(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Genesis chapter 13 now and we were last week in Genesis 12 where where there were the blessings promised to Abram and we saw that that rather than being inherited by followers of some weird Christ rejecting religion whether claiming endless genealogies or not those blessings are inherited by believers yeah with Genesis 3 9 saying so then they which be of faith a blessed with faithful Abraham okay and the New Testament's clear about that isn't it and it's very odd how many people are so off on that Abram was meant to go to Canaan if well at least well in fact let me correct that Abram was meant to go somewhere and the Lord was going to guide him and it was ultimately going to be Canaan not that he knew that but it ended up in Haran and that wasn't necessarily where he was meant to end up for probably several years although he did say that it was possibly on the way if you wanted a sort of non-desert route there or maybe they just kind of went the kind of north what is it West rather than where they should have gone which was directly West but either way he end up in Haran but but now with his father dead and at 75 years of age he then left Haran and made his way into Canaan then in verse 7 it said there in Genesis 12 and the Lord appeared unto Abram and said unto thy seed will I give this land and there builded he an altar unto the Lord who appeared unto him and he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent having Bethel on the west and Hayi on the east and there he builded an altar unto the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord and for me this is a point of Abram's salvation and I gave a few reasons why I believe that is the case I'm not going to re-preach that now but we also looked at the doctrine of calling on the name of the Lord of putting your faith trust Jesus Christ sacrificed as being payment for your sins that's what you do you call on the name of the Lord that's believing on the Lord Jesus Christ it's the same thing and after that there were there was a famine after that point Abram went down into Egypt and then he comes up with this crazy idea to basically pretend that Sarah is not his wife but is actually sister now just to add to that is he does later on try and excuse this the second time he does is to say well she is actually my sister and and possibly to some degree this you know we don't really know because it never actually explains to us what the clear family relation is but it might just be more lies anyway either way he's clearly lying okay because in terms of it's his wife yeah and there was and it was weird was it like we're saying what was gonna happen she was being taken into Pharaoh to possibly be married I mean this is a pretty wicked wicked lie wasn't it the result though of that was wealth it seemed because during that says and he entreated Abram well for her sake okay so because of this lie Pharaoh's entreating him well and he had sheep and oxen and he asses and men servants and maid servants and she asks and camels it said in verse 16 but that's not a blessing and a lot of people confuse wealth with the with a blessing don't know it wasn't a blessing and we're going to see in this chapter the result of that okay and what kind of happened further down the line because of all this money coming to them now Pharaoh gets plagued because of having Sarah I and being about to marry her and kick some all out of Egypt Egypt for me picture in the Exodus as well but we're gonna work we're gonna continue from verse 18 there where it says and Pharaoh called Abram and said what is this that thou has done unto me why did so not tell me that she was thy wife why said thou she is my sister so I might have taken her to me to wife now therefore behold thy wife take her and go thy way and Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him and they sent him away and his wife and all that he had then Genesis 13 verse 1 starts with an Abram went up out of Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and lot with him into the south I'd like to pray before we continue father thank you for your word thank you for this great chapter of the Bible help me to preach here just clearly and accurately and boldly now Lord film with your spirit how everyone have attentive ears help me to just preach you know the messages that I've kind of taken out of this today just in a concise and clear manner where people would be able to just apply it into their lives and just known for all this amen okay so remember back in Genesis 12 5 it said that and Abram took Sarah his wife a lot his brothers sons and all their substance that they had gathered and the souls that they had gotten in Haran and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan and into the land of Canaan they came so they were already building up a bit of a team of works and wealth weren't they it seems but by the next chapter and if you did jump forward we're not going to Abram has 318 trained servants that were born in his own house so look he's got a bit of an army it seems by this point by the time of the next chapter and if Abram shouldn't have been in Haran having been told back in Ur to get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house and to a land that I will show thee well he probably shouldn't have been in Egypt either I think or at least he shouldn't have treated his wife like that whilst he was there so I know there was a famine in the land but was it right to go into Egypt when he was told to go where God led him maybe God led him there maybe I don't know okay but I would assume maybe not I'm not sure but he also gained wealth there so he gained wealth in Haran okay where I don't think he was meant to be because he was told we saw to get him from his kindred from his father's house however his father took him into Haran now he then he goes to Egypt where he also gains wealth somewhere there I don't think or at least he shouldn't be behaving how he was there and he gained wealth as a result of that and it seems to me that Abrams wealth as a believer came when he wasn't in God's will wouldn't you say so at least the start of his wealth or I would say what kick-started all all this world came when he wasn't in God's will verse 2 says and Abram was very rich in cattle in silver and in gold and what would many people said ago well look how blessed he was but was it a blessing because it certainly wasn't for Lot okay this was not a blessing for Lot look at verse 3 and he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and Hayi unto the place of the altar which he had made there at the first and there Abram called in the name of the Lord and Lot also which went with Abram had flocks and herds and tents so they've both got a lot of substance is another you know way they described it here sheep cattle tents for their staff you'd imagine they're back in the land of Canaan back where Abram was in in Genesis 12 8 where it said and he removed from thence unto amounts on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent having Bethel on the west and Hayi on the east then there he builded an altar unto the Lord and called upon name the Lord verse 3 where we are says and he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and Hayi unto the place of the altar which he had made there at the first and there Abram called the name the Lord what does verse 3 mean at the beginning it traveled by the way hundreds of miles from Haran you would imagine he would have stopped multiple times wouldn't he so why is he saying at the beginning verse 4 says at the first and for me that's because it's a significant point in his life because for me it's the point when he got saved okay that's what I believe I think this is a very significant time but verse 6 then says and the lamb was not able to bear them that they might dwell together for their substance was great that they could not dwell together so they've got large flocks and herds and there's obviously not enough pasture for them all okay that's the point here and verse 7 it says and there was a strife between the herd men of Abrams cattle and the herd men of lots captain the canine and the parasite dwelled then in the land now you you can imagine it becoming an issue just separating their cattle wouldn't you say that would have been a bit of a problem how to work it out obviously they've got their own cattle that they consider theirs so trying to then graze in the same areas would have been a problem wouldn't it driving them towards a good pasture but then so's the other guys driving their lot towards that pasture as well and then it's well who takes it who needs to go further somewhere else or to the not so good pass you can imagine right there's going to be these sorts of problems and issues then on top of that you've got the Canaanites and Perizzites around too and by the way just a point on the Perizzites when we went through the table of nation chapter 10 the Perizzites aren't mentioned are they being the land of Cain you'd assume they're a tribe of the Cainites but their exact origins aren't clear I don't know what the reason is for that maybe maybe you do but I don't let me know if you've got any ideas of that but not now after the sermon that is start shouting out but okay but don't don't forget that the Canaanites were cursed through Noah weren't they and end up being a pretty wicked bunch several hundred years later and look you definitely don't you basically you don't want to be concentrating on fighting between each other when you're dwelling amongst the Canaanites and the Perizzites that's what I believe okay that's why it's mentioned here as well there's strife between them but you've also got the Canaanites and Perizzites in the land this isn't a good situation verse 8 says and Abram said unto Lot let there be no strife I pray thee between me and me and between my herd men and I heard men for we be brethren and look that's something that we should remember as brethren here shouldn't we okay there's a great message you can take from that here strife just hinders God's work doesn't it really okay now now and again there are reasons when strife's needed okay but the vast majority of the time it's not but the carnal mind can't resist it a lot of the time okay we don't all have to be best friends in a church but we want to avoid strife don't we want to avoid vendettas we want to avoid feuds we want to where possible avoid that stuff and often it comes just from people's own egos isn't it that's often why these things go on now sometimes these things happen but then it's can they just be dealt with no often they just continue that the inflated pride a lot the time causes a problem that they'll then consider their contention more important than unity amongst brethren right now we're seeing an example of Abraham not thinking that right however so often that's the case with people isn't it and I'm not just talking about in it in church that'll be in the workplace other places people they just you know get it in families don't you we're like someone might speak to the family member in your sort of X amount of years later you're like was it really worth it what what exactly have you really achieved and it's like how they did this they said that they whatever it is and but it what is it really it's pride isn't it's pride it's like just move on who really gains from that it's nuts but but you'll see it in church and we'll see it as we go forward in church as well we'll have these situations and and where possible we just want to be able to just move on we want to be able to bury this stuff yeah you look you know it's not that you have to just be so happy if someone wrongs your crosses your whatever you consider offends you or something however when you continue strife really you're basically saying my pride my ego is more important than unity right now Abram is for me is a great example here but you know there's a verse that when I was looking at this it made me think of that where Proverbs 13 10 says only by pride cometh contention but with the well advised is wisdom because you know if you're applying it to kind of life you know our lives to church life to work life to family life or often it's the pride that just won't accept that we've behaved badly so often it's by pride that the contention comes we won't accept our own fault so what we do is we blame it on someone else don't we so a lot of the time if you've noticed when you have a feud between two people or more it's not that one person is just I just so want to be friends and the other a lot of the time they're both just sigh you know because and a lot of the time it says both the prides up isn't it but but surely it'd be easy just to move on from that and and look we need to in the church drop the pride to seek unity okay just like Abram here look at Abram here it says it said and Abram said unto lot let there be no strife I pray thee between me and they and between my Herdman and thy Herdman for we be brethren now by the way Abrams talking to someone who's basically a son to him in essence so lot is father died Abrams taking him on he's his uncle and there's clearly a kind of father-son relationship here but he's the one saying to him look please can we just not have any trouble he could have just kind of put the lay down the log on I'm I'm bait I'm your uncle you do as you told you know get out of fear or stop the stuff no he said said no he then says in verse 9 it's not the whole land before thee separate thy separate thyself I pray thee for me if thou wilt take the left hand and I will go to the right or if thou depart to the right hand then I will go to the left so he's humble he's giving lot the choice where to go even though he would have had just as much right to choose himself in fact more wouldn't he yeah he's a superior there he's the elder there but he just says look you choose you choose I'll go the other direction and he could have said he could have said to him could he could have said after all I've done for you lot I took you in after your dad died he could have said you wouldn't have it you wouldn't have all these herds if it wasn't for me because I'm guessing they were blessed in Egypt where he took he could have gone if it wasn't for me telling those whoppers about Sarah you wouldn't have had any of this you know he could have done all of that but instead he wants to go their separate ways amicably doesn't he rather than it becoming some big bust up which would do what weaken them against the Canaanites and the Perizzites and that often what is what happens doesn't it so when it comes to God's children and God's people and stuff the bust ups the rows all that stuff well then if it gets out of hand we can you against what are we trying to do we're trying to reach the lost aren't we we already got enough enemies so he wants to do it amicably and I hope that's something look I hope in the future as we deal with this as we go into the future in this church and as we grow as a church the people remember these sort this sort of messages sort of example from Abraham Abraham here and he's a broom at this point because you know when it comes to some crossed words yeah some offense taken against each other if you can just move on right isn't it just better to move on where possible to remember the bigger picture like Abram here yeah that's what we should do shouldn't we okay and Abram just yeah for me this is just a great example he's like look let's not deal with this stuff let's just you you decide we'll move on from that and that's the great stance to take is it what's lots response and lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plane of Jordan that it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah even as a garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as I come a son to Zohar so so like the land of Egypt as I come as under Zoe's referring to the fertile northern Egypt okay so lots look at this well-watered plane obviously pre-firing brimstone time that's what it's saying here before that then lot chose him all the plane of Jordan and lot journeyed east and they separated themselves the one from the other so lot is traveling east away from the land of Canaan that that God had led Abram to okay so he's going the other way so where they are right now where he travels he's going to basically be moving away from that whole region had he gone north south or west he would have you know for quite a long time still been in the promised land because if he'd gone west he would have ended up on the coast but still been in that Canaan area if he got north or south because right now they're pretty central in what was Canaan but he goes east which is basically the first way out of there okay after a bit of traveling what was his decision based on what was lots decision based on the plane being well watered that's what it said here he said that he the that he lift up his eyes beheld all the plane of Jordan and it was well watered everywhere basically that meant that his cattle would thrive more didn't it it was a business decision okay lots decision was a business decision lot went away from the land that God had led Abram to for financial reasons and this is a common theme amongst Christians okay always has been sadly always will be because of money because of the lure of money it's a business decision rather than a spiritual decision in life right and here are some I some some kind of examples of this that I thought of moving areas for a job yeah many people will move areas for a job but somewhere where there's no decent church well my jobs taken me there we'll see what's there when we get there or in fact I know there's nothing decent there but don't worry I'll make something work a lot of people do that right now a lot of people will stay in an area with no church and no believers around and no way of ever building a church it seems again for financial reasons won't they but is that what we should be doing as believers no way you get those that may be moved to some cheap area to whether it's renting or owning a home that is nowhere near to a church what happens with the midweek services what happens as the years go by and that travel just starts getting a little bit more tiring a little bit longer starts to you know that the wear and tear on the cars and everything else it starts to become a problem some people will stay in those areas even though there's maybe an option to move closer again because of the fact that it's cheaper and you go well maybe that's all they can afford sometimes it's not because of that is it sometimes it's not taking a job that stops you making church for example a job which maybe has you have to work every other Sunday or once a month on the Sunday or whatever it is or maybe it's a midweek maybe it's they have to work later on a Wednesday well yeah there is that job I could take and then I'll be able to make that midweek service and look you know obviously I'm not too harsh about this stuff because I understand that we look we're a church that's that does have people that come from afar okay and most people that are here obviously don't live hours and hours and hours away yeah that can come on a midweek service however I would hope and pray that for those that are serious about things of God their goal would be to find a way to make midweek services because it's important isn't it are we just here ticking a box because you look the midweek services make a difference and it ain't the same online everyone knows that everyone here is sat there watched it online and be in a service praising worshiping God it's not forsaking the assembly ourselves together not forsaking the listing of preaching is it okay it's the whole thing isn't it it's being together it's encouraging each other it's being part of that worship to God it's then also listening to the word preach and the word read in church together it's a there's a big difference there isn't there and it is important it really is important again I don't hammer it because I understand how things are it's not like we're a local church somewhere where there's just church to everyone everyone is nearby and people are just choosing not but if you choose a job or even if you're not thinking well can I work out a way to not have to work this job so I don't have to forsake Church it's a kill it clear come on from God isn't it and you could go well yeah but come on who said that it has to be more than once a week is the Sunday morning that's not forsaken churches I got a Sunday morning I disagree because we only running we're only running three services a week it's not that we're running them every single day then you could go okay that could be a bit tough brother in okay making every evening services a little bit rough yeah we can't actually do I don't think I could physically do that but we're not we run a midweek and we run a Sunday morning and so and in fact we make it easy make it Sunday afternoon so you don't have to find something to do for kind of eight hours in between the services you know and really it's important and it makes the difference isn't it and those you that are like three to thrive week in week out and borrowing obviously there'll be times when you can't and times in life of Caesars of things where there'll be difficulties however those you that are three to thrive it's different isn't it it's a lot different and and you'll grow spiritually stronger with that then those that are kind of once a week on a Sunday every now and again right and obviously you get everything in between you got those and again so often shall tell you the truth of what it is so often it's financial decisions that's really what comes down to it's a financial decision to stay in something where they're not to take a job where okay well it doesn't matter as long as I can kind of make a Sunday or it doesn't really matter I'll see if I can make church find a church something else depending on where I am and and but it can also be other ways it could be things that stop you so winning maybe maybe there's a job that well okay well I've got to go like every I've got to work every evening of the week I've got to do this got to do that but however hey ho at least I can make a Sunday church service but then I'm so tired I've got so much to do that I can't really so win on Sunday that's all one is important isn't it and again I look you know you have different everyone will have different opinions and how much is acceptable with that but what you can fit in and is and and works well you know and you can fit into your lifestyle how about how about staying in a job or career that affects you that that maybe affects you making church or maybe compromising in other ways so how about how about a job which maybe people will take anywhere else stay in when they're working providing our colder people but is that is that okay and a lot of the time why do they stay in a job is because they love providing alcohol in whatever job it is or maybe it's because they've got a good pay packet there or maybe it's some other sin maybe it's a job where they have to be dishonest but there's a lot of them around aren't there jobs where people have to be dishonest where they have to lie their boss expects them to lie they end up lying deceiving they have you know a false balance or something else in the job however they stay in the job why financial decisions is it again that's the problem isn't it that's make your decision based on money instead of God and there are many ways people do so another one I think you as well and again not for those that can't don't have the option but those that then start to understand what the Bible says start to see the school system and still choose I'm not I'm gonna keep sending my kids to school because then for example the mum can go to work and you see that a lot don't you and then it's money it's a financial decision where I mean now especially I mean Wow what is even going on in those schools now I mean you'd be mad when yeah again unless you don't have the choice and when you don't have the choice we don't have the option there look issues in life where where where you don't have that choice okay I'm not preaching about that but turn to Matthew 6 another one while you turn there is tithing as well a lot of people will make a financial decision with tithing but the principle is clear isn't it in the Bible I preach a sermon on that at the beginning of the year from long before the law okay Cain and Abel offering Noah offering Abraham tithing in the next chapter long before the law okay so these people are only the law no there's offerings and and tithing long before throughout the timeless book of wisdom Proverbs you know so we get to Proverbs and again honor the law with the first fruits of all light of all thine increase yeah so shall thy bonds be filled etc right thy presses shall burst out with new wine it's a clear principle of the Bible to give our first fruits to God for our own good yet yet how many not just Christmas how many independent fundamental Baptist will put money first they've put money here and they've put God there now Jesus warned us what what happened what then happens in Matthew 6 24 when in those various different ways we put we put money ahead of God he said this in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 24 no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other ye cannot serve God and mammon mammon is is the god of money okay it's basically serving money serving money as a god because look and you'll get people that will look at a verse like this go well I moved areas for a better paid job but I don't hate God for example yeah I miss services from my job but I still love God still love God but do you really though do you really have you ever thought about that what does that really mean do you love God when he says through the author of Hebrews 10 26 after warning us not to forsake Church for if we sin willfully off that we've received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins do you love that verse when you're missing Church for to make extra money or do you love God when he says through Paul in 1st Timothy 6 10 for the love of money is a root of all evil which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith and pierced selves through the many sorrows do you love verses like that those that put money up here and God down here I bet they don't do you really love God or are you starting to despise certain verses do you love it when the preacher preaches about putting God up here and money down here or do you start to go understand you know he's and start to find reasons and anger towards towards you know the man of God preaching it do you start to despise the Christian that then does make every service that moves closer to church that changes jobs that forsakes wealth do you start to get an irritation towards them a little bit of hatred towards them a little bit of goody two-shoes type attitude you know even though first John 4 20 says if a man say I love God and hated his brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his brother whom he have seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen you're hating your brother assists in Christ really because they're doing what you should be doing things start to change and when you set your sights of money when money is more important than the things of God you start to resent God and his people and that might not be straight away but it comes with time and the more you hear the preaching on it the more the resentment starts to grow and the more you start to hate either the preacher either the brother or sister who's doing what you should be doing or you start to really hate the Word of God and you don't like those words you don't like those passages and you swerve them and you try and fob them off and everything else and when that happens shall tell you what happens then you start to become more sympathetic to wickedness to the filth of the world the things which should repulse you they should repulse look at verse 11 back in Genesis 13 then lot chose him all the plain of Jordan and lot journeyed east and they separated themselves the one from the other verse 12 Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan and lot dwelled in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent toward Sodom now what does it mean that he pitched his tent towards Sodom it basically means he started heading that way okay that's the direction he's going in and you you know maybe I don't think anyone here would say this but some might go well maybe it was a pleasant place right I don't think I think we've probably preached enough about this stuff here to not think that but you never know maybe they had some well-meaning you know well-meaning misunderstood regular folk just like you and me but just born attracted to the same gender exactly the same in every other way they just happen to be attracted to the same gender no no verse 13 says but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly exceedingly they were wicked and sinners exceedingly oh but that was back then wasn't it oh no no nothing to see there that was back then I was before the 21st century right when we realized how everyone has been wrong about that because now we know better don't we you know oh yeah that's that Old Testament stuff thank God for Holly weird a and the rest of the mainstream me I've just you know at least he's now kind of helped us to see because God's probably allowed all that to happen isn't he for us to see that actually things have changed now right is it to eat he's allowed them to set the record straight showing us fictional harmless sodomites yeah and and to help us see things more correctly now yeah is that what's happened thank for thank God for the majority of churches around this town around this nation around where we're going to move into South End when they've got literal pro sodomite churches thank God for all of those showing us that God's Word was actually wrong and they're right yeah thank God for that stuff isn't that the Old Testament wasn't it but when oh no that was the Old Testament when they were goat herders in the desert isn't that the one they try and come out with you know that was the old stuff they don't they didn't understand then right well Romans 132 you know Romans in the in the New Testament that says that they which commit such things are worthy of death oh that was 2,000 years ago and that's the New Testament that was post Christ in Jude and verse 7 it says that sodomites surrounding cities are set forth for an example fancy that right they're an example to all and here in Genesis 13 it said but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly and the reason look you know you obviously the nowadays this stuff needs preach a lot but people try and criticize our sorts of churches for preaching this stuff don't they they're now can't see and they'll try and say you're trying to your put your you're trying to put a limit on salvation or come out with this one right or they'll say your you know you just keep preaching about that stuff for whatever reason it is what they try and do they got they must be closet homosexuals for preaching it right they try on this one they try any angle they can to try and attack men of God for preaching stuff but it's not just any old cynicism it's wickedness it's exceeding sin according to this verse here Leviticus 2013 calls it an abomination according to God's law it's punishable by death so the point is is is that when when normal people okay and no in fact not just normal people when when water should be normal people then have the Holy Spirit in them and understand what the Bible says and try and get in step with God when they see the reverse they see it being celebrated they see it being encouraged they see it being pushed on children they see the open attempts to recruit children in many different ways they see these sorts of people adopting children they see the access being given to children they see all this crazy stuff them trying to promote and push what is an abomination what is what what is something where the men were described as wicked and sinners exceedingly when you see all that that should be vexing shouldn't it okay that should be vexing to that should be vexing to a normal person let alone a man of God let alone a woman of God let alone a child of God that should vex you shouldn't it that that should that that should vex you to the point where maybe you start to get maddened by it to some degree where you should if you're right with God you should be looking at what's going on there looking at this and going that is wicked shouldn't you it just that I mean surely that's the only result if you Christ like yeah isn't the goal to be more Christ like and and what did Jesus Christ the Word of God say about this stuff he said that they're wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly he said that they're worthy of death he said it's an abomination he said they're an example to others to never do this wickedness he called them dogs he called them brute beasts he he he makes it so clear I want to be more Christ like I hope everyone here wants to be more Christ like and if you're more Christ like you should you should be angered by this stuff shouldn't you now it doesn't mean you have to go around just screaming and shouting about that that's probably not a very wise thing to do but it should vex you shouldn't it and when I see a Christian in inverted commas that isn't bothered by this stuff I see it the least a carnal Christian when I see someone who claims to have faith he claims to believe who then claims it's just kind of water off a duck's back whatever we'll let them do what they want to do that's that's at the least a very carnal Christian isn't it okay that's someone not at all in the spirit that's someone who's not Christ like that's someone who's not lockstep with how God thinks that's someone who thinks that they know better thinks that they're kinder more forgiving more loving more merciful more open-minded anything else then God I tell you what they are they're wicked right that's wickedness isn't it you think you're somehow better and that is a vast majority of preachers pastors around this nation around the world who somehow who are inviting these sorts of dogs these animals into their churches to be around the children who are giving them jobs in Sunday schools and things who are basically trying to say we want them here and putting signs up outside their church going all-inclusive bring them in that is absolutely wicked isn't it isn't it that's not Christ like that's the opposite now they're either completely carnal or they're completely wicked it's it's one of the it's one of the other isn't it a lot here is a carnal Christian okay lots of carnal Christian now how do we know that well number one he pitched his tents towards Sodom and the way it's written here but the men of Sodom are wickedness in is it's kind of like it's not this isn't a secret is it I can imagine that kind of got around pretty quickly that it's full of a bunch of flaming queers and people probably gave the place a wide berth yeah kind of like how most of us here wouldn't go let's go for a nice day out to Brighton and I don't think that's probably on the level yet of Sodom maybe is I don't know like most people here wouldn't go let's go and hang out I'm going to the u.s. where should we go let's go into San Francisco and hang out in in San Francisco most people wouldn't do that so in the same way a lot here is making a decision here and it's a financial decision but we also know that he's making a financial decision and putting finances here and God here which shows he's carnal and that's my point at the beginning is that look when you start making those decisions you start putting money here and God down here then everything starts to reverse a little bit doesn't it because it's a slippery slope because suddenly what God says isn't of most importance it's what what you know where the where where is the money at and and that will be look of those look the but let's be honest in this nation there's very few safe churches but I'm sure there are churches around the world where they have safe people and they have the gospel but they're still trying to be sympathetic to them why financial decision isn't it get more people in we don't want to it might not be them it might be well hopefully when I have them but at least we won't put off the people that are that are at least you know have the queer the queer uncle have the the queer cousin the queer friend at least we're not going to preach hard on that and at least they'll come in and we'll have some you know more money in the offering or something like that and it's so often it's financial isn't it but we've got to be careful like that's a because it's so easy if you start putting God down here putting money up here where else are you going to compromise lot ends up pitching his tent toward the filthiest just what what a horrible place I mean unbelievable what we're going to see in a few chapters time verse 14 says the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lived up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward so it before I'm going to finish that in a second but verse 14 says says that it's after lot was separated from him so for me there is so it's kind of like God wants that separation doesn't he as well before he then starts kind of giving him some more revelation here look lot lot lot was saved okay we know that lot was saved but second Peter 2 7 refers to him as just lot okay that's justified lot okay and as the only thing that was just about lot was was through the blood of Jesus Christ okay he weren't just any other way if you look at his life in a few chapters time and what goes on there and offering out his daughter and all this sort of just madness right but look he was a he God wanted that separation because for me this is a carnal guy and then we see the results of that we see the results of their wealth which was a precursor to this we see the results of him with that wealth wanting more money and wanting to chase more money and going towards Sodom and and then we're gonna see in a few chapters time just how bad that ended up and that's a that should be a sobering story for us as well and you got the opposite example you got Abraham who's hasn't got the pride he's humble yeah he's made some mistakes isn't he I mean he made a whopping great mistake earlier but he said he just going downhill off that instead he makes this kind of he's trying to avoid the strife he's trying to be a nice humble guy to him and just go look you know you do what you need to do etc and lot ends up making a bad decision doesn't it based on money let's keep going so verse 14 says the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and south and east and westward so that that separation by the way was commanded back in her according to Stephen in Act 7 if you if you listen last week in Act 7 we see that in fact he was told that back in her of the cow dees and it was recorded in Genesis 12 1 which said in Genesis 12 1 now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee so I Abram I think was told early on to separate from lot wasn't he from my father's house and from my kindred lots his kindred isn't it why well perhaps he was already a covetous guy now he got saved at some point like we said he was described as just lot but that doesn't mean that Abram should have been yoked up with it okay look just because someone saved it doesn't mean okay well it's all cool yeah there are saved people that we're told to stop fellowship with aren't there now look obviously if someone is not like clearly in something late if someone's clearly in for example the first Corinthians five disqualifying sins then you if you're like just cutting someone off from church for example and not coming and telling me about that yours you're you're as part as much of a problem for that little leaven leavening the whole up right because that's gonna be a problem for everyone else who doesn't realize right so obviously look if you if you're gonna make a decision to separate from someone to that point well that needs to be a church thing right but however there are those are on in our church aren't there we have many people here probably have saved family friends people they know who are probably into some wicked stuff stuff which says that you shouldn't be fellowshiping with them and I know I would say now there's two ways of looking at that verse in first there's a few verses first Corinthians 5 but verse 11 says but now I've written on to you not to keep company of any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous and idolatry or a railer or a drunken or an extortionary such and one no not to me and I have heard people say look a brother or and you would add sister is someone that you're at church with some and again you know some people would argue that and go so this isn't necessarily a family member or someone outside of church and those people it's not saying that however I look if their brother in Christ is because even if you take that interpretation and go look I don't have to just cut this person out of my life they're not this isn't talk about Church discipline because it's clearly here is talking about Church discipline however I look I would still say you don't really want to be fellowshiping with save people who are drunkards save people that are fornicators covetous idolaters railers extortioners that's that's that's not gonna be good for you is it okay that's gonna be a bad that's gonna be an unequal yoking that's gonna be a problem and I think here he's well look I would say lots probably on the covetous I think I might be wrong okay and it might just be made that some people make sure someone here might make a financial choice and put finance here and God here doesn't mean they are what you'd describe as covetous that's it get them out of the church right oh they didn't give up their you know their midweek their midweek job their cover does get them out okay it's covetous is someone that has an inordinate affection it's clearly what's in their mate you could clearly see that they're a covetous person and there is evidence of that like we talked before about trading in church all that sort of stuff is clear signs of that however yeah there's a couple of ways of looking at either way I would say that's not the sort of people you want to be fellowshipping with okay and and I think that's probably why he's told to get up and away from him as well but he's with him for a while and then at this point then lot goes that way towards Sodom but it's once they've separated that the Lord seems to start explaining more to Abram so he said in verse 14 the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever so he tells Abram that he's given the land to him and into his seed forever and there's some sort of initial physical fulfillment okay obviously the children of Israel later at the end of David's reign after sort of like killing everyone around pretty much and then continue through Solomon's reign and then you would say after that there's kind of problems with it with the kind of continuing Kings after that but but turn to Hebrews 11 which shows that ultimately the country in the city promise is an eternal one okay so if you turn to Hebrews chapter 11 and while you turn there I'm gonna read Galatians 3 16 which which we did read last week which said now to Abraham Abraham and his seed were the promises made he saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ so these promises here and elsewhere to Abraham seed are fulfilled in Jesus Christ and then by those who are Christ gave Galatians 3 29 while your turn to Hebrews 11 says and if you be Christ's then are ye Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise okay so that's all believers today okay clear as day Galatians just clear as day however you know with that in mind those promises if I went down to Israel now and so started doing a synagogue of Satan's settler star land grab yeah yeah we're just settling we're just kind of settling in this area so get out I'm taking you home I don't think it would go down too well and I don't think that's what God's calling me to do is it I don't think he's saying well all Christians need to get on the plane over to Israel and just start beating up Palestinians kicking them out of their homes at gunpoint and take it even though the synagogue of Satan are doing that okay that's not what believers are called to do are they okay so what what's so then how do those promises work right well Hebrews 11 and from verse 8 shows us for me that the real fulfillment is in the heavenly Jerusalem okay that's what the fulfillment is the ultimate fulfillment it says in verse 8 but by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance I bade and he went out not knowing whether he went by the way so like I said earlier on he didn't actually know exactly where he's meant to go he was just kind of led by it way he followed by faith by faith he so journeyed in the land of promise as in a strange country now so journey isn't permanent is it okay it as in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise that talk about they also did the same yeah for he looked for a city which have foundations whose builder and maker is God so he was looking for something else right through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised there therefore sprang there even of one and him as good as dead so many as the stars of the sky multitude and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable who are these these are believers he's all died in faith okay that's why it was innumerable not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embrace them and confess that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth so they didn't receive the promises but they did see them afar off okay they were persuaded them embrace them however they were strains of pilgrims on the earth so there wasn't a physical fulfillment for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they'd be mindful of that country from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned okay but that wasn't the country but now they desire a better country that is an heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared for them a city and and it's that city that eternal city New Jerusalem described in Revelation 21 which eternally fulfills the promise doesn't it okay that's what it's talking about there and again we're not going to for the sake of this sermon but you gotta go to Revelation 21 and see that New Jerusalem and I'm quite looking forward to that yeah it looks pretty amazing right and that's what it's talking about that's the eternal fulfillment of that okay go back to Genesis 13 though Genesis 13 and verse 16 says and I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed also be numbered and that's because it's through faith in Christ right and look I know it does feel like it's and it is a narrow way right it's a straight and a narrow way but it's been the straight and this is that same straight and narrow way well ever since the beginning of time okay it's either been faith in the coming Christ or faith faith in the current Christ or faith in the having already come Christ yeah yet to come back again a second time okay so over well six thousand odd years that's a lot of people right that's a lot of people and obviously here you know it you know that it says that if a man can number the dust of the earth anyone want to fancy trying that that's pretty tough right he said arise walk through the land and the length of it and in the breadth of it for I will give it unto thee so that's a physical fulfillment then Abram removed his tent and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre which is in Hebron and built there an altar unto the Lord so this is between Jerusalem and Beersheba in the south okay it was sort of halfway halfway between and why did he build an altar because he was sacrificing animals right they've been sacrificing that's giving and offering a sacrifice to God before there was something for it to be used for it's still just giving of your of your abundance to the Lord that's what we're seeing every time for me we're seeing all to see it so look there's some interesting stuff in that chapter the overriding message and you could just preach a whole sermon on that you preach ten sermons on that it is lot pitching his tent towards Sodom because he looked at the well-watered plains okay that financial decision and there's so much to go from there and what a contrast to then Abram who was just like look you know he was a good example he just didn't want the strife just wanted to move on right and and you know there's obviously some some other stuff we can learn there but that's the great stuff there I think yeah I think there's a great message there and hopefully we could all learn from that that was Genesis chapter 13 we're gonna finish up in prayer only father thank you for well for the great examples we get for men of God like Abraham you know and examples not to follow like like those like lots and you know what a contrast there and really you know in it and for for us for what we can see clearly it came down to covetousness it came down to just putting the you know putting money putting riches putting wealth above the things of God to move away from where God had wanted Abram at least and going towards such a wicked place just for money help us to just get our priorities straight Lord to get our priorities right to just want to put your you know put you and the things you know that you want us doing first to put the Word of God to put church to purchase all these things first and and not focus on money it's not that you know we know that some people will have money some people won't have as much money and and none of that is it is you know is wicked in either way however it's what we focus on it's what we set our heart on love our love on what we put our you know our focus on in life and and you know help us to just get that right Lord help us to to you know get home safe and sound tonight to get out soul winning if we can before Sunday service and then to get back on Sunday Lord and safe and sound in Jesus name for all this Amen