(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're up to Matthew chapter 7 and part 2 and in verses 1 to 12 we looked at judging and the command not to judge hypocritical judgment yeah that was the point wasn't it is that we shouldn't be judging with hypocritical judgment and we looked at different ways that people do that we looked at giving holy things to dogs casting your pearls to swine and and for me you know seeing that dogs are likened to what the bible calls or is used interchangeably with sodomites for me that's what it's talking about there we looked at the the promises and also the conditions of prayer as well and you know not there are promises there but there are certain conditions to when you pray as well treating people how you'd want to be treated at the end of that and and we're basically right now we're in the final chapter of the sermon on the mount and Jesus now having given all this different sort of you know truths and and commands etc he then goes into a hard truth here before his conclusion he starts with from verse 13 where it says enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is a gate and broad is a way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is a gate and narrow is a way which leadeth them to life and few there be that find it i'd like to just pray before we continue here so father i thank you for your word i thank you for this great chapter please help me to preach it accurately help me to preach it boldly lord fill me with your spirit please so i could just preach what you'd want me to preach help people to just have attentive ears now please help them to to just stay wide awake um you know it's a midweek service it's late in the evening it's it's been a hard hot day please help everyone to just pay attention now to what you've got to say to them in jesus name for all of this amen okay so the lord jesus christ is warning them here of how popular the false way is because it's very popular isn't it and the false way ultimately is work salvation isn't it that's what the false way is it's wrapped up in many different ways it has different different coloured packaging different wrapping paper different ribbons different bows but it's all just work salvation one way or another isn't it however little the work seemed to be or however great they seem to be whichever order they seem to be it's all work salvation and that's ultimately what we deal with isn't it we just deal with work salvation in one way or another and and now and again you get the person that claims that they don't believe in any god whatsoever but usually they say something like well if there was a god and then a lot of the time it will be well i think i would go to heaven because i'm a good person or something like that and it ultimately just seems to come down to work salvation but there's a funny thing here isn't there because here he's making it clear that it is very broad that way but i don't know about you but i remember when i first got saved i was just assuming that there's all these christians around you know and oh the guy's got a cross you know oh great you know start trying to talk to him about god and the bible and they just seemed like so put off by me and you know it's a bit of a kind of harsh truth that you start learning that it really is a narrow way isn't it and and i mean you'll have people that you know have crossed this kind of church and they don't even believe in heaven or you have people that have all that stuff and oh you know they don't even believe that they're they claim they don't believe that necessarily is a god well i like angels and stuff you know and then you get the ones that claim to be christians and as we kind of you start narrowing it down more and more you know and then you're like well at least you know at least there's baptists aren't there at least there's baptists around but then you soon learn that well even in this country the majority of what we call baptists aren't saved the majority of them are baptist union church i had a guy that i knocked on the door on south end which got angry pretty quickly about me trying to preach the gospel to him and started telling me that if we're not a baptist union church we're not baptists apparently which was quite bizarre because part of the distinguishing parts of being a baptist is being an independent church isn't it but um you know it's lost of these people but why is it so straight and narrow why is it so straight now and one of the big reasons is pride isn't it and and that's probably i would say the biggest issue we come up against is pride pride that their version of religion you know that they've been good enough they've done enough they've learned enough they've understood enough they're wise enough or whatever it is to get to heaven and ultimately without the need of a savior and it so often comes down to pride but proverb 16 18 says pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall and look pride isn't a good thing is it and pride blocks so many people from getting saved but before we get all prideful about how humble we are because people do get vital about how humble they are well lucky i was humble enough to get saved right yeah which isn't humble is it um maybe you were just fortunate enough to hear the gospel at a humble point in your life right and and praise god for that because i know looking back it just happened to be a humble part time in my life when i heard the gospel and maybe at many other times in my life i probably wouldn't have been humble enough to hear the gospel and and praise god that that happened but but why did that well that was thanks to someone preaching you the gospel and now for me it was it was a video on youtube and maybe for others here it might have been that as well but praise god that there was someone there that was willing to do that and and and put that out and try and get that out there and put the effort into that and for many people as we know it's it's us knocking on the door and happening to to hopefully knock at the door when they're at a humble enough point and it's kind of comes down to a numbers game doesn't it and we've got to get out there we've got to knock those doors to get those people because the more doors you knock the more likely you're going to reach someone at a humble point in their life and that's a lot of the time when it comes down to it doesn't it um but with that there's then that therefore another reason why the the way is so narrow is because there's so few going out and showing what the way is and that's a sad truth isn't it it's sad truth that there are so few people there are so few people that are saved going out and showing other people how to get saved and that's pretty tragic isn't it and that's another reason why the why the way is narrow it's not just because oh well they just weren't humble you know a lot of it is because there aren't people going out and preaching the gospel and you know again you know we could go into that but we're not going to um but there's another truth here obviously as well that even amongst baptists like we said even amongst even amongst i would say independent fundamental baptists there are few that are saved and and we've had that in this country we've noticed that haven't we with what are independent fundamental baptist churches and you start talking to people there and they believe that they've got to repent of their sins they believe that they had to turn away from sin to get saved there the pastor eventually admits that he believes that at some point along the line and and and that the the longer you live as a saved man or woman or child of god here the more you realize how narrow that way is yeah how now and it's it's sad isn't it it's sad how narrow it is because at the beginning i think maybe if you learned that in the beginning how narrow it is it would probably be a much harder truth to take wouldn't it and the more we grow and the more and the stronger we get the more strength we get the more we start to understand how narrow the truth the way of truth really is but then you get to a new independent fundamental baptist church you get to a church of soul winners but then you can make the uh the mistake of just assuming therefore that everyone's saved and many people can do that as well and and not realize what is even narrower than that you could be in a church with people listening to the gospel going out and preaching that gospel and even then there's a lot of people there that aren't actually saved and even worse than that um but that's what we want to talk about here because then in verse 15 jesus christ said beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves now did he say beware of false prophets which come to you with a whopping great sign on their forehead saying i'm a false prophet he didn't say that did he no they come in sheep's clothing but it is an interesting point here what what is considered a sheep can vary amongst the uneducated can't it so for example i don't know i choose one of my children here maybe my my boy charlie is probably just about getting there but before that he would you know he would look at maybe a cow and think it was a sheep yeah and he would look at something else and maybe you go what noise the cows make and he'd say or something like that yeah and for him it's it's a bit harder to spot right because he's uneducated because he doesn't understand these things because he's young yeah and we're not going to be too mean about charlie about this because you know he's a he's a he's a young child and many young children are the same now if i came home one day with maybe a maybe my youngest boy james and i came home in maybe a fairly good expensive pig outfit james could be convinced i was a sheep yeah they could be he could have his brother and sister going he's a sheep and he'd be like sheep sheep you know now is that a slight on james no he's young he's he's a baby he doesn't really understand right but we could convince him even in a pig outfit that i'm a sheep now in a way it's the same with the catholic priest isn't it it's the same with the rabbi it's the same with the imam that people are actually looking at them and thinking that they are one of christ's sheep well at least when it comes to the to the catholic priest the the jews think that this is one of god's sheep when they look at the the rabbi the the muslims thinks that it's some whatever they call their you know their that their version of being one of god's people they think that when they look at the imam but basically they're even less than the baby aren't they because they're not even spiritual babies they have no idea yeah so they just see this that's a picture they see a guy we were looking at some the other day walking down the street in basically a dress with some funny little hat on but because it's a white dress and he's got some pajama pants underneath they're like that's the holy guy but we're looking at this muslim imam whatever you want to call it and just thinking that is some wicked wicked pervert what is he doing dressing like that and look because it's the uneducated isn't it but as the kids learn more the outfits have to get better don't they so as my children get older i can't turn up in a pig outfit and convince them i'm a sheep my eldest two ella and jack especially and i would hope grace as well i'm going to see me turn up in a big bright pink outfit oinking and go hey look at daddy's a sheep yeah well i would have to i would have to maybe well i would have to to come with a good outfit wouldn't i and for my children to believe i was an actual real sheep the older ones wow that would have to be a really good outfit wouldn't it i mean i'm sure someone can make something especially good some some you know some sort of robotic sheep and maybe for a minute my son's shaking his head now because he thinks he's an animal expert but i reckon there's something out there where i could maybe for a second if i was far enough away you might think i was a sheep right but when you get to a bible believing church like ours those outfits have to be good don't they yeah they have to be good now he said he said they come to your sheep's clothing and obviously he's talking about you know looking like a sheep acting like a sheep etc the wolf can't look like a sheep and then bark instead of bleeped can he yeah there's no it's no point a wolf coming to a church like this looking like men or women of god or even you know maybe not so much children of god unless they get a bit older but but there's no point in looking like that and then howling at the moon yeah because everyone's going to know what that is right in the same way that everyone's going to know if a wolf's in a sheep's outfit if it starts acting like a wolf obviously some do howl at the moon but it usually takes a bit longer for you to see that right so no they have to act like sheep they even have to pretend that they're eating grass really that's what what a wolf would have to do and in our case let's see the loud amens that's uh you know the the preaching even sermons that's the prayers sometimes they go too far and you know and they want to be pre you know the prayers start to become five minute prayers that's even claiming to be reading that's even reading the bible like that wolf would have to be chewing on that cud to convince you know a wise sheep that he's a sheep they have to look like they have to start learning their bible and everything else yeah but that's the whole point they're in sheep's clothing and and i think people people sometimes they find this hard because maybe it's an ego thing that well i would have known i would have seen well but look they did this or they did that now when they're revealed when the tail pops out when the ears poke out of the top the stitching gets loose for whatever reason when you see the sharp canines and the drool dropping off them yeah now what should happen is the wise sheep accept it okay the wise sheep accept it because they've heard about it or they've seen it before however hard it might be and it look it can be hard right and and the flesh doesn't want to and the flesh doesn't want to think that maybe you've been conned the flesh doesn't want to believe that that really there are people like this and it can be hard truths to take but the wise sheep accept it and i'm talking about our church members here okay i'm not talking about people from afar because look there are people that could have watched my sermon on sunday and they didn't they they haven't been here for the last 18 months okay they haven't listened to my preaching for the last 18 months they haven't seen the behavior going on for the last 18 months and they sure as hell didn't see what happened on our off air incident in our church here uh the week before so i'm talking about the people in our church and ultimately that's who i'm preaching to okay because i'm preached to people in the church and for online really it's the people that because we have a church spread out around the country and even some members who would consider themselves members in europe and that's who we're preaching to here okay and that's who really i care about here so those people that were maybe with them week in week out maybe once a month watching their behavior here not watching their behavior in another church not watching their behavior in the last church we may have been at with them going but you know when they were at bethel they seemed all right when they're at whatever church you fill in the blank you know reprobate church in brighton whatever it was called they seemed okay well whether or not you believe that or not that's not what we're talking about here we're talking about their behavior here which for me has just been so clearly exposed and even and and it's hard to put it to words in a sermon here just even just what went on on that week before because what went on that week before was so just revealing wasn't it and not only the recorded conversation but the behavior the behavior in the church when the moths were just kind of flying off you know and and melting under the heat and and it was just wow and and that was pretty shocking for a lot of people and i can't really do that credit in a sermon so like i said i'm preaching to the church here but you've basically got two types of sheep you've got you've got the ones that don't get it they're either young or naive okay they they or they just don't want to get it okay they just want to excuse it they want to justify it they want to justify all this behavior and then you've got unfortunately and and look and again this isn't i'm not trying to say right if you don't agree with me 100 hear me right here but if you're in a if you're in our chair if you witness to everything that's gone on over the last 18 months yeah it's been brought to light you've seen it all and look i i agree some of that might like when i when when i preach some of that some people might be saying well some of that was a bit petty brother Ian yeah some of that you know kind of moaning about you know this or that you know when they're in the church yeah it might it might to some that are outside the church but when you put it all together and all the behavior we see and by the way that was only my two witness stuff look i i could if i sat there and really took the time and went forget the two witnesses i'd have lists like this on everyone there and i don't have that on anyone else in the church okay i'm not sitting here just finding all little things oh brother whoever looked at me a little bit funny then you know oh a bit of a loud amen yeah that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about a long list on these particular people on each one that that then i had to just trim down to just two witness stuff and look if you don't get it after that i don't think you're gonna get it you know but like i said then you've got you look you've got to understand this there will be okay did the bible did the bible ever said once you get rid of them you're scot-free it didn't there will be ones that come in and again it's not to be a witch hunt the likelihood is there will still be people that get exposed further down the line and they're what we have to watch out for now because right now we've had a crisis we've had a big deal we've kicked out eight couples and in total i think it works out to something like maybe 22 with children okay it's a good time for the devil to start trying to pull other people out right yeah because that's the time when people in the church might be a bit kind of shaken up a little bit questioning a little bit wondering and that's the time when other wolves maybe from the outside maybe from the inside will start trying to shake you and one way that can happen is the ones that want to deny that there are such things as wolves in sheep's clothing because i tell you what if i was a wolf in sheep's clothing i would want to be convincing the sheep that there's no such thing as wolves in sheep's clothing i wouldn't be going yeah i mean it's terrible they're everywhere aren't they you know you better keep your eyes peeled i'd be going do you really think they were that bad no i've seen them get people saved no i'm just not buying it or whatever the answer is or really could it have been that many that many wicked people i don't think all of them are yeah and look i'm not saying anyone that says that that's it they're all by i'm saying that sort of thing i'd do if i was a wolf yeah i'd be trying to just start to sow the seeds start to sow the seeds that maybe that was maybe there's something up there maybe they weren't all that bad maybe we need to find a way to get them back in maybe we need to you name it yeah and that's something we obviously have to watch out for right now people that suddenly want to yeah well you know just really sad for them really sad just really miss them whoa you know look i get it yeah it's a bit of a shock to some people some people you know they felt they were friends of these people i'm not knocking you if you did you know that's why they are wolves in sheep's clothing i know i've made the point that some of them were just so blatant it was ridiculous but look you know that's the whole point isn't it we get conned we get tricked the flesh wants to believe that they're not but if people are trying to just start to hint and suggest and try to push some sort of sorrow for them everything else that's something to raise your eyebrows right yeah people that just don't want to accept to acknowledge it at all that's weird okay it's like this this has been a big deal hasn't it okay so turn a chat turn a jude because the bible's very clear about these types of people and uh you know we're on the topic right now i'm not going to go on about this every week but i i am my my job now is to make sure that other people don't get swayed don't get pulled out of the church that if you want to leave the church you're welcome to leave the church but i'll do my best to try and not let the sheep get scattered by these wolves okay so let's have a little look at jude while you turn i'm going to read uh just quickly a couple of verses first john 4 1 says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets have gone out into the world many not some many many matthew 24 11 talking of the start of the end time says and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many so if you've been deceived you're one of the many that gets deceived okay so don't don't be too hard on yourself about that it's not rare there are many and like i said on sunday this isn't just talking about the repent of your sins preacher yeah there are many repent of your sins preachers but i want to talk about the type that we've been dealing with the infiltrator because it could be a shock to think that they were sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you that's pretty shocking isn't it that's pretty hard to take and that's something that most people don't want to accept and don't want to take jude 1 and from verse 4 says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were befall of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our lord into lasciviousness and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ now lasciviousness is looseness irregular indulgence of animal desires wantonness lustfulness okay and again those that knew some of these people can see that pretty clearly okay look at verse 16 and that's the point is because people can say well you know some of those things it went so they had a little moan so they had a little complaint but it all goes hand in hand these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouth speakers great swelling words they're so holy having men's persons in admiration because of advantage and i think i showed all of that on sunday yeah i showed all of that on sunday look at verse 17 but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our lord jesus christ how that they told you that there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit so the bible warns us time and time again it literally describes these people to the t doesn't it to the t and then cue the i don't think they were that bad it's sad to see them go where's the love where's the love yeah it's just so hateful it's just you know we should all be crying about it and everything else no look once once you know it's a wolf you should be pleased to get rid of that wolf shouldn't you yeah i don't think the rest of the sheep are crying because the wolf gets shot by the farmer in the head yeah i don't think they're all just like sobbing and you know that poor wolf and you know leaning over it going the poor thing i'm just so sad that we've lost one of the sheep family they're going it was a wolf thank god it's gone thank god that's the end of it right so by the way with that in case anyone said you're going well it's all the church like don't look the vast majority of our church are in no doubt any more about any of them i've talked to many people that have come to me and talked to me and given other testimony stuff like i said that was never even discussed on sunday just so many things i'm losing count of all the some like i said are red flags some are massive red flags some are just wicked behavior there's no other explanation for it with all our people that have been kicked out so look for me you know ultimately there's a we have a lot of strong people in our church and and you know and i'm not again this isn't i'm not trying to be clever here about this to make you feel like you must be weak if you don't agree just saying that a lot of us strong Christians here just 100 all day long yeah now it's been revealed you could just see it yeah no problem okay there's no issue with that well how does jesus tell us that we can know for sure who's the ravening wolf though so if you go back to matthew chapter seven and again like i said i'm not talking about people from afar people in our church who have experienced the behavior witness the behavior our pastor has a good term for these types of people sometimes and and some weren't some maybe some maybe were he calls them uh sleeper cell reprobates okay so there are people that literally it's like they just kind of just quietly getting on with church we didn't really have that but some maybe maybe could you know some there are such things that we're just quietly going on with church life and then it's like they're activated it's like must destroy church must destroy and it's like they're like this sleeper cell it's like no one knows about and then it's just out of nowhere they're activated and people then are looking going but wait a second i remember they seem to be all right and everything else so look i don't know i don't know how that all works but i know that look the last 18 months what happened everything that's gone on that everyone everyone here pretty much is you know just like yeah you know it is what it is because ultimately it comes down to what the bible says so jesus said in verse 16 there ye shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and casts into the fire wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them so what are the fruits here is he talking about the fruits of the spirit no because they require us to deny the flesh and walk in the spirit okay and and that's a daily battle and not automatic is it okay is he talking about getting people saved well in a way as getting someone saved does require someone saved okay so obviously romans 1 17 that says for there it is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the judge shall live by faith and sadly many christians don't go on to get people saved though do they so is that like a great measuring stick you just go well he hasn't got anyone saved he must be a referee he hasn't got anyone saved he has got some say no that's not how it works is it verse 18 jesus said a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit so obviously some rep rate false prophet isn't going to get someone saved but it's not always easy to know who's saved and who isn't is it okay and you you can't always tell that you could even have someone brought along to church wow they've come to church they must be saved right well they've come to church and they claim to believe they must be saved but that doesn't mean anything does it okay god knows who's saved and who's not and also you could also argue who are real disciples you go oh all these people you know they claim and and also who even got them saved like for example i spoke about ringing up a lady who theoretically was saved by someone at our church who turned out was saved but said no they said this but i've since learned this now but that person could have come to our church at some point said they're saved a great disciple well done praise god you know and everything else and maybe thought well i won't mention that they were saying this now that person could have been one of the many that hadn't had a false gospel given to them that had a witness yeah that that was just had a witness there that one of you's gone out sold in with someone someone's theoretically got saved gone away listen to something else listen to some good follow-up stuff listen to to to the to the gospel by someone who is saved put their faith in jesus christ it comes along and everyone's like look look convert salvation so it's a very it's not a very easy measuring stick to use is it now here's the thing though as well is what this really is talking about is what comes out of their mouth now the result being salvation or not ultimately because that's really what it's talking about because because someone's you know some people go i remember an old past going i mean these people were swearing are they even saved and it's like what are you talking about yeah that's not what it's talking about you know what it's talking about is is things which to do with some salvation damnable heresies things like that but the result of what comes out of our mouths also can result in salvation can't it because it has to be preached faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god turn to matthew 12 where jesus is accused of being possessed by the pharisee so this is matthew chapter 12 and verse 24 matthew 12 24 so but when the pharisees heard it they said this fellow did not cast out devils but by beel's above the prince of the devil so i want you to jump forward now to verse 31 jesus kind of gives them a bit of uh explanation as to firstly why they're wrong and he explains that this is reprobate stuff calling jesus possessed that's the point uh brother was saying to me about how at one of these charismatic churches telling me the other day that they basically if you go tongues ain't ain't of the holy spirit oh be careful you're blaspheming the holy spirit yeah so this is quite a good like just kind of you can't say anything against anything we're claiming because you might be blaspheming the holy spirit and therefore lose your salvation that's not what it's talking about it's talking about saying that jesus christ is possessed yeah is possessed with the devil that's blaspheming the holy spirit not saying that some wicked possessed tongue speakers are possessed yeah that's clearly not blessing the holy spirit okay so he said he said wherefore i say unto you in verse 31 all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy ghost shall not be forgiven unto men so obviously that's not losing your salvation it's going beyond being able to get saved yeah and whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit okay so what's coming forth from the tree right verse 34 o generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak there should give a counter of in a day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned it's our words that get people saved that's why proverbs 11 30 says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win of souls is wise the fruit isn't the saved person the fruit is what gets them saved the words that come out of your mouth that's what i believe turn to luke 6 which is a parallel passage to matthew 7 luke 6 and from verse 43 luke 6 43 the bible reads for a good this is jesus speak for a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit neither does the corrupt tree bring forth good fruit for every tree is known by his own fruit for of thorns men do not gather figs nor the bramble bush gather their grapes a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth full forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh so the point being that it's what comes out of your mouth and eventually what someone really believes will start to come out of their mouth and look it's generally easier with a preacher why is it generally easier with a preacher because they're speaking for hours at a time because when you're listening to a preacher you can listen to them preaching three hours on average a week coming out of their mouth and just preaching and preaching and preaching and eventually if they believe in some damnable heresy it's going to come out of their mouth sooner rather than later because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh right but verse 16 here jesus said ye shall know them by their fruits sorry back to matthew seven ye shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them here's a question did we ever see judas preach damnable heresy anyone see that in the bible no i don't see anywhere do you okay and look judas judas was with them three and a half years was was with jesus christ for three and a half years he didn't preach any damnable heresy now i i think maybe he eventually would have done believe maybe he would have done i don't know how long it would have taken but he made three and a half years without any record of it in the bible right absolom spent 40 years trying to con the people and again we don't see any record of damnable heresy coming from from absolom i know some argue that maybe he's a sociopath i believe he's he was a reprobate i believe that's why david's mourning so much his death as well unlike maybe his unborn oh sorry his newly born child where he's saying that he knows that he will go to him right but again you know there's different opinions on that but you have to compare here so yes the damnable heresy eventually comes out with these people okay i believe it will do eventually with time and that's one way of knowing for sure is what comes out of the mouth but there's another way obviously that jesus christ didn't mention it for example unclean lusts show that someone that's a good way of knowing that someone is basically a false prophet of some form and look it's not saying that look all sodomites aren't aren't necessarily false prophets or have anything to do with the things of god but look that's one that can be one indication can't it as well if someone is like that we're going to know for sure that they are what we would call a false prophet yeah some sort of infiltrator obviously mentioned famously in romans one and jude it describes it as defiling the flesh yeah talking about these types of people now turn to second timothy three because this gives us other trademarks of these people because sometimes look you're not going to get that that that damnable heresy but you are going to get other behavior which just fits what the bible says clearly right okay second timothy chapter three and from verse one second timothy three one says this note also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves okay listen to this bit lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy okay there's a lot of interesting stuff on that list isn't there right especially the the beginning parts which you know clear as day lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud i mean just like those you know the three of those four are almost like the similar thing mentioned in just different ways and we've seen a lot of that haven't we okay a lot of that covered lovers of their own selves boasters and proud and obviously the covetous thing as well we've just been seeing that coming out with all different things coming out about people okay blasphemers are disobedient to parents we don't know necessarily without the unthankful the unholy and look there's a lot of wickedness going on wasn't there a lot of just bizarre stuff look at verse three without natural affection okay and again we we've seen some bizarre stuff haven't we with parenting and things which like i'll tell you now i am going to preach on some of these things because some of it was so so like poisonous to our church was because there was this kind of this group that were you at least at least there was one very large family and people that people were looking up to and new mums were looking up to and others thinking and some of the stuff that was going on was just wicked wicked but it was being pushed and promoted on people and and that's the you know it wasn't just to try and split the church it's trying to poison the church as well without natural affection and a couple of families were just i would say three were just so obvious with that for sure truce breakers false accusers funny that rings a bell incontinent okay that's basically not being able to keep their own lusts and again like lots of wickedness fierce we saw that we've seen that despisers of those that are good yeah look i'm not saying just yeah i'm just so good you know obviously they hate they hate leadership either way anyway but but again you know when you started to see the way that they were with certain people in the church people that maybe seemed more loyal to you know there was some pretty wicked behavior going on traitors and look we're back to now what we saw at the beginning heady high-minded and look it's like the pride is so wicked isn't it yeah and and look how many times it's just it's described here in different ways and again like it was so like just just oozing out of these people wasn't it heady high-minded and they were you know traitorous really traitorous to their church lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness yeah but denying the power thereof and i think we will see that with time or we would have seen that with time and i think i think ultimately that's probably talking about the gospel but you could say as well just kind of like deny you know as much of the praise gods ultimately it was constantly trying to lift themselves up etc from such turn away okay we're told to keep away from these people for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lust and that's obviously what they go for a lot of the time they attack the women try and get those women ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth okay because they are given over now as janis and jambres withstood moses so do these also resists the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith but i like verse 9 but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as it also was and their folly was manifest unto all men wasn't it and and look just again because i know i've already started to get an inkling of just little sort of sense of whispering here and there look the like standing up in a church yeah and just bearing false witness just lying through your teeth i mean the boldness to do that's one thing isn't it like it's it's not just a bit of railing just a little bit of yeah just just kind of you know just wanted to just just couldn't resist a little bit like it's a fleshly thing i'm just a bit of a lot like it's wicked as anything isn't it because we all know what the goal was and i know when you relay the story it could just sound like what like what they're trying to pretend so much yeah they said you shout when they didn't know that wasn't the point and everyone who was here knew that wasn't the point i mean they were saying and even after they were proven they're shouting out this is when he does it this even after that he must have edited the like we've heard this a couple of times now he must have edited the recording it's so hey by the way anyone who even has their head turned slightly about who honestly thinks i would stand behind this pulpit play a recording having edited it and like honestly you'd be better off in another church because if that's what you honestly think i'd do and i don't even know how you would do that with a five-way conversation i have no i honestly i have no i remember brother john laughed and went by the way you wouldn't have any idea he knows i'm not really the most technologically minded with these sorts of things but like how on earth would you do that and stand behind a pulpit and do that i mean it's so ridiculous isn't it yet they the people will never stop but look if again like that will be trying to sway and obviously they're messaging that to the outer sheep because they go for those that are already a bit on the outside people that maybe haven't been a church much people that aren't so regular people that maybe look like they can be caught or something and they'll start trying to get that okay so obviously that's ridiculous and i don't think i haven't i'd happily offer for it to be i think brother john said you could have something analyzed you know because it shows like yeah anyone ever wants to do that you're welcome but you know i will question your sanity if you ask me that but again you know that's not a warning because i have no problem with that but it's ridiculous what's really funny there when it was actually a 40-minute conversation this is like one of the lies they came out with afterwards yeah i can't remember who either they said it to our past or someone else we believe it was a 40-minute conversation which is really funny because in in one of ben frank frankly's railing letters it said um i would literally never let someone would you let someone shout at your wife in a small room for 30 minutes so but apparently actually it was 40 minutes and somehow i edited out 30 minutes of shouting in that 40 minutes and 10 minutes extras anyway right so lug nonsense but their folly was manifest unto all men however much they'll try and poison the the naive and the week after that okay so right here's a big question about this sort of thing and we're not like i said we're not going to go on about this so much what i do want to do is try and preach on some of the in the future i'm going to preach this on some of the things which were getting pushed on our church members over that time and obviously i was trying to hit stuff a lot someone said to me today they listen to an old sermon and looking back now you can just see everything like i said i've been preaching this stuff for 18 months yeah and and you know and and preach against a lot of the stuff that i felt was being pushed on church members and i want to kind of go over some of this stuff because a little leaven does leaveneth the whole lump but here's the question do these people know what they're doing so a lot of people question this don't they they say do they know exactly what they're doing do they admit to themselves for example that they are just wicked vile reprobates do do do these people because we've got obviously a kind of case study here how did these people go away maybe listen to my preaching have they gone away after that and just gone got caught out was it like was it like and i'm sorry to go to like a worldly illustration here was it like scooby-doo where like the mask came off and they're like if it hadn't been for those pesky kids you know we would have got away with it was it like that i don't believe so i don't believe with these types of people it is so if you um if you go back to matthew seven because when it comes to the work salvation is false prophets which it's talking about here and i don't know exactly what every type of of the ones we've had are it seems that they've convinced themselves that they're right with god have you noticed that look at verse 21 he said not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven now of course jesus isn't talking about following all of the commandments as that's impossible and we'll contradict the tons of salvation verses turn to second peter three which i i was looking at this and i prefer second peter three for this i know john 640 is a nice verse to show that it's god's will that everyone has everlasting life and this is the will of him that sent me this is john 640 that everyone which seeth the son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and i'll raise him up at the last day so his will is that everyone has everlasting life but doing the will of his father well i think second peter three nine makes that clear second peter three nine says the lord is not slack concerning his promises of some men count slackness but his long suffering to us would not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so his will is not that any should perish his will is that all should come to repentance and obviously no one here is wondering does that mean we've all got to stop sinning because obviously we've gone at length over what repentance is his will isn't that we perish but that we come to repentance a change of mind attorney for what we did believe to faith in christ jesus okay so go back to matthew seven where these are a group of people that haven't done his will and believed yeah they haven't done that but it's not just unsaved people and obviously some people will use this and i've done this before in gospel presentations just to show kind of the unsaved and what they're trusting but really they're described at the end as you that work iniquity right and he's he's basically still talking about false prophets which is the context of this part of his sermon psalm five five you don't have to turn it says the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity okay workers of iniquity is another name for reprobates for sons of belial children of the devil god hates these false prophets okay he doesn't just hate the unsaved they're his enemies psalm 92 9 says for loath thine enemies oh lord for loath thine enemies shall perish all the works of iniquity shall be scattered okay so again they're described as his enemies he hates them these false prophets here convince themselves that they're right that they're men and women of god look what they say here in verse 22 many many and there's a lot of them by the way okay in case you're wondering many he's talking about false prophets here will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils in thy name have done many wonderful works so that's false prophets workers of iniquity in that day saying but look what we've done look at what we've done lord lord not going we destroyed it we did what we could to just destroy god and his people and everything else though they actually have convinced themselves that they're doing the will of god here and that i think goes back to the pride goes back to the high-minded to the headiness goes back to the arrogance goes back to the boasting goes back to all that part of them they cannot accept they will never accept i could preach this stuff i could send it i can make i could tie them down and and and literally just preach it out the bible just link it all and they do you think they'd sit there and go yep masks off got me bang to rights never and that's why when they get exposed these people they don't just kind of ride off into the sunset and try and hit maybe maybe i'll go to an old ifb church which has a gospel right and just do what i can do there because i've kind of been a bit you know my masks off now amongst nifb churches no they just spend their life attacking slandering setting up false you know youtube accounts and and or even if they're bold enough channels where they just preach whatever it is and constantly trying to convince everyone that they were wronged and that they're actually men and women of god and what's bizarre is that because deep down they know that they don't really believe the gospel or they don't believe you know that which is the gospel ultimately that that the trinity or they don't believe in everlasting torment in hell or whatever it is that they don't believe they don't believe in eternal security really they're still in a church pretending they do but maybe they convince themselves that people here are just a bit naive about that part of it and maybe eventually they would have been able to persuade them or something like that right so whatever it is but they but they because they they have to convince themselves now that i reckon they'll have times because i've actually heard out of some of these people's mouths or they said to other people that they questioned and wondered whether they were a reprobate but then maybe the pride just kicks in maybe the headiness are high-minded and then they convince themselves they're not but because without that look and i'm not that's what i believe by reading this with these types of people okay look there are the reprobates that we you and i and many have come up to where you try and preach the gospel and they turn around and go i know i'm going to hell and you go whoa like you know why and they just go because i'm a sodomite or i'm a lesbian or whatever they say and they say i know i'm going to hell and you go see you later you know and look there are people that know aren't there and they know what they are but but these types these workers of iniquity these work salvationists he's talking about here they convince themselves don't they and that's why that repent your sins preacher isn't going to turn around and go now he knows what he should be saying and he knows what the bible says and he'll spout the route the right verses but then deep down he'll then believe in this repent of your sins and and it's bizarre isn't it really i mean again i can't you can't get in their mind really can you but what i do know is that from this from these verses here in that day they're saying to to the lord jesus christ but look at what we've done they're not saying yeah i know i was a reprobate i was just sneaking around trying to so i i don't know how that all works i don't know if like you know the devils inside them are like driving them to do certain things they don't even know they're just so full of wickedness they're just happy to indulge the flesh i don't really know but what i do know is that they somehow convince themselves and that's why the railing will never stop that's why the the you know the we will event and and the more like obviously we're here now we've got people that literally what it probably always did hate us to some degree but but now like you know the gloves are kind of off aren't they so look it will continue and there will be attacks there will be slanders there will be things that come and come because they will never accept it you know and they'll they'll just basically put it all on to me or whoever else you know in the church my wife or whoever else is the reason that they're out and not just accept because people just cannot accept can they here it doesn't seem like they accept what they are what they believe so okay like i said i think it goes hand in hand being lovers of their own selves boasts as proud and thankful heady high-minded okay that they'll keep trying to convince you and themselves that they're holy okay and we've seen that obviously they just even through it all you know it's just convincing just trying their best even afterwards messaging people trying to convince everyone all around them that they're actually holy it doesn't matter what's been exposed what you've shown what they've done they are so holy because they they they can't accept that but it's weird obviously whilst knowing that they don't really believe in grace through faith so just a banach bizarre conundrum interested in what you guys think about that how that works but moving on yeah moving on from that now so we're going to finish off this this chapter we're going to finish off jesus christ sermon here known as the sermon on the mount and he goes into the conclusion so he if you if you remember he's preached about these different ways of you know of living he's preached about obviously what the work salvationists have preached he preached early on in the in the sermon he's preached you know some real practical things for life as well and how we should live and not like not blowing the trumpet when we do things he's now preached on on the false prophets as well and warned everyone about the false prophets okay and warned that basically these people are going to still they're self-righteous they still think they're right they still even believe somehow that they're going to get into heaven based on their works is absolutely ridiculous yet they're still in sheep's clothing it's just this bizarre bizarre conundrum isn't it that you can only ultimately can take by faith right because if you sit there and you go i just got to get into their mind and you can't do it the normal person can't do that because they're wicked their minds is full of all sorts all sorts of sin and wickedness and justification and self-righteousness and pride along with all this wicked lust and everything else so we can't really get in their mind all we ultimately all we have to do is take it by faith by faith in what the bible says okay then we get into the conclusion the conclusion now is what what what jesus christ finishes with is therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them i will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it what are you going to going to build your house on and really meaning your life yeah what are you going to build your life upon you can build it on that solid rock on the firm foundation of jesus christ statutes and commandments and you know uh when i think about foundations it makes me think of kind of patios and driveways okay because i used to do a bit of patios of driveways so i'm going to bore you with patios of driveways here a little bit you basically you've got the tried and tested scalping or they call it sometimes type one crushed concrete where they've got a certain amount of thicker concrete and then thinner concrete like like more powdery concrete which just compacts together and makes this lovely just crushed concrete sub base yeah brilliant for laying driveways brilliant for laying for laying um for laying patios as well now when you lay a driveway the old rule of thumb was really six inches of crushed concrete and now some would say well at least four inches of you know that's kind of old money for maybe some of you youngsters here that's kind of 100 to 150 millimeters all right so six inches is approximately 150 millimeters so you're talking like something like sort of this sort of depth if you think like half maybe a 30 centimeter ruler is six inches okay of crushed concrete right okay and you would lay your dig out what was there you'd lay your six inches of crushed concrete and you would compact that down with a whacker plate usually as well unless you really want to go along with a tamper for a long time and kill yourself and you'd compact this down and you'd do many passes over it and you just get it nice and compact then you would lay some sand over the top maybe some might even use crushed glass whatever else and when it's block paver you lay your blocks and depending on what you're laying depending on what you do in between that crushed concrete okay now when you lay it like that and you dig down and you do those proper footings yeah and you lay that six inches of crushed concrete it doesn't go anywhere and look i you know i'm not trying i wasn't the best i wasn't the quickest i didn't have the bet i'll tell you what though because i did it properly because i you know that was my as far as i was concerned i do it properly every work i did was word of mouth i wasn't turning up and trying to undercut and do the cheapest price possibly my driveways never went anywhere i've still driven past driveways recently that i did like 15 years ago and there's still not one tire track in them just because i'd put the right footings in but then you got the fly by night cowboy who knocks on the door and says i could do that driveway for two grand yeah and it's like how on earth because just to dig it out and dispose of six inches worth of material soil and put in that is like that's already that money gone let alone without your blocks and without all the labor and everything else so you think how do they even do that i'll tell you how they do it because they don't put in deep footings because what they do is they come and just skim off the top put down a quick bit of you know an inch or two of type one lay the blocks it looks beautiful at the beginning and you know and you'd see these guys doing it you turn up you know you're spending their laboring they're down the road doing a driveway you drive past a month later and it's got the tire tracks in it and it's and they've got a delivery van comes on their drive and it's already got sinking where the tires were they have a four-wheel drive no chance you know someone backs into their drive to to turn around and they're in a heavy motor and they've just ruined their drive and what a shame isn't it and what was the problem well they never they never put that the footings in they never built it upon really what ultimately becomes a rock that crushed concrete it's just so solid and it's so compact and the reason you have the crushed stuff in between otherwise you'd have it it'll all be bumping everything else you could just get this flat surface of good footings okay now that's just a driveway yeah now imagine that's a house yeah but imagine with your house you just didn't you just were like now just get the guy that comes in and does a couple of inches that'd be pretty tragic wouldn't it well what jesus said here he said in verse 24 therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of minor dearth and will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock now here's a question would it have been worth me laying those those driveways properly for just one half would it have been worth it if i'd if i'd gone to that that house and say you know that customer you know is just yeah i would do whatever you want to do you know and and one of the issues a lot of people are just trying to get it cheap so they just end up with a driveway that would need redoing and look to mess with in a month or two with with the cars driving the same spot but would it have been worth me going i'm going to do it well and then just doing half the driveway with the crushed concrete six inches and the rest of two inches wouldn't be worth it would it why because it's still just going to make a mess of what about three quarters of the driveway doing it well and leaving a quarter would it be worth it no because it's still going to ruin the driveway isn't it the driveway still going to sink and be a mess and be a useless driveway what about one little square of that driveway i was like yeah i've run out of the type one the crushed concrete i'm just going to use a bit of mud for that little square what's going to happen to that little square it's going to sink isn't it it's going to sink it's going to it's going to basically still ruin that driveway because you're going to have a massive pothole in the middle of your driveway people are going to twist their ankles in it cars are going to get maybe tires are going to get stuck in it etc well he said in uh he said in verse 24 here therefore therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine it's plural it's plural yeah who's whoever here with these sayings it's no good going well for example because the sayings is specifically he's talking about his sermon you know i i'm i'm shining my light i'm shining my light i'm going out and preaching the gospel but you're committing adultery even with your eye yeah you're lustfully looking upon women everywhere you go well your house still ain't built upon that solid rock you basically got that little patch maybe it's a big patch a big area maybe it's that corner of the house where it's just on mud the house is still going to fall isn't it yeah oh well the rest of it was good concrete three quarters of the house was great i just shoved that last that last bit i run out so i just shoved a bit of clay under there and hope for the best same with the driveway right it's just going to be a mess it's going to ruin it you know i'm not doing my arms before men he said not to do your arms to be seen of men right i'm not doing my arms to be seen of men but i'm still serving mammon well you're still going to end up destroying your life aren't you it's still going to end up being a mess and if you want that strong house you want to withstand the storms of life which is what it's talking about here then you need to be as close as close to a hundred percent rockers footings as as basically possible yeah look yeah you're not going to be a hundred percent right but you need to try your best right like look you might i'm i wasn't the best you know i wasn't the best landscaper yeah but i'll tell you what if i try my best on those jobs and i knew that those jobs would end up lasting and being good right but if i were if i purposely skimped i purposely just went forget that saying of jesus christ yeah forget that forget that bit forget the deep footings in that part i know it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna fail right and we have to try it can't it can't pick and choose can you you can't because all of these things you said sayings who's over here with these sayings of mine and do with them not whoever here with these sayings of mine and do some of them who's whoever here with these sayings of mine and does the things that are easier for them and that's ultimately why as the christian life you're constantly trying to improve aren't you constantly looking that's what we should be doing we should be listening to preaching listening reading our bibles and going right i need to get that right it's like well i'm doing all right i'm doing all right in these parts so you know we're all sinners i heard one of our one of our you know who had been kicked out yeah well we're all sinners though aren't we you know tied to yeah we are all sinners yeah of course we are all sinners yeah we all but you know what we should be trying though shouldn't we we're not trying to just constantly justify ourselves we should be trying our best yeah trying our best because we shouldn't be purposely building that house upon loose sand or mud or whatever else because then what happens well he said here and everyone that hearth these sayings of mine and do with them not yeah not not do this do if not some of them do with them not and look i'll include look kids here as well yeah you're building your house already you're building your life right now your kids are sitting here listening to to the preaching okay you're not just it's not that you're just well yeah i'll wait till i'm older for that i'll wait till i'm older till i build my house you're building your house already because you're setting yourself up for life here and praise god you're sitting in a church listening the word of god preach but i tell you what if you're just picking and choosing bits and pieces going wow you know i'll wait till i'm older to get that bit right already you're starting to build your house on shaky ground or loose ground because some things are really hard to get out of when you get older okay we have a habit forming starts from young doesn't it right so he said here do if them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand that would be foolish wouldn't it right and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it now things might look rosy for a while but the rain will come won't it and by the way it's looked pretty rosy in the uk for a while isn't it wow i mean i can't remember a summer like this but the rain will come in case anyone's wondering the rain will come yeah and the floods will will likely come yeah the floods will come and the winds you know will come right and the house falling is a terrible sight anyone ever seen that happening ever looked at any of the like tsunami footage and things like that when it happened i mean it's it's scary isn't it watching that happen and watching that house full and that look you don't want your life to fall like that and if you're just ignoring bits and pieces when the winds and the rain and the floods and everything comes is you're going to fall and we don't want to fall and let's let's just look at the last bit because we're out of time now and it came to pass when jesus had ended these sayings that people were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes and there is an authority that comes with the word of god isn't there you ever notice people like get irritated by that when you're preaching the gospel on the door like oh why do you know almost like why are you so confident that that's you know because that because they notice it don't they there's authority that comes when you're just saying well this is what the bible says thus saith the lord this is how you oh well you know and sometimes you get people go yeah he's so arrogant or something it's like no i just know what the word of god says you know and you get people that get upset by it don't they and try and try and then shoot the messenger but there's an authority that comes with the word of god jesus christ had an authority that scribes couldn't have couldn't could they because it seems like the majority then would preach your work salvation and would they were teaching for doctrines the commandments of men weren't they whereas jesus christ was preaching the word of god and there's an authority there that that people were astonished at weren't they they were astonished at the authority that that came from someone who basically was while he was preaching right in the word of god ultimately as well wasn't he because a lot of this isn't necessarily you know stuff that he was that was coming from the old testament he was basically preaching the living word of god and they're just astonished at that and people are still astonished by the living word of god when we preach it and that's why when we go to the door when we preach the gospel week and when i preach from behind a pulpit here and anyone that preaches behind his pulpit and other pulpits in time to come can preach with an assurance and an authority that comes from knowing that it's the word of god right and that's what jesus christ is doing there and and that's something that we should all do when we preach the word of god and and um i'm going to finish up there that's um that's a great passage of scripture right and some great truths there as well and a great lesson to be learned at the end there i believe as well and on that let's go to the lord and the word of prayer father thank you for your word thank you for um this great passage of scripture thank you for the truths that we can learn from that thank you for um you know for your warnings of things we need to look out for thank you for for just making it so clear you know the sorts of people that we have to deal with as christians but but also help us to be confident and sure knowing that you know that folly shall be made manifest unto all men as there's also was look at janice and jamboree's there and look we we don't have to fear either we know that you come through you have come through for us at this church you'll continue to come through for us and we thank you for that we thank you for um thank you for this church thank you for the many blessings you've given us help us to build our house upon that that rock help us to knowing that we're continually building that house to to to just make sure that we're constantly doing it on the right footings the shore footings which are the rock which is the lord jesus christ and and your commandments your word help us to do that as we go forward this week help us to to all return on sunday for for another day in your house in june's name for all of this amen