(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Right, Amen. Acts chapter 13, it's a long chapter there and I just want to focus on the last several verses of Acts chapter 13 for now. So Acts chapter 30, we're going to look from verse 44, Acts 13 and verse 44, which is, And the next Sabbath day came almost a whole city together to hear the word of God. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming. When Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you, but seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. For so the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldst be for salvation to the ends of the earth. When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region. But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts. But they shook off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium, and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost. I told my sermon this morning is it's either Jewish feminism or Christian fundamentalism. It's either Jewish feminism or Christian fundamentalism. I'd like to pray before we get going with the message. Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for all the truths that you give us in your word, Lord, and these everlasting truths in many areas of life. And right now I just want to preach a message here to encourage, especially the mums here, but just everyone here to really know what it is that they're up against and to be confident in the way you tell us to do things, Lord. In Jesus' name, pray all of this. Amen. Okay, so in case you're wondering where the Mother's Day sermon is, this is it. This is the Mother's Day sermon today, because my goal today is that over the next hour, you mums are going to be encouraged that despite all of the opposition out there, you've chosen the right option. Okay, you've chosen the right option. Now, you might not get it all right. Okay, no one gets it all right. But everyone here, men included, okay, have been infected by the brainwash to some degree. Okay, everyone has to some degree. And if you're sitting here listening to this kind of preaching, you're already that much better off than the majority of this nation. Okay, just sitting here listening to this, you're already that much more likely to choose the right option because for me, there is only really two choices, ladies. Okay, there's two choices when it comes to this. It's either Jewish feminism or it's Christian fundamentalism. They're your two choices in life. That's your options. I want to show you that today very clearly along with some ways to help you resist the brainwash because there's a lot of brainwash out there and it comes from many different angles. Turn to Esther chapter 8, please. Keep a place obviously in Acts 13. We're going to be coming back there. But turn to Esther 8. The title is it's either Jewish feminism or Christian fundamentalism. And point number one, or maybe question number one is what is Jewish feminism? So what is Jewish feminism? So let's define what I mean by Jewish first. I'm talking about followers of the religion, the religion of Judaism. Okay, that's what I'm talking about today. A false religion which has rejected the word of God. Now, in the same way that a Muslim or a Catholic or many other religions will have followers, those that identify due to their parents, okay, that basically inherit their parents' religion, Judaism is obviously no exception with that, with many considering themselves Jewish because their mums are Jew. Okay, that's kind of how it works a lot of the time. However, like other religions, there are many converts as well. Okay, there are many converts to Judaism. It's not a race. It's not a race. There are many converts you could convert to Judaism. Some famous mass conversions have happened over the years. And in fact, even before the Jews ceased to be a physical nation, and the religion became what it is now, there were still conversions. Okay, you could join the nation of Israel when it was a nation of Israel, you could join Judea, you could worship God if you chose me, and to be counted as part of them. And then there's also in the Bible, we see a big conversion. One of these is documented here in the book of Esther around two and a half thousand years ago. Now this is after the ordered mass revenge of the Jews upon all their enemies within the Persian Empire, which is known as Purim, the festival or celebration of Purim. And in Esther 8 and verse 17, it says this after this, and in every province and in every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many, notice that word there, many of the people of the land became Jews, for the fear of the Jews fell upon them. And by the way, the Empire covered 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia at that time. So nearly 500 years before Christ, there was a mass conversion. There's a mass conversion to become what at that point was a physical nation. Now obviously they did return, okay, so whether or not though many of those dispersed Jews ever returned to Judah, in 70 AD Jerusalem was razed to the ground anyway. So it ceased to exist, really, because it was absolutely destroyed, they were dispersed, and a physical nation ceased to exist, okay. Turn to Romans chapter 2, which was written before that destruction, it was before 70 AD, yet Paul still makes it very clear that there is no such thing as a physical Jew anymore, okay, in God's eyes. Romans chapter 2 and verse 28, Romans 2, 28 says this, for he is not a Jew, he's not a Jew, which is one outwardly. Neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew which is one inwardly. And circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter whose praise is not of men, but of God. Who's he talking about? Well in Philippians 3, 3, Paul said to the Philippian church of believers, for we are the circumcision. We are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. It's believers that have replaced the physical nation. Okay, that's clear as day in the New Testament, unless you're looking at it from a completely distorted viewpoint and you won't just take the Bible for what it says. We've replaced the physical nation as a spiritual nation, we've replaced them, we are the real Jews. If you're a believer, if you've put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you're a Jew in God's eyes. Now turn to 1 John 2, however in the book of Acts and elsewhere, these people are known as the Jews. That's what they're known as by everyone, they're known as the Jews, despite God not recognising them as his people anymore. And their God rejecting false religious ways continue through the New Testament, being the main persecutors, really pretty much the only true persecutors of the believers in early churches. It's all about the Jews, but the Jews, the Jews, the Jews. It's all about these people that are known as the Jews. And neither did that stop by the way, nor the mass conversions with the famous, for example, Ashkenazi conversions of the 8th century. Now what's interesting is when you try and look into this now, they try to deny it all as a myth. Oh it's a ledger, oh it's a load of nonsense, there was no mass conversion. We're meant to believe that all those pasty, white, blue-eyed, ginger Jews are somehow some sort of Semitic people. I mean it's ridiculous that they're not from Europe, which they clearly are, but whatever. Because whether or not it's denied or not, there's, it doesn't matter because there's no more evidence for them being the descendants of Abraham than for me being a descendant of Abraham. There is no evidence. It's nonsense. It's a load of, and it just moves the goalpost, so then it becomes racism, anti-Semitism instead of going, no that religion is wicked. Those people are wicked. That is a wicked, blasphemous Christ-rejecting religion. Yet even if some of the religion was, even if some of those people were descendants of Abraham, it makes no difference. It doesn't really matter. As Timothy was told nearly 2,000 years ago in 1 Timothy 1.4, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying witches and faiths they do. It's all about the faith, and these people don't have faith in the God of the Bible. And again, I know most people know this just to make it clear, just to remind you again, because people get their heads turned by this stuff. People aren't sure about this stuff. 1 John 2 and verse 21, 1 John 2 21 says, I have written unto you, sorry, I have not written unto you because you know not the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father, but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father. Also, there's no they just worship the Father. They don't worship the Father. They don't have the Father. They're Antichrist. Okay, it's an Antichrist religion. In fact, Jesus said that these Christ-rejecting Jews didn't even believe Moses. They don't even believe, you go, well, I thought they just believed the old, they just believed the Torah. No, they don't even believe Moses. In John 5 46, he said, for had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me. But they don't believe Moses. They don't believe, they don't believe the Bible. So what we call the Jews and Jewish today are, though, the spiritual descendants, you could say, of an Antichrist lying false religion. That's what we know of as Jews to this day. A religion that is basically the sworn enemy of Bible believing Christians. It's kind of you've got Bible believing Christians on this side, and you've got the synagogue of Satan on the other side. Now, turn to 1 Thessalonians 2, where we're told this in no uncertain terms, okay. Despite this, you still have these moronic so-called Bible believers worshipping them all over the place. You've got these people that claim to believe the Bible, that claim to believe every single word of God, and somehow see passages like this, read all of this, and then fall down at the feet of the Jew. And again, when I say the Jew, just how we refer to them, okay. Not in God's eyes, okay. And even in the book of Acts, and you could say, okay, obviously it's pre-70 AD, but regardless, they're referred to as the Jews, because that's just what they're known as. They're known as the Jews, okay. However, now the only Jew in God's eyes is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. So who these people are fooling down and sending money to Israel and praying for Israel five times, so to say the same thing. I mean, that is just, I mean, that's beyond bizarre. I mean, it's full-on wicked. It really is. It's wicked. Well, he said this in 1 Thessalonians chapter 2. Paul is talking to the church in Thessalonica, and he says in verse 11, as you know how we're exalted and comforted to charge every one of you as a father to his children, that you would walk worthy of God, who has called you unto his kingdom and glory. For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God, which he heard of us, you received it not as a word of men, but as it is in truth the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. For ye, brethren, became followers of the church of God, which in Judea are in Christ Jesus. For ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us, and they please not God, and are contrary to all men, forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins alway, for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. God definitely doesn't have a soft spot for these people, okay? Oh yeah, you know, there is special little people that he just wants to put his life... No, the wrath has come upon them to the uttermost. They're contrary to all men. Verse 15, where he said that, contrary means opposite, adverse. You could say they're in opposition to all men. And let me tell you one of the many ways that these people, this religious folk, are contrary to all men. Through the promotion of feminism. That's one of the ways these people are contrary to all men, because it destroys all sorts of people, is through the promotion of feminism. Feminist ideology. All this feminism being pushed everywhere is one of the ways they're contrary to all men. Now you might say, hold on, this is getting a bit conspiratorial now. What have those nice hat-wearing religious folk got to do with feminism? Well, turn to Titus chapter 1. You turn to Titus 1, and what I read, something from the Jewish Women's Archive. So this is what they hold to themselves. This is JWA, which is one of their organisations, and this is the article in brief, their summary. Jewish women played a significant role in all aspects of the American feminist movement. Advocating for women's suffrage, birth control and reproductive rights, peace, improved conditions for working women, the Equal Rights Amendment and gender equality. In the early and mid-1960s, Jewish women, including Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem and Letty Cott in Pogribin, helped to launch second wave feminism. Many younger Jewish women pioneered radical feminism later in the decade. In some women's liberation collectives, as many as two-thirds to three-quarters of members were Jewish. American feminists did not always acknowledge Jewish women's issues and contributions. At times, women's rights proponents espouse antisemitic, anti-immigrant or anti-Zionist views. Notwithstanding sometimes fraught-if issues, Jewish women have been among the most passionate crusaders for feminist goals. Now, in case you're sitting there going, isn't feminism a good thing? We were told it's a good thing, aren't we? I mean, they're claiming it like, look, you know how great we are. Well, just in case you're not the linguist type, because not everyone's gifted with the skills of being a linguist, maybe you're not fluent in doublespeak. I'm going to give you a bit of a translation here. I'm going to help you with some translation of what we call doublespeak. Women's suffrage. Translation, men no longer head of the household. That's what women's suffrage means. Birth control and reproductive rights. Translation, right to be a whore and murder babies. Peace. Translation, abandon the children to politically protest. Improved conditions for working women. Translation, double the workforce half of the salary. Equal rights amendment. Translation, encourage divorce and single parenting. Gender equality. Translation, set an unattainable level for both genders. You're in Titus 1, in case you're wondering. Really? Come on. Well, Titus 1 says this in verse 10. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not for filthy Luca's sake. That's what the Bible tells about these people. The Bible tells us that they subvert whole houses. They teach things which they ought not for money, for cash, to get richer. For filthy Luca's sake. And as we'll see in a minute, it's all contrary to the Bible. The whole lot of it. In fact, it's contrary to all men, and it didn't just start in the 1960s. I'm going to carry on with that article with another couple of bits of it. For example, one of the earliest activists on behalf of Equal Opportunity for Women was Ernestine Rose. Born in a shtetl in Poland, Rose, the daughter of a rabbi, came to the United States in 1836. That's like a lovely, holy, pious woman. Well, he raised really well. In the next generation, Maud Nathan, here's another one, a descendant of one of the leading Sephardi families in the United States, became the suffrage movement's most significant Jewish leader. Nathan came to suffrage through her work as president of the New York Consumers League. They get to high positions of power as well, don't they? And it wasn't just the women, okay? Before the suffrage, the women voting was passed, by the way. Before that was passed, it says in New York City, Jewish neighbourhoods provided the strongest voting support for women suffrage. That's the men voting for it. In 1915, in fact, the only Manhattan assembly district to vote in favour of suffrage was predominantly Jewish, as were other districts with relatively high suffrage votes. Fast forward 100 years, you've got Jewish movie producers, Jewish music producers, Jewish media-owned outlets promoting a level of feminism that Betty Friedan and the rest of that gang could never have imagined. I mean, they couldn't have ever, in their wildest dreams, thought that they would have got... I doubt they could have thought we would have got to this now. Body flaunting, fornicating, cross-dressing, kung-fu kicking, loud, stubborn, child-murdering public heroes with billions of followers. I mean, it's like you couldn't have imagined it 100 years ago. What we've got to now. But there's nothing new under the sun. And this sort of targeting, especially of women, okay, and of course the targeting of those in power to be, to facilitate this, to promote this and everything else, isn't new at all. It's not new. Back in Acts chapter 13, if you go back there, let's see what's going on, because Paul and his company are in Antioch, Pisidia, where Paul is preaching in the synagogue, where he finishes like this. Acts 13 and verse 32, it says, and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, this verse 32 into verse 33, God has fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he has raised up Jesus again as it is also written the second Psalm, thou art my son this day have I begotten thee. And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption. He said on this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David. Wherefore he saith also in another Psalm, thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption. For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep and was laid unto his fathers and saw corruption. But he whom God raised again saw no corruption. Be it known unto you therefore, men of brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses. That's pretty clear, isn't it? Beware therefore lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets behold you despisers and wonder and perish for I work a work in your days a work which you shall in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you. He's talking about at this point these physical Jews and when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Now when the congregation was broken up many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas who speak to them persuaded them to continue in the grace of God and the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God. So they've got the whole city coming yeah almost almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God but when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and spake against those things which are spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming and that's something that we'll see as we go into more into this sermon that they do when it comes to things like the subjects of feminism and everything else contradicting and blaspheming the word of God. Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you but seeing you put it far from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo returned to the Gentiles for so the Lord commanded saying I've set thee to be a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldst be for salvation to the ends of the earth and when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life believes so those who were going to get saved got saved basically and the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region but the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coast but they shook off the dust of their feet against him and came unto Iconium and the disciples were filled with join with the Holy Ghost the title is it's either Jewish feminism or Christian fundamentalism number one what is Jewish feminism it's the old age old sorry tactic of stirring up both influential men and respectable even saved and religious women to then reject the word of God because that's ultimately what they're doing they're stirring up to reject the word of God there are multiple goals okay to the feminist brainwash multiple all over it's multifactorial there's all sorts of goals there's all sorts of benefits that these people get from it there are multiple targets but let me tell you what the spiritual angle is really to stir people up to then get angry and reject the word of God to stir up women especially but also men as well to get angry at life at everything and ultimately to get angry at the word of God to not then want to follow the clear basic teachings in the word of God for their lives for how to live and everything else and to reject it because they're stirred up and they just can't get over i just can't believe god would say this i don't believe like oh that i'm expected to behave like this or live like that or anything else and they're just stirred up and stirred up and stirred up the whole time whether it's the unsaved that are so angry at the thought of a male god have you ever come across those people before so angry at the thought that god is a man oh i'm not worshipping a man you know there are women out there like that right who won't even won't even contemplate salvation won't even contemplate hearing the word of God because of the stirring up they're so angry at the thought of it or the saved that are so affected that they can't submit to the word of God they're so affected by it they can't submit to a husband they can't submit to a pastor they can't submit to God they can't submit to God's will for their life they just can't handle it i mean there are women that are like i just yeah i wouldn't want to go there and be like preach that oh i mean look some man telling me how to live and what to do and everything else and and really what they say is i don't want God telling me what to do and they're so stirred up they just can't just just think normally because of the stirring tactics of the enemy in verse 44 they wanted to hear the word of God look at verse 44 the next Sabbath they came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God but by verse 50 they were getting kicked out of town but the Jews verse 50 stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of the coast what was the difference the stirring up really of the doubt devout and honorable women and with that the chief men of the city and whether it's the devout and honorable women in the chief men's ears or it's the stirring tactics of the Jews in the chief men's ears it got to the point where they're kicking out the people that they all came to hear preach the word of God because they've been stirred up to reject the word of God the title is it's either Jewish feminism or Christian fundamentalism number one is what is Jewish feminism well it's a stirring tactic to make people reject the word of God number two what is Christian fundamentalism well keep a finger here and turn to psalm 119 psalm 119 fundamentalism is one of those words that has negative connotations okay but according to dictionary.com it's a form of a religion especially Islam or Protestant Christianity that upholds belief in the strict literal interpretation of scripture so one of the reasons it's viewed so negatively is because of the crazy Muslims and their joke bible impersonations okay that's one of the reasons because because you've got these all these like have many millions billions of Muslims around with their pretend bible the Quran which is just like a bad copy of it running around trying to take a literal interpretation of the illiterate writings of a pedophile and that is just a laughing stock so then people look at fundamentalism and we're tied with the same brush right oh it's fundamentalist and they just think Muslim fundamentalists and and with all the kind of you know terrorism stuff and everything else the bad extreme and this is something that we see a lot in life the bad extreme is often used by the enemy to lump us all in together with the nutters this is a tactic that you see a lot so you get people that just go so extreme with things to then just lump us all in and and some bad people do this where they infiltrate our sort of you know soul-winning church and stuff and then just act like complete nut jobs and then they try and infect other people with it and then people just look at this sort of stuff and just think you know that's that's that's Christian fundamentalists right that's independent fundamental baptists but once you remove the pedophile worshipers is believing in the strict literal interpretation of scripture that crazy is it really that crazy believing in the literal interpretation of the word of god and of course only where it is clearly to be interpreted literally okay they like to act as if you know we're just looking at the poetic books and taking it all just literal you know and the obvious symbolism in the bible no no it must be literal but when the bible says thou shalt not still that's supposed to be literally interpreted isn't it but there are many other places in the bible many other areas many other scriptures that are meant to be literally interpreted especially considering that in matthew 4 4 you don't have to learn that jesus said this to the devil but the answer said it is written man should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god so we're told that man needs to live by every word that proceeds and then you're called a fundamentalist for wanting to believe every word for wanting to follow every word considering that the psalm is said in psalm 119 and verse 105 you're in psalm 119 verse 105 thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and at that same holy spirit inspired psalm is said in verse 11 of psalm 119 thy word have i hidden my heart that i might not sin against thee if i want my feet to be guided my path to be lit if i want to try and not to sin against the god of this universe i better take a strict literal interpretation of scripture surely it's the only way surely thank god that i can trust that i have his preserved words because psalm 119 verse 89 says forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven forever you don't believe in the inspiration so you don't believe in the preservation of scripture well how can you trust any of it suddenly you become the final authority however if i have his everlasting set of words and i need every word to live i consider it pretty strange for a believer not to live by them now look i don't consider it strange for believers to fail whilst trying to live by them i just find it weird for someone to be saved have the words of god and just discard them to one side it's bizarre in fact i don't just find it strange i believe it to be rebellious i believe it to be disobedient i believe it to be foolish it's foolish to have the words of god to have his guidance for your life telling you how to live how to behave how do i how to conduct your relationships so many things are just going nah what does that jew tell me to do what does that guy with that weird hat tell me to do it's bizarre isn't it bizarre it's fun it is the options it's fundamentalism or it's pick and choose ism it's fundamentalism or it's i know betterism and there's a lot of i know betterism types around aren't they but they're your options in life and my bible says in psalm 118 and verse eight it is better to trust in the lord than to put confidence in man it's better to trust in the lord than to put confidence in yourself in your weird long-haired hippie lecturer at college or university to put trust in whatever guru on social media on tv or to put trust in some god-hating jew it's better to trust in the lord what is christian fundamentalism it's faith in the preserved words of god it's faith in those same words that you trusted for salvation you trusted those words for salvation didn't you you trusted that the that those words that told you that it's faith alone got you saved why aren't you trusting the rest of it it's faith in both the inspiration and preservation of god's word without the fundamentals without the fundamentals in anything you just won't last long will you for example without the fundamentals of football is something online i took charlie to some little football team for the last couple of weeks yeah so without and and what do you know what they do with with with five yards playing football is they give them a ball and basically keep it at their feet so they have all these different drills and everything else to basically just keep the ball near them they go around obstacles they do this they do that because you know why because one of the fundamentals of football is to be able to control and dribble a ball and you could they could have got them doing top court like crossbar challenges they could have got them doing all sorts of other stuff but without the fundamentals they're going to be a lousy footballer if you can't control a football you're going to be a lousy footballer and and because the fundamentals are so important and okay it's a mother's day summer forget football okay there's some fundamentals to cooking okay are we on the page right page now okay there's fundamentals to cooking aren't there it's all well and good to start looking at the most you know in-depth you know menu out there and recipe for doing if you can't boil an egg if you don't know how to if you don't know when that water reaches a boiling point if you're just staring and going i don't know why it's bubbling must be something wrong with it there's no what's going on here you can't you can't just do basic cooking skills you don't know how to chop something and cut something you know you're getting out a butter knife and just i don't know why this tomato won't cut or something else you know whatever it is that what you ain't going to be able to be a good successful cook a successful chef someone who's able to cook good meals because you need the fundamentals you need the basics you need the fundamental but it's the same with christianity without believing the word of god what is your faith really in what's your faith in you won't last in the long you won't last in the christian life you won't last in the christian battle if you don't believe in this book if you don't believe the fundamentals the word of god every word is pure how are you going to survive turn to first john five the title is it's either jewish feminism or christian fundamentalism number one what is jewish feminism it's a stirring tact to make people reject the word of god number two what is christian fundamentalism it's faith in the inspired preserved words of god and point number three why is it then a choice between the two why is it a choice between the two because all aspects of the feminist movement all of it is contrary to the word of god the whole lot of it because however you try to stir it up it's wicked god haters trying to destroy families whichever way you dress it up you whichever way they stir you to get angry at this and upset at that and everything else all they're really trying to do is destroy you is to make you reject the word of god and then destroy you destroy your family destroy your children destroy your marriage destroy you before you even get there so you're unable to have a successful marriage you're unable to have a successful family you're unable to raise your kids properly because you're so stirred up by jewish feminism and here's the thing it's no good going halfway either you're no good as a half feminist okay it's all well i'm only like halfway there i'm like a half feminist i've got one foot in feminism another foot in the bible well james 1h says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways if a double-minded man is always a double-minded woman okay unstable in all their ways you'll never be happy honestly you'll never be happy you'll always have problems it doesn't work the because it's designed to destroy you it's the point in all this brainwash all this stuff that you're getting from every angle from every single pretty much movie out there cartoons kids books you name it all that brainwash the music the music industry all the different stupid series all of it the whole lot of it the point is to destroy you it's to stir you up to reject the truths the clear obvious truths of life it's kind of like you know for example you know does not nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is shame unto him you know there are just things that we just know deep down you know if i came in here with a ponytail it's just a shame it doesn't matter whether it said it in a bible or not we just know that we know that but it's same with with so much of the feminism it's just you know it deep down but you get brainwashed and brainwashed and brainwashed and then you get so worked up and worked up and they work on women's emotions especially but don't get me wrong so many men are guilty of this so many men are guilty of not leading their daughters leading their wives away from this filth it's designed to destroy you because the jew doesn't love you did you know that yeah those jewish feminists writing harlots didn't ever love you they hate you they hate you the the hollywood producer doesn't love you he hates you like they're not going oh we just want what's best for these poor women they hate you you want to destroy your life the brainwashed feminazi is just relaying all their junk doesn't love you they hate you they hate you because you're not one of them they hate you because you show them how they should live because you're showing them how how really women should live and deep down they know they know they're completely out to lunch there but god god loves you god loves you and in first john five three you're in first john five aren't you first on five three says for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous so i'm going to show you some of god's commandments when it comes to feminism and show you what those commandments are in comparison and he says his commandments are not grievous there's nothing grievous about it there's nothing painful nothing hurtful there's nothing harmful about how god wants us to live in our lanes in life so you turn to first corinthians chapter 11 we saw that one of their buzzwords is women's suffrage and i told you that the doublespeak translation is men no longer head of the whole household what they're basically saying and you go oh but women must be able to vote we've been told all our lives how terrible it is for women not to vote why why if the design for a woman is either to be under the headship of her father or the headship of her husband what why does she need to vote what's that got to do with anything let alone the fact that democracy is a sham anyway but regardless why does she what and they're so important oh of course they need to burn their bras quick like what who cares who cares it's just to take away that that pass they're no longer now under the headship of their father or their husband now they're on equal footing that's what it's about but first corinthians 11 and verse 3 says but i would have you know that the head of every man is christ and ahead of the woman is a man and ahead of christ is god there's there's a chain of authority in life there's god the father and then there's god the son he he willingly submits unto the father and we willingly submit to the lord jesus christ as men and women should be willingly submitting to their husbands that's what the bible says oh it's just so terrible oh we're not equal well look you so many of you men answer and and because that's the way situations are alive sadly because we none of us here probably were raised as god would have wanted us raised we'll have to submit to people in the workplace are you now suddenly inferior on unequal footings with god to your unsaved employer is your whoever your employer i bet some people have some pretty probably bad employers out there some pretty ungodly employers some people out there that that you probably would look at and go i don't think probably they impress god too much but it doesn't matter because you're just that's just your role you're just submitting to them in the workplace god forbid that you submit to your husband who loves you who's told to love you no matter what it's ridiculous turn to ephesians chapter five we saw another buzzword birth control and reproductive rights and my translation was the right to be a whore and murder babies that's what it's about isn't it birth control and what they're really talking about is whores running around fornicating and ephesians 5 3 says but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be once named among you as become of saints he's saying it shouldn't even be once aimed among believers fornication sleeping around and reproductive rights you know what that means don't you that means we should have a right to murder our baby we should have a right to do something which should be against law and should be punishable by death annexus 2013 says thou shalt not kill that's pretty clear isn't it again you've got feminism and you've got the bible you've got feminism and you've got fundamentalism you've got jewish feminism because that's where it's all coming from and you've got christian fundamentalism turnititis too another one they say peace now had a look into this what exact piece are they talking about well it's basically talking about the that it was their right to politically protest wars and other things etc it was the right for these women to go and do these marches and these protests against for example the vietnam war and things like this basically it's the right to abandon their role as as and help meet for their husband to abandon their role looking after the children training up the children everything else and go and stand somewhere getting involved in politics so my translation for that is abandon the children to politically protest is that what god wants them doing is that the battle that especially christians we're called to of course not a waste of time and all you're really doing all you're really doing that so where the kids who's looking after the kids were you doing that i'll tell you where the kids often are that's even more easy to shove the kids even younger into the school system into the extra care into the preschool the post school the weekend clubs midweek extra clubs that the holiday clubs and everything else so we could go and protest but titus 2 4 says that they may teach the young children talking about the the older women that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children how are you loving your children when you're casting them off to who knows who so you can go and protest somewhere you could go and hold placards and and decide that you you know you need to have your voice heard rather than what you should be doing is raising your kids and keeping away from all the dangers and all the predators out there how about improved conditions for working women oh that's okay isn't it translation double the workforce half the salary it's simple economics isn't it get more and more women into the workplace you don't have to pay people so much now because it's supply and demand we've got so many people wanting the jobs they're going to work for less now because we've just doubled the workforce oh and by the way the kids are back in the school the kids are back being raised by the state the kids are back being raised by the state while mum's in the workplace trying to feel like because being a mum ain't good enough is it and that's and don't they work in many angles on that with how many mums here have constantly had that like somehow being a mum is a failure being a mum is somehow you know you're opting for the kind of the the consolation prize in life you could have been a career woman in a trouser suit but now you're just a mum how wicked is that right and that's what it's all about getting me in the workforce and and for not just for the economic benefits for these people titus titus 2 5 though says about teach those young women to be discreet chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed it's pretty clear isn't it what god's will for women is what god's will for the woman is turn a mark 10 the equal rights amendment my translation is encourage divorce and single parenting because that's basically what it's like that's what it was all about is to be able to just up the divorces to be able to give them rights to be able to have children not have to be you know submit to some man and everything else and mark 10 9 though says this because let's be honest they're pushing for divorce i mean now i i think they have no fault of also it's just like a ridiculous it's like we fell out of love it seems to be enough reason to to convince them that your divorce is legitimate but there are no full divorces out there and that's pretty much what they have anyway there's always something they have some like an easy way for it but it's wicked god hates it and mark 10 9 says what therefore god has joined together let not man put asunder there's no justification in god's eyes let not man put asunder no divorce and turn of genesis to the last one of their buzzwords is gender equality and the translation at least when this was was to set an unattainable level for both genders now of course you can add in all that queer transgender sick twisted filth into half of this stuff they've managed to push in there as well but just aside from all of that the idea with this gender equality really is to push and promote the idea that basically that and this is what happens is women are constantly being judged by men's standards and then you've got men now even to some degree being judged by women's standards in terms of whether it's in the workplace or out of the workplace it's like we're somehow all just the same it's complete nonsense it says in genesis 2 18 and lord god said it is not good that the man should be alone i will make him and help meet for him that's suitable for him with the help is suitable for him you know like if you ever i don't know if for example as some people get older and maybe in a manual job it gets to the point where it's like it can get hard to do all the hard graft and they need to be doing some other bits and pieces like you know maybe they need to be doing the more technical stuff and need someone just to push a wheelbarrow to lift some stuff and everything else so they get someone suitable for that job who complements their skill they're able to sort out and work out they get a labor who can lift and carry and when it comes to to men and women together we have different skills it's a help so if men could have children without women and could just somehow have our own children if like is it the stalk just delivered the the child i don't know what the old story was and everything else yeah the bundle and suddenly there was just a child on your doorstep we would be stuffed completely that child probably wouldn't survive a few years even if with all the best formula and everything in the world we'd be forgetting when to feed it the whole thing would be a complete mess because we're not suited to it if men were just left with their own homes and never had a woman involved or anything else we would probably die from all sorts of bacterial poisoning and everything else it would be squalor it'd be horrendous that's just the reality now look i'm not saying everyone here every man here is some filthy deranged scumbag or something else but what i am saying is that the reality of it is is that we we need women to help us and in the same way if you shove the woman in the workplace or you and you said to her right i need you working 60 hours a week now manual work she ain't doing it the majority of women cannot do that sort of thing they can't just provide for example just run like a self-sufficient home or and land and stuff and a lot of the things which people used to do in the past it ain't happening we're there to complement each other and in a hundred different ways my wife softens me my wife gives me other angles to think about in this job for example she's she'll counsel me in things we'll talk about things and vice versa you know and and and there are many things and things she has to deal with her thoughts that she needs a man's point of view on and she might need you you know a sort of a more logical viewpoint i'm kidding sometimes right but same the other way right sometimes i it's like yeah but you know actually think about this have some compassion in this area or something look we just have different skills we have different different attributes don't we we complement each other there is no equality because we're not the same it's ridiculous but then if you want to use the word true equality is when we're not being judged by each other's strengths because here's the thing okay when you finally accept your role in life when you fulfill god's will for your life and not some god-hating jews goal for your life you'll finally be happy honestly you'll finally be happy go back to acts 13 verse 49 in acts 13 said and the word of the lord was published throughout all the region but the jews stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city and raised persecution against paul and barnabas and expelled them out of their coast okay what did they do but what did these guys do but they shook off the dust of their feet against him and came unto iconium they moved on and lived a miserable life restricted by that misogynistic god no verse 52 and the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy ghost and that's the goal of this sermon really okay because there are just so many unhappy women out there due to feminism there really are it's not just women girls growing up women of different ages different stages whether they're married not married whether they've whether they've been married or no longer married whether the kids are growing up whether the kids are young when they don't have any kids there's just all these unhappy women around and they're all unhappy because of feminism because they've been stirred up by this junk to somehow feel discontented to feel hard done by to feel like they need to do this and they're just failing and and it's that's what it's all that's what all of this stuff is for and they're not happy so many mums that are made to feel as though they're somehow inferior because they don't wear that trouser suit to work so many mums out there still feel that to this day because they've been so infected so hit by it so many girls growing up thinking well do i really want to have kids because you know i could have had this great career i could have done this i could and that infects christians too because it's everywhere because as much as you might shield your kids from the tv you might shield your kids from the movies it's in the books and you shield them from certain books and it's around them everywhere they go and it's just constant and constant and constant so many mums that are spoken down to because they submit to their husbands instead of someone else's husband in the workplace or to some feminist in the workplace and and they feel inferior but they feel like so you know people treat them like somehow they failed in life like somehow they're a doormat but they haven't they haven't failed if they're doing it god's way so many young ladies growing up ruining their lives chasing a pointless career chasing some oh if i could get trained up in this and if i could get in debt at university to get this and get this and get that and get and then i'll have a better career and it's like what a waste of your young years you could have been learning all sorts of skills it could have helped with motherhood you could have been doing so much for god you could have been doing all this stuff and instead you're just chasing the career and you and they're never happy show me a happy feminist they're never happy they're fuming raging dyeing their hair all sorts of colours because they're so angry it's true though isn't it just can't look manly enough get some even straighter trousers on even baggy a t-shirt ah that's that's what i see out there never see someone just like happy as anything i'm a feminist the life is great they're a feminist and i hate everyone and everything and every man out there that's not part of feminism they say stuff like this it's every man's duty to be a feminist and they hate everyone that's not so many women rejecting the word of god because they've got one foot in the jewish feminist fables and and that's the reality isn't it there are so many women and there will be in this church there will be at this church there will be throughout the world that are so unhappy in life because one foot is still in those jewish feminist fables and they just can't get it out they can't pull it out and they just constantly just oh if only just and they're just going either way then i know what to do verse 52 said and the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy guys what's the disciple saw that last week didn't we someone continuing in his word if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed a disciple is someone continuing in the word of god and it's the disciples here that were filled with joy because that's where true joy comes from that's how you get filled with the holy ghost by walking in the spirit and denying the flesh yeah the fleshly pride the fleshly cares of this life you say but but the pressure is everywhere because it is isn't it okay the brain washes everywhere the influence is everywhere turn to romans 12 it could be hard because you might you might not have resisted now you're trying to resist it but you've also got all this just feminist brainwash that's been getting literally drilled into your brain from when you were from a child until whatever age you are now and that includes men brainwashed in one way or another but they work on women's emotions with this they work on that because a lot look we most people have a sense of fairness in life don't they they want fairness in every area so they work on that a lot as well like it's somehow just so unfair so again they just it's stirring up stirring up stirring oh it's just so unfair i should be able to go and lift weights as well ah i should be able to get a boxing ring and get my face smashed in by some crazed dyke why can't i get my face smashed in as well honestly that's what they're like you should see fight sports it's like becoming a 50 50 split some of these shows now full of all these women smash each other's faces in i was explaining this to my kids yesterday i'd say that's like that's what testosterone does makes you want to smash each other's faces in okay it's something that we kind of have a temptation and want to do sometimes right because we're men we're like yeah it's like it's a manly thing in a way now i'm not saying it's a good thing yeah i'm not saying look you're not manly if you don't smash each other's faces in but it's something that kind of tempts us to do that because of the testosterone that's not a feminine attribute so what's making all these women want to jump in rings and cages especially when they're much much higher likelihood of getting a severe injury they're much more likely to be concussed they're much more likely to get brain injury they're much more likely to have knee tears ligament damage major injuries because they're not built for it they're not made for it yet all these women everywhere are jumping in and smashing each other up getting each other in head locks choking each other nugging each other in the ring and all that stuff okay they're not looking each other sometimes they're pulling each other's hair it's wild when they fight wild right and it's like what on earth where's that come from it's not natural but you know i know one place where the influence isn't it's my king james bible there ain't no feminism in my king james bible there ain't none of it in my king james bible when i read my king james bible i don't come away going yeah i need to get my wife in a fight sports more maybe jail with the old tent peg i need to get rid of camping more oh yeah well i need to get my wife into you know i need to get her out in the workplace and get her a real proper career like who do you know what i mean and that's the thing because romans 12 says this says in verse one i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercy of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god and here's the thing the more you renew your mind with this book the more you realize that none of that jewish feminism is any good none of it the more you read it the more you read and read and read and not not just read with the kind of you know not take it in but the more you read you wanna you have a heart to want to learn from god you want him to teach you want to learn the more you read through your bible the more it should flush out a lot of that feminism that's how you renew your mind that's how you you're transformed by the renewing of your mind and then paul goes on after that he reminds us of our differing abilities working together basically saying we all have different skills it all works together in that passage and then he says in verse nine he says let love be without dissimulation he then says abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good we should hate feminism if you're a bible believing christian if you love the lord if you want to cleave to that which is good you should hate it you should despise it i'm not just talking about the men here i'm talking about the women here i'm talking about the young ladies here i'm talking about the young men here i'm talking about everyone should abhor they should hate that which is evil and they should cleave to that which is good that's the reality of it isn't it and feminism is evil it's pure and simple evil isn't it that's what it is and like i said you might think this wasn't a very warming mother's day sermon past the time i might have to go home and you know put on some nice songs about loving mums and stuff like that look you know what though this is this is the sort of thing that women need to hear you know what it's sort of thing that we all need to hear because like i said the goal is is that what i want you to do is as ladies as mums as as as young ladies as girls growing up especially that's who we're preaching i'm preaching to especially here is to go yeah actually all that stuff is is designed by people that hate us to infect us i want to abhor that stuff i want to put it as far away from me as possible keep that which is good and if you can do that and take confidence understand i actually know what the word of god says is right the word of god is this side you've got fundamentalism this side and you've got feminism that side which side are you on and and here's the thing when you choose the right side ladies especially here mums girls be so much happier you will be so much happier he said here in in verse 52 it says and the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy ghost so you can be filled with joy you can finally get happy and like i said there's no happy feminists or you can just spend your life fuming angry talking about the unfairness of it or you he just likes men more than women and everything else no i don't i love women my wife's a woman i never marry a man i love men i love women but we're different you know what and if my wife was like me i wouldn't have married her and the reality of it is is that you know if you want to be happy you want to you want to be content in life and mums you want to just have a happy enjoyable joyous time aboard that which is evil and cleave under that which is good the title is either jewish feminism or christian fundamentalism number one what is jewish feminism it's a stirring tactic to make people reject the word of god don't reject the word of god number two what is christian fundamentalism it's faith in the inspired preserved words of god and number three why is it a choice between the two because they're complete opposites they're poles apart what's the answer it's the word of god the word of god on that we're going to finish off in the word of prayer heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for um well lord how straight you make things you know how clear you make things just you show us you know in light of your word how wicked so much of what's pushing us promoted by people that you've warned us about time and time again in your bible it sees christ rejecting what's known as jews but as you say those that say they're jews and are not but the synagogue of satan help us to understand and recognize who our enemy is what our enemy is trying to push and force upon us help us to resist that lord help us to be strong in your word to cleave to that word lord and help us to resist all those different forms of brainwashing all their different areas in life and to just be brainwashed by the word of god lord help us to just just be cleansed by it to be sanctified by it lord and help us to to help help the women in our lives to do the same help us to be good leaders as men here help the women here to just be um to be the great women that you want them to be lord to live how you want them to be and please bless all the mums here today help them all to have a great day lord and to just understand that this preaching is you know for the edification and help them to have a great time now please bless the cake and help us to have a good soul winning time in return back for the evening service in jesus no problem with this amen