(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so John chapter 7 I'd like to look at verse 24 which is a verse we're going to focus on specifically so John chapter 7 and verse 24 which reads judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment and the title of my sermon today is choosing jobs hobbies and entertainment choosing jobs hobbies and entertainment so let's go to the Lord you know in a another quick word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you thank you for this church building thank you for all the people here please just fill me with your spirit now please help me this just preach accurately boldly help me to preach that the message that you've laid on my heart I feel you've laid on my heart today and help people to just have understanding ears and hearts and I want to apply this to their lives as well in Jesus' name we pray all this Amen I got asked a question the other day while we're doing some of this work by someone just asked me a question something that hadn't actually heard for a long time I've been sort of surrounded by probably very like-minded believers for a long time it was just someone who from a different church background had asked this question as well and the question was what's the biblical view or what's your view on things like fight sports and and it's something that you know I thought actually that's probably a good shout for something that could be talked about among other things because I've been asked recently people ask questions about jobs and about other hobbies and if you think this is okay what do you think about this sort of job so yeah it made me think well yeah that's something that we need to preach about don't we something that needs preaching people kind of have a few questions about these sorts of things and there's a lot of bad teaching out there isn't there there's a lot of there's a lot of funny sorts of teachers out there that make their own rules up as they go along but we're to judge righteous judgment aren't we that's what Jesus said here so it's something I want to talk about today and like I said there are a lot of decisions that we make in life that aren't necessarily black and white but it doesn't say thou shalt or thou shalt not in the Bible so we make a judgment on it don't we and we have free will to make a judgment on many things but especially in these areas of life I think this is a common question a common thing jobs hobbies entertainment those sorts of things so with that in mind let's have a look down at John chapter 7 and just see where what's been going on here so says in verse 14 John 7 14 now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught okay so the Feast of Tabernacles by the way is an eight-day feast so this is after four days and the Jews marveled saying how knoweth this man letters having never learned Jesus answered them and said my doctrine is not mine but his sent me if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and no one righteousness is in him did not Moses give you the law and yet none of you keepeth the law why go ye about to kill me so he's pointing out the hypocrisy here yeah the people answered said now has a devil who goeth about to kill thee did you hear that there they said thou has a devil they've just called Jesus Christ possessed possessed with a devil to just let's just quickly just put that in context what that means when someone says that if you turn over to Mark chapter 3 but keep a finger there so they just said the people answered and said thou hast a devil who goeth about to kill thee so Mark chapter 3 and from verse 28 Jesus said this mark 3 28 verily I sound to you all sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men and blasphemies wherewithsoever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation because they said he hath an unclean spirit now just so you understand this point here he's not saying right if you're saved and you said this you lose your salvation you cannot lose your salvation verily verily I stand to you he that believeth of me hath everlasting life you have everlasting life the second you put your faith in Jesus Christ what he's saying here is that people that people are able to be forgiven yeah people are able to be forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ ultimately yeah up until their dying day except for certain situations one of those situations is someone that has blasphemed the Holy Spirit by calling Jesus Christ possessed is saying he has a devil the second you're doing that you're given over to a reprobate mind okay you are unable to be saved you are done it's you're done in dust it seems if you're adding and removing words from the Bible same is obviously if you change the truth of God into a lie etc and all those things which go along with Romans 1 these are what we call reprobates okay reprobates and that's someone that cannot be saved so he's not saying you can lose your salvation but these people that we've just seen it over in John chapter 7 they're saying that he has a devil so these are reprobates that he's talking to yeah okay so we're going to reprobate here go back to John 7 and verse 21 where it says Jesus answered and said unto them I have done one work in ye all marvel Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision not because it is of Moses but of the fathers in ye on the Sabbath day circumcise a man if a man on the Sabbath day received circumcision that the law of Moses should not be broken are you angry at me because I've made a man every whit hole on the Sabbath day so he's saying that where circumcision was done on the eighth day yeah I think most people probably understand that you know the the Old Testament law there was a child was to be circumcised on the eighth day eighth day now that would often obviously there's a one in seven chance that that's going to fall on a Saturday which was a Sabbath day when it fell on a Saturday they still circumcised them that was a choice they made to do they still circumcised them now keep a finger there and turn back to John 5 which is a person he's talking about here the person that they're saying he healed he's referring to this man from John chapter 5 again keep a finger there though we're going to John 5 and from verse 15 so he's just healed what's what's called an impotent or an invalid basically okay he's just healed this guy and verse 15 says John 5 15 the man departed told the Jews that it was Jesus which had made him whole and therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus has sought to slay him because he had done these things on the Sabbath day but Jesus answered them my father worketh hitherto and I work therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he not only had broken the Sabbath but said also that God was his father making himself equal with God so basically how ridiculous that they want to kill him for healing a man I mean it's absolutely ridiculous isn't it he's just healed and invalid and they want to kill him but even more so considering where we were that that was just a reference go back to where we were in John 7 it said in verse 19 did not Moses give you the law and yet none of you keepeth the law why go ye about to kill me so they had decided that circumcision on the eighth day was okay that was their choice to mate they you know you they think they've judged right judgment yet they're saying you can't heal a man on the Sabbath day how absolutely bizarre isn't it absolutely bizarre but people do this don't know they make their own rules up they decide what what they think is okay and what isn't judge verse 24 where we were in John John 7 says he said judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment so Jesus Christ says just basically say how ridiculous yeah how ridiculous that I've just healed a guy and you're you want to kill me because I healed a guy now obviously these are reprobates yeah but many people know they don't have to be a reprobate to just get these sorts of areas completely wrong okay and that like I said there's a lot of bad teacher there so how do we judge righteous judgment when it comes to areas like work hobbies entertainment because they're basically two sides of the scale with this if you've ever spoken to either Christians or so-called Christians as we call them you've got the liberal evangelical type the sort of the world is there for you to enjoy if it feels good do it no no bother at all forget all those those rules and laws and edges do what you like yeah do what you like you say it's grace man you're in grace yeah so you've got that type then you've got the hypocritical make your own rules type yeah the holier the now that we see in all areas of Christianity and a lot of the time they're absolutely wicked yet they still like to pretend they're not and make their own rules up okay and then we've got everywhere in between yeah but we want to judge righteous judgment yeah okay everyone here I hope you see you know I want to judge righteous judgment I don't want to be influenced by this or influenced by that well how do we judge what you started where does righteousness come from where does righteous judgment come from the Word of God doesn't it yeah the Word of God that's where it comes from the Word of God but like we said it's not always a thou shalt and thou shalt not is that it's not always and I know some of you here done this when you google what does the Bible say about yeah okay you're not necessarily gonna get a clear verse in it are you you might get someone who tries to claim it's a clear verse in it but it's not necessarily a clear verse on it okay so what you do well what do I do about this because the Bible doesn't even mention this what do I do about it well you know what you can do make sure you read your Bible because the more you're in the Word of God the more you're going to be able to judge righteous judgment the more you read the Word of God and the more you live the Word of God as well yeah it's not like I've said many times not just reading the Word of God now in the first area that we want to know about this is choosing a job okay how about choose your job because there are there are kids here they're gonna be choose your job soon they're unemployed here I'm sure there are people that maybe you're thinking about changing jobs so how do you choose a job which you think is okay with God and a lot of I just need God's will I'll put the I'll put the fleece out and see if it's got Jew on it oh you know I'll do something I'm you know maybe God's gonna keep God just give me a sign you know and then you see it you see a workable oh okay right that's it it's building yeah okay but is that is that the way we really should do it no we just want to judge righteous shall we have free will to choose a job yeah you will have free will okay but but what sort of things well the first thing you need to do is strike off the clear commanded no type of jobs yeah okay and there are some clear jobs that we shouldn't do they doesn't say thou shalt not do this job but there are some things that we shouldn't be doing aren't there in the Bible okay so first things first let's turn to Proverbs 23 and many of you will probably know why we've turning to Proverbs 23 some of you might not don't worry if you don't because Proverbs 23 makes it clear that you cannot be getting a job that involves alcoholic drinks okay you want to be nowhere near a job that involves alcoholic drinks Proverbs 23 and from 29 verse 29 says who have woe who have sorrow who have contentions who have babbling who have wounds without cause who have redness of eyes they that tarry long at the wine they that go to seek mixed wine look not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself awry that means don't look at alcoholic wine that means don't look at fermented grape juice that means don't look at any fermented juice that means don't look at alcoholic drinks yeah that's pretty clear wouldn't you say look not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself awry that means you can't sell it that means you can't serve it because you can't do any of that without looking at it can you okay and why would you want to why would you want to give that to someone yeah why would you want to be involved in any sort of industry where you're serving people up this poison in a bottle poison in a clark glass poison in a in a can yeah it's horrible isn't it it wrecks lives it ruins lives we all know it ruins lives why would you want to be involved in an industry that does that okay and there are many industries that do this not just okay well I can't be a bartender what about a way to a waitress at a restaurant people get smashed when they drink meals I've seen it many times yeah and there are many other places aren't there do you want to work in an off license serving booze you want to work now okay you know some people would say well should you really be working behind a checkout in a supermarket ringing through the beers for people ringing through the vodka's and everything else I would say no I don't think so and again if you if you think there's a reason why you could justify it tell me I don't think I don't want to serve alcohol I don't want to look at it I'm told not to even look at it well on to thee that giveth his neighbor drink yeah what so why do I want to give any one alcohol and get involved with that so that that crosses off quite a lot of jobs doesn't it but isn't that good oh well yeah but but that's the only thing my kids gonna get is a Saturday job will get them another to find something else there are other things out there yeah so why why though why why is why not alcohol it's not that bad is it yeah just you drink a little bit to get relaxed you know there's responsible drinkers aren't there out there because verse 32 says that the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder but I know I shall behold strange women in thine heart shall utter perverse sings yea thou shalt be and see that life down in the midst of the sea whereas he that life upon the top of a mask they have stricken me shout thou say and I was not sick they have beaten me and I felt it not when shall I awake I will seek it yet again and that's the results of alcohol why do you want to get involved with that rubbish I've been working here as you know this week and I'll be doing some late nights here and doing some stuff in the car park and we have a pub right across the road there don't we oh wow there's stuff I've seen stuff I've heard people what I mean on one day we had a guy in the middle of the day wander into the car park and I heard him and I think I want him I think I might have I want him and I think I heard him went out and the guys about to urinate just in our car park what you doing you caught me out what you mean I caught you out we do oh you caught me out I was just gonna just gonna you know go for a whatever and then and then it was all we do that's disgusting oh sorry walks off yeah not long after you know next guy starts shouting something across the road and they're outside you outside there outside the pole you just think you wow like like I mean just seeing that is reason enough yeah and another guy the other day we had some broken chairs smashing them with a mallet why don't you give those to charity instead of smash them up yeah so you're welcome to if you like what you can rig them up yeah yeah I'll tell you what come and get them or you could call them up they'll come and collect it you know you're like well how about you call them up yeah I'll tell you what they're broken they're moldy but if you want to go and then that's the end he's actually that was a holier than now alcoholic yeah that's holier than now alcoholic outside apartment don't know I mean that those I mean that part of it's got some characters isn't it but but why would you want to get involved in anything that that the result is that and so many like so many of those guys they probably started off as teenage kids and their parents can hey well they can have a little drink oh it's all right isn't it I'll buy you the beer yo you 15 now I'll buy at 16 or whatever it is it's all I'll buy for you yeah yeah so you just have a bit of fun with your mates and look at the state of them now they're the state of those guys yeah they are like the picture of ill health aren't they and the rest that goes with it so obviously we don't want to get involved in anything that that involves alcohol Turner Proverbs chapter 12 Proverbs chapter 12 okay Proverbs 12 22 reads lying lips of abomination to the Lord but they that deal truly are his delight see that again lying lips are abomination to the Lord but they that deal truly is the light abomination is something he hates yeah he despises he hates lying lips and let's be honest a lot of people lie a lot don't know a lot of people it's just their reaction just lie just lie they're just the lies just come out their mouth get them out of whatever it is trying to argue a point or anything else lie lie lie well that means you don't want to be getting a job where you need to be dishonest in that job where your boss wants you to be dishonest where you can't not be dishonest you don't want to get a job where you have to lie now that for me would cut out probably a lot of sales type jobs not all of them but there's a lot of sales jobs where it's just bare-faced lies isn't it well just tell them this just tell they're just lying about their product lying about many things a lot of advertisement is just lying isn't it yeah so again I'm not gonna listen there's not a job that you can't do it but you need to judge righteous judgment don't ya yeah and you need to be wise about that you don't want to get into a job invest a lot of interest in something where there's a big chance you're gonna have to be dishonest you're gonna have to be lying anything in in the news media is pretty much ruled out then isn't it yeah anything in our lying mainstream media I don't think you want to really be getting involved with any sort of job in any form of government I think that pretty much rules out doesn't it as well I mean you might find some that doesn't but I don't I think that's a lot of it what but there are a lot of unscrupulous companies not just sales things like that I mean I mean you think about it what about the guys that knock knock around your house and start telling you oh you got a tile off on your roof you know next thing you know it's a five grand bill or something else I'm not saying you can't be a roofer but be aware of who you're working for as well yeah you don't want to be working for people like that you don't want to be there ripping people off being dishonest being told well don't tell them but actually there was only a couple of chipped tiles but we're gonna tell it or whatever it is that you want to make sure and when someone does it you need to be saying no I'm not lying yeah make a stand like and obviously you could think about a hundred different jobs and I hope people aren't in jobs right now where they need to lie at times to keep their job or to impress their boss or and if you are you need to cut out the long if you can't do that with that job you need to find a new job don't you because it's an abomination to the Lord lying lips of abomination not just our world lying look yeah we we've played it down in our in our world now haven't we and I look I remember when I was growing up I remember adults and whether obviously they were lying but they would say I do not lie I'm you know my word is my bond yeah what I say don't you dare cook people used to get really out don't you dare call me a lot you know don't I will not I do not like people used to try and live like that yeah they used to try now obviously they failed yeah yeah everyone's lied and they yeah but but people tried yeah people had some they had some integrity about that when they wanted to at least try their best not to be a liar nowadays it's just yeah just lie I've heard Christians I've had people around this church before well pastor can I just just just say this why don't you just say this to that but why don't you just say this to that person your job or this and that why don't you not why don't you could why don't you realize that the Bible says it's an abomination you talk to people I've talked to Christians who you ask something or talk to them or maybe you pull them up on something first things a lie straight out of mouth like them get out of it like just automatic lie that's wicked yes and you know when you're talking something you like look we both know you're lying yeah I know you're lying you know you're lying but I can't prove you're lying so we just have to play this game yeah we have to play this game where we have to pretend that that you didn't lie because I can't prove you're lying how frustrating is that but how many of us can do that yeah every Chris is able to do that let's cut that and we want to make sure we're not going into a job where you have to do that yeah it's abomination to the law turn to 1st Corinthians 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5 from verse 11 so obviously this is about people that that are not welcome in a church 1st Corinthians 5 11 says but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother okay remember this is talking about Christians be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one know not to eat so if we're told not to keep company and you're told that you're going to be kicked out the church if you are one of those that rules out a few jobs there doesn't it as well for you what about a railer again that's the news media out again isn't it so if you're you know haha for what you see the news media is railing on someone or some railing is always dishonest okay dishonest lies slander etc and what about extortioner so we've talked about this before debt collectors now look it's not that every debt collectors an extortioner but some are extorting people aren't they some oh you know you you owed a few quid you couldn't pay it and next thing you know they're adding on 500 pounds and sending people around to remove your goods taking away your bed etc yeah okay it's wrong isn't it yeah it's wrong what about what about like we said car clampers and again look some people have like we have a private car park if we didn't have a gate there you can imagine that would get pretty annoying wouldn't it because there would be people parking it South End it seems you have to pay for parking until midnight on a Sunday or something I mean it's absolutely ridiculous running but but look yeah maybe we're clamped someone maybe it'd be worth getting a camping company and but I wouldn't be getting a camping company that's charging them 500 600 thousand pounds how about look signs up and a clamp for and giving them like a reasonable release maybe the price of double parking for the day or something like that and tell them look just don't do it because that's what you got to do I don't know so but look there are sometimes reasons for it but there's a big difference between that and some of those firms which are literally they're tying away your car because you've parked in the wrong place and didn't read the sign people that are just giving you these huge bills because you didn't see the small print that said that you couldn't stop there for longer than 10 minutes I mean that's just extortion isn't it and a lot of time it's dishonest as well at the same time isn't it and and look with that extortion or covetousness there's a lot of like loan type companies some of the finance industry is wicked isn't it yeah and again you need to be making sure that the company you're working for that you're not having to do any of that sort of stuff and do you should do some due diligence shouldn't you and I know you're starting to think this is kind of narrowing down can I even get a job self-employed that's about it isn't it well I'm not saying that but you should at least do some diligence shouldn't you okay look okay some look I'm not saying they're not going to be dishonest yeah most people sadly are aren't they yeah but you want to make sure you don't have to in your place of work yeah there's nothing that you're doing which is partaking in any of these sorts of sins obvious no-brainers would be nothing to do in the abortion clinic yeah obvious Lee yeah nothing to do with that industry at all thou shalt not kill okay it's murder plain and simple life starts at conception we don't have to go into a study to prove that today it's clear as day in the Bible is it not anyone who's unsure about that then please you're happy to talk to you after obviously nothing to do with that but it is a contentious one okay say you let's give a recent example say you lived in Cambodia yeah during the reign of Pol Pot anyone anyone not aware of who that is actually no one's gonna want to put their hand oh yeah yeah no exactly okay so basically this was like a wicked Marxist dictator you're talking about you know massive murders and and this is a wicked wicked person and his army was a wicked army okay now say say you live during that period you're a Christian we're joining his army have been okay would that been all right no okay so he's he's he's going around murdering people that you know I think I don't think this is just based on our news media I think it's pretty common knowledge that was a wicked regime okay no our wicked regime and you could think about many wicked regimes throughout history now you might be a Christian already in the army okay and then you know we'll talk about that in a minute but say would you just join that no okay how about you were saved in oh say you're saved in modern-day false Israel okay and say you're saved in Israel and you're you you now think yeah well I wouldn't mind and you're not maybe you'll be on conscription I think they can they make them they make them join don't they do military service but say you choose you decide okay I'm gonna join the army and start shooting Palestinians at throw stones and you know and and I'm gonna start displacing people out of homes because we've decided we said would that be okay you know it would be okay I don't think that would be okay I don't think that would be an okay job okay so I think everyone agrees with that what's your tipping point then for the military what's your tipping point because what about what about our military here oh fine upstanding people give me a poppy now give me a poppy to show my support for our UK military well what about if you're in Iraq and you're responsible for the murder of about a million Iraqi children and families is that okay if you know you know the politics of it and I don't think you have you don't have to be the brain of Britain do you to realize that that was just basically grabbing land this taking over an economy taking over a nation with some blatant lies about weapons of mass destruction I mean I don't think this is even open for debate anymore is it people just accept it and just oh yeah just forget that you know brush that one under the carpet you know but but they must be telling the truth about other wars yeah well say what about half the rest of the ones they claim weapons of mass structure the rest of it so would that be okay because when you're joining that you're basically part of that aren't you and now you're being oh well it's warfare is it really warfare though is it warfare when you just invade a country it's no threat to yours okay sometimes that in an army you're gonna have to fight but look when you look you want to at least do some due diligence about what you're joining don't you for me that's what I think now turn to Luke chapter 3 I would say bombing Iraqi chill women and children that's just a recent example cuz I don't think there's any debate about the lies that sent people there and the amount of innocent civilians have got killed I would say just because you got a uniform on with either a Union Jack on it or any other Western nation flag I don't think that makes it okay Luke 3 and verse 10 they're getting saved yeah baptized by John he's telling them to live right okay so they're getting saved and baptized he's telling them how they should live how they should go on and live for God now what if you're already in the military yeah what if you're already in the military and you're asked to do these things what if you get saved and you're in the military so what you do well sometimes it's not so easy though is it sometimes you know you're on you're on a contract and things like that you have some problems that well stay in it if you can do it without sinning I'm not saying look if you could if you think you can do a job in the military maybe you can maybe transfer to a different regiment or something else but you feel that you can do that job without sinning then look sure but we shouldn't be aiming to sin should we we shouldn't be say oh well it doesn't matter I'm already there now what did Jesus say or at least John here sorry and the people asked him saying what shall we do then Luke 3 verse 10 he answered the saith unto them he that hath two coats let him impart to him that hath none and he that hath me let him do likewise then came also publicans be baptized and said unto him master what shall we do now these were tax collectors what's he say to them and he sent them exact no more than that which is appointed you so no more extortion yeah don't extort people you stay in a job and not extort people go ahead look there's taxes is taxes wicked Joseph implemented taxes didn't he okay I don't think taxes themselves are wicked it's how you go about collecting what they do with them and everything else it's wicked isn't it okay verse 14 the soldiers likewise demanded of him saying and what shall we do and he said unto them do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages okay now when it says do violence to no man all right well they can't fight no violence if you turn to Genesis 6 let's have a quick look at this Genesis chapter 6 and from verse 9 Genesis 6 9 says these are the generations of Noah Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations and Noah walked with God and Noah begat three sons Shem Ham and Japheth the earth also was corrupt before God in the earth was filled with violence and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and God said unto Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth okay is he going to destroy them because maybe they're I don't know they're they're having play fights too much maybe they're you know maybe a few people have gone around and slapped some around the face or something else no he's talking about wickedness okay violence that's the first use of word in the Bible it was so wicked that he destroyed him and bear in mind he commands his children as the children of Israel to go out and kill many nations okay so it's all well I'll go to war he's right he's talking about like wicked voice talking about all sorts of filth and disgusting and horrible things that's that's the usage of the word violence here it's not say like the world use it now that any things that's not just complete passive and never saying boo to a goose okay so back where we were it was the violence caused God to destroy the world with a flood to destroy everything in it behind the people in the arm that's the sort of violence he said do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages because of course the pacifists love to go to this as if like you you can't you know you can never defend yourself or anything else well he's in he's in the army so he's saying don't basically go around abusing people beating them doing wicked things because you have the power of being in the army now or being a soldier now like I said obvious exceptions would be actual warfare wouldn't they okay actual warfare against other trained soldiers okay I don't consider that for me like otherwise it goes against things like Roman 13 and other things that's not murder okay that's not murder we kind of around is killing innocent civilians is okay he said do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages so don't force the accused again that rules out most of you the UK's military campaigns or at least those that are involved in that part of it and they're falsely accusing and everything else he's saying neither neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages so what's this about being content with your wages well turn to 1st Timothy chapter 6 so you're saved you're in a job be content with your wages 1st Timothy chapter 6 now while you're turning I'm gonna read Matthew 6 24 which says no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and mammon so looking for a job that will provide for your family is sensible isn't it yeah that's sensible thing oh well I better go and get the lowest paid job so I'm not focusing on money no look you want to be able to provide for your family provide for yourself provide for whoever it is whatever it is you need to you need to do but focusing on money is where it goes wrong isn't it if your focus your your whole the top of your list is right money which is a highest paid job you can have a problem aren't you in life okay that's the problem and obviously when you're in a job and you're being paid you need to you need to be content with your wages okay well first Timothy 6 9 says but godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out and having food and raiment let us be there with content we need to learn contentment don't we yeah we need to learn contentment because many people aren't content with that are they they're not content they want more they want more and look once you start getting into that snare chasing money it's never enough verse 9 but they that will be rich fall into temptation as they're into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition so basically if you're obsessed if your goal is to be rich your goal is to be richer they that will be rich you fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition so like I said look yeah we need money to live don't we yeah you're focusing on being rich the Bible says it's gonna go wrong for you okay and that's the important thing to remember when we're raising our kids as well why is that well verse 10 says for the love of money is a root of all evil which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows but thou a man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness the Bible's clear isn't it about that yeah really clear about that yet how many people will still be focusing money money money how do I get more money how do you really need that money is it really going to make a difference your life I'll tell you it will make a difference it will make a negative difference if that's what you're seeking after that's what you're chasing after so looking for a job obviously that doesn't need to be our focus so as long as a job isn't obviously sinful yeah as long as we're not just focusing on money well how about a job though because is that okay is that okay is that all well how about a job that keeps you from church how about you choose a job you go for a job your job prevents you going to church is that okay no Hebrews 12 24 says and let us consider one another to provoke unto you'd have to turn everyone knows these verses unto love unto good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as a manner of summies but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching look the Bible is clear about that isn't it we should not be forsaking the the assembling of ourselves together so if your job does that you need to think either how you can change that job how you can get a new job how you can do something with that job so that it doesn't keep you from church otherwise you're in sin yeah and if you're choosing a job that does that well you're out of God's will aren't you straight away okay you're not going to be blessed for that you it's not going to go well for you because God wants us in church it doesn't have to be this church well everyone's got to find it look go to another church if you like as long as it's a proper church as long as it's a proper church what about a job that keeps you away from your family about that is that okay okay it doesn't say thou shalt not get a job that will let's judge righteous judgment with that turn to Proverbs chapter 4 more you turn now I'm gonna read Ephesians 6 4 which says in you father's provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord that's father's having a hand in raising their kids yeah okay clearly look at Proverbs chapter 4 and from verse 1 Proverbs 4 1 reads hear ye children the instruction of a father and attend to no understanding for I give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law for I was my father's son tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother he talked to me also and said unto me let thine heart retain my words keep my commandments and live so going off and working on an oil rig because it pays you well oh well no because they got a little church group meeting now or something else would it be okay would it yeah and look by the way that doesn't mean right guys got look for a part-time job you got to look for a part-time job on your doorstep because I see in the Bible I see 12-hour days yeah I see I see basically every time they're talking about men going out and working they're working 12-hour days I'm not saying okay man you gotta go and find 12-hour shift jobs as well what I am saying is judge righteous judgment with that okay don't look at that alright that's it now I need to okay part-time job as long as you know as long as we have food arraignment but we don't have a roof over our head and we don't have anything I'm saying just just get try and get things right yeah if you can work and you can still raise your kids and you have to maybe work a bit further you have to do some longer hours sometimes but then maybe you get more time off maybe you give your whole weekends to your family or something else but that can still work on it it's not that all right I've got to be there every every day I've got to be there for breakfast lunch dinner I've got to find a way to be home that's not what it's saying is it but what it is saying is that fathers do have a have a responsibility to raise their children as well and if you're just going for a job where you're nowhere near you've just moving away or whatever else you know just just don't even see your kids you're out of God's will as well aren't you and that for me is not judging righteous judgment okay how about women working women working wicked isn't it how evil well look yeah ultimately yeah the Bible teaches that wives wives yeah especially I don't think they should be working look at a turn of Titus 2 which is talking about the older women in the church being an example to the younger so Titus 2 and from verse 4 Titus 2 4 says talk about the older women teaching younger that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands at the word of God be not blaspheme so this is obviously the ideal here isn't it yeah that's the ideal men you need to be finding a way to provide for your wife like those that are married or planning to get married to be providing for your wife to be providing for your children for your wife to be a keeper at home for your wife to be able to there to be there loving her children okay because look at the end of the day are we loving our children we're just shoving them off to strangers to look after it is that loving our children really is it loving our children when when we see a minimal minimal time possible so we can have a bit extra cash so I can you know be be the woman who's got this job because they keep asking me what job I got and I just feel a bit insecure just being a mum a bit of mum is an amazing thing yeah it is an amazing thing it is an honor it's a glory it's something you should be really you should be proud of really without using the word wrongly there but you should have some self-respect that being a mum and being I'll tell you what being a stay-at-home mum yeah is is I could never I could never do that job impossible for me I would be pulling my hair out within I'm pulling my hair out within a few hours okay honestly yeah it is so hard it's so difficult there's so many things that they're having to deal with and look it's such an honor and a glory yet so poisoned in this world to believe that you're somehow failing if you're a mum you're somehow a failure because you're looking after your kids at home and you're trying to teach him and trying to trying to be there for them and everything else look they should be getting taught to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blaspheme first Timothy turn there to first Timothy 5 and this is talking about widows this is talking about widows who aren't the older widows under 60 it's saying but the younger widows refuse first Timothy 5 11 for when they have began to wax wanton against Christ they will marry having damnation because they have cast off their first faith and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but tackle is also a busybodies speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully so he didn't say to him oh yeah younger women you better go out and get a job yeah find someone family friends something else schooling system etc look after the kids get out they get working no he said find a husband find a husband get married and be a keeper at home and that is the most honorable thing you could do as a lady okay that's the best thing you do being God's will and be a great mum be a great mum be a great wife okay and and young girls growing up here don't get poisoned by the world that somehow we have I want to be this and my dream is to be that look just just look look forward to being a mum yeah look forward to doing what God wants you to do but but there are some women in different situations on there are there there are some women that maybe they didn't get married or maybe they're they're single maybe they're divorced maybe they don't have kids maybe there's many many different types of situations so it's easy to just look at the ideal but what do we do there oh well they've just got us you know they got to stay at home on their own yeah and just somehow magic the money or something well it doesn't always work does it the welfare systems that they don't always work either and of course God had a different welfare system we looked at that in a book of Roo well so what do they do what sort of job should they be doing well they should be find a job where they can still love their children okay so look it doesn't mean okay well now I've got to go out and well we need more money because we need some better stuff I need it yeah a lot of times people look oh well I need to justify the holiday yeah well my kids need a holiday each year in you know in the in the Maldives yeah so that's why I'm working long days long hours and and my unsaved mums looking after the kids or whatever else is that loving your children no it's not is it now some though might have to go to work well what should they do well I would say try and make sure you don't have a married man as a boss yeah because why you know husbands love their wives wise bid subjection to that own husbands yeah okay you might not be a wife but you don't want to be subject to someone else's husband okay cuz that's good that's a recipe for disaster isn't it I would say they're good things to look at look at jobs again with the rest of the list where you're not being forced to sin or anything else and try look at jobs where you can find a way to still be there for your kids and sometimes not gonna be easy is it because you need to provide and stuff there's now more jobs we could work from home and other things like that there are things you can do but again just judge righteous judgment yeah make sure you're not going into sin make sure that you're still able to love your children that you're still able to to do those things that God wants you to do and and look there's not a rule for everyone with that is there but but again you got a look and we're going to talk about it in a minute you got to look at it and you got to say okay well is that really okay is that okay working for this guy I'm now his personal secretary this married man and I'm with him eight hours a day is that okay do you think that's a good job to be in no but there are women in the Bible that do so we took it we talked about the maidens in the book of Ruth and there are young women that do jobs and things like that I personally don't want my my children I don't want my daughters out in the workplace okay that's that's what I believe I believe I'm basically trained them up for marriage so why am I then going to send them out to the wicked world I don't want them doing that but if you decide you want to do that judge the righteous judgment with that yeah make sure that you're putting them in a right man not in it not in a dangerous place not a place where they're going to be poisoned and they're going to have all sorts of guys all over them and the rest of it yeah okay that's choosing a job choosing a hobby how about choosing a hobby so this is after your work yeah and by the way that includes women at home your your other responsibilities yeah this is after church soul-winning Bible reading prayer family responsibilities after that yeah your hobby doesn't come above any of that yeah okay now some then after all those things still have a hobby is that a bad thing is it a bad thing to have a hobby because there are those that oh well if it are you why aren't you just in the Bible when you got free time why aren't you just you know everything's the things of God well turn to 1st Timothy chapter 4 and while you turn now I'm going to read Ecclesiastes 2 24 which says there is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labor this also I saw that it was from the hand of God Ecclesiastes 3 13 says and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor it is a gift of God Ecclesiastes 5 18 behold that which I have seen it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the Sun all the days of his life which God giveth him for it is his portion now it's not necessarily a bad thing is it yeah if you can afford it if you have the time if you're doing your other responsibilities you want to have some time doing something that something else well it says here in the Ecclesiastes 5 18 I know you haven't turned there but don't worry it says it says and and to enjoy and it obviously talks about eating and drinking quite a lot and be careful if you make that a real regular hobby yeah well that's my hobby I just eat a drink all day yeah but it says here and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the Sun all the days of his life now it's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes sometimes it's actually a good thing sometimes a hobby is actually a good thing can you believe that well first Timothy 4 and verse 8 says for bodily exercise profit is little but godliness is profitable under all things having promised of the life that now is and of that which is to come now this verse if you notice you could say it in a couple of ways can't you depends how you say you could say for bodily exercise profit is little but godliness is profitable under all things or you could say for bodily exercise profit is little but godliness is profitable under all things okay either way you say it it still says that bodily exercise profits a little doesn't it yeah bodily exercise profits a little and we live in a world where the vast majority of jobs nowadays is sedentary jobs aren't they yeah the jobs where you're not doing very much where a lot of jobs you're sitting there I was talking to someone the other day who's saying that they're driving all day they have to do bodily exercise because of how unhealthy it is and there are many other jobs like that aren't there okay so we're not designed for that really are we I mean the first first man and woman were tending a garden okay and and I believe that you should be doing some form of exercise now if your job is some form of exercise great if it's not for health reasons I would try and do some form of exercise okay but doing some exercise is completely different to obsessing over some exercise isn't it yeah completely different to staring in the mirror all day every day going I need to do more exercise because those two hours today weren't enough yeah now there's a difference isn't there but there are there are there are sinful hobbies aren't there we'll talk about them in a minute but sport for me sport you do learn quite a lot from sport for kids I believe kids should do sport now again I'm not going to go to a Bible verse this is from you know first opinions chapter 1 verse 1 okay I I do believe that kids you should get your kids doing sport why do I believe that your kids should do some sport because it's character building because they learn about winning they learn about losing they learn about teamwork they learn about many things like that because it gets them healthy it gets them fitter because they get used to sometimes being uncomfortable and feeling the pain and everything else and working through that because you can you get so many lessons from that and anyone that's done sport will know that but do we want to try and make our kids the next pro sportsman well no look if they're able to grow I don't see many of those sorts of things that are able to do that and not them being a world of sin and everything else but do we want them to be healthy do we want them to be well-rounded individuals yes now there's a balance isn't there but what's a sinful hobby then what sports are sinful will turn a deuteronomy 22 how about something that forces you to dress in a sinful way how about a sport that forces you to cross-dress is that okay it's not is it unfortunately that rules out quite a lot of sports for ladies and we're gonna look at for the men in a minute in a minute as well do to honor me 22 5 says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man this is due to honor me 22 5 neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so our abomination unto the Lord thy God there's that's that word abomination again something he hates something he despises so you could think about some cross-dressing hobbies couldn't you out there cross-dressing hobbies which force women to dress like men now there are there what it works other ways round as well obviously we talked before about the caber tossing or whatever they call it I up in Scotland that's wicked yeah men dressed in skirts throwing logs around like that is that's wicked isn't it that's an abomination to God but in and as well what about pantomime is that okay you're probably thinking what well that's it quite an old English tradition yeah pantomime yeah people getting up on stage and prancing around like idiots there's some guy dressing like a woman yeah it's wicked yeah it's disgusting and by the way I used to see a bit of that when I was younger and and it leaves you with our horror images in your mind still of these men in like lippy and the rest of it and it's disgusting so obviously getting involved in pantomime if anyone was thinking about it sorry if I'll just cut that out but you can maybe be the back of the horse or something but you know just avoid the rest of it yeah but what else is there well what about a lot of sports a lot of sports for women yeah a lot of sports for women they have them dressed as men don't they yeah dressed in trousers dressed in short stressed you know if there's God say that's okay cuz it's sport oh no it's alright because it's sport you cross dress because you're playing a sport well go play another sport go play sport you don't have to do that and make a stand you take your kids to a class make a stand there's nothing you can do that you know you can make a stand I've done that before I've told you before I did that a gymnastics class they back they told my daughter she was not allowed to do gymnastics with a skort which is a skirt down to here and underneath the shorts to keep her privacy she had leggings underneath as well no no just got to do it in the leggings I said well she's not doing them in the leggings they said well well it's dangerous health and safety health and safety apparently wearing a school doing gymnastics and they got boys in there with shorts this wide big long t-shirts oh no that's all right but a lady dressed as there or a young lady dressed as a young lady no no it's dangerous dangerous so we left okay so we left and that was that and and okay oh no she's not gonna be able to do there's such a good cartwheel anymore Oh God's gonna be God's gonna be really angry with me isn't he no he's not he's gonna say good on you you made a stand I made it clear was making that stand when I did that they said to me well we'll talk to whatever her name is because she's a Muslim she understand she's standing in a pair of trousers so and then a pair of trousers which she's covering her arms oh well that's all right you know I've been talking this so she's Jehovah's Witness she knows a bit about this she's standing dressed as a man as well in a pair of trousers well I try to be polite obviously but what are they gonna tell you oh yeah go to go talk to the force the fake religions and everything else no so look again make that choice but there are there are things they can do what about swimming oh what about swimming but but and it is your kids should learn to swim shouldn't they yeah I think it's quite quite a life skill yeah it's quite safe to do if you can if you're able to yeah try and teach them to swim what you do about young girls so because how do they get in the water without basically showing all their thighs okay and thighs and nakedness aren't they yeah the Bible's clear about that they have to turn to Exodus 28 42 says thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach they shall be upon Aaron and upon and upon his sons when they come into the tabernacle of the congregation or when they come near unto the orders of minister in the holy place that they bear not iniquity and die shall be a statute for forever unto them and his seed after him okay the Bible's clear that thighs are nakedness okay so what do we do about that then get him a swim skirt yeah my daughter goes swimming in a swim skirt she goes to a swimming class and does lengths with other kids in a swim skirt oh she looks so no she actually looks like she has some decency yeah she doesn't look like she's got all or everything on shows disgusting isn't it isn't it wicked but she goes if she swims in the swim skirt you know what she keeps up with everyone else in a swim skirt oh she's not quite so streamlined so what yeah so what bit she's pleasing God but he's looking down and going how good of a faithful servant yeah you're listening to what I said and you're doing it and look I'm not trying to say how great well we've got many things when we'll continue to get many things wrong well I'm trying to give you as an example that you can do it yeah you can do it you don't have you don't have to just well bend to the world oh what might people say and if they had a problem with this swim skirt I'll say see you later then yeah bye bye okay we'll go somewhere else yeah who will take our money and and look you can't do it yeah okay what about but but I'm sorry I'm picking on the women a bit here because sadly it seems that the women and the kids are just you know I'll just send your little girl out in next to nothing is that okay it's that okay would it be okay she went down the shops like that was it okay because it's a pool of water why is it okay when it's down oh well it's okay down the beach oh well we've got to the beach so it's okay for her to have a bum out forever it's disgusting isn't it isn't it whatever age and any of you mums here don't go out dressed like that yeah dress properly and find something to put over yourself because what you doing you just you're becoming a problem for other people then as well okay but but what about men what men in your little short short sports yeah short short sport they love a short short sport don't know there's some old football clique the other day on YouTube wow those shorts were sure yeah I thought there's more decency the old days but I mean they were literally hot pants yeah it is it's disgusting and you're looking at thinking how on earth did like who even just said that was a game people just follow this stuff oh well that's normal look if you if your sport makes you have short shorts stop the sport or find a way to have long shorts with it and you can I've said many times before Muay Thai Thai boxing yeah they wear short shorts they look queer so do it with a so I started doing it and coaching it with long shorts on when people ask me I tell them why and it's a good introduction to then talking preaching the gospel to him as well yeah okay so they're just some obvious things there that I was thinking of and I'm sure you could think of many many others yeah first Timothy 2 9 says if you're there you could turn there just just in case you're wondering with that with the women you're thinking well well it says you like man who also in first Timothy 2 9 that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or cosy array so women should have dawned themselves in modest apparel and that includes whether you're at the swimming baths at the beach in the sports whatever it is and in the same way shouldn't be cross-dressing yeah don't cross-dress the Bible God says it's an abomination okay but also like I said with the men that means ditch the speedos yeah any of you guys that like to go swimming in the speedos because you save a split point one off your time of the length yeah ditch the speed they're disgusting they're vile I don't think anyone here wear speeders I hope anyway but like I said there's many other sports now here's another sport like this is a question I got asked yeah and I heard this a lot so when I first got saved I went to one of these churches where they were kind of liberal in some areas but oh they really frowned upon fight sports you know the part of the ex passing are when are you gonna give it up in because I actually said to us well other people were just you know really a tie box fool whoa even maybe you need to look to do something else why is that anyone anyone wonder why that is well firstly with that you need to get the clothing right yeah so obviously in any of those fight sports not okay if you're bearing your thighs if you're dressing like a woman I don't think there's many fight sports you have to dress like a woman but if you did yeah that wouldn't be right and same with the same same with if a young lady decided a man thinks well I wanted to learn a bit of self-defense or something well make sure she's not dressing like a man to do it yeah okay but secondly is it religious that's a good question for it because there are there are kung-fus and other things where they start going on about magical Chi power and everything else yeah and they're you know and there's all this Buddhist and New Age mysticism involved in it and by the way that includes yoga anyone wondering about that yoga is wicked yeah yoga is praying in all sorts of poses to snake gods and the real snake poses to whatever weird God or higher power they're praying to it is wicked yeah do Pilates do Pilates okay it's not spiritual it doesn't have any but if you want to do that sort of thing you like stretching and like someone telling you how to stretch go and do it don't do yoga yeah it's spiritual you're praying to Devils okay you're getting prostrate to Devils okay cut that cut that out okay okay but what about what about this what about the fight sports okay you cut out okay it's not religious yeah you you've ticked that off okay I'm not dressing like like like like you know like a woman okay if you're a man doing it and let's be honest with fight we'll talk about that in a sec with fight sports women as well okay then the question is but it's fighting but it's fighting you're meant to be a Christian no it's not fighting it's a sport yeah get that in your head it's a spool anyone who wonders is she sitting there like look if if someone jumped up here wanted to fight me now I tell you the last thing they would do we stop there get on some boxing gloves get some put on their gum shield get on a groin guard yeah they're at the least yeah then get our brother Alex you come and referee us here please as well because he's really angry with me right now yeah so we need we need a referee I have the rescue could you all judge it as well just in case it doesn't go to a finish and we end up having to go to the judges scorecards yeah and then on top of that guys I'm you know with that as well there's going to be certain things that we can and can't do so you know by the Gary there he's really got the up with me now so but okay no no biting no I got look that's not that's not a fight is it that's agreed rules between two consenting people yeah with a load of other parameters there it's a sport in the same way that when a rugby player charges into someone lifts them up and slams them on the head on the floor yeah it's not a fight they're playing a sport now yes some people in the fight might lift someone up and stand them on the head and other people in a fight might punch someone in the face or knee them or elbow them or whatever it is or maybe choke them on the floor or something else yeah it's not a fight it's a sport and it's amazing isn't it how people just get pulled in and sucked into this holier-than-thou nonsense yeah because where does the Bible say thou shalt not do a contact sport well so then people go oh I'm still not convinced by the rain yeah have you read the Bible if you read the Bible yeah have you read honestly have you read the whole test of the old tester where God is it she's sending his children out to slay whole nations the women and children of those wicked nations well we need to wipe them out where they're literally hacking through people with swords and everything else oh but suddenly he's got a bit squeamish isn't it suddenly oh yeah but I want them to like get touched now because you know they might get put got huge pillows on your hands you literally have pillows on your hands in boxing and things oh yeah we might get hit with a pillow but go out rip a jawbone yeah by the way something the Holy Spirit came upon him he ripped a jawbone out of a living donkey and then slayed a thousand people with it whilst the Holy Ghost had come upon him yeah oh but but you better not punch someone with a pillow when you had who's agreed to get punched by you isn't it isn't it preposterous but do you know how many people believe this how many people are like it's wicked oh it's evil it's everything else it look you have to turn there like I said have you read about the Bible which says is Psalm 144 one blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight David said God talked his hands to war and his fingers to fight oh but that was Old Testament wasn't it oh that was Old Testament has got changed it's got changed yeah yeah look I'm not trying to suggest we have a physical war going on here okay I'm not going to tell you all the dollar arms and get out there and slay that slay the sodomites of South Bend and everything else yeah but but what I am saying is that God hasn't suddenly become a bit Oh shy about that sort of thing yeah and oh no look look nothing like God's not looking down and go oh I just can't stand the blood anymore you know anything else so it's a small if you've got time and you can tick all the other boxes and you've got time you want to do a bit of that through that spool yeah it doesn't matter yeah look it's ridiculous but like I said yes I know I know that that we're not a physical nation fighting those battles anymore but look some say this they go yeah but aren't you a temple of the Holy Spirit they got you there didn't they you're a temple of the Holy Spirit while sitting there eating who knows what that they haven't even read the ingredients of guzzling whatever else that they've never read the ingredients so what were they even having a lot I don't even care I don't even know what 50 of those ingredients are glug-glug-glug-glug you're a temple of the Holy Spirit you know don't do a spot you might get injured funny that because wasn't Paul the temple of the Holy Spirit I mean I think here the spirit was pretty full up in him as well wasn't it and didn't Paul whilst being a temple of the Holy Spirit get 39 lashes three times was it didn't he get beat or didn't he get stoned halfway to death God didn't seem so fussed about that did he God actually it seems a lot of time actually put him into those situations yeah he wants to know I'm not saying abuse your body I'm not saying that but what I am saying is it's ridiculous yeah these are sports with rules and everything else so turn to Matthew 23 because with this sort of thing and you could look at this in many areas okay this is just one example that I dealt with a lot at the beginning and so you know I was I was googling when I was first say is boxing I tried Thai boxing but there wasn't enough of that yeah it wasn't popular enough is boxing okay for a Christian yeah you'd be amazed at what sort of stuff comes up yeah I was good I was I was googling Christianity yeah and yeah I came up with some wicked lies and and everything else about it well Matthew 23 and verse 23 says whoa unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and have emitted the way to your matters of the Lord judgment mercy and faith these all you've done and not to leave the other undone ye blind guides which strain and that and swallow a camel and that's your you're a temple of the Holy Ghost type thing whilst literally living in wickedness while most of the people that say this aren't even say you're so aggressive whilst tolerating all sorts of just just you name it false doctrine and the rest of it the cross-dressing like mostly people that say this across dressing cross-dressing abominations to God yeah oh but and whatever it is straining at whatever nat it is and swallowing a camel and like I said with that they're more likely to accept women in those sports now aren't they even these types of people that's okay but oh men can't be aggressive because they've decided that that a man should just be this basically the Church of England vicar yeah that is a godly man because that's what the that's what the TV tells you is a godly man doesn't it some guy that talks very softly like this and and you know walks a bit like this and apparently that's a Christian according to the world isn't it is that Chris if you've seen a man like that in the Bible seen a man like that in a Bible no I see real men in the Bible yeah I see real men that would cut that guy's head off yeah without even thinking they wouldn't even give a child they just cut his head off straight away yeah and tear down the rest of the sodomites house at the same time wouldn't they so I'm so I'm so I'm so meek and mild I'm such a good Christian well what are you talking about that's not what the Bible says does it yeah it says be angry and sin not yeah thou blind Pharisee cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also by the way on that as well notice how Jesus had an all-night wrestling match with Jacob yeah all night wrestling match and he did a little submission move on him put his hip out a joint yeah that's Jesus Christ by the way yeah yeah he wasn't and he was playing with him oh he was playing with he's just guy just the right level wasn't he you know he was just guy just saw like like any of you guys ever do these sorts of sports when you wish somebody's a bit of a novice you just play with them and and he was just entertaining him wasn't he could have twisted him up in less than a second couldn't they but but he let he let it go for the whole night that's Jesus Christ by the way what did it say thou blind Pharisee cleanse first that which is within the cup of platter that the outside of them may be clean also so sort out you rotten heart you hypocrites the people that come out of this rubbish you holier than thou's because that's what they are aren't they holier than thou's yeah trying to lift up their own holiness with some rules that aren't even there in the Bible because it comes from their own wickedness that's what it comes from when people are insecure about their own wickedness and they like to project their own holiness onto you in other ways says woe unto you scribes of Pharisees hypocrites for your like unto whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness even so you outwardly appear right to men but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity and they know it don't they that's why they have to make their own judgments because they don't know the rules do they I don't know the rules but look it's ridiculous isn't it it's ridiculous now I've even added into sorry that's it we I had a guy that come here yeah he come in just just to let you know it's the other day you know he was like a real character yeah and he's come to collect all the metal and he you know some people just have a catchphrase don't they and all he just kept saying anything anyone say just go you know the rules the skip truck guy was like yeah I'll move out of it he's gone I'll park there you know the rules and then I actually preached it managed to preach him a gospel yeah the guy was I thought pretty open and everything else and he wanted to chat about it and got to the end I said he didn't want to call him the name the Lord I said I said uh where you gonna go though if you've got run over now on the way home where'd you gonna go it's gone you know the rules I really can't I really want to come back if he came back because I said to come get those gas cans if he come back you you guys are like this guy it's funny but anyway yeah he knows the rules and a lot of people know the rules deep down but they're just trying to project their own their own holiness aren't they well okay that's some sorts what about weightlifting what about weightlifting and I'm going to hurry up a little bit through this because for sake of time but well here's the thing with weightlifting what's your motivation so what's your motivation is it to get stronger is it to get fitter is it to be healthier or are you staring at yourself in the mirror yeah are you saying it yourself in the mirror the whole time alert let's be honest but there are mirrors are there for reason people do look in the mirror yeah we're not going to pretend that if you you know you're wicked if you ever glance in a mirror yeah look some people have some self-respect yeah some people might look at themselves and go yeah well you know I prefer to look a little bit more like this but if you're obsessing over that yeah if you're just staring in the mirror if you're just constantly top off doing the poses you know all this stuff if you're like every time you pick up a drink you just like in front of people is that you are God's will there aren't you yeah and again you've got that wrong yeah and that becomes an obsession doesn't it and everything else and and I've seen I've been you know around many gyms and for many people that could become a big problem in their life doesn't it because then suddenly it's not enough they need more they need to be there more they need to do more then it starts creeping into steroids and other things like that a lot of the time as well and that's absolutely crazy isn't it poison your body to look like a moron yeah it's it's ridiculous yeah so obviously with that you know you've got to get your motivation right with that but look nothing wrong with wanting to be a bit strong no one with enjoying that sort of what nothing wrong with enjoying adding weight on and trying to get stronger stronger that's quite fun for many people no it's you know I've done a bit of it not not you know it's not a big thing for me I prefer sports like more kind of sports which have some skill like more skill maybe and I don't give on there's some skill in some power lifting and things like that everyone has their own sort of thing is what I'm trying to say and you have your own likes and dislike nothing wrong with that but obviously if you start obsessing over your body and your image and stuff then you you're going off there aren't you now because basically what you're doing you're making your physique some sort of idol that's what happens you're making your physique an idol and any of these things if you put and that goes for any of it oh yeah well I love I love boxing but is boxing becoming more important than God yeah is whatever sport whatever hobby and look I've only just touched sports there are many many hobbies out there and they now becoming more important than the things of God because if they are now you've made you've made that an idol haven't you and if you made that an idol then no it's wrong yeah and again you need to judge righteous judgment on that don't you okay is it more important than your Bible reading yeah do you miss your Bible reading to go to the gym in the morning or to go somewhere in the evening is it more important than your soul winning is it more important than than church attendance there are people that don't go to church because well yeah but I wanted to train that night I wanted to do whatever it is whatever hobby it is because God said you know God said husband is especially here cuz a lot of men a lot of men like their hobbies don't they said love your wives not love your biceps yeah not love your pecs yeah and the rest of it so okay last one we'll be quick here choose the entertainment how about choose the entertainment so turn to Psalm 101 obviously we want to avoid sinful things Psalm 101 from verse 1 reads Psalm 101 verse 1 I will sing of mercy and judgment unto thee Oh Lord will I sing so singing to God is a good form of entertainment isn't it yeah yeah singing to God playing instruments yes you could obviously there's a crossover between entertainment and hobby now but some people have a hobby of playing an instrument that's a good thing to do isn't it but is that okay when you when you're playing or singing wicked worldly songs yeah oh well I'm singing to God but I'm singing about you know my when you can imagine the sort of the sort of topics and stuff that sadly is sung about a lot well definitely listening to people singing about wickedness isn't good either you know I've turned a bit please yeah see 75 says it is better to hear the rebuke of the wise then for a man to hear the song of fools yeah better to get rebuked and told off by someone it is to hear all these fools making their foolish songs about foolish subjects it's foolishness isn't it and look in the same way look just because they call it Christian yeah but it's completely in the world's way and and it's not okay and it when you look at the lyrics of all that stuff as well it's at the least just complete empty nonsense really you know God is love or something else or it's or a lot of the time it's full stop train as well so you want to be careful with that as well because music is powerful isn't it yeah music is really powerful and you find yourself humming along to music you find yourself humming along to bad music sometimes music has just got in your head that you've heard you want to make sure that it's to something that's not poisoning you with some people get poisoned by the lyrics of it obviously make sure that something good there and for me just good traditional clear doctrine hymns oh you funny daddy you old you're boring guy well what's wrong with that yeah don't you like singing to God yeah what's wrong with that what's all we like singing together nice anyone not enjoy the hymns that we sing here yeah I love him yeah listen to him sing along to him brilliant verse 2 I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way oh when will thou come unto me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart okay not just when you come to church okay this is talking about when he's at home isn't it yeah not just when you're at church in front of everyone that's walking with a per not it's not you know well I've got I've got the the right attire on at home and then I get home and it's you know straight into me jogging bottoms ladies and me tight jeans and my skinny jeans men and my you know and and whatever else get the right short shorts on now I've got home it's summertime yeah is that okay but and the rest of it yeah how about how about verse 3 it says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me and that rules out most of what's on television doesn't it yeah I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me that's a major vast majority that's on the television yeah and look if you if you think you can find something which isn't obviously simple and there are things aren't obviously simple okay you don't have to be a holier than now right that's never you know I would never even look at something on the TV look sometimes there can be a look all right thing I'd say live TV is pretty risky but there are things you can find that are recorded you can obviously you know I'm sounding a bit old now you can get the VHS out and put it you know and if you put a sticky tape over the bit that you can record over it as well but no I'm not talking that loud but but look you can find things can't you but again you need to be discerning with that don't you because you want to be careful not to be casting wickedness before your eyes first force says a forward heart shall depart for me I will not know a wicked person who so privately slandered with his neighbor him will I cut off him that having high look and a proud heart will not I suffer right you wouldn't have them in your house would you yeah David doesn't want to know them he wants to cut them off doesn't he so why have them in your house talk to you on the TV yeah why have some wicked pervert amusing you on the TV yeah it sounds to me like he's pretty much in your house in fact a lot of the time what's on the TV is more in people's house and you know their neighbor or friend or anyone else really isn't it what about talking to your kids yeah are you just shoving on the TV and put your kids in front of it who even are these people making do you know who's making that show do you know what the motivation you know what your kids are being do you know what's being said to your kids on a tee it's not okay it's not like it like listen take it from me there are many many wicked people making kids shows okay look at Walt Disney yeah what oh like Walt Disney the most famous one full of perverts isn't it absolutely full of them yeah and and they've come out recently haven't they with some of their queer intentions and everything else it is disgusting yet yeah how many parents sadly we'll just go right TV but well that's all right oh wait don't say anything wicked thing before your eyes all your kids I say look you might find something that's okay yeah you might find something you might find a show that you think there are some things out there okay so again it's not right that's it a kid can never see anything on some sort of digital screen yeah look again judge righteous judgment yeah judge righteous judgment but but there are kids yeah we want to love our kids and not poison them with filth and rubbish and who knows what and you don't know what okay and with that watching sports documentaries again you have to be discerning with that as well I mean I try to find a football clip of something recently and they were wearing rainbow laces yeah and and promoting faggotry so again seriously you'd be amazed you get involved like that and then I looked into it I was looking at one of the teams they were sending people they were sending representatives of LGBTQ plus you you know brainwash to the academies of that club to teach the kids so they're basically getting you you send your kid off to a football they might make it I might get rich you know my kids gonna be really rich and everyone's gonna think we're really cool because they play football but they're getting brainwashed with faggotry most days or at least you know most most weeks most months they just send these people regularly to keep brainwashing them and brainwashing them unbelievable isn't it unbelievable so again you have to be careful with that stuff don't you documentaries that just because it says documentary doesn't mean it's okay does it again there are some good documentaries out there okay but again righteous judgment okay so that is a lot of a lot of entertainment out the window but there are lots of things you could do aren't there doesn't have to be what our world does our world just wants to sit in front of a screen yeah whether it's a video game and by the way a video game you know can be very addictive and there can be a lot of wickedness on them again I'm not saying every video games wicked but what I'm saying is again have a look at it yeah I think what is it that you're playing what is it that you're just doing for hours on end and and if you're brought under the power of it first criticism says all things are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any make sure you're not being brought under the power that because that quickly becomes an idol at least an addiction doesn't it well there are other things I walks parks players in eating and drinking and eating and drinking could be nice nice food good food having fellowship time etc that there's many things you can do aren't there and there's many things that aren't sinful but it's easy they give the ease of use of button on you on whether it's a TV on the internet social media you have to be wise with don't you I'm gonna have to hurry up here so one thing I've just wanted to say as well and obviously you know there's board games all these good things you could do be careful with reading as well a little bit oh it's a book it's okay I was a purchase just my kids can read books so you know me and my wife like we you know it's something we've thought about a lot because look when you're in a book you can be a lot of hours in a book each day we had to start putting limits and caps and be careful about what books we allow our kids to read because that's a lot of time you're getting brainwashed aren't you and are you gonna sit through and read through everybody especially when your kids start getting older and it's not just a two-minute kids story and by the way be careful a lot of them as well there's a lot of cross-dressing in them there's a lot of weird stuff yeah I remember we had this book yeah called the smartest giant in town anyone seen that yeah yeah it is flock in his gown yeah so this is giant who's like trying to I think he gets all this new clothing and then he starts stripping it off to help all these animals but before he's like he's at the end he's got just what my gal but he's waiting 90 but like it's quite a populated at first you kind of don't really think you're just you know and then you we've been there but anyway yeah that's just one of them and that was like meant to be a fairly light it's not like there's some real bad ones out there so look again be careful that be careful with what your kids are reading and everything else and and obviously yourselves as well you're just engrossed in some book what is it that you're really thinking about the whole time it might not be wicked yeah try not to get engrossed in it though you have to have some discipline okay we're just about there so sorry about it's gone over time okay it comes back to judging righteous judgment okay turn back to John chapter 7 because how do you get that right so how did you get that right because you know there's so many mine for you know it's like a minefield isn't it oh well yeah but do I do this do I do that what do I do well John chapter 7 and from verse 17 Jesus said this John 7 17 if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him so getting the will of God yeah get in the will of God make sure you're in the will of God make sure you're basically saying I will be done yeah you're gonna get it wrong yeah you're gonna sit yeah you're gonna slip up yeah you're gonna have bad times but I will be done not mine yeah if you if that's how you're trying to live that's how you're trying to do things then you're gonna I think you're gonna be much better at judging righteous judgment aren't ya yeah when you're trying to seek the glory of him when you're trying to do things for him yeah you might have some time to do a hobby oh that means I'm gonna be that's it you know Bible church or soul winning all day every day where I'm not working no there's there's gonna be times when you have free time there's gonna be things when you're in the will of God you're gonna be able to make that righteous judgment more don't forget you have be being in the will of God doesn't mean right well if it feels good yeah okay remember Jeremiah 79 says a heart is deceitful above all things are desperately wicked who can know it yeah okay you again it still has to line up with the Word of God oh well I'm in the will oh well I seem to be going to church and soul winning I read my Bible so now anything that I fancy doing is okay no it doesn't work like that does it yeah obviously if you're reading your Bible and you're paying attention to your Bible you live in your Bible then you're gonna start to know you're gonna start to feel that pricking and start to think about those things when they come up which clearly are against what God wants you to be doing but it comes from being saved comes from being in the will of God last bit Proverbs 16 3 says commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established yeah that's where you want to be don't ya that's our goal that's we want to be if we commit our works unto the Lord then our thoughts should be established and then we're more able to judge that righteous judgment when it especially in these main areas of our life and on that let's pray father I thank you for your word thank you for thank you for just just so many the many examples you give us so many ways you help us with making these decisions you know in all these many many areas of life we can still just go to the Word of God and it gives us the ability to judge righteous judgment please help us to all do that help us to to just be in your will in all that we do to to commit our works unto you so our thoughts are established help us to to want to do that help us to what a serve you to want to live for you please just help us to have a good day now help help the soul winning to go to go great to get many people saved and help men's preaching night tonight to be a great success for everyone to be filled with the spirit and preach edifying service in Jesus name we pray all of this Amen