(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen 1st Corinthians chapter 9 looks like should be a little less intense in this morning start from verse 1 hmm am I not an apostle am I not free have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord are ye are not ye my work in the Lord if I be not an apostle unto others yet doubtless I am to you for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord all right so Paul is clearly an apostle turn to 2nd Corinthians 12 will I will I read Galatians 1 1 in Galatians chapter 1 verse 1 the Bible says Paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead and 2nd Corinthians 12 we see says truly the signs of an apostle were ruled among you in all patience in signs and wonders and mighty deeds okay we see that clearly there first Timothy 2 7 just quickly says well unto I'm ordained a preacher and an apostle I speak the truth in Christ and lie not a teacher of the Gentiles in faith of verity and second Timothy 1 11 he says well unto I'm appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles now no so he says here he says that they are his work here and in the seal of his apostleship now with that is so they know that they're saved and therefore that he is not some sort of fake apostle okay because if he was blaggy and faking apostle then the let's be honest he's not really saved is if he's faking some sort of apostleship now they know that the works that he says ye in the Lord so that's those being saved there no therefore that he's an apostle and just just seemed just a slight difference there and I don't want to kind of pick up from from earlier but just the point that you can't tell someone's salvation you can't tell that by them seeming to be a sole winner just just quickly on that you know someone saved yourself if they saved you you know that for sure but otherwise that's it you could you know I don't know how the devil does it but he does do it doesn't he because all these people that we're talking about this morning all them examples you know from these churches they were so winning for years Judas was so winning for three years okay so I don't know how it works I don't know how whether he puts people in their path or whether they just seemed you know whenever they get salvation it's just the yes men the people just I don't know how that works but it's ye in the Lord it's a people who are saved no okay and that's an interesting point isn't it okay verse 3 says here mine answer to them that do examine me is this okay so people are obviously questioning Paul his credentials and from what we see in the context probably calling him a freeloader okay right he goes on and I'm going to read this passage it kind of all goes together rather than breaking it all down straightaway so from verse 4 have we not power to eat and to drink have we not power to lead about sister a wife as well as other Apostles and as a Brethren of the Lord and Cephas or I only a Barnabas have not we power to forbear working who goes for warfare at any time at his own charges who planted the vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof or who feedeth the flock and eateth not of the milk of the flock say these things of the man or saith not the law the same also for it is written in the law of Moses thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn doth God take care for oxen or say if they all together for our sakes for our sakes no doubt this is written that he that ploweth should plow in hope and that he that thresheth in hope should be partake of his hope if we have signed unto you spiritual things is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things if others be partakes of this power of you are not we rather nevertheless we have not used this power but suffer all things this we should hinder the gospel of Christ do you not know that they which minister about holy things live off the things of the temple and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar even so have the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel okay so this passage clearly completely debunks the pastors shouldn't get paid false doctrine out there would you not say I mean it's ridiculous that doctrine and I've heard it and I remember as a newly saved Christian I was interested I mean this stuff alive professional ministers have gone like it was a bad thing but it's absolutely ridiculous isn't it because it you know we're gonna go into that in a second okay um but that is there is a doctrine out there and people do push that a bit and like look you know people who go into ministry I just want to make money off things of God or something like that and it is ridiculous if you think about what a massively important job it is okay verse 4 then so starting at verse 4 there Paul says have we not power to eat and to drink so basically saying are they not allowed to eat and to drink obviously it said you know the question there's an obvious answer that and he says have we not power to lead about a sister a wife as well as other apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas Cephas being Simon Peter there so he said look if they're not allowed to also provide for their family like the other apostles brothers of Jesus and Cephas like what's all that about so just on that quickly just quickly every probably all some of you I'm sure I've heard this ridiculous again false doctrine from the Catholic Church that Peter was the first Pope and unmarried anyone heard that okay so that Peter and this is now then they use that as an example why all of those reprobate Catholic priests are apparently that that they shouldn't be getting married and it's always struck me as really weird because if you just go to Matthew 8 and obviously what he's just said here in verse 5 that we're looking at but in Matthew 8 in verse 14 said and when Jesus was coming to Peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her hand and a fever left her and she arose and ministered unto them okay so just just bizarre isn't it it comes from cults and however big they are they're still a cult cults that don't follow the Bible made their own their own way of doing things but he's saying look obviously they need to provide for their family now there's an interesting other point in that verse there that the the Apostles clearly aren't sending their women out to the workplace are they because he's talking about leading about a sister a wife and even there they're talking about leading about a sister and you could say that's a sister in Christ I don't know I think it's probably a family member sister there and talking about leading them about in terms of providing for them so they don't have to go or maybe because there's not really much of a workplace maybe at that time for them to go in anyway but either way they're not and of course the Bible says for wives to be in subjection to their own husbands doesn't it for wives being subjection to their own husbands now don't get me wrong I know there's different situations of people in in different situation where sometimes maybe they have to work but that's the principle in the Bible there isn't it and he and he's saying here have we not power so should we not be able to also provide for a family as well and not just for ourselves not just our food and drink considering the work they're doing in verse 6 he says or I only and Barnabas have not we power to forbear working so he's saying here look if people in full-time ministry shouldn't have to also work a regular job well how can they eat and then provide for their family so how does that work well clearly it comes from God's people providing their needs isn't it comes from God's people providing their needs right so he then goes on he says who go with a warfare anytime at his own charges who planted the vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof or who feedeth a flock and eateth not of the milk of the flock okay so first glance at that verse obviously most people I'd imagine no one in this room who goes out to work goes out to work for free I'd imagine that I don't think anyone here goes to their workplace for free as a voluntary job maybe if any of you there are particularly wealthy it probably be a good thing to go to work for free if you're just sitting a lot of money because it gives you something to do but regardless most people don't go to work for free now look at the three example the three examples Paul uses I really like this because he says he uses first the analogy of warfare and you know what ministry definitely is warfare no doubt about it the Christian life is warfare let alone ministry turn of 1st Timothy 1 and verse 18 1st Timothy 1 verse 18 says this charge I commit unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them might as war a good warfare so Paul talked to his portage a Timothy there he's saying to war a good warfare and what he says here in 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 he's saying no one goes off to fight in a war now I see that when he says I've heard people read this as as goeth basically wage war but he's going go with the warfare I think it's just talking about people who are joining into war they don't go for free do they people don't just fight in a war for free okay there might be some conscription here and there but they don't usually make very good soldiers and even then they're still getting paid and they're getting given lodgings and food and drink and everything else he's saying here people don't go to that and then provide their own food and drink and warfare remember that's a long time when you're going off to warfare it's not that you're going for a quick five-minute battle and that's a lot well you often and talking about long long time seasons of war and there people aren't going to do that you know with a backpack full of food and drink and everything else and just go for the fun well unless they're a little bit you know odd in the head but most of the time it's a job isn't it it's a job now the next analogy gives who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof okay the analogy of farming and as we see let turn to Luke 8 we obviously see this given in in the famous parable because the Word of God is a seed and in Luke 8 and verse 11 talking about the parable of the sorrow he says now the parable is this the seed is the Word of God those by the wayside are they that here then cometh the devil and taketh away the word out of their hearts as they should believe and be saved then a rocker they which when they here receive the word with joy and these have no root which for a while believing in time of temptation fall away and that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard go forth and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection but that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart having heard the word keep it and bring forth fruit with patience okay and I think he's using these analogies for a reason but regardless no one plants a vineyard no one goes out to farm do they and that's a lot of work that's a lot of work doing that sort of work and it doesn't eat of the fruit do they no one does that for free no one does that voluntarily and he's using it analogies here of tough jobs as well isn't he these are tough jobs he's used as a comparison with working in the ministry okay and then the last one is the analogy of shepherding isn't it so that last one there he says he says who feedeth a flock and eateth not of the milk of the flock and again that's a tough job that's a hard job that's the plant I believe that's supplanting a leading of churches isn't it and first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 we see Peter writing says he elders which are among you I exhort who I'm also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partake of the glory that should be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy Luca but of a ready mind neither as being lords over God's heritage but being in samples to the flock when the chief Shepherd shall appear you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away okay so you don't Shepherd a flock do you often searching for grazing and all that time spent and all that hard work and effort and then not eat of the produce okay it doesn't happen people don't do this stuff for free now verse eight he says here say are these things as a man or saith not the law the same also so he's saying it's not just me saying this for my own benefit it's not just my point of view and if it's from the law then surely following it is going to be from their own good yeah okay we know that don't we so verse 9 he then goes on to say for it is written in the law of Moses thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox it treadeth out the corn doth God take care for oxen now this is you'd have to turn it is from Deuteronomy 25 and he says dove doth God take care for oxen shall we see what the answer is verse 10 or saith he it all together for our sakes for our sakes no doubt this is written that he that ploweth should plow in hope and that he that freshest in hope should be partaker of his hope so the answer is no God does not take care for oxen he says all together this is written for our sake so this goes against isn't it although we're seeing a lot right now this animal activism stuff and it's ridiculous it doesn't line up with a word of God does it now I'm not saying you know obviously a righteous man regardless of life is beast but but God does it take care for oxen's says here he says he doesn't just say doesn't he said for our sakes no doubt this winning sorry in the verse above he says um does God take care for oxen he's or saith he all together for our sakes for our sakes no doubt this is written so no doubt at all no doubt at all because he doesn't take care for oxen at all it is there's no issue there so again knows those kind of animal lovers who seem to get so upset and again nothing wrong with loving your animal but you know when you start putting them above people or putting them on the same level it's absolutely ridiculous okay the answer is no and like I said it's all together for our sakes and there's a good thing there isn't there that so many things from the Old Testament as obviously we know so many things that we see in the Old Testament are for us to read aren't they and for us to learn from so many things we you know apply to our lives today and we're going to see something that also still applies in a minute God said this for us to apply it to people that working isn't it he's saying that working people that are working should be paid or awarded for their work and and the principle goes all over doesn't it but I think specifically here we're talking about the Word of God so specifically people doing the work of God should be rewarded for their work now the initial plowing and then the threshing okay that went on in farming so the threshing is basically the treading out of the grain after the hard after the harvest and these are the hardest part of the job which is why they would use oxen for it okay that's some some hard hard work there and he also uses this this analogy about the the ox that treadeth out the corn in 1st Timothy 5 so if you go over to 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 17 he says let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word and doctrine for the scripture saith thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward verse 17 there he says let the elders that rule well oversee that rule well be counted worthy of double honor now he's not saying you have to pay them double but they should be counted worthy of it they should be worthy of it and you know what like you know I'm only learning some of this now but what like that is a tough job these guys are running these church in the spotlight year after year that is a really tough job and I've done some tough jobs over the years but I don't think anything compares to it and I'm not full-time like some of these guys who are really and they live it you know and I is a tough job and no wonder no wonder what the Bible saying here is it when they do it well they are worthy of double honor because that job affects lives so much more than any other job in the world really doesn't it I mean that is a big big job okay again it's not saying all right they have to be paid double but he's saying that they're worthy of it now the second part of verse 18 he says here thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward now that's referring to Luke 10 Luke chapter 7 verse 7 so if you go over to Luke 10 7 okay and this is when he's sending out he's sending out the 70 here isn't he and it says here and in the same house remain eating and drinking such things as they give for the laborer is worthy of his higher go not from house to house okay so he's come on the 70 soul winners to basically accept food and then I think when he says to go not from house to house that you don't have to spread the load if you're if you're out soul winning and someone invites you in for food I know that doesn't happen that often I think was it you brother that that you mentioned that happened to you recently you invited into someone's house yeah and and you know sadly it doesn't happen that often but he's saying that if you are and he's saying to them there you don't have to oh well I'll only have one thing here and move on but there and okay that was in a culture of maybe there's a bit more hospitality that we don't really you know we're not so much like that now are we here and maybe sometimes for good reason it's not like there's a lot of you know Christians running about doing these sorts of things but he's saying look like if that's the case you know by all means it they drink because we've got to remember as well and you know I'm one for just you know I don't worry I'm okay so I have been offered in the summer off a drink stuff on our my kids offered stuff I don't worry about it but really saying we should and and obviously like he's also using this analogy for full-time ministry and stuff as well but you know you are we are bringing people eternal life and yeah it's not that we should get a puffed up about that but what what a thing that's coming to someone's door and if they want to give you something if they want to award you for it there's nothing wrong with that but we shouldn't be obviously going out seeking that and I think you could you could apply that to soul winning couldn't you accepting food if someone wants to offer you something accepting drink but obviously not to then give them the gospel if you're giving someone a gospel and they want to give you something wrong with accepting that verse 11 here he says if we have sown unto you spiritual things is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things now the carnal things aren't sinful things you're saying about reaping sinful things just he means non-spiritual things that the flesh your body needs and again like what's wrong with that if someone's someone's giving you spiritual things are of such importance to us why is it again we see this in the world people begrudge it don't know they begrudge giving their money to a church and and look you know it's been it's been hard isn't it and I don't want to just always go back to the pad churches but I've still got scars from some of these places I'm sure a lot of other people have you and some of those words are deep aren't they and it's hard it's hard giving your tithe giving your money to these churches knowing that that you know what they're not even they're not doing anything but you know what you are still reaping some spiritual things and that's what you tell myself look I'm still singing some hymns to the Lord there I'm still at least at least I'm hearing the word of God there you know of course you you want to of course it's a church preaching preaching the Bible I don't even want to call it the right version the Bible and not some false Bible but you are still getting spiritual things and you're getting God at least looking down go look you're going to what you believe at least is a real church okay so we do reap spiritual things isn't that what I would I would have to constantly remind myself to appease myself when you're giving money to you know I was at one where where you know it was you know kind of in hindsight we tried out others it probably wasn't as bad in the end but but I was at a church where yeah the full-time pastor I've said this before missionary missionary full-time pastor paid for by supporting churches one service a week still does one service a week and that's hard isn't it when you got out where's all that no one's so winning they're giving out a few flyers a couple of times a week for an hour I mean you're full time you're doing one service a week why are you not out so winning every day of the week what on earth or and or also building up more more services but anyway and that's hard because in your mind you're just thinking well really want to be parting but you are still you are still reaping spiritual things or you're being sown spiritual things there however poor okay verse 12 he says if others be partakes of this power of you are not we rather nevertheless we have not used this power but suffer all things lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ so maybe the others he's referring to I don't know government taxes maybe some other services maybe it's the leadership of the church at that point I think unlikely considering I think this is probably applying to maybe set things straight there but Paul saying that they haven't lived off the church so as not to hinder the gospel okay so you you could imagine couldn't you these Gentiles may be new to faith and the ways of God may be criticizing a message if if these apostles are just kind of receiving money left right and center you could see that can you look at it and think you know just just out after the money and in the same way we've had this a bit I've had this on the door I'm sure a few of you had where people are what you after you know I just want to stand the church giving us giving our money don't ya and where does where's that come from that's come from these wicked false churches isn't it these mega churches these these you know repent a lot of them Pentecostal aren't they that sort of just wicked wicked Chuck which then is just cast all of this you know on to us so us trying to give the message of the gospel people straight away there's a stumbling block straight away they think you're coming off of their money and you can see why Paul will have done that and we say it's not just the Pentecostal the mega Chuck what about the Catholic Church I work regularly up in Victoria in London and it's Westminster Cathedral there my goodness when you look at that place and the money that's gone into it and just just amazing amazing the amount of money and that's only one the cathedrals of buildings are if anyone is being to the Vatican I'd imagine a couple have amazing huh unbelievable the money yeah biggest buildings ever and the money that's gone in and some of those like some of the the artwork obviously inside just think the costs that must have been the time and obviously all just worthless anyway but it does it just turns people the unbelievers is looking at thinking what a joke what is that about oh sadly some of them think that's religion don't they okay and obviously the love of money is a root of all evil isn't it and you can see why Paul did this he goes on in verse 13 do you not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar even so have the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel okay so full-time evangelists and in the same way church passes church staff big churches have need church staff don't they imagine when you're running a few hundred or whatever else like there's loads of jobs that need doing in a church and I think it's I hear here he's obviously talking about the priests and then later the Levi's and the priests were to eat the remainder of the offerings weren't they okay now we're gonna have a look at this principle the first instruction of this was in Leviticus 6 but turn the numbers 18 numbers 18 explains this really clearly I'm gonna read quite a long passage here so just try and stay with it numbers 18 and from verse 8 okay numbers 18 verse 8 and the Lord spake unto Aaron behold I also have given thee the charge of mine heave offerings that of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing and to thy sons by an ordinance forever this shall be thine of the most holy things reserved from the fire every ablation of theirs every meat offering of theirs and every sin offering of theirs and every trespass offering of theirs which they shall render unto me shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons in the most holy place shalt thou eat it every male shall eat it it shall be holy unto thee and this is thine the heave offering of their gift with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel I have given them unto thee and to thy sons are to thy daughters with thee by statute forever everyone that is clean thy house shall eat of it all the best of the oil and all the best of the wine and of the wheat the firstfruits of them which they shall offer unto the Lord them have I given thee and whatsoever is first ripen the land which they shall bring unto the Lord shall be thine everyone that is clean in thine house shall eat of it everything devoted in Israel shall be thine everything that openeth the matrix in all flesh which they bring unto the Lord whether it be of men or be shall be thine thine nevertheless the firstborn of man shall thou surely redeem and the firstling of unclean beasts shall thou redeem and those that are to be redeemed from a month old shout thou redeem according to thine estimation for the money of five shekels in the shekel of the sanctuary which is 20 Gira's but the firstling of a cow or the firstling of a sheep or the firstling of a goat thou shalt not redeem they are holy thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar and shout burn their fat for an offering made by five for sweet savour unto the Lord and the flesh of them that should be thine as a wave breast and as a right shoulder of thine all the heave offerings of the holy things which the children of Israel offer unto the Lord have I given thee and thy sons and thy daughters with thee by statute forever it is a covenant of salt forever before the Lord unto thee until I see with thee and the Lord spake unto Aaron thou shalt have no inheritance in their land neither shalt they have any part among them I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel and behold I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance for their service which they serve even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation neither shall the children of Israel henceforth come neither tabernacle of the congregation lest they bear sin and die but the Levite shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation and they shall bear their iniquity it shall be a statute forever throughout your generation among the children of Israel they have no inheritance but the tithes of the children of Israel which they offer as an heave offering unto the Lord I have given to the Levites to inherit therefore I have said unto them among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance the Lord spake unto Moses saying last bit guys thus speak unto the Levites and say unto them when you take of the children Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance then you shall offer up and heave offering of it for the Lord even a tenth part of the tithe and this your heave offering shall be reckoned unto you as though it were the corn of the threshing floor and as a fullness of the winepress thus ye also shall offer an heave offering unto the Lord of all your tithes which you receive of the children Israel and you shall give thereof the Lord's heave offering to Aaron the priest okay I know that's a long passage but basically they live off the things and are partakers of the altar but notice there that there was also the tithe given to the Levites and then a tithe of that went to the priests okay so basically that the money went to the Levites but part of that obviously was to keep to keep basically everything going and to keep at that point the temple going and the work of the temple now what's the tithe the tithe means a tenth and they're given the tithe as they're in full-time ministry of for the Lord yeah okay now the first example of the tithe is in Genesis 14 again just just so we understand that that this isn't just our will it was just something in the temple or Genesis 14 and verse 18 okay and Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the Most High God and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be the Most High God which has delivered thine enemies into thy hand and he gave him tithes of all and that's not Melchizedek giving the tithes that's that's Abram giving Melchizedek the tithes in Hebrews 7 to you don't have to turn there talk about Melchizedek to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all first being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of Salem which is king of peace okay so Abram at the time his name was Abram obviously gave tithes to Melchizedek we see Jacob makes a vow of tithing in Genesis 28 just while you're there in Genesis just quickly flick to Genesis 28 and see what what he says here in verse 20 28 20 he says and Jacob vowed a vow saying if God will be with me and will keep me in in this way that I go and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on so I come again to my father's house in peace then shall the Lord be my God and this stone which I have set for a pillar shall be God's house and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee okay so you could see here he's saying at the beginning there he says if God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on he's always making a deal with God isn't he but God does that to all of us doesn't he he gives us gives us what we need he gives us raiment he gives us bread to eat he provides for us he's saying so in return I'm going to give that tenth I'm going to give that tithe now Leviticus 27 go to Leviticus 27 and we just just here just to see where it was part of the law because it says in verse 30 and all the tithe of the land whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's so that's the tenth it is holy unto the Lord and if a man will will it all redeem all to his tithes he shall add there to the fifth part thereof and concerning the tithe of the herd of the flock even of whatsoever passed under the rod the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord okay now this is where and again I've heard these arguments before people will say ah but that was Old Testament that was Old Testament you probably heard that before haven't you where is the New Testament command to tithe where's the New Testament command to tithe well there isn't one there isn't a New Testament command to tithe but there's also no command to stop tithing I don't see any command in the New Testament to stop tithing now just on now I see just something I was thinking about I see the eating of the sacrifices for the priests and that that extra bit basically on top of the tithe is maybe benefiting from the voluntary work from the sacrifice of people to the church you could see that applied I don't know but that the tithe it's in the New Testament it's not only the local church because Paul also organizes an offering for the believers at Jerusalem you're basically supporting missionaries isn't it and we see that in 1st Corinthians 16 if you go over to 1st Corinthians 16 a bit of a Bible study here 1st Corinthians chapter 16 and verse 1 now concerning the collection for the Saints as I have given order to the Church of Galatia even so do ye so he's given order here for this upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come and he says the same you don't have to go to in 2nd Corinthians 9 6 to 7 2nd Corinthians 9 6 7 where he says is he says but this I say he which so sparingly shall tell you what to say turn there turn to 2nd Corinthians 9 and verse 6 he says but this I say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according as he has purposeth as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that ye have always having all sufficiency and all things may abound to every good work as it is written he had dispersed abroad he have given to the poor his righteousness remaineth forever now notice the key point here he says here he which soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully it's for our own benefit so tithing is for our own good giving money giving money to God's work is for our own good it's for our own benefit and we reap bountifully from that and I know this has been massively distorted by the you know health wealth prosperity gospel but this they always they'll take a truth won't they and then run with it but but there is a benefit to tithing and we will and I'm sure people that do tithe here will can recognize that can't they and like I said it hasn't suddenly been undone in the New Testament so like many things in the Old Testament still stand unless it's made clear that they don't Proverbs 3 if you turn there Proverbs 3 like a lot of people know these scriptures really well verse 9 to 10 makes this clear when it says honor the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and my presses shall burst out with new wine so what the Bible saying here is when you honor the Lord when you give him the first fruits I would say that tithe that 10% of your increase and that can be hard for some people that's a bit of a faith thing isn't it because some people are living really on a shoestring maybe maybe for what maybe it's for good or bad reasons sometimes but God makes it clear if you put him first he will reward you for that and he'll help you and he will bless you and I promise you I've experienced that myself I have had times at bad churches where I've kind of missed the old one here and there and and then the money any money I've had just seems to just go cuz you just get all these little problems and issues start cropping up and things you just can't expect cars breaking down I'm not saying every time a car breaks down that it's because you're not tithing be checking but it does happen does it and in loads of things you know the washing machine stops working or whatever it is and you know and that does happen doesn't it well have a look have a look at Malachi 3 because this is a great scripture for this if you go over to Malachi at the end of the Old Testament Malachi chapter 3 and verse 8 okay the Bible says will a man rob God yet you have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now here with saith the Lord of hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pull you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast thy fruit before the time in the field saith the Lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delights some land saith the Lord of hosts okay so obviously we saw there that you know giving to the Lord is something we benefit massively from there are benefits to see but look look what happens when we don't he says here you're cursed with a curse for you've robbed me I want to be cursed with a curse he says here as well further on where are we he says in verse 11 and I will rebuke the devourer for your sex you shall not destroy the fruits of your grind ground neither show your vine cast thy fruit before the time in the field saith the Lord of hosts so when we give to God when we give the first fruits he rewards us for that he helps us he protects us from problems and issues happening to our money and I think you know what I was just saying about when you don't that's when the devourer is there just suddenly all these problems and issues happen but giving to the Lord is something we should do with the merry heart okay I don't think any of that's been done away I don't see that now something else some people see and something so right now we're we're you know and this isn't you know for any glory anything because it's just how it works this this I'm not a full-time worker so I don't receive any income from the church yeah but eventually I will and when I do when I go full-time that's going to be for me that's going to be great for the church because that gives me so much more time to do more stuff for the church obviously I benefit my family as well because it's hard juggling them but here's the thing yeah what happens and I've seen this as well is that tithes start to think that they're employing the pastor a lot of churches and pastors will talk about this so people start to think when you go full-time that how yeah you know and then they start to expect more accountability but I don't see that at all from Scripture so really you're giving to the Lord via the church aren't you and and in the same way and I've found this hard I found this a hard thing you know you're giving money and then you look you thinking what are they doing but that's not really the attitude is it we're giving to the Lord it as long as it's a scriptural church you're giving to the Lord and and it's God that employs a pastor so ultimately the pastor is answerable to God and in the same you know and if it's sort of people that are being employed by the pastor in the church obviously they'll be answerable to the past possible to God but it's got nothing to do with the person given the money so just made that clear because again that's not just hopefully I don't get any grief you know in the future with that but it is important because it can be a that attitude again can cause problems like many other things go on it because then then people start to you know they start to question and look at they want to see accountability for this now just just on that as well just so you understand as well because because it's you know everything should be nice and open and everything else in this church every single bit of money that's paid into this church firstly gets counted with three witnesses separate to myself it all gets logged everything gets put in a ledger and every single week that gets pictured exactly what's been signed off on that ledger exactly what's been put on that and sent to pastor Thompson who's then accountable to God isn't he now pastor Thompson as well then every time that money's paid into the bank account then I send him a statement every week to show the money's been paid in that's been side or signed off and everything else so you don't have to sit the thing well where is this money going he knows exactly what the bank account is but the reason that we don't because we've talked about this between us the reason that we don't then right this is what we've got this is what we've got because it can affect tithing and gifts because we are we are getting a bit of money together as a church which is brilliant because when we get a building what a great start that's going to be because I mean this place just again like wow what a blessing from God that's why you just know God is so behind this because what a blessing that we've been able to build up this money to be able to then when we find a building just be able to go right Bosch is some money because that would have been really hard without because they want to see money coming in that you know if anyone is going to rent it anyway or the same with a mortgage they want to see they want to see everything done they don't see everything you've spent and everything else and all they're seeing with this church is a lot of money going in not much going out but same anything that's spent every receipt is kept everything's logged every statement is sent to the pastor so just so you know okay but with that and that will that will always be the same so if ever anyone did really want to be like you know I'll be interested to know you're welcome to see you are welcome to see but ideally you shouldn't have that attitude because really you're giving to the church you're giving to God and really I'm answerable to pastor Thompson he's asked answerable to God and then you know once I'm a pastor I'll be answerable to God and at the end of the day yeah if you started to get serious misgivings by all means be like right I needed you know yeah sure come come to me and say look you know I'm starting to doubt something and it's not that you're not answerable to anyone but really ultimately is to God isn't it and that's how it works okay right verse 15 it says but I have used none of these things neither have I written these things that it should be so done unto me for it were better for me to die than that any man should make my glory and void okay so Paul purposely avoided living off offerings and his glory here is in the gospel of Jesus Christ isn't it he didn't want anyone accusing him of use it as an excuse to be a freeloader or for basically taking money and gathering money and everything else and then having to give an accountful of that and in verse 16 says for though I preach the gospel I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me yay woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel okay so now he said I have nothing to glory of and so what was he talking about well there's no personal glory okay there's no personal glory preaching the gospel and it's something you know obviously we've said before we've just got to get that into us yeah we should be pleased with soul winning you know with getting people saved of course we're all chuffed aren't we and nothing wrong with sharing that but we've got to make sure that we're not trying to seek personal glory and that's what Paul's saying here the glory in verse 15 was from the gospel wasn't it the glory was a gospel here he sent us no personal glory I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me it is a necessity to preach the gospel it is a necessity okay and you know like I said before we don't want to discourage new people from the church and we want to get that balance right but it is a necessity isn't it and sooner rather than later ideally Christians or everyone that comes this church will eventually be preaching the gospel okay because there's no other way of you know whereby men shall be saved is there and obviously we know that's by the name Jesus Christ but it's by us going out and giving that gospel that's the only way people are getting saved and and what you know obviously this church is going to be big on soul winning it will always be big on soul winning and going out and preaching the gospel because it is a necessity and then look at the next bit yeah you woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel woe is unto me what's woe sorrow misery sorrow and misery and it can mean a curse too you could say there's a curse there as well but but sorrow and misery is a curse if you preach not the gospel and I don't think you're gonna find a real Christian at who's who's happy who doesn't get involved with soul winning now just quickly on that as well that does include silent partnering okay he did send him out two by twos so if you want to be a silent partner for five years you're still out part of getting people saved okay you're still preaching the gospel and and yeah you might not be the one talking but it's a team game isn't it it is a team game and like he said woe is unto you if you're not and people that don't I don't think truly they're going to be happy and fulfilled are they because they're basically disregarding that commandment of God okay now verse 17 says for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me so he does it willingly and I think he means voluntarily here obviously and he says he has a reward we see that in verse 18 where he says his reward is that when he preached the gospel he may make the gospel of Christ without charge he's saying if he does it voluntarily then he can do it without charge if it's I think then if against my well I think he's probably saying if it's them for money if I'm having to be paid to do it then he's saying then it's committed unto him then basically he has to do it and it's kind of a different spirit there isn't it now you could say that he's just saying look you know it's just will a will for some people do go some probably everyone here has gone out sometimes not really fancying doing it you know for whatever reasons there are days where you're not maybe in the mood there's a sole winning time you've already agreed to it whatever else but I don't know either way it's a dispensation is given now what's this dispensation you this is not suddenly a new gospel okay there's no dispensationalism being preached in this church here absolute false doctrine and people use this verse among others to try and suggest that Paul had a different gospel to others it was a different gospel but what does dispensation mean well I'm sure you you've heard of cash dispensers or you've heard of maybe medicine dispensers it's just basically distribution the act of dealing out to different persons or places is a dispensation of water in differently to all parts of the earth it's interesting because I think before really that dispensationalism took off when you look at the older dictionary there's nothing about dispensations of the gospel and then when you look at newer dictionaries and Bible sort of you know they're kind of like Bible dictionaries but but go into studies on it then they start talking about these like a different dispensation of the gospel like that's just what what dispensation means but I think what you're saying you look even against his will or not voluntarily a distribution it basically has to still give out the gospel it's committed to him you have to do it as a Christian and and that's something I think you know it's good to just keep in our minds isn't it and everyone here you know goes out and gets the gospel out but but you know it is we're committed to do it we're committed as Christians and sadly not all do but we're committed as Christians to give out the gospel and he says in verse 18 what is my reward then verily that when I preach the gospel I may make the gospel across without charge that I've used not my power in the gospel this is his reward that then he doesn't have to rely on money food drink clothing in return which is a good thing to not have to rely on that isn't it for though I'd be free from all men yet have I made myself servant unto all that I might gain the more so I think here he's saying that he's basically taking employment so as to gain more souls that's how I see that he's made himself servant unto all that I might gain the more right verse 20 to 23 and unto the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews to them that are under the laws under the law that might gain them that are under the law to them that without laws without law being not without law to God but under the law to Christ I might gain them that are without law to the weak became I as weak that I might gain the weak I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some and this I do for the gospel say that I might be partaker thereof with you okay so that's a great passage isn't it remind us of the importance of getting people saved and that's it you know the number one thing isn't it going out getting people save in verse 20 says none of the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews to them that under the laws under the law that my gain them under the law now what's the difference then between him being a Jew and someone under the law or not I think the difference is between maybe devout and non devout Jews and we saw though we see a bit in acts like Paul acting like acting like a Jew at certain situations but I think he's doing it well I see he's doing that without sinning an example of this I was thinking of the other days how do we relate to that an example for example I was although I wasn't with him but by brother John here and he was speaking to a woman through an upstairs window whose response to him trying to give the gospel was that she's a Muslim and John's response brother John here was was oh actually my father my father was a Muslim as well and it's trying to find that common ground isn't it it's trying to find common ground with people for the gospel sake and to be fair with that I felt that she actually paused and just listen she was almost trying to say I'm a Muslim to shut the window see her later and then she kind of went on and got I think got a couple of verses out I've listened to a little bit more gave a cut sort of just short amount of the gospel and and I think it's finding common ground in verse 21 he says to them that are without laws without law being not without law to God but under the law to Christ I might gain them that without law now this isn't spending an evening in the pub to get someone saved okay and again there are people that trumpet I was I can't remember who was talking about when they were at Bible College and and one of the things they had to do was preach the gospel to someone in a bar anyone heard that before yeah second as it pastor Anderson said that yeah about one of his tasks was he had to preach the gospel and he didn't get a full pass on that bit because he refused to do it and to write should you refuse to do that we're not even meant to look at alcohol are we but okay so it's not he's not saying right now you need to go and just be a sinner and and obviously says it because he says being not without law to God but under the law to Christ you recognize here that moral law still applies I think but it's to Christ isn't it because really it's who is he the author and finisher of our faith isn't he so it's Christ that he's emphasizing the law to Christ because it's it's Jesus Christ by which we are saved isn't it it's everything he did nothing we do but the moral law we should still try to live by now this is so I believe this is going out and finding common ground with people and I think you could apply it maybe when on missions trips maybe abroad because sometimes you're thinking well how does that work maybe you go abroad to another country maybe trying to blend in in another country certain ways maybe not just making it obvious you know clearly being dressed completely differently and acting completely differently to the cultures of that country as long it's not sinful nothing wrong with trying to blend in and be like them be like their culture and everything else because the ultimate goal is the gospel as long as you're not then then then sinning against God for it he says to the week became I as weak that I might gain the week I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some so it's all it's all for the purpose of getting people saved isn't it and it's a good lot attitude to have isn't it is that that's what we're really looking to do we want to get people saved and we want to do whatever possible obviously without sinning to get people saved and sometimes you find that don't you sometimes you might someone's shutting the door and you just kind of find something to talk about some common ground I've had this before with because I used to do a lot of landscaping so I was you know looking at maybe a driveway just they're shutting the door you start to oh yeah by the way where'd you get those slabs and then suddenly the door opens again and then they're kind of there's a bit of common ground and then next thing you know you might even be getting them saved or at least you're getting out some more verses well it was so in fact we had we had one not long ago with there was a guy who'd been working up on this roof around the corner in South End and the whole time we're doing this right the kids are just fascinated because there was like no safety there at all he's just standing up on this roof did a load of work on a long ladder but he was up on the roof and they were watching the whole time then when we knocked on the door they were just saying no not interested in shutting the door and as they did I said oh by the way what you getting done to the roof and they started telling me a bit about the roof and I said oh I'm I talked a little bit I used to do a bit solar panels so just talk a bit about roof work and then you know kind of just the door cracked just open a little bit more and I say yeah because the kids been watching this guy he's a bit you know he's cost us a fortune he's one of these dodgy roof guys you know it's like it went up to fix a tile and three grand later you know and these poor boy elderly couple one next thing you know the guy we're getting him saved on the doorstep you know a while later and amen to that and and again it's just yeah I think it's just finding common ground and it's not you're not devious oh what can I say before they shut the door but it's just trying to find something to have some common ground with people I think it's important isn't it okay so he says and this I do for the gospel sake that I might be partaker thereof with you that was verse 23 so it's all for the gospel isn't it but we all benefit from the preacher of the gospel don't we and we benefit in rewards we just benefit knowing that there are people that were getting saved I mean what great it's such an honor isn't it such an honor to go out and get people saved and it's such a great thing and you do sometimes you're a bit tired or sometimes it's just that first bit and you know people are looking at you like a Jehovah's Witness or something else you know and then when you get going you're getting people saved and other people get it's just it's amazing isn't it it's the amazing thing and and he's saying that he might be partaker thereof with you and obviously we partake in in in heavenly rewards as well now verse 24 know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that you may obtain I don't know I don't know about you guys I find that really interesting because you kind of look at these you know you look at stuff and it obviously this is New Testament two thousand odd years ago but it is interesting to think about the like the race is going on at that time you know and and actually so I was just maybe start looking into this you know like they say the first Olympics official Olympics was 776 BC before Christ 776 and they try to change that to before common era but 776 years no it's before Christ isn't it it's before Christ and there is nothing new under the Sun is there people and I'm sure they're okay there might not be an Olympic so people have been racing since the beginning of time isn't they sure Adam was out running Eve at the beginning running rings around you know showing how much stronger he was but the first Olympic games this is so it says that they were held in Olympia in the Greek city state of Elis in 776 BC but it's generally accepted that the Olympics were at least 500 years old at that time apparently the ancient Olympics held every four years occurred during a religious festival honoring the Greek god Zeus but what he's saying here anyway so regardless I just find that interesting but regardless you've got to be in the race to receive the prize don't you so he's saying he's saying there no you know they which run the race run all but one receiveth the prize he's then saying so run that you may obtain you say look you've got to be in it to receive the prize in that it's only one receives a prize but they all run but here it's not like that is it it's not that like that in a Christian Christian race is only there's not one mansion in heaven that we're all fighting for be tough if it was wouldn't it Wow I think everyone would be up in their game of it but but there is it is there and it's not just one reward up there one crowd one crown but you've got to be doing the works don't you to be to be receiving the rewards okay sorry but um okay he says here in verse 25 and every man that striver for the master is temperate in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown but we an incorruptible so he's saying that people working hard to be the best runner was his example there or anything so really anything when you really want to achieve when you really want to be the best at something then your temper and and basically moderate self restrained in all things and you know I've got some experience of that with with sport and but I don't think it's just limited to sport I'm sure many people here with other things as well I know brother Clodie was quite high-level sport weren't you as well and there's probably other people in many parts of their life and in jobs and things or when you're going for an exam in something else and you really want to strive for the mastery you're gonna be pretty self-restrained aren't you you're not gonna be our well I've got an exam tomorrow so I'm gonna go out tonight I'm off up late I want to be the best I can be at this job I want to be the best I can be in this sport a night out on the tiles would be good or late night watching junk or whatever it is people don't do that they people that strive for the mastery they're self-restrained aren't they they're self-restrained in all things okay but that's for rewards that perish and fade away and I look at that a lot because a lot I was talking about this recently like a big part of my life is really you know trying to achieve something in the sport which was just just such a waste of time really and even after salvation it was still it was something that was really battling a bit with God you know because that was still of such importance to me and it took a while to kind of really get get my priorities right with that and and what's it for just some nonsense and at the time it's such a big thing to me and then when you look it's like who even cares you know and I would say that with like you know even with the highest level sport in the world that's such a big thing what a load of nonsense the way people get the way they get puffed up for being the best boxer in the world or their best sister like who even cares in how many years they'll be forgotten about won't they they will be forget and and when they're sadly most of them in hell they'll definitely wish that they hadn't spent all that time persevering after that but even when we're you know Christians born again saved Christians when they're in heaven are they really going to be looking back thinking at least I at least I was the best golfer in Surrey or whatever it is you know it's just like what a nonsense you're not gonna look back at that are you when you then look at all these rewards you can earn again in heaven and that you missed out on because you put all your time into that but regardless regardless of that they for those corruptible crowns they still temperate they still strive for the mastery and our crowns in heaven aren't corruptible are they okay they're not corruptible so should we not work harder for them we should be working harder than any of these people than any of these sportsmen and you know and I'm just thinking sportsman because that's something I could relate to a little bit but any of it any of the people that want to be the best in their field or whatever it is and put all that time and effort but our our rewards aren't corruptible are they best chef yeah best you name it and people put all this and again there's nothing being diligent in your job but you know you know when it's become something that's more it's more about the accolades and the recognition and everything else and even that striving for the most money striving for the for that again they're they're all corruptible aren't they they're all corrupt or in verse 26 he says I therefore so run not as uncertainly so fight I not as one that beateth the air and and again he's referring to back to I think it was was it verse 24 where he's saying about only one receiveth the prize and he's saying here that when we run it's not with the uncertainty of trying to become the only winner is it we don't have to be uncertain am I gonna be that one that gets that I'm gonna put all my effort into it to get that prize yeah I'm one of however many and I might not get it and we don't have to think like that do we because because we know we know that that what we're doing what we're doing is is going to earn rewards because the word of God promises it the word of God promises us that we're earning rewards for all parts of the Christian life okay and he says here so fight I not as one that beateth the air and I'll fight you know you could I say it's I think probably he's talking about training there probably again nothing you understand it probably shadow boxing years ago weren't they shadow boxing their togas increase but but even if it's just he's saying you know not as one that's just fighting for nothing but either way it what we're doing it's real isn't it is real with real rewards yeah it's real it's not just training we're not just playing Christian here are we we're all trying to earn real rewards in heaven and blessings on earth as well and let's not forget that we do get blessed in this life as well we do get help from God and it's not always material things but we do okay verse 27 but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection less that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway okay therefore so Paul is saying that he maintains self-discipline doesn't he says I keep under my body and bring it into subjection okay that's that self discipline and that is a key part of the Christian life isn't it self-discipline I think someone said this recently I saw on a group or something just going to realize that you know a massive part of Christian life is self-discipline isn't it and it can be hard for some it can be hard at different times to different people and but it is a massive part of it we do have free will we do have we we do have the ability to sin and we have the ability not to sin as well and you know a big part of it is that self-discipline and you know you could probably take a lot from what people do when they're striving for the mastery and trying to apply that to your life couldn't you try and be temperate be moderate in things turn to Titus 2 well I read Proverbs 25 28 Proverbs 25 28 says he that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls I know you can apply that to many things but I think it's having that control that having that self-discipline isn't it and that's even with how we behave even without bursts and things like that as well and Titus 2 and verse 11 for the grace of God is brick that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world okay and we should shouldn't we we should live soberly righteous and godly in this present world and but we have to deny the ungodliness and the worldly lusts and that's the tough bit but but we need to do it Paul is ending this chapter isn't he shot he's basically showing the importance of keeping self-discipline is important and and why does he suddenly turn to that because he's talking about living off offerings or not isn't he and he and if you're not yeah I mean you have to be self-disciplined if you're working full time and then trying to minister as much as Paul was and going about it takes a lot of self-discipline for that as well doesn't it and in the same way in the same way if you're not and he's talking about that people should be able to be paid if you have a full-time pastor but they're just spending their time doing nothing they're not disciplined they're not they're not really doing the work of God because you know that would be a problem wouldn't it that would be a problem and he's saying look you know you we have to as well as yes we're seeking rewards we're all earning rewards in life learning rewards that fade not away but but what we do you know it's so important to keep self-discipline in that life especially as I think he's ever referring back to as a as a paid man of God there and he's basically says there at the end there doesn't he he says he says less that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway so he doesn't want to end up chastised is he out of fellowship and that happens unfortunately like we said the other last week I think it's a slippery slope sin is a slippery slope and you start on that road and then it just goes goes downhill downhill next thing you know you can have someone like the Apostle Paul being a castaway the Apostle Paul being kicked out of basically the churches he started the Apostle Paul no one wants to fellowship no one will fellowship with him because he's told him don't fellowship with a man that does X Y & Z you know and that's it I mean that's pretty sobering isn't it that he without the self-discipline without keeping himself moderate that the even the Apostle Paul could end up being a castaway that's pretty sobering isn't it on that let's pray father thank you for your word thank you thank you for the example of the Apostle Paul and just so many truths in life that we can get from from the book of Corinthians and how we should be living and and just that that the truth is about about giving money to God's cause to your cause to the cause of God to to just be able to to know that not only not only are we giving to you but also that we get rewarded for that as well and thank you for for that thank you for making that clear please help us now to have a great week going forward help us to to get people saved in all the soul winning coming up and out of those times where possible as well help us to just all have a good week a safe week help our health help us to be safe with our journeys going home and help us to all God willing be back here next week in Jesus name we pray Amen