(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) this evening in your white handouts so turn if you would to Psalm 149 in your white handouts Psalm 149 in the white handout Psalm 149 let's sing let them praise his name in the dance let them sing praises unto him with the temporal and harp for the whole Lord taketh pleasure in his people he will beautify the meek with salvation let the Saints be in glory let them sing aloud upon their beds let the high praises of God to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon they are nobles with fetters of iron to execute upon him the judgment written this honor have all his saints praise he the Lord amen brother Jacob would you lead us in a word of prayer amen all right for our next song this evening turn if you would to him number 257 look and live him number 257 look and live let's sing I have a message from the Lord hallelujah the message unto you I'll give is recorded in his word hallelujah it is only that you look at my brother look to Jesus now and is recorded in his word hallelujah it is only that you look and I have a message full of love hallelujah a message oh my friend for you there's a message from above hallelujah Jesus said it and I know it is true look at my brother look to Jesus now it is recorded in his word hallelujah it is only that you can live life is offered unto you hallelujah eternal life my soul shall have if you'll only look to him hallelujah look to Jesus who alone can see my brother look to Jesus now I will tell you how I came hallelujah to Jesus when he made me was believing on his name hallelujah I trusted and he saved my soul my brother look to Jesus now it is recorded in his word hallelujah it is only that you look and amen good singing this evening great singing if you didn't get a bulletin already there's some on the back cabinet and we have our Romans chapter 8 verse 19 there on the inside we have our service and so many times as well as our totals I'm gonna go ahead and get a count the best I can I meant to mention this this morning and I've forgotten but our soul winning marathon that we had yesterday we had about 45 soul winners show up and we had 61 Salvations and so praise the Lord on that that's some really good numbers and obviously the Lord blessed us in the afternoon it kind of heated up and a little bit you know everyone's waking up on Saturday morning but then once we get the afternoon and it was really a lot of people are getting saved and so praise the Lord for everyone that showed up participated we really appreciate it and I know brother Jeffrey appreciates us going to his own backyard and knocking on some doors and so that was great I'm gonna see if there's any other Salvations report for the last few days and then today was there anything from Friday by chance anybody what about anything outside of what was reported yesterday was anything by chance okay what about today you got 12 okay was there anything outside of that for some reason all right praise the Lord on that 12 today that's great and then if you're not done with soul winning we have an upcoming event the Texas Oklahoma Easter marathon and so this is gonna be a great opportunity lots of soul winning Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday hopefully will be times and all over the the state now I can't promise you exactly it'll be all those times in every area but in at least in the Dallas fourth area and hopefully some of the other areas like Houston and stuff will have times like that but there should be other times even other parts of Texas potentially and we're gonna have to we're gonna have like an online web web paste or web page with all this information put in there so then we can kind of point people to that and say hey if you live one of these areas here's a time if not here's other areas and other times that you can go and we'll just try to do a big push for Easter also our preaching schedule we have brother Blake Renkin he's gonna be preaching March 14th I have other people scheduled I wanted to just give you an idea it's not necessarily in the bulletin but the following week John Carter brother John Carter from stronghold Baptist Church he's gonna be coming out here and preaching both services and he's really excited about that pastor Burzins is really excited about him coming out here the following after that brother Duncan or bannock he's come down here several times his father lives out here he's gonna be coming with his wife RG and then also the Easter Sunday we'll have the local guys brother Nick and Travis and he'll be doing the Lord's Supper that following ending our Easter marathon so that's exciting the 11th we have brother Jesse Michael coming back down here he's gonna be preaching 18th again we have brother Nick and brother Brandon so hopefully you know he'll get back bring some Bellamy to the to the table and then the 25th brother Nick neary he's gonna be coming out here again and preaching for you so that's really exciting lots of great preachers coming out here no reason not to come to church and on the right we have the announcement about Bellamy Blake Darnell now this isn't this is a unique name because I mean it was like Dallas Dakota I mean they're just DD all the way down the line and then just Bellamy out of nowhere and so obviously you know it's kind of like in Luke whenever they were talking about how they're gonna name him Zacharias and then all of a sudden his dad's like it's John and everybody's like whoa you know what's gonna what's gonna happen with his baby you know that we're also waiting for a D name and they're like Bellamy just out of nowhere and so you know this must be a special child and so we're really excited about that he was born March 1st 5 30 a.m. weighing 8 pounds and 8 ounces and he took his time to get here but he's here and so that's exciting also please be in prayer for all our expecting ladies just seems like we just cycle everyone through every once in a while and so that's that's great great news it's great to have a church with lots of ladies that are being blessed and so let's keep them in prayer also if you have any other prayer requests throughout the week please submit those to us and we would love to get them to you just because we're gonna be heading back I'm gonna try and leave almost like right after the service just FYI but I really appreciate getting to see all of you guys and so let's go to our third song 261 turn your eyes upon Jesus brother Hall's gonna lead for us 261 all right 261 turn your eyes upon Jesus 261 turn your eyes upon Jesus 261 let's sing turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow through death into life everlasting he passed and we follow him there over us no man young for more than conquerors we your eyes upon Jesus wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely in the light of his glory and praise his word shall not fail you he promised believe him and all will be well then go to a world that is this perfect salvation your eyes upon Jesus wonderful and in the light of his glory and praise amen that's a really cool him I like that one while the offering plates are being passed around turn if you would to Proverbs chapter 31 Proverbs chapter number 31 and we'll read that chapter as is our custom brother mo will you read for us all right Proverbs chapter number 31 let me give it there myself Proverbs chapter 31 starting in verse 1 the words of King Linwell the prophecy that his mother taught him what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroy of Kings it is not for Kings o let me well it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for Prince's strong drink lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be heavy of hearts let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction open thy mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies the heart of her husband does safely trust in her so that she shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands she is like the merchants ships she bringeth forth her food from afar she rise the thought so while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens she consider it the field and buyeth it with the fruit of her hands she planted the vineyard she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goeth out not by night she layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff she stretches forth her hand to the poor yea she reacheth forth her hands to the needy she is not afraid of the snow for a household for all her household are clothed with scarlet she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple her husband is known at the gates and when he said and when he sitteth among the elders of the land she maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchants strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness her children to rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praises her many daughters have done virtuously but thou excelest them all favor is defeat favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feared the Lord she shall be praised give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates let's close in prayer your father God thank you for this day thank you for gathering us here today the title of my sermon this evening is a little bit different a little bit different type of sermon but I'm really excited to preach this I think it'll be a help to people by the time my sermon is this women cooking at home women cooking at home and I have a few different points that I want to explain to you this evening but I've basically three categories that I've broken the sermon into and look back at verse number 11 where the Bible read the heart of her husband does safely trust in her so that she shall have nose so that he shall have no need of spoil and according to the Bible you know one of the qualities or attributes of a godly woman or the virtuous woman or as people would refer to as the Proverbs 31 woman is that she's very frugal now frugal is my first point frugal just means that she is wise with money she's not spending money frivolously or just for no reason that she's considering the cost of all the things that she's purchasing and so to be frugal is one that's good with money not spending it excessively and is a good steward of finances and notice very clearly the Bible saying that this woman her husband can trust her with finances trust her with money trust her with decisions to the point where he's not going to need any spoil now spoil would be a picture of extra money or extra goods or extra income and so the Bible is basically saying that you know he can trust the fact that whatever he provides her with when it comes to finances she's not going to come back and say oh I need more or oh there's this mistake or oh I spent it all or oh there's a hole in my pocket or oops here's a credit card bill or you know it's just it's not gonna come back with all these extra expenses that weren't anticipated she's not gonna make him need spoil now obviously this isn't to say you know don't take this as like oh sweet I never need to get spoiled okay never read the Bible as you know thinking of the fact that your wife's gonna be this great person that you don't need to try you don't need to do effort you don't need to do anything extra really the way I look at a good marriage is that both are kind of going across the aisle in a sense as to where you know the husband's gonna go above and beyond what he needs to do and the wife's gonna go above and beyond what she's going to and then you're gonna have this really happy blissful marriage marriages that are not very good or having a lot of problems is when neither are willing to come across the aisle they're hoping the other one will though they're kind of expecting the other one to do more than is even necessary and they're always trying to get the other spouse to do more than they need now why would I put frugal or this verse in connection with women cooking at home well just because practically speaking eating out is very expensive okay and I looked up a couple articles and I looked at some numbers and I think these are pretty reasonable I think that they are pretty similar now obviously eating out you have a wide array of options and all kinds of prices that are attached to that but just generally speaking I think these numbers are somewhat accurate and give us an idea according to this article they say that eating a meal prepared at home ranges from about two dollars and fifty cents to five dollars per person okay whereas eating the exact same type of meal that was already prepared but just store-bought so this is like a store kit so basically they made the meal but it's just either frozen or in the in the refrigerator section all you have to do is like pop it in the oven you know they have already rate ready to bake meals that would cost about ten dollars per person and eating out the same meal would be twenty dollars per person now they're factoring in all costs so tip tax everything that's kind of associated with that so they're saying that you know eating out could be as much as you know ten times or four times it's more expensive than eating a meal cooked at home and you know I basically what I did is I took those numbers and I said okay what if someone goes out to eat let's say five times a week let's say five times a week but you know it's not that unreasonable a lot of people do eat out even more than that because you got to think you eat three times a day okay sometimes people eat four times a day all right and you're eating three or four times a day potentially seven days a week that's a lot of opportunity to eat out sometimes you eat out two or three times a day you know and so five times a week is not unreal you know unreasonable a lot of people do this some people do more some people do less but I'm just giving you some numbers to think about okay if someone ate out five times a week that would be about 20 times a month okay and that's not perfect math we understand that a month is sometimes more than four weeks or you know a little bit different but just we're just Jen we're just throwing out some general numbers let's say you ate about 20 times out per month okay well if you had not eaten out at all so we're going to just kind of an extreme here that would be a difference of about $600 because $20 for two people and we're only factoring in the dolts we're not we're ignoring kids we're going real conservative here just two people just two people are going out to eat on a regular basis husband and wife okay that'd be a $800 they're spending a month on eating out versus about $200 to make those meals at home okay so it's about a $600 a month difference or $7,200 a year okay so that ends up pretty quick now I also looked at it okay what if you just made the you bought the the ready kit meals okay like ready to cook or whatever it was about three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars a year different and just by buying the meals that were already there you're still cooking from home but you know save you a little bit of time because you didn't have to do as much meal prep you didn't have to put as many things together so obviously there is a cost associated to eating out now don't hear my sermon wrong I believe that men should take their wives out to eat on occasion and you figure out what your budget is but what I am saying is that if you're forcing your family to eat out because you're not willing to cook at home or you're not making meals at home it could end up being a very costly decision it's not necessarily an equitable decision because the more you're eating out the more you're literally spending money on something that frankly speaking is fleeting you know who cares what you ate a year ago who cares what you ate two years ago the only thing that really matters is it was healthy or not and let me give you another sad reality eating out is not as healthy as eating meals cooked from home so it's really a double lose because you lost all that money that was associated with all the meals that you had and then on top of that it's not usually as healthy of an option now again you know eating out can be special it can be fun it can be romantic it can be other things and so you need that part of your life and I think that you know men should try their best to take their wives out or cook for them or do something extra but that's not necessary it's just of them going across the aisle again okay and having a good marriage but the title of the sermon is women cooking at home okay so we're focusing more on that aspect and look at verse number 12 look what the Bible says she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life so you know what'd be a good thing you know making meals at home is a good thing verse number 13 she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands you say well I text up a storm every single day that's not the working that's talking about you know it's not talking about all the social media posts and all the different things that you searched on your phone look the Bible teaches that a woman that's godly would be willing to work and work on a regular basis you know if the man's going off and working 40 50 60 sometimes even 80 hours a week why does it make sense that a woman also would not work 40 50 60 maybe even 80 hours a week depending on all the circumstances in their schedule you know women should be busy working as well as men while their work is not necessarily going to be the same and you know the Bible teaches that women should be working in the home it's still work and you know what would be part of that work meals you know making meals is a great way to save money and there's a lot of other things associated with it but when we're talking about point number one being frugal you know the way that you cut down food costs is by doing the work yourself as you make the store about you buy the store-bought meals well it's gonna cost more you let someone else prepare your food it's gonna cost more and the more that you can do yourself the more you put the effort and energy into you're gonna reap those benefits of that labor that you're putting into those meals now look at verse number 14 she's like the merchant ships she bringeth her food from afar not only is she putting in the effort energy to make the meals but also she's considering you know all the different options that are available and as the Bible is telling here you know her foods coming from afar sometimes getting the best deals on food takes a little bit of extra effort going to a little bit further store you know some ways to save on money is maybe buying in bulk or buying at a very particular store or going to multiple stores and being price conscious and thinking about all the different options that are out there considering those different options and being frugal with the money that you're spending not just going to one store that's super close and we'll all just take that or let's just go with all the online options sometimes the online options are double or triple what it is in person because they know that people are too lazy to actually go out you know some people are just too lazy to do anything they want everything just delivered and just given to them I mean people have McDonald's delivered to them and I'm just thinking like how is that that's not even good you know like McDonald's is only good the first five minutes of inhaling it you know I mean it's like wears on this experience you know some good restaurants not McDonald's they they won't even sell you food that won't last like if you like Chick-fil-a they cater you can't cater their fries because they realize that fries don't really work in a catering environment you know they're only good like hot and and ready because if they sit in even a container and they're hot they'll like get steamy and wet and it's just like what is this you know and so they realize that that foods not gonna last McDonald's food just is not good after a while okay especially after you just jest it but you know at the end of the day when you're thinking about all these different options that are available the proverbs 31 woman is thinking about the price she's thinking about the deal she's thinking about how can I buy things in bulk and what are what are all the numbers that are associated with it she's sensitive to money and budget and she's shopping around she could win prices right you know what I mean whenever they're asking you know how much does this cost she knows how much that cost because she's a frugal person she's not worried about needing more money because she's gonna make sure she's taking care of that situation you know another thing you could look at this is she's also getting unique stuff right if she's bringing in stuff from afar it's not always just the same thing it's just like well we have beans again and then beans the next meal then be and look if that's all you can afford and that's your life then go for it you know the proverbs 31 woman's also seeing what are some unique things that I can bring to the table what are all the different options out there thinking about the meals and look at verse number 16 I'll show you another thing about how this is correlated but it says she consider it the field and buyeth it with the fruit of her hand she planted the vineyard so so here we have a verse where we actually see into the mind of this woman she's considering a field what is she considering well when you're gonna buy something what do you consider the price the location the quality a lot of different factors go into making a purchasing decision and we see that this woman is capable of making good purchasing decisions she's considering it she's thinking about it and you know when you go to the store not all food is created equal you know when you go to the produce aisle not all produce is good you know apples can be mealy watermelons can be of all types of you know good quality or bad quality certain meats certain vegetables all kinds of different things have different varying levels of quality you know if you just have the you know the five dollar an hour personal shopper they're just like throwing crap in the car and they don't even care if it's good ma you know it's got mold on it they're like I can probably wash that off you know I mean they don't care at all bruised bananas and bruised apples and just what they're just gonna just throw junk in the cart and just hand it to you and obviously with kovat this thing's been exaggerated right all this personal shopping and all the you know drive up to the store and wait and they bring out your food and everything you know there's a cost associated with that type of convenience there's an extra cost and obviously they're not thinking about your family's best interests and they're not always gonna be the best shoppers for you and I'm not saying you can never do this I'm not saying it's a sin to do this what I am saying is that the proverbs 31 woman she's price conscious she's considering things she's thinking about things she's going out she's bringing in her food and even in this case she's also considering doing everything local having her own vineyard having her own produce having her own garden having her own resources you know some people do a farmers market or they plant their own vineyard they plant their own garden they make their own food because making your own food can be very cheap I mean you could play in a garden for very little amount of money and you could produce a lot of tomato people do tomatoes or cucumbers or green beans or squash or all kinds of different things and notice this woman's looking for different ways to do what to get to the same goal but cheaper or better or higher quality or you know whatever the the picture is you know this woman is doing everything that she possibly can to make their life better easier of higher quality and I want to show you a couple more verses look at Song of Solomon just flip to the right we'll come back to Proverbs eventually go to Song of Solomon chapter number one and we see a picture of a husband and a wife and you know women in the Bible are associated with cooking now I'm not saying that men can't cook and we see examples of men cooking the Bible but the primary cooks and bakers and chefs and the people that are making the meals the bio makes it clear it's the women okay and I'll show you a verse here in verse a Song of Solomon chapter one verse six it says look not upon me because I am black because the Sun hath looked upon me my mother's children were angry with me they made me the keeper of the vineyards but mine own vineyard have I not kept so with this woman's talking about her job what's one of the job responsibilities they gave her the vineyard she's working in the vineyard and what are the vineyard you know the produce grapes you can produce raisins you're producing drink that's mingled with grapes so it'd be like juice and different beverages like that but notice she's hard-working I mean this woman's very hard progress 31 woman very hard-working I mean this woman is working harder than you can even imagine most men in this world do not work nearly as hard as the Proverbs 31 woman okay her job is very difficult and when I think of a Proverbs 31 woman I think of this as being an ideal just like a husband supposed to be like Christ the wife is supposed to be like Proverbs 31 and so you know as a husband as a father as a man you shouldn't if you want to be compared to Christ then compare your wife to Proverbs 31 okay really we're supposed to look to Christ and be like wow we need to improve and you know obviously you're for a woman she can look to the Proverbs 31 woman and see areas of improvement I don't think you're gonna meet people that reach these idyllic levels okay it's just something to shoot for something to think about and no one no one starts as the Proverbs 31 woman because she's already in a mature position she's already in a developed position where she already has children she's already doing all these different things you know this is like kind of building up to a particular process you're not gonna find the Proverbs 31 woman because she's already married and has kids okay she's off she's off the market you know we're talking about someone developing you know it's like Adam and Eve Adam and Eve were created mature in the garden we're looking at a mature person okay as an example not where you start out it's where you grow into that role and grow into that type of position and when it comes to women cooking at home this may not be something that people that are early married just are automatically good at takes a lot of effort takes a lot of practice takes a lot of experience it's tough growing into that role as a woman now go to Psalms 128 Psalms 128 it's interesting that this woman says she's in the vineyard we see that the Proverbs 31 woman also buys a vineyard and works in the vineyard and look at the language that the Bible uses in Psalms 128 verse number three Psalm 128 look at verse number three the Bible reads by wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house thy children like all of plants round about thy table so not only is she a worker in the vineyard she's like a literal vineyard and she's a worker in the vineyard also with children you know and and bringing up the children and so there's lots of different parallels here and when it comes to this woman having lots of kids the more kids you have the more mouths you have to feed as they say and the more mouths you have to feed the more the expenses go up remember my example that was two people now imagine you have a family of ten those numbers grow exponentially and teenagers I've heard can eat food you know I don't know if anybody knows this but they can eat a lot of food young men they can eat until you know they're like a dog they never they don't stop eating until you move the food away from them okay and for some reason they can stay thin because they're just so young and their metabolism is so high and you know what that costs money it costs money to eat food and so it's important to understand look the more meals that you could make at home the more you're gonna save money the more that you're gonna be able to accommodate this type of lifestyle because could I really take ten kids out to eat 20 times a month and you know all these are no you can't do this type of stuff and so you have to learn how to be frugal and other ways to save on money go to Leviticus chapter 26 Leviticus chapter 26 now I'm going to show you all kinds of different versions in the Bible some of them have a very unique context that isn't really a part of our sermon but I'm just taking different things out and kind of using it in our context so this next example it's it's a negative portion of scripture it's talking about curse it's talking about how the children of Israel are gonna eventually reject God and want nothing with the Lord and some of the punishments that come upon them but I do want to take this concept out and then I'll kind of put it into our sermon look what it says Leviticus 26 verse 26 and when I have broken the staff of your bread ten women shall bake your bread in one oven and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight and ye shall eat and not be satisfied now what this is saying is that eventually God's gonna break their stay of bread in the sense that they can no longer rely on this bread and another way you could look at this their staff okay staff or stay is kind of a similar word being about a staff what does the staff do a staff kind of holds you up it's kind of like something that's just kind of getting you through right you're going through the wilderness is there to support you it's something that kind of holds you up and food is the same way food kind of keeps you supported it kind of keeps you up it gives you strength and so somewhere to break your staff now you have no longer that support that strength something helping you and so God's saying I'm gonna break the staff of food you're no longer gonna be able to rely on bread as something to support you to strengthen you and so it was a curse put upon them and he's saying ten women can bake in one oven now typically you don't want to bake a lot of pieces of bread in an oven that's gonna cause problems you know with the way it rises or the heat being applied appropriately so the fact that they can bake ten pieces in one oven illustrates that their breads really small I mean this is like crackers or something they're able to fit ten pieces and notice that they're having to weigh it okay it's saying that they have to weigh your bread and they deliver it to you and it's still not enough you can't be satisfied with these little crackers or whatever go to Ezekiel chapter 4 just so you can compare these two verses it'll make a little more sense in your mind but why would you point out this verse you know what is the point of this verse well here's the point of this verse when things get tough when the finances get tight sometimes you have to really think about all of the budget you have to really think about the food and that's coming into play because notice they can't just eat willy-nilly they can't just eat however they want they have to measure it by weight and have to be very careful because if they eat too much too quickly they'll just completely run out of food and the reality is sometimes in life you go through a down spot you go through a rough spot where you just have to really think about your budget to think about your food and you know a Proverbs 31 woman even if she's going through a rough spot she's gonna be able to you know what measure and calculate and think about these things because the opposite option would just be let's just eat you know carelessly let's not think about tomorrow well those people are gonna end up eating their children later okay they're gonna end up having no food and becoming so hungry to the point where they literally eat their own children so just a natural inclination would be when you're having a tough time you start thinking about calculating and measuring your food and really you don't want to waste food you know why would you want to imagine you made a meal for a hundred people for just you and your spouse what's gonna happen you're gonna end up throwing lots of food away and it's gonna be you know a wasteful of money so you want to think about the portions you want to think about the sizes of the meals you want to make sure it's being used appropriately and effectively why just to be frugal what was point of one being frugal women cooking at home can be frugal they can think about these things look at Ezekiel chapter 4 verse 16 the Bible says moreover he said unto me son of man behold I will break the bread in Jerusalem and they shall eat bread by weight and with care and they shall drink water by measure and with astonishment that they may want bread and water and be a stony one with another and consume away for their iniquity now why would I point of verses like this I'm gonna point out verses like this because in America it's kind of a foreign concept to us to eat limited portions of food because we live in so much abundance I mean our country just throws away so much food and if you don't eat stuff it's normal to just throw it away but if you go to other countries they would be so offended that you threw any food away they would be horrified that you threw food away they'd be horrified by our portions they'd be horrified by the fact that we just don't even care I mean we just make food just like it's just nothing you know we don't even care and when you're rich and it doesn't matter you don't have to care that's another thing you don't realize you know obviously there's bigger fish to fry at sometimes but there could be coming a day in America where finances are tight for a lot of people for the majority of people and then you have to start thinking about portion control and you know what the wise woman will the wise woman will measure and weigh and be careful and make good decisions and you know what if you're already in the habit of making good decisions it's gonna be even easier when the hard times come than the people that have just been eating carelessly not caring about it not used to it they're just ready for all their food to be delivered to them hand and foot hand and toe you know the Bible warns there's gonna be famines you know who escaped the famine were the people that were measuring their food and and being careful with their food and careful the finances and being studious and a good steward of the things that God has blessed them with now go through the first Kings chapter number 17 let me show you an example of this first Kings chapter number 17 let me show you a clear example of this but being frugal is a good thing you know why would God want to bless people that are just being wasteful of everything they're given anyways oh here's all this money and here's all this food and all this exuberance and you're just like sure I'll just waste everything you give me and and who cares you know it actually makes me feel bad when I waste food and you know I do waste food my family waste food from time to time but you know what it shouldn't be something that you feel good about it should be something you think about you consider and try to perfect and get better at making sure you're not just wasting things and being a bad steward of the things you've been given now one thing that's really hard is to prepare all the food or think about how much food you need for a soul-winding marathon that nobody RSVPs to you know it's like just guess you know it's like it's really hard so you have to think about I mean I think really hard about who's coming I think about who says coming you know how how likely is the person that said they're gonna come actually gonna come how many people you know how much do they really eat you know I have to think about all the things I don't like tell people like I know you're not coming and you're gonna eat way too much and you don't care about other people and like I don't tell people that but I think about it why because I want to be really good with the finances and I want to make sure that we do a pretty good job and it comes out pretty close and you know I try to as the church you know go a little above I'd rather have just a tad bit more than just kind of like someone didn't get lunch or something but again I want it to be about as close as possible you know I don't want to just waste a bunch of money I don't want to waste a bunch of of the church's resources then why would God want to keep giving me money and keep blessing our church and keep allowing us to have these type of events and fellowships look at first Kings chapter 17 verse number 10 now this is Elijah fleeing in a famine it says in verse 10 so he rose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called her and said fetch me I pray the little water in a vessel that I may drink and as she was going to fetch it he called to her and said bring me I pray thee a marshal of bread in thine hand and as and she said as the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil and a cruise and behold I am gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son they may eat it and die and Eliza said in her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me there of a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and for thy son for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruise of oil fail until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth and she went and did according to the saying of Elijah and she and he and her house did eat many days so notice you know even if you are living and kind of an austere life God can supernaturally or miraculously provide for you but notice it wasn't like something fancy it wasn't something necessarily you know over the top they didn't have all the grapes and all the dates and the danishes and all the fancy foods and everything because it was a tough time and you want America could potentially go through a tough time you know what she was careful in the way that she presented her food and she had saved it all the way down to the last meal literally think about that you don't like accidentally stumble across the last meal I mean she had been carefully you know keeping this but eventually it just got to the point where you know this is our last meal literally but she's still you know what I'm gonna have faith in God and she trusted in the Lord and she did that which was right and the man of God you know ends up eating and she ends up eating for a long period of time and I believe it's part and due the fact that she's frugal you know why would God pick this woman because she's a frugal person and you know it doesn't say you know there's other stories that are kind of similar but in this one it doesn't say that she necessarily knew that it was gonna keep she's just measuring up the same portion just every single day and it just never stops first by some miracle of the Lord that she just keeps doing the same thing and the Lord blesses her and blesses Elijah in this example go back to Proverbs 31 Proverbs 31 so point number one women cooking at home why would women do that because it's frugal I feel like I showed plenty of verses I only need one to believe anything in the Bible but I've shown lots of examples of why a woman you know the Proverbs 31 one should be frugal and how eating out you know you're just lying to yourself if you think that not cooking at home is being more frugal now obviously you could take anything to an extreme yeah if I eat McDonald Happy Meal versus buying organic Colby beef online and cooking at home yeah it could be I could flip those odds or whatever we're just generically speaking here okay about the same type of meal same quality it's always gonna be cheaper when you're putting the effort the energy into that process Proverbs 31 look at verse 15 she rises also wild as yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens so point number one why women should cook at home because it's frugal point number two because they're supposed to serve others it's serving cooking at home is literally serving other people but notice the Proverbs 31 she's rising early this is before the Sun has even come up why so that she can make sure that the food for a household has been provided everyone around and she goes beyond her household to her maidens she's getting up and making sure she's providing all of the food for her family why because she wants to serve them and she wants to feed everyone why is it important that she feeds people well food is for your strength if you don't have food if you're you know going on a hungry stomach sometimes you cannot perform as well I remember in school they hammered this on test day they're like you need to eat a breakfast you need to get lots of sleep you know you get drink water and stuff and as a kid you're just like I don't care at all you know but like as an adult you can kind of see like oh yeah sleeping and eating and drinking actually has an effect on my brain on my attitude and all kinds of attributes that are important while taking a test or learning or anything like that and so this woman knows these things and she wants her family to have strength for the day keep your finger here real quick and go to Ecclesiastes 10 let me show you verse on that we say why do you eat well one of the main reasons we should eat is literally for strength and you know what McDonald's is not gonna make you that strong now why do I eat McDonald's because it's convenient nothing else is open and tastes good okay but it's not for strength you know it's just enough strength to get home or something it's just enough strength to last for another day but you know there's better foods that will give you even more strength and look what it says in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 17 blessed art thou land when thy king is the son of nobles and thy princes eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness so the Bible says it's good when leaders the purpose of them eating is for strength not just self-indulge not just to go and enjoy and to just oh man I just love food ah you know Tony Hudson type preaching okay where he just can't stop talking about every kind of food and how much he enjoys it's like we can tell buddy you enjoy food all right and the reality is you know I like food just as much as the next guy but the prince should realize my life is not here to just consume food it's to do work and you know what I need food so I can do that work well you know what that's not my purpose my purpose is to preach the gospel and to win people to Christ go back to Proverbs 31 and look at verse 27 it says this she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness so again rising up early that's hard work you know it's not being lazy and she's looking well because what she's here to serve other people the Proverbs 31 woman is a servant she works super hard and it's gonna be easy to you know give her praise when you read all the characteristics that she has I mean why would you not want to praise the person that's constantly serving you I mean in America it's not even hard when you go to a restaurant and and the service is exceptional it's easy for you to be like thank you that was great you did a really good job when the service is terrible you you kind of feel bad about even giving you a tip you're like you know my tip is get better you know my tip is coming around every once in a while my tip is get my order right you know all the different things but the person that's just serving you hand and foot you don't even know the person and you're like thanks you did great that was awesome it's not even hard and look your spouse that's just serving you hand and foot and just doing everything you could possibly want and wish and making home-cooked meals that are the best meals you've ever had I mean you're just like that's great it's not hard to be appreciative of those qualities and attributes in a person everyone does it okay go to it to Genesis chapter number 18 go to Genesis chapter number 18 and a woman's job is to serve and you say oh I wish I was a man then well guess what his job is to serve too okay it's not like you know serving the Lord or serving your boss at work is just so much easier than serving your husband or something it's just different okay and in many cases serving your boss is way worse than serving your spouse I mean I would rather serve my wife than serve some random dude that doesn't like me that's in some atheist or some Karen some lesbian Karen that's the manager now the middle-tier manager why would I don't even like that person you know I don't want to be around that person I don't want to say yes sir and yes ma'am to that thing you know I want to tell it to go to hell but at the end of the day you know why is it so bad to serve a husband to serve you know for a wife to serve her man you know it makes perfect sense and in fact it's a great job now Genesis chapter 18 I'm going to show you a couple other ways that to serve you know one person that you can serve is your spouse your children but the Bible also teaches that you know a pastor or a deacon these type of people they're supposed to be given to hospitality and a pastor deacon well some people may never be that it's an example of what all Christians are supposed to be like and one of those attributes is just given to hospitality in general so just being kind and hospitable to guest and helping other people and you're gonna run into guests in the Bible and let's see what the godly I mean one of the godliest women in the Bible is called Sarah okay let's see what she was like Genesis chapter 18 look at verse number 4 Genesis chapter number 18 look at verse number 4 let a little water I pray you be fetch and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree so this is Abraham talking to the Lord and the two angels and I will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort your hearts after that you shall pass on for therefore are you come to your servant and they said so do as thou said an Abraham hastened in the tent on a sarin said make ready quickly three measures of fine meal need it and make cakes upon the earth and she said why can't they go to McDonald's on the corner you know why don't they make their own food why are you telling me what to do no no she did it no it wasn't hard for her to just obey her husband and just say okay and notice she wasn't expecting guests but you know what she's ready just make stuff on the fly and she's prepared and you know sometimes you need to just make stuff on the scratch you know make stuff from scratch or be able to do things on the fly and you know notice what it says a few measures of meal right three measures of fine meal need it and make cakes upon the earth she has all the raw ingredients she's just ready to make anything just on command on wish and you know the greatest kitchens the greatest restaurants they can make food the foods ready to order and I don't know why that phrase makes no sense to me but basically what that means is you just tell them exactly you want it and then they just make it you know or they just have the ingredients and they can just make whatever you want just whatever you're just thinking just right off the spot and you know what if you want to be one of the best cooks you should be able to make things from scratch even not only from a frugal perspective just from a serving perspective you know better quality better taste better you know made exactly how they want it and this woman's just ready to make stuff go if you would to first see him at 25 go to first him I'm showing you a few examples here first the animal 25 but if your job and your role is to serve then you know you should be ready to help other people you know people show up I'm ready to make them some cakes I'm ready to make them some food you know I can whip something up real quick she's ready to go she's not saying well I don't know how to cook cooking what's that you know meal I don't even know what you're talking about she's ready to make something and she has the skill set to do it you know you can test that on your husband right first day I'm at 25 look at verse 18 then Abigail made haste and took 200 loaves and two bottles of wine and five sheep ready dressed and five measures of parched corn and a hundred clusters of raisin and 200 cakes of figs and laid them on asses now this is an interesting story okay because David he comes in a ball and he's basically asking to be requited for all of the protection that his men had provided them from evil and they were like a wall under them as the Bible says and they didn't do any harm to them and so he's basically just asking for some food at asking for some substance and a ball refuses and rails on David well Abigail his wife understands that Dave is going to come and destroy not only a navel but everyone just the entire household and an effort to preserve her family she's gonna end up providing that food but notice how much food she has ready to go just right on the bat I mean this is incredible 200 loaves two bottles of wine five sheep ready dressed five measures of parched corn and a hundred clusters of raisins and 200 cakes of figs and later my look this is not a kind of woman who's just surprised by making food you don't have that much food ready that quickly you know and that type of magnitude and scale I mean this must have been a daily operation for someone like her she's providing for not only her household but what her maidens right they're used to providing food for lots of different people and taking care of lots of different people and she's a servant and she comes on to David humbly and she's there to serve David a man she's never even met and then God ends up killing her reprobate husband and she marries David so you know it works out really good for her but he didn't pick the woman that's like I don't even know what food is you know I don't even know how to cook you know what's this world no he found the woman who had 200 loaves of bread ready I mean that's a lot of food that sounds good I bet it was good food too you know and you think about jail go to Proverbs 14 go to Proverbs chapter 14 jail in the book of Judges you know the Bible talks about evil wicked guy coming under her he asked for water and she gave him milk and butter in a lordly dish you know the great women of the Bible are always great cooks you know they always have all this food they can make things from scratch first no sorry Proverbs chapter 14 look at verse number one the Bible says every wise woman buildeth her house but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands and you know a wise woman she's gonna care about her household she's gonna build it up go backwards to chapter number nine chapter nine I read that verse because it's saying that the wise woman's building her house and then in Proverbs 9 it talks about wisdom and it personifies it as a woman but I believe you could take Proverbs 9 and interpret it as a instructions for a wife instructions for a woman based on the personification and the application wisdom hath builded her house so notice the wise woman builds her house wisdom itself builds his house she hath hewn out her seven pillars she hath killed her beasts she hath mingled her wine she hath also furnished a table you know I like about her sue what's for dinner beef beef she's killing her beasts and maybe it's chicken okay but at least it's meat it's not gonna be a vegetarian option you know there is no vegetarian option with her because she's killed her beasts you know and look this that takes some strength I mean killing an animal takes it I mean you got to hold that thing down you got to get a knife I mean you got a saw through skin you got a saw through all kinds of muscle and all kinds of different things I mean this takes a lot of effort a lot of energy she killed it she can kill the beast she also mingled her wine mingled is just a very synonymous word mixed okay now some people think that wine always means an alcoholic beverage but wine could be an alcoholic beverage it could also just be the juice of vine of the vine okay or the juice of fruit and so when it's talking about mixing this why does it say mixed well if you understand juice at all like you know anything about juice you realize that it's almost never drinking straight it's never just only the juice from a vet from the fruit it's mixed with water and you know you buy a great concentrate at the store you buy these type of things it's mixed with water to produce some kind of juice a hundred percent juice is so strong it has such a high potency that most people wouldn't even enjoy it and even if you did it's kind of a waste because you could mix it and water it down still make a very good beverage but it would last a lot longer you know I'd go a lot further and so it's talking about mingling her wine it's talking about she's made really good beverages she's making these really good fruit cocktails these juice drinks and so she don't really thinks about just the meal she thinks about the juice she thinks about the drinks she thinks about everything that goes along with the meal I mean you're enjoying a really five-star course meal with this woman she's furnished her table all the side dishes it's just all ready to go I mean this is a course that you want to enjoy verse three she has sent forth her maiden she cried upon the highest places of the city who so as simple let him turn hither as for him that wanted the understanding she say at them come eat of my bread and drink of the wine which I have mingled now this attitude to me just sounds like someone that's given hospitality right I mean she just she's ready to just allow people to come and eat of her bread and in order to be her bread it sounds like she made it how come every woman's is making good bread I mean I feel like I feel like I'm seeing a theme here in the Bible right you know what my wife's rolls her to die for okay so I really like the bread and I have that personal anecdote to connect with these stories all right but I mean I love some really good bread and the Bible makes it clear that you know a woman's there to serve she's there to serve not only her husband serve her family but even in cases like this guess other people she's very hospitable she's willing to serve other people's not above her go to Genesis chapter 27 Genesis chapter 27 I'll show you another point in serving and you know when it comes to meals I like for my wife to ask me about those things you know ask me about what kind of foods I like or what kind of spices and you know when you go to a restaurant that's how it always is right you go to the restaurant how do you want it cooked what you tell them what vegetables you want on it do you want that dry you want mustard you want mayonnaise never put mayonnaise on it okay ketchup do you want you know some a1 with your steak no that's an abomination you know you know whatever it is you're gonna tell them all the different things hey don't put salt on it do put this dressing on the side no tomatoes add tomatoes add cucumber I mean whatever it is I mean you sit there and you tell them up and down what you're gonna want on the meal so why would it be so crazy for you to have that same communication with your wife and say hey I like it like this I want to cook this way I like this stuff in it you know these type of things and you say well why would a wife do that because the goal is to please her husband because the goal is how does my husband like it not how the the recipe is not however the next guy over wants it not all the neighbor wants it not how the dog wants it how does the husband want it right well do you have a biblical text on that yeah I do actually look at Genesis chapter 27 and look at verse number two and he said behold now I'm old I know not the day of my death now therefore take I pray thee thy weapons thy quiver and thy bow and go out to the field and take me some venison and make me savour meat such as I love and bring it to me that I may eat that my soul may bless thee before I die so Jacob is going to bless his son Esau I'm sorry Isaac Isaac is gonna bless Esau and he's telling Esau he wants a very specific meal sounds like he knows what he likes and it says in verse 5 and Rebecca when when Rebecca heard when Isaac spake Esau's son and Esau went to the field to hunt for venison and to bring it and Rebecca spake unto Jacob her son saying behold I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother saying bring me venison and make me savoury meat that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before my death now therefore my son obey my voice according to that which I command thee go now to the flock and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats and I will make them savour meat for thy father such as he loveth now how could she how could Rebecca make a statement like that if she has no idea what her husband likes no she knows exactly what her husband likes and she's gonna make a meal exactly like he likes it now you can say oh this is just a story this is what happens yeah but if you understand the spiritual picture here you know what this is Isaac is God the Father and Rebecca is Jesus Christ and we the Gentiles are Jacob and Esau is the Jews okay and really what happens is she's gonna end up making the offering that he's going to bring that's gonna end up making him accepted with the Father okay and who's that sacrifice it's Jesus Christ and he knows the type of offering that God the Father likes the only kind of offering that he's going to accept which is a son so if you're gonna say this is a bad example that's to say that Jesus Christ's offering was a bad example and that's we know is not true okay so this is a good example and what I'm telling you is if you want your husband to be pleased with you make him that savoury meat that he likes and notice savoury and notice meat okay both of these are really good qualities in food all right go over with Esther chapter 5 Esther chapter 5 think about the palette of your husband think about what he likes and make the food that he likes because ultimately that should be the only thing that matters anyways you know who cares what other people like if he likes it you just make it like he likes it Esther chapter 5 verse number 3 the Bible says then said the king under her what wilt thou Queen Esther and what is thy request it shall be given even given thee to the half of thy kingdom and Esther answered if it seemed good unto the king let the king and Haman come this day unto the banquet that I have prepared for him now this is interesting he says I'll give you whatever you want what do you want come to the meal that I made for you that doesn't even seem like it was a hard decision it was like hey I've made this really great meal for you will you come to it it's like yeah and not only him she invites Haman she's inviting others she's making this banquet she makes a whole banquet just to then ask him a question and you know if you really want your husband to please with you if you're really thinking about something you want to ask for him why don't you make a really good meal before you ask him all right so there you go there's your tip now go to first to me chapter 5 I'm almost finished but point number two is why should women cook at home because their goal is to serve their goal is to serve they are a servant and if you're gonna be a servant then you have to serve in some way what's one of the best ways to serve for a woman cooking at home point was being frugal point two is being a servant and I'm gonna give you my third point of why women cooking at home is something that's biblical or what they why they should do it is because it's a good example a good example and look what it says in verse Timothy chapter 5 verse 14 I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house so it's actually a commandment that women should guide the house now what's one of the affairs of the household is food you know one of the aspects of guiding the house go if you would to Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 I'll show you another verse here that's very similar Titus chapter 2 and look at verse number 5 this is about what women are supposed to be like to be discreet chase keepers at home and you know when we read about the progress 31 woman what are all the things she's doing things at home she's the cooking the cleaning she's doing the you know the purchasing stuff that's about the house she's taking care of the people that are in the house she's taking care of the kids that are at the house the kids are at the table we constantly see every you know godly woman in the Bible they're making bread they're making meals they're making food it just it's perfectly fitting in with what the Bible is teaching commanding women to do but we understand about Titus chapter number 2 is not only is this a commandment it's kind of an indirect commandment because the primary application is that women are actually teaching other women by being a good example look what it says in verse number 3 the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as become a holiness not false accusers not given too much wine teachers of good things now here's the thing what's the essence of Titus chapter 2 verse 3 that women be in behavior okay now if you're in a good behavior if you have a good behavior good attributes good character you're doing good things what are going to be the results of that what does that look like well it looks like someone that's not a false accuser if a woman's a false accuser she's not in good behavior okay if she's given too much wine she's not a good behavior if she's not teaching good things then she would be not in behavior so someone that's in good behavior it's gonna end up doing what teaching good things you know I believe the best way for women to teach other women is by a good example is by being a good example by being in good behavior it's gonna end up teaching them good things verse 4 that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed he asked me a pastor Shelley how are women supposed to teach other women to love their husbands what's the best way should they have like a tip sheet you know it's the best way for them to just love their husband and just be a really good example of what it looks like to love their husband because whenever you see the older women you see your mother you see your aunt's you see the women that you look up to loving their husband and all the things they do because look love is too complicated to give you a task list to give you a sheet to give you an instruction manual to give you instruction booklet you know it's something that you see and love can be observed a mile away and love can be observed in every little nuance the way someone speaks the words they use the tone that they use the way they sit the way they hold themselves the way they they touch or don't touch or the way that they provide for things the way they dress though the looks that they give I mean you can look at a couple and never speak to them and tell if they're in love or not you can tell by how close they sit to each other how much they touch the way they look the way they talk to each other just all their hours first I mean I've seen it you've seen couples where the guys are clueless as a puppy and the wife is mad as a bulldog and you're just thinking like that guy has no idea what's going on but you know what I can tell I can see what's going on and so you know well how could a woman be teaching all these other women you know it sounds like she needs to get up behind the pulpit you know no you're not that's you know how she does it she just loves her husband and when she's doing good and she's having a meek and quiet spirit you know other women can see that and say you know what I should be like her you teach a lot better by example oftentimes than by your words than by the things that you say and when you love your husband you're loving your children you're a keeper at home you're gonna end up teaching other women to do the exact same thing and here's the most important women and another woman's life is their children if a wife does not cook for her family why would you expect your daughter to then cook for her family and here's the reality oftentimes children will not exceed the bar set by the parents let me say that again oftentimes children will not exceed the bar set by the parents hey if the parents were you know kind of involved in church usually kids are gonna be there at the kinder or low now obviously there's exceptions to everything but what I'm saying is just generally speaking most people don't even live up to the bar of their parents and so the bar that a parent sets for their children is so important the things that they do and you know if you don't teach your children how to do these things right and how to be a good example you know if you don't set a high bar for your children how can you expect them to do right train up a child the way should go and when he's old he will not depart from it it doesn't say do nothing and expect them to do better no you need to do that you need to learn for yourself so then you can teach your children you need to learn how to you know make good decisions financially so that your children can make good decisions financially you show your kids hey this is why I'm buying this one and not this one because this one's gonna be molded soon or this has a bad expiration date or this one is more expensive this one's cheaper or did you see the ingredients here and you start teaching and training your children all the decisions why you're making decisions that you're making how to cook certain meals you know when it comes to cooking cooking is is an art man you can give somebody all the instructions on paper and they can screw everything up because it just takes so much experience it takes so much you know creativity it takes a lot of things involved it takes just knowing things knowing exactly okay this burner is gonna be a little too hot or this oven you've got to make sure it works this way and you got it here's a trick and here's a tip and you want to put a little salt in it and there's just all these little nuances that come to cooking they just don't come naturally they come through experience they come through doing it and doing the work you know no one's automatically a good cook you're a good cook because you do it all the time you're good at a lot of things because you do them all the time go go to Proverbs 23 Proverbs 23 I only have two more verses and we'll be finished this evening but it's a little bit different kind of sermon but at the end of the day I think it's very biblical and it'll really help people if they employ these tactics into their lives and you know it's a Baptist Church so we need to have good food in the future okay FYI all right I get to enjoy some of these delicacies every once in a while and so you know I'm just trying to make the food even better at our fellowships right but look at Proverbs 23 and look at verse number 20 Proverbs 23 look at verse number 20 the Bible reads be not among wine bibbers among riotous eaters of flesh for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty and drowsiness shall clothe the man with rags here's another point that I want to make is by being a good example by making a lot of meals at home you can affect portion control and you know unfortunately people don't you know hold themselves accountable for a lot of things and when you go out to eat I mean the portion sizes when you have to eat very so much some restaurants they give small portions most restaurants give huge portions why because America by and large is very self-indulgent they don't exercise any self-control and so the amount I mean you talk about the food sizes it's like I want to you know supersize that and I want eight patties on the burger and I want you know eight sides and I want you know everything everything's just in excess you know and the portion size only get bigger and bigger and bigger over time I mean it just becomes like the triple and the quadruple and I mean I think it at Wendy's they have like a quadruple stack burger or something like that I mean it's just like you know it's insane how portion control just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and you know what parents should end up teaching their kids good portion control healthy eating habits and these you know things that they should create because notice the right is either flesh is somebody nice was me around according the Bible meaning what they don't even care they just eat and just eat and eat and they just have no self-control go if you would to first Peter chapter number three first Peter chapter number three and not only just when it comes to the quantity even the quality some people just have no self-control when it comes to quality I mean they'll just eat Twinkies for every meal you know they'll just eat just junk food and they don't think about if it's even gonna sustain them for the day you know they eat junk food that only lasts like a few hours and then they're wondering why they're hungry again and they're wondering why you know that didn't satisfy them I mean if I just eat M&Ms and Skittles you know it's not gonna last me very long it's just gonna give me a sugar high and then I'm gonna crash hard and need even more sugar that's why people can eat these type of foods you know what there are certain foods I could give you you couldn't just keep eating them I mean things that are high in fiber I mean if I just gave you a bunch of carrots you're gonna stop eating the carrots pretty soon I mean you're not just gonna be like oh I can't get enough of these carrots right but if I give you like M&Ms and I give you a coke and I give you all these things I mean you can just consume that until you die I mean it's just like why because it's engineered to be able to be consumed in high quantities now if you're gonna create a company and you're gonna try and sell a food and the goal is to make money do you want to sell a food that people can consume just as much as they want and never be satisfied or do you want to produce a food that they could eat a little of and be very satisfied hmm I wonder what you see at all the convenience stores it's the carrots right there's the celery and the broccoli and potatoes or is it just sugar why because sugar is just processed so quickly and it just goes in your blood your bloodstream it tastes good and everything like that and so it's important to realize the things that you're eating and look I love chocolate okay I love candy I love all these things but we just have to realize you know it's not necessarily gonna be beneficial if that's all you consume if that's all you type if that's all you eat we want to be a good example unto our children now here's my last verse and it's kind of a concluding verse let me cook you know why should they cook at home well number one it's frugal okay number two because they're supposed to serve and number three it's to be a good example okay all three of those are very biblical concepts and you say well I don't know if I want to serve my husband I mean what's what's the point of that what's the point of being a good example what's the point of being frugal and all these things you know my husband doesn't even appreciate me my husband doesn't even love me very much or my husband doesn't deserve it or any of these things or I wish he was better well by being a good example and following all these things that I showed you you can actually improve your relationship look what it says in 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 1 this second epistle beloved I now write unto you and both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance I'm reading 2nd Peter I don't know why I need like a big 2 on the page or something so I realize we're at 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 1 likewise he wise being subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear you know the Bible says a wife being godly a wife having a good lifestyle and a good you know attributes about her can actually win her husband over now obviously cooking is only one aspect of this okay I'm not saying that cooking is the only application here it's essentially saying all areas of life but it's a major area of life and you know what men you know if you want to win a man's heart is through a stomach in many cases I mean if you're making some of the best meals and you're serving them hand and foot I guarantee it's gonna make a vast improvement in your relationship and it's something that we have to do multiple times a day is eat I mean most people eat most a couple times a day and so why not do it the best that you possibly can and save some money you know be a good servant while you're at it and be a good example unto those that are around you let's go in prayer thank you father so much for your word thank you for giving us just clear instruction all areas of life and I pray that people would instead of worrying about you know how good or bad they are that they would just think about something that could improve on they would just think about okay what's an area that I could work on what's an area that I can improve on and what's some of your instruction what are the things that you're teaching and telling me and I pray that you would just bless the women in this church do you bless the marriages in this church and that we would all strive to serve you in Jesus name we pray amen her last song we're gonna sing four hundred and seventy two brother hauls gonna lead for us again four hundred seventy two this is my father's world all right the last hymn this evening four hundred seventy two this is my father's world four seventy two four hundred seventy two let's sing this is my father's world and to my listening ears all nature sings and rounds be rings this is my father's world I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees of skies and seas and wonders brought this is my father's world the hoppers their carols raise the morning like me he shines in all that's fair in the rustling grass everywhere this is my father's oh let me forget that the wrong see him so strong is the ruler yet this is my father's world the battle is Jesus who died shall be satisfied amen with that you are dismissed travel safe