(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Chapter 28 and that's the last chapter in case anyone's a bit confused why it says Mark afterwards but that's the last chapter in the Gospel of Matthew and I've really enjoyed going through the Gospel of Matthew. I think it's been great and just yeah been great going through it verse by verse. I really enjoy these Bible studies. We're finishing up this week so we'll be doing something else from next week. Last week we did Matthew 27 and that's kind of has been you know the way I've been doing things just to give you a reminder of what happened. It can all get a bit kind of blurred into one but this way you should hopefully with these little reminders it just helps you to remember what's where in all the different chapters of the Bible studies we go through. Matthew 27 we did part two last week and we looked in depth at Simon the Cyrenian how he was compelled to bear Jesus cross. We're talking about how you know yeah they compelled him but these wicked people should compel us to bear Jesus cross as well shouldn't they and we looked at that and we looked in depth at him and his sons and Mark's Gospel specifically mentions his sons Rufus and Alexander for me there's a reason for that. We looked at that and we saw more prophecy being fulfilled after that with Jesus clothes being parted them drawing lots for his vesture or coat because it was all kind of you know one you know one bit of fabric throughout wasn't it and the vesture being a coat we looked at kind of the comparison in John's Gospel definitely wasn't some sort of strange dress like thing so we saw that and then we saw the the people repeating the lies encouraged by the chief priests elders and scribes so they made up these lies or at least these lies that they encouraged these false witnesses to say and then the people just were repeating them weren't they and lies just spread don't they you make a little bit of dishonesty and people just start spreading it and after that the the chief priests and scribes then mock and tempt him as well weren't they or between all these people if you're the king of Israel come down from the cross and all that sort of stuff and it was a temptation wasn't it as well which he resisted as always we saw how the thieves plural did the same thing putting words in his mouth you know that's what it said didn't it casting between his teeth but then Luke's Gospel filled this gap didn't it where from doing that we then see that one of them then puts their faith on him which shows that look people can mock the Lord can you know be pretty blasphemous and say some pretty bad things but still get saved and the thief got saved there was endless historical darkness over the whole earth and we just looked briefly at that as well and then Jesus called out my God my God why has thou forsaken me and for me it was just pointing us to Psalm 22 it was a direct quote of Psalm 22 which not only showed out as all prophecy being fulfilled but remind us of the purpose wasn't it in Psalm 22 verse 31 said they shall come and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born that he has done this and Jesus died and there were then signs and wonders an earthquake and we're told of the bodies of saints arising out of the graves and appearing unto many and this was after his resurrection sort of saying that this was this happened you know as well and you know it's a sort of precursor a taste of what is to come thanks to Christ's death bell and resurrection hence it was after his resurrection I think as well and then we saw those strong women that were still there the ones that had been ministering unto Jesus Christ yeah and these were strong women they were you know still there they were still close by um my daughter reminded me afterwards in fact John was there wasn't he because he is told in John's gospel you know behold thy mother but he's not mentioned here so maybe he was there briefly but the rest of them don't seem to be about do they um the the you know these women are there they're ministering they're close by and they're a great example aren't they and then we see the rich man Joseph of Arimathea that willingly gave of his provision to the cause of Christ talked about that and then finally um in verse 63 the chief priests of Pharisees going to Pilate so verse 63 it said saying sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again bear in mind they were mocking him about rebuild the temple in three days and using this as a kind of attack on him yeah they know exactly what he was talking about don't they yeah and wicked people know they know the truth yeah and and sometimes we think oh this person they know too much to be wicked they know too much to be a bad but no a lot of a lot of bad people know a lot they just reject it yeah verse 64 says command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people he has risen from the dead so the last error shall be worse than the first the pilot said unto them ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as you can so they went and made the sepulcher sure sealing the stone and setting a watch basically they try to prevent the resurrection and I was thinking yet another way they do that nowadays by preventing at least acknowledging of the resurrection is like bunnies and eggs and stuff they just changed it to just a load of old nonsense it's like some sort of easter or when you say change maybe some claim it's been merged with this sort of pagan you know sort of easter fertility thing but whatever it is nowadays is a much mentioned Jesus Christ hardly any at all okay we're going to continue now Matthew chapter 28 and verse 1 which reads in the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher I'd like to pray before we continue father thank you for this great chapter the bible this ending chapter of what is a great gospel great opening opening book to the new testament I pray that you know we'll remember some of the kind of things that you want each and every one of us to take home from this there's so many topics that have that we've we've looked at throughout this uh this book of the bible I pray that everyone will really you know let some of these words go into their heart and and you know finalizing now with this final chapter um Matthew chapter 28 help me to preach this accurately now and clearly and boldly and for people to just again just just take home with them those those things that they really need to hear today lord um I pray that you just fill in with your spirit now um help everyone to have attentive ears and just don't pull this amen I'm just thinking there uh that Matthew 27 even just the second half there's a lot of topics there weren't there I mean I know you know some some maybe and and for good reason probably maybe we'll just hit one main topic in a bible study maybe two I've been doing a bit more of a scatter gun approach I want to try and hit each verse and I hope for many that they go away with something from it but I appreciate that sometimes there's a lot of stuff to remember as well that we've kind of gone into um however that's the way I like to do these that's the way I like to do things but um we're going to kind of continue to do that with Matthew 28 and and uh here we we saw verse one that the the uh it says in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week what's the first day of the week Sunday and Jesus Christ rose on the Sunday which is one of the reasons that we meet on the Sunday as well by the way um and remember that the Hebrew day begins at 6 p.m so that Sunday was getting to dawn that's what it's saying it's not saying the Sunday's about to start the Sunday was coming to dawn Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus came to the sepulcher and well it's an interesting thing what what time were these that that ministered unto Christ remember they were described we we were just talking about what great examples they were to all of us not just to the women to everyone they got great examples of everyone because they're the ones that are there they're the ones coming to minister they're the ones coming with the things to maybe in essence freshen up the body or whatever else they want to carry on ministering to even Jesus Christ dead body well it said as it began to dawn towards the first day so well I had a look at this sunrise in Israel at this time of the year is around 6 30 a.m so they were coming as it began to dawn around this sort of 6 30 a.m that's when they're turning up and that's a good time of the day to be looking towards the Lord isn't it that's a good time of day to be coming to to minister unto the Lord that's a good time of day to just be looking for the Lord to think about the Lord first thing in the morning isn't it yeah no I'm trying to you know I'll constantly encourage people from this church that look first thing in the morning is the time you should be looking to the Lord yeah and for many reasons Psalm 143 you don't have to turn there verse 8 says cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning for in thee do I trust cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my soul unto thee so we hear his loving kindness we're showing the way wherein we should walk through the word of God don't we okay it's through the word of God yeah we should be praying to the Lord in the morning but we should be taking the word of God in the morning look and I appreciate different people have different routines and maybe get the bulk of their bible reading maybe in the evening in the afternoon whatever it is I would say when you first wake up that's a good time to be opening your bible and and looking at the bible and whether it's only just to get a little bit in or whether you can get your whole bible reading in I would encourage it to be your whole bible reading for me when I open my eyes in the morning first thing I do is reach for the word of God and and look why not why wouldn't I do that you know that for me then my day is being shaped already first thing I'm doing is I'm looking for the Lord's loving kindness and first thing I do is I'm basically pulling out that a to z I'm pulling out that street atlas I'm pulling out that that map to to show me the way I should be walking in first thing in the morning you go oh well I don't necessarily get that when I'm reading through this book or that bookness but you know what starting with the word of God doesn't matter whether whether you're getting something directly applicable to your day or not it's just the best way to start your day isn't it and and these ladies are up early doors in the morning looking for the Lord or at least ministering unto the Lord and some say well yeah but I have to go to work yeah I have to go to work I can't well get up earlier then get up earlier set your alarm earlier I mean it's not it's not really hard is it you know get up earlier and look look to the Lord first thing in the morning and here's another thing as well did the Mary's get up early every other day of the week and then have a little line on the Sunday because that's kind of that's what we're kind of encouraged in this world aren't we Sunday's lion day so they so did they get up every other day early and then on the Sunday it's like well they turned up around 11 o'clock once said you know had a little relax and maybe had had you know a slow breakfast and everything else they were up at the crack of dawn on the Lord's day weren't they crack of dawn on that first resurrection Sunday really looking to at least minister unto the Lord looking to do things looking for the Lord thinking about the Lord yeah maybe they weren't looking for the resurrection but they were there going to minister unto the Lord thinking about God yeah crack of dawn not swatting into God's house after the services started because a lot of people do that don't they never ceases to amaze me I mean you've got you've got church at what's not really an unreasonable time is it I mean it's 10 30 a.m on a Sunday and by the way I'm not talking about Thursday okay so in case that you know those that were stuck in traffic tonight look uh sorry Wednesday it's Wednesday isn't it I'm losing count it's been a long couple of weeks all right okay I'm not talking about that Wednesday night that midweek service okay because look for for many it's hard to even get here okay it's in the evening it's after work many live at a distance many travel for that but Sunday morning when the roads are dead Sunday morning when no one I don't think in this church is up working and trying to rush you off to work Sunday morning surely there is no excuse to be late now every blue moon we have some people in our church that get trains from all over the different sides of the country to be honest it doesn't seem to matter when you try and come out here from anywhere else you seem to need to go into central London anyway there doesn't seem to be many direct trains I appreciate that yeah I understand that and for some that that can be tough yeah but but those of us that drive and for those that do get the train unless there's issues with the trains as we know our our our UK trains isn't quite the uh you know what it maybe should be it's not quite as reliable as they'd like to make out when they're encouraging everyone to ditch their cars and pay through the nose to have a car and rely on their public transport system which seems to be a complete joke however for most people 10 30 on a Sunday is doable isn't it and and by the way you don't have to cut it fine yeah I mean we say come on in from 10 o'clock if you got here earlier we don't lock you out either you know we usually have a try and have an usher on a door for 9 45 you know that's not a bad window is it and look it's not it's not early is it 10 30 but what are these what are these ladies doing well they're up there early they're 6 30 a.m maybe we should do that church at 6 30 on a Sunday see how popular that would be right it's 10 30 yeah 10 30 and you'd be amazed yeah because I've we've had this obviously for and I've been in many churches where you see the same thing where literally people are like just wandering in sometimes like 10 15 20 minutes after service starts now there's a way of wandering in isn't there yeah there's a way of wandering into church you can come in with a slightly apologetic look maybe there's been a reason and some people have some good excuses I know that we have people maybe you know where they've got like disability in the family and sometimes there can be things you can't even expect that might happen in the morning but then there are some we had this obviously at the last building as well who would literally walk in yeah saunter in and go up to the coffee machine and start making themselves coffee 15 minutes into the service that's not respect for god though is it that's not respect for god's house that is weird isn't it that's weird and and like I said it's not like we're meeting as it began to dawn here and you know what yeah if I can get seven of us here without fail between nine and nine thirty on a sunday from as far as an hour and a half away at the first building when I lived at my previous house to an hour to 45 minutes I something tells me everyone else can get here on time right yeah and and look most people here look I'm not I'm not picking anyone who's sitting in this room anyway yeah but point being there are people out there like this yeah just it's just just getting to church yeah get into church now and again you're going to have an issue and you know how we did it over the last couple of years yeah this great invention called an alarm clock amazing now some of you might not have heard about this yeah maybe we got some watches out there solicitors out there haven't heard this a lot it's great yeah you put the time in yeah you don't even have to rely on the electricity anymore or in the old days you might have the wind up as a backup yeah put the time in the alarm clock set the alarm give yourself enough time to get up and you know what and again this isn't because of myself yeah this isn't trying to big myself up because I know there are many people out there who do a lot more for god than me but you know what I've always set my alarm to do in the sunday mornings get up early enough to read my bible first as well I'm not like well I'm coming to church don't need my bible no I set my alarm get up read my bible for half an hour pray to the lord and then start getting ready and come to church you know what we've always got here on time so look and we don't live around the corridor either oh we kind of do now okay but we didn't used to so now we're going to be late everywhere point b point b okay if you if you're early enough to get up to read his word then you can seek him before you even get to his house can't you and that's what I want to encourage everyone in this church to do it's not so I can be anything especially I want everyone else to do the same to take the things of god seriously right and and something tells me that if you come in a church late week in week out you're not taking the things of god seriously now you want to be a serious man of god getting a church on time right getting a church on time get your family church on time take the things of god seriously right okay and that's what we should all be aiming to do and for some some here might maybe have a problem with this and you know what the easiest thing to do is just aim for even earlier some of us we we gauge it wrong we time it wrong for whatever reason I used to be terrible for this right I used to try and fit in as much as I possibly could in that short amount of time well if I get up I could just get that little bit extra sleep or maybe I could get in this before getting that but when it comes to god I don't want to be late for god I don't want to come in and having missed two hymns I don't want to come in and having missed some of the prayers and some of the meeting and greeting of god's people because what for the sake of a bit of extra sleep it's but I mean you know what the people that that will come in the church regularly late I'll tell you what they're not doing first thing anyone is reading their bibles no chance and you know that so anyway point being here what do the ladies do they're up at 6 30 a.m looking for the lord and do you know what happens when you put god first okay because ultimately you're showing that you're putting god first yeah when you're there on time you're there early for church week in week out you're putting god first well look at verse two and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it you experienced god doing great things that's what happens you're up early you're putting god first you experience god doing great things you'll get those well I just don't know why god's not doing this not answering my prayers I'm rubbing the lamp and he's just not what he's not giving me what I'm wishing for you know that's the sort of attitude you see out there but is he really first in your life is he or is he your genie that's gathering dust most of the week because that's what happens with a lot isn't it it's like god's gathering dust in at least their so-called version of god in his lamp somewhere where they're waiting to rub you know when things go badly I just can't work out why things aren't going well for me it's like put god first yeah put god first get up early read your bible pray to god get to church on time put the things of god first right and and here here those ladies those great examples that we saw and especially now we're talking about these two mary's experience a great earthquake an angel rolled the great sealed stone from the door and although it seems that they didn't necessarily see this angel roll it back when you look compared to the other gospels mary magdalene had gone to tell the disciples it seems peter and john run there see the empty tomb and leave okay so again when you compare it with the when you compare it with the other gospels that seems to be what happens that they kind of come there then mary magdalene goes she's with mary the mother of jesus here she then goes off the the women then stayed after they've come and gone peter and john that we see in john's gospel and see the angels and here in matthew's gospel we see one angel focused on and just a quick point on this as well the stone is described in mark 16 4 is very great isn't it this angel of the lord was able to roll it yeah and angels including fallen angels clearly have a lot of power don't they yeah and and we need that whole armor of god don't we yeah we need that spiritual there's a sermon there's a sermon series there isn't it we need that spiritual protection don't we because look we can't we you can't deal with these sorts of you can't deal with fallen angels without the protection that god gives you okay they have a lot of power they just roll back the stone yeah look verse three says his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow and for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men okay as dead men they didn't die okay did do you think that this this angel looked like a cuddly baby with wings anyone think that no like a cuddly chubby baby with wings that's the stuff they have out there isn't it i've seen little like weird little graven images of these in gardens and things or perhaps a long-haired queer looking model do you think that the angel looked like that i don't think so he was scary looking his face was as lightning it was like lightning his countenance was like lightning he was so scary that these soldiers these are soldiers of the high priests these are sort of soldiers to get their ears cut off and stuff by simon peter they seem to shake and faint okay that's what it's saying they became as dead men it looks like they passed out from the fear i've been scared before i've never passed out because of fear that sounds pretty scary right and the angel answers said unto the women fear not ye for i know that ye seek jesus which was crucified he is not here for he has risen as he said come see the place where the lord lay so as he said we we've seen this multiple times in the gospel haven't we okay multiple times in this gospel alone turn to matthew 16 because we see in matthew 16 and verse 21 one of the many times he says this that he's going to rise again the third day matthew 16 and 20 and verse 21 says this from that time forth began jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go onto jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day so he's showing his disciples he's telling them that he'll be raised again the third day yeah pretty clear there matthew 17 over to the next chapter in verse 22 he says the same thing and while they abode while they abode in galilee jesus said unto them the son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men they shall kill him and the third day he shall be raised again and they were exceeding sorry okay so he explains that in galilee and then in matthew 20 and verse 17 we see in jesus matthew 20 and verse 17 it says and jesus going up to jerusalem took the 12 disciples apart in the way and said unto them behold we go up to jerusalem and the son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn him to death and he shall deliver him to the gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify him and the third day he shall rise again the third day he shall rise again he made it clear didn't he and not only did he make it clear but jesus christ fulfilled his own prophecy he's the only one that said he was going to rise again did rise again yeah he he he fulfilled that prophecy so why were they not there the third day with the banner and the balloons and the easter eggs yeah why weren't they why weren't they they're kind of you know we knew it's going to come you know the trumpets came out and everything else because during the trials of life the stress the heartbreak we often forget god's word don't we don't we all every single one of us see because you can look at this guy why did they not get that because we all don't get it when we start going through and they've gone through some stress there okay they'd watch the lord jesus christ get arrested get killed they went through some heartbreak they went through some fear they went through all this sort of stuff that many of us will go through in some measure or other in our lives and often we then forget the promises of god don't we we forget what he says he's going to do his promises not to leave or forsake us how often will many of us here forget those promises not to be shocked when we shall face persecution because he did say you shall face persecution didn't he and we often get shocked i just can't work it out it must be just eisman what am i doing wrong you know but he did say that we will and many of the other things we often forget those promises of the word turn to luke chapter 24 but when we're close to him when we're seeking him like the ministering women he's ministering women they're up early in the morning up early seeking the lord a good example to others good example to all of us these women when we're doing that we're in a position to then be easily reminded look we're all going to forget that's the truth look you can't memorize the whole bible yeah um look unlike these kind of look it's a lot bigger than the quran have you ever come across those muslims that try and tell you that they know people that have memorized the quran that proves it's the word of god anyone had no yeah i've had a couple like this they're like there are people that have memorized the whole thing in arabic it's so it's god's word it's like no you you know look people have memorized shakespeare people have memorized some pretty bad songs out there and many other things right doesn't mean that it's the word of god and it's a lot smaller than the bible okay you're not memorizing the whole bible okay you can try good idea to try but you won't you won't succeed so what happens though when we're close to god though when we're up early when we're when we're doing the things of god when we're when we're taking it seriously when we're men of god that are going yeah i want to i want to be in church i want to be there i want to i want to be up reading my bible i want to i want to be doing the things of god what happens well luke 24 like these ladies here when we're when the women are like these women are god here luke 24 in verse 5 says and as they were afraid and bowed down the face of the earth they said unto them why seek ye the living among the dead he is not here but is risen remember how he spoke spake sorry unto you when he was yet in galley this is luke 24 in verse 5 and 6 and as they were afraid and bowed down the face of the earth they said unto them why seek ye the living among the dead he is not here but is risen remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in galley sorry did i tell you this is turned to luke 24 i do it okay um okay and we just we just read that in matthew 17 as well didn't we just the same thing he said he said and the third day shall rise again yeah or we saw sorry sorry we saw earlier in in matthew 17 about the galley where he says the third day he shall be raised again they were exceeding sorry that was matthew 17 verse 23 so he's saying remember how he said this then he says in verse 7 of luke 24 saying the son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and third day rise again and they remembered his words they remembered his words and returned from the sepulchre and told all these things unto the 11 and to all the rest so that's one of the reasons why church is so important isn't it because bit look being around god's people is important reading our bibles time and time again is important because then you're able to be remembered of god's words when you're when you're close to god when you're trying to seek god when you're doing the things of god not like like i said like we had you know people before they used to talk a good game act like they were so godly and holy and and you know some of these people i could just remember just absolute clowns you know they'd they'd turn up just just you know sauntering like act like just you know holier than nails and they were here we'd end up ended up kicking most of them out act like complete idiots and and and they they talk the talk but really they're not really close to god and when you're close to god you'll know the words of god then you'll be reminded of the words of god you'll be reading your bibles you hear it and you can then apply it to your life here they remembered his words and we want to remember his words and they remembered and back in matthew 28 they were then able to go and tell the others so they remembered they heard it they heard the words of god and then they're able to go and tell the other verses and go quickly and tell his disciples it is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there shall you see him lo i have told you so jesus had already said this in matthew 26 and he and and you could turn to matthew 26 quickly before peter's famous last word said in verse 31 matthew 26 and verse 31 then saith jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after i am risen again i will go before you into Galilee so now the angels are saying the same thing here he told them this and look at verse eight and they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy did run to bring his disciples word and as they went to tell his disciples behold jesus met them saying all hell and they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him now you may remember in john's gospel when mary magdalene's told not to touch him anyone remember that okay so you you can read through it and you go wait a second these guys are worshiping and holding his feet mary magdalene was was told not to touch him in john's gospel what's going on here then well the meeting with mary magdalene happens before this point so in between the angels at the tomb and then here at verse nine so they see the angels at the tomb then we've got verse nine here but there's a point in between when mary magdalene sees the lord jesus christ don't it john chapter 20 while you're turning i'm going to read mark 16 9 which says now when jesus was risen early the first of the week he appeared first to mary magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils now we don't see it in matthew's account but it does help to explain the what seems to be a discrepancy here john 20 and verse 11 goes into more detail though it says john 2011 but mary stood without at the sepulcher weeping and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the sepulcher and see two angels in white sitting the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of jesus had lain and they say unto a woman why weep herself she saith unto them because they have taken away my lord and i know will not where they have laid him and when she had said thus said she turned herself back and saw jesus standing and knew not that it was jesus now this is now after the meeting with the angels jesus saith unto her woman why weepest thou whom seekest thou she's supposing him to be the gardener saith unto himself thou have borne him hence tell me where thou has laid him and i will take him away jesus saith unto her mary she turned herself and saith unto rabboni which is to say master jesus saith unto her touch me not for i'm not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and send them i ascend unto my father and your father and to god and to my god and your god so why couldn't she touch him here why couldn't she touch him here but they could soon after in matthew's gospel anyone ever wondered that well and then obviously after when he sees the disciples remember he sounded thomas to put his hand in his hand and his side and everything else well turn to leviticus 16 to help understand this and this for me is amazing when you read this in it all marries up it is absolutely amazing so pay attention to this part of it turn to leviticus 16 leviticus chapter 16 he just said touch me not for i'm not yet ascended to my father and then we've just seen in matthew's gospel straight after that they're holding his feet and worshiping him well leviticus 16 and verse 1 says and the lord spake unto moses after the death of the two sons of aaron when they offered before the lord and died so remember they offered strange fire these people were killed by the lord uh aaron's two sons and the lord said unto most speak unto aaron my brother that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy sea which is upon the ark that he died not for i will appear in the cloud upon the mercy sea thus shall aaron come into the holy place with a young bullock for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering he shall put on the holy linen coat and he shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh and shall be girdled with the linen girdle and with the linen might shall he be attired these are holy garments therefore shall he wash his flesh in water and so put them on so he needs to make sure he's completely clean first yeah completely clean he's he washes his flesh and water and then puts on these this holy clothing verse 5 says he shall take of the congregation of the children of israel two kids of the goats for sin offering and one ram for burnt offering and aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and making atonement for himself and for his house he shall take the two goats and present them before the lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and aaron shall cast upon the two goats one lot for the lord and the other lot for the scapegoat and aaron shall bring the goat upon which the lord's lot fell and offer him for a sin offering but the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the lord to make an atonement with him and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness this was a picture of what was to happen with barabbas isn't it okay so this is a picture many many years before i mean you could say 1500 odd years before of what was then to happen with barabbas verse 11 and aaron shall bring the bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and shall make an atonement for himself for his house and shall kill the bullock of the sin offering which is for himself so unlike jesus aaron wasn't sinless he had to make atonement for himself he had to make atonement for himself then to be able to do this verse 12 and he shall take a sensor full of burning coals and fire from off the altar before the lord and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small and bring it within he shall put the incense upon the fire before the lord that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon the testimony that he died not he shall take of the blood of the bullock and sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times he's sprinkling this blood upon the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people and bring his blood within the veil and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bullock okay sprinkle it upon the mercy and before the mercy seat okay with the the the one which is a sin offering for the people obviously representing the lord jesus christ yeah so the physically washed and spiritually cleansed high priest sprinkles the blood over and in front of the mercy seat okay and he shall make an atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of israel because of their transgressions in all their sins so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness and there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth into making an atonement in the holy place okay so it's important there's no one else there until he come out and have made an atonement for himself and for his household and for all the congregation of israel he shall go out onto the altar that is before the lord and make an atonement for it and shall take of the blood of the bullock and of the blood of the goat and put it upon the horns of the altar round about and and he shall sprinkle the blood upon it with his finger seven times and cleanse it and hallow it from the uncleanness of the children of israel when he has made an end of reconciling the holy place the tabernacle of the congregation and he also shall bring the live goat and Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over him all remember this is a scapegoat all the iniquities of the children of israel all their transgressions in all their sins putting them upon the head of the goat and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness and the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness it goes to show that Barabbas wasn't just a bit part was he Barabbas was a key part of this as well this is a picture of Barabbas the scapegoat he represented i think the forgiveness of all mankind through the blood of christ yeah the representation of that and in verse 23 says and Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation put off the linen garments which he put on when he went into the holy place of so hence the tainted grave clothes being left yeah that's why the great grave clothes we see in the other gospels being left to one side with jesus then wearing his holy garments yeah okay nearly done on this i hope you you're kind of following with this verse 24 says he shall wash his flesh with water in the holy place and put on his garments and come forth and offer his burnt offering and a burnt offering of the people and make an atonement for himself for the people and the fat of the sin offering shall he burn upon the altar and he that let go the goat for the scapegoat shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh and water and after come into the camp remember pilot washing his hands before the multitude who let go the scapegoat verse 27 and the bullock for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy place shall one carry forth without the camp and they shall burn in the fire their skins and their flesh and their dung the burning being a picture of christ ascending into hell right turn to hebrews 9 with all of that in mind okay so jesus is fulfilling these ordinances okay but it's no longer on the earthly altar is it the earthly holy place and this is the point now so with all of that in mind all of those things which were all a picture of what jesus christ is about to do once and for all hebrews 9 and verse 1 hebrews 9 and verse 1 says this hebrews 9 1 then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary okay so the first covenant the old testament the old covenant had ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary but the sanctuary was worldly okay now jump forward to verse six now when these things were thus ordained the priests went always into the first tabernacle accomplishing the service of god but into the second went the high priest alone once every year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people the holy ghost is signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while as the first tabernacle was yet standing which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience which stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation okay and many people think about those verses a lot that's why we understand that the the dietary things are done away the the washings the carnal ordinances okay now look at verse 11 but christ being come and high priests of good things to come by greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is say not of this building okay so it's not a physical one neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered him once into the holy place not the earthly one this the one in heaven having obtained eternal redemption for us where was this holy place well jump forward to verse 22 and almost all things are by the law purge with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission of blood is important okay the blood of christ important verse 23 it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these so it's not the blood of bulls and goats it's the blood of the lord jesus christ the worldly sanctuary was a pattern of things in heaven that's do you remember in the book of exodus when they're building this stuff it's precise isn't it they have to do it exactly it's not just oh it's something similar it's a pattern of what's in heaven okay okay then it says for christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us nor yet that he should offer himself often as a high priest enter into the holy place every year with blood of others for them must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself he died once and for all didn't he okay once and for all then verse 27 and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this a judgment so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation so jesus christ basically if you're wondering well what was all that about was basically he was both the sacrifice and the high priest okay and he's a high priest after the order of milk isadec we see don't we in hebrew seven i think it is as well and he went up into heaven to sprinkle his blood on and before the mercy scene that we've just that was being pictured back in leviticus 16 i think it was and here then we see hebrews explaining what that all was about basically so what jesus christ did is after he died after he went to hell which is what all that burning was a was a picture of he's risen from the dead but he's gone and applied that blood to the mercy as that high priest the blood of the offering to the most seat in heaven that's why i said in john 2017 touch me not because he had it had to be a hundred percent purely clean like that priest had to be cleaned bathed and everything else sanctified away from the people everything else so when he first sees mary magdalene he says touch me not for i've not yet ascended to my father who is going to heaven to apply this blood once and for all the eternal blood the eternal sacrifice but straight after he returns and they're then able to hold his feet that's why you see one in in one gospel he's saying don't touch me and in this gospel he's then at his feet holding his feet worshiping him but take away from all that i just think like you can't make this stuff up how did he fulfill all of that and so many of those prophecies so many of those pictures are all being fulfilled in the death burial and resurrection of the lord jesus christ absolutely amazing isn't it absolutely amazing and i don't even know how that even starts to work how how it all just shapes in together okay so back in in matthew's gospel matthew 28 in verse 9 it says this and as they went to tell his disciples behold jesus met them saying all hail and they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him why at his feet because he's god and he requires worship okay he's gone and he requires worship and jesus christ did something worshiping him did he because he's got okay verse 10 says then said jesus unto them be not afraid go tell my brethren that they're going to galley and there shall they see me so they're told again this time by the now resurrected jesus go meet him in galley okay so we've seen pre-resurrection we've seen the angel telling them we've seen now jesus christ telling them go to galley and i say that because it seems that they still hang around in jerusalem and it can be a bit confusing when you're reading the gospels until you put them all together what exactly happened and when but but it seems to me that they were basically in that upper room on the same day that he rose and then eight days later whether it's the upper room whatever locked room it is they're still in this room eight days later when he comes in again through the door by the way with his new glorified body and and he says to him you know what's going on and john 20 verse 26 you don't have to turn there it says this and after eight days again his disciples were within and thomas with them by the way i haven't just nipped up to galley and trotting back again okay it's a bit of a bit of a long journey then came jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you so when they do eventually make it to galley because he's basically he comes he says peace be unto you and then we see like doubting thomas and everything else and he breathes on them the holy ghost the there's then when they go to galley there's then this backslid and fishing trip instead of preaching the gospel so even though they have that they're encouraged they're told what to do they'll be told to go then they're having some fishing trip they're meant to be up there looking for the lord and doing the things of god and and peter's like naked fishing and let's not you know get on to that but verse 11 here says this so now when they were going and that's the women he's talking about that's these women these holy women okay behold some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests all things that were done okay so did the watch the watch being the guards here just say something has happened no they showed them all the things now remember they've seen these angels passed out with fear that there's been this earthquake the stone's been rolled back yeah and by the way that wasn't to let jesus christ out jesus christ had already risen okay he didn't need that he could walk through doors okay that wasn't the point that was to show the women okay okay so they showed them all things they showed the chief priests all things that were done and in verse 12 says and when they're assembled with the elders and take account so they gave large money unto the soldiers saying say ye his disciples came by night and stole them away while he slept so what was their response to the truth to the resurrection throw money at the truth throw money at hiding the truth more to the point yeah and again you know not wanting to sound like a broken record but has anything changed much with that throw money at hiding the truth throw money at hiding the truth of the lord jesus christ because look you know obviously i've talked before about you get those people that don't really at least don't accept and acknowledge they're wicked okay and we've talked about that we looked at like the works of iniquity in matthew seven and these people are still saying lord lord yeah and and this is obviously talking about it's talking about false prophets in the same passage about false prophets then we get to him saying you know all you that work iniquity yeah which is a term for for the sort of false prophet work salacious but there are those out there i believe as well and i think they're different types because i think maybe maybe like the the worst infiltrator types probably need to believe in themselves don't they because to be more at least convincing but there are those out there that just know full well they're wicked and they know full well the truth and they know full well they're just trying to hide the truth from others and that's what these guys are doing aren't they i mean they know they've just been told like what's happened there's an angel appeared the stone's been rolled back he wasn't in the tomb you know the people would like light with countenance as lightning and they're like yeah let's give some money to the soldiers and tell them just not to say anything i know it's unbelievable isn't it but again nothing's really changed because how much money is getting thrown at disproving god how much money is thrown at all sorts of things you know teaching and promoting this nonsense big bang evolution retardation and the rest of it and who's who's throwing the money at it all people that claim to believe in god it's nuts there are people that claim at least to believe in some sort of at least the torah to some degree the babylonian told me they're throwing all this money it seems uh hiding the truth of god or at least the truth of christ so many of these people know they know and they know who they serve that's why the bible calls them the synagogue of satan because they know full work because you can't get your head around it otherwise can you these people are full on wicked and they're full on trying to condition a world against the truth and they throw money in all these different areas to try and discredit and to try and hide the truth of of jesus christ and what they're doing here blaming his disciples say his disciples came and stole him away while he slept and that's what they try and do now they just try and try and basically mock and scourge the disciples of god the preachers the prophets you know it's these cult leaders or it's what you know whatever else you know you could throw something throw dirt at them and that's what the enemies of god do so what what can they do it's well we can't what are we going to do we need to cover the truth coming out of the word of god so we'll just attack attack the spokespeople we'll attack the dislike we'll attack the preachers just find something on them try and discredit them try and just give something to the people that makes them not really want to listen to them just find something anything i can to criticize them anything i can to take them down and then people won't trust what they're preaching and that's what the enemies of god do okay that's what the enemies of the truth do and you've got to watch out for that because sometimes they're subtle with it as well oh they're very subtle with it said in verse 14 and if this come to the governor's ears we will persuade him and secure you basically don't worry we've got the we've got the politicians in our pocket yeah don't know if it comes to the politicians ears don't worry we'll persuade him we have ways and means of dealing with politicians yeah we'll just encourage them into some sort of perversion you know or give them a bribe or both yeah we'll deal with them don't worry about that verse 15 and what are these these idiots do so they took the money and so many people do that won't they so many people take the money to go against the lord so many people choose money instead of god in various ways don't they and and what are these synagogue of satan doing constantly offering that choice to people you've got the money on this side and you've got god on the other side and people fear the lack of money from choosing the lord and choosing the truth and they did as they were taught and this saying is commonly reported among the jews until this day and you could say as well forget the darkness the earthquakes the prophecies the eyewitnesses forget all that you know and these people are willing to forget all that because we've got some guys running around going oh yeah yeah disciples took the body away look they were given so many chances weren't they so much they were given to whom much is given shall much be required and these are given more than anyone else weren't they in verse 16 then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where jesus had appointed them now for me this is much later now okay so this is after the the eight days later in the room this is now they're they're they're now in this mountain in Galilee this is for me after the the fishing trip as well we're talking much later now verse 17 and when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted now even the 11 remaining disciples seeing the resurrected christ had a moment of doubt and the point being is that when you have your doubting times and people will okay that's just the way it is you're not alone okay it doesn't mean you're unsaved because you've had the odd moment of doubt look everything's kind of being thrown at you from all different angles trying to make you doubt okay and and some of them doubted and i don't think it's talking about because it was doubting thomas is earlier on isn't it so this is later on it said some of them it didn't say one of them okay that's just some of the 11 disciples who walked with him we saw him we saw him resurrected they still doubted and that's what happens in life doesn't it however when you doubt what do we do we should get close to the god don't we and then back to point number one is being in the word of god in the word of god early doors you know in church early doors just in the things of god put in god first and that will deal with those doubts as well and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth all power go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even until the end of the world amen and we're not finishing there because there are three parts there to that great commission aren't there and now just a point here when we talk about three parts of the great commission you'll have those that don't do the first part of the great commission wanting to go on about there being three parts of the great commission yeah or some will talk about the second part at least no usually they'll talk about the third part but definitely number three they like to talk about and i i had this i remember going into a church um you know just genuine hadn't been saved a long period of time you know went in this church and was just like yeah king james yes oh winning you know and it was like that's only part of the great commission and now in hindsight the alarm bell should be going do do do do you know and then it was basically well don't worry about all that soul winning we need to get him in the church really was the main thing wasn't it okay and look but there are three points to the great commission aren't there there are three parts yeah but put parts two and three don't come without part one do they yeah you can't get onto parts two and three if you don't do part one now what people will then try and do is go okay well you should only basically try and find those that you think will do parts two and three hence to just invite them into church because there's no point going and getting someone saved if they don't come to church disagree there is a point in getting someone saved because then they're not going to help yeah and it's nice going to receptive place you're getting people saved isn't it however however there are three parts let's look at the three parts he said in verse 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations so what's teaching all nations it's really it's teaching them the gospel go like we see if we compare it with mark 16 go ye into all the world and preach the gospel go ye therefore and teach all nations it should be going to all people shouldn't it okay we should be going and preaching the gospel to all people yeah and and everyone here is happy to preach the gospel i think to all people yeah he said go ye therefore and teach all nations and look it is go isn't it it is go he didn't say look stay here and teach all nations he didn't say welcome in all nations he said go ye therefore and teach all nations and point number one on the great commission is going and preaching the gospel and that's why we go and preach the gospel that's why we go out and preach it we don't just try and get them in because that's part of the great commission okay number two though is baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost so point number two the great commission is to baptize people isn't it and we want to encourage baptists we want to get people baptized now it doesn't mean that we that the if people don't get baptized and we stop doing point number one yeah we carry on doing point number one but we try and encourage them to come and get baptized yeah and notice how the baptism here is in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost you know i just i was just thinking that when i was looking at this because you always get these these idiotic god-hating muslims who like to come out with the whole jesus never said he was the son of god and all this sort of stuff and they're obviously places and and but here he's saying to baptize him in the name of the father and who's the son then is he saying i mean it's it's just all over the bible really isn't it but obviously they're not saved so they don't understand the bible you know um but point being is to baptize them we want to baptize people don't we yeah we want to get them baptized want to encourage them to be baptized it is the answer of good conscience toward god it is the first commandment is part of being that's how you're added unto the church isn't it okay so if you're coming to a church and you're not baptized and talk about believers baptism then i don't know if god looks down and sees you as part i don't think you're part of the body of christ now once you're baptized you're attending your church part of the body of christ okay so we've got baptism and then we've got then after that we've got teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you along with you always even until the end of the world now i was talking to some of the other day who's saying that they want they're trying to encourage that multiplication and try and work on their discipling someone afterwards and and i go through different phases i've got to admit on this because sometimes it can be a bit kind of annoying when you're getting people saved and they're just kind of they just don't want the things they've got a lot of people don't want things of god it doesn't mean they're not saved remember okay and it can be annoying because you want to get them in a church they don't and sometimes think look if they want to come they're going to come you know and you just think i'll just leave them with a load of stuff i don't really do we need to do follow-up and everything is that really do i want to force someone to church i just want to leave them to look into the stuff i really encourage them to come i really when i get someone saved i really encourage them to look into the stuff on our website look into our new believer series especially because that covers all of that coming into church and everything else and the the reality is a lot won't come to church or at least at least maybe they will in time to come because many people here maybe it took them a while to get into a church yeah to get into coming to church even having been saved and maybe growing at home or something else yeah okay so a lot won't however i don't know then i go through different phases and i think maybe you know because for some people i think there's a fear thing there as well and they need to be encouraged that coming to church isn't somewhere where you're going to be tested on how much of a christian you are you know and coming to church you're going to feel like the odd one out because there's all these people and then suddenly you're this just sticking out like a sore thumb because you haven't been in church before now i did have someone that was that that had messaged having got saved that we got saved down the road and was talking about coming was going to come on a wednesday night she thought maybe it'd be a bit quieter and you could just she was just that display of fear of didn't really know what to expect and i was trying to encourage i showed her like a little video of of what the church was like before trying to explain see she said okay that's made me feel a lot happier more comfortable and then she didn't come okay and but point being that the look she was saved she wanted to come to church but there was a fear and anxiety of getting into church and i think we can allay that to some degree as well can't we and i think if you can maybe get a relationship with someone that you got saved great if you can somehow keep up some form of communication if they're happy to and they want and some won't some would just be like no i'll contact you you know they're happy they've taken a free gift and that's it now they're gonna have what a sad life it'll be an unfulfilling life but at the end of the day you know they're still saved yeah but maybe we should maybe look and i think it's a case-by-case basis i think there are people that maybe you know maybe we should be trying to take details trying to encourage more trying to get get you know get some follow-up going more with them trying to encourage and and whose disciple are they if you get someone saved who's disciple are they for now they're yours so ultimately the responsibility is on you you get someone saved follow them up disciple them until you get them to the church now once they're part of the church now they're really they become a disciple of the church they become part of the church but until that point it's our responsibility there isn't it and we should try at least now look the the truth is the reality especially when we're going on salt-winning trips all over the the you know the kind of m25 area look the reality is a lot of people aren't going to get saved uh sorry a lot of people are going to get saved not going to become disciples that's the reality okay they're not necessarily going to come to church they're not they're not going to probably you know always want to we're going to places where a lot of people the truth is and it's the truth is that maybe a lot of people maybe don't have as much discipline in their lives in certain very poor areas for one reason or another maybe they're less likely to then you know be able to then start getting it together to be in church everything else a lot of the time you knock you on the door and they don't seem to be able to pick the rubbish up off their front doorstep you know and their front front path you know let alone get along to church however we still want to try and encourage don't we yeah want to try and encourage some will hear part of the great commission is what teach them to observe all things all things is that part of being saved no because what did john what did you say in john 831 then said jesus which believed on him if you continue my word then my disciples indeed you want to encourage them to follow all things to observe all things whatsoever jesus commanded however that doesn't mean that's got no that's got no bearing on whether they're saved or not okay but what happens if they start come observing all things what's the ultimate goal they're gonna go out and get other people saved more people saved that's the goal isn't it pulling people out of the fire okay so yeah something maybe something i want to think about a bit more and think about ways of kind of being stronger with the follow-up here how we can do that i would like to we talked a while back before little cards are good things like that i want to think of some good ways of doing it um without it being too weird without it being harassing as well but just trying to get that right we'll talk about that uh in time to come and and last point when we go and do that jesus christ said lo i am with you always even until the end of the world okay when you're i believe that the look yeah he's with us yeah look at the end of the day you get saved look nothing can part us from the love of god yeah but when you're going and doing things for god he's so close to you isn't he and we need him with us don't we and the more you do for god the closer he is and lo he is with us always even until the end of the world yeah and that's going to continue and continue continue it doesn't matter if it goes on another thousand years from now jesus christ still with his with with his children with with believers yeah with the sons of god he's still there with us yeah um okay that was matthew chapter 28 and look there are many places you could go with that um and look i don't know about you guys i've really enjoyed the gospel matthew i think that's you know so much i've learned from studying through that um i'll have a good good thinking prayer still about what we're going to do next i've got a couple of ideas anyway um and um yeah hopefully everyone's got a bit out of that series and um you know hopefully maybe if you've made some notes and stuff as well i know i've got kind of pages of notes on that you know that's nice to be able to look back on and stuff when i wonder about passages but um okay and um on that we're going to finish up in a word of prayer um father thank you for um well a great great chapter finishing off um finishing off what is you know a great book of the bible thank you for that um well you know finishing off with a great commission and and that remind that you're with us all way even until the end of the world and and thank you that you are with us thank you for all the many teachings that we've received out of your word um out of that that book of the bible out of those 28 chapters of of matthew's gospel there um i pray that everyone here will just apply those bits and pieces that have really spoken to them over the last sort of 30 or so weeks uh to their lives i pray that um you just help us all grow help us all be strong help us all um you know want to go out and and you know for us as well to to you know observe all things that you command us lord and not just to pick and choose not to treat it like a pick and mix and one of those things is to you know like we spoke earlier earlier in the chapter just just being up early and and and respecting you respecting your house respecting your word respecting just turning to you first thing and and and helping that shape our lives and just put you first all the other areas of our life lord and um we we thank you for for this church we thank you for um the fact that we're able to have bible studies on a wednesday um we pray that you just help us to choose a good book that's going to really um really edify the church and something that your your church here in the uk needs to hear um help everyone to get home safely and to return on sunday just don't throw all this on the