(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. 1 Thessalonians chapter 2. Let's have a look at, just starting in verse 1 here, I want to focus really on the first sort of two-thirds of it but it's only in verse 1. For yourselves brethren know our entrance in unto you that it was not in vain. And the title of my sermon today is effective soul winning, effective soul winning. Let's go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer. Father I thank you for your word. I thank you for this gospel that we're given the duty to go and preach to to others. Please just help everyone to have open hearts and ears and to just want to want to learn from this, to grow from this and just help me to preach boldly. Fill me with your spirit please and help me to preach accurately. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. So soul winning, what is soul winning? Well basically it's going out and winning some souls, getting people saved. We're a group of Christians in this church that believe strongly that we need to be going out and getting people saved because the Bible commands us to go out and win souls doesn't it? Now you've obviously heard so many of these churches that don't go out and save people they like to say, what's their favorite line? You don't do the saving. Oh it's not you that saves them, it's God that saves them and the rest of that sort of stuff. Well I have to turn there but in Romans chapter 11 14 Paul says if by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them. In 1 Corinthians 7 16 he says for what knowest thou O wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest thou O man whether thou shalt save thy wife. People saving people isn't it? 1st Corinthians 9 22 he says to the weak became I as weak that I might gain the weak I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some. Now you might say well that's the Apostle Paul you know the Apostle Paul's ordained to go and save people. Well turn to Jude, don't turn to the book of Jude in verse 22 in the book of Jude only one chapter verse 22 where Jude says and of some have compassion making a difference still going to all believers here and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. The Bible clearly tells us to save people doesn't it? Yeah the Bible tells us it commands us to save people so why do people say you don't save anyone? Why do they say that? Because they don't want to go and save people do they? Because they're either lazy they're either scared they're either they or they don't even believe that you can go out and get people saved it's usually one of those three isn't it and it's wicked really isn't it? But a lot of the time they will say that because for example if I never did soul winning how can I stand at a front of a church and try and encourage people to go out soul winning? So I'm going to make excuses and reasons why in fact well you don't really save anyone God doesn't so it's only God's hands because then it excuses me doesn't it? Okay and sadly this is what these preachers do and it gets and sadly that's what the congregation then do because they want an excuse they want a reason not to go out and win souls because for many winning souls is a terrifying thing for many going out preaching the gospel is at least an uncomfortable thing for some it's just a bit of a pain and they don't want to have to do it and they like that the fluffy part they like the the feeling that they you know some sort of better people because they are Christians and they're gonna come and feel more spiritual and they'll feel stronger and they'll feel but but they don't want to do the bit that God tells him to do in fact it gives us many bits to do but this is the important bit isn't it? Now I had a guy I had a guy at one of these churches once tell me that he's not ordained to go and preach the gospel he was this was he was actually going from this one wicked false church and I am going to call that it now Bethel Baptist Church for me repent of your sins false church and and this guy was from there but he was going to this other church who seemed to have the right gospel it's just bizarre isn't it who were giving out free Bibles 10,000 free Bibles and I said to him well what I did when I because the time I was involved with this church I said why don't you try maybe knocking on the door when you go up to the doors doorstep just make use of that journey up the up the front drive you'd think might be worth it he said oh I'm not ordained I'm not ordained to preach the gospel well funny that because Jude in 1 1 says Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called that's all believers isn't it that's all believers and Jude said some save with fear didn't they of some have compassion make a difference and others save with fear putting them out of the fire now again we and it's all over the Bible isn't it that's just one just off the top of my head because it is our number one purposes Christians isn't it that is our number one purpose that's why we're still here that's what we command to do that's what we must do as Christians all four Gospels have the Great Commission at the end don't know all four Gospels have some version of the Great Commission at the end Matthews and you'd have to know Matthew's gospel ends with in Matthew 28 19 to 20 go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo I am with you always even until the end of the world amen that's starting with teach your nation and for me that's going out preaching the gospel mark 16 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Luke 24 47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem and John 20 21 we're going to see later this evening then said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has since sent me even so send I you okay and that that goes across to all Christians we're all sent out we're all commanded preach the gospel aren't we why is it so important why is it so important well we're not Calvinists are we people aren't just going to magically believe they're not just well from the beginning of the world they've been told they will believe no God knows from the beginning of the world that they will believe but because without us preaching the gospel no one is getting saved are they okay without us going out and preaching the gospel no one is getting saved I'm not saying us as a church I'm saying us as Christians every single Christian in this world has to preach the gospel otherwise people aren't getting saved are they and that is how people get saved the Bible's clear about that turn of Romans chapter 10 and I know this is a refresher for many but it's a good refresher isn't it because this is the number one job this is our job this is our role Romans 10 verse 13 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved been a bit of a debate about it anyone seen any of this stuff recently this guy on his channel trying to try and claim you don't have to call the name of the Lord funny because the Bible says I had a guy recently actually trying to say this to me that it was that isn't it a work well no if you believe you're going to ask for it aren't you it's pretty obvious pretty pretty simple for whosoever shall call upon name the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher how shall they hear without a preacher the Bible's not the Bible knows the answer to that you know Paul here writing this under the inspiration only spirit knows the answer doesn't he and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preached a gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things that's why we send them well that's why we send people out to preach the gospel don't we that's why you know churches around the country have sorry around the world have got to the point where they're sending people or themselves if they're sending us out from whatever it is 10,000 miles away they're sending us out from there to preach the gospel as well and many people here were preaching before but but we were being sent out by the churches because sadly the church still won't send us out were they but how shall they how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher we have to go and preach the gospel it's every single Christian in this room is everyone's responsibility to preach the gospel okay and look if you're old enough to be saved if you're old enough then you're old enough to tell someone why you're saved aren't you to tell another child yeah if you're saved you you're you're commanded to preach the gospel and look I don't care how fun other churches are I don't care how fun they are how good the orchestra is there's some good orchestras and pretty cool bands out there aren't there yeah how many pictures of men in dresses the kids get to color in every week how many coloring pencils they have to color those pretty dresses apparently men in the Bible our job is to preach the gospel isn't it doesn't matter how it doesn't matter because because they're failing as a church they're failing as a church they might be they might have an array of biscuits they might have the freshest coffee in town but if they're not preaching the gospel they're not church they're not a church are they so our job is to is to preach gospel to go and say people to go win some souls okay and that's an introduction for this for this sermon because that if we're going to all be effective soul winners and every single person there wants to be an effective soul winner don't they I would hope everyone in here should want to be an effective soul winner we need these sort of sermons regularly don't we okay these sermons we because it's our job it's our role this is more important than than the rest of it look there's a lot of good stuff in the Bible at least for me it's the most important thing it is making sure that we're going out and getting people saved we're doing it effectively and we have new people in this church new people that are maybe learning how to soul win new people that maybe would like would like to so and we have old people in this church older people that have been a while that maybe are losing their their passion for it a little bit or maybe they're they're losing the effectiveness of their soul winning a little bit we all need refreshing don't we anyone if they're in a in a place of work it's not well you've learned it that's it they're gonna be constantly refreshed aren't they so we're gonna try and do that that's what I want to do here regularly even if look even if this sermon results in one person one person in this room improves something and that resulted in just one extra person getting saved this some be worth it wouldn't it wouldn't it be worth it okay so with that in mind and in fact as a side note if you need any more convincing let's just add one more reason if you're still sitting there thinking well yeah but it's just not really me well I I've just can't I still can't be bothered well Ephesians 6 15 when describing our spiritual army that I've turned there says and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace so if you're not preaching the gospel you've got a weak point in your armor haven't you okay if you're not preaching the god then we need some spiritual armor don't we it's a spiritual battle we're in as Christians every day of our lives if you've got a weak point in your armor it's gonna get targeted isn't it it's gonna get targeted it's gonna be a problem and and look for me there's ten other reasons why we should be preaching the gospel but they're all good reasons but the main reason is we're told to go and preach gospel to every creature so if we want to improve our soul winning who best to learn from then the Apostle Paul but the Apostle Paul but look I've been so winning for a while now and I'll be so winning badly for quite a while as well and I've improved with time and when I first started trying to get people saved it was it was pretty bad I at the very beginning I was just trying to persuade them that God was real that was my idea of evangelism and then after that I you know with time I learned okay it's about the scriptures but even then I was just kind of reeling off scriptures and I wasn't really explaining the scriptures and with time and look I've got I'm gonna be improving all my life okay but let's see what the Apostle Paul says about it let's see he gives us some great advice in this passage we can learn so much from this passage first Thessalonians chapter 2 and from verse 1 for yourselves brethren know our entrance in unto you that it was not in vain so the goal of any soul winning is that it's not in vain isn't it okay the goal of us going out so winning is that it's not in vain not in emptiness it's not pointless when Paul Silas and Timotheus when impeached in Thessalonica it's a bit of a tongue twister but I got there they got results they got results didn't they okay that was a strong church they got results and we want to make sure that our soul winning isn't in vain either don't we we want to make sure that the time we're putting in the effort we're putting in is not in vain now what do I mean do I mean that we all just end up getting double figures every week we're just coming back I've got this many I've got that many that's not what I'm talking about because double figures is one thing but and that would be great we it'll be great if they were double figures of people that were getting saved 100% getting saved but more importantly we want to do our best with every soul that we get an opportunity to say don't we we want to do our best with each of those people that we don't waste time with with false salvation okay we don't want to be getting full salvations where look and news flash to you every single person that's been soul winning for a while will have got people to pray with them and and later would affect and and so it may be later they won't have found out but sadly the truth is some of those people want to got saved okay and I don't know what those percentages are but people will agree with you people will pray with you people will say they believe when they don't believe that's the truth so look we want to make sure we're possible that we can that we can be at least as sure as we can you can never be a hundred percent sure but you can at least be confident you've done all that you can do and you'll have some people that you preach to and you're like I know you feel almost 100% sure don't you and then you'll get other people where you've done all you can and you're not gonna stop them asking the law but you're thinking you're a bit unsure again there's nothing wrong with that you know well no no I haven't got that you know that that full assurance look if you've done all you can they've agreed they they agree they say they believe out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speakers what we can go on is a mouth can't we but we want to make sure we want to make sure that we've done the best we can but that's not an hour-long presentation because a lot of people do have attention span issues in this probably day and age more more so hey and look most people most people I think at the beginning when we started doing these and we're actually sitting there through our long sermons because I know anyone ever been not many churches I think actually maybe West phasing so he used to preach a long time sometimes but a lot of a lot of pastors don't and it could be and at the beginning when we first started this I remember a few people saying they were kind of reaching for the pause button to go to the toilet and get a couple or something else because we're not used to it are we we're not used to sitting through an hour of someone talking at you and that doesn't mean that and and that's us who sit through preaching and listen to preaching and have probably all come most people are here because they've been listening to preaching for a while and and a lot of people are here and are now listening to preaching every week let alone some guy you've knocked on their door and suddenly you're gonna talk at them look you've got to be able to read the signs of that don't you and some people some people are perfectly happy and need that other people don't do they okay and it is quite individual but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about that we make the best use of our time okay so how do we make the best use of our time well I'm gonna look at verse 2 here but even after that we had suffered before and were shamefully and treated as you know at Philippi we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention so there's quite a few lessons in this passage that we're going to go through and we're gonna look at this first one now he said after we were shamefully and treated you know at Philippi what happened at Philippi excuse me what happened at Philippi turn to Acts 16 okay so Acts chapter 16 and from verse 16 Acts 16 16 and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with the spirit of divination met us which brought a master's much gain by soothe saying the same followed Paul and us and cried saying these men are the servants of the Most High God which shine to us the way of salvation this and this did she many days but Paul being grieved turned and said to the spirit I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and he came out the same hour and when a master saw that the hopes of their gains were gone they caught Paul and Silas and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers and brought them to the magistrate saying these men being Jews do exceedingly trouble our city and teach customs which are not lawful for us to receive neither to observe being Romans and the multitude rose up together against him and the magistrates rent off their clothes and commanded to beat them and when they had laid many stripes upon them they cast them into prison charging the jailer to keep them safely who having received such a charge thrusts them into the inner prison and made their feet fast in the stocks that's a pretty rough time they had there isn't it that doesn't look like much fun and I don't know if anyone here's had that when they're out preaching the gospel I know I haven't yet I haven't been arrested and beaten and and have my feet fast in the stocks afterwards in jail maybe at some point in the future that might start happening but but they've just gone through that okay that's that's terrible is it and I think probably most people here know what happened after this the story after that and not only do they get the jailer saved but it seems when you read it that he then puts them back in prison as well so it's a funny story that in Act 16 but it's a great story as well and in prison they start singing don't they they start singing and but look that's that's tough isn't it and look at verse 2 where we were if you yeah go back go back to verse 2 but keep a finger there because we're going to be going back to Act 17 in a second as well okay but he said but even after that we had suffered before more shamefully and treated as you know at Philippi we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention so basically they didn't let it phase them did they because it's easy to do that it's easy to be out and get shamefully treated on a door by other people by people out in the street and to let it phase you it's easy to make that for some they might lose a bit of confidence preaching the gospel they might feel a little bit shaken if you've been through that I think pretty much everyone here would be feeling at least a little bit shaken wouldn't they but it didn't phase them no excuses they were still bold in their God to speak the gospel there's a difference when we're bold isn't there okay when you preach the gospel in your bold when you go out and you're confident you're confident in the way you're confident in your gospel on what you're preaching the verses you preach your explanation of it there's a difference of people hear it isn't there okay there's a big difference and if you're looking a bit nervous a bit oh I don't know if they really want to hear this it makes a big difference isn't it and all of us probably everyone here has gone out at times and they felt a bit more bold and probably times when for every reason they felt a little bit more insecure and when you're bold isn't it more successful yeah yeah it sure is it says I mean here he says we were bold no God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention but boldness is an arrogance boldness is an arrogance okay just remember that when we're going to doors if we're coming across arrogant to people do they really want to hear that I know I don't want to hear people who are arrogant talking to me so make sure when we're preaching to people it's boldness should be confident in the Word of God but not arrogant now you might you might be seen they go well I'm not bold I'm just not a bold person well then pray for boldness yeah God wants you to preach the gospel pray for boldness like I said before there were probably people here that may be a few years back probably could never have imagined themselves just knocking on a door and asking some angry looking atheist with tats all over his face and the rest of it no offense if you're watching brother Chris sometimes you could be a bit put off by this couldn't you and you could just sing this and to just go right when you die do you want to know that you're not going to hell something along those lines because that's really what you're saying isn't it and look maybe a lot of people here could think wow I could never have done that but you are all doing it aren't you why because God's given you that boldness okay acts in acts 429 you have to turn the disciples prayed for boldness says and now Lord when they're praying together behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word remember we're gonna see tonight you know at the end of the Gospel of John they're they're locked in a room scared to go out and then they're praying for boldness and are out preaching everywhere aren't they now Paul asks the Ephesian Church in Ephesians 6 19 to 20 and for me that utterance to pray for him and for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in bonds that therein I may speak boldly as I ought to speak Paul had to ask for prayers for him and maybe maybe that's something we could do for each other just think about it when I when I wrote this why don't we pray for each other's boldness pray for everyone to be bold because when you're bold it makes difference isn't it so being bold being confident now what you know what also helps with being bold though is being prepared doesn't it if you're prepared if you're going out with with a Bible that maybe it's not you don't have it marked you're not really sure where to go you don't really have a plan of what to do you're you're not really still a bit unsure how you're explaining this bit or unsure if that verse really works for you or is really explaining what you're trying to explain you're not gonna be bold are you you're not gonna be bold you you know when you're preaching when you preach when you preach behind a pulpit if there's something a bit unsure about you you feel it you're not feeling as bold with it and and same here if you know when we're preaching the gospel we need to make sure that everything we're preaching is someone we're confident about so that's why what you don't want to do especially people new to this don't go with you know you you go with people great go be a silent partner but don't just copy a presentation okay it has to be verses that you are confident in that you're confident in relaying to people but obviously don't start going to completely bizarre verses look you're trying to you're trying to hit some main points aren't you when you're preaching the gospel to someone it and the main points and look there are a lot of verse in the Bible you could go to and you know I would say maybe don't try and go too far out there right now you could look at there are a lot of good gospel presentations online by I would say look stick be safe stick to the churches that our church is friends with but from that you want to know look you want to make them make it clear to them that they're a sinner okay you might want to make it clear that the wages of sin is death that that that's not just physical but there's a spiritual death you want to make it clear that they're bound for hell because they are a sinner because one sin will take you to hell okay and look again you could go to different verses on that but the point is as well when you're preaching the gospel it's not I'm not trying to give them ten different verse to make a point that they got in verse one okay if they've got it and they agree with it and they say yeah look I know I'm going to hell I don't now have to go to like 20 verses and just try and really hammer home that look they know they're going to hell okay they believe and they agree and I can see that they agree they're not just saying it and yeah yeah we're going to hell then then I might preach it a bit more but if they agree they're there okay okay they need to understand that Jesus is God in the flesh don't they they need to know they need to believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God don't they okay and what that really means okay and for me teach them the Trinity teach them the Trinity show them that he is part of that Trinity he is God in the flesh yeah okay Jesus is God okay teach them as well we want to show them when we're preaching the gospel what Jesus Christ did and and I've been with people before that maybe have forgotten that bit and preach the gospel forgotten to even show what Jesus Christ didn't know that's that's a really important bit isn't it that Jesus Christ died was buried and look preach hell to him don't be shy about preaching hell to him okay because he went to hell okay preach the gospel preach that he resurrected the third day remember that's important okay it's important he resurrected preach it and show those verses that that has paid for all their sins okay so we're trying to preach the gospel show what he did and then show that that is paid for every past present future sin and again there's many ways you could do that and there's different analogies that might work for you we don't have to give them 20 analogies either okay if they get it they get it they understand it preach it show obviously with that there's no way they can lose it eternal security is is a big is a key part isn't it and they've got to really understand they got to know that for sure and then once they've got all that and they know that and they believe that then we have to preach with that then they have to call the name of the Lord they have to call name the Lord in faith okay now how you get to that point doesn't have to be a carbon copy of someone else that can be if you're like look I like those verses I can explain those verses I can do that like that great use them but if you can't if you just feel a bit funny and you will you'll find verses that you can explain better verse it sit better with you ways maybe a combat a way of doing it some people will not show the gift first some people won't obviously a good way of showing eternal security is chastisement as well show them about that some people don't need that hammer because again remember attention spans as well okay sometimes you should they get it it's really clear so you could just point out that obviously they get you're gonna get punished in life that's clear you don't necessarily have to go to three different verse trying their child of God and show because some people just get other people don't other people are like what are you talking about then they need that showing clearly don't they okay we have to be aware of that because people do they will start to switch off and if we're just trying to you know I'm gonna make this an hour presentation I'm gonna make sure I'm thorough you might lose that person there okay so we and we're dealing with a soul here so but you want to make sure they understand each point and okay so being prepared though will make you bold won't it if you're prepared to preach the gospel you know exactly where to go and for me I like to have alternatives as well just and look you don't have to I was saying this someone recently I was saying look however many I don't know I'm guessing it maybe 10 verses 12 verse gospel presentation is enough to really answer any contention to the gospel really isn't it so when someone says no no because you've got to believe and do works well Ephesians 2 8 and 9 deals with that I don't have to go to you know to Galatians 2 16 I don't have to go to to all these different I don't have to but it's good to it's nice to have differences sometimes a verse might speak to someone differently but you don't have to so you don't have to think well I can't go out until I've got an alternative five verses for every verse I use you don't have to but it does it can be good preparation that and when you are and it's something I've noticed in in preaching the gospel is that the more prepared I am for something or an issue or something I learn or something I've I kind of I find a verse which helps deal with that issue more I generally get us people quite soon afterwards but I never had him before I don't think I can't looking back and not because I because I didn't know and much when I was first soul winning and I and I was preaching the gospel you know before I was going out door knocking and I was look I was getting it wrong I wasn't very good at it but I didn't have people going well what about this issue what about you know the Calvinism doctrine of this I didn't get it but once I learned how to deal with that then sometimes I would but again and don't let it derail you just because you can deal with something you know when they go off on tangents I but sometimes someone need does need something clearing up but you know I'm not look God wants people saved doesn't he okay doesn't want you to just be be in front of people that are just gonna you know not get saved look he's gonna put you for people that that you're ready to get saved I think look obviously we still need to go out and preach the gospel and I'm not so right everyone's just lined up for us but look you don't have to be nervous to think I don't have that but on the flip side I believe it is helpful to have some alternative verses if there was one thing you spent your week doing this week what could be more important than getting your Bible prepared to preach the gospel even if you're a silent partner get your Bible prepared do it in pencil maybe at first because then if you change your mind and you can rub things out it doesn't ruin your whole thing but but as you know easy ways just putting you know know your first verse for me it's it's Romans 3 10 yeah so there's none righteous no not one and then after that write down each verse you want to go to but maybe having brackets some alternatives pretty simple is it you're prepared that's gonna make you bold isn't it if you can deal with issues you're gonna be bold for those issues aren't you okay so practice obviously helps as well you have even if you do preach the gospel what's wrong with practicing it so anything wrong with that practice it practice and again not so you sound so smooth practice gonna verses and explaining and dealing with dealing with tricky people and and you're only going to be more effective for that and make you bolder now Acts chapter 17 if you have a finger there go back to go forward to Acts chapter 17 now so what was the contention at Thessalonica well Acts chapter 17 says now when they had passed through Amphipolis in Apollonia they came to Thessalonica where was a synagogue of the Jews and Paul as his manna was went in unto them and three Sabbath days reason with them out of the Scriptures opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ and some of them believed and consorted with Paul and Silas and of the devout Greeks a great multitude and of the chief women not a few so some of the Jews got saved and loads of the Greeks and the chief women got saved here but the Jews which believe not moved with envy took unto them certain lewd fellows of the base assault always like this right sure funny description but but this happened he got lewd fellows of the base also basically your real dregs of society down and yeah you're sort of sodomite protesters yeah lewd fellows of the base assault they're the real depths yeah and gathered a company and set all the city on an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people they got the scum of the earth involved and you think of like protests with antagonists who are just in there just trying to stir everyone up more and we see that a lot don't we in the world yeah you see it these you know so-called righteous protests and all these scumbags they're just trying to set things on fire and cause trouble so they're planted in there and they attacked poor old Jason's house don't they and when they found I mean this guy probably only recently got saved now his house is getting assaulted I mean he's got it he's going through it pretty quickly here and when they found him not they drew Jason a certain brethren unto the rulers of the city crying these have turned the world upside down to come hither also so they got the authorities involved whom Jason has received and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar saying that there is another King one Jesus and they troubled the people and the rulers of the city when they heard these things and when they're taken security of Jason and of the others they let them go so they got a load of money out of them in verse 10 and to the and the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews Paul's just non-stop isn't he doesn't matter what happens he has to sneak off by night and he's straightaway preaching at Berea okay and and that's a great inspiration isn't it for all of us and look what he's going through here and it puts our excuses to shame doesn't it every person here doesn't that put your excuses to shame for not going out preaching the gospel yeah whatever your excuse is I think Paul had a much better excuse he's literally getting beaten jailed attacked he's even got the lewd fellows of the base assault and I know we come across those now and again but they don't usually create a massive tumult outside while you're preaching the gospel though we kind of have that on a small small scale don't we and that before like when you're trying to preach that they start the fouls start flocking and trying to get involved in nothing like this is it okay but back to where we are so so in first Thessalonians okay so boldness boldness we're seeing there we're seeing that that nothing's phasing nothing is putting him off for our exhortation was not of deceit nor of uncleanness nor in guile right we need to be straight down the line don't when we preach the gospel and again you might find this obvious but look not promising health wealth and prosperity people can do that can't they well you're gonna be you're gonna be a much you know you're gonna be much happier when you're when you're a Christian you're gonna be look that's not what the gospel is is it okay the gospel is salvation the gospel isn't telling them how blessed their life's gonna be afterwards okay so we need to be careful with that we need to make sure that we're not preaching any anything extra not trying to persuade them with any guile we need to be sure of the scriptures that we're preaching explaining don't we as well okay so if you're using scripture you're a bit unsure is it really talking about salvation is it really talk about it I said again that you shouldn't be using that should you okay make sure that using clear scriptures that preach salvation no deceit or goal and and something that's another one that we need to watch for here is for example preaching non-stop so they don't get a chance to say no okay is is guile okay and guys we not want to not do that because that will a result in a full salvation okay if you're just gonna preach it some preach some and don't let them get a word in edgeways foots in the door I've left a verse now I'm just gonna preach preach preach preach preach but they don't really want to hear you preach preach preach but in the end they're just like I'm just gonna listen I just gonna need to get rid of this person because they will do that and some people that aren't very strong eventually they'll just listen agree agree agree and go okay what I need to do pray okay right okay door shut go to that guy that will happen you think that hasn't happened to Christians I bet that has yeah and that does happen and look that's guile really isn't it okay give them a look people everyone has free will to choose to to accept to reject the gospel and to choose to even have it preached to them okay and I don't want to waste my time preaching ten minutes non-stop to someone that just want to tell me to go so I can get a quick tick box salvation because they weren't strong enough and I could feel that my boldness is making them have to listen that then then I could have I could have gone and got someone really saved okay and look because it doesn't matter me coming back saying I've got one I've got five I've got none makes no difference does it that makes no difference in eternity what what the difference is is did I get that person saved don't waste your time we only have limited time don't we have limited resources all of us here okay we're and even if we're full time still don't waste your time even if you're preaching eight hours a day don't waste your time okay and look people give them the option and yeah look a verse will sometimes change someone's mind but give them that opportunity to say yeah I want to hear don't just preach them a verse and then preach the whole gospel to them when they've just said to you no I don't want to hear the gospel okay preach in a verse and give it would you like me to cat look and make it clear to them because you're wasting your time you're wasting your time and you've just you could have cost someone else's salvation that you could have gone and got saved yeah okay like I said same is pressurizing someone to agree with you we've got to be careful that look there's boldness and then there's bullying okay let's make sure again just and I'm not picking on people here this is just stuff that when I'm going through this I'm thinking look this is clear stuff that Christians can do okay don't pressurize someone to agree with you okay you're not forcing them because they don't want to upset you or annoy you or anything else you want them to believe it okay you can't force someone to believe you preach the gospel you explain it it's up to them okay so again that for me is guile okay let's not use that when we're preaching the gospel okay forcing someone to agree with you and look the uncleanness should go without saying I think you what about preach it preach your uncleanness here well and look ladies and and well especially ladies but men here this I haven't seen this before you start getting your backs up but not chatting up the opposite sex for example some people could be preaching the gospel at the same time be kind of just trying to trying to flirt a bit or something else I think that would be completely wrong yeah you're out to preach the gospel get it right you're not there to charm them into agreeing with you okay and that would go for men and women because again I could imagine you know a pretty lady out preaching the gospel and some men just going yeah whatever yeah I'll agree with you when can I come to the church you know so be careful for that and look don't preach it of uncleanness don't there shouldn't be any of that obviously don't don't you know a lot like I said I haven't observed this but again for singles it isn't blind date okay preaching the gospel isn't date night okay try to see if you come across someone who could be a good Christian partner in the future okay that's not what it's about we're out preaching the gospel let's get our heads you know make sure that that we're focused on that okay verse 4 but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but God which trieth our hearts okay so the only person that we should be trying to please is God isn't it okay and and this we would hope this should go without saying but look we could all be victim of this turn to 2nd Corinthians 10 because we've been entrusted with the gospel haven't we so we need to take it seriously and not just aim for a prayer so that we can up our numbers it's important isn't it and like I said doesn't mean you have to give an hour presentation and especially not if it's for your partner's benefit so we've got to remember this good we're going out with someone else aren't we generally sometimes more than one person if it's crossing your mind at any point they're gonna like this bit they're gonna be impressed with this first yeah I bet they think I'm really thorough you know something else then you failed okay you that should not be crossing your mind okay look I would say look I would say men and women could be like this but men look at the end of the day a lot of men are competitive okay we have and we've got to make sure none of that's crossing your mind yeah you're there getting a person saved okay you're trying your best to get them saved you're not trying to impress your soul-winning partner 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 12 says for we dare not make ourselves of the number or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves but they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise so obviously Church isn't some soul-winning league okay just in case anyone's ever wondered that in case new people start you know I'm not thinking of new people just anyone here I hope no one thinks it's like a soul-winning league you know who's gonna be top of the table at Christmas you know who's gonna have got the best of the most salvation that's not what it's about is it because like I said we want to make sure we're getting salvation we want to be effective and that shouldn't be crossing our minds should it okay and look you want to look if you go out and you preach and you have just this great moment where you're just preaching and you're preaching thoroughly and you're getting these salvations there's nothing wrong with coming back and sharing that is there okay I'm not saying right you got no comment no comment I'm gonna tell anyone and look we're amongst Christians and we should be able to enjoy and have the joy and salvation but what it's what's in your heart that's important isn't it if you're coming back and you're feeling they're gonna think I'm top dog now yeah then you got it wrong haven't you okay and I think sadly that would that will affect your soul-winning because then you might stop being so thorough you just want to get that that prayer don't you okay so but again when I say thorough like I said I'm not saying long okay just just to make that clear some people can get saved in a short amount of time I'm sure you've all had that people who just get everybody's get it straight away like the lowest hanging fruit and they just get it get it get it sometimes they're in a rush and look you know there's two ways of looking at some people say look I've literally only got a few minutes and I'll just preach the best I can and preach the best cat and if they're getting every point there then I'm not gonna move on if they're like no no no don't believe in hell well anyway you know but are you ready to pray no you don't move on but if they're getting every point they've only got a short amount of time I believe yeah look go for it go for it but other people other people have a lot of time and other people aren't rushing you but it's what they get you remember you're going point by point make sure they get if they got it move on okay so look at 2 Corinthians 10 and verse 17 it says if you're competitive soul winner then you're not wise we just saw didn't we in the verse before but 2 Corinthians 10 17 says he but he that glorith let him glory in the Lord for not he that commendeth himself is approved but whom the Lord commendeth so that should be our goal shouldn't it and God knows your heart we want it fixed on getting people safe for the right reasons don't we okay he he trieth our hearts doesn't he so we saw that you know in Thessalonians he he wants to see you respond in the right way doesn't he okay it's a law that trieth our hearts so he he's gonna see he's gonna allow sometimes that temptation to want to impress others he's trying your hearts and he wants you to come out Trump's with that he wants you to really no I'm not I'm not here to impress I'm not here to impress whatever so I'm not I'm not here for that person come with me and go oh he's so good he's so knowledge really so what oh wow what an obscure verse what an amazing analogy look it's a word of God that saves explain it get him saved yeah and and do it right okay verse five here back in 1st Thessalonians in chapter 2 and verse 5 says for neither at any time use we flattering words as you know nor a cloak of covetousness covetousness God is witness so that includes not trying to please a person that you're preaching to as well and that might sound obvious but again that could sneak in where you think hey but they think I'm really really spiritual wow they must really rate my knowledge because look I'm just answering all these questions and if that again if that's going across it starts going into your mind cut it out yeah pretty forgiveness on that because we're just trying to get him saved aren't we it's not about whether they think that we're some spiritual you know powerhouse when we're there preaching to them or but here he says and neither use at any time we flattering words so maybe trying to appease them with their false religion or belief trying to appease you know remember they have to they have to turn from what they did believe to faith in Jesus Christ alone don't they there's no merging it together there's no flattering someone oh yeah that's good yeah well that's okay but and but you've got to put your faith in Jesus Christ no look you've got to make it clear don't you okay so here he's saying they didn't use flattering words they didn't use a cloak of covetousness and and obviously we're not preaching the gospel for our own gain are we and okay you might think well what gain are you gonna get you could see a pastor doing that maybe thinking they're gonna get more people in the church and they're gonna get more money so it doesn't really just get him in the church somehow somehow and then again it starts to taint really just trying to get that person saved because that's the goal isn't it we're trying to get him say we get him in the church great but it's not about their money is it okay that's not why we're trying to get him in the church trying to get in church we want to build them up to go out and preach the gospel as well yeah job done more people say verse six law of men sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ so obviously we're not trying to get the glory from other people for our soul winning includes family and friends and stuff outside of the church people can do that maybe want to show what a good person how charitable they are they're out so when you know nothing when we talk about soul we need to try and encourage them to to believe the gospel I used to do that I used to talk a bit about it to then show look people get saved and then try and get into preaching the gospel to people when they asked me what I did or what did I do yes so actually I went out and did this but obviously you all have your heart right there it's not to show off it's not to try and appear to be something you know something special and and look here he says no of men sought with glory neither of you like I said that's also the people that are out preaching to it's not to get their glory it's to get them saved and like I said telling all our friends and families about what good Christians you are it's not about that now look at verse seven here but we were gentle among you even as a nurse cherishes her children so being affectionately desirous of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us we need to still have that compassion for the people we're trying to save don't we okay make sure that you still have that compassion it's a funny thing is it preach the gospel because in a way as well you sometimes have to be a bit thick-skinned to some of the more wicked people don't you and it's trying to get that balance right where though the people that you're trying to get saved have that compassion for them because sometimes it's almost like a defense mechanism where you can get a bit hard with it because you deal with a lot of idiots don't you but look people can see it when you really care about their soul don't they people can see it when you're there and you're just you just you're pleading with them you want to get them saved they can see that and they I think they appreciate that and I think that comes across doesn't it when you really feel that when you when you really want you really care about that soul and and but here where he says we were gentle among you he says even as a nurse cherish with her children I would add into that about manners as well okay don't forget manners when you're out preaching the gospel look although we're quite a multicultural society it's still British this is still Britain okay and just to give you a heads up anyone the British love manners all right and there's a few cultures around but British culture is still the dominant culture and we love manners okay and if someone comes comes to my door whatever they're doing and I see a lack of manners I'm gonna get angry quickly okay that's what we're like the Brits are shouting please and thank yous to their babies before they could even talk you must say please like the first word we want out of their mouth isn't it please and thank you we love manners so when you're out knocking on British anyone's doors yeah let's make sure we're polite okay we're polite you've come to their door don't forget that okay they didn't invite you to their door you come to their door please be polite to them please show them show them the manners show we're ambassadors for Christ in Luke 10 you don't have to turn about when sending out the 70 Jesus commands them and into whatsoever house you enter first say peace be to this house okay and enough for me I think that's a nice thing to start with isn't it I don't think you necessarily have to say exactly those words but just trying to be polite trying to be kind trying to be nice to people you've knocked on their door haven't you've stopped them in the street okay they didn't come up if they come up to you sure be right now don't be like oh you got more chance to say to be more polite but we should just be polite should we we should be polite when people you know either come to us or we go to them just be polite be be nice to people it look every potential soul should be dear unto us shouldn't they every potential so for you remember brethren verse 9 here our labor and travail for laboring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preach unto you the gospel of God if you want to be successful successful at preaching a gospel you have to put the work in don't you okay and that from from people that haven't preached the gospel the work goes into preparing to be able to do it to learning to do it to going out being a silent partner to the people preaching the gospel you have to put the work in and if you stop putting the work in you'll become less effective won't you it goes without saying the more you're preaching the gospel the more effective you're going to be and look you'll get people you might get Chris and well I'm just not very good at preaching the gospel but you've only been out what for 59 minutes and 59 seconds once every month or something okay that's not putting the work in is it like we saw at the beginning it's so important isn't it it's so important that that we all every single person goes out and preaches the gospel as much as they can look look obviously some we all have responsibilities we have jobs we have families okay I'm not saying you have to write men that's it you know after work there's no more family preach the gospel you come home you eat dinner you get up in the morning you go to work you preach the gospel okay because then you're basically gonna fail your family and you're really gonna probably fail in the possibility to have a load of soul winners coming out of your family okay and then you probably actually lessen the amount of people that could have got saved in the future so look I'm not saying that and same with women I'm not saying right just forget forget the housework forget everything else just go out and preach the gospel okay I'm not saying that but what I am saying is that we should try and find we should make sure that we put time in a soul winning and find what we can physically do we can we can consistently do and do it yeah do it get people saved because it's so important and ticking the box so I do it once a month so I just wonder I just don't really get many people so we'll go out and do it look at Paul here he says for laboring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you so he's basically working and preaching the gospel okay he's doing a probably making tents and then he's out preaching the gospel he's doing a hard work hard labor and he's preaching the gospel and we should all be fine finding how we can fit it into our routine and make sure we're preaching the gospel and good with that you need to get busy if you want to serve God don't you okay look come in a church well I can't I drive a long way to church well I come for a day on a Sunday so what you know you know would be do what about the rest of it yeah what about going out and preaching the gospel what about doing it week in week out turning up to the sole winning going out preaching the gospel learning how to do it practicing how to do it getting people saved because we've all just agreed I heard some amends at the beginning that without us preaching the gospel no one's getting saved are they okay they have to have it preached and no the excuse isn't make a YouTube video and I've done that okay cuz look look let's be honest the vast majority of people need someone in front of them don't they need someone in front of them preaching the gospel unto them look at verse 10 here ye are witnesses and God also how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children that you would walk worthy of God who has called you unto his kingdom and glory because once we get people saved we have the opportunity to disciple them as well don't we okay and I know that that can be difficult and it's not always easy is it and especially in this nation of seems to be very thorny Christians it's not always easy excuse me but we do have we do have that opportunity and there's a responsibility there though isn't there so if we do do that and you get someone saved remember they but they're your spiritual child okay and you can't force them okay you can't force them to want to do want to get involved with the things of God just because they're saved the Bible's clear you know you know if you continue my word then are you my disciples indeed they're not automatic disciples okay and a lot of them look at least are saved but but we have a responsibility there and that means to not be a bad influence isn't it you get someone saved don't start trying to appeal to them more there and I'm not saying you have to be holier than now and start everything that comes out your work out of your mouth is a Bible scripture but but try and be a good influence try and encourage them because we're trying to help and encourage them to live for God aren't we and that's what Paul's saying here and that's why they ended up with it with a good church there didn't they that because that like I said there are spiritual children we have a responsibility there don't we okay so we want to try our best to do that verse 13 for this cause also thank we God without ceasing because when you receive the Word of God which he heard of us you received it not as a word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe what did they receive the Word of God and how do they receive it they heard it didn't they it was preached unto them the Word of God was preached unto them here it says it says they thank God without ceasing because when you receive the Word of God which he heard of us you received it not as a word of men but as it is in truth and that's what we're trying to preach to people aren't we we're preaching them the Word of God for them to receive it as a Word of God aren't we and they need it explained but really is the word is it's a word that gets people saved and we need to make sure we're preaching the word when we're out okay don't get look obviously we have to explain verses but we don't we don't want to just go into long ramblings and you know long-winded analogies and ten analogies and everything else has preached the gospel preach the gospel explain it if you want to use a quick analogy to explain something do it make sure they're involved make sure that they're listening make sure they understand it before you move on yeah first Corinthians 1 17 says for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect okay so again it's not our wisdom of words is it it doesn't have to be some amazing explanation it just has to be the Word of God clearly concisely with explanations if you do the rest of this you're gonna be better off than if you're only you know you okay well I've got this great you know I sound so wise I sound so eloquent and I sound you know so smooth and everything else but I'm forcing people to listen but I'm bullying people and listen but I but I won't take no for an answer but I won't whatever you just you just waste your time it's very janglings preach the gospel to people that don't want to hear you know so we want to make sure that we're doing the rest of this make sure that we care make sure that that we're seeing those signs and make sure that we're being polite and we're being and that we that people are there wanting to hear us okay they want to hear the gospel because there's plenty of people that do in this country aren't there plenty of people that want to hear the gospel no let's not waste our time with people that don't and what was the result of all of that then preaching the Word of God well he says here which effectually worketh also in you that believe they believe present tense yeah okay they believe because once you believe if you really believe you believe don't you okay there's no well they used to believe okay they believe the people that he's talking to hear that were preached the gospel to they believe and look like I said ten people praying it doesn't matter do they believe do they believe and again you can't be you're never going to be hundred-percent sure but you want to make sure you've done your utmost don't you okay not just try and get the number turn of 1st Corinthians 15 acts 837 says and Philip said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Romans 10 9 says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God is raising from the dead thou shalt be saved and 1st Corinthians chapter 15 says moreover brethren verse 1 I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein ye stand by which also ye are saved if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain okay it's not they've lost their salvation it's because they never really believed they believed in emptiness they didn't but they didn't really believe and many people go yeah yeah yeah I believe we've had it haven't we I've had it I had it recently yeah I believe believe okay you ready to call the name of the Lord no you don't believe you don't you don't want to put your trust you don't want to really believe put your trust your your faith in Jesus Christ if you're not going to ask him are you and when we preach the gospel we want to we want to make sure that they that they want to that they that they really want to put their faith in Jesus Christ okay and when we do that pastor Thompson links mentioned this a bit he mentioned it when he's here as well it's something I think maybe he said from Deacon Corbin wrestle maybe something they're doing a lot and and I like this is at the end of preaching you know before off the tick box it doesn't really matter but what do you believe what do you believe okay and you can prompt them so what do you do you know what do you believe do you think we're all sinners you know and then start to try to encourage them to give the answer what they really believe what do you think you've got to do to go to heaven and and let them answer yeah rather than do you believe do you believe you know and I used to this myself you know right do you believe there's any way do you believe there's any way you can lose their motion no right tick tick tick right let's pray and that's wrong isn't it now look some of those people might be saved but I reckon sadly quite a few won't what do they believe because I've had that with people I've had that with people already where I've been using that and then at the end I've said to him but what do you believe do you believe that in your heart well and they've just ticked the boxes they've answered the questions they've done the questionnaire but then at the end well I'm not sure though I still think you got to do something okay and that person I could have prayed with and come back and gone way number 10 okay and we don't want to do that do we so we want to make sure make sure they believe in their heart okay okay now one other point here and on that by the way we like I said we can't be sure but we we want to be confident we want to be confident that we've done the best we can now one other point of that whole passage there is notice how this passage the whole passage is constantly talk refer Paul's talking about we us and our okay not once did he say me not once he say I was all we us and our okay because it's a team game isn't it it's a team game preaching the gospel and we go out in pairs because we we consider that to be the biblical way and sometimes that'll be threes and fours with kids and and other people involved but he's talking here I think you know about Silas in in Timotheus here and maybe he's just talking about Silas I don't know what point Timotheus is getting involved with it there but look it's a team game there and so partners okay and I think everyone knows this and we look again nothing wrong with refreshing as a silent partner you're silent unless you have to talk for some reason to either deal with the distraction to deal with something else but otherwise you're silent okay and and remember that because it can be hard if you preach the gospel if someone's getting involved in saying things and trying to trying to point out other things and all answer questions that that's really hard when you preach the gospel okay so please if you're gonna and all of us because a lot of people talk will be silent partners as well and you've got to remember to do that okay just be silent just pray unless you get to something where maybe your partner might turn around and ask you and I've done that with people I've turned around and said you want to add anything or they've said that to me and then that's time for that but until then let them do their job obviously though if you're with someone and they do miss something that's very important out because some people do that or they've said something that that you're like well no that's not right then you have a responsibility for that soul and people will make mistakes people will say something a bit off remember you've got to say something then okay that's an important time to interjective like I had it with someone recently where like I said they forgot to they just forgot that you know because it could be hard sometimes you can be a bit nervy maybe they haven't preached gospel for a while they forgot the gospel and we're nearly praying you know I cut in and said look they need to understand this first or someone else I was with a while back and they they forgot to preach I think to preach the Trinity and just preached that he was God so I just stopped and said look they need to understand that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh yeah and look there's nothing wrong with that you should do that as a silent partner that's more important than the awkwardness and maybe embarrassing them do that please but otherwise keep quiet yeah keep quiet but it is a team game and look we need people with us we need silent people if you're new to it you've never sold win before please just come out because every for every one person that's another pair isn't it or for every two we got a new pair so you could have five people that never preached the gospel they could come and be five silent partners and that's double the amount of people out preaching the gospel that's double the amount of people getting saved yeah okay and you can be a silent partner for years you're still a soul winner you are a soul winner if you're out as a silent partner if you're going out and preach it and helping someone preach the gospel because it's a big responsibility but it's a great privilege isn't it isn't it a great privilege to go out and preach the gospel to be responsible because we are look okay we don't want to go too far yeah Jesus Christ he did the hard part didn't he he did the much harder part but we still have to go out and preach it to get people saved don't we and what a responsibility what an honor but let's make sure we give it a respect it deserves okay because it is important isn't it we want to make sure that we're getting it right that we're doing our best that we're improving regularly with it that we're keeping up good standards because all of us everyone included here can easily just start slipping and and and not being as an effective soul winner as they could be and it's the most important job isn't it you'd have to turn it down your twelve three to finish says and they that be why shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever and I want to shine like the stars forever and ever and to do that I need to keep making sure that I'm doing the best I can with soul winning and what a great person learn from the Apostle Paul there showing us how it's done on that let's pray father I thank you thank you for you I thank you for this church thank you for this great group of soul winners I pray that you just inspire other Christians you know listen to this and watch this and others just around the world to want to go out and preach the gospel and do that the commandment that you've given us to do the the first commandment of you know the most important commandment to go out and preach the gospel and pray that you just help us all to be effective with it help us all to take this in the right spirit every single one of us here to want to improve to want to learn to want to get more effective to want to make sure that we that we that we get those souls saved and that we don't just start start wanting to just just get the numbers and that we just do the thorough job and do our best to become better soul winners and pray that we'll start that this afternoon and go out and just just you know go and preach the gospel get people saved lead us to receptive people please and help us to just give a good account of your gospel and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen