(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So I've been looking at some statistics building up to this sermon, and statistics show that Christianity is the largest religion in the UK at around 60% of the population, apparently, but considering that it's grouping together Roman Catholics, Church of England, Anglicans, Pentecostals, and basically all of the other gospel-rejecting religions together, calling themselves Christianity, the truth is far from that, isn't it? The stats are a bit varied, you've got the highest percentage of that 60% claiming to be Church of England in this country, but regular church attendees, if you looked on those stats, they see the Roman Catholics around level with them, and by the way, some of the, it's quite hard to get much more recent stats, but they've been massively in decline church attendance as well. So there were approximately, this is back in 2007, 850,000 weekly attendance in pretty much each of these false religions, so around Roman Catholic churches around the country, and Church of England churches around the country on a Sunday, around 850,000, yeah? Back in 2004, bearing in mind those numbers are on decline, and these numbers are on the increase, back in 2004 there were 930,000 Muslims attending a mosque at least once a week. Now you might be sitting there going, yeah, but there's different types of Muslim, aren't there? Well, basically you've probably heard of the Sunnis and the Shias, yeah? They're your main types. Well, according to a 2017 survey, 77% of UK Muslims are Sunni, and based on the basically huge growth over the last nearly two decades, since these stats I've just read you, it makes Sunni Muslims easily the largest religious denomination attendees in the UK. Now you can see it took me a bit of digging to get to that truth, because when you look at it, oh Christianity's up here, Muslims just down there, but when you actually look at it properly and you look into the statistics, people regularly practicing their religion, the Muslims are now the biggest religion of regular practicing attendees in the UK. It's in fact considered to be the fastest growing, largest growing religion in the whole of Europe as well. And the title of my sermon today is Combatting the Scourge of Islam in the UK. Combatting the Scourge of Islam in the UK. Let's go to the Lord in the word of prayer. Father, I thank you for your word, I thank you for the many truths we can get from the Bible, even about a religion that didn't come about until hundreds of years after your word was completed. I pray that you just fill me with your spirit, now help me to preach accurately, boldly, help people to have attentive ears, help me to just preach the truth, preach from your word and help us all to be edified and in Jesus' name I pray all of this, amen. Okay so yes it is a scourge, it is a scourge, what is a scourge? Well a dictionary definition here is something which greatly afflicts, harasses or destroys particularly any continued evil or calamity. Now you're sitting there going is this some sort of racist sermon brother Ian? No this is a sermon about a wicked false religion which is growing at an alarming rate throughout this nation okay and it is an alarming rate how much it's growing and like I said the stats are quite hidden there so it's not as obvious but any of you that go out soul winning around this nation you can see how big this religion is yeah. Okay the Bible says in Ephesians 5 11 you don't have to turn it and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them and Islam is one particular work of darkness that is casting a dark shadow over this land yeah and it really is and I know look I know that the religion has also been used by some to for certain laws and that you know you've got the Islam bogeyman that's promoted a lot and a lot of people are running around in fear of them as well but on the other hand the sheer growth of just the religion itself is definitely hidden I believe. Now let's get a few things cleared up about Islam before we go any further for anyone that might be a bit unsure about this I'm sure I don't think there's probably many here that are but number one no it is certainly not another path to God okay Islam certainly isn't another path to God turn to John chapter 3 and while you turn I'm going to read John 14 6 which reads Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me there can only be one truth can't there in life and it certainly didn't come from the illiterate false prophet Muhammad Jesus said that he is the only way that means that any other way isn't getting you to the father yeah that goes without saying doesn't it if there's only one way well John 3 you're in and verse 36 says he that believeth on the son have everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him it's not just false false but the wrath of God abideth on them okay it's not just it's not just oh well it's not another path no God is furious with them God is angry with them along with all the other Christ rejecters out there okay number two no Islam isn't some further prophetic add-on to the Bible you've heard this sort of rubbish out there as well turn to Revelation chapter 20 and while you turn I'll read from Proverbs 30 and verse 5 to 6 which reads every word of God is pure he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and now be found a liar Muhammad not only added to them but he butchered the parts of the Bible that he tried to use yeah and Revelation chapter 20 where you are verse 18 says for I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book okay definitely a problem there considering that the Quran by the way if you didn't know this is actually only a tenth of the size of the Bible so you've basically got around 80,000 words compared to the Bible's near 800,000 words okay it's a tenth of the size so they're definitely taking away some words of the prophecy aren't they they're taking definitely take away some of the words of the Bible and in fact they're also adding words as well amongst those 80,000 pretty much I would say 80,000 of them have been added barring the you know the the the words which don't make any difference so and it's funny actually because one of their claims of authenticity if you ever looked into this is that there are apparently many Muslims around the world that have memorized the whole Quran oh spooky spooky it must be it must it must be inspired because they can memorize something a tenth the size of the Bible look people have memorized Shakespeare he's not inspired yeah people have memorized a lot of nonsense in the world it doesn't mean it's inspired and and the human brain is amazing isn't it yeah and we can memorize a lot of stuff yeah there's a lot of people that can memorize a lot of things if they put their mind and their heart to it especially if they have their parents standing over them with a cane in their hand telling them you must memorize it but it doesn't mean it's inspired that's ridiculous isn't it well let's look at number three no Islam doesn't believe in Jesus okay again if you're unsure about this Islam does not believe in Jesus turn to Acts chapter 8 because of course many of you have been out soul-winning and talking to Muslims all here though oh yeah we believe in Jesus too just that he was a prophet yeah well in Acts chapter 8 the Ethiopian eunuch is reading Isaiah 53 but like the Muslims he couldn't understand it then Philip opened his mouth so this is Acts 8 and verse 35 Acts 8 35 says and Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus and as they went on their way they came onto a certain water and a eunuch said see here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized and Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered said I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God because part of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is believing that he's the son of God yeah that goes without saying doesn't it I think everyone here understands that point but they don't seem to understand that verse 38 and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water both Philip and eunuch and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water the spirit of the Lord called away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing something which so many Muslims could also do if they actually listen to what the real word of God says yeah you have to turn there John 14 11 says believe me that I am in the father this is Jesus speaking believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake yeah because Jesus is God and they're calling these Muslims are calling Jesus God the son a liar yeah that's what they're basically saying they're calling him a liar he said believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake they certainly don't believe in him okay they certainly don't have their faith their trust in Jesus Christ they're calling him a liar but who's a liar Mohammed Mohammed is a liar and he's not even a very original liar is he really he's just another work salvationist yeah just another work salvationist adding to take it away from and changing the word of God to teach another version of work your way to heaven yeah it's boring isn't it isn't it boring just another work salvationist just chopping and changing make it up as he goes along and but what's funny about Islam is it tries to impersonate the Quran tries to impersonate the Bible in many areas many places in fact the religion does in many ways as well when you look at their proofs of why why Islam is a real religion they start talking about the inspiration no one could have written the Quran if you've read parts of Quran it's it's comical yeah it's really anyone could have written the Quran yeah it's a joke now instead of Roman Catholicism seven sacraments because it is another workspace religion the Muslims believe in the five pillars of Islam so what the five pillars of Islam number one Shahada and I might pronounce he's wrong I don't really care right that means faith the declaration of faith in one god Allah and his messenger peace be upon him I've heard some other versions of that number two Salah prayer the ritual prayer required of every Muslim five times a day throughout their lifetime number three Zakat arms giving the act of giving a portion of a Muslim's wealth to those in need throughout their lifetime number four swarm fasting the act of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan and number five Hajj which is pilgrimage the sacred pilgrimage to Mecca required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime if it is within their means sounds a bit ambiguous that but in case you're wondering when you think oh actually that looks quite you could probably do that could you well the five pillars still aren't enough though okay the five pillars still aren't enough it comes down to guess what the old balancing acts the the old scales of false religion yeah many false religions seem to like the old scales don't they god's got these scales and he balances your good works gets your bad works and sure enough that's what they believe and I think that's that it must just come from some sort of old pagan beliefs considering the catholic seem to have the scales belief as well don't they well yeah they believe that that basically he's going to balance out your good deeds and and your bad deeds and there's a there's a verse of the Quran surah 23 102 to 104 it says they whose balances shall be heavy shall be blessed but they whose balances shall be light they shall lose their soul abiding in hell forever okay pretty clear it's work salvation isn't it okay but did you know that there's an unpardonable sin known as shirk okay so you could be shirking on the commandments yeah in islam anyone know what the unpardonable sin is anyone know what the own yeah yeah yeah so the unpardonable sin is apparently shirk means association so it's sharing Allah's attributes which is why they have such a problem with the trinity yeah so it kind of makes sense why when you when you speak to these guys and and you know the first thing out of their mouth a lot of them is if you dare to say they seem so angry with it and furious and everything else clever false doctrine that isn't it clever false doctrine whereas one of the the like fundamental truths of real faith one of the fundamental truths really of getting saved isn't it is understanding that the Lord Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and that for them is an unpardonable sin clever clever false doctrine isn't it and and explains a lot doesn't it explains not when you're out soul winning in the in the sheer just vitriol they have towards anyone claiming that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh that that God is a trinity well first one five seven has three things to say about that you don't have to turn now i'm sure everyone knows these verses for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one one of the many reasons by the way that the false bible perversions weaken this doctrine is to fit with their ecumenical pushes in it yeah the ecumenical push that we see out there where they're all just combined and by the way a lot of these muslims they seem to be quite devout muslims seem to have some sort of ecumenical leanings don't they they they look we're seeing that the world over okay so why is islam a scourge though why is it a scourge because i said it was a scourge didn't i well isn't it just another form of basically one of the two world religions because you've got work salvation on one hand wrapped up in many different packages with many different colored bows in it and many different ways to God through your works and then on the other hand you've got the truth the gospel which says no man no man is good enough yeah for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and for the wages of sin is death yeah look you can't be good enough to get to heaven it's ridiculous to think that any of these guys think that they can be good enough to get to heaven the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord okay the only way you're getting there is is with that gift that was paid for by Jesus Christ on the cross but but why is it a scourge then now remember that a scourge is something which greatly afflicts harasses or destroys particularly any continued evil or calamity and islam greatly afflicts nations okay it harasses and destroys and it's definitely continued evil and calamity number one for starters it's damning it's millions of followers to hell okay it's damning it's millions of followers to hell acts 4 12 says neither is a salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved but unlike many false religions out there the people mixed up with islam are that bit harder to get saved aren't they yeah yeah everyone i'm sure has experienced that aren't they that bit harder to get saved and look you can get some of them saved i have got muslims saved in general it's young muslims it's ones that haven't been brainwashed long enough for it's ones that don't seem to be as as strictly into their false religion and that's the same with many false religions isn't it out there and it is possible but it does seem a lot harder doesn't it does seem a lot harder and they're a lot more but but you know what they'll claim to want to listen they love to distract you they love to waste your time don't they um obviously there's the unpardonable sin part we just spoke about that the shirk okay you got the shirk and it's funny by the way is the quran regularly has allah talking about himself as we yeah which is just kind of ironic because if you've ever read parts of the the quran he constantly talks about we now their answer is some sort of you know great you know deity of allah and and it's just because he's so holy or something else it's really because muhammad was just copying parts of the bible wasn't it yeah and he thought well this sounds quite holy and it is a bad impersonation of the bible i think he's copying things like genesis 1 26 turn there where it says and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth obviously referring to the trinity yeah okay now as well there is a complete rejection of the bible that does make it hard because unlike many false religions that go yeah of false versions of christianity which at least claim to believe in the bible to some degree they just completely reject it out of hand don't they so if you've ever spoke to these guys they say it's corrupt they say that it's you know it's it's been changed it's been altered etc etc and again the false bible versions pay play into that quite well don't they because they're looking at jokes like the niv and all these other wicked false bible perversions and saying that they don't even say the same thing okay and it does play into that but with that romans 10 17 says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and if they're completely rejecting the word of god and they won't even listen to the word of god then that's the problem there isn't it if you notice when you talk to them and they claim to want to hear the gospel they're not listening are they they're definitely not hearing they're just planning their next attack on the bible attack on the lord jesus christ attack on the gospel or something else they claim to want to hear they don't want to hear they just want to attack um and then there's the pride isn't there there's the pride and you see a lot of pride from these guys don't you a lot of pride when you're out there you get a lot of pride from these ladies as well when you try and preach them you try and preach gospel to them and i would say that that pride comes pretty much with with being at least practicing to some degree of any false religion yeah if you talk to the the the practicing pentecostal you'll generally find a lot of pride the practicing roman catholic etc the difference with islam is that so many more of them are practicing so for me you end up then with a lot more of these just prideful followers who seem to think that they're getting there based on their works and how holy they are and everything else okay and it does make again it makes them difficult to get saved proverbs 16 18 you don't have to turn it says pride goes before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall and they are going to be falling aren't they they are going to be falling at the end of their lives straight into the depths of hell but this religion is growing fast too in the uk and the rest of the world okay so it's not just well yeah well we just can't get their followers saved it's growing fast now a lot of it is due to growing families and social exclusion and often worse for rejecting it so you're born into islam and that's pretty much it really okay it's very rare that we'll get them out of it isn't it i preached the gospel to him but in uk prisons yeah i've heard that it has such a presence that you've basically got english crackheads walking around saying a salaam alaikum or however you pronounce it to you honestly to muslims in there they're just because there's such a presence of it that they either feel intimidated or they just want to buddy up with them they want to have some belonging so they're walking around basically acting like muslims and many actually convert as well in prison okay to be part of the gang and everything else um and then you've got the many conversions from silly women laden with sins and led away with divers lusts okay you've got those you just fall in love with some muslim somewhere and then do some sort of joke conversion um there's a lot of that as well and then you've just got the fact in in islamic strongholds you've just got the fear you've got the coercion and you've just got the fact that it's being pushed from them and it's around them and look when when you get a mosque in an area wow you get a lot of muslims in that area don't you as well okay so yes it's damning millions to hell okay it's damning millions to hell and it is spreading as well how's it a scourge number two it gives religion such a bad name doesn't it doesn't it give religion such a bad name when i say religion we might know better yeah we know better here but many look at it and believe that it's just another one of the abrahamic religions yeah just you know like like it's just you know not much different to judaism probably isn't much different to judaism but not much different to biblical christianity what a load of nonsense right but they do they look at that and they go well another abrahamic religion they see the muslim is just some sort of stricter version of the christian or maybe he's just a little bit more extreme yeah it takes it a little bit more seriously like the reprobate in second peter 2 2 where it says by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of i think that a lot of the time with the muslims that people look at that and it just makes you think oh religion makes you think some for many they think abrahamic religion what from that region of the world this is what it produces well turn to matthew chapter 23 because jesus preached against these holier than thou religious types who love to be seen of men in matthew 23 and from verse five he's preaching at the pharisees who are just like these holy outfit wearing muslims that you see out there so matthew 23 and from verse five reads but all their works they do for to be seen of men they make broad their phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments now phylacteries were strips of scripture in a case they love to show the holiness basically yeah their holy outfits like the muslims special holy attire it's all just to be seen of men isn't it it's all to be seen of men and while we're on that point there's nothing holy about a man wearing a dress okay there is nothing holy about a man in a dress in fact it's a complete opposite again you know you don't have to turn there deuteronomy 22 5 says the woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the lord thy god and it is an abomination isn't it it's abomination i hate seeing those guys walking down the street with their long dresses oh great they've got trousers underneath yeah they're wearing dresses yeah it looks queer it looks really queer it looks it's an abomination and it should we should all look at that and go abomination oh what great holy men are well we need to understand the culture more we need to know it's an abomination god looks down he's disgusted with it he's disgusted and that goes for their women in their so-called modest outfits as well it's it's disgusting yeah well why on earth do you need to cover up your face and your arms and by the way pretty much all of them are wearing bloody trousers anyway aren't they underneath it is a pair of trousers so they're cross-dressing while thinking they're looking so modest so modest because you you literally can't see anything but a slip where their eyes are i mean what sort of nonsense is that covering up your face like that what sort of nonsense is that or is there that much perversion around them that they need to cover up every little inch of flesh because some just lustful man is going to be all over them and apparently that's part of the reason they do that's part to stop harassment doesn't say much for the religion doesn't say much for their surroundings does it verse six where you are and love the uppermost rooms at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues and greetings in the markets are to be called of men rabbi rabbi now they probably hate to hear this being included with what what jesus preached against people being called rabbi rabbi but i don't see much difference there do you that's what it's all about it's all that looking as holy as you can oh how holy can i look while i'm out there with my funny little hat and my dress on and everything else everyone's going and that special long beard which is always shaved in a particular way isn't it to look very thin and just like hang down here because i'm so holy that's what it's about it's to be seen of men but be ye not be not you called rabbi for one is your master even christ and all year brethren yes because christ is god turn to matthew five because it's the same with their praying yeah this isn't it's not just the way they dress it's not just how they look well it's the same with their praying look at matthew chapter five now and from verse five matthew five five reads and when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily i sound to you they have their reward and these guys love to be seen praying they love it i went into a place i didn't know was was was a muslim place i went in to to collect a takeaway curry a while back and i went in there and um and i'm standing at the at the counter i've ordered it yeah and thinking where is this guy they must be bagging it up out the back yeah carrying on you know excuse me hello yeah no one to be seen there's a table of people because it's a restaurant two tables of people no one to be seen looky around looky then i said oh no no he is to be seen i just didn't look downwards the guy's on his knees yeah 7 30 at night i'm waiting for my food the guy's on his knees praying to allah yeah i'm hello it completely ignores me eventually gets up oh sorry just praying and i think okay well now at least then he just goes here you go so my food's just been sitting there for five minutes while he's praying because you know you just pray in the middle of the day in the middle of the restaurant where you got customers in there yeah yeah just but for me it's just to be seen in men i've seen it many times before i mean well i used to live in some woods yeah and uh and my neighbor rang me up and said because there's only two houses in we're kind of in the middle of the woods so you know you kind of looked after each other a little bit yeah and the neighbor said look ian is this one of your lot because i used to sometimes coach these guys as well i said what do you mean one of my life he said some guy's praying right outside your driveway he's been hanging around in my driveway as well so yeah the guy's literally turning to the east yeah and just praying facing my house yeah and down on his knees and he said look this guy i'm a bit he looks a bit you know he's a bit dodgy we're in the middle of the woods there's no this guy like looked pretty down and out as well so i went out to talk to this guy and oh yeah just play yeah because oh yeah you got to pray you know you got to pray then just in front of everyone well is that what the word of god says though what does the word of god say but thou verse six when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou shut thy door pray to thy father which is in secret my father which sith in secret shall reward thee openly but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking now in case you're thinking yeah but we pray in church don't we know but the concept is that we're not praying to be seen of men okay we're not praying to be seen of men it's not all about people seeing us praying and it's definitely not about the vain repetitions oh they love a vain repetition in islam now apparently based upon sunnah it is common for muslims to repeat 33 times three separate praises and exaltations of god and a prayer bead after the completion of the ritual prayer 33 times sounds like vain repetition to me doesn't it didn't hear you the first time muslims who pray five times daily repeat at least 17 times the verse the path of those you bestowed favors upon not those who have incurred your wrath and those who have deviated and apparently that's referring to christians and jews and they're half right on that with the jews but um yeah so apparently they repeat that 17 times you can understand the animosity towards us yeah now jump over to chapter 6 for another poor testimony of religion but again 17 times 33 times is that what is that how god wants himself prayed to no and obviously they're not praying to god they're praying to the devil jesus said in matthew 6 and from verse 16 moreover when you fast be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast verily i say unto you they have their reward but thou will now fastest anoint thine head and what should i face that thou appear not unto men to fast but unto thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly a bit hard when it's advertised the world over as ramadan isn't it bit hard bit hard to fast secretly isn't it when the whole world knows that it's ramadan yeah but but you should see when they're fasting during ramadan i remember when i went to college and um and yeah the muslims there it was ramadan i'm so hungry i'm so thirsty in the middle of winter when they've got up at seven o'clock because it's still dark eating like an absolute pig and then they're eating again at 4 p.m when it's dark again oh i just can't take it anymore yeah and and look they make it clear they're fasting and well they don't even have to because everyone knows they're fasting i mean it's absolutely ridiculous but again it just goes completely against the word of god doesn't it okay it's not just oh well they're just a few differences oh just some funny outfits and you know they they like a beard yeah no there's a lot of differences there's a lot of differences and ultimately it's just completely the opposite to what jesus was preaching to what god was preaching okay so you start to see why they hate jesus so much as well right yeah because he's just calling them out isn't he you read through you just start reading through the gospel imagine first book of the new testament you're just going to see jesus calling out so much of their wicked hypocrisy so much of their wicked ways but they are such a bad testimony to the abrahamic religions aren't they like i said shuffling like drones to the mosque on a friday yeah if you've ever been around one of those areas it's just suddenly they're coming out of every nook and cranny you just say it's like something out of a horror movie like where are these people coming from or just shuffling it's like that isn't it it's that's really weird so where did they come from like i literally walked down here half an hour earlier and it was empty suddenly they're just out of everywhere yeah it's weird in silly outfits and claiming that they have some sort of wholly preserved book look it's an impersonation yeah it's a bad impersonation of christianity it's a terrible impersonation of christianity but most people to the to the uneducated they don't really get that do they they just think oh yeah well it's similar stuff isn't it all similar stuff so why is islam a scourge number three number three the religion advocates pedophilia okay you can't preach about islam without pointing out the clear truth there that that religion advocates and ultimately promotes pedophilia right muslims believe that muhammad was the last of the prophets sent by god yeah and had the quran revealed to him by god through the angel gabriel okay this is what they believe in islam they believe okay so you're saying oh at least it's a prophet you know we know that prophets are sinful no they believe that he's the greatest of all prophets and many believe he was sinless whilst others believe that he at least wasn't capable of any major sins okay and that's basically the two views amongst a muslim either that he's completely sinless or that at least he didn't do any major sins okay with that in mind it is widely accepted though that muhammad married the daughter of his friend abu bucka i mean what's wrong with that he married the daughter of his friend maybe she was a really nice young lady and the friend you know i thought well what a great prophet this guy's just about sinless yeah well there's just some minute detail there wasn't there aisha was six years old six years old and and look this isn't this i'm not making this up this is up until they've tried to kind of you know like bury this a little bit more easily and tried to come up with some apologetic arguments about it but this is just widely accepted still on the main across islam six years old was his wife fortunately she stayed in her parents home oh okay okay well at least you know maybe he didn't have any interactions with her until they eventually consummated the marriage yeah when muhammad was 53 this must be many years later yeah yeah when aisha was nine nine years old nine years old six year old married consummated at nine okay and again i'm not just coming out with things that you talk to to the majority of muslims and they'll say yes or they'll try some sort of way out and this is what they try and say they try and say something along the lines of yeah but it was a culture then there's a cult oh it was a culture okay yeah oh there's a culture or or yeah well no well maybe she wasn't nine it might have been more like 12 because that's okay i hope we have one of these recently i talked about this the other week we had one of these guys recently started shouting she was 12 she's 12 she's she's 12 that's right no okay let's make this clear muhammad was a nonce okay muhammad was what we call in england a nonce yeah muhammad yeah is what we call in england a nonce and if he was born now he would have guys on the internet in honey trapping him yeah and coming and meeting him he wouldn't wouldn't he with a camera going you know you were trying to meet up with this young girl yeah but it was actually some burly geezer behind a computer wanting to give him a hiding or at least getting nicked yeah and he would have been honey trapped pretty early on wouldn't he but but and let's be honest in this nation he probably would have been let off though sadly okay but muhammad muhammad is a nonce clear as day there is no other explanation for him he is a pedophile as our american friends call a pedophile okay there's there's no arguing that what sort of wicked religion is this this isn't look like i said they say oh it was different no he should have jesus said 2 000 years ago yeah six seven hundred whatever it is 500 years before before any of this yeah jesus said that he should have had a millstone cast around his neck and be cast into the sea luke 17 2 says it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea than that he should offend one of these little ones that's what jesus said in the culture in the middle east 2 000 years ago it were better for him why because muhammad is burning in hell with all the other false prophets and pedophiles out there okay he's burning hot in hell and too right too too right too and i tell you what for for some maybe that might be you know just some good viewing when i'm up in heaven any chance of looking over the bat no i'm joking i don't know if there is a balcony but look you can understand can't you why people say yeah too right too right why there is a hell because someone like that what a wicked wicked pedophile and it should be no surprise to us should it he was a reprobate like all these other false religious leaders past and present okay they're reprobates but the problem is this so you're thinking well yeah but aren't they all like this look at the catholic priests look at the you know look at the mormon elders you know like 18 years old or look at the you know look at the jeho look at the watchtower and all their their you know all the pedophilia going on there look at pretty much every false religion and pedophilia at the highest level abuse and all sorts of filth so what's the difference well the difference is this his unclean lusts his perversions are not only out in the open but they're justified they're excused okay the rest of these organizations to some degree cover them up yes the the catholic nonsense they don't cover it up very much but there is still some amount of at least claiming to cover it up the difference with islam is it's accepted it's acknowledged he still worshipped that is messed up isn't it and that's a big difference then probably you don't have to turn that proverbs 17 15 says he that justifies the wicked and he that condemneth the just even they both through abomination to the lord okay so just justifying it just trying to find an excuse is an abomination to the lord okay it's abomination to the lord but it's worse than that because like i said you've got a religion of millions of people in this nation millions of people in this nation who accept that their greatest prophet was a pedophile by normal standards yeah but that's that's weird isn't it people who call him sinless people that call him not capable of serious if that's not serious sin i want to know what is yeah crazy isn't it and it makes you think of matthew 23 15 where he said why don't you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you come to see and learn to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves and and that's what's going on with all these followers of islam and twofold more because again like all these false religions it's rife rife with with child abuse absolutely wicked but with islam like i said they seem to be a lot more opening even amongst each other about it again for that reason they're so much more open even amongst each other so instead of it just being well you know the secret of the catholic priest the secret of you know whatever version it is you know false religion well with islam you've basically got grooming gangs of 20 30 plus men all just in on it together yeah absolutely fine about it but how do you how do you even get that out in conversation with 20 or 30 different guys down at your mosque or in your culture how do you how do you how does that conversation arise we're just going to go and start grooming some some you know english girls out there going to start plying them with whatever it is buying them drugs buying whatever it is they do how does that should i tell you how it gets that point when it's justified and excused across the religion that's how you that's how it gets to that point isn't that wicked absolutely wicked and they're a scourge proverbs 29 16 says when the wicked are multiplied transgression increases but the righteous shall see their full and amen to that yeah we will see their full and it will happen okay the title of my sermon today is combating the scourge of islam in the uk and it's definitely a scourge yeah i don't think anyone i hope is still sitting there thinking yeah but is it really a scourge it's just you know a different culture a different religion like we're we're brainwashed to think what do we do then what do we do do we do musk drive-bys throwing bacon do you remember people used to do that it's been a news page like what is wrong with it they used to like throw bits of pot what a waste of some tasty meat they used to people used to probably still do but there was like this or apparently the daily mail claim they used to do it many years ago do we campaign our government about immigration is that we need to do just campaign and no no we need to get rid of anyone coming in do we send soul winners into islamic strongholds because some people would think that's the answer many churches out there that think we got it we got to go to the most unreceptive islamic hellhole country and send some people in there to learn the language over 20 years and maybe get into a conversation about christ at the supermarket if they're lucky and they go around the houses 10 times and they might sow a seed if they're really lucky and let's be honest it probably doesn't ever happen or do we send our salt let's go down to summon a real muslim strike let's go to luton let's go to whatever you fill in the black let's go up into to oldham to bradford yeah and take a team there and waste our time and waste our time we could have been out getting people saved i'll go back to first samuel 7 where we started or where at least we didn't start but you you we had it read to us by brother dan because i believe that this scourge on the uk and much of europe comes down to us believers and god okay that's what it comes down to believers and god first samuel chapter 4 eli the judge of israel died along with his two sons and the philistines have taken the ark of the covenant okay but in chapter five they put the ark which is by the way containing the word of god next to their false god dagan but it destroys him so he topples over then his head gets cut off his hands get cut off and basically i was thinking about it when i was just looking through those chapters that's what happens when the muslim puts a bible beside their counterfeit quran and their false god allah it destroys them okay it destroys them so did the philistine invaders think hold on we're worshipping the wrong god is that what they thought look dagon's just toppling over this you know it's too powerful no they just said get rid of the ark yeah get rid of the ark get rid of god's word yeah you see see how this works here yeah get rid of god's word like the muslim says no it's corrupt it's corrupt yeah don't want to hear it no no not interested corrupt get rid of it and then over the next couple of chapters they basically eventually send it back to israel and with some weird you know golden mice and hemorrhoids and things like this and and it goes from beth shamesh to to kirjath jirim here in chapter seven okay so here we are in chapter seven and verse one and the men of kirjath jirim came and fetched up the ark of the lord and brought it into the house of minadab abinadab sorry in the hill and sanctified eliezer his son to keep the ark of the lord and it came to pass while the ark abode in kirjath jirim that the time was long for it was 20 years and all the house of israel lamented after the lord so the ark of god has pretty much gone from the land for a long time yeah as it's been sitting there quietly in the border town kirjath jirim and that's how it felt here didn't it didn't it feel like that the word of god was still here but it wasn't really going anywhere yeah where was the word of life before before this church before before some of us were getting together going out soul winning it just felt like nothing was really happening here yeah it felt like yeah the word of god might have been there in the border town somewhere the word of god was sitting there for 20 years but nothing was happening no one was doing anything it wasn't going anywhere yeah what was the result the philistines or the muslims started invading and multiplying in what was claiming some somewhere that was claiming to be a christian nation because this was claiming to be a christian nation we had the word of god here we've always had the word of god here but these philistines these muslims have been multiplying haven't they multiplying invading taking towns taking strongholds and of course it's not just islam but whilst our lily livid liberal liabilities lament after the lord which is what they've been doing our so-called pastors around here our so-called church leaders of some flavor or other the muslims are raiding and taking territory aren't they yeah like here they're lamenting after the lord well what our lot were lamenting off the lord oh god just do the muslims have just been multiplying the muslims have been taking areas what's the answer what's the answer well it takes someone like samuel to stand up and say to god's people what did he say to them here look at verse two well we're going to look at verse three in fact but you know he said he said get right with god yeah verse verse three it says as samuel spake unto all the house of israel saying if ye do return unto the lord with all your hearts then put away the strange gods and astro from among you and prepare your hearts unto the lord and serve him only and he will deliver you out of the hands of the philistines he said get right with god didn't he he said get right with god he said to god's people get right with god he's saying put away your nivs yeah put away your false gods put away your nivs your rsvs your esvs your nasvs whatever other v's yeah he said put them away put them away he's saying put away your tv preachers put away your clown tv preachers up there preaching love everyone and all their other nonsense and their fake miracles and the rest of it he's saying put it away he's saying put away your popularity put away your top career put away your riches put away your sports stars and serve him only that's what he's saying isn't he serve him only prepare your hearts unto the lord and serve him only he's saying get to church and get out soul winning isn't he serve him only and he will deliver you out of the hand of the philistines that's what he's saying to that nation he's saying get to church serve god get out there get soul winning and he will deliver you out of the hands of the muslim who's going to deliver us out of the hands of the muslim him god he will deliver you no you don't have to go and hang around the mosques with paksa bacon no you don't have to campaign the government about halal meat or something else no you don't have to you know go and hang around in bradford with a sign saying repent or something else yeah he's saying get right with god get serving god get doing the things that god clearly tells you to do and he will deliver you out the hand of the philistines then the children of israel did put away bail him in ash trough and serve the lord only so they didn't just do a bit more god and a bit less false god or idol did they okay well yeah i'll just reduce like you know the tv down a little bit i'll just reduce the fixation on getting rich i'll just reduce whatever it is whatever idol it is that they have in their lives that many many people here having their lives just just kind of let's tip the balances like like allah's you know sin balance just got to tip it that way a bit more no and the the children of israel did put away bail him in ash trough and served the lord only only they got right with god didn't they they got right with god and samuel said gather all israel to msp and i will pray for you unto the lord and they gathered together to msp and drew water and poured it out before the lord and fasted on that day and said there we have sinned against the lord and samuel judged the children of israel in msp they acknowledged their part in it didn't they they acknowledged their part in it we need pastors around this nation we need apathetic christians around this nation to say we have sinned against the lord yeah that's what we need and we need them to just go yeah we we haven't even we haven't even mentioned this we haven't even mentioned islam for for 20 30 40 years of preaching we need them to say we have sinned before the lord we need them to say we haven't even been out soul winning we've reduced it to handing out some tracks we've reduced it to singing some hymns in the high street we've reduced it to shakespeare players coming and doing something in the high street a brother was telling me about not long ago about a so-called church doing that i need to say we have sinned before the lord and we need to get out and start preaching the gospel again like god told us to we need to get out and start serving god properly we need to make sure we're going to church not just the sunday morning tick box sunday morning tick box church done back to my week you know i might i might might read a verse now and again if my bible app sends it to me you get back to reading the bible turning up at church when it's on serving god putting away the sin putting away the false gods the idols out of our lives and then he said he said and he will deliver you out of the land of the of the hand of the philistines and when the philistines heard that the children of israel were gathered together to miss p verse 7 the lords of philistines went up against israel and when the children of israel heard it they were afraid of the philistines and look these eye patch wearing hook wielding guys in dresses can be pretty scary can't they that's pretty freaky that's like something out of a that's like something out of a horror movie these female ninjas look scary don't they it's waiting for the kung fu kick to come out it can be pretty scary i'll tell you what on a serious night these grooming gangs can put a lot of parents in fear can't they yeah they put a lot of parents in fear and understandably yeah because look they're unscrupulous in what they do but you don't have to be afraid if you're right with god okay you don't have to be afraid if you're right with god verse 8 says and the children of israel said to samuel cease not to cry to the lord our god for us that he will save us out of the hand of the philistines why are they asking samuel to cry unto the lord why are they asking samuel well look at verse 9 and samuel took a sucking lamb and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the lord and samuel cried unto the lord for israel and the lord heard him because samuel is a saved man of god what's the burnt offering of a lamb a picture of yeah salvation it's a picture of salvation it's a picture of the lamb of god which takes away the sins of the world that's what sam samuel is then showing a picture of salvation samuel's a man of god samuel's basically preaching the gospel there as well he's a man of god preaching the gospel serving god that's why he's able to cry unto the lord yeah he's saved and he's right with god he's a saved man of god that's why the lord heard him and that's why the lord will hear everyone here too that's why the lord will hear everyone here too instead of sitting around cursing our nation because we can all do that can't we we can sit around and just curse our nation and moan and whinge it's done it's gone oh well you know the the tribulation is coming any day soon anyway it's done instead of that we should be crying unto the lord for england shouldn't we and i say england because england is is is where the the biggest concentrations of them are yeah we should be crying unto the lord for england oh but it's such a wicked place yeah but it's our wicked place yeah it's our wicked place yeah everyone here that lives here and i know we've got some visitors from scotland let's include the uk it's our wicked place isn't it yeah where we raise our children and where they're going to raise their children and where their children are going to raise their children let's not give up on it yet yeah let's not give up on it turn of genesis chapter 18 because abraham even interceded for those wicked wicked city sodom and gomorrah yeah he even interceded now why did he intercede well you would imagine it's because of lot okay it was because of his cousin lot but or nephew lot but both but he's still interceded didn't he okay look all of us here well most of us here are going to have family members still living and growing up and having other families in this nation yeah we should be wanting to intercede shouldn't we in genesis 18 the lord is about to wipe out all of those disgusting perverts there okay but abraham starts partnering with him look at verse 22 and the men turned their faces from thence and went towards sodom but abraham stood yet before the lord and abraham drew near and said wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked pair adventure there be 50 righteous within the city will they also destroy and not spare the place for the 50 righteous that are therein so he's saying look just say there are 50 right there are 50 saved people in the city would you also destroy it then or would you not spare it for those 50 righteous that be far from me to do after this manner to stay the righteous with the wicked and that the righteous should be as a wicked that be far from me shall not the judge of all the earth do right so he's praying there he's pleading he's he's he's interceding he's basically bartering with god and the lord said if i find in sodom 50 righteous within the city then i will spare all the place for their sakes so god was willing to spare that those wicked basically dens of sodomites yeah if there were 50 righteous there okay now you go okay so 50 righteous well you know what it wasn't just 50 righteous because this continues and for sake of time we're not going to continue through there we'll jump forward because abraham continues to barter he goes to 45 to 40 to 30 to 20 and then eventually look at verse 32 and he said oh not let not the lord be angry and i will speak yet but this once peradventure 10 shall be found there and he said i will not destroy it for 10 sake and the lord went his way as soon as he had left communion with abraham and abraham returned unto his place so god was willing to spare sodom for two reasons abraham requesting it because look he didn't just well abraham look he gave abraham that chance and abraham did that and number two was 10 righteous people there got down to 10 righteous he was willing to spare the example of just an absolute hellhole yeah full of just filthy perverts and he was going to spare it if had there been 10 righteous people there but there weren't 10 righteous people there i mean it doesn't have a happy ending well it does have a happy ending really it depends which way you want to look at it it does have a happy ending because that place needed to be wiped out and that should be an example to those that will live ungodly afterwards shouldn't it yeah that should be an example to everyone unfortunately people seem to be ignoring that example but what's the lesson what's the lesson from that increase the righteous in the uk and ask god for help yeah increase the righteous in the uk and ask god for help don't just you know almost take pleasure and we can all do this can't we just ah it's just such a wicked place it's you know that's all your conversation it's terrible look we should want it to be better shouldn't we we should be praying to god for this nation and we should be increasing the righteous in this nation go back to first samuel seven samuel cried unto the lord yeah and what was the result so first samuel seven and from verse 10 and as samuel was offering up the burnt offering the philistines drew near to battle against israel but the lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the philistines and discomforted them and they were smitten before israel and the men of israel went out of mispe and pursued the philistines and smote them until they came under bethcar then samuel took a stone and set it between mispe and shen and called the name of ebeneezer saying hitherto had the lord helped us we don't need to be rang with muslims do we we don't need to be finding interface solutions either we need to be serving god increasing the righteous crying out to god and the lord will help us yeah the lord will help us how will he help us how will he heal our land i don't know exactly how how he could and how he would i know that he could i know that he would maybe a more wicked nation will offer a better benefit package yeah maybe there'll be a burqa ban here i don't know maybe maybe something like that maybe not maybe maybe halal meat will get banned too you know he could do anything he could do anything but it's based it's based upon us isn't it it's based on what we do how we respond yeah how we combat it then god will do it for us yeah but i know he's capable that's why on the front of your bulletins you have second chronicle 714 which says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land that's the truth isn't it if we if if those which are called by my name christians that's what we're referring to now christians shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land and that's what we want don't we want this land to be healed so the philistines verse 13 where you are were subdued and they came no more into the coast of israel and the hand of the lord was against the philistines all the days of samuel and the cities which the philistines had taken from israel were restored to israel from ekron even unto gath and the kosar of did israel deliver out of the hands of the philistines and there was peace between israel and the amorites there could be a day when bradford lute and oldham are all emptied or at least we stem the tide into other places even the atheists would be happy here it's the amorites yeah there are other groups that maybe maybe we would even i think most would be happy with that wouldn't they verse 15 says and samuel judge israel all the days of his life and he went from year to year and circuit to bethel and gilgal and miss p and judge israel in all those places but the work wouldn't stop there is it would it so it's not right you know we do it we pray we get right and then that's it because that's what's probably happened before isn't it in many nations and we see it in israel a lot where it does well and then the next generation stop look the word of god needs to go out regularly to the whole nation doesn't it yeah it needs to go out regularly to the whole nation and this is the start of things here but look at this because it is the start verse 17 his return was to ramah for there was his house and there he judges israel there he built an altar unto the lord because it starts here yeah it starts here in the house of god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth yeah and if we can't get it right if we can't in a church here preaching the whole council of god yeah preaching the word preaching the truth sending people out going so if we can't get things right if we can't pray for our land if we can't serve god coming out of a church like this if we can't do things right if we can't increase the righteous from here then what chance everyone else got in the nation so it comes down to us doesn't it so we can look at it oh these muslims or whatever you fill in the blank yeah because there are many other there are many other wicked religions out there we're talking about islam today because it's so massive but look it's the same it's the same with all of them and look if we can't get it right here then the rest of the country is doomed isn't it let's get right let's make sure we add it into our prayers let's make sure we're getting right with god let's make sure we're serving god let's make sure we're taking advantage of having a three services church now let's make sure we take advantage of having soul-winning times of having people willing to give up their time week in week out to run soul-winning times and turn up and get out and get preaching increase the righteousness and make this a better nation for our children yeah how do we combat the scourge of islam in the uk we get right we get soul-winning we get praying on that let's pray father thank you uh thank you for just the great examples you give in your bible that we know that every word of god is pure that we can just look back in the in the old testament and and see see things which we can apply to our lives today and and we're not even taking liberties with it either it's just such a such a good example of how we can we can make changes in our nation um we here as as your people and that you care you look down upon us you want us you want things to improve but you want us to get right as well you want us to make sure we're doing things right um we pray that you just help help this nation that you help us you you you just help help rid this this land of all these wicked false religions but of which one of the most dangerous ones one of the biggest scourge of is is islam we pray that you'll you'll help us when we are out preaching the gospel when we come across these people to know whether they're a time waster whether they are people that really do want to actually hear the word of god and although they're few and far between they are out there we pray that you help us to preach the gospel to those people but also not to just focus on them and neglect all the many others out there that that actually want to hear the word of god that haven't already put up barriers that want to hear what what your gospel is and we pray that you help us to start that today this afternoon going out preaching the word of god to those that want to hear it preaching loud preaching boldly preaching clearly help us to get many people saved to return back this evening service in Jesus name pray all of this amen