(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Right, so it's the new year and like I said happy new year to everyone and right now you probably find churches around this country and around the world will be preaching sermons about you know New Year's resolutions maybe new starts and they might be talking about you know looking forward not looking behind now you know keep going and keep you know pressing forward and realize your goals and all that sort of stuff and look there'll be some good sermons out there and there'll be some good motivational sermons out there and but this is going to be a slightly different sermon. Turn to Philippians 3 and keep your finger though there in Deuteronomy chapter 8 because look we you know we want to we want to press forward and we want to you know forget certain things and we don't want to be looking behind and look a lot of these sermons will use verses like Philippians chapter 3 and verse 13 which reads brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before and of course we don't want to dwell on the past do we okay we don't want to dwell on the past we want to push on we want to focus on our goals and look realizing those goals though it can actually be very helpful to remember the past okay we don't want to just just wipe the slate that's it everything that's gone on before is forgotten now well no it could be helpful remembering the past and when Paul said here forgetting those things which are behind he's saying he doesn't just dwell on past achievements okay he says in verse 14 then I pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus so he's striving to achieve more for God and so should we shouldn't we we should all be striving to achieve more for God and there's nothing wrong with New Year being a good good time to start thinking about that and start focusing on that and focus on what we're looking to achieve this year and there's a constant theme though in the Bible of God's people being reminded of the past to achieve then going forward and the title of my sermon today is don't forget where you came from don't forget where you came from let's um just have a quick word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for this great church I thank you for another year that we're able to work for you I pray that you just give everyone here open open ears to hear what you've got to say to them open hearts to take in what you say and apply it to their lives and and just to fill me with your spirit please to help me to be bold and preach accurately and preach the truth here and just preach according to your will in Jesus name I pray all of this Amen okay so back to Deuteronomy chapter 8 don't forget where you came from in verse 1 Deuteronomy 8 1 reads all the commandments which I command you this day shall you observe to do that you may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the Lord swear unto your fathers now the children of Israel here on the brink of entering the promised land they're looking forward right now to focusing on what's to come now maybe their resolutions will be here to observe to do all the God's Commandments to focus on their particular weak areas and and that's a good thing to do isn't it to focus on our week we all have different week areas yeah I'm not going to tell you what your New Year resolution has to be look we should all be thinking about things that we should obviously be making resolutions regularly not just at New Year's but nothing wrong with that tradition is there you know working on things that everyone here has to work on focusing on sins focusing on ways to get right with God but if you're not aware of your sins how can you repent of your sins and there's nothing wrong with repenting of your sins is there it's got nothing to do salvation no but nothing wrong with our daily walk as Christians trying to repent of our sins but you need to know what your sins are don't you okay and how do you know what your sins are and work on what you've got to repent of if you're just that's it new slate never thinking about whatever what's happened before verse 2 says and thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these 40 years in the wilderness to humble thee and approve thee to know what was in thine heart whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or no so Moses is saying it don't forget the hard times don't forget the tests don't forget the wilderness and look as a church I think we could all we could all do with being reminded of where we came from reminded of that spiritual wilderness that pretty much everyone here has been in haven't they because up until this time last year up until exactly the second of January last year save people here were in either dead Baptist churches and I do mean dead Baptist churches that that were preaching a range of false doctrine maybe it wasn't quite damnable heresy but it was it was close to it a lot of the time wasn't it and a lot of heresies and pretty much everyone here has sat through that sort of rubbish false prophet Baptist churches yeah I think everyone here a lot of people here have sat through churches where that so-called Baptist Church which claims its grace through faith starts preaching that you've got to repent of your sins to be saved you've got to live the life you've got to do whatever it is to be saved and and look if you're sitting here thinking well you know brother Ian you maybe had a couple of bad experiences that's a good I counted this up last night when I was writing this I was thinking I've actually been to nine Baptist churches in this country with a view to being a part of that church nine different Baptist churches in this country and of those I would say probably about half were false prophets and the other half were dead maybe slightly more than that and one evangelical church as well so that and that I've been a part of at least visited with a view to being a part of I mean one I actually didn't stay for the service I walked straight back out but the rest of them and some I've been a part of for a while and so I'm not just just coming out with it well yeah there's a bad look and then since then I started then to get good just looking on statements of faith and as I grew as a Christian I started to learn more and more self-ordained Baptist churches people here have been part of sadly you know and and again I'm not gonna be shy to settle it's gonna really upset people that they know if they're here they know there was a self-ordained Baptist Church maybe more charismatic or Pentecostal false churches people here were part of counting about the spiritual wilderness don't forget where you came from there were people part of those sort of things C of E false churches yeah people here have been part of okay and I'm talking as safe Christians there are say and look because we know don't we people here know that you were saved but you were in a church which was a false church okay it does happen doesn't it okay amen that you're here but there are people in false churches home false churches maybe there were some here that that try to make a home church and just well we're home church because we meet up it's a false church it ain't a church okay and for whatever reasons they might be no church there are people here that came here on the second of general maybe came here at some point this year and before that they weren't even in a church okay and there's a varying degree of that and all of this with the spiritual wilderness really wasn't it okay every single bit of that and what should it have done it should have humbled us it should have proved us shouldn't it should have you know were you still trying to keep the commandments in that time were you still trying to keep that the commandments still trying to serve him we still trying to serve God or did you just almost give up without a church because you get to know what's in your heart then and you also you get to know how much you rely on a good church then now verse 3 says and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not neither did thy fathers know that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live what a great verse but who here was hungry for the Word of God when they're in that spiritual wilderness I know I was hungry for the Word of God and I'm not just talking about the King James in some of those churches some people were hungry for just the Word of God but for the Word of God to be preached properly for them to not just just pick that hobby horse Zionist and pre-trib and love love or whatever else but to actually preach and to hear the Word of God preach in its entirety and look some of us were getting fed over YouTube weren't we okay some of us were getting fed over YouTube but how frustrating to then go on a Sunday if you want to be part of a part of a church and have to sit through false doctrine week in week out how frustrating was that and we need to be reminded that don't we where we were before what it was like before before we on the 2nd of January this started okay verse 4 thy raiment wax not old upon thee neither did thy foot swell these 40 years he still provided for us so didn't he kept us going through those tough times everyone here he kept you going thou shalt also consider in thine heart that as a man chasteness chasteneth his son so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee and that's another thing we need to remember to push on to go forward to live for God you need to remember the chastening of God okay and you need to get that enough I've preached on this before and I'm not saying that every time you go through hard times of course it's not okay look we will suffer tribulation we will go through persecution we will have hard times we will have the trials of life but you need to assess whether or not you've been chastised as well and in those times I'm sure all of us were getting chastised at times yeah and I can look back at no times and I was getting chastised by God and hopefully everyone else can as well because thou shalt also consider in thine heart that as a man chasteneth his son so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee because look if your child forgets a certain behavior results in a whooping he's more likely to carry on with that behavior isn't he okay that he needs to know that it's a chastening and we need to be aware and recognize when it is a chastening don't forget don't forget that God punishes some of us could do with remembering that because I think there's a certain protection that comes from being as part of a church okay don't forget that God punishes and one way he does that is through church discipline doesn't he okay and none of those churches I can't think of any church I went to before which actually believed and followed through what the Bible says about church discipline okay and church discipline isn't right we just pick and choose who we don't like and kick them out no there's there's ways of doing things but one way God chastises us as Christians in the churches through church discipline if you're kicked out for 1st Corinthians 5 fornication covetousness idolatry railing drunkenness extortion which by the way includes blagging food and money off people like in 2nd Thessalonians 3 or Romans 16 causing division the Bible says that it's delivering such and one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh okay it's not oh well just a bit of time off you know I'm just gonna sit there and and watch on YouTube for a little bit until everyone's forgotten and I can come back so repent you're gonna get whooping okay you get kicked out if you anyone here ends up having to get kicked out of church you're gonna get whooped okay you're gonna be back in that spiritual wilderness you're gonna be back in that hard time you didn't have a church where you weren't living properly for God and it's gonna be worse than that isn't it okay because it's for the destruction of the flesh don't forget that chastisement don't forget spiritual wilderness because you're out of the protection of the church I'm preaching this before it if everyone here was just getting chastised fully and properly it would affect the whole church and the church does give that certain amount of protection I believe but once you're kicked out you're delivered for the destruction of the flesh so that's something to bear in mind is it when we're looking a press forward to to live for God is to just be aware don't forget God's chastisement and and look that is where many people have been before this church out kind of out of God's will to some degree haven't they verse 6 therefore therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God to walk in his ways and to fear him therefore looking back remembering these things should help us achieve our goals shouldn't it remembering where we're at and hopefully everyone's goals here are to keep his commandments okay walking in his ways and fearing him should be all of our goals shouldn't they okay and there are ways and different ways like I said before the different angles that some of us are going to fail and need to drive and strive towards but we should be looking at it if you get if you're the sort that looks at New Year's resolutions should be looking at how can I live more for God how can I sort this part out how can I sort that part out verse 7 for the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land a land of brooks of water of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills a land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of oil olive and honey a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarce ness thou shall not lack anything in it a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass and look I know that could be a picture as well the promised land a picture of heaven to some degree as well but that's where I see us now though okay if you look at that if we want to compare it to us as a church on this day of the year last year like I said Saturday the 2nd of January 2021 we had our first Saturday service here and no we weren't seventh day Adventists if anyone here is wondering if we suddenly changed no we had a Saturday service because we weren't a church yet and because we believed in doing things properly so we met up on a Saturday to start perfecting getting the service right Pastor Thompson to listen to the preaching for us to try and organize the music everything else and for everyone to start getting used to it to see how that went we started doing Saturday services whilst we were still going to going on a Sunday now look if there'd be no church in the land then we would have done a Sunday but we didn't have a well there were churches there were still we believe I still believe there are a few churches around the country which have the gospel right which allow for some soul in which use the King James Bible I think they probably haven't had their candlestick removed yet so for me and Pastor Thompson we both talked about this it was important that people were still able to go to church so we started on a Saturday and for about six weeks we were doing a Saturday service we were going out soul winning then on a Sunday we're going to church as well and for a lot of people here who started at the beginning that's pretty hectic that's quite a big hectic schedule now before that before that time before that happened most people here could only dream of having what we call an NIFB church here okay in this country in Europe okay there was no such thing okay most people could only dream and we you know we'd all got to the point where I kind of done my church searching for many years and was just praying that maybe someone would pop up who maybe or some pastor somewhere would actually change his view on some very important for me doctrines but it wasn't happening so we were just putting up with things and we were just dreaming of that and just hoping well you know one day you never know one day and the only way I saw it happening and some of you know this is I thought the only way I could see that happening was to basically go out to the US join a church try and go for as long as a visa would take me try and get an extension maybe do a bit of you know going over the border and seeing if I could last longer take my family out there and try my best to get to a point where a pastor might send us back to plant a satellite church room and that was the only way I could see and and I didn't really see this happening okay and and that for me was probably the only way it was going to happen but God had better plans didn't they yeah God had better plans and while I was unable because I was thinking okay this is a plan I basically shut down my business I knew that's what I was going to do I was just waiting to be able to go out to the US and then in step pastor Thompson and pastor Thompson got in contact and and I think the rest is pretty much history but for those of you that don't know basically started we started talking and he said would I be interested in leading a satellite church for him and and and the more we got to know each other we were over the phone and trying to work out things and talk about how this would work etc then eventually 14th of February 2021 we had our first church service now what a day that was okay what a day that should have been for everyone here for everyone even for people that weren't there at the time that was a monumental day okay that was a monumental day for this country a monumental day for everyone here not just for myself yeah not just for my family look it was a monumental day for everyone we finally had that church and I know some people would have dreamed that no well maybe if only pastor Anderson or you know fill in the blank pastor whoever had come here and part the church but no look we had a church isn't it about the church yeah that's what we wanted we wanted a church simply and we got a church okay and that's what we've got now you might be saying well brother in he's saying this is a perfect church are you saying that you know this is a promised land of churches no I'm not I'm saying don't forget the wilderness yeah I'm saying don't forget where you came from don't forget where you came from where you were a year ago some of you even more recently than that some of you that are joined more recently where were you before this where were you two years ago some of you three years ago were nowhere and look don't forget that when you sit in this church don't forget where you came from okay because we have a church we have a proper church here and we didn't even see that happening did we anyone here think oh in 20 2021 we'll have a church anyone no way no way look yeah the Brooks of water as we see here and do Toronto me a they aren't always a perfect temperature the greats figs and pomegranates are sometimes too sweet sometimes they're too sour maybe for some of you the oil the olive olive olive oil as we like to call it maybe it's a bit too mechanically pressed maybe the honey is an always high SPF Manuka yeah maybe it's not quite to your liking it's not it's not exactly what you want but don't forget dead as a dodo Baptist have you forgotten what it was like in those Baptist churches anyone I hope you haven't don't forget repent of your sins Baptist what it was like sitting through those sermons waiting waiting for him just to say it so you had a reason to go okay now I know for sure don't don't forget that they're just openly false churches some people have been involved in don't forget where you've been I don't care how how you know beautiful those church buildings were I don't care how many mother-baby rooms or you know how great the tea and coffee what sort of array of biscuits that I don't care about any of that because that's not what it's not what it's important is it don't forget the wilderness don't forget where you were a church a church that preaches the truth about Zionism we now have yeah a church that that that preaches that the pre-tribulation rapture is a fraud because it is a fraud and the rest of the dispensational lies out there yeah we're not preaching any of that rubbish here are we how painful is it sitting through those sermons hearing that week in week out goodness a church that doesn't wrestle your kids off you to take them down into whatever basement room or whatever it is it makes you feel guilty for wanting to have your child nearby you to go and then get them painting pictures across dressers or to go and teach them who knows what what they even teach them down there you don't know cuz you're not allowed in there don't forget where you came from don't forget where you came from verse 10 we're now is eaten and art full and thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he has given thee that's what we should be doing shouldn't we we should everyone here should be thanking the Lord not for me no not for all whoever it is here not for whatever job you thinks done well here no thank you the Lord for giving us a church yeah don't forget where you came from thank you the Lord that we're not still in the wilderness why beware verse 11 that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his commandments and his judgments and his statutes which I command thee this day lest when thou has eaten and art full and has built goodly houses and dwelt therein and when thy herds and thy flocks multiply and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied and all that thou has is multiplied then thine heart be lifted up and now forget the Lord thy God which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage because it's God's doing that we have this church isn't it is it not God gave us a pastor which had been in exactly the same position as us God gave us a pastor that was stuck in the northwest we've no good churches around there were meeting up they were so many exactly like the people that originally started this church were doing okay God gave us a pastor that had been there that had done it they've gone through something look look there there are you know there are pros and cons of different ways churches start and of course going out and just being sent out by a church with no one or anything is tough and that could be tough preaching I'm sure to just one or two people your family and then one of those leaves and it feels you know you're going through those peaks and troughs and wondering is this really gonna work out but there are also challenges to just becoming suddenly a leader of a group a group where you where you weren't their leader and doing those sorts of things and everyone's suddenly having to fall into church for not being at my past has been been through that there's a challenge to just being a group with no church and he went through that and he's seen that he's experienced it he's gone through the trials and the hard parts of that he's gone through the church splits he's gone through the people leaving he he's he's aware of how it all works when these things happen okay and look praise God he gave us he gave us that pastor didn't he God gave us a church building out of nowhere God gave us his church building what a blessing that was wasn't it absolutely amazing and look yeah okay we could all find fault in the church building but to start to just start with a group of soul winners to just suddenly have a church building absolutely amazing okay it was a miracle an absolute miracle but God gave us this okay if any of you are sitting there going well I don't know is it really God God gave us this okay if you can't see that then then you might as well leave now because look God gave us this God gave us a church building out of nowhere God gave me and my family the ability to somehow lead this church I've never I've never done that before I had basically six weeks of training whilst leading a Saturday Church basically God gave me the ability to do that God gave part pastor Thompson ability to help me do that and he gave me and my family as well my family a bit integral part of this the ability to do this okay and look we you know it wasn't because we were these great people at night just God just just helped us do it okay he's helped us every step of the way God gave us the exceptions didn't he in the pandemic rules God got because that well well the rest of Europe was just shutting down while churches were closing and while no one was going out and doing anything they were just happened to be these little you know small prints in the pandemic laws saying well actually you can have church you just shouldn't have Church well you just shouldn't go out but if you're doing something voluntary and it's charitable you can go and so win basically I mean amazing wasn't it look God blessed us every step of the way with this okay it's been absolutely amazing and yeah we've had our challenges we've had you know we've had issues we've had problem people as we know we've had problems you know we just had a reminder of it this morning if anyone seen the car park we've got our usual little thorn in the side they're dumping rubbish in the car park but look we're gonna get that and that's just gonna strengthen us but what we do have is we have a blessing here where God has given us all of this don't forget that God is also building our church okay God is building our church it's gone from however many people there were at the beginning to now people in and out I mean we're well over 70 plus that come in and out and that's a lot more than what we started with God is building our church this is of God okay don't forget that don't forget everything that happened this past year because easy to forget isn't it don't forget the wilderness because our hope I really hope that your New Year's resolutions anyone that does that sort of thing and and if you don't maybe start doing that center around this church okay I hope they do center around this church and what happens from this church I'm not saying well you can't have anything that's just completely personal but but I hope that there's going to be something maybe multiple things that are centered around the improvement of this church being a better church member etc I spoke I spoke about some of our churches goals back at the end of September if you remember I think there's some was moving forward I think let's keep move let's keep pressing forward let's keep moving forward okay after past Thompson have been when I felt things might go a little bit flat now he'd been here for a couple of weeks the short-term ones were a new church building okay we still need prayers about that plenty of willing workers when that happens okay and by the way that's workers not a load of Chiefs and no Indians okay don't need a lot of people stand there pointing and telling me how things should be done and how they would do it and how they want it done no we need workers people that are just willing to submit and do as they're asked to do midweek services we're gonna get as soon as we have a church a new church building and we need people to turn up to those because then it might be what I was talking about that new church type feeling where suddenly you're preaching to less and less people and that could be pretty tough not just for me but for the people there and for the whole church that means turning up making it work making it happen somehow yeah however you can if it means losing some money from the extra shift or whatever it is make it work a thousand salvations that was our target wasn't it we got close okay and look we're still going for a thousand salvations aren't we okay we're still going for a thousand salvation and what a great number that'll be a thousand salvations still going for that and like we said we're going to go for 1200 this next year new believer baptisms okay encouraging new believers when you get people saved don't forget to encourage them to get I forget sometimes it's not talk about other things talking about trying to get to church and when maybe when they're a bit far from there checking us out when we move and blah blah blah make sure you read your Bible but we want to get baptized don't we yeah encouraging people trying to you know in a way almost pleading with them look can't we get baptized that's what God wants you to do live for God be in his will discipleship okay that was one of our one of our goals as well discipleship now look we are getting people in here people and God builds the church but for us to be able to disciple people in this church we need to be like I said before welcoming environment we need to be we don't want to come across cliquey we don't want all those issues and problems and people trying to lift up themselves and everything else for people to be able to come in and be welcomed and not end up having a negative experience whether or not they feel it or not we don't want this sort of you know well you be friends with me and not with that one we just want to be a nice welcoming healthy church don't we for that discipleship long-term goals were growing into a real presence in this wicked nation okay don't want to grow into a real presence in this wicked nation where we we're gonna have a new church building we're gonna we want to fill that church building we want to be here and making a real difference want to be having an army of soul winners I said to hit towns and cities around this country I want to start doing that soon I want to get this church building done and I want to start doing so winning trips around different cities around rough poor areas receptive areas in this nation going out and just getting a big old church team get some you know even if it means getting in some mini buses and going out and going and getting some some people say not only there but around Europe as well if if we can if the laws allow us and planting churches in strategic positions in the UK would be good as well wouldn't it okay yeah we got the one church here be good eventually to have more and and then and also around Europe okay we want to plant churches around Europe okay we're the start of things for me in Europe okay we and these are long-term goals of the church and I believe that I want to get I want to get other churches in Europe going as well and look this church is a big deal this church is a big deal and it's easy to forget that when you're here we can week out okay it's easy to forget that to dwell on other things but this church is already doing great things isn't it isn't it just just already like in this in the space of a year like look what this church is doing already and that's everyone here look what we're doing here and no I'm not being funny but if you care about the lost you're gonna want this church church to succeed aren't you if you care about the lost you want this church to succeed not you to succeed not you to be lifted up and to become this bit there be the next pastor sent out to be no you want this church to succeed this is the present this is what's going on right now if you care about the brethren then you want this church to succeed don't you yeah if you care about the brethren you care about believers in this country you want this church to succeed we want to reach them we want them to want to come here I want to get involved and I want to work for God keeping his commandments it said here earlier and his judgments and his statutes isn't just resisting some addiction okay getting to the gym more because your body is a temple after all there's nothing wrong with that yeah and nothing wrong with those sorts of resolutions but keeping his commandments and his judgments and his statutes it's being a faithful servant to a loyal honest trustworthy church member it's not forsaking me assembling it's submitting to the authority of the church it's praying for the church okay it's having all of that in mind having all of that on your heart not just starting to get irritated and wound up and in a way hoping things fail a little bit turn of 1st Corinthians 16 this church could have an impact on the rest of Europe or it could be destroyed from within and or and without okay it could have a massive impact this church or it could fizzle out in 1st Corinthians 16 Paul is telling the Corinthians that he's going to spend some time at Ephesus 1st Corinthians chapter 16 and verse 9 1st Corinthians 16 9 reads for a great door and effectual is open unto me and there are many adversaries does anyone not think that there is a great door and effectual open unto us here anyone put your hand up if you think that this isn't a great this is just kind of well we're just making do no maybe you do but you don't want to put your hand up hope did Paul say for a great door and effectual is open unto me and there are a couple of weird stalkers no for a great door and effectual is open unto me there's this guy that doesn't like me though no for a great door and effectual is open unto me there's just this one problem church member no he said there are many many adversaries many adversaries and our church I believe has many adversaries too okay our church has many adversaries and and the truth is let's just be honest here there will be adversaries on the inside and on the outside that's the way it goes okay no like I've said before we it's not your job in the church to start rooting out who those people are but that's the way it goes that's the way it's always gone that's why it will always be okay there are many many adversaries and they're not just following us on YouTube trying to leave gnarly comments and get frustrated because they can't put a thumbs down now okay or they can but no one's gonna see it I haven't actually worked out how I see it yeah I think they've just stopped doing it maybe it doesn't seem to highlight but anyway if we're gonna reach our goals this year okay then everyone here has to make sure that they don't become the adversary they don't become the adversary now you might be thinking wait a minute are you saying that we could we could become some child of Belial we already say what are you talking about for those you there and I know everyone here I'm sure everyone here is safe that we could just start attacking the church from the inside what you talking about well I'm saying that everyone here can easily get manipulated into being a problem in the church every single person here could easily get manipulated into being an adversary within okay whether it's manipulation from the outside or from the inside whether it's spiritual or actually full-blown reprobates manipulating you that's the way it goes okay that's what happens in a New Testament church in a proper New Testament no it doesn't happen at repent your sins Baptist no it doesn't happen at the rest of the false churches okay yeah you'll get some weirdos in their course you it's gonna be full of Devils anyway okay but then there's nothing to destroy there but here the devil wants to destroy this how do you resist it don't forget where you came from yeah start with that don't forget where you came from because that's how they want you they want you to get angry get frustrated get annoyed start finding fault in the church in the leadership in other people from the church in the past whatever it is that's what they want that's what they want division okay we don't want that do we here don't forget it every time the subtle slander starts every time the joking insults about the church the leadership other church members don't forget the wilderness because really that can get out of control it gets the point where the church ends up destroying we have factions leaving or or trying to gather up issues problems you get people rowing you get that's how a church gets destroyed that's how the work of God gets destroyed don't forget that it was God that provided this church you become a problem in this church who are you going against really it's not me it's God you're become you're going against God you really want to go against God no when the future division causes try to enroll you don't forget the wilderness don't forget where you came from okay cuz they will try and enroll you when the flesh starts to find problems and annoyances to justify not going to church because that's what the flesh does starts to find issues starts to find problems starts to get annoyed annoyed at certain things I'm gonna have habits of things I say or someone else in the church or whoever else then preach other things or someone's preaching that I prefer someone else or whatever look it the flesh wants to not go to church the flesh wants to find a problem the flesh wants to find an excuse if that's what happens and look when your own sin gives the devil a backdoor in or Devils then you've become an adversary when your own problem your own flesh your own reasons issues envies whatever it is has become a problem then you're basically becoming an adversary in the church aren't you you're at least welcoming in adversaries don't forget it don't forget the wilderness don't forget that God provided this church don't be that adversary don't be that adversary don't don't get sucked into being that adversary because there'll be so many ways that it can happen and look we're one year on now at this church okay we're one year on and if you're still sitting here in a year's time now and you're still thinking well I prefer to be I don't like the way he does this I don't like that you're probably better off not here truthfully if like this is kind of crunch time now you're a year on you know how I preach now okay you know how I run things you know how things are gonna go you know how pastor Thompson's asked me to do things you know how I want to do things with what what leeway he gives me as well okay that's the way the church is so if you're still here with an axe to grind still bitter still got a problem with with either me my family or someone else in the church or whatever it is then then you're getting to a point now well right you're year on you should have got used to it yeah everyone's had some time to get used to the fact that we are now a church okay you've got to get used to the fact that I'm now leading you you've got to get used to the fact that we are part of Shaw Foundation Baptist Church not faithful work not not Verity Baptist Church not you know not First Works Baptist Church whatever getting used to the fact that this is what we do this is how things go that you're not running the show getting used to the fact that it's not your your church that you decide and that you're the ones to make the decisions you've had a year and those are you that are you are here okay you might not have had a year but look we're a year on now okay and if you come to this church you evolve this church then you have to understand that now and you and if you're still not there after a year I say you'll never get there okay you're never gonna get there and look if you can't get there then you're you're better to go than not be then to be in aversary because you're because you're standing up against God okay if you're that person if you're that person sitting here thinking that and I hope no one is I really hope because I'm not I'm not you know I'm not just trigger-happy to just want to get people to leave I don't want that but I want people to just respond to be like right we're a church now okay this is our church we want to be the best possible faithful servant we could be in this church starting this year okay that's what we want don't forget the wilderness don't forget where you came from don't forget where you're at and if you're looking back oh actually wasn't that bad honestly I'll open the door for you if you honestly look back at those churches ago well I was actually happier then then this isn't the church for you doesn't have to be and if you decide well actually I've got a church that I think is I actually think the meeting at home and doing a Bible study with a few of us where we're like we can play church and you know and we could just lead ourselves if that's what you want to do go and do it no one's stopping you if you really want that if you really find out you know I just can't I just go okay I'm not look I will no one here will stop you I won't preach against you anything else unless you start trying to drag church members out okay anyone starts to try and do that then I'm gonna preach on you okay now turn to some 106 because like I said this is a theme in the Bible when God's people forget the past forget where they're at and bad things happen bad things happen Psalm 106 and from verse 10 bit of a reminder here before that of things that happen and he saved them Psalm 106 verse 10 and he saved them from the hand of him that hated them and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy and the waters covered their enemies there was not one of them left then believe they his words they sang his praise so things are looking good at this point aren't they verse 13 they soon forgot his works they waited not for his counsel but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness how'd it start they forgot they forgot his works forgot what he had done for them but lust exceedingly in the wilderness and tempted God in the desert and he gave them their request but sent leanness into their soul they envy Moses also in the camp and Aaron the Saint of the Lord the earth opened and swallowed up Dathan and covered the company of Abiram now Dathan and Abiram with Korah were the reprobates they go straight to hell okay they go straight to hell but the and to right to but the rest of the people were manipulated into becoming a problem if you know the story the rest of them it wasn't just oh well they were just support no the rest of people became a problem why look at verse 18 and a fire was killed in the company the flame burned up the wicked they made a calf in a horrib and worship the molten image thus they changed their glory into similitude sorry the similitude of an ox that eateth grass they forget God their Savior which had done great things in Egypt because they forgot where they came from they forgot the things God had done they quickly just started to just get soaked up in their own issues their own envying their own murmurings because that's what it is the whole people murmur if you look back at numbers there God's done great things here he has done great things in this church let's not forget that as this year goes on because as it goes further and further you're going to start forgetting that and again the little petty issues the problems and some of those like I said will be manipulated you'll be manipulated into that and that can be from from forces outside of forces inside like I said don't let it happen back to Deuteronomy 8 and that's just one of many yeah that is a theme throughout the but just constantly telling us to look back to be able to go forward look back to go forward and that's talking about the church here look at sorry I'm talking about the church here back to Deuteronomy 8 and verse 14 again said then thine heart be lifted up now forget the Lord thy God which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage so we've talked about not forgetting where we were before this church yeah that's what obviously I've just been speaking about for the last I don't know 35 40 minutes now but let's not also forget you know our own our own individual goals yeah we still have some individual goals and like I said I hope those individual goals should benefit the church to realize our goals of church this year that's what we've talked about but now let's talk about realizing our goals individually and to do that let's not forget where we all were before we got saved yeah don't forget where you were before you got saved that bringing forth here out of the land of Egypt Deuteronomy 8 14 out of the house of bondage is a picture of salvation out of the world out of the bondage of sin turn the numbers 11 because there's a temptation to look back with rose-tinted glasses isn't there that easier life when you weren't having to go to church every Sunday that fun you had when you weren't trying to get sin out of your life numbers 11 and verse 1 and when the people complained numbers 11 1 it displeased the Lord and the Lord heard it and his anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burnt among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp and the people cried under Moses and and when Moses prayed unto the Lord the fire was quenched and he called the name of the place Tibera because the father Lord burnt among them and the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting and the children of Israel also wept again and said who shall give us flesh to eat we remember the fish which we did eat in Egypt freely the cucumbers and the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic Egypt where the bondage was so hard that they were crying out yeah no they were remembering the cucumbers the melons the leeks the onions and the garlic but but now our soul is dried away there is nothing at all beside this manna before our eyes and the manna was as coriander seed and the color thereof as the color of delium and the people went about and gathered it and grounded in mills or beaten in the mortar and baked it in pans and make cakes of it and the taste of it was as a taste of fresh oil free manna the bread of heaven like free salvation isn't it yeah that free salvation that you literally just have to take it it's as easy as just gathering it up just taking it off the ground that's as easy as it is getting saved isn't it okay what an amazing gift that is yet they're quickly craving their old lives aren't they before entering sorry look here they look sorry they're craving old lives aren't they like we can crave the world can't we we can all crave the world and and many people here will sometimes even crave the sin that does so easily beset us yeah don't we sometimes you look back and or look you know think about those things you used to enjoy those sinful times those sinful moments whatever those sins are and look in Deuteronomy alone before entering the promised land before going forward God reminds them again and again and again don't forget that you're in Egypt that you're a bomb man in Egypt okay you don't have to turn I'm gonna read a few of these just to just to make this point Deuteronomy 5 6 I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Deuteronomy 6 12 then beware lest thou forget the Lord which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Deuteronomy 15 15 and thou shalt remember that thou was a bomb man in the land of Egypt and the Lord thy God redeemed thee therefore I command thee this thing today Deuteronomy 16 12 and thou shalt remember that thou was a bomb man in Egypt and thou shalt observe and do these statutes Deuteronomy 24 18 and thou shalt remember that thou was a bomb man in Egypt and the Lord thy God redeemed thee thence therefore I command thee to do this thing and Deuteronomy 24 22 and thou shalt remember that thou was a bomb man in the land of Egypt therefore I command thee to do this thing God saying don't forget where you were don't forget where you were before you got saved don't forget where you were at before you got saved in 2022 he's saying don't forget being a slave to the drinking don't forget being a slave to the drugs the fornication the covetousness the false religion whatever it is don't forget being a slave to those don't forget where you came from don't forget that you were destined for hell okay and look sadly some people here I hope they're not but some people here might still be slaves to those things but look you're safe though aren't you okay that chain ain't pulling you down to hell anymore but it will still hinder you in life he's saying I bought you for I redeemed you I bought you with my precious blood now do what I tell you okay and it always it doesn't it amaze you does it when you get people say you know they're saved they believe they put their faith in Christ and they don't want anything to do with God how do you live like that how do you do that you are redeemed you were saved why do people do that but we don't want to do that everyone here I hope doesn't want to do that's why they're in a church in the first place because we are we not appreciative the fact that we received that free gift of salvation we don't have to do anything for it we'd have to do anything to keep it no but you know what it's nice to try and try and thank him to try and please him isn't it he redeemed you and not only did he save us I mean that was one thing he saved us look at verse 15 back in Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 15 who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness wherein was fiery serpents and scorpions and drought where there was no water who brought the fourth water out of the Rock of Flint you've been led through the wilderness everyone here has been led through the wilderness past the false churches the false prophets the false Bibles and to the Word of God yeah everyone who has been led through those scorpion serpents through the drought the drought of no Word of God through the drought in the preaching of anything of any substance or anything that's gonna edify you change your life don't forget that don't forget what he's done he's not only got you saving and left you to it he's led you through he's led you he's led you hasn't he verse 16 who fed thee in the wilderness with manner which thy fathers knew not that he might humble thee they might prove thee to do thee good at thy latter end he fed you with the King James Bible to humble you to prove you to do you good hasn't it done as good as it this book done you good man it's done me some good it's done me a load of good and it will continue doing me a load of good for the rest of my life because this this Word of God it changes things doesn't it doesn't it just and now say in thine heart my power and the might of mine hand have gotten me this wealth without God we would all be in the gutters somewhere whether spiritually that's everyone and some of you physically as well okay we'd all be in some sort of spiritual and sometimes physical gutter okay don't forget that don't forget not only did he save you but what he's done for you in that time as well okay absolutely amazing isn't it and then when it comes to living for him oh well I don't know about that well church is a bit of a pain or going or whatever whatever sin it is that I'm having a trouble with our that's a bit tough how about use that as an inspiration how about use our more than the fact that it's a new year the fact that he's redeemed you and led you through the wilderness and he's fed you with the bread that you need he's given you what you need to conquer it let's let's conquer it yeah verse 18 but thou shalt remember it's all about remembering the Lord is it the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swear unto thy fathers as it is this day and it shall be if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods and serve them and worship them I testify against this day that ye shall surely perish and that could apply to the gods of money popularity any other idol that you set up in your life verse 20 is the nations which the Lord destroyed before your face so shall you perish because you would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God and that's good incentive for your New Year's resolutions isn't it if you fail you will die joking aside if you forget God though if you forget God you worship and serve other gods like it says here he might just take you home early he might just take you home early and and you've got to live with that for eternity okay that you you failed you didn't you didn't want to live for God you didn't want to do it for God you you wanted to do it for yourself you wanted to cause problems whether it be in the church or you want to you can't that's enough it's not that bad I don't look do what you can do what you can for God well you've got this short time here now okay part of that can start with resolutions kind of get get the sin out of your life and part of that includes living for God and being a good church member as well and it goes hand in hand isn't it goes hand in hand so what's the answer how do you do that how'd you go forward how'd you achieve your God honoring goals don't forget where you came from don't forget where you came from don't forget what it was like being unsaved because we quickly forget don't we what it was like being that unsaved just not knowing really deep down knowing deep deep down I think you probably know don't you that you're wicked you know you're gonna get punished you know that that you're destined for help some people may be a more aware of that than others and and don't forget that don't forget it you've been saved you've been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ you've been saved and nothing can change that you have eternal life you have eternal life and look if you have eternal life you've got an eternity to enjoy the rewards you can earn in this little bit of life here hey let's earn some rewards while we're here don't forget that God owns you God owns you he redeemed you he bought you he owns you God owns you don't forget that yeah don't forget that God started this church yeah if you want to stand against God good luck to you good luck to you but not for me don't forget all that God's done for you everything he's done for you in those years since you've been saved some of you might be less less maybe it's a short amount of time okay don't forget everything God's done for you in that time as well and he's he's done some stuff for us isn't it don't forget that we have a church you know that we are the envy of Europe and I don't mean that in a bad way okay look these I've been speaking a few more more recently in fact one out of the blue this morning and look these guys would love to have something like this don't take it for granted okay they would love to have something like this and I want to do my best to one day give them something like this look I want to I want to where there's groups of someone is I want to be able to do the same thing for them okay as long as it's gonna work there but look look don't take for granted what we have here okay don't take it for granted don't forget the wilderness don't forget where you came from Psalm 143 verse 5 says I remember the days of old I meditate on all thy works I muse on the work of thy hands says it all doesn't it don't forget where you came from let's pray Lord God I thank you thank you for this church I thank you for all you've done for for me and my life for everyone here in their lives for us with this church for everyone here that saved that that that you saved us that you gave us that that ability to get saved that we could never have done it on our own we can never have done it ourselves that you gave us a free gift of salvation I thank you for that not of works less any man should boast but it was it was a free gift it was by grace we were saved and we thank you for that I pray that if there's anyone here that doesn't know that you know if they died right now that they'd be going straight directly to heaven I pray that you'll help them to to know the truth to want to talk to someone to be explained how how how easy it is to get saved that it's not not some process it's not some ongoing works it's not anything of their own their own strength it's all of what you did for us and I thank you for that father and I thank you that that we're that we have this church we have this church building I pray that you help us to all be the best church members we can including myself here I pray that you just help us to serve you help us to resist the temptation to be a problem to cause problems to cause division just help us to to be a solid unified church and and all just just striving to serve you in the best way we possibly can and I pray that you help us do that starting today going out and preaching the gospel help us to reach that target of a thousand salvation's and then go on and get many many more over the over the coming years and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen