverbs 9 the fear of verse 10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding so without that there there's no salvation there's no wisdom would you and here's the thing would you call someone wise who's on the way to hell would you call you know you've got this great boss at work and you know they just all that you know they just seem to know so much about the job but oh are they really that wise if they're on their way to hell they're not are they they're not wise if they're gonna spend eternity in hell especially when salvation is so easy isn't it they're not wise Joe 28 and verse 28 Joe is speaking of God and he says this and unto man he said behold the fear of the Lord that is wisdom and to depart from evil is understanding so look the fear of the Lord that's that's how it look it's not only that that's how we get saved but oh really if you're learning and growing God it's because you're fearing the Lord and and obviously look some will completely change that that's all about respect oh it's both fear and respect isn't it okay and that's wisdom look be wise yeah fear God we've you know I talk about this a lot just because I think so many people they just want to kind of oh yeah yeah well he chastises every son but that's probably only now and again look people a lot of people even now are going through chastise me in one way or another you gotta fear him and if you start to fear him you'll start to respect more what he's telling you to do but if you just constantly trying to justify it in one way or another and fight you know why it's probably got nothing to do with it because you know I'm not that bad a person he chastises you for your own good but you need to fear him right and same with that and parents here just a quick one your kids need to fear punishment because if they don't fear chastisement how on earth are you gonna get your kids to behave right it's bizarre and look and I say that because a lot of people they just because we just we're so influenced by the world are acting like that somehow oh you know how could you like do a punishment on your kids which had actually fear I mean God forbid and then you've got these kids just running right little terrors and all they need to do is actually fear whatever punishment is right and you know what a smack on the bottom never killed anyone did it but you know what it stings and you don't want one do you so look and you need look yeah that's that's an obvious one anyway but however the fear of the Lord that is wisdom and depart from evil is understanding turn to Psalm 111 while I read Proverbs 14 6 see the odd the unsaved can't really understand God's Word okay now the wall the wolves in sheep's clothing can parrot preachers so don't be too calm by this where you're like well they must have been saved because you know they they I don't know they seem to be able to preach the right gospel they must be saved because they preached a sermon once they must be saved because it means nothing absolutely nothing we had a guy once at our church who literally parroted a sermon that someone else had preached and and look that's what people do that doesn't mean anything that means nothing at all they can sail that but what what you know what they don't really have they don't really have their own understanding they can't sit down and just understand the Word of God themselves they can repeat what they've heard they can look up you know what pastor so-and-so said anyone can do that but they can't really just sit down look at look at the Bible and start to work out and be able to actually get the spiritual things out of it they can't do it because they don't have the Holy Spirit because they're not saved Proverbs 14 6 says a scorn a seeketh wisdom and findeth it not but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth a scorn a seeketh wisdom and findeth it not they just they will never get the wisdom from the Word of God themselves but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth if you understand if you really if you if you're saved and you're trying to grow in the Word of Lord then the knowledge should come easy to you you should be able to go okay I want to get to the bottom of this you shouldn't have to just find the preacher find the pastor find the sermon you should be able to open your Bible and go right I'm gonna find out myself that's what we should be doing shouldn't we should go to the word now great look great to hear some passes and and explain things that give you the you know put it in give you the sense give you the understanding give you the meaning everything else however the first thing you should do your first port of call and that's how you grow and mature as a Christian is to go right now I'm gonna look in the Bible and see what what this means or what I'm trying to understand and what I'm trying to find out first and you'll grow so much more like that right but like I said it's not just about salvation okay that's the beginning of wisdom it's however it's it's whether or not you choose to apply that knowledge Psalm 111 you turn to didn't your verse 10 says this the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all they that do his commandments his praise endureth forever so that the the understanding the good understanding comes from not just hearing it not just reading it not just this is someone say it but actually applying it to your life doing it and you start to understand and start to learn and start to grow more 1 verse 21 30 says there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against none there is no wisdom there is no no there is no understanding nor counsel against the Lord anything that's contrary to the word what the Word of God says is wrong it's wrong simple it's wrong and just confirm that okay so you in Proverbs 8 when talking about wisdom really he's talked about the Word of God and then the application of it jump forward to the end of the chapter to have a look at that so back in Proverbs 8 he's talking about the Word of God okay the end of the chapter verse 32 says this so Proverbs 8 32 now therefore hearken unto me oh ye children for blessed are they that keep my ways here instruction and be wise and refuse it not blessed is a man that heareth me watching daily at my gates waited the posts of my doors for who so findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favor of the Lord that's not just talking about random wisdom in life that's talking about the salvation that comes from the Word of God but he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul all they that hate me love death and if you hate the Word of God which is hating God there's only one place you're going okay and that that's that's what we're seeing here and this wisdom that we're seeing here is also really we're talking about the wisdom from the Word of God because that's that's where it comes from as we've just seen from many of those verses okay so but in verse 1 where he says does not wisdom cry and understanding put forth a voice really where does that really come from the Word of God okay wisdom comes from the Word of God the Word of God is out there you will always be able to find the Word of God because he promised to preserve it you there will always be the Word of God there always has been the Word of God there always will be the Word of God that's why of course it's ridiculous to think that it was buried in some you know monastery vault somewhere underground and that we just had to wait for you know some people to dig it up sort of 17 1800 years after Jesus Christ died that's nonsense isn't it absolutely ridiculous the Word of God has always been because it cries understanding puts forth her voice and whether it's many God behind pulpits men and women preach the gospel in the highways and hedges or just opening up a Bible it's everywhere the Bible is everywhere isn't it it is everywhere and there are people preaching still the Word of God with the truth with the gospel that and and that's thundering forth still now isn't it and when I say it's everywhere according to words rated com on average 20 million Bibles were sold per year in a United States alone 20 million and you're thinking yeah but most of those are false Bibles well no nearly a third of that total were King James Bibles and by the way the next heist was something like 13% of NIVs 30 odd percent were King James Bibles 6 million purchase just purchased in a year the Bible's everywhere the Word of God's everywhere and that's not to mention all the King James Bibles already in existence a lot of people keep the King James for a long time don't they they don't usually get put in a trash can we try and put the NIVs in a trash can try to get someone a day to put his NIV in a trash can but but sorry we're in England here in a rubbish bin listening to too much American preaching okay however look there's a lot of King James Bibles around and let alone all of the reasonably accurate translations in other languages as well I mean I forget all of those out there as well like the Word of God's everywhere now it says here she standeth in the top of high places by the way in the places of the paths she crieth at the gates at the entry of the city at the coming in at the doors unto you are men I call and my voice is to the sons of man the Word of God is is there isn't it's calling to people in various ways but so often they refuse to hear don't they people just refuse to hear the Word of God and and not just about salvation sadly so many save people refused to hear what the Word of God's calling to them and trying to tell them what to do in various ways but but especially with salvation he said oh ye simple understand wisdom and ye fools be ye of an understanding heart and it is sad to see all of these people on their way to hell isn't it it really is when you go soul-winning you kind of it's hard because sometimes you almost have to harden a little bit to it because it's it could be like it's crushing sometimes isn't it when you knock on doors and the people there they're almost they're like no I'm gonna get on with something really you were that close to hearing the gospel and you just refuse and you won't and so many of these people who just I'm a good person really come on Joe would you like me to show you what the Word of God says that now slam door and it is sad isn't it and obviously in our sorts of areas where it's not like everyone's just walking up to you ask you what must I do to be saved you kind of you get used to it too much don't you you kind of it does desensitize you a bit in a way to just that the majority of people reject the Word of God isn't it sad and and you kind of feel like screaming out you simple just understand wisdom just listen to the gospel ye fools just be of an understanding heart just listen let me just show you the gospel you can get safe can't you he said here for I will speak of excellent things and the opening of my lips shall be right things and first off is there anything more excellent than the gospel how amazing is the gospel it's absolutely amazing that the free gift of eternity and glory how amazing is that and again because we get so used to just preaching the gospel you're out you know multiple times a week many people here just preach the gospel preaching the gospel you hear in the gospel all the time you sometimes just forget don't you just how amazing it really is not one person here deserves to be in heaven yet I'd hope everyone here is on their way to heaven because of a free gift because of Jesus Christ paying it all for you I mean that's amazing isn't it and it's not just well we get to kind of live forever we get to live in glory you get to live in the presence of God just amazing isn't it the gospel is amazing right but it's not just the gospel I mean the Word of God there's so much more to learn as well isn't there he said here for I will speak of excellent things in the opening of my lips shall be right things and and isn't it great to be able to open the Word of God to just know that everything you're reading in there is right is correct to have that trust in the Word of God to have that faith in the Word of God to not to not be sitting there going well I don't know who knows what it says let's hope that that guy behind the pulpits telling me the truth you have the Word of God you have the you can read it you can study it you can learn it you can grow in it it's amazing isn't it and it speaks of excellent things it speaks of right things he said in verse 7 for my mouth shall speak truth a wickedness is an abomination to my lips in John 17 17 up turn that says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth the word is truth the Word of God speaks truth wisdom is truth the true wisdom from the Word of God wickedness is an abomination to my lips now the King James Bible is a hundred percent truth they're pure words we are told of wickedness in the King James Bible aren't we we're given examples for our admonition but God will never tell you to do something wicked will he okay there's a difference his word will never instruct you to do unrighteousness so we don't just follow the example of someone we follow what God tells us to do right clearly clear scripture clear commands trump any example in the Bible don't they as long as you're measuring stickers you inspired preserve Word of God and not the ever-changing so-called morality of the world well and hopefully that should be everyone here right he said for my mouth shall speak truth the wickedness and abomination to my lips so whatever the Word of God says if the Word of God says that a government should punish certain sins with the death penalty how dare anyone call that wicked it's a word of God what because society's changed its mind on that what's what's society gonna think in another hundred years what's society gonna decide in 200 years and when I say society depending what society you're in well that seems to be all merging together into one big liberal joke doesn't it around the world and how on earth do we judge judge anything by our just our joke liberal compromises out there the Word of God the Word of God is is what we judge it by and wickedness is an abomination to my lips talking about here the the the woman wisdom which ultimately really for me is the Word of God it says all the words of my mouth are in righteousness there is nothing forward or perverse in them they're all plain to him that understand if the right to them that find knowledge so if you're saved and you start to study learn and grow as you understand as you find that knowledge it gets plainer and plainer to see doesn't it it really does you the more you grow in it the more you grow in the Word of God it does become plainer and plainer I think and right to them that find knowledge if you notice as you're growing in knowledge the Word of God just starts to just become more clear doesn't it every time you read it through you keep reading through you just start to understand more you start to just get it more don't you but it does take take time you do need to read you need to persevere turn a second Peter 3 it is an automatic second Peter 2 15 will your turn the second Peter 3 second Timothy 2 15 Timothy was told to study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but as you like I said as you study it more the more it makes sense the more it just slots together in an amazing way often when we go through our Bibles I love the Bible studies here I love sitting down and just and just sitting there just staring at the chapters and trying to you know see what God's kind of showing us through that chapter and often you just come away in awe don't you see well I like the picture being made there or the way this when you compare it to here in the New Testament from something thousand years before the Old Testament how it all just goes together so it's amazing isn't it and that's why not just as faith come by here in the Word of God for the gospel but the more you hear the more you read the more you grow in the Word of God the stronger your faith gets as well doesn't it because the more you study and the more you see in you and you and that's why I look ain't just about Sunday morning church is it we want it we need the whole lot and sometimes those for me those Bible studies they strengthen my faith like nothing else because I'm looking at them I'm like sometimes I just come away and I was telling my wife ago that was just so amazing I can't like you just how on earth is this and how I just I mean all of it all the time in and it is awe-inspiring isn't it it's great and it does but you need to put the study in you need to you need to put that work in the the unsaved intellectual the theological professor just can't understand it they just can't understand it they'll struggle and strive to their own destruction won't they they just don't get it second Peter 3 talking of us looking forward to things to come says this in verse 14 we're for beloved seeing that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless and what we're talking about this morning for example an account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned an unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction the amount of so-called experts so-called intellectuals that read this book and come away with work salvation is amazing isn't it how do they do it how do the amount of people who claim to be saved read this book and come away with the Jews are God's special people for example or come away with a pre-trib rapture or come away now some of them will just parrot and say what other people have told them but a lot of it they just they just like the unsaved one just don't understand they just can't get it can they they can't just look at the Bible and just see what it says but they just don't get it and sometimes we find it amazing don't we just see how have you have you got this Bible you've you've got like just believe believe believe faith faith faith believe believe believe faith oh look yeah but what about that verse egg it's got nothing to do with salvation and you just see what an earth and obviously they choose that as well but people they just don't get it do they they just don't understand it they just don't get it he said ye therefore beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness and we have to be careful not to get our heads off our heads turned our faith we can by the so-called doctors of theology for example because it is a fleshly thing where you see the letters after the name you hear the long words you know you see this the seemingly high intellect and you just start to think well how could I know more than that person you know maybe look they maybe they are right they've been studying it for like years and years but what are they coming away with work salvation how because they're not saved because they never put their faith in the gospel because probably most of those people it's a trap really because most those people will never be humble enough to let someone show them salvation they won't have it because oh well I'd have to go away so you know get you get those people someone's where you clearly shown them the gospel verse after verse after verse and what's something well I'd have to go away and study it myself so basically I'm not having you tell me but you've got to be humble enough to say yeah I need someone to show me the gospel and so many won't will they he said but growing grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ him be glory both now forever amen because it's not automatic okay and it's not even possible without salvation in the first place he said to grow in knowledge and in Proverbs 8 talking of the words of God verse 9 says they are all playing to him that understand it and write to them that find knowledge receive my instruction and not silver and knowledge rather than choice gold for wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that may be desired and not to be compared to it and it can often be a choice can't it whether it's young safe person who's too obsessed with wealth of riches to even hear the gospel we get a lot of those don't we or that's too prideful from their riches that can be one of the big problems can it as well just so wealthy in general their prides up Jesus said in Mark 10 24 you don't have to turn there how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God and the more rich you have the more generally your trust goes up into your riches doesn't it and whether or not that's trusting that that your riches show that you're somehow doing well in life and you're holy and everything else and blessed by God or the fact that you just think that your pride just goes up you just think that you've got everything sorted because you're rich Matthew 13 22 you have to turn there it for example there is a saved guy that in the parable of the sower is a seed sown amongst thorns it says he also that received seed among the thorns to see the ear of the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he becometh unfruitful so it's not always the unsaved that get that don't get saved for me this guy's clearly saved however it's the riches it's the the the wealth and everything else it stops him being fruitful being productive for God so we even when you are saved you want to still keep receiving that instruction not go after the silver not go after the gold for wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that may be desired and not to be compared to it and we are told to flee covetousness we're not just told to flee fornication are we we're told to flee covetousness and again that's run the other way that's look you can see any kind of like feeling of it you start to focus on the money you start to just you know it starts become an issue for you you start to just kind of fill that covetousness creeping and I'm talking to the saved here you need a fleet do whatever you need to do to go the other way yeah if there's if there's a way that if there's something in your life there's some reason that you're just finding yourself focusing more and more money you need to get that out of your life right you'll find a way of getting rid of that out of your life you need to flee it and by the way it's not just so wealthy okay many without many many without much wealth of covetous I've met many poor covetous people in the world think about I mean you just think about the amount of people who don't have much money you spend what little they do on the lottery every week for example wouldn't there be a more sensible way to spend 10 20 30 whatever it is that they spend every week just trying to chase millions well it's ridiculous isn't it and really it's covetousness and there are a lot of people that don't have much but a covetous but God wants us to focus on his instruction knowledge wisdom because all the riches in the world can't compare and they can't it's a snare a trap the the the rich people if you've ever known very wealthy people they're usually devoid of wisdom and their lives are usually racked full of problems they have all sort just rich problems just more expensive problems and they're rarely happy it's it's a lie it's a con the celebrity rich person whose people think we've just got it all sorted and everything else it's not the truth they're not happy the money doesn't make them happy I said in verse 12 I wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty invention so he's not saying that if you get wise you're going to invent the next greatest thing in case you're wondering okay inventions in the Bible are always a negative every time we see the word invention use it's talking about a negative and not saying that people inventing things negative just the way the reason the use of it in the Bible is usually false gods or false ways that's the inventions it's talking about okay people coming up with their own ideas and really about either God eternity things like that here he's saying that that wisdom from the word will give you that caution to discern false ways have a clever and subtle sometimes they're very subtle aren't they some false ways are very subtle and the reason that one of the things that obviously we talk about a lot here because it's such a subtle one is for example the repent of your sins false way is a very subtle one and then they get even more subtle with it when they start trying to really get subtle with what the definition of repentance is just to make it a real subtle change to the gospel well you've just got to feel sorry for your sins but where did the gospel say that did it and people go well yeah I suppose I did kind of feel sorry when I got saved yeah but that wasn't the gospel though you probably did but the gospel is put your faith in Christ to pay for your sins and it's those little subtle things and it's very subtle isn't it and it's just a subtle change of the gospel and then people start to trust in there yeah well it was because I I started to hate sin that's why I got saved because of me because of me feeling I started to really feel sorry about it that's why I got saved they're taking repentance out of the gospel that lot that's what they try to say don't they take repentance out of the gospel they go hand in hand because you can't get saved without changing your mind about your false belief before how do you take repair unless you've got a different definition of what repentance is mate and a lot of them have a different definition they just don't like to admit it openly do they however it is it is a snare and a trap and and the these witty inventions in various ways they're clever they're subtle and the subtleness of the subtlety of these can also not just be the the the false ways and a false and another one for example another subtle one would be like the Lordship salvation a subtle one isn't it the well you know you just kind of make him lord of your life because you confess to your mouth the Lord Jesus well of course you accept that Jesus is Lord are you really saying that you're saying I've got to start living for God to get saved that ain't the gospel the Gospels believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I shall be saying there's many of these subtle ways but also there's the subtlety of the the false doctrine and also of the false brethren and he's saying I wisdom draw with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions and there is a lot of subtlety amongst these types of people as well they have very subtle ways of working subtle ways of trying to accomplish their goals and there's various ways they do that as well so here he's telling us that the Word of God ultimately will give you caution will show you those things and will help you find out the knowledge of these things because you because then the Word of God like we've seen the last several chapters shining the light on certain types of behavior for example of the witty inventions of the clever ways of the false ways and then he says in verse 13 the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance see and the evil way and the flow would mouth do I hate so he's saying that the wisdom from the word exposes the false way the the wicked and their ways as well that the knowledge of God that comes from the word results in us hating evil such as pride arrogance see the evil way the forward mouth he said I wisdom draw with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance evil way in the forward mouth do I hate now all of us might deal with pride now knowing now and then okay look look you're not suddenly oh you got saved so you can never be prideful but but the pride and arrogance see that goes with the work salvation is false prophet does disgust you doesn't it when you're around these people and you've been around these people you listen to these types of people you and sometimes you come across them on the door and stuff these people that are just full-on works works well especially the false one I mean the pride is up here isn't it I mean it's unbelievable and it is it should it should make you kind of hate it don't you I do I when you see that just people oozing with that pride it's really it's really off-putting isn't it I said look you can all people can kind of deal with a little bits can be a bit prideful you remember people are just these people are oozing it really however well they they maybe try and hide it for a while it is pretty wicked that the pride the arrogance see the he said here the evil way there are various false ways and the forward mouth which is the unyielding mouth these are people these again we're talking about the most wicked people here okay that reject the Lord Jesus Christ and we're meant to hate that stuff we're meant to hate hate these various witty inventions these various false ways all the subtle ways they do it and we hate it because we have a healthy fear and respect for God in his ways so all this y'all will just love it yeah we should love our own enemy but not God's enemies and that's what it's talking about here the fear of the Lord is to hate evil okay you fear God you respect him you want to grow in him you grow in the Word of God you should hate all that stuff and pride and arrogance and that's that's wicked stuff really isn't it because like we saw what what should we be doing is uplifting the Lord Jesus Christ like we saw this morning that should define us from the work salvation it shouldn't it and I don't mean by just going Jesus Jesus and everything else they say yeah well I know I'm going to heaven because I'm great no it's because really we know that it's all of the Lord and we preach that and we appreciate that and that's why we want to serve God but ultimately it's not because we're great people is it it's because we have the Word of God and because you know praise God we're saved right so we should hate all that stuff we should hate the pride and the arrogance see the evil way the forward mouth he then said counsel is mine and sound wisdom I am understanding I have strength and beyond salvation the word will counsel you it will guide you it will give you sound wisdom it will give you strength won't it about you guys but you know for me I mean I was looking back through my life the strength I've got from the Word of God the courage the the ability to do things I would never been able to do before because of the Word of God and and I'm sure many people who say the same right many people here probably would never have dreamt of going to half the places we go and knocking doors and sometimes not just like the most rough area sometimes it's the most posh areas of the scariest aren't they I was going up some of those dry so the dry ways I went up today and you know we got there we love it's gonna be tough okay you're just looking at I love you the other guys were the same area you're just looking up all these kind of like these long drivers these huge houses you're like okay you know because it is off-putting you know you know so but but what what is it that gives you that strength it's the Word of God is knowing that that's what we commanded to do it's known as the Word of God you know expects us to be bold in the gospel to go to that door and go boldly and preach the gospel to every creature right and and in so many other ways in your life as well the strength to be able to stand against the grain in many areas right the strength to be able to do what God wants you to do to maybe raise your kids in a way that everyone else isn't doing it to maybe you know have a have your your marriage in a way that no one else is doing to to just do all those things and reject all those other things you need that strength in the Word of God to be able to do that are you and and look he does give us that strength he gives us sound wisdom he gives us understanding he said by me Kings reign and princes decree justice by me princes rule and nobles even all the judges of the earth so so many laws and rules around the world do come originally from the Word of God by the way really if you think about it how all these places are ruled from thieving to harming others to even basic decency all comes from God really doesn't it now a lot of it's been changed over time a lot of it a lot of it's been watered down a lot of it they've started to go off into the weeds with certain in certain areas but really where does it really come from originally is from the Word of God doesn't it however skewed morality might become any morality occur at all came from the Word of God which is written on our hearts and and it's by the Word of God that really Kings reign prince decree justice princes rule nobles even all the judges of the earth I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me and why early because a heart hardens with time doesn't it it doesn't and there are exceptions but how hard-hearted are the elderly usually that's why I wasn't overly disappointed with the whole kind of the whole care home thing in the end because they got the gospel week-in week-out for several months and the truth is is that it's so weird because you just think I'm coming to your door you're 80 you're 90 you're whatever years old and I'm coming to show you how you can be a hundred percent sure you're gonna have me you've got nothing else to do all day you've got nothing to do you've got all the time in the world you don't have to go to work you don't have to you don't have any kids there to deal with you nothing at all no not really not really interested really if you'd because you think don't you face it yeah get some elderly people they're the ones that are gonna hear it because I want to make sure they're gonna have it it's coming any day and it's but it's true isn't it but it's the opposite the reality of it is they're usually the hardest ones to get saved it is great when you get an elderly person saved but it's quite hard isn't it isn't it weird but yeah those that seek me early though shall find me and there are exceptions to the rule but but those that truly seek will find him Jeremiah 29 13 says all ye shall seek me and find sorry and you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart and look it's not that obviously that's the only way you get saved but there are people here that sought the truth right maybe there are those here that just prayed I just want the truth you know and they saw but there are people here that didn't there be were here that maybe stumbled across the gospel and got saved okay so it's not that well if they see it we're not Calvinistic we don't think that if you're well if you're gonna get saved you're gonna get saved right no some people will just hear the word of God and get saved right and some people will seek and if you seek I think if you really seek the truth you'll find a truth but sadly so many people what do they really seek they seek their own truth they seek something that's compatible with whatever that they've already decided and then they just want to try and you know back it up with something else but if you really seek the truth I think you will find and all they that seek me earlier said riches and honor are with me verse 18 you know durable riches of righteousness my fruit is better than gold yea then fine gold and my revenue than choice silver now not the riches that burn away durable riches heavenly riches again they're durable riches true true honor he said here he said I reached an honor with me yeah durable rich to watch this and true honor that comes from righteousness that's a real honor in life isn't it the honor where you can say okay look and I've done well here you know I feel like I've had a good day here that's that's where the honor should come from where people look at someone go yeah I think they got integrity that's an upright person that's true what there isn't it not the honor that all these weirdos get from being attention seekers and everything else right achieving something in some you know lame sport or something else that's not true on that people forget him they forget him years later don't they not even that many years later and none of that really matters but true or that comes from doing things right from from true righteousness what's the fruit he said my fruit is better than gold yea then fine gold and my revenue than choice silver well you know the first fruit you'd say salvation isn't it and like I said isn't that better than anything it really is isn't it better than anything else you could earn you could get you can find salvation is a thing but righteousness as well and righteousness is a fruit of the Word of God isn't it and and again how great is true righteousness and true applicable knowledge even just to be at that the real applicable knowledge you can get from the Word of God that will actually change your life that will change what you do in life that will change how you behave like the fruits of it are better than all that stuff I lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures so the Word of God will lead you into righteousness look you can lead a horse to Walter but you can't make him to drink right it should lead you there but it's up to you what you do with that leading it will help you to judge the right path it will help you gain the true riches says the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old the wisdom of the word has always been okay it's the Word of God that created the world you have to turn to Hebrews 11 3 says through faith we understand that worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear verse 23 says I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was some hundred nineteen eighty nine says forever I Lord thy word is set in heaven when there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water so this is before the beginning of the world remember that Genesis 1 2 said and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters so verse 24 is saying that the word was from before then it's from the beginning verse 25 says before the mountains were settled before the hills as I brought forth while as yet he had not made the earth nor the fields or the highest part of the dust of the earth when he prepared the heavens I was there when he said to compass upon the face of the death and like I said wisdom yeah but I'll really hear what we're talking about is the Word of God that is wisdom so when he moved upon the face of the deep you could say there when he said a compass upon the face of the depth when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the fountains of the deep and those fountains by the way that were broken up during the flood they've only been discovered in inverted commas in recent years right and just another just reminder of how the Word of God was telling us about things that people just had no clue about like the fountains of the deep when he gave to the sea his decree that the waters should not pass his commandment when he appointed the foundations of the earth and I believe talking about making a dry land here when I then I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth and my delights were with the sons of men now turn to John chapter 1 because this is where now I want to show you that this gets more profound and some of you might kind of have been realizing this as you're reading it while speaking about the wisdom of the Word of God the Word of God is Jesus Christ so what we've just been reading about is not only the Word of God in terms of the words of God the preserver to go we've also just been reading about Jesus Christ as well John 1 says from verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made in verse 14 says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glories of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth and back in Proverbs 8 30 the Lord Jesus Christ was daily his delight the Prophet Isaiah when prophesying of Christ said in Isaiah 42 1 behold my servant whom I uphold mine elect in whom my soul delighteth I have put my spirit upon him he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles says in verse 30 of Proverbs 8 then I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth and my delights were with the sons of men it was the Son of God walking in the garden enjoying his creation with Adam and Eve what's amazing is that Proverbs 8 is an Old Testament pastor scripture talking descriptively about the Lord Jesus Christ at the same time that's what's amazing about this passage as at the same time as describing the wisdom that is the Word of God and I'm going to show you that look down at verse 7 look at verse 7 it said for my mouth shall speak truth and wickedness is an abomination to my lips 1st Peter 2 22 says of Christ who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth verse 8 says all the words of my mouth are in righteousness there is nothing forward or perverse in them they're all playing to him that understand the right to them that find knowledge and in John 10 27 Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me verse 10 says receive my instruction and not silver and knowledge rather than choice golden he said in Matthew 6 24 you cannot serve God and mammon jump forward to verse 15 where it says by me Kings reign and princes decree justice by me princes rule and nobles even all the judges of the earth Ephesians 1 21 says that he is far above all principality and power might and Dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come it's all underneath the Lord Jesus Christ isn't it verse 17 I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me or John 14 21 says he that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him we just read I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me verse 18 said riches and honour with me a durable riches and righteousness in Matthew 6 20 he said but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven when either Ross nor neither moth nor rust of corrupt and where thieves not break through nor still we know that we do that by serving the Lord Jesus Christ verse 19 my fruit is better than gold yea then fine gold and my revenue than choice silver Jesus Christ fruit is what eternal life that's his fruit isn't it verse 20 I lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will feel fill their treasures so he's talking about though to inherit substance and fill their treasures and first Corinthians 2 9 says but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him we can't even really figure out we can't even get our heads around what's waiting for us and that's why the Bible if you really when you look at this isn't not really that descriptive because I just think you couldn't do it justice could you that heaven and what really is awaiting us the Lord possessed me verse 22 the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was well everyone knows or many you know Micah 5 2 which says but thou Bethlehem afraid to though thou be little among the thousands of Julia yet out of thee shall he come forth talk about Jesus Christ unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting the Lord Jesus Christ verse 24 when there were no depths I was brought forth when there was no fountains abounding with water and of course we know that John 1 1 said in the beginning was a word in the beginning was the word verse 25 before the mountains were settled before the hills I bought for well as yet he had not made the earth nor the fields or the highest part of the dust of the world when he prepared the heavens I was there when he set a compass upon the face of the depth when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the fans of the deep when he gave to the sea his decree that the waters should not pass his commandment when he appointed the foundations of the earth when I was then I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him rejoicing in the habitable part of the earth and my delights were with the sons of men that's the word of God that's the Lord Jesus Christ it applies to both verse 32 now therefore hearken unto me oh you children for blessed are they that keep my ways and the true blessings come from following his commandments living for him don't they hear instruction and be wise and refuse it not and that's what it comes down to okay you're saved you have the living words of God in your hands are you going to hear the instruction everything in this is the Lord Jesus Christ he is the word and he's instructing you through his word are you going to be wise with the wisdom that you hold that you read and that's preached to you he said blessed is a man that heareth me watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors you want to be blessed you want to actually hear him you want to apply it to your life remember you need to do those commandments as well and when he said watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors you know where those gates are where those doors are the house of God aren't they really because the truth is it all goes hand in hand you go well yeah but I can go home read my Bible anyway I could put on YouTube and listen to preach and everything else yeah but there's a difference between listening to it and doing it and where are you really going to be doing it in the house of God and if you're not in the house of God you're not really yet like we said before when I'm preaching and often I'm gonna I'm gonna preach things wrong okay I'm gonna preach some sometimes in the flesh I'm gonna maybe you know preach things that don't apply to you but you know what if I'm here and I'm behind the pulp and I've got the Word of God I believe the Holy Spirit's gonna work through me and preach things that every single person needs to hear from time to time and if you're not here how much are you missing out on so much right so much of the wisdom that comes from being at the post watching daily at his gates waiting at the posts of his doors and this is this is where he's at this is where it's going on isn't it in the house of God he said for who so findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favor of the Lord and that applies to both Jesus Christ and obviously the wisdom that comes from the word which begin begins with the fear of the Lord and salvation you find the wisdom of the word you find the Lord Jesus Christ you're finding life aren't you and you start living for God and you and you keep and you keep being in the word and everything else you're gonna obtain favor of the Lord as well aren't you and but it all comes from the Word of God everything comes from the Word of God but he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul all they that hate me love death and if you reject the Lord Jesus Christ you reject the Word of God or even further really you could say here you hate God you're a hater of God you hate his word you've made your choice of India you rejected him he's rejected you all they that hate he's no here we're saying that look whether you want to call it the Word of God you want to call it the Lord Jesus Christ you want to call it God all they that hate me love death and when we say that people you know I think some of us people get confused by this go well you know I mean how many people really hate God you know they hate the how God's revealed himself through his word they hate the God of grace through faith they hate the Jesus Christ of the Bible that says that they cannot earn their way to heaven whatever little amount of works they want to add to it they hate it that's why they hate churches that preach the gospel we someone had this on the door I think earlier today I think someone who claimed to be a Baptist minister somewhere it just hates us really because we're knocking on the door preaching the gospel they hate the gospel they hate the Word of God they hate God they hate Jesus Christ and you know you know they they were ultimately doing their loving death and that's what it comes down to doesn't it and people do they and they might deny it and they might find a way to try and justify their their views and everything else and the reality of it is if you're sitting in a church like this and you're hearing the gospel preached pretty much look I don't try I try not to be like those old IFP churches right okay it's not like right guys it's time you know just shape the sermon into the gospel every week but the reality of it is you hear the gospel every week in one way or another you hear at least a quick summary of it you hear something you're hearing it preached every single week pretty much you're out there listening to it preached on the doors yeah and you're sitting here and you're still rejecting grace through faith you're still hanging on to some amount of work salvation to some repentance of sins to some turning from your sins to some sort of works on top of the gospel you are on slippery slippery ground because you look that's that's just pure rejection of the word that's pure rejection of Jesus Christ that's to the point where look you're gonna get given over to a reprobate mind I believe you know I've thought about this before I know our old pastor used to talk about used to talk about the sleeper cell reprobate and he'd say like you have these people that seem to be fine absolutely normal in church for years and then suddenly it's like they've just been activated it's like doo doo doo destroy church that's what you know I believe sometimes that what that case is it's people that were unsaved in a church like ours and we're rejecting rejecting rejecting still holding on to some work some work someone well yeah I mean I know they all say that I think you still got a repent of some sins you got at least turn away from so you got at least try to be good surely to get saved you got it but I'm not gonna say anything I'm just keep quiet keep quiet keep quiet they reject their rejected rejected I think they get still point when they're given over and when they're given over they become a child of the devil and that means now he's gonna use them to do his purpose just like God was using you when you're saved to do his purpose those that are children of the devil start to do his purpose and that for me might be an explanation of some of these deeper cell reprobate types maybe they weren't bad when they first came to the church they were just unsaved and then there's a point and look if you're sitting in this church or you're watching online and you've been hearing that message so you need to you need to just get down on your knees say to God look if you're still sitting there trying to hold on to some works you need to get on your knees you to humble yourself and say God I just want to get saved yeah what you want to go to heaven don't you you don't want it don't reject that's that's the warning that's what the reprobate should warn us is don't reject don't be like then because there'll be a point when it's too late it's too late and you're done and and you know and not only you done not only going to hell but you're gonna live a wicked life until that because once your mind is gone and you're giving over to a reprobate mind that is scary isn't it no one here wants to be like that so you better make sure that you have your faith your trust in Christ alone no works no added works no continual works no pre-work it's faith in Christ alone for by grace is safe through faith that not of yourselves it's a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast he said here all they that hate me that's the Jesus of the Bible that's the word of God that's the truth of the word they love death and death ain't a good place we have fish up there how many father thank you for well the just a clear clear teachings in in there just just the wisdom from the Word of God and just you know how different it is to the world's wisdom how different it is to just anything else really that is in our lives and how you know ultimately you know the Lord Jesus Christ is is the Word of God and how you know we get all these things from here we get all of these things from the Word of God you can't really separate them Lord that is just an amazing passage of Scripture to show us that and help us to just just think about that as we go forward this week help us to apply just the teachings we've we've got there to our lives to want to just seek off that wisdom to want to not just listen to it but also to apply it to our lives Lord help us to just get our hearts right with you obviously want to serve you to want to just just do all the things that we see in your word that are constantly standing out to us constantly instruct us and commanding us Lord help us to get home safe from you this evening I hope everyone to just get home safe and sound to find a way of getting back on Wednesday for the midweek service and just don't throw this army