(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Proverbs chapter 22. Some great Proverbs there. We're going to look at verse 6. Proverbs 22 and verse 6 for now, which reads, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. And we're continuing our Sunday evening series on biblical parenting. And today it's going to be biblical parenting the first year. So last week we looked at pregnancy, labour and postpartum. Today we're going to be looking at the first year. So I'd like to pray before we continue with that. Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for the gift of children. Thank you that you give us so much instruction in your word. Lord, help me to just just, you know, preach some of these concepts clearly today, Lord, and accurately help those to have open hearts and open ears and open minds really for this Lord as well. Many of us, you know, have set ways and things that we, you know, that we've maybe learned or been taught are the only way. Help me to just preach things which are, when they are clear in scripture clearly and when they're not, to help people to understand that as well. And in Jesus' name I pray all of this. Amen. So last week we looked at those biblical principles for pregnancy, labour and postpartum. And today I want to focus on the first year of life outside of the womb. Okay. The first year of life outside the womb. This verse from Proverbs 22 is such a key verse when it comes to parenting. Because so much of parenting is training, isn't it? And obviously there are other aspects of training, of parenting, sorry, but a lot of it is training. Okay. We are training a child for adulthood. We're training children for older children then ultimately for adulthood as well. And I believe it's a very important verse, especially in the early years, because the opposite is being taught so much right now. Okay. So there's a big growing push for this ideology which basically teaches that a child inherently knows everything and would instinctively just do everything the right way. And this is something that many of you might have seen out there. I don't know if you kind of have your Instagram with this sort of thing. I've seen this a lot in the world. And obviously you're going to see it in churches if you see it in the world as well. And this is, you might have heard of it sort of being called child-led parenting concepts. Now with that in mind, there's some crossover, and I'm not saying it's all completely wicked, but, and if you are sitting there thinking, what on earth is he talking about? What is this child-led parenting concepts? Basically, it's this, like I said, this ideology that the child knows best. You're letting the child lead you as a parent. So child-led sleeping, for example, child-led feeding, child-led weaning, child-led learning. And, but this continues then this, this ideal to child-led, basically educational religious choices. So maybe it started the other way round, because we will have seen in this nation where people have been given, maybe it started with older kids, maybe even at the age of university, their choice, they don't do what they want for those who wanted to go on to further and higher education. And it probably carried on going down and lower and lower and lower and lower where when they're your child, they're your responsibility, aren't they? Up until they're no longer a child and no longer being provided for by you. And we've got to the point now where it seems that there are many out there that believe that a child basically knows best from, from the beginning, from baby onwards. I'm going to explain that in a minute. And look, it's not as simple as just child-led or not. That's not how it works in life as we know. It basically just always comes down to balance, doesn't it? And I'm going to kind of explain this a bit starting with the first year today. And just sadly, how often people love to go to extreme of one way or another with many things and many choices. And obviously with parenting as well. That's what people like to do. And we want to be careful not to do that. Now, it should be simple leaving your child whatever age to make key decisions about most things in life is a fool's errand, okay? That should go without saying, shouldn't it? I mean, look at verse 15 where you are in Proverbs 22. It is literally a fool's errand. Proverbs 22 verse 15 says, foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. The Bible says it's bound in the heart of a child. Foolishness is bound in their heart. And if you're a child here thinking, hey, this is a bit harsh brother. Well, we were all children as well, okay? We've all had foolishness bound in hearts. And sadly, all of us adults still have foolishness bound in hearts, okay? But it is bound in the heart of a child and we need it trained out of us. We need it corrected out of us. We're not born just instinctively knowing everything in life. Instinctively knowing exactly what's best for us. Unfortunately, the world often teaches the opposite and many Christians do as well. So just look at it, put it this way, if you let your, whatever, three, four, five, six, seven year old child decide what and when they should eat, do you think you'd have good results for long-term health? Clearly not, would you? When they should go to bed. Anyone want to just let their three, four, five, six, seven year old decide when they go to bed? They're probably not going to have much energy the next day, are they? How about what they should learn? How about what they should play? Because my three year old has some funny ideas about what's safe and what's not. He thinks that climbing on anything that's, in fact, my not yet two year old thinks that climbing on anything that's climbable is a good idea, okay? But we're not just going to leave them to it, are we? Because they're a danger to themselves, because foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. They're not going to survive very long. But apparently in our world that's not the case with a baby. So a lot of, there's a lot of, like I said, a lot of this sort of leaning and thinking in the world, but no, but when it comes to baby they know exactly what and when and how they want it. Now, again, there's a balance to be got here. Yes, at the beginning, babies do instinctively need certain things and their instincts show us that and we learn to get the cues and things from babies. But there are some things that can and can't be trained at baby and at different ages but we are told to train them up, aren't we? So where we can train them up, we want to train them up. Some things you can't necessarily train at the beginning and it's about learning that, isn't it? Now, before we get into any of that, we're going to start with probably the biggest danger, the biggest issue when it comes to first year of life and that's talking about training the immune system. Because this is a big issue in this nation and in most of the world, isn't it? Okay, because how does the Bible say, I believe, what's the principles in the Bible for how a baby's immune system should be trained up? Well, through their mother's breast milk, first and foremost, being at home with mum for the first part of life, we talked about that last week, yeah, with a male child the first week, pretty much borderline quarantined with that mum and that family, two weeks for a little girl and then further from that to avoid maybe the congregating of large amounts of people together, et cetera. Avoiding the sick, that's a biblical concept. It might not be in the world, it's a biblical concept avoiding the sick and when people are sick, look, it would take too long and so many verses to get this across. Read the book of Leviticus. Read the book of Leviticus and see how often people that are with certain uncleanness with a running issue, so basically some sort of discharge, whether it's nays or whatever else, are told to keep away from people, told to wash themselves, wash their clothes, yet we've got this kind of weird slight theory now where people almost like want to be around it, want to be around sick people. Look, maybe your immune system is strong enough, great, but as a baby it's not, is it? Okay, and if people lived how God wanted them to live and people weren't so selfish about these things and did keep away from people when they're sick and ill and everything else, like we see in the nation of Israel, like the commands to do that, then a lot of the time the immune system will get stronger and stronger, no, not from being in people's faces the whole time, from being allowed to get stronger and then with time, yeah, they're going to have to be exposed more and more and they're going to get healthier and more well. They can then start to rely on their own immune system, but what's our world's way of training a baby's immune system? What's the world's theory on this? Well, I'm glad you asked. Let's look at the UK immunisation schedule for the first year of life. Everyone's ready for this, yeah? This is the first year of a precious little baby's life. At two months old, eight weeks, a six in one vaccine, the first time. Six in one. When I was young there was big news about a three in one. That was a big deal, okay? People were, normal people, not Christians, not anti-vaxxers, were going, wait a second, three in one? Three jabs in a baby's... In fact, I don't even think the MMR initially was for babies. I think they started it maybe on older children and people were, whoa, wait a second, that's a lot of shots to be putting in a baby at once. Okay, well, no, no, now it's six in one, eight weeks old. Six in one. They claim it protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, which is whooping cough, hip disease, which is haemophilus influenzae, type B, and hepatitis B. Still at eight weeks, a rotavirus vaccine, the first dose, they claim that protects against, funnily enough, rotavirus. The meningitis B vaccine, first dose, again, protects against type B meningococcal disease, right? Three months, 12 weeks. So you've just had this at eight weeks if you're a little baby following the schedule. Six in one vaccine, second dose, because one dose wasn't enough. Six in one vaccine, second dose. That's six vaccines. In case you're wondering, is that one shot? No, that's six. That's six in one, all at once, into this tiny little baby's bloodstream. Six in one. Second dose, protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, which is whooping cough, like I said, polio, hip disease, and hepatitis B. We won't continue explaining rotavirus vaccine, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. This is the first dose, the PCV, which is to protect against pneumococcal disease. Right, four months, 16 weeks. So bear in mind, so we've got eight weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks. We've got four weeks in between. Six in one vaccine, third dose of the six in one. Anyone keeping count here, don't worry, I did a tally up. Meningitis B vaccine, second dose. Okay, then at 12 to 13 months, we're going to include it because a lot do it at 12 months, and we're talking about the first year here. The Hib stroke meningitis C vaccine, so this boosts protection against Hib disease and protects against type C meningococcal disease. MMR vaccine, the first dose, measles, mumps, rubella, that is. The PCV booster and the meningitis B booster. Okay, that's 30 vaccinations. 30 vaccinations in the first year of life. This was nothing like it when people of my age were young and older than me, even less so. 30 vaccinations in a little baby's bloodstream in the first year of their life. And if you include the vitamin K, let's make it 31. Okay, that's 31. Now, some so-called Christians would say, well, thank God for the vaccines, wouldn't they? Praise God, he's worked through these, these, you know, because it's just these well-meaning doctors, because what people do is they just associate vaccine with doctor. And look, there are some well-meaning doctors, and I'm sure most of those people in that trade are not trying to hurt people, they're not trying to harm babies, they're not trying to harm children. But who makes the vaccines? It's not the doctors. Does anyone even look into, anyone who, the people that are pro-vaxx, and if you're sitting here and you're pro-vaxxing, look, that's up to you, you could choose to do that, okay? And obviously we don't have some church rule, and now I'm just going to preach what I believe the Bible says, okay? But surely you'd look into who's making this. You're about to inject it into your child, you're about to put a six-in-one shot into your child's bloodstream. Well, who makes it? Who's manufactured this? Who are they? What's their motivation? What sort of people are, you would think when you're, we're going to look at that in a second. Turn to Job chapter 14. Now, because many people would say this, we're going to have a look at just one of these vaccines briefly to see if it's from God. Now, we could just go for the obvious one and go for the MMR, which has murdered baby cell lines used in the manufacture of it, okay? And straight away go, written off, not of God, because God hates murder, especially murder of babies in wombs, okay? Let alone be somehow behind the testing on their parts and everything else. But that's too easy, that's too easy. So instead we're going to go with the six-in-one. We're going to go with the six-in-one as it's out of those 31 vaccines, 18 of them, and the six-in-one. So this is a majority vaccine. Your turn to Job 14, don't worry, just keep a finger there and listen up for a second. So this is according to Oxford University's website and they do this stuff on vaccines and they claim to be very accurate with the ingredients, etc. So we're going to look at the ingredients that they admit to on the Oxford University website. So the six-in-one vaccines used in the UK are called Infandrix, Hexa and Vaxilis. Now apart from the active ingredients, this is the antigens, they contain very small amounts of these added ingredients. Aluminium. Anyone remember if aluminium is good or bad for you? Which strengthens and lengthens the immune response to the vaccine. Basically it triggers the immunity because you're putting something in that's not meant to be in there. Oh no, look, you know what they do, don't they? Oh no, by the way, because we all have aluminium cookware and aluminium in other parts in other areas of life. Yeah but does anyone actually inject their cookware into their bloodstream? No, they usually, it goes via the body's natural defence which is the stomach and everything else but no. Aluminium. Lactose and medium 199 contain the amino acids and all sorts of vitamins both used as stabilisers in Infandrix, Hexa only. Sodium chloride, that's a salt in Infandrix, Hexa only. Sodium phosphate, this is an acidity regulator, Vaxilis only. The vaccine may also contain traces of these products used during the manufacturing process. Formaldehyde, oh formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde, organic compounds, it sounds so much better if you say organic, I've got organic certification here. Used to inactivate, kill the viruses or toxins using the vaccines. Sounds like a poison, doesn't it? That it is. Yeast proteins from the yeast used to grow the Hepatitis B proteins for the vaccine, a tiny quantity may remain in the vaccine but there is no evidence that this can cause allergic reactions. Antibiotics, Neomycin, Streptomycin and Polymycin used to stop bacteria growing and contaminating the vaccine during manufacture and this is an interesting one, bovine serum albumin present in the medium that is used to grow the components of the vaccines, Vaxilis only. Oh sounds very technical, doesn't it? Bovine serum albumin, you need a chemistry degree, don't you, to really know about that. No, it's basically cow's blood. Yeah cow's blood, everyone needs a bit of cow's blood ejected to them, don't they? Growing the active ingredients for the vaccine, the polio part of the vaccine is grown in the laboratory using animal cell strains. Oh that's more stuff from animals, I wonder what animals they are. The Hepatitis B proteins for the vaccine are grown in yeast cells, this process is called recombinant DNA technology. Anyone fancy trusting the recombinant DNA technology? Now we could, I could go into a full sermon on this but I've got a lot to get through in the first year live. I'm not even going to bother with the recombinant DNA technology or any of the most of the rest of this because all you have to do is look down at Job 14 of verse 4 which shows there's a problem with pretty much all of that because it says who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean, not one. Can you bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Apparently not, Job said, apparently not and I believe he's under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit when he said that. Now that rules out by the way, before, forget the rest of that, the very first of those ingredients which was the active ingredients, the antigens, this is viruses and bacteria, they're unclean. The Bible says that's unclean, okay, illnesses, sickness, bacteria, it's all unclean. When you're infected by that stuff you're meant to be unclean and keep away from people and let's be honest, in case you're sitting here going well this is all a bit like cuckoo, you know, crazy Bible stuff here, you shouldn't need the Bible to look at this list of ingredients to question how on earth that's going to promote health, should you? Did we need Proverbs 14 to listen to that list and go yeah I'm not sure, that must make you healthier, that must help a baby, that must help a tiny little fragile baby to get healthier, shouldn't it? Because they tell us it does, because multi-multi-multi-billionaire companies in this world with more clout than you can imagine have told us that it's going to make us healthier, it's going to make our babies healthy, it must be true. But you don't need to be a scientist to just look down that list and go what on earth, don't you? You don't need to be a Christian to look at that and go what on earth? In fact, and this isn't because I'm so great or anything else, I'm just the sort of person that looks at this stuff, I didn't get my 12 year old any of this stuff long before I got saved. I didn't need the bible, I didn't need someone preaching it, I just was like wait a second, what's all this raxseed stuff, let's have a look into this. And nine months later, no way was I letting anyone near my child with any of that stuff. Now look, I'm not trying to knock anyone at house because the brainwash is strong out there, okay, I'm not and I must be so is it, look praise God that for whatever reason, you know, it was on my heart to look at that and start questioning looking in. Not everyone did and I'm not knocking people that haven't, okay, because most people just go, yeah, well the doctor says, all right, who am I to question, who am I to question Dr God? Man, he knows words I don't even know. He knows scientific terms I couldn't even, I can't even spell. How on earth am I going to question him? Just look at the ingredients, how about that? Do they show you the ingredients? Do they go up to your guy, this is what we're about to inject into your child, have a look at this. Do they do that? No. But should we as parents be asked for that? Yes. And shame on all those parents out there that don't and look, now I include my parents in this, I include many, but we now know better, we should know better, okay, okay, look ignorance is no longer an excuse, okay, it was an excuse and now we know better, we should, we should make an informed decision, don't we, when it comes to our children's health, okay, and sadly the brainwash has hit a lot of people with that. Now, who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Okay, clear as day, isn't it? Now, no surprise then with that, that there's a lot of ill effects of injecting babies with this stuff, shock, horror, really? Yeah, did you know that there's ill effects of injecting a poor little baby with all that junk and by the way that was only one of them and that was only the stuff on the Oxford University website. The side effects, according to them, very common, these are the very common ones affecting more, more than one in 10 people at each dose and when we say people sounds nice, doesn't it? People sounds nice when we're talking about precious babies, newborn babies or at least eight-week-old babies with this one, redness, pain and or swelling at the injection site, this is more common at the second and third dose, raised temperature, fever, oh because babies just get fevers, don't they? This is more common at the second and third dose, irritability, no wonder, loss of appetite, vomiting, abnormal crying, this is more than one in 10. More than one in 10 babies, according to Oxford University, who get this filth put in them have either one of these things including loss of appetite, vomiting, abnormal crying, can you imagine that? You take your baby in to get to do what everyone says you just should do and there's abnormal crying afterwards and yet we're told we're nuts for trying, for going what on earth, why would I do that? No, it says many of these symptoms can be relieved by giving paracetamol, Calpol, oh well that's all right, just get the Calpol out, if your child is over two months of ibuprofen, if your child is over three months, it weighs more than five kilograms. See NHS choices for more advice on giving painkillers to babies and children, and I'm not even going to get started on a Calpol obsessed. Common, affecting up to one in 10 people at each dose, common, up to one in 10 okay, that's still quite a lot yeah and that's what they admit to by the way okay. Diarrhea, bruising or bleeding at the injection site, bruising or bleeding, a small painless lump at the injection site, oh that's just normal isn't it, this usually disappears and is not serious, something tells me that they're not meant to have this stuff wouldn't you say, rare, affecting up to one in one thousand people at each dose, unusual high-pitched screaming and episodes during which the child may become blue, pale and or limp, hypertonic, hypo-responsive episodes or HHE, that's one in a thousand, you want to play that, you want to play that game, play the odds, it's just unreal isn't it, very rare, affecting fewer than one in ten thousand people at each dose, FITS, also called febrile convulsions or febrile seizures and then they then go on to anaphylaxis, they do say consult your doctor if your child experienced FITS or HHE episodes after vaccination, this is mainly to check that it is a vaccine cause of symptoms and not some unrelated disease and how often do you think the unrelated disease is blamed, symptoms such as FITS can be very worrying for parents but there is no evidence of long-term effects, children can normally safely receive vaccines in the future for more information on febrile seizures generally see NHS choices, right anaphylaxis as with any vaccine medicine or food there's very small chance of a severe allergic reaction anaphylaxis, anaphylaxis is different from less severe allergic reactions because it causes life-threatening breathing and or circulation problems, it is always extremely serious but can be treated with adrenaline, healthcare workers who give vaccines know how to do this in the UK between 99 to 70, 2003, there are a total of 130 reports of anaphylaxis following all immunisations, around 117 million doses of vaccines were given the UK during this period, that's the most shocking part of all of that, 117 million doses of vaccines in that period, this means the overall rate of anaphylaxis is around one in nine hundred thousand, oh well that's okay then, that's okay you know they've sold because it's only the anaphylaxis that we we should worry about as parents isn't it, how about the autism rates, how about the autism rates through the roof, the sudden infant death syndrome through the roof, the mentally handicap causing that we see from this through the roof, oh oh oh oh but brother Ian, oh but they've eradicated so many diseases, isn't that the one you hear, they eradicated all those diseases didn't they, that's what they claim don't they, they claim they eradicate a load of diseases but when you look into this it's quite interesting because often so-called disease was on the massive decline before mass vaccination was introduced, so it seems like they managed to use their so-called vaccine as a as what at least claim their so-called vaccine, cured diseases which were probably on the way out due to improved sanitation, improved sewage type systems and the rest of it, often when they go to somewhere which which doesn't have and I don't want to say western civilization, I want to say biblical, biblical sanitization, things which the bible was teaching thousands of years ago about burying your waste, your feces outside of the camp and people sadly in many nations still haven't caught on to that because they haven't had the bible out there being talked to them properly and when they do, oh what a surprise, these things improve yet then vaccine gets introduced as well, look what the vaccine solved and vaccine takes credit. Now it's your choice yeah but I would say based on last week's principle of children being in heritage of the lord, if you're going to make a choice on this at least do your due diligence right, no I'm not going to stand for this moment and say you know what you have to and must or must not do, I don't have a right to do that okay, if you listen to that, if you go into it, if you read up on it all, if you and it's harder now, it's harder now than many years ago, nowadays it seems that there's a lot more sort of sponsored results on google, it's a lot harder to get kind of to the bottom of things, even harder to just get a package insert and other things but you can, it is possible and if it's for your child, your unborn child, I would look into that, maybe even your born child okay, look into it, read up on it, read your bible and read verses like Luke 5 31 which says they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick, they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick, that's what Jesus Christ said, how about read about all these companies that make these vaccines which are constantly paying out criminal lawsuits against them, no no I'm not talking about compensation because they don't even have to pay compensation to vaccines, that's a vaccine compensation board, you can look into that in your free time if you want as well, why is all this compensation being paid out to victims who've been able to prove categorically because it's actually very hard to prove, I know people, I know people that are victims who children have been victims of vaccines and they could not prove it and they would not accept it, they had to have overriding evidence it was a vaccine, basically before, straight before and straight after vaccine evidence of child changing or they wouldn't have it and as we know this stuff isn't always automatic is it like that but forget all that, just look into the companies look into basically what are criminal companies, multi-global criminal companies and tell me if you want to trust your children's health, put your children's health in these people's hands and if you don't look into it, look into it, learn surely, well I know who I want to trust, I want to trust the Lord and the Lord says they that hold me not position but they that are sick, turn to Ruth chapter 4, we look at biblical parenting the first year, Proverbs 22 6 where you were said train up a child in the way he should go when he was old he will not depart from it and one of those is obviously training up their immune system, training up God's way not the world's way, let's look at some other contentious subjects while we're on the subject of contentious subjects, breastfeeding, okay now breastfeeding is something that our world seems to shift on this breast or bottle issue in phases okay that you would be surprised to know yeah there was a phase in in this nation and others where apparently bottle feeding was better for a child, was healthy apparently and it does sound strange now because it's gone the other way a lot more now as well, now I doubt that there are many here that would question what God's design for this is okay I don't think you're going to have many Christians that go yeah I think he must have wanted them to have the formula okay surely not, it is the obvious choice isn't it and there are obviously and I'm not going to go into the kind of worldly side but there are obvious benefits from that as well aren't there, there are many benefits okay however however when it comes to breastfeeding there are women who for one reason or other have milk supply issues that does happen okay there are women that have issues with pain due to maybe tongue-tied children or things like that there are women that maybe have multiple children at one time and it's maybe not actually possible to breastfeed all at the same time these things do happen and what would be the answer sadly of the black and white type Christian where it has to be one way or another has to be an extreme is they must be wicked getting punished they must be faking it how dare they or something else and this is something I really want to avoid in this church because there was obviously there was a bit of this underlying current here before in Ruth 4, Ruth chapter 4 we see a great example of a godly woman Ruth don't we getting married but I mean Ruth is one of the kind of great examples for women to look at in the Bible okay this woman is so selfless in many areas of life she seems to have great integrity this is a great woman verse 13 in Ruth 4 says Ruth chapter 4 and verse 13 says so Boaz took Ruth as she was his wife and when he went in unto her the lord gave her conception and she bare a son and the women said unto Naomi blessed be the lord which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman that his name may be famous in Israel so Naomi if you're wondering is Ruth's previous mother-in-law from her first husband that died verse 15 says and he shall be unto thee a restore of thy life and a nourisher of thine old age for thy daughter-in-law which loveth thee which is better to thee than seven sons hath borne him and Naomi took the child and laid it in her bosom and became nurse unto it Naomi became nurse unto Ruth's child and that is talking about a wet nurse there what's going on here well we don't know but maybe there's a good reason for it maybe there was a good reason for the fact that Naomi became the wet nurse to Ruth's child maybe Ruth wasn't producing the milk maybe there maybe there was a some issue some problem whatever it is are we all does anyone here think that Ruth must have been some wicked ungodly woman hopefully not and look there was surely good reason for it and look turn to Romans 14 because point being that we don't know every situation okay we don't know every situation so if some mother here is feeding with a bottle I don't think it's because they missed out on you championing breastfeeding to them at church and on that there are a lack of willing wet nurses around okay so nowadays it might just be that you go to formula now with that if there is an issue look I'm not trying to encourage that I would say where possible surely obviously I don't think anyone needs that preaching where where at all possible yeah you want to be trying to breastfeed your child okay for their own health for for your own health for many other reasons however there are times when that's not and we don't want to be sitting in church trying to judge and trying to trying to you know cast our own sort of judgment on people you don't know they don't need everyone coming up asking them about it okay you don't know the reason and if you are and if you are one of those people where there is an issue there's a problem where you can't and you need to need to bottle feed not all bottle formula is the same in case anyone was wondering okay look there's a lot of junk in a lot of them you need to look into different types of formula look into good quality formulas do a comparison with ingredients someone once said to me oh no they're all the same they're not all the same okay someone said to me oh I oh yeah no I saw a documentary on it they're all the same yeah the doc documentary is probably made by cow and gate or aptamil or one of these other big companies okay no there are different ones there are ones that come from by all accounts and again you've got to decide if you trust that different grass fed sources and things like that that'd be worth looking into same as a vaccine issue surely it'd be worth looking into if that's something you have to do okay however where possible you should be trying to breastfeed okay so we've turned to romans 14 haven't we which leads me onto my next point from there which i really want to emphasize okay unless it's clear in scripture and i believe with vaccines that's clear in scripture okay yes there is not a thou shalt not vaccinate but there are some clear principles in scripture yeah okay unless it's clear in scripture it's no one's business in church to be pushing pushing parenting choices on others okay we that's not our job in a church to be pushing parent now if people want advice and they come to you for advice great give them advice yeah but again be very careful to make everything you must you must not okay because we've had a lot of that in this church in the past i really don't want that to ever happen again here okay people pushing things people trying to make people feel small when they don't do what they do look at romans 14 romans 14 says who art thou that judges from verse 4 sorry who art thou that judges another man's servant to his own master he standeth or falleth yea he shall be holding up for god is able to make him stand one man esteemeth one day above another another man sorry another esteemeth every day alike let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind now i believe you could add to that i believe you could add one mum esteem's breastfeeding on demand another esteem's instilling a routine i believe you could add to that i believe you could add to that one mum esteem's co-sleeping another esteem's having them in their own cot okay it's their choice because it's not a clear do or don't in scripture this isn't talking about sin okay it's not talking about sin it's talking about personal choices in life did you know we all have personal choices in life to make because we did have previous clans here trying to force their way on others but god doesn't say and and and there was a certain angle it was going with so i'm going to just clear that up a bit but for me it's it's a lot of these things are your choice right does god tell mums thou shout breastfeed on demand does god say that no this isn't a cult in case you're wondering okay this isn't a cult what works for one might not work for another oh fancy that can you believe that yeah what might works for one family and they're set up and one mum and that child might not work for another okay we don't all have to do thing the same do things the same way we don't all have to use the home the same homeschool curriculum if you're homeschooling we don't all have to do the same diet fad we don't all have to do the parenting exactly the same way but sadly it there was there was this clique which was kind of growing and forming and pushing where that was kind of the only way on the highway or women were feeling a bit well what's the word at least i don't know judged is is is strong enough for it worse than that right made to feel small made to feel lousy if they weren't doing things exactly how the kind of the matriarch was telling people to do things yeah okay so some find for example with feeding on demand some find that their breast is being used as a dummy okay and they're in a rut of most feeds being in the middle of the night that can happen some find that and some find no that's not going to work for me i don't i can't do that others might not like the idea of training that child up until they're a little older and are happy to feed on demand and like that and believe that that's a help and it helps you know in in it helps to comfort that child and everything else okay it's your choice really with that you know there's no right way or wrong way with that with that some might prefer and you know and i'll say it as well there are obviously probably increased contraception if you want that benefits from that as well the feeding on demand maybe now there's no clear scripture is there either way on that however considering the craze seems to be child-led baby knows best let's not forget that at some point the biblical principle is to train them at some point and i'm not saying that's for newborn okay look if you try and go right my babies only have breakfast lunch dinner feeds yeah you can have a pretty unwell and unhappy newborn okay they usually need feeding every with mine sometimes every hour okay it can be tough that first stage for a mum okay but at some point they are going to be trained into some form of routine and something else now it's up to you when you want to do that but there is a point when you need to do that yeah okay because if you let it go on demand forever well you'll probably be breastfeeding a 10 year old okay because kids eventually they need training up right that's up to you when you feel that's right and it's the same with co-sleeping we've had mums getting militant about that yeah keep a finger then turn to luke chapter two there was this feeling like you don't love your child if it's not for you but one of the best mums in the world chosen to be the mother of the lord jesus christ was pretty quick to lay him in a manger in fact it was real quick yeah look at luke chapter two and verse six it says and so it was luke two verse six and so it was that while they were there the days were accomplished accomplished that she should be delivered obviously talking about mary here and she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn she laid him in a manger well maybe that was just at that minute maybe you know it was so she could kind of do this or that or kind of recover a little bit or look at verse eight and they were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and lo the angel of the lord came upon them and the glory of the lord shone around about them and they were sore afraid and the angel said unto them fear not for behold i bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior which is christ the lord and this shall be a sign unto you ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger it sounds like he's going to still be in the manger right when the shepherds get over there still in that manger verse 13 and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising god and saying glory to god on the highest on earth peace good will toward men and came to pass the angels were gone away from them into heaven the shepherd said one to another let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which has come to pass which the lord has made known unto us and they came with haste and found mary and joseph and the babe lying in a manger definitely in a manger yeah verse 17 and when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child and all that heard it wondered at those things which are told them by the shepherds maybe they're wondering why they weren't co-sleeping maybe that's what they were wondering why aren't they co-sleeping is that what everyone is meant to do now look i'm not knocking if you want to do that and that works for you great okay but don't try and pretend that it's some sort of command that you must do because there are people that act like that right okay verse 19 says but mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising god for all the things that they had heard and seen it was told unto them and yes this was a newborn too look at verse 21 and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcised of the child his name was called jesus which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb sometimes it can get a bit confusing at what stage you're at in jesus christ young life here no this is a newborn now look i'm not saying mary was perfect maybe mary wasn't perfect shock horror if you have any roman catholic leanings no mary wasn't perfect she wasn't a goddess but i bet she was a good mum because she was entrusted to be the mother of the lord jesus christ right okay now we don't know the whole situation but we do know is that everyone has an individual choice with it okay and if it works for you and you think it works for you great go ahead okay and i hope no one here in this church will knock you for that or for not doing it either right but look maybe maybe joseph was was a liability when he rolled over in the night maybe that was a worry maybe i don't know maybe they were really light sleepers maybe mary and joseph just woke up at any sort of noise move you know tickle from the baby because the babies they just kind of i mean newborn isn't so bad once they start getting i mean my my james you have him anywhere near you he just starts trying to pick areas of your face off and stuff you know he's but look whatever it is yeah whatever it is mary put him in a manger maybe she did coast it doesn't really happen there is no verse that says you must or must not right so again it's just something that's up to your your own your own judgment on there let's go back to to romans there and chapter 14 go back to romans 14 i hope i might not have told you to keep a finger there so apologies if i didn't go back to romans 14 where it says in verse 6 he that regardeth the day regardeth it unto the lord and he that regardeth not the day to the lord he does not regard it he that eateth eateth to the lord for he giveth god thanks and he that eateth not to the lord he eateth not and giveth god thanks basically without clear scripture telling you to do or do not do what you think is right with a clear conscience yeah do what you think is right do what you think is going to work for you do think what you think is going to be best for the baby for you for your family without a clear scripture do what you think is best for none of us liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself for whether we live we live unto the lord whether we die we die unto the lord whether we live therefore die we are the lords for to this end christ both died and rose and revived that he might be lord both of the dead and living but why does our judge thy brother why does our setter naught lie brother for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of christ okay and here's another one which people love to get judgmental about breastfeeding openly in public okay this is another one that people on both sides of the coin because there are those that really don't care who's there where they are for them it's no big deal okay there are people like that then you've got the the opposite end of the spectrum where those that want full privacy and maybe even a disguise through while they're doing it right they'd like to like blend into the background look and ultimately is there a scripture on it is there a scripture on it no it's up to you whatever you're comfortable with okay if you're if you're comfortable if you're comfortable as and where you like go ahead that's up to you if you're not comfortable that's up to you no one is lesser or greater a christian lesser or greater a woman you know whatever choice they make on that but with that we've got to bear in mind too that some men and women might not be as free and easy about it as you may be or the other way around so we don't want to judge them either like there might be someone that just feel a bit uncomfortable about it you don't want to go look at the way they looked at me because i was better what sort of a you know what does he want me facing the corner you know you don't have to go like that but then on the other hand there might be someone that that's that doesn't even realize that you're trying to be private it just starts getting in a chat with you you go away go some sort of pervert you know anything look not everyone's going to get it right we just don't want to be judgmental about these things we just there's no clear scripture again you want to breastfeed openly in public right we don't have a rule in our church about that you don't want to you don't okay that's up to you and we don't want to be judging each other for that and trying to make because it's not it's not a sin issue okay it's not a sin issue look at verse um where are we verse 11 says for it is written as i live saith the lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to god so then every one of us shall give account of himself to god let us not therefore judge one another anymore but judge this rather that no man put a stumbling block on occasion to fall in his brother's way that's a good goal isn't it that's biblical parenting isn't it not putting a stumbling block not trying to like cause but basically not just making issues of things not trying to get in rows of problems or make people feel small or make people feel like they're not normal because they don't do whatever you do they're an issue because they're more private or they're an issue because they're more public whatever it is for example on this particular subject and here's another one that people like to get excited about too weaning weaning another one which the you know when to wean whether to mash up food or to child-led wing okay and again it's really up to you on that i don't see a clear biblical principle for that but look we did have some here wanting to push the child led again with that you know basically the kid will choke you know they'll get a good gag reflex from it and some people are happy with that some people think okay that's good some people don't some people are like no i don't really want to watch my kid gagging on food and stuff okay and again it's up to you i do find that when it's just literally child-led weaning there does end up being a lot of wasted food a lot of food just chucks on the floor and there's not much that a lot of the time gets eaten and you could you could say well look foolishness is bound the heart of a child so when they get to the point where they need that food a bit more so we're not talking about tasting but we're talking about when you're getting to the point where baby is needing to supplement because the milk's not enough well if you leave it to the child they'll quickly start having their own fads and favorites and leaving other things so i i would probably say a balance is probably a good idea let them try and taste the things but maybe mash up some things that they need especially as they get older and they need those things yeah maybe a good idea right but again you know maybe i should just be extreme because everyone loves an extreme don't they this is the only way you do it any other way you're wicked turn to galatians five where paul gives this list of common works of the flesh versus the fruits of the spirit okay galatians five he then exhorts him after that in galatians five and verse 25 he says if we live in the spirit and that's our goal to live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit let us not be desirous of vainglory provoking one another envying one another okay so that vainglory sadly doesn't wait until little johnny is on the football pitch you'd be amazed it doesn't wait until little jane is learning to read and write a bit earlier than the other kids it starts i've noticed well at least obviously with walking talking a lot of the time and in fact probably before that with with crawling and even potty training we're going to get onto that in a minute and in case you're thinking brother and wait a second you're getting confused here this was the first year of life no we're going to be talking about potty training in a minute okay so unless there's some sort of disability okay how early they walk or talk isn't important it's really not and look after a few kids you start to realize it's really like it just they all end up walking and talking in the end okay it really doesn't matter whether it's like the eight month old they're gonna be a sportsman you know it's like 13 months it's like man they can put away like some say they must be disabled they all just walk in the end okay unless there's an issue and obviously if there's an obvious issue then we should take note of that they all end up talking in the end and again you might think well this sounds great look people get competitive about this there's a lot of vain and it is vain empty nonsense glory about how early your child's talking how early they're walking even like i said how early they're crawling like it's some sort of reflection on yourself as parents it's madness we had someone in the church say to uh say to my wife about james uh are you worried about his speaking no no she wasn't no we're not worried about his speaking he's fine he was like several months old you know he's making noises no he wasn't a babbler like like my oldest was you know she was talking but yeah it doesn't matter they all talk in the end yeah no we're not and however much people want to make you worried and make you feel insecure don't let them do it we don't want that going on in the church okay okay but how about how about potty training like i said the sane among you the sane among you are probably sitting there going what's this got to do with the first year of life yes what does it but no we did have some militant potty trainers here militant potty trainers and when i say militant potty trainers i'm talking about of six-month olds six months old being trained up onto the potty now if that's what you want to do good luck to you but not when you start knocking everyone else it doesn't to the point where one of our militant potty trainers here decided to rebuke a known pastor's wife online many years ago for not potty training their child saying they're a disgrace to still have their i think three-year old in nappies what a disgrace i was knocking this woman because she had real issues with this pastor's how dare this pastor's wife dare to be a pastor's wife because they always get angry with someone just daring to be a pastor's wife right and not and have their child in nappies because this was like their latest fact yeah like somehow apparently it's cruel but it was so bizarre because because after obviously and we got this questioning where so when uh when they're gonna be are they body trained yet still in nappies are they you know it's like they're not even a year old what's wrong with you and what ends up what ended up happening with this is that we then had stories of these same children going to the toilet in people's driveways houses church having issues going on longer than the child that just kind of did it in their own time right weird weird what people do but point being like people want to do that it's up to them i don't see a scripture saying when the potty training but what i don't want is people then being made to feel small made to feel abnormal because they do what the whole world has done throughout history and put their child in a nappy until they're old enough to understand and not spend have a long painstaking maybe clamping them strapping them to potties and then making the rest of the women in the church feel like they've somehow failed because they're two-year-old because their one-year-old isn't potty trained yet and by the way the mess the state of those toilets used to be in as well anyway so there's no rush okay unless you just can't stand changing nappies that much you want to you want to do the work of work of it look that's up to you you know you do that we're not going to judge you for that but please we would we want that to work both ways okay so hopefully everyone's on board with this okay a lot of these decisions in parenting are up to you okay hopefully everyone's getting the message of this of this song with that we're not here to judge each other and to constantly give unsolicited advice okay not the unsolicited but in case some of you are now thinking thinking and sitting here going i just have to keep my mouth shut i better not say anything to any other mum here or he's going to be preaching about me or something else that's not what i'm saying okay we want to exhort one another help each other most will want advice okay most people will come and ask for advice okay and and when they come and ask for advice all means give them advice but make it clear that it's advice but just remember what's opinion what's the command of god now turn the titers too because there are things that older women are told to teach the younger women so there are things that those that have been there and done it you know are to teach the younger women and i would say probably by example but let's have a look at it verse verse one there says but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity and patience the aged women likewise they that they being behavior has become a holiness not false accusers not given too much wine teach them good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children now here you know did he say that they may teach the young women to be independent you say that and they teach the young women to get the best job that they can and show those horrible men that they're as good as them in the workplace they said to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blaspheme so we want to encourage the young women to be sober let's talk about being regular or calm i believe here look yeah okay can apply to alcohol look i'm not going to go into that about why it's much wine that's fruit juice okay that's just someone who's not basically the gluttonous tightness not just like loading up on whatever they can but that's for another sermon okay he's still they're talking about being regular or calm and that can be hard can't it okay especially after childbirth that could be hard and sometimes more so after the first because it's such a shock to your life isn't it okay so a lot of you know those of you that that maybe you know aren't yet first time mums it's a shock to your life it's a shock to your system it's a shock to your whole world it's easy to stand from afar off and go i would do this i would be like this it's a big deal suddenly wow there's there's someone else that comes first okay before you and and suddenly you don't feel quite so important let alone all the other issues let alone all the other hormone issues all the other things that go hand in hand the the late the sleepless nights that look it's a big deal okay having a baby's a big deal and with that look there are things that we you know older women can try and encourage and help and placate and and show that they've been there they've done that you get through it etc there are things that come from that that at least these ladies can be helped with but what we should be doing is as women at least here what the ladies should be doing is forgetting the latest potty training fad or ten in a bed kind of plan or something else and instead just encourage new mums to love their husbands when the babies take you over that's what the bible says here i mean teach the younger women to be sober to love their husbands because that that can that can be a hard time for a couple you know suddenly there's a baby there and mum's kind of focused on the baby and maybe dad feels like a spare part or maybe the other way you know dad's kind of like this is like suddenly the angel of his life and mum's just like you know feeling like a bit a bit part now and look there could be all these different things and they should be getting encouraged not to resent the dad as well because that can happen a lot as well okay they start to resent doing then things for their husband resent the husband not basically having a 50-50 share of of the parenting okay and and is biblical parenting that the mum does it all no it's not it's what whatever decisions you make and ultimately submitting to your husband's final decision but part of that should be a husband loving his wife yeah and if if you work look if you were working 72 hours a week and you're coming home and and look maybe you're not going to have much time and chance to give much help but for many men nowadays they're working 40 hours a week and they are able to help their wives and if you love your wife and they're finding things hard you're going to want to help them aren't you and if if and if you love your husband and he's literally working from from early in the morning till late at night and coming home that's not the time to go right here's the baby i'm having a break okay and look there are lanes and sometimes if you love each other you're going to help each other and sometimes you're going to cross lanes but we need to appreciate when you're crossing lanes as well i think that's what everyone wants don't they they want to just a lot of the time people just want to be appreciated first timothy 5 8 you don't have to turn there says but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house he had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel that's that's the husband's primary primary job when it comes to the family side of things is to provide okay that's his first thing is to provide now part of that look he should be providing spiritually as well and he should be providing he should be trying to help his wife to to be basically happy and content and other things as well but ultimately if he's putting a roof over your head and putting food on the table and paying the bills he's already fulfilling that part now i'm not saying that means he should then put his feet up if he's putting his feet up and watching you but you know struggling you just can't do anything like that's not right either and you would question is he doing his side of of of of you know of his his um his sorry his spouse duties there is he really doing that because he's told to love his wife he's told to honor her to cherish her to love her as jesus christ loved the church and would give himself for her okay putting your feet up and watching some junk on tv while your wife's sort of you know crying upstairs because she's had no sleep and the baby won't is screaming and got colic or something else i ain't loving your wife yeah but on the flip side sometimes you know sometimes look the working life could be hard okay and men still have to go to work men still have to get in the car and drive to work men still have to do things and you need to agree between yourself you need to have an obviously an adult relationship with that that's biblical parenting it's not look yeah biblical parenting is the husband should be the breadwinner it isn't the the husband at home while the wife's out working with with a trouser suit on feeling very important while dad's trying his best to pigeonhole into basically being a mum because kids need a mum at home yeah but on the same hand that dads can't help if they want what about nappy changing you're happy to change nappies change nappies if it makes you feel like you're going to vomit don't change nappies yeah sort it out between you again there's no there's no there's no biblical command on that but it is a question of time and being sensible about it as to how you cross over and as to how you help each other verse 4 says that they need to be if you see uh well that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children so don't say it says they need to be encouraged even to love their children well what on earth isn't a mum's love just natural everything no not always some mums need to be encouraged to love their children not treat them like some sort of show thing of the latest craze some show thing of the latest fact some sort of way of impressing people and showing what a good parent are they just love their love their children right now that's what we should that's what mums and dads should be doing that as well obviously but mums here we're talking about and they need to be encouraged that and with that you're thinking well is that always oh look mums you need to make sure you don't show favoritism as well because it happens a lot doesn't it in families show favoritism to one child above another look that's love their children plural not love whichever's the newborn or maybe only love the first one or only only love the middle child or whatever it is whoever you know ends up being the that one that's affection no love their children plural show love don't show again i'm running out of time but we could go through the bible and show bad results of favoritism okay favoritism's bad don't show favoritism and that's something you can actively choose not to do oh well i just love that one the most that one's just my favorite no well don't don't love them the most love the rest that love is an action love is an action that you can choose to do it's not just a responsive thing yeah choose to love and show love to all your kids show that show that even love and and obviously obviously you know making sure that that that that that child is trained up to feel love yeah train a child up in a way as you go don't we want our kids to grow up feeling loved by their parents that starts them young doesn't it said to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed so it's a good one as well to remember don't forget mums you're not suddenly the boss now okay some mums can get a bit like that they've had a baby now they're the boss now they're the one in charge they know it all they're the mum you know if you could just grab that if you could do this if you could do that look nothing wrong with asking for your husband's help yeah but make it you need to look men we could get funny about that stuff right men like to fill and make and make it clear that yeah they are what the bible says that they're the boss okay we have an innate desire for that what what sort of uh yeah man are you yeah we're men okay we're men and sure enough the bible's right when the bible says that yeah women should submit unto their men and that makes us happy that's our love language yeah what's your love language my wife submitting yeah that's true and if for what and if if if wives show that we're so much happier to help do things to get stuck in when we feel like they're starting to get a bit bossy oh it all goes a bit downhill doesn't it that's the truth whether the world tells you that's wicked or not we don't care because the bible says that's that's the way it is isn't it so it says here obedient to their own husbands obedient to their own husbands yeah you have to be obedient to other men's husband uh to other ladies husband so obedient to your own husband's okay that's what the bible says let the word of god be not blasphemed young men likewise so let's just finish off here young men likewise exhort to be so money it's not all the mum's job is it like we spoke about last week parenting is well there are two parents aren't there okay young men likewise exhort to be sober minded that first year has a lot of challenges doesn't it a lot of decisions hard decisions that need making a lot of like we just saw there i mean you know doctor issues issues with people trying to push all these different ways in you the outside world trying to push all the world's parenting ideas which fail time after time after time but but don't well they'll keep pushing their new fad on you they'll keep pushing their new way of parenting a child and bringing up a child completely opposite to how the bible tells you to do it they'll keep doing it and men you need to be able to protect your wife from that you need to be able to protect your children you need to be sober minded okay you need to be sensible you need to have your thoughts collected you need to be holy it says here in all things showing myself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of a contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say for you look they're going to look to say something evil about you aren't they okay and and we as men here in that challenging part of life when when you have a a a wife that's either you know just had a baby or in we're talking about the first year of life here that's a good time to make sure that you have a good pattern of good works you're showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity that's an important time to be righteous isn't it man yeah to be in the things of god to be in the will of god to be able to go look i know i'm praying to god i know things are going to work out in this situation to be able to know that you're doing things god's way that's one of the most trying times like it's one of the most testing times of life first year of a baby's life is tough okay a lot of people you know especially as people are growing up out of this church for many it's going to be they've literally maybe have got married fairly recently as well okay and now they're having a baby and that's a hard time in life no matter what people try and pretend that it was all a bed of roses it usually isn't okay it's not a breeze and and that's that's the most important time to be in church to be in the things of god to be in your bible to be soul winning still to be doing the things of god to be able to say look i know i'm in the will of god to be godly to be righteous proverbs 22 6 said train up a child in the way you should go and when he is old he will not depart from it and the final point with that is look for the baby it's a great time to start church training isn't it because what are we looking for our kids to do ultimately to serve the lord oh well i need to at one year's old start getting out the flashcards with letters and need to start you know teaching them this because then they're going to get a really good job when they're older i need to get start earlier early academia or sport i need to get them training all right get them walking quick then i'll get them running quick then i might they might even make it as a pro none of that's important what's the most important thing things of god yeah like children and heritage of the lord the fruit of the womb is his reward so what's the most important thing for your child is to learn how to be in church now obviously like we said at the newborn stage that postpartum stage okay they're they're you know that's up to you how you want to judge that when you think is sensible but you want your children you know a child could get used to church quite early right yeah sometimes that first year life is a great time for them to get used to hearing hymns regularly to hearing preaching etc we have you know training rooms here that's why we're one of the many reasons we're family integrated church because we want kids to get used to being in church listening to the word of god listening to it preach not coloring silly pictures of jesus in a dress and the rest of that nonsense that goes on around around the world and and you know having play time for an hour and a half or whatever for many of these places probably a lot less than that okay so that's a good time to start that training and again it's not competitive though okay so i'm nearly done last last part i could talk for hours of this stuff okay right last point whether your child can sit there quietly or not in church isn't a competition and again i don't think fortunately we've got some great people here i'm sure they won't be like that but we have had that in the past okay we've had people sit in church and you know and and be funny and we've had people be funny about when there is noise and turning around and looking and staring and everything else and look sometimes you can't help that you hear something in you you know gets your attention and if your child is causing a lot of distraction then please use the mother baby room it is for that as well it's not just because it's up to you when to go in obviously we don't want everyone in the church distracted but on the same same hand with that look we ideally we want to have children in here where possible and but it's not a competition look some kids are quicker some kids are slower at getting there i mean you know my first children were good at this my son charlie he was probably the hardest one to get used to that but it is what it is but what you don't need is people turning around scowling at your child look at them especially other parents and we had that for people that got kicked out of this church okay we look you don't need any of that what you what we don't want to be like that in this church look let them make those decisions if it becomes more too much of a problem with a child maybe your mum's kind of not getting that and thinking it doesn't matter if the child turns it into a circus you know while the bricks go on i'll say something to that mother if need be okay and otherwise look we we it's not a competition if you feel like your child needs calming down and quieting down and going to the mother baby when no one's going what sort of parents that you know can't get the child in order yet you know i've got my one-year-old in fear quaking in their boots sitting in the chair okay look it really doesn't matter we're not judging them okay we just want we just want the kids here so okay that i think is it for that biblical parenting the first year is about an hour okay there's a lot you could say there's a lot in the first year that's what i could think of things that just you know and a lot of that is as you can tell a lot of that is just how we interact with each other because a lot of parent parenting is a it's a stressful time yeah okay especially when they're young when you you know you're not getting much sleep especially for new parents but for everyone look there can be some stress and some hard times that we just we as a church want to make this just a great place for them to be able to come and not have what they're going to get in the world in many other areas just to be able to make it a nice welcoming environment not be holier than nails with any of it not be pushing and everything else with all of our own ideas and fans and trying to get out our insecurities by making other people do what we do we just want to be look just kind loving you know compassionate to to mums here and to dads as well it's a hard time and um and look never more so than probably the first year of life yeah uh for for a baby they're out of the room so um that's biblical parenting the first year and on that we're going to go to the lord in the word of prayer father thank you for um well for the blessing of children lord thank you for that that this is a church which has many young children and that we you know it's just great to have have all ages and stages in this church and we love having children here help everyone here to just you know be the best parents they can be knowing that look we're all going to make mistakes we're going to get things wrong but help us to just want to do things you know as you would want them done and where there's not clear scripture for things to just make wise decisions and not based on what other people do just based on what we feel and and and what what's going to be best for us and our families lord where you give us that free will to make those choices but help us to seek your will in all that we do regardless help us just uh this would be good parents to be good good friends to those that that are our parents lord and help us to just be just a healthy thriving church lord and in jesus name pray all of this