(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so John chapter 15 now and like I said a couple of chapters ago this you know we're really in that kind of those final final kind of hours with his disciples that is where Jesus just kind of giving them all this great truth and starts in verse 1 here John chapter 15 verse 1 where he says I am the true vine and my father is a husband man let's pray father thank I thank you for the gospel of John I thank you for this church please just fill me with your spirit now help me to be preach boldly and clearly help people to have just open hearts and to want to hear your word and want to act upon your word as well Jesus then we pray Amen okay so I am the true vine this is a seventh and final one of the I am statements in John's gospel so if you remember we had I am the bread of life in John chapter 6 I am the light of the world in John chapter 8 I am the door of the sheep in John chapter 10 as well as I am the good shepherd in John chapter 10 I am the resurrection and the life in John 11 I am the way the truth and the life in John 14 and I am the true vine here now in John 15 okay so that's the seven clear I am statements and obviously he said before Abraham was I am didn't he so a vine a vine is a plant that produces grapes yeah and where if you remember back in the book of Numbers when the men are sent out to spy out the land they return with a branch between the two of them with a cluster of grapes on it so in fact only if you go over to its numbers if I put the reference down here actually which chapter it is here might be 18 I might be wrong here if it's not I'll just read it to you anyway no it's not 18 but okay anyone wants to find that let me know but it's in Numbers and it's in verse 23 so they've gone out to spy out the land they return it's probably quite early in Numbers actually they and they came unto the brook Eschol and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes and they bare it between two upon a staff and they brought of the pomegranates and of the figs the place was called the brook Eschol because or Eschol because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut down from thence you got where it is numbers 13 guys sorry numbers 13 and that was from verse 23 so they've gone so they've come into the brook Eschol they they've they're basically they're spying out the land that they're looking to you know to be given by the Lord and they come back with this branch of one cluster of grapes and they bare it between two upon the staff it's looking in verse 23 here and they brought of the pomegranates and of the figs so the grapes are literally elevated above the other fruit aren't they so the grapes are up there they're bearing this huge branch on the staff between two of them and I mean grapes are a pretty amazing fruit aren't they they they grow really well in that region that's kind of like grape growing country yeah and and they still do to this day but they are and again look you can use this term Lucy they are a superfood but it seems that everything's a superfood nowadays depending on what what year you're in but they are I mean they are you know chock-full of all sorts of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants and obviously all these people got about the benefits of wine well the benefits from the grapes is it's not from the poisonous alcohol so they are that you know they were grapefruit grapes and when you get there is a difference in there when you get really nice fresh grapes as well and and you can imagine how well valued the what the the so how well valued the vine would have would have been yeah okay and and Jesus is saying that he is the true vine okay he is that true vine because the fruit that Jesus produces is of more value and worth than whatever the latest superfood is okay yes 100% I mean that is the ultimate fruit isn't it doesn't matter how many antioxidants and minerals how many cancer fighting chemicals it seems pretty much every fruit has anyway but but look because Jesus fruit is eternal life isn't it okay that fruit is eternal life and that's beyond anything else and and that's the true fruit he is the true vine because that is the fruit isn't it that we really care about and there because there are there are many counterfeit fruits aren't there and counterfeit vines out there you know you can get for example the the mass produced you know chemical soup GM grapes can't you the seedless variety and they look pretty pretty attractive don't they some of those they're glowing and shiny you can see your reflection on them sometimes they don't taste right though do they they don't taste like that good fresh organic great and look I haven't been out to Israel but I can imagine a fresh grape out there is going to taste a lot different to our supermarket grapes here and it's and it's not the same is it and and you know in you know man tries to produce it his way God's way as we know is always the best and that's the same with salvation though isn't it because there are many counterfeit ways of salvation aren't there and some of them look pretty attractive to people I mean some of those churches look pretty impressive don't they you know some of those some of the artwork I say this before I'm always going past Westminster Cathedral a park usually next door to it because there's there's a parking bays up there when I got to work in central London wow that place is impressive you know I mean that is a beautiful building I've been inside there the artworks absolutely beautiful but it's dirty and rotten isn't it really and it stinks it's full of dead men's bones and but but it looks good doesn't it looks good to the outside world and you know people that they look at these churches and these old church these beautiful places they look at the rock concert Pentecostal Church wherever it is and it's attractive isn't it it looks good but when you bite into it really that fruit is sour full of worms it's not like the fruit that Jesus Christ gives us is it Jesus said that his father is a husband man so that's basically the land-owning farmer what does the farmer do well let's have a look at verse 2 every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit so he takes away the useless branches the dead wood okay a good farmer needs to do that doesn't he and I think from what I hear with with with the grapevine it takes a lot of pruning now I believe that every branch in me is talking about Save Christians here now people use this to apply to the church and other things like that well verse 5 said I am the vine ye are the branches didn't he to his disciples there now there are many Save Christians that bear no fruit aren't there many dead wood Christians you could call them couldn't you and look I'm not talking about newly saved Christians here okay and I think that God is quite patient with this if you turn to Luke chapter 13 because it you know it's different for different people and it can take a while for some and others you know I hit the seem to hit the ground running and sadly sometimes they fall away as well but I do believe that God is patient if you look at Luke chapter 13 and verse 6 Luke 13 6 he spake also this parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came and sought fruit thereon and found none then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none cut it down why come with it the ground and he answering said unto him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well and if not then after that thou shalt cut it down now you could say that's referring to the nation of Israel there too but God is long-suffering with us isn't he God's long-suffering I mean there we're talking about three years and he gives it another year doesn't he okay and you know I'm not saying right that's the actually a maximum that's your man you got three years I think you know you know for some people they get saved you know for many in not just countries I think about many countries in Europe there's not even a church to go to sometimes no other saved Christian sometimes really hard isn't it and then you got other people that are saved they're right next door to it to a great church they don't even turn up to it but and I think probably he's less patient with people like that but in this parable he has waited three years and he's given it another year and I do believe it's the same with us he gives I think God gives us a chance but eventually we are cumbering the ground okay because eventually people obstruct and become a burden to a church don't they imagine you could have a new Christian who who's or maybe not a new Chris you can have someone who's just coming you know week in week out to a church like ours they're never bearing any fruit give it a year give it to maybe give it three give it four at what point are they just they're turning up well they might be paying their tithes whatever else but what are they really producing are they really going out and getting people saved what they really doing for the Lord well back to John chapter 15 in verse 2 what did what did God say about people like that well John 15 2 says every branch of me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit and that's why the weak church members of good churches will eventually disappear won't they the ones that are just kind of going through the motions sometimes they might be going out and trying to look the part but there's a difference isn't there between going out filled with the spirit wanting to get people saved and going out just to kind of look like you're doing it or whatever else and there are sadly there are many that will go to churches and yeah look we're not gonna get that here you know being being a fairly new church but there'll be church where people just start to do less and less or people come along and they're just doing this they're just kind of making up the furniture in the church well he says here every branch me that beareth not fruit he taketh away eventually go you know those once a month is whatever else it just come for a little bit not really doing much for God eventually they go and that's why as well you know it can be important con it to be able to make sure that you can come to church regularly and and because the at the beginning you're fired up it's a new church you know what you know you're in a kind of you spiritually doing well you know that three four five hour journey whatever kit you know is sustainable but with time that's gonna get harder isn't it and then with time you become you're not bearing fruit with time are you because the bit look being at church overseas important but there's many other things we do there's midweek so winning we do this gonna be you know there's midweek preaching that's gonna be more and more stuff we start adding especially once we have our permanent building and it is important to be able to do everything isn't it and you want to make sure you can get the temptation is gonna start slipping in because God says every branch me that beareth not fruit he taketh away now sure God wants you in church doesn't he God wants every single Christian in church God is patient but eventually people become dead wood don't they now what if you are bearing fruit what if you are bearing fruit God purges you that's what it says doesn't it says in every branch that beareth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit so that's cleansing or purifying so you bring forth more fruit yeah with a branch that's pruning off the sick or diseased parts isn't it there bits of dead wood you ever look at a branch I'm no expert on grapevine I don't know if anyone knows much about that sort of thing but I'd imagine there's sick and diseased parts and bits that are just those dead ends and stuff which are just taking energy out of the vine and not really doing anything that's what I can imagine like most like other plants you might prune the dead part so if you want to get rid of all those nasty bits of you that are weighing you down what do you need to do bear fruit that's what it says doesn't it what does it say in verse 2 there it says it says and every branch that beareth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit okay it's about the bearing fruit see the order there the order there is every branch that beareth fruit he purges it so if you want to be purged and I think sometimes people look at purging like it's a really bad thing I think they sometimes like equate tribulation and everything else with purging well purging is basically cleansing purifying don't we all want to get better don't we all want to improve or what what what does the barber say we need to do bear fruit yeah bear fruit and you're gonna get purged bear fruit and we want to get purged don't we and that's what it's saying here so we're cleansed and purified but how are we cleansed and purified look at verse 3 now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you it's a word of God so it's all well and good oh well I go out soul winning but I don't read my Bible but I go out soul winning but I don't come to church now look you should go out soul winning 100% you want to be purging to go out so any but you also need to make sure that you have the word and being preached to you as well not just reading the word but reading the word have it preached to you and then you're gonna get cleansed you're gonna get purified you're gonna get purged now you're clean through the word which I have spoken unto you it's reading studying memorizing hearing the word of God isn't it that's how we're purged that's how we're cleansed if you want to purge yourself clean you need the word of God don't you okay that's what that's what he's saying here and look but with the word of God you know there there are sometimes more specific tools for the job so back to the purging back to the pruning analysis here let's take pruning so for example if you wanted to prune some branches what what tool are you going to use anyone got any ideas any tools shears anything else even those little tiny bits just change so at all okay that's the King James Bible isn't it but it's all the King James Bible isn't it okay so the King James over but here's a point there's some specific pruning tools aren't there you probably wouldn't get the chainsaw out for the tiny little bit on the edge of the vine there because you might do some damage to the vine we are going to get the chainsaw out for the big bit aren't you and there's everything in between and there's there's there's pruning tools for the job yeah so I was having a look at this just and I suppose most people know this anyway I just thought it's easier to have it down because I'm gonna forget some of these but for example you've got pruning shears now they're also known as pruners clippers secateurs you call them as well and apparently there are three basic types of pruning she you got the anvil the bypass and the ratchets anyone heard of these two sorts of things so a bit of useless maybe not useless this is actually come on we should all be pretty our gardens and everything else so not if it stops you going to church but if you see a well manicured garden you're you're unlikely to get a salvation oh yeah but anyway okay so you've got right you've got a bypass yeah bypasses is basically acts like scissors good for good for growing stems apparently anvil pruners feature a straight blade that uses a splitting action they work well for dried branches and stems you got ratchet pruners are similar to anvil printers but they feature a mechanism that cuts in stages ratchet pruners are good for those who don't want to strain their wrists some soppy liberal there okay then you've got the loppers okay loppers are great for branches up to two and a half inches thick and are especially useful for pruning fruit trees nut trees and vines apparently that's your lopper okay similar to a pair of hand shears but the blades are thicker and the handle is much longer they come in anvil bypass or exercise you've got pruning sores how to pruning sores as well next in the pruning tool pruning saw capable of taking on branches from one and a half to five inches in diameter you've got hedge shears seen the hedge shears like the big pair of scissors isn't it okay great if you have hedges small shrubs evergreens dead heading perennials they cut branches up to two and a quarter inches thick and then you've got the pole pruner you seen those so you get them like telescopic poles usually have like a string on the end you can you can prune high up to so to reach dead wood in trees or for light pruning pole pruner or tree pruner is a must-have apparently anyone got a pole pruner here I have apparently they're a must-have okay so they could cut three bites up to one the quarter inch in diameter okay and they can eat reach up to eight feet or more okay so as you could see and there are loads more things as well that's just the basics in pruning so am I talking about different Bible versions no way am I if you didn't hear the sermon this morning then do so if you wonder if different versions are going to help you hell no okay there's only one Bible isn't there there's one Bible in English that's the King James Bible I'm talking about different verses different truths different passages of the Bible now I've heard anyone heard of the book of Psalms being talked about like a medicine cabinet anyone heard that before no so I've heard preaching this before where basically they say you could prescribe a song based on the need and they said that they used to do that back back in the Old Testament you know and I don't know how much evidence of that but it sounds pretty right to me because if you think about it the book of Psalms has such a variety of songs which do suit different needs then I was thinking about this it just this is kind of off the top of my head really you've got Psalms like Psalm 23 you know the Lord is my shepherd Psalm 27 yeah the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear Psalm 91 he that dwelleth in I think it's a it's I might have it that dwelleth in the secret place of most high if you remember that Psalms oh it's the one that the devil's trying to quite misquote to Jesus in in Matthew 4 okay songs like that are great when there's something maybe if you need a bit of boldness you need some strength you're a bit fearful in life things like that those songs are great but you wouldn't turn to maybe if you're feeling fearful and things like that maybe the Psalm 38 Oh Lord rebuke me not in thy wrath Psalm 51 have mercy upon me Oh God but you would go there if you're really feeling bad about some some sin you've done remember Psalm 51 is the one where David's literally just being confronted about Bathsheba you would go to those Psalms when you're feeling remorseful wouldn't you good songs to go to but maybe maybe the issue is that your kids are just doing your head in mums you know and it's just maybe dads as well you know and you it's that you know and you're funny are you thinking well you know how am I gonna get through the day well some 127 low children are in heritage of the Lord you know the fruit of the womb is his reward good but again you go to that song that's a good time you're gonna go to that song when you need you know when you need when it's some sin that you're dealing with maybe not but you might go to that song when you just got to remind yourself of what it's all about with the kids some 119 when you've got far too much time on your hands some 119 when it's just about the strength of the word you just want to remind yourself to get in a word in it inspire you to get in the word yeah I mean there are many Psalms aren't there and that's just the book of Psalms but there are men there are so many verses you could memorize for specific problems aren't there as well maybe money and covetousness is a problem for you maybe that's a temptation for you first Timothy 6 10 for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows make that a memory verse just keep the money of that you know or pride pride might be a problem for you Proverbs 16 18 among many isn't there pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before fall and again just keep reminding you yourself of that make it a memory verse for you if that's the problem lusting after the opposite sex Matthew 5 28 but I sound to you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after I have committed adultery with her already in his heart get that on your mind remind yourself that the Word of God there are specific verses specific passages specific stories aren't there like we can go to specific pruning tools it does like I've said many times it doesn't just have to be your daily cover to cover reading plan however many times that isn't a year that's great we should all read the Bible cover to cover you know year in year out and ideally multiple times a year we should shouldn't we but but there are certain parts above a certain verses certain passages certain Psalms that are going to help you more than they might do someone else at that stage in your life that so ones that you need at that time like that specific tool yeah go to that tool get that tool find that tool go home tonight and just think what passage is it that I really you know that it's gonna help me what verses are there that right now I'm really I'm really having trouble with this go and get a verse you know get a verse memorize it get it on your heart write it on your heart and it will help you through life won't it okay regardless the Word of God's gonna help you isn't it if you did none of that and you just read the Word of God you know and you just read it you know it's gonna help you like you could go to those you could go to that branch with the chainsaw you're gonna get it off aren't you and maybe if you worked on that big six inch diameter branch long enough with that second turn you're gonna eventually get through it it might take you a lot longer than with the chainsaw but you're gonna get through it aren't you eventually but you know what you could do it quicker couldn't you if you know your Bible you know where to go you know which passages use the right tool for the right job verse four verse four abide in me and I in you as a branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me so you could look at this and say you know and it is a truth but I don't think that's the truth here you have to be saved to bear fruit okay and that's obvious isn't it this isn't what he's talking about but it is there is part of that in there because number one you do have to be saved to bear fruit don't you okay now I talk about fruit here we're talking about what's the ultimate fruit of salvation isn't it it's getting people saved and on that it you know this is a truth that needs preaching doesn't it because again this has been under attack as well so turn to Matthew chapter 7 and while you turn now I'm gonna read Romans chapter 1 verse 17 which says for therein is a righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith okay it comes from faith to faith doesn't it that's how people are saved from someone else at save Matthew 7 and from verse 15 and again a famous passage but let's just read it anyway from Matthew 7 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening wolves you shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them now and obviously that's not talking about our goodness or anything else because as we know to him that worketh not but believeth on him that just fire the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness there be that bear no fruits of the spirits we call it in terms of their own good works but but it's talking about bringing forth good for bringing forth evil fruit in terms of a false prophet isn't going to get people saved okay a false prophet isn't going to get anyone saved okay for me it's impossible Romans 10 14 says how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher okay oh well it doesn't matter whether he saved or not well no because a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit people aren't getting saved without a preacher though are they they're not getting saved without someone preaching the gospel to them and yeah that can be through a YouTube video that could be online but ultimately the best way is to have someone stand in front of you preaching the gospel to you isn't it okay and that's how people get saved but to add to that because people I think get a bit confused by this that although an unsaved person isn't going to be led into a false gospel by a saved man of God yeah obviously a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit that's not to say that some reprobate child of the devil infiltrator can't claim to have been saved by a good tree okay so just bear that in mind because there will be people for example just here's one example that will claim to have got saved by Pastor Anderson as an example and they turn out to be Judas Iscariot okay that wasn't his corrupt fruit that's someone who just lied and pretended they were saved when they weren't okay they were wicked from the beginning they never got saved they just lied and infiltrated okay so because someone comes along and goes well I was saying and they end up being wicked that's not him bearing corrupt fruit he can't bear that fruit can he okay that's just a liar but where John 15 said abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except this is verse 4 by the way except to abide in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me he's still going to save people here though so obviously that goes without saying that along with that obviously you cannot get you know the branch cannot bear fruit of itself so you couldn't if you're unsaved but here he's talking to to the eleven disciples because you're not bearing fruit reproducing if you're not doing it Jesus way are you a Christian abiding in Jesus he's following his command to preach the gospel to every creature isn't it if you're abiding in the vine abiding in Jesus a Christian not abiding in Jesus might just try lifestyle evangelism for the rest of his life yeah he's not getting people saved by just being a shining light now being a shining light is great but he needs to preach the gospel doesn't he okay you're not gonna bear fruit if all I'm just you know showing everyone my goodness well one day they might ask me about God you know I don't want to be weird don't want to bring anything up no that that's not doing it Jesus's way is it endless debates about the existence of God okay that's not Jesus's way is it just going online and debating people you know making long videos about you know the the folly of atheism now look on that you know if someone's got a real you know knowledge of that and can help maybe strengthen believers and no I'm not completely against that but I just sometimes it does get me a bit leery I just look at this stuff and just think just just go and preach the gospel you know there are plenty of people that that aren't fools in their heart that have said there is no God that want to hear the gospel preached yeah we don't have to spend you know hours days weeks months learning all the nonsense of atheism to debate it with them just preach them the gospel yeah but again they're not going to bear fruit are they various new ways of inviting the unsaved into church to and somehow trying to appeal to them to bring them in yeah you know the rock concert though oh don't worry we've got an unsaved you know every week we've got something to bring them in and out there hey just come look but Jesus said to go you into all the world and preach the gospel he said to go didn't he look if someone comes in here they want to say we want to get him saved sure but that's not that's not how we're gonna bear much fruit is it okay so here's another one giving out just giving out tracts where in the Bible did it say just to just hand out Bibles hand out tracts hand out the written word no he said preach preach got how shall they hear without a preacher okay again Jesus way abiding in the vine he's doing it his way isn't it doing it the way the Word of God tells us to do it and giving out Bible see unsaved I had someone's trying to say to this to me the other day that he wanted to give me however many Bibles that we could just give out to people on the street but it's not going to get anyone saved is it but I was at a church which seemed to be you know saved Christians that this is what they did they got I think I've said this before they got 10,000 Bibles given free by some place I think there are New Testaments actually but they're quite big New Testaments from some place in Tennessee or something it was just giving it out like some sort of you know that was their missions they basically print for free and give them out the deal is as long as you're going to distribute them then they went round to the whole area and put Bibles through letter boxes now I managed to persuade him to actually knock on the door what at least I was able to knock on the door I don't think anyone else would do it while they were giving out the Bob's actually try and give the gospel but they gave out 10,000 Bibles how many people do you think got saved off those 10,000 Bibles what a waste what a waste of time and money and effort and think like the amount of labor that's basically gone into those 10,000 Bibles shipping them here in terms of all the money involved in everything else they're giving them out the time can you imagine how many people could have got saved they're just gone out and preach the gospel I mean how many are we getting on average you know send out you know send out what 30 or something we go out as an average and maybe a few more 30 40 people go out and of which half of those are probably kids and we're coming back usually with sort of six seven eight salvations and and look that's just you know the amount of time a man has that went into just just delivering them through the doors 10,000 10,000 flight what do we get usually an order of flies two and a half thousand what's it last us now give a few weeks four weeks something like about once a month something like that it'll take us four months of soul winning four months of soul winning to give out 10,000 Bibles can you imagine how many sat well we probably know how many we get in four months of soul winning wouldn't we because in ten months you've got about 800 salvation so we'd be on we'd be on sort of 300 plus salvations and they didn't get one what a waste of time yeah that's 300 souls it could have got saved if you just look at it by our numbers here yeah wicked isn't it but again because they're not abiding in the vine are they they're just doing it their way they're doing it the way they want to do it the way really the way they want to do it because then it's not what they call confrontational soul winning because people don't want to knock on doors do they they don't want to not they don't want to talk to people they just want the least high behind just giving a track giving a track you know and kind of look the other way while you give a track you don't even have to make eye contact then you know but but look Paul needed to pray for boldness we can all pray for boldness and do you think God's gonna give it to us if it's for the right reasons he's gonna give it if it's not if it's right I want boldness so I can go and debate with atheists for hours and weeks and months you know I know but pray for boldness go out preach the gospel and he will give it to you won't we because I bet a lot of people here sitting here and maybe before they were saved or maybe even after saved work and I was a boldest guy around you know I wouldn't know but I tell you what so many men and women here and children here and now bold enough to go and knock on someone's door and know that probably there's a what you record set maybe five out of ten chance at least of getting at least a bit of a rude look and comment and something maybe maybe a one two out of ten chance around here getting someone just blatantly overly rude and slam the door and maybe a very slim chance of getting someone actually want to hear it but there are people here that wired because God's purged them because they're going out and bearing fruit you know purge them and made them strong and made and bold in that area okay so because the Bible says faith cometh by hearing and that's abiding in Jesus Christ going out and preach the gospel isn't it verse 5 but hurry up a bit because I need a few verses in right I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I and him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing and that would include some wicked false Bible perversion wouldn't it okay without Jesus the Word of God no one is getting saved are they they're not getting saved without scripture no one is getting saved are they okay so it's all well and God beings being saved and you know I'm doing God's one going out and preaching the gospel and then you're just summarizing it and doing it your way and not quoting scripture no one's getting saved are they it's a word of God which saves without the word you can do nothing he said I am the vine you had a bunch he that bided for me and I and him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing okay without doing it God you're gonna do nothing of any value are you do it Jesus's way God's way verse 6 if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned okay now obviously the work salvationist will look at this guy look look see they lose the salvation but it's not saying that is it as someone who is saved if you don't abide in Jesus you become deadwood don't you okay you become deadwood and then eventually you're getting cast forth aren't you okay you that's you know like I said you'll have people in churches eventually will just be cast forth that's it they're not bearing fruit but your soul will still go to heaven won't it your soul still going to heaven the Bible's clear about that now the work salvationist will look at this but he he didn't say hellfire did he he didn't say eternal flames he didn't say where their worm dieth not he didn't say weeping and gnashing of teeth or any of that did he he just said gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned oh well it must be hell well no because you've got to compare the Bible with the Bible don't you you know and and you know sometimes sometimes when I think about this I kind of think you know when they look at it and when they got that veil over their eyes when they're unsaved they're just looking for a verse to pull out aren't they to basically prop up what they what they believe isn't it so you get all these false wicked you know so-called versions of Christianity that don't believe in grace through faith and obviously with that is eternal security and then they're just looking for a verse look for a verse looking for a verse but when you compare Scripture with Scripture when you study to show yourself approved you know you can see clearly that that the Bible is clear that that he that believe for me have everlasting life yeah okay there's no there's no process there's no you can lose it you know it's eternal isn't it you know and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand that includes yourself doesn't it my father which gave them is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand okay the Bible's clear about that but without the veil removed they're like I said they're just looking to prop up their self-righteous lie aren't they so they're looking for it and and you know and they'll find stuff but again it said nothing about hellfire there verse 7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you so if you're in the word you're living for God you'll be asking things according to God's will won't you hopefully you will John 14 13 said and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the Sun so again whatsoever you shall ask in my name that's according to his will we looked at that last week now verse 8 here in is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall ye be my disciples so there's a good idea there there's a good principle for praying in Jesus name according to his will forget the best job the best car the best house pray that you'll get a heart for soul winning how about that pray that you will get a heart so you know that's his will isn't it pray that you will keep your heart for soul winning pray for that because look you know we don't want to think that we're all well we got so winning that's it job done for the rest of my life pray that you will keep that heart pray that you will always want to go out and get people say pray that things won't stop you getting out so winning that's a good prayer isn't it according to God's will pray that the stumbling blocks the distractions aren't gonna come in the good and stop you getting out there pray that you will become a better soul winner pray that you'll be just become clear and not say I'm gonna get the best analogy yet no look it comes from the Word of God but pray that you'll be clear you'll be clear and explain the the gospel to people in that that pray that you're just gonna gonna expand the word you're gonna be confident with it you're gonna be bold with it pray that you will then bear much fruit okay that's praying according to his will isn't it because that's what he wants that's what you know God's not willing that any should perish is it that's what we should be praying for I'm not saying you can't pray for those other things as well you know but but for me they're like that's clear obvious prayers according to God's will aren't they then cuz that much fruit that's what glorifies God and makes us disciples isn't it okay that's what makes us a disciples because that it's all well and good sound disciple of Christ because you got saved but no what's a disciple you know disciples someone that you know that actually wants to live for him as well isn't it yeah verse 9 says there's a father has loved me so have I loved you continue ye in my love well how were the disciples told to and how do we keep in his love so obviously he's talking disciples and this applies to us as well verse 10 if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love even as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love so many people at times many Christians maybe at times their life will say oh I don't think God really loves me you know he just letting me go through this or he's not answering my prayers or try keeping his commandments yeah try to keeping God's commandments now what's the are you legalist you Pharisee you're telling us we've got to live by what live by the law no you liberal Bible rejecter that you're the liberal but you people who say that stuff I asked independent fundamental Baptist Church allow something they're so legalist you know trying to tell you what you should and shouldn't do so what's wrong with you you liberal what's wrong with you what does the Bible say the Bible says if you love me he says if he says if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love even as I have kept my father's comments and abide in his love if you love me keep my commandments he said didn't he so look this is trying to help people isn't it help people to live right to abide in his love help you to abide in the love that God the Father had for God the Son that's some love isn't it that sounds good to me better than the pleasures of sin for a season doesn't it is that better than the pleasures of sin for a season oh it all looks good for a little while doesn't it all seems good but abiding in God's love that's what I want and look when you do when you when you feel like you are when you feel like you're living for God and you're trying to live for God it's a different feeling isn't it yeah that's different to any of the so-called pleasures of sin and it can be subtle kind of just about being a bit more worldly or at least you know I don't have to be too you know you know just kind of try and get the balance it's just pleasures of sin isn't it really you live for God live for God now verse 11 these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full and I want my joy to be full I hope everyone else here wants their joy to be full and that goes hand in hand with the love of God isn't it so again people I'm just so unhappy get right with God yeah get right with God that will make you happy and look and some people don't always have it seem to have the joys of life of others I'm not saying oh that's just always a sin problem you know there's you know different people are maybe you know blessed with different issues and problems and stuff but but the ultimate answer is get right with God isn't it okay because our joy may be full then but that could be the hardest time though can't it can't that be the hardest time when when because when we're unhappy we often sin more don't we we're unhappy that's when we sadly go into more sin and and you have to break that vicious cycle you have to don't you because you get unhappy you sin more you're sinning more you get more unhappy and next thing you know you're plummeting and it's hard to get out of it how do you break that vicious cycle well first things first what you need to do get soul-winning get soul-winning you know and and look obviously we should be working on every aspect of our life soul-winning you know like like we said you know it's not oh well I'm soul-winning forget the rest of it but get soul-winning yeah get soul-winning oh well I'm just too sinful no get soul-winning yeah because if you beareth the fruit he's gonna purge you isn't he okay and look just get out soul-winning however bad however rough however rubbish you feel however much you feel like you're just a sorry excuse for a Christian get out and get someone saved get out and do do do that work do that first work get out get them saved and you can break that cycle can't you okay get out and do it and obviously don't neglect everything else and with that how's he gonna purge you through the Word of God get out soul-winning read your Bible get to church and things will improve verse 12 this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you we talked about this a couple of weeks ago didn't we and we should obviously all be loving each other shouldn't we loving each other as fellow believers here verse 13 greater love hath no man than this a man lay down his life for his friends now that's the bar raised high there isn't there but there's a commandment there wasn't there in verse 12 this is my commandment that you love one another now you can say oh well that's just the 11 disciples but we're all disciples aren't we hope everyone here considers himself a disciple so would we lay down our lives for each other though don't want to ask you fresh our hands here maybe for him not for her but we should shouldn't we we should be and that that's I mean that's the bars up there is there look it could be hard you know we talked about you know things obviously look we're we're a new church and getting used to being a new church how a church functions and everything else can be hard and then with that will come in the annoyances with each other the the irritations the sometimes anger for people they're just you know sadly it can become hatred for people in a group setting meeting regularly regularly regularly and and it shouldn't but it does doesn't it because we're all sinful and it can get to that where people are just there's disliking everything else but really we should love each other as Jesus loved us and greater love hath no man this and a man lay down his life for his friends that's what Jesus Christ has done for us isn't it so that's what we should have now again like we saw it doesn't not everyone was leaning on Jesus's chest were they okay it doesn't mean okay well that's it now everyone just has to be cuddling each other and you know and best friends with everyone in no but we should at least want what's best for each other we should want to give to each other shouldn't we we should want the best we should want to pray for each other we shouldn't be desiring secretly in our hearts or in our heads something bad happens to some I don't mean something really bad but you shouldn't be thinking you know things don't go well for them you know because of the way they've spoken to me or talk to me or the way I I at least assume that they think about me that's not how it should be we should have that love that Jesus Christ and that love is a giving love where we just want what's best for each other don't we and and ultimately he laid down his life didn't he ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you wait a minute what sort of friendship is this yeah you could read that could you could go about this you know imagine I said that to one of my friends you're my friend if you do everything I tell you to do okay but turn to Psalm 119 so Psalm 119 Jesus said ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you Psalm 119 and verse 14 no sorry Psalm 119 verse 98 so verse 98 Psalm 119 98 says thou through thy commandments has made me wiser than mine enemies for they are ever with me so here we see that through the commandments we are made wiser look at verse 172 172 says my tongue shall speak of thy word for all thy commandments are righteousness so we've got we've got it making us wise we've got righteousness now you have to turn it but first John 2 3 says in here by we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments so when we do whatsoever he commands us we become wise we become righteous and we then know him makes sense then that we can then be called his friends isn't it makes friend it makes sense that he wants us to be like that to be called his friends doesn't it that if we if we keep his commands we become the sort of person Jesus wants to be friends with yeah back to John John 15 and again like you know you there are so many verses you could exhort just how often we see what the commandments are result in us is but ultimately the result is that we become more like Jesus Christ don't we and if we're more like Jesus Christ then we can be a friend of Jesus Christ can't we verse 15 hence forth I call you not servants for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my father I have made known unto you and again I still think this applies to us too because the servant isn't privy to all of the finer details is he okay the servant if anyone employs anyone you're not just telling him exactly all the ins and outs of everything and that's a great thing about the one true religion isn't it the one true religion is the Word of God gives us a knowledge and understanding that we we don't necessarily need you know don't get me wrong it's great to have it but but it's through God's grace isn't it that that we have the literal Word of God in our hands here in our King James Bibles the literal words of God in our hands and the ability to understand it through the Holy Spirit yeah now obviously we need to understand we needed to be preached salvation to be preached a gospel but as saved Christians we have access to the literal words of God okay the literal words of God and words that can make such a difference in our lives even after salvation and obviously yeah we should be you know part of that is for us to be able to go forth and bring forth more fruit but there's parts of this Bible which are just so rich and just such just a pleasure to read aren't there just a pleasure to read a pleasure to study knowledge from this Bible which isn't necessarily going to make you get more people saved but it's just it's like a gift to us isn't it and and look and that's why in a way he's saying you know I'm not calling you servants because because we know we know everything he wants us to know and and and that's not just so we can serve him he's just he's given us the ultimate gift here isn't he for life and so that we can have and so that we can enjoy and have enjoyment in life and and and so much wisdom we can get and everything else from the Word of God it's amazing really isn't it that's why Jesus calls his disciples friends and and again you know we have it don't we and you know our labor that point I don't think you could you could preach it enough but we have it we just got to read it don't we have it you got it in your hands read it read it we've got the preserved Word of God there verse 16 he said you have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name he may give it you and of course this applies to the remaining 11 disciples here who were chosen to be along with Judas the 12 yeah so nothing to do with salvation because he chose Judas too didn't he and we see that back in I think John 6 17 so the asking the father in his name is in the context of going and bringing forth fruit wasn't it that was a context here going and bringing forth fruit like I said before verse 17 these things I command you that you love one another again it's a command isn't it not a suggestion not if you can not if they're nice not if they're you got stuff in common no he commands us love one another okay we should just love each other anyway doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you got you know just just just wind me up that one make me better look still let's still love each other love each other verse 18 if the world hate you you know that it hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you if the world loves you you're of the world right the world loves you you're of the world and that's a good thing to remember when you have old friends and family fast going off you starting to separate from you don't want to be around you and I believe that this also girls goes for the worldly saved people too though yeah because let's be honest there are many saved people that seem to be of the world as well there are many worldly Christians aren't there and the non disciples are thorny or rocky ground Christians and the liberal Christian that doesn't follow his commandments it claims that you know they're just you know such a loving person everything else but they've got no interest in following Jesus command commandments they're not disciples are they they're not disciples remember John 8 31 said then Jesus said unto those said sorry then said Jesus Jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed okay if you continue in his word you're his disciples so for all those Christians that don't let's be honest a lot of them generally hate us as well don't they a lot of them should hate us yeah if they're if they're just some worldly you know non-decide a lot of them do and look it's not like they hate you because you save they hate you because the you shine the light on them don't you they hate you when you're trying to live for God when you're going out and you're trying to get people saved and you know they hate you for it and it's not because we're so great it's just thank God that we've we listen to the Word of God thank God that we read the Word of God thank God that he gave us the Word of God and thank God that he's put it in our heart to want to want to follow the Word of God it these people was they do and I think of it often with you know some of these lame churches and these you know some of these very old IFB type churches and they really do hate churches like us why why and they and they and they put up their straw man don't they they put up or at least say you know they pin it all on exists the you know they dare to suggest that the Jews aren't the chosen people like you know like that's just a deal breaker that is worthy effect and then they'll start coming out with worldly terms like anti-semite and racist and everything else or they'll claim it's because of you know just the bad eschatology the bad it's good daring to suggest that we could even go through the tribulation you know I mean how outlandish is that you know but but really it's not is it it's because of what it's because we're going out and preaching the gospel that's what it really comes down to isn't it it's because we're going out preaching the gospel getting people saying because we're trying to live for God because because and because they're not if they're out preaching the gospel I reckon and I think this is I don't know I'd be interested to hear anyone who's ever had experience of this but we don't have any churches like this here but those you know those older IFB churches out in the States the ones that are still out preaching the gospel is still out getting people staving still door-to-door soul-winning I would hazard a guess that there's very little hatred for an IFB churches they'll say yeah we disagree on some doctrines you know and that'll be it you know because they don't you know for them they might just have stuck to what they kind of learn you know pre-trib Zionism etc but but it's the ones that don't do the works isn't it it's the ones that aren't and that's and that's it he said if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I've chosen you out of the world therefore the world hate if you and sadly that's also worldly Christians I believe verse 20 remember the word that I said unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also so if Jesus Christ suffered persecution why do you think that we're we're going to avoid it oh you don't think we're going to avoid it because we're not but it's a good thing isn't it it's a good thing because he said you if they've persecute me they will persecute you if they kept my saying they'll keep yours also because if you turn to Matthew chapter 5 Jesus said they will also persecute you so get it in your head Christian you want to live for God you are gonna get persecuted you will get persecuted you probably already have been persecuted and it's only gonna get worse sorry about that but it is only gonna get worse but Matthew 5 and from verse 10 says blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are ye where men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted day the prophets which were before you rejoice be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven focus on those rewards just focus on the rewards remember the rewards just keep reminding yourself that's why it's mentioned regularly in the in the New Testament about the rewards we can gain in heaven just keep remembering that because it can be hard can't it but focus on it because you will suffer it in John 15 20 Jesus said that if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also and I I don't know I think in the context of persecution maybe talk about using our words against us that's how I read that I don't know anyone got another idea on that let me know afterwards I think they still give out use your words against us on to verse 21 but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me okay they know not him there's no having the father without the son is there okay this wicked false religion of Judaism is as lost if not more so I believe it is more so than than all other false religions isn't it okay there it's not they have the fire and I'm preaching the choir here but turn it first John to anyway this is good to have reminds of this because I mean how much you you feel like you bang your head against a wall with this if you look at other what seemed to be saved Baptist churches out there so first John 2 and by the way notice you know in what we've just been reading how it was talking about the world hating his disciples the world yeah and as we go on we see who is being referred to as the world okay not as a chosen people who are just waiting for an automatic salvation is it okay the world hating you they don't believe Moses because Jesus said had they believed Moses they would have believed him didn't he now first John chapter 2 verse 22 who is a liar but he that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist it denyeth the father and the son whosoever denyeth the son the same have not the father but he that acknowledges the son had the father also they don't have the father or the son do they I don't have either you can't have one without the other they don't have him but it's even worse isn't it then that's not just they don't have it verse 22 back to John John chapter 15 if I had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin but now they have no cloak for their sin so he's not saying they were sinless as a cloak is talking about a hiding of their sin isn't it so that everyone else their sin was hidden by the cloak of their false religion yeah verse 23 he that hateth me hateth my father also so not only not only they say they not only don't have the father they hate it they hate God they hate God if only the Zionists would get it through their head they hate him it's not oh they've just rejected Christ that's it you know they're gonna you know automatically get saved in the end time no they hate God they hate him doesn't matter when he comes in the in the sky they're not oh now now you know we're gonna get so no they hate him they're done they hate him and the hatred for Jesus Christ is everywhere isn't it isn't it everywhere and let's be honest they've just been described as the world and they are the world aren't they in our society in fact they dictate sadly these people these God haters dictate what the world believe and what the world think so much don't they the way the TV mocks and attacks Jesus Christ the way the movies present promote his holy name as some sort of curse word don't they I mean that's been pushed on people yeah I know they willfully do it but that's been pushed for years through the through Hollywood especially hasn't it just every single action here every almost every sort of film side of especially the action here every curse word isn't it is using the Lord Jesus Christ name how wicked is that how is that to promote that on TV to people the way he is openly blasphemed in wicked news articles accusing him of all sorts of things anyone ever seen this sort of stuff before you know when I started you know so-called relationships adult I mean it's wicked absolutely wicked that how you print that stuff that would never be printed about another religious figure as they would call him never would they unbelievable movies made of wicked books like the da Vinci Code is where people actually think that is that is some sort of like historical writer I think I said this a while back I had some of the customers work for go but didn't he have a relationship with me Magdalene what in the Bible no it's not in the Bible it's in the da Vinci Code and you know it's crazy isn't it it's crazy but but it's all a hatred for God the Father also isn't it they hate Jesus Christ but hate God the Father and these people just promote that hatred promote that mocking promote at all I was talking to my brother last night who unfortunately likes Ricky Gervais yeah and and and he said oh well he's just does he says he knows you know he knows who he's he's just he knows the right things to say he knows that like this kind of atheist viewpoint and mocking God and mocking Jesus he's just gonna make him more popular I said no he's made his bed with the devil hasn't he that's what he's done because really he's just he's he's just he's gone that way isn't he he's I showed my brother actually Matthew 4 after that you know if you bow down and worship me all these things will I give unto you and that's what he's done isn't he he's just just made it clear he set his is stolen yeah he has got popular and the devil's given him a lot a lot but it's not gonna be anything when he's burning in hell and to write to that guy is wicked and all these guys we and all these guys in the public eye and he's and they're all they're all they're all spatting out the same rubbish aren't they but yeah the only God that these people worship is a small God their father the devil isn't it a small G God and and that's that's it that's who and these people and again he's talking about it again here and it's throughout the Gospel of John and if only these people these people that worship them as some sort of borderline small G God themselves that you know that the holy Jew it's just if only they could read this it's just absolutely crazy isn't it absolutely crazy so unbiblical that doctrine verse 20 and by the way what I'm talking about Jews here let's just make this clear yeah like this isn't so oh he's a racist no because they're converts to a wicked religion I hate the religion like I hate all false religions but I hate that religion more because that religion is wicked and that religion blasphemes and curses Jesus Christ yeah and that that religion and that's what it is it's a religion they've been converts throughout history and they're converts in the Bible and and you are not a Jew by blood are you like you know become a some sort of you know you're an inheritor of Israel because you're the bloodline of some Ashkenazi that converted in the eighth century or whatever it was it's ridiculous it's completely ridiculous it's got nothing to do with race it is a wicked religion now you want to call you yourself a religion because of you because your mother called herself that religion that's up to you and people do that the world over it's got nothing to do with race is it but that that religion is wicked and my King James Bible says that religion is wicked and I will stand on this Bible and look cuz it will come with time why do people you know what on earth how could you say this well cuz the Bible says it doesn't it what did the Bible say who is a liar but he that deny that Jesus Christ he is Antichrist that deny the father and the son okay and they're denying that Jesus is the Christ other religions deny there is a Christ they're denying that Jesus is the Christ whosoever denied the son the same have not the father but either acknowledges the son had the father or they don't have the father okay they hate him verse 24 if I had not done among them the works which none other man did they had not had sin but now have they both seen and hated both me and my father the works which the works were all done weren't they amongst Jews weren't they the works were all done amongst what were known as Jews that day now you know there are those that say they're Jews and are not but at the synagogue of Satan but these were what were known as Jews and he did the works amongst them and they hate him and they hate the father he showed them all didn't he who he was and they openly rejected him they rejected him they not only rejected him but what do they do they set out to kill him I mean that's something else isn't it I mean we have people that reject the Lord Jesus Christ regularly when we preach the gospel but they're set out to kill him I mean that's just another level isn't it of hatred and what's that hatred for a hatred for God the father too it's not oh just oh just hopefully well we just need to reach those nice people look if they're not a reprobate great we want to reach him sadly that religion creates a lot of reprobates doesn't it and we see that and that's a sermon in itself maybe a good one okay verse 25 but this cometh to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their Lord they hated me without a cause there's not cause for it is there they hated me without cause by the way that's from Psalm 35 we don't have to go there though verse 26 but when the comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceedeth from the father he shall testify of me and ye also shall bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning and of course two of those original disciples wrote two of the Gospels Matthew and John didn't they and then with John also right in first second third John revelation you got Peter first second Peter and it you know and they did testify they did bear witness didn't they but that's the Holy Spirit isn't it testifying of Jesus through these holy men like we saw earlier in this morning sermon but we also have the Holy Spirit don't we everyone here who's saved has a Holy Spirit in dwelling them now obviously there's nothing to add to the Bible okay so don't start getting out your pens and thinking I can make an extra little chapter on there the chapter of sure foundation Baptist Church UK no but we sure can go and bear witness can't we can't we go and bear witness for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard and I hope everyone is in here thinking that well you cannot but speak the things it's not it's not a drudgery it's not some chore is it we cannot it should be something inside us it's saying let's just go and get people saving and speak the things we've seen and heard yeah and that's what we should be doing that's what we want to be doing this week and that's hopefully what we'll be coming back to do next weekend as well on that let's pray Lord God father I thank you for your word I thank you for such a great chapter of the Bible I thank you for this church I thank you for all these people help us please Lord to love each other is you know as you've loved us and as you've laid down your life for us let us just just think about that and want to love each other we pray for each other this week want to just be a great church and a great great great group of people here and Lord I thank you for I thank you for salvation I thank you for that free gift and help us to show people that help us to abide in you and and and to do that the way you want us to do that and to go out and just preach the gospel clearly go and preach it and and not just you know I hope that people will come and ask us and I pray that you'll you'll help us all to have a great week help us to to read our Bibles to abide in the word and to appreciate that Bible and to read those bits which are specific to what we need and and you know especially to work on those things that you want us to work on through your word to be purged by your word and help us to then all get back here next week and ever have a great day in Jesus name we pray all of this