(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So our new Bible study is the book of Jude so as you could probably imagine it's going to be a pretty long Bible study. Now we're going to hit this in one one day today so it's a nice little just one chapter that is pretty fitting isn't it right now pretty fitting so let's get started with verse 1. Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called. So Jude along with James is likely the half-brother of Jesus Christ. You don't have to turn in Matthew 13 55 said is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas so Jude being short for Judas. Now some believe it's written by the other Judas not Iscariot of the 12 either way does it really matter because it's written by God isn't it and and God writing says he's writing it to all believers doesn't he so he says here to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ I really like that terminology preserved in Jesus Christ okay that's we are preserved aren't we we are preserved eternal security we are preserved and it is like similar terminology to that being sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise yeah when you preserve something you seal it usually don't you and in the same way we're being we've been sealed with that Holy Spirit promise now he does say and called here and called here is either from 2nd Peter 1 3 when he says we're called to glory and virtue but obviously we are all every man in a world at the beginning has been called haven't they to faith you know John 12 32 says and if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me okay and we are all called but sadly few are chosen and that's due to their faith in Jesus Christ isn't it okay verse 2 mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied and that's a nice prayer isn't it or desire for all believers and now look at verse 3 here beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints now you have the common salvation is obviously another way of saying to you believers turn quickly to Titus chapter 1 Titus chapter 1 and verse 4 says to Titus mine own son after the common faith grace mercy and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior it's common because it's shared by all that are saved okay that's what he's talking about is a common faith shared by everyone here that is safe there is only one way isn't there there's only one way that's in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and faith in that alone now this message coming is needful it's important okay this is what he's saying here it's needful now what he says here if you're back in sorry come away from Titus there if you're back in in Jude he says here he said it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints so he's encouraging them isn't he's inciting them to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints now what does earnestly contend mean earnestly is zealously eagerly with real desire contend is to strive or fight now we should eagerly fight for the faith and it is a fight isn't it it is a fight and I think this week hopefully some people have realized that we are in a fight yeah this is a battle okay it's not it's not just you know Church Social Club and we can all have fun and go back to the rest of the week we're in a battle here we're in it we're in a war okay and that's why there's so much in the Old Testament is about the warfare isn't it which is a picture of our New Testament spiritual battles okay and we are in a fight and we need to realize that turn of Philippians 1 while I read 1st Timothy 1 18 says this charge I commit unto the Son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before in thee that thou by their mightiest war a good warfare okay we have to war a good warfare Philippians chapter 1 and from verse 27 only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel we need to strive together as a team don't we we're a team here strive to get the truth out verse 28 says and in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of God and there are many adversaries aren't there there are many adversaries to what we're doing as a church in this country yeah as a real church in this country Paul said in 2nd Timothy 4 7 I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith and he's not talking about salvation there is he he's not talking about oh well I've kept kept the faith to salvation he's talking about fighting for the faith he's talking about the faith of the Bible going out preaching the gospel planting churches fight against and many many adversaries now we've we've just read obviously which was once delivered under the Saints okay it's not talking about a process for salvation but he's talking about keeping fighting until the end church isn't a country club get together okay and we need to understand that because you go to many bad churches and false churches and it is isn't it it's a little social club where people with me up feel good about themselves have a little sing-song listen to some bad preaching go home okay and that's pretty much most churches around the country isn't it okay but and we could kind of be a bit conditioned by that just kind of assuming that's church isn't it but it's not it we're in a war we're in a war and this is this is battle headquarters isn't it and sadly we'll have infiltrators come into battle headquarters won't we and we are all in a war and the thing is is we all every single person in this room has to understand that and appreciate that because it's very easy to just start going back to the worldly view on things oh there's just kind of annoying people and some people a bit funny no we are in a war we're in a spiritual war this is a battle this is a fight and everyone needs to get that in the head man woman child in this room you're in a battle and we need everyone everyone's sharp for that battle okay verse 4 he says in Jude there verse 4 he says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ so he's just said it was needful it was needful for Jude to write unto them us really to encourage us to fight for the faith for for the reason there are certain men crept in unawares that's why he's right that's why it's needful that's what is exhorting them did he say there are certain men that bulldozed their way in no he didn't did he they crept in unaware so many many people weren't aware of them right many people weren't aware of them and that's not a slight on those people that weren't aware of them okay that's the nature of these people that creep in unawares and amen we have a great recent example to you so thank you Vijay thank you very much if you watch this thank you because you've given this church a great example now a great just just picture of the men that creep in unawares and we can now assess this look at this get stronger from it so thank you very much it's very handy how these things work out now in case you're thinking you're sitting there think well it's creeping wasn't very good I mean he lasted all but about a month what a bad creeper well remember this guy was creeping in over three years ago okay he was creeping in over three years ago UK soul-winning and he was creeping around at Nyoth wasn't he okay he's creeping around there and there are there are different styles and skill levels of creepers okay there are different styles we're going to see that in a minute and there's different skill levels of creepers but Vijay did claim to believe in a flat earth years ago and was stirring up strife on a UK soul winning group chat okay so he was he already had history of this this isn't new stuff Vijay claimed to be a flat earther and was stirring up strife arguments rousing he was kicked off it twice I believe now you're probably thinking well this is a pretty low-level infiltrator yeah isn't this a low-level infiltrator well he was a big part of the Nyoth formation wasn't he he was a big part of that he was encouraging people that this was the only church right with God in the whole country when it started I've seen these messages say something along those lines and he did pull some well-intentioned brothers and sisters over to a false church didn't he okay and some lasted there for years some didn't last as long but he did create or was part of a big split in amongst the what what was it 56 or something so when is it on that first mega marathon in this country and there was a split soon after that which he was a big part of okay so he'd already done some good work there hadn't he if you look at it that way now he then tried to use his so-called exposing of salaam which he keeps telling us he didn't want the credit for but he was instrumental in it as some sort of peace offering to access our church alike he told me on a message I didn't need anything to access well no you kind of did because we're already aware of what VJ had done a few years before okay so VJ then kind of comes with an olive branch of look what I've done you know I'm getting right with God I've exposed him just to take a bit of bit of heat off him didn't he so when he came here instead of us thinking literally follow everything he does it just maybe just just made us a little bit yeah less wary of him maybe okay and he didn't know how much we still thought about what had happened three years ago and he didn't know whether he would have even been let in so it's quite handy okay okay you might be thinking but he failed he failed didn't he he lasted about a month yeah he is a pretty pathetic low-level wolf let's be honest okay he is a pathetic low-level wolf he's like the lame one in the pack okay he is he's like that lame wolf that's kind of got a couple of bad paws that's the truth isn't it because he he could not last even a month here because of his own massive issues with pride and submittance and everything else but he has managed to probably at least shake up the faith of some of the less mature Christians here maybe not here right now but who are on our group on our group chat he probably has shaken him up a little bit there might be one or two thinking are we a cult hope we're not a cult you know because because this guy says we are and and he has managed that by the way one of the first things he ought to as soon as he had joined and then he wanted to come to the soul anything which I think was probably the only other time we saw him I think he only came to one church service did he buy in the one that he came to at the end maybe two I'm two okay so and I better make sure I get this right so I'm gonna get some long essays about this afterwards okay okay but log essays but but he he straight away he wanted to go on a group chat okay so already already he's on this group chat and then soon after he's shaking up people's faith isn't he now he's obviously tried to discredit me and our pastor and again maybe there are some weaker Christians that looking at think well he must have some sort of point because there are some other railers and infiltrators online that come out with this sort of rubbish as well and he's tried to make the former Nioth members feel excluded here hasn't he he's tried his best to try and tell them that they are being excluded which is the opposite of the truth isn't it I didn't even want to talk about what happened now I'm not interested they've come here they want to come and join a proper church great yeah I've got no problem with them at all and and everyone who went to know knows that there's been no issue no problem at all but I'm not going to preach a whole sermon preach nearly an hour on a false church and not mention that people shouldn't have gone there am I that would be absolutely ridiculous without checking with Vijay for I mean it's ridiculous I don't even have to defend this stuff I hope to everyone here okay but maybe he was hoping for a bit of an exodus from our church maybe he's hoping that a few people would probably not want to come anymore be a bit you know a bit doubtful maybe they'll leave further down the line maybe once he has his private recording conversations with people he'll maybe stir up a bit more catch them saying something that he can then play back to someone else you know and I'm sure he's well I'm not sure but I would doubt that his works completely finished yet he's probably gonna try a few more things but we're not fussed are we because we've got you know God God's warned us of this and we're gonna see in a minute he's warned us clearly about this as well um okay but he's all he's gone now okay he's gone and we can all learn some lessons from this can't we every single one here can learn some lessons from this and for us who only met him recently it's probably a bit different okay I only met him for the first time whatever it was a month or so ago but there are people here that probably trusted him okay there are people here and maybe he'll watch this online that thought he was a friend okay and that's no slight on them at all okay maybe though they're still thinking that it was just a bit of a misunderstanding and that Vijay's just got a bit annoyed there must be something that really rolled him up you know maybe it's just a bit of pride or something else you know maybe he's just got a problem with that with our pastor and Pastor Anderson and me and everyone else in the world no but every other save Christian maybe Vijay had a fair point that he should have been consulted first because you know that story that by the way I clearly said was a story that I'd heard I didn't say this is a hundred percent fact I've double charged I said a story that I'd heard did involve his wife admittedly I did say to him when I spoke to him I'm happy to put on the bottom of the of the chat yeah that your wife wasn't pregnant oh big deal you know the rest of it still stood but okay maybe you're thinking that but look yeah if you're thinking that if you're still wondering you're not sure is this really what he's talking about here in Jude look Vijay has fully exposed himself okay let's get that clear Vijay has fully exposed himself for what he is okay he's attacked our pastor okay he's attacked our pastor in some novel he's attacked Pastor Anderson he's attacked myself he's attacked brother Hooner his wife in inverted commas has attacked Elena and my wife and that's what I've got in counting so far I don't know if anyone else has spoken to him okay he's attacked every single one of us because I didn't reply to a message within 24 hours apparently okay that's just tipped him over the edge and since he's exposing and banning from our church I've been receiving phone calls from random numbers that don't answer and withheld numbers and of church phone as well brother who know I think is what a missed call as well from him and maybe that will stop now maybe it will continue I don't really care to be honest because I do kind of find the thing amusing as well it it like the messages a second look anyone anyone here man should see the second novel on YouTube before it got removed few people here I mean it's comical it is I mean it is kind of just an insight into the mind of a complete nutjob isn't it and it I mean I always read it just for comedy value last night to my daughter and my wife just just for a laugh because I just fancied a bit of comedy it was better than any stand-up I've seen recently it was brilliant you know the stuff he's coming out with to me you know it's just like you haughty arrogant fool Tavanagh you know it's just it was brilliant you know I wanted to share it with my with my family I knew my brother would get a good laugh with it as well and others so I'm looking forward to that but you know it was funny but it is sad as well isn't it because really you know I'm looking on the funny side you know I'm probably gonna get another essay which will tickle me as well but truthfully his intentions are much worse than just trying to give me a good laugh aren't they okay but like I said how was he coming to our church with good intentions when he already apparently considers us a cult with an unqualified pastor etc etc etc okay how was he coming here with good intentions he considers us unqualified he considers us a cult he's made that clear so for anyone to think well he just got a bit annoyed a bit no no he's clearly exposed what his intentions were excuse me what his intentions were okay he came once to our church I said it requests to be added to the group chat and maybe like you said he's just had a bit of a mad moment no no we're we are in a battle okay we are in a battle everyone here needs to wise up okay and human nature and I love I love that about the majority of people here will probably want to try and excuse it and want to try and give maybe a way back for this guy or to forgive him to think well you know he is just probably human nature he's probably just a bit this or bit no no that that that that would be great that would be great if there weren't wicked vile reprobates in this world but there are okay there are and they have one intention one intention is to destroy God's work okay and that is exactly exactly what Vijay wanted to do okay and yeah I want to give people the benefit of the doubt believe me I want to give people the bet and we gave him the benefit of the doubt to let him in here in the first place we gave him the benefit of the doubt and praise God it was pretty soon or soon after that he revealed himself because imagine if it hadn't been and he could have been here for a long time couldn't he because he came in pretending that he was fine he was happy wanted to be part of our cult yeah so he was obviously already already deceiving many wasn't he are trying to deceive many and he had done for years he could have been here a long time he could have been here buddying up with half the church and then when he'd been kicked out would we lost some of some of his best friends maybe we would have done yeah and and look he is a railing infiltrator through and through okay he is a great example he's given us all a great example and hopefully something that we can all learn a lesson from the Bible warns us time and again about these types of people does it not time and again the New Testament turn to Acts 20 turn to Acts 20 and from verse 28 Acts 20 verse 28 take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost has made you overseas to feed the Church of God which he had purchased with his own blood for I know this after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears so he's telling the leaders to feed the Church of God because then they're more likely to survive aren't they when the wolves come in yeah because what are they feeding them with the Word of God they're more likely to survive and part of that feeding is then to recognize the wolves isn't it now it's not just it's not oh well we should have seen him coming obviously weren't fed enough it's to recognize them after because after they clearly expose themselves there is still going to be people who are sitting there going well I don't know if he's actually a wolf though well I don't know if he's really is he really is I've done if he's a reprobate I've done if he's really an infiltrator because we need to be fed more with this and that's why there's so many passages in the Bible about this but it's not and I don't want to preach it every week like so I don't want this to become some sort of reprobate hunt church where we're just constantly suspecting everyone but the truth is when they revealed we should just be able to go yup wolf wolf no doubt no doubt in anyone's mind that is a wolf yeah he's made it clear as day isn't he clear as day okay the wolf is trying to scatter you not because he cares about you so they want to make out like they care they don't want the nice guys to be victimized by a guy that's so mean it even dare to say they shouldn't have joined that church you know the wolf is trying to these he's trying to to attack you as well he's trying to pull you out of church and get you out in the wilderness isn't he that's what he wants he wants you on your own out there it's not because he cares about you but he'll pretend he does okay saying he's saying it that not only will they enter but they are already here and for the nigh oath guys that was true wasn't it for the nigh oath guys that was true the wolf was already there okay and and again I'm not trying to do a reprobate hunt but when they get revealed let's not all stand there really no he was so nice he was such a good friend he was so polite he was my best mate or anything else when they reveal themselves when the fangs come out and he is pop out of the outfit okay and that's what happens a tell pops out of the back when you see him when you see a wolf it's a wolf okay okay it's clear okay speaking perverse things he said here in acts speaking perverse things like about pastor's children like constantly attacking past his children just quickly on that let's just quickly put that to bed yeah these people like somehow now they're not blameless so where's your line where's your line with a kid that misbehaves yeah I know they did some some bad stuff don't get me wrong yeah that was pretty wicked wasn't it that was wicked yeah and and those pastors will be the first to say that okay but those children have been corrected they've repented if they continue to do that if we were just looking at stuff all the time then sure then you could go okay wait a second that child's accuser right I'm unruly but what are you gonna say that a kid can't do anything wrong oh no okay they can't do what wrong so what is it where's your line where's your line you know these guys are constantly attacking the pastor's children with something what is it a year ago now yeah what what we're just gonna keep going what we're going to be talking about in five years time while the kids are serving God and doing things for God oh no no no because they once did something wrong no had they not moved on had they not accepted the correction had they not stayed submitted to their to their parents sure then there'd be a problem but they did didn't they they did and then what's the next thing oh well that kid that kid punched a kid in the face they're accused of rather unruly oh wait a second they got work they apologize them at no no not enough like where's your line there is no line is there it's whether or not they're submitting but no one said perfect children did they okay children that you know foolishness is bound in the heart of a child is it is it not but the rod of correction should drive far from it and that and that and that's what what they got they got some rods of correction for that didn't they and they haven't done it again okay but they'll keep keep going on perverse things about the pastor's children and I've seen more than that I've had messages private messages from anonymous YouTube accounts trying to attack our pastors and other pastor's children okay Paul said watch to the leaders didn't he okay and that's our job that's our job as my job as a leader of this church pastor Thompson's job as a pastor of this church to watch for these types of people okay and now they've revealed themselves there is no this guy is clearly unsaved he is a reprobate through and through and there is no coming back okay because otherwise we're not being vigilant other what am I going to do invite him in to just start trying to relax people against he will do that with time oh well he must have been okay especially if if we just go yeah come back in no no okay no way no way okay he warned them for three years night and day with tears do you think he was wondering if this would happen do you think it was just on the off chance or do you think he said this will happen it shall happen they shall enter in okay and that's not just the one this is going to happen time and time again it has with every other church that's that's trying to work and trying to serve God properly and it will continue yeah it's not gonna happen down at repent your sins Baptist it ain't gonna happen there it might it will maybe if there's enough say people there we saw it down at Bethel there were some wolves in there weren't there but it's only because there was some saved Christians going there and going out soul winning and meeting together but I tell you what it will happen here it will happen here again and again and again okay and when it happens we're not gonna see necessarily before there are some signs but when it does happen we need to be able to just go yup wolf done not start questioning why or why they've been kicked out they were so nice no okay and we are doing a work for God here aren't we what we up to for one he didn't say some he did say a few many the only positive about him is that he's a bad one okay he couldn't keep his ears in his costume long enough could he just couldn't resist once the fangs came out boy did they come out boy did they come out like I said that first novel as one of our brothers like to call it on on on our group chat that was the lighter one you should have seen the second one okay I mean it just got worse and worse the second load of verbal diarrhea was much much worse in terms of just clearly showing what an absolute psychopath he was okay it was clear as day it was just going I mean it was just insult after insert anything he could try to get a reaction and then then kind of going back on himself after I apologize if I get this wrong but then in so after it is just like that it was it was you know the ramblings of a madman okay now it says here he was before of old ordained unto this condemnation talked about verse four here in in Jude okay he said who were before of old ordained to this condemnation so basically people like Vijay have been around a lot for a long time haven't they they've been around a long time there's nothing new under the Sun he says here ungodly men turn in the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ but he was a man of God wasn't he he went so winning he must have been saved he must it must just be a misunderstanding must have just gone a bit funny now did Judas not go so winning for three and a half years did Judas not go so winning in fact he was so convincing that they doubted themselves before him didn't they he was that convincing that they started questioning are they the problem rather than him okay that's how convincing he was now we just read didn't we in acts 2030 also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw disciples after them okay and like I said to be convincing they had to be sold him they appear to get salvations as well but those people aren't saved okay no way are they safe turn in Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 and from verse 15 Matthew 7 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves okay they are in sheep's clothing and for that for us far for this sort of church that includes soul winning doesn't it if they came in and never went soul winning they never did anything I never appeared to get what what seems to be a salvation their sheep's clothing would be pretty rubbish wouldn't it okay they come in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening wolves was Vijay a false prophet yes okay okay so maybe no one here has heard him preach any false false gospel any sorts of damnable heresy yet but I have no doubt that had he been here long enough eventually it would have come out eventually it probably would have come out now his style maybe wasn't you know maybe maybe it wouldn't but I'll tell you what he's a psychopath rep rate he's unsaved he cannot he cannot believe the gospel okay he cannot it's impossible okay verse 16 says you shall know them by their fruits to men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit Jesus said they cannot bring forth good fruit okay it's clear isn't it they cannot bring forth good fruit verse 19 says every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them who do we know that Vijay has personally won to the Lord anyone know anyone that he's personally won to the Lord apart from he's apparently we found out recently his wife okay Vijay's wife and by the way I'm not saying why anyone here hasn't got someone that they could personally show no because as we know the majority won't come to church the majority won't become a disciple but just because he seems to be leading people in prayer like pastor Thompson said he saw Tyler Baker pray with people does that mean he saved no way and and like I said apparently his wife it is wife for me like we've just seen there haven't we we've just seen there where it says where are we sorry even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit from verse 17 and his wife was as venomous as him when I was in there privately with them I mean she was she was saying you wanted to say this you wanted to say that okay and and look look that's a hard thing to get your head around okay that what could both of them well firstly he's he's a he's an evil tree okay so she can't have got saved through him but what's she he brought forth corrupt fruit hasn't he and whether they're I don't know how they get together how that works with these reprobates but that does happen often often it's couples okay I'm not saying that everyone that alright I say I only keep an eye on couples I'm not saying that but I'm saying it just because someone's there's a couple it doesn't mean that they're not okay right verse 4 it said here back in Jude here sorry Jude verse 4 it said turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ now lasciviousness is looseness irregular indulgence of animal desires wantedness lustfulness so I believe they do this by rejecting grace because they for me they've rejected it haven't they they've rejected the gospel or at least a knowledge of God to pursue their own lusts and then they deny God in the process don't they okay verse 5 says that I will therefore put you in remembrance so you once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt after it destroyed them that believed not what he's saying is amongst those in the exodus there were reprobates okay amongst those in the exodus there were reprobates now how do they believe not you're thinking what do you mean like the plagues of Egypt the miracles the Red Sea party what they didn't believe that what do they think happened what the sea just suddenly got some sort of tidal wave no it's the gospel that they didn't believe they didn't believe the gospel did they they rejected the gospel okay verse 6 says and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so these are what we call devils and are basically reprobate angels he's giving us another version of a reprobate they're reprobate angels that's what devils are they can't believe verse 7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication are going after strange flesh as set forth from an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so verses 5 6 & 7 here all examples of reprobation every one is examples of reprobation the going after strange flesh is the sodomy of Sodom and Gomorrah okay it's the sodomy of Sodom and Gomorrah men with men women with women okay we know the rest of that I think everyone here probably understands that okay they're all an example of this and notice how the fire is eternal suffering the vengeance of eternal fire that's in the depths of hell okay the depths of hell and that's where every single one of these people are going and will go and cannot prevent themselves from going once they're reprobated verse 8 says likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities likewise did he not say likewise again these men that creep in unawares likewise defile the flesh likewise to the men of Sodom and Gomorrah men and women children as well look this is a hard truth okay this is a hard truth these infiltrators these wolves that you think are your friends are actually vile reprobates they are vile reprobates okay that is a hard truth I think especially when they're yeah people that you felt you've been friends with people that might have even been around your house you've been to theirs people that you've sat with that you've had dinners with you've been out soul winning with that when they're exposed you've got to understand that they're perfectly capable of this likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh they're perverts okay and I have no doubt in my mind that Vijay and his wife are both perverts I have no doubt because they fit the exact description because of what their motivation is they're perfectly capable of sodomy and all sorts of other disgusting defilements of the flesh and I'm not reprobating people goddess okay because the more we go through this the more you're gonna see fits this this is what these people do and this is what these people are one of the reasons that we're family integrated is because of this sort of thing but please please keep an eye on your kids okay look you're not better off going out of a church like this okay don't think well I don't even want to be here if that's what we're dealing with no you're not because you go to the false church you're gonna have the same you go out into the world and go out of God's protection then it's same as if you kick someone out of church or out of God's protection you're gonna have problems anyway okay the devil's on you you're saved okay the safest places is church but but our children like I preached this morning our children alone to us okay even a small building this size there are places and areas okay don't leave your kids to just do what they want don't just leave them to go and do things on their own where you don't know where they are what they're doing because the truth is we've just had someone in here who according to the Bible is a pervert according to the Bible is a sodomite and he's been mingling and around us and our children okay get that into your heads parents okay that's the truth no I'm not saying we have to have them on the lead we I'm not saying that but please be aware of where your kids are what they're doing I'm not saying you have to distrust everyone in the church we should love people in heaven but you've got to keep an eye on your kids like you've got to because they're coming in to attack us they're coming in to attack us to destroy our church fortunately their overriding goal is usually infiltration and destruction fortunately that is our overriding goal okay but but these are perverts through and through verse 8 says likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise Dominion and speak evil of dignities oh they sure do despise Dominion they hate leadership they hate it now second Peter to I don't know if you're aware is a parallel passage to this okay it's bizarre how parallel it is and that to me tells me how important this message is how massively important this passage of scripture is a second Peter to is this message and what it's trying to explain to us okay and you're not going to hear it preached him in most churches in the world are you let's be honest it's not a real feel-good message is it okay in second Peter if you just want to flick there keep a finger in in Jude second Peter to verse 10 says but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities okay in the lust of uncleanness and I've just explained that yeah the lust of uncleanness these are unclean people okay they despise leadership he's not talking about the government those lovely people up there in in Downing Street he's not talking about that he's talking about leadership they despise it presumptuous he's bold and arrogant to excess okay again I'm sure you're seeing the parallels here with this lovely example that we've had here and that along with the pride that along with the pride that that despising leadership was the undoing a VJ okay that was his undoing because I'm sure he would like to stay there longer although he probably felt he had a good enough reason to attack but obviously they their pride is brimming it gets one of the descriptions of a reprobate the pride the hatred in his eyes when he spoke to me on Sunday in that room his voice was shaking with rage because I preached a sermon that didn't acknowledge that he exposed salaam and like someone I think brother Lee put on a YouTube comment before they got deleted salaam exposed himself three years ago by becoming an unqualified pastor you idiots it wasn't news oh wow salaam he was a false false pastor thank God for VJ oh amen to that brave courageous what you absolute imbecile okay but like I said that was his undoing the hatred he had for me pastor Thompson didn't he have some hatred for pastor the Canadian he was calling you know where that came from pastor Anderson knowing that a lot of people have and probably still do see pastor Anderson of as one of their leaders because of all the massive things he's done in a lot of people's lives who know for daring to lead UK soul-winning that's the truth isn't it brother who know that's probably why the hatred is wasn't that he got called a wolf it was probably before that for just daring to at the time be the leader of UK soul-winning they hate they hate it they despise government dominion they speak evil of dignities and that's another clear giveaway people that despise leadership and yeah they'll keep it quiet they'll look like they don't but deep down he had a hatred he had a hatred for leadership it says here in verse 9 of Jude yet Michael the Archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke thee okay you don't have to turn it but in Deuteronomy 34 we see that Moses Sepulchre was unknown to anyone okay it was unknown to anyone and maybe the devil wanted it maybe it would have been because it would have become some sort of idol or something but the point is that Michael the Archangel wouldn't even bring railing accusations against the devil of all people okay and that's the point it's like he wouldn't even do that against the devil but these reprobates aren't afraid to speak evil of anyone are they God's anointed the pastor of this church no he's not scared of that is he not scared at all verse 10 says but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts in those things they corrupt themselves okay so they speak evil of things which they have no understanding of and that's what we've just seen every week he's got absolutely no understanding of that situation of what happened afterwards of even the pastor's qualifications he's clearly shown that for three years anyway as a more mature Christian again I'm not having a go at all the knives guys here how mean that would be but but this was a guy who seemed to actually be more of a mature Christian when he joined that church apparently although obviously deep down we know he wasn't he was actually an infiltrator reprobate but the funny thing is that they speak leave evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally is brute beasts as dumb animals yeah in those things they corrupt themselves because they're so disgustingly corrupted themselves what absolute hypocrites so how can a hypocrite like this be constantly railing on our pastor his kid other pastors their children and really you're just some vile wicked reprobate with unclean lusts all the civiousness it's just amazing war unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perish in the gainsaying of Corrie now it's an interesting passage here because the fowls are circling this is an interesting passage because this is three different types of reprobate here so you've got Cain that murdered his brother Abel why well first John 3 12 says not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous they want to destroy men of God because of envy jealousy this is like that covetous psychopath that just wants what they've got but they're too wicked to have it now Balaam Balaam here was the false profit from numbers 22 that we spoke about recently okay second Peter 2 15 again like I said is parallel you can have a look at it if you want second Peter chapter 2 verse 15 says which have forsaken the right way and gone astray following the way of Balaam the son of Bozoar who loved the wages of unrighteousness so this guy was a prophet for hire it was all about the money okay and and you could I don't know if he is or not or if he's just an idiot but but you could maybe say Salaam could fit that or obviously we've seen much worse and we so these false prophets where it's all just about the money okay that's that style Corrie now he was the rebellion division causer from number 16 again we looked at this recently have a look at number 16 and verse 3 okay number 16 and verse 3 says and they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron and said unto them you take too much upon you seeing all the congregation are holy every one of them and the Lord is among them wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord okay so this was all about causing an uprising against the leadership okay took many men with him this is our uprise that rebellion and gain saying is contradicting denying opposing okay no but there are three I think different styles there you got the jealous covetous destroyer of Cain the murderer he just what he's just out to destroy you got the greedy lover of money Balaam and then you've got the rebellious divider Corrie who just wants to divide that church and pull them with him now sure you know there are probably a lot of crossovers there and there are people that probably fit a bit of both maybe all three but there's an interesting three there aren't they three different types there and what was he I don't know probably a combination of Cain and Cory maybe maybe Cain a part of the destruction was just as he kind of tried to destroy take those with him but there was a lot of anger there was a lot of attempted destruction wasn't there there which you'd imagine you'd need to murder your brother wouldn't you verse 12 says these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit wither without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots okay they infiltrate they feast with you without fear of exposure they're spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you now again turn a second Peter to you think yo but we ate together we hung out together second Peter to verse 13 and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to write in the daytime spots they are and blemishes sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you they get pleasure from conning you they enjoy it they get pleasure they're sporting themselves that's like it's a game it's fun to be conning people to be eating with them feasting with them where really they know that they hate you they hate your church they want to destroy your church clouds they are without water carried about of winds and that makes me think of Ephesians 4 14 where it talks about that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight men in cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive so maybe that's because they're unsaved that they believe all sorts of false doctrine maybe they're carried about they're blown about like that whether or not again if they're a good wolf they're not going to make that clear are they to the congregation but deep down they probably believe all sorts of crazy wickedness don't they obviously we see the ones going to oneness and all sorts of stuff like that even though that is bizarre isn't it it's absolutely bizarre trees whose fruit with earth without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots and like I said earlier they can't get people saved their fruit dies yeah they can't get they can't get people saved they're twice dead there's no way for them because the Lord has rejected them verse 13 says raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom has reserved the blackness of darkness forever okay raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame and again Vijay has given us a great example of this isn't he a raging wave of the sea foaming out his own shame because that's all it was wasn't it his own shame did it like I said those who managed to read that second piece on YouTube I mean the rage was unbelievable absolutely unbelievable and and what because I didn't acknowledge that he exposed today it's just ridiculous and I'm not even gonna bother trying to defend you know because I don't think anyone really needs to hear that because it's it's so ridiculous but it was comical wasn't it capitals trying his best to belittle get a response name call and then you know things like you haughty arrogant fool yeah and there goes submissive little tavern her again you know it was funny it was funny but but he was just foaming out his own shame because that's really all he did he's just exposing himself anyone who read the first thought was just like wolf you know how ridiculous yeah just like wow I just literally just foamed out his own shame now just on that yeah there's a funny thing here where I'm of the opinion and I don't know I'd like I'll be interested to chat about this afterwards yeah but I reading Matthew 7 and of course you know Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name of cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart me ye that work iniquity he's talking to false prophets there but what listen to him they believe they believe that they've done things in the name of God they believe deep down that they're somehow saved by their works don't they so probably if he listen I'll be you know maybe doesn't maybe he's just gone but if he listens to this he's gonna be sitting watching basically calling me a rail or whatever else because he's gonna be saying no I'm a man of God because they actually must believe it to be standing there in front of Jesus going Lord Lord have we not done this have we not done that it's a crazy thing to think about because before I used to think well they're just pure evil they know for well no they hate us deep down they do hate Jesus Christ really but they they kind of managed to cover that with their own works and their own you know look what we've done in our own version another Christ and they think that they're actually doing a work and this is what is so because it kind of then you start to see it because you're like these guys yeah how are they all over these churches with five hundred a thousand a few thousand subscriptions a few hundred watching their sermons railing accusations false accounts you this you that where we're the only select whatever how many handfuls of churches in the world going out and preaching the gospel week in week out and you think you're doing you're some sort of Crusader for God because you're trying to bring them down I mean it's it's just amazing why wouldn't you be on Joyce Meyer's pages why wouldn't you be on all these false prophets wicked false prophets why wouldn't you be all over them if you really cared if you so it's this weird thing when they've convinced themselves they're doing a work for God they convinced themselves that and they're attacking us and they kind of told themselves that we're just sees like these evil people that are the only ones going out and spreading the gospel so they can't believe the gospel can they they can't they can't they are they're absolute scum and Romans 1 says they're filled with maliciousness doesn't that make sense doesn't it so malicious implacable unmerciful and for sure this guy's unimpactable unmerciful like I said there's many more to come this is it just well just a sermon on on VJ or he'd like me to call him Kumar apparently apparently that that because we're no longer on first-name terms for for not replying to his message but but implacable unmerciful for sure hey and then like I said you know I don't mean this will be the end of it um second Pete sorry second Timothy 3 calls them false accusers and fierce they're fierce aren't they yeah that was some fierce stuff especially like I said those second couple of messages but I also got copies to my whatsapp but like wandering stars they'll be cast into outer darkness amen to that there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth okay make no mistake about it verse 14 and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of the saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him now it was Enoch that walked with God and he was not for God took him yeah now the prophecy I think seems to be of the Battle of Armageddon at the end of God's wrath before the millennial reign of Christ yeah and this is talking about obviously the Antichrist the false prophet the kings of the earth and their reprobate armies yeah that's a reprobate armies that you know taken the mark gone through the wrath this is this at the end and he says here these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage so these reprobate infiltrators are murmurers complainers always finding something to moan about they try to appear justified in complaining don't they justified in complaining however small it is they're trying to find something all the time okay problems with the church's policy on this or that is what will go on at church so what will happen here what will happen here worried about the unsaved or newly said you know they're gonna find something to have a complaint a problem like they just appear to be so righteous but it's constantly trying to find fault trying to find problems worried about oh well this group in the church the poor Nioth guys that's what he's really worried about because how righteous is he but really it's for their own goal of division isn't it it's for their own goal of division often they sound so holy don't they and and this is what happens at these churches you know the holier than now that everything is scripture and spiritual isn't it everything's answered with scripture you know everything's a script scripture quote and how spiritual they are you know and these are the swelling words it's not just the intelligence it could be the scripture scriptural responses and don't get me wrong nothing wrong with scripture but you know people who try and lift themselves or they're just so kind that's another one the swelling words of kindness they just care so much about people oh they're just such a nice person or with Vijay it was all so intelligent his swelling words you know that's what he attempted wasn't it attempt to sound so clever in his rambling nonsense you know so wordy you know everyone's a fool a blithering idiot tiny brains you know and the rest of it and maybe though maybe some do start to admire people like that maybe over a few years maybe some guys that be friends in did start to my figure that's a clever guy really clever guy you know he's got a PhD or whatever else you know what a clever guy could be you can learn a lot from this guy you know or like I said the other styles maybe they're just so spiritual such Bible knowledge they're just so kind they're such a good person they really care I wish I was more like them you know great swelling words so intelligent what an intellect what an intellect you know people do people get sucked in don't they buy that stuff but what does he say in verse 17 but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts now these words are spoken in second Peter chapter 3 and verse 3 where it says knowing this first that there shall come the last day scoffers walking after their own lusts okay mockers scoffers one who scoffs one that mocks derides or approaches in the language of contempt a scorn and we've seen a lot of that haven't we okay we've seen a lot of that over the last week and that's it that's again one of the many pictures one of the many many stars of these people verse 19 these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit so eventually they separate themselves don't they as we've just seen hoping to take many with them hoping to take at least some with them but before that they seem to like the little private chatsies people the one-on-ones the small groups the little secret meetings secret conversations little quiet whispers you know about your private information and they love to have be privy to little things that no one else does okay they like to separate themselves with people but again just to make it clear these aren't saved Christians in a bad mood okay this wasn't a saved Christian in a bad mood he's just said here and he's making it clear he says having not the spirit okay Romans 8 9 says but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his okay verse 20 of Jude says but ye beloved building up yourselves in your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and this is the Christians response okay so he's just explained it all and this is the Christians response building up yourselves grow in faith prayer says keep yourselves in love of God how do we keep ourselves in love of God first John 5 3 says for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous okay we should keep his commandments shouldn't we that's how we're going to be protected that's how God will help us through this sort of thing looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life Titus 2 13 says looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ okay keep your eyes fixed on the prize keep your eyes fixed on the prize remember where we're going remember what this is all about it's about eternity eternal security about salvation and when we're following God's commandments we're living for God we've got salvation on our minds we're so winning then we lead into verse 22 and of some have compassion make a difference he's not talking about the reprobate here he's made it clear that they are reprobates okay now we're talking about when you're in there and of some have compassion making a difference and we should have compassion shouldn't we when we're out giving the gospel we should all have compassion these are great verse I mean you can preach so many sermons out of this out of this chapter but for sake of time I'm gonna I'm gonna hurry up now but we should shouldn't we we should have compassion it's something to keep on our minds verse 23 says and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh okay and others do need that fear of hell don't they they do they need that fear of hell no those are a bit mucky and scornful at the door something I've started doing a bit more reasons just leave it leaving them Roman 623 and just explaining where that death is because I think if you're just gonna mock oh yeah well yeah whatever leave a verse and it's like okay well the wages of sinners death you know no because they need that fear don't they some people don't have that fear at all do they okay but he says he so he says here and others say with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh and just quickly on that he said save didn't he he told us to save with fear who's being told to save us yeah God does the saving only Jesus does the saving no he told us to say with fear didn't they okay and I won't go off on one on that but that really winds me up okay hating even the garment spotted by the flesh and I believe that that it's hating the flesh there the sin that sends them to hell okay I believe it's hating that that flesh hating that sin verse 24 and 25 says now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise God our Savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever amen so he's wrapping up here isn't he saying look God is able to protect you from these wicked scumbags he is able to protect you isn't he we don't have to fear them we don't have to be scared of them now we might fail but he's able to present as faultless he is able isn't he okay to able to present as faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy and it sounds like a rough deal at church because you can look at this you can read these pastures and think I don't know if I really want a part of this this sounds pretty grim what happened to the country club you know what happened to the you know just kind of come by our and everyone's just having a great time and look church is a great time Church Church is a great time and look we don't have to fear we don't have to be scared yeah we need to be aware yeah we need to do what God tells us to we do need to like I said look after our children we do need to be aware of people like this we do need to not be shocked when it happens but still with all of that he says before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy with exceeding joy and you know like I said I think we can have exceeding joy even with these brute beasts around okay okay but that comes from trusting God's wisdom about these people not our own okay that comes from us trusting what God tells us not our own trying to put it back into our human way of thinking our own mind well no I just think he's probably just and you fill in the blank okay God's made it clear he's ticked every one of these boxes as far as I'm concerned this is clear as day thank you vj it's been amazing you really have helped us here just to really understand this passage better it's great to have an example maybe I should have had a picture here at a whiteboard that I could just point out as well but now it's really helped so I really appreciate that and to the only wise God our Savior amen and praise God that he's given us all of this that he showed us showed us how clear it is and we can understand this fully and thank you vj for being a help in all of that and on that let's pray heavenly father I thank you for your word I thank you that that you give us all all the the warnings you give us the descriptions that we that we need and thank you for exposing exposing vj and please just expose I suppose more wolves as they come and and and but but help us not to just just be unloving and uncaring to each other and constantly worried about each other but but help us to also be aware though aware of the tactics aware of the ways that these people work and help us not to behave like that those are you know all those here that just saved men of God help us not to exhibit any of these characteristics because they're all wicked ways of living wicked ways of being and just help us to to be more like you want us to be help us to just be a strong Church strengthen us from this please protect us please keep us bold keep us courageous keep us coming here and enjoying at that time we have together that fellowship and Lord help us have a great week gather back here next week in Jesus name we pray amen