(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) study through the Gospel of John and it seems we've gone quite quick already up to chapter 16 I'm gonna have to think of a new book soon and it's starting in verse 1 with unto you that you should not be offended they shall put you out of the synagogues yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service let's go to the Lord in a word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for this great gospel I thank you for this church please fill me with your spirit now help me to preach accurately and boldly and help most have just open hearts to listen to what your word has to say to them today in Jesus name we pray amen okay so remember the end of verse 15 Jesus said that the disciples would be hated by the world persecuted he said to me that the Jews that the Jews hate Jesus and God the Father is what he was saying wasn't he but but to still go and bear witness okay and and you know and again it sounds obvious but we need to take heed to that don't we we need to make sure that regardless of that hatred regardless of that animosity that we get we still have to bear witness don't we we cannot but bear witness can we we have to go forth and preach the gospel and it's something we say to people don't we said after a salvation today is what you do with good news and you know that answer straightaway you tell other people don't you and why wouldn't we tell other it can be hard it could be a challenge can't it can be a test but we have to go and bear witness now in verse 1 there he's saying he's saying I'm warning you isn't he because he said these things have I spoken unto you that you should not be offended so he's saying I'm warning you when the time comes you're not up why okay wondering why you're going through these things wondering why people hate you wondering why you're persecuted because you know a lot of a lot of so-called Christians don't seem to get this do they that you're gonna suffer persecution that life isn't a bed of roses as a Christian is it it's not just gonna be you know just all flowers and everyone is just you know dancing in the air just so happy with salvation because life is tough if you really want to live for God you want to live for Christ you're gonna you're gonna have some tough times but you can have peace through it can't you and you can have joy through it but it's difficult but this is an example isn't it of why reading the whole Bible is so important isn't it because you could just you could get saved and just pick a few nice verses about love and about you know peace and joy and things like that and and then but then what happens you're gonna get offended and offended in more like attacked isn't it and in a way that not just I'm just gonna be a bit offended with that person is and it's gonna it's gonna affect you isn't it negatively and and how many people how many Christians have been brainwashed by that liberal type Christianity because we all kind of have an idea of what we think Christianity is when we when we're before we're safe after we're saved which doesn't necessarily come from the Word of God and then you you end up being shocked don't you and so one things going well why is life hard why am I going through this well he spoke these things to us so that we would not be offended but we have to make sure we read him don't we and remember that he said in verse 2 they should put you out of the synagogue yay the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that you do with God so that's pretty extreme isn't it but he put out the synagogue that whosoever teaches killeth you and again that's a far cry from the false teachings about you know the health wealth prosperity the rosy life that just being a Christian if you live right automatically you just you know everything's just gonna be gonna be great it's gonna all be all be just you know like I said living on cloud nine well if you read the Bible you notice pretty early on don't you in you'd have to turn never pretty early on if you start with a New Testament you're gonna go through the book of Matthew and by chapter 5 verse 10 you're gonna see a verse which says blessed are they which have persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is a kingdom of heaven so straightaway within five chapters you're being told that you're blessed when you're persecuted there are people that are persecuted for righteousness sake and you have to go there but Genesis 4 so you've got four chapters into the beginning of the Bible and you got Abel killed by Cain why was he killed because the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering okay so straight away at the beginning of the Bible you have a murder because someone is basically doing something right yes because someone is doing right by God so again if you read the Bible you should understand you should know that we're gonna go through some stuff aren't we but you wouldn't change it would you you wouldn't you wouldn't like an eternity in hell instead because it is only a vapor this life but we're gonna go through some hard times but we can still get joining now verse 2 it says they shall put you out of the synagogues yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service so being put out of the synagogues is basically being ostracized isn't it okay ostracized from society we could see that now we don't I don't think anyone here would be too fussed about being put out of what we call a synagogue nowadays yeah but they put out the synagogue he's basically being put out of society isn't it it's being ostracized and look that could be tough for people can't it I mean some people here probably at the beginning especially and somewhere earlier on it could be hard when you start to feel like the family the friends people just don't want to be around you you know that weird Christian all he wants to do is just keep telling us about Jesus you know and that could be tough but what about the next part yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service so even when people are killing you they think that they're doing it for God yeah they think that he's not saying oh they'll tell themselves they think they're doing God's service then I think you can see that principle continuing to this day so I think that can apply to us as well and notice in that verse how it is they that shall put you out of the synagogues they shall put you out of the synagogues referring to those god-hating Jews from the previous chapters yeah they're the ones banning the truth from being preached aren't they these are and these people to this day these same god haters and the ones banning the truth aren't they if you think about YouTube the people that are banning the truth on YouTube are god haters aren't they and what the world a lot of the time will call Jews a lot of these people aren't they and as we know they're not really Jews are they because it's not a Jew which is outwardly is it's Jew which is inwardly so decisionism of the heart but but again that's what you call that your Facebook as well think how much truth is being banned on Facebook there's a lot of that I mean the censorship now is pretty crazy by what we've known in the Western world isn't it okay so we're probably a bit more shocked maybe people in other parts of the world probably wouldn't be so shocked by this and think we got it probably quite easy but we could look at this and think wow look at the censorship things like Facebook Instagram I mean think about for example with these same types people trying to preach the gospel in Israel anyone ever tried that anyone heard of people trying that doesn't sound like it you it goes down too well over in Israel because they may actually ban it don't they so so you can't you can't preach the truth they're banning the truth aren't they the the think about some of the law changes and how they're influenced and we're starting to get that in this country as well we're starting to get you know there's this crossover and we've been talking about this is where's that crossover between freedom of religion and freedom of speech and then obviously what they call hate laws and everything else now and that'll be interesting when that's put to the test won't it and you know you can think of organizations like the ADL and other things which are basically just clamping down on people preaching the truth people talking the truth so here he's saying but he said here he said if you look at that he says here they shall put you out of the synagogues yeah okay that's them that he's just been talking about yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service now so the whosoever I don't think it's always they I don't think it's always them I don't think it's always he's God hating Jews because they're God haters aren't they whereas here I believe that it's due to the God haters influence that the common man thinks that someone preached the Bible is an enemy of God because there's a lot of conditioning isn't there and there's a lot of pushing of that agenda where people you know people around the world and people that probably you know think that you know that we're a pretty ungodly bunch because we dare to preach you know Leviticus 2013 because we dare to preach many other hard to deal with truths from the Bible that we're we're some sort of anti God type aren't we not preaching love love every week you know what sort of people are we and there it's basically that whosoever is killing so there are people that that eventually and there are people then and there are people that that I think continue to this day that killing a disciple I think that they're somehow helping out they're gonna think that they're somehow doing some sort of good deed because they're killing someone preaching the Word of God they're killing someone that's that's trying to stand up for the truth and thinking about that because people do do this unwittingly again you have to turn a bit Luke 23 34 speaking about those crucifying him Jesus said it says then said Jesus father forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cast lots so Jesus said those people crucifying him didn't really know what they were doing but they've been influenced and they they've been pushed to think that they were doing a good thing they didn't know that they were crucifying God did they they didn't know that but how many genuine believers as well will persecute us so there are genuine believers there are people that genuinely not just believe in a God or think they believe in God there are genuine believers that will persecute disciples of Jesus Christ won't they and all of us have probably experienced a little bit of that to some degree and it's probably going to get worse there are people like we know there are people that seem to be saved that absolutely hate people Christians like us they do they I mean you can see the hatred can't you and they call us all the names and everything else and make out you know that whatever it whatever doctrine it is that's from the Bible that they disagree with is is reason for it but really they you know hate us but they think that they're doing God's service it's not that all these people are just you know reprobates and everything else a lot of these people are genuine believers who sadly genuinely believe and they've been conditioned by God haters ultimately with the way it's kind of got to it they they genuinely believe that they're doing God's service by attacking us by criticizing us by by talking against us by trying to put people off you know a Bible preaching some winning Church and everything else how messed up is that but sadly they will even be they'll be amongst us you know and again there'll be saved people that start for whatever reason for whatever sinful fleshly reason will start to hate hate you know this sort of church there'll be people in other churches who are saved it's not that everyone that gets kicked out is that was it they must have been a Jew they must have been some sort of reprobate infiltrator no some of them will turn on the church but they're saved people they're believers and they've turned the church for whatever fleshly reason for whatever you know offense save taken or anything else and that's what he said it that time will come won't it and I think that time has always been coming and I think from then onwards and he said in verse 3 though and these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me so that's back to the unbelievers isn't it that's it that's a you know influencing them I think and other people putting them out the synagogue because remember that without the Sun you cannot know the Father can you now verse 4 but these things have I told you that when the time shall come you may remember that I told you of them and these things I said not unto you at the beginning because I was with you but now I go my way to him that sent me and none of you ask us and me asketh me with a ghost out so obviously he was asked by Peter and Thomas wasn't he we see in previous chapters they're no longer asking that verse 6 but because I have said these things unto you sorrow have filled your heart nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you so they're going to be sad aren't they okay and we see that obviously there's sorrow before the resurrection and verse 7 here he says it is expedient expedient means profitable it's a good thing because the result of Jesus going was that the comforter or Holy Ghost is going to be indwelling them that's what he's saying here for if I if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you now we know the comforters are Holy Ghost turn back to John chapter 14 so just back back to John chapter 14 of verse 16 where he says and I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever then verse 17 even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it's if him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you okay so that's the indwelling Holy Ghost so when when are they given this well turn to John chapter 20 because this that's when it's fulfilled as opposed to Pentecost it's not Pentecost is it John chapter 20 and verse 21 John 20 21 then said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so send I you and when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye the Holy Ghost that's when they receive the Holy Ghost isn't it that's the promised indwelling of the Holy Ghost like he's just promised as opposed to the day of Pentecost when they are filled with the Spirit aren't they turn turn the axe to it we'll just have a quick look at that they're filled with the Spirit and look you can be you you get filled with the Spirit and that means that you're basically the Holy Spirit is in a large amount upon you but but that's not about the indwelling Holy Spirit coming with salvation and that starts from John 20 so look at Acts 2 verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as a spirit gave them utterance now this was a temporary miracle when they were filled with the Holy Ghost wasn't it and and sadly Q now just charismatic Church after charismatic Pentecostal Church all over the place trying to reenact me somehow praying for people to speak some mumbo jumbo I don't think any of them have suddenly known a foreign language and and prayers for the gift of tongues and for the Spirit to come upon them and people you know thinking that they're filled with spirit rolling around and barking like a dog and doing all this crazy stuff but but again this it's got nothing to do with it has it and sadly there are people there you know I know people this happened to where they've been at these sorts of churches and then they're trying to tell them they're saved and they're praying but have you got the Holy Spirit and you're not saved because you're not speaking in tongues and then they're praying and these people like I've got to speak something otherwise I'm not saved you know it's just madness isn't it madness but again the Holy Ghost the indwelling happened in John 20 didn't it and this is this was a miracle where the Holy Spirit filled them and they're speaking in other languages what an amazing thing but back back to John anyway back back to John 16 but yeah notice how there was no prayer for the Spirit there was no prayer for the gift of tongues was there because they were praying for the gift of the Spirit and everything else these guys crazy anyway and then when it comes down to it when you you know how many Pentecostals do you meet they're actually saved and he very rare isn't it to me any of them who are actually saved and you know when you really boil it down they're always unsaved aren't they and anyway that's what happens well okay verse 8 back to John 16 verse 8 and when he is come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment talk about the Holy Ghost here of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged so the Holy Ghost reproves or blames convinces makes manifest to the world you have sin righteousness and judgment how does he do that how does he do that well does he move around in the shadows making people feel bad it does it through the indwelling of believers in the Word of God doesn't he that's how he does it indwelling of believers in the Word of God it's a Word of God being preached from the pulpit and at people's doors and out in the highways and hedges that reproves the world doesn't it that's where it happens it's not that the Holy Ghost is moving around anyone's just feeling a bit guilty because that only goes to no it's the Holy Ghost in within people isn't it it's it's it's saved men of God and women of God going out and preaching the gospel to people it's be men standing behind a pulpit and preaching the Word of God that's how the world's reproved it's it's the indwelled believer that wields the sword of the Spirit isn't it and what's the sword of the Spirit the Word of God yeah that's the sword that's a weapon that's what the holy that's what the Holy Spirit needs that's what it uses verse 9 he said of sin because they believe not on me so how does that work well without believing in the Lord Jesus Christ every sin is getting paid for isn't it every single sin is getting paid for in eternity in hell for all of sin to come short of the glory of God and the Word of God reproves the world of sin doesn't it the Word of God reproves the world of sin and spirit-filled preachers do that spirit-filled preachers on the door spirit-filled preachers behind the pulpit and and you know it's not when we go out so that we have to be going and shouting people down about every sin they've done just showing them clearly that we've all sinned is reproving the world of sin isn't it yes showing people we've always seen naming some just common sins is reproving the world of sin isn't it and standing behind a pulpit and preaching on sin is reproving the world of sin you might know what how many people are really listening to your sermons brother Ian you know and how many you know is it really well yeah it is because the more churches like us that come up and are preaching hard on sin and preaching and naming the sins and talking about sin and preaching about it then it cannot but affect others can it people will stumble across stuff like this who are unsaved people who are saved will hear stuff like this and go out and talk about it more it's not just the people in this room that it affects is it and people in this room should then go out and be inspired to go and preach the gospel and again you're approving the world of sin aren't you first ten he said of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more I believe that the world is reproved or convinced of real righteousness his Jesus Christ righteousness because Jesus rose and is seated at the right hand of the Father Romans 5 18 Tonya if you like Romans chapter 5 18 says therefore Romans 5 18 therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life Jesus Christ is the only truly righteous isn't he he is the only truly righteous one hundred percent righteous he who knew no sin that's why he could go up to the Father isn't it that's why he could go to the Father because he is the only righteous one now verse 11 it then says of judgment sorry back to John 16 of judgment because the prince of this world is judged okay bit of judgment there judge not judge not isn't it isn't that the mantra you can't judge other religions you know I can't judge people don't judge people how judgmental you know how judging you Pharisee you how dare you judge people well that's exactly what the Holy Spirit does through the Word of God yeah of judgment the prince of the of this world so he judges all the lies of the devil doesn't it the Word of God judges every single lie outlet doesn't it the Word of God is the truth it is the truth and it's judging lies by being the ultimate truth isn't it and that's what the Word of God does when you preach the gospel the prince of this world is judged isn't it the princess world is charged because what's it judging because when you preach in a gospel you're judging every single folks religion out there aren't you because you know and again like we could say this verse enough I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me so every time you're preaching the gospel the only way the one way you're judging every single one of those wicked false religions out there aren't you every perverted version of Christianity every soppy liberal church out there let's preach your work salvation what was hiding behind the we're just so loving we don't want to judge other people you know we don't want to be too forceful with what we believe or anything else no they're all wicked aren't they and that's what you're doing and that's what that's what the Word of God is doing is it's judging every single lie of the devil there and and behind every false religion is who the devil the prince of this world yeah he's and he's he's judged behind every false religion is a devil and that includes every false version of Christianity that includes your your liberal Baptist Union churches up the road all the Baptists know that they preach a works salvation every single one of their members is unsafe that includes a wicked Church of England with all their fancy dress in there and they're waving incense in there all their queer little you know choir masters and everything else that is judged by the Word of God isn't it it's being judged it's being judged by the Word of God saying that people should should shout forth you know that cry aloud spare not lift up the voice like a trumpet is judging that queer little preacher there that doesn't even want to raise his voice that one is just whispering you know it's all being judged isn't it it's all being judged by the Word of God when you preach on sin the prince of this world is being judged because who is constantly trying to encourage believers and not believes if sin the prince of this world so he's been pretty he's being judged by the Word of God isn't it so when a preacher is preaching on sin telling you you what sin is while the rest of the church they're just don't want to name anything don't lose anyone don't want to get up and walk out not come back because we dare to mention the sin well no because when the Word of God's preached the prince this world is being judged isn't it and that's why we have to do it when you preach the truth the prince of this world is judged isn't it because this is all truth and the prince of the world is a father lies isn't he he's a father of lies so every time we preach it every time you preach it to your children you're judging him every time you preach it on the door you're judging the prince of this world every time you preach it to someone you're trying to help each other you preach the Word of God and every time someone stands behind a pulpit and preaches the Word of God the prince of this world is being judged amen to that in John 8 44 you don't have to learn that Jesus said to those reprobate Jews ye are of your father the devil and the lust of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it and the Word of God is truth so it has to judge him doesn't it judges all his lies verse 12 I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth but he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come so without the indwelling Holy Spirit they can't handle the whole truth it looks like doesn't it said I have yet many things on you but you cannot bear them now then he says how be it that's following on from that isn't it when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth okay so they can't handle it it seems without the Holy Ghost all truth and bear in mind that these these are saved men of God aren't they okay I don't think anyone's in any doubt here that the eleven remaining disciples are saved men of God but I think it's a good reminder when we're trying to explain truths from the Bible to the unsaved isn't it okay because without the Holy Ghost without the Holy Spirit it says here they cannot bear them and these are saved men of God these are people that are saved okay they don't have the Holy Ghost that's you know unique for now because obviously a believer is indwelled when they're saved but here that he's saying they cannot bear it and it makes you think a bit about Matthew 7 6 which says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you because we can all get I've been guilty of this for many years yeah when I'm talking to people and talking to the unsaved and in my in my job I used to there was a lot of counseling coaching them and they'd you know a lot of private lessons they'd want to talk to me about their problems and stuff and then I'm trying to give them truths in the Bible and they just again they're just kind of trampling them under feet it's just really kind of a waste of time you know I should have really spent that time I believe on the gospel with them sometimes and look you know again I'm not saying don't give them truths from the Bible but look people you've got to understand that they're just not going to get it are they just don't see it how do you see it they don't have the Holy Ghost they cannot bear them they cannot handle them sometimes when we're on the door we can be guilty of kind of going down a rabbit hole with someone which is just a waste of time isn't it and they don't get it they don't understand it but we so easily get pulled in there because you think everyone just sinks like you do you're just gonna be able to show him and explain it quickly from the Word of God is there we were just looking blankly some of the time don't know what you talking about it's in the Bible but but yes so here you know it's saying you cannot bear them now but verse 13 how be it when he the Spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come so the Holy Spirit will guide us by what he hears won't he just flick back again to John 14 and verse 26 John 14 26 said but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you so obviously it's by what he hears and as we covered a couple of weeks ago the Word of God isn't it okay it has to come from the Word of God he has to hear the Word of God we have to read the Word of God don't we wouldn't need to hear it preached you know obviously all the eyes good as well but we want to read the Word of God and then the Holy Ghost he will whatever whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak yeah now verse 13 where we were verse 13 it not only just is it what he hears and we've covered that already but he will show you things to come so he also shows the things that are going to come and again there's a lot of prophecies in the Word of God aren't there and there's a lot of prophecies that kind of aren't you know kind of what we would call prophecies just telling us the sort of thing that you know repercussions of sin for example you know things that happen when you do things right and when you're a diligent worker and there's so much advice and guidance which is telling us what will come from that but there's obviously that there's there's prophecy as well in the Word of God and again it's so hard for people without the Holy Ghost to understand that isn't it so hard for them to get those prophecies from the Bible and again they just look at you blankly sometimes when you're trying to explain this stuff to him but verse 14 he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you so it's glorifying Jesus and his words isn't it well the word words of God there verse 15 all things that the Father hath of mine therefore said I that he that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you okay so that's every word of God isn't it not just the ones that he literally speaks in the four Gospels is it okay the whole 66 books of the Bible are the words of God aren't they verse 16 a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and he shall see me because I go to the Father then said some of his disciples among themselves what is this that he saith unto us a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and he shall see me and because I go to the Father they said therefore what is this that he saith a little while we cannot tell what he saith for me it seems like they're probably whispering to each other here or something they kind of talk you amongst each other because then it says verse 19 now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him and said unto them do you inquire among yourselves of that I said a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and you shall see me very very I sound to you that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice and you shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy so that little while that you won't see them I believe that's talking about the three days and three nights while they're weeping and lamenting okay and they're just so upset they you know he's died he's been killed on the cross he's in a tomb you know and I think that's what it's talking about there now who's rejoicing it said he shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice now the world are more specifically the children of the God of this world I believe because I think there where sometimes you know we talk about the world and obviously there is a one the world is influenced by these people much more sadly than its influenced by children of God yeah but here you know we saw in the previous chapter that the world was referring really to these God hating Jews wasn't it and in the same way they're the people rejoicing I don't think the common man over on the other side of the world was rejoicing because you know that guy over in in the Middle East there ended up on you know getting crucified I think it's talking about the world there it's talking about the people that dictate sadly and the influence the world the children of the devil and those people there and the concentration of them sadly was there in in Judea wasn't it and there it's saying it says the world shall rejoice but you sure and you shall be so full but your sorrow shall be turned into joy so so the little wall and then and they shall see him is because he's going to rise from the dead isn't it okay so that's what he said earlier said a little while and and that's when he's going to see them and then their sorrow is turned to joy isn't it okay the solar and you can imagine the joy they saw that and then he gives he gives a nice analogy here he says a woman in verse 21 a woman when she is in travail have sorrow because our hours come but as soon as she is delivered of the child she remember with no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world and you now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you now the analogy there is interesting too because you know and again I've heard this I don't you know I'm not an expert on this but some say that one of the results of what is painful childbirth yeah childbirth is painful I don't think any woman here is gonna gonna claim that it's not however tough they might be okay one of the results of that is a special bond between a mum and her baby and some say that that's kind of you know almost you know part of the design of that and some would argue that's one of the reasons not to just get completely dosed up and drugged up because it kind of affects that a little bit so one of one of the results of that is a special bond now can you imagine with that in mind he's giving this as an analogy can you imagine the extra bond that the disciples had with Jesus after the soil of his death you imagine that now don't get me wrong they probably already had a good bond with Jesus Christ but after he died was buried they're thinking that's that's it and then he rises again can you imagine just this a joy you know and the joy that comes after anguish and tribulation is is much higher isn't it than the joy that you have when you don't go through anything first a lot of the time that relief on top of everything else like in a way like when you lose someone you love you know the there's an extra love and appreciation for them isn't there after that and I'm not saying you necessarily get that joy then sadly but there is you kind of there's a lot of things that you miss and aren't there there's a lot of things that you think about and you kind of appreciate them a lot more don't you well they had that appreciation for him probably in those few days and just finally with us in this if only that you know and then you know Jesus returned and no one could take that joy from them could they no one could take that joy now look at verse 23 and in that day you shall ask me nothing verily verily I sent you whatsoever you shall ask the father in my name he will give it here the to have you asked nothing in my name ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full so remember that asking Jesus name is it just a sign off yeah remember we talked about this the other week it's not just in Jesus name and then you get whatever you like it's asking according to its will isn't it okay we looked at that so ask according to his will he says what so ever you shall ask the father in my name he will give it you so you are things according to Jesus will things you know Jesus wants in your life that Jesus wants for others and says he will give it you yeah and Jesus doesn't lie so it's something we should be doing shouldn't we asking in Jesus name verse 25 these things have I spoken unto you in Proverbs but the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto your problems but I shall show you plainly of the father now I believe that's in the writings of the rest of the New Testament so if you think about it after after you know the Gospels when there are a lot of you know there's a lot of parables and dark sayings and things like that then we get some pretty pretty plain writing don't you know some of its don't get along it's very deep still but it's it's it's a lot plainer it's a lot it's written differently isn't it to a lot of the parables of the Gospels so he says here the time cometh he said but I shall show you plainly of the father I think that's what that's talking about I might be wrong there verse 26 in that day you shall ask in my name and I say not unto you that I will pray the father for you for the father himself loveth you because ye have loved me and have believed that I came out from God I came forth from the father and have come into the world again I leave the world and go to the father his disciples said unto him alone now speakers are playing in speakers no proverb and a proverb being it in that instance a dark saying requiring interpretation so he's saying now it's just clear as day they said in verse 30 now are we sure that thou knowest all things and need is not that any man should are see by this we believe that thou camest forth from God so he strengthened their faith there and the Word of God does that doesn't it the Word of God strengthens your faith we say that like you can have times and look many Christians will have times in their life where their faith is feeling a bit weaker where they're having some doubts about things and you know that's when the Word of God so important isn't it the Word of God strengthens your faith Jesus answered them do you now believe behold the hour cometh yea is now come but ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone and yet I am not alone because the father is with me and look that's a great reminder for those of us that can feel alone at times isn't it Jesus said so even though they've scattered they've all left him he's about to go through a horrific ordeal he says and yet I am NOT alone because the Father is with me and you know it made me think of Psalm 23 4 yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me and look you can be in some bad times you could be in some lonely times but but God is always with you isn't he and he's and he's close to you the closer you draw to him you know you need to draw an eye on to God don't you because when everyone forsakes you when your friends leave you God's still with you isn't he God is still with you and especially though when you're pleasing him if you look at John chapter 8 John chapter 8 and verse 29 and he that sent me is with me the Father have not left me alone for I do always those things that please me so look when you're feeling alone and many people have this at different times in their life when you're feeling alone please the Father and you'll fill his presence more won't you please the Father that's not that's the time when you need to even more keep doing the things of God keep keep going to church keep solving keep reading your Bible keep trying to get get the sin out of your life and you're gonna feel his presence more aren't you but but sadly like we've said before that's also the time when we start sinning more isn't it when we feel alone when we feel you know like you know times are hard that's that's the time when a lot of the time we start going further into sin and but but Jesus here he's about to have a very like just a time that none of us could really ever experience and he says here that yeah I am not alone because the Father is with me okay and that's a great truth for all of us isn't it and to remember that the Father is with you and sometimes it can feel like you just can't please just talk to you talk to you through the Word of God make sure you're in your Bible in those times make sure and he'll talk to you speak to you through the Word of God yeah but here's it here's another reminder with this so that Jesus was alone we're not alone yeah I mean we have the indwelling Holy Spirit you know we have God within us and that's also when we sin yeah that's also when we're when we're choosing to sin when we're choosing to do things our way when we're rejecting God when those mornings and we get up forget the Bible I just want to you know read something else or watch something on my phone or do whatever it is you know just another 10 minutes news 20 minutes news he's watching you he's there when you choose to go out and do that sin when you choose that sin whatever that sin is he's there isn't he he's watching that he's there's no little dark corners where you can hide are there you know the eyes of the Lord are everywhere aren't they but holding the evil and the good he's he is everywhere and you ain't hiding from him and you you know it's something we need to remember sometimes don't we because sometimes you know all I'm away from church I've got any church people around you know no one who knows I'm a Christian maybe maybe it's not so bad now or no because he's watching you isn't it you're never alone he's always there remember that when you when you're looking at you know the you know the pleasures of sin for a season verse 33 these things I have spoken unto you that in me he might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world now two words to notice there aren't there the might and the shall in the world ye might have peace so the pieces are guaranteed is it what's guaranteed tribulation yeah in the world ye shall have tribulation the tribulation is guaranteed the peace isn't okay so again maybe opposite to how a lot of a lot of preaching goes on sadly but the tribulation is guaranteed isn't it so it's not while you say kick back and relax because it's not like that is it and what are the things that he spoke to them that they might have peace because it's you know that's he's spoken these things that they might have peace well in this chapter he's warned them of getting put out of the synagogues isn't he killed by people by people that are deceived you know and people maybe aren't deceived the indwelling Holy Ghost guiding them into all truth yeah the pain and joy to come the ability to pray turn a first Peter chapter 4 because there's a piece isn't there that comes from knowing what to expect in life isn't there there's a piece that comes from knowing what to expect because it's a lot less of a shock the first Peter chapter 4 and verse 12 beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you okay it's not strange is it think it not strange as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy if you be reproach for the name of Christ happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you on their part his evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified but let none of you suffer as a murderer or as a thief or as an evil doer or as a busy busy body in other men's matters yet if any man suffer as a Christian as Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf so look at that verse 12 there beloved think it not strange concern the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you I was thinking about this with you know for example certain sports I was thinking about this when we used to train people to compete and and the fight you know you could have these gyms where where people would literally never even sparred properly before so and then these people you know they look great they're hitting pads hitting bags you know they look really good in front of the mirror and then they get in the gym and they've never been punched in the face properly and suddenly it's you know everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face yeah things change quickly and suddenly wow I've never been hit like that and people just melt you know and it's like well what happened there because they think you get it's like some strange thing has happened to me because they were never prepared for it were they now okay we're not necessarily going to be getting punched in the face although the word of God does do that sometimes doesn't it what the word of God does do is it does warn you doesn't it and that's what we used to try and do is try and build it okay you didn't want them to kill each other because they get injured before five what you did want to do was was try and just up the level of getting so they learn to get hit harder we used to do like hard boxing sparring because they're less likely to get injured than if they're kicking each other and kneeing each other but but we used to we used to try and build that fighter up to be used to so they're not getting in going what on earth you know I've never been hit like that and then and then they're shocked and they lose it and look in the same way with the word of God you know we need to we need to be prepared don't we and that's that's why it's so it's wicked isn't it it's wicked what this pre-trip stuff does as well does it because how many people are completely unprepared and will be unprepared for the coming tribulation because they're just waiting to vanish away you could go any minute you know well you know see you back here next week unless the rapture comes you know it's ridiculous isn't it it's absolutely ridiculous but so many people are so unprepared and there's someone prepared even for just a tribulation of persecution that's going to come in life aren't they because you you know you shall have tribulation it wasn't a you might you know you maybe you shall have tribulation now obviously he's talking to disciples Aaron and if you you know I think if you're not really a disciple of Christ you're not really doing anything for God you might not have tribulation in the world but you're more likely to get chastisement from God maybe but here he says as though some strange thing happened unto you because there are Christians are just shocked like what you know am I doing something wrong God why why is this happening to me what have I done is it because no it's because you're living right it's because you're a Christian it's because you shall suffer persecution isn't it and he said to rejoice in as much as you're partakers of Christ's sufferings okay and we've talked about this before it can be hard can't it but we should be rejoicing in tribulation that when it's glorious shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy said if you be reproach for the name of Christ happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of God rested upon you on their part is evil spoken upon your part is glorified again no we've got to remember this bit yeah not it's not a good guy I'm just being reproach for Christ oh you're being reproach for your sin you're being reproach because you're going out and picking arguments with people on the street being reproach because you're knocking on someone's door and within two minutes you're trying to talk about retro base with them you know when you're meant to be getting them saved okay that's not reproach for the name of Christ it's not reproach for the name of Christ you just can't get any browser people and arguments with people it's reproach for the name of Christ when you're doing things as Christ wants you to do and you're in the spirit and you're doing his will it says but let none of you suffer as a murderer or as a thief or as an evildoer or as a busy body in other men's matters okay so again you get people who are it's because I'm a Christian I'm getting persecuted oh I've got a speeding ticket because I'm a Christian nice because you were speeding yeah you're not getting persecuted for Christ yeah okay and of course we don't have any speeders here yeah by the high powers guys anyway verse 16 yet if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf okay and look we shouldn't be ashamed should be embarrassed we shouldn't be you know upset ideally we should be glorifying God on this behalf now like I said obviously that verse back in John go back to John John 16 and where he said these things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace okay though those were the things he spoke to us so knowing what's going to happen being in the word using the comforter but by giving by giving him the words to comfort you with by make sure you've been your Bible that you're living for God that you're in the spirit yeah that you're resisting the flesh in the world so regardless so that therefore you can have peace through tribulation can't you okay because he said that you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation okay you shall have it okay if only are you know these pre-tribbers could just get this into their head it's quite a simple verse isn't it in the world ye shall have tribulation okay so look okay I think I don't think many I don't think there's anyone here likely who is unsure about this if you are look you know we'll preach on this here and there it's not something I felt the church really needs so we're not just constantly preaching the pre-trib or the folly of the pre-trib rapture but it is ridiculous and just just a quick reminder that look there is coming a time isn't there there is a time coming when when there's going to be great tribulation such as was not seen yeah and and look we're we're gonna go for it okay we're gonna go for it but we can still have peace now can we have peace in the great tribulation I think we probably can I think if you really set your sights on what you're doing for God and knowing that you're earning rewards in heaven I think maybe you can I don't know don't you know I'm not saying I necessarily are gonna achieve that but you know that's the goal that's the aim isn't it and we like we spoke about the other week we're kind of being trained up through love for tribulation aren't we and we just we only give them what we can handle yeah God is you know he gives us a way of escape but we are gonna go through it and the the longer things go on the closer it seems to be getting here maybe it might not be us but maybe it'll be our children or maybe it will be our grandchildren we have to prepare them for that don't we now remember in verse 1 he said these things have I spoken unto you that you shall not be offended okay in verse 13 he said of the spirit and he will show you things to come and he has shown us all what's to come hasn't he okay and that's going to be some great tribulation and let's have a quick look go to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 and we'll look at from verse 21 the Bible says in Matthew 24 21 for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be okay now to not prepare people for this coming is is is criminal isn't it to be standing behind a pulpit telling them don't worry not this isn't going to happen is because he's he told him these things so that they would not be offended Jesus Christ gives us the information he makes it clearer as day doesn't he what we're gonna have to go through so that we're able to deal with it that's the whole point that's what we're seeing in this in this passage aren't we but but be of good cheer I've overcome the world so knowing that ultimately there's a victory there isn't there the victory is that we're going to be in heaven but it's coming verse 22 and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved okay that's going to be some hard time isn't it but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened who are the elect us the believers the Christians not the wicked Christ rejecting reprobate Jews verse 23 then if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets it shall show great signs and wonders it so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very leg so obviously there are saved Christians that are not going to be they're not going to be deceived are they when eventually it gets that point but there's a lot of fake Christians aren't there that are going to be deceived that are going to think that there's a price aren't there and you can see how this this pre-trib you know is is there to deceive music so maybe we got that bit a bit wrong maybe that's actually you know Christ coming to rapture us and you know and they're going to be confused and they're going to be led into this lie aren't they behold I have told you before wherefore if they shall say unto you behold is in the desert go not forth behold is in the secret chambers believe it not for as a lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be doesn't sound like a secret rapture does it when everyone's just going to disappear and no one's going to know what's happened okay lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west again for wheresoever the carcasses there will the Eagles be gathered together and that's us immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be dark and the moon shall not give a light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken immediately after the tribulation yeah yeah again it's not difficult is it after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be dark and the moon shall not give a light and the stars shall fall from heaven the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory again doesn't sound very secretive to me does it the tribes of the earth so that everyone's saying that and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together who is elect us from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other okay again you know a great passage for it isn't it and we could go into many other passages but that just says it all doesn't it it says it all it and like he said at the end of John 16 there he said he's sorry end of John 16 he said these things have I spoken to you that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation okay we have it in life and we we could those of us sitting here some of us sitting here might end up going through the Great Tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world okay okay it's telling us said to be of good cheer we could still be happy we can still seek joy we still seek pleasure through it and then we're going to end up in eternity amen to that that's great father I thank you for your word I thank you for the clear teachings and thank you for forgiving us you know for warning us of things for giving us the knowledge that we need to so that we're not offended so we can have peace so that we can be of good cheer thank you for that thank you for the Holy Spirit that can guide us into all truth help us to read all truth to listen to all truth so that we can be guided into all truth and help us to do that this week help us all to just make an effort with our Bible reading this week help us make an effort with with with you know just getting rid of the sin that's does so easily beset us and help us to to get out there and and preach your gospel as well and to all meet back here next week and in Jesus name we pray all of this Amen