(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) chapter 21 and last week in Genesis 20 it was on the back of the destruction of Sodom and Abraham if you remember is suddenly living in the wilderness and then dwelling in Gerar which he himself described as an ungodly place and we talked about how it seemed to be right on the back of this this destruction of Sodom and we said he didn't know you know what happened with Lot or anything else and suddenly he's dwelling in the wilderness and for me that was a clear picture of of a backsliding Abraham sorry a picture of a backsliding Christian and it was back to the old sins of claiming that he and Sarah were just brother and sister if you remember and that was something that he'd previously done as well and this was a lie this was deception the King of Gerar Abimelech took Sarah into his home and ends up with God telling him that he's about to commit adultery if you remember and and he's he's pretty upset with Abraham and Sarah saying why didn't either of you tell me right so on earth why are you making up these foolish lies and we saw obviously how serious adultery was didn't win and should be and still is right but but there is like this is a grievous sin right and and having having Sarah in his home and and how close that was to being adultery now Abraham's excuse was well basically you lot are ungodly you know and which is probably a common excuse I was thinking about this one I just wrote these kind of this little summary a common excuse that believers have for how we treat the unsaved isn't it you know it's just like well you lot are ungodly so so be it type thing you know but it's not okay is it oh well I'm dealing with the unsaved so I could be a bit dishonest and do this no we should we should be treating everyone the best way we possibly can right it begs the question what what were you doing there Abraham if it was because they were so ungodly and also no surprise that that he slipped back into the old routine sin was it the chapter ended with Abimelech reproving Sarah possibly insinuating that she was no better than an harlot is how I saw that however he he's in fear of Abraham and gives him animals and servants at the end of the chapter with Abraham having responsibility for the healing of his household through prayer chapter 20 in verse 14 said him and Abimelech took sheep and oxen and men servants and women servants and gave them unto Abraham restored him Sarah his wife and Abimelech said behold my land is before thee dwell where it pleases thee and unto Sarah he said behold I've given my brother a thousand piece of silver behold he is to thee a covering of the eyes unto all that are with thee and with all other thus she was reproved so Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maid servants and they bear children for the Lord had fast closed up all the wounds of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife and Genesis chapter 21 then in verse 1 begins with this and the Lord visited Sarah as he had said and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken for Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son in his old age that the set time of which God had spoken to him I'd like to pray before we continue with this chapter father thank you for your word thank you this great chapter the Bible and just just you know the the lessons we can get especially the big picture that we can see in this as well help me to preach that accurately and and clearly Lord in a way that people are able to follow and just see exactly what your word saying please fill with your spirit Lord and help everyone as well to just be full of your spirit with attentive ears listening to what you weren't sent in this evening in Jesus name proless Amen okay so the Lord visited Sarah as he had said when did he say that when did he say that well turn back to Genesis chapter 17 Genesis 17 where God told Abraham that it would be at this set time he said at this set time in Genesis 17 God speak to Abraham before he ordains the Covenant of circumcision and in verse 19 of Genesis 17 verse 19 it says then God said Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed and thou shalt call his name Isaac and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his seed after him and as for Ishmael I have heard thee behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly 12 princes shall he beget and I will make him a great nation but my covenant will I establish with Isaac which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year which I assume is the same time that he's speaking to Abraham here and then after that the Lord if you remember appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre showing him what's going to happen to Sodom Sodom gets wasted Abraham backslides in Geron and I believe that it's after this that she conceives the conception by the way being a miracle and a picture of Christ miraculous conception a picture obviously okay she's not obviously Sarah's not not a virgin here like Mary however it's a picture of that being miraculous conception and then in Genesis 18 Genesis 18 the Lord tells Sarah that he will return in order for her to conceive so Genesis 18 and verse 9 says Genesis 89 they said unto him where is Sarah thy wife and he said behold in the tent and he said I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lo Sarah thy wife shall have a son and Sarah heard it in the tent door which was behind him now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age and it ceased to be with Sarah after the man of women so she was beyond childbearing age however God said that he would return according to the time of life which is referring to conception then Genesis chapter 21 in verse 1 and 2 we see that this is now this is a point when that's happened and then we we kind of jump forward nine months I think in these couple of verses it says the Lord visited Sarah as he had said okay so that's that's for her to have this miraculous conception and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken for Sarah conceived and bear Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which God had spoken to him so for me the Lord visited Sarah like I said a picture of Mary okay it's a picture now it didn't say that she was with child of the Holy Ghost so don't start jumping to funny conclusions they're obviously not Isaac was Abraham's seed however the Lord had a hand in her being able to conceive because she was well stricken in age she was beyond childbearing age now we talked about this last week bearing in mind they lived a lot longer so it's not that she is as we would probably see a 90 year old woman she lives 127 I think in the end she you know I was saying yeah maybe not quite half it but the best part of she's obviously beyond childbearing age but she's you know a middle-aged woman here in our view I would say but a little bit more it's a miracle okay but no doubt about that they are well stricken in age but it's not that they're like I said last week wandering around on a zimmer frame or something you're just thinking how on earth did any of this happen right okay however it's still a miracle and and verse 3 then says and Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him him Sarah bear to him Isaac now Isaac means laughter and again with that picture and that picture of Christ that picture with that miraculous conception similar to the joy associated with the birth of Christ right I mean constantly if you read the early early chapters of the gospel you just seeing joy joy you know we even sing songs about joy unto the world and everything else right and there's this laughter this immense joy obviously this happiness that comes with with bearing Isaac or at least you know if we remember she laughed when she found out that she was going to verse 4 then says in Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old as God had as God had commanded him now I was thinking about this how many commands in the Bible right okay many commands that each and every one of us know in the Bible some we find easier some we find harder but is there much that would compare to this by the way Abraham circumcised his son he didn't like take him to the doctor and kind of look the other way or something else Abraham did I don't want to dwell on this too much it's not the most pleasant thought for us but but Abraham just did as God had commanded him and maybe like maybe that's a good thing to think about sometimes God commands a lot of things and some things we think oh that's very difficult that's very difficult that's pretty difficult isn't it take your eight-day-old son and personally performing a circumcision and what did he do well it says Abraham circumcised son Isaac being eight days old as God had commanded him it's almost matter of fact isn't it well God commanded him so he did it and that's how we should be shouldn't we when you know there's a clear command in the Bible something you should clearly do you should just go and do it shouldn't you like Abraham here there's no kind of well yeah he knew he should and by the way you notice as well there's no there's no what Abraham did as God commanded him however Sarah wasn't too happy about it there's no like Sarah trying to scupper it is there either like Moses wife for example yeah who seemed to not be so happy about the idea of circumcision Sarah's seems to be on you know she she was a good godly woman there regardless of the blitz that we saw in the last chapter where she's like yeah let's get on with that right she obviously didn't have any issues or at least we don't see any issues recorded there so he just did as God had commanded in verse 5 says and Abraham was an hundred years old when his son Isaac was born unto him look that is a miracle still right regardless of the fact they lived a lot longer that's a miracle 100 years old and Sarah said God has made me to laugh so that all that here will laugh with me and she said who would have said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given children suck for I have borne him a son in his old age now you can understand a joy here okay she's gone her whole life barren and then suddenly at 90 years old with Abraham 100 she's having a child that must be absolutely overjoyed right just cannot believe it just what what an amazing miracle what an amazing thing and now that's just to build up to what for me the you know the big part of the chapter of these next sort of several verses and we're going to read the next passage in one and I'd like to break it down afterwards so we're just going to read these next several verses together okay from verse 8 it says and a child grew and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned and Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian which he had born unto Abraham mocking wherefore she said unto Abraham cast out this bond woman and her son for the son of this bond woman shall not be heir with my son even with Isaac and the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son and God said unto Abraham let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad and because of thy bond woman in all that Sarah has said unto thee harken unto her voice for in Isaac shall thy seed be called and also of the son of the bond woman will I make a nation because he is thy seed and Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar putting it on her shoulder and the child had sent her away she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba when the water was spent in the bottle and she cast a child under one of the shrubs and she went and sat her down over against him a good way off as it were a bowshot for she said let me not see the death of the child and she sat over against him and lift up her voice and wept and God heard the voice of the lad and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her what aleth thee Hagar fear not for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is arise lift up the lad and hold him in thine hand for I will make him a great nation and God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and she went to fill the bottle with water and gave the lad drink and God was with the lad and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness and became an archer and he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt right so firstly on the surface we got what is a sad story here isn't it Ishmael is 14 years old we're a year on from the covenant of circumcision when he was 13 okay Genesis 17 25 said you know you could turn a few on but I'm just gonna quote it quickly and Ishmael his son was 13 years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin and we've seen it we're about a year later now is the set time so he's 14 now he's mocking the the somewhere around two-year-old Isaac Sarah and Abraham get angry and kick him and his mum Hagar out and if you haven't been up to date with this you kind of you know joining this late or something Hagar was was Sarah's you know she was her bondmaid she was she was serving her and then she was given to Abraham as a wife by Sarah because Sarah felt well I'm not gonna get pregnant you know this will be the only way for Abraham to have children through Hagar so that's who Ishmael is here now she goes off into the wilderness she thinks they're going to die and God helps them survive they end up living in that south area near the Red Sea by Mount Sinai so down in the south of that kind of wilderness area there and and however turn to Galatians chapter 4 because this story you know that's kind of the surface of this story but this story is actually a picture of something else and it's one of those pictures unlike some where you kind of you're trying your best to interpret it this is one of those pictures where you can hang your hat on okay you can hang your hat on this picture because the New Testament shed sheds light on this picture explaining what the allegory is okay in Galatians chapter 4 which is where you're turning Paul is addressing this attempt to push work salvation on the Galatian Church and believe me you this is something that we will have to deal with in time here and it will come down again and maybe it already has and it has to be honest in the past in subtle ways before where people will just try and slowly start to push work salvation on on a church okay and they'll do it in various different ways well here in Galatians 4 Paul's dealing with this in the Galatian Church says in verse 21 tell me ye that desire to be under the law do ye not hear the law for it is written that Abraham had two sons the one by a bond made the other by a free woman so that's Ishmael of Hagar the bond made and then the other son is Isaac of Sarah the free woman verse 23 says but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from the Mount Sinai which gender to bondage which is a gun a gar just being the Greek there for Hagar who we've just spoken about the bond woman he said these things of an allegory a picture if you like for these are the two covenants he said the one from the Mount Sinai which gender to bondage which is a gar for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia an answer to Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with our children that's where the old covenant came from Mount Sinai but Jerusalem which is above is free which is a mother of us all that's the new Jerusalem verse 27 for it is written rejoice our barren that barest not break forth and cry thou that travailest not for the desolate hath many more children than she which had an husband so yep those in bondage to some some form of law ultimately vastly outweigh those that are free that are saved don't know I mean I don't know I was knocking doors today and you know how many people various versions of Christianity in general answered some form of work salvation you've got to be good you've got to do this well I think I'm a good enough person to go to heaven well I think I've done it you just got to live a moral life you just got to do it and it's I mean they're ten a penny aren't they that's the other religion in the world that's a false religion he said now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise okay who's he talking to here the Galatian Church brethren he's talking to believers but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now so that was Ishmael mocking Isaac and look just quickly yeah it's not it's not quite you know sort of gangs of all sorts outside churches you know throwing things at you but mocking is still persecution okay it is still persecution for some people that could be hard to deal with gone it as well and sometimes when there's mockery and people mocking you the flesh kind of wants to deal with it in certain ways and you can't and you know and it's persecution right and it could be hard and sometimes some of that stuff can be difficult and here we see that that that mocking is a is a persecution here that that's giving us a picture here nevertheless what saith the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman so then brethren we are not children of the bond woman but of the free okay that's the new covenant and you'd have to turn it but Romans 9 8 says that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of God but the children of the promise accounted for the seed so those of the flesh okay those that are basically of the physical seed are not the children of God but the children of the promise account for the seed and we've just seen that Isaac represents a new covenant as opposed to Ishmael who represents those under the old covenant now just to make it clear okay it's not that everyone under the old covenant was unsaved okay some people get a bit confused about this but there was no salvation till Christ or something else okay however verse 24 said which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from the Mount Sinai which gender to bondage which is agar so the old covenant gender it bred bondage it resulted in the majority of a nation ultimately eventually following the works of the law for salvation now it's not that God wanted that to happen it's that people choose that don't they people choose work salvation all over this world and they were no different the Jews were no different they chose the nation of Israel those 12 tribes so many of them chose work salvation it gender if it bred that bondage but that wasn't the purpose of the law was it Galatians 3 24 says wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith the purpose of the law was to show us that we need a Savior okay that's what the law should do you should look at the law and go man I ain't good enough to get to heaven I could never be good enough to get to heaven it was a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ it should have showed them that they can justify themselves that they need a Savior however as with today the majority choose what self-justification that's what you see everywhere people wanting to justify themselves it never ceases to amaze me and I'm sure all of you soul winners out there that have these times as well when you're literally you're talking to someone and they're kind of they're happy to talk with you and they kind of they might say something along the lines of okay well what was it you're they kind of just want a snippet of what you're gonna tell them and as soon as you say that salvation is a free gift or maybe you're just trying to say well actually what you believe is wrong there so and and they're alright they're okay they're okay well you know the Bible actually says that you cannot work your way salvation is a gift how many people that's a point where they're where that's you pretty much the end of the conversation you see the countenance change don't you the thought that you're daring to tell them that they're not good enough that they can never be good enough that they have to receive a gift it's bizarre it's bizarre really isn't it you're saying it's so easy receive a gift but how many people that's that's a close for that that's the closer that's it conversation done now I don't want to hear about a gift I want it I want you to tell me that actually I am yeah my morals are right enough to get to heaven I was good enough and it's bizarre isn't it it's bizarre now return to Genesis 21 with that in mind as it now helps us to learn more from this passage so hopefully you've seen what the allegory is but therefore we can now look at the passage with the allegory in mind and hopefully learn some more from the passage with that in mind so verse 8 says here in Genesis 21 Genesis 21 of verse 8 says and the child grew and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned now I would say that this allegory was being fulfilled from as early as came persecuting Abel when we're looking at work salvation versus faith in the coming Christ and will continue to be fulfilled until the return of Christ okay isn't going to change however I would say that the mass spread of the gospel to the Gentiles in the first century AD is an obvious major fulfillment of this allegory okay with the great feast here for me representing the Gentiles getting saved that's what I think we're seeing here God's Word is often represented by both food and water and you have to turn there but for example Hebrews 5 12 use it interchangeably where it says for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teacher again which be the first principles of the oracles of God that's the Word of God and it becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat so they just there's clearly he's referring to milk and strong meat as if that's the Word of God that we see that picture time and time again in the Bible now here we have the child of promise representing the New Covenant as we've seen Isaac being weaned receiving that Word of God okay so he's receiving that Word of God being weaned being the food being the meat verse 9 says and Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian which he had born unto Abraham mocking so this is the child of bondage those in bondage to the Old Covenant mocking and in the first century especially that kind of great en masse sort of converting of the Gentiles of the gospel going out everywhere who are we representing here the Jews the Jews and didn't they mock and scorn and persecute the Gentiles when they received en masse the Word of God I mean that's just a constant theme in a book I mean I'm thinking do I need to give you don't even need to give a quote here right because there's just so many places you could go in acts it just it's the old say us this is a preacher recently where they were just kind of highlighted this point but the Jews that's the common theme isn't it but the Jews but the Jews but that's what we see constantly in the book of Acts okay they're going out to preach the gospel but the Jews you know and then there's the persecution there's a scorn there's a mockery and everything else now the book of Acts is full of basically the Jews just following around Paul and causing trouble wherever he preached I mean that's kind of a major theme in this at least the second half of the book of Acts well verse 10 says wherefore she said unto Abraham cast out this bond woman and her son for the son of this bond woman shall not be heir with my son even with Isaac and that is exactly what happened to these Christ rejecting Jews didn't it okay so we've just seen in in in Galatians 4 this clearly an allegory about that and and in here look we none of us here I don't think you're in any doubt about this I hope not that they had the choice to be the children of the promise but they put their trust in the flesh didn't they now they put their trust of the flesh in two ways both in their genetics because many and even unto this day which I mean we're going to talk about that in a minute because it's even more bizarre we'll say well I'm a Jew of course I'm going to heaven oh yeah it's like forget the works of the law just the fact that I am of the so-called seed and then there are those that obviously had their trust in their maintaining of the law so again their trust was in the flesh right which by the way they then chopped and changed to suit themselves okay so was it even like oh you know I trust in my keeping the law but we've got a made the law suit us a little bit more and adds a bit more head banging and a bit more you know other weird things which side of the bed to get out of in the morning and which hand to wash first and everything else right okay so turn to Matthew chapter 21 Matthew 21 we just read in verse 10 wherefore she said unto Abraham cast out this bond woman and her son for the son of this bond woman shall not be heir with my son even with Isaac we've seen we've we've had Galatians chapter 4 tell us it's an allegory Matthew 21 Jesus tell what he's talking to the chief priests okay and elders of the people he tells them the parable of the wicked husband men if you remember that parable he ends it with a question where he says in verse 40 when the Lord therefore the vineyard cometh what will he do unto those husband men they sound him he will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let out his vineyard unto other husband men which shall render him the fruits in their seasons Jesus saith unto them did ye never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same is become the head of the corner this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes and he's referring to himself being the head of the stone which the builders rejected verse 43 therefore say unto you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof that's pretty clear isn't it pretty clear scripture there right a word you could use to describe this it's off the top of my head could be they were replaced yeah yeah couldn't you couldn't you just use the word replace it yeah that's quite an obvious word for it isn't it they were replaced the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof does anyone think that Jesus got it wrong did Jesus get that wrong he said shall be taken didn't he he didn't say might be depending he said shall be taken the same word that's for example in Romans 10 13 for who serve shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved you know that one you know that shall that definite yeah he said here the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof when Paul said in Galatians 3 26 for year all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus was he wrong was he mistaken there does anyone think he was mistaken maybe you know he's just got it a little bit wrong he just didn't understand things Paul was a bit bit no wonder the Jews hate Paul you know but it's scripture isn't it he wasn't lying he wasn't mistaken he didn't just overlook the fact that God's not done with the Jews okay that wasn't Paul if only he'd realized that God's not done with the Jews if only realized that Jesus Christ got it wrong when he said that the kingdom shall be taken right and one of the biggest frauds in case anyone is wondering you see now what are you going on about probably or sorry pastor taverna I'm gonna get used to it one day or a few years time well one of the biggest frauds in fundamental circles is Zionism okay it is an absolute nonsense it's ridiculous and it is a thing that I know that we've all had to tolerate some of this before in the past many of us here at least have you know maybe just have to part with this because at least it seems like they might have the gospel right here or something else it's it's it's lunacy it is because it just ignores so many clear clear verse of the Bible isn't it if you're going well what you talking about Zionism isn't that you know something just about Israel and a nation everything else isn't that kind of isn't that the thing where anyone who doesn't agree with that must be an anti-semite isn't isn't that no no well basically it's such a con that it's not only infiltrated Bible believing churches around the world it's and and obviously then there's look there are churches where they got the gospel right and they believe this nonsense okay let alone obviously a load of false church believe it as well but it's such a con that it's even infiltrated the secular West who who honestly there are people that don't even believe in God who'd be like yeah but is it that God's people they're all out there aren't they they'd be like yeah but but didn't they I mean that's their land isn't it from the Old Testament you don't even believe the Bible yet you're trying to say these people should just be able to go out there and kick the Palestinians out at home and take this down but but that's not I mean that's that's you know kind of political Zionism basically isn't it it's like support for this kind of this bizarre just suddenly popped out of nowhere state of Israel on the back of we won't even go into how they managed to pull this one off yeah and all these people that formerly lived there it's like tough you're not one of God's people even though we don't believe in God how am I wrong that's what you see out there however then there's Christian Zionism and Christian Zionism has there's varying scales of what I would call the retardation of Christian Zionism so you've got you've got you got the lowest level you've just got yeah well you know I think at some point at some point in the future you know maybe the Jews you know something will work out and they'll suddenly realize it Jesus you know it was right and and when I say the Jews that whole thing we'll get into that in a minute okay that's ridiculous as well then you've got at the upper end then you've got your John Hagee types anyone heard of this clown out there yeah these guys a lot of people like these guys it's like full on stars of Ren fan on their on their pulpits behind them when they preach Israel flag stars of Ren fan Moloch whatever you want to call it everywhere and these guys are like those guys are automatically saved in fact these guys are like holy people they're borderline gods walking the earth that we need to worship we need to like pray to we need to get them in here to tell us like everything about the Bible even though they don't believe in Christ everything it's it's like I mean it's over there right it's like off the wall stuff and you know what a lot of people people believe that stuff as well and then you've got somewhere everywhere in between haven't you and many of us have been somewhere in between I've been at I was at a church previously where where I counted it was four times a service that prayers were made for Israel that was the evening service at least at Bethel Baptist Church in Wimbledon okay it was I we've guys we need another prayer another prayer for Israel guys you know those poor guys anti-semite anti-semite see I'm praying for them you know it was like that right okay see you kind of got every version of this right okay but he said in verse 43 therefore sound to you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bearing forth the fruits thereof didn't he and back in Genesis 21 and verse 10 it said wherefore she said unto Abraham cast out this bond woman and her son for the son of this bond woman shall not be heir with my son even with Isaac anyone think that what we call Jews today have their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation in him alone no sir have you heard of this term like Messianic Jews they're basically Jews that believe in work salvation but also try and add a bit of Jesus to it as well I've never met a Messianic Jew type or seen any of this online well I actually believe the gospel and faith alone in Christ alone okay anyway now here where she said for the son of this bond which should not be here with my son even with Isaac that was the actual bona fide a physical seed okay the children of the flesh being represented here in this allegory by them okay that was people that actually were of the genetic line of Abraham it's like they're not air with with the son of the promise okay let alone converts to a wicked religious false religion sorry let alone converts to it I mean that is beyond crazy so and again if you're like what's he talking about now okay okay take your head out of kind of the world's kind of yeah yeah Jews if you kind of got like long sideburns or you wear yamaka you must be like you must be some sort of genetic Jew okay it's a lie it's a load of nonsense no one you and I are just as much Jew as any of in fact in fact you and I are a hundred times more Jew than any of that because we're Jews by faith in Christ with spiritual Jews but regardless even genetically if you wanted to go to the physical seed it's an absolute sham because most of these people and that this is admitted the world over as well whenever they do genetic DNA tests everything else the vast majority I mean you're talking like 80 90 plus percent come from an Ashkenazi genetic line which were a load of converts in the eighth century so how on earth they're claiming there's some sort of physical seed of Abraham is against just lunacy it's completely ridiculous because where does that end then because they'll go well no no no because actually actually you're a Jew if your mother's a Jew this is what they claim they call it like a matriarchal whatever they call it matriarchal something like that okay but the thing is is that is that look that person that's a Jew because their mother's a Jew maybe their father wasn't and maybe the next one they had and they're as watered down as you or I and in the fact that most of them come from converts means that none of them none of them are tracing their line back to Abraham it's complete nonsense absolute nonsense and like I said where does that stop then oh well I've you know my great-great-great grandmother converted to Judaism so I I'm as I'm a physical seed aren't I it's I mean and that's what we're talking about here and you know what you and I and everyone in here has probably got as much Abraham genetics as any of the rest of it it's nonsense absolute nonsense so what's their response so so like I said that when it comes to the world and when it comes to just the lunacy the political stuff in the world we just you know you take it with a pinch of salt don't you used to craziness there's craziness everywhere they've got all sorts of craziness going on but when it comes to so-called Bible believing Baptists when it comes to independent fundamental by believing Baptists that that cling to this stuff that hold on to it so tight it's kind of really to them a lot of them it's like the gospel in fact now it's more important than a gospel because they're like we don't care about all the repent your sins but you know and everything else what's their response to these verses for example we could go to a hundred of us but what's their response just to these verses should I tell you their response anti-semite that's a response you must be an anti-semite they're not even Semitic it's madness it they're not even semites but the response is you're an anti-semite because you're daring to say what the Bible says that these people aren't Jews according to the Bible they are in fact they are those that say they're Jews and they're not but other what synagogue of Satan madness okay and by the way if Isaac represented the children of promise and Ishmael represents the children of the flesh who does Abraham represent here God Abraham is representing God in this allegory with Sarah representing heavenly Jerusalem and verse 11 says and the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son so that persecuting of God's children by and at this point they were the physical seed by the physical seed then let alone now by people who have nothing to do the physical seed that just converts to a false religion to a Christ rejected Christ blaspheming false religion God's response was it was very grievous in his sight very grievous I mean these not not just the fact that they reject Christ the fact that they persecute and still do to this day those that believe anyone ever heard of people trying to preach the gospel in Israel okay much of a good reception for that I mean I think it's illegal isn't it it's illegal in in Israel to even preach the gospel talk about persecution no you preached up you can't even preach the Bible you can't even go to someone and show them how to get saved in Israel that's persecution do you know what that is in God's sight very grievous very grievous oh but we must pray for them I'll send some more money there and God said unto Abraham let it not be grievous in our sight because of the lad now I'll tell you why he's saying that because he's offering the solution saying let it not be grievous under the site because Aladdin because I bond woman in all that Sarah said unto thee hearken unto her voice for in Isaac shall I see be called so he's basically saying don't worry because look do what she said get rid of the bond woman get rid of the Sun now look at this and also have the son of the bond woman will I make a nation because he is I seed now we saw in chapter 17 that Ishmael ended up with 12 sons representing the physical seed of course there was a physical nation wasn't there so he's representing that physical nation yeah he's because he's Abraham's son so he's basically say look don't worry he's gonna survive cast him out he's gonna he's gonna survive verse 14 I'm gonna show you what happens with him in a minute and Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar put it on her shoulder and a child and sent her away and she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba now remember we're still looking at an allegory here aren't we it's a real story don't get me wrong this happened these are real events but they're also an allegory of events to come or at least well whether they're to come or even events pass as well because ultimately you could also argue that it's a picture of work salvation versus faith but but especially I would say massively fulfilled in the first century AD so I believe that we're seeing continuing of that here as well with the physical nation having the Word of God okay turn of Romans chapter 3 and of course they were given the Word of God as the physical nation as those 12 tribes as well you're turning to Romans chapter 3 Abraham representing God gave the physical nation the bread and water what does the bread and water represent the Word of God okay so he Abraham rose up early in the morning took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar put it on her shoulder and the child is sent away she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba now that was a massive massive advantage to them wasn't it he didn't just kick him up the bum and say get out he gave them the bread and water that was a an ability to survive wasn't it well look at Romans chapter 3 and verse 1 what advantage then has the Jew or what profit is there of circumcision talking here about these physical Jews much every way chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God so the physical nation had a massive advantage and were able to become the children of promise if if they were willing to do that to put their faith in Christ due to the Word of God so they're given that advantage they were given the oracles those tribes the physical seed were given the Word of God weren't they Romans 10 17 says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God they need the Word of God to get saved in there but sadly they didn't all get saved because where you are Romans 3 then says verse 3 for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect God forbid yea let God be true but every man a liar as it is written that thou mightest be justified in us sayings he mightest overcome when thou art judged judge so look some did not believe right they didn't all get saved however they had the ability okay they were sent off with the what they needed to survive yeah is the picture the allegory so back in Genesis 21 we're seeing a picture of this committing of the oracles of God verse 14 said and Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar put it on her shoulder and a child a central way she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba however they still wandered in the wilderness didn't they so they were given what they needed but they're wandering in the spiritual wilderness because eventually ultimately the majority didn't get saved right verse 15 says and the water was spent in the bottle and she casts a child under one of the shrubs now here you could argue even here look they had their chance right they had their chance she casts a child the the Lord she couldn't keep him alive the law couldn't make them live spiritually right remember she represents a law and she went and sat her down over against a good way off and in case you're wondering how she casting his 14 year old around well for me it's just showing ultimately that that he is he's helpless here at this point okay he's not at this point he's representing the unsaved in the law he's helpless he's obviously like for me he's probably on his last legs right now he's he's massively dehydrated she went and and set her down over against him a good way off as it were a bow shot for she said let me not see the death of the child and she sat over against him and lift up her voice and wept look at verse 17 and God heard the voice of who of the lad and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her what aleth he Hagar fear not for God have heard the voice of who the lad where he is so notice how Hagar lifted up her voice but verse 17 says it's a lad who God hears well Hagar represented the bondage of the law which couldn't the bondage of the law couldn't get that access to God could it the bondage of the law couldn't reconcile you with God however those born off the flesh can still access God they can still be graft back in so that's what the allegory here is continuing here is that even though he was of the flesh even though he was under the bondage of the law he ultimately could still access God by faith Romans 11 23 says and they also referred to the physical seed if they abide not still in unbelief shall be graft in for God is able to graph them in again now in case you're kind of looking at this going alright so those like kind of curly-haired you know reprobates down the road and everything else you know they can get say no no ultimately here we're talking about those at the time who were physical seed right we're not looking about people that are like blaspheming the Holy Spirit and stuff okay but these were people at this point that were physical seeds of Abraham and they were able to get saved weren't they in fact many of them did get saved in fact many of like much what they do is go to synagogues and preaching the gospel and stuff right and of course look that also happened with the gospel going around the world as well because they weren't all centered in Jerusalem were they so the gospel was going out around the world and there were Jews getting saved with the Gentiles as well many of the physical seed also ended up getting saved that's why here God heard the voice of the lad representing the physical seed and not the law so God had God heard that voice of the lad that's someone who's the physical seed calling out to God and getting saved that's what the picture is here and look look at verse 17 and God heard the voice of the lad and he ain't even though she's the one calling out it seemed but but obviously he has as well the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her what aleth thee Hagar fear not for God have heard the voice of the lad where he is her eyes lift up the lad and hold him in thine hand for I'll make him a great nation and God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and she went and filled the bottle with water and gave the lad drink so it was the lad calling out to God that resulted in for me a picture of the water of life represented salvation it had nothing to do with the law or his genetics did it it had to do with him calling out to God yeah and but whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but ever last in life right and God was with the lad and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness and became an archer and he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt for me represented the fact that even those of physical seed that got saved they never reclaimed the land he dwelt in the wilderness they were out in the wilderness and eventually he's merging with the world and of course his mother already is Egyptian anyway he she takes her wife out of Egypt represented the world and that's ultimately what happened to the remnant that got saved the Jews they just merged into the world because there is no nation anymore okay that's it that's a it's a bogus nation it's a nonsense there is no in God's eyes there is no physical nation of Israel but there is a spiritual one and if those people those people that were of the physical see that like I said that's pretty much everyone and anyone nowadays anyway but those people who were could get saved okay and anyone is born into the world with the ability to get saved okay what happens after that is a separate issue right okay but everyone has the ability but they will never have that land as a physical nation that's long done and that's what you're seeing there is just that going back merging back with the world okay let's move on from that okay but I hope anyway hopefully you've kind of got with my train of thought with that verse 22 then says and it came to pass at that time the Abimelech of Fichol the chief captain of his host spake unto Abraham saying God is with thee in all that thou doest now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal falsely with me nor with my son nor with my son's son but according to the kindness I have done unto thee thou shalt do unto me and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned so although they can see that he's a prophet he's a man of God his behavior with the Sarah sister stuff is still hanging over him here isn't it notice that they're saying to him look you need a swear by us they'll not deal falsely with me nor with my son nor with my son son this guy is a slippery character look and and look just the point here you know when we when we do something like that when you as a as a man of God when you make a big error like that you do something like you got a big sin that's that's obviously publicly known like that hangs over you doesn't it and here like this is hanging over him you you just choose to go and be dishonest and do something that's a dishonest act or anything else that's gonna hold that's gonna be held over you by people people are gonna look at you and just not want to trust you here they like they would they need him to swear to them because they're like I can't believe you know you had pretending that your sisters your sorry your wife's your sister and everything else and letting us take her into our like what a crazy thing it was and that's still he's still basically paying for that isn't he now for those 20 in verse 11 you have Turner says even a child is known by his doings whether his work be pure whether it be right we're known by doings aren't we and how we behave and what we do and look here Abraham is still here he's still being judged by what he was guilty of and Abraham said I will swear and Abraham reproved Abimelech because of a well of water which Abimelech's servants had violently taken away now maybe Abraham is saying okay well yeah there was a sister thing but what about this then you know it's like okay right okay well how about then you guys have been nicking our wells but it seems like Abimelech's men have stolen a well that that Abraham and his men had dug yeah you know if you want to you can jump forward to Genesis 26 I'm gonna read verse 18 Genesis 26 18 says and Isaac digged again the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father so it seems that they're digging these wells okay they're they're they're putting the work in for the Philistines to stop them after the death of Abraham and he called their names after names by which his father had called them talking about the wells so they're there he said they digged again in verse 18 there Genesis 26 which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father so they're doing work they're trying to dig out wells and obviously that's a lot of digging right a lot of work the Philistines are stealing it from them they're putting the effort in the Philistines are dealing it's stealing it and if the wells of water represent you could argue the distribution of God's Word or at least God's Word with Ephesians for example 526 talk to Jesus cleanses at church he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word yeah just to give you one of many examples there over the years those Philistine types have attempt to violently take away God's Word haven't they? I don't know if that's the meaning of that but you could apply that couldn't you I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of people out there that try to violently take away God's Word take away the distribution of God's Word I mean it's country see there's something I've thought about in the last few weeks because obviously we had our American tourists here and their tour guide took them to some cool places and one of which is Hampton Court Palace and we were at Hampton Court Palace where obviously the commissioning of the King James Bible was and just you know and then seeing obviously you know the they have like all these amazing I mean there's something that I noticed by the way when you go to Buckingham Palace and when you go to Hampton Court you know what what the artwork isn't all over the wall it's not a load of impressionism sort of dot dot dab dab and everything else not like the Royals and all these people going just so amazing you know Picasso no no they actually look like things yeah they're actually good they're like amazing artwork amazing artwork all over the walls they've got all these like original from like hundreds and hundreds of years go all over the wall like it's really impressive stuff yeah and some of that is portraits of like Henry VIII things like that and just thinking about you know for example Henry VIII and William Tyndale and you know he'd call the outlord open the King of you know the King of England's eyes and you know all that stuff and they were people violently ultimately trying to take away the Word of God weren't they trying to prevent the Word of God getting out think about all the persecution of people just trying to translate the Bible trying to print the Bible trying to get the Bible out and here if the if the water represents God's Word well they're trying to violently take it trying to violently destroy it they violently end up filling them up we see later in chapter 26 just find a way of stopping it and it's something I I feel will probably return here as well I think we're starting to see and not to I hope no one gets fearful about this stuff you know it is just what it is and you stay close to God you'll be alright but they're starting to be little little whispers of obviously King James while being hate speech and you'll have this sort of stuff there'll be this out in the u.s. there's a couple of times now this people trying to campaign that the reading of the King James Bible in the I think it was in a library it's actually hate speech and trying to get it banned and things like that from schools I think it was maybe there's a few of these stories starting to come out and I think you know it would just start to test the water and start to try and push that agenda and ultimately maybe we'll get to a point where the Bible's banned where they'll try and violently take it away from the people but what are we gonna do get the NIV might as well get the message right no we're gonna keep reading and we're gonna keep preaching King James Bibles amen for sure but I think that might come again but we'll see what happens but verse 26 says said and Abimelech said I what not to have done this thing neither did thou tell me neither yet heard I of it but today so he's saying I don't even know what you're talking about what happened and Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them unto Abimelech and both then made a covenant and Abraham set seven you lambs of the flock by themselves you lambs of female lambs and verse 29 says and Abimelech said unto Abraham what mean these seven you lambs which they are set by themselves and he said these seven you lambs shout thou take of my hand that they may be a witness unto me that I have digged this well wherefore he called that place Beersheba because there they swear both of them and Beersheba being the southern boundary of Canaan and meaning well of the oath or well of seven apparently now seven being a sort of complete number and if you're sitting there going right you know brother sorry pastor tavern I'll get there you're about to explain what the seven you lambs represent unfortunately not I'm unsure okay if anyone does have a good explanation I'd love to hear it I was looking at this for a while this morning I'm not sure I didn't have anything that I really kind of could go there's a lot we know that there's there's sevens of everything that's like one of those needle in a haystack I felt like because we see a lot of sevens in the Bible right and you know you could imagine from seven is seven hours seven spirit seven days seven years they're just sevens everywhere right so I'm unsure if anyone's got any views I'd be really interested in that and maybe they don't maybe it's just it's a complete number I don't know I feel like there probably is a good good there's something good in there but I haven't got there the seven you lands being a complete number for this I think I'm what you mean by complete no no maybe in English where we'd possibly talk about a dozen or something that sort of thing but more so seven is just everywhere it's completion is at seven days you know it's seven days a morning seven days of the weeks it's just seven seven seven throughout the Bible it seems really sort of complete number he makes this oath with these seven you lambs verse 32 says us they made a covenant at Beersheba then a bimlech rose up and fire coal the chief captain of his host and they returned into the land of the Philistines and Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba and called there on the name of the Lord the everlasting God now just quickly on this he planted a grove okay which although groves are used to worship false gods later like some sort of hippie woodland nonsense I'd imagine something like that it probably all running around the trees going here it's likely that Abraham just planted some trees and was calling on God in this place that he planted these trees okay so I don't think we've got any reason to think it was some sort of weird like kind of worship hippie worship service going on however he brought the grove and then he called there on the name of the Lord the everlasting God and this is a talk about salvation I think I mentioned this on Sunday morning calling on the name of the Lord isn't can be for salvation but it's not always okay so he's praying to God he's calling on him for you know for many things I'd imagine in life like we should all be and in verse 34 says and Abraham sojourned in the Philistines land many days so yeah he carries on hanging around in the Philistines land he's basically on the border here it seems of the Philistines land and you know kind of Canaan here or at least they're kind of going into that he hangs around there a bit longer that was Genesis chapter 21 I hope you all got something from that I'm going to finish up in a word of prayer father I thank you for your word thank you for well the fact that Lord we are children of the promise here we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and him alone for salvation that we accounted children of the promise as Isaac was Lord and we thank you for that truth in the Bible of truth which I suppose is clear to us but maybe for those without maybe the Holy Spirit it could be harder for maybe for those that maybe just being brainwashed and and and so you know convinced of Zionism for so many years they just find it hard to kind of see it for what it clearly says Lord help us to to just you know stand on those promises to know that that we can receive all those promises that you gave to you know Abraham to his seed after him and help us to appreciate that Lord helps to appreciate that you know that just it's just about faith in you and what an amazing gift that is not only not only salvation but also the many blessings that we have as your children we thank you please help us to remember that as we finish off this week Lord and help us to all get back here on Sunday for another day in your house Jesus name