(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So Matthew chapter 10, we're going to be going up to verse 23, we're going to do it in two parts again, there's a lot here to cover, Matthew 10, we're going to go from verse 1 to 23. And it's been, like I said, it's been a few weeks since we did our study, our bible study of Matthew, so I don't know if you can remember, but in Matthew 9, we did a part two in Matthew 9, it was from verse 18 onwards, and we had the lady who touched just the hem of Jesus' garment, if you remember, and it was, that was enough wasn't it, just touching the hem of his garment is enough, and obviously that's a picture of just the simplicity, the ease of salvation. We saw that Jesus raised a synagogue ruler's daughter, and the guy was named Jairus wasn't he, which was a picture of the first resurrection wasn't it, with Jesus' fame going to all the land, and we saw, you know, many similarities there, and then we also saw the two blind men get given their sight, and again, another picture of salvation, if you remember, they break his first command not to tell anyone, but obviously they can still see, can't they, because, you know, whether or not you follow Jesus' commandments or not, you're still saved when you're saved, and obviously it's a picture of salvation, but we see that there, and then we obviously saw the Pharisees call him possessed, didn't we, and we were talking about how that is, you know, reprobate behaviour, we looked into that, and finally we then saw that he had compassion on the sheep with no shepherd, and if you remember, or you can flick back verses 37 and 38, said then saith he unto his disciples that the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few, pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers into his harvest, and we talked about how you can apply that to both soul winners, and also to the under shepherds, the pastors, we looked at, you know, kind of both could apply, can't they, and maybe we've, you know, traditionally looked at that as just soul winners, but it could also be for pastors, and the need for that, the need for people, you know, who are willing and able to go out and lead a church, and, you know, they're few and far between, aren't they, and people that are up for doing that as well, because, like we talked about, you know, there was probably a, at least in our sorts of circles, there was maybe a heyday with the documentaries coming out, and it all looked pretty cool, and YouTube fame, and everything else, and then sort of, it started to maybe look a bit less attractive after that, and maybe those sort of, you know, those flash in the pan types maybe started to fall off and fall away, but yeah, nothing's changed though, this country, the world needs, needs pastors, it needs churches, it needs men, men of God who are willing to do that, willing and able to do that as well, or at least willing to say to the Lord, use me, you know, because it's, it's the Lord that ultimately needs to be doing it, because you can't do it on your own. We're going to continue with, with verse one now, Matthew chapter 10, where, where the Bible reads, and when he had called unto him his 12 disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, excuse me, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease. I'd like to just pray before we continue. Father, thank you for this great chapter of the Bible, please help me to just preach it accurately now, to preach it boldly, just fill me with your spirit please Lord, and help those here to just have attentive ears and hearts, and Lord just, just keep, keep, you know, keep away these distractions, and Lord just help us to help everyone here to, to, to just listen to what you've got to say tonight, and in Jesus' name, pray all of this, Amen. And when I say distractions, that was a bit bizarre, that was some, I think the speaker system picked up some other signal, and suddenly in the middle of our prayer, we had like some sort of radio station come through, our speakers in the mother baby room, I think it was, so it could be interesting tonight, maybe, maybe, maybe it was just for the prayers, but you know, keep your ears sharp, because maybe there's some good stuff that God's got to say to us today. So, okay, so they're going out doing these, doing these miracles, or he's just, he's sending them out to do these miracles, okay, is that all that the disciples are doing? Okay, is it, has he just sent them out to just do some miracles, to do some impressive stuff? Well jump forward just for a second to, to verses seven and eight, where he says to them, and as ye go preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. So that's the point, isn't it? They're preaching that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, that Jesus Christ is here, isn't he? And what does it mean that it's at hand? Maybe because you can reach out and take it, it's as easy as that, isn't it? It's as easy as that, you've got Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, right here, right now, at this point in the Bible, he and his disciples are doing miracles. If there was a time to accept, to reject the gospel, it was them, wasn't it? He's walking around, you've got the word of God, they're doing amazing things, I mean, there's no doubt who he is, right? And the kingdom of heaven's at hand, yeah, it's that easy to take it. Jesus said to Thomas, if you remember in John, you don't have to turn to John 20 and verse 29, Jesus says unto him, Thomas, because thou has seen me, thou has believed, blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. Now that's everyone here, because there is a difference, isn't there? I mean, he saw him and he believed, yeah? Thomas had been walking with him for three years, he was one of the disciples, and look, yeah, he's seen him, he's believed, yeah, but blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed, and that's everyone here, isn't it? Okay, there's an extra blessedness for that. Now, because, look, when Jesus Christ was here, it was one thing, but we're accepted by faith alone in the word of God alone, and look, the word of God is enough, the word of God is what's used to get us saved, but, look, at that point, you had Jesus Christ out there, okay, the kingdom of heaven was at hand to all those people, and when you're rejecting then, that's quite a big rejection, isn't it? And as we see what happened to those people, those Jews, because that's ultimately who they're going to while Jesus Christ was here, what happened to those people, really? Well, you ended up with it just as, I know it was already there, but you end up with just this mass reprobate religion, really, don't you? So, it was kind of like last chance there, wasn't it? And really, what a big chance that was as well. Now, why doesn't the Bible say Jesus sent them out saying, number one, admit you're a sinner, number two, the wages of sin is death, explain what hell is, you know, number three, recognize who Jesus is, et cetera, et cetera, you know, show them that it's believing the Lord Jesus. Why didn't the Bible just map that out, okay? He's sending them out to Solwin, isn't he? He's sending them out to preach then the kingdom of heaven is at hand, because that's not how the Bible is written, is it? Okay, the Bible's not written out there. Now, God didn't offer salvation to anyone reading the Bible, did he? Okay, is that what the Bible says? Does the Bible say that, right, these, you know, we, all of this, the whole Bible is so that you could just open it up and get saved? No, he said in Romans 10, 17, so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. He also said, how should they hear without a preacher, didn't he? So if you think about it, you know, it takes a certain amount of humility to actually have someone preach the gospel to you, doesn't it? Because it's, you get these people, I've read the Bible, I know what the Bible says, it's so puffed up and proud, aren't they? I've, well, I've studied, or you get the people that say, well, I'll read it in my, I'll decide, I'll decide what the Bible says, but ultimately they're too prideful to just have someone preach the gospel to them. That's really what it comes to, doesn't it? And, and look, and like I've said before, just praise God that when you had the gospel preached to you, that it was a humble point in your life, because I'm not saying that we're all just so full of humility here. We should be, but we're not all automatically, are we? But praise God that at the point where you had the gospel preached to you, at that point when you put your faith in Jesus Christ, you're humble enough to let someone preach it to you, whether it was on YouTube or it was someone in person, and you put your faith in Jesus Christ. But you kind of, in a way, you have to also accept, you know, someone trying to be a saviour to you by preaching a saviour to you, right? And that does take some humility, doesn't it? And that's how, that's how it works. Someone has to preach the gospel to you, they preach the gospel to you, and you put your faith in Christ. And it's not that it has to be mapped out, because, look, it doesn't take long when you're saved to understand if someone teaches you pretty clearly how to just show, you know, clear points from the Bible. And look, it's a tried and tested way. Yeah, it's not the only way. The Romans Road to Salvation, believe it or not, plus and, you know, plus or minus a lot of other verses isn't the only way to get someone saved, but it's a pretty good way to get someone saved. It's been tried and tested for a long time, you know, and we, some people here will add different verses to others, verses that maybe they feel they can explain well, they feel that, you know, they can preach well to someone. And look, that's cool, but, but ultimately it is a word of God, but it is a fact that you're preaching, isn't it? Okay. And, and yeah, the Bible says that it comes from preaching. That's why when you read things like the Gospel of Matthew, it's not, well, where does it say exactly that? No, because once you're saved, then you start to see it, don't you? Once you're saved, you start to see the gospel in there and you start to see those little clues. And we are able to study, aren't we, once we're saved, to show ourselves approved, you know, workmen that need us not to be ashamed, rightly divine in the word of truth. And here's an interesting thing here. Verse eight here is interesting when compared, when compared to verse one. So verse one said, he gave them power against, look at this, unclean spirits, to cast them out, to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Now look at verse eight, verse eight says, heal the sick, so we saw all manner of sickness, cleanse the lepers, that's all manner of disease. Notice this little one shoved in there, raise the dead. The unclean spirits is there, cast out devils, but verse eight also has the raise the dead in there. Freely you have received, freely give. Now you might be, oh yeah, well, they were raising dead people as well, like Jesus Christ. Well, interestingly, the only time we ever see any of the disciples doing that physical raising from the dead is many years later in the book of Acts with Peter and then later Paul, yeah. So for me, that raising the dead there, that's what they're doing, but they're doing it spiritually, aren't they? And they're going out and they're preaching the gospel and it's little things like that that you start seeing the word of God when you compare things. Again, I might be off there, but I don't see them raising the dead. I don't see any stories of them raising the dead in the gospels. I see Jesus Christ raising the dead, I don't see the disciples, but what I do see is a little extra slipped in there, raise the dead, after he just said to them to basically preach to them saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And they do go out and they raise the dead because that's what we do. Every time we preach the gospel to someone, every time you get someone saved, you're basically in essence raising the dead, aren't you? Because that's someone who's dead in their sins, who is, you know, eventually after you preach to them, they shall not come in, shall not come to condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. They pass from death unto life that second that they put their faith in Jesus Christ. Let's continue though. So, where are we? So, okay, verse two. Now the names of the 12 apostles are these. The first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother. So, before we continue, I'd just like to point out that these first two pairs of brothers are also first on the other two lists of the disciples or apostles, whatever you want to call them, okay, in Mark and Luke's list. These two brothers are always the first on every one, okay. Why is that? Well, they seem to be the most prominent. We seem to hear them talked about the most, don't we, in the gospels. In fact, some of the other disciples, you don't really hear talked about much at all, do you? But these are, and what's interesting about these four men here is they're all four fishermen, aren't they? All four are fishermen, and all four are talked about the most, and I don't think it's any coincidence that four of Jesus' disciples, the four most prominent disciples, are all fishermen, and what really that's a picture of, and because that's what being a disciple really is all about, isn't it? It's going out and fishing men, isn't it? It's fishing souls. It's getting people saved. That's what being a disciple is. It always makes me chuckle, like, for example, preaching on Calvinism, and these people that are so adamant that they're saved because they do X, Y, and Z, because they're disciples, because they've got the sin out of their life, because of me, me, me, self, self, self, everything else, and how many of them even go out and preach the gospel? And that's a key part of being a disciple, pictured in these fishermen who are the most prominent disciples, and yet how few are these people that these work salvationists that think that they're saved because of their works? How many of them even go out and attempt to preach their false gospel to anyone? It's probably a good thing, but it's true, though, isn't it? It's ridiculous, but let's continue. Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebaeus, whose surname was Thaddeus. Now, Bartholomew is possibly another name for Nathaniel from John's gospel. I believe it probably is, as you see him mentioned a lot of the time with Philip, but Lebaeus is also known as Judas, by the way, in Luke's gospel and in Acts, but I'd imagine that name probably became a bit unpopular, so I think they referred to him by a different name after that, but he's the other Judas, obviously. Then you've got Simon the Canaanite, who's known as Simon Zelotis in Luke's gospel, and then in Acts as well, and then you've got Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. Now, it says here, let's continue, so verse five says, Okay, so just to make this clear, because of the false teaching out there, the Gentiles weren't plan B like the heretics out there like to teach, and it is a heresy, it's a clear heresy, because the Bible says time and time again that the plan was for them to be a light unto the Gentiles etc. Turn to Romans chapter 15, Jesus went first to the circumcision to confirm the promise. Isaiah prophesied of him being a light for the Gentiles, in a couple of different places at least. When filled with the Holy Ghost, Simeon called him, in Luke 2 32, a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel. Okay, that's when he's just a baby, that's not, this isn't like, oh well, you know, the Jews wouldn't have it, now we're gonna, we'll have to go to the Gentiles. Now look, it was always a plan to go to the Gentiles. So why were the disciples here told not to go to the Gentiles? And this obviously sort of preaching, when you preach the truth, would disappoint the Zionist Jew lover here, who loves to think it's because they're so special, because they're so amazing, because the Gentiles were sort of a backup plan in the end afterwards. Now, Romans 15 and from verse 8 says, now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promise, promises made unto the fathers. He's confirming the promises, he's showing that he's a prophesied Christ, right, to those who were committed the oracles, and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy, as it is written, for this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles and sing unto thy name. By the way, that's from Psalm 18, okay, and verse 49, you don't have to turn there, but that was a long time before Jesus Christ came. Then verse 10, where we are, says, and again he says, rejoice ye Gentiles with his people. That's from all the way back in Deuteronomy 32, verse 11 says, and again praise the Lord all ye Gentiles allowed him, all ye people. That's Psalm 117, and again Isaiah said, there shall be a root of Jesse and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles in him shall the Gentiles trust. That's Isaiah 11. No, the Gentiles definitely weren't a plan B, were they? Okay, the Gentiles definitely weren't a plan B. So let's continue back in Matthew 10, verse 5 to 6, they're being sent out to the remainder of Israel first before the famous great commission comes. Okay, so verse 5 says, these 12 Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying, go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans, enter ye not, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and as ye go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, freely you have received, freely give. Okay, so now the end of this verse is important when looking at the next two verses. So Jesus doesn't charge anyone to hear the gospel or to be healed in the many other ways by the word of God, does he? Anyone see that? Anyone see Jesus going, right, you owe me, you know, this many shekels for that or something else? That doesn't happen, does it? And obviously we should never charge anyone to hear the word of God, okay? Let's make that clear. We don't charge anyone, we don't charge anyone to, you know, to hear the gospel preached and you might think, well of course not brother Ian, right, of course you don't charge people to come to church. Do you know that a lot of these mega preachers, they actually have like, they sell tickets for their services and everything else and you can get different like, depending on what robe, depending on how much you pay, you can get like a front row seat for probably a very extortionate amount of money or maybe you could get like a seat where you're really in the action with like more of the whoopers and the kind of hand wave, I don't know, I don't know how it works, I don't know like what makes the ticket mark sensitive but this is true, isn't it? And people will charge and there are certain cults where to be in the cult you have to pay whatever it is, whether it's a so-called tithe because they want to at least pretend that they're following the word of God or something else and you've got all this variation of that sort of thing. It's amazing really, isn't it? Absolutely amazing and obviously when we preach the gospel we're not charging people but there will be people that will do like a gospel outreach so-called and they're going to be false prophets, you know, the vast vast majority of the time that go out and go while we're doing this and then you have to pay for tickets to come to their maybe their tent meeting or their Billy Graham rally or something. It's all wicked, isn't it? Absolutely wicked. Freely we have received, freely give, right, and we freely have received the word of God. I don't think anyone here paid to be preached the gospel and we freely give the word of God, don't we? Now we don't charge anyone to come to this church and again for us we might think well that's that's a pretty moot point brother Ian, of course everyone knows that. Well some people don't understand that. Some people think that when the offering bag goes around you have to put money in. You've come to this, I better put, look that's not how it works here. You want, if you want to come to this church for for 10 years and never pay a penny, we're not going to kick you out of this church. Yeah, look we don't, I don't sit there kind of trying to look, uh, counters, do you know if anyone, this guy put any money, look I honestly don't want to know, yeah, I've got no interest at all because it's not my problem, okay, we have no interest in that. So no one's getting charged to come to church and in the same way the tithe isn't a charge to come to church, okay, just so everyone understands that. Okay we preach the tithe because we believe it's it's very biblical to preach the tithe but it's not a charge to come to church. If you decide I don't want to tithe, don't tithe, yeah that's that's between you and God, that's not our problem. Now like I said we would freely give if you never paid a penny to come to this church but the tithe is what you paid God, you you're not paying the church, okay, and and it's an important thing to understand because then there are people that think well I better not come to church because I don't want to tithe them, I don't agree with tithe them, I don't, I can't afford to tithe maybe they believe, although I would disagree, I would say that no one can ever not afford to tithe but, but regardless still come to church, yeah, being in church is important. Okay the tithe you paid God, that concept I don't think has changed at all in the New Testament. Now there's a lot of tithe haters out there aren't there, anyone ever read any stuff from the tithe haters, yeah, you ever watch or read, watch a sermon on tithe, you'll get all those covetous and that's mostly what they are, covetous tithe haters just attacking it, you know, it's ah and they start coming out and a lot of it's lies and nonsense and everything else and it's, it's, it's ridiculous really because nothing's ever changed with just, with God, does anyone here think in the New Testament that God doesn't provide you with work, God doesn't provide you with a job, anyone think that? Again I'm not going to get you to raise your hand because it could be an embarrassing subject to raise your hand about, okay, but I hope no one does think that and in the same way God provides that God tells us to pay back the first fruits doesn't he, so we give back to God, that's how the work of God continues is through the tithe, for me it's always been a strange thing because as soon as I, I under, or had the tithe preach, I understood that. Now, but the point is, is that we don't charge people to come to the church but then look at verse 9 to 10, he then says provide neither gold nor silver nor brass in your purses nor script for your journey neither two coats neither shoes nor yet staves for the workman is worthy of his meat. Now script by the way is a small bag okay, now he just said don't charge people but that doesn't mean that you have to go out of your own pocket either does it, yeah, does it mean that, no, so there's nothing wrong with receiving gifts, food, drink, even clothing here from appreciative people and, and I say that because it does feel strange to us does it not, why does it feel strange to us because of this pious sort of self-righteous type Christianity that we see out there and some of it is, is probably an understandable reaction to the wicked mega preaching type wealth and prosperity multi-millionaire private jet flying charlatans out there yeah and these people are scum yeah they are absolute scum anyone's a millionaire from preaching the word of God they're scum okay take from me their false profit every single time but yeah we don't have to go too far the other way where we're like no no no someone offers you a drink at the door when you're preaching the gospel oh no no I better not take yeah take a drink you just brought the words of eternal life to their door you're one of the few people around the world that's going out and preaching the gospel and if someone wants to give you a drink take the drink someone wants to sit you down and give you a meal take the meal if you're hungry although maybe not if you're kind of trying to knock on some more doors maybe if you've got the time yeah you're like yeah actually I'll do an extra hour after that you know or whatever it is yeah there's nothing wrong with that is there but I bet a lot of people here I know myself as well I've been before that oh no no no no I don't I won't take anything take it doesn't matter and look obviously don't charge him don't go I'm only gonna right wait we got the last bit right when it's 10 9 where's my drink yeah where's my Mars bar no obviously we don't we're not charging are we but there's nothing wrong with receiving and how do we generally do that because most people don't really offer you I don't know how often do you guys get off and stuff on the door anyone had it recently in the last month oh we got one yeah yeah what'd you get off about a drink of water nice nice glass of water or was it tap water okay but people do don't they and they do offer you stuff especially you might have probably had it with the kids and again I a lot of the time I know but but again if they want to offer the kids the kids are out doing a job as well nothing wrong with taking that is it okay so how do we usually do that as a church though the church provides doesn't it now the church is providing and and really it's god providing through the church that's why we have a meal after soul winning events yeah that's why when we go out and we do a soul winning marathon we provide in fact the last one we provided food performed provided food after that's not for you to all go oh brother in you guys are so kind no because we believe that the laborer is worthy of his reward okay we believe that yeah yeah look you've come out you spent a day out should you have to then buy food yourself out when you've come out someone I don't think so now if you've gone out for an hour soul winning on a soul winning time maybe you could probably plan your meals around that okay you don't necessarily need to have the church you know take you out for a slap up meal every time you do half hour soul winning or something but when we go and do a day so winning the church will provide food the church will try and provide drinks and other things like that we provide stuff in the church you don't have to feel guilty about having that stuff now if you're tithing you're paying to god you're not you're you're completely you've got a clear conscience with god nothing wrong with with receiving stuff whether it's from the church whether it obviously you don't have to take complete liberties with it and be like well they're here I'm on for the fill at stake and blah blah blah look but if that's what you really want so be it you know and and look really you are worthy of your reward god wants you to feel like that god doesn't want you to feel like I can't come soul winning because I can't I can't really afford it I can't afford like then the food and hopefully it might offset your travel costs and things like that and you know and it's something when we've had parking it's something I have offered and people don't usually come to me but you are welcome to go look I can't really afford I can't afford the parking where we're going you know is that and and look the church wants you to be able to come soul winning you're worthy of your reward now I say this and and there is a weird attitude when it comes to church and money and I want to cover this quickly as well and it's it's one of those things that I probably feel more comfortable about preaching while I'm not a full-time pastor and it's probably a bit uncomfortable for pastors to preach because there is this weird attitude and there is this as soon as pastors are getting paid and things people just want to like they so want to know what are they getting what are they doing with it how it's really weird because because I think you've got this you've got one side you've got the wicked false prophets then you've got the other side the so-called monk in the cave type you know I only eat you know stale bread and and and and water you know and because I'm so holy well turn to 1 Timothy chapter 5 we just read the workman is worthy of his meat yeah and when it comes to pastors like I said there's this popular view out there which I've seen around that they should be doing it all for free that they should be doing it for free or if they're getting paid it should be literally like a pittance it should be you know so they're kind of just scraping through if they you know stick to like the the savers brand on their food if they drive the three-wheel you know robin reliant you know and and a lot of them will proudly drive the beaten up clap tap hold things so they can really show everyone you know that they don't earn a penny more than these the bare minimum to be able to do their job but is that what the bible says it doesn't say that because I've seen pastors get attacked for this pastors that we all probably respect and think yeah there's some good men of god doing great things of god and then people trying to you know say oh they must be fleecing the flock well you know how dare they have have a home or how dare they go out for a meal or say it's bizarre isn't it because look take it from me and I'm not a pastor yet I there is no job like this no job like this I've done quite a few different jobs in my life I've been around people who do different jobs there is nothing compares to this job for how difficult this job is for the different angles for the attack like the all these guys could do might have much easier ways of making money all right and for the amount of hours of time you put into this you could make a lot of money a lot more money than you're going to make in an independent church paying yourself a fair salary then then for the not just the time and effort the the danger in terms of like the the danger in terms of just the upbringing of your family because of the amount of sacrifices you end up making the attacking you get the verbal attacks the time you're putting in which you can't then put into your family and you're trying like it's there's nothing else like the pressure and again this isn't to get a little violin out this is just to make you respect and appreciate pastor because I'm not a pastor and I'm just getting an understanding I've been getting more of an understanding now with three sermons away and and the sermons are the small part of it like the rest of it the hatred people who literally hate your guts because you preached the word of god they hate your family they would love to destroy they'd love to emotionally destroy your wife to destroy your kids to destroy your family to destroy your church to destroy you and they and the more you do it and the longer the time goes by they start to surround you more and more I'm not talking about you guys here yeah but but you they're surrounding you online that you're kicking people out you're seeing it these the the wickeds like the sleeper cell reprobate get detonated you know kill kill destroy destroy you know it's it's nuts it's absolutely nuts now don't get me wrong yeah it's a great honor and a privilege to be doing something like that and especially like I said for the pastors doing that can you imagine like I feel I you know you feel the pressure in this job yeah can you imagine the our pastor with with with four churches can you imagine like he's got a bigger target on his back than me right yeah because if he goes down this church goes down the other churches go down yeah so we need to be praying for our pastor all the time and you think all those other pastors aren't getting they're getting it from every angle and we see them on youtube boldly preach the word of god going oh what a great time you know it must be so great to preach and everything else but you don't see the rest of it you don't see the literal attacks they're getting all the time just everything from every angle all the things they're trying to learn and master from architecture to planning applications to you name it everything on the side and all the council they're trying to give people that don't want to hear their council but claim they want to hear you know all the stuff and and and we just see them preaching from behind a pulpit and go how hard is that you know if they got real good knowledge of the bible they probably write a sermon in 10 minutes you know some of them don't even seem to prepare that much yeah but you know what they've studied for years and people may be oh pastor anderson you know he doesn't even seem to write write much for his bible study midweek bible stuff but you know how much study that man's done in the bible any other way any other job you'd be like wow you know like yeah that guy that guy's earned his uh a paycheck yeah but when it comes to the word of god there's just this bizarre philosophy isn't it well it should all be for free you should be doing the literally one of the hardest jobs in the world you should do it for free you should do it but that's not what the bible says look what the bible says here first first Timothy five verse 17 says let the elders that will well be counted worthy of double honor oh you know it's talking about respect no it's not because it then says especially they who labor in the word and doctrine for the scripture saith thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corner and the laborer is worthy of his reward that's what it's talking about it's talking about that they should be getting paid they should be getting paid ultimately they're worth even double what what probably you could say is is a normal paycheck or something they're worth it because if they're laboring in the word of doctrine now just just a caveat here the the oh not even necessarily old ifb just the lane church 20 minute sermon there because look there's a lot of old ifb pastors that preach three one hour plus sermons a week and do a lot but there are lame churches where someone's preaching one service a week i was at a church like this the guy was a missionary preaching one service a week on a sunday morning 45 minute sermon and he gave out leaflets you know for an hour i think twice a week that was his job and look don't get me wrong there's stuff behind the scenes but i couldn't seem to be that much going on behind the scenes yeah and people and even worse than that there's people literally doing absolutely nothing little quick there's a church a baptist church down the road for me beautiful old building one service on a sunday one service on the sunday probably got about 15 20 people going in there and i don't know how that works what they're getting paid etc but what i do know is that they're not laboring in the word and doctrine are they okay so ultimately but if a man of god is doing what the bible tells him to do we should never begrudge the fact that they get paid for it right and and people do people will people seem to just they just can't take not knowing or not kind of getting a breakdown of exactly but sort of the bible says they're worthy of double honors especially they labor in the word doctrine for the scripture says thou shalt not muzzle the opposite tread without the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward now like i said those those wicked churches give it a bad name those those lazy pastors that don't labor in the word and doctrine give it a bad bad name but the sacrifice that real men of god make the sacrifice that they make that the difficulty of the job the the all-encompassing aspects of it means that i hope that that we never and and i know i won't because i've had a taste of it but i hope no one here gets to the point where you're like they should just they should just go and do that you know that should be free you know those pastors out there you know how dare they earn a living because there are many people out there that feel like that and it is bizarre okay and also the point with that as well as those guys if they're if they're working full time and then they're trying to pastor church that's quite hard isn't it yeah and can they then do as much for god can they run that church can they do the extra stuff they'd like to do can they give the council that they'd like to be able to do can they can they put as much time and effort into the sermons to edify the people can they do all the many other aspects of the job to a good standard no you want them to be able to give that time to the to the things of god right and there's nothing more more honorable and worthy than doing that i believe okay so by the way that also works across the board so in case you're thinking oh by the way you just set yourself up for being a pastor look what about deacons in the future from here what about assistants in the church look people working and doing and laboring for the lord they are worthy of their reward aren't they okay and and they shouldn't it shouldn't be oh well you know i don't know if i can afford to do that job no it should be able to provide for their family or provide for themselves whatever it is on if they're working for the church and if this church grows we'll probably end up with other people working i hope people aren't going to be whispering going all right for them how come they're getting paid to like work for the church well because they're doing a hard job and deacons as well they got a site they've got a target on their back as well okay and they've got a hard job i mean there are people out there in the us and i know some of those deacons do some hard work okay hard work and and it's you know work for the lord is hard but it's rewarding isn't it okay go back to matthew chapter 10 with that with that in mind so he's obviously just said in matthew chapter 10 and i think uh where were we in verse 10 he said for the workman is worthy of his meat then he goes on to say and into whatsoever city or town you shall enter inquire who in it is worthy and there abide till ye go thence so how do you inquire well we do that by offering them a church invite and ask if we could show them the gospel that's how we do it don't we that's how we inquire if someone's worthy if they want to hear the word of god and if they don't want to hear the word of god they're not worthy are they yeah and it's a pretty quick way of deciding that is offer them a church invite if they're literally shutting the door not interested at all well look they know what that means look they they if they had any interest at all in the things of god then they might at least have some question as to what church that actually is and if they don't move on yeah move on he says and when you come into a house salute it i think that just means be polite yeah we should be polite when preaching the gospel don't forget that he's telling his disciples go salute it be polite and if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it but if it be not worthy let your peace return to you what's the peace well you don't have to turn to isiah 52 7 says how beautiful upon the mountains of the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace that bringeth good tidings of good that publisheth salvation that saith unto zion thy god reigneth it's the gospel jesus christ brought peace and goodwill toward men that's the peace we bring to a house isn't it we're bringing peace between them and god if they want to hear it but if they don't want to hear it move on move on okay and and you can't you can't say that enough because you you know look we'll go soul winning and and look and in a way look it's you want to get the balance right don't you don't want to literally just be you know anyone doesn't say anything other than yes please what must i do to be saved you just quickly leg it okay and sometimes there are people you might be able to say something but too often we will all get trapped into the whole someone clearly doesn't want to hear clearly doesn't want to believe and we're trying to like you know what let me just leave your verse just move on move on yeah they don't want to verse leave a verse everyone they're literally like shutting the door while i'm like calling the verse through the letterbox you know whosoever i don't want to hear it move on yeah and leave a good taste as well in their mouth that that look we're not we're not trying to force people we're not because you can't force someone to get safe can you yeah we need to move on let your peace return to you okay let your peace return to you and and really what what he's saying here when he said that he said let your peace come upon it but if it be not worthy let your peace return to you just saying just just don't continue move on go somewhere else yeah and quickly too because he says that he says this and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words when you depart out of that house or city shake off the dust of your feet now some people will do a literal like what a horrible place you know it's sort of like what a horrible place you know and if that makes you feel better do that i personally believe that just means move on quickly because if you if you move with a bit of speed the dust is coming off your feet a bit quicker if you're walking like a jehovah's witness then that dust probably stays on your feet a bit more if you're like right let's go you know then i think that probably you're shaking the dust off your feet that's how i see that i might be wrong there um but he said whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words when you depart out of the house city shake off the dust your feet just move on and sometimes um sometimes we do dilly dally debating don't we we do drag it out we shouldn't do that we can just go they don't want to receive us but we just want to kind of let them know that they're really you know that their false way is really wrong look just move on yeah move on we actually are we were just talking about it earlier we had you know we didn't get anyone saved earlier but we had like an interesting time we're knocking on some really pretty nice houses weren't they kids and and there was you know some some pretty brand new cars and pretty big houses they were thinking oh great here we go and you know i don't think we had one and look it's not always like that but we had we had a lady you know god bless you as we left another person you know waving out their car as we were walking back out the clothes it doesn't always have to be you know sort of right i've got to let them you know no look they don't want to hear it be polite you know it might be good next year we're knocking local area here and obviously some people you know you were still giving them the truth we're not hiding from the truth oh well you must be safe because you said the word god no we're still giving them the truth we're offering them the truth but it doesn't always have to be contentious does it he just said shake off the don't and then just move on they don't want to hear it move on maybe next year they will verse 15 says verily i sound to you it shall be more tolerable for the land of sodom and gomorrah in a day of judgment than for that city okay why is that because you've come to them with the gospel here they're going with the gospel jesus christ they're going with miracles and everything else jesus christ is performing miracles he's walking the land and they're if they're fobbing you off or worse like that's serious business and that happens with us look it's serious business isn't it how many people are knocking doors in this nation with the gospel with the word of god with the king james bible trying to preach the gospel very few and when people reject you at the door you a lot of the time you're thinking is that the last time for you because look there's not many people doing it are there and and that's why he's saying here i believe it should be more tolerable for the land of sodom and gomorrah in that day you're thinking wait a second sodom and gomorrah they're full of all those wicked perverts but like i said in this case jesus is walking the land and and ultimately they're going to the house of israel and what happens to the house of israel what happens to all of those that reject him really it seems well they a lot of them the people are calling out for the blood to be upon their children and his blood to be upon us and our children they basically end up reprobate it seems doesn't it a lot of them i mean that is a pretty wicked reparate religion isn't it and whoever came you know whoever's kind of spawned of those people so yeah i mean these are some wicked people aren't they wicked wicked people after that after that rejection it's kind of like the last chance to them isn't it because it's not like it's not that the gospel hasn't been preached to these people it's now they've got jesus christ and his disciples doing miracles and preaching the gospel look the gospel has always been there hasn't it it's always been graciously faith hasn't it it's always been faith in the coming savior before that these people are now rejecting the savior there well it's going to be more tolerable for the land of sodom and gomorrah in that day than for that city okay so verse 16 says behold i send you forth the sheep in the midst of wolves be ye therefore wiser serpents and harmless as doves right does he mean let people give you a right old chewing if they choose to is that what he says then because the pacifist again sort of you know pious holier than thou christian they love verses like this be ye you know wiser serpents but harmless as doves a lot of time they'll even leave the serpent beer harmless as doves harmless as doves you know just let people slap you around while you walk around beat you up you know but you know beat up your family threaten you and everything but is that what is is that what it's even talking about no what is this verse talking about well who are wolves who are wolves in the bible false prophets aren't they but matthew 7 15 said beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening wolves in acts 20 29 paul said for i know this after my departing shall grievous wolves entering among you not sparing the flock so these guys are going out to preach the gospel he's saying that there are false prophets everywhere i believe you say and there are kind of a lot of false prophets around aren't they especially when you're like going out preaching the gospel they seem to like come like you know like flies to a light don't they they just like like rats to like a bit of food or something they just they just come out the woodwork don't they and next thing you know some wicked false prophets following you down the road and you just you know and and they seem to be around and i i think well look they're looking to criticize you aren't aren't they yeah they're looking to criticize you when you're out and you preach the gospel what are they generally looking to do find fault in you find fault in something you're saying find fault in something you're doing whether it's criticized the fact that you've got your children with you in any in any weather or temperature other than sort of 19 or 20 degrees and not too much sunlight they're going to find fault it's too cold it's too windy it's too wet it's too hot whatever else it is they just want some problem they want some fault they want to criticize you i think where he says here be there for wiser serpents and harmlessness does it's just being blameless really isn't it's being harmless being blameless not really having something for them to to criticize for them to have something to just to just pull you down with because people look the false prophets they want the goods on you okay and that's something that that i've understood more and more you know with in this job is that there's something that i think our pastor's wife was calling it which is mining for information they mine for information so what they try and do is they want to they want to just get the goods from you in one way or another and it'll be like a little question here and a lot of the time they do it with your kids so our kids used to get that a lot where people would just be coming up and talking to our kids away from us and then asking them questions about you know so what have you been up to this week and blah blah that's weird isn't that weird yeah and and this is what and then you know in hindsight you're looking why are people trying to like make like best friends with like my 12 year old daughter or my or my like 10 year old it's weird isn't it right and then they because they want info they want some goods they want something you know they want to try and then just get them to talk get them to talk get them to sing like a canary if possible about something you know and that's what that's what these people want but they want it it's not just you know the leader of a church they want it from yourselves as well they want the goods on you they want something to be able to criticize you with they want something to be able to bring you down with something to be able to and ultimately it's the devils in them that want to just get the goods because well that's how they get you in the end it's that he's the accuser it's to accuse you it's to weaken you it's to to accuse you to others it's to go well so-called christian in your church but he does this she does that that person who's such a key part of the church told me that blah blah their kids said that they do that or that leader their kids said this or they and they're trying to constantly try and get the goods on you we need to be wise as serpents when you're when you're talking to people and i'm not saying yeah don't know mum's a word won't say a word about anything or anyone but but again we don't have to be just telling everyone about all our problems all our issues all people that you barely even know because some people do that don't they and sometimes that people need to get it off their chest but we we need to be wise about that sort of thing as well because you'd be like who saw it coming with with the recent people kicked out of our church and who's to say that in the future they won't be bringing up stuff that you said to him a year ago you don't know do you maybe they won't maybe they've just ridden into the sunset that's the end of them but it's something to be aware of and something to be aware of when people are just constantly like asking probing questions it's just a bit weird and we don't really want to be like that either do we you know yeah sure ask people questions be interested in people's lives but there's a difference isn't there here he said be be wise as serpents and harmless as doves okay now he then continues and remember he said in the midst of wolves now he then continues with the warning about people here where he says in verse 17 he says but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues and you shall be brought before before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the gentiles but when they deliver you uptake no thought how or what you shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak for it is not ye that speak but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved but when they persecute you in this city flee you into another for verily i say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become now if you've read your bible or heard some end times preaching i'll imagine some of these verses might sound a bit familiar to you right yeah you might be sitting there i've heard that sort of thing somewhere else right well there's a passage of scripture known as the olivert discourse you might have heard that term before basically he's preaching on the mount of olives all right okay and or maybe he's not pretty well he's talking to his disciples at the least so now the olivert discourse and and the famous chapter that most people go to is matthew chapter 24 is is jesus giving very kind of a clear sort of chronological list of events that are going to happen in the end times right and this list of events is something that the pre-tribbers hate because it's very clear that there's no such thing as this ridiculous pre-trib rapture and and you know it's what we call we here in this church are what what's known as a post-trib pre-wrath rapture believers okay now like i said matthew 24 is a lot of the time the go-to passage but there are parallel passages in in mark's gospel and in luke's gospel of this now i want you to turn to mark 13 because mark 13 has an uncanny resemblance to this passage that we've just read so if you just remember what we just read from verses 17 to 23 keep a finger there obviously mark 13 and i'm going to start from verse 3 but but i want you to pay attention from verse 9 when we get to well pay attention anyway but when we get verse 9 you're going to see the the similarities okay so mark 13 and verse 3 reads this and as he sat upon the mount of olives hence the name olivert discourse over against the temple peter and james of john and andrew okay that's those four again asked him privately tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled and jesus answering them began to say take heed lest any man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many now he's talking about the end times coming here obviously and when you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars be not troubled for such things must must needs be but the end shall not be yet for nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be earthquakes in diverse places there shall be famines and troubles these are the beginnings of sorrows right now now listen to these next verses but take heed to yourselves for they shall deliver you up to councils and in the synagogues you shall be beaten you shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the gospel must first be published published among all nations but when they shall lead you and deliver you up take no thought beforehand what you shall speak neither do you premeditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour that speak you for it is not you that speak but the holy ghost now the brother shall betray the brother to death and the father the son and children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved now keep a finger there and go back to matthew chapter 10 so i hope you noticed at least the almost identical passage there matthew 10 and we're looking at from verse 17 and i'm just going to read again just just just read from verse 17 well i'll read from verse 9 again but take heed to yourselves for they shall deliver you up to councils and in the synagogues you shall be beaten and you shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake for testimony against them and the gospel must first be published among all nations but when they shall lead you and deliver you up take no thought beforehand what you shall speak neither do you premeditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour that speak you for it is not you that speak but the holy ghost now the brother shall betray the brother to death and the father the son and children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved almost identical isn't it okay so clearly the same passage but this is the interesting bit for me matthew 10 23 says this but when they persecute you in this city flee ye into another for verily i say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become yeah right come back over to mark 13 keep a finger there obviously which gives a bit more detail so now in mark 13 this is sort of a more detailed really well verse in one in a way you could say here look at this but when you shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet standing where ought not let him that readeth understand then let them that be in judia flee to the mountains okay so this is a great tribulation obviously that extreme persecution comes when the image of the beast is set up to be worshipped that's when we're told to flee yeah okay and we've just seen here about them fleeing back in back in uh uh in mark's gospel there sorry in matthew's gospel there look at verse 15 and let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house neither enter therein to take anything out of his house and let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment but woe to them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days and pray that your flight be not the winter for in those days shall be affliction such as was not from the beginning of the creation which god created unto this time neither shall be and accept that the lord had shortened those days no flesh should be saved but for the elect's sake whom he had chosen he had shortened the days and then if any man shall sound to you lo here is christ although he is there believe him not for false christ and false prophets shall rise and shall show signs and wonders to seduce if it were possible even the elect but take ye heed behold i foretold you all things but in those days after that tribulation the sun shall be darkened the moon shall not give a light when the stars of heaven shall fall and the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory and then shall he send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven right now point being if you go back to matthew chapter 10 and verse 23 we can get a bit lost with all that doom and gloom sometimes yeah you can read that that looks tough you know that could be in our lifetime maybe in our kids lifetime i don't know yeah and you could maybe maybe read that and just be resigned to martyrdom couldn't you you could read that and just be like that if it comes in our time well i'm a bit stuffed up because i'm behind the pulpit here probably the rest of you as well you know etc you can just think how are we gonna how are we gonna get away with this yeah it's it's gonna come but i believe verse 23 and this kind of similarity maybe this is one of the reasons look at verse 23 here because there's hope verse 23 says in a nutshell that we can escape because those days as we know because those days are shortened for the elect say but when they persecute you in this city flee ye into another for verily i sound to you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become that tells me that there will be place of refuge in the world that's what that tells me there will be places of refuge in the world the prophecy here referring to israel but it applies to the whole world doesn't it there will be places that will be safe we're told to flee we're not told when that time comes kneel down and give him your neck and get your head no we're told to flee flee yeah flee out of judia flee out of here flee out of there and here he says when they persecute in this city flee into another he's saying flee for verily i sound to you ye shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become mark 15 27 said and then shall he send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds from the uttermost parts of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven so there will come a time where the persecution will get so bad that we're told to flee but jesus returns before we run out of places to flee to okay there is look we can we can survive it okay we are told to flee for a reason because we are able to flee and there will be places and that kind of gives me hope as well there's going to be maybe some sort of some sort of kingdom some sort of government some sort of places somewhere where we can we can get by and before you might have thought oh that would be the us but i see them plummeting like nobody's business right now i mean it seems to me like you know at least the liberal sodomites there are just being enabled to just persecute them beyond the law and they probably might be fleeing before everyone else but by the way things are going but there will be places yeah that's what i think and look who's to say that this country could have become one of those places who's to say that we pray for our leadership here we pray we we do the things of god we can't do who's to say this couldn't be one of those refuge refuges who say that's why who's to say that's not why there's a church here that why there's a proper church here we don't know do we we don't know where those places would be we do know that there will be places like that even in israel even in israel there will be cities it seems where they can flee to now go back up to verse 17 where although identical to mark 13 it was also a warning for what they were about to do wasn't it remember he's sending them out he's sending them out to preach the gospel because unbeknownst to the majority of these pre-trib leaflet distributors when you go and preach preach the gospel and that doesn't mean just in your church every sermon when you go forth go ye therefore not just like stand therefore go ye therefore preach gospel to every creature when you do that you get persecuted don't you yeah you get persecuted that's what happens and for those that know for those that know when these clowns come out with silly statements like god will never allow us to go through the tribulation they're basically just holding their hands up and go i don't do anything for god they basically they're holding their hands up and going we don't go out and preach the gospel because they clearly haven't even experienced just a tiny amount of the christian life because they're not going out and doing the things of god and i'm not saying these people aren't safe though i'm just saying that they're not preaching the gospel because the bible's very clear jesus said in john 16 33 these things i have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world they're just admitting that they're not doing anything for christ aren't they but here in matthew 10 17 it's also present day warning too and it's as applicable now i believe as it was 2 000 years ago so we're just going to go through it quickly we're nearly done verse 17 says but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues okay beware of them they will turn on you yeah men do turn on you don't they and many people have probably seen that with family old friends just turning on you and like i said even so-called christians turning on you they will arrest you on trumped up charges as we've seen happen throughout history they will beat you if they get the chance if they could if the laws allow and if there's a possibility to do yeah they would happily beat you verse 18 says ye shall be bought before governors and kings for my sake for testimony against them and the gentiles when when nations do that it's a testimony against them isn't it so like i said when you when when a nation gets the point where they're bringing those we're bringing christians forward to before governors and kings and everything else for being a christian for preaching the word of god for just preaching what the bible says then that is a testimony against them isn't it that is like that that is a damning on that nation that's a damning on that government that's a damning on those kings and on those rulers to bring christians forth for preaching the holy words of god however much their wicked liberal mainstream media tells them that you know right is wrong and wrong is right and has light for dark and dark for light the bible doesn't change does it and god's standards don't change and it's wicked when people are being persecuted when people are being brought before rulers and judges for just standing on what the word of god says the holy the pure words of god it's wicked isn't it and it's a testimony against in verse 19 says but when they deliver you up take no thought how what ye shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak for it is not ye that speak but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you and i've got to look at it this way if your spirit feel child of god being persecuted for righteousness sake i believe you're probably like it's like i just said they're quite spirit-filled right and i think that the holy spirit's going to talk for you then it's holy spirit's going to answer and say what needs to be said when it's for when it's for righteous to say i don't believe that if you're going out being a wicked person as a christian you know when you stand in front of the judge you're like holy spirit talk for me i don't think that's totally going to happen yeah but if you're living for god and you're being persecuted for righteousness sake you're being persecuted for the name of god for jesus quite for the word for the bible for the gospel i believe that the holy spirit you're likely to be spirit-filled at that point verse 21 says and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death now this has happened before okay because again we can look in our we can go deliver that up for death like this well you know this isn't the uk is it well think of some of the purse the past persecution in this nation alone think about is it is it tindale who is like burnt at the stake for daring to try and translate the bible think about the wicked persecution by those vile catholics throughout this nation and probably in the same way yeah let's let's say it as well by the protestants as well and by the rest of these false religions and the persecution that has them continues to happen around the world and it might not be people being put to death right now here but that happens around the world doesn't it there are people being put to death think of some of these wicked vile pedophile following islamic nations and what they do to christians there what they do to people that do do put their faith in jesus christ and i mean people's lives in it not only under threat people getting killed being martyred for it it's it's wicked it that still goes on that still goes on and and that could and could return here and and the way the way you're seeing it going in the us right now it looks like it is returning there doesn't it people being put to death of it i mean we were talking about just just the way they're acting outside their church they're trying to block off their view as they drive out onto a busy 50 mile per hour road the these sodomites outside their churches i mean it's absolutely amazing isn't it what's going on in a country that we felt that they had freedom of speech freedom and religion etc and it's pretty bad isn't it i mean that is plummeting to that point i don't think it's getting we're a long way off there and i don't know what's going to happen here it said the brother shall deliver up the brother to death the father the child and you're thinking how can a father do that but there are probably people here that have parents that the more they grow in the lord the more they're starting to hate them the parents are hating them that is and the more that that they their their pair their own parents attorney on them because of the lord because of salvation because not just that but because of them doing the things of god because you're going out and preaching the word etc and and and there will be children that rise up against parents as well and again you think really children rise yeah look there are parents by the way and you could you'd be like really well you know it talks about their children and children's children things like that can be adults as well by the way just just first off there so you can get saved later in life and your adult children start to just hate you more and more and more for it for daring to preach the gospel to them for daring to be involved in a church you're in a cult because you believe that the bible's the word of god i mean it's so ridiculous isn't it but but that's the sort of stuff that happens but that can happen with kids as well can't it and look look you've got to make sure you're getting those kids saved young you know and and i praise god a brother just said earlier about getting his little girl saved and we should all be look make sure you're preaching to your kids young and as you have kids those of you that don't and those of you that that will have more kids etc you want to make sure that we're preaching to them make sure you're in church you're in the things of god that you have that on your mind you preach the gospel because look kids kids can turn can't they kids can turn against their parents and and it and it gets the point because it's for christ that hatred just gets more and more doesn't it because people hate the word of god people hate you for jesus christ's sake and cause them to be put to death verse 22 says and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved how's that for all men well look people people when it says of all men that i think i think that's just talking about all types of people will hate you for it but there is going to be a point anyway when the vast majority of people are going to end up reprobate aren't they where they're going to they're going to take that mark of the beast and they're going to be given over to a reprobate mind and just without even without that mark i don't know anyone drive through london recently anyone driven through central london recently and just had a look at some of the police force rainbow cars rainbow police it looks like i mean the more i see them the more the more i see these these what what the police force are turning into the more i can see ourselves getting put to death for christ because these are some god-hating reprobates out there joining the police joining the army like it's nuts isn't it i mean they're just the reprobate army's just just growing by the day i mean it's all that positive discrimination type stuff isn't it where ultimately they're just trying to get any sort of pervert into the into the army and into the police force and you can just see the devil's plan is just just going forward can't you and you can see that happening but let's just uh let's just mention something here in case you know you've had people have come up with this one before this did anything in this passage have anything to do with the disciple salvation not there was not one mention of the disciple salvation anywhere in this passage was there okay this wasn't a gospel preaching passage about the disciple's salvation and telling them you know how they're going to end up you know getting saved or anything else and and just to make it clear this verse but he that endureth through the edge shall be saved is clearly not talking about salvation okay being saved we've just been talking about fleeing people being put to death and getting away from physically it's talking about physical salvation okay physical being saved not being brutally murdered in these end times yeah and anyone that uses this verse to teach a work salvation they're just basically just saying i am a complete moron okay i am a complete imbecile i will literally take part of a verse and just rip it out of the bible to teach my work salvation okay completely ridiculous i don't think it deserves any more than that that that but it is out there isn't it okay many have heard that people try and you know and obviously the math is same in matthew's gospel you know along the lines of he that endureth until the end shall be so see you've got to endure to the end how many people have heard that on the door someone say something like that yeah yeah yeah yeah got injured to the end he that endured to the end what are you talking about anyway obviously not talking about spiritual salvation there verse 23 says but when they persecute you in this city flee you into another for verily i say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become and and like i said you know there are even cities of what was then the area of israel where you won't be persecuted and and it's talking about till the son of man become right okay so there are even cities in israel where i believe christians could flee to in the you know in the end times where where they could they could flee to and not be persecuted that somehow will be some sort of refuge for them and that tells me if cities like that in israel probably the ones full of the palestinians but regardless that tells me that there's probably going to be places like that around the rest of the world as well and on that we're going to go to the lord in prayer father i thank you for um for for just you know such a great great part of the bible there that first half of matthew chapter 10 and i hope that i've preached that accurately and preached out how you'd want me to preach it and and lord you know i thank you that you know even in in those dark times those hard times that are coming at some point you know to to either those sitting here or maybe those kids sitting here or maybe their kids or at some point it's coming that that there'll still be places that we can flee to that that you know for for the alexate those days shall be shortened and and before it's too late before maybe even those place of refuge turn that you'll be returning and what what a day that will be what a day that will be when we we look up and see you like coming as lightning from the east to the west and and you know what a coming of the son of man that will be and and the lord we thank you for that we thank you that not only can oh not only are we saved spiritually but we can even have that physical salvation at the end and what a relief and what an amazing day that will be when it comes but in the meantime lord help us to get out and get more people spiritually saved lord help us to get out and preach the gospel to to just keep lead us to those receptive people lead us to people that you know that that aren't going to reject us those people that you know will want that peace to come upon their house um just help us to do that um you know when we get the opportunity this week and the soul winning on saturday and to return on sunday to to to be here and to go out and preach again in the afternoon in jesus name we pray all of this amen