(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Where the saints have trod. The cross of Jesus going on before. Harder than ye people, join our happy throne. Blend with hearts your voices in the triumph song. Glory, love, and honor unto Christ the King. This through countless ages, man and angel sing. Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus going on before. The greatest thing, I really like verse three. Like a mighty army moves the church of God. So really sometimes you drink that as a food, right? And you know, Jesus didn't want to carry that cross. We're going to take it out there. And we're going to bear our cross, too. So let's say a word of prayer to start the season. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us this opportunity to be here. And we sing praise unto your name. Thank you for allowing our church to be here. I pray that you be with those that are not able to make it this evening. And I pray that this service may be an honor and glory for you and your son. And thank you for all that you've given us. Jesus, amen. We've got 140 in our hymnals. So 140. We have an anchor. So 140. 140, we have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. We have an anchor. If not, look on with a neighbor. Or if you have one, pass it over if you've already looked at it. John chapter 1, we have verse 15. And if you're a child 18 or under, you can quote verse 15. You can get an ice cream treat after the service. Also, we have on the inside, we have our service and soul winning times, our stats, our expecting ladies. As far as church stats, please remember to email or text or get in contact with your soul winning captain. That way you're reporting those numbers accurately. And then also, as far as our expecting ladies, continue to pray for all of them. We also have down below our prayer list. As we usually go over this on Wednesdays, we'll go over it again. We have the Negara family, continue to pray for their health. Ms. Lucy's mother's tumors. Brother Cameron Hall's leg. Verdi Baptist Manila, our friends in the Philippines. Pastor Kevin Sepulveda in Australia. Brother Paul Weathers, pray for his work situation. Brother Sonny Brooks, his grandmother Vicki, we're asking for her health and salvation. And then it's a physical and spiritual health, right? And then also, Ms. Veronica Guzman, just continue to pray for her health as well. I think I had one added. It was Brian Mead. He was also requested by the Burns as a friend of them for health and for salvation. So make sure to keep those people in your prayers. We'll say a quick word of prayer as a church family and then we'll go to the rest of the announcements. Thank you Heavenly Father for our church, for those that are here. Please be with those that are not able to be here. Please be with all the expecting ladies. Give them favor at your discretion. I pray that you would just bless those that are struggling with health concerns here in our church. That you would give them health, that you would comfort them. Those that are struggling with various issues, you know them better than we do. We pray that you would just be there to give them peace, help work in their lives and their situations. And we just thank you for this evening. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Sounds like people are really excited about our church out there, you know. I mean that's great. I mean that's cool. Also on the back, I mean usually we don't have churches, we have like a waiting list outside. You know you can't even get in the building or whatever. Upcoming events, we have the baby shower for Miss Brooks. And if you're going to be a part of that, just get in touch with my wife and she'll give you the address where that's going to meet. So it's not going to be here at the building, it's going to be somewhere else. And if you want to participate, all ladies are welcome. So we'd like any ladies of our church to participate. It's a great way to meet other ladies, make friends. And you say, I don't even know who Michelle Brooks is. Well you can meet her, you know. It'll be a baby shower, it'll be a great place to meet her and everybody's invited, all the ladies. It is nursing's only preferred. She's having a baby boy and they're registered on Amazon if you'd like to get them a gift, but you don't have to. Also you can bring a dish to share if you are able. So that's pretty much it for there. Down below again we have our Soul Waning captains. Brother Bannock, West, Milstead and Oz. Just kind of in awe of that one tribe, it's just better than the others I think. But, sorry I'm giving away which one I'm in apparently. But we have a Soul Waning tribe competition. And you know, healthy competition. It's going to be in regards to baptisms. So if you can get your new Soul Waning converts baptized or you add people to your team and you can get them baptized. That tribe, excuse me, will receive a special prize. It's going to end July, it really ends June. So basically July 1st it's over. But we'll award a winner. I think there's two tribes in the lead is what is the West and the Urbanics both have won so. You can tell which side Marcel's in, alright. Of course he's in the West side. You can't even make these things up. The truth is stranger than fiction. They have to have at least one token black person in their group, okay. He says he's not even black, I don't even know how it works. He's Dominican, okay, alright. But, you know, all baptisms count. So there you go, alright. Red, yellow, black, and white, they're all precious in the sight. And that's pretty much all I have for announcements as far as the bulletin's concerned. One other quick update about meeting for the church. There is a writ of possession posted at the door. I don't know if you saw this really beautiful paperwork over here. But I think it's kind of cool. Either way, it says we have to be out by Thursday. But the police told me that they're not going to enforce it until Monday. And so they made it very abundantly clear. So I asked him about Sunday services and he says if you have Sunday services scheduled, we're not going to bother you. No one's allowed to bother you, you know. So we're going to still have Sunday services here, alright. So God willing, we'll be here Sunday morning and Sunday evening. So those of you that were planning on helping us move stuff tonight, come back Sunday night and then help us move then, alright. Because I don't want to watch Dylan do it all by himself, okay. And yeah, I'm good at managing him. But you know, I don't want to break his back or anything like that. But that's pretty much all I have as far as future plans. If you want to know where we're meeting for church, you need to go on an email list. And we've already sent one out this week. If you didn't get one, it's either because we have a bad email for you or we don't have your email. So get with Brother Dylan if that's the case. Or you can contact us and we'll be sending out an email of where we're meeting. We don't have a permanent location lined up yet. So we're probably just going to be meeting in various locations as a church until then. But you kind of have to be on the list to get in, okay. They have to know you, alright. They have to know your name and they get in. And if you show up and it's like, I never knew you. You know, you're just without our dogs. I mean, you know, it's no different than here, right. And so that's just what we're going to do. I am working tirelessly at finding a permanent location. It's just that you can't really snap your fingers and get one necessarily. I do have a couple leads. But full disclosure again, it probably won't be within, you know, five seconds of this building. So I am kind of looking at a lot of different options. And it could be 20, 30 minutes away from this location. So some of you all, it'll be 20 minutes of grace and some of you will be 20 minutes of chastisement. So, but you know what, then it's just extra like persecution bonus points or something like that. I don't know how it works, okay. So some of you might be really pleased and some of you might be like, ah, really, okay. But we are looking at some different options and I'll definitely disclose that at the point that it's necessary. But for now, we're just going to be the moving, we're just wandering through the wilderness a little bit, okay. So wherever the Lord leads us and everything like that. If you have a question or email concern, just email me, call me or text me or something. If you call me, I probably won't answer. I'll just be honest with you just because a lot of people are calling me right now. But if you text me or email me, I might get back to you a lot easier. It's a little bit, it's, if you call me, I'll forget that you even called me. So then I just don't call you back. But if you text me, I might read your text and then forget to text you back too. But I try my best to get back with people and so a lot of people ask, how can I help? I'll try to communicate every time I need help. So that way you don't have to worry about it if I feel like I really need somebody to do something. But thanks for the people that showed up the other day helping us move. It was a big help and a big blessing and I'm really encouraged about our situation. You know, church isn't a building. It's the people and I feel like our church is stronger than ever. You know, our church is one in doctrine, you know, and so that's really exciting. It's really encouraging and the Lord is still with us no matter what happens to us. And you know, it's going to be really depressing for these people outside. What are they going to do with their lives now? I mean, I feel like they're going to miss us, you know, so it's really just sad for them. All right, because I'm not going to miss them at all. All right, let's go to our third song for the evening. One hundred and forty five, song one hundred forty five. All right, let's make sure our audience can hear us out there. One hundred and forty five is well with my soul. Nice and loud, one hundred and forty five is well with my soul. When peace like the river attended my way When sorrows like sea meadows grow Whatever my love thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul No Satan should covet, no child should come And this lets assurance control That Christ has regarded my helplessness pay And now shed his own blood for my soul It is well, it is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul I signal the bliss of this glorious bond My sin not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul It is well, it is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul And the Lord makes the day when my faith shall be signed The clouds be rolled back as a scroll The child shall be sound and the Lord shall be sang Even so, it is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul Please turn in your Bibles to Matthew 14 Matthew chapter 14, we'll read the whole chapter before the sermon Follow along silently, starting at verse 1 Matthew chapter 14, the Bible reads At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus and said unto his servants This is John the Baptist, he is risen from the dead And therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him For Herod had laid hold on John and bound him and put him in prison for Herodias sake His brother Philip's wife, for John said unto him It is not lawful for thee to have her And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude because they counted him as a prophet But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask And she, being before instructed of her mother, said Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger And the king was sorry, nevertheless for the oak's sake Then which sat with him at meet, he commanded it to be given her And he sent and beheaded John in the prison And his head was brought in a charger and given to the damsel And she brought it to her mother And his disciples came and took up the body and buried it and went and told Jesus When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart And when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities And Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them And he healed their sick And when it was evening, his disciples came to him saying This is a desert place and the time has now passed Send the multitude away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves vittles But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart, give ye them to eat And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves and two fishes He said, Bring them hither to me And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass and took the five loaves and the two fishes And looking up to heaven, he blessed and break and gave the loaves to his disciples And the disciples to the multitude And they did all eat and were filled And they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full And they that had eaten were about five thousand men beside women and children And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship And to go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray And when the evening was come, he was there alone But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, for the wind was contrary And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them walking on the sea And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled saying, It is a spirit And they cried out for fear But straightway Jesus spake unto them saying, Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water And he said, Come And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid And beginning to sink, he cried saying, Lord, save me And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him And said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased Then they that were in the ship came and worshiped them saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God And when they were gone over, they came into the land of Gennesaret And when the men of that place had knowledge of them, they sent out into all that country round about And brought unto him all that were deceased And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment And as many as touched were made perfectly whole Let's pray Father, we thank you for Matthew chapter 14 and also for our church I just pray that you would protect us, Lord, and bless our church And thank you for the man of God that we have to preach to us I pray that you fill him with your spirit now And just help him forth to thunder forth the message that you've laid on his heart In Jesus' name I pray, Amen Amen. I've been going through the book of Genesis But I decided to preach a couple different sermons, these last few services we had And Matthew chapter 14 reminds me of a story about John the Baptist It says in verse 1 At that time Herod the teacher heard of the fame of Jesus And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist He's risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him You know what's kind of funny about this verse right here? Is the Sadducees don't even believe in the resurrection, and Herod does Isn't that kind of crazy? It says in verse 3 For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude Because they counted him as a prophet But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them And pleased Herod, whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask She being before instructed of her mother said, Give me here John Baptist's head and a charger And the king was sorry Nevertheless, for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her And he sent beheaded John to the prison, and his head was brought in a charger and given to the damsel And she brought it to her mother The disciples came and took up the body and buried it, and went and told Jesus Now we kind of hear this story in kind of like a past tense form Where we're being told what happened John the Baptist has already died And we're basically being told why he was killed or why he ended up dying But you know, I could just see the liberal Christians of Jesus' day Hearing this story about what happened to John the Baptist And this is the thought, this is what they'll say Why did John have to say that? Why did John have to say that? And you know what, the title of my sermon this evening is this Why did you have to say that? Because you know, people get really mad at things that a preacher does or a preacher says They get mad at the communications that they have Because they look at the consequences of that saying And they decide that you shouldn't have really said that Or I don't think you should have said that And in fact, I hear this all the time Where people say, why didn't you just preach John 3 16? Anytime something goes viral, anytime someone's mad at something I preach One of my friends preaches, it's just like, why did you have to say that? Why did you have to preach John 3? And can't you see some people just standing there just saying Look John, you were doing all this great work There was no need for you to die Why did you have to tell Herod that it wasn't lawful for him to have his brother's wife? Why did you have to blow off your mouth, John? Why did you have to preach him the law? Don't you know the Romans aren't under the law? Who's ever heard that? Don't you realize he's not a Jew? Only the Jews are under the law Wrong! Because John the Baptist looked at Herod and said You know what, it's not lawful for you to have her Now is that Roman law? No, he's talking about God's law Because you know who's under God's law? Everyone Every single person is under God's law That's what it even means to be a sinner If you weren't under God's law, you couldn't even be a sinner Because where there is no law, there is no transgression God doesn't impute sin unto people that don't have law Therefore, as evidenced by the Bible saying for all of sin Means they're all under the law And you know where the Bible says for all of sin? In the New Testament So how can you say You know what, we don't have the law of God anymore We're in the New Testament But let me explain something to you For all of sin As evidenced by the fact that the law still exists And you know what, John the Baptist applied the law To Herod's life And it ended up costing him his life That's a pretty harsh consequence for preaching the Bible That's a pretty harsh consequence for saying what needs to be said And I can see a lot of people criticizing John the Baptist by saying Why'd you have to say that? But you know what, it's the Bible It's the word of God And I'm not going to answer this question yet I just want to give you a taste of the idea Of where people could look at the particular situation and say Why'd you have to say that? Go to Acts chapter number 6 Let's see some more examples Of where liberal Christians Or atheists or anybody They would just look at a particular situation They would look at the preacher They would look at the consequences And then they would ask this stupid question Why'd you have to say that? How about Stephen in the book of Acts? Now look at chapter number 7 Let's look at verse 8 And Stephen, full of faith and power Did great wonders and miracles among the people Then there arose certain of the synagogue Which is called the synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians And Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia Disputing with Stephen They were not able to resist the wisdom And the spirit by which he spake These are your early trolls, okay? They just can't leave you alone They're just so attracted to the truth of God's word That they just have to just They can't resist it They're just implacable They're like mosquitoes to that lamp It's just zaps them or whatever They can't get away from it It says in verse 11 Then they suborned men Which said We have heard him speak blasphemous words Against Moses and against God Now wait a minute The narrator just told us In verse number 8 That Stephen is full of faith and power And then these guys are saying This guy is blasphemous He's attacking the Bible He's attacking the word of God He's against God He's blaspheming God Now is that true? No Stephen's not blaspheming God Stephen's not blaspheming the law He's not blaspheming Moses Stephen loves the Bible Stephen believes in Moses Stephen believes in God But notice the accusation they give to a real man of God Is that he doesn't believe the Bible Isn't that interesting? That they look at the guy that's full of faith Doing great works for the Lord And they say That guy doesn't believe the Bible That guy's twisting the Bible That guy's blaspheming the Bible There's no thing under the sun my friend The men that really believe the Bible Will always be attacked As having not really believed the Bible Or misusing the word of God It says in verse 12 They stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes And came upon him and caught him and brought him to the council And set up false witnesses Which said This man seeth not to speak blasphemous words Against this holy place in the law Now you know how you know that was a lie in the previous verse? Because they repeat the exact same statement And the Bible tells us it was false witnesses So is Stephen speaking blasphemous words against the law Or against God or against Jesus Christ? Absolutely not Stephen loves the Bible Stephen loves the word of God But of course what do they have to do? They have to get liars to go out there And to just spread misinformation Spread slander and libel And say this guy doesn't even believe the Bible This guy doesn't even know his own book Says in verse 14 For we have heard him say That this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place And shall change the customs which Moses delivered us Oh he's advocating violence He's saying that Jesus is gonna be Violent and destroy things And tear things down But what was it that Jesus was referring to? The temple of his body wasn't it? Seems like there's this pattern in the Bible Where people take the preacher's words out of context I'm just saying I feel like I keep noticing it Like everywhere in the Bible That they twist the words of the preacher don't they? Then in verse 15 And all that sat in the council looking steadfastly on him Saw his face as it had been the face of an angel So they realize this guy's awesome They realize this guy's full of faith They realize the only way they're gonna defeat him Is by setting up false witnesses That are gonna lie about him So then they bring him before this council They have the highest of the high of the religious sect Says in verse 1 of chapter 7 Then said the high priest, are these things so? So now Stephen finally gets an opportunity to speak for himself And No, Stephen's pretty smart He realizes he's not just gonna, you know Piss them off in the first utterance So he kind of starts to get some common ground Says in verse 2 So now, he really goes back in time He's like, hey, I'll answer your question But you gotta think about this Acts chapter 7 Is answering a singular question And the singular question is Are you speaking blasphemous things Against this place Okay Basically are you wanting this place to be destroyed That's the context that we've built upon Because Jesus suggested That he would destroy that place And what is it that the Jews care about more than anything? A physical building A temple Right It's their little temple and they say The Jews are thinking in their heart Please don't spray my temple with bullets You know, please Please don't burn my temple down Please don't destroy my little temple Because they care more about a temple Than the temple of God They care more about Physical things, carnal things Money, position and power Rather than the word of God Rather than souls of men They only care about earthly Possessions, okay And so he's gonna answer this question He gives a very long response Okay, but it's great Read it sometime Skip to verse 47 But Solomon built him a house So he leads up to the temple being built Okay And he's trying to explain The temple Because that's the question that's really being asked That's what they really are interested in Are you really gonna destroy this place Are we really in jeopardy Are we really in threat Is there really a violent insurrection Okay This is verse 47, but Solomon built him a house Talking about God Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples Made with hands As saith the prophet So notice the Bible is saying God doesn't dwell in the drywall He doesn't dwell in the wiring Or the cabling or the plumbing Or the concrete or the brick Or the mortar or the wood No, no, no, no You know where God dwells? We are the church Okay, we're that holy temple As Ephesians chapter number 2 describes And we are those stones That he lays one upon another And that's where he dwells He dwells inside of us He lives inside of us We're his habitation So if we leave, God leaves You know the only reason this area would be blessed Is because we are here And the only reason it's blessed That we're here is because God's inside of us And the only reason God's inside of you Is because you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ Because he did all the work Okay So it's scary When God's people leave an area Like, I don't know, Sodom and Gomorrah Because as soon as God's people Leaves, what happens? It gets torched and burned to the ground God's angry with that place God was only allowing it to exist Because of Lot And Lot was even a terrible Christian But he was still A son of God He was still a child of God And you know what, God loves even the black sheep of the family Quote unquote, okay You know he doesn't like those, the goat He doesn't like the white goat Or the black goat or the grey goat But you know what, he likes all shades of the sheep Alright Now, as we're answering this question He keeps building, he's saying God doesn't dwell in, you know, these physical temples Verse 49 And the earth And earth is my footstool What house will you build me? He's just saying this is stupid You really think God is gonna dwell in a house When his feet Are just, you know, on top of the earth Like, I mean, he's just saying This is silly, you know You can't build me a house, say the Lord Or what is the place of my rest Have not my hand made all these things And then God's basically asking this question He's like, look, I made the entire earth You're gonna make me a little A shack for me to be in You know, and look, the little, the palaces That we have here, I mean, there's beautiful Churches here, giant building But it's nothing in comparison To the size of our Lord It's saying like You're gonna build a house for God? That's a joke Have not my hand made all these things? Now, here's the thing, all the way up to this point Steven's been just kinda like Preaching the Bible and been kinda nice Now all of a sudden he's gonna go ahead And preach a little bit, okay You know, and the Bible's ordained men to preach Not just to read the Bible But to get up and to make clear what he's saying And to make sense of what he's saying So he's saying, look guys Even if this got destroyed God doesn't Live there Who cares? It's a building Get over the building Because God doesn't dwell there They're so fixated on a building And he's saying, look God can't dwell in a building, you idiots He dwells into the hearts of men Okay, that's what he's thinking Alright, now he's gonna start preaching, alright This is what Steven said He's stiff necked and uncircumcised In heart and ears You do always resist the Holy Ghost As your fathers did, so do ye Oops, that got spicy Which of the prophets Have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them Which showed before of the coming of the just one Of whom ye have been now The betrayers And murderers Who have received the law by the disposition of angels And have not kept it When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart And they gnashed on them with their teeth But he, being full Of the Holy Ghost Looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God And Jesus standing on the right hand of God And here's the thing You get mad at what Steven said But then you know who you'd really be mad at? The Holy Ghost Because what does the Bible say? He was being full of the Holy Ghost Meaning active presently When he said all of those words When he called them stiff neck When he called them betrayers When he called them murderers When he's calling them out in front of everybody What is the Bible saying? He was full of the Holy Ghost And they gnashed on them with their teeth You know Such a manly sound You know Are you the road runner now or something? But here's the thing They cried with a loud voice And then they stubbed their ears And ran upon him with an accord And cast him out of the city No hate in hearse And stoned him And laid down their clothes at a young man's feet His name was Saul And they stoned Steven calling upon God And saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice Lord They not this sin to their charge And when he had said this he fell asleep Now I think a lot of people That were Steven's friends could have seen this event You know what they thought When they heard the words from Steven Saying he's stiff neck Several friends of his would have been like Steven why did you have to say that? He got killed Why didn't you just preach John 3 16 Steven Why wouldn't you just preach him the love And the peace and the grace of Jesus Why do you have to call them murderers Why do you have to call them betrayers Why do you have to say they're like their fathers The false prophets Why do you have to say they reject the Holy Ghost I mean Wouldn't that be the thought of a lot of people today You know why he had to say that Because he was full of the Holy Ghost Go to Luke chapter number 4 Luke chapter number 4 This one gets thrown This has gotten thrown in my face Look Pastor Shelley Whenever Jesus spoke it was gracious words That proceeded out of his mouth You know You need gracious words to proceed out of your mouth Let's go look that place up In the Bible Luke chapter number 4 verse 22 And all bear him witness Talking about Jesus And wondered at the gracious words Which receded out of his mouth And they said it's not this Joseph's son So when Jesus got up and he preached The word of God when he preached the Bible They looked at it and said look at these gracious Words coming out of his mouth Isn't that what every preacher should be like Just the gracious words Well let's keep reading Verse 23 And he said to them He will surely say unto me this proverb Physician heal thyself Whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum Do also hear in thy country And he said Verily I say unto you No prophet is accepted in his own country But I tell you of a truth Many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias When the heaven was shut up three years In six months When great famine was throughout all the land But unto none of them A city of Zaydun Undo a woman that was a widow And many lepers were in the Israel In the time of Elisias the prophet And none of them was cleansed Saving name of the Syrian Verse 28 And all they in the synagogue When they heard these things Were filled with wrath And rose up and thrust him out of the city And led him under the brow of the hill Whereupon their city was built That they might cast him down headlong But he passing through the midst of them Went on his way So after hearing the gracious words of Jesus What happened next? He preached a little bit more And they drug him out to throw him off a cliff Why can't you be more like Jesus? Well you know what? I'll start with some gracious words And then pretty soon they'll drag me out And want to throw me off a cliff You really want me to be like Jesus How can you say that you can't preach things That are going to make people upset What's the context here? He's basically saying look God cared more about Gentiles than you Jews Even in the Old Testament That's real offensive God loves everybody the same Well then why did he only Heal these few people? Why didn't he heal all of them? God doesn't love everybody the same You've been lied to In fact the most famous verse in the whole Bible Is a past tense loved Have you ever realized that? God loves the world It says for God so loved Loved You know what that word is? Past tense Why? Because yeah he offers them grace He offers them love And he sent his son And Jesus died on the cross And that was the greatest act of love But guess what? Those who reject him They no longer have God's love God's wrath imaginable Because God is a God of extremes And while God has plenty of gracious Kind merciful things to say He also has a lot of angry Wrathful Also just anger He's just so mad He's just furious As the Bible describes him And sin He hates sin He abhors sin He's angry with the wicked every single day You need to sit here and cherry pick What parts of the Bible you're allowed to preach When we're talking about Jesus himself here And I can see If you remove Jesus from the story And you tell someone to get a bunch of people mad You'll be like why'd you have to say that? But who's going to say that to Jesus? Who's going to look at Jesus And say why'd you have to say that now? Why'd you have to talk about Naaman? Why'd you have to talk about the fact that God didn't really care about the Jews At that time and didn't want to heal them And didn't want to do good unto them That's the Bible Go to John chapter number 8 Go to John chapter number 8 Why did you have to say that? Well you know why he had to say that? Because he's the word of God And you know what the word of God's going to say? The word of God And if you think Jesus walked around And everybody liked him You didn't read any of the Bible I mean I don't know what chapter you read I mean maybe Maybe just John chapter number 4 I mean John chapter 2 I mean I don't know what you read John chapter 2, it's a wedding And they get new wine And then they stopped reading because they started getting drunk When they read the rest of the Bible didn't they? Sorry that wine was fruit juice though So that was your first mistake Now Look at John chapter number 8 That's not that far in the book of John Look at verse 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews Which believed on him If ye continue in my word Then are you my disciples indeed You know a real disciple doesn't just believe John 3 16 He continues in the word He doesn't just believe some verses All the verses, he continues And learns all of them and likes all of them And loves all of them And what does the Bible say? And ye shall know the truth And the truth shall make you free You want to know why he said that? Because it was the truth You want to know why John the Baptist said it? Because it was true You want to know why Stephen said it? It's because it was true Someone's got to speak truth today Why did you have to say that? Because it's true In a world full of lies Someone has to give the truth today And Jesus said You know what the truth does? It sets you free Lies bring you into bondage Lies destroy your life The truth can help rescue you From the lie in your life The lie for salvation is that it's anything Other than believing in Jesus And when you hear that truth It rescues you from that And you get free salvation But you know, salvation is not where it ends It's where it begins And once you get saved You need to learn other truths of the Bible And get rescued from feminism Get rescued from the evils of the liberal ideologies today That are out there Get rescued from all manner Of just The TikTok philosophy The Young Turks philosophy Liberal Democrat, I mean if you're a Democrat You don't know any truth Sorry Because it's not a political party Based on race It's really a political party In the Bible They don't like any of the Bible And you know what, you want to get rescued from the Republican party, you need more truth You need any truth to get rescued from the Democrats You need a little bit of truth to get rescued from the Republicans, okay Just even like a sliver of truth Okay, why? Because they're all liars And they're just tricking everybody And fooling everybody These people are the biggest flatterers You read the book of Proverbs and you'll never want to vote for a politician ever again Because it tells you to stay away from these flattering lips These people that are deceitful and just making all these promises and going back on their word You know, I want nothing to do with these politicians It's funny, someone made a video of me They made a clip And they said that I'm a big Trump supporter And I'm just like, man How do I get rid of that horrible reputation? I mean, what do I have to do? Trump sucks, okay I don't like him I don't know who thought that I ever did But, you know, he's not our great white knight savior He's not a fundamental Baptist, he's not even a Christian Okay, why would I ever believe that a non-Christian is going to be the savior of our nation Okay, let alone a fundamental Baptist, okay, not a fundamental Baptist, right Now, as we keep reading this passage, it gets a little spicier, right Verse 33, they answered him Can we be Abraham's seed? We're never in bondage to any man How sayest thou, ye shall be made free? This is the person that doesn't think they're going to hell This is the person that doesn't think they need salvation, this is the person that thinks that they're good, this is the kind of person that you knock on their door, are you 100% sure you go to heaven? 200% That's what my brother Thomas tells me 200% And then you ask him, how do you get there? I have no idea A lot of confidence in something you have no idea about It's impressive, okay Some would call that blind faith Verse 34, Jesus answered them Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin Now they're going to keep saying, oh, we have no bondage So you don't sin then? Verse 35, and the servant abideth not in the house forever, but the son abideth forever If the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. I know that you're Abraham's seed, but you seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. I speak that which I have seen with my father, and you do that which you have seen with your father He answered and said unto them, Abraham is our father, Jesus saith unto them If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham But now you seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God. This did not Abraham did not resist the truth of God's word, Abraham embraced the truth of God's word So if you were like Abraham, you would believe everything I'm telling you You would accept the truth of God's word. Why? Because when you hear God's word and you reject it, it's because you're not of God Now let's keep reading He do the deeds of your father Then said they, We be not born of fornication We have one father, even God Jesus saith unto them, If God were your father, you would love me. For I proceeded forth and came from God. Neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech? Even because he cannot hear my word You of your father, the devil and the lust of your father you will do He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it. Because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not What a sad sentence for someone to tell you You know why you don't believe me? Because what I said is true That's a scary reality And look, there are literal news organizations that they will not believe your words because it's truth CNN, I mean they won't even believe it You call them up, you tell them the truth and they just still can't believe it Why? Because they just can't believe the truth They hate truth He's telling the Jews you hate truth Verse 46, which of you convinces me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do you not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words He therefore hear them not because you're not of God You know what? The reason is someone doesn't like the Bible because they're not of God When you just show somebody just Bible verse after Bible verse and doctrine after doctrine and they can't hear God's word That's a scary thing Because it points to the fact that they're probably just not of God Now I'm not saying that you have to have every doctrine perfectly identified to be saved or to be God's child We're all learning, we're all growing But there's a common denominator between those who embrace the word of God who are saved and those who reject the word of God and they're just not saved whatsoever So when you show somebody just Bible verse after Bible verse and they just reject it and they can't understand it they don't see the spiritual pictures You know why? It's because they're just not saved They don't have the truth inside of them They don't have the Holy Ghost to guide them into that truth And I could see a lot of people saying How can you call these Jews the children of the devil? Why did you have to say that Jesus? Because it's the truth So if you went to 1 John chapter 4 1 John chapter 4 I mean apparently you've never read Matthew 23 Talk about why did you have to say that You know what led up to Jesus Christ's crucifixion Matthew 23 Okay And boy did he not like the Jews in that passage Boy did he not like the Pharisees You know what he's really calling them out for? Being hypocrites And man you know what makes Jesus more upset than anything? Is religious hypocrites People that pontificate about how they believe the Bible yet they don't believe a word of it They don't believe Genesis to Revelation They don't believe any of it They're not saved yet they go around pretending like they're a minister of Christ That's who makes Jesus the most angry He has the most vitriol He has the most frustration with Are those who are walking around pretending like they're a child of God Pretending like they're a man of God Pretending like they're the servant of the Lord Yet they're the farthest thing from it They're full of iniquity And in fact the biggest fakers are also the biggest sinners They put on a big show but man are they the most wicked evil rotten people behind the scenes You know when the Bible talks about the Pharisees devouring widows houses Like what kind of person is just ripping off widow women I mean that's like one of the scummiest people and yet that happens all the time And you know who does that? Benny Hinn TD Jakes You want to know who's the biggest fan of these televangelists these people on TV It's old women And they just put their hand on the screen and they're just giving their welfare check to TD Jakes while he's living in his mansion or whatever just devouring widows houses taking them for all that they've got taking them for their life savings taking them for their social security check I mean they'll get up and they'll just lie lie lie I mean this Mike Murdock guy just a wicked evil false prophet just devouring widows houses saying oh you got to give me a $58 promise sow a seed and God's going to bless you and do good I've seen people in my personal life get sucked into this stuff they were so sucked in they're like selling their wedding ring and giving it to these people they're just selling all their possessions and giving all their life savings and giving all their money and thinking that they're somehow blessing the Lord through it all and it's no different than with these Pharisees it's no different than with these Sadducees just praying on people because the Bible says the simple believeth every word there's some people they'll go to a church and they'll believe whatever the pastor says they'll believe whatever the preacher says that's why it's important that you get saved that's why it's important that you continue in God's word so that you can discern the difference between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error look at 1 John chapter 4 verse 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby know ye the spirit of God every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of anti-Christ where have you heard that it should come and even now already is it in the world hear of God little children and never overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world they are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them we are of God he that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error so the Bible's bringing up the fact that not every preacher not every prophet is of God in fact the majority of preachers are fake they're false and you say well how would I know well what do they say because you can tell a false prophet by the fruit of his lips when it's a good tree it's going to bring forth good fruit and when it's an evil and corrupt tree it's going to bring forth that evil and corrupt fruit which is proceeding from their heart the Bible teaches that of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and when you're not saved you know it's never going to come out of your mouth the gospel of Jesus Christ when you don't even believe how are you going to get up and preach that they don't they get up and preach salvation by works by baptism by anything and everything else and we know you're not of God when they're not preaching that Jesus is the Christ the substitutionary atonement for our sins that he's the only way into heaven you know what we recognize that person's not of God they're denying it they're making themselves the Christ because the Christ is the anointed one the Christ is the savior and you know who they're trusting in themselves but you know what the only Christ is Jesus that's the only way into heaven and you know what there's a lot of people that deny that you say what's the number one reason you can tell someone's not saved? they don't have the right gospel and when they don't have the right gospel they're wrong on everything they have the spirit of error but you know there's other doctrines in the Bible and there's a reason why the unsaved don't hear us they don't have the spirit of truth they have the spirit of error that's why it's a manifestation of what's really in their heart that's why it's important to realize why when someone hears a preacher they're not necessarily going to respond the same way that you do and it's weird you hear it and it just clicks it makes sense, the Bible's just lining up they hear a completely different message I mean it's just they're like tone deaf to the gospel they're tone deaf to the word of God I mean you hear a beautiful melody and they just hear like that's what it sounds like to them because they just can't hear right everything just makes no sense to them and so when they sing that's what comes out of their mouth this is what the unsaved sound like when they explain the Bible when they try to correct a preacher of the Bible when they try to explain what we believe what the Bible teaches it just sounds like garbage it's coming from the garbage in their heart you know what? a man full of the spirit of God it's going to sound good, you're going to love it and you could look at the man of God and you could not like some of the negative things he said you could say, well why do you have to say that? because it's the spirit of truth here's the bigger question does the Bible say that? because if the Bible says that that's of course why he said it go over to Psalms 119 go to Psalms 119 you know when Jesus was rounded up and led to be falsely accused and eventually condemned and crucified he was confronted with the chief priests and they're basically trying they're trying to catch him in his words trying to get something to use against him they have a lot of false witnesses but ultimately they ask him and I'll just read for you now here's the thing isn't that sufficient to answer that question? but you know he didn't stop he didn't stop talking he then said and you shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven why did you have to say that? because it's the truth then the high priest ran his clothes and said what need we any further witnesses ye have heard the blasphemy what think ye and they all condemned him to be guilty of death when I read these verses I think praise the Lord that Jesus said I am it's so beautiful but to the spirit of error it was the worst form of blasphemy it was the most evil words they didn't like them and so you have to realize even some of the nice parts of the Bible they hated I mean is that really that bad they're like hey are you the son of God are you the son of the blessed I am I mean is that really mean is that really the worst thing ever but notice it was in their minds the worst thing someone's ever said the worst blessing did you hear that? so what happens when a preacher actually preaches something hard you really think they're going to like that then if they don't like the nice message if they don't like Jesus just saying he's the son of God how are they going to like the hard parts of the Bible how are they going to like the difficult parts of the Bible and then when they freak out people are thinking why didn't he explain it to you like you're not going to explain to a tone deaf person how to sing they just won't get it you know if you want to get someone to understand the Bible you have to get them saved and if they're not saved it's worthless it's worthless what their opinion is their opinion is meaningless it's worthless it does not matter whatsoever why do you have to say that because he's saved and he knows what the Bible says because it's the truth and you know what we love the truth Psalms 119 glorifies the Bible as the word of God being the truth look at verse 38 establish thy word and thy servant who is devoted to thy fear notice who we're supposed to be afraid of God and you know who else we're supposed to be afraid of no one else God that's it we're devoted to his fear though turn away my reproach which I fear thy judgments are good behold I have longed after thy precepts quicken me in thy righteousness let thy mercies come also unto me O Lord even thy salvation according to thy word so shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me for I trust in thy word hey when someone's mad at you when someone doesn't like you what are you supposed to respond with it's the Bible I trust in the Bible I like the word of God why is it that you had to say that because it's the truth because it's the Bible because it's the word of God look at verse 43 and take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth in my judgment he's saying you know the worst thing that can happen to me is I stop preaching the truth I stop saying what the Bible says verse 44 so shall I keep thy law continually forever and ever sounds like this guy likes Genesis sounds like this guy likes Exodus and Leviticus and Numbers and Deuteronomy you know what he loves the law he wants to keep it forever and ever notice he didn't say well I can't wait till I get the New Testament so I can break thy law so I can not have to fulfill that aspect of the law that's a foolish attitude when people try to say oh Jesus died on the cross so now I can be a faggot pedophile you disgusting evil person if you think that no we're supposed to keep the law forever oh now I can be a murderer I saw some stupid ridiculous statement online they said oh Pastor Shelley he said that faggots should be put to death so that means he's advocating violence ok well then does the Texas state law which says murderers are supposed to be put to death advocating violence are we now saying that the government is advocating violence I guess you have zero logic oh yeah because you have the spirit of error oh yeah because your viewpoint is meaningless oh yeah because you are like CNN you're a hypocrite every statement that you make every statement you make is just a lie it's not true you don't even know what you're saying it's just fodder it's just vomit I mean just vomit of words and really who is so presumptuous to think that their ideas are better than anything the Bible says how could I ever think well you know what I know the Bible says that I have a better idea I have a better thought I know of a better way to govern the world you know a better way would be my way would be the American way no the best way is the Bible period we're supposed to love the law of God and you know what people can get mad at me all day long for saying what the Bible says why do you have to say that I'll tell you number one why because it's the truth and if you don't like the truth you can leave whatever you want go to John chapter number 17 you go to John chapter number 17 you know what the Bible says in Pro verse 16 verse 19 better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud meaning I would rather lose every penny in my pocket have it all have my car have my house have my bank account have it all you wicked evil person you I would rather have nothing and be with the humble than to divide the spoil with the proud than with the wicked than to say oh okay we got we got all this money thy money perish with thee I would rather be of a humble spirit and you know what makes people better being humble and you know what usually what makes you humble is when you lose things just look at loss as an opportunity to become a better person you know what doesn't make you a better person winning the lottery but isn't that kind of like what everybody wants I mean even people that don't play the lottery they kind of fantasize about it they kind of dream about it or they plan how they would spend it they think like well I won the lottery you know I'd go to the Cabo you know I'd travel buy a boat I'd do all these things but I don't think that you realize that your character your soul would be worse you wouldn't be a better person nobody wins money like that and becomes a better person you become a worse version of yourself and whatever sin issues you have they're going to get exaggerated the people that drink a little bit they drink a lot after that the people that have a little bit of drugs they have a lot of drugs after that the people that whore around a little bit they whore around a lot after they get that kind of money the people that are worried about money they really worry about money when they have that the people that have bad friends you have a lot of bad friends when you win the lottery every one of your problems is just exaggerated by these things and I think some people think like the worst thing that could happen to me is losing money or possessions or goods you know honestly in a lot of people's lives it would be better you'd actually become a better person you'd have more character more integrity more humility I mean when Jesus came to this earth to test himself he didn't come clothed in riches he came in rags my friend he came as a humble servant he didn't have anywhere to lay his head he was born in a manger you know no room in the inn your lord and savior nobody wanted him nobody wanted him in Bethlehem no hate in Bethlehem you know get him in the manger but you know what being of a humble family of a humble you know some people in this room might think like well I wish my parents were rich you might be a brat you might be spoiled rotten if you would grow up with money you know some of the best people that have money were poor at some point in their life people that were like always rich or they start rich have a hard time becoming a good person they just had that silver spoon in their mouth they have this entitled attitude entitled spirit that's why America a lot of people suck because you know America has so much riches they were born with basically a silver spoon in their mouth and so it's hard to find a humble person in this country a humble wife John chapter 17 look at verse 13 and now come I to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world now notice in verse 14 what's the first you know step here in the world hating them just getting the Bible it's like hey you want people to hate you just here's a King James Bible step one of getting hated here's the Bible you know step two you believe it oh man it gets really rough as we keep reading it says in verse 15 I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world that thou shouldst keep them from the evil they are not of the world even as I am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so we're supposed to be set apart we're supposed to be different than the world why? because we believe the truth and the truth is the word of God the truth is the Bible and notice that the world who's in control of the internet what do they love to censor? they love to censor the truth they don't censor lies I could go on YouTube right now and I could find a million flat earth videos and even the world knows that that's stupid even the most unsaid atheistic person some of them can still recognize like that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in fact I believe all flat earthers are being punished by God he's giving them you know incomprehensible stupidity for some rejection of the truth of God's word I mean that's why I always say my philosophy is I never ride with a flat earther he might drive me off a cliff, literally notice that the Pharisees want to throw Jesus off a cliff I don't want to get in their car ok? so if I get in your car and I've never ridden with you before be prepared for a question ok? save the earth bro I'll drive but what is the passage really getting into it's saying that we're sanctified through the truth of God's word you know we should love the truth and when you show people the truth and they don't like it why do you get so frustrated with them it's not necessarily their fault they're just not saved or they're just saved people that don't like some truths of the Bible you know what that's their problem and they're being antagonized with the spirit of error Jesus didn't set us up to be popular in fact he said the more that you're like me the less popular you will be the less people will like you and you have to ask this question why is it that people hate me? like the people hate me because I rip them off the people hate me because I just flip them off every time I see them the people hate me because I'm a disgusting tranny you know why is it that people hate me it's because you preach the Bible well then that's a good hate you know if you're a filthy age dispenser of course people are going to hate you no one wants to be around that but you know when you're just telling them things that are true that like age dispensers are pedophiles you know as evidenced by the Bible the FBI reality cops children that have been abused just everything and they're just like I don't want to believe that you know I hate you for that you know what that's a good way to be hated why I mean think about what Jesus did Jesus did nothing wrong ever he loved people he healed people he preached them the truth but they hated him for the truth's sake say you know people hate me pastor Shelley why because I go to church three times a week that's a good reason to be hated you know because I go out and I preach the gospel you know because I don't let my kids get sodomized by predators because I actually love my kids enough to keep them away from poison vaccines because I keep them away from the Sodom high school because I keep them away from the public pool system because I actually have lots of children I mean these are good reasons to be hated because I dress godly because I show up on time because I have a Bible in my hand people hate you for just holding a Bible you know this is a good reason to be and Jesus is saying hey the more you're like me the more you hold a Bible the more you dress godly the more you follow God's commandments the more you go to the right church the more you're going out and preaching the gospel the more the world's just going to hate you you know woe unto the churches that everybody loves woe unto the churches that have never gotten censored for one thing that they've said sounds like you've never preached the truth ever you know it's not like we are the only ones that go through this I mean there's other Baptist churches that get censored and harassed and sued and whatever what is for all the truth that they're leaking out for all that truth that they're putting up and and broadcasting for the world okay and so the churches that are going to be broadcasting the most truth are going to be the most hated the most attacked because it's just so bright they're just like someone shut that off what is that you know they just they hate it they hate the light they're cockroaches but they're attracted to it because they want to shut it down go to John chapter 3 now so why'd you have to say that number one it's true but my second point is this why'd you have to say that because we're supposed to warn people we give them the truth to warn them we want to protect them and the Bible commands us to warn them now John 3 is 16 yeah loving verse let's keep reading for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son in the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned he that believeth not is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God now you know John 3 16 was pretty nice but notice chapter verse number 18 it gets a little different because it starts out he that believeth on him is not condemned great well let's read the next verse or the next phrase but he that believeth not is condemned already that's not a positive message and it's really close to John 3 16 and he's saying you're doomed to hell damned to hell verse 19 and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh the light lest his deeds should be reproved notice that those that are not of God they hate the light it doesn't say that they love it they don't tolerate it they hate it they hate the light because it exposes who they are you know what they hate the sodomite deception because it exposes who they are and they don't want it to come to light what they're really like they don't want people to really know what they do so they have to hide themselves under a banner called love they don't love anything they hate hate hate hate you know who loves? the people in this room God is love everything in the bible is loving why'd you have to say that Jesus? because he's the truth and he's trying to warn those that are going to go to hell because if you actually love somebody you would warn them from going to hell and if you actually love children you'd warn them from child molesters what kind of a hateful person wants to cover up the truth about child molesters right? I mean we all know that there's sex trafficking going on in this world we all know there's child molesters in this world well who are they? where are they all? they're somewhere who's going to show the light? who's going to call them out? who's going to stand against them? someone has to why'd you have to say that? because I'm warning children because I'm warning parents because we're warning the unsaved I mean you have to just hate children but not want to warn them about the predators that are out there I mean imagine if a pack of rabid dogs is outside I know this is hard to imagine just rabid, disgusting filthy dogs they're not on a leash there's no taming them they're foaming at the mouth it's like they're demon possessed or something and you just say hey I want all the children to just go play outside you wouldn't do that you wouldn't do that in a million you wouldn't let a bunch of rabid pit bulls and doberman pinchers all kinds of rottweilers and stuff roaming out there you wouldn't just let your children go out there and just frolic in the parking lot you would hate your children if you did so you would say don't go out there be warned of them you would stand by their side you would have a rod in your hand to beat off the wolves and to hurt and to harm your children go to Colossians chapter 1 go to Colossians chapter 1 they already took down my clock so y'all are in trouble I didn't pay attention to it anyway so tricks on you we're going to put like 8 clocks in the new chart we're going to put them fast forward or something Colossians chapter 1 look at verse 25 where have I made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of God even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his saints whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory whom we preach notice this phrase warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus wherein do I also labor striving according to the working which worketh in me mightily see the apostle Paul says hey not only am I getting people saved not only am I a minister of the gospel but you know what I'm warning every man and you know what so that he can be perfect not just safe all the doctrines I want to teach him everything because I just want to warn him about sin I want to warn him about the evils of this world I want to warn him about the pitfalls and the snares and the traps that are out there that can destroy men's lives because we want to present every man perfect unto Christ Jesus why it's not it's not just enough to get someone saved we also compel them to get baptized we also compel them to learn all things whatsoever Christ commanded them that's why you go to church that's why you bring kids to church that's why you read your Bible that's why you pray the word of God and not just oh I got John 3 16 well you know what praise the Lord that you're saved you know what I don't want you to just be the doorkeeper in heaven why can't we get a little bit more in our lives why can't we go on unto perfection as Hebrews chapter number 6 says and not laying a gallon of the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith toward God hey we got that let's get baptism and you know what then we get a gift card when we win okay if wherever we are we are going to go to Revelation chapter 3 point number 1 why did you have to say that? cause it's the truth why'd you have to preach the gift of omega it's later because it's the truth why'd you have to pray for this cause I had to warn people why'd you have to preach the gift of omega its by the earth cause I love people why'd you have to say that? because it's the truth cause you are warning people because you love people If you hate people, you won't preach them the truth. If you love them, you'll say what needs to be said. The Bible says faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Why would I want some A's dispenser to kiss me? That's deceitful. I'd rather have a holy man stay real far away from me and rebuke me. And it's just a sad world today that people don't know what love is, but the whole world lies in darkness. What should we expect from them? We should expect hatred. We should expect vitriol. And of course, as Jesus famously says on the cross, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. As the apostle Stephen, or the prophet Stephen, the deacon Stephen here says in his dying breath, lay not the sin to their charge. We're not here just to condemn people. We're pointing out the people that are condemned already and we're trying to love those that have a chance. We're trying to warn those that have a chance. We're trying to give truth under those that have a chance, and we're willing to receive evil. We're willing to turn the other cheek. We're willing to love our enemies. You know what, there is a line that someone can cross when they become an enemy of God, and we say, it's too late, reprobate. Apart from me, I never knew you, and neither did Jesus. I'll see you one more time at the great white throne. That's the last time I want to see you. Okay, never again. And what's silly is you teach the death penalty, and sometimes people get mad at me, because they're like, well, I don't believe the reprobate doctrine. Well, you better believe the capital punishment, because there's no question on that. And you know what, saved murderers are still supposed to be put to death. Saved adulterers are still supposed to be put to death. It's not about the reprobate doctrine, my friend, even if you disagreed with me on that. How can you get mad at me for saying that homos should be put to death? That the government, through a legally sanctioned process, should line them up, and pull out a gun, and use a firing squad, and put a bullet in their head? And when people hear, they just want to take this phrase out, bullet in the head, and then just attach it to whatever they want. They say, oh, you're so vicious. No, it's I love all the children that weren't gonna get molested, because you put a bullet in a predator's head, and you deterred evil. And if you don't like that, you don't like children. You don't love people. I mean, there are statistics that they've done. The self-reported crimes of these paraphiliacs, they admitted a homosexual child molester has an average of 150 victims. 150 victims. So you know who you hate? 149 children, when you don't end it on one offense. The first time. Sick. Sick, it's gross. I saw this Facebook post, and man, did it make me angry. It's a church, so-called, and they had on their billboard, like for their banner or whatever, it says, Tranny Lives Matter. Like, what world? I mean, I'm not that old. I'm only like 34 years old. Those of you that are even older than me, when you were a young child, could you even imagine a church that even claims to be the Bible would put a banner out saying that tranny lives matter? What about the victims of these trannies? I mean, what kind of psychopaths, I mean, if you want to know where you avoid, I mean, that is the worst place you could probably go to. I mean, you might be safer on Epstein's Island than in that church. Tranny, because even Epstein's not going around bragging about it. I mean, a church is bragging about harboring pedophiles. Think about that. They're not harboring them, they're inviting them. I mean, you know how you could re-translate that? If you're a pedophile and want to molest our children, please come here. That's what that's saying. You know, we put up stickers that say, no dogs allowed. We have a different message. Revelation chapter number three, look at verse number 19. This is what Jesus is telling the apostle John. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous, therefore, and repent. Notice what Jesus is saying. The people he loves, he rebukes. You know, you can't have love without rebuke every once in a while. Rebuke has its proper place. Rebuke has its proper area. And we're supposed to be zealous, therefore. You know, when I think about zeal, you know what I think about? A willingness to improve. A willingness to improve. Because notice, if you're zealous, you're gonna repent. You're saying, you know what? I've already admitted I'm not perfect. So, when I hear the word of God, I want to be zealous and I'm willing to fix it. You know, I've got everything good. I figured it all out. It's impossible to be zealous. The zealous person's always seeking to get better, is always willing to be corrected, is always willing to hear reproof and rebuke. It's that stiff neck, you know, and that hardened heart, that uncircumcised heart that is the one that has no zeal. But the Bible commands us to be zealous. We're supposed to be a peculiar people that are zealous of good works. Meaning what we're willing to, hey, maybe I'm screwed up, maybe I've got some problems, maybe I've got some issues. And you know, when a preacher gets up and he preaches the Bible, when you read something in the word of God, and it comes off and you're kind of like, you know, it's a little abrasive, ask these questions. Is it true? Is that what the Bible says? Okay. Is he warning me? I guess that means he loves me. I need to be zealous and repent. Instead of saying, well, why do you have to say that? You know, Pastor Shelley, if you didn't preach through the book of Genesis, maybe we could still be here. Maybe we'd still have more money, you know. Maybe, oh yeah, well, maybe John the Baptist would still be alive. Maybe Stephen would have been martyred. You know, if Stephen had gotten martyred, here's a question, would we have had the Apostle Paul? If John the Baptist didn't get killed, would we have had a few people not follow Jesus and follow him? But he said, I must decrease. You know, that's a really good way to decrease, get beheaded, you know. Take about 10 inches off the top, you know. I mean, you know, what about Jesus? Oh, if Jesus hadn't said that, maybe he wouldn't have been crucified. But if Jesus hadn't been crucified, we'd all be damned. We'd all be going to hell. Don't look at the consequences and think, oh, I got a better idea. Because maybe what they intend for evil, God intends for good. When Joseph is sold into slavery, that looked pretty bad. It's like, why'd you have to say your brothers had an evil report? Why'd you have to say that, Joseph? Hey, Jeremiah, why'd you have to call everybody out and get thrown in the dunk pit? Hey, Daniel, why'd you have to pray with the window open? I mean, you could always just criticize the man of God just over and over, criticize the church, criticize the pastor. You know what, you have to ask this question at the end of the day, is what they said true? Are they warning people? Sounds like they love people. Sounds like I should just shut my mouth and get on board with the Bible and get zealous and repent of the wickedness in my heart. And you know what, follow them as they follow Christ. Let's close in prayer, thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us this opportunity to be gathered here. Pray that you would just help us to have zeal in our hearts. We wouldn't be critical of thy word, we wouldn't be critical of thy messengers, that we would be willing lambs to the slaughter. Wherever you would lead us, we would follow. We wouldn't decide to go on our own path. We realize that you're a faithful creator, and I pray that wherever we find ourselves, wherever we go, that we know that you're with us and that you love us. And I pray that we would just find this time of struggle and difficulty as a motivation to read more Bible, to draw closer to thy truth so that we would not be offended when we hear it come off the lips of others. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. For our last song of the evening, we're gonna go to song 119, Till the Storm Passes By. One hundred and nineteen, Till the Storm Passes By. Song 119, Till the Storm Passes By. ["In the Dark of the Midnight"] In the dark of the midnight Have I oft hid my face While the storm howls above me And there's no hiding place Mid the crash of the thunder Precious Lord, hear my cry Keep me safe till the storm passes by Till the storm passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast, let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by In time, Satan whispered There is no need to try For there's no end of sorrow There's no hope by and by But I know thou art with me And tomorrow I'll rise Where the storm's never dark in the sky Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast, let me stand In the hollow of thy hand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by When the long night has ended And the storm's come no more Let me stand in thy presence On that bright peaceful shore In that land where the tempest never comes Lord, may I well with thee When the storm passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast, let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by We have brother Benjamin coming for baptism this evening I baptize the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost Praise the walking newness of life Thank you all so much for coming, I'll see you Sunday