(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. you All right everybody welcome to steadfast baptist church Glad you could all make it here this Sunday night. Let's go ahead and take out our hymnals and turn to song 143 blessed assurance Again that's song number 143 143 Blessed Jesus is mine Oh Tastes of glory divine Heir of salvation Purchase of God Born of his spirit washed in his blood This is my story This is my song Raising my savior all the day long This is my story This is my song Raising my savior Perfect submission perfect delight Visions of rapture now burst on my side Angels descending bring from above Echoes of mercy whispers of love This is my story This is my song Raising my savior This is my story This is my song Raising my savior Perfect submission All is at rest I am my savior I am happy and blessed Watching and waiting Looking above filled with this good This is my story This is my soul Raising my savior all the day long This is my story This is my soul Raising my savior Amen great singing as pirates word of prayer Heavenly Father, we just thank you again that we can come here to learn from you and from your word And I just pray you bless pastor Shelley that you fill them with your Holy Spirit You'd speak to us through the through him and help us all to learn and be attentive to the message tonight We love you. Just pray you continue to bless our church in Jesus precious name. We pray. Amen Next is gonna be song 98 The name of Jesus Again that's song number 98 98 the name of Jesus Name of Jesus Is so sweet. I love its music To repeat it makes my joys full and complete the precious name of Jesus Jesus so us meet the name Jesus every day the same Jesus let all Saints proclaim its worthy praise I love the name of Him whose heart knows all my griefs and bands apart who bids all anxious fears apart, I love the name Of Jesus Jesus so us meet the name Jesus every day the same Jesus that all Saints proclaim its worthy praise That name I finally love to hear it never fails my heart to cheer It's music dries the volunteer exalt the name of Jesus Jesus so us meet the name Jesus every day the same Jesus let all Saints proclaim its worthy praise No word of man can ever tell how sweet the name I love so well all that it sprays is ever swell. Oh praise the name of Jesus Jesus so us meet the name Jesus every day the same Jesus let all Saints proclaim its worthy praise Forever Good evening, thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church If you didn't already get a bulletin lift up your hand nice and high and one of the extras come by and get you a bulletin Hey Thanks on the front we have our Bible memory passage John 1 and then on the inside we have our service and soul winning times our church stats Typically I get soul winning numbers In the evening service, but we've implemented a new system for collecting the soul winning numbers where we have different men who are essentially our captains for soul winning and So you just need to report your soul winning numbers to them now if you have a group that's going out Just make sure that one person's designating that information and and let your captain know who is all in your group that way We don't double count anything if you're going to a soul winning time just let your soul winning leader know But if it's just so winning just at a random time you can let your captain know now I lead the Sunday so winning time, but instead of y'all all trying to track me down and vice-versa Just report Sunday numbers to your captain. Okay, so it's posted over here on our member board typically Information like church-related won't be on the member board, but just for now. I just put up there. It's really easy So if you'd like to know who your captain is go see that if you're not for some reason on there I think pretty much everybody should be but if you're kind of either newer to our church or something like that It's possible. We haven't added you you can ask one of those captains if they'll you know Basically take you in as your family member. Okay, so or hopefully they'll track you down and put you on there But we do have that it should be every single member should be Assigned or basically joined into a tribe at some point and That information up there also your information as far as just your address and like email to be contacted is up there If that's not accurate, please let us know. We just want to keep accurate information for the church Also your kids names and spellings and things like that. So it'll help us I know we're getting pretty close to our getting our church directories done and Well, we'll try to put a sheet out again with everybody's names For you to check so that we don't misspell your name or your kiddos name or anything like that So but if you can help us update this it'll just get that even closer to everything like that If you have any questions or anything like that just always you can contact me. I'm really excited about this I think it's gonna help us with our soul winning If you don't know what I'm talking about You need to check out my morning sermon on church captains is what I preached on and Essentially, we've appointed four different men of the church to kind of help us manage the soul winning and they're the go-to guys So as far as just if you have questions now, they'll probably have other men maybe what we considered a lieutenant appointed in their groups that can also be designated guys to go to for questions and everything like that, but For now, that's just kind of our system. We're trying to get it started and implemented and God willing it'll it'll work out great. Obviously, it's always subject to change We're just trying to implement some kind of a system around what we've already been doing or someone who's been really effective He had like I don't know 30 soul winners or something like that come out the set this afternoon. And so praise the Lord that we have a lot of people that want to go out and preach the gospel and We'll keep those numbers updated in our bulletin Someone suggested to me that maybe we should have a competition between the tribes and I like this idea Okay, so give me a little bit. I'm gonna think about that, but I think this is a good idea. All right, so We'll get some excitement going on the right. We have our expecting ladies and then we also have a prayer list down below Please update that by email or you can send a communication card. Also a couple church reminders Please make sure to return your zoning maps into the bin mark done or mark off what you've completed Also, if you're returning so winning material by chance Just make sure to pay attention that there is English and Spanish cards That way someone doesn't just grab and then go out and they're like no hablo espanol. I don't know what to do So I know some people have said that all right Or you can say this if you're going to get cards just look at them if you like Is this the right card? So just double-check on both those also upcoming events We have a bunch of soul winning events signup sheets are over here We have the new church member board again This is gonna be for pretty much any activity that you want to schedule for your own personal life I don't care You don't have to ask me permission or anything like that If you just want to communicate that with their church family, you can just put that up there It's kind of a free board for you to put stuff up Any anything that you think would be relevant If it's not relevant, we'll just throw it in the trash. So that's you know, I'm just kidding, but I'm serious And then on the bottom we have the note about the soul winning tribe. So I'm real excited about All of that. That's oh, yeah. We do have a meeting a business meeting right after the service So it is it is for members only. So if you're not a member we just ask that you would just step out For that particular part of the service, but you say I am I a member Well, here's the thing if you've been to three services in one month You're automatically a member if you have not been then you just you just need to get here three times in one month if if you've done that and you basically just have to you have to maintain at least once every quarter or once every three months coming to maintain that membership if for some reason you don't come to Church for three straight months, then you would basically revoke your membership so you could come here for ten years and then leave for three months and you're gone and You could show up for three times and those you know, you come here one week and you remember so, you know it's that easy to get in and out and That's kind of how our policy is we don't have these formal, you know, well, he's on the book or he's not on the book or whatever kind of weird stuff and There is one other way to get eliminated quicker. It's it's called getting thrown out Okay, so that isn't that is an easier way to get off of the membership list, but that's a special designation. Okay, so That's pretty much all I have for announcements though. Let's go ahead and go to our third song our third song 63 63 what a day that will be Amen great song about going to heaven I'll have something to look forward to song 63 What a day that will be In the sky no more tears to dim the eye all this peace What a day Glorious day that will be What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see and I look Upon his face the one who saved me by his grace When he takes me by the hand and leads me through the Promised Land What a day Glorious day that will be There'll be no sorrow there no more burdens to bear No more sickness. No pain. No more Party over there and forever I will be with the one who died for me What a day glorious day that will be What a day That will be when my Jesus I shall see and I look upon his face The one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the hand He leads me through the Promised Land What a day Glorious day that will be Amen As the offering plates are passed around, please turn in your Bibles to Proverbs chapter 31 That's Proverbs chapter 31. We'll read the whole chapter before the sermon. Proverbs chapter 31 The Bible reads The words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him What my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows Give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Kings It is not for Kings o Lemuel It is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink lest they drink and forget the law and Pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wind unto those that be of heavy hearts Let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction Open thy mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands She is like the merchants ships. She bringeth her food from afar She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth her food from afar She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens She consider it the field and buyeth it with the fruit of her hands. She planted the vineyard She girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms She perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candles goeth not out by night She layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff She stretcheth out her hand to the poor. Yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy She is not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet She maketh herself coverings of tapestry Her clothing is silk and purple Her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land She maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles under the snow And delivereth girdles under the merchant Strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come She openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness Her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praseth her Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excelest them all Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the lord. She shall be praised Give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her In the gates, let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father. We thank you for the evening service At steadfast. I pray that you fill pastor shelly with your spirit and help him to preach the sermon Give him clarity of mind and give us ears to hear lord and soften hearts in the room So that we can apply the message to our lives in jesus name. I pray amen Amen The part of the chapter that I want to look at is here in verse 10 the bible reads who can find a virtuous woman Her price is far above rubies the heart of her husband does safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil She will do him good and not evil All the days of her life and the title of my sermon this evening is this what makes a great wife What makes a great? wife Now in proverbs 31, it gives us a long list here at the end of the chapter describing this virtuous woman And and what a woman would really strive for in an ideal situation now It's my opinion that proverbs 31 is more of an ideal than a reality in the sense that Obviously this woman is pretty much checking every box you could possibly imagine And is being described as if she's fulfilling all of these roles perfectly Whereas that's not necessarily reality because we're all sinners. We all come short. No one's perfect But fortunately for us the bible gives us the ideal, you know, the bible says be therefore perfect Even as your father which is in heaven is perfect meaning that god Expects us to be perfect, but then gives us grace knowing that we're going to fall short But the expectation is always high god never gives us a low expectation or a weak expectation We as men are supposed to strive to be like christ Realizing that we'll never be like christ. God gives us grace But the expectation is still there and god desires for us to be like christ and he desires women To be like christ as well Christ was obviously obedient and subjective to the father and he was hard working And those are the two things that make a great wife that she's obedient and hard working I've already we could just go home I mean, I really just I just preached with the bible as I say here and and we could just walk home But here's the problem society really attacks these two points. Okay, society really undermines the two most important aspects of what makes a great wife and The bible tells us clearly You know what every man is looking for. Okay in the bible now keep your fingers We're coming back to proverbs everyone throughout the sermon But if you want to go to first peter three in the new testament first peter chapter number three I want to first focus about this idea of Obedience now You could very easily say the opposite is true. What makes the worst wife a rebellious and lazy wife I mean because While we attack one we're attacking the other it's basically you can't have one without the other if you want to be a great wife You're obedient. You're hard working. If you want to be a horrible wife, you're rebellious and you're lazy simply but now in first peter chapter three, it talks about The importance of a wife it says in verse number one Likewise he wives be in subjection To your own husband notice just the first thing off the lips Of peter when he's giving these instructions to wives is what to be subject and i'll tell you the number one two three point is obedience Now being a hard worker is is really important But if you want to be a great wife If you really want your husband to be pleased with you if you really want to be pleasing in the sight of god It starts and begins and ends with subjection Now subjecting yourself Does not mean that you get what you want or your desires. It means that you're basically obedient to the will of your husband Even when you don't agree In fact, that's the whole essence of being in subject and subjection or being obedient is not that you agree It's that you don't agree And so the greatest wives can do what their husbands say when they don't agree with them whatsoever They don't necessarily like it or they don't want to but yet they do it anyways That is a picture of a great wife now in first peter chapter 3 The bible actually takes it to somewhat of an extremity in this particular situation Look at the next few verses that if any obey not the word now who's the any here? It's talking about their husbands It's saying if you have a husband that is not obeying the word. What does that mean? It means they're a big sinner It's not like they're just a sinner. I mean this guy is a big sinner. He's not obeying the word of god He's rebellious to the word of god Wouldn't you think like well if my husband's rebellious to the word of god, doesn't that give me the right to obey? You know disobey him or rebel against him then I mean he's not even obeying the bible, but notice what it says they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise so It's actually teaching that if a man is not following the word of god Just his wife obeying him could cause him to actually get right with god It actually caused his heart to change and decide you know what you're just such a good wife It makes me feel like i'm a crappy person in comparison So i'm going to start following the word of god. I want to start following the bible I want to start doing that which is right. I'm going to start going to church I'm going to start leading the home. I'm going to actually get my act together. I'm going to obey the word of god Why because my wife is such a good example? And i'm telling you a wife that's a great example can do wonders in their marriage or their husband you say Well, my husband's a crappy guy. Well, you know how to make him better obey him Like that's weird That's called the bible. It's called faith You want to make your husband a great husband obey him? Be in subjection unto him do whatever he says look at verse two while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear Now some ladies would probably like to turn that into oh is that does that mean like me telling him what to do? No, the chase conversation here is their lifestyle and chase means obedient like when you think about chasing a son When it's talking about that it's talking about someone that's obedient well-behaved and they do it coupled with fear Now obviously you should be your husband, but even above that you should just fear god Punishing you and disciplining you when you're not obeying your husband And it's possible that you could be disobedient to a husband. He doesn't even know Because he's at work all day. You're at home all day or you're doing whatever You know, it's important that you're obedient to your husband at all times in fear of god That is going to have Help you become a great wife It says in verse number four But let it be the hidden man of the heart even that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit Which is in the sight of god Of great price so notice again We're talking about the virtuous woman her price is far above rubies and the bible is saying this person Is pictured as being of worthy of a great price why because it's so hard to find a wife that just wants to obey your husband Now some people say oh that's because it's 2022 america. No, it's called his life And if you think that well, I know there's this untapped rock this untapped gem Where I can go and I can find women that just want to obey their husbands No, okay It's like well, you know canadian women. No one would say that. All right Well, it's foreign women, you know Look, there's no temptation taking you but such as common to man Women are bred to be disobedient. Okay. Now, obviously some cultures are worse than others, but it's called adam and eve I mean she doesn't need any help He just went ahead and disobeyed and drug her husband down with her Okay, so it's very difficult for a woman to try to be obedient to her husband It's a rarity. That's what makes it so valuable. That's what makes it of such a high price And again being a high price why because it's what every man desires Every single guy. I mean, I don't care. I mean the men it seems like looks is the most important But I guarantee you you took a bunch of women and line them up And you said the one in the middle as far as looks is the most obedient one. That's the one he would choose That's the one that he wants That's what's going to actually make him really happy and that's what makes a great wife notice in proverbs 31 It gives no description of her physical appearance I mean you get a little subtle hints about the fact that she like has her Her arms or she has strength or whatever an arm But i'm saying like it's not saying like she's the fairest of all the you know Late the ladies in the you know land or something like that or she's just she's got this perfect figure or whatever Why is it that she's so great? It's because she's so obedient That's what makes her so great and I guarantee Every single man in this room if there was one thing they could want more of from their wife It's that just press the obedience button and i'm not going to make him tell you that i'm just telling you, okay? Obedience obey Subjection all of these things and the bible's just hammering it look at verse five for after this manner in the old time the holy women also Who trusted in god adorned themselves being in subjection under their own husbands could the bible get any more clear It's just like be in subjection be in subjection the holy women obeyed the holy women, you know They were trusting in god why because the world will tell you that you're a fool to subject yourself to your husband The world will say that you're oppressed and you're being held back and you're being held down and you're viewed as being Inferior or of less value whereas the bible's saying you're of great value when you obey your husband And what it'll make you is a great wife verse six even as sarah obeyed Abraham Calling him lord Whose daughters they are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement So the bible says that not only should you obey your husband? You shouldn't even be afraid to obey your husband because you just already know that's the right thing to do You just already know that the the lord is commanding you that you don't have to be afraid to obey your husband like Well, what's going to happen when I you know obey him? It's kind of like all the guys when they get in the van to go soul winning They just have to in their heart just say pastor silly's driving and i'm okay with that I trust in that, you know They're not like ready to grab the wheel or anything Or you know, they're just sitting back having a good time, you know laughing talking or whatever, you know Just get on the train your husband's train and just say choo choo. Where are we going? In You're not afraid with any amazement you're not like oh no Well, I can't just let him tell me what to do That would be terrible. No, you just get in you just say let's go I'm ready to serve i'm ready to help i'm ready to obey and that's what makes a great wife If a wife just looked at her husband and said honey, whatever you say it's done I mean i'm telling you every guy would just be like Now, of course Some men are jerks and they might abuse that but i'm telling you what even if they do you're still on the right I mean your boss may abuse that but you and I you and I both know that the employee at the at the workplace That says boss whatever you want. I'm your man That guy usually gets treated the best by the boss though Even though he said that it's not like the boss is like great go clean the toilets now You know and if he did you'd do it anyways, but what I am saying is this, you know When you get on board when you're ready to go when you're going to submit yourself Your husband's gonna be very pleased now go to Ephesians chapter five go to Ephesians chapter five The bible has a lot of instruction. It doesn't necessarily give a ton for marriage But the handful of places that it does I think are going to be really important And if it only gives you a handful of places that it's talking about it explicitly And then it just has one thing that it's just hitting like over and over and over and over again Then I feel like you can't overemphasize it You can't mention it enough. I mean in that one passage It was just like subjection obey submit, you know, just everything's just hammering that point Let's find another passage about this and see what it says for the ladies Ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 submitting to your submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God wives Submit yourselves under your own husbands as under the Lord Wow, it sounds like that's a pretty consistent theme, doesn't it? Obey submit subjection here it is again wives submit yourselves and notice the level of submission The equivalent to serving God I mean he's saying like the same way that you would treat Jesus Christ is how you should treat your husband in the sense that if he said something I mean Can you imagine if Jesus Christ asked you to make him a sandwich and you're like You would make him the greatest sandwich ever I mean and that thing would be you know, it would just be exactly what he wanted I mean you would be so excited you wouldn't even be mad about it You wouldn't be you would be hoping he asked you to do something for him, right? Whereas is that really how you feel about your husband and I won't ask for hands raise a hand or anything. Okay? But In this passage it's making pretty clear look at verse 24 therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives Be to their own husbands in everything Man, that seems pretty clear, doesn't it? I mean, it doesn't say like some things it says everything Now, of course, we always understand that the bible the way it communicates is in coordination with itself And meaning that you know We compare spiritual with spiritual the bible clearly says any rule that violates the bible is always off the table But this is basically just saying everything that your husband asks you to do That's not in violation of scripture. You just say yes, sir, and you do it You say yes, sir. What what sarah called him lord So here's your options lord or sir. I think sir sounds a little bit nicer in today's Venacular because your family might start freaking out, okay Like if your husband says hey, honey, will you give me a sandwich? You're like, yes, sir. They're like, okay, but if you say yes lord I'm just telling you they're gonna get a little nervous Now I like the ring to it, but i'm just saying like, you know, maybe in private, right? All right You know in in olden cultures lord was a pretty calm it was actually the more Common vernacular rather than sir They would just say my lord or whatever and it just means boss or the person that's in charge or sir or something very similar But I like the respect factor here, you know that you would use respectful titles and your husband showing a fear showing a reverence Just like you wouldn't just call jesus my homeboy or something It's your dog You know Or or like this one wicked false prophet when he refers to god, he calls him daddy Or whatever and it just it makes me want to punch him in the face I'm, just like don't call god the father daddy that seems so irreverent and so just impersonal and just I it's gross. Okay And you know when it comes to your husband, you know It's nice to use good titles or reverent titles or endearing terms these type of things it'll help you put you in the right mindset When you don't use a good title when you're not using respectful wording or language It often is also going to permeate your entire Relationship with that person now look at verse 33 again I'm just skipping around a little bit because i'm just trying to highlight for you what the bible says but notice it's a consistent theme Submit obey obey subjection rejection, right verse 33 nevertheless let every one of you in particular So love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband So notice we're seeing that that coupling of calling him lord and being reverent and giving him that honor and giving him that respect and saying Whatever he does or says, you know what i'm going to submit myself unto it And look you want your husband to be pleased with you it's it's all about Obedience, okay, that's just number one two, three four all all the lists really go to colossians chapter three Go to colossians. So first peter three was a lot of instruction really hammered that ephesians has a decent number of verses Colossians a real short Instruction as far as marriage. It's just kind of like one-liners. So let's see what the one-liner is for wives. Okay Verse 18 wives Submit yourselves and your own husbands as it is fit in the lord. So it's like in colossians. There's just one message I'm going to get across the wives just one verse just one thought. What was the one thought? Uh submit Why because that's the most important thing and again, I didn't write the bible You can get mad at me as much as you want. You can say I don't like pastor. Shelly. I don't like he interprets the bible How else am I supposed to interpret it when every passage is just highlighting the one thing It's just like submit obey be in subjection. It's just over and over. It's just hammered and hammered So again, we should make that a big deal If this is the one time it's going to bring it up then we need to preach on it And I don't care who is uncomfortable with the word of god. I love the word of god I think that it's great and I guarantee every man is like yes Yes I I don't care if they're saved or unsaved the one thing every man wants is his wife to obey No, man wants a rebellious wife wants a a woman that's just going to basically not care what he says not care what he thinks Look, it hurts men's egos too much. We're too sensitive. Okay, ladies We need an automatic cheerleader. We need a girl that's just just Woohoo, yeah, I mean we haven't scored a touchdown the whole game and you're just still cheering us on okay That's what we need. That's what we like. We want I mean, there's a reason why cheerleaders the thing I mean, it's isn't it incredible you have all these big strong men out there, right? And it's like they can't really score a touchdown unless they have little girls cheering them on but i'm telling you it's out there You know, they need that encouragement They need that that support and how terrible would it be if the cheerleaders were like you guys suck, you know You can't score You know, it's like I think you'd be like what's going on here? Even the cheerleaders turned on us. No, no, the cheerleaders have to be a hundred percent on board and isn't it silly To think about the fact that girls will literally go to high school And they will literally be a hundred percent supportive of the football players They're a hundred percent on board a hundred percent obedient and then a preacher gets up and says I think that's how I should be And they're like, oh, that's horrible What? It's like what are you talking about? I mean every single employee-employer relationship is supposed to be that way too There's no there's no like oh, well the stewardess tells the pilot what to do No, they lock the door and they're like whatever the pilot says we're done It's done deal and I always find that fascinating That i'm like we get on the plane and we're all saying like whatever the Captain of the plane says whatever the pilot of the plane says it goes and they're a hundred percent subjective Why is it so bad to just say hey my husband's my pilot and whatever he says from the cockpit. It's done Bam go to titus chapter number three go to titus chapter number three And look it's not like Some people have this idea that men and women have these extreme differences and what they're supposed to do But at the end of the day, it's not like this isn't just exactly what men are supposed to be like, too Men are supposed to be obedient to we're just obedient to a different person We're not obedient to our wife. We're obedient to jesus And of course if you want to be a great husband, you're going to be obedient to jesus christ Okay, so obedience is always the the picture perfect of a servant The question is who's in charge and god already told us who's the boss? It's the man Tony danza that show should have been over in five seconds Who's the boss the man? But I think he wasn't even like married to the chick. So he needs to get out and quit being like a whore monger or whatever I don't even know this. I don't know the show. It's stupid. Okay I don't watch these dumb shows, but it's not a guy home cleaning and cooking and this is bizarre. Okay Of course, that's what the world wants to tell you. Of course That's what the world wants to lead you to believe And have the strong female character who's the lawyer or something coming home and then it's a struggle of who's the boss No, we already know We already know who the boss is. We've already god's already told us the mystery's been resolved In fact, there was no mystery just from the very beginning of creation It was adam and it was never eve and when eve gets into the driver's seat. Look what happens That's why we're here I mean if you want to blame somebody let's put let's start putting someone now Of course god imputed the transgression into adam because he really knew what was going on and he still sinned. Okay But he sinned because his wife obviously drug him down with her titus chapter number three. Look at verse number nine Okay I'm sorry. I meant chap. I meant I meant verse number two. I think look at this in chapter two verse nine Exhort servants to be obedient to their own masters and to please them. Well in all things not answering again. So like I said Obedience is for all servants. We're all servants of god, but putting this in context of a wife You know Let's make it clear what we're actually talking about because it's easy for me to just say obey and they're just like cool Obey, you know, what does that actually look like? Let's get real specific. Here's an example not answering again So if your husband tells you to do something And then you're like, eh what I don't think so. What that's actually not being obedient Obedience is immediate agreement Immediate acceptance Okay, so answering again actually is causing the problems in your marriage If you want to be a truly obedient wife, you want your husband to think you're a great wife You just say something and it's done again. It's not like a fight You're not worried about what you said. Here's something that would be great you say it and her attitude doesn't change. I Mean Could you imagine saying something your wife doesn't like and she still treats you the exact same that is what I call a great wife The same would be with the Bible How about if we look at something in the Bible and we don't like it, but we'd say you know what God? I'm gonna have a right attitude. I'm gonna do it. Anyways, that's what we're supposed to do and I'm telling you you want to be a great wife. You're not answering again Hey, should we do this? No in the story Now, of course obviously There's a time and a place for a wife to petition her husband make requests under her husband to let it known Maybe there's a better alternative, but it should always be presented in a manner where it's not answering again It's simply I'll do whatever you want. I believe this might be a better option Would you consider that and then if it's a no again, then it's over, you know, then it's been established There's no need, you know The Bible brings up the whole situation where if a wife literally made a vow unto God The husband can completely disregard it a hundred percent whenever he wants think about that level of power that the law is literally saying that a woman could get on her knees and tell God I Promise do X Y & Z and the husband can just say no you're not That's what the Bible says That's the level of authority that the Bible teaches in a household and again It should not be answered once the husband has spoken now According the law if the husband hears it and doesn't say anything He lost his opportunity now she's bound by her oath to her promise the Lord first of all He shouldn't be making those in the New Testament. But even if you did The husband has full power and authority to trump anything that the woman says thinks or wants to do and It's important because when you don't have established leadership, it's hard to actually move forward. It's hard to make good decision We need to know who's in charge. We need to know where the buck stops We need to know what the marriage looks like and God made it clear the husband it has a hundred percent authority the wife has zero and It's not talking about value not talking about importance It's talking about authority only just like your children your children have zero percent authority zero point zero zero zero zero percent I mean as many zeros as you could ever imagine That's how much authority they have and that's not going to change and that's how it's supposed to be in a relationship That's gonna be a godly marriage. So if we go to Proverbs 21, so then why do we have all these problems? Why do people constantly fight? I'm telling you why it's because wives are answering again It's because wise are not agreeing with what their husband says. Here's a question Let me ask you a hypothetical question if you always agree with every single thing that your husband says, how could you ever fight? Think about it Right, if whatever your husband says you say I will do that every single time. How could you even fight? It's not even possible. But you know what the Bible says only by pride cometh contention Meaning what it's prideful for a woman to disagree with her husband It's prideful for her to think that her idea is better no matter what now it may be I Think that we have a lot of really intelligent women in this room and I think that the women in this room Read their Bible and are very godly and it's not that you don't have good ideas It's not that you couldn't be smarter than your husband in a particular area It's talking about faith though the faith to say you know what? I'm just gonna trust my husband anyways I'm just gonna go with what my husband says Anyways, I'm not gonna be prideful about it because I guarantee every single man in this room Has probably had a better idea or a better thought than their boss at work You know, what's a bad idea is? Rebel against your boss at work and it's a bad idea is to try and make your boss look stupid You know, it's a bad idea is going against the direction that your boss has decided When he's made it clear how he feels now, of course, obviously when you have a better idea So submit those and a respectful manner Asking politely saying that you're gonna obey no matter what but at the end of the day You know the reason why there's contention in any situation the Bible says pride It didn't say like sometimes there's contention because of pride. It said only by pride cometh contention Only meaning somehow there's pride in the situation just like your children when your children are you know, disobeying it's their pride That's the problem because they should just obey and you want us as Christians when there's problems It's our pride and not just submitting to whatever God said Any kind of area that there's an issue. It's because we're not just saying we agree with whatever the Bible says and the Bible should be the end of all strife the Bible should be where we Essentially just all come together in perfect unity, but obviously we're all sinners and no one's gonna get there No one's gonna ride but I'm telling you the the worst thing you can have in a marriage is this contention Fighting brawling look what it says in Proverbs 21 verse number 9 It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house now The positive side of the Bible when it's kind of talking in a direction of what the wife should do It's saying submit obey be in subjection have reverence just hammering it Well, the negative side is bringing up the same issue, but just from the other side So it would be the opposite of obedience all these fighting brawling and it's saying this is like the worst thing imaginable Why because the best thing is obedience the worst thing is the brawling? It's saying look this guy would rather go up into the hot attic or the cold attic and just hide and Just place solitaire on his phone Then be in the biggest mansion with this wife following around nagging him answering again Complaining about everything that he does everything that he says always just upset with him and look I'm telling you you want to have a marriage where your husband wants to hang out with you never fight with him And when my husband doesn't want to ever be around me Well Are you brawling with him and you say I haven't hit him a lot, okay Or maybe you don't punch him at all. But here's the thing Do you answer again? Because that's worse I guarantee if it was like hey Do you want your wife to mouth off to you or punch you it's like punch me. Come on. I can take it Dude the mouthing off though. It's just like it's like an uppercut I mean, it's just like bam, you know, or it's like it's like stomping on your toe or it's like a splinter or whatever You want to be a great wife? You don't want to fight with your husband and the Bible just hammers this go to Proverbs 25 Go to Proverbs 25 and look at verse 24 Proverbs 25 verse 24 now, here's the thing that's interesting about the Bible some Proverbs are repeated Verbatim and I mean it literally it's the exact same proverb multiple times in the Bible now Do you think those would be more important or less important? I would say more. Hey, amen All right, so let's see if this happens where we have an exact verbatim Repetition of a proverb in the Bible Proverbs 25 look at verse 24 It is better to dwell in the corner of a housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house hmm Exactly the same verse I think God's trying to send us a message here I think God's trying to tell women something don't be brawling with your husband. It's gonna drive him away from you It's gonna cause him even if he is around you it's gonna cause him not to want to be around you and Look you want your husband not be around you fight with him Answer again You know basically tell him how stupid his ideas are how you don't want to do them He asked you to do something you say now I mean that guy is just gonna want to run away Proverbs chapter 19 look at verse 13 Proverbs chapter 19 look at verse 13 There's a lot of Bible in this issue, okay, so don't get mad at me God feels like it's important Proverbs 19 verse 13 a foolish son is the calamity of his father and The contentions of a wife or a continual dropping He's just saying man. You want to just you want to drive a guy insane Just be a contentious person be a contentious wife, or it's just like And It's like the continual dropping like on your face or something It's like Chinese water torture where it just gets to the point where it's just like every job just drives you insane I mean you just want to like I mean if the fossil was leaking you're just kind of like Someone turn that thing off you know and it's like that's what it's like with the wife It's just well you didn't you left your clothes over here, and oh you left these plates out over here again, and oh you Didn't open my door again, and no you didn't say this again, and he's just like shut up I'm sorry inside Obviously would never hurt your wife. Okay. Let me make that clear, but I'm just telling you inside. You're just like And why because a man has all this power and physical might to stop foes, but he's not gonna hurt a woman So then it's just like it's just like he doesn't know what to do with himself It drives him insane because if a guy was doing it he would pound his face into hamburger meat Some little pipsqueak just run in his mouth. He's gonna end that He's gonna rip the faucet out of the wall before he lets it just drip and perpetually you know what I mean But with his wife he can't do that, so it just drives him insane. Just like Just walk around just nag him and nag him and nag him and be contentious about everything. Why did you do that? Why did you go here? It's just like I'm just telling you. This is what the Bible teaches Proverbs 21 right here on the page look at verse 19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with the contentious and an angry woman now Here's the thing You women you can interpret every single situation however you want You could be happy or angry But the reason why they're constantly contentious because they're just angry about it Every little thing they look at is just being a grievance or a problem or an issue Rather than just saying it's my job to fix all these issues. It's my job to fix all these problems It's my job to just obey and submit anyways, so I'm just gonna be happy about it, and I'm gonna serve the Lord I mean I could look at my life and say like God. Why are you giving me all these problems to deal with and Just complaining about every problem. I have my and look I have a lot of problems, okay? You probably have a lot of problems in your life I have a lot of things that I'm thinking like yeah, I don't really want to deal with that issue You know what it would be wrong for me to sit here and constantly complain to God Oh, I'd have to fix this issue now I'd have to deal with this problem now rather than saying thank you God for giving me an opportunity to serve you today You know and if Jesus came through my house it was like hey, here's your list of stuff to do I'd be like let's do it In fact he did it's called the Bible He said here's your list what if I'm just like I don't like that page. I don't want to this page. You know That's really wicked Look at Proverbs 27 look at Proverbs chapter 27 You got to just change your attitude and just say you know what I'm just gonna obey period I'm just gonna do that which is right period and look no woman starts out as a Proverbs 31 wife Is to work and strive towards that you can't marry the Proverbs 31 wife because she's already married there's kids He's already been doing this for a while. Okay, so Obviously, you know women are gonna develop and get better over time and more obedient over time God willing and the more they read the Bible and the more they're plugged into church and Here's the thing the more they start serving God the more they start seeing. Wow. I'm actually a lot happier by doing this. I Just want to keep doing it It'll actually help that situation and I guarantee no matter how hard your life may be Being disobedient will only make it worse. It won't make it better You say well, I'm in this bad relationship or our relationship It's not where I want it to be but I guarantee being rebellious will only make it worse. You won't be happier Oh, but you know if I get divorced and marry mr. Right Okay That's not gonna ever make it look better. It's gonna make it ten times worse and there isn't mr. Right? You know every woman that is like this will find every man to fall short You think like well, I wish I was married to him no He sucks too. Okay He's late. He just has all kinds of problems, too He burps and you know has bad breath and you know uses the bathroom and you know laced up everywhere And doesn't do your honeydew list on time every single time Look let me just tell you something The honeydew list is just not gonna ever be done exactly when you want it for every single guy You know, if there's no mr. Right, there's no mr. Perfect. There's no mr. Clean So you should just say you know what? I'm married to a great guy though Because the men in this room, there's a lot of great men in this room. We're looking at your husband It's like I said look go out in the world and tell me how great they are It's infinitely different Okay, it's infinitely different when you have men that actually want to serve God They really have a desire to do that which is right and look they get ripped on to okay Don't think that you know, this this is I just hate women or something like that I've been falsely accused of that, but I actually love women. I Love my wife. I'm married to one. Okay, in fact of all the people in the world You know, I like the most my wife which is a woman And Every man isn't anywhere close. I probably like all women better than men because you know, I'm straight I Mean it's just like it's not even close. It's a stupid analogy Okay now because I'm married all other women are dead to me But what I am saying is this, you know It's a silly idea to say that you teaching a woman to obey her husband means you hate her. No, I love women I want women to be happy and I'm telling you want to be happy You want a great marriage you want to be considered a great wife you need to obey? Proverbs 27 the verse 15 Continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman or alike. I just feel like the Bible's is hammering this Because it is it's just like obey obey obey obey obey That should just be ringing in the ears of every single woman now I'm gonna take a break and I'll hit the second point here in a second, but I I've been reading this book and it's not necessarily the greatest book in the world but it's a Christian author and he wrote a book called like we will not be silenced and He he brings up some interesting points and that's why I wanted to read a little bit of this book that I've been looking at but In essence is just saying the church shouldn't be silenced no matter how bad the culture gets and I like that premise And in fact, I love that premise and he says we should be a bright and shining light And we shouldn't care what the world thinks about the Bible We should just stand on the Bible and the Bible doesn't change. We should be steadfast So the guy's premise for this book, I love some of his applications I disagree with but some of his research is interesting and he brings up communism and This is what he has to say and I'm gonna read a little bit It says Frederick Engels who along with Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto Said that the monogamous nuclear family emerged only with capitalism So according to Communist Manifesto, the reason why men are in charge of the house and women submit is because of capitalism Okay prior to capitalism Tribal societies were classless children and property were community owned and people enjoyed sexual freedom When did that exist? Now this is what they have to do. They're going back to this supposed caveman Ideology of wherever it's classless and everybody's just doing whatever they want. He's trying to make us like animals or something where there's no, you know distinction between Men, you know married deer and unmarried deer and whatever. They're just playing and having fun and just doing whatever Here's the difference because man was created in God's image He's a living soul and this classless Society-less, you know situation never existed because in the beginning God created Adam and Eve and said the man's in charge not not Capitalism There was no capitalism in the Garden of Eden. Okay. I mean, this is just silly was Adam selling stuff to Eve I mean, I don't know. It's it's like no Okay He said Marx has claimed that the restrictions limiting sexual intimacy to a man-woman Relationship within the marriage covenant were invented by religion to maintain the dominance of men Now here's the thing If you want to say it's coming from religion, he says it's invented by religion. I kind of agree because it's coming from God so amen to that and It's to maintain the dominance of men. Amen I'm not gonna hide from the fact that I believe that men should be dominant That men are in Dominion that men are in power Why because God said so he says this belief in God in the Bible with its teaching about social institutions such as marriage Was the source of multiple forms of oppression? They get specific they're saying hey You want to know where this coming from the Bible and God because that's exactly where it's coming from You want to know where every aspect of morality and law and integrity is coming is coming from the Bible It's coming from the Word of God, which is not only my hand. It's written in the heart of every single person It says and there's more in Marxism the family is perceived as a unit in which wives are suppressed by their husbands and children are Suppressed by their parents. You better believe they're suppressed Well, my six-month-old is now gonna start being in charge Okay, it's it's not suppressed. It's just it can't do anything It's a it's so suppressed, I mean, what do you think that my six-month-old really wants to do that? We're not letting it right now I mean, come on folks. And again, what is it that really that women just really want to do that? They're being suppressed in marriage. They're being suppressed by their husband. I mean, what is it? They get to have children, okay, in Fact I would say that a married woman is exactly what they want because they don't have to go to work What woman's it's like I just really want to work You know, I really want to have a boss somewhere I really want to be subject, you know in order to get rid of this suppression. I need to be suppressed by a boss Like what are you talking about? Suppressed look I don't like that word But obviously they're in obedience obviously they're in subjection obviously they're supposed to be under their rule It says these clusters of oppression have to be broken up So now they switch from suppression to oppression now again oppression is a lot different because they're now talking about some kind of Injustice or we're hurting them or harming them You know what? There should be levels of suppression in the sense that you know, women are not allowed to speak in the church You know what that doesn't hurt them or harm them We're not oppressing them by suppressing their ability to preach or suppressing them from being in political office Like we should have you know women suffrage, you know or whatever like We're protecting them from themselves my friend and we're doing what God said Okay Now it says this these clusters of approachings have to be broken up mothers have to leave their homes and join the workforce But it's just out of the frying pan in the fire though, cuz he's like we got to liberate them by giving them a job Now you ask your husband. Do you feel so liberated by working for the man? You don't feel liberated by having a job it feels like the ball and chain You don't want to go to work. You don't want to have the clock in you don't want to have to do all this stuff You know, you want to work for yourself if anything, but even working for yourself, you still subject to the customer You're still subject to the the free market or you know, if free market as it were. Okay, whatever You're still subject to regulation. You're still subject to taxes. You're still subject to all kinds of things that are going on in this world You know, it's not like this great liberating thing. Oh you get a job, you know when children are in their teenage years If you said hey, you can just stay home and do whatever you want and play here or get a job It's like I'm liberated. I get a job. That's not liberation That's hard work and every kid they love a job at first and then they start working and they're like, I don't like it Like I want to mow the lawn you're like, okay Two weeks later. I never want to mow the lawn ever again, you know I want to take out the trash then they want to take out the trash It's not this like super cool thing. Oh now I get to be in the workplace workplace So as Marx put it anybody who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without the feminine Ferment So he's saying you know what the only way we're gonna overthrow society The only way we're gonna have communism the only way we're gonna get rid of this capitalistic society is for women to go in the workplace and Here's the thing. He's right He's right social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex the ugly ones included now That's a quote from him. Okay But he's basically suggesting this feminine ferment He says so feminine ferment or feminine upheaval is said to be the key to liberating the family from multiple forms of oppression and the Capitalistic pattern of passing on wealth from one generation to another Mothers have to be encouraged to leave their children for others to raise After all state-owned moms live in servitude to their husbands and are too easily satisfied Now That was just funny to me. Okay, stay at home moms live in servitude to their husbands Check Bible. Okay, and then are too easily satisfied. It's like they're too happy Just being at home Raising kids and serving their husband that we have to what make them unhappy. I mean, what's the alternative? I mean, you know, it's like you're so pressed and you don't even know it Because you're so satisfied With being a mother at home. I mean, it's so contradictory If their grievances many which are legitimate can be exploited they will then be willing to stifle their motherly instincts and Step outside the home and enter the workforce notice in order for their mission to be accomplished You have to literally reject your normal natural instincts. Just like your God-given desires wishes and instincts you have to somehow shed that in order to just completely reject What God actually wants you to do and you know what? It's very unnatural for a mother to look at her little baby and want to leave it Anywhere for any reason. I mean my wife is around our babies incessantly I mean it is like a 24-7 thing and She was always like wanting a break, but then it's like she she's gonna get a break And then she's like sad that she's leaving this baby I'm even for a minute They just love them so much Even when they can't stand them they still love them and want to be around them at all times because it's just normal Marxists believe one of the benefits of mothers joining the workforce is that their children must then attend state-sponsored daycare centers and Schools where they can be taught about the errors of creationism the church and of course the Bible children can be can also be indoctrinated about the evils of capitalism and the benefits of socialism and economic equality man, can this guy write the future I Mean what do we have in society today? We literally have a huge population dropping their kids off at don't care. I mean daycare At the public school, which now public schools are teaching that capitalism is evil. Oh It's racist and it's holding people back and even when you don't think you're a racist you're a racist And even when you love people you hate people and even when you're a man you're a woman and just like everything's upside down Everything's backwards, even though you want to be with your children don't Even though that's what you desire don't give in to that desire It's it's bizarre folks He says also he goes on to Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger, so Karl Marx is around the 1840s 1850s when this is written That was a long time think about how ahead of the time he was in 1840s and 50s already knowing what needed to change America and Look, when did America start radically changing when women started dramatically entering the workforce in The what the 70s 80s the baby boomer generation entering the workforce then we have the advents of what birth control We have advents in Breastfeeding where you have formula you have all these tools all these ways for women to just stop being home with children the what completely and Dramatically change our entire society the fabric of society has been completely changed Why because why is don't want to be a great wife anymore? They don't want to be obedient and look being a great wife helps you be satisfied. Even the communist says so Margaret Sanger He says was influenced by the ideals of cultural Marxism was a revolutionary who intended to transform the American family So that she could change the world in March 1914. She launched a newspaper called the woman rebel Which promoted moral and political anarchy her motto was no gods no masters So you women they're like, I'm gonna go in the workplace. You're following your role model Margaret Sanger who rejects God Who's a complete atheist who hates the Word of God hates all leadership in The paper she touted the virtues of single motherhood Contraception and it's sort of that women have the right to face the world with a go-to-hell look in the eyes Who have an ideal to speak and act in defiance of convention? Talk about a wicked woman. She's like a modern-day Jezebel But you know, what's sad is most women today are just like her Not even realizing that's the culture that's being you know raised today and her 1920 book women and the new race She predicted that the rebellion of women would remake the world She believes in evolution and that the fit should have more children than the unfit That's why she tried to kill a bunch of black babies through planned parenthood. It was in the Ku Klux Klan also And she would have voted for Biden. All right She endeavored to liberate women by affirming Reproductive freedom which would give women the ability to be promiscuous and still be able to decide whether they wanted to bear children or not Not only just being a whore killing their children on top of that Even as birth control is the means by which Woman attains basic freedom So it is the means by which she must and will uproot the evil which has wrought through her submission So she just plainly states the evil of a woman submitting the evil of a woman subjecting herself Why because it's that obvious that the Bible is saying obey and the devil and the devil's ex-wife Margaret Sanger is saying don't obey So I want you women to think every single time you disobey your husband think Margaret Sanger is excited and pleased with you You can either be Sarah in the Bible or Sanger which one are you? Well, I'm a Sanger Wicked Don't miss what she said a woman must overcome the evil She has wrought through her submission in other words submission to her husband was evil to stay at home to rear children with servitude The home would no longer consist of a father a mother and children Liberation meant equality of roles equality and income and equality of sexual freedom the biblical roles of marriage and faith and God were deemed obsolete and harmful as from these basic premises Feminism flourished as well as abortion the sexual revolution homosexual marriages and more recently transgender euphoria Incredibly 1969 Judy Smith a member of students for a democratic society Predicted our future when she wrote we in limb women's liberation deny any inherent differences between men women All of us are trapped by the society that created our roles We are questioning the ideals of marriage and motherhood and the very society that has created these roles and values must be questioned That's it's funny because I was reading Karl Marx in some other part and he said that women were the weaker vessels So I guess they need to get their messages, right? But but here's the thing It's it's just coming from a satanic wicked agenda and we see the fruit of it my friend We see the Nancy Pelosi's of this world. We see the Kamala Harris's of this world We see the work that they're doing and that's why I reject women in any position of authority or leadership You know, it makes me mad every time I drive up and down the street There's this stupid billboard of this stupid little poster I see for like Pamela Boggess or something running for judge and I'm thinking what a curse unto our nation She's a conservative. She's a Republican. Well get in the kitchen and start making conservative sandwiches You know my stupid Facebook feed had the little ad and I commented said this is a curse in our nation Don't vote for any woman. I don't care how conservative she is Whoo Go if you would go back to Proverbs 31 Where in the Bible did say that? Oh, here's the virtuous woman. She's the judge No, her husband's in the gate. Her husband's the judge her husband's the ruler her husband's in Dominion And what kind of weak man is? campaigning for his wife You lost your right to the man card my friend I'm mr. Boggess, you know, I'm mr. Pamela Boggess Sick freak and you know what? Why can't you run? Why can't you lead are you gonna let her hand you an apple from the tree too? I Mean the Bible is crystal clear on who's supposed to be ruling who's supposed to be leading, you know And women are supposed to be obedient They're not supposed to be in charge or telling us what to do and I'm sure You know someday in the future. It'll just like all be women in fact judges. I'm they'll pull out all these clips or something Hey, I'm not apologizing for the Bible, okay Do what you want Now here's the second thing you can do to be a great wife, right? If you just do number one, you'll be great. Okay, but here's here's your bonus point work hard Okay You want to be a great wife you work hard now look at verse 13? She's seeketh woolen flax and worketh willingly with her hands notice that this woman is always finding something to do and she's working Super hard. She's expert at everything. I mean she can do anything I mean she can make clothes she can go and find the food she can make it She's the and she's the best at every single thing that she does You want to know why she's the best at it because she does it all the time You want to be good at something do it all the time You know, it's not like There's some magic trick necessarily it just takes practice You know when me and my wife first got married she can make some good meals But I'm telling you what the food gets keeps getting better And I keep getting bigger, you know, so it's like I work on that Man, I mean and you know some of the meals that I had the first time it was like I survived but but now Now I thrive, you know now I'm like inviting other people like come eat this wonderful food You know come try this is amazing You know just keeps getting better Why because she just keeps working and she keeps doing it and you know You keep getting really good at stuff that you work at and you're striving for look at verse 15 She rises also wild as yet night and give a meat to her household and a portion to her maiden So saying she gets up early Why because she's working hard? She's working around the clock. She's getting up before everybody She's putting in a bunch of effort a bunch of energy man, how could you not say this isn't the greatest wife ever She's gonna obey everything I want and then she's gonna just constantly work hard for me. I mean, this is epic look at verse 27 You look at well the ways of her household and he is not the bread of idleness So again, you want to be a wife that's not really that pleasing You lazy and Look laziness also is gonna breed rebellion also gonna breed a bad attitude when you're working hard It's easier to have a good attitude Look at verse 31 give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works crazier in the gates So, you know, oh I want to go get a job. But here's the thing God already gave you a job Raising your kids or being home and look I'm not saying that a woman having a job outside The home is like sin or something like that But at the end of the day you shouldn't neglect your job duties at home Meaning that you know if you can get it all done and you can you know have stuff on the side go for it In fact, this woman does a lot of great things. He goes out buys a vineyard He's like a real estate agent on top of being all these things then she's a gardener on top of that Then she's a seamstress on top of that then she's selling her merchandise on top of that I mean you could argue she has like five of her own companies. I mean this lady's like professional chef professional merchant Professional seamstress. I mean so look I'm not against women having a job per se But you know, you shouldn't leave the children at home so that you can have a career Because you can have a career at home now obviously women in different stages of life different life Circumstances, you know what you do what you want you obey your husband at the end of the day but I'm telling you just working hard in general is going to Is going to basically make you a great wife, you know, if you're starting out in marriage You can only clean your little apartment so many times Okay, so you want to go work somewhere and do something or whatever as long as your husband's okay with it go for it You know Babysit some kids or something or you know Go help somewhere or do some other cleaning or help some other ladies or do whatever you want You know, just be active be working. Okay, you know, all your kids are raised Maybe that's another scenario where women, you know it doesn't matter what circumstance it is you should just be working hard though and You should make sure that the household priorities are being made and and being taken care of as well Okay, the women are gonna find themselves you have one kid you're gonna have more free time you have five kids No free time you have ten kids. You're drowning basically Okay, so I don't know how I don't know how you do it All right, but maybe when you have extra kids that are older they can help and you put them to labor, right? You're just a better manager. You wanted to be in management have ten kids Talk about management opportunities here. Okay, and then they're gonna have kids. So now it's like an M. It's like MLM. Okay, so You can get your MLM fix. You can get your management fix. I mean look the sky's the limit You can do anything and look you have so much more freedom Being in the household. You can probably paint whatever you want and and make your own schedule I mean you are the CEO of your household Okay But don't don't think like oh this just sounds terrible. No going and working at Subway is terrible You know being a stewardess on a plane and having men catcall you as you walk up and down the aisle and Grop you when you don't want it That is slavery my friend. That is not what you want. Okay? Don't go into first Timothy chapter number five go to first to meet chapter five You know the Bible talks about in Proverbs 7 the loud and stubborn woman her feet abide not in her house Meaning that just any excuse to not be in the household or working on the things that God would actually have her do She's going to do that now again. Once all the job duties are done. Go do whatever you want I mean go I mean obviously listen to your husband, but I'm just saying there's the sky's the limit You can go do whatever you want, right? But this woman that's loud and stubborn She's neglecting things at home so that she can go out and party and have fun and be wasteful or whatever Now first Timothy chapter number five. I'll remind you again. I didn't write the Bible Look what it says in verse 11 But the younger widows refuse for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ They will marry so now the context of this is a widow and it's a widow that's under the age of 60 This would be a woman who is essentially able to be married, but just not Now I think this applies to all women who are not married potentially and it's saying eventually they're gonna wax Wanton against Christ meaning that they're gonna they're not gonna be satisfied with only church It's just like they can only pray so much and go so long so much and help out of the church activities They're gonna get to a point where they're just like I want to be married. I want a husband I want someone to lead me. That's what it's kind of saying Doesn't verse 12 having damnation because they've cast off their first faith now It takes a little bit of a turn here because it's not only saying they're not only satisfied with church It's kind of saying without leadership. They're gonna kind of go down a dark road potentially in A lot of these cases where they're basically it's gonna be hard for them to serve God by themselves Example by the fact that our church has way more single dudes than single ladies There's a reason why because they wax one against Christ and then they end up marrying a bozo a lot of times a lot of There's probably a lot of great women who end up just marrying the wrong guy And you know what you good guys need to go out there and grab them before the bad guy does Before the jerk does okay. What are you doing here? You know? What are you doing at the Asian ping-pong place? That's not where they're at. I'm just kidding You go play ping-pong right that was an inside joke Hey, I want at least one time where all the laughter comes from here and not there as vice versa This is the typical server where it's just like one area of laughter. Okay. It's like why is the bank amen? Now here's the thing though they cast off their first faith It says in verse number 13 and with all they learn to be idle now here they learn To be idle, and I'm gonna tell you the greatest teacher your phone And Look, this is not just for women this is all of us, but I'm telling you what modern inventions day have taught us to be idle today and And to have so much excuse to not get things done and and we need to take back our lives a little bit and be hard-working because you know, I I like talking with my wife, but I'm not that interested and you know everything that she saw on social media, too. It's like But you know what? I am interested in all the cookies and all the stuff that she made and all the treats and the new jacket No, I mean, here's the thing. Look I'm telling you you want to be a great wife Get to work You know the more work you do the more they'll be pleasing. Hey men You want your boss to be pleased with you get off the phone and do some work and I you and I both know some days you're a lot more productive than other and You want to know what that usually the problem is the phone or the social media or all the other stuff? And I love listening to sermons, but I'm telling you you should actually work instead of listening to sermons Like if you're listening to stuff, it's like but it's the greatest stuff ever Yes, get to work now if you can do both great, you know, if it's not causing any detriment to your work go for it I'm all against I'm all for listening the Bible. Don't listen to AC DC or something Okay, you know don't listen to some queer feminine dude telling you about feminism or something, you know Listen to godly material, but if it's affecting your work, you know You need to be working hard and the same should be with ladies, you know You want to work really hard at the job duties that God has given you that will make you truly great And not learning to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle But Tatler's also in busybodies speaking things as they ought not know lots of the information we share on social media other people just really probably shouldn't have and it's just you're instead of actually having to get out the couch and walk across to the neighbor's house you just Just wandering about from house to house. Did you hear what so-and-so did did you see what so-and-so did? You know and it's like I don't care It's Like did you see this church member sin? I don't want to what about this one. What about this one? What about this one? I mean look I guarantee we could probably find sin on everybody's social media in some way God forbid, but I'm just telling you at best vanity At bet I mean but this is what people this is a whole lives Their whole lives is just consuming other people's lives, and I'm telling you live your own life You want to have a great life live it? God puts you on this earth to have a life Not to watch other people live and you know the stuff they put on lines fake anyways I? Don't want to look at a filtered version of you Okay, I don't care what you're you know one out of a hundred takes looks like of your best version In the light, I'm looking at you like you don't actually look like that You're not that good-looking. You know that's fake Who are you deceiving? You know it's kind of like that verse that you know if you say you have no sin you only deceive yourself It's like some of you posting stuff. It's like we're only deceiving yourself, okay? Just live your life you know and ladies need to live their life men need to live their life Now It says in verse number 14 I will therefore the young woman marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully For some are already turned aside after Satan This is hard language. I mean he's saying look You know when you just start being lazy and just paddling and doing these things You're really just doing exactly what the devil wants you to do what Margaret Sanger wanted you to do Instead of actually being in your house and obeying your husband and doing that you're just wandering about Just doing your own thing being a free woman. What does the Bible say just get married? Be in the home raise the children God's blessed you with Take on the responsibilities God's given you otherwise you're just gonna get into trouble Just like a man if you know if I was independently wealthy and didn't have to have a job And I didn't have a job. I would get in trouble you would get into trouble Work keeps us safe Work actually protects us from evil, okay Being lazy is just gonna cause you all kinds of problems and all kinds of issues We just need to learn how to be more obedient and more submissive and more Subjective to the people that God's put in our lives and look men can take out You know if you were a man in this sermon, you should say I'm gonna apply everything I heard to my boss at work Okay, I'm gonna take everything that I heard and apply it to how I respond to Jesus Christ and You know everything starts and begins with leadership if you're real obedient submissive to Christ. It's gonna encourage your wife to be obedient to you It's not an excuse for her to not be but I'm just telling you it's gonna help her He's gonna want to do it more. It's gonna be easier. It's easier to obey your husband when you agree So if you're always making great decisions and doing a lot of a great work and you're helping your wife in this area It's gonna make it easier for a bay and I don't want to make it harder on her in a world It's literally promoting You know a devil agenda a communist feminist type of agenda trying to get women to be the president of the United States The top I mean when a woman is the the top of the free world we're doomed and We are like one half-heartbeat away Mean we are one bad one small trip away Literally, I mean we're one bad cough. I mean, it's just like That is scary That should be terrifying to all of us and there's states where where women are the governor's There's in this state women are running for governor You are an idiot if you vote for a woman You are a fool and you hate the Word of God Okay You should never vote for that. Ah, you hate women. Look, I get it. I love women You want to be a great wife ladies obey? Work hard. Let's go to prayer Thank You Heavenly Father for the great truths of the Word of God Thank you for giving us this instruction think you're making it so simple so clear and That we can actually have joy It's not that we serve you in vain. It's not that we serve To the detriment of our own Mental faculties, but rather we get to actually enjoy the work that we do if we would just have faith We just have the faith that your commandments are always right That you told us the best way to live our lives and then instead of letting these devil worshiping God hating freaks tell us how to live our lives. Why don't we let Sarah tell the ladies how to live their lives? Why don't we let You know Timothy and why don't we let the Proverbs woman be our examples and our role models today? For our children and for our families and that we would just submit ourselves the Word of God in Jesus name we pray. Amen Amen with that. Let's close it out with one more song before we head home. You'll take out your hymnal to 408 Loyalty to Christ got a new song for you tonight You don't know it's pretty catchy. So figure it out pretty quick 408 Loyalty to Christ song 408 Over There comes a single strain his loyalty loyalty loyalty to Christ Music He'll take up the song of loyalty loyalty as loyalty to God Oh to victory Will soon possess the land through loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ Here you brave the sound that moves the earth around his loyalty loyalty loyalty to Christ Arise to dare and do bring out the watch for true of loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ Oh to victory Oh to victory Our great commander Oh Loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ Around the giant wrong his loyalty loyalty loyalty to Christ Satan's banners will send the bugle known of loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ Oh To victory Oh Our great commander Loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ the strength of youth we lay at Jesus Today his loyalty loyalty loyalty to Christ his gospel will proclaim Throughout the world's domain of loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ Oh To victory Oh To me rise our great commander Will soon possess the land through loyalty loyalty as loyalty to Christ