(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Revive us again. Song number 343. Song number 343, revive us again. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Thine the glory. Revive us again. We praise thee, O God. For the spirit of thine. Who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. Hallelujah. Thine the glory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thine the glory. Revive us again. All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain. Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain. Hallelujah. Thine the glory. Hallelujah. Amen. Revive us again. Revive us again. Fill his heart with thy love. May his soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah. Thine the glory. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Thine the glory. Revive us again. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen. Next song is song number 10, Near the Cross. Song number 10. Again that's song number 10, Near the Cross. Jesus keep me near the cross. There a precious fountain free to all the healing stream flows from Calvary's mountain. In the cross in the cross be my glory ever till my raptured soul shall find. Rest me on the river near the cross a trembling soul. Love and mercy found me. There the bright and morning star sheds its beams around me. In the cross in the cross be my glory ever till my raptured soul shall find. Rest me on the river near the cross O Lamb of God. Bring in scenes before me. Help me walk from day to day with its shadows o'er me. In the cross in the cross be my glory ever till my raptured soul shall find. Rest me on the river near the cross I'll watch and hope trusting ever till I reach the golden strand just beyond the river. In the cross in the cross be my glory ever till my raptured soul shall find. Rest me on the river. Good morning. Thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you didn't get a bulletin already, you can lift up your hand real quick and an usher can come by and get you guys a bulletin. On the front, we just have our grace week. So we're on Psalms chapter number 23. If you're able to quote this entire chapter by the end of Saturday, this upcoming Saturday, then you can receive a special prize. Who's already completed this thing? All right. I've got hands all over the building. Who's still going to get it done this week? They feel like this grace week is going to help them. All right. So God's grace is helping you guys, okay? And then also on the inside, we have our service and soul winning times as well as regional soul winning times. We also have our church stats on the right. We have several ladies that are expecting if you'd please be in prayer for every single one of them. As well as we have our prayer list. One thing to note is and most of you might already be aware of this, but First Works Baptist Church unfortunately yesterday, I don't know exact time, maybe sometime early in the morning, their church was vandalized severely and then it was also bombed. And so they they're not even able to meet in their building because local municipalities, the FBI and stuff like that were there just kind of had it all taped off. And so they're meeting in a temporary spot right now. But if you'd just be in prayer for their church, just pray for their safety and pray for just boldness and courage to continue serving God and everything like that. Obviously that's going to rattle a lot of different people. I've also spoke with Pastor Mejia and a lot of people there, they're getting harassed by these sodomites. They're calling their work and they're calling their schools and they're trying to really harass them. But you know for the most part it's not really having much of an impact. Even I heard one of the schools that they were contacting, harassing the principal listened to the entire sermon of Pastor Mejia and said he agreed with it. And so the truth is the truth. And so we shouldn't be afraid of the truth or ashamed of the truth today. And you know Genesis 19 they were surrounding the house and beating at the door and in Judges 19 they were surrounding the house and beating at the door. So it's a shocker that they go to churches and they surround the house and beat at the door and try to damage it and hurt it. It seems like the Bible always tells us what's going to happen and people just don't believe the Bible today. But we're going to still believe the Bible and it's interesting that they're going to go into His church. Right? You know they're going to His church because His church preaches the truth. That's why. And you know they happen to know where Lot was. They knew where the one saved person in the entire town was and they wanted to harass that guy. And so I guess they're going to find the one church that's good in the entire area of L.A. I mean it's like 13 million people I believe in the L.A. Greater L.A. area. And so they need a good church. And he's on the front lines and we should stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ that are on the front lines and doing a great work for the Lord. And you know it's interesting. They did all this before they heard about a documentary coming out. So you know I feel like this is going to really trigger them knowing that the documentary is coming out. And so we did a showing last night of the Sodomite deception and Brother Ben did a lot of great work on this and so we really appreciate him and his hard work in the film. I thought it was excellent. Obviously I'm a little biased but we had lots of good reviews last night. Lots of people come out. Even if you missed it, you can still catch it tonight at 10 p.m. There is a burner YouTube channel and that's for a reason, okay. But we're going to have a we're going to do like a little live stream tonight on our main channel and just kind of constantly point people to where they can go. And if you can't even make that, then we have a website that will be up for you at all times. So we want to make it real convenient. Alright. 24-7. You can watch the film as many times as your heart is content, okay. But then you can share it. Hopefully we're going to do lots of different things to promote it. Pastor Mejia has had a lot of success with QR codes and so we might try to do that. Get some QR code stickers and we can put them on the DVDs that we already have from the Psychopath Reverbaits. Just put it on the back of that and then we'll order DVDs and stuff like that too. But the QR codes work pretty well because people can just take a picture with their phone and then it'll just pop up the website and then they can just go straight to it. And they've been doing that for all kinds of videos, even their gospel presentation. And so hopefully we can use that same stuff. But feel free to share any of our films or any of our information, especially this Automite Deception with as many people. You can re-upload it to your own destruction as much as you want, alright. And to commemorate, we got Pastor Jimenez coming out this Wednesday. So praise the Lord on that and we're really excited that they're going to be traveling out here him and he's going to bring a couple of his daughters and so please show up Wednesday to hear Pastor Roger Jimenez. It's definitely a unique experience or opportunity. And then we have a couple of baby showers. We have one or at least this one, I guess we already had the one from yesterday. Thanks to all who participated in that baby shower in honor of Allison Holden. And then also we have one in honor of Eve Garcia and her baby girl. And that's going to be February 6th from 1 to 3 p.m. here at the church. And if you'd like to bring a snack or dessert we'd love for you to bring that. Nursing is only preferred and they're registered on Amazon. And then on the back we have a couple events. One thing to note is next Sunday night I'm going to be preaching kind of a unique sermon and it's just going to be related to basically how Steadfast Baptist Church operates logistically. So just how we're organized from a legal perspective and then how our church just runs its finances. And you know this church obviously had kind of a sordid past back in the day. And I don't want people to not have confidence in their church or not have confidence in how things are run in the church. And so basically I'm just going to preach exactly how things are kind of run from a high level perspective. And then I'm also going to provide a document that anybody that's a member of our church can come and look at and it's just going to show you the finances from 2019 and 2020. And so it's not going to have you know lots of detail but it'll just have a little bit if you'd like that information. So if you want to know about all that information you got to come next Sunday night and if you're a member of our church you know obviously we'll give you that information. But it's taken a little while to get all this done but Brother Fur in the Oklahoma City church he's an accountant like he does accounting work. And so we had him take all the financials from both years and he put together really good statements and then we're going to have a few men of our church kind of review that from a very detailed perspective just to be kind of a witness. And we just want to provide things on us inside of all men and just provide accountability so everybody feels like everything's on the up and up. And we just want to make sure our church is firing on all cylinders at all times alright. So if you want to come show up just like your regular Sunday night service and it'll be a little bit of a special sermon and then we'll just talk about that from a business perspective. My goal is to provide that on a regular basis that way just everything is always you know held to a high level of accountability and our church is very smoothly running. February 13th we have a soul winning map cleanup soul winning marathon. So what this is is basically we have so many maps that we basically chew through like 75% of them or like 50% of them and then we kind of get this like Swiss cheese looking coloring on the map and so what we want to do is we want to try and fill those in and so we're going to have a marathon where we're going to give people like 5 or 6 partially completed maps that you have to drive a little bit to and so the goal is to try and really shade in large sections of our map and get a lot of that done and so we're going to have a special marathon it's just like any soul winning marathon we'll be here in the morning, have breakfast we'll give you some maps, come back for lunch and go back in the afternoon so whatever you can participate in we'd love but it might be a little bit different in the sense that you might go soul winning for 30 minutes, hop in your car drive, go soul winning for another 30 minutes or whatever because we just want to get a lot of these things cleaned up and we want to really fill in those gaps alright and then also March 6th, Pure Words Baptist Church is having a Galveston soul winning marathon and so we're really excited about this April 3rd is going to be what will be the typical day for a mega marathon the mega marathon soul winning event and so I don't know for sure if it's going to be happening worldwide or not but we're going to do it either way so you can just put that in your calendar and we'll have something here, Oklahoma City and in Pure Words for sure and possibly even more than that. Also May 15th we're having an Austin soul winning marathon and so really excited about this and we have several other soul winning marathons I just didn't want to overload you with information yet but we have lots of stuff planned for this year and so I just wanted to get those out there so you have some kind of an idea but lots of events that are going to be going on this year and I'm really excited also we have these God Resource Cards if you hadn't already known about them and they have other languages so several other languages are out here and you can check those out and hand them to somebody if they speak another foreign language that you're not able to give them the gospel so with that let's go to our next song for this morning Psalm 149 it's in your handout Psalm 149 If you need one you can raise up your hand or turn in your Bible to Psalm 149 Praise ye the Lord sing unto the Lord a new song and his praise in the congregation of saints Let Israel rejoice in him that made him Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King Let them praise his name in the dance Let them sing praises unto him with the temple and harm For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people He will beautify the meek with salvation Let the saints be joyful in glory Let them sing aloud upon their best Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron to execute vengeance upon men written Let his honor have all his saints praise ye the Lord As the offering plates are being passed around please turn your Bibles to 1 Timothy chapter 3 1 Timothy chapter 3 1 Timothy 3 1 Timothy 3 the Bible reads This is a true saying if a man desires the office of a bishop he desireth a good work a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given to hospitality apt to teach not given to wine no striker not greedy of filthy lucre but patient not a brawler not covetous one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of God not a novice lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil moreover he must have a good report of them which are without lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil likewise must the deacons be grave not double tongued not given to much wine not greedy of filthy lucre holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience and let these also first be proved then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless even so must their wives be grave not slanderers sober faithful in all things let the deacons be the husbands of one wife ruling their children in their own house as well for they that have used the office of a deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus these things ride I unto thee hoping to come unto thee shortly but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory let's have a word of prayer Lord thank you so much for this day thank you for the opportunity to come into your house and worship you and learn about you Lord and I pray that you would fill Pastor Shelley with the Holy Spirit also pray that you would protect Pastor Mejia and First Works Baptist Church and that you would confound and punish their enemies and in Jesus name we pray Amen Let's look back at verse number 15 the Bible reads this but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth and so we have a great verse here tagged in to First Timothy chapter 3 talking about the qualifications of a bishop and a deacon and basically it's laying out all of the specifications of a church and how a church is supposed to be run and you know the people that are supposed to be in charge but then he gives a great charge to that pastor or to that leader saying that this is really important instructions because you're supposed to behave yourself in the house of God and this house is not just you know some random house but it's the house of the living God and specifically it's supposed to be a pillar and ground of the truth and so the sermon I'm going to preach this morning is titled this why preach against sodomites why preach against sodomites and I have three simple points this morning and here's point number one because it's the truth I thought the Bible just said that I'm supposed to preach the truth that the church is supposed to be the pillar and the ground of the truth and so it doesn't matter how good the truth is or how ugly the truth is I'm supposed to preach the truth look we get criticized or I get criticized for preaching how good the truth is because I'll tell people hey you can commit any sin you want and you'll never lose your salvation that's good and they'll say oh you guys are preach you can be my license to sin and you know I can't believe you had preached that well look that's just the truth I don't care how good the truth is if it's the truth then I'll just preach the truth and no matter how ugly the truth is that there's some people that are pervert sodomite disgusting freaks that'll never get saved well if that's the truth then guess what my job as a pastor is to preach the truth it doesn't matter how convenient how palatable it is it doesn't matter how fun it is it doesn't matter how disturbing it is I'm supposed to preach the truth and specifically the church is supposed to be the pillar and ground of the truth now what's a pillar a pillar is a firm upright support so you know what the church is supposed to do it's supposed to take the truth and it's supposed to elevate it and it's supposed to hold it up and it's supposed to be a firm foundation underneath the truth so that people can hear and see and know the truth today and let me tell you what you know who's holding up the truth of the sodomites? only the church nobody else is holding that truth up but you know what the church is supposed to be that pillar and not only the pillar even the ground now what's the ground the ground is that firm solid foundation so even from the top all the way to the bottom and every single area the church is supposed to cover the truth it's supposed to be where you learn the foundational truth and even the highest levels of truth the church is supposed to be there to teach you the truth the whole goal of coming to church today is to hear truth and it's a shame nobody else wants to preach truth virtually in any arena today whether that be through the entertainment or the education system or libraries or anything today it's all being white washed it's all being manipulated and gas lit and revised and all manner of evil is happening to the truth today and it's no marvel because the god of this world is blind to the minds of them which believe not the devil hates the truth I didn't know if you realized that the devil is the father of lies and so does it really surprise you and shock you that the devil would want to deceive people about the truth and you know what we should preach every truth of the bible not just the ones that are super popular because the bible doesn't say preach the popular truths it just says truth so whether it's popular or unpopular it doesn't matter to me look at 2 Timothy 3 now again I should also go to the bible and say alright I'm supposed to preach the truth but which truths am I supposed to teach which truths are the ones that I'm supposed to talk about or manifest or show well let's just ask the bible verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god so all of it's from god notice the next phrase and is profitable for doctrine did you realize that every single verse in the bible is profitable you know there's some people they'll say well I agree with you but I would never preach that well you're holding back profit from me then because the bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine notice this for proof, for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works so notice god doesn't want me to be an incomplete christian, an incomplete man and he doesn't want me to do some good works he wants me to do all good works and I have to have all scripture and it's all profitable and it's all good the lord of pure words is what the bible says you know every word of god is pure and so we should not shy away from any verse in the bible no matter what the world does look the world is darkness it's not going to like the light it runs away from the light and you know why we preach against the sodomites because it's the truth and it's contained in scripture if it was just my personal opinion then maybe I shouldn't preach it it's what the bible says over and over and over you'd be shocked how many verses I could take you to talk on this subject you'd be shocked how much bible because most people think it doesn't even talk about it but I could show you hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of verses dealing with this subject hundreds and hundreds now go if you would to 2 Timothy 4 for a moment you know the bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free you know truth liberates you truth sets you free truth empowers you truth helps you in every area of your life and so why would I want to hold back any truth from my congregation or from god's people that's only going to hurt you that's only going to damage you giving you truth will never hurt you I feel like that's a crazy statement to some people truth will not hurt you hey if I tell you the truth about sodomites that has never hurt anybody you know what hurts people sodomites that's what hurts people warning about a violent predator is not going to hurt you the violent predator is going to hurt you ok I don't know why that's so radical that's so like confusing or something you know you get up and you warn people about dangers it's because you want to help them it's because you want to protect them from the evils that are out there and you know what the truth will make you free it doesn't hurt you it doesn't harm you Jesus Christ even said I am the way the truth and the lie so people say well pastor Shelley preach Jesus ok well he's the truth and so if I'm preaching any section of the bible you know what I'm preaching Jesus all of it's Jesus you know I remember I always tell this but there was this youth minister that I was serving under and a big non-denom church ok it was a bad church but I was there trying to preach the truth that I knew at that time and I remember wanting to have a conversation and kind of asking about some of the things I was going to be preaching because I knew what I was preaching was not necessarily what the church believed because I was preaching King James only I'm preaching salvation by faith I'm preaching young earth creationalism I'm preaching all kinds of stuff to the people in my church and I asked the youth minister I said now do you all care exactly what parts of the bible I preach or like you know do you have any curriculum or whatever suggestions he says as long as it's about Jesus and I said good alright everything's going to be about Jesus because look the whole bible's about Jesus he is the word he is the truth so no matter what scripture I turn to this morning I'm preaching Jesus Christ ok and if you don't like any part of this bible that just means you don't like some part of Jesus because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever forever thy word is settled in heaven oh Lord you know in the beginning was the word before the world was created Leviticus 2013 was there it's older than you sorry he had that he had every verse it's all who God is it's the truth and I'm not going to be ashamed of the truth today I'm going to preach you the truth today ok and the truth won't hurt you you're still here obviously you didn't have to turn anywhere but look at verse 1 I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who is to judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word in constant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine notice that with all long suffering and doctrine with all long suffering did he say some truths of the bible preach some of the word preach the ones that are convenient he said preach the word and you know what the apostle Paul is telling Timothy you know who you're being charged in front of God and Jesus not some random person not the president not Biden I'm not being sworn in by them or sworn in by some pedophile or Satanist or whatever our government does no it's by Jesus Christ and God and also the holy angels hey their witness hey you better preach the word and notice all long suffering and doctrine notice this verse for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine I wonder when that's going to happen I wonder when people are going to stop wanting to hear the truth I feel like we've arrived like we're past that it feels like I mean it's it's crazy it says they won't endure sound doctrine what sound sound means that you can't argue against it that it's clear it's something that you know you can't really gainsay you can't really all you can do is just resist it or reject it that's all you can do people that resist the truth or reject the truth but you know what you can't bring an argument that would disqualify the truths of God's word he says sound doctrine but after them lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth notice what they turn their ears away from it's the truth and you know what I'm going to preach the truth and if you turn your ears away that's your fault my fault is if I'm not preaching the truth my fault is that if I give in to the lusts of people and I start just preaching things that tickle your ears look my voice doesn't tickle your ears it's not even that pleasant and then on top of that when I'm preaching the truth of God's word sometimes that doesn't tickle either and that's fine God gave me this voice for a reason alright and there's not a voice without signification is how the Bible words it alright but at the end of the day you know what it's not my job to decide what you like it's my job to decide what the Bible says and way more important it's certainly not my opinion to decide if the world likes it or not I don't care I shouldn't care it should have zero impact on me the church should preach the exact same from the time of Christ till now regardless of what's happening out there now obviously applications might change the names might change a little bit instead of Alexander it's Adam Fannin but at the end of the day it's still the same truths it's still the same word of God and you know it's a shame when churches they start to change because of what's going on outside there this didn't change you know you shouldn't be able to walk into Sardis you know or Smyrna or Pergamos or Philadelphia Baptist Church and hear the exact same sermon you should it shouldn't have changed the message didn't change I have the same New Testament that they did and I have the same Holy Ghost who spake by the mouth of his prophets and you know what so I should be preaching the exact same truths every single time it's not my job to change it's my job to preach the truth okay and look it's also not my fault that the world changed I don't know if you realize that I didn't tell the world to change you know I didn't tell the United States of America in 1873 to drop the death penalty for faggots I didn't do that they did that you know I didn't decide to stop arresting these freaks I didn't decide to say let's keep lowering the punishment for these predators and pedophiles today I didn't pass same sex marriage I didn't watch Will and Grace and Make You Watch It With Me I didn't watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy look you should poke your eyes out before you watch that Phil that's what the Bible says that's what Jesus said you know pluck your eye out hey I didn't make you watch Modern Family hey I didn't make you on a TV I didn't make you get the internet I didn't make Facebook censor all your posts I want them to stop censoring posts I want them to stop censoring documentaries of the truth today you know it's not my fault that the world is under the influence of the devil and is getting worse and worse by the second but if the world's getting worse why would I stop preaching them the truth that makes no sense if people need the truth more why would I hold back why would I say okay well the world's getting worse let's not preach them the truth imagine your child is not obeying you should you punish them less should you warn them less I mean if your child is playing in the grass and you know you say hey don't go in the street but then they start walking towards the street is your message going to get softer or louder don't go to the street don't go to the oh whatever or you can be like get away from the street and you're running and you're going to grab them and pick them up and bring them out you know pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh and then they get mad oh you guys you guys keep preaching on it well quit walking towards the street quit playing in the street hey you know I don't have to warn my kids about the street more than once but if they disobey I have to keep warning them don't I oh you guys seem to preach against it more than they did in the 50s well in the 50s they still arrested these freaks the LA police department was putting out the hit pieces against them I mean you didn't even have to have the Baptist church do it okay but today no one will do it and so guess what who doesn't do it we do and it's kind of hard not to preach against it when they're outside your door screaming at you when you walk in this church knows a little bit about that they say well you know I just think that you should preach what the Bible says about this subject okay well let me tell you a little secret there is no grace for sodomites in the Bible there's no mercy for sodomites in the Bible there's no tolerance for sodomites in the Bible there's no forgiveness for sodomites in the Bible there's no repentance for sodomites in the Bible there's no salvation for sodomites in the Bible there's nothing how can you get up and say anything positive about faggots if you're preaching the Bible because there's nothing there is not a single story where they're like oh well we we turn back to the Lord oh we love the Lord now oh we're going to follow his commandments now oh we receive the mercy of Jesus now oh here's a prophet being nice to them show me one time where they even preach the gospel to them show me one time when they tried to offer the mercy and they rejected it they're not even offering them mercy it's just condemnation it's just immediate damnation I mean you start with Noah and he says cursed be Canaan he didn't say well let's talk to Canaan and see what happened maybe he was born that way cursed be Canaan hey God didn't say let's go down and preach the gospel Abraham to the sodomites he said I'm going to I'm going to nuke the entire city and then Abraham's like what about law what about 50 righteous in San Francisco that's too high of a number buddy whoa 50 what planet are you living on he's like 40 10 nope there's not even 10 not even 10 righteous you know and some people get mad they're like oh why can't I go to a church of thousands well if you lived in Sodom your church couldn't be bigger than 10 think about that how about Noah Baptist Church 8 don't get mad at the size of the church those guys would kill for this church I mean how about Jeremiah's ministry how many people are in his church they're putting him in the stocks he's preaching to the wood he's just like anybody listening is anybody there kids are walking by you know giving him a nuggy and spitting on him you don't think that happened you don't think the one preacher is out there by himself and look we have hundreds of people that will come to this church and then people get afraid it's like look what these guys had to do oh but you have such a minority opinion isn't that the whole Bible show me when they didn't have a minority opinion they always have a minority opinion well you know what I just I think you should preach good stuff you should preach the nice stuff preach the love of God well wait a minute what did we just read he said that I'm supposed to reprove, rebuke, exhort now if I'm reproving is that positive or negative I believe that's negative right you're doing something wrong now if I'm going to criticize someone or tell someone they're doing something wrong you know what they have to be doing sinning so that means I have to preach against sin now here's my question which sins do I preach against there's not a list in the New Testament that says only preach on these sins that would make me a respecter of sin so I should preach on every sin and I should preach what the Bible says about that sin you know if you come to this church you'll learn that I preach against all kinds of things and things that people are guilty of in this room you know I'm not going to hold back what the Bible says about divorce and there's divorce people there's divorce people that come here and it's not like I hate that person but you know what I'm not going to hold back and say you know what I'm not going to preach that divorce is wicked because divorce people come to my church I'm not going to preach that fornication isn't wicked because there's a bunch of fornicators in my church at least in the past I'm not going to hold back against adultery or drunkenness or any sin and you know what God's people should not be ashamed of a preacher preaching the truth they should be ashamed of their sin and whenever you preach against faggots why don't you preach what the Bible says about them preach about their sin well I don't think you should preach on that sin well it's funny because the people that think they can get saved you know they don't preach against that sin they don't preach what the Bible says about that sin even if they think you can get saved they just don't preach on it that's what they do they refuse to preach on facts show me the sermon where Paul Chapel is ripping on facts because he says they're going to preach what the Bible says about it show me show me a sermon where they're preaching on how horrible sodomy is and how evil it is and what the Bible actually says about it these guys would be afraid to just even read what the verses say because the verses alone without explanation just make it clear how God feels about it you know what I'm going to preach what God told me to preach not what you tell me to preach not what CNN tells me to preach and certainly not what Biden tells me to preach and not what Pete Buttigieg look Biden is hiring like every fag in the world to be on staff he hired Pete Buttigieg to be some kind of secretary or some nonsense and he hired some transgender freak to be over like health in our country the most unhealthy person on the planet a transgender freak to be over the health of our country and look being a faggot is a death style you want to know who dies the quickest fags because there's so much wrath and indignation and they're so disgusting and they're so filthy today he doesn't even know what health is he probably couldn't even spell it disgusting faggot he doesn't even know that he's a dude it's sick I don't even want to look at it I don't even want to talk about it but that's what's happening am I supposed to just stop talking about politics because pretty soon all the politics are just going to be fags apparently open fags I'm surprised that they lie and cheat and steal and look you say well why do you preach this truth Pastor Shelley well first of all I have to preach against all sin I have to preach all scripture but here's another thing virtually everyone in this room has some family member that's a sodomite you have to deal with it on a personal level who would say I have somebody extended cousin just anywhere in my family a sodomite I mean it's more than half of the people in the room this is not something like oh why don't you preach on something relevant what's more relevant I mean this is like what the Bible's saying go to Psalms 40 why preach against the sodomites it's the truth well I don't think you should preach the truth that's what you'd have to tell me think about your statement don't preach the truth Pastor Shelley don't preach parts of the Bible Pastor Shelley that's wicked I'm going to preach all of it and you know what whenever we go through Bible studies I keep bringing it up but that's the Bible study bringing it up that's not me that's the Bible where I can't bring it up that's hard because it's everywhere in Scripture and you know what we need to preach against the sodomites because it's just the truth look at Psalms 40 verse 8 I delight to do thy will oh my God thy law is within my heart we're supposed to do God's will I think there was a saying of Jesus something like not my will but thine be done what does God want me to do today or do you just think what do I want to do today what do I want to eat where do I want to go what do I want to read what do I want to watch what about this, what does God want you to do what does God want you to eat where does God want you to go what does God want you to read what does God's will that's a good question I have preached righteousness in the great congregation lo I have not refrained my lips oh Lord thou knowest I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation and have not concealed thy loving kindness and thy truth from the great congregation so notice this guy is saying I'm not concealing the truth from the congregation I already know the truth about the sodomites so if I hold it back I'm not righteous I'm not doing what God wants me to do Jesus Christ didn't go in the temple and conceal the truth he preached the truth, he is the truth he emanates the truth today and it's what God's will is look this is all about Jesus and he's saying you know what I did I didn't hold back the truth he got in the face of Pharisees he got in the face of the Sadducees and he called them out in the middle of the sermon preaching in front of them, preaching to their face and he preached on every sin he preached on everything and maybe he didn't mention every sin verbatim but you can find references in all of Jesus Christ's preaching that touches on every topic to some degree even this sin now go if you would to Leviticus chapter 19 point one we're going to preach the truth you say why preach against sodomites? it's the truth my job according to God is to preach the truth the church is supposed to be the pillar and ground of the truth all scripture is given by inspiration of God I'm not supposed to conceal anything I'm not supposed to hide anything no matter how good the truth gets and no matter how ugly the truth gets I'm just supposed to deliver truth you say well I don't like the ugly truth well you just don't like truth I like truth whether it's ugly, good, bad not even relevant to me necessarily and if you don't like truth then don't come to this church and the worst thing you can do if you ever get a chance to preach is preach something that's not true pisses me off you want to make me really angry get behind my pulpit and preach something that's not true it doesn't matter what it is I hate it when someone look you're supposed to come here and hear the truth it's the exact opposite when someone's preaching lies don't come here look I can sit through the most boring truthful sermon and love it but you know what? I hate the most exciting lie I don't care how great you are at telling me lies I just want to hear truth today because I get so frustrated from lies it just makes me so angry it makes me just feel really upset, okay you know what makes me feel good? The truth the truth calms me down a little bit the truth makes me come back to a normal realm and you know as much as I want to go back to the Old Testament where I can just take a sword and start slaying I can't so I need the truth to calm me down, okay alright but point two, why preach against the sodomites? because we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourself look what it says in Leviticus chapter 19 verse number 17 thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself I am the Lord so we have the great verse that's quoted by Jesus Christ himself keep your finger here and go to Matthew for a moment I'm trying to think of the chapter he's asking which of the great and the law I didn't write that one down it's verse 36 we're going to find it though, okay it's Matthew, it's verse 36 I'm trying to think 22, yeah you're right, thank you Matthew 22 verse 36 master which is the great commandment of the law Jesus said in him thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart Jesus said in him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets now that's a really important phrase there because he's saying you know how you can sum up the entire law one word, love every commandment in the Bible can be subcategorized as either loving God or loving your neighbor but guess what, it's all about love God is love so you know what that tells me? every law in the Old Testament is loving and if I love my neighbor as myself you know what I won't do? I won't lie to him I won't steal from him I wouldn't kill him I wouldn't commit adultery with his wife in fact I wouldn't cover any of his possessions because that's loving and you know what's also not loving? being a faggot go back to chapter 18 chapter number 18 and look at verse 22 thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination that's loving he says hey, you're supposed to love your neighbor as yourself and you know what's not loving? faggots it defiles my eyeballs it defiles my heart and mind I remember being just a child and thinking how in the world could a guy be attracted to another guy it's the most disgusting thing on the planet I didn't get it I thought it's so evil it's so awful I remember I went to public pool and we had a senior when I was like a freshman or sophomore I remember specifically but sometime he got a gender change and I was just like this guy's so filthy and disgusting and abominable I don't even want to see it I don't want to walk down the same halls with this freak and you know how I felt was how everyone felt because it's so gross it's so abominable it is abomination is what the Bible says that's just written in your heart okay look at chapter 20 and look at verse 13 so if we're going to love our neighbor as ourself then we have to put these disgusting freaks to death that's loving what's loving is putting murderers to death you know why? so they won't kill anyone else you're supposed to put someone that forces someone to death so they don't force anyone else you're supposed to put violent criminals and predators to death so they don't keep doing it and we need to put fags to death so they quit being a faggot because it's just destroying our culture and our society and our eyes and unfortunately it's not like they only do that they're the most violent predators on this planet they're the most evil and you know who they like to harm the most? Children if you love children you should want every pedophile to be put to death and let me just give you a little secret fags are pedophiles fags are pedophiles it's disgusting they're perverts what they do is normal they're predators look what other group you know they talk about communities right? let's talk about the faggot community for a second label me another community that wants to be a pedophile I mean do truckers across America want to be pedophiles? is there like some software development program for you know we meet together we do code and want to be pedophiles how about the North American Man they love association show me another community is it how about the black community or the white community or the Hispanic community or you know they use these words community like they're really a community it's stupid what organization what grouping of people wants to be open pedophiles fags that's it that's the only one so you you're calling every fag a pedophile it's surprising that they're the only ones advocating for it publicly I'm just telling you what they're saying okay and I'm going to give you some statistics on this too but go up to 1 John chapter 4 for a moment go to 1 John chapter 4 before I get to some of these statistics you say well I think you're not loving towards sodomites well you're right but I am loving towards my neighbor and let me tell you this I love my neighbor who my neighbor is if they commit murder I want them put to death because I love my neighbor and if my neighbor commits adultery I want them put to death because I love my neighbor you know and if someone kidnaps a child I want them to be put to death because I love my neighbor I love that child I love the victim I love the person that was killed I love the person that was injured I love the person that was harmed and I love all the other people that haven't been harmed yet that are standing in harm's way and so you know what as a society we should love our neighbor as ourself and we should love the death penalty why? because it protects people and that's what's truly loving 1 John chapter 4 look at verse 7 Beloved let us love one another for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is loved now you think that's a surprise that the people that hate God you know what they don't want? the death penalty because they don't love God they don't even have love someone that doesn't want the death penalty is not a loving person because they say it's okay if you get forced, molested kidnapped, tortured and it's okay if someone brutally murders all your family because we won't do anything about it how can you say that person loves you? that person doesn't love you that person hates you and you know what the only people that love are the ones that are born of God notice that you know how can you tell me that you hate the word of God and say you love God you can't if you love God you're going to love his word you're going to love his commandments let me prove this to you okay let's keep reading in this passage he says in verse number 9 and this was manifested in the love of God toward us because that God sent his only begotten son in the world that we might live through him here in his love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another now you know what I like to point out to people is this if it weren't for the death penalty all of us would go to hell because you know a little fact Jesus died for you what if the Romans said we don't believe in the death penalty that wouldn't work out very well would it you had to have the death penalty for even your Messiah for Christ to even die for you so you could have the gospel and get saved the death penalty was crucial to salvation Christ had to die and guess what something has to die to give life you know what we have to die to get our new life and Christ had to die to give us life and you know what everything you eat had to die hopefully you're eating things that didn't die you got other problems alright whether that was a plant or animal you know you want it to die before you eat it I promise you that look at verse 12 you know what I don't want just some of God's love I want it to be perfected in me you know I get it perfected Leviticus 2013 verse 13 God is love God dwells in love dwells in God and God in him herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear at torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love if you fear these sodomites you're not perfected in love if you fear God's word you're not perfected in love if you fear anything other than God you haven't been perfected yet and you know what if I'm honest with you and you're honest with me we'd all say we're not perfect yet and so we need to keep reading the Bible and overcoming our fears by faith and trusting in God's word and perfecting our love towards God I don't want fear fear is tormenting fear is paralyzing fear will cause you to not sleep fear will cause you to not eat fear will cause you to not do the right thing we can't have fear and be successful the only fear that will help us is the fear of God and that fear is tormenting I don't want that torment I'd rather just have peace I'd rather feel secure and to feel safe probably the worst thing for a woman is fear you know why she likes a man? because she can feel protected one of the worst things for women is when their husband's not at home he's not going to come home that night or whatever there's a little bit of extra fear there but you know what? God's there with you no matter what and just that same feeling of security you get from your husband or from a man you should ultimately get from God because even your husband may not always work out obviously if there's like a thousand men with guns I'm going to try hard but it's probably not going to happen but you know what? God can protect you and God can be there with you we love him because he first loved us if a man say I love God and hateth his brother he is a liar now remember what it says? thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart but thou shalt rebuke him people that never rebuke anybody, they hate God connect the dots if you say you love God and hate your brother what's an example of hating your brother? not rebuking him and suffering sin upon him that's what the Bible said for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen? and this commandment have we from him that he who loveth God love his brother also so we're supposed to love God by loving our brother and how do I love my neighbor as myself? Leviticus chapter 18 and Leviticus chapter 20 and the one in the middle 19 hey, God sandwiched those there for a reason because he knew hey, if you really want to love your neighbor as yourself you've got to put people to death too verse 1 of chapter 5 whosoever believeth that Jesus the Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him that begat, loveth him also that is begotten of him by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandment for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous we're supposed to keep his commandments and you know what one of his commandments is? if a man lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death that is loving your neighbor and loving God and if you say that you love God and you hate your brother you're a liar why should I preach against the sodomites? because I love my neighbor today because I love children today because I love innocent people today and I love God's commandments it's all about love oh you sound so hateful no? the guy that's not rebuking he's hateful Joel Osteen Joel Osteen sounds really hateful to me Joe Biden sounds really hateful to me today Pete Buttigieg sounds really hateful to me today the sodomites that have the big signs that say love wins are really hateful today like bombing churches I'm shocked if someone has to overemphasize that they love you it's because they don't did you realize that? I really love you hey brother I just want to let you know I really love you I want to remind you hey did you know I love you a lot? you're going to be like Pastor Shelley back off I know I invited you to come over for dinner we're not having dinner anymore just lose my number if someone has to constantly try to convince you no no I really love you you're like whoa back off buddy I'll let you in my circle when I want I'll let you in my circle when I want but you know these predators not only are they perverts predators and pedophiles they're also plagued go over to Leviticus chapter 13 if you love society you would hate plague and you know this society is freaking out about plague right now I don't know if you've heard there's this thing called the coronavirus anybody heard about that one? it might be affecting our culture our world's so concerned with disease it's so concerned with illness it's so concerned with things that are unsanitary today right? well let me tell you about something that's really unsanitary it's called faggots ok? that secretary of health needs to go ahead and do some research on called CDC Centers for Disease Control because guess what there's some fags that have some disease it's called AIDS now let me give you some statistics from the CDC which is not a Baptist website I don't know if you knew that in 2018 there's an estimated 1.2 million people with AIDS so 1.2 million people in America have AIDS 740,000 of them are fags that's 62% they said also 70% of new cases are all fags now these numbers are mind boggling ok? but I believe they're way low because I actually looked at another where they're kind of like breaking out the statistics they also then broke out who gets HIV same year, 2018, same site CDC they said 81% of fags have the HIV so then I was looking at the other, like what are the other percentages? well supposedly 10% come from hetero relationships but this is just transmissions it doesn't mean that the person giving it wasn't a fag, it's just meaning that they were doing a hetero action like judges 19 they would classify judges 19 as the hetero category even though it's still probably fags distributing but let's just say they weren't then they said 5% from drugs well that doesn't mean they weren't a faggot you know who likes drugs? Fags that could still have been them ok? then they have a fourth category, they said it was a combination of being a fag in drugs well I'm going to throw that one in the fag category too so at a bare minimum 85% of HIV is from fags from the CDC not a Baptist website I mean it's like, what in the world? I went to another site they said that sodomites were 44 times more likely to get AIDS our film one of the articles, it said they were 171 times more likely to get AIDS it just depends on which sampling I don't know in 2009 the CDC said they were 50 times more likely let's take the conservative number 44 times more likely now that kind of fits with the statistic of like 85% of them getting it you want to talk about disease these people are plagued they are heavily plagued for their filthy, disgusting lifestyle, and you know what? if I have to wear a stupid mask when I'm perfectly healthy around people these people should have to wear a body suit they should have to wear a hijab a pink hijab so I can just know to stay away from them because their disease is way worse than coronavirus anyway AIDS and HIV will kill you way more I don't want to get that from them you're so unloving Jonathan when you go into the store without a mask on well they're so unloving for not wearing a body suit they should wear a body suit in their grave, that's what they should be wearing as far away from me as possible 6 feet under now where does this come from that we talk about, look at the coronavirus thing you know, because this is where people like to say oh it's biblical, well let's read a few verses here Leviticus chapter 13, look at verse 44 he is a leprous man, he is unclean so it's talking about all the basic symptoms of someone that actually has leprosy and once they've identified this is actually leprosy kind of like dermatology or something like that he says he is a leprous man, he is unclean the priest shall pronounce him unclean, his plague is in his head sounds like a sickness of the mind verse 45 and the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent and his head bare and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip unclean, unclean I never hear fags yelling I'm unclean when I walk near them they should be all the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled well guess what, it's an incurable disease so they're defiled, you know when? all the time he is unclean, he shall dwell alone I like this part without the camp shall his habitation be you know when fags should come back into society never and just as a side point notice for all you coronavirus loving mask wearing people okay you're supposed to put the covering upon your upper lip that doesn't mean I have to put it above my nose you're really angry oh, put it over your nose how is me breathing air hurting you? I was like in the store and there's this lady and I'm just kind of, she's like the pulpit, okay and I'm like walking like this and then she starts going like like this and it's because I had my mask on like this he's not wearing it right I didn't even know what to do, I was so afraid yet, she'll let a faggot check her out at Best Buy isn't that insane? I have a literal mask on my mouth and I'm not even sick and she's terrified of me but then she'll let a faggot touch her food at the restaurant she'll let a faggot touch her kids at the library she'll let a faggot touch all of her goods at Apple or whatever factory they're working at it's sick it's gross it's hypocrisy, you're insane today good night why do you preach against the faggots, why preach against the sodomites? because I love my neighbor why make a documentary about it? well, this is what I thought if it saves one child from getting molested in the future, it was worth it just one if just somehow they hear the truth and just one less child is molested in the future it was worth it hey, if one person gets saved it was worth it hey, if one pastor if just one pastor changes his stance on the sodomites it was worth it if one Christian gets fired up by the truth and starts serving God it was worth it if one parent decides to stop sending his kids to the LGBT public full system, it was worth it just one and I think all of those are going to happen I believe that the truth has power today and I believe the truth is going to change people's lives today and that's why I preach against the sodomites because I love my neighbor I love that kid and I love that person that's going to get saved and I love other churches and you know what, I love other Christians who are deceived today by the sodomites I want to wake them up with the truth go over to Psalms 36 my last point why preach against the sodomites why preach against the sodomites because I love my neighbor here's your most important point why preach against the sodomites Psalm 36 look at verse number 1 the transgression of the wicked saith within my heart that there is no fear of God before his eyes you know why I preach against the sodomites? because I fear God because I fear God and you know what, the wicked demonstrate to me every single day that they don't fear God you want to know a manifestation of this? how about the fact that the faggot symbol is a rainbow of all symbols of all the things that you could create of all the things that you could use to picture your movement what's the one thing that they pick? God's rainbow why? because God promised to all mankind that he would not destroy them with the flood and you know what, he said very specifically it was to every beast which is the faggots and every living creature he made that covenant with them and of course they love to spit in God's way you tell me that they're not a hater of God when they're using the rainbow you're an idiot, you are a fool what symbol of the Quran are they using? none because it's a book of lies what symbol of the Book of Mormon? I'm sorry, Mormon what other religion are they advocating and hating on? you know why they hate the Bible? because it's the truth they change the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever, amen for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections look, I fear God and they don't fear God and it's super obvious I mean, you have to be a literal idiot moron retard to not realize that faggots hate God they use the rainbow wake up, read Genesis it's the first book what a shame if you haven't even read I mean, it's like the coolest book because it's just awesome story after story there was a big flood, did you hear about it? maybe you did everyone but they're willingly ignorant of the flood, aren't they? go to Proverbs chapter 1 Proverbs chapter 1 you know who you're supposed to fear in this life? God you know who else you're supposed to fear? no one why preach against sodomites? because I fear God that's the most important point hey, it's the truth hey, I love my neighbor but more important than both of those I fear God you know what got me saved? I feared God you know what motivates me to follow God's commandments? because I fear God you know what makes me do anything? the fear of God without fear, there's no point really doing anything that's why a parent needs to be an authoritarian and a disciplinarian because why would your kids obey if you're not going to punish them? and why would anybody obey God if he wasn't going to punish them? if they pretend like he's not oh, he's going to judge them hey, you know what? this is what I thought about the other day every liberal Christian that's saved he will believe Romans 1 at some point in his life you know when he's going to believe it? for sure at the great white throne judgment you know why? because they're going to list all the sins that the fags did and they're going to be like, wow, that was all of righteousness when they sit there like, he did this and he did this and they're just like, how did I not believe that he was filled with all unrighteousness? and then the next fag comes up Don Lemon comes up and then Rachel Maddow and then Ellen DeGeneres and he's like, I got the message I mean, because their sentencing is going to be so long I mean, it's just going to be like and they did that too and they're like, we're only through year five of their life okay? I mean, it's just going to be everything on the list I hope God just hands them Romans 1 as a checklist for all of them for each one of them, they're like, murder, yep, deceit, yep, malignity, yep whispers, yep, haters of God, yep and he's like, getting the message yet? look they're filled with all unrighteousness and he's going to judge them look what it says in Proverbs 1 verse 7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction look, people that don't believe in Jesus Christ they're just stupid I mean when you watch what our government's doing amen and a woman they say, I'm a woman trapped in a man's body what? like, how can you look at that and be like, you're not stupid watch a couple of Mark Dice videos and you'll feel like every person is the dumbest person on the planet it's insane how dumb and foolish our society is today how long you simple ones will you love simplicity you know it starts with fearing God and without the fear of God nothing is going to go right in your life go to Matthew chapter 10, Matthew chapter 10 I have a few more verses I want to get to this morning we need to fear God today and the Bible over emphasizes this point of fearing God because there's a lot of pressure to not fear God there's a lot of pressure to fear other people there's a lot of fear and intimidation to get you to stop fearing God the devil wants to terrify you and look, the devil uses all kinds of tactics in the Bible like a fiery furnace like a cave or a den of lions I mean, the devil will use any tactic he's not going to hold back the devil is diabolical the devil is ruthless he's Machiavellian he's going to hurt you and harm you in every way possible he's going to try and get your family to attack you he's going to get your friends to betray you like Judas he's going to try and try to hurt you with the worst pains and the worst things imaginable because he just wants to try and get you to stop fearing God, stop serving God I mean, look what he did to Job! You're going to tell me that's not the most evil that someone could do to you? Hey, you lost all of your money and all of your children and your wife snagging you and you're filled with boils what could be worse? You know, I kept thinking, like, if he lost his wife it would be worse, but maybe the nagging wife was worse I don't know I'm just kidding don't take that too literally, okay the worst person for me to lose my life would be my wife, alright? But look, I mean, talk about a horrible, horrible thing to go through how about what Jesus went through? Yep, and you know what the devil's trying to do? He's trying to get Jesus to not go through with it to fail to not follow God's commands, to not fear God and you know what, even Jesus Christ felt the most enormous pressure in the Garden of Gethsemane to fear anything but God but you know what? He feared God and we're supposed to fear God and look what it says in Matthew 10, verse 28 and fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body and hell! You know what? You're not supposed to fear man you're supposed to only fear God and if you're saved, you can never go to hell you can never taste of hell for one second you don't even know what hell's like go to Revelation chapter 2 go to Revelation chapter number 2 well, I don't think God would ever want me to die let me just warn you it's appointed on demand wants to die did you realize you're going to die? sorry I don't care what you think you will die unless Christ comes, unless you're the one of the really lucky ones that makes it all the way to the end, you will die everyone before you has died 10 out of 10 people die so you know what the only thing you can do to change is how you die or when you die but you can't affect the fact that you're going to die get over it you will die there's going to be a day when you die that motivates you to believe and get saved that motivates you to do something with your life and you know what? you can have appreciation for what Jesus Jesus had to die sometimes it's in God's will for you to just die and you know what? I would rather die right now in this church than live to be 150 compromising I would rather have some sodomites shoot me in the head right now and stand on the word of God than to die at 250 years old in some cave somewhere with the Taliban, hiding well I want to see all of this who cares? I want to die the way that God would have me die and I shouldn't fear them which kill the body and you know what? the person that has that attitude is going to live the longest life that God had planned for them many times they're the ones that get through but even if God wants you to die a short death just think of it this way you don't have to watch any more fags on TV you don't have to worry about when Kamala becomes president you know? you don't have to hey, Paul said to depart and be a Christ is far better anyways why are you so afraid of doing something better with your life? of enjoying your life more? you say, well I want to accomplish X, Y, and Z me too, you know what? I plan to live to be 1000 but I'm prepared to die now that's how you should live your life and let's look at a church God would never want New Testament Christians to die okay, well, let's read the Bible Revelation chapter 2, look at verse 8 and unto the angel of the church and Smyrna write these things saith the first and the last which was dead and is alive, I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and unto the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer hey, if I had a message for First Works Baptist Church you know what my message would be? fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer you say hey, they're suffering, yeah you're right but don't fear them behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried and ye shall have tribulation ten days but be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life hey, don't tell me that God wouldn't want a Christian to die it's the glorious death because you're a partaker of Christ's sufferings today what a glorious death hey, Stephen didn't die in vain it was a glorious death even Abel I mean Abel could have done great things Abel could have been someone to do all kinds of awesome stuff he was a great guy but you know what, his death was still a righteous death it was a glorious death and we get to read about it you know, most people that die, we don't read about them go to chapter 11 so many great Christians have lived in the last 2000 years and we don't know any of them but we know Abel we know Stephen look at Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 and the seventh angel sounded and there was great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and the four and twenty elders which sat before God in their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God saying we give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty which art and wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned and the nations were angry and thy wrath has come and the time of the dead they should be judged and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets and of the saints and them that fear thy name hey, you know who's going to get rewarded? the ones that feared God all the Christians that didn't fear God their reward it's not going to be coming you know who's getting that reward? the ones that feared God and what better than the people that died for Christ talk about someone that feared God that's someone that fears the Lord because you know what? every fiber of my flesh and of my being will be screaming don't die God put that inside every single person you don't want to die I mean people that try to kill themselves they're constantly failing because it's just so hard it's so hard to want to hurt yourself and harm yourself no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourished and cherished it and so if you're standing at death's door to stand for Christ it's got to take an ultimate essence of love and fear of God to go through that I pray that we can be strengthened that if that's what God called someone to do it's going to happen it may be no one in this room it may be everyone in this room I don't know but I'd rather be ready than not because if you're not even ready you're going to fail the person that's really kind of weak already they're going to probably fail when the push comes to shove the people that are ready most of them will fail too think about Peter he was ready to die you know it's going to be a few people that are ready and then people that are unwilling they'll die too but I don't want that death I don't want to unwillingly die go to Hebrews chapter 11 you say what does it take to get through that faith the ultimate picture of faith to end your physical life now hoping for something better on the other side you can only get there by faith because everything physical will say no everything carnal would say no it's only by faith that you can go through such difficulty through such tribulation through such struggle Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand the world were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear look it's our faith that carries us through into the next life through tribulation through suffering through affliction through saying no to the lust of the flesh why say no to the lust of the flesh if you don't have faith that doesn't make sense just give yourself over to everything just have as much pleasure and fun and just do what thou wilt the mantra of satanism what causes me to want to have lots of kids faith what causes me to want to come to church three times a week faith what causes us to show these really long sermons faith there's nothing better in like several hundred miles okay I guess I should not take that for granted alright but look at verse 23 by faith Moses when he was born was hit three months of his parents because he saw he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the kings commandment you know there's going to come a day when you have to decide if you're going to be afraid of Biden or God or the president or God which commandments who are you going to obey God or man verse 24 by faith Moses when he's come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter he refused to be called an American he's not an Egyptian oh God bless the Egyptians land and that he loves no he doesn't he doesn't love Egypt no he calls Egypt Sodom and Gomorrah oh but America you don't understand our history Pastor Shelley it's so godly so you know I don't care what your history is this place is so ungodly it's not even funny watch Babylon USA watch the sodomite deception it's getting bad ok he wasn't he didn't want to be an American he didn't want to be Egyptian he wanted to be a child of God ok choosing rather to self the affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season well you know what Pastor Shelley I don't want to go to a church where we could be harassed by pedophiles I'd rather go watch the football game I'd go rather watch the Cowboys lose again or I'd go rather watch the atheist Aaron Rodgers throw a football around cause he's so great who cares I would rather suffer than enjoy I'd rather suffer with the people of God than enjoy with the heathen and enjoy with the faggots and enjoy with the filth of this world I don't want to go around and hang out with that you go do that if you want but you know what you're gonna ruin your life steaming the approach of Christ's greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect under the recompense of the reward by faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible hey rather than focusing on the government focus on Christ who's invisible you can't see him focus on God which even if you could look into heaven you couldn't see him focus on him don't focus on this world forsake Egypt forsake the world forsake will and grace it was terrible anyways forsake modern family forsake the show called Lucifer there's little shows called Lucifer you're like well I don't know if that one's a good show or not it's bad forsake Egypt there's nothing oh there's all this treasure in America who cares about the treasure you know the treasure here is nothing compared to what God will bless you with go if you would to chapter 12 and look at verse 1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which just so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us the author and finisher of our faith Christ started your faith when you believed and got saved and he also wants to finish it with your glorious death you have a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on you know what they don't cheer you on when you run in the wrong direction when you're running out of bounds when you're in soccer picking up the ball with your hands that's a foul he's cheering you on when you're running with patience when you're doing that and notice it takes patience sometimes because you have to patiently go through your entire life and then you still don't get the reward you have to wait until you die a lot of patience he says for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be wearied and faint in your minds go to Mark chapter 8 we're almost finished hey I'm weary of all the faggots well you know I'm sure Christ was pretty weary of carrying that cross up the hill so you know what he did? Simon picked it up for him or the Cyrenian picked it up for him they compelled one to pick it up for him you know that's a picture of how we're going to have to pick up the cross of Jesus and carry it we have to be the ones that keep going you know I bet Christ was pretty weary when he was on that cross sure he was pretty weary he was taking every breath in and he was still blessing people he was still getting people saved he was still faithful unto death but this is my message why do I preach against the Sodomites? number one it's the truth number two I love my neighbor but number three I fear God look what it says in Mark chapter 8 verse 38 whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words and this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father with the holy angels look you're going to be ashamed in front of one of two people either the world or Christ you know what I'd rather be ashamed in front of the guy that thinks he's a woman than Jesus oh look at these Christians they think men are men why would I want to cater to that guy? why would I want to cater to that thing or that beast go to Luke chapter 9 let's read that again Luke chapter 9 you know what if you fear God you're going to get a great reward if you fear the world you're going to get a great punishment last verse we're looking at Luke chapter 9 look at verse 26 for whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words of him shall the son of man be ashamed when he shall come in his own glory and in his father's and of the holy angels notice Christ will be ashamed of you I don't want to be ashamed of Leviticus 2013 you know who Christ is ashamed of? every Christian that won't preach that every church that won't preach that every church that gets up and says oh I can't believe you guys will preach that verse you know what Christ is ashamed of you you know what Christ is ashamed of you and you ought to fear God today if every Christian church would just stand up and read Leviticus 2013 and say that's what Christ said you know what we wouldn't be protested because they can't protest every church hey if every independent fundamental Baptist church they can't even protest every single one of them hey if like one percent of every independent fundamental Baptist church you know there's like 7,000 in America that would be 700 you tell me they're going to protest 700 churches they can't even do that it's because it's like .01 percent you know what Christ will be ashamed of the 99.99 percent you don't be that person you be a Christian that preaches against the sodomites and even if you can't be a preacher you go to a church where they preach against the sodomites let's close in prayer thank you father so much for your word I pray that you would just stir us up in our hearts with love for you and love for your commandments that we would not be ashamed of your words I pray today that we would not be ashamed of the truth that we'd love our neighbor as ourself and most importantly that we'd fear God we wouldn't fear this world and we know that there's going to be tumultuous times we know there's going to be tribulation but of God before us who can be against us I pray that you strengthen our hearts and that we'd love the truth even more as we approach the coming of Christ in Jesus name we pray amen amen with that let's turn to our last hymn for this morning take out your red hymnal there to song number 246 redeemed again that's song number 246 song number 246 redeemed how I love to proclaim it redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed through his infinite mercy his child and forever I am redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed redeemed his child and forever I am redeemed and so happy in Jesus no language my rapture can tell I know that the light of his presence with me doth continually dwell redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed redeemed his child and forever I am I think of my blessed redeemer I think of him all the day long I sing for I cannot be silent his love is the theme of my song redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed his child and forever I am I know I shall see in his beauty the king in whose law I delight who's lovingly guarded my footsteps and given me songs in the night redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed his child and forever I am Amen. Thank you all for coming. You are dismissed. God bless. Thank you.