(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so Matthew chapter 12 I want to focus on verse 30 so Matthew 12 30 where the bible reads he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad and the title of my sermon today is hating every false way hating every false way what does it mean to hate every false way well turn to uh psalm 119 because you might be sitting there thinking brother Ian surely a Christian isn't meant to hate you've heard this before isn't a Christian meant to be tolerant of all non-judgmental maybe open arms to the vilest of sinners well keeping in mind that according to 2 Timothy 3 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness what did God inspire the psalmist here to say for for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness psalm 119 look at verse 104 psalm 119 104 says through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way so with the understanding that we get from God's precepts or commands the result is that we then hate every false way yeah okay so if a Christian doesn't hate every false religion out there then they have no understanding do they they don't have the understand that comes from from God's precepts if you're saved and you're reading the word of God regularly then you will eventually hate every false way won't you yeah that's what I see from that turn to verse 128 there psalm 119 128 the second part of the that verse so it's repeated again therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right and I hate every false way if you believe this bible you believe this bible then you should hate the lies and the lies shouldn't you you should hate the lies and the liars but this is opposite to what the world will tell you isn't it so this is the opposite to what the world tells you and the world likes to tell you how you should think and behave as a Christian doesn't it the world loves to tell you how you should be as a Christian tolerance obviously is a more recent buzzword to be a good person a good member of society to be a good Christian you should be tolerant shouldn't you tolerance of false religions we see a lot don't we tolerance of freaks and perverts tolerance of baby murdering abortion tolerance of everything pretty much but fundamental Christianity right but God told us to hate every false way didn't he every false way he told us in Ephesians 5 11 you don't have to turn there and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them and in Matthew 12 30 he said he that is not with me is against me and he that gathers not with me scattered abroad that means instead of just not helping they're doing harm they're against God aren't they they're against God but I don't know if anyone heard the old but didn't Jesus say that anyone who's not against us is for us anyone heard that stuff before okay so this comes from um from another passage where people try and say but surely if they're you know if they're not against Christianity then they're for it aren't they all these other religions aren't against Jesus are they not all of them because you know the Muslims believe in him don't they the Muslims believe in Jesus the Hindus and Buddhists believe he was a great man don't they you hear this sort of stuff a lot well turn to Luke 9 where Jesus did talk about those who aren't against us and I've heard this argued before where people try and this is argued for ecumenicalism so in Luke chapter 9 verse 49 Luke 9 49 and John answered and said master we saw one casting out devils in thy name and we forbade him because he followeth not with us and Jesus said unto him forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us okay so this is then taken out of context because what was this guy doing what was he doing he wasn't just trying he was casting out devils in Jesus name yeah so he was casting out devils so he must have been a saved man of God to be casting out devils in Jesus name because we see we see an opposite story we see you know you're saying well how do you know he was saved well have a look at Acts 19 where we see some men that tried to do the same but didn't succeed so this guy is casting out devils in Jesus name now turn to Acts 19 Acts 19 of verse 13 where it says then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus saying we adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth doesn't sound like much faith in Jesus Christ there does it Jesus whom Paul preacheth and there were seven sons of one Sceva a Jew and chief of the priest which did so an evil spirit answered said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are ye and the man in whom the evil spirit was leap and the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them and overcame them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded that's the result of trying to cast out spirits in Jesus name when you don't actually have Jesus Christ as your savior okay so there's the opposite there so the man in Luke 9 by contrast was saved but just wasn't following them and the application we get from that is we're not going to forbid someone from another church you know going out and doing things for for God going out and soul winning we're not going to say oh you shouldn't be soul winning you're not with our church you're not with our group of people but but if you go back to Matthew 12 the context here isn't Jesus speaking about someone saved who's out doing great things in Jesus name is it in Matthew 12 it's not so Matthew 12 where we started he's talking about the leaders of a wicked false religion denying the saving power of Jesus Christ yeah that's what he's talking about here so Matthew 12 we put it in context then let's just start at verse 24 but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow does not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city your house divided against itself shall not stand and if satan cast out satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand and if I by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children cast him out therefore they shall be your judges and if I cast out devils by the spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speak the word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speak against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come either make the tree goodness fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of the treasure out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak there shall give account thereof in a day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned and the title of my sermon is hating every false way and first on my list is the openly bible rejecting false major religions okay the clearly bible rejecting false religion so number one false non-christian in inverted commas religions and that includes the largest one islam the indian hinduism and buddhism the smaller ones such as taoism shinto sikhism and the wickedest of them all judaism and all the rest of the various bible rejecting false ways and along with them yeah all those and there's there's many there's I mean some some say there's like a new religion made really I can't remember the stat but it's really regularly there's so many out there but but these are the big ones aren't they and many will say but aren't they all just different paths to god have you heard that before when you're out preaching the gospel I believe they're all just a different path to god you heard that rubbish before how ridiculous is that this is something I'm thinking about about to explain how ridiculous that is say I went out exploring caves next week yeah you know I think it's called spelunking in the us yeah here we call it potholing apparently so I was just out exploring some caves yeah I came back from one of these these times out maybe I've stayed in a cave for one I told my wife in one of these caves I think that I was speaking with the devil I say you know I had a crazy experience I think I'll speak to a devil fortunately my wife convinced me that it was actually the angel Gabriel it must have been from god yeah it wasn't a devil yeah thank god for that godly woman telling me that yeah then because I'm illiterate yeah I get someone else to write down all of my crazed ramblings yeah well I try to sound biblical but fail massively yeah you know where I'm going here yeah anyone can see an analogy here there's some other so-called religion yeah now obviously it's all in contrast to the word of god yeah everything I say is in contrast to the word to the actual word of god but so at what point do my ramblings then become another pathway to god does it is it if I get enough people to to believe me is it maybe if I brainwash enough people maybe I threaten enough people maybe I've got a nice gang of of people running around with curved swords on camels and I and I persuade everyone that that that if they don't they're going to get killed now is it another path to god but but so at what point is it and that goes with anything so obviously I'm messing a bit here and giving an analogy to Islam but really so what what can I just make a religion now it's the path to god is that another path what I make because that's what false religion is isn't it so other people make religions and sometimes of course there are devils involved in that but that doesn't make it a path to god does it so obviously and I don't think anyone here is in any doubt that it is absolutely ridiculous to say that basically all false religions are just different pathways to god but but where like I said where does that end so it doesn't end does it but how the sad thing is that there are so many people around the world that claim to be Christians that claim to believe that all these different religions or the majority of them are a pathway to god even though John 14 6 Jesus said I am the way the truth of life no man cometh unto the father but by me okay it's clear it cannot jive with the bible can it at all every single one of these false religions is leading people to hell every single one isn't it every single one is leading people to hell they are wicked and as Christians we should hate every single one of them shouldn't we we should hate every one okay it's not oh well I only hate that one because well that's the Muslims but I don't hate this one because you know those Buddhists they seem like pretty nice people you know and you know they're quite spiritual and no no I hate every single one of them and we as Christians should hate every single one every single one is a false way isn't it okay and look we want to get people saved and it's not that we hate the people we hate the religion don't we we hate the religion we hate the people pushing these religions but we want to get people saved but there is no common ground with these false religions is there there's no common ground we're not going out trying to act like yeah yeah we just think slightly differently you don't have to turn it but first Corinthians 10 20 says but I say that the things which the gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and not to god and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils so behind Islam Hinduism Buddhism and the rest and every other bible rejecting false religion are devils yeah devils behind every single one of them now you say hold on doesn't Judaism believe the bible what about Judaism they believe the bible well it doesn't does it that people who claim to believe what we call Judaism today that sadly they are those that say they're Jews but are not but at the synagogue of satan they openly reject openly reject 61 of 66 books of the bible don't they so how on earth do they believe the bible and but as we know as Jesus said in John 5 46 for had you believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me because they don't believe Moses otherwise they would have believed Jesus Christ they don't believe the Torah they you know people claim they follow the Torah they don't believe the Torah at all they think it's just some sort of nice little you know analogies and a few stories and everything else but really they're following you know for doctrines the commandments of men aren't they and and that's a Babylonian Talmud so but it's worse than that though isn't it and and I'm not going to go you know preach on this for too long but just to remind you in Matthew 12 they said of Jesus so in Matthew 12 where we started verse 24 when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow did not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devil so Jesus goes on to explain and it's clear obviously in Mark 3 that the result of this blaspheming of the holy ghost is this wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy this in verse 31 shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come we see in Mark 3 it says because they have said that he had the devil so they're blaspheming the holy ghost when they're saying that Jesus Christ has a devil and these people that call Jesus possessed by devil are reprobate concerned the faith aren't they these people are reprobate they're twice dead okay which is why in verse 34 he calls them a generation of vipers doesn't he a generation of vipers that's Jesus hating that false way hating that false way and look I think that's pretty obvious and and I'm not going to go off on one on that you know you know that doesn't he preach on regularly but that's not the point of this sermon today and I think everyone here you know I don't think anyone here doesn't understand that if you don't you want to talk afterwards happy to show you verses from the bible to explain that to you but but I think it's obvious that we should hate wicked false religions okay okay it's obvious that we should and that goes for the many so-called versions of Christianity too doesn't it okay so number one was false non-christian religions and number two is false christian religions okay in inverted commas because it's so-called christian religions isn't it so just a couple of stats here of around 2.6 billion so-called christians in the world over 1.3 billion so over half a catholic of which the majority is roman catholic with some eastern catholic making up the numbers too okay so you've got 1.3 billion roman catholics around the world what a wicked religion that is you've then got 900 million under the umbrella of protestantism okay now again you know this is a based on estimates but you know I don't see a problem with all these numbers it's quite hard to get it exact yeah 900 million though so that's nearly a billion and the umbrella protest is protestantism includes so they have they kind of give it in two ways they say historic protestantism okay and that that has anglicanism they group baptist churches under this as well there's lutheranism reformed calvinist churches which include presbyterian you've got methodism seventh day adventists okay then you've got what they call the modern protestantism of pentecostalism non-denominationals some african initiated churches in eastern protestantism okay so that's how they group those two and there's about half of each yeah then you've got eastern orthodoxy with 200 million you've got oriental orthodoxy at 62 million and then there's what they call the non-trinitarian restorationism with 35 million so this is your mormons your jehovah's false witnesses your oneness pentecostals now some people look at some of these on this list and and i'm excluding the baptists here yeah but everyone else on this list they look at them and they go well at least they're some sort of christian right at least they're christian at least at least they believe the bible at least well at least the majority of them believe in the trinity yeah no no they're sending people to hell aren't they they're sending people to hell along with the muslims and the hindus and the buddhists and everyone else they're sending people to hell directly to hell leviticus 1931 you don't have to turn there says regard not them that have familiar spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by by them i am the lord your god these people it's familiar spirits all day long isn't it the devil's behind every one of those okay they're wicked and you go into a catholic church see what goes on in there how do you come out of there and think yeah that that was of god there's nothing of god about that is there jesus said that these jesus did say didn't he that these false prophets are against that that's what we've just seen in in matthew 12 30 he said that they scatter abroad okay now you probably know when you're out knocking doors you try getting a lifelong practicing roman catholic and i'm saying a practicing roman catholic not someone who just says that yeah well i was raised a catholic a lifelong practicing roman catholic anglican orthodox a mormon a witness wow you try getting them saved how do you how do you guys do with that as a general rule it's it's borderline impossible sometimes isn't it but it's very very difficult and that's a rare story when you have someone that's actually been lifelong in those churches of any sort of age at all um but these people they don't even claim the bible is their final authority do they all those religions there they're not even claiming you know for the catholics it's the pope's their final authority they they don't claim they they take what they like and discard what they want out of it now these religions are wicked but again i don't think that anyone here needs convincing of that i don't think so i don't think anyone here needs convincing of the false christian inverted religion so hating every false way we should though if anyone doesn't if anyone's sitting there thinking well i don't know well that church of england priest he's a nice friendly guy no he's wicked that that catholic priest who lives up the road from you well he seems like a fairly pious man no he's wicked he's wicked you should hate his false way and let's be honest he's a false prophet as well you should hate him too because he hates god do not i hate them that hate the i hate them with perfect hatred we should hate them okay you can't be loving you can't love the unsaved if you don't hate the people that are sending them directly to hell they're doing their best to send them to hell so number one was false major religions number two was false christian in inverted commas religions and number three and this is what i want to focus on is false in inverted commas bible believing religions okay false bible believing religions and this is where satan is craftiest isn't it this is where satan does his does his best work this is where we have to believe not every spirit don't we but try the spirits whether they are of god okay this is where we have to this is where we then as bible believing christians we need to we need to be wise here we need to be wise as serpents here don't we because many false prophets have gone out into the world aren't there many false prophets have gone out into the world and of course there are the more obvious pentecostals aren't there they claim to be bible believing but i think that's pretty obvious isn't it for for most that so much of what they're teaching and preaching isn't from the bible but you know again again you you have pentecostal friends family whatever else in your life that now i'm not talking about people that just believe that people that are at those churches i'm not talking about that but people that are preaching a false gospel people that are trying to convince you of a false gospel are wicked aren't they they're wicked okay now we have those and we run into those quite a lot and obviously they you know a lot of them it's it's going to be something along the lines of constant repentance isn't it asking for forgiveness for every sin you can lose your salvation all that sort of stuff but i want to talk particularly today about baptist churches and especially independent baptist churches and especially independent fundamental baptist churches preaching a false way okay because because some would say they're the good guys aren't they you know the independent fundamental as long as there's oh well well you get some say you need to find an ifb church you need to find independent fundamental baptist church because they should be the good guys shouldn't they should be the good guys yeah sure obviously if you're reading the bible regularly yeah if you're going to be looking for an independent church you're going to be looking for one that believes in the inspiration and preservation of the bible aren't you okay and an independent fundamental baptist church should by definition believe in the inspiration and preservation of the bible shouldn't they but that's where the wolves in sheep's clothing are lurking isn't it that's where they're lurking second corinthians if you turn there second corinthians chapter 11 turn to second corinthians chapter 11 and verse 13 the bible says for such a false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of christ and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works i don't know about you but the queer catholic pedophile in a dress is not for me oh he's not making me think of a minister of righteousness i know about you but i don't look at that queer catholic in a dress i don't look at that church of england vicar i don't look at any of those false religious leaders and think oh minister of righteousness no the biggest battle is the independent baptist churches isn't it that's where they're lurking that's where they're hanging around these people and forget the pre-trib rapture fraud forget the zionist satanic jew worshiping idolatry which sadly seems to be everywhere right now as well the biggest battle does come down to the gospel doesn't it it always has it always will it always comes back to the gospel because you have independent don't you king james only traditional hymns of the faith non-calvinist even fundamental so-called baptist churches around this country and throughout the world don't you you have them throughout the world that preach from the bible from their tracks and sometimes even from their websites if they're bold enough to do that that in order to be saved from hell a man must repent of their sins how often do we hear this all the time everywhere and and look this has to be preached on regularly doesn't it because that's a battle that's the battle amongst proper what we consider to be that look like proper churches that's the battle is that the gospel no way is that the gospel does the bible say anywhere anywhere in the bible that you must stop sinning try to stop sinning turn for yourself feel sorry for your sins in order to go to heaven no it doesn't say anywhere in the bible in fact the bible is clear that has nothing to do with your works does it as we know ephesians 2 8 and 9 for by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of works there's any man should boast it's not of yourselves is it it's not of yourselves if you're going to add a condition to salvation if you're going to add a condition to salvation let's use a biblical phrase at least if you're going to try and copy why not use a biblical phrase and of course the arguments oh but repent is very biblical isn't it repent's a biblical phrase it sure is but the of your sins bit isn't is it the of your sins bit isn't found anywhere in the king james bible at all yeah repent of course is found many places but of your sins you can't just add in of your sins now they will say won't they all but repenting indicates that it's of your sins yeah repenting indicates that it's of your sins but it doesn't does it turn to jeremiah chapter 18 turn to jeremiah chapter 18 where god who cannot sin but repents more than anyone else in the bible does some repenting now he's speaking to the nation here because of course they love to just claim every time you see someone you know god threatening chastisement if they don't change their ways and it's talking about salvation it's not has nothing to do with heaven or hell but the physical blessings and cursings that come upon a nation at this point in jeremiah 18 okay so in jeremiah 18 verse 5 it says then the word of the lord came to me saying oh house of israel cannot i do with you as this potter saith the lord behold as eclairs in the potter's hand so are ye in mine hand on house of israel at what instant i shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and destroy it if that nation against whom i've pronounced turned from their evil i will repent of the evil that i thought to do unto them and at what instant i shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build and to plant it if it do evil in my sight that that it obey not my voice and i will repent of the good wherewith i said i would benefit them so in verse eight that's god changing his mind about the evil or the punishment that he was going to do and then in verse 10 he's changing his mind about the good or blessings that he was going to give is it not okay so where's the obvious sins but there no magic marker is there where of your sins can just be assumed there is there clearly okay and that's the same throughout the bubble you can't just add all your sins because you see repentance now they all say oh but when it comes to salvation then it means of your sins well turn to john 20 turn to john chapter 20 the gospel of john chapter 20 because if it meant of your sins then why didn't it just say that as repenting can clearly apply to different things as we've just seen yeah repenting of the good repenting of the evil because it has nothing to do with turning from sins but a turning or a change of mind from unbelief or a false belief to faith in jesus christ yeah that's what it's to do with john 20 verse 30 or 31 gives one of the purposes of the book of john says in john 20 verse 30 and many other signs truly did jesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book but these are written that you might believe that jesus is the christ the son of god and that believing you might have life through his name so the gospel of john's purpose is that people might believe and get saved yeah yet the whole gospel doesn't mention the word repent once not one time is the word repent use if it was so essential to salvation then why the book which says it was written so that you might have life through his name you might believe does not mention the word once and it is full of clear salvation verses isn't it the gospel of john isn't it full of clear salvation versus don't leave anyone with any doubt as to whether they need to stop sins to get saved yeah so many verses you you could list off couldn't you so many that probably many here have have etched on their memory as well and not one of those says anything about stopping sinning to get saved okay but i doubt again i doubt here many here need that in reinforcing okay but sometimes you do you hear this stuff enough sometimes good to have a reminder of how ridiculous it is but what we all need reinforcing is that not only is it a lie from the pit of hell because it is a life in the pit of hell isn't it but it's a false way that we should hate shouldn't we every single person here should hate that false way and look we've all we've all been over the years searching for churches in this country haven't we okay and with that we've been putting up with some bad churches haven't we okay everyone here has had to put up with bad churches and in a way has had to be maybe slightly less discerning and just hope and pray that maybe it's just it's not another one of these wicked churches giving pastors the benefit of the doubt and i i've done this over many years as well i've even given statements of faith the benefit of the doubt and well maybe they copy and pasted it that's what some people say don't they maybe they copy and paste it maybe i need to talk to that pastor first you know i'm not just going to cast them off because on his statement of faith it clearly says you must repent of your sins yeah to get saved so you you try because you've got nowhere else because you know that you you don't want to forsake the assembling of yourselves together as a manner of summies but on the same way you don't want to go to a false church all of us have been stuck between a rock and a hard place here haven't we for many years so you think maybe they've just copy and pasted maybe maybe when they were preaching they were just repeating some popular preaching phrases that they'd heard from someone else because it's a popular thing to say maybe they didn't really mean it you know maybe they didn't really mean it they just kind of were repeating some things you know but this isn't just a minor little difference is it okay this is because look when you stand up you stand up and speak for any amount you stand up and speak for two hours three hours a week yeah you're going to say things that don't come out like sometimes you're not even going to realize something but you're not going to stand and preach a false gospel are you you're going to stand there and preach in a message a false way of salvation are you unless you believe it unless you believe it surely back in matthew 12 back in matthew 12 because it's not just a minor difference it's a difference between heaven and hell isn't it so matthew chapter 12 verse 30 jesus said he that is not with me is against me and he that gatherth not with me scatterth abroad now what people will then say they will then say when they hear them preaching that well maybe that preacher is unsaved maybe just that well he's just unsaved he's not just unsaved is it you stand up behind a pulpit and and i don't know what that line at what point that is but for any period of time you've been preaching you stand there and you preach a false gospel clearly time and again you're not just unsaved you're a false prophet aren't you you're wicked you're twice dead yeah you're you're done that is wicked that's the most wicked thing pretty much you can do isn't it you're you're you're preaching people to hell you're preaching a lie it is wicked isn't it billy graham is one and there are many i mean we could list them all day can we pop so-called popular or they are popular so-called preachers preaching a false gospel and look they'll preach both sides of their mouth won't they they'll preach the right thing at one point they'll preach the lies at the next point but they're scum they're absolute scum they're not just unsaved they're scum okay and look i've been through this with former pastors and former supposed brethren over the years and you give them a chance okay you do you give them a chance at first you think okay maybe it's just come out wrong and and look you know i know there's this stereotype of this nifb just you know a guy that storms into a church and starts lecturing the pastor on minor points in the pre-trib rapture but look we're talking about the gospel here aren't we yeah and i don't want to go to a church if i'm sitting there thinking is that a guy like does he really actually believe that you've got to repent of his sins so i will politely and believe me politely ask them what they believe about that yeah and and same with false brethren and politely and and you you try and do it politely you don't have to turn their titus 310 says a man is an heretic of the first and second admonition reject so i've done this at multiple churches over the years where i've tried to explain try to talk to them they say they'll go away and think about it okay oh yeah well you know they'll try and be polite try and come across like yeah you know humbly because you're showing them clearly from the bottom they'll go away and think about it i had that at this church bethel baptist not not you know not that long ago he'll go away and think about a couple of years ago then he says you'll get back to you you ask oh i haven't had a chance yet you know you think you haven't had a chance i'm trying to point out to you that that's a false gospel being preached by this church you haven't had a chance okay interesting you know i wonder what what was so important okay and i understand it could be busy leading a church you would have thought if someone said you preach a false gospel that might be something you'd look into wouldn't it so then they're preaching it again then they're preaching it again or you're asking them and they're saying they continue to argue it yeah now you admonish them again that's it isn't it first and second ammunition rejected they're done because how else do you know what someone believes unless it comes out of their mouth but sadly how many of us over the years have had to kind of or at least felt like we've had to well they probably don't really they probably just think that you've got to you know you've got to at least acknowledge your sin for something else no look i understand there might be some people that have parroted that phrase repent of your sins and and maybe deep down they don't really know what it means i had a pastor that claimed that that claimed that he actually meant that you've just got to uh you've got you've got to you know just just accept you're a sinner funny why would you say you've got to repent of your sins what's that why don't you just say you've got to accept you're a sinner yeah but okay so you point it out you're polite you try and be humble he's your pastor you know you think you haven't heard this before now i'm gonna have to deal with this written all over your tracks and then what a few months later he's preaching you have to turn you cannot live how you used to you have to stop your old life and turn your life wicked it's wicked isn't it and look and these and these people these people they claim they don't believe that but then they preach here why well let's have a look at matthew 12 they are liars because how else how do you know what someone believes how do we know what someone really believes well verse 33 matthew 12 33 jesus said either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit okay so we can look at the fruit can't we and we've been doing a fruit inspection of south end haven't we wow i mean we had another one from some wicked perverted church called thought bay and shoebury nests or something baptist where the pastor rolls out the red carpet to queers sodomites freaks actually wants them in the church welcomes them into the church and every person i've ever come across from that church and knocked on the door is unsaved is unsaved they do not understand that salvation is a free gift they believe they have to be good to go to heaven um and we've been doing that and let's be honest has anyone come across many people in south end that are saved that go to a church in this in this wicked town no but they all but but you look on i had a look at this before this i'm looking at the statements of faith of these churches and you know they they they won't commit most of them won't have a statement of faith it will just be some wishy washy thing about we believe in you know jesus or something and that's about it and you're like well you know what we believe jesus you know and that we should all have a fun time at church or something like that you know it's just really wow okay but but look we've been doing that there's been a fruit special with it but look here he's saying either make the the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt this fruit corrupt is one or the other let's carry on though verse 34 oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh doesn't it just because it always comes out in the end doesn't it it always comes out in the end now like i said it's one thing you might say something funny you might you know maybe not explain something that well maybe slip up with a word or something it's another to preach false gospel isn't it preaching a false gospel is not something you do by accident behind a pulpit is it and if you did somehow do that by accident you should be up there going like i'm sorry i've realized i said something completely mixed up you know i didn't mean that if you're preaching that and then you're trying to say you stand by that is wicked isn't it okay behind the pulpit claiming to be a man of god verse 35 a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things it's evil plain and simple isn't it verse 36 but i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in a day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned hell is going to be hot for these lies isn't it hell is going to be real hot for these lies turn to second john one because i don't want to be a part of their wickedness okay i don't want to be a part of their wickedness before they end up in hell second john chapter one and let's just make this clear it's not because they've lost their salvation it's because they were never saved in the first place second john chapter one talking about the many deceivers in the world says whosoever second john chapter one whosoeth verse nine whosoever transgressive and abideth not in the doctrine of christ hath not god he that abideth in the doctrine of christ he hath both the father and the son if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him god speed for he that biddeth him god speed is partaker of his evil deeds the doctrine of christ has nothing has it nothing to do with stopping turning feeling sorry for your sins or any of that is it okay that includes though that includes their false prophet old family and friends okay they're on that list aren't they again i'm not saying someone that goes to a false church that's most of the world or at least you know that has some false belief but someone who's a false prophet who's out preaching claiming to preach you know the truth and he's preaching lies and that's not just from behind a pulpit that could be out that could be if you have a family or friend coming around your house trying to preach you a false gospel a false salvation and preaching that to you and trying to convince you that's wicked isn't it okay that's wicked that that's the false prophet now okay preaching a false gospel here it says if any come unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him god speed for he that biddeth him god speed is partaker of his evil deeds so let alone a pastor let alone a pastor now you might have some like well he doesn't come around to my house and i've only heard him say you got to repent your sins so he's only got it on his track he's only got it on his website but if you sat down and point it out to him because you should do shouldn't you politely humbly if you really believe that man saved sit down and show him sit down and show him give him a second chance if not he's a heretic isn't he rejected like how look if you're a pastor if you're a pastor of a church yeah you claim to believe the bible if someone approaches you and shows you something as clear and obvious as that yeah and you go away and you can't get your head and you're still coming back and going no no i still believe that saying repent of your sins is right then wow like can you is that something is that someone is that a saved man of god that's trying to preach the truth i can't i can't for my life see that i can see somebody just hasn't even thought about it maybe he's just so washed up around bad influences and everything else but when you've clearly shown someone from the word of god if they cannot hear his words they cannot see it it's because they don't understand it do they how can you not how can you go away and think yeah that's not confusing preaching from a pulpit you must repent of your sins to be saved how do you do that and look it could be a whole pill to swallow because we can and maybe not so much people that are here that praise god are able to get here and that have made things happen to get here but there are still people around the country saved christians in churches like this aren't they who are making excuses for them and trying to find a way of well justifying it well he doesn't say that often i just think he's a bit muddled up no he's preaching a false gospel he's telling and it's worse than a blatant false gospel because it's a sneaky one it's a subtle one that uses a biblical word repent adds a couple of other words and makes it sound like it's coming from the bible yeah it's wicked isn't it and we should be not be partakers of this at all that means rejecting them that means telling them what it is and that means if you're at a church like that and they're preaching that and and look you need to give them that chance then you need to make it clear what they are and get out of there because otherwise what does it say here for he that bidded him godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds oh well that's all i just don't have the pastor around my house what does that mean that's okay not what he that bidded him god oh well i don't say godspeed to him yeah but what does what's that really mean is it so you can't say the phrase god speed no it's not saying that is it it's saying it's saying you're wishing them well it's saying see you later or goodbye or see you next week or god bless or any of that stuff really you're wishing them well aren't you you're wishing that person well who's a wicked false prophet and you're sitting in his church and you're cozying up afterwards and go well it's not that clear well he's only said it why it's only written all over the tracks show him show him for his own good he might he might be saved who knows he might be saved he might not be a wicked false prophet show him and if he's still doing it you have no business at that church do you because it's not it's not a church and look like i said we've all sadly had to kind of you know in a way compromise a lot of people have their compromise haven't they yeah to a point but when when you when you clearly show them and they're still writing all over their tracks they're still going over their website they're still preaching it they're still coming around your house and preaching it you know if it's family and friends whoever it is preaching a false gospel to you don't be a partaker of his evil deeds do you want the chastisement of god on you i don't want chastisement of god on me turn to galatians chapter one why would i want to be a part of his evil deeds regardless of chastisement why do i want to be part of that why do i want to give credibility to these wicked people why do i want to be a saved man of god that people around the country know believes goes out soul winning and be going to a wicked church which preaches you have to repent of your sins and look if they don't believe it take it off the website take it off your tracks get rid of it in fact you should be getting behind the pulpit and making a public announcement that i apologize i had that because it's confusing and there are wicked churches around the world preaching this there are false prophets preaching this i'm sorry that it sounded like i was one of them and i'm sorry that i might have damned people by preaching this but no oh yeah well they don't really believe it they just got it on the website oh what what is that what is that it's wicked isn't it that's what it is look at galatians chapter 1 verse 6 i marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of christ unto another gospel because these people are they were moved to the point where they think that's okay that's okay i'm not saying they're unsaved you're saved but you're sitting there going oh yeah well it's just you know another way of saying it no it's not oh he's just a little bit muddled no it's another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of christ but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before so say i now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you then that ye have received let him be accursed and that's exactly what i said to that wicked false prophet down in bryton and that's exactly what i'll say to anyone else who preaches that false gospel who after the first and second admonition you are accursed you're done yeah how do you still say yeah you've got to turn from you see you've got to stop sinning you've got to change your life to get saved that's wicked that's a lie let him be accursed look and and i want i'll tell you what yeah even further than that i want to know if you're an independent fundamental baptist pastor yeah how do you not hate this false way how do you just oh well yeah something a bit muddled up and oh well there was some good people oh well you know oh do they really preached out oh that's john remember talking to a pastor who seemed to be saved that was his answer oh oh that's a shame if they say that down there that's a shame the people that you yoke up with the people that you meet up with once a year for fellowship that's a shame like how do you not hate that how do you not hate that when we're told to hate every false way are we not yeah because through thy precepts i get understanding therefore i hate every false way what you're not reading you're not reading the bible your past you're not reading the bible or you are in the bible you're choosing not to or you're not or let's be honest you're just another one who's going to probably come out with it eventually in the future aren't you unbelievable but there's so many that seem to believe it and people say that don't they but it's so popular it's so common it's so common yeah there are many false prophets aren't there marvel not yeah there are many false prophets that's that's life isn't it but it doesn't mean they're right the only way it's not about what's popular oh well most independent fundamental baptist churches now say you've got to repent your sins what does the bible say because that's the only measuring stick we have isn't it yeah turn it amos chapter eight look these people are everywhere aren't they they are everywhere it doesn't mean we have to tolerate it though does it doesn't mean we have to tolerate it we don't tolerate much less do we we don't tolerate a lot of other false doctrine which isn't a salvation issue we don't tolerate that yet people still to this day save people that no better still tolerate this crap because that's what it is it's rubbish it's junk people are tolerating it going to churches well you know it's the only church in the area what they're the enemy they're scattering abroad they're against jesus christ and they're the most dangerous ones aren't they they're a lot more dangerous than than than the priest in the dress they're a lot more well borrowing around well probably around children as well because they're false prophets and they're dangerous they're wicked dangerous people aren't they okay amos chapter 8 verse 11 says behold the days come saith the lord that i will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the lord and they shall wander from sea to sea and from the north even to the east they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the lord and shall not find it and that's what it's felt like in this country hasn't it that's what it felt like for many years where you were going to and fro you were going across the country sometimes trying to find a church where you would hear the word of the lord because yeah they might have the king james bible and there's still some that do but they're not preaching the word of the lord when they're preaching lies are they you're not hearing you're not hearing god when you're hearing lies coming from that pulpit and wicked lies like that they're unsaved they're worse than unsaved they're false prophets aren't they and that's what it's felt like you just where is the way there is there is a famine isn't there there is a drought for the for the word of the lord but praise god praise god for that we have a church at last a church which isn't isn't clearly just preaching lies from behind the pulpit and look yeah i'm going to get stuff wrong you know i'm i'm i'm not perfect i'm going to get stuff wrong when i preach and every other preacher is going to get stuff wrong but i'm not going to get the gospel wrong am i i'm not going to preach a false gospel oh well he's just you know a little bit confused oh and he just kind of got sucked into a bit of repent of your sins no because if i do then that's me done isn't it and you should all just walk out the day i preach a false gospel and and that's what people need to do around the country oh well you know it's you know it's the only one where it's a long way so what did jesus say so he's not with me is against me what you want to be against jesus christ you want to be against the lord oh well it's a long journey oh well i might have to re-evaluate you know life plans and jobs and careers and everything else and come closer to a natural church but isn't it worth it rather than going and yoking up with these wicked devils because that's what they are they're wicked devils they look at the fruit of it you go to these churches look at the people in them anyway wow you know you look at everything you even say look you know i know we shouldn't just be questioning everyone's salvation but when the guy at the top there is preaching a confusing gospel message and you're looking around the church and and it's just it's it's wicked isn't it absolutely wicked so for me you know right now there is less excuse to be a partake with evil deeds there wasn't an excuse was there but some of us you know with our hearts in the right place maybe tried to see the best try to hope and pray that there had to be at least you know they had to at least maybe be one church and look there are maybe a couple that are saved there are a couple that don't preach this there's a few maybe around the country but now there's less excuse to be involved in any of those other hundreds of independent baptist churches around this country that preach false gospel jesus said in matthew 12 30 he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scatterth abroad don't be a partaker of being against jesus okay don't do it and i don't think anyone here is but look in the same way like i said when you have people coming around when you when you when you come across these people when you when you for whatever reason you fellowship with other christians you know and look if if they're not with jesus if they're preaching a false gospel they're coming to you preaching a false gospel you know trying to convince them a false gospel they're done aren't they it's wicked but we've got to make sure that we've got to make sure that we hate every false way okay that's what we're told to do hate every false way on that let's pray father i thank you for this word for your words i thank you for this church as well i thank you for these people i thank you that that you've blessed us with a with a church here and that that you know that is making sure that we preach the gospel exactly how you'd want it preached and uh you know i i pray that you just help us to be be wise be aware of these people around us to to make a stand as well make a stance where however close that family or friend or whoever it is if if they're if they're coming to us preach a false gospel let them be accursed um and just to stand on your gospel and starting with this afternoon without going out and preaching it clearly boldly and and preaching the gospel and getting people saved because it's the power of god unto salvation and lord i i pray that you'll help us through that this afternoon help uh pray that we'll all be able to get back this evening to hear um hear more of your word in jesus name we pray amen