(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) to chapter 2 or 50, ploughing through it already, we looked at Genesis 1 last week and obviously a famous chapter of the Bible with the six day creation and we looked at how this absolutely bizarre religion of atheism is really an attack on God's word because that's what it is isn't it and if you can disprove the first verse of the Bible well then the rest is has to be discarded too or at least taken with a large pinch of salt. However what we really and many people are aware of here when you talk to most atheist types it's not that they really believe that because you either have to be an imbecile or at least be willing to pretend you're an imbecile. The truth is most of them are just angry with God. They usually say something like we said along the lines of and I had this so many times so they'll go I don't believe in God well if there was a God why did he let this happen to me if there was a God why did this happen etc and it's you do believe in God you're just angry with God why didn't he help me why when I called out did this not happen etc but it is there are those that say in their heart there is no God and for me they're reprobates okay and we looked at Psalm 53 one which says a fool have said in his heart there is no God corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity there is none that doeth good okay and there's a type of person that does really believe deep down in their heart because that's beyond stupid that's now I'm just completely denying just just just obvious facts life just looking at each other proves as a creator okay it's it's madness so once you're saying it in your heart well what's happened to your heart to get to that point but we saw that day one was heaven and earth night and day and and you know Jesus we looked at being that light of the world didn't we so that was before the sun and before the moon and um but but but that's what he creates on day one and we looked at day two um which was the atmosphere and remember it wasn't something firm even though it's called the firmament because birds fly in it we looked at that then day three was the dry land and vegetation and and we looked at how the waters were gathered into the seas so there wasn't like this sort of piecing together of land that people try and talk about or un-piecing together a bit at some point um day four was sun moon and stars and we talked about how the stars uh picture soul winning christians shining forth that light um which I thought was a cool thing to think about that that every one here that's going out soul was being pictured on day four of creation day five was sea creatures and birds and and no there were there are no sea creatures morphing into birds over millions of years imagine what a terrible time it must have been well they were halfway in between like while the wing was half grown they kept falling into the water and drowning I mean I don't know how many of them survived it's just so ridiculous isn't it but um and then day six was the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind and what a surprise that's what we see still to this day creatures bring forth other creatures after their own kind yeah not you don't see dogs giving birth to cats or anything else as much again millions of years don't change that and then we saw obviously man be created on day six as well and then we we finally saw how how man was told to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion over the earth and how just how many false teachings are just dispelled by the first chapter of the bible finally people just read the first chapter of the bible then they wouldn't be going on about we've got a population crisis which is just ridiculous they wouldn't be saying things like you know we're a we're a scourge we're some sort of parasite on the earth because the bible just dispels all of that in in chapter one but anyway we're going to continue but uh genesis 131 it ended with this and god saw everything that he'd made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day not the sixth period not the sixth sort of you know uh million year day it was the sixth day yeah it was a six day creation um okay and we're going to go into genesis chapter two now and verse one which reads thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them i'd like to pray before we continue father thank you for your word thank you for um well just just these great truths that we can get straight away out of the very first couple of pages of your book lord your preserved book a book that's just a miracle that we still have that we're able to read well it's not because you promised that we'd have this book lord help me to preach this second chapter of your book lord just clearly accurately boldly help everyone have attend to his lord um would it just be full of your spirit and just known for all of this amen so so he said thus the heavens and the earth were finished all the host of them so basically what was up in the sky and down the earth was made in six days along with everything in it okay and that's what we we saw last week verse two says and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and then god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made he must have been worn out right yeah god was just absolutely wrecked well no because god spoke the world into existence didn't he it was all made by the words of his mouth you don't have to turn it but psalm 33 6 says by the word of the lord were the heavens made and all the hosts then by the breath of his mouth okay it was out of his mouth and no he didn't have a sore throat either okay from just saying too much of this ah let there be this and that so why did he rest on that seventh day what was the point well it was a picture of something and no it wasn't a picture of the sabbath it was at least you know the start of the sabbath but turn to hebrews chapter 3 the sabbath continued the picture and was then fulfilled approximately 2 000 years ago the the picture was of the rest that we are also to take from our works when we put our faith in jesus christ that's the picture that's why he rested on that seventh day and made a point of resting on that seventh day and hebrews 3 and 4 explains this so we're going to start in hebrews 3 and verse 17 hebrews 3 17 which helps us to understand this where it says but with whom was he grieved 40 years was it not with them that had sinned whose carcasses fell in the wilderness so we're talking about the children of israel here those that weren't allowed to enter into the promised land and to whom swear he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believe not so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief okay so they didn't enter into his rest because of unbelief what's he talking about entering into his rest well hebrews 4 and verse 1 says let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest now this is much a long time now after the promised land obviously that it that was kind of the first fulfillment of this but it was more of again the promised land there was a picture of heaven to come and he said any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it so look just a quick point just thought that verse alone no one ever got saved any other way other than the gospel okay that is i mean it's for me it's damnable heresy these people who start coming out of these different gospels it's another gospel let them be a curse there is no other way no one got saved by their works yeah otherwise what was the point in jesus christ just carried on getting what what jesus just came to die just for fun like he went through he went to hell and back okay for us and for everyone previously and for everyone that will come after him as well so whether it was faith in the coming christ the current christ or the now risen christ it was faith in christ wasn't it and there we just saw that where it says for unto us was the gospel preach as well as unto them talking about those children of israel in the wilderness okay but however many of them didn't put their faith in christ like nowadays many people don't put their faith in christ and it's funny that because if you think about it's the same way that you paid for all your sins past present and future as well the same way that people from the past present and future when i say present when jesus christ was here was saved by the faith in christ but verse 3 says for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as i have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world now um this is from psalm 95 and then we're not going to go there and it then says for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and god did rest the seventh day from all his works and that's what we just read in genesis 2 2 was him talking about the seventh down this wise god resting the seventh day from all his works but we do enter into that rest if we believe it was a picture of resting christ and that's what we see that's what he's doing and we already looked last week it's just pictures of things to come in in genesis chapter one and it's just an amazing thing isn't it the bible how events happen things happen even as as amazing as the creation of the world is constantly picturing things to come and i mean i don't even know how you explain it obviously it's just amazing isn't it but here what what we do see is that that that rest that seventh day was a picture of the rest in christ genesis 2 2 said and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made me rest on the seventh day from all his work which he had made it's a picture of rest in christ verse five where where you were if you still sorry i should have said to stay there in hebrew he said and in this place again if they shall enter into my rest and and for me because it said it just to read that again verse four said for he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and god did rest seventh day from all his works okay we saw that in genesis 2 2 then it says and in this place again that for me is in the same place he said it if they shall enter into my rest and i think that's the blessing and sanctifying from verse three in genesis 2 where it says and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it so in this place again if they shall enter into my rest this is a picture of blessing and sanctifying from entering into his rest because you're clean by that aren't you by faith in christ you're sanctified aren't you because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made and then back in hebrew still it says in hebrews 4 and verse 6 seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief they didn't enter him because of unbelief because how how do we enter into god's rest it's faith in christ that's it that's what the belief is it's putting your faith your trust in jesus christ which means that you do not have to work your way to heaven okay you can cease from your works and and if you don't cease from your works your works never get you there anyway again he limited for certain days saying in david today after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts that's from psalm 95 again for if jesus had given them rest then would he not after it have spoken of another day that now jesus by the way is is a greek for joshua okay who led them into the promised land into rest that's what it's talking about here okay usually in hebrew is he's going to use a bigger type than just jesus it's the lord jesus christ christ jesus etc so here he's talking about joshua said if joshua had given them rest then would he not after it have spoken of another day but then he says in verse 9 there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of god so basically he spoke of another day that's the rest to come for he that is entered into his rest he also has ceased from his own works as god did from his so if you enter into the rest of jesus christ you do that through belief through faith in jesus christ then you've also ceased from your works as god did from his on day seven of creation or at least the first day after the six days of creation that seventh day was him giving a picture of rest in the lord jesus christ to be basically remembered constantly through the sabbath day that was a point of the sabbath day was to that's why there were you know there was punishment for working on the sabbath because the whole thing was it was a picture of faith in christ it was important so back in genesis 2 god resting on the seventh day of creation like i said is a picture that rest and then we enter into it when we cease our own works and trust in christ verse 3 says and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made and and like i said that's why the sabbath and sabbath is saturday by the way was blessed and sanctified as it was a reminder obviously of that rest okay that that that one receives by faith in the coming christ at this point but this now is done away in christ so christ has fulfilled the sabbath christ is lord of the sabbath christ has pictured christ came and that's why colossius 2 16 says let no man therefore judge me for and drink respect of of an holy day of the new moon of the sabbath days now there are many sabbath days and many rest days and feast days and sabbaths but however none of these are to be followed anymore okay these carn lordesses they're they're done away within jesus christ a lot of them are pictures of christ however with that you could argue that there's probably a good pattern there to try and get a day off i think for you know it's probably healthier it's probably better for you to try and get a day off and you know especially for the working men out there it can be hard for a lot of the moms and women because it's not so easy to get a day off is it however it's probably nice to have a day where maybe you're not doing your normal routine and stuff i think it helps to refresh you i think in in for sportsmen and things like that it's very good as well i think it's probably healthy to try and get a rest day and maybe mentally you need that as well however it's not there's no rule with that we're not these people who could try and say to you so is you know why don't you meet on the sabbath or something or you you've got the wrong day have you ever heard these idiots out there come out of this stuff or or they they try and say you even get these people that go oh uh i've had a good sabbath today talking about sunday even a sabbath like anyway back to verse four and we're going to carry on with that but that's what it's about that's what that's what the lord was picturing there that's what god was picturing when he rested and verse four says these are the generations and generations here meaning history okay so no they're not they're not some fun stories or mythology this book is history okay this book is history it says these are the generations or the history of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in that day and the day being in that time okay that the lord god made the earth and the heavens and every plant the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew for the lord god had not caused it to rain upon the earth there was not a man to till the ground but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground so we're now focusing in on post day three where the plants and herbs have been made but he hasn't made man yet on day five so we're now kind of going in kind of into more depth now at this point for me god watered the vegetation of the mist as there was still no rain at this point and then verse seven says and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul the dust here being being the earth the ground soil whatever you want to call it and and it's interesting is that the human body's main six elements being oxygen hydrogen nitrogen carbon calcium and phosphorus they're kind of the main six and uh with with a few others in lesser amounts and and it's it's interesting as well because verse six you look back at verse six there went up a miss from the earth and and and watered the whole face of the ground and the lord god formed man of the dust of ground it was water dust or ground or soil or earth which kind of makes sense with 55 to 60 percent depending on whether you're female or male of the human body being water but the the water on earth makes you think of a potter with the clay don't doesn't it so it's watered and then he makes man of the of the ground and for me that's a picture of that potter with the clay you have to turn there but isiah 64 8 says but now oh lord thou are our father we are the clay and now our potter and we all are the work of thy hand and it gives that picture that he is the potter and and who are we to talk against him you know against him that formed us anyway and it makes you think of i think there's a in romans 11 with that if i'm right but um and it's the same with the animals okay now it's same thing they were made of the ground however there's a difference with us so look at verse seven and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul and no you animal lovers out there this wasn't the same with animals yeah look nothing wrong with animals but um they're not living souls as many people like to convince themselves they are man became a living soul and as though i'd when hungry that loyal to the person feeding them you know a dog might be it doesn't have a soul it doesn't have a soul and i like you know that sort of topic sometimes i avoid it when people come out with that on the door when you ever have people that say as long as i'm with my little fido or something you've heard that stuff before you get there don't you about wherever little i'm going to be up there with little snoody good luck i usually avoid that however i do sometimes come out when people say no such thing don't believe in god don't believe in heaven i usually say something along the lines of oh um what so you believe we don't have a soul and sometimes they'll say yeah or no and usually i'll say what just like an animal you're just what like a dog without a soul and when they say yeah i'm kind of by then i'm ready to move on but i think i've left a little thought in their mind there they really think they're just like that animal that dog like some stupid beast no we have a soul and and people that believe that well again it's getting pretty hard-hearted isn't it to think that you're just you're on the same level as an animal but um and here's the thing if people are getting taught that so much is it any wonder that you get these nutters going to schools and start shooting up people like they're just like other animals it's such a wicked teaching isn't it and just just crazy but i like to say that some blood but there's a big difference isn't there there's a big difference or at least there should be a big difference maybe some people do that like animals so you understand why they believe that but you know you the whole thing's just ridiculous i think i heard a past for each the other day just say so why are there still monkeys if we came from monkeys why are there still monkeys it's so ridiculous isn't it makes no sense to where's the half monkey half man where are they why aren't any of these monkeys that we're coming across what now we're able to observe it because oh no it was like this secret stuff that went on millions of years ago you can't observe it now why aren't we observing it why aren't they in the middle of morphing why aren't their monkeys at least they're like talking a little bit and kind of doing because there's no such thing because it's complete nonsense anyway that that soul is what sets us apart but it but it's also what makes eternity so important we're living eternal souls and when the physical life is over our soul can either live forever or it can die forever and that's why eternity is so important isn't it we're not like the animals as much as people want to convince themselves that because then basically eat drink and be merry because what's what's doesn't matter i'm going to return to the ground that's not really the truth though is it because your soul is either going to live forever or it's going to die forever okay and they're the two options there's nothing else and that's why it's so important isn't it the gospel it's so important to get out so important to get saved because otherwise when your time coming that could be any time can't it any time when that time comes you're going to die forever in a fiery furnace of hell your soul will be there forever and it's once you're there it's too late but verse 8 says and the lord god planted a garden eastward in eden and there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground made the lord to grow every tree that is pleasant to the site and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil so first thing to point out here were they just functional trees no god made trees that were pleasant to the site again makes no sense this whole uh you know atheism big bangs order coming out of chaos kind of ridiculousness because why are all these things just so pleasant to the eye so pleasant to the site because god made things like that for us didn't he and and we we see you know you see the creator in the creation as well and he obviously sees a beauty and this is the things that he's wanted to make to give to us as well and look there are some amazing amazing plants amazing trees amazing things out there which you just look and your mouth drops open sometimes when you see him and the beauty of them and he made he made uh the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the site he said and good for food okay and again that's a great food to come through we i've said this before we're blessed yeah we could have just been given one thing that we need to eat and that's all you have and it tastes the same and that's what you do because it's functional because food is functional isn't it some people go too far don't they where everything has to be this tense taste sensation and you know they've got to just somehow you know be just so yummy with everything they eat okay however aren't we blessed that we have all these foods that are pretty yummy and a lot of them are pretty healthy when you start going to to a lot of these fruits and vegetables and things that we're talking about here are just like absolutely amazing isn't it amazing those things but sadly what happens is we get our taste buds get conned by all the frankenstein food so then people stop finding that stuff enjoyable whereas you should look if you you you never give a kid any of that junk and you give a child like a piece of mango or you give a child a piece of fresh pineapple it's like wow this is amazing and they're yummy and loving it but you start giving that kid haribo every day or so or they're similar then they're not even interested in the fruit are they because they just need that you know that weird frankenstein food but god gave us these amazing foods in me and they are great and when you eat them with the fibre and everything else they're bad for you either you know some people try and go i don't eat fruit because of carbs and everything else well the thing is if it's good quality fruit and you're eating it as whole fruit you're going to be all right and you're probably not going to overeat it either because there's only a level you're going to go with fruit isn't there okay so he he he made these trees he made them good for food but then he made this tree of life also in the midst of the garden a tree of knowledge of good and evil what is the tree of life anyone ever wonder what the tree of life is well turn to proverbs chapter 11 because for me it represents the word of god that's what i believe which gives eternal life it's a representation of the word of god you're turning to proverbs chapter 11 we just read he said the tree of life also in the midst in the middle of the garden proverbs 11 30 says this the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win of souls is wise that's proverbs 11 30 famous chapter of the bible the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win of souls is wise let's just also mention there that yes you do go and win souls it's not just god that does the saving you work it with him yeah we are laborers together with god however the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life what is the fruit of the righteous anyone ever wondered that it's what comes out of their mouths the fruit what the fruit is what comes out of your mouth what is it that comes out of a saved person person's mouth which can result in souls one it's a word of god it's a word of god turn to matthew chapter 12 we just read in proverbs 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life our fruits are what comes out of our mouths it's got nothing to do with our good deeds or of the fruits of the spirit okay people like to come out with that one well where are their fruits how do you prove they're a christian it's well look at have they done this have they done that you know are we seeing the fruits of the spirit well if they're not walking in the spirit you're not gonna see no fruits of the spirit yeah and and there are people that can blag fruits of the spirit as well who don't even have the spirit okay that's not how you see it's what comes out of your mouth matthew 12 and verse 33 says either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit oh generation of vipers he's talking to false prophets here how can ye being evil speak it speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh that's what we're talking about here with the fruits that's why matthew 720 you don't have to turn there stay in matthew 12 talking to false prophets says wherefore by their fruits you shall know them it's about what comes out of their mouth okay that's how you know is what comes out of their mouth you go well wait a second what do you just have to wait for for false prophet you know false doctrine do we have to wait for the repent of your sins with people not always because sometimes it'll be the sheer covetousness that comes out of their mouth and by their fruits what's coming out of their mouth you're starting to get to know them right sometimes it'll be other such like things sometimes they're just going on about other things which are clear signs of false maybe it's just like the maybe it's like just sheer sexual perversion just filth coming out of their mouths and by their fruits you know them oh well still haven't said something you know dodgy about salvation no it's out of the it's the fruits of the mouth that's why there verse 35 says a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but i sound to you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned it's all about the words that's what the fruit is so when proverbs 11 30 talks the fruit of the righteous it what's it's what comes out of their mouths that's the tree of life and we've turned to proverbs 3 well i just read proverbs 15 4 you're turning to proverbs 3 proverbs 15 4 says a wholesome tongue is a tree of life but perverseness there is therein is a breach in the spirit so according to to proverbs 15 4 a wholesome tongue is a tree of life okay the tree of life it gives life and how does it do that because where does a wholesome tongue come from it's when it's talking ultimately the words of god that's why the the the fruit of the righteous what comes out of their mouth that saved person is a tree of life again if they're preaching the word of god proverbs 3 13 says happy is a man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding okay so it goes on to say of wisdom then in verse 18 we're going to jump forward but he's just talking about wisdom she is a tree of life that's wisdom to them that lay hold upon her and happy is everyone that retaineth her where does wisdom come from well proverbs 2 6 says for the lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding proverbs 4 5 says get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth it all comes in the word of god so it all comes from that's where wisdom comes from that's where that's what that tree of life is it's a word of god coming out of a saved person's mouth look if they're not saved they're getting anyone saved if you're if you're not saved it doesn't matter how much bible you read to someone you're not getting anyone saved okay it takes a saved person it takes the word of god it takes the holy spirit okay and that's how we get people saved and and that's what the fruit of the righteous is that's the tree of life the word of god and go back to genesis 2 with that in mind verse 9 said the word of god is in the midst of the garden said and out of the ground made the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden it's central to our lives isn't it yeah it's central to our lives the word of god genesis 3 22 after the fall so jump forward to chapter 3 and verse 22 it says the lord god said behold the man is become as one of us to no good and evil now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever the word of god is what gives us salvation Romans 10 17 he'd have to turn there says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and genesis 3 24 says so he drove out the man he placed at the east of the garden of eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life for me that's a picture of the preservation of god's word that's the preservation of god's word to keep the way of the tree of life you have to turn to sum 119 in verse 89 says forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven which is why we see the tree of life from from genesis and we see it in in revelation in the last chapter of the bible in the new jerusalem because forever thy word is is settled in heaven that's what it's about that's what i believe the tree of life is um and and it's a picture it's a it's it's a basically something to represent the word of god let's carry on with genesis 2 and verse 9 which says and out of the ground made the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the site and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of garden and a tree of knowledge of good and evil so what's this tree what's this tree of the knowledge of good and evil well for me it represents man's ability to choose to sin it basically represents free will god didn't create a calvinist robot in case anyone's wondering okay there ain't no calvinist robots out there he created a living soul who has a choice to obey or not okay there's no you're not just being pulled around by a string and you just do anything that some weird version of god that these weird nutters believe in beret wearing nutters i'm sick of berets i went up to here i've had up to here actually with berets recently i had some some beret wearer trying to trying to annoy me on on email recently anyway we won't talk about berets but calvinists they love a beret don't they absolutely love it but um but but and again like you've got a question again we don't want to go where you must be unsaved because you can't interpret that but that's pretty basic isn't it it's pretty basic to open up first corinthians chapter 11 and see that the covering is clearly talking about hair because it mentions hair about 10 times in the chapter doesn't it it's absolutely bizarre that someone can look at that and come away and go yeah women have to wear this weird woolen beret yeah that's what that's what the apostle paul was talking about weird what about it you know they oh i am going to talk about this now do you know how they justify the weird will and beret when you go back to the greek apparently i got this the other day well when you go back to the greek and then apparently it's a different word which actually talks about something about the angle or something that it's being placed on which clearly must be talking about the beret because if only the king james bible translators had had these people there at the time to explain to them that all women have to wear a beret when they go to church yeah and as long as men don't wear the beret and like i said this person i'm sure in your sort of church you wouldn't care if a man had long hair or if a woman had had a skinhead as long as they had a beret on right but they didn't really reply to that anyway berets calvinists so calvinists believe that that the there is no choice well what was the point in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it presented a choice in verse 17 he gave man the choice and disobeying it resulted in the knowledge of good and evil verse 17 says but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die turn to deuteronomy one where we see that there's an age of accountability which is described as the knowledge of good and evil in deuteronomy one in deuteronomy one where you're turning most is reminding them about the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness and that generation not seeing the promised land which like i mentioned earlier is a picture of heaven okay it's a picture of heaven it's obviously not heaven but it is a picture of heaven in verse 34 in deuteronomy one deuteronomy chapter one and verse 34 says and the lord heard the voice of of your words and was wroth and swear saying surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good land which i swear to give unto your fathers save caleb the son of jeffrna he shall see it and to him will i give the land that he had trodden upon and to his children because because he hath wholly followed the lord also the lord was angry with me for your sake saying thou shalt thou also shalt not go in thither but joshua the son of nun which standeth before thee he shall go in thither encourage him for he shall cause israel to inherit it moreover your little ones which ye said should be a prey and your children so don't say the children now this is older than the little ones yeah which are obviously infants and your children which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil they shall go in thither and unto them will i give it and they shall possess it so there's an age where a child has no knowledge between good and evil isn't there okay and like i've i've mentioned this before i talk to people when they ask about this this isn't knowledge of whether mummy or daddy gets angry this isn't the knowledge of what makes mummy or daddy shocks a lot of kids know when they're just going against or something results in a punishment or something else that's not what we're talking about we're talking about a knowledge between good and evil and my kind of point with this once they're old enough to understand that well they're old enough to understand the gospel and vice versa so if a child is old enough to really understand the gospel and understand you know the the the punishment for sin and sin and grace through faith they're old enough for me to understand the difference between good and evil but there's some debate about that as to what that age actually is and you could argue with here i mean he goes really high with the age here but i again i'm not sure with that i don't think you'd be going up to 20 some might argue that but back in genesis 2 9 and 17 that tree represents innocence and responsibility for sin okay the the knowledge of good and evil without that knowledge of good and evil you're innocent aren't you once you have that knowledge of good and evil you're now responsible for your sin yeah and and they chose to sin they chose that they made that choice they had free will they chose it and you go why did god finally just hadn't planted that tree in there well had he not plant that tree in there there would have been no choice they made that choice they chose to sin we're given the choice and every single person here that wants to look back and go adam and eve you know and everything else you all choose to sin every day what's your excuse you choose to sin you have the bible and you have the holy spirit if you're saved but we still choose to sin don't we okay and they chose to sin they were given that choice but but praise god they were also given the choice to choose faith in jesus christ and choose salvation and and look we we have the choice and then it's up to us isn't it let's go back to genesis 2 and verse 10 with that in mind it then says and the river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads the name of the first is paisan that is it which compseth the whole land of havala where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there is delium and the onyx stone and the name of the second river is gaihond and the same is it that that compseth the whole land of ethiopia and the name of the third river is hidacle that is it which goes toward the east of asyria and the fourth river is euphrates now the location of these rivers is debatable even in euphrates where things did change after the flood so you could argue that maybe they just named a river off the flood euphrates we don't really know do we because the whole landscape was changed after the flood i mean look at things like the grand canyon which obviously formed by the flood yeah so a lot of things change so what the rivers were at this point look where or what they were and etc i suppose isn't the point for me the point is that they were key to sustaining life weren't they they watered the garden for starters because he says a river went out of eden to water the garden and and here's the thing without pollution dumped waste etc and all that sort of stuff they they would have sustained human life too wouldn't they so these rivers were sustaining human life being drinkable and a way of watering the food you know producing trees and crops as well and my point with that is that what's interesting these rivers went far and wide okay so that you had this river that went through eden where obviously the first man was and with with eve as well and then you had these rivers branching off and going pretty far away from from eden if you look at you know we've got you know havala you've got you've got ethiopia you've got euphrates if it is where we think i think we're talking about sort of in in asyria you've got these these areas where these these rivers are going out to my point is that genesis 1 28's command and god bless him and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth god's god's design wasn't everyone living on top of each other in the garden of eden was it so he made that point then he's got these rivers going out far and wide which are what sustained life don't they and there weren't reservoirs at this point drinking water and stuff like this we we the the water came from the rivers it was for people to replenish the earth and not just eden okay so that command wasn't just sort of something you just kind of mentioned then thought but you might as well hang out in eden because that's the best place to be the whole point was for them to go far and you even got you know one place there's gold you know the the gold of the land is good there's delium and the olic stone another one is compass of the whole land of ethiopia this is a big river covering an old other area and then the third river hidacle goes towards the east of a syria the fourth river is euphrates so you've got all these all these rivers going in these different areas and the whole point was that people went out people went out and moved and and settled in other areas that's what god wants people to do doesn't he that's what he wanted he wanted people to spread out not to get together and we see obviously as we're going to study as we go through genesis when people did all get together after the flood with with with babel then suddenly he's not happy is he because when people are all on top of each other and doing you know and and all of that we end up just seeing wickedness come from it don't we and people are all getting together all of one language they were there and everything else and we you could argue we're seeing that kind of sonder form again now but the the first man adam though he was given eden as a place to live and work okay so he was given eden as a place to live and work however we see these rivers going out to sustain life in other areas and man was meant to go out and spread out and you know when people talk about overpopulation yeah i i would agree with them when it comes to cities when it comes to to if only people weren't all centralized in cities because they are pretty filthy disgusting places usually aren't they and throughout history they've always had high levels of disease and other things because of all the people living on top of each other however there's not an overpopulation this earth there's vast areas that are just completely uninhabited which are habitable as well so the issue the problem is is is all the city living and a lot of times a load of people that aren't even able to to fend for themselves or live for themselves because instead they're just brought into this kind of industrialized sort of nation aren't they and really that's the issue it's not the numbers but anyway let's keep going so in verse 15 the lord god took the man and put him into the garden of eden to dress it and to keep it so did god put adam into the garden of eden to lounge around staring at pretty trees is that what he did was it like was it just paradise with his feet up just staring at things to soak up the rays whilst drinking fresh fruit juice no he was put in a garden to work wasn't he to dress it and keep it that's gardening isn't it the first man was a gardener and you could argue in fact you not even argue let's be honest that's what we're designed for aren't we we're designed to work and look and some people over the years are maybe more designed for certain types of work than other types of work but we are designed to work now the first ever man was was given a job to do straight away and well do you think he was unhappy do you think he was like man i really need a rest do you think he was saving up for his retirement i don't think he was i think he was content and happy without all the without all the kind of pushing and brainwash on him without the whole of the world saying you know you should only be working under 40 hours a man's taking your paycheck and everything else without all of that junk without all of that just kind of encouragement to be lazy the chasing the dream of riches so you don't have to work anymore look what i see in the world i see when people stop working especially early retirement types a lot of the time they get sick a lot of the time they die early that's what i see out there a lot of the time when people are chasing this doing nothing they kind of just shut down because we're designed to work we're designed to do stuff we're designed to keep busy we're designed to keep active and we're just because it's not just stationary as well and that's the thing is that there are many stationary jobs and the thing is when you have a stationary job you kind of need to find something to keep active with on the site if you can find a job where you you you know you're keeping active well you kind of got the best of both worlds sometimes don't you but we do need to be active we do need to do stuff we do need and the first man did that didn't he and we see the first ever man and by the way you've all got genetics of adam in you haven't you which came through noah okay and that and adam was was designed to garden he was a designed gardener so if you don't have a job and you uh and you've got nothing else to do at least do a bit of gardening i don't have a garden someone else will let you garden in their garden they'll be chuffed get their lawn mower out or something yeah but i don't think he had a lawn mower but you know what he did do is he kept he he kept busy and we need to work don't we it's fulfilling isn't it those you look and when i say work i'm not just talking about paid employment for the women out there who are doing work work at home and work when it's looking after the kids work keeping at home work cook all it's all fulfilling isn't it when we get through a day and you get to the end of a day when you've worked you feel fulfilled don't you you feel like yeah i've put some hours in today and whether that's mental hours or physical hours you feel fulfilled it's satisfying and you know what it does as well it keeps you out of trouble it keeps you out of trouble because look the devil does make use of idle hands doesn't he and when we're not doing stuff when we've got too much time on our hands a lot of people just get up to bad things and we should be busy we should keep busy yeah it's probably good to have a one day a week where you can rest up a bit if you're able to it's not really possible for everyone but we should keep busy shouldn't we and we see here we see the first man given something to do here and he was living in paradise but he was living in paradise he was keeping busy verse 16 says and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden now may as freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest so if thou shalt surely die and of course we see that it's a spiritual death isn't it when that happens verse 18 and the lord god said it is not good that the man should be alone i will make him and help meet for him notice how there's only uh there's two e's there not an a okay meet means suitable and i always say this just because the amount of people you hear talk about the help meet okay she's my help meet i don't even make sense like she's my help suitable this is she's my help fitting or something no help meet for him help suitable for him okay she's not a piece of meat she's she's she's an help that's suitable for him and this is day six for me it's a more in-depth look where genesis one was a sort of summary and he says this out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof so god is bringing all the living creatures adam he's naming them verse 20 says and adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field but for adam there was not found and help meet for him so just a point he didn't settle on the dog did he it seems that dog wasn't man's best friend or the cat for the cat lovers out there you know cats are cleaner aren't they well they might be cleaner some of them well i had a terrible cat that wasn't at all cleaner just had real issues with that but however neither of those none of them were suitable for him as in help verse 21 says the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man matey a woman and brought her unto the man no women don't have more ribs than men okay people like to put this stuff out there so then people can be disproved you know and and ridiculed when they come out of this stuff there are some interesting facts about rib regeneration i don't know if anyone's ever heard this stuff before and ribs actually do seem to grow back when now it's unclear whether a completely removed rib can grow back or whether it's you know a very damaged rib but they do regenerate better than anything else however this is god who spoke the world into existence so we don't have to suddenly marry it up with biological science do we okay if only we could work out how he spoke and then that look it's god yeah god god does amazing things and if god wanted to pull a rib out you know heal him straight back up within a second and his rib to grow back or not it makes no difference does it okay because that's what the word of god says the word of god gets everything else right i have no doubt that the word of god is 100 right yeah so that's what happened but what's the point of it what's the point of the rib because it's not so that we can go look men have like one less rib or something women have an extra rib or any of that stuff what's the point well verse 23 says and adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man the point is that she complements man okay that's the point yes there's a hierarchy okay don't forget that there is a higher in all in all areas of life there has to be a hierarchy okay it doesn't work otherwise there has to be a final authority there has to be a line that's the only way it works but she's still of equal importance because some people get this go two ways with this don't they there are some who are like these women are like we're completely equal i'm gonna tell you what to do my whole life you know because we're equal and then there's others that are like well women should submit to men so i'll treat her like a doormat and and walk all over her and everything else but but the the answer is always in the middle isn't it yeah there's a high yet women should submit unto men the bible makes that very clear doesn't it wives submit but who are they submitting unto their own husbands okay the women in here don't have to submit to anyone else's man okay no one no one says that okay the the obviously the children should be submitting to their fathers yeah and their mothers but ultimately father is ahead of the house on however when it comes to wives yes they should submit unto their own husbands the bible teaches that clearly okay they should revere them as well they should respect them they should treat them like like the head of the house that they are however they're not less important than them is you know and i've said this many times you go to you go to a place of work and see some of some of these employees are probably as important in the in the job maybe more important than the boss there because they're such a great employee there maybe that duty manager makes everything just work great and that business is going great no one's going oh but they're not the manager they're so so they're so beneath them they're just so not of little worth no we all have roles and jobs to do in life and just because there's a hierarchy in terms of who's in charge that doesn't make mean anyone's less important but however people just like to mix this up and mess it up and people can go extreme i mean in this nation you're not going to see that much are you but some place you do you get to the point where men are just completely abusing women and treating them like filth and dirt and everything else and that's not that's not right either is it she was he said she's now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man she's not a separate creature though we often wonder sometimes us men yeah but they're not okay they are actually we we are actually the same we are we are well as a bible called it we are man aren't we we're mankind people call it humans but look however however we complement each other and look we've said this many times if we didn't have the women in this church the place would be a mess if we didn't have the men in this church well you know i'll leave that joke but okay i've already gone far enough however look the truth is we complement each other don't we okay and and and but yes there is a hierarchy there in terms of who's in charge and there it says therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and that for me is when they leave okay that's that's when they leave home i i'm not a fan of this sending your kids out to go and live the world nonsense okay it's crazy it's like and and don't get me wrong again many of us here have come from backgrounds that aren't from the bible but we now have the blessing of having the word of god and being able to understand the word of god because we hopefully everyone here has a holy spirit in them and you read the word of god and sending your kids out into the world is a recipe for disaster isn't it they therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife so for me i see no reason for my sons to go and get a bachelor pad with with some some other guys and hanging around you know and and oh well they've got to learn to fend for themselves no well they can look i'll teach them that at home and they can pay rent at home and they can learn to do stuff at home and i can teach them at home when they get married they can move out and same with the women why would you send your daughters out to go and live in this wicked world and think about the amount of just wicked stuff that goes on where people young kids are like sent off to university or or not even that a lot of the time 18 years old well you can get your own place now good luck and then you know years later with all the unwanted pregnancies and all the rest of it what did i do wrong well maybe because chapter two of the bible said therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they should be one flesh leave and cleave but once they leave and once they cleave they have left haven't they that's where that saying comes from leave and cleave that means look when when our kids grow up those of us here when you when your kid leaves you and cleaves they've become one flesh you're no longer head of that household and many many parents many in-laws get that wrong don't they they think that they have some sort of control and they they've they meddle too much in the relationship in the marriages that could be a big strain a big problem you know and we have to understand that that we've left our parents to cleave now it's not that you have to cast them off and never talk to them again but there has to be a good balance there doesn't there and they were both naked the man his wife and were not ashamed and why were they not ashamed said no knowledge of good and evil okay they hadn't at this point chosen chosen sadly to go down that route and to no longer be innocent and again something that people talk about the age of innocence with kids some equate it to well when they're kind of still not uncomfortable being naked they don't see an issue they don't even think about it however um i don't know for me an easy way is just once they understand the gospel and if you're saved and you've got kids preaching the gospel right preaching the gospel and when they're able to understand it and get saved well you've probably got them at a good time they never need to get them saved yeah um so that was um that was genesis chapter two some interesting stuff in there that's why i see a lot of that be interesting your views after the sermon if you've got any interesting views on that um on that we're going to pray father thank you for your word thank you for um well you know just just so many kind of truths that you just set out early on in your in the word of god uh thank you for those that you've given us today out of genesis chapter two um i hope i've preached those accurately as you'd want me to preach them not as a world would want things preached just preaching how you'd want to preach lord pray that you just help everyone here to go home and think about those things which may be spoken to them today and and and if there are things that they can apply to their lives to do so as well um and obviously you know one of the main things is just that need to go out and preach that gospel preach that gospel loud and clear help us do that this week help us to return on sunday for another day in your house jesus name pro this amen