(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Right so Matthew chapter 12 and it's part two today we're going from verse 31 but we're gonna start a little bit earlier just give you a quick recap last week in verses 1 to 30 it started with the Pharisees trying to criticize them for eating on the Sabbath didn't they and they were plucking the ears of corn and it was this sort of holier than thou attitude from the Pharisees that we looked at and then Jesus pointed out their hypocrisy didn't he kind of you know talk about with David with the showbread and he reminded them you know who he is didn't he with that and goes into you know after that he reminds me that who they are he then goes into synagogue and he's like okay and then heals a guy on the Sabbath with a withered hand which again shouldn't be a problem should it but they get mad plot how to destroy him you know as you do how can we kill God so so he just moves on with the multitude following him he points out doesn't he that he's not there to fight just to do a job okay and he then casts the devil out of this blind and dumb guy and we're gonna pick it up from verse 24 so look at look down at verse 24 of Matthew chapter 12 there where it reads but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow did not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils I'd like to pray before we continue father thank you for this great passage of scripture here help me to just do it justice Lord help me to preach it accurately and clearly and and boldly Lord help just fill me with your spirit please help everyone here to have attentive ears help me to just get across what you want me to get across them today in Jesus name for all of this amen so these wicked Pharisees have just said that Jesus is possessed by Beelzebub which as we see is another name for Satan as it's used interchangeably in this passage now verse 25 says in Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and we looked at that in depth last week but his point here is in the next verse and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand so if he was possessed by Satan and he was casting out devils that would mean that Satan's kingdom was divided against itself that's the point isn't it and but there is a truth in there isn't there that Satan has a kingdom yeah I miss that truth there Satan does have a kingdom and the other devils are under his command hence he said and if Satan cast out Satan because basically they're under his command they do as you say it's as good as bases casting out himself isn't it because the devil's do his will it seems is it not to miss up we'll continue verse 27 and if I by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom your children cast him out therefore they should be your judge your judges and as we see there Beelzebub Satan being used interchangeably and we looked at seven sons of Sceva last week in Acts 19 but like I said this could be referring for we know some of Jesus disciples talk about his son you know by whom do your sons cast him out obviously the disciples going out and doing that we don't know what the relationship was there the Apostle John is described in John 18 as being known unto the high priest so no maybe there's some connection there maybe not you know it's hard to tell exactly with that verse but verse 28 then says and if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house he's saying that he couldn't do it without the Holy Spirit who's stronger than Satan yeah verse 30 he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad this is where we left off last week in this context talking about the Pharisees let's continue now verse 31 wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come so just to make it this clear there's a lot of false doctrine around this okay so I know we've gone over this before but you know things like this it can never hurt to go over them again telling some tongue-wagging clown that speaking a mumbo-jumbo language isn't the Holy Ghost is not blaspheming the Holy Ghost okay just to make that clear because some people try and come out with this you know the the the unsaved sort of Pentecostal pastor will try and use that excuse amongst many others telling some tongue-chanting devil that they have a devil isn't blaspheming the Holy Ghost okay that's not blaspheming the Holy Ghost either insulting Jesus isn't blaspheming the Holy Ghost insulting some false prophet isn't blaspheming the Holy Ghost insulting a born-again saved Christian a man of God woman of God child of God isn't blaspheming the Holy Ghost this is referring to verse 24 where it says but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow did not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devil's they're saying that it's not the Holy Spirit indwelling Jesus but a devil that's what they're saying that's how he's casting out devils that's what they're claiming now turn to mark 3 in case you're not convinced so mark 3 and verse 22 mark chapter 3 and verse 22 mark 3 22 says and the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said he hath Beelzebub and by the prince of the devil's casteth he out devil so they're saying that he's possessed yeah that's saying he's possessed and he called unto them and said unto them in parables how can Satan cast out Satan and if a kingdom be divided against itself the kingdom cannot stand obviously a parallel passage here and if a house be divided against itself that house cannot stand and if Satan rise up against himself and be divided he cannot stand but have an end no man can enter into a strong man's house to spoil his goods except he will first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house verily I sound to you all sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men and blasphemies wherewith so ever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation verse 30 the key verse here because they said he have an unclean spirit there you have it okay saying that Jesus Christ is possessed with the devil rather than indwelt by the Holy Spirit okay that's an unforgivable sin he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost have never forgiveness so it's something is that something therefore that we have to be careful not to say because then that's the next one isn't it then you've got the people go well you just got to make sure you don't do that make sure you don't that or you know someone will say well as long as you don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit that's the only way that you could lose your salvation well of course not because you can't lose your salvation okay just make that very clear Ephesians 1 13 says after that you believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise okay you're sealed with the Holy Spirit after that you believe John 5 24 says if you believe you have everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is is passed from death unto life okay it happens the second you put your faith in Jesus Christ okay that you put your trust your faith your belief in Jesus Christ calling Jesus possessed is something that someone unsaved does to become a reprobate basically now someone who's already a reprobate can obviously do that as well but it's something that someone does I believed is one of the ways someone becomes a reprobate turn of Romans chapter 1 now some might say that you can only do that if you're a reprobate I'm gonna thought about this a bit but for me it seems similar to the sort of rejection of God described in Romans 1 that results in reprobation so if you look at Romans 1 and from verse 18 Romans 1 18 the Bible reads for the wrath of God Romans 1 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness calling Jesus possessed explaining his miracles as devilry black magic etc is taking the truth of Christ except the miracles but denying the truth isn't it look at verse 19 because that which may be known of God is manifesting them for God has showed it unto them that was clearly shown to though to these people wasn't it verse 20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and God head set there without excuse now that's innate isn't it because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened it still sounds fitting doesn't it professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corrupt all man into birds and forfeited beasts and creeping things so they rejected God made their own version where for God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves filth yeah filth verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship to serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen and that for me is a common denominator with all these different types of reprobates they've changed the truth of God into a lie the false prophet has changed the truth of God into a lie haven't that the Bible perverter that we see in Revelation chapter 22 has changed the truth of God into a lie the quare hair in this verse or this chapter has changed the truth of God into a lie haven't they that the person who takes a mark you could say well he has to worship the image of the beast to counterfeit Christ they seem to have changed the truth of God into a lie haven't they and that's kind of after really I think like last chance saloon for salvation as well and the Holy Ghost blasphemer that we're talking about today has changed the truth of God into a lie for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature that's the result of that that's the result to change the truth of God into a lie as we've just seen here likewise and one of the results not saying that everyone's gonna become like that Romans one is talking about that particular type of reprobate many of these do end up with that sort of unclean lusts well they all end up with some form of unclean lusts just whether or not they go through with those and what that type of unclean lusts is verse 27 says and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me that's a sodomite okay that's a sodomite that's not what the world says but that's what a sodomite is that's what the Bible says they're reprobates of people that have rejected God and what happens then God gives them over to this to vile affections burning in their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly okay that's a sodomite verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient God gives them over after they're changing the truth of God into a lie right then they're given over now go back to Matthew 12 with that in mind Matthew 12 and verse 31 Jesus said wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh the word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come so these people who have just said this are reprobates right they're reprobates now here's a question are there people nowadays that would say the same thing yes yes there are and the most obvious ones are what the world calls Jews that's they are aren't they now let's just just make it just make it clear here some people the world will call a Jew just because their parent or it seems more importantly apparently their mother claimed to be a Jew now that that's you know that's not necessarily what we're talking about here we're talking about people that that a reprobate because they're saying that Jesus Christ is possessed by devil now I would say that a large amount of religious Jews are these people and now they don't have to be religious to be a reprobate Jew and and there seems to be all sorts of wickedness in that religion let's make it clear it's a religion okay it's not a race because you could convert to Judaism and people throughout history have converted Judaism in fact there was a massive conversion of Judaism amongst what we what are known as Ashkenazi Jews around about the 8th century it had nothing to do with these people the race thing is ridiculous okay it's just kind of a way of basically protecting this what is a horrible horrible religion from being called a horrible religion well what would just kind of go under the whole you know why anti-racism line and anti-semite and all these people aren't semites semitic people they're Eastern Europeans I'm a ginger it's ridiculous isn't it but point being that that religion it is a wicked religion and if you're following that religion and and I mean definitely if you're preaching that really you're preaching a false gospel you're preaching a false God but if you're following that religion and you're to the point where you're agreeing with with the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud for me you're blaspheming the Holy Ghost them because of the Talmud says some pretty wicked things about Jesus Christ ultimately he's a magician all these things are basically calling him possessed right now turn the Romans chapter 2 because if you're still wondering you're going wait a second brother in because these these are aren't these people found in the Old Testament you know who are these people what what you turn the Romans so I'm gonna read Revelation 2 9 which says I know thy works in tribulation and poverty but art rich and I know the blasphemy notes the word their blasphemy what sort of blasphemies is he talking about here I would say it's this sort of blasphemy I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan so the Bible prophesied 2,000 years ago well in fact it wasn't even just prophesied because it's talking about people in that current day as well and that has continued ever since of people that that a blaspheming there the blasphemy which well to make a point of this and the blasphemy of them and then we're seeing this blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and we see a religion that does that which call themselves Jews really take Inspector Clouseau to work this out does it okay who say they're Jews or not but are the synagogue of Satan I mean it's hardly rocket science is it and you've turned to Romans 2 and verse 28 which says for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which which is outward in the flesh so so okay so he's not a Jew which is one outwardly well this is a bit strange because I thought that we could outwardly tell if someone's a Jew well apparently not called the Bible if we care what the Bible says verse 29 but here's a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not a member to God now according to the Bible according to the Bible circumcision is not outward it's talking about the New Testament obviously here if you go wait a second what happened to the eighth-day circumcision no no we moved on from that okay anyone's wondering we're in the New Testament now okay so what's that about them well who are these people therefore so we just got to find the ones that are circumcised in the heart right well let's see those people are you have to turn there Philippians 3 3 says for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh that's you me everyone here that's saved okay we're the circumcision we are Jews we are Jews according to the Bible so who are these that say they're Jesus or not but the synagogue of Satan hmm a hard riddle to solve isn't it it's not really is it really isn't unless you've been poisoned by Zionist propaganda not only your whole life but but sadly your whole church life it seems my most so-called churches out there and a lot of them are churches they're just completely out to lunch on this particular doctrine okay they're a slave men of God out there preaching the Bible who send their people out so when you preach the right gospel who somehow have been hoodwinked into thinking that the people that the Bible says say they're Jews they're not but the synagogue of Satan are actually some special people that God's not done with yet he's not done with them but they think he's not done in a good way that you know they're gonna get this kind of miraculous like group salvation the end the rest of them unfortunately just didn't make the boat because they didn't happen to live till the end times to get this miraculous salvation but those ones that happen to be there right at the end well they're gonna get this it's just nuts isn't it absolutely nuts and obviously we've preached about this stuff before it doesn't even preach regularly because it's such a wicked false doctrine out there and it's even more wicked when you think about how wicked the people that they are promoting as being these you know God's people that are still God's people and everything who just like converts to a wicked false religion it's the truth is stranger fiction isn't it and and it's it's infuriating isn't it when you sit in these churches you're hearing these people just just preaching this heresy rank heresy so often and this is everywhere you go pretty much isn't it and it amongst many false churches I believe this junk as well because many of these false Jews like I said still to this day call Jesus miracles black magic because they recognize that there was Jesus Christ okay so unlike other people of religions and circle people that kind of just deny really a lot about Christ and just kind of don't really want to hear it and everything else and these people are acknowledging that someone called Jesus came they're denying obviously that he was the Christ is still looking for their Messiah yet their Messiah is coming he's called the Antichrist but they but they acknowledge him but then they explain away his miracles is basically works of Satan that's basically what they're saying now if you believe that if you're if you say that if you say that the Bible says that you're a reprobate you have never forgiveness and that for me is why there is so much wickedness amongst members of this false religion so much every I mean look the truth is they're such willing pawns of Satan aren't they that's why this they're so easily used for so much wickedness in the world if you go what you talk about brother in you know what sort of wickedness I'm talking about so called and what the Bible says say they are Jews and are not but the synagogue of Satan and again I'm talking about a religion here okay in case someone tries he must be a racist no we're talking about religion okay we're told to hate every false way and this is probably the falsest way of them all because this is just a religion of reprobates that's why you've got so many of this these types of religious people these people behind the porn industry are such such fine you know what a fine religion God's people behind the wickedness of the porn industry behind the banking cartels behind the lies of the mainstream media behind Hollywood behind all of this false information the way that just just the world gets poisoned by all this filth and smut and just all of it and it's the same people it's the people that the Bible warned us about 2,000 years ago in fact really warned us about before that but at least it's clear as day isn't it in the book of Revelation and and that's what we're seeing here we're seeing him making it clear because some might say well you know that was something for that day maybe that was that day they saw Jesus as saying he's possessed I believe it that's that's what we're still seeing that's what we're still seeing and and and that's a religion that's why that religion is so wicked and that's why those people it's not that they are well they're just so lost that's why they're so hard to preach the gospel to because so many of them are reprobates go back to verse 33 now on the plus side of that if you think well what's going to happen well hell we'll be hot for those people because there are some wicked wicked people out there like horrendously wicked people sadly in that group of what basically of this religion and I will be hot for those now just just to make it clear look you know someone says me I'm a Jew I want to still preach I want to try and get him safe look we love the lost right we don't know they're reprobate sometimes you know when someone's a reprobate you don't know do you so we want to try and preach them we want to try and get him safe but it's it's pretty hard isn't it yeah we love all people it doesn't matter you know what what Creed religion anything else want to try and get him safe but tell you what the people who really believe and like I said who who will say things such as Jesus was this and that you know the black magic stuff all they're basically saying he's possessed they're wicked they're reprobate so people preaching that rabbis and stuff reprobate that's why there's so much filth so much child abuse amongst that lot as well it's absolutely horrendous anyway let's move on for now because that's a pretty grim grim topic isn't it verse 33 says Jesus said either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit okay so the tree is known by his fruit is this saying that you can tell a Christian by how holy they appear is that what it's talking about is he saying that as long as you exhibit the fruits of the spirit because many will go to that won't they love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance no because you have to walk in the spirit and not all Christians do that today okay I have to walk in the spirit for the fruits of spirit and not everyone walks in spirit is he saying that Christian is known by getting other people saved well no because most don't get anyone saved okay most Christians believe it or not don't get anyone saved and and look that's a hard thing to measure anyway because I know like people people want to have something tangible well I could tell that that person because a lot of the time you don't really know how someone got say they might say oh well you know I heard the gospel for this person but a lot of the time they've maybe heard it from someone else as well maybe they've heard other bits or maybe and especially nowadays it's very hard isn't it you know and that's a whole way and you don't really know if they're saved because how do you know that oh well I can see someone else that they might go this it's not actually a very it's not something you can grab hold of so how do we know and everyone likes to try well what about if they're getting chastised that people go through what seems like chastisement in life doesn't mean they're safe does it a lot of people in you go to the guys down down you know in central London I was walking past yesterday rolling around in the gutter the drug addicts and stuff yo he must have been saved look he's look he's living he's got down-and-out life well no he's not he's just a down-and-out he's a drug addict yeah so look we can't we can't ultimately really tell by any of that how do we tell well it said here for the tree is known by his fruit well what's the context here the Pharisees have just said that he's possessed with the devil okay this is straight following on from that and he's just called them reprobates he said in verse 32 and whosoever speaketh speaketh a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come it clearly everything Jesus Christ was doing was so clearly of the Holy Ghost wasn't it then he said either make the tree good in his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by its fruit what's the fruit it's what comes out of the mouth it's what comes out of the mouth verse 34 a generation of vipers how can you being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil thinks that's a good fruit and a corrupt fruit isn't it but I sound to you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account no other than a day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned clearly what what what is being what we're what we're hearing here so it's about what comes out your mouth so in verse 33 where Jesus said for the tree is known by its fruit that's how we know what people really believe but the sad truth is that the wolves in sheep's clothing aren't always so quick to tell us are they so they're not just coming out with exactly what they believe so that's the frustrating bit because we want something tangible but it's not as it it's not as simple as that is it they often speak both sides of the mouth don't they and many of us have come across false prophets who who say one thing and then sort of you know you've been I've been in churches where where they claim to believe grace through faith they claim they don't believe repent of your sins they claim they you know they believe like we believe on most things probably not the Jews and then how many months later however long it is they just come out with the big one oh yeah you got to repent your sins I just we spoke about this you know it's maddening isn't it really eventually does come out I think but I don't know I don't think there's a timeline for this is there really and look but it does come out I think in the end now just make it clear with this because you know that preacher has to say clearly what they that they believe that because you could easily find it if you know I'm sure people do it I don't look into this stuff I'm sure people get these mock-up cutscenes of all different things pastor you you fill in the blank probably pastor Anderson being the most notorious you know the one they hate the most and we'll find where he's just kind of said something of you know without feeling I'm gonna say things I don't I don't believe like in terms if you get a slip up and say a funny word sometimes say a word wrong say something the wrong way round while you preach okay that's different to standing here behind a pulpit going you have to because I had a pastor that did this you cannot get saved unless you turn away from your old life yeah and you know you you you know this is what the the rich guy was told he couldn't he couldn't become a Christian he couldn't get saved and still love riches and all you know I mean you don't say that by mistake yeah I'm not an accident oh I just kind of sit down you don't really you know I don't you know I just kind of started going into a big illustration and spent five minutes okay that's very different isn't it okay but in the end these guys come out with it don't they okay out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking but and when they say that just make clear it doesn't matter that they've said grace through faith how many times before doesn't matter that they've oh but part they have said it to me would do this that like yeah but I've got a video where Billy Graham says it's grace through faith he must be saved it can't be a false prophet yeah he just happened to be yoked up with everyone you know he happened to say that you know towards the end that actually there's all different paths to God and every religion is a different path to God but he I've got a video where he said it's grace through faith they speak out both sides of the man these people are liars okay they will lie so that doesn't matter okay what does it eventually it's gonna come out eventually it does but what if they're not a preacher because a preacher it's a bit easier isn't it someone's preaching for us we you know we preach here I'm generally preaching three hours a week right maybe and some if I go over a bit on some of the sermons yeah you kind of get a fair idea what I believe okay but for some they're not a preacher so it's a bit harder to know isn't it and and sometimes you can't sit there and kind of sit through it all and and it can take a lot longer therefore can't it so that's why you know people kind of come in the churches really know what they believe because you're not hearing them talk and talk and talk and talk at all but I do think eventually eventually it comes out and it might not necessarily be clearly because then you go oh well that person we haven't heard them say something that's a downable heresy must be saved can't prove that they're they're a wolf or something like that well the covetous guy will eventually be talking about money often won't he okay and it's not that every covetous person is but it can be you know it goes hand in hand doesn't it so and we've seen that haven't we where we've had covetous people in here which were wolves in the end and because so much of else of what came out of their heart was spoken by their mouth as well but you know they like like I've said many times they tick so many boxes it was ridiculous but one of the giveaways in a way was the covetousness wasn't it because out of the abundance of the heart and mouth speaking these guys just couldn't stop talking about money couldn't stop talking about their latest scam and their latest way of doing this and what they're getting earning from work and what they should be earning and blah blah blah blah there's always money money money money okay and and again the out of the abundance of the heart and mouth speaking the division causer will eventually be saying divisive things won't they it will just come out and out of the abundance of the heart and mouth speaking then eventually you'll get it and they can't really help it in the end because it will come out it might take a while it might take them to be more and more relaxed but eventually it does come out the boozer might even eventually mention it by mistake like we did have one of these guys do that do we you know when I get given a box of wine I mean non-alcoholic because it does come out in the end doesn't it because eventually at the abundance of the heart and mouth speaking eventually they have to talk about it it does come out and and for by thy words that's what he said for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned and it's that's ultimately what we're waiting for and when I say waiting that's that's really the only clear way is it well no it's not the only clear way if someone's like queering away or something well he hasn't said it yet like okay it's pretty obvious right and there are other things but this is a you know this is the most of the most usual way isn't it okay by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned now let's carry on verse 38 says and certainly the scribes and the Pharisees aren't the same master we would see a sign from thee so he's just miraculously healed the man with the withered hand yeah he's cast the devil out of the blind and dumb guy he's already been performing healings miracles exorcisms and he's God yeah just just let's not miss that bit when he speaks it's the Word of God and faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God doesn't it and they're like we need a sign though we need a sign and it's like these people that you go and preach they go well if I saw God then I believe or if you know if I saw this happen on that but they're lying really or at least say they maybe they think that I don't know what they think deep down but you know it wouldn't get him safe would it and it's same with these guys they you know for them it doesn't matter what he's doing they still won't believe they're claiming they need a sign but what does he say he says but he answered and said unto them an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the Prophet Jonas now if they weren't evil and adulterous and adulterous here probably in terms of seeking other gods they wouldn't be seeking a sign would they because they would know it's a Christ wouldn't they yeah if they weren't spending their time seeking out of the got other gods and they were just in the Word of God and they would know straight away this is the Christ isn't it there are people that were looking for the Christ they knew it was a Christ weren't there okay we see you know different people in the scriptures but you know people you know in the beginning of Luke and stuff and and and others these guys well you know instead they're looking for false gods that's why they're not you know that's why they still apparently need their sign there so but what he says he says he's saying this here's your sign so he says in verse 14 for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the world's belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth now he's talking about the Prophet Jonah who was swallowed by a whale now go back to Jonah and I know we've gone through the book of Jonah not that long ago a few months back but you know nothing wrong with a recap for many some might have not kind of been here for all of those now Jonah was one of the many prophecies of the coming Christ in the Old Testament and in chapter 1 there are foreshadowings of Christ if you remember with Jonah sleeping during the tempest like in Matthew 8 how he gives his life for the people you know during that tempest who are trying to work they're trying to work their way to that physical salvation hard against the storm they're trying to row hard and stuff but sacrificing Jonah is the only way so we see that don't we in in in Jonah chapter 1 and now look at Jonah chapter 1 and verse 17 where it says Jonah 1 17 now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights so Jonah is swallowed by this great fish and we talked about this you don't have to go in at depth if God calls a whale a fish it's a fish okay we don't care about you know whatever classification our all wise scientists want to use it's a fish okay right so Jonah's swallowed by this great fish and those three days of three nights in the world's belly are a prophecy of Jesus three days of three nights in the heart of the earth now is this talking about the tomb that Jesus Christ's body was laid in after the cross as I'm assuming this must be what the Jesus was in hell deniers like to that must be what they're trying to say but only if the tomb had steps going approximately 4,000 miles downwards would it be would would the tomb be the heart of the earth yeah be a lot of steps only 4,000 miles apparently is the estimate it seems to the center of the earth to the heart of the earth because what's the heart of something the inner part of anything in this particular context the middle part or interior as the heart of a country kingdom or Empire the heart of a town the heart of a tree it's the middle part isn't it yeah the middle the interior Jesus Christ is in the center of the earth for three days of three nights what's in the center of the earth then Abraham's bosom is that the center of the earth well considering Abraham's in heaven that would have to be a pretty big bosom or maybe a detachable bosom wouldn't it and in number 16 when when you had turned there if you like I know we've done this before but turn to number 16 God does this new thing doesn't any he sends a rebellious Korah and he's gang alive into hell yeah and it says in number 16 you look from verse 32 so numbers 16 in verse 32 and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses and all the men that appertained unto Korah and all their goods they and all that appertained to them went down down alive into the pit and the earth closed upon them and they perished from among the congregation what's in the heart of the earth well apparently the pit what's the pit well it's hell it's hell yeah so no revelation 9 2 calls it the bottomless pit which makes sense it's in the center of the earth doesn't it really fits with the Flat Earth Theory but hey ho we're not really fussed about that are we because the Bible says that it's in the heart of the earth it's bottomless because the earth is a globe and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace so the pit which is there when you open up the earth and people go into well it has a great furnace in it sounds a bit hellish and the Sun in the air were darkened by reason the smoke of the pit says a revelation 19 I look back at Jonah and then just to finish that off Jonah chapter 2 verse 1 says Jonah 2 1 then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly and said I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord and he heard me out of the belly of hell cried I and thou heardest my voice so this prophecy of Jesus Christ has Jonah burning in stomach acid in a whale's belly and Jonah calls it the belly of hell okay remember it's like a foreshadowing it's a prophecy of Jesus Christ Jonah 2 6 obviously Jonah couldn't go to hell or he wouldn't have been coming back again right okay that would have been a bit of a harsh one sorry Jonah you're taking one for the team here because Jonah was saved as a prophet of God and Jonah 2 6 says I went down to the bottoms of the mountains the earth with her bars was about me forever yet has thou brought up my life from corruption Oh Lord my God clearly a picture of hell right with Jesus Christ also being raised from the dead yeah now we're going to come back to Jonah in a minute okay but but we are going to go go back to Matthew but we're going to go to Acts first so you want to put something in Jonah okay but go to Acts chapter 2 and while you turn now I'm gonna read Matthew 12 again where he said in verse 40 he said this is your sign he said for as Jonas was three days of three nights in the world's belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth he said I'll be three days of three nights in hell but I'm coming back here because that's what he's saying isn't he everyone else goes to hell and never comes back which is exactly what Peter preached on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 look at Acts 2 and verse 22 Peter said ye men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth this is Acts 2 22 a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you is ye yourselves also know it was clear as day they didn't need any further signs did they him being delivered by the determinate counts of foreknowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands crucified and slain whom God had raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it that's imprisonment in hell okay that's imprisonment in hell he loosed the pains of death for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption David's prophesying of Christ here okay clearly and it says this now it says thou has made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us and to this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne he seeing this before spake of the resurrection is of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh should see corruption this Jesus has God raised up whereof we all are witnesses the truth is clear as day isn't it it's so so clear so obvious in the Bible you have to look too far either really if someone denies his truth they're either ignorant or worse they're a liar if they're denying this because look it is a thing if you're hearing people preaching this and yeah like you don't have to go into false doctrine but if you were someone who didn't believe this you were hearing this being preached by people that seem to have the gospel right yeah which we clearly do and they're going out if you're us you know a real church and you're you've got the gospel right and you're preaching the gospel you know and you believe all that you know the key points you're not kind of changing you know you got into some you know weird oneness creation or something else or any of that if you believe all the fundamentals and you see a church really you probably at least look into it wouldn't you wouldn't you like we've all had to look into what is false teaching of Zionism we've looked into the false teaching of a pre-trib rapture we've looked into these things yeah we've looked into the false dispensationalism and we can see it's all wrong if you're on the other side of the of the kind of side on this if you looked at this I mean you only have to look at this this passage alone I have to look at Acts 2 31 and you're gonna be okay I need to expand you explain how do you ever let anyone know how they explain this you know how they explain acts 231 or they just they just put a line through they just put a line through it I don't know I haven't really because I've heard people go it's heresy it's Catholic heresy but I've never really heard them explain why because it's clear isn't it and it's a strange thing why would you take that away from from what Jesus Christ did for us because what I'm like it's even more amazing not only did God in the flesh guy in a horrendous way on the cross he went into hell he went into hell for us that is amazing isn't it that's me why would you ever want to take that away from God and if you're gonna try and take that away from God you may give a good reason why otherwise I think you're a liar or you're an idiot and you don't and you can't read clear scripture so go back to Matthew 12 where he goes on and says Matthew 12 verse 41 the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here okay so what what does it mean that the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with his generation shall condemn it well at the great white throne of judgment the fact that the men of Nineveh repented at the preacher of Jonas will condemn this generation basically the people living at this time he's talking about the people that he's talking to the people are living at that time okay because there's someone great the Jonah preacher Lord Jesus Christ is what he's saying here yeah God himself yeah okay now is this talking about the fact that the Ninevites turned from their evil way well that would put them above the Pharisees and you can look at this in two ways you can look at it that way because it would put them above these Pharisees but and and I suppose it didn't say clearly well they'll be saved and they won't it's just saying that they'll rise in judgment with this generation shall condemn it because everyone basically they're all going to be getting judged at that time aren't they that well at least at least they'll be rising they'll be going and you could say rising here is saying that well they're going to be they're going to rise to eternal life here their bodies obviously will be will be changed right I don't know because maybe if they know thinking about if they've died early there they should be raptured shouldn't they so maybe not but there is an interesting point here that that if you go back to Jonah go back to Jonah chapter 3 because it's indicating that many of the Ninevites sorry some would indicate that many of the Ninevites also got saved no I'm not sure because I'm not sure about this go back to Jonah okay so chapter 3 Jonah's being vomited out the well and this time he goes to Nineveh to preach look verse 4 says and Jonah began to enter into the city of days journey and he cried and said yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown now verse 5 says so the people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least of them so obviously they're believing in the warning from God that he's about to overthrow them okay now some might say that like I said that they all got saved at this point too and other people say that well you know they got saved first then they've done this you know to respond to God maybe they they must have got saved but that's separate obviously to them turning from their evil way okay obviously because turning from their evil way God called it works God saw their works they turn from their evil way okay and you ain't getting saved by works yeah for by grace you say through faith and all of you so it's a gift of God not of works okay so that wasn't salvation after when they turn from the evil way and I would say that many probably did get saved I believe look Jonah's there preaching to them I'm sure he preached the gospel as well maybe many did but I don't believe that the whole city from the greatest of them even to the least of them got saved okay so where verse 10 says that it was their works that resulted in God not destroying the whole city it says and God saw their works they turn from her evil way and God repented the evil that he said that you're doing to them and he didn't know I appreciate obviously that as unsaved our works was filthy rags but this was about the punishment of a city not salvation okay this wasn't kind of an en masse salvation thing this was talked about the punishment of a city with that in mind with that in mind oh look many probably did get saved right and maybe some would argue that's why the statement by Jesus is the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preacher Jones behold a great than Jones's here but this might have nothing to do with salvation at all this might just be saying look like there'll be people basically they condemn it because they they responded to the preacher Jesus Christ and but and that's ultimately that the the main application here is that these people responded sorry to the preacher of Jonas and these guys haven't the Pharisees this generation haven't responded to the preaching of Jesus Christ yeah in the same way the Queen of the South the Queen of Sheba in verse 42 says the Queen of the South shall rise up into judgment with this generation shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold a great than Solomon is here so again she's come for the uttermost parts of the earth to hear Solomon and who is obviously a foreshadowing of Christ but that's not the point because she came a long way to his wisdom unlike this lot trying to tear him down and point being is that these people you've got the Ninevites responding to Jonah whatever way you want to see that you've got the Queen of the South the Queen of Sheba responding to or at least coming and seeking Solomon and then you've got these wicked bunch and what seems to be fully the vast majority of what were known of as Jews basically rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh that's the point yeah and in verse 43 then says and he's kind of continuing this way he says when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man he walked through dry places seeking rest and findeth none then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he has come he finds the empty swept and garnished then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last day that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation okay so the first truth here is that if an unclean spirit a devil comes out of someone is an interesting truth he seeks rest notice that there says here when the unclean spirits gone out of a man he walked through dry places seeking rest what's the rest it seems to be indwelling so it seems that an unclean spirit a devil the left they seem to be constantly seeking indwelling that's a pretty scary thought for the unsaved okay it's not a scary thought for us because we have the Holy Spirit in us but that's scary thought for them that they seek rest they're seeking that because they find none you know they go through these dry places seeking rest and findeth none then he saith I will return to my house from whence I came out when he's come he finds the empty swept and garnished now when you compare this to the parallel passage in Luke 11 there are a couple of extra pieces of information here which really help and it isn't it like I've said this before when you're when you're studying parallel passages always look for the things which aren't in the other one because a lot of the time they help shed light and there's some key information there and one of the words here that's missing is empty in verse 44 we see here which we don't see in the Luke passage in 11 Luke 11 it says here then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out when he's come he findeth it empty swept and garnished okay that's the missing bit because the second truth is that when a devil comes out of someone there better not leave it empty and you could go well how does the devil come out now I don't know I don't know if devil's go in and out maybe Devils do maybe Devils don't stay in people maybe there's ways that people can kind of resist an indwelling of a devil I'm not sure but I do know that here when Jesus Christ here casting out Devils does it say that every single person cast a devil out for him got saved no in fact he's casting out Devils and his disciples en masse aren't they it seems that they're going around everywhere it's constantly talking about them casting out Devils casting out Devils casting out Devils they're basically giving these people like the best chance they've got aren't they they're casting out all these Devils and well next piece of information he says here and this is a bit that's missing again from Luke 11 end of verse 45 he said well let's look at verse 45 then guy thing take with himself seven of the spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there in the last state that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation so basically the casting out Devils I believe that this is what basically happened to the majority of these people a large amount of these people here is that like Jesus and the disciples are giving them the best possible chance you know they're basically condemning them ultimately because they get rid of their casting out Devils out of the nation bait almost it seems they're just casting out Devils they're doing all these amazing things they're preaching the gospel yeah some do get saved yeah yeah many probably got saved but he's still calling this generation wicked I think the vast majority or at least the majority well they end up with even more Devils in them they end up rejecting him they end up being reprobates they end up a large amount do they bring a curse upon themselves they're calling him possessed and everything else and they end up with seven other spirits more wicked than themselves and again that goes hand in hand what I was saying earlier about these that say they're Jews and they're not but what are they the synagogue of Satan okay and that's Connor that's really what he's talking about here isn't he now there are some truths you can get from that as well but but he's talking about the nation he's saying that generation he's talking about all those people isn't it in the place where he's preaching they're casting out Devils are they getting saved and getting the Holy Spirit in there because if they don't what happens the Devils come back with seven other more wicked than themselves reverse 47 verse 47 says and one said unto him behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without design to speak with thee now by the way that last bit I know people you know you can apply that to getting things out of your life and if you don't get saved then maybe you're not you know you're going to end up in a worse state but for me that the main application is talk about that nation is talk about a generation okay so and we're not we don't believe in the the spirit that you know some you know there's some of these Pentecosts preached at the spirit of drinking oh it's a spirit of drinking that's why I just can't stop boozing it's a spirit of adultery I just can't get rid of that spirit we don't preach that stuff here so I don't believe that's really what he's talking about there okay verse 47 he says then one said unto him behold thy mother and my brethren stand without design to speak with thee but he answers said unto him that told him who is my mother and who are my brethren and he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same is my brother and sister and mother now at first glance you can say this teaches that the disciples are the same as family I'm into that right okay you know if you're a disciple of Christ you'll recognize like a brother you know like like you know like a sister or a brother even a mother how do we become part of the family well like I say Galatians 3 26 says for you all the children of God by faith of Christ Jesus okay so yeah we're all part of the family here now when he when it when he stretched forth his hands towards his disciples he just he's just talking to believers here he's like going look you know I don't think it's the point that they are disciples because he says he says whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same shall be my brother and sister mother but what's the will of his father well it's to get saved isn't it and John 6 40 says and this is a will of him that sent me that everyone which saith the Son and believeth on him they have everlasting life and I'll raise him up at the last day so the will is that we get saved right so he's going basically whoever gets saved talking to like all these saved people here all these disciples that are following him so clearly they're following him they're saved they're their disciples the Bible says here he's saying he's basically saying look these are these are my brothers these are my sisters these are my mother's right but with this passage we also see the ridiculousness of the Roman Catholic mediatrix don't we the goddess worship of this apparently sinless Mary because he's just he's just basically gone it's got he's my mother yeah and I he's also said his brother as well but he's gone oh these lot these are the same but according to the Roman Catholic you know Mary's it's like amazing goddess and well Jesus didn't seem to agree with that did he he just said these people are on a par with my family what are you talking about in fact they're kind of left without they're without the camp aren't they now turn over to Luke chapter 11 what you turn I'm gonna read Luke 1 47 and you know just just a handy verses if you know you ever wondered about this sort of stuff Luke 1 47 says in my this is Mary speaking and she says and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior so Mary called God her Savior because Mary needed a Savior because she was a sinner like everyone else okay she needed a Savior now Luke 11 Luke 11 is a good one because like I've just mentioned Luke 11 earlier it has a parallel passage in the middle of it to here in Matthew 12 but instead of this piece of dialogue it has this one and I love this bit of this passage here it says in Luke 11 and verse 27 and it came to pass he spake these things a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice and said unto him blessed is a womb that bear thee and the pats which thou has suck is this the first Roman Catholic it sounds it doesn't it blessed is this woman you know it's like wow it's like a few few hundred years too early and and you could say Jeremiah 44 as people worshiping a so-called queen of heaven false goddess like there's nothing new under the Sun is it they were always trying to make a goddess some sort of goddess queen of heaven and this woman obviously she's trying to make this this you know she wants to kind of start the Catholic faith but she gets stopped in her tracks she said no we ain't got time for that he says but he said yea rather no it's the word rather blessed are they to hear the word of God to keep it now I'm not trying to say Mary wasn't a great woman Mary was a great woman she was she ain't no God okay she sure as hell isn't a God and and definitely not to be worshipped is she okay she's not to be worshipped she's not a God and back in Matthew 12 back in Matthew 12 is a question why is she without so on the back of all of that why is she without because they said without basically she wasn't you know wherever he is preaching on the inside there I would say because she's hanging around with his rejecting brothers didn't she she's with his brethren that at this point are still rejecting him she's hanging around with basically God rejectors isn't she okay and look Mary was saved I have no doubt about that but Mary's Mary's outside she's not basically she's not in church she's not in church because she's too busy hanging around with the unsaved family and if you go well maybe they were I don't know what you know maybe they're very young well you know Jesus Christ is in his 30s at this point and yeah okay Joseph knew her not until she brought forth her firstborn son but I don't think that it she's she's nursing babies at this point because well I suppose it's possible but I don't think that's the point I think she's basically with his rejecting brothers outside of church instead of being where she should have been she should have been there listening to his preaching oh well maybe she just wasn't for that bit why not why not Jesus Christ is here well you measure Jesus Christ in Wickford walking around yeah well I'll be down in a bit you know I've got a few things to do I just you know I'm just with the unsaved right now like we're just hanging out a bit and you know just kind of chatting and going and doing you'd be everywhere when you want to miss a word would you and don't worry I'm not trying to teach a new doctrine there where Jesus Christ could be walking around a week okay just in case you're wondering yeah but I don't think you'd be if you were there okay let's bring that back if you were walking around there you know I don't think you would be if you were his mother just kind of leaving him to it for a bit would you yeah wouldn't you happy or you should be wanting to hang on every word of God but isn't that how it should be with church life really this is we're reading the Word of God here aren't we so Jesus Christ is saying we're going into it we're expanding it and yeah I'm gonna get stuff for local Sam you know I'm not gonna get everything right but still hearing the Word of God aren't you yeah you're around God's people the Holy Spirit's in the room Jesus Christ said they're my amongst them where two or three are gathered in my name okay so or three or more you know I didn't butch that but what look Jesus here right we should want to be here shouldn't we people should want to be here Mary should have been there and instead she's without and does Jesus Christ go right quick get her in get her in she hasn't she's hanging around with it with the rejecting brothers quick get them all in now no he just said who is my mother and who are my brethren and he says behold these the people that are here and look yeah that's how Jesus looks it isn't it Jesus looks at the people here I mean sorry all those you know church members watching a lot I understand their circumstances their problems their issues and everything else but Jesus sees the people in the house of God Jesus sees the people around him and and is saying look like if you're without you're without one that doesn't mean you can't come in I mean God hates you he didn't hate Mary he loved his mother didn't he he made a point of getting me the Apostle John to look after his mother but at that point there wasn't our special allowances now look you need to come and listen to the Word of God don't you need to be around the Word of God you need to be listening to the Word of God you need to be around Jesus Christ and yeah that's the choice we all have to make don't we Christ all the rejectors really and and here you know it's you're gonna hang around with those outside and then make it almost for many it'll be a reason they're not to come won't it because they're the ones ultimately they pull you away it's a world that pulls you away it's a world that pulls you out of church the world that stops you going to church it's a world that keeps you out your Bible it's a it's a world and it's people and and then we use all sorts of people not just his own children he can use many ways and and and the flesh as well take any excuse not to not to be around God's Word unfortunately we want to be in the spirit want to be in the Word of God we want to be in church we want to be around God's people we want to have Christ in the middle of us on that let's go to the Lord in prayer father thank you thank you for for just you know some great truth sir and in your word I hope I've expanded them as you'd want me to Lord and and I pray that everyone here would you know I would just just think about some of those truths Lord think about you know that the fact that we're blessed to be called your your family Lord and we want to be around you we want to be as near to you as possible we should want to be around you you know as much as we possibly can every minute of every day help us to all want that Lord help us to help us to also just you know appreciate what you've done for us appreciate that yeah you you went you went and burnt in hell for us and let these you know hell rejectors you know fight and argue amongst themselves that we know the truth Lord we know what what you've done for us we appreciate that we love you Lord we you know we thank you for everything you've done for us for what you went through for us we don't want to diminish that and we pray that you just help us to you know live more for you Lord to want to be around you more after everything you've done for us and help us to do that for the rest of this week Lord and to get back in on Sunday for another day in your house in Jesus name pray all of this amen