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Chapter 6 it's a nice long chapter and what an amazing chapter really so many truths in there a misused chapter as well by many types as well but we're going to go through it verse by verse as we have done so starting in verse one after these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee which is the Sea of Tiberius now the Sea of Galilee is basically a huge freshwater lake in the northeast of Galilee it's about eight miles wide and 30 miles long for those of you that find these things interesting that's pretty big isn't it for a lake okay that's what it's called at sea it's huge okay and a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased and Jesus went up into a mountain and there he sat with his disciples and the Passover a feast of the Jews was an eye right so if you remember back in chapter two after the water into wine Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover and got the whip out yeah you remember that whipped those uh those people out the temple now this is two years later and and when you compare with the other gospels now by this point there's been all sorts of demoniacs healed you've you've got Simon Peter's mother-in-law uh lepers various women um the blind men the paralytic centurion servant uh miracles like the withered hand you've got as well um sermon on the mount we've had the the many parables ascending out and return of the 12 you've got the death of John the Baptist so all this has happened in in that time okay and the Gospel of John really jumps forward at this point but you could see why there's a great multitude at this point with that in mind yeah there's a great multitude at this point in verse five says when Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company come unto him he saith unto Philip when shall we buy bread that these may eat and this he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would do so where are we going to buy bread for all this these people and the proof is to examine him to to test him basically to see what he says and Jesus asks us questions doesn't he regularly to test us to prove us and there are many questions many decisions we have to make in life where Jesus is is basically giving us an option there isn't he are we going to make that right decision um now number uh verse seven Philip asks him 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little now based on a penny being a labourer's day's wage in Matthew 20 200 penny worth is approximately around the sort of 16 grand worth in our money today so you know he's saying even that isn't enough yeah there's a lot of people there aren't there okay one of his disciples Andrew Simon Peter's brother saith unto him there is a lad here which had five barley loaves and two small fishes but what are they among so many now all four gospels record this event but this is the only gospel which tells us where the fish and loaves come from um now there's a couple of options here either Andrew has just robbed this kid for his lunch box there's some sort of mugging bear in mind he's a fisherman they're pretty rough guys yeah or more likely this boy has got out his lunch box I think he's innocently offering it to help isn't he okay because I don't think they've just been you know right get this kid he's got something on him I think he's got it out and he's offering to hell now you could you could contrast couldn't you Philip cynicism with the lad Philip saying it's impossible the boy is offering his lunch box to three thousands isn't he he's going I've got two small fishes and five loaves and I don't know I mean for to even offer that when there's that many people hungry I don't know what's he got in his mind I say maybe maybe he's thinking what's Jesus Christ well anyway let's see what happens verse 10 and Jesus said make the men sit down now there was much grass in the place so the men sat down in number about five thousand now uh the Matthew account says in Matthew 14 21 and they that had eaten about five thousand men beside women and children so basically there's five thousand men and then there's also women and children now I'm not saying they all had families but I'd imagine there's a lot of people there's a lot more than the five thousand the men sat down we've just seen from verse 10 and gathered food for their families didn't they um and I think there's a few lessons we can get from that so the men sat down and of course when you put together the gospels you see information which makes things clearer to us the men have sat down to gather the food haven't they and a few lessons number one is it's Jesus that gives us what we need to provide for our family isn't it Jesus gives us what we as men need to provide for our family it all comes from him the fact that we're able to provide for our families at all is thanks to God isn't it isn't it thanks to God praise God that we're able to do that now turn the Philippians 4 19 says but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus so basically don't get cocky men so because we can can't we can think what a great job we're doing for those of you that are providing for a family you know my wife wants nothing or you know maybe not maybe you're not maybe you're thinking I don't know if I can if I can provide this is hard my wife does want a lot of things my family but it all comes from God doesn't it all comes from God we want to not get too puffed up when we think we are doing it or not get too down hard when you think you're not because give God the glory it's God that will provide for you it's God that provides for you to provide for your families yeah um now even though Jesus gives us what we need number two another lesson you get from that is it's still our men it's still our job to provide for our families isn't it it's the men that are sitting there in rows okay it's the men it's not the families I doubt that there were many liberal type men that sent their wives out to collect the food I don't think there were any women there amongst the 5 000 where the men had just said well don't worry love I look after the kids you know you know I'm just as good at that in fact you're a bit more of a provider you go out and do it there's not is there the men are the ones who are going out and collecting it I don't think there were probably many men there who left their kids with another family so they could maybe both go and get a little more bread a little more fish yeah and again we see that today don't we many well we need a bit more money so we'll both go out to work well I don't think that happened there or any men that maybe put their feet up whilst the rest of them provided for him and his family because that's our modern benefit system isn't it and again I don't think there was that the men went out obviously Jesus provided they then provided for their family first Timothy 5-8 says but if any provide not for his own especially for those of his own house he has denied the faith and he's worse than an infidel it's our responsibility man isn't it our responsibility men to provide for our wives provide for our families okay yes it comes from Jesus Christ but it's still our job now number three it's also our job to provide the spiritual bread isn't it we provide the spiritual bread for our family men okay Jesus says in verse 48 I am that bread of life you could say that the the bread being freely given out thousand here is a picture of Jesus giving himself to all would you not say there's always enough isn't there there's always enough and Jesus himself being the word of God as well yeah so obviously it's the men's the men here have that responsibility of making sure their families are fed but we have the responsibility husbands and fathers here to make sure our families are saved too don't we it's our ultimately it's our responsibility but that they receive the word of God too yeah that they receive the word of God that's freely given that's there we all have access to it we all have the word of God we are both physical and spiritual heads of our households and that means making sure that we take the time to teach our families the bible yeah okay we all every single one of us men here with families with kids it's our job to teach our kids yes our wives should also be be be raising the children in the Lord but it's ultimately our job isn't it we should all make sure we take time out of our week if we can't then either we're working too much or there's a problem we're putting our time into something else we need to make sure that we take our time to teach our kids and teach them the word of God yes our responsibility to provide for our families so that's a few things i see from that now verse 11 back to john 6 and Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed to the disciples and the disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fishes as much as they would there's as much as they want there's always enough isn't there there's always enough there's not Jesus didn't only die for some did he there's enough of Jesus to go around for everyone there's enough food there's enough bread there's enough of the word of God to go around for everyone as well and here with this miracle there's enough food to go around for everyone when they were filled he said unto his disciples gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost therefore they gathered them together and filled 12 baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above unto them that had eaten you could say 12 baskets for 12 disciples there's always enough isn't there when you minister to others God will provide to you i'm not saying that's definitely what that's saying i know obviously there's a seven baskets art uh in the other miracle but still 12 baskets 12 disciples they're the ones distributing but then there's 12 baskets left over as well um okay verse 14 and those men when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did said this is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world now obviously this is referring to the prophet that we saw i think we looked at last week from deuteronomy 18 15 which says the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken okay so that's obviously the prophesied prophet that they're talking about here now when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king he departed again into a mountain himself alone you can imagine the excitement there couldn't you after what he's just done and realizing who he is and you can imagine the excitement now he goes here and there's many times that Jesus Christ does go alone doesn't he goes off alone to pray goes off to be be with um by himself because it's got to be tough aren't it just in front of all these people all these people throwing you the whole time and we all need that time we all need that time alone to pray don't be alone with God verse 16 and when even was now come his disciples went down under the sea and entered into a ship went over the sea towards Capernaum and it was now dark and Jesus was not come to them and the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew so they're in some trouble here yeah so when they had rode about five and twenty or thirty furlongs this is about four miles so based on what I just told you earlier they're literally right in the middle of the sea so right slap bang in the middle of this huge freshwater lake they see Jesus walking on the sea and drawing nigh unto the ship and they were afraid that's another amazing miracle isn't it amazing miracle he's walking on the sea verse 20 but he says unto them it is I be not afraid now this is where Matthew's account then shows Peter coming out to meet him on the water if you remember um it's not not recorded in in John's account here then they willingly received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land where they went so basically they were in trouble they're in the middle of this huge lake Matthew 14 24 says but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and you can imagine them thinking bear in mind he's a fisherman here as well so so for them to be in real trouble here there was a big problem this is probably quite a big huge tempest yeah so they're probably thinking he's in the mountain we're done for because remember he they left him there didn't they they went off themselves but Jesus always comes through for us doesn't he he does always come through for us in the end but they still have to go through the hard time a struggle first uh mark 648 says that they were toiling in rowing that's laboring with pain okay so they were having a real hard time but because we as Christians we can sometimes be shocked can't we feel abandoned when we're in a hard time in the first place I think many have probably experienced that when they're thinking why god why am I going through this you know why has al forsaken me type attitude yeah but Jesus never said that life would be easy did he okay we've never been told that life would be easy whatever these health and prosperity gospel types preach it's a load of nonsense okay the Bible doesn't say that John 16 33 says these things have I I have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world so look we're going to have tribulation but he will help you through it and and that's the key is when you're in the tribulation don't start questioning why why why turn to Jesus to help you through it because he will come through even if it means walking on water four miles across the ocean he will do what he has to but sometimes we have to we do we do we do struggle for a while don't we okay Romans 8 35 says who shall separate us from the love of Christ our tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or parallel sword notice that that's suggesting suggesting that there can be tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness parallel sword isn't there okay otherwise why even why even list these things we do go through hard times as Christians we will go through hard times Christians that doesn't mean that God's given up on you it doesn't mean you're necessarily getting chastised it doesn't mean that you've done something wrong it doesn't mean that why is he not answering it's just life isn't it we go through it but God will and Jesus Christ will help us out of it um we've got to look for Jesus in those times don't we verse 22 the day following when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was none other boat there save that one uh save that one where into his disciples were entered and that Jesus went not with his disciples into the boat but his disciples were gone away alone howbeit there came other boats from Tiberius nigh unto the place where they did eat bread off that the Lord had given thanks when the people therefore saw that Jesus was not there neither his disciples they also took shipping and came to Capernaum seeking for Jesus and when they had found him on the other side of the sea they said unto him rabbi when came and saw hither so obviously they're confused as to how he got there yeah I think that's those were pretty self explanatory and then they're just like well how did you get here because they saw that he hadn't gone with the disciples verse 26 Jesus answered them and said verily verily I sent you you seek me not because you saw the miracles but because you did eat of the loaves and were filled oh they've basically come for free feet yeah these people have come for a free feed they come for a meal now it sounds crazy that there were people who followed Jesus not because they believed but for other reasons it does sound a bit crazy doesn't it but there are people like that aren't there yeah there are plenty there are plenty in churches like that that are in churches not because they're following Jesus not because they really want to hear the word of God not because they're saved but maybe it's for a free feed a lot of churches you know they like putting on the food don't they you know a lot of food tea cakes biscuits stuff afterwards for the for the social part of it a lot of people go to church for a social club don't they in fact the majority of churches around this country they're not really following Jesus are they most of them aren't saved so they're but they're always turning up a church what for for social maybe to feel good about themselves keep up appearances yeah tell everyone they're going to church and I hope that we don't have that in this church but there could be couldn't there there might be in the future people that are there just just to say they go to church just well I don't want people to think that I wouldn't want to be here maybe they feel pressured pressured by family pressured by friends pressured by whoever it is inviting them to the church um and on that I remember I was at a church and again it ended up being a false prophet do you remember uh anyone who was there do you remember Brenda remember Brenda yeah okay Brenda they had this lady there who I'd be I mean for me I think that she was probably already gone conscience said it was time uh that had gone a while back but she used to come there into the church they'd get her in and then they'd pray for every single week if she could just get saved and she used to sit there and knit during the so she used to read a magazine she had a magazine she'd just read the magazine during the service and then she got a free feed afterwards and then they would leave her looking after their kids oh she went off but she was just a social she'd be eating all the food it just wow and she there was no you know she wasn't even pretending she was safe she was just saying well they bring me here you know nice nice place to come try to give her the gospel would not hear it cut you off not was not listening at all crazy and there are people like that all over the world aren't there all over the world just come to church and um what well what a shame isn't it so it says in verse 27 um sorry on that so obviously you've got three feet such obviously as well you have those that are evil okay and that's the truth with a real church you will have especially you will have those that are evil that are there for no other reason but for evil reasons um but we'll talk about that later in the chapter um verse 27 labor not for the meat which perishes but for that which endureth unto everlasting life which the son of man shall give unto you for him hath got the father sealed oh jesus is saying forget the fish dinner he can give you everlasting life yeah now i believe that the him has got the father sealed is referring to those that are given the spiritual meat so yeah but for the meat which endureth unto everlasting life which the son of man shall give unto you for him has got the father sealed he's saying once you've given this meat and just forever you're sealed that's how I see that like for example if you turn to Ephesians 1 John 3 33 John the Baptist said he that hath received his testimony has set to his seal that God is true now again it could be talking about Jesus Christ being sealed but we see this language about about people that are getting saved here Ephesians 1 13 says in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit a promise and what a great truth that is isn't it and again another great eternal security verse to show people that when you're saved you are sealed you're sealed that spirit sign sealed and waiting to be delivered yeah and I'm not going to go into a Stevie Wonder song here or anything else okay so verse 28 then said they unto him what shall we do that we might work the works of God they're saying basically how do we work our way to heaven aren't they how do we work our way to heaven Jesus answers said unto them this is the work of God that ye believe on him whom he have sent notice this is a work of God yeah the work is done by God isn't it the works not done by us this is a work of God all you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ yeah how many still reject this time I mean we're just gonna see it time and time again throughout this gospel yet they still reject it how can I work my way to heaven that's basically what they're saying what shall we do that we might work the works of God okay verse 30 they said therefore unto him what sign show it so then that we may see and believe thee what does our work forget the prophets forget the healings the miracles of the fish and loaves we want a sign we need another sign we need a sign they say our fathers did eat manna in the desert as it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat I forget feeding thousands with a couple of fish and five loaves we want to see the manna the bread from heaven yeah our father's got to see that that's what we need to see do you think if it had rained down that second with manna from heaven do you think they would have got saved no way would they but notice how they're quoting scripture here to at Jesus aren't they they're quoting some scripture to him how many times that we get the old work salvation is quoting scripture to us isn't it irritating when they try I had a bit of that today and they're trying to quote scripture they're getting it all wrong you know and it's out of context and again they're just they're trying to quote scripture to Jesus Christ and we get that don't we you get people who well they quite oh well I I know a scripture I know a verse which I've got completely out of context I must be right I remember Muslim once telling me that that the proof that the Quran is a word of God because some Arab somewhere has memorized it have you heard that as well yeah so it must be the word of God because some Arab managed to memorize it I mean how could he had done that and I nearly got pulled into the sort of well I you know I know people that have it you know because on that basis Shakespeare was inspired wasn't he because a lot of people have memorized a lot of Shakespeare over the years in fact so is that pervert Michael Jackson a lot of people seem to know the lyrics of it and every other reprobate singer and everything else yeah because the mind is amazing isn't it the mind is a matter like we are fearfully and wonderfully made aren't we and our minds are amazing and the most wicked reprobates in the world can memorize scripture remember that just because someone can memorize scripture just because someone knows verses from the Bible it doesn't mean that they're a saved Christian does it okay and and because there are there are infiltrators of false prophets out there that will work hard on memorizing scripture facts figures everything else they can to try and prove themselves and and look it means nothing it means absolutely nothing okay and like and like we know people can memorize all sorts of things that's not that's not the sign is it that's not not what we see but anyway so they're trying to quote scripture to Jesus Christ here then Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you Moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven for the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world so obviously referring to himself now notice how he gives life unto the world which I say because this chapter 6 of John is is some of the Calvinist favorite chapter I don't know if any of you have heard them try and talk about this and go to chapter 6 of John to try and prove their their damnable heresies because a lot of those are and let alone a lot of their heresies of Calvinism so a lot of them will go there and he says here for the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world okay not just the select few people that God chose you know from the beginning of time verse 34 then said they unto him Lord evermore give us this bread so they want life but does that mean they will believe on him okay okay he said you know that my father giveth you the true bread from heaven they want that but that doesn't mean that they're gonna get saved Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never first and this is the first of the I am statements from John's Gospel if anyone's aware of those you've got these in John's Gospel this is the first one and turn to Exodus 3 and what's powerful about these statements is that I am is the name that God gave for himself to Moses back in back in Exodus 3 he's been talking to Moses out of the burning bush at this point told him to go to Pharaoh to deliver the children of Israel and in verse 13 Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them the God of your fathers has sent me unto you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall I say unto them and God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am have sent me unto you so when Jesus is saying I am he's also saying I am God yet again in this Gospel of John that we're just seeing chapter after chapter aren't we John 6 35 is also another eternal security statement isn't it you're saying here I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst and again I'm not just going to preach eternal security week after week but but again another eternal security statement shall never hunger shall never thirst that's a one-time deal isn't it otherwise if you have to keep eating you have to keep drinking you have to keep you know getting saved well again you're hungering and you're thirsting then so it's not unless you're really bad unless you know unless you don't ask for forgiveness each time you sin there's no ifs and buts there are there no shall never hunger so verse 36 but I said unto you that ye also have seen me and believe not all that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out okay I believe fear and different people who explain this in different ways I believe that he's speaking about his 12 disciples here not self not salvation some people believe that this goes hand in hand towards verse 40 I don't I think he's talking about about the disciples if you turn to John chapter 17 says all that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out John 17 and verse 12 says while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled okay there he's clearly talked about his disciples now verse 38 just turn back there because we're going to see that again I keep a finger that's going to go to John 18 in a second verse 38 of John 6 says for I came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me and this is a father's will which was sent me that of all which he has given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day now again go go over to John 18 because we see this terminology again in Gethsemane when Jesus is arrested and John 18 verse 8 to 9 says Jesus answered I have told you that I am here if therefore you seek me let these go their way this is John 18 verse 8 verse 9 says that the saying might be fulfilled which he spake of them which thou gavest me have I lost none so again referring to his disciples and not losing any of his disciples now I believe then it's contrasted by John 6 40 so back to John 6 which is then talking about salvation so he said about all those which the Father giveth me shall come to me and he that cometh to me I will know why is cast out he said and this is a father's which has sent me that of all of all which he had given me I should lose nothing but raise it up at the last day then he says and this is a will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth and they may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day this is salvation now some people would say that it's just of who God's given him and those that have been saved and I don't see a problem with that as well but I do believe he's talking about disciples he because here it's saying it's God's will that everyone that everyone which said the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I'll raise him up the last day that's that's that's the will that's the will of God isn't it now verse 41 and you'll see then because they decide the Calvinist so I try and grab these verses don't they try and grab these verses and try and say look you know you've you've got to they go to 30 37 39 there and say oh look of all that she have given me you know you have to be given but we'll see something slightly different in a second because he says the Jews had murmured at him because he said I'm the bread which came down from heaven and they said is not this Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know how is it then that he saith I came down from heaven Jesus said for answer said unto them murmur not among yourselves no man can come to me except the father which has sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day and they like to go here don't they say look you have to be drawn now oh they'll say look only those chosen by God can be saved now this is a little bit different I believe to verse 37 and verse 39 37 to 39 which said all the father giveth me shall come to me and he says here in verse 30 not all the of all that she have given me now here he's saying except the father which has sent me draw him being drawn is different to being given isn't it wouldn't you say being drawn is different being given verse 44 here he says no man can come unto me but turn to John 12 32 John chapter 12 and verse 32 says and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me now obviously God sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross and to be lifted up from the earth on that cross and Jesus Christ is saying that he will draw all men unto him now everyone is drawn whether or not they then choose to believe and put faith in Jesus Christ a different thing isn't it okay but we all have it I believe that everyone in the world he says here I will draw all men I believe that everyone is drawn at some point at least has some question but many will just bury it straight away because of religion because of whatever they want to believe because of their sin and mate that's what I believe okay he says in verse 45 it is written in the prophets and they shall all be all taught of God every man therefore that have heard and had learned of the father cometh unto me I that I thinks from Isaiah 54 13 turn if you like as I chapter 54 so he said it's written in the prophets and they shall be all taught of God every man therefore that have heard and have learned of the father cometh unto me and here he says in in Isaiah 54 13 and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children now I think he's talking about the believers here from verse 44 okay he's talking about the believers from verse 44 how are they taught well John 14 26 says but the comforter which is a Holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you so basically in verse 45 he's saying that everyone that's a that's a believer has come to him yeah everyone that's a believer has come to Jesus Christ to be a believer haven't they okay that's how I see that verse 46 not that any man has seen the father save he which is of God he have seen the father obviously John 1 18 said no man has seen God at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he had declared him verse 47 says verily verily I stand to you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life what a great eternal security verse what a nice easy one to memorize as well hey so it's a nice one to just just to be able to pull out you know if you're going through a gospel presentation you know what a verse I mean what a verse in a nutshell verily verily I sound to you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life present tense you believe you put your faith Jesus Christ you have everlasting life that's forever that's everlasting verse 48 I am that bread of life your father's did eat manner in the wilderness and are dead this is a bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world it's funny isn't it that Calvinists like to go to this chapter yet in verse 51 Jesus is cleared it's for any man and he gives his flesh for the life of the whole world if any man eat of this bread not if I will if the select ones do if the special chosen ones do if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I give for the life of the world so it's just you know it's another example isn't it just people that hand pick a verse take a couple of verses make it say what they want to say but but why not read the whole chapter because you can't come away with Calvinism when you read the whole chapter can you Hebrews 10 10 says by the which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all okay it's for all isn't it all does mean all you know I know the Calvinists don't like to believe that but all does mean all and considering how many whosoever wills whosoever it's so throughout the Bible isn't it yeah and what a wicked doctrine what a wicked doctrine it and what sadly what a trendy doctrine it is now isn't it so trendy to believe in Calvinism because there's so many scholars who believe in Calvinism so it's so you know well I believe in Calvinism because you know I study and most of them don't even read their Bibles today they're just listening to some Calvinistic or a lot of the time reprobate probably preaching this rubbish term and yeah and obviously when you go really into Calvinism when you go into you know some people claim to be Calvinists they just believe I'll probably someone was elect from before the world but when you really start looking into the doctrines they're wicked aren't they they are wicked verse 52 the Jews therefore strove among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat so they just don't get it do they like when you preach the gospel to someone and they just don't get it and you get that sometimes don't yeah when you're just preaching to someone and they just shine a verse after verse and you're explaining it and you're giving them analogies and then it's like be good okay so see look just believe yeah so what Jeff do and they look at you I try to get the right answer it's like no no I wouldn't you the one so what do you think you go be a good person yeah anyway so they just don't get it here now verse 53 then Jesus said unto them very rarely I say unto you except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day from my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I and him in which is a picture isn't it of partaking in Jesus flesh and blood through faith yeah that's what it is now first John 4 15 says whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwelleth in him and he and God because he said in verse 56 dwelleth in me and I and him so we dwell in God and and and God dwells in us verse 57 as a living father sent me and I lived by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me this is that bread which came down from heaven not as your father's did eat manner and are dead he that eateth of this bread shall live forever these things said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said this is in hard saying who can hear it so they don't understand what he's saying do they I don't understand it or they don't don't believe it when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at he said unto them does this offend you what and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before saying will you still be offended if you see me ascend up ascend up into heaven verse 63 it is a spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so the flesh your genealogy your good works they don't give you life do they they don't give you life it's a word of God that saves isn't it it's a word of God that saves look he's saying as well you know because the word of God it might offend you yeah the word of God does offend people doesn't it and you know what the word of God will offend people in this room as well regularly the preaching will offend not just me might might the way I'm trying to expand or explain it really the word of God does offend people but they are spirit and they are life doesn't matter does it you know you said does this offend you what if you should see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before saying don't really matter does it their spirit and life yeah we're not whether you know whether it offends or not it's a word of God yeah verse 63 it is a spirit that quickeneth this the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so the flesh like I said your genealogy good works they don't they don't do any of that okay now where he said that there he said he said the flesh profiteth nothing and here these guys for them they're still thinking it's to do with them they still think it's because they're Jews they're still thinking it's their genealogy they're still thinking that that somehow or something they've got to do they've got to do some work of God now he says verse 64 but there are some of you that believe not that's who he's talking to for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and who should betray him now remember that from verse 61 he's talking to his many disciples isn't he okay when he when he knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them to this offend you so there are disciples plural called disciples that believe not right yeah okay he's just said that knew from the beginning who they were that he said there are some of you that believe not 65 and he said therefore said unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my father they've been drawn to him yes but they don't believe in aren't saved okay they don't believe they're not saved from that time verse 66 many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him right so Jesus made it clear that he knows that many of them don't believe and there are many people the world over who claim to be disciples and don't really believe aren't there okay like we said they're people that go to church but there are people that claim to be disciples and don't believe they've rejected the gospel but they're still hanging around churches reading the Bible even yeah that happens doesn't it okay they've rejected the gospel these guys are rejected it but they're still hanging around Jesus aren't they still for whatever reasons why well like we said there are some that want the religion but don't want to save you okay that that's you know that's that's sadly a truth of life there are people that like really in fact there are people all over the world that want religion but they don't want a Savior how sad is that they want their religion more than they want to save you don't they because you could preach to God you could preach to someone who knows who believes the Bible's the Word of God and you preach the gospel to him and you show them but they want their really well my religion well no I'll be all right well no I believe this because my religion said this I don't care what the Bible says I don't care what the Word of God says but once it's made clear to them if they still don't believe they would hopefully just go elsewhere do what these guys did here wouldn't they from these from churches from a good church from a church which is preaching the gospel you would hope if you really don't believe if it's been preached to you why are you still turning up at a church which preaches the gospel you would hope they didn't just still turn up where the hard sayings are being preached verse 67 then said Jesus unto the twelve will ye also go away then Simon Peter answered Lord to whom shall we go thou has the words of eternal life you're not going to go off to some false religion the vast majority of people here oh yeah you're gonna go oh well you know I know he's got the word but I'm just I'm going somewhere else yeah it's a bit more fun down there imagine trying to follow some joke like the Quran now can you imagine that imagine like just trying your best going on well I'm just gonna what have you tried anyone tried reading it anyone read any oh wow it's pretty bad isn't it just like such a bad bad version of the Bible but imagine doing that why'd you just go well I might as well just go I'm gonna try a bit of Islam for a bit now try a bit of Catholicism or something else you could do it could you because to whom shall we go thou has the words of eternal life imagine now trying to use a false Bible perversion can you imagine getting out the NIV having had the Word of God the King James Bible the preserved Word of God and just getting out imagine getting out the message you know what the message is you ever like sometimes they're just like when I preach something I might go on a line and just see like what the false virgins are trying to say or something like that about but it's amazing amazing like when you see all the different because they have some of these Bible acts so they've got all the different versions it is I mean it's quite kind of funny but it's not yeah but imagine trying to read that rubbish when you're saved you've got the Spirit of God in you and you got the car can you to whom shall we go that was the words of eternal life you couldn't you couldn't read anything else you couldn't read what was the what is the the Buddhist book today they have some sort of book that may anyone know the what Bhagavad Gita okay imagine trying to read that rubbish just wind you up wouldn't it just you just get that you just feel oh like because it is that when you start reading this sort of stuff where people even just where people are trying to be worldly theological or worldly they're just trying to sound a bit you know a bit kind of like like they you know they're a bit spiritual they just sound like fools aren't they I really do when you hear people that try and sound a bit you know philosophical it's just all foolishness compared with the Word of God isn't it verse 67 then said Jesus unto the twelve will sorry verse 69 and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the Living God so the true believers aren't just legging it are they okay they're not just legging it and look believers will leave churches yeah it doesn't mean you're unsaved if you leave a church but if you're literally just leaving you're going nowhere you don't want you stop reading your Bible and everything else that's that's really sad isn't it if you're really saved that is sad and you know it's a shame if you've already been in church you started being a disciple and everything else that is sad but it does happen people backside now verse 70 says Jesus answered them have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil he spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon for he it was that should betray him being one of the twelve and this sadly is the other reason that they still stick around and if you're sitting here and you're thinking oh no we're not gonna get on get on infiltrators again look it's such a theme isn't it it's a theme of the New Testament it's it's a truth of the Bible and at false bad churches you're not gonna get much of this are you because what's the point what's the part I'm gonna put my best man and repent of your sins Baptist you know that'll deal with it because they're already doing a work of the devil and even so are you really gonna try and destroy that church which has got a couple of soul winners sadly stuck in it because they don't really want to make that move to somewhere else or wherever else are you really gonna send people in there to destroy if they're just stuck and they're just languishing there and they end up not so winning and just got having to listen to junk preach every week probably not probably not is it is Satan really gonna bother with those places I don't think so maybe he might shove someone I have noticed at the churches where large group of us started going you then start to see some some some evil wicked people in them and and I don't know if that's already been or you know they've already got in there or they come in but yeah other than that I don't think you're gonna get it much at like the sort of ten people in the congregation and one guy that just can't find a better church but that's sadly the truth and the reason it needs preaching a lot is because it's an important point it's something that we have to be aware of not so much because we have to be on a witch hunt that's not why but it's so that when eventually these these people get exposed that that you don't end up splitting the church with it okay because it is because it is part and parcel is going to happen it's happened every good church okay and it continues happen and it's preached about throughout the Bible they don't believe but they're there for other reasons other reasons to infiltrate to cause division to steal and to kill and to destroy yeah that's why they come don't they Judas was that thief wasn't he Judas was a thief but there are many flavors okay there are many flavors of these types of people but Jesus wasn't scared of him was he Jesus wasn't scared he wasn't going oh well one of you's a devil so I'm you know I'm really worried because there's nothing to be scared of there's nothing to be none of us need to be scared of these people you do understand that yeah there's nothing to be scared of because it will keep happening here we've already had it once obviously and like we said that was a pretty lame wolf okay but that you know we that's what happens we unfortunately praise God that he's just given us a good idea so we could come away and go okay did I realize that or afterwards did I still question and think oh is he is he really well he was yeah it's obvious isn't it okay but I don't really care about that guy that guy's a bit of a joke okay but it will keep happening here but we don't have to be afraid okay so first thing there's nothing to fear yeah I'm not afraid of any I don't care how much someone will eventually bad mouth me I'll pass to anyone in here how much they'll try and lie and whisper and cause division how much they'll try and pretend that I've maybe said things I haven't try and catch me in my words if I'm not scared no one else here should be scared yeah okay there's nothing to fear is there okay I don't care because at the end of the day you know God's got us isn't he we stick in the Word of God God's more powerful he that is within us is more powerful than he that's in the world yeah okay we don't have to be afraid we just have to limit the damage we have to limit the damage when it comes how do we limit the damage okay if you hear because we want to we want to make sure when someone is eventually exposed when they expose themselves when God exposes them okay that that tear amongst the wheat at the right time in that time of harvest yeah when they're exposed we need you know and they might be exposed to one of you in here so when you hear false doctrine being talked by someone in this church come see me just come see me straight I don't know I'm not just come see me okay just so in case you're unaware this is a church it's not some sort of prison with a gangland code of no grassing okay we're not you're not going to get shanked yeah I hope you're not you're not going to get shanked if you come and see the leader and say look I've seen or I've heard something concerning okay there is no like gangland code here just just to remember that if there's something serious it's not always oh I think something serious in the church you need to come and see the leadership it's a church it's not a we're not a gang okay we're not a cult either but we're not a gang okay we're not we're not you know there's no gangland codes here okay so please be not about anything not just oh well that person was a bit rude to me brother Ian they didn't say this morning they say good morning this morning okay I'm not talking about that but I'm saying something that you fuck so if you've got a problem you've got come and see me okay that's how we deal with things yeah um if you feel someone is bad mouthing others in the church come see me now I'm not saying look someone says something that's a bit off I'm not saying right I'm telling ya like ideally you would say something to them first wouldn't you ideally you just say to them look come on you know we're a church we want to we want to speak well of each other you know we want to we want to talk well but come see me if there's a problem if there's someone clearly is bad mouthing others in the church then then that could be someone causing division at the least it's going to cause division whether they're a problem or not isn't it so it needs to be dealt with okay and you're not out of order if you come and tell me about that like I said you haven't oh no that's so-and-so's the grass but I watch what we say around them yeah too right watch what you say around Christians yeah because you shouldn't be behaving like that we're in a church we don't want division because especially if you're just a run-of-the-mill saved Christian who doesn't want to cause division then please don't cause it okay so obviously we don't want to be bad man each other don't want to be gossiping don't want to be whispering but if someone is bad mouthing me or pastor Thompson or our families however subtly come see me yeah you have someone who starts questioning our pastor someone who starts bad mouthing me or talking about me come and see me yeah I want to know because it's important isn't it because again that's one of the many tactics isn't it of someone who's causing division and it could be subtle it could be subtle it will be subtle little thing just a little question just a little something just tell them cut it out cut it out that's the church leader or cut it out that's the church pastor cut it out that's their families the families are often the target okay someone is stealing things in the church come and see me I'm not saying that's necessarily happened although you know maybe I don't know some some stuff actually has gone but I think sometimes that could just be people people sometimes get carried away with the nothing sold in the church everything's free okay yeah nothing is sold in the church yeah things are free but it doesn't mean just turn up a church and just help yourself to some of the nicer bulbs of things like that's not how it works you know like get yourself a Bible if you're completely scared come and see me and say have you got a Bible brother in because I can't afford a Bible I'll go yeah for sure it's a Bible I'll buy you a better Bible that hasn't got small print but you know things like that you know things like if we have a load of sundries or think don't just start packing up your pockets and going off with them you know that's that's thieving it's covetousness you know what you're doing yeah if you're stealing things from the church then you're probably someone sees that then come and see me okay that's really worried that's a worrying sign isn't it okay because then you're like whoa okay that's a bit of a problem now somebody might just not understand anything okay everything's just for free yeah yeah I'm not gonna sell at you anything I'm gonna tell you got to pay for anything but don't just turn up and just thought I'll have that I bet it's all coming for people's lives isn't it you know okay and this goes for other major sins to drunkenness fornication covetousness railing idolatry extortion come see me yeah if you're concerned if you think that someone in this church is on that list come see me because a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump they're not necessarily a big problem I'm not saying they're necessarily some sort of reprobate infiltrator if they're guilty sins the Bible says no not to no not not to eat with them doesn't it okay so again come see me and if you're not coming to see me then you're part of the problem aren't you yeah that's the truth you're part of the problem now with extortion by the way that includes guilt tripping people out of money too I heard this preach recently and it was like yeah that actually rung a bell if you're guilt tripping people out of money if you're going up to someone in church son ah things are just so hard so tight right now would you be able to lend me some money you've got no intention in intention pain and back that's extortion isn't it especially when you're lying well whether you're lying or not because really you should provide for your own shouldn't you okay you shouldn't be coming to people in the church and trying to get them to finance you or your family or whatever it is or your whatever it is so so if you're doing that again that's extortion okay I see that as extortion you're guilt tripping people to giving you money in the church that's extortion again come and see me now you might be thinking sounds like you want us walking on eggshells brother head you know you know not trusting each other no just behave as a Christian it's simple isn't it behave as a Christian behave as a Christian should and then there's nothing to worry about if we all behave as we should there's nothing to worry about we don't have to come here oh I don't know if someone's gonna serve that no just behave normally it's been normal just be just you know and then the people become manifest easier won't they because if we're all a bit shady and we're all a bit dodgy and we're all gossiping and we're all you know up to this and that and then it's not so clear is it and you know and I would but kick you out half the church would be quite difficult wouldn't it because it would have half a church left it wouldn't be nice but we will have if we have to do it we do it now I'm not saying that is going on here but that stuff does creep up in a church doesn't it if everyone's equal I don't want to say anything I don't want to say anything and everyone's is the behavior starts slipping then that's where we're gonna get to isn't it okay so we don't want that now look I would though I would rather that that many people went back and walked no more with us like we just saw in John 6 say then we were just full of problem people and I'm not just saying infiltrator types who try and destroy churches again look sorry that it has to be preached on now and again yeah it does have to be preached on but just to just to let you know just to remind you anyone that's unaware yeah we are the only church in this country going out multiple times a week and preaching the gospel okay preaching the gospel not giving leaflets out we are the only church in this country doing that yeah preaching the correct gospel yeah there's a few Pentecostal types telling people they got repent of their sins to be saved we are the only one that's again if anyone knows any other church they're out preach the gospel we and I'm not just talking about oh they might do a little bit of outreach and maybe some of the people at that church might actually try and preach the gospel because they want a soul win I'll talk about a church where there's multiple soul winning times where we're going out and we're trying to knock doors and preach the gospel okay so because of that the devil will and does send people into these churches I cast to try and try and destroy them from within okay now look like I said we don't have to be afraid yeah if we do things God's way yeah if everyone here is living for God everyone here is like I said coming and telling me when they see behavior like that and not getting involved in the gossip and all the rest of it and the whispering and that you know and all the other stuff and the sins of other people then then we're gonna be fine God will protect us it's gonna be fine but if we at this church start just well I'm gonna ignore that I don't worry about that or you know I'll just get a bit involved in that then again then it is gonna cause a problem isn't it then the destruction will be more like I said we want to limit the damage okay so and just on that as well just remember this is a church yeah this is a church it's not like happy hour at some scumbag slumber somewhere where everyone's welcome okay there are there are rules there are rules to be involved in our church okay yeah and that does come from the word of God like we said people that are committing open sin who are saved certain sins the Bible says to kick them out of the church okay and and that's part of it and we just need to be aware of that now lastly on that when it next happens and someone else is exposed kicked out because it will happen won't it anyone think that this isn't going to happen at this church ever again anyone think that that we're not gonna have someone that's going to expose themselves it's gonna happen isn't it and again I don't want people just walking around the church questioning you know making notes on each person at church but when when your red flags are raised come and see me please do okay now when that happens when that happens the only correct response is to support the leadership isn't it that is the only correct response now I'm not saying just give me a bye I can just walk up and kick people out willy-nilly and no one need it can even question why I'm saying is when someone is exposed and believe me I'm not trigger-happy to do it you you have to support the leadership because that's the only correct position okay as a Christian isn't it okay so you have to support it that means that means it doesn't matter if it's your best friend even if it's your best friend even if you've been friends with this person for years it doesn't matter whether you feel they were just misunderstood whether you feel that they were well maybe they decide you know a bit mentally ill you know yeah that's probably it you know they are they're just not maybe it was just said pride or whatever else it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what you think support the leadership yeah do you understand yeah because that's the only that's the only position we could take and when it does happen that's that's how we'll stay strong as a church when we just say they're gone done and you have to cut fellowship as well when someone has to be kicked out of a church it doesn't mean you carry on meeting them meeting up with them having little play dates or whatever it is and you know having each other around the house or meeting up now and again or have it even the chats and you know and again I understand not saying it right you've all got a block that guy but that last reprobate yeah if if he calls you just tell him to do one hang up block him okay because again we're just told to have nothing to do with them yeah yeah have nothing to do with them they should be cast out that's them done okay let alone giving them a chance keep ringing up and telling people that they're you know that this church is this and now we've obviously gone over that earlier um because look if we support the leadership then we limit that we limit the damage don't we okay and obviously I'm not just going to go into something if you're thinking well I don't know brother Ian you know you've only been leading a church six months are you really wise enough to make the what do you think I'm gonna do first thing I'm gonna do is call up pastor Thompson that's our pastor and if anyone doesn't respect a pastor Thompson's decisions and then the decisions that we make together because obviously I'm the man on the ground here then then you might as well leave the church I was there's no point being here is there why be in a church if you don't respect the leadership but if you do respect the leadership when something like this happens again because it will happen I'm just preempting it yeah when it happens everyone please just support the leadership yeah okay there will always be Judases won't there it'll always be Judases but they should make us stronger not weaker shouldn't they and they do they make you stronger if you do things right they'll strengthen us yeah and we've got to make sure that that's what happens next time it happens on that let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you for the many examples throughout the Gospel of John and John chapter six what a great chapter thank you for for just making salvation so clear to us thank you for for being that bread of life for us thank you for for that that free gift of salvation that we've taken here and if there's anyone here that there isn't sure there isn't a hundred percent sure they're going to heaven Lord please please just just you know get them to speak to someone afterwards and someone to just just show them from from your gospel how easy it is how it's a free gift how it was all done by you we thank you for that you also pray that you help us to just be aware to help us to be wise help us to to not not just be constantly suspicious of everyone in our church but but to behave in the right way when there are problems when there are warning signs when there are issues when there are you know sinful issues that come up which which you've told us are reasons to kick people out of a church just help us to be be loyal to your word on that and put aside you know our own personal preferences and friendships and things when it comes to serious issues like this but on that Lord you know thank you for having this church and thank you for a great group of people here thank you that will manage you know all able to meet here we're able to come this week and help us to come next week as well help us keep growing to keep learning help us get out in a week and get people saved and Jesus name we pray all of this Amen