(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So 1 Corinthians we're up to chapter 12 and for those of you that haven't been with us we've been going through chapter by chapter the book of Corinthians been a great Bible study as far as I'm concerned I've really learned a lot from it I'm hoping everyone else has too it's you know for a new church I think it's been a great book to go through showing us how we don't want to be and how you know how the Corinthians sadly got a lot wrong didn't they and obviously we've just gone on from chapter 11 where where they were talking about obviously in the second half especially the Lord's Supper and and in that warning wasn't there that punishment as well and we go into chapter 12 here and he starts in verse 1 saying now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant so he obviously he's just rebuked them hasn't he the Corinthians for their Lord's Supper feasts they've just turned it into a big old raucous party and and now he wants to give them some knowledge and knowledge is good isn't it of course we saw that knowledge puffeth up charity edified but there's nothing wrong with knowledge as long as it's used in the right way and it's for the right reasons as well and he's saying he's not going to have you ignorant being ignorant isn't a good thing he goes on in verse 2 where he says you know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led okay so obviously Gentiles are non Jews it just splits it into two either Jews or Gentiles and dumb idols here and by the way just quickly that Jews and Gentiles some people use that as you know as I talked before they talked about you know obviously you've got these kind of dispend racialists it just like to kind of make it all about race but it's interesting there is it there's basically only two there's either the Jews and obviously for a reason because they to them were committed the oracles of God and you got everyone else and it's not this sort of you know well you got them the Gentiles and you got the this and you got the that it's just Gentiles you know a lot of the time we just talk about Jew or Gentile okay either Jews or the non Jews and he said that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led and dumb idols obviously idols that can't or don't speak something we use dumb for stupid it's obviously talking about that can't speak and with false religion of all kinds and there are many types of false religion aren't there people are carried away a lot of the time I believe having been led into it and they do get led into it often most of the time it's led through one way or another I mean some people might just pick and choose guy like that religion I'm going for a lot of the time it's through families isn't it friends and other things like that some sort of influence but regardless of being led into it they still make that decision don't need to follow it so as they get to that point especially in adulthood for some kids that can be tough they're still making that decision to continue following a false religion and it's important thing to remember I think and it can be frustrating kind of when we're so winning be frustrating when we're knocking on doors and these people have been led away unto dumb idols and some of the religions and some of the versions of Christianity other things are ridiculous aren't they and it can be really tough because you're trying to get through to people and they just won't have it and but some of us we've got to remember some of us have been were at some point led away unto some version of dumb idol or other weren't we and whether or not it was a false religion some might not have been involved in false religion but a lot of the time it's some other idol something else they're putting above God that they're worshipping in their life I mean it's good thing to remember that but our God isn't a dumb idol because he speaks to us doesn't he through the Word of God okay speaks to us through the Word of God and it's funny isn't it if you've ever tried to read any other so-called holy book they are absolutely ridiculous compared with this aren't they and I was I was out today actually and I was brother Jamie was was getting this fella saved and we had the fouls were circling and this foul just suddenly came out of nowhere and it was a friend of this guy and and I was just trying my best to keep him away and he was just really wondering what's going on there and I'm trying to talk and then I'll somehow let it get into a debate and we're just having having this debate and in the middle of the debate because he's just going well that's written by man it's you know it's getting really angry and agitated he was clearly you know pretty anti God this guy and amen in the end brother Jamie got the guy saved so it all worked out at the end but I was just going through this ridiculous debate with this guy anyway so just saying him but look at look at the majesty the beauty and I started reading in the beginning I love like the Gospel of John the first chapter and just when you read that the man can't write that Kenny man can't write that on his own it's it's it just it's set apart isn't it but of course a natural man understandeth not the things of God do they and and for him he's just a load of rubbish but it is amazing this book isn't it and that's how God speaks to us God speaks us through the Word of God he is not a dumb idol obviously and there is no comparison there's no comparison someone gave me a while back a Quran and what a load of old nonsense anyone ever tried reading the Quran or any parts of it oh wow it is ridiculous isn't it and and it's like just such a bad kind of copy of the Bible isn't it it's kind of it tries to sound a bit a bit biblical but just gets it all wrong but there is no comparison so in verse 3 here we've got where for I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost now this is yet another verse it's used for false ecumenical doctrine isn't him and the ecumenical doctrine is that basically anyone calling Jesus is Lord must be saved or must be a Christian or whatever version they want to call it and I've heard this used before and obviously and I actually read this to someone today part of it but let's just quickly go to Matthew 7 and from verse 22 because saying in that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost second part of verse 3 in Matthew 7 22 of course there are people that call Jesus Lord many will say to me that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity now they're calling Jesus Lord in that day aren't they they're calling Jesus Lord but before that day it wasn't Jesus they were calling the Lord was it it was some false version of Jesus and that's the truth it's their own version of Jesus that they're calling the Lord aren't they in their churches even in their false religions now that come away from Christianity it can be a Jesus that only died for some sins yeah sometimes the Jesus only died for particular sins or a Jesus that died so that you can then work your way to heaven there's that one isn't there is that that version of Lord a Jesus that wasn't God in the flesh you haven't heard of that one every way Jesus that wasn't God in the flesh or a Jesus that was a different form of God the Father and the Holy Ghost so just one form of God it's all you know this modalism type thing or a Jesus obviously that required a turning at least a turning from their wicked way some sort of repenting of sin some sort of turning from sins although no one seems to be able to categorize exactly what that is but it is a different Jesus isn't it it's a different Jesus that's not the Jesus of the Bible is it because the Jesus of the Bible died bade and rose again and out pay for all our sins past present future okay and that is a different different Jesus now saying that Jesus is the Lord here so in verse 3 there it said that sorry back to 1st Corinthians 12 but in verse 3 there it said understand I'll give you to understand no man speaking by the Spirit of God calling Jesus curse in it no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost I believe that's kind of really referring like like we often go to Romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shout believe in thine heart the God is raised from the dead thou shalt be saved but but to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus he's very different just going Jesus is Lord that requires a King James Bible and a spirit-filled preacher doesn't it that requires a combination there to then really understand and know what calling Jesus Lord is yeah okay but he said it first at the beginning of that that verse he said wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed so there's no Holy Spirit when there are so called religions the so-called religious calling Jesus accursed to some degree or other now that might sound fairly obvious but and not to flog a dead horse here but there are many Jews up to this day aren't there that call Jesus wicked and everything else don't know it's pretty clear and then these brainwashed Zionist Christians not only worship them but they listen to them expound in the Old Testament have you seen that nonsense where they're like whoa rabbi whatever said that in fact this meant this and this was talking about that and everything else well there's no Holy Spirit there so why are you gonna listen he doesn't understand what the Bible say yeah he doesn't understand at all so no man speak about the spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed so but really what Paul's building up to here is it he's he's bases highlighting that following gifts are for saved Christians because now we're going to go on to spiritual gifts and the Holy Spirit and working the Holy Spirit so in verse 4 now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit so a variety of gifts it's all one Holy Spirit isn't it verse 5 there a diver sorry there are differences of administrations but the same Lord so administrations distributions not everyone is given the same gifts but with all still of the same Jesus Christ aren't we it all comes from that whether or not we all have different gifts different skills different things it doesn't mean that we're all from a different religion obviously verse 6 and there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all okay so there are varieties of uses of the gifts is how I see that I know some people read that slightly differently but it is the same God so an application verse 4 5 & 6 there could be that we all differ in our gifts and how we use them it doesn't mean that we're not all saved Christians yeah and I know that might sound again you might think well that's pretty obvious but for example I'm not going to use real examples here because it's my offend or something else but just say we had sitting in that empty chair there we had we had old Big Frank in there yeah okay Big Frank's been coming to the church for years he's been zealous for God for years he's clearly got the gift of knowledge he's been he's saved he said but not only that he just seems to recall verses like that he just knows the Bible inside out yeah okay someone else say we've got sitting in sitting next to him yeah they're good friends and he's and we've got maybe they're not good friends in fact but we've got we've got Bernard okay we've got Bernard sitting next to frowns trying to pick names that no one else it's clearly got okay so we got Bernard sitting next to Frank yeah now Bernard clearly doesn't have that gift of knowledge yeah but he's been saved and zealous for God for the same amount of times currently he can't recall verses info like Frank now there could be a tendency for Big Frank there to look at Bernard and wonder if he's saved couldn't he he could be looking at Bernard saying we've got saved the same time he's been coming to church he's read the Bible the same amount of times me can't even he can't even memorize this first he doesn't know where this one is or maybe he's thinking does he really read his Bible does he really you know he can't recall verses like I can doesn't have the knowledge I do he doesn't know that book and that book inside out or maybe sinking Bernard's obviously got a lot of sin in his life isn't he Bernard's obviously got a lot of sin in his life because he just doesn't have what I have but Bernard maybe has a gift of ministering or maybe helps if you believe that's what it's referring to in verse 28 of 1st Corinthians 12 so he's just one of them guys that without even being asked he just gets on with stuff in the church he's just such a help to the church he's just one of those people just everything seems to get done you don't even notice him doing it and it's not to be seen to do it it's not begrudgingly he just does it now he's just as saved isn't he in fact he's just as useful maybe he's more useful in the church but I think that's what we're talking about here aren't we there's different spirits different gifts different but it's all one Holy Spirit yeah okay in verse 7 it says but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all okay so the profit is for the body the church with all there is with the rest is to profit with the rest okay so yeah look the individual obviously profits you've got a spiritual gift you've got something that is clear that you have a gift in something yeah you're gonna get some profit but the focus has to be on the church so it could be there might be people that wonder that I just don't know what my gift is I just don't do I even have a gift but maybe it's not obvious to them because it's not being made manifest because their focus isn't on benefiting the church their focus isn't on the church their focus isn't on on improving the church their focus on themselves and really is that a useful gift is that really going to become manifest that obviously to them if all they're thinking about is how they can look a certain way and how great they can be or anything else and do we and that's the thing and that's a that's a question we should all ask ourselves remind ourselves a lot of is do we really really want this church to succeed do we want the church to succeed or is it about us is it about our aspirations in the church is it about our fellowship is it about our you know getting to a certain role later on or becoming a big deal in the church or being the best whatever it is in the church because it shouldn't be shouldn't and if you are like that I don't think your spiritual gifts are going to be as like they're not I don't think they're going to manifest so much if that's your focus and it's an important thing to think about for everyone isn't it is it about you and he goes on here in verse 8 for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the work of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these work if that one and the self same spirit divining to every man severely as he will right before we go through these as you are all aware probably or most people are aware there are a variety of beliefs on this passage and other passage passages of this in Scripture now obviously you've got the Charismatics obviously called the Charismaniacs as well for good reason okay and we've got any and obviously they're different charismatic churches but there are some extremes aren't there and there are some extremes are you going to a church and it's what what is going on I remember going to one when I was really young actually with a friend from school for many reasons but I remember going to one of these churches and yeah I mean you had the lot you have people shaking and falling down and it is crazy you know I remember mum being really angry I'd stayed at his house she didn't even know that I was we were going to church the next day at this church and for good reason she was angry okay then you've got so you've got the Charismatics Charismaniacs and what that then does it creates this debate you may have heard of again we've got cessationism and continuationism so cessationism you've got to the extreme where there's literally not one spiritual gift some people believe that there's you know they're all done away with and then you've got the extreme on the other hand continue continuationism where basically absolutely every spiritual gift still continues to this day okay now then you've got some stuff in between so you've got some that believe that everything in this chapter like I said ceased with the completion of the New Testament but you've also got some that believe that certain of these ceased you've got some that believe that Romans 12 and we'll go there in a bit 6 to 8 are the only applicable gifts to this day you've got some that believe that Romans 12 aren't spiritual gifts at all that they're just kind of just ways of being you know like gifts without the spiritual part and you've got everywhere in between that as well now I myself believe that there are a combination of gifts in this chapter so I believe that some have ceased and I believe that some will some do continue okay that's where I stand on this okay and again I've heard differently I've heard amongst people we know different readings of this sort of thing as well and and obviously Romans 12 as well now verse 8 there said for to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit now again I've heard people argue that these were only for the writing of the New Testament okay so the gift and knowledge gift of wit or the word of knowledge what was all about writing the Bible I don't think that's true myself so I believe that these are spiritual gifts that still apply okay so I think the gift and knowledge gift of wisdom because others would go to Romans 12 and go well the teaching is that kind of knowledge but I think there's a difference here the gift of knowledge give gift of wisdom okay what's the difference between wisdom and knowledge well wisdom is the right use use or exercise of knowledge discerning or judging what is best most just most proper whereas knowledge is a clear and certain perception of that which exists or of truth of fact okay so there's two differences aren't there there's one having the knowledge there's one really in a way being able to apply it in the best way yeah and you don't necessarily have as much knowledge as a person that has that to be able to apply it if you can have wisdom and knowledge that's simple gifts to have but but it's all for the edifying it's all to profit with all isn't it okay so two different things there were notes how it's a word of wisdom and of knowledge and that's why some people like to point to what it's about right in the bar but no I think it's because it's to be used it's to profit people it's not just sitting there with some knowledge with a load of knowledge all I know everything about the Bible great oh I've got all this wisdom so I can deal with my it's to edify others isn't it okay but it's important with that as well because there are many that could look at that and think well I'm gonna prove my gift of knowledge and wisdom and just go around the church constantly telling people knowledge and constantly trying to advise them on things which maybe no one really wants so you know it's it's being used but in the right way at the right time when it's wanted as well okay again they are remember they are for the benefit of the church okay now verse 9 says to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit okay so faith here is beyond the faith required for salvation so to get saved requires an amount of faith doesn't it not a very large amount is but it's faith in Jesus Christ isn't it but there are levels aren't there a faith we see that in the Bible just quickly if you turn to Luke 7 while I read Matthew 14 31 talking to Peter having just started walking on water and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him oh thou of little faith where for didst thou doubt okay so obviously there's little faith there isn't there thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt and then in Luke 7 6 to 9 we see the story here of the healing of the guy's daughter and oh it's his servant sorry then Jesus went with them and when he was now not far from the house centurion sent friends to him saying unto him Lord trouble not thyself for I'm not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof wherefore neither come sorry neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee but say in a word and my servant shall be healed for I also am a man set under authority having under me soldiers and I sound to one go and he goeth into another company cometh into my servant do this and he doeth it when Jesus heard these things he marveled at him and turned him about and said unto the people that followed him I sound to you a high have not found so great faith no not in Israel so there are clearly levels of faith aren't there and there are some people that just have some unmovable faith don't they and and the more I think the more we we become you know the more we go forward as a church and get to know people more and have more people come in the more we're going to see examples of this compared with other people the more we actually really all get involved in church life properly because that most of us haven't really been have we and you're going to start to see that and you'll see people that literally just don't have a moment of doubt they don't have a moment of doubt in in any area when it comes to things of God God fulfilling promises when they're in tribulation persecution I know God's going to come through come through for me you get people that just have no doubt of so many of the promises in the Bible that when they do things the right way things will work out they're patient they're not wondering if God will answer their prayer they know God will answer their prayer if it's according to his will you know they're not wondering is this persecution going to end they know it's going to end because you know he said it will be for a time and and just say just have this faith okay and that's a great thing to have is there that could be a great thing to have around a church don't you think great thing to have around a church people that have that strong faith because that can lift up others can't it it'd be hard when you're with people that are just naysayers you know and that could be pretty tough but we want people with strong faith around right first Corinthians 12 9 there if you're back there obviously talked about the gifts of healing here okay now I believe that we could put this along with verse tens miracles and the miraculous tongues seen in Pentecost as sign gifts okay these are sign gifts now don't get me wrong obviously God can and does heal people okay but not in in the way that we saw obviously in Jesus's ministry and in the book of Acts and that miraculous healing now although tongues and the interpretation tongues could equally apply couldn't they to a gift for languages some people have an aptitude for languages don't know a gift for understanding or translation which I think is different to be able to just speak a language some people can speak a language but pick you up a language is different to understanding it or accurately translating here but I think here probably lightly he's talking again about the miraculous gift I'm not sure because there are there are debates how miraculous some of the other mentions of tongues were compared with obviously what was a purely miraculous at Pentecost in Acts 2 right turn a second Corinthians 12 okay 2nd Corinthians 12 so we're in 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians 12 okay Paul showing how he qualifies as an apostle and in verse 12 he says truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience in signs and wonders and mighty deeds okay so these were signs of an apostle signs wonders and mighty deeds in Acts 2 43 that after Turner it says that and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles but turn over to Hebrews 2 and from verse 3 Hebrews 2 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will okay so the purpose of the signs and wonders the divers miracles and some of it didn't say all I I think that some of the gifts of the Holy Ghost was to validate them wasn't it it was to validate them validate those preaching the Word of God validate the Word of God now was it just the twelve apostles because some say it's just the twelve apostles and and whether or not you know Paul Matthias obviously Paul would then become one of those twelve apostles well turn to Acts 14 and in verse 1 it says Acts 14 1 and this is talking of Paul and Barnabas and that Barnabas although he's sometimes referred to as an apostle he's not one of the twelve one of the twelve and I think it's different when it when it's referred to as an apostle it's a different use for him but in in in chapter 14 verse 1 says and it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews and so spake that a great multitude both the Jews and also the Greeks believed but the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and made their minds evil effect against brethren long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord which gave testimony unto the word of his grace and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands now again I if you can read that two ways some might say well the signs and wonders why by their hands by Paul but their purpose was preaching the gospel wasn't it so either way because these are the arguments some of the Charismatics will try and oh well actually no you know it wasn't just a possible it was this or that well they preached the gospel God was confirming them as plants of the first churches was these confirming the Word of God going forth they didn't have the completed New Testament scripture and I know some would like to go to first Corinthians 13 now I'm not so sure about that so we're not going to for now we're going to look at that next week anyway but that is far away from what we see in these joke churches now isn't it that is a big difference the so-called miracles of healing churches and they're absolutely wicked aren't they and it's all money money money money and it's horrific really what they do to people I was actually talking to her brother the other day about his family member who's who's like given loads of money inheritance that she got to these people of food like one of those TV network things she's just been brainwashed by she thinks she's gonna get blessed she's gonna get there she's gonna send me money to people like Kenneth Copeland and others and it's it's wicked isn't it because it's easy to look at it and just think well what idiots what idiots for getting involved but this is you know sadly they're victims to a degree okay they do have a choice but they are to some point a victim aren't they and these people are wolves aren't they and and they're preying on these people and it's it's yeah it's just unbelievable isn't it well these miracles of healing then the miracles of healing that they claim that they're in an apostolic line or whatever else well turn to Philippians 2 Philippians chapter 2 and verse 25 this is Paul speaking he said yeah I suppose it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and companion in labor and fellow soldier but your messenger and he that ministered to my wants feel longed after you all and was full of heaviness because that he had heard that he had been sick for indeed he was sick night unto death but God had mercy on him and not on him only but on me also this I should have sorrow upon sorrow where is the miraculous healing there where is the miraculous healing how did that happen how did he get sick nigh unto death there was only God's mercy that he was healed look at you know in fact don't turn him at second queen second Timothy so a 420 says Erastus abode at Corinth but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick why do you leave him there sick if he could just heal him like that why didn't he heal him first Timothy 5 23 says drink you know many people know this verse especially the ones that like to try and say it's to do with alcohol drink no longer water but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities only be miraculously healed because the whole point of the signs and the wonders were to confirm the word wasn't it and to confirm the apostles so definitely a lack of miraculous healings going on and and some would say well it was later in Paul's ministry well regardless it still stopped there and obviously as we know the sign gives her to confirm the word now what about the jibber-jabber tongues then what about the jibber-jabber tongues so I don't anyone ever heard this stuff yeah quite most of the church have probably heard this sort of nonsense and it's I mean it sounds pretty satanic doesn't it a lot of that stuff it's wicked as anything it's got an evil spirit with it what Turner acts to then and I think this kind of acts to itself solves it you could go for a study on tongues but acts 2 from verse 1 and when their day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and it appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and they were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marvelled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia and Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia and Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete's and Arabians we do hear them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God the wonderful works of God it's languages isn't it it's clear as day that it's language languages verse 4 they spoke with other tongues verse 6 it says because every man heard them speak in his own language verse 8 and how we hear we every man in our own tongue its languages and then obviously verse 11 makes it clear when it says it says we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God which is a whole point in it isn't it and that is a whole point the whole motive of it and for me like that's kind of it really isn't it I know like people you know you can probably do a whole sermon obviously I want to go through this whole chapter but but it is ridiculous and when you hear these people they I mean they'll be praying for you to get this gift of tongues to just talk a lot of nonsense no one understands there's some sort of prayer like I don't even I think some of them explained it as some sort of prayer language and that they've got this special kind of then talking to God and it is absolute nonsense and what a surprise that every single one of them believes in work salvation every single one then believes in some form of repent of your sins or continual repentance or whatever it is salvation okay verse 10 though so back to 1st Corinthians 12 verse 10 to another work your miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues okay so I believe that the prophecy and discerning of spirits do still exist prophecy being preaching God's Word we've gone over that before that's pretty clear and and obviously that's not just from a pulpit so it's like oh right I've got the gift of prophecy that's it I need to be a preacher because obviously we preach God's Word every day that we go out so winning don't we and and not only that mums preach God's Word to their kids husbands preach God's Word to their wives we preach God's Word amongst each other in conversation but obviously from a pulpit as well and and that's the prophecy it's talking about I think here now what about discerning of spirits well turn of 1st John 4 so 1st John chapter 4 1st John 4 and from verse 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby know you the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist where of you have heard that it should come and even now already is it in the world okay so there are some aren't there there are people that can sit through sermons and not notice the false doctrine at all there are and we probably all have chats with people and other people have been at churches where seemingly save people will literally sit through a sermon where someone is clearly preaching false doctrine and not notice it and it does and that's not because oh you just clearly don't have the oh you clearly haven't read your Bible just some people don't really have as much of a nose for it for others and there are others that can literally just pick out every bit and and yeah obviously there can be the you can have those that are literally waiting to catch someone in their words okay and I hope I don't have people there that just can't wait to get him you know but there are those there are those and sadly I've been at church so I've been a bit like that well I've just known that that that guy's not like you're just waiting for it aren't you're waiting and maybe and maybe that's not cuz only you're gifted cuz you clocked it because you kind of been expecting it anyway but there are some that are probably I believe are more gifted in that area but here's the thing yeah you're not gifted in that area if you just call absolutely everyone a false prophet okay the scatter gun approach okay everyone's a false prophet you're gonna get it right now and again yeah hey I've got the gift of discerning of spirits yeah okay that's not the idea the idea obviously is is there are people that that can just they just have a have a nose for it I believe that's what it's talking about a discerning of that spirit of Antichrist those false prophets and everything else some people seem to clock it earlier than others okay verse 11 said but all these work that one in the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will so the spirit decides who and how many okay it's not just one gift necessarily and the spirit decides who and how many now yeah you can pray for gifts you can pray for things but it's a spirit that decides and the spirit divides for every man severally as he will right this wasn't an exhaustive list we see a few more at the end of the chapter we'll look at in a minute but Romans 12 and verse 6 and I know that Passama here's just done a done a series on this I've seen some of them which is pretty interesting Romans 12 and from verse 6 says having then gifts differing according the grace that is given to us where the prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of face that's preached according to the amount that you understand I've said the faith you have ministry let us let us wait on our miss ministering that's what I believe they're helping he that teaches on teaching the teacher or he that exhorteth on exhortation when you're an encouragement he that giveth let him do it with simplicity people are into giving that have the gift of giving and a lot of the time that could be financially as well he that rule with diligence have the ability to rule to be a good leader he that showeth mercy with cheerfulness and I know obviously that that could be alluded to empathy as well okay now the the spirit decides war and I think that probably when you add that up with first Corinthians that's kind of the bulk of gifts but I don't know I don't know if that is exhausted I don't know their gifts that aren't in the Bible maybe though I mean we talk you can look back in in the Old Testament and of course the gift of crafting with their hands and stuff wasn't there gifted by the Holy Spirit in that and there are many probably many areas that we can be gifted by the Holy Spirit but he says in verse 12 back to first Corinthians verse 12 he says for as a body is one and have many members and all the members of that one body being many a one body so also is Christ okay so here he's saying look we as probably most you know really about we often see the local New Testament Church referred to as a body yeah and just quickly on that Ephesians 1 turn Ephesians 1 Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 22 and have put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all and just go over now to Colossians 1 I just after Philippians and Colossians 1 and verse 18 and he is a head of the body the church so again the body is the church who is a beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence now Colossians 1 24 says for by one spirit so when you're in there verse 24 are we all baptized into one body whether we so it doesn't say that Colossians 1 24 says who now rejoicing my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake which is the church so okay so obviously body body body here and then from verse 13 in first Corinthians for by one spirit we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bonder free and have been all made to drink into one spirit okay so right the body obviously we're talking about the church and this is yet another verse in the Bible that debunks a Zionism lies yeah just another one here that debunks these this Zionist nonsense obviously Galatians 3 28 we're not going to go on to this for long says there is neither June or Greek there's neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus okay it's so clear isn't it in the New Testament okay turn of Matthew 3 11 I know it's obviously it's a Bible study these and I think it might be better when it's eventually midweek when you're not all tired on a Sunday but Matthew 3 11 he said I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire so for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body okay that's pretty clear that's the Holy Spirit we're baptized and that's that salvation it's talking about and then it's also by that one spirit it says here and have been all be sorry whether we be bond or free sorry whether we be Jews gender bond or free have been all be made to drink into one spirit okay so what's the one spirit being drunk into well I think if you have a look at John 7 here okay John 7 and verse 37 John 7 37 and in the in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirsts let him come unto me and drink okay a picture of salvation there he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because it Jesus was not yet glorified okay so again there we've all been made to drink into that one spirit but just before that he said by one spirit are we all baptized into one body so we're saved into and we should be saved into a church shouldn't we we should be going into a church and that's obviously been hard in this country but he's highlighting the unity we should have and in that verse where these then talk about whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free the unity we should have in the church across class race as one body of believers one body of believers all in dwelt by the Holy Spirit yeah okay pretty clear so verse 14 he says for the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because I'm not the hand I am not of the body is it therefore not of the body and if the air shall say because I'm not the I am not of the body is it therefore not of the body that is a good reminder for everyone that maybe you're not gifted in a certain area but you could still be a value church member can't you yeah it doesn't matter if you don't have that gift you're still eventually as gifts are going to be manifest you could still be a value church member but whatever you're gifted in that obviously doesn't count against soul-winning we should all be so winning that's clear isn't it we should all be so winning but there are many areas for a church and for a church to function properly aren't there many many areas for a church and again we're we're a beginning of a church here and we're growing quickly aren't we but as we continue to grow we're going to need more and more and more areas and functions and things for this church to be to be a successor to function the best it possibly can yeah are we going to need everyone skills and gifts to start coming to the fore for that to happen verse 17 says if the whole body were an eye where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling so if we were all preachers there would be no one really to listen would there and if we're all gifted at ministering and finding things to do to help there'd be nothing to do would there everyone be getting up with each other because they want to get on with stuff okay and and you know that it's true though isn't it that's why like we all have different roles different jobs different things that we're gonna be gifted at verse 18 says but now if God set the members every one of them in the body as it have pleased him now this is a really good verse a good reminder here God now have God set the members every one of them in the body okay God builds the church God builds the church and it's a really good reminder there that God builds a church now verse 28 if you just jump forward verse 28 confirms it here in in 1228 it says and God has set some in the church and he gives a list okay it works the same way as when he designed a human body okay God is creating a body and God has set the people in it to make a functioning body okay in math you don't understand a bit in Matthew 16 18 says and I say unto you this is Jesus speaking I say unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it okay Ephesians 4 turn to Ephesians 4 quickly and verse 11 Ephesians 4 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in a unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be known more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lay and wait to wait to deceive but speak to the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is ahead even Christ from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supply according to the effectual work in the measure of every part make it increase of the body into the edifying of itself in love verse 11 there and he gave some he builds it to become a functioning body Psalm 127 one says except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build that build it except the Lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain okay and I want to focus on this just just a tiny bit longer for a good reason go to efficient Ephesians 2 Ephesians 2 and verse 19 now therefore year no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God again the Zionists don't like that and they're built upon the found growth unto an holy temple in the Lord in whom you also build it together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit verse 20 are built verse 22 ye plural also a building together for inhabitation of God and last bit on that first Peter 2 5 you don't have to turn this is he also as lively stones have built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ so we are the stones and are built up yeah pretty clear yeah that's pretty obvious built by God the church is built by God so with that in mind every single person in this church and the ones that are visiting I hope that they move here in the future for this reason as well have been placed here by God yeah they've been there everyone who's a member of this church is basically being placed here for the effectual working of the church right yeah and they're all got roles and parts to play in the church which means that we need to respect and love everyone in this church for that because they all have different roles we don't always know what those roles aren't yet but we're gonna see that manifest with time and God wants everyone here here together to work as a church but it's something to remember as well because we can when we're so winning and we're talking to family and friends we're getting them say they're like they just won't come to church like I talked about earlier gets frustrating doesn't it but again I know there's free will I'm not saying I'm not turning into a Calvinist now it's like God will just kind of pull every string and everything else but really God will I think convict people more and more and God maybe doesn't there's some people that maybe wouldn't be a fit in this church maybe they wouldn't maybe they would actually be a better fit in that dodgy old and I hold IFB Church that's just you know as long as they got the gospel right but maybe they are maybe not maybe for a time maybe they won't be a fit here yet maybe that maybe there are people that get saved that it's not their time yet and they're not going to be make this an affection work in the church and that there's pieces just coming together you know it doesn't all get built at one does it when you build a house you don't just shove everything in one day altogether do you and it comes with time and certain areas need to be built first between up before other areas get built and it's something to remember and it's not because we could sometimes think it's all about our efforts it's all about on if only I could you know maybe I need to ring him five times in a week and make sure send him another three emails or send them the pack and everything else and it's good to follow up we should follow up yeah we want to encourage them to church but ultimately God builds the church yeah okay um verse 19 says and if they were all one member where were the body okay and that's what will make us an effective church different strengths and roles right here okay clearly different strengths and roles and it says verse 20 but now they many members yet but one body and the I cannot sound to the hand I have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you and obviously that's same with the church every member of our church should be a valued member okay every single one nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble and necessary right this is what I'm gonna start picking out the feeble people here and guy looked over but seriously yeah I'll tell you one that we could think of here that's quite clear and no offense but maybe kids people can sometimes think that the kids were to know and do you know someone else and just you know we would do this do we headcount the kids or ever well yeah sure do we do don't we those kids they are very necessary in fact we won't have a church in the future if we ain't got kids here now will we we won't when we're all old and crusty or all banged up in jail or whatever it is yeah we need someone to take over yeah it might be some little kids in here taking over when we're all marched off out of here next week I better get some keys cut for the kids but but they are the future aren't they they're the future and you know what as well a lot of those kids are hopes I hope they do have a lot less baggage than us old-timers here don't they a lot less baggage from their previous lives because I'm hoping they're not gonna have that sort of previous life that we all had and they are the future and they might seem a bit more feeble right now but they are all the more necessary and every child in here I hope that they listen they're listening to the Word of God they're listening to the preaching because they are the future and they they are a big part of our church they're a massive part of our church yeah and they're gonna be a lot longer than us verse 23 says and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor kids we give you abundant honor and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness what about new believers how needed the new believers in a church hey aren't they make other new believers feel a lot more at home don't they because it could be hard it could be hard as a new believer walking into a church you know with all the Amen's and the bar and every time I'd get him to turn to a Bible passage it's a straight away there is that a little something will literally just open it on that page this is impressive you know they're just sitting around thinking maybe they can feel like a bit of a fish out of water you know and it's good to have different levels we want different people on different people at different journeys different areas because that helps that helps with the fellowship around and and it's not that you know well they're just a bit uncombly they're only just got saved no they're all a big part of the church and a good church should have different levels shouldn't it and hopefully we'll be getting there with time with that now what about other things like people with obvious signs of a past life and I'm gonna pick on him because the other day I was at a door with brother Chris here and that lady was so willing to talk and so wanted to talk and the reason she said is because obviously brother Chris has some obvious signs of you know over past life and taxes done she was like you know I'm really pleased she was like you know that you guys come you know and in fact she actually said that you're obviously not you know conservative and everything else the Chris I have actually made conservative but but you know what because if if if it wasn't if every single person in here and every person that was going out soul-winning just was looked completely just like they they've been just reading the Bible from five years old then that can put people off as well can't it and we want a big mix and everything else and people and it can and with that lady actually what do you think still still think saved I think saved yeah I think so as well and she was saved and she she but you know what she was interested she she wanted to talk she wanted to we could then leave her with New World Order Bible versions couldn't we and I think she would have gone away and watched that you know she had more respect for us and maybe if you know a couple of straighter lace looking people come to her door she served the Christians you know it's out of the door everyone I'm saying we should appear to look what we're not but you know it does all of these things do make a difference don't they verse 24 says for our comely parts have no need but God had tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to that part part which that tempered his mix so God puts it all together okay now we could easily couldn't we we could easy take roles for granted couldn't we in the church take roles for granted but say we had no one here that could play the piano say it was like a year and by the way sister Vanessa has learned especially for this yeah so I mean she's gone from you know a few hymns up to what we up to 20 23 hymns in the space of a few months amen today and but say we didn't have sister Vanessa here and say no one here could play the piano and maybe that went on for a year and I'm not sure foundation you know our parent church our church they started with a one-handed pianist who was you know only on the one hand on it because they didn't they didn't have anyone that could play the piano now then someone turned up say sister Vanessa turned up a year later she would get some abundant honor wouldn't she more abundant honor well so did I say we run a bus ministry or something and we you know but we didn't actually have anyone that could drive and then brother Jamie turned up like hey brother Jamie you know a year later and so we really wanted to do that we had loads of kids that wanted to get in people parents were happy for them to come but they're just gonna get here you know and all these different things aren't there look it's when you lack and then you realize that you need them and we we probably lack in quite a few areas that we haven't looked into now because we want this church grow we want to start doing more and more don't we and and and with that we're gonna start to realize where we have needs and other things and it will be God that builds that church with that and gives us the people we need um right verse 25 that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it isn't that a great goal that there is no schism or division in the church that we should have the same care one for another okay and when it's no schism again like I said before it doesn't that everyone has to be the best ever buddy but we should all have a care for each other shouldn't we we should all care for brothers and sisters in Christ turn a 1st John 4 1st John chapter 4 and verse 19 we love him because he first loved us talking about God if a man say I love God and hateth his brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his brother whom he has seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen and this commandment have we from him that he who loveth God loveth his brother also and and that's an important it is important it's so important isn't it and and it's pretty clear there isn't it we're lying when we say we love God but we're hating brothers and sisters in Christ and we really all of us here every single person should be really making sure that's not them in this church and that we should love each other yeah you're going to have differences that's bound to happen with a group this this large and getting larger that's going to happen isn't it going to be people that don't have much in common there are going to be issues there are going to be problems that arise in a church but but we should through all that our answer should be praying for those people shouldn't we praying for them and not just hating on them back to 1st Corinthians 12 and and look at that verse 26 there and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it i was thinking about you know for many many years i just had this really bad back where whenever i was standing i wouldn't have been able to do this many years ago um i i when i stood still my whole back just seized up and and to the point where i was i was in a lot of pain and i had to sit down it would relax again and i went to all these charlatans who claimed to be osteos physios um uh chiropractors all added different chiropractors gives you a click and a crack the uh the different osteos gave me different ideas different physios none of them got it yeah then i turned up at this um i'd been coaching at this gym and one of the remember brother uh he's not a brother brother john do you remember gary head said to me um i'll just use a tennis ball and just massage out your hips and your glutes with it yeah and ever since i've been telling everyone this because it it's not just me but so many clients i had solved so many issues by just self-massage simple as that so basically i just lent on a wall and just lent on this like massage ball and over the next few months suddenly this problem that had been since i was in my late teens for years i'd go shopping at christmas and i had to sit down every shop i'd have to go and find a seat and i'd be like this and sit down and it would loosen up i could run i could do loads of stuff but if i was still stationary or walking slowly which annoyingly in queues was bad food shopping nightmare now it's piece of cake i'm standing okay i'm shifting my weight a little bit but nothing like i was and it was simply just self-massage but point being that the whole time i was focused on the back the back was seizing up it's all the back the back the back but it was the glutes it was the glutes and the hips which were affecting the back and you hear that in many different ways don't you people who you know have headaches from shoulder problems don't and pain referring and problems that cause other problems people have maybe a foot problem that becomes a back problem because of the way they're walking and this happens a lot and we know that they're headaches from shoulder problems we hope that jesus being the head doesn't get the ache from from the way we behave sometimes but but um it's not just i think and that's like us suffering with our brothers and sisters that that kind of is a picture isn't it of of whether one member suffers so when someone else is going through things that we should shouldn't we as members of a church that should affect us we should care we should that should affect us but on another way as well we automatically do don't we there is an automatic affecting there where he says where the one member suffer all the members suffer with it not just should but it does happen because if there are people clearly unhappy in church there is a knock-on effect isn't there there is a knock-on effect you notice it straight away when people are unhappy um when people when there's problems in their lives and it just bounces off doesn't it on you um sin as well that's why chapter five chapter five makes it so clear what the why why people are getting kicked out it's because the effect they'll have on the church the effect and sin does affect other people around them and that's why it you have to kick people out for those sins i mean why because again we talk a lot about certain sins but i was thinking about it like with covetousness because it's such a knock-on effect so if i'm if i'm just constantly talking about money and making money in this scheme and this plan it just makes you start thinking about it more doesn't it and next thing you know half the church you're into you know get rich quick schemes and and it's a problem because covetousness as we just looked at earlier that covetousness that seeking money that's setting your sights on money will just ruin your walk and it will ruin you ruin your christ love and it'll ruin the church which is why when there's a clear case of it they're to be kicked out the church um but in the same way though in the same way as well when it says a one member be honored all the members rejoice with it what if in the same way if i just after men's preaching night say there is just one absolute fire sermon and and i and everyone else is just like amen brother let's choose someone it wasn't there brother max wasn't that the last one again brother max that was the best sermon like everyone's just saying that would we all we should all rejoice shouldn't we we should but would we all rejoice would there be a little in their mind oh sure brother max you know about my sermon or whatever else we should and i hope everyone would but let you know let's face it we've all got the sinful flesh and there there can be that can't there or say one of the ladies just was bringing in just an amazing meal every single week we're just like wow oh it just tastes so good yeah yeah that bit's like oh everyone's just queuing up for that one that one potluck dish yeah and and again would all the ladies just be like amen and rejoicing what a great cook you know sister i'm so pleased she could cook or would they be a little bit like oh yeah come on you know you know it don't you and really really this is where we should be aiming for shouldn't we we should be aiming for this but sadly we do fall short but we want to be trying not to fall short like that because we are all a body we're all a body and if she's being honored and she's rejoicing that's great for all of us isn't it isn't that great for all of us now ye are the body of christ and members in particular and god has set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles and gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues now for sake of time i'm going to be quick here so notice a changing list he's added teachers helps and governments halle spiritual gifts i i think so right we need a variety of skills in the church don't we we need a variety of skills like we've talked about and like i said we're new church always clear at the beginning there are gifted teachers though there are people that are gifted at teaching and and you know some of you might think they're gifted at teaching maybe they are maybe they're not but you know you're gifted teaching where when you're teaching something people will actually learn what you're teaching them okay that's quite a big giveaway isn't it okay so there are gifted teaching teachers there are gifted helps aren't there which i think is the same as the ministering in romans 12 7 that's what i see that as those helps there are people that are just happy to help no motive it's not they're helping just to be seen to help everyone see you know blowing the trumpet before they start cleaning the floor whatever it is you know um it's it's not to be seen it's people that just want to help they're happy to help they've got no problem they just like doing stuff um and and there's a gift for that governments there are there are people that i think that's a ruler for romans 12 he that ruleth for romans 12a and there are people that just have have more of a gift for that for leadership for leading um and for being able to to basically run a well-oiled machine and to just get people organized and to be able to have that oversight and yeah people with a gift organizing and look by the way that one is a gift so just because you have a desire to boss people around doesn't mean that you're necessarily gifted in organizing or leading governments whatever you want to call it okay um but and we're going to need that the more we grow you know it's like oh well there's only one person here that's leading the church there's only one pastor pastor thompson there's only one one you know satellite leader no because there are going to be so many areas aren't there's going to be more we do more and as you know what we're doing right now is we're trying to rotate the people that are here regularly trying to rotate get them doing different stuff um different different jobs and you're well going to say to me actually i'd like to try that and that's fine and starting to do that because i want to i want to try people out different things see who's good at different and start to see what gifts there are not just oh well i was here first first come first served on that job um okay says here are all apostles are all uh prophets are all teachers are all works and miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak the tongues to all interpret the answer is clearly no 31 let's finish off but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet shall i unto you a more excellent way um now the best gift we actually see in chapter 14 and verse 1 to 3 where it says follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god but for no man understandeth him how be it in the spirit he speak of mysteries but he that prophesy speaketh unto men to edification exhortation and comfort okay so and and again like i said that's not just preaching from a pulpit but that is a good gift isn't it that's something we should all be desiring um to be able to be able to preach the gospel clearly to be able to go out preach the gospel to be able to preach the word of god to to others in our lives and everything else um as opposed to speaking some you know gibberish or as opposed to speaking a random language and i could i'd imagine if you know that especially with that that miraculous gift of that was probably quite impressive wasn't it but again that was that was okay yeah it was good at the time but and maybe if it's not you know with the miraculous part just being able to speak languages is a good thing but everything we're doing is for for the church for the edification for preaching the gospel isn't it and for getting that word out and and definitely not to speak some sort of made up devilish gibberish um on that let's pray heavenly father i thank you for your word thank you for the body of christ thank you for making it clear that we're all just such a such a part of that um that we all have roles to play in this church um help us to to realize those roles those gifts those abilities help me to see those to recognize those amongst people as well and to get people doing the things that you'd want them doing um putting people in the right roles for people to just help out for people not to be impatient with that too and to just want to be a good church member and and with time you'll reveal what what positions what roles what places people have whether that's just in daily conversation fellowship or or set roles in the church and um we pray that you just help us now with our week going forward uh pray that you'll just guide us all um with everything we do this week pray that you give us a safe journey home and that most of us apart from those that are eight hours away we'll we'll be able to to meet here again next week to honor and glory you in Jesus name we pray amen