(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Lord lift me up and let me stand by faith on heaven's table and a higher plain that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground my heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay though some may dwell where these abound my prayer my aim is higher ground Lord lift me up by faith on heaven's table and a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground I want to live above the world though Satan starts at me our world for faith has caught the joyful sound the songs of saints on higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand in table and a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground I want to scale the utmost high and catch a gleam of glory bright but still I'll pray till heaven I found Lord lift me up and let me stand by faith on heaven's table and a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground all right great singing everybody let's all pray together thank you Lord for steadfast Baptist Church thank you for allowing us to all gather together here today to praise you Lord and here's some sound doctrine come from this pulpit Lord we love you and we just ask you to bless this service Lord and we ask this all in Jesus name amen all right for our next song let's go to song number 116 song number 116 he leadeth me song number one one six by singing out real loud in the first he leadeth me Oh blessed thought Oh words with heavenly comfort fraud what air I do where ere I be still tis God's hand that had leaded me he leaded me he leaded me his faithful follower I would be for by his hand he leaded me sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom sometimes were Eden's powers bloom by water still or troubled see still tis guy's hand that leadeth me he leaded me he leaded me by his own hand he leaded me his faithful follower I would be for by his hand Lord I would class thy hand in mine nor ever murmur nor repine content whatever lot I see still tis God leaded me he leaded me he leaded me by his own hand he leaded me his faithful follower I would be good job everybody sing it out on the last and when my task on earth is done when by thy grace the victories won in death's cold wave I will not play since it through Jordan he leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful follower I would be all right great job everybody good morning thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you need a bulletin you can lift up your hand nice and high one of our ushers would love to come by get you guys a bulletin we're on revelation 1 verse 9 and then on our service times they're listed here in the bulletin Sunday mornings 1030 with a Spanish service at 430 and then we have Sunday evening 530 and then Wednesdays we've been doing a Bible study we're gonna be wrapping up in Hosea this upcoming week and then we'll start a new Bible series and so of course the only way to know what that is is you got to show up all right and but it's been a lot of fun going through the book of Hosea and I'm looking forward to the last chapter there also we have our church wide soul-winning times that meet for where our church meeting is and then our regional soul-winning times meet in different parts of the city and different areas please see our respective leaders if you'd like to go so winning at any of those times that's going to be your best option and then also we have our church stats please please make sure to continue to report your soul-winning totals to your soul-winning captains just give us a quick text even if you have zero sometimes just helpful so they understand or they know what happened and that way they're not wondering if they got all the information so also yesterday we had a soul-winning marathon in the Dallas portion of our area and they ended up having a total of 43 salvations for the day so praise the Lord on that that's great and also on the right we have the list of our expecting ladies please continue to pray for them please also pray for our church family that we have our prayer list and we like to go over that on Wednesdays but also we keep that in the bulletin so you can pray throughout the week if you have other prayer requests please email them to us on the back we have a note about the baby shower in honor of the niguera's and her baby girl it's going to be on April 15th and the address is listed there in the bulletin it's from 1230 to 230 also if you can RSVP to mrs. Milstead that's really helpful just so we can anticipate for those events that really makes it easier on the ladies that help throw our baby showers and if you'd like to bring a dish you can that would be more than helpful you don't have to also if you'd like to bring a gift they are registered at baby list calm and our baby showers are nursing's only preferred so and of course that you know all you guys tune out during the baby shower announcement with that announcements for you so the nursing's only preferred you got to help the wife take care of the kiddos if you can just to make it easier on them of course it is preferred though so we don't want any ladies to not come if they would like to participate Mother's Day tea it's May 15th from 3 30 to 5 30 p.m. my wife has been organizing a list on that there is a signup sheet I believe please RSVP via their their texting group also it is no boys unless you're a nurseling so you know I don't know Jacob was is gonna miss out apparently so and he finds it funny also just a couple church reminders please don't let kids get in areas where they shouldn't be we have listed there some areas that you should try to make sure that they're not going please also don't allow them to be unattended also if you do choose to bring like toys or something similar for your children as a preference can you please make sure to only do that like kind of in between services not like during or immediately after before just because it can cause other problems of their children and we don't want you to share toys with other kids when it could be a hazard dangerous causes problems you know sometimes my kids have come home with toys and it's like where did this come from you know it's like and then I feel bad I'm like did we steal somebody's toy or like I don't even know now I'm like my kids are bullies or something I don't even know you don't get it plus you know there's little babies we don't want them to have a toy that could possibly be a choking hazard or become an issue sometimes children I've even seen bring very expensive toys things that like electronic handheld devices and things like that my kids will break your device and not because I instructed them they'll get in trouble for it but I've my kids break stuff all the time and so I'm sure your kids do as well and so you know it's just better if we're not passing around toys and sharing these things if you end up this you know not following my advice be warned that damage and problems can happen all right so just just as a helper to us I understand some people like to hang out wherever we're at for Sundays all day and they like to take things for their children that's totally get that and it's totally fine but just you know please help us with not sharing items with other people also please don't share food at all or gum or candy if you want to share that please ask the parents for permission before doing so because people could have allergies again choking hazards and of course we just don't want people to be sharing items that they shouldn't also children should not be in a habit of accepting gifts from people that are strangers and and really from people that are not their parents we don't want them to get in a bad habit like that because bad people love to do this bad people love to use toys and gifts and things like that to trick children or deceive them and if they're just so used to everybody being nice because they're at church all the time that could get them into a bad pattern of behavior for the world I like them to be skeptical of everyone as you know the people that come around in your neighborhood offering things are never doing it out of the kindness of the heart their salesmen scam artists deceivers trick you know they trick stirs and things like that people genuinely typically aren't walking around neighborhoods is offering good stuff except for soul winners all right we offer free movie tickets but there is no catch and of course just because you're a good person doesn't mean other people are and we just want people to have a good habit out of that also from two to four on Sundays wherever we're at we're trying to observe just a quiet time so please if you can just let that be a time where people can just kind of leave it rest or be quiet so upcoming events we have the Bahamas missions trip April 24th of the 29th if you're not able to make it to the trip or you're not planning on going please just pray that the trip would go smoothly especially when we have I mean we have dozens and dozens of people already booked and ready to go it's a big deal and you know I'm really excited about this trip you know it's cool to go to foreign countries like this and see how much of a different the culture is you know in their public schools they use the Bible as a resource for their education Christianity is very prevalent they're not afraid of being Christian in their country and so it's very it's very refreshing to be in an environment like that but at the same time most of them aren't saved most of them believe in a workspace salvation or they believe they can lose their salvation or they're confused about what it takes to be saved and they need some man to guide them and so of course that's why it's important to go even in these Christian areas and preach the gospel so also we had the other announcements there that were kind of already mentioned so that's pretty much all I have as far as announcements are concerned let's go ahead and sing our third song Psalm 67 it's gonna be our Psalm of the week it's in our little handouts Psalm 67 if you needed you could even use a Bible all right that was Psalm 67 Psalm 67 God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations let the people praise thee O God oh let the nation's be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nation's upon earth the nation's upon earth see law let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee oh let the nation's be glad and sing for joy then shall the her increase and God even our own God shall bless us God shall bless us and all the earth of the earth shall fear him let the people praise the O God let all the people praise thee oh let the nation's be glad and sing for joy all right great job everybody now as the offering plates are being passed around going to turn your Bibles to Leviticus chapter 19 Leviticus chapter number 19 you Leviticus 19 the Bible reads and the Lord's spake unto Moses saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel and say unto them ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy you shall fear every man his mother and his father and keep my Sabbaths I am the Lord your God turn ye not unto idols nor make to yourselves molten gods I am the Lord your God and if you offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the Lord you shall offer it at your own will it shall be eaten the same day he offer it and on the morrow and if ought remain until the third day it shall be burnt in the fire and if it be eaten at all on the third day it is abominable it shall not be accepted therefore everyone that eateth it shall bear his iniquity because he hath profaned the hallowed thing of the Lord and that soul shall be cut off from among his people and when you reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest and thou shalt not glean thy vineyard neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger I am the Lord your God you shall not steal neither deal falsely neither lie one to another and he shall not swear by my name falsely neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God I am the Lord thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor neither rob him the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning thou shalt not curse the deaf nor put a stumbling block before the blind but shalt fear thy God I am the Lord you shall do no one righteousness in judgment thou shalt not respect the person of the poor nor honor the person of the mighty but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor thou shalt not go up and down as a tailbearer among thy people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor I am the Lord thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself I am the Lord you shall keep my statutes thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee and whosoever lieth carnally with a woman that is a bondmaid betrothed to an husband and not at all redeemed nor freedom given her she shall be scourged they shall not be put to death because she was not free and he shall bring his trespass offering under the Lord under the door of the tabernacle of the congregation even a ram for a trespass offering and the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the Lord for his sin which he hath done and the sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him and when he shall come into the land and shall have planted all manner of trees for food then you shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you it shall not be eaten of but in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the Lord with all and in the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit thereof that it may yield unto you the increase thereof I am the Lord your God you shall not eat anything with the blood neither shall you use enchantment nor observe times you shall not round the corners of your heads neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you I am the Lord do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness you shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary I am the Lord regard not them that have familiar spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and honor the face of the old man and fear thy God I am the Lord and if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land ye shall not vex him but the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shalt love him as thyself for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God you shall do no unrighteousness and judgment in meat yard and wait or in measure just balances just weights a just Ephah and a just hen shall ye have I am the Lord your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt therefore shall ye observe all my statutes and all my judgments and do them I am the Lord let's pray father in heaven we thank you so much Lord for the morning service and I pray that you would fill Pastor Shelley with your spirit and help him to preach the sermon he've laid on his heart with clarity of mind with boldness and help us Lord to apply the message to be doers of the word and to be edified this morning we love you and in Jesus name I pray amen amen the biggest chapter 19 has a lot of great instructions a lot of great verses here but I want to focus at verse 17 the Bible says thou shalt not hate and that's actually the title of my sermon this morning is thou shalt not hate and specifically it says here you're not supposed to hate thy brother in thine heart notice what it says thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him so according to the Bible it's actually hateful to allow or to suffer sin upon your neighbor but according to the scripture the loving attitude the loving response would be to rebuke your neighbor now in thinking about this sermon I was really trying to think about those who are hateful and and what what does it mean that makes someone hateful what why is someone considered hateful and according to the Bible point number one is the fact that they're not willing to correct people they're not willing to give someone a reproof or some kind of rebuke or some kind of correction they allow people to be an error and they're not willing to give them any level of correction so someone that hates you is not going to correct you someone that hates you is not going to rebuke you someone that hates you is not going to approve you they're not going to give you this type of needful information they're going to allow you to destroy yourself they're going to allow you to hurt and to harm yourself you know I've heard it's kind of like a Chinese proverb or I think it's found in the art of war it's it's kind of a famous book but it's saying when your enemy is destroying itself don't get in the way and so it's basically if your enemy is destroying itself you know you wouldn't want to help them to correct that issue or to stop destroying themselves you would simply just allow them to continue to harm themselves or allow them to continue to injure themselves because you hate them someone that hates you does not want you to be a better person does not want to correct issues they would simply allow problems to exist you know you could you could think of sometimes people will have a problem with their vehicle or their car and you know like they have something hanging out or a door is ajar or some issue and someone will flag them down on the road but if you hate that person you just be like I just keep going no problem you know someone's about to walk off a cliff and you're just thinking like see you later where's the person that loved you would want hey don't jump off the cliff don't get don't do that you know someone standing in the street and a car is coming if you hated that person you would just keep your mouth shut but if you love that person you would scream and yell hey get out of the street hey watch out for the car this is the loving attitude is correcting people someone that's using a sharp instrument maybe at work they're not behaving appropriately with very dangerous equipment they're they're doing foolish activities if you hated that person you would just allow them to continually put themselves in harm's way whereas if you love them you would show them how to use a knife you would show them how to use a gun you would show them how to use a car you'd show them how to use dangerous equipment so as to not injure themselves harm themselves or cause some kind of an issue it's loving to correct them if they have bad technique if they're being foolish if they're being lazy if they're being stupid with these type of instruments you know someone looking down the barrel of a gun if you hated that person you'd be like good idea you know if you if you hate if you love that person you would say never look down the barrel right or never point a gun at anyone that you're not ready to pull the trigger right you never you would never want to just recklessly or aimlessly just use a gun and point it you know many people have been accidentally shot killed and injured by these type of instruments and so the loving thing would be to correct them but let me tell you something people that are hateful they hate correction to those who had to Proverbs chapter number nine go to Proverbs chapter number nine so if you hate someone you won't offer reproof but kind of another angle that we could talk about where proof in general is that they despise receiving reproof as well and so really my first point is just despising reproof whether that be them giving it or whether that be them receiving it in every area in every way they hate correction they just hate reproof a hateful person does not want any kind of instruction or to tell someone they're wrong or to be told they're wrong look at Proverbs chapter 9 verse 8 the Bible says reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man he will love thee it's according to the Bible giving just a reproof unto someone that's a scorner what will that cause him to do he'll hate you notice that the hateful person does not like correction they do not like being told that they're wrong they do not like being told that they need to correct something look at chapter 12 verse 1 Proverbs chapter 12 verse 1 just flip the page and we'll see what happens to this person Proverbs 12 verse 1 who so loveth instruction loveth knowledge but he that hateth reproof is brutish brutish is synonymous with being foolish or stupid and so it's saying because of their rejection of any level of any kind of correction or approve they end up becoming very foolish and very stupid and when you look at the people in our society those who hate being told no those who hate being told that they're wrong those who hate being corrected on any kind of issue are typically the dumbest people in our society those are the people that are the most foolish the most ignorant they have the most problems and and so someone that wants to be wise someone that wants to be smart would actually according to the scripture love instruction love being reproof you know in the previous verse it said rebuke a wise man and he will love thee it didn't even say reproof now reproof and rebuke are same the same in the sense that they're both correcting you but technically there's a slight difference in the sense that a rebuke is actually a stronger correction so reproof is simply telling someone that they're wrong and a serious manner but a rebuke would be doing so in a harsh critical or very extreme way so it's not even just telling them that they're wrong it's telling them they're wrong with a very sense of urgency or making it very clear and a very tense manner it could be even in a very critical manner where you're possibly even saying you're being stupid you're being a fool now of course I don't think that it's beneficial to insult people without giving them the correction you know if you just say you're an idiot but you don't explain why they're an idiot I don't find that that's very helpful you know we should couple hey idiot do it this way right so that way they at least get both sides of the equation the idiot alerts them to the fact that there's something seriously wrong and then the correction helps them to get it right now of course we don't want to just walk around just calling everyone an idiot and just rebuking everyone for any kind of issue but let me say this if you're constantly being rebuked there's nothing wrong with that you should accept the rebuke you should accept or approve as long as it's obviously true you know and of course truth determines what's right and wrong here if someone criticizes you harshly but it's not true that's a slander that's not rebuke or approve so don't get confused on these issues but when someone tells you that you're wrong and it's right like what they're saying is true you should be willing to accept that type of correction go to Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter 24 we're gonna see that as we get closer to the end times people are not gonna be able to handle correction people don't like being told that they're wrong being reproved getting rebuked and of course what is the typical response you would see from somebody when they get rebuked and they don't like it they get offended don't they instead of just saying thank you hey you're right you know what I shouldn't do that you know I appreciate you pointing that out to me instead of saying something like that what do they do how dare you how dare you judge me oh you're so judgmental or oh you're not loving but wait a minute the look if I'm not loving then I would never correct you so now of course if I corrected you and it was a lie or if it wasn't true if I'm slandering you if I'm falsely accusing you then sure don't thank me for that obviously that's not something to appreciate but if someone's telling you that you're doing something wrong the most important thing is is it true because if it's true then you need to accept it but many people they don't want the correction they want to stay foolish they want to stay in sin they want to stay in whatever issue they have whatever problem they have and so they get offended and they pretend like being offended is somehow a good thing you know Christ is never telling us to be offended in fact many times he gives us the Word of God so that will not be offended you know great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them you know the truth should never offend you you know things that should offend you or sin wickedness evil lies but someone giving you some kind of truth or honesty integrity that should never the truth should never offend you now that's a problem though because a lot of people get offended by the truth and look what it says in Matthew 24 verse 8 all these are the beginning of sorrows then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you should be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another notice what it's talking about the world hating you what is it that what is their response they're offended aren't they they're offended because of what you're saying what is it that you're saying you know you're preaching the gospel which of course John 14 verse 6 tells us that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life so according to the Bible we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ we're preaching the truth and they're offended by the truth who gets offended by the truth of Jesus Christ a Muslims they get really offended when you preach about Jesus Christ being the Son of God that Allah is a false God you know it gets really offended by the truth Catholics man I made a short little video and I posted online and I just used their own words to show that they denounce faith alone they say in their doctrine in their Canon I think it's session 6 and point number 14 they clearly say those who believe in faith alone let them be anathema so they're actually cursing people who believe in faith alone and I'm just saying look Catholics don't believe in faith alone here's what they say and then the Catholics gonna get mad at me and they're just like whoa but you know it's that faith alone phrase we believe in faith we don't believe in works wait a minute how could you say you don't believe in works but you also don't believe in faith alone sounds like you believe works then buddy because they do believe in works folks in fact many Catholics that are actually like devout they'll just admit to you oh yeah it's works yeah of course you have to have works it's faith and works but you know when you point that out to them that the gospel is actually faith alone they get offended oh so you're just telling me I can just live however I want and just believe and go to heaven yes oh so you're just telling me you can't lose a salvation yes oh so you're just telling me it's a free gift yes I am and they get really offended by that like well then you know what about all my works they're meaningless and they get offended by that don't they and of course they're hateful because they are the ones that are being offended by the truth of Jesus Christ you're not being hateful by pointing out what they believe how could I be hateful by saying here's what you believe oh you're so judgmental all I did was read your doctrinal statement out loud that's all I did you know and then I read a Bible to contrast that and say look this is incompatible with the Bible but you know I'm the hateful one right no they're the ones that are hateful hateful would be someone that knows hey you're on your way to hell and I'm not gonna say anything to you so there's a lot of Christians out there say how dare you judge Catholics how dare you not judge Catholics how dare you not try to get them safe how dare you not to confront them on the gospel of Jesus Christ the most hateful person on this planet is the one who knows the gospel knows the truth and never tells anyone that would be a hateful person because you should you know if you don't have the truth well you're not gonna be held accountable for not giving people the truth you don't even have it but let alone if you have the truth if you have there be and you decide not to what is Leviticus chapter 19 clearly say thou should not hate thy brother and thine heart you're suffering sin upon them you're suffering and allowing them to die and go to hell you're the most loving people in this world are the soul winners of Jesus Christ the people that go out and knock on doors and openly preach the gospel they contend with people for the faith they contend with people on what they believe they're not just content and saying are you sure if you died day you go to heaven oh yeah okay bye I mean that's everyone here there's some parts of the world where people would say I don't know or I'm not sure and that's the more common answer but man in Texas in this area I would venture to say nine out of ten people will tell you they know they're going to heaven maybe I'm off but that seems about right about 90% of people will just flat-out say I know I'm going to heaven but then when you actually ask a few more questions you find out less than 10% believe it's by faith alone I mean less than one out of ten typically are gonna give you the right answers as far as saying hey salvation is a free gift you can't lose it all I did was trust in Jesus and I'm saved by his grace most of them are saying well I'm a good person well I go to church well I repented of my sins did you though which ones obviously I mean how prideful do you have to be to think you actually repented of all your sins you know and of course by telling them the truth by telling them the gospel that's loving by getting offended at the truth that's hateful think about it this way you know why would I even be offended if someone came to me and said you know this is the religion that I believe and this is what my book says can I really get offended at them just telling me that's what they believe you know that seems pretty genuine I don't have a problem with that invention obviously when they're preaching a false gospel I don't want people sharing that or spreading that information and and I get that but at the same time you know us going around and telling people the truth and telling what the gospel is why would you be offended if you're a Catholic and you claim to be the Bible and then someone's showing you how the Bible doesn't match what you believe you would think that would be of course logical making sense and if you're wrong shouldn't they be able to point to you in the Bible how you're wrong but do they do that no can they well through the works is dead where's that in the Bible well I don't remember is it James 2 and they're like maybe you're like let me show you that verse I'll show you that verse in any verse that you can think of well you know the Bible says to hate the sin but love the sinner what verse is that I don't remember that verse I remember Leviticus you want me to show you some verses Leviticus I mean what verse do you want me to show you so we should be willing to have a conversation about the Bible but why would we get offended at the truth we wouldn't unless you're a hateful person hateful people get offended that's why it's so obvious that the left is the most hateful people right why because they get the most offended I mean who gets the most triggered and the most offended by anything and everything it's always the left and it's because they hate truth it's because they despise the truth but you know it can get to a point where the whole world hates the truth and they all despise that in fact it doesn't sound very nice when you read what it says here verse 9 and you should be hated of all nations for my name's sake well what if we run to this nation which nation is gonna like you you know people just don't like the truth because they haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and eventually once they get to know you they'll hate you too they didn't hate Jesus at first but then once they got to know him they hated him didn't they they despised them they wanted nothing to do with him and the same will happen with Christians you know often a lot of times people they'll like us when we get them saved and we give them the gospel but then they go online and they get to know us oh they don't like us as much anymore or they come visit and they have a church service and they get to hear the bio being preached they didn't like it as much anymore right and and of course it's not because we just are these hateful people or whatever it's because they're hateful it's because they have some hatred in their heart and they're get they get offended at being told that they're wrong now go go to Amos chapter 5 Amos chapter 5 of course we should be offended by slander we should be offended by lies we should be offended by things that are evil and and so we have to always take this the sermon in context and make sure we understand that if someone corrects you though and it's true you need to accept that correction of source this is what a lot of people will do though because it's pretty clear what I'm showing you and I think a lot of people can understand the logic is they'll be like well that's a difference of opinion or I have a different interpretation and of course that's why it's important we have a King James Bible that's why it's important that we point to people King James Bible because when you don't have a standard when you don't actually have a rule book that you can abide by then there's no chance of really playing the game imagine if you went to go play a game soccer football baseball I said imagine okay and every single player that showed up had a different rule book right what if what if you're gonna play baseball and everybody else shows up with a completely different rule book and they say well I get four strikes and I'm out well mine says three well mine says that I get unlimited pitches well you know the spirit didn't guide me to that response well you know you run to first but I just run to third well I mean how could you even play the game you can't even play the game you know if you're playing soccer and then someone just picks up the ball and runs with it and then just throws in the goal well my rule book doesn't say you can't pick it up with your hands then you get to a point where there's no you have no chance of even playing the game there's no opportunity and what if what if someone else comes on the team they say well I think all rule books are legitimate isn't that what most Christians say today well I just think all Bibles are the Bible what do you mean all Bibles are the Bible that's that's nonsense you know someone's right and someone's wrong not everything's right not everything's true and when it comes to Christianity you can't play the Christian game when everybody has their own rulebook we all have to have the same rules and look the King James Bible is our rules why do we have such great unity in this church let me tell you why because we have the same book because we're all playing by the same rules here and we're allowing the Holy Ghost to be our teacher and our guider and leading us into all truth and we say this is the ultimate boss no person in here is the is the chief ruler this is the chief ruler of course we have leadership within the church and we have to follow that leadership structure but guess who's the ultimate leader this it's not me it's not in the other pastor it's the Bible and that's why we know that we have safety and that's why we have consistency some people say oh your church is a cult well if it's a cult then I guess this is the leader if you want to say that we're a cult because we have strong adherence to this and we're gonna do whatever this says then okay I'll take that definition you know what we're not a cult of personality we're not a cult of an individual we're not a cult of a few group of people we're not a cult of the Pope we're not a cult of Joseph Smith we're not a cult of Muhammad we're not a cult of Joe Biden we're not a cult of some Russian czar you know what we're followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and let me welcome you to him he's right here it's the King James Bible and so of course we follow him and we adhere to everything that he says and he's always right and he leads us and he guides us but let me tell you something when you don't have this consistency when you don't have this rulebook often people will disguise their hatred by simply saying well I have a different interpretation well I have a different rulebook well then you have a different Jesus that's that's the real thing that you're saying because there's not multiple Jesus's there's only one Jesus and we have the accurate perfect and complete picture of that through the King James Bible and those who want to use a different version are using a perverted Jesus they're using another Jesus to disguise the fact that their Jesus hates because if there was any consistency with this book and another book one's wrong one's being hateful and let me tell you something the NIV is hateful the ESV is hateful then the NASB is hateful because they lie they deceive they trick and of course they don't like correction they don't like when you point out all their problems hey you're missing these verses they didn't fix that did they I mean think about it this way what if someone decided you know what I don't like the language of the King James Bible I'm gonna come up with a new one I'm gonna come up with a new version and you you said you know what well I compared it to the King James Bible and here's all the places that it's just completely different and they said thank you and they fixed it all you could almost have no problem with it but why is it there's a problem with NIV when you point out the correction they don't correct it do they when you rebuke it they don't end up fixing it they just keep in fact sometimes they get weirder the NIV is now going to gender neutral language that's weirder they didn't get they didn't accept the rebuke they got offended and of course anything that gets offended goes to gender neutral apparently non-binary right that's a different sermon but at the end of the day we understand that according to the scripture we're supposed to accept rebuke we're supposed to accept correction as long as it's coming from a place of truth and that's why it's important to have a King James Bible because we believe it is all truth there is no error so so if something in the Bible is it's just plain as day is your face then you need to just accept it you need to take the correction people who don't use the King James Bible they don't like this but I'll tell them it two of them anyways I'll say you are your own leader you're your own guide you trust in yourself you don't have you don't have a greater authority you are the supreme authority in your life and I've never met someone that doesn't use the King James Bible that doesn't fall victim of this because any time you point something out then they can just always cling to another verse and another version another chapter the spirits guiding me to something else you know whereas if you have the King James Bible you could actually be corrected you can say wow this is saying something different than what I believed this is saying something different than what I said this is wanting me to do something different than I did and you say well this must be right and I must be wrong and it allows you to be corrected to change to make those differences and some people say like well I've read the NIV in it it corrected me well I'm sure that that part of scripture and then IV is the same as the King James then and look I you know someone was and I were talking about this and I pulled up an ESV and we were just looking at it and it's like John 1 1 I just pop over John 1 1 I know John very well and I just start reading you know John 1 1 in the ESV and the King James it's the exact same I was like I'm not gonna criticize John 1 1 and the ESV because it says the exact same thing as the King James Bible even for ruckmanites it says the exact same thing I'm not even just saying like an essence I'm saying like it's the same okay obviously I wouldn't get mad at someone for basing a life decision on that verse in the ESV because it's still the Word of God and let me tell you something the modern versions still have a lot of the Word of God in them they just have a lot of issues too they have a lot of problems they're not sharp and in fact sometimes they have more than just being off they're teaching lies so of course you don't want to use something that's defaulting what if you had a gun that every once in a while just doesn't fire right it fires sometimes it works sometimes sometimes it just doesn't fire or sometimes it fires backwards and you're like going to battle it's like here's a reliable handgun that won't jam that isn't gonna fire backwards or you could use the ESV it you know sometimes it shoots sideways sometimes it shoots backwards sometimes it doesn't even fire and sometimes it fires great you know like that doesn't make sense you wouldn't use that type of an instrument and of course that's what we're saying about the modern version so here's the thing when you have a King James Bible though you can just always just say you know what it's always reliable it's just always shooting straight it's always giving me what I need I don't want to get a version where I don't have I feel uncomfortable with it because then when you feel uncomfortable you're like well that's why you say let's go to another version or let's go shake over here and let's do this and they just have no certainty and of course it doesn't allow you to take the correction you need and it it keeps you being in a hateful mindset in a hateful attitude we need the correction in our lives to become more loving to be more like God God is love this book is love there's nothing in this book that's not loving so by accepting it and appreciating it will make us love look at Amos chapter 5 verse 10 they hate him that rebuke it in the gate and they abhor him that speaketh notice this up rightly so when it uses two different words to kind of describe the actions of this individual notice in one word it says rebuke and the other one it says what he speaketh up rightly so we know everything that this individual said was right everything that he did was right everything that he's speaking is the truth but notice he did it in a rebuking manner and notice that they really hated him also where is the gate the gate is the edge of the city and essence but think about what a gate is what does a gate do it allows people to come and go to enter into the city to be rejected from the city I mean obviously that's how you get in but it's also a way to keep people out because you have a gate you're locking it you're not allowing two people to come in there what it's it's showing rules right this is a boundary this is an area where we decide certain things about our civilization our city and so really what the gate symbolizes is the position of power in a city it shows the position of authority it shows where rules are being decided where we're making judgments based on who can come and who can go and so it's saying this guy is going to the place of power and authority in a city in an area and he's preaching the Word of God uprightly but you know what people hate him for it and you know the Bible constantly has the men of God going to the positions of authority going to the public areas and and proclaiming the Word of God and even doing in a rebuking manner but then people say look how hateful right if a pastor goes to a city council meeting and calls everybody out on being hypocrites and liars they'll be like look at this hate preacher you know who's the hate preacher all the pastors that stay home and never tell anything tell anyone anything from the Bible that's the hate preacher because the Bible says you're not supposed to hate your neighbor in your heart but you're supposed to rebuke him and you know what there's nothing unloving about going out into the public going on the housetops and rebuking people for their sin rebuking the city for their sin saying these people should not be let in and you should let these people in for telling people here's how we should use the gate here's how where the gate should exist you know some people get offended at border policies even and I'm thinking like border policies are in the Bible if you don't like border policies you're not gonna like heaven you're not gonna like the money will rain because guess what only certain people are allowed to come and go through the heavenly city without our dogs folks I love that I love the fact that dogs don't get to come in because I don't like dogs you know I want to keep dogs away from me and every sense okay now here's the thing if you have a dog I'm not mad at you okay I'll pet it and I like that you have it so I can enjoy it for a few minutes and then never have to take care of it I've had dogs I loved them but at the end of the day I'm more upset about the spiritual dogs and the spirits of dogs I don't even want to pet okay I don't want nothing I would want nothing to do with them now go to the Proverbs 20 and go to Psalms 31 I'm sorry I'm sorry go to Proverbs 10 I'm all over the place go to Proverbs chapter 10 first point one is this that's not hate we don't want to hate people by despising reproof despising reproof whether that's either us giving reproof or receiving reproof both are coming from a place of hatred we should accept reproof we should also deliver reproof under those that need it and of course you'll be labeled as hateful you'll be falsely accused you'll be slandered but you know I would rather be loving and called hateful than be called loving and actually be hateful yeah but most of the time you can't have both you're not gonna you're pretty much not gonna be loving and and just be called loving it's very rare I mean you could be hateful and called hateful that can happen but for the most part you know you're pretty much gonna have to pick would you rather be called loving and be actually hateful or would you rather be loving and be called hateful but you're typically not gonna get to be both now in Proverbs chapter 10 verse 18 it's kind of it's kind of a combo verse here but look what it says he that hideth hatred with lying lips and he that utter at the slander is a fool so notice here that you have lying lips so what's the opposite of saying the truth it's lying okay so by by preaching the truth you're you're giving someone who reproof you're telling them what they need to hear you're loving that person by lying to the person you're actually hating them you know the truthful person if someone says hey is this wrong what does the loving person say if it's really wrong they would say yes what does the hateful person say no they lie to you okay and so point one is hateful people are hating someone is despising or proof not giving her proof but number two is that you would lie to people lying is one of those hateful things that you can do the devil is the father of lies and notice the Bible says he hideth hatred with lying lips so notice what the Bible is actually saying it's saying the people that really hate you try to trick you and deceive you by lying to you about it so the really hateful people don't go around admitting it they don't go around I'm hateful I just want to let you know I'm the most hateful person there is no they try to hide their hatred by lying to you by just telling you what you want to hear or just just flat-out just saying the opposite of what's really true and it says and he that utter the slander is a fool also notice that these people that lie they love to slander they just love to falsely accuse people just make up any kind of accusation and just hurl it at their enemy hurl it at the people that they hate and they don't really care what damage they cause because they just hate that person so a hateful person will slander you a loving person will tell you the truth now of course also to their to your face most slanders though they'll be nice to your face they'll slam you behind your back right or they'll slander you when you're not around go go into Psalm 31 now go to Psalm 31 where I wanted you to go but we as God's people need to make sure that we're not lying and really there's not I've heard some people try to justify lying to me I personally believe lying is always wrong I don't you the people will come up with all kinds of scenarios and I just don't agree you know they'll talk about and again there are times when godly people quote lie and and God still blesses them through their actions you can think of like gee who says a hab served bail little gee also serve him much you know that was a lie okay I get it but he used that deceit and that trickery to end up slaying all the prophets of Baal and at the end of the story God says that he was very pleased with what G had done and that G had executed his will but here's the thing God wasn't I don't believe God is saying carte blanche every single little thing you've done is right just an essence killing the prophets of Baal right did he have to lie I don't believe he had to lie that's what he chose to do that's how he decided to accomplish God's will and God basically gives him the grace to allow him to perform that action but I don't believe he had to lie now could there what could he have done well you know David just walked up to Goliath and just killed him you know he didn't have he didn't have to lie to Goliath when did David lie to Goliath and and frankly didn't David slay thousands when did he ever have to lie to anybody about it you know he didn't have to lie now you know am I really mad about it no if G was here would I give him a hard time about it no would I say there's anything wrong with you no and you know what ultimately I do believe that God is more more pleased with you accomplishing his will making mistakes than just not accomplishing as well now I'm not excusing his sin I'm not saying that I liked it I don't approve of lying in any capacity but at the end of the day he got the job done okay and that's that's really important if he had said well I'm never gonna lie but he never gets the job done you know I think ultimately in the big picture God would be more displeased with him for not having got the job done but of course what he should do is he should think okay maybe there's a better way maybe I could have crafted an even more ingenious or godly or righteous way to end up destroying the prophets of Baal without having to lie and of course do you ends up having problems you know do you has struggles and the more right to someone is and the more godly they are the better it's going to be maybe you should have been like let's pass laws to put the prophets of Baal to death and he got everybody to agree and then they did it that way maybe would have been more honoring unto God you know I don't know but let me say this I'm not gonna use that story to then defend lying lying still wrong you know they'll bring up Rahab the harlot and say oh she she lied so it's good and God was pleased with her it says it in James chapter 2 James 2 does not say God was pleased with Rahab for lying it says that she received the spies and sent them another way that is that is not lying now when they asked her about it she did lie you know what she didn't have to say anything she could have just said I refuse to answer or I'm not gonna tell you didn't she have said that but she chose to lie or to be deceitful about it but you know what God still rescued her notice that a whore that's a liar she's still saved by grace because we're all saved by grace folks okay but you know and of course what was our work receiving the spies and sending them out another way it wasn't like and God was so pleased with Rahab for lying you know what the Talmud will tell you that you can lie oh you can lie to enemies oh you can lie to bad people oh you can lie no no no just never lie just I'm against it if you ever asked me permission to lie I'll tell you no okay I'm not gonna lie we shouldn't lie of course you could be mistaken about something obviously we can get facts wrong but we should always try to do it best to tell the truth Psalm 31 look at verse 18 let the lying lips be put to silence which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous notice that those who hate though the godly that despise the Lord's people notice says that they're lying lips are speaking against the righteous so we see the wicked are always gonna lie about the righteous go to Psalm 119 Psalm 119 I want to show you another verse here it's a very hateful attitude to lie to people and notice that they lie about the righteous they lie about the godly they slander the godly Psalm 119 look at more than 163 I hate and abhor lying but thy law do I love I mean how could you get this verse deep in your heart and then think it's ever good to lie I hate and abhor lying but thy law do I you know there's nothing in the Bible that must be hateful then people say oh you're a hate preacher when because I hate and abhor lying but thy law do I love and let me tell you something you know there is a time to love and there's a time to hate but at the end of the day you have to understand that you really can't separate the idea of love being a hundred percent having some level of hate because if I truly love the Lord then I'm gonna hate evil but but I'm not really trying to say I just hate evil I'm trying to say I love the Lord my action the really believe in my heart is just love right by my loving children I would want to hate those that would hurt them the predators the pedophile the rapist or whatever but it's not that I'm just so active and hating those people I just so much loving children and the more that you love God and the more that you love children and you love innocence and you love the truth you end up hating that which is evil and wicked but it's not so much that you're just trying to hate because guess what you could hate someone without loving right couldn't I just hate something and it's not coming replace of love for God but it's just I mean think about this Muslims they hate lots of things that are the right thing to hate but they don't hate him for the right reason they hate Jews they hate they hate homos they throw them off buildings okay and look is there anything wrong with them hating you know a sodomite no there's nothing wrong with them hating a sodomite you know what they don't hate sodomites because they love the Lord they hate sodomites because they're a normal person okay it's natural easy it's convenient okay and and so at the end of the day I'm not just going around just hating things to hate them no no I just love God and by loving God and by preaching love you're seen as being hateful you're seen as all this hatred but wait a minute no I don't I love I love God I love the you know I'm not walking around just trying to hate anyone or anything because I really just don't I just love God and of course through my love it'll be seen as hatred and and yes there is a time to hate we understand that context but you know what I really hate just lies and slander and evil and wickedness I'm not just going around just trying to see how many people I can lie to we should always tell the truth we shouldn't hate people and lie to them look at Psalm 120 it's right here deliver my soul Lord from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue so if you really think about it the one that hates lies the one who loves tells the truth so that's why I'm saying I'm not by telling the truth I'm not hating you you know even someone that I technically hate in a sense by giving them the truth of God's Word I'm not trying to hate that person I'm trying to love that person you know some people get mad at me they say like how could a preacher of God ever tell someone to kill themselves but wait a minute didn't Jesus say that I mean you know and here's the thing did Jesus just say point blank just carte blanche just kill yourself no but he did say that was better for certain individuals that would hurt or offend a child that a millstone would be tied around their neck and for them to be cast in the depths of the sea that doesn't say who's doing that it doesn't say if it's government if it's a random purse a friend you know or themselves but here's the thing it's still saying it's better and why because that's true and think about this if you're destined for help period that's your only option your options like the worst part of hell or the best part of hell the loving person would try to get you into the best part of hell I'm not I'm not lying to you I'm just telling you that's that would be the most loving thing that you could do for that person right and if this person is gonna hurt and harm more individuals the loving thing would be like hey you need to stop so you're not hurting or harming more individuals and so you know when you teach the truth when you teach true love you know what even for that person in a bad situation you know what that's loving sometimes people come to me in a similar situation but on an earthly circumstance right someone to come to me and you know I've had to someone not from this church there's a random person doesn't go to our church he came up to me and he said I've been divorced and and you know then I'm living with another girl and I have two kids with that person we're still not married they're just like what do I do it's like we can't come to church you know until you fix your situation but it's like you know you're in a bad situation right this person's in a really bad situation but it's like well here's the best thing that you can do in the in your bad situation it's like I'm never gonna recommend someone that's divorced he remarried you know now here's the thing if he did I'm not gonna condemn him and and be mad at him or anything like that he gets to decide whatever he wants to do but at the end of the day like I'm not gonna recommend sin you know someone came to me and they have this really convenient reason to lie like they'd say hey my work it wants me to get the kovat shot or something like that and you know I could just lie and say that I already had it I'd be like don't lie you know I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend lying I'm not gonna recommend lying I'm not gonna tell you to lie you know you don't have no one's gonna force you to lie even though that might seem like a reasonable thing to do that might be the right thing to do in the moment you know what I am against lying and the hateful person lies let me ask you this when did Jesus lie never and and if he's our example then why can't I live a life like Christ did he didn't need to to lie to fulfill all of God's will he fulfilled everything that God wanted him to do and he didn't lie so you know what our best scenario is to just decide not to lie and and I believe that we should avoid lying a hundred percent and and not be these type of people go to Proverbs chapter 6 go to Proverbs chapter 6 some people might disagree with me but you know what you can be wrong liar Proverbs chapter 6 look at verse 16 these six things that the Lord hate yea seven or abomination in him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that abides the wicked imaginations feet that be swift in running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that so a discord among brethren yes he's got a bunch of things in here but he like puts lying in there twice that's why it's funny I don't even know if this is right or not but he says six and then he says seven is it six because lying was just one he's like I just want to make lying twice in here I mean think about it it's kind of the only one that's in there twice and he kind of went from six to seven it makes me think that he's like I just want to make sure just doubly that you know how much I hate lying and you know what the hateful person loves like who's the father of lies the devil look at Proverbs chapter 12 verse 22 Proverbs chapter 12 look at verse 22 lying lips are abomination to the Lord but they that deal truly are his the light look at chapter 13 verse 5 a righteous man hateth lying but a wicked man is loathsome and cometh ashamed you know what it's always right to tell the truth we need to deal truly we need to tell the truth that we're the pillar and ground of the truth folks go to Proverbs 26 go to Proverbs 26 number one we don't want to despise or proof number two we don't want to lie and number three you know if we're not gonna hate people we also don't want to flatter them and this is kind of a form of lying look what it says in Proverbs 26 look at verse 24 he that hateth dissembles with his lips and layeth up to see within him when he speaketh fair believe him not there's seven abominations in his heart whose hatred is covered by deceit his wickedness shall be showed before the whole congregation so according to the Bible we have here again his hatred is covered by deceit meaning he's lying about the fact of how much he hates you you know like the Democrats they lie about how much they hate black people because they hate black people I mean if you want to know who is really behind Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger it's the Ku Klux Klan it's all these people that really hated black people and of course they're strategically trying to put birth control and abortion into black neighborhoods in black areas there's there's reason why there's not a Planned Parenthood in South Bay on every corner I mean I don't know if there is one anywhere around there but it's not on every corner like it is down here it's not like it is is accessible in all of these areas look that's just a fact folks that these are placed in strategic areas on purpose because they hate black people but then they'll want to be like but we love you come vote for us you know but it but they're just lying about it and then they flatter them they flatter them about saying about how much they love them and we care about you how how does Joe Biden know what it's like to be black he's the he's the least black person you know it's so silly for these politicians to go right and pretend and pontificate I mean when is the last time you've even seen very many of these politicians these Democrats even being black it's like a majority white group of people and you know what they hate all truth they hate all righteous but they just flatter everybody saying how much more loving they are they'll say oh the Republicans they hate black people it's like I see way more black people being Republican you know in politics as far as the politicians and leadership and endorsing them I mean it's just like you know celebrities they love to flatter people but they're just a bunch of liars and what is flattery it's saying something that you don't mean to gain someone's favor you tell you compliment them you don't really you don't really believe that and you talk speech you talk nicely to the person you don't actually want to be nice to the person you actually kind of hate them go if you would to Proverbs 28 you know a verse I think of a New Testament is Jesus talks about the children of Israel as a whole and specifically Pharisees how they honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me and so they they're hypocrites they say and do not they say they love God but they don't really love God they say that they love you but they do nothing to love you you know they're not going into these areas and actually trying to educate people giving them the truth loving on them helping them they simply want to just take advantage of these individuals now in Proverbs 28 look at verse 23 he that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue notice again flattery is not going to be beneficial even even in just how the circumstance goes because people end up realizing that you're lying them people figure out oh you actually don't care about me at all do you oh you're just trying to use me aren't you whereas the person that rebuked you you might later realize wow that person was actually trying to help me they actually loved me they're being kind unto me go to Proverbs 20 go backwards a little bit Proverbs chapter 20 and look at verse 19 you know what we need to do as Christians is mean what we say and of course I like the old adage of you know people say my mom used to say if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all and it's like that's true you know don't flatter someone if you don't have anything nice to say then just don't say anything right you don't have to compliment someone that you don't like you don't have to flatter someone that you don't really care about or appreciate you know it'd be nice if our society you get to eliminate this from our culture where people just they'll say all kinds of things and they just don't mean it hey I'll come to church liar you're just trying to flatter me to make me feel like you actually care or something right or hey I'll call you or hey I'm praying for you you know I think a lot of people just say these things but they don't they don't mean it they're not gonna think about you they're not gonna call you they're not gonna pray for you they're not gonna go to church with you you know they're oh let's get lunch sometime don't just say that mean it right or hey I'll bring this to you or I'll help you with this or hey if you need help just call me and I'll come help you and then they call you like oh I'm busy that's just flattery then you know don't don't be that kind of person mean what you say it's like hey I like your shirt mean it you're like I don't like your shirt then don't say anything okay you know don't don't feel like you have to just flatter people and trick them and deceive them we should be people that are always telling the truth look at Proverbs 20 verse 19 he that goes about as a tale bearer reveal its secrets therefore metal not with him that flattereth with his lips someone who's flatters once you can kind of tell there's a flattery type person don't be around that person because they're gonna lie about you behind your back and so what does a hateful person do they despise or proof they lie they flatter and then this is also they think they tell bear and gossip about you so once you can tell they're kind of being insincere over the top stuff like they're just like if they like every shirt you've ever worn they're a flatterer okay you know and for me as a preacher it's it's it's kind of easy sometimes people come up to me and they just every sermon is the greatest sermon they've ever heard or something and you're just like no it wasn't that's silly okay or you're just you're just so wonderful you're just so great can I have 50 bucks it's like that person's a flatterer they don't really want you know anything sincere from you you know and so you be aware of the person that's like over the top and they're confident there's nothing wrong with complimenting someone if you like if you like someone sermon if you you know I've told pastors and preachers hey I really like your sermon you know what I told them that when I really liked their sermon there's been sermons from the same person that I didn't like and I didn't walk up to them after their sermon is a good preaching like Tyler Baker the liar and then take it back if I actually mean it I'll actually say it and you know someone that's hateful will lie about you behind your back go back to Leviticus 19 let's go all the way back for a moment I feel like when we study what actually makes someone hateful aren't we seeing kind of a pattern what's the pattern it's what you say the person that's speaking the truth is a loving person and the person that's speaking lies is the hateful person it really doesn't matter what the context is when it was the rebuke when it's a compliment when you know compliments that are lies are just as bad as rebukes that are lies you know and I'm rebukes never a lie but I'm just using that word a slander right when you're saying something harshly and it's a lie it's a slander you know whenever it's true it's rebuke whenever you compliment someone if it's a lie it's flattering if you compliment someone and it's the truth it's a compliment so we see there's nothing wrong with with all manner of emotion we should have all manner of what we should be happy and sad and angry and everything but you know what we shouldn't do is lie and the hateful person lies who's the father lies the devil because he's full of hatred who's the person that's full of truth God and the Word of God and that is what's truly loving so we see the dichotomy of the true love and true hatred God is love and it comes with what you're saying if it's true or not not the manner in which it was spoken but what does the world do they fixate on the manner in which something was spoken yeah you have to say it like that I said the truth it doesn't matter yeah but I like what he said just not how he said it well then you didn't like what he said you can't have it both ways you know what I there's there's no way someone could read the Bible out loud and be like I just didn't like the way he said it unless it was like a queer effeminate sounding voice or something but that's a sin so obviously you can't do that you know it wouldn't matter man woman boy child girl reading the Bible out loud saying the doctrines of the Bible I like it I love it I don't care if it was syrupy sweet or if it was a high-pitched skreel you know what it's the Word of God that's what matters the truth is what matters and tail-bearing and gossiping you know this is a bad behavior coming from someone that's a hateful person now this is a little bit of a nuance because technically tail-bearing can be still speaking the truth tail-bearing could be revealing something that's true about someone but but it's not using discretion and it's not taking the whole balance of the Bible so I don't want you to get confused just because it's true and I've been hammering truth don't then run with that and then start becoming a tail-bearer okay look what it says in Leviticus chapter 19 verse 16 thou shalt not go up and down as a tail-bearer among thy people now did you notice that this is the same chapter we read the first verse look at that again chapter 17 thou shalt not hate thy brother what is verse 16 thou shalt not go up down as a tail-bearer that's important to keep those together so when someone's in error or when someone makes a mistake when someone does something that's wrong who do you tell the person that's rebuking the person who do you not tell anyone else going up and down as a tail-bearer right he's saying don't do that so there's nothing wrong with communicating with someone saying hey don't do this don't say this don't go here but you know what you shouldn't be doing hey you see what that guy did see what that guy wore you see what that it's true I hate his shirt you know it's true you know that's not good that's not a godly behavior it's actually hating it's hating your brother right because you're not telling other people because you're actually genuinely concerned about the individual it's because you hate them and you want to cast shade on them you want to cause problems for them because if you actually love the person you wouldn't put a kick me sign on their back and then point at them and laugh you would take the kick me sign off and that's what you're doing when you tell bear you're putting a kick me sign I mean how juvenile would it be if you is me as your pastor I started walking around and putting kick me signs on some of the congregation would you think that's cool like our pastor is juvenile and a child and it's stupid and it's foolish but you know what that's the same as all the women and the men in this room they go around tail bearing about your brothers and sisters as juvenile and pedantic and silly and foolish as that is would be to go up and down and tell bear it everybody well did you see what this person did with it and and they always disguise their hatred remember we read in the Bible a lot of people will hide their hatred they'll be like I need to tell you something about someone so it's because I just care about them so much liar right did you hear what they did so don't tell anybody this but anytime someone starts a sentence like that it's probably not something you should hear wait a minute does this have anything to do with me no I don't want to hear it you know I think unfortunately this is a sin that everyone struggles with a lot because everybody wants gossip I mean our whole society is almost built on gossip the news media I mean what news media this is like just a gossip fest social media it's just gossip I mean just Twitter and Facebook and social media I mean it's just like just constant just gossip and tail bearing you see what this person did and that person did this and it's just like why do I need to know why do I care who Brad Pitt is dating why do I care that Brad Pitt took another girl on you know some beach when he's not you know married to this other chick it's like I don't care he's he's probably a faggot why do I care about what girl he's dating I mean it just it doesn't even make any sense but you know what our society is just built on so much gossip and tail bearing why because the world is hateful the world is full of hate you know what it doesn't make sense if you actually love that person you would just go up to Brad Pitt's face and say you're wrong you wouldn't put it in a newspaper and sell it for money think about the news media takes tail bearing to a whole other level not only they tell everybody everything about people they they'll lie about it and they'll make money off of it they profit off it and then guess who owns most of these news organizations Jews so there you go go to Proverbs go back to Proverbs 26 you know a godly person keeps things private a godly person uses discretion a godly person can keep a secret ungodly people tell anybody and everybody anything and you know what that's not using good discretion Jesus didn't go around telling everybody their dirty secrets now did he tell the woman at the well that he confront her about her sin issue yeah but you know Jesus didn't bring that story up apart from her presence did he do you remember the woman of the well when Jesus is like hey guys I want to tell you there's this woman I met at the well the other day let me tell you all about her she's got five husbands five yeah and the guy she's with not even her husband no no he's talking to her about that right now of course it's recording the scripture and yeah we got that but at the end of the day Jesus wasn't going around just being a tell-bearer about everybody he was confronting people with their issues he's confronting and even when he preached against the Pharisees and the satchets many times he's doing in front of them now this is how you can tell when it's not tell-bearing people get confused about this okay I want you to be very very clear on how you understand it's tell-bearing have you or would you say this to their face have you or would you say it to their face then you know it's not over right if you say hey so-and-so got a promotion did you hear about that isn't that great so-and-so bought a house isn't that great that's something you wouldn't be ashamed of telling somebody hey so-and-so had their baby let's pray for them that's not something to be embarrassed or shameful about right but you know if you're if you'd be afraid or embarrassed to say whatever tale-bearing you would to them into their face then you know what's wrong that's how you can really tell very quickly and very easily okay yeah obviously you know if you're you're like I wouldn't say that their shirt was ugly to their face okay well then that's tell-bearing then you're going even if their shirt was ugly it may be ugly okay we got it you don't need to tell people that you don't need to go around and gossip about their hair and you know the so-and-so's kids are the worst kids in the church that might be true but it's still not good don't go around if you think that someone has bad kids why don't you tell them you're like well I don't want to tell them then don't tell anybody you don't have permission to go around well you know what I think this person has a really bad spouse okay but is that your job to go around and tell everybody about how bad their spouse is here's nothing don't tell anybody about how bad your spouse is that's tell-bearing even if your spouse is but you know what I guarantee if you're married you know all the worst things about your spouse there's not a person on this planet knows more sin about your spouse than you do you know what you should be the last person to tell people about it you know if you have an issue with your spouse you should talk to your spouse about it not me not ever not everybody else now of course I'll give people you know counseling general counseling advice you know I'm not just this please tell me how terrible your spouse is because you know what that makes me think you're a bad spouse now of course people have legitimate issues and you know I've counseled people and I try to help them and we try to talk about these things but it's not just a please just tell me every bad thing you could ever think of that's unhealthy it's unhealthy if that's your attitude because if you do that you're gonna do it to everyone and then you go around and start flattering people to their face because you feel guilty for having lied and slandered and tail bear and whatever around them and you know what gossip will destroy a church tail bearing will destroy a church it'll destroy a marriage it'll destroy relationships it'll destroy a country we need to get rid of it we need to stop doing it and you know what it starts with us stopping it Proverbs 26 look at verse 20 so is the man that deceiveth his neighbor and say that might not in sport where no wood is there the fire goes out so where there is no tail bearer the strife sees it doesn't that sound great no strife but notice who's causing all the strife the person that's coming around telling everybody's secrets telling every bad thing that they've ever heard they've ever seen everything everybody's ever done and it just caused all these problems and all these issues and you know frankly speaking according the Bible it even hurts now I don't just go to Romans 12 and I'll just kind of give you my last point I'm not gonna I'm not gonna prove it but lastly you know people that hate they just wish evil upon their enemy and of course we're not supposed to be like that as God's people we're supposed to love and we're supposed to wish good and we're supposed to bless people despite them being a personal enemy now of course you know this doesn't mean that we can't wish for capital punishment you know that doesn't mean that we don't hate you know God hating reprobates they're obviously a cat they're an exception to every doctrine you'll ever preach okay but just generally we need to learn that we supposed to love and bless people even when they don't like us even though they don't care about us you know bless people who are Muslim that don't know any better bless people they're Catholic they don't know any better bless your neighbor that cut you off in traffic that doesn't know any better right you know we supposed to bless people and wish them good and not wish them evil whereas hateful people in their heart they're constantly wishing for your demise constantly wishing for your destruction and they whisper against you they hate you look at Romans chapter 12 verse 9 the Bible says let love be without the simulation and pour that which is evil cleave to that which is good of course the simulation means deceit trickery so it's saying don't don't love people with the seat you know you should you should love people while still hating evil and if I love somebody while hating evil then I won't suffer sin upon them will I'll correct them or rebuke them I won't be like I'm just too gracious to tell them that why just follow Jesus's example of grace that's stupid was Jesus not gracious when he corrected the woman at the well was Jesus not loving when he corrected the Sadducees and the Pharisees was Jesus not correcting when he rebuked Peter was Jesus I mean what what are you saying you don't even know what you're saying when you when you say something like this you know that's just loving with with the simulation but we want to love without the simulation verse 10 be kindly affection one to another with brotherly love and honor preferring one another not slothful in business fervent in spirit serving the Lord rejoicing in hope patient and tribulation continuing instant in prayer distributing to the necessity of the Saints given to hospitality bless them which persecute you bless and curse not of course the evil and the wicked constantly want you bad things happen to you they're just hoping they just they hope anything bad and look even people that are saved even Christians they'll be like well I just hope that you know steadfast just shuts down or I hope that the pastor gets kicked out or I hope something bad happens to them or whatever that's a hateful person you know even people that I don't like or preachers that I've had problems or conflicts with I'm not hoping their churches gets destroyed or something that would make me a hateful person you know the loving person would still wish for them to be them to be blessed for them to get people saved for them to get people baptized for them to get right on certain issues and you know what you can be really wrong and still do things for God have you met the woman caught in adultery I mean she's not really living her best life now this is not really the most godly person on the planet yet she's getting people say have you read any of these churches I mean some of these churches have some severe issues don't you think God still use some of them to do works for God I mean think about how screwed up some of these churches they have women preaching fornication I mean that's pretty screwed up isn't there churches out there that you don't like and they're not even near that extreme bad it's like can't you at least wish for those churches to have something good happen or to be used by God I mean Peter when he was confronted with Jesus said Lord depart for me from a simple man he didn't say of course you picked me I knew it all along he's saying like I'm not worthy to be used by you nobody was worthy to be used by by God the Apostle Paul said he he feels like he was the worst person to be picked from the litter to be used by God and many of them still had problems throughout the way you know so we don't want to sit here and and criticize people for not being like Jesus and think like well if you're not like Jesus you can't be used by God well then you're not gonna be used either and we don't want bad that we want good to happen to every person I want the best for every single person even if it's the the best part of hell you know I'm hoping for the best part of hell for you buddy you know not the worst but we shouldn't be cursing people that are our brothers and sisters in Christ ever there's there's never there's never a case when you should ever want to curse your brother or sister in Christ and I'll say this I don't even believe there's a reason to curse people who have an option to be saved you know someone that has the potential of getting saved we would never want to curse that individual either only in the in the extreme rare circumstances someone is just gone she gone hoss I mean at that point and you can just say sorry I'm not gonna bless that individual you know we should want to bless those and and be good and you know that's that's the loving attitude you know the loving person is going to preach the truth no matter what it is and of course in areas of discretion we'll keep our mouth shut you know if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it you know especially to other people let's not be a church that's full of gossip and rumors and and just telling everybody everybody's little dirty secrets or something like that you know what that's that's gross well that's that's that's embarrassing to have a church like that just as embarrassing it would be for all of us to act like teenagers is gossip and tale-bearing you're carnal you're not spiritual and we should only wish for the best for our brothers and sisters in Christ and the loss closing prayer Thank You Heavenly Father for giving us these these clear instructions of how not to hate people I pray that we wouldn't hate people in our heart that we'd be willing to offer them correction we'd be willing to offer them the truth that we wouldn't insincerely compliment them and flatter them but rather we would be sincere and mean what we say I pray that we would also not have a desire to tell bear and gossip about our brothers and sisters in Christ and and to tell bear about other individuals rather we would keep our mouth shut when we need to and I pray that we'd also wish in our hearts the best for the loss we wish to bless those who are brothers and sisters in Christ that things would go well for them even people that have done us wrong I pray Lord that you just bless them that you would help use them in a mighty way that I pray that you would help the churches in our country as we need more godly people we need more truth than ever before and I pray that you just help us to be a bright and shining light for your honor and your glory in Jesus name we pray amen okay in closing let's go to song number two song number two glory to his name song number two everybody's singing out real loud on the first down at the cross where my Savior died down where for cleansing from sin I cried there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name I am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus so sweetly abides within there at the cross where he took me in glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name Oh precious fountain that saves from sin I am so glad I have interred in there Jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name come to this fountain so rich and sweet cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet plunge in today and be made complete glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name all right great job everybody you were all dismissed