(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Right, so Genesis chapter 4 and we've had a bit of a, I don't want to say rough, I like these sorts of sermons, but I think we had, we talked about all sorts of cross-dressing sodomites I think on Sunday a couple of weeks ago, then we had Genesis 3 which was kind of the first appearance of the devil and lots you can learn from that, so that was a kind of a bit on those types of people as well and then this Sunday we then had Ezra 4 which was kind of all about these sorts of infiltrators and now we've got Genesis 4 which is the first false prophet, so by the end of this couple of weeks hopefully everyone will be up to scratch and we'll get a week off and then I'll hit it again in a week or so, Paul did it every night and day with tears for three years, so I hope no one's complaining, but it is how it is, we're on Genesis chapter 4 and obviously that's the main theme of the chapter, we're going to be looking at that in a minute, just to remind you, you know, in chapter 3 we did then have Satan's first appearance in the Bible and in those first six verses of the chapter we looked at six truths about him, number one was the devil comes in disguise, number two the devil is subtle, number three the devil targets a week, number four the devil questions God's word, number five the devil lies and number six the devil finds the weaknesses and his army of devils and his children here in the flesh have very similar characteristics but we're going to see a certain type of that in a minute as well and focus in on some of these kind of more specific characteristics with Cain. We see him working through them really in many areas of life and we're talking a bit about sort of the false prophets we come across but they're everywhere and this, you know, he works through the media, he works through many areas of life, many areas of government, many areas of influence, the devil's working. We then saw Adam and Eve trying to cover their nakedness with the works of their own hands and then God covers them with an animal sacrifice, we're going to look at the works of hands as well today so just bear in mind, you know, even when they sin they try to sow fig leaves together again, it's a work of their hands. Then they try to hide from God before Adam blamed Eve and God for giving him her, didn't he? Eve blamed the serpent and then we just looked at the repercussions for their sin and how these I would say kind of were necessary because of that sin nature rather than it just being our punishment, punishment, all mankind's punished but it seemed to me that these things were for a reason, you know, he said for example curses are ground for thy sake, okay, it's for our own good, much of this because of the knowledge of sin and then the chapter ended with verses 22 to 24, we'll just read them quickly where it says and the Lord God said behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand take also the tree of life and eat and live forever and that for me is salvation from the word of God, I think that's what that represents there and then therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground for whence he was taken so he drove out the man he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life and again for me I believe that's preservation of the word of God and then we're going to Genesis 4 now and verse 1 where the Bible reads and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear Cain and said I've gotten a man from the Lord, I'd like to pray before we continue with this chapter, Father thank you for the many lessons you know we can learn out of this chapter out of Genesis chapter 4, some of them are hard lessons, some of them are you know not always the most enjoyable talking points but they're there for a reason Lord and I pray that you just just you know fill me with your spirit now as I preach what you'd want me to preach out of this chapter, help everyone to have just open ears to what you want what you want them to hear today Lord and in Jesus' name for all of this, Amen. Okay so we've had the creation of everything, we've had the fall of mankind and now we have the first person born which is Cain which apparently means gotten or possession okay that's apparently what Cain means, verse one said and Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bear Cain and said I've gotten a man from the Lord and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep but Cain was to live the ground, now Abel by the way meaning breath or vapour and again I don't think it's clear either way, some will try and say they're twins because it doesn't say she conceived again which you'll see often in the Bible when it describes these things but then again it didn't say that she bear twins either so it's kind of open to what you want to decide just don't get pulled into the sort of bizarre fantastical theories that then come out with this and how it's some sort of weird twins to do with the devil, I'm sure there are many rabbit holes people go down with this stuff, don't get sucked into that stuff but the truth is that it's not entirely clear either way and it doesn't really matter but here's an interesting question with this first couple of verses here it said and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep but Cain was a tour of the ground why was Abel keeping sheep I mean you could go on a wall but I don't know how many sheep do you need for enough wool for not many people in the world right now perhaps meat I don't know or maybe because he wanted to worship God with sacrifice which was obviously a picture of the coming Christ maybe all three I don't know but something to think about anyway but verse 3 then says and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule over him and Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass from there in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him so we've just had the first violence now as well and the first murder basically in the history of mankind and at first glance it can just seem like a sad case of sibling rivalry can't it you may have skim read this before and just thought maybe even poor old Cain you know he just happened to be a tiller of the ground didn't he you know you know how is he to know that God was a meat eater a good solid meat eater how is he to know he shouldn't know shouldn't he but a good rule of thumb with studying the bible is if you want to get to the bottom of something in the old testament then you see if the new testament sheds light on it okay that's kind of rule one in trying to understand a lot of the old testament well is there anything that's said about it in the new testament and sure enough the new testament has a bit to say about it so we're going to turn over to hebrews chapter 11 where we see what was really going on with these sacrifices verse three said well you're turning there and in process of time it came to pass that came rule to the fruit of the ground an offering unto the lord and able he also brought to the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord had respect unto able and to his offering now you've turned to hebrews 11 hebrews 11 you know known as a sort of faith hall of faith faith chapter faith book whatever you want to call it well hebrews 11 and verse 1 says this hebrews 11 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so things which are seen were not made of things which do appear that's by the word of god as we've looked at in the last couple first couple of chapters of genesis by faith able offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice and cane by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaker so according to hebrews 11 4 able sacrifice was by faith and god's testifying of it showed that he was righteous yeah now stay in hebrews but um well no in fact don't go you can go back keep a finger there go back to to verse four of genesis chapter four where it says in able he also bought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord had respect unto able and to his offering so so this is god's testifying the lord had respect unto able and to his offering and obviously through the through the narrator and the narrator his ultimately is moses isn't it he's writing this many years later but this would have been handed down you know the the word of god there but regardless moses was inspired when he wrote this and keep a finger here and turn to romans three so you're going to keep a finger in hebrews and in and in genesis fork turn to romans three see god doesn't respect the offerings of for example the prideful muslim okay so god doesn't respect the works of of of our hands he doesn't respect the offerings of the roman catholic the the offerings of their seven sacraments yeah he doesn't expect he doesn't respect the five pillars of islam he doesn't he doesn't respect the offerings of the repent of your sins religions okay and there's many repent he doesn't respect that okay god doesn't look down and go i'll just you know i'm so happy that that pastor repented of all his sins apparently i'm i'm so you know i'm just really just pleased that that guy's just carried on repenting of his sins no he doesn't respect any of that if they're unsaved obviously the the only offering he has respect for is that of a saved person a child of god that's the only offering he will ever have respect for able was righteous through faith in the coming christ so where we just saw in hebrews 11 it said by faith able offered offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice and came by which he obtained witness that he was righteous he was righteous because he had faith in the coming christ romans 3 20 says this therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is a knowledge of sin but now the righteousness of god without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets now it wasn't that the law was something just separate the law was basically righteous living and of course there were the meats drinks you know diverse washings carnal ordinances but so much of it was basically just living right for god but none of that none of that made you righteous and and he said it was witnessed by law and the prophets we're going to see in the second a was one of those prophets he was witnessing it with a prophetic sacrifice picturing the lamb of god which taketh away the sins of the world doesn't it verse 22 said even the righteousness of god which is by faith of jesus christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference so where hebrews 11 4 said by faith able offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice and came and you can go back there if you want hebrews 11 4 by which he obtained witness he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh that righteousness was through faith in the coming christ wasn't it that's the only way he could have been righteous okay it's faith in the coming christ pictured by his prophetic sacrifice and testified by god when he said through his word and the lord had respect unto able and to his offering okay he couldn't have had faith he couldn't have had respect for it otherwise okay he's not he doesn't have it doesn't matter you find them the the holiest living you know non-believer out there doesn't matter what they're doing he will not have respect for that okay he doesn't have respect for their offering unless it comes first you know job number one is get saved isn't it okay otherwise there is no offering or because what all our righteousness is filthy rags so even in death though he speaks doesn't he because it said that he being dead yet speaketh with his first sacrifice being an only prophecy of jesus christ death yeah turn to luke 11 where jesus christ makes it clear that able was a prophet and in luke 11 we're going to see jesus rebuking lawyers and and it's it's not actually a parallel passage but it's a similar situation to matthew 23 and when he when it says he's rebuking lawyers these guys weren't people in court with funny wigs okay these were um they were basically like the scribes okay they were experts in the law of god that was okay uh so called experts in the law of god anyway verse 46 in luke 11 says this luke 11 46 and he said woe unto you also you lawyers for you laid men with burdens grievous to be born and you yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers woe unto you for you build the sepulchres of the prophets and your fathers killed them truly you bear witness that you allow the deeds of your fathers for they indeed indeed killed them and ye build their sepulchres therefore also said the wisdom of god i will send them prophets and apostles and some of them they shall slay and persecute that the blood of all the prophets notice the prophets which is why i chose this rather than the matthew 23 which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation from the blood of able yeah clearly a prophet unto the blood of zacharias which perish between the altar and the temple verily i send to you it shall be required of this generation woe unto you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge you entered not in yourselves and them that were entering in ye hindered so able was the prophet wasn't he whose blood was shed from the foundation of the world i mean it's pretty early doors wasn't it where he where he got murdered go back to genesis 4 now with all that in mind where it says this in genesis 4 and verse 3 and in process of time it came to pass it came brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the lord and able he also brought to the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord had respect unto able and to his offering so we've seen that able was righteous okay the new testament sheds light on that he was a prophet okay i.e saved he was he was preaching of the coming christ through his offering who knows what else he was preaching but definitely here we see that in just this sort of snippet of his life here and and god respected his offering it was a picture of the coming christ so what about cain then what was cain well cain brought of the fruit of the ground the works of his hands now this is a picture of work salvation now so constantly in the bible we see people worshipping the works of the hands which is basically the other religion you might be sitting there go why didn't just say that well because that's not how the bible's written and you gotta get it saved first when you get saved then you start to understand it okay and that's why you can have however many however many millions of torah reading jews if any of them still read it but over history who just still come away to thinking about work salvation and how they can work their way to whatever version of god they want to make right but but now with faith those of us here you know we're saved people we can look at this look at the new testament shedding light on it and see now and start to understand what god was picturing here so he bought the fruit fruit of the ground okay and like i said it's the works of his hands constantly in the bible we see what people worshiping the works of their hands which is basically the other religion okay it's the other religion that's what it all comes down to doesn't it okay it's two religions i regularly say this to people when i'm when i want to try and get them encouraged and i want to hear the gospel because they everyone basically most people in the world seem to believe the other religion whether it's wrapped up in you know like i said the five pillars the seven sacraments or whatever it is the repenting of some sins all your sins past sins future sins whatever it is it's all work salvation it's all the work of your hands it's what you do even the buddhist reincarnation is based on their good deeds isn't it so have a weird and wacky the religion is it's all about the work of your hands achieving heaven and then you've got the other religion you've got the true religion the one religion which is your works your hands ain't getting you nowhere and the only way you get into heaven is by well the works of god's hands yeah which was ultimately you know jesus christ death battle and resurrection so you obviously you get you know you get all these different types of so-called christians but they're not they're all just some form of work salvation yeah and really i was thinking about this even the atheist who says that you know something like if there is something you know the fact that they obey the laws of the land will get them there you know it's all just it's all just work salvation isn't it or at least they're gonna have you know while they've lived they've been a good citizen so whatever happens afterwards it's because of that well this is pictured like i said in the bible in various way now here we've just seen it's the fruit of the ground as an offering we saw back in in genesis chapter three it was them trying to sew fig leaves together the works of their hands often it's graven images you don't have to turn i'm just going to read out a couple of these when i preach i preached a sermon a few months back and i did a few different ones but i thought i'd just give you a few other ones isiah 2 8 says their land also is full of idols they worship the work of their own hands that which their own fingers have made okay so again now we've got idols but it's all the work of their hands in one way or another isn't it second kings 22 17 says because they've forsaken me and have burned incense unto other gods that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place and shall not be quenched look believe me you put you just put in different versions of works of their own hands right into any sort of search term in on like an online bible app there's just tons of it time and time again it's works their hands works in their own hands work of their hands work at their own hand all these different things work of men hands works of men's hands there's all these different variants and it's all the same stuff you know constantly we're seeing it throughout the bible and for me it's just a clear picture of work salvation now cain is a work salvationist as opposed to able who is righteous through faith in the coming messiah okay that's what we're seeing here does god respect the work salvationist offering does he respect the the muslim in his dress silly hat and strangely sculpted beard is he just like you know just all that hard work you know that those public prayers five times a day well i'm just going to pray in front of everyone does he respect that of course he doesn't the calvinists with their great works are evidence of salvation what are their great works any of their church attendance and reading books about the bible and shoving silly hats on their poor women i mean that's about it isn't it but but again they're like look you know i must be saved because i go to like some silly silly church somewhere but but god doesn't respect any of that it said in verse five but unto cain into his offering he had not respect no i'm sure he worked hard i'm sure that that that you know that tilling of the ground probably took a bit of time i'm sure maybe there was some nice fruit and veg that came out of there maybe some nuts and other things as well but he had not respect and cain was very roth and his countenance fell and here's the thing you tell a work salvationist someone who is actively offering to god as a means of justifying themselves that god doesn't respect their works you see some anger don't you you tell them that there is none righteous no not one you tell them that all our righteousnesses are filthy rags that there is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not that all have sinned and come short the glory you say you you say any of that to someone who re who's trusting the words not someone who's not trusting them it should be good news shouldn't it somebody says well i don't know if i'm good enough but those people that go yeah i think i'm going to heaven yeah i do this i do that i'm a good person so many of them get pretty angry and the more religious they are the more they think they've done to earn heaven the more the the more they get very rough than their countenance fools you see it often don't you when you're preaching the gospel you'll be preaching the gospel you're getting to you know making a couple of points you know you get you're just saying look basically you're not good enough you do it try and do it in a nice way that all have sinned you know there's none righteous no not one not one sin and some people they you just see their eyes go and then they don't really want to hear they might politely listen to a little bit more before going okay that's enough they don't want to hear that do they want to hear it now sometimes they might listen a bit longer because they think well he's probably going to say that but you've got to repent of all your sins and then when you get to the point that it's faith in christ alone then a lot of the time that's that's like cut off point isn't it that's anger point some people start shouting don't they i mean i've had people really getting angry sometimes i'm trying to preach them the gospel and they'll come out with that junk like it's a license to sin you know and and other things are you saying that this person that basically are you saying my offering wasn't good enough like cain here cain's cain was wrath and his countenance fell and the lord said unto cain why it thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted but if thou doest not well sin life at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule over him now for me this is the point where cain rejected god i believe this is the point now now don't get me wrong he was rejecting salvation okay cain was was at this point obviously unsaved and he was obviously trusting in his works i mean he brought that offering he didn't just go yeah well i'm not really fast he brought that offering to god okay he believed that he could somehow the picture is earn his way earn his way to god but look cain became a reprobate at some point okay a child of the devil a false prophet that's pretty clear if you go to you turn to first john chapter three turn to first john chapter three because it does happen i just believe it's at this point i don't believe it was earlier because we see the we see the the the option being given to him by god first john chapter three and verse nine says this first john three nine says whosoever is born of god does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of god now of course you get the idiots that read this verse and go look you know if you're really saved you'll never sin but i mean that is absolutely ridiculous this is talking about christ righteousness being imputed unto us the new man god looks at us and sees jesus christ sinless perfection if you're saved right and notice by the way it's and he cannot sin okay that's once saved always saved isn't it he cannot sin yeah romans 4 8 says blessed is a man to whom the lord will not impute sin this is what we're talking about here okay someone who's saved that's future tense if you're saved your child of god your account is clean okay your eternal account is clean verse 10 where we are though says in this the children of god are manifest the children of the devil whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of god neither he that loveth not his brother for this is the message that ye heard from the beginning that we should love one another not as cain who was of that wicked one cain was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew him because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous marvel not my brethren if the world hate you now when it says his works were evil again this is where you have to understand what it's representing otherwise you'd be like wow that must have been some pretty rough you know home homegrown veg there wow i mean was it moldy or something no it's because it's a picture work salvation and that is evil it's evil look it doesn't matter how sincere that roman catholic is that that that muslim is that jew is whatever whatever you want to call them whoever they are because they're all work salvationists their own works are evil because they're so prideful they think somehow they can earn their way to heaven and they're rejecting the lord jesus christ they're rejecting the savior they're rejecting salvation doesn't matter and even if it's just a little bit of well i've just you know i've repented of my sins though and put my faith in christ you lie you're trusting yourself you're not trusting jesus christ you are not you are not saved and you know what you're repenting of your sins and trust in christ those works are evil in god's eyes they're evil because you're rejecting the lord jesus christ he said cain who was of that wicked one so that's another name for the devil by the way okay we see that throughout scripture as a name for the devil he was a child of the devil he was of that wicked one he was a child of the devil how did that happen then so how did cain become a child of the devil we'll turn over to romans one and i know we've talked about this quite a bit you know over the last few weeks but you know let's look at romans one i don't think we've gone there in depth at least to see how this happens for a little while now romans one helps to understand how someone becomes of that wicked one the the book of jude by the way while you're turning there describes these types of people in verse 11 it gives us three examples it says woe unto them for they have gone in the way of cain they've gone in the way of cain and jude is just all about reprobate false prophets and ran greedily after the error of balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of corrie so jude is describing reprobates and gives cain as an example of a type of false prophet romans one is famous for showing us that sodomites were of the wicked one isn't it okay clear as day because it's explaining it's describing the process that makes someone become what's known as a reprobate in other words a child of devil the child of belial you know a son of son of the devil whatever you want to call it and of that wicked one we've seen as well and we're going to see what makes this people these basically these people like this verse 18 says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness some righteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness so they clearly have some some level of of knowledge of god now that doesn't necessarily mean that someone's come preached in the gospel because sometimes people can wonder with that but they hold the truth because as we see verse 19 says because that which may be known to god is manifested in them for god has showed it unto them so clearly they've been shown a certain certain amount now that can just be just the knowledge of the creator for the creation of the world and for cain here he's clearly been showed it hasn't he okay by able at least by able's offering at least let alone the fact that he's actually you know the lord jesus christ is walking among them it seems at this point as well says in verse 20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so they are without excuse okay so look they've got no excuse the the the invisible things of him for the creation of the world are clearly seen look basically the creation is evidence of the creator isn't it okay you got no excuse i've spoken to a few people today about that i had a bit of a kind of you know atheist type you know sort of door knocking session this this evening and they've got no excuse they can don't believe it don't believe anything and one of them even said well the fact that we're even here don't believe anyone made you nope just an accident yep and when they're like that just quick and not like what do you even say to that just anything i can tell you to change your mind nope see you later then you know it's so bizarre isn't it but it's look you you don't have any excuse but these people okay they've then changed that truth that got into a lie because that when they knew god okay so they have that that at least that amount of knowledge of him they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imagination and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like to corrupt all man and the birds are four-footed beast creepy things a lot of a lot of um there's a lot of obviously reprobates in false religion because ultimately they're changing who god is they're not just people i'm just not interested not interested don't really want to hear it they're making their own god they're changing god into something else yeah where for god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves and we're not going to go into that today who changed but look at verse 25 who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen and that can be you know you could argue you know worshiping and serving people like john calvin you could couldn't you could argue worshiping and serving whatever religious leader whatever religious head the pope and say now don't get me wrong worshiping him is one thing but when you're change the truth of god into a lot when you're rejecting those things of god and you're ultimately choosing a lie purposely choosing that and you there's a point for some people when they're doing this when it seems that god eventually rejects them they changed the truth of god into light and kane made god a god that would respect the work of his hands firstly and then you know really made him into a false god of work salvation but then after that he then chose to reject the truth didn't he he saw the truth he saw the offering he chose to reject it and look some some of these people don't you find it weird that when you can you can show them clearly from the bible can't you when you're you have you ever like wondered that when you go away from someone you've clearly shown them it's grace through faith it's clear as day the word of god says that time you could show him however many verse it gets the point where it gets pointless doesn't it and and you've just shown them loads of verses and they still reject and they still go no not having it get angry whatever else i mean i i often wonder about those types of people because they're all ready they're already choose that work salvation then you're showing them clear as day from the word of god that it's not they're still rejecting they're they're basically saying no they've got that clear truth being showed to them through the word of god i i reckon if you you know when we get to heaven we might look back and see how many people end up becoming reprobates after you try to preach in the gospel because it's pretty wicked isn't it you've got clearly the word of god clear as day and you're still saying no you're not going well let me think about it you're just going no and you're just basically knuckling down and just going no you know you must repent of all your sins no you can you lose your salvation i mean like this this clown hero came in uh the other week just didn't even let me wouldn't even let me show the word of god that's bizarre isn't it but anyway so god made it clear to kane yeah okay and he rejected the truth and instead he hated god the truth and able didn't he okay and paul in romans one you know uh you can go back to genesis four he goes on to say these people are full of murder doesn't he so one of the attributes of these people they're full of all this unrighteousness one of those things is full of murder and kane here is given a choice and he chooses death doesn't he chooses the devil so he's given that choice we see this clearly here but it says in verse six the lord said unto kane why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin life at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule over him now it's a bit funny wording that isn't it you're wondering who's he talking about i believe he's talking about able being his desire he's talking about able being in subjection to him because well the devil the god of this world does give his children power doesn't he they do they do get a certain element of power by worshiping him by being his children and in a physical sense they do rule over us don't they anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many true believers are in power in this nation give you a clue it starts with a z and ends with an o there aren't any how many true believers are in power in any powerful nation how many true believers are up there in any sort of influential part of our nation how many true believers are there at the top of the police forces and judges in court and and and in the in the media and in the education system and everything else i think that's pretty pretty close to zero isn't it i don't know maybe someone will come up to me but i don't think so okay and and they do and and as we see here here in genesis 4 they also have a physical advantage as well now i'm not saying because they're stronger or tougher but where romans one says that they're being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful that's a bit of an advantage over people that don't want to live like that isn't it in terms of if you want to do them harm if you want to dominate them if you want them to be in subjection to you if you want to you know basically rule them and psychopaths are often very successful in life now they're not good at the this is the thing psychopaths are usually quite lazy psychopaths are usually crap at actual real work but they they're they're very successful in terms of they they get their way up the ladder and things like that you'll see a lot of corporate psychopaths get to high levels in society but really because they're backstabbers because they're covenant breakers because they don't live by the normal rules that people try to live by rules of morality because they don't have a conscience so they can get up there and as we because i believe we're going to see later anyway that however they're not necessarily very good at what they do in terms of normal jobs they're not like hard works etc we'll see that in a bit but they're still successful verse seven says if they'll do us well shall they not be accepted and if they'll do us not well sin life at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and now shout all over him now god is showing us i think that choice that people make and thinking about that as well how many celebs seem to just make a literal deal with the devil i mean you get these celebrities my wife was telling me about this guy before what's his name sam smith anyone heard of this absolute freak show who apparently was like people kind of liked his voice he's you know seemed to sing okay and everything else and then suddenly he's like this just fat cross-dressing sodomite doing all this weird stuff in front of kids i mean it's horrendous you know and and but oh and he like wears devil horns and stuff while he does it i mean these people just literally show their full worship and and who they you know they make a deal you hear like these sort of the the they what would you call it um sort of when they talk about it afterwards i'm trying to think of the word but they'll basically say things like you know basically i made a deal with the devil or we sell it you have to sell your soul to the devil in this industry etc and what happens with that well if you remember you don't have to turn there matthew four nine the devil said to jesus when showing him all the kingdoms of the world the glory of them and say fun to him all these things will i give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me jesus didn't say you can't give them to me jesus didn't say you're a liar he just said no didn't he he said i shall worship the lord by god and him only shall have served didn't he but or something along those lines but but this is what people do don't they people get conned into this and you kind of hear them talking about it after his later in life just you know when they're just in the pits of depression talking about what a waste of their life what a disgusting life they had because mark 8 36 says for what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul what does it really profit these people they get this power they get this you know they get the celeb status they get money they get all this kind of just all these lusts of the flesh and everything else but they lose their soul don't they and ultimately if you're reprobate you've lost your soul you're twice dead and cain made that choice didn't he how many people stuck in their work salvation make that choice once they're showing the clear words of god i reckon a lot i reckon people that are fixated by that and you've shown clearly clear as day and they still reject they still choose their version of god their version of work salvation i think that they're making that choice as well it said in verse 8 and cain talked with able his brother and it came to pass and they're in the field that cain rose up against able his brother and slew him it doesn't it feel when you've kind of come across these ones where you're like i know that full-on is a devil that one's like full gone when you talk to some of these kind of pass or anything else don't you think they would love to do the same to you wouldn't they they would love to when you come across these sorts of people and obviously in various ways the infiltrator types anything else they would love to kill you if they could they absolutely hate you they despise you for preaching them the gospel they despise you for being a child of god that's why john said in in in where we saw earlier first john 3 marvel not my brethren if the world hate you didn't he he said marvel he said don't be amazed by if the world hate you because ultimately it's the devil's world and his people are in power in that world and and they hate us they hate believers he hated able his own brother basically because his works were righteous i.e he was saved he was pleasing god and and his were wicked and it's something that i think you know because we as people we just want to get on with people don't we i think many people just kind of just don't really want the stress want to get on with people want to be liked want to just have an easy life but marvel not the world hates you okay i hate you and the more you do for god the more the more you you go out and preach the gospel the more you do stuff for god the more you try and live and have a godly family the more they'll they'll hate you they despise you you know and the people like you know i've i've mused about it many times the people that we've had in here before i mean you should see some of the ways they look at you when you're preaching i mean it like pure just like eat like it just i hate you you know just like lips curled up just like this while you preach it's amazing sometimes i mean you've got to i wish you had a camera of it don't worry if you kind of sit in a car man i better look happy every time just like it's not like the people when you know and you just see the way they look at you it's it's amazing you know it's amazing and and and really in there they would love now you think well why aren't they all murdering everyone because look people look a lot of psychopaths won't commit murder because their goal is wealth or their goal is church division or their goal is to preach a false gospel to the masses or whatever it is yeah however they do have that ability but maybe whatever else is driving them overrides that yeah so so cain had the choice didn't he okay so he rejected god he rejected salvation and with that it's not just a hatred of a it's a hatred of the true way really isn't it because i've said this many times as well these works salvationists they never seem to be too fussed by other work by other works salvationists do they so they all claim that they're ways away yet you know they're like oh well you know if you believe you've got to repent of some sins you believe you've got to keep the ten commandments you can believe you can lose your service you believe you can't but you've also got to do this and that they're not fast these lot like they're just like oh yeah whatever well it's all very similar some of them will even come out with the rubbish that it's all just one god and many different paths and all that sort of stuff and then the one saved always saved the the the it's gracefully faithless they're the ones that they hate isn't it fuming livid hate you yeah it doesn't matter which way of works is as long as it's works isn't it but but the hatred is who fall really for god it's for god and his children look at verse nine and the lord said unto kane where is able thy brother and he said i know not am i my brother's keeper i mean what disrespect and disdain he's just murdered him and he's talking to god like a piece of filth that is unbelievable isn't it unbelievable but romans once said that they're haters of god haters of god they hate god these people once say once they choose that pathway however that works with that rejection of god and that change of truth of god into a lie and choosing the devil ultimately they they at that point they hate god don't they they're haters of god and think about the way these people mock salvation sometimes when you're trying to preach the gospel to them and they'll mock it and like almost like oh you really believe that you can just all you have to do is they'll try and like then change it but you just got to say a prayer you know or something else oh he didn't say that you know but that's what they try and do don't they try and mock it scorn it mock the word of god so many of these people they mock so all these like let's be honest it's very rare to find someone with a false bible that's actually saved isn't it now don't get me wrong they are out there now and again there are people that maybe been led down the kind of garden path for a little while with one and then i don't know maybe they're look i don't want to put a line on it but it's rare isn't it okay it's rare rare and all these people really they just have disdain for the king james bible because all the false bible people don't seem to care about the other bible versions do they they don't seem to care about bizarre things like the message they don't seem to care about like all those weird you know contemporary type bibles oh these are a bit of fun aren't they but the king james i hate it don't they absolutely hate it and it's a disdain for god it's a disdain for the word of god and he said what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground and now art thou cursed from the earth which has opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand by the way second peter 2 14 calls them cursed children or cursed children it said in verse 12 here when now till is the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength a fugitive and a vagabond shall be in the earth so that's that's what i was talking about earlier this verse in verse 12 when thou till is the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto the strength we're going we're being shown here the result of god rejection of reprobation their works don't really prosper in the long run do they now don't get me wrong they might get fame in life they might get some sort of you know they might get wealth when they kind of backstab their way to the top of some business or company or something else but ultimately they don't really get fulfillment with it and often i think they're i don't think they're actually very good a lot of the time what they do because they're just such wicked people their minds are so full of wickedness always like a lot of the time they're such like just just a lot of the time like just what's the word for it just debased addicts so often aren't they when you come across these people start they just kind of they just can't resist can they they're just like so addicted to things they're so just so wrapped up in the lusts of the flesh they can't control that i think often that careers just go downhill in the end don't they they don't get wrong they can get wealthy but i don't think they get very fulfilled he said when thou till is the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto the strength then he said a fugitive and a vagabond thou shalt be in the earth and they should be rejected by the world okay left wandering from place to place but often they do anyway don't they so a lot of these types of people you'll find they can't keep down jobs very long and relationships and homes and things they just kind of wander a lot they're constantly moving and doing something different doing something new etc but um you know i've turned over second peter 217 says these are wells without water clouds that are carried with a tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever so they're carried carried with a tempest they can't see just moving around they shift on doctrine as well you know obviously they're unsaved and and and you know they they they seem to be from when you look into this study of psychopaths and stuff because it's ultimately what they are they're what the world calls a psychopath we call them reprobates a lot of the time they are sort of vagabonds they do just move around they are just kind of all over the place they're kind of you know be grifting somewhere else and then they'll go off and do it somewhere else and they just you know there's there's a lot of this about them it seems as well don't get me wrong some maybe can hold it down more when they're really on the con but verse 13 that says and cain said unto the lord my punishment is greater than i can bear so he's just murdered his brother does he feel bad well he does but who's it who's it about himself isn't it only for himself my punishment you've just murdered my brother i've just rejected god i've just i've just basically just had to disdain and and disgust for god well i'm mocking him when he asked where my brother is but it's like what about me my punishment is greater than i can bear and this is the thing is because i think sometimes people look at this oh well no because they've got emotion they seem to feel bad they feel guilt people like we've talked about serial killers before oh they're showing remorse once they're cool no they care about themselves yeah they're gutted they've been caught yeah they they feel sad about that but it's for themselves they they they feel sorry but it's for themselves they and and you don't want to overuse these terms nowadays in the world everyone's a narcissist aren't they i mean someone annoys you they're a narcissist yeah because someone's selfish like everyone's selfish or something there must be a narcissist but however that's ultimately true narcissism isn't it it's just all about themselves all about their feelings all about all about them it's always a little violin out and everything else poor me look what happened to me you know and there are people like this aren't there and obviously this is the extreme of it when it comes to reprobation he's like what about my punishment what about what about what i can bear he said behold thou has driven me out this day from the face of the earth and from thy face shall i be hid and by the way because there's no coming back from reprobation okay that's hid forever and i shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass everyone that findeth me shall slay me now who's everyone because you're going wait a second aren't these like you know the first few people in the world well bearing in mind the lifespan at this point the population was going to grow considerably in his lifespan okay we're talking like up to about a thousand years yeah and there's going to be a lot of people that are going to want to slay him over that time yeah populations grow quick don't they and the lord said unto him therefore whosoever slaeth kane vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold the lord said a mark upon kane lest any finding him should kill him now what's interesting is that he said like could he have said it like this behold in verse 14 behold thou has driven me out this day from the face of the earth from my face shall i be hid and i shall be a fugitive of vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass everyone that findeth me shall slay me maybe he's thinking in a good way maybe he's just thinking i'll get killed you know i'm just like that'll be the end of that you know because life itself is going to be grim look life is a reprobate is grim okay these people live a horrible life okay it's a depressing horrible grim life for example amongst sodomites i mean the suicide rates are like out of this world aren't they i mean they'll try and go that's because of people not accepting them and everything it's got nothing to do with that i mean nowadays they don't accept straight people and they still murder kill themselves because they're so vile they're so disgusting can you imagine living with that shame that shame all your life well i don't know maybe that but either way god sets a mark upon him and says vengeance should be taken anyone that kills him but why why because the purpose of the reprobate is to act as a warning to others see he's killed and he's quickly forgotten isn't he but he's there he's marked i don't know what that mark was but that should be an that should be a reminder reminder yeah that's that cane that vagabond that guy just wandering around no what's anything to do with him they should be shunned shouldn't they they should be shunned from society they shouldn't be anywhere near anyone and that should be a warning to others you don't have to turn to second timothy three nine says but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was look people should see these weirdos and say i'm not rejecting god that's what they should do that's really their purpose isn't it they should look at the catholic priest shouldn't they and just go i'm not rejecting god and ending up like some dress wearing effeminate little child abusing queer i ain't doing it look at that what i know that should just make you go catholicism gone shouldn't it shouldn't the normal people should just look at that and go let's find there must be there must be a truer way of christianity than that rubbish look at these absolute animals the the the imam that dress wearing strangely sculpted beard hat wearing imam people should just look at the and again they'll half of them are perverts there's a load of all that stuff going on loads of imam abuse of kids and all that stuff people should look at that and just go this is clearly not the right way in fact no before it before the imam they should have looked at mohammed the the queer little pervert who who's who's nancing off little little girls and gone that's not the right way is it that's not the true way the prophet's a pedophile but apparently not but you you would hope that and the imam and all these reprobate should go okay that's that because it's manifest isn't it they've got no excuse you can't go oh well i just don't know he's a prophet mohammed a holy man i just can't work it out no no and he's not a prophet by the way but the so-called prophet mohammed was a pedophile that that's been manifest that's clear as day so that's right islam gone okay right what's left well the rabbi oh what a surprise a bunch of perverts as well and a load of weirdos and so again the the the rabbi that should be done and again by the way the the child abuse amongst that lot is unbelievable as well i mean there's all sorts of horrendous stories going around about you i don't want to go into it you know people catching all sorts of stis of these vile creatures but the atheist professor people should look at richard dorkins they should look at these types of people and just go that's clearly not the right way because look at their top people are freaks yeah they're freaks they're perverts they're pedophiles it's it's manifest it's out there isn't it but unfortunately we've got so far now and as well people aren't even taking heed to that they're just like oh yeah dorky's talked about a bit of bit of nonsense that's all right oh well oh the prophet mohammed's oh so she was six and consummate until nine like it's it's it's amazing isn't it but that's how bad we've got now but oh but what was the purpose what's god's will with it what's god's will with the reprobate that you look at the reprobate and you go no that's an example don't reject god and that's what it should do shouldn't it and that's why he set a mark on him and said don't kill him let him live his miserable disgusting life and then eventually he's gonna well he's gonna be burning in the lowest pits of hell anyway but look at verse 16 it then says in cain went out from the presence of the lord and dwelt in the land of nod on the east of eden and cain knew his wife and she conceived and bear enoch and he built a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son enoch now who was cain's wife well we don't know the time scale here it could be a sister or niece and food for thought here okay obviously this had to be the case for the population to grow so you go oh that must be well yeah but but bear in mind adam and eve were the origin of every genetic variant so i would imagine right at the beginning there they probably looked as different as talking cheese didn't they i reckon that the the and and would have had many different personality traits as well because they basically had every genetic every every genetic variant originated with them didn't it now i'm not saying obviously there was a reason then why the law came in with that eventually but at the beginning it had to be that way didn't it okay but just something to think about and verse 18 it says and under enoch was born irad and irad begat mahujail and mahujail begat methuzail methuzail begat lamech so we're looking down at generations okay and again it would be either sisters nieces cousins you know for the women that they were they were marrying and then we got look at verse 19 lamech took unto him two wives the name of the one was ada and the name of the other is zilla so lamech took two wives was that god's plan no genesis 2 24 said therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh he didn't say cleave unto one of his wives they should be one flesh he could be another flesh or another one that wasn't god's plan and should we see what the first polygamist in the bible was like well we're going to see that in a minute verse 20 that says in ada bed jabel he was a father of such as dwell intense and of such as have cattle again what was the cattle for okay something i've been thinking about a bit of this recently but let's keep going and his brother's name is jubel he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ and zilla she also bear tubal cane and instructor of every artificer in brass and iron and sister of tubal cane was naaman now the interesting thing there was obviously some original god-given knowledge in adam and his children these weren't like neanderthal types eating insects in caves were they okay these people are like handling the harp and organ these are like some of the first generations of people in this world they're they're instructors of every artificer in brass and iron there was obviously some highly intelligent people weren't there here um verse 23 says and lamek the polygamous by the way said unto his wives ada and zilla hear my voice you wives of lamek hearken unto my speech for i have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurt now this is a very small little passage here okay this is sort of the great great great something grandson of cain but it seems to me like the first polygamist in the bible seems to have killed two people i think probably two now you could say that maybe he's describing that one person um as he was actually a young man but i think probably too far i've slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurt i think he's killed two people at least one okay so now we've got like the second at least reported murder in the bible if second and third probably he then said if cain shall be avenged sevenfold truly lamek 70 and sevenfold so this for me is is i i believe now we're looking at reprobate number two or at least maybe it's maybe some of his offspring i know people try and go well they're all the offspring of cain they're all i don't know like uh here this guy clearly is okay he's taking joy i think in the fact that he shouldn't be avenged in this life isn't he this guy's like boasting he's basically boasting that he's a serial killer and that he's going to get away with it in this physical life that's what he's saying because remember that he was saying that that if cain should be avenged sevenfold that's basically saying that anyone that kills cain shall be you know they'll they'll be revenge from god they're to let him live and he's saying well truly for me then they'll have to leave you know they'll be avenged 70 and sevenfold 77 times they'll be avenged if they dare to go for me and you're thinking how on earth yeah what on earth is this guy how did this happen well don't forget romans one said being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness malicious full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backed by the saints of god despiteful proud boasters sounds like this here doesn't it inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breaks without natural affection implacable unmerciful and it's so it you read this stuff and you and you hear of people in the world don't you and it's so hard to get your head around but that's why that's why first timothy four two you have to turn there it says speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron these people have no conscience they have no empathy they they would go as far as boasting about killing murdering two people and how they're going to get away with it in this life that's so messed up isn't it how messed up is that yet how does the world explain it they can't the world can't explain it the world doesn't understand why there are people that that are like this that have no conscience that have no empathy it's as if their conscience is seared with a hot iron yet these experts if only they read the bible because the bible told us about this thousands of years before and explained exactly what these people are like why because their conscience is seared ultimately the picture is with a hot iron because god has given them over to a reprobate mind in a way you could say he's just removed that god-given conscience isn't he and these people are pure and utter scum and it's something that we're constantly being warned about in the bible again for good reason because we try and as a natural thing we try and get in people's heads don't we we try and go well i wouldn't have done that i would have done this or why would someone do that etc we're constantly doing that that's what we do don't we but you can't get in these people's heads you can't understand them and and it's so hard to imagine how many lies come out of these types of people how they'll just lie they'll deceive there's deceit there's n they're full of envy pride both all this stuff and you just when you start to get to know people who are like this and you get have some some contact with rep base it's it's i mean it's pretty shocking isn't it it's shocking without the bible you just you wouldn't believe it you'd be sucked in more wouldn't you be sucked into their lies sucked into the dishonesty sucked into all the stuff but the bible explains it in the first one was in genesis chapter four verse 25 then says and then obviously we've just seen a second one and we've seen an even worse example where he's killed two people and he's boasting about it in verse 25 and says and adam knew his wife again and she bare a son and called his name seth for god said she had appointed me another seed instead of able whom kane slew now seth means appointed or substitute i think so again she's willing to just cast off kane as well obviously and to seth to him also there was born and by the way we should all be willing to just cast off reprobates okay sodomites cross-dressing freaks false prophets you name it like his mother did and i know that he killed her her other son at this point but however we should all be willing to just go gone shunned gone yeah that's what should happen they should be left to be a vagabond and a fugitive and a warning to others shouldn't they yeah no it's something we need to remember here because you know there will be people that find it hard when people get exposed at church and they've been like good friends with them or something they'll find it hard when they're kicked out but weird we should be like the example of of eve here and just shunning them and they're done and then they're an example to others look you don't want to be like that sort of person not kind of starve trying to find some way of buddying up with them so so he's a substitute and to seth to him also there was born a son and he called his name enos then began men to call upon the name of the lord now you ever looked at this verse and thought well what is it why why are men beginning to call upon the name of the lord here you know what is it and and and calling on the name of the lord for me look there's no doubt for me this is talking about for salvation now here's an interesting thing enos seems to mean mortal man so the name means mortal man and maybe people are starting to think a bit more about their mortality we've had now three murders it seems two or three in the bible i think at this point whether or not maybe i believe that probably cain's line are just that they're having children quicker at this point and that kind of seems like the wicked are generally multiplied more anyway don't they but i don't know but at the least there's been that first murder anyway at this point whether or not that was chronological or not and people are starting to think about mortality seth calls his son basically mortal man and well lamex come along killing people too but people are thinking about eternity aren't they and they're probably thinking about reprobation as well because then you're seeing people like cain marked and maybe even at this point lamec as well and look the soul's an innate knowledge okay however when there's death in life look i know for me i know i got saved after it was a little while after my mum died because coming up to her dying that's made me think about it a lot you know and i'm thinking about eternity i'm thinking about where you know where's she going after it so i started to look and you know and i was seeking and there's interest in there eventually a year later i heard the gospel but i know before that i don't think i would have been receptive and look death does that doesn't it people getting killed remember these people had long lifespans would they have necessarily been as interested look you go oh well it should have been because well look look a lot of people just aren't are they doesn't matter they can have the word of god look faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god in in in you know in our world now we walk around with the bible people hear the bible which they still rejected don't they you go well they had jesus christ whatever else well people were rejecting i don't know at what point he stopped walking with them i'm not sure how how that worked and when you say why you're going why are you saying jesus christ well because we see at least adam and eve they've sinned and he's walking through the garden and talks to them and had that been god the father they would have burnt up wouldn't they so yeah reasons why and and you can kind of go through the bible and see when it's kind of you know the son of god and when it's god the father based on things like that it's quite interesting isn't it however i think they're thinking about their mortality and and yes able was clearly saved clearly but who else was i don't know some go well adam and eve were maybe because we see that picture of god covering them but was that just a picture of salvation did they get so maybe they did i don't know maybe it was after but at this point it seems like them began meant to call upon name the lord this is maybe a point where you're starting to see it regularly happening or this is kind of en masse and death i think is is what makes us care about eternity lord isn't it for many people it's the case isn't it now then began men to call upon the name of the lord what's that then that's getting saved isn't it and which is the same as believing on the lord okay it's the same as believing in jesus it's putting your faith in the savior for salvation you're calling upon the name of the lord for salvation and again you just got to quickly cover this right now just because i don't know maybe it's just because because i saw a couple of these things and you know these kind of so so even if i'm on my um on like subscriptions on youtube youtube will try and throw some of these videos up of these morons ever since i watched one of them and thinking what crap are they coming out with now there's a couple of debates between them and someone else i know out in in in germany about this stuff so i don't know but i i've seen a few of these there's a few of these clan i think they come up a lot and obviously we had it here as well we had some some morons try and come out with this and basically what they're they if anyone's never heard this their argument is this they're trying to say that calling upon the name of the lord is a works the the believing on the lord jesus like i got saved because i believed yeah and then they're going i just believed and you're saying you've got to say a prayer and blah blah blah no no no no no and this is where they they try and split hairs that aren't there because what we're saying is is that you put your faith in christ by calling on the name of the lord it's the same thing and and for those of you that have been soul winning long enough many of you will have come across someone who says i believe everything you're telling me however i'm not ready to get saved so where do they fit on these people's little you know what they believe they they got saved the second they believe what you said was true because they don't understand that one of the first points of of when we get to the gospel and we preach the gospel what do we say when we get a lot of people who will use a similar kind of roman's road plus act 16 30 and a few other places will usually get to act 16 30 and go sirs what must i do to be saved believe on the lord jesus christ as thou shalt be saved in the house and then we usually explain what believe on or believe in jesus actually means and it's to put your faith your trust in him and some people use analogies of maybe if i ask you to do something you know or maybe if you're in a burning building and i said believe in me what am i really saying put your trust in me not just believe what i'm saying the whole thing is putting your trust your faith in jesus christ and you do that when you call upon the name of the lord they go hand in hand and i'd love to meet the person that gets preached the gospel and then just go silent and refuses to say anything with their mouth and goes and like you know maybe just go i don't want to say it but and those people like that what are these people like some prideful just morons aren't they claiming that they got saved but they didn't verbalize anything to the lord because i know full well when i heard the gospel i got down on my knees and i said please save me jesus something along those lines i'm sure everyone else here is saved did the same as well right you didn't go oh yeah i believe all that i better not say anything because that would be a works that's work salvation i've trusted in my it's it's nuts isn't it but what that is that's people that they want something they want something to attack bible believing church they want something to attack gospel preaching churches like out of all the things have all the people to attack like i mean where do these people even come from most of them are just online clowns not even at churches they're not doing anything apart from having little online debates with people about calling on the name of the lord and it's it's just an attack it's like what else what can we get these guys on oh no we tried uh you know we tried that one uh i know yeah yeah this is a good idea because that's what it is isn't it but it's it's nonsense so don't get pulled into that right absolute nonsense here in jedesis chapter four when they called their son basically mortal man then began men to call upon the name of the lord but i'm sure they did it silently right madness right anyway on that we're gonna pray father thank you for um well just another great chapter the bible there a chapter which teaches so much about you know this those of the wicked one um cain and and you know obviously the many people in the world like that now um lord we we know it's not always a nice subject to think about however it's a subject that you talk about a lot in your word for good reason we should be uh we should be wise about these things you know we should be wiser serpents and harmless as doves we should be able to to discern these sort of things and discern these people within reason and and to help us to keep ourselves safe our families safe our church is safe um and and help us to understand why such wickedness goes on in the world lord but ultimately it should also be a warning to those it should be something that we can use to show people that the results of rejection in its many ways the results of false religion of false gods and everything else and look at the people the leaders of those religions lord help us to to to remind people of that in in in the right way in a sensitive ways um help us to to get home safe and sound tonight lord help us to go out and um just preach you know preach your gospel and on the sole winning times coming up help the marathon to go on a saturday please lord and for us to get many salvations and to be back on sunday for another day in the house just thankful for this amen