(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Right, so Genesis chapter 10, just a genealogy, nothing to see here, shall we move on to the next chapter? Of course not. We've got a chapter to go through here, just true to type there, I felt that Dan hasn't been doing enough genealogies recently, so I thought I'd shove him in for another one there. Did it great again though, Dan, I think you're the genealogy man. Right, so I'll try and do my best with it as well. Okay, so Genesis 10 we're going to be looking at, I'll remind you where we're at in Genesis, so we were in chapter 9 last week and Noah and his sons, mankind, were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. We saw that the animals are subject to them and were now official food, weren't they? And we did see though that blood was off limits and then the covenant was made, God promising not to destroy the whole earth with a flood again and the reminder of that was a rainbow and you know the rainbow was meant to be a reminder of not destroying them again with a flood and I said well maybe that's fitting that these filthy queers have taken that for their sort of logo or something, which is a bit odd isn't it that we have the NHS uses the same logo, don't you think? A little bit strange that isn't it and makes it all a bit confusing doesn't it and everything else, I wonder where that's going to go in the future but very odd that, funny because then you kind of had all these people that then putting rainbows up on their windows during the whole Covid sort of you know clap for the NHS stuff, which just made it even more confusing didn't it and yeah, blurring the lines a bit there but anyway let's not go off on a tangent there. So it, we then, there was then what's not, look it's not 100% clear events but we did see that Noah was drunken and verse 21 said that he was uncovered within his tent and you know that could indicate that that was done to him, couldn't it? He was uncovered because I think you just read it and you just glance over and go yeah no it's just lying there you know in the nude. Well it said that he was uncovered within his tent and maybe someone uncovered him right and you don't have to turn there but Leviticus 18.6 says none of you shall approach to anyone that is near of kin to him to uncover their nakedness, I am the Lord. So again it's a term that we do see in the Bible that someone could have done that to him and that would kind of make sense and like I said look we don't want to like, you can't be dogmatic with this stuff however the terminology in chapter nine does make you think that doesn't it? Verse 22 said and Ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brethren without. Why only mention Canaan? Because he's the father of Cush, Mizraim and Foot too that we see or Put depending on how you want to pronounce that we see in the chapter we're about to go through. So it only seems to mention Canaan and Shem and Japheth it said in verse 23 took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces went back when they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And like we mentioned Ham isn't his younger son he's always mentioned Shem, Ham and Japheth and I think it is actually the reverse and I think that it is actually Shem that's the youngest but his younger son would, the Bible will use the same word for a grandson wouldn't it? And the younger one would make sense if he was referring to Canaan who he then curses who it's even made a point of saying the father of Canaan as well. Who here in chapter 10 verse 6 by the way is the fourth of Ham sons again depending on if the orders are always in order how we would read that we'd say well he's the youngest said the sons of Ham Cush and Mizraim and Foot and Canaan. Well either way it would explain if he was the youngest why in verse 25 of Genesis 9 or maybe he was he was maybe he'd only just been born he was the oldest but the others weren't born yet but verse 25 of Genesis 9 Noah curses Canaan it says and he said cursed be Canaan a servant of servant shall he be unto his brethren and he said blessed be the Lord God of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant and Noah lived after the flood 350 years and all the days of Noah were 950 years and he died. So we see that cursing now he's going to be a servant and we talked about that how we saw that physically played out as well but I think there's probably a spiritual thing as well and obviously you know as we're going to look at it's it's many of his descendants end up being those inhabitants of the promised land of what is Canaan at the time and end up well getting smashed out of there and some of them end up in bondage and stuff later on as well. Genesis chapter 10 of verse 1 then says now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Shem, Ham and Japheth and unto them were sons born after the flood. I'd like to pray before we continue. Father thank you for your word thank you for this chapter of the Bible with just an amazing genealogy here which you know we're going to look at right now and you know the starting of nations around the world and help me to just just preach this Lord just accurately now help me to preach. Interestingly as well I understand that sometimes these things can seem more interesting to those preaching and maybe those listening if I don't preach this just in the right way Lord help me to get this right help me to get the balance right Lord help everyone here to just really pay attention to just listen to your word and just just take in what you want them to take in from this world Lord Jesus name for all this. Amen. Okay so the following genealogies in this chapter they're known as the table of nations if anyone has ever heard this before the table of nations and it seems that various historians and attempt have attempted genealogies throughout history and they all seem to line up it seems pretty accurately with this. The historians of old I was looking at a few Josephus the famous historian Jewish historian in fact the first century Nennius who was I think was a was a monk of the 9th century Snorri Sturlusonor of the 13th James Anderson of 1732 and all of these basically came out with a genealogy of mankind going to different nations are found founders of nations very very similar to this okay and it does line up really well with history it's quite fascinating. Funnily enough though even some Chinese records that that describe Nua with a with how at least it's pronounced to be with a U with three sons Lohan, Lo Shen and Jafu and and this is according to the Miotsu people of China so look it's not just sort of what we have considered oh well it's just like the Bible believing you know the kind of the Western nations with the Bible look no people people recognize this genealogy and have done many work into this and and look this seems pretty spot-on of course it it's a hundred percent spot on it's the Bible but even the secular historians agree with it that's my point now what they've done is seemingly trace people groups all the way back to these original settlers around the world that we're going to see here and just to make it clear with this okay because people just love to then get hung up on race we're not talking about races here which is basically a worldly construct where people are identified purely by skin color aren't they and it's very odd isn't it and and look what does it do it just creates tension division carnal superiority complexes or inferiority complexes depending on what side of the coin you're on at what point in in history and all of that junk however it does seem to have been possible to trait trace back the different original nations to this point okay that does seem possible and and this is based on the names here as well as the regions that they settled in which is mentioned in other parts of Bible so there's a combination reasons why people have managed to trace it back and it you know trace some of these kind of nations back it all lines up with I think historical accounts prior to what we would call the evolutionary historical you could say overhaul of the last 150 years because up until about 150 years ago when they were pushing and peddling that nonsense more and more look this is just standard stuff you know where look people had to come from somewhere didn't they and this is when the nation spread around the world and well when we say when in the next chapter with babel but this is where we kind of explained who went who was what and then we can see where they went from there now first up here is Japheth whose descendants seemed to spread over Europe and Asia minor so it says let's read it verse 2 says the sons of Japheth Goma and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiraz and the sons of Goma Ashkenaz and Riphath and Togamar and the sons of Javan Elisha and Tarshish-kitim and Dodonim by these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their nations now when it says isles of the Gentiles it doesn't necessarily just mean islands by the way so if you turn over to Isaiah 23 where we see Tarshish which is one of the names mentioned here in this genealogy as well called an isle Tarshish however is pretty commonly agreed to be a city on the south coast of Spain okay I think I think that's a pretty common belief amongst most people that have even semi studied the Bible which joined on to France and you know obviously mainland Europe is not what we would call an island today is it okay I don't think anyone would call Tarshish or at least the south of Spain an island Isaiah 23 6 it says here in Isaiah 23 and verse 6 pass ye over to Tarshish how ye inhabitants of the isle okay so just just to point out there the isle doesn't mean what we would call necessarily an island I think you know usually it's referring to a coastline or an island of land as completely surrounded by water as we traditionally call it now turn over to Ezekiel 38 interestingly God uses these names to refer to these nations not only in Ezekiel and Isaiah but but Magog is even mentioned in Revelation okay so we're seeing these names here and God uses these names for nations okay so and much further on so your turn to Ezekiel 38 before the final battle at the end of the millennial reign in Revelation 20 verse 8 it says of Satan and shall go out to deceive the nations which under four courts of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and we just read you're you're turning to Ezekiel 38 but we just read in Genesis 10 and versed to the sons of Japheth Gomer and Magog so look God God will even refer to these nations in these regions and the people there by the name that he gave that you know or at least that the names of the sons of Japheth for example here that went out I mean thousands and thousands and thousands of years before here in Ezekiel many of these names are used to refer to different nations as well in Ezekiel's prophecy and this is written nearly a thousand years after Moses wrote Genesis but with this period in Genesis taking place a thousand years approximately before Moses wrote it so we're talking a couple of thousand years later in Ezekiel 38 the nations are still being called by the names of the original settlers post flood it said in verse 1 in Ezekiel 38 and a word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against Gog the land of Magog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal their names we've just seen as well in that genealogy in Genesis 10 and prophesy against him and say thus saith the Lord God behold I'm against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal and I will turn thee back put hooks into thy jaws and I'll bring thee forth and all thine army horses and horsemen all of them clothes with all sorts of armor even a great company with bucklers and shields all of them handling swords Persia Ethiopia and Libya with them all of them with shield and helmet Gomer and all his bands the house of togamar that's another another one we just seen there of the North quarters and all his bands and many people with thee so we've just seen in that passage there we've just seen Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, togamar all mentioned 2,000 years after the event yeah all these places being referred to by these people by these fathers of these nations 2,000 years after they fought these nations with Isaiah 2 prophesying at a similar time about a hundred years before Ezekiel referring to these names too now you can you go to Titus 3 in fact well I read Isaiah 66 19 where we saw Isaiah doing the same it says I'll set a sign among them and I will send those escape of them unto the nations to Tarshish, Pul and Lod that draw the bow to Tubal and Javan to the isles are far off that have not heard my fame neither have seen my glory and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles this is a hundred years before Ezekiel however same thing we're just seeing seeing these names used for these regions and of these sons of Japheth many have seemingly showed a link between Gomer and the Celts of Britain so you know when I say Britain you know the Celts kind of have been here for a long time and they seem to come from originally from Gomer Magog there's been a link between Magog and the Scythians, Madai and the Medes, Javan and the Greeks, Tubal and the Iberians, Meshech and the Moski and Tiraz and the Thracians and I'm sure it's a fascinating study and great to see the 100% accuracy of the Bible however just in case anyone here starts going right maybe I need to start calling myself a Gomer or I don't know if we've got any Celts here but or something along those lines something else Titus where you are in chapter 3 verse 9 says but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain so even long before the New Testament many of those nations are mixing conquering and being conquered and and now with the ease of travel even more so okay so look the chance of finding someone who's got pure anything going back to any of these people I would say is a massive zero okay and those that focus too much on bloodlines and again it's interesting how this all started but those who want to focus on that stuff to get I don't know why some sort of credit or something they think they might do it's often what's it doing they're just generally trying to seek pride it's prideful isn't it I'm of this one and not that one but the thing is everyone's of Noah so it's such a nonsense really isn't it oh well I you know I came from JFeth well so what good luck you know what what difference that make to you at all what have you done what have you achieved in life you know it's so weird isn't it but people really get hung up on this stuff and turn to Colossians 3 because look if you're saved if you're saved then there's only one seed that matters isn't there okay you're telling Colossians 3 but Galatians 3 and verse 28 says there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus okay look if you're if you're saved you're one in Christ Jesus and you know who needs to hear that for one the Zionists need to hear that don't they yeah hear that hear that Zionist we're all one in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female you know it's it's just carnal rubbish now isn't it now that stuff was interesting many years ago and it still is interesting to look at but now everyone here is just a mixture of everything and you know what there is no pure Jew bloodline yeah that stuff is a load of old rubbish okay there's no such thing pure bloodline when they've just kept it pure throughout thousands of years with people traveling conquering going all over the place it's a load of old nonsense and and most of these guys are claiming to be Jews and have a right to the to the so-called holy land like eastern Europeans I mean they don't have I mean and not that anyone has a right anyway I mean even if they were there would they have a right do you have a right to a land because you once had a people group that lived there it's a lot of nonsense isn't it I mean live where you live you know live where you were born live where your family have given you a home so that that's a load of nonsense but I'll tell you who else needs to hear that sort of thing as well how about the white supremacists out there and there are there are still these people out there and you might think oh really are there really that many of those guys there are still those guys out there okay who are just like so proud of the fact that they're white well what did they achieve didn't achieve anything and and I actually I there's a guy that I used to know who tried to come out with this VC he tried to claim he was saved and then he tried to start basically telling me that in fact all the the 12 the 12 tribes of Israel were all these pure Aryan bloodlines and I was like well our nazis going and Jesus had the purest white Aryan bloodline listening like a message a short message I had with him and then I explained to him well well that doesn't actually make any sense especially when you think of people like Rahab the harlot being involved in the bloodline and Ruth the Moabites etc and then they just go quiet don't and I'm sure he'll be spouting it again in when next time he tries to talk to someone who hopes doesn't actually know what the bible says you know and people come out with all this stuff and it's it's just carnal rubbish and but you know what we have a big a big one of that now now we've got all these these Hebrew roots guys out there claiming this rubbish the black lives matters brainwashed morons out there and that's a big movement out there and that is an absolute disgrace that movement I mean you're talking like full-on lesbians at the head of this yeah it's sodomites sodomite communists yeah and and people have really jumped on that and that's like a you know they think it's a cool PC thing to be involved with they're so easily brainwashed by this stuff aren't they these idiots and it's but it's the same old thing because really it's all just trying to bring it back to race all the time and it's not about race here they're all nations and it's not even really clear what really race you'd call half of them it's just a load of old rubbish but anyway Colossians 3 makes that clear where it says this if you're saved but now you also put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth now the anger wrath and malice I seem to see with a lot of people that just keep wanting going on about race whether it's anti-racism pro-racism whatever it is there just seems to be a lot of anger wrath and malice it doesn't seem to be the sort of thing that someone in Christ should be getting involved with lie not one to another seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds and put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that creates him where there is neither Greek nor Jew circumcision nor uncircumcision barbarian Scythian bond nor free but Christ is all and in all put on there for as the elect of God holy and beloved bows of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering and humbleness of mind again people that are trying to claim some sort of superiority due to their color due to their bloodline due to any of that stuff doesn't sound like humbleness of mind to me verse 13 says for bearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye so that for me says that any Christians trying to get involved with that nonsense seeking reparations for things that happened generations ago by people that have got nothing to do with you is again a load of rubbish isn't it okay it makes no sense whatsoever it's not Christian at all you should be forbearing one another forgiving one another not that anyone who's alive today has anything to do with the slave trade anyway okay it's it's such carnal junk but this stuff is big out there and people buy into this and that means they'll be Christians in fact at least people claiming to be Christians out there because we had one of them in here the other day if anyone saw the lady with the walking stick and i still can't remember her name even though she put it in the top of a letter she's apparently given me twice now trying to explain to me that uh that in fact uh we see Jesus described as black in one way or another in the bible countless times according to her apparently that's really important because that's really important isn't it because but the bible never says it you know why because it doesn't matter because no one cares no one cares what color he was who cares he's Jesus Christ he's the Lord Jesus Christ we don't need his cut but but her that's her like that's her axe and that's a hill to die on i mean she was trying to tell me about all the times the bible says about his hair being like wool see he's black so what who cares but apparently that's important important to the carnal minded isn't it not important to people who really want to know about what the Lord Jesus Christ was like not what he looked like you know anyway let's keep going but it's carnal it's rubbish and we should just let the unsaved round bicker about all that stuff if they have to this isn't for God's children okay that sort of stuff is not for God's children but what is interesting for God's children is to look at this sort of stuff this is fascinating where the nations came from isn't it okay but i don't know i don't not one point in this chapter do you see the color of any skin i mentioned because it's not important let's keep going back to genesis 10 it's it's still interesting how it all started okay verse five says but by these were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their nations so we're going to see them all divided in the next chapter and given a tongue and no this isn't some sort of uh unintelligible private chanting to God that they've suddenly been given at this point which has nothing to do with any with anything else in this chapter no it's talking about a language okay and obviously that that happens we're going to see that in chapter 11 but uh in genesis 11 7 god says let go to let us go down and they're confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech okay that's what happens at babel they get confounded they all get different languages and again how else to explain the the the and i know there are some languages that are similar but there are some languages which have absolutely no similarity at all and are as different as chalk and cheese how do you explain that with this nonsense and again laughable really evolution type theory that's out there today okay you can't can you you can't explain languages with that but anyway um that's to come but but here we're given those names before they're spread aboard so it says and the sons of ham kush and misraim and foot and kainan and kush is the same word used by the way for ethiopia in the bible which likely had very different borders from what we know today so again remember the map will have changed a lot over time but yeah ezekiel 29 10 tells us that it bordered egypt and that land is now known as sudan okay so ethiopia was obviously bigger than it is today ezekiel 29 10 says behold therefore i am against the and against the rivers and i will make the land of egypt utterly waste and desolate from the tower of syene even unto the border of ethiopia okay so back in in you know at least when ezekiel's writing that a good good few thousand years ago now it bordered ethiopia egypt did so some some ancient egyptian inscriptions apparently call this region that was known as ethiopia keshe which again is pretty close to kush isn't it and some historians believe that the kushite spread over much of north africa and beyond i don't know it's it's debatable exactly where and how but apart from apart from egypt so they didn't spread over egypt with the name misraim that we see here translated as egypt the the modern arabic name for egypt by the way is musra okay which again is very close to the misraim there and and foot here is is well likely became another north african nation it seems with its armies mentioned in a few places beside other nations of that region so in ezekiel 27 10 it's talking of tar and he says they of persia and of lood and of foot were in thine army thy men of war they hanged the shield and helpingly they set forth thy comeliness so these are all in that sort of area so i'm assuming that foot wasn't a long way from that north africa sort of area as well and again i don't some people are kind of adamant about these things i don't think it's that clear-cut exactly with all of them but some are okay then finally there's canan which which we'll look at in a minute but was for a long time that the land west of the jordan river so it says here and the sons of kush siba and havila and sabta and reyema and sabtika and the sons of reyema shiba and deaden so see siba mentioned as a kingdom is either in or bordering kush ethiopia there's havila in shem's line too we see that late later on through jockton but some some claim it's northwest yemen and again i find this stuff interesting i don't know if you do but it's mentioned in genesis too has been encompassed by the river paisan but again who knows how far that landscape's changed after the flood as well reyema became a nation in the south of arabia we're looking at here in verse seven reyema here became a nation south of arabia under persian gulf it seems shiba which is i think the one where the famous queen of solomon's day was from again seems to be southern arabia but there is another shiba for uh later on as well um and deaden was in that same region it seems to so it says in verse eight and kush begat nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord then the beginning of his kingdom was babel and iraq and akad and kauni in the land of shinar out of that land went forth asher and building ninnova and the city rear both in kayla and reason between ninnova and kayla the same is a great city right so nimrod seems to be the first described as mighty post flood doesn't he okay so he notice here how he was called a mighty one in the earth now have a look just back at genesis chapter six and verse four and we don't hear much about nimrod but it still is interesting genesis 6 4 said there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were evolved men of renown and i preached this in genesis 6 i think most people here have listened to this series so far but obviously you know we're not talking about you know jack and the beanstalk giants and all this crazy stuff which people try and come out with from this and you know angels kind of having children with with the daughter men no because the sons of god are saved people okay they're believers we see that throughout the bible so the sons of god here he said and also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men is that just after the sons of god were marrying these women here is that just what it's talking about well no bear in mind it's only 100 years after this that the ark is built okay this point it seems in genesis if it's kind of relevant to the point we're at in genesis 6 at this point and post flood there are giants aren't there okay post flood the bible describes giant goliath being a famous one also the zamzumim the amakit the anakims and others okay described as giants so i look point being that maybe one of those mighty men of old was nimrod because this is still a long time ago isn't it unless it's just talking about pre-flood but maybe he was one of those maybe ham's wife was a daughter of men and point being maybe she was unsaved i don't know just something i was thinking about part of the problem possibly with kainan bearing in mind that i i believe that it's talking about kainan where we saw that incident with noah maybe you know part of that problem was that his his mum was was unsaved and that can obviously cause issues and problems and obviously reprobation you know would would be the at least a way we'd explain what happened there but maybe nimrod had some of those giant genetics hence him being described as a mighty one in the earth the mighty under because he's now soon after this described as a mighty one in the earth a mighty hunter and we've just seen about mighty men of old men of renown said in verse 8 and kush begat nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the lord where for it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord and the beginning of his kingdom was babel and iraq and akad and kalni in the land of shana now uh it's a funny thing in the bible you know you there are stories after stories clear as day you know things where where you know you've got so much detail and they go into depth and then you have kind of for example that verse about the sons of god or back in genesis 6 or you have this little small passage of three verses of a guy called nimrod which is pretty much all we hear about and yes we hear a bit about babel in the next chapter and q all sorts of stories also people love to kind of they love to tell a new story with a lot of fantastical stuff in it rather than just retell the true story don't they and nimrod's one of them i remember when i joined my secondary school and many years ago now i remember in the first year they tried to do this whole school production i think it was of something called nimrod i don't know i can only remember the song that we all tried to we all had to sing which was nimrod the king the mighty hunter nimrod the one that carries the sword everyone's singing this i can't even remember what went on in it but point being that they made this whole basically play musical about a guy with three verses what you even know about him that he was a mighty one and a hunter and that's about it isn't it but um you know you know i mean why not why why go with any of the real stories when you can just make up your own one but we do know that look he was a mighty hunter he's a mighty one in the earth um we we know that he had a kingdom so he's some sort of leader and it seemed to be i would say when babel was formed um he the beginning of his kingdom was babel you know there weren't obviously we're quite close to post flood here um and babel was where they're all of one language now i would also say that he's a picture of the antichrist too but we are going to look at that next week okay so we'll look at that in depth because we'll look at babel and what that's a picture of as well but that's about all we've got isn't it on nimrod anyone know anything else about nimrod because if i wouldn't really tell you anything else about nimrod so that's about all we've got on nimrod and um however people will come out with all sorts of stuff for now but he does seem like an interesting person like i said who knows maybe he was a giant look there were giants after that and there giants before that and he was described as a mighty one the last people we saw described as mighty men of renown were giants weren't they in fact they were we also saw that they were giants that that were the spawn of of of these daughters of men with these genetics with also uh saved people with with children uh children of god there so anyway we're going to carry on so verse 11 there says and out of that land went forth asher and building ninova and the city where both and kayla and reason between ninova and kayla the same as a great city so you've got this nimrod the mighty hunter and then you've got asher who was of the sons of shem by the way verse 22 says the children of shem elam and asher and arfaxed and lud and aram so it wasn't just nimrod building cities by the way as well so out of that land went forth asher and that was probably when they were all scattered and building ninova and the city rear both and kayla and reason between ninnova and kayla the same as a great city so we've got someone else building cities as well um and then verse 13 says a misrae in begat ludim and anamim and lihabim and naphthihim now ludim also known as lud um we see that a bit there and and it seems the the lihabim that it mentions here as well have been linked probably to libya as well um again i don't know how accurate those borders were back then but at least that region there um then verse 14 the others again it's unclear who they ended up kind of becoming then verse 14 says empathazim and kazlihim out of whom came philistine and kaphdorim so it seems to be debatable apparently where exactly they first settled but the philistine which we know obviously being the philistines by the time of abraham 400 years only on from the flood by the way were located in the land of kainan okay and genesis 21 and you could turn if you like turn just flick over to genesis 21 um is when abraham made a covenant with abimelech king of the philistines it says in verse 32 of of genesis 21 thus they made a covenant at beersheba then abimelech rose up and and fecal the chief captain of his host and they returned to the land of the philistines and abraham planted a grove in beersheba and called on the name the lord the everlasting god and abraham sojourned in the philistines land many days so beersheba being southern kainan i mean they were pretty close they seemed to we see them in those sort of regions a lot but there's a bit of debate as to where they first settled but they seem to be by the looks of it quite a conquering group that were traveling and trying to conquer land and stuff and they were spreading out quite fast as well and now we're going to see kainan who had the curse put on him by noah in the last chapter so look at verse 15 where it says and kainan begat sidon his firstborn and heth now the the coastal town north kainan by the way is is this is sidon it's also known as zidon and and heth is the father of the hitites by the way in case you want to hear the heth of the hethites well the hitites you will have heard of a lot abraham is still calling the hitite sons of heth by the way in genesis 23 we're not going to turn to verse 16 it says and the jebuzite and the amorite and the gergazite and the hiveite and the archite and the sinai now the majority of those names that we've just seen are those who dwell in the promised land and were driven out by the children of israel post exodus from egypt turn to exodus chapter 34 and and last week we looked at leviticus 18 24 after all of the commandments about sodomy and other vile affections he said in exodus sorry leviticus 18 24 defile not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which i cast out before you so now when he says which i cast out this is this can be also you know this is sort of a present tense which he is casting out and also there were some as they're kind of entering into the promised land or at least they're kind of they're they're circling they're close in leviticus however we see in a minute that it's all of these guys are into all this sort of wicked stuff as excess where you are in verse 34 and verse 11 says this observe thou that which i command thee this day behold i drive out before thee the amorite okay we've just seen the amorite and the kainite obviously and the hitite remember we said that they come from from heth and the perizzite now perizzite we haven't seen there and a high vite that we just saw in verse 17 of genesis 10 and the jebuzite we saw in verse 16 of genesis 10 he said take heed to thyself lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land with their goers lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee but ye shall destroy their altars break their images and cut down their groves for thou shalt worship no other god for the lord whose name is jealous is a jealous god lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they go a whoring after their gods and do sacrifice unto their gods and one call thee and thou eat of his sacrifice and now take of their daughters unto thy sons and their daughters go a whoring after their gods and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods and look these were wicked people okay clearly but one of the reasons that the look one of the many reasons that we will always say look if you're safe you need to find someone safe to marry is that they will end up just making you go whoring after their gods you go oh come on i'm not going to go down another church another religion well there are a lot of gods out there in the world there are a lot of idols out there in the world and what happens with with those sort of unequal yoking is a lot of the time do you know who ends up giving it's a believer who ends up well you know so what if we start worshiping money a little bit so what if we start worshiping celebrity popularity fame you know the easy life whatever else and all these idols that people set up in life and that's sadly what happens so often here he's saying look i don't want you to go anywhere near these people i don't want you to get married to these people i want you to smash down their idols smash down their altars and what were they all what were they all they're all descendants of what was likely a wicked Canaan which would make sense wouldn't it with a curse on him as well and Leviticus 20 23 i don't know if you like Leviticus chapter 20 after sodomy similar vile affections other sorts of worshiping of of evil spirits and all that sort of devilry and everything else in Leviticus 20 and verse 23 he says this and ye shall not walk in the manner of the nation and singular i would say talky of the land of Canaan here which i cast out before you for they committed all these things and therefore i aboard them okay so look he is going to cast them out before them they've committed all those things and in Leviticus 20 Leviticus 18 it said the same um look there's a lot of filth these guys are doing all right so and i think because sometimes you know the the people who try and knock the bible will try and talk about genocide and gods you know that that encourages them to go and wipe out whole nations and kill them and you know all the bloodshed and everything else basically the children of Israel were used to mete out god's punishment okay they went out and wiped out some wicked nations into wicked things and here it says they committed all these things and therefore i aboard them that means he hated them he hated these nations because they committed these filthy wicked vile sins that's what god thinks of this stuff okay it's not oh well it was just like an old way because they didn't really understand and that's why they stoned them to death that's because god hates them okay god hates sodomites and he wiped out whole nations who were committing sodomy and similar stuff which is on the same list bestiality you know same sort of stuff all the weird sorts of incest which obviously now much further on from when the genetic codes were just like they basically whether you know had had such a large genetic variant when we went further down the line and then you got to like after the exodus from egypt then there was like clear incest rules put in and everything else and look you know when you when your siblings and your cousins everything else look exactly like you you know that's what gets a bit weird doesn't it you know but i'm sure they did it right at the beginning when they had literally every genetic variant and obviously it was different right at the beginning when they were when they were you know spreading and going forth and multiplying across the earth however all this stuff's disgusting okay it's disgusting and and he hated it and these whole lot end up getting well they get smashed they don't actually get completely wiped out they should get completely wiped out but they don't but at least he did prophesy they end up being servant to him don't they and i think i read to you last week how we see they end up there's there's under solomon's reign they're basically in bondage to them etc and that was prophesied about um obviously as well but look there's a reason for for all that the main reason is that these guys are filthy disgusting perverts okay who also into all the other weird stuff that all these filthy disgusting perverts get into like the witchcraft like the weird sort of you know worshipping of spirits and all of that and just a quick point on that stuff because some people get confused about well what really is that now is that like some woman with a kind of hooked nose and you know in a big hat on her head and stirring a cauldron and everything else i had a guy today i knocked on the door and and he was a really polite old gentleman and he said to me um he knows he's going to heaven i said oh how do you know how do you know you're going to heaven and all what do you have to do he said oh well actually i i went to a seance and they actually then and then he's telling me the reason and look they come out with some interesting stuff he said you know they uh they they said oh mum's up there with blah blah blah and then mentioned whatever barney or something and he said you know barney was no barney was a dog they couldn't have known you know or something else and yeah they yeah do you know why they didn't know because they were devils because they're communing with devils they're commuting with evil spirits now don't get me wrong there are some blaggers out there as well okay there's some fakes but that that's modern day witchcraft that's that's commuting with with evil spirits and stuff that stuff is absolutely wicked as well and a lot of these weird sodomites stuff they love that sort of stuff they hate god they hate christianity oh but they're all up for you know spirits and mediums and all that crazy stuff as well they love all that and it all just it's all just the same well it's not the same but it's all wickedness isn't it it's all absolute wickedness here these people are the descendants of canan and they end up getting wiped out it says in verse 18 back where you are though in genesis 10 it says any arvardite and the zemorite and the hamathite and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread aboard now arvard it seemed was a genuine island as we know it as we know what an island is off syria hamath was a city in upper syria verse 19 this is and the borders of the kainites was from sidon as they'll come us to gira unto gaza as they'll go us unto sodom and gomorrah and adma and zeboim even unto leisha what a surprise that sodom and gomorrah then seem to be a Canaanite border town as well yeah is it any surprise of course not the most wicked vile place the base it's used time and time again as an example to those that would live like that etc you know having hell fire rain down upon them and it was a Canaanite border towning like we said Canaan there seems to be a bit of a theme here hence why i think it makes sense as to it being Canaan that did some sort of filthy abuse however regardless they are cursed and with that curse is that sort of filth which is interesting isn't it that all that seems to be a result of being cursed isn't it all right this early on that is just a result of of just being they're they're accursed they're and the bible says that cursed children right these people are cursed children they're accursed it is like a curse even though the world will tell you that this sort of thing is something good to be celebrated no it's a curse it's an absolute curse imagine imagine knowing imagine walking through life knowing that you're a filthy sod of mine what a curse what a horrible thing however much they'll celebrate however much they'll put the rainbow flags up however much any of that imagine knowing deep down that you're a filthy sod i mean that is a that is a i mean it's a death penalty anyway but what a horrible miserable existence you'd have i mean that's probably why they need all these rainbows just try and cheer them up a little bit anyway let's keep going um so they just got me wind wound up the sides a little bit recently our past has been getting a bit of them as well but anyway um where are we uh verse uh 20 these are the sons of ham after their families after their tongues in their countries and in their nations um so now we're going to see shem from whom we we get the line to abraham via our fax ad and i hope you kind of all you know keep you up with this and and at least getting something out of this i find this stuff really interesting just pause for a second there look this is all where nations started from this is where it originated we're seeing some of these you can actually clearly see the regions they went to and everything else it's fascinating and the bible just just everything is just 100 accurate spot and as we know this is great stuff and and some of these you can actually go to and i'm probably skimming over it a little bit but it is interesting for me just how you can a lot of these you can go to and find these regions so okay now shem like i said we get the line to abraham which means that it's a line to who the lord jesus christ okay so abraham being obviously the the you know the the the eventual father of and obviously going through it you know his son isaac going through jacob going through eventually judo and and onwards and we eventually get to to the lord jesus christ well here we see that that line is our fax ad and we see that because you can cross reference with the next chapter but let's just look at what we can see in this chapter now verse 21 says unto shem also the father of all the children of eber the brother of japheth the elder even to him were children born now first thing to point out is that shem was the younger one it seems and the order always being shem ham and japheth i don't i don't i was trying to look for this and seeing well it's not an obvious consistency however there is the theme where the younger of the brothers um being a bit of a bit of a theme being the one where christ ends up coming from right so shem being younger here think about with isaac and ishmael ishmael being the older brother isaac jacob and isil jacob being the younger brother jacob being in that line even pharaohs and zara of tamar as well with one kind of poppy out they're going back in and the other one coming out and and i i believe and i think we see that clearly because i think it's explained in romans anyway it's a picture of the replacement of israel as a nation isn't it okay with that newer nation with that younger nation that spiritual nation that being those with faith in christ replacing israel as a physical nation is god's nation god's people but verse 22 we're going to continue though says the children ishem elam and asher and our facts said and lud and aram now elam where we get the elamites this was east of babylon ashra which is known as asyria by the way okay so that that's the father of the asyrians our facts said who it seems was possibly the father of the caldees where abraham was a native of lud is probably who the lydians were likely north africa and aram possibly became syria it seems as well and it says in the children aram us and hole and geetha and mash where these are isn't so clear and our facts had begat sailor and sailor begat eber now eber is assumed to be the father of the hebrews again you can see a lot of the links in the names here as well and under eber were born two sons the name of one was p leg for in his days was the earth divided and his brother's name was joktan i believe this is where the the two probably split separate ways being the the days was the earth divided again it could be talking about that splitting at babel but but it seemed that p leg went to mesopotamia with joktan apparently to southern arabia with arabs known as joktanite arabs apparently as well um joktan begat almodad and shilef and hazar mayveth and jeera so these all seem to have been arabian tribes and we see a lot of this now with the kind of continuing names different tribes of arabia and a lot of people seem to be able to peg this back here um and a hadorim and usal and deekla usau probably around yemen the rest it seems other arab tribes and obel and abimael and shiba and i think this is different for the first shiba maybe fathers sabians and then ophir and havala and jobab all these are sons of joktan now it's not clear where ophir actually was but you might have heard it mentioned a lot um it seemed to be the source of gold precious stones almug trees if you remember of first kings 10 where solomon's getting these brought in and then we also saw a havala if you remember the line from kush and it's debatable whether the havala in arabia is of one or both it could be the same an area of both of them and then it says uh and then we saw a jobab who's another one linked to an arabian tribe then verse 30 says and their dwelling was from misha as a guy sent to see far amount of the east okay and this is by the way the whole length of the red sea it seems in arabia but on the west side of it these are sons of shem after their families after their tongues in their lands after their nations these are the families of the sons of noah after their generations in their nations and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood so that's what's known as the table of nations which then they obviously continued to spread didn't they but look i don't know some of you might have kind of been like okay well that was a bit you know neither here nor there i i look for me if you study that stuff out yourself and look into it's interesting you kind of get more of an idea of the geography of things as well why people were where they were but just think as well just all these people and their families and obviously when it's talking about those people i'm sure they had fans talking about the sun's it's talking about these heads there as well but these guys are they're not far off from noah are they so i mean what an amazing time in the world to think back and think that these people literally got off the boat got off the arc that that one family okay eight people and then within i don't think a great deal of time here you're starting to basically have the starting of all the nations of the world and what an amazing what an amazing thing to think back to and just think how that world must have been because at the beginning they're all together because we see in the next chapter as they all move together onto the plane of shinar it looks like and you know this was like everyone who ever lived in the world together and then at some point we see with babel with that where god then scatters them we see all the nations being scattered and that's a the founding of the nations um and just yeah i don't know i just find it weird to see we're trying to get my head back there and just trying to think how that could have even been how they were scattered i don't know if they had boats at that point some argue some suggest that maybe water levels might have been lower for whatever reason i don't really know maybe there was they were able to walk more in certain areas what i do know is that that was the that was the 100 accurate starting of the nations of the world and that's where it all started from now we get to the point well everyone's so mixed up and everything else you're not going to trace yourself back to there do you even care however it is interesting isn't it it's interesting i've started so we're going to finish up there um on that let's pray father thank you for um well for your word thank you for those genealogies in the bible and somewhere you know you we're trying to just just learn what what you want us to learn from this day one thing is that the bible is just 100 accurate in everything lord it's um it's 100 truth it's 100 history it's the only history source we can 100 trust and that has seems to have been proven over the years by people that have tried to trace back nations to their to their founding fathers and and you know just all these things you know when we look at you know real history real science things it would just always prove the bible lord thank you that we have a you know just a solid rock there a sure foundation that we can trust we can lean lean upon that we can just put our faith in thank you for um for everything you do for us lord thank you for that line that that you know came through came through those you know from from shem through to abraham and carried on um through to the lord jesus christ that you know we're able to be saved by just putting our faith in him thank you for for that lord thank you for um for for this church and thank you for this day lord and the fact that we're able to have a service here help us to um all get home safe for santa return on sunday for another day in your house just name for all of this amen