(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Psalm 67 Psalm 67 God be merciful unto us and bless us And cause the space to shine upon us That Thy way may be known upon earth Thy saving health upon all nations Let the people praise Thee, O God Let all the people praise Thee O let the nations be glad and sing for joy For Thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern The nations upon earth, the nations upon earth see law Let the people praise Thee, O God Let all the people praise Thee O let the nations be glad and sing for joy Then shall the earth yield her increase And God, even our own God, shall bless us God shall bless us in all the ends All the earth shall fear Him Let the people praise Thee, O God Let all the people praise Thee O let the nations be glad and sing for joy Great singing everybody. Now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Matthew chapter 4. That's Matthew chapter number 4. Matthew chapter 4. Matthew chapter 4 the Bible reads, Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and in their hand shall they bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and behold, angels came and ministered unto him. Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee, and leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulun and Nephthalim, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Asias the prophet, saying, The land of Zebulun and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people which sat in darkness saw a great light, and to them which sat in the region, in shadow of death light is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach and say, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets and followed him. And going on from hence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father and followed him. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. And his fame went throughout all Syria, and they brought unto him all sick people taken with diverse diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy, and he healed them. And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee and from Decapolis and from Jerusalem and from Judea and from beyond Jordan. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for this great church. We also thank you for our pastor, a great man of God. We thank you for his leadership and his example that he sets before us and how he's developed us all and helped us to grow and become better soul winners. And I pray that you would just bless him and bless his family and help this church to continue to grow according to your will. And I pray that you would just bless the sermon this evening and fill him with your Holy Spirit and that we would be taught, your children, all the doctrines and the commandments and the things that we need to be better Christians and be more complete Christians and to serve you according to your will. And we ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. So I'm actually continuing another series that I kind of started last week, last Sunday night where I talked about the devil's influence. And specifically I want to bring up another subject about the devil's influence. Now, of course, the devil influences the unsaved, but he also influences the saved. And we see that the devil has a lot of different tactics. He has a lot of different methods by which he would try to attack us. Even here in Matthew, chapter number 4, the devil is tempting Jesus Christ in the wilderness. And I've preached multiple sermons on this particular subject of the devil's temptations in the wilderness, but it doesn't employ one particular tactic. He has multiple tactics which he employs. But probably one of the most prominent that we find in Scripture is that of money. Now, last week I talked about anger and how the devil will try to influence you to become angry or wrathful and lose control and for that to basically cause you to commit all kinds of sins through anger. Well, the devil also tries to cause us to commit very grievous sin through a love of money, through riches, through wealth, through this desire, through covetousness as the Bible describes it. And he does this here with Jesus Christ as well. Look at verse number 8. Take them up into an exceeding high mountain, and show them all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, and say unto them, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto them, Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only. Shout thou, Sir. So the Lord Jesus Christ was tempted while on this earth by the devil to be given the power and the riches and the authority this world of this life and notice that the devil is offering this to him now I don't think that the devil is just offering something to Jesus Christ that's not true because then Jesus could just say well that's not true you don't even have this power I think that the devil literally does have this power and the devil literally has the ability to grant unto individuals power wealth and authority and really just frankly money as it were the Bible talks about the devil being the god of this world we often see consistently through the scripture that those that are in really rich positions of power and authority are often where Satan's seat is literally and so there is a direct connection to this world's wealth and power and the devil's seat of authority in this planet of course when we think about it who really really loves money Jews okay and who does the Bible describe them as the synagogue of Satan do you really think that's a coincidence that the richest people on this planet happen to be the most Satan filled the most who love Satan and are of Satan and doing his bidding for him no of course the devil is trying to empower them to spread their message through influence fame money and of course their vehicles are pretty much all the same in America America is pretty much the most influential country in the world and what are the most influential positions media Hollywood banks and you know what all these things have in common Jews own them okay and what is the common denominator between a lot of these Jews they're the religion Judaism which is the most Antichrist god-hating religion and so the devil's influence on money is very clear in our reality and in scripture and the devil offering to Jesus Christ hey I'll give you all this world but he's think Jesus doesn't want to run Hollywood Jesus doesn't want to ruin or run the kingdoms of this world he's not his kingdom is not of this world and you know he's not tempted by the lust and the pleasures of this life he could care less about those things Jesus Christ's spirit filled and he's of the things of God and so it's not really a temptation to him and he's not going to serve the devil think about it what do you what do you think the synagogue of Satan is doing like if you're a synagogue isn't that a form of worship and who is the object of your worship of is the synagogue of saying it is the devil and so those who are the worshippers of the devil those who are willing to worship and bow down to the devil end up getting what the power and the influence and the money of this world and that is where the love of money is headed if you say you know what the only thing I care about in this life pastor Shelley is money then you'll be no different than the Jews today that's where it heads that's where it leads to that is the end conclusion but let me tell you something in order to get there you have to do something you have to worship the devil now a lot of times it's not so overtly like the devil is going to show up and you literally bow down to him but in a metaphorical sense you have to take steps in your life and do things in your life that are like worshipping the devil or similar in capacity now go view what to Luke chapter 8 go to Luke chapter 8 and frankly speaking you know everybody in Hollywood is just a whore whether they are committing prostitution or not because think about what what is a whore do a whore does things they don't want to do for money ok they provide a service for money and they basically are selling their body for money what do actors and actresses do they do things they don't want to do for money they pretend they pretend to be someone that they're not they pretend to have emotions that they don't really have ok and so that whole industry is just whoredom okay what about news anchors what they do pretend and say things and do things that they don't really feel for money they're no different than the actors and the actresses of Hollywood in fact they're often put in the same positions ok why because it's the same type of person that does these things where they say I only care about money and I'm willing to do literally anything to get that money that's the definition of a whore ok and that is what these people are like and they've just hoard themselves and just said you know what I'll do whatever worship the devil worship whatever religion say anything do anything harm my body I don't care just give me the money and that's essentially what the devil wants he wants to control people through money because a lot of people they don't realize that they are a whore and it's funny there's this old joke and I'll tell it it's a little crude but you know you can get over it is there is this woman in a man approached her and he offered her to be a horror with him for a hundred dollars he says I'll give you a hundred dollars and she said I'm not that kind of woman and he said okay what about a million dollars and she was like okay and like so actually you are that kind of one we're just negotiating the price and it was like many people don't realize it's not so much that they wouldn't do certain things it's just what's the dollar amount on them to know if you're a whore not it's when there's no price tag on that object it's like I will never do X it doesn't matter the amount of money you throw at me I'm never going to bow down and worship the idol that Nebuchadnezzar has set up because it's not about money to me it's not about position or fame that's how you differentiate yourself from the world of horse today who are willing to do anything if you put enough money to it you know you want to be a different type of person and I remember you know growing up and being young I loved movies now I'll admit I still love these okay but I'm just loving movies and I watched everything and I kind of like want to be an actor and I thought that would be cool but then I started realizing like man they kind of do a lot of stuff that I don't think is appropriate or right or it doesn't seem like these people have a lot of integrity and I remember kind of just thinking it logically and I was thinking well I guess you know if I was offered a lot of money I'd probably do some things that I don't really want to but then I'm just like well where does that end though like it what where is the line where you say well I'm it doesn't matter how much money throw at me I'm not going to do this and then I started realizing you know what I shouldn't do anything I don't want to do for money because I just shouldn't be a whore I just shouldn't be a person that allows money to dictate my behavior or the actions I'm going to take you know what the devil knows it works for a lot of people and so he's willing to throw money at you to get you to do things that you shouldn't do and the devil knows many times what people's price is and he's going to throw that at you he's going to throw some kind of a money option at you to try and get you to stop serving God now for most of the world he can throw money at them to cause them to not even get saved and they're just gonna go to hell right because they're just chasing money they only care about the pleasures of this life many of them are satisfied enough with chasing riches that they'll never even get saved but for us tonight you know we're saved you know I'm preaching to the Sunday night crowd if you're not saved yet you're a reprobate all right let's just be honest okay so except for the children in here like any of you adults in here that aren't saved like you're definitely a Judas okay so I don't need to preach to you because you're going to hell all right but for us that are saved already we can still get infected with this particular evil satanic problem where we just desire money and look what the problem is here Luke chapter 8 verse 12 those by the wayside are they that hear then come at the devil and take away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved now this is talking about those that just aren't even saved right and it's the parable the sword we skip down to verse 14 and that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard go forth and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection now the reason why I read verse 12 is this what is who is the problem in this parable well in verse 12 it says then cometh the devil okay so it was the devil that caused people to not get saved it was the devil's influence that caused people to not actually believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and the devil wants to come and ruin whatever has been sown in your heart well I believe it's the same devil that's influencing these next groups too it's not like he only cared about that first group and I'm going to prove this more with other verses but notice in verse 14 that one of the reasons why people stop serving God specifically is just riches and and it even just says cares and riches so you know sometimes it's not even actually being rich it's just desiring to be rich that's the problem you just want riches you just want money and it causes you to stop serving God and it caused you to not bring forth fruit and so the devil wants to influence you with riches with the cares about riches with pleasure to get you to stop serving him this is his modus operandi go to John chapter 13 go to John chapter 13 I'm just going a lot of verses here quickly to prove this doctrine but the devil is using the same tactics he's always used God's you know at the beginning of the Garden of Eden you know he allured he allured Eve through that which she desired right she's looking at something she desires and she's wanting it and she's coveting it and so a lot of times the devil put that shiny apple in front of you to try and get you to fall he got Cain to fall by anger right there at the very beginning and of course money's no different powers no different of course through the woman she's kind of seeing like oh she has the desire to be wise right so it's the same like kind of essence of power and authority and like I want that and covetousness at the end of the day is the roots in of money right it's desiring more because it's not like we really care about physical dollar bills they're actually dirty you know nobody really likes the actual physical money what people like about money is what they can get with it and what can you get with money everything you covet you can get more apples you can get bigger houses in the car all the pleasures of this life right money just represents the ability to get things if you're the king you don't even need money you just say hey get me this and they just get it to you right so it's just the it's just the ability to have whatever you want every time you have a desire every covetous thought you've ever had you get I want those shoes got him I want that purse got him I want that house got him for many kings like Solomon I want her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her did I say her again I just say you know he's just going around he just gets all of them right he just not no one can say no to Solomon so he just had everything you ever wanted I mean he even tells us in Ecclesiastes just like everything is I desired he just gave it to it himself he's just like hey I want it I got it and of course that is what money kind of represents is the ability to just say yes to yourself every time whereas this is a bad thing we don't want to always give in to every covetous attitude or thought or desire that we have it's good to have self-control it's good to say no to say hey I know I want that but just no it's not good for me I shouldn't have it I shouldn't just always say yes I shouldn't just always get everything that I want not everything's necessarily been good for me and having some self-control now the same devil though uses those tactics all the way through the Bible and even at the time of Christ he's not gonna use new tactics he's he's seen it work a million times mankind's not any different it's the same situation same scenarios the devil knows how to trick people the devil knows how to get people to go to hell it's not a new thing so he needs someone to betray Jesus well he's gonna go to his old reliable money and who's really susceptible this Judas look at verse 1 now before the feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hours come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father having loved his own which were in the world he loved them under the end and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray him notice the wording here because we read the parable of the sower and I'll be at Judas isn't safe I get that but notice one of the things that the devil puts into someone's heart he put it into Judas his heart to betray Jesus Christ now he didn't just put it in there just to betray him what did he really put in a desire for money okay because if we go to go to Luke 22 for a moment we'll see the parallel I just wanted the wording here in John 13 but go to Luke chapter 22 notice what's the motivation for Judas specifically to betray Jesus Christ Luke 22 verse 3 then entered Satan into Judas is surnamed Iscariot being of the number of the 12 and he went his way in commune with the chief priests and captains how he might betray him unto them and they were glad and coveted to give him money there there it is what is it that Judas gets in return for betraying Jesus money and it's sad but true that many people will turn on Jesus Christ for this one word money it's money that causes them to turn on Jesus now of course none of us are going to be exactly Judas if you're saved obviously we're gonna we believed on him and we've been saved but the devil still can put the same desire into your heart and cause you to turn away from the Lord now of course who are the worst offenders of this is false prophets go to 2nd Peter chapter number 2 2nd Peter chapter number 2 and one of the ways that the devil is going to put this evil wicked heresy lie and deception into your heart is through his minions and the minions of the devil today transform themselves in the ministers of light into angels of light and they pretend to be God's men and they go out and they sell Satanism and many of them are preachers of churches in this area specifically Dallas Fort Worth is one of the largest areas of false prophets on this planet it is filled with false prophets and arguably in my opinion has the biggest in the world the biggest false prophet in the world lives here his name is Robert Morris Robert Morris is the biggest false prophet in the world if you type in online you said the largest churches in America and you look at who has the largest average weekly attendance it is Gateway Church with a hundred thousand visitors every week 100,000 now this is based on the fact they have ten plus campuses so they have many different sites there's one near my house that's not South Lake it's like the the Grand Prairie version or something and then they have I know that they have different ones all over South Lakes their main campus their main branch or whatever but Robert Morris I mean that's a lot of influence think about it what a hundred thousand people are tuning into this guy or showing up one of his campuses or showing up one of his churches on a weekly basis to hear this guy speak that is a ton of time I mean many cities in America don't even have 100,000 people this guy has a giant influence not only that him and some of his friends they influence a ton of other churches you know I can just see it because I know all the programs that they've created and then I look at another church website and they have all the same programs like Oh gateway gave them all this and I'll tell you I guarantee it's thousands it's thousands of churches thousands you know a big name that got influenced by Robert Morris specifically is Mark Driscoll who's heard of Mark Driscoll yeah this guy was a big Calvinist in the northwest portion of America and he had his own church for a long time but then he he was like buying his own book with church money to make himself rich and so like they fired him or something well then he like hooked up with Robert Morris and then he started a new church in Scottsdale called Trinity Church and so he's continuing to go so like Robert Morris even even beyond just the hundred thousand he's reaching he's then got tentacles and all these other churches and if you look up Trinity Church on the website you look at Mark Driscoll's church you'll see that he has like an apostolic elder board or something like that and guess who's one of those people Robert Morris Robert Morris is you know got his tentacles and all kinds of other churches it's a it's it's not just the people that he's reaching directly in his services and again I'm telling you my personal opinion Robert Morris is one of the biggest if not the biggest false prophet in the world I believe he is the most wicked person that we have alive today the most satanic and he is the devil's minion to go out and infect everybody with the love of money and he's destroying this area with a love of money and let me tell you something this area you know it may not be under God's blessing anymore I mean it's been hot for a while okay folks but I'll tell you people need to start waking up and stop listening to these wicked false prophets I mean you everybody here goes to church you know what tons of them are going to these fake garbage churches and they're not even saved and all they're getting is infected with a love of money today and you know what that is what the devil wants to do this is who we are in who are supposed to battle against the most according the Bible I mean this was 2nd Peter chapter 2 and what Jude is in reference to when it says that we're earnestly contending for the faith is against these wicked evil people who present themselves as super godly but inwardly they're ravening wolves now look what the Bible says in verse 1 Simon Peter a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ to them that have tamed like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus I'm reading verse I'm reading chapter 1 I'm just like what does this have to do with we're talking about chapter 2 all right I love the Bible verse 1 but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways you know you could just write a hundred thousand next to that word many and many shall follow their pernicious dangerous that's what pernicious means extremely dangerous ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not meaning that the place reserved in hell for Robert Morris it's not sleeping it's ready it's good to go it's not gonna it's not gonna fade away it's not gonna be forgotten oh it's it's ready for him when he dies he's gonna lift up his eyes in hell and you say all right you're so mean maybe he saved nope the guy preaches hardcore lordship salvation the guy literally says that in order to be saved it's not fire insurance he says in order to accept this free gift you have to be willing to surrender everything it's like what how is that a free gift hey I'm gonna give you a free gift today you just have to serve me for the rest of your life isn't that free dude the guy is not safe whenever he gives his salvation testimony which is given a million times you know what he doesn't bring up the death baron resurrection of Jesus Christ he talks about how he was in a motel room with a guy I don't know what they were doing and he had made a lot of bad decisions and then some other guy gave him you know told him to like turn over a new leaf and then he dedicated his life to Jesus after that I don't know what happened okay that's for you to believe whatever you want but what I do know is he didn't say hey you know I realized I was a sinner deserving of hell but Jesus Christ paid for all my sins I put my faith in him no no he teaches a hardcore lordship salvation because the guy is not saved the guy is a false prophet but he's really good at one thing making merchandise of other people and with what feigned words what is feigned fake meaning he's fake when he says that he loves Jesus he's fake when he says that he's gonna serve the Lord he's fake and his sincerity he is not a sincere person and you know best-case scenario he's just deceived worst-case scenario he knows that he's super wicked I don't care it doesn't matter to me if he knows or he doesn't because he's super wicked and he's leading people astray and if you listen to Robert Morris's sermons I guarantee almost every single one is just about money I've heard the guys preach a ton of times in my life I grew up in a church that was friends with him and he came and guest preaches our church on a regular basis and almost every sermon if not every sermon he preaches about money he's super famous for selling books on how to make a lot of money and give a lot of money he he talks about how almost every church always wants them to come and preach on money when they have him gum guests preach at their churches it's just about money money money because that's the only thing the guy cares about they actually put their income statement out publicly because I think maybe I don't know if they have to or not but they just do it anyways but I remember one year I looked it up and their income for one year was 60 million dollars 60 million dollars in income coming into that church so they're definitely know how to bring in some income and you go out you show up hey they got a bookstore you can buy all their books and buy all their CDs and pay for all their conferences and you know during the summer since no one goes to church at those places they have movie it's like a movie theater like literally like literally it's called at the movies and you just show up and just watch Hollywood movies I saw I think it was Life Church does the same thing because they're all they're all the same now every night and I was basically just gateway light ok and Life Church does the same thing I saw this Life Church ad it was like Star Wars theme they literally have just like this the space cruisers like built in the entire sanctuary you just walk in and you're seeing like Ewoks and just like all the different spaceships and just like characters I'm just thinking like how much money are you spending on making your church Star Wars I just thought it'd be fun you know I thought it'd be funny to walk in and just be like hey can I get a Bible and just see if they even have a Bible you know they have like thousands and thousands of dollars of Star Wars stuff but the question would be like do you even have a Bible here do you even have the Word of God anywhere around here it's like why would you go to church to watch Star Wars folks like is that really why Jesus Christ died on the cross was so that you could learn about Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks or whatever I mean come on this is silly but it's so silly it's it's still reality and look this is where people are going to church I mean by the droves Life Church is the second largest church in America pastored by Craig Rochelle and they estimate 72,000 as their weekly attorneys but they have 42 campuses so they're not as good as their campuses all right but that's still a ton of people 72,000 they're spread all over Oklahoma area the fourth largest you guys know Joel Osteen now Joel Osteen he probably has the most people in the singular place that he's at so like he doesn't really have all these campuses he just has a basketball arena and in their basketball arena they average about 45,000 people in the one service so they would crush our Sunday morning at you know records pretty bad okay you know they're beating the 200 all right but think about you know that's in Houston think about how much Houston will be different if you then had 20,000 people going out soul-winning in the afternoon I mean obviously you know in our church we don't have 200 soul winners going out but we have a large percentage of our church showing up going soul-winning afternoon I mean if you think that 45,000 people showing up think about the Sony I don't even know how you would organize that like we'd have you'd have to have captains and lieutenants and sergeants and like everything else just like organizing large groups of people to go out but that would be epic you know that would be cool to have something like that and look I'm not a I'm not against these churches for having a lot of people there's nothing wrong with having a lot of people there's nothing wrong with having a big church but what I am noticing is that the most wicked people have a lot of influence and that a lot of people are following their pernicious ways and it's important for us to preach against it and to call it out because the devil wants to influence you through money and you know what the devil's not just trying to influence you through money through Hollywood and the news media he's also doing it at Gateway he's also doing it at Life Church stupid name okay he's also doing it at Lakewood wherever Joel Osteen is you know here specifically we also have TD Jakes in fact that the Dallas-Fort Worth area has like four or five of the largest churches in America right here we have the second I don't know if it's Second Baptist what's the guys it's Ed Young's Church I don't know they he changed his name to something stupid his dad's the second Baptist Church pastor but fellowship right I can't remember something like fellowship or something but there's a fellowship in Gateway that definitely has a lot of people but Ed Young Jr. he has a huge church here you got TD Jakes Kenneth Copeland's here but I don't think his church is necessarily that big but he's a giant false prophet you got Todd White is here not necessarily even that big but I mean you have just tons and tons of giant churches here being led by obvious wicked false teachers and false prophets and they're leading people astray through feigned words but of course they're selling the same thing they're selling covetousness folks they're saying hey come to our church give money and you're gonna be blessed if you go to Gateway you know what's gonna happen you're gonna show up and they're gonna have a couple come up on stage and they're gonna say we sold our house and gave all our money to the church and then God gave us a million dollars that happened I showed up all the time it was just like some couples say hey we were skeptical about tithing we were skeptical about giving money to church and then the Lord told us that we need to give this big amount of money and we just trusted by faith and now God gave us a half a million dollars or we got five million dollars or whatever it's just like a it's just like a competition to see who can win the lottery the most by playing the God ticket you know it's like we just keep buying lottery tickets at church by tithing or something and you know what I've tithed faithfully my entire life I've done tons of people that tithe faithfully their entire life and you know what I never got this like magic five million dollar you know bonus check or whatever you know and again the Lord says to test him and to prove him in that issue but you know what I have never had I've never been poor I've always had all my needs taken care of I've done very well I'm I feel like I'm very financially blessed you know what I wasn't doing it to get rich and let me tell you something tithing will not make you rich you know it makes you rich working hard or being sinful and if you want to be filthy rich is doing both working hard and being sinful like Andrew Tate Andrew Tate is one of the most wicked people to ever live this guy is a satanic piece of garbage Andrew Tate you want to know how Andrew Tate got rich Andrew Tate got rich by convincing a bunch of women to like come and live with him and he'd like pretended to be like a boyfriend or husband of them and then he basically just started pimping them out and causing them to be a prostitute for him so basically he just got them to sign up on online websites and to sell their body for money for him but then this is what Andrew Tate did beyond this not only is he pimping girls Andrew Tate and this is him admitting it this is just all him just saying it point blank okay this is not just my interpretation of the facts this is Andrew Tate's words out of his own mouth Andrew Tate said what he would do is he would have these girls be online selling their body as prostitutes and he would then be at the keyboard talking to the men and telling them all the things that they wanted to hear so you know I know you're a faggot you're chatting up dudes okay and telling them all these things that you're gonna do with them or whatever right and he talked about how that's how he made all this money is because he's such a genius he knows how to talk to these guys well he would convince these guys to literally sell their houses to sell their houses and give them money to these women thinking that these women are gonna meet up with them and he talked about how basically he would just trick them and say like oh I need a passport so send me money so I can get a passport cuz I'm gonna come see you and like oh I need a plane ticket oh well I need this and then he would say he would have like this scam where he would basically say oh there was something that went wrong at the embassy I need another five he's basically just an Indian scammer folks hello I am calling and you have your money to IRS and you need to give me $500 and we are going to help you with your IRS bill you know oh do not hang up do you have Walmart gift card okay do you have you this is Andrew Tate who has any respect for the Indian scammer like there's nothing wrong with Indian people or accents okay folks but the Indian scammer is a scumbag and even worse than the Indian scammer is the Andrew Tate scammer who's adding prostitution into the mix and what he said that he ripped at least one guy out for a million dollars on the fake promises of meeting this fake girl online and let me tell you something guys it's fake never get involved in this stuff because you're actually chatting with Andrew Tate okay gross okay it's disgusting now of course it's not like those girls were fake girls they're real girls and he said that he would have him go and like show up at the department like a public transportation and take a pic of them they're getting you know the documents or whatever just to keep the scam going but look folks it was a scam it's not real girls online that don't know you don't like you most girls in real life don't even like you let alone the girl online that's never met you she doesn't like you okay now if you meant your life online your exception all right I don't know how it worked but not by just giving all this money okay and you know that's the same as these spiritual false prophets doing the same thing they're just scamming people for money they're telling them what they need to hear they're saying oh you have it you're having problems give money to the church and it'll magically be fixed you'll just magically have all these good things and people are just giving their life savings away giving all this money selling all kinds of things I mean I remember the church I was going to that was similar to Robert Morris they were like hey you know we realized that it's hard for people to have cash right now because of inflation and hard times or whatever so if you just have you know wedding rings you want to give us you just have cars that you want to give us the title to you have a boat you want to give us the title to you have land or real estate we'll just take anything you know you got a guitar and then I remember I remember this one pastor he's like I've got like eight guitars the people give me so I've decided I'm gonna donate six of them and I'm thinking like how generous of you because I mean I know you were playing all eight at the same time how generous of you to give us six of the eight that you have right I mean this is like the Pharisees giving money of their abundance it's like it doesn't even matter right and you told us about it so it really doesn't count for anything anyways but it's just funny how these false they're just trying to constantly get people to give money and I kid you not I kid not I would show up to church and they would put on the screen a literal pyramid okay a literal pyramid it's not a pyramid scheme folks okay they'd put a literal pyramid on the screen and they would have like a million dollars at the top and then it'd be like five hundred thousand dollars below that and like 250 and they'd be like all right guys now we're doing a fundraising goal and we need at least one of you to be the hunt the million dollar donor and we need two of you to be this five hundred thousand dollar and they like had this little pyramid and they're trying to get everybody to figure out where on the pyramid they're gonna be like on this pyramid to meet their goals what where is the pyramid of money in the Bible folks and how is that even a cheerful giving and and I this is they would they want to say this that's what we want y'all to do we want you and your wife to think of what number God wants you to give and God's gonna tell you no you just were planting things in their mind by them looking at the visuals on the screen and they're like and they'd be like now the way we tell if God's you know talking to you is whichever one you have the bigger number that's what God was saying and then they'd be like we're joking but you know it's a half joke they're trying to plant that idea in your head aren't they and everything's just about money money tithing tithing money money and of course they're not just saying like give money they're saying if you give money God's just gonna give you all this extra money and they're thinking like well I want to be like I want to be like Robert Morris and it's no different than the MLM scheme where the person walks in and says hey you know you could be just like me driving the Ferrari and loaded and get all the houses and get all the cars and get all the place just give money to us and you'll be just like us and so people are sitting here everyone struggles financially and so everybody is like oh I guess we'll just try this then I'll just you know give money you know what that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible doesn't teach hey you just show up at church and just get some money and God's just gonna magically just multiply it and give you just tons and tons of money back you know that's not a biblical concept what is biblical is if you tithe of the Lord he'll always take care of your needs he's not going to necessarily give you all of your covetous wants many times he doesn't want you to have that anyways but this is what the false prophets are like look at chapter 2 verse 14 now verse 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls and heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children it's describing these men these men are people they can't stop committing adultery and if you know that the truth many of these guys have committed all kinds of serious adultery all scandals are constantly coming out about these people but they're beguiling unstable souls notice people that are well-rounded sure of themselves doing good they're not going to fall for these scams it's the unstable people the people that are going through financial crises or having problems or you know let's be honest many times it's just talking about women women are naturally not as stable and especially if they're in a bad situation they're divorced or they have an unreliable husband or they have issues they start becoming very unstable and so they like that smooth fork tongue devil Robert Morris coming in there telling them how he's gonna God's gonna take care of all their financial needs that they just give him money just give just give Robert Morris lots of money and he'll just take care you know somehow you're gonna magically everything's gonna be good and they just desire to have that so they're just gonna give them everything they've got verse 15 which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray falling the way of Balaam the son of Bozor who loved the wages of unrighteousness that's sick you know what the Bible is saying the Bible is saying that Balaam loves getting money from people in a wicked way it's like it's the scam artist that loves scamming that poor widow I wonder who do oh yeah the Pharisees who devoured widows houses and you know what there are people out there they love ripping people off they love scamming people and of course it makes sense that that would be these pastors one of the guys specifically it was the pastor that I grew up under Jimmy Evans he's like best friends with Robert Morris they're basically the same person he's kind of his sending pastor in a sense you know what Jimmy Evans used to do before being a pastor a used electronic salesman a used appliance salesman you know what those people do scam people for money folks and then he got into the big game pastor and fake churches and boy are they the same scammy scummy person you go into these places they look nice they got that that that charm where they can just kind of smooth talk people and they just say things that people want to hear just to rip them off just to take them for all that they've got and you know what a lot of these appliance salesmen and car salesmen and stuff it's like a competition with them who can scam somebody the worst like you're thinking man I got that junker I finally sold that junker to some loser some idiot that doesn't know any better that's like what they take pride in they don't think pride in actually helping people they're thinking like wow I finally got rid of the junker on the lot I finally got rid of this thing that nobody could sell like to them it's a competition of how good you can rip somebody off oh I really sold that guy out and you know what that is what these false prophets are like they are just trying their hardest to just rip people off Mike Murdoch on TV one of the worst of the worst selling people on this 57 dollar gift he's like hey just give us $57 a little but why is it $57 I don't even know it's probably some satanic meeting with that or something but Mike Murdoch then he then he changed it to a thousand dollars and he's just getting people and this is the same guy that said he thinks that there's no woman more attractive than $100 bill look what God will do to you when you like money more all right George Washington's not that good-looking folks okay or Abraham Lincoln or Benjamin or any of those people you know it starts becoming crazy and look what it says in verse 16 but was rebuked for his iniquity talking about Balaam the dumbass speaking with the man's with man's voice for bad the madness of the Prophet these people literally become mad what's mad well I looked it up in the dictionary here's one definition of madness mentally deranged mentally deranged another interpretation would be great folly but it's like these people just become mad they become crazy they become psychotic these TV preachers become literally psychotic there's that like Jan and Paul Crouch I think that she like died her dog pink literally she has like one of these poodles or something and she's so obsessed me she has like the big pink hair who knows what I'm talking about okay oh yeah the TV false rock there's this chick she's got like this hair like Marge on the symptoms or something like pink like bright pink and then she died her dog pink these people are psychos and they look like psychos they look like clown show and you know the Mike Murdoch's of this world just become crazy and insane nothing can satisfy them anymore I mean have you ever just seen Kenneth Copeland's face he looks like the Mad Hatter folks I mean the guy looks like Satan incarnate I mean you can just see the evil emanating from his face he just looks mad you're just like you're crazy bro just like it's because it's like the evil literally turns on them and they literally become evil incarnate they're just mad they're crazy and that's what this prosperity gospel will do to people go to Psalm 55 and it's a satanic spirit that wants to come inside people and literally cause them to betray Jesus think about it these guys and these guys know the Bible in many cases they can quote all kinds of passages they they've seen Jesus they've known Jesus they're familiar with Jesus but you know what was more important than than Jesus money they were willing to take money and you know it makes me think of Judas Judas the same thing about Judas was with Jesus Judas was hanging out with the Lord Jesus Christ Judas was talking and conversing and having fun and fellowship and hearing of all the great sermons you know it made me think of a verse in Psalms that talks about this look what it says in verse number 12 for it was not an enemy that approached me then I could have borne it neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me then I would have hid myself from him but it was thou a man mine equal my guide and my acquaintance we took sweet counsel together and walked under the house of God and company think about that word we took sweet counsel together many of these false prophets have had sweet counsel with the Lord I mean they've had the Bible they've had the Word of God God's even possibly revealed things unto them even in their unsafe state they've seen and fellowship with Lord they've seen the beauty of Scripture they become familiar with all the stories I mean they could tell you all about Noah and they could tell you all about Abraham and they could I mean they've taken sweet counsel with the Bible but you know what they just didn't believe in Jesus and they got infected with the love of money with the covetousness of money and look what their end is going to be it mentions here in the next verse verse 15 let death seize upon them and let them go down quick into hell for wickedness is in their dwellings and among them you know what we need to stay far far away from these freaks and let me tell you something you probably even know people that go to these churches they are going to the worst place they can possibly go like protesting our church is safer than going to Robert Morris's Church notice he's saying like I could have handled you know the protesters you know but man these types it's just and it will did it'll destroy people this is the worst road to go down and they just get stuck in this bad cycle and these people go to Romans chapter 16 these people have learned how to spin the truths of the Bible in a way that they can trick people because they know the Bible well I mean Kenneth Copeland is pretty much King James only and Kenneth Copeland pretty much quote any verse in the Bible just like offhand I've I've watched him preach I've seen him talk I mean he's just spouting all kinds of verses just word perfect just right out of the Bible you know what he always has a spin on it just like the media who will tell you a lot of things that are true but they spin it into a way where obviously it's convenient for them it becomes a lie they'll make some statement that technically is true but then it tricks people and I want to give you an example of this who's heard about this recent phenomena about aliens who's heard like everybody's like talking about aliens and all this garbage well there was a guy in a special council session recently I think was like a Congress committee meeting or something like that being interviewed by senators and everything like that and they're asking about UFOs and this guy recently said something he says like well yes technically we do have UFOs and we have UFO aircrafts and they're like okay well is there anything found in them and they're like yes we have bodies from these UFOs and this is what everybody hears oh wow there's aliens from other planets right doesn't that kind of just sound like that maybe like how else would you interpret that but this is what's interesting about this what is a UFO a UFO is an unidentified flying object did you know that if a Russian aircraft flew over into our airspace it's considered a UFO because it's just saying we don't recognize this on our flight pattern we don't know what it is it doesn't mean it came from Mars it just means it's not something we don't know immediately what it is it's unidentified and it's a flying object right the the hot-air balloon the Chinese Bible that could have been classified as a UFO technically speaking because initially it's just like what is it's a flying object but we don't know exactly what it is that's just what UFO means when people hear UFO though what do they usually think of Roswell area 51 aliens move all this movies junk here's another thing what if a Russian airplane flew in American airspace and crashed somewhere and they recover the dead bodies of pilots wouldn't they then have bodies from UFOs so wouldn't that all be technically true but wait a minute what was what were they trying to insinuate that there's aliens because the other thing you can't go in Congress meetings and lie you'll go to jail for contempt you'll be you know embarrassed in front of everybody but you know what you can do is someone gives this illusion of it's about aliens in this context and then they say yes we have bodies from UFOs and the people like oh see they confirmed aliens but they didn't say that they're just tricking you and spinning the thing on you spinning the narrative on you and they're telling things that are completely true but because you have the wrong context understanding or definition of words they end up tricking you this what false prophets do with salvation salvation by faith they'll say that and they'll be like but faith is following the commandments so what do they do they have the wrong definition for the word faith so they use the right wording so it sounds good but you know what they're deceiving the people and then you knock on doors of people and you say hey salvation my faith like amen so you can you believe in Jesus and not follow the commandments and go to heaven oh no no you have to follow the commandments but I thought salvation was my faith it is and you're like what what because these false prophets are giving them the wrong definition for the right words folks they put their spin on the scripture and their spin on the words in Bible and they're cloaking their heresy they're bringing in damnable heresies and they're damning souls to hell by their false prophet interpretations and what does the Bible talk about these people's Romans 16 look at verse 18 for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple they probably heard this verse a lot of times but I want to point out something to you that I don't know that you've noticed is something I haven't noticed until now good words notice that did it say hey he said bad words no what's good words salvation by faith oh it's just believing but then what did they do they twist those things into lies don't they they take the right words they take the scripture they take God's words and they twist them into false interpretations and false things you know if you'll notice something about Balaam he never says anything that's wrong Balaam never says anything that's wrong I mean I can't find anywhere that Balaam Balaam even says this I can't say anything that God didn't tell me to say but you know what the devil and and Balaam know is they can't curse you they can't do anything to harm you but there is someone that can curse you and someone that can't harm you God God can't and so when they can't do anything to you you know what they do they try to get you to turn on God so that God will actually curse you they get you to sin against God they get you to commit fornication they get you to get infected with the love of money they get you into some kind of trouble with God because they're powerless but they know if they get you wrapped up in some evil God's gonna God's not mocked what's our man so that should also reap God's not gonna just not punish you so you know what they do is they try to get you against God they try to sow discord with you with God and get you to sin and go off and do evil because God will punish you God can curse you and you know what nothing that Balaam said was wrong and Balaam failed but you know what Balaam succeeded at tricking the children of Israel to sleep around and commit fornication and to get caught up in a lot of the soothsaying and a lot of the evil and look his whole motivation was just for money folks he just wanted money he just wanted to get paid to destroy God's people and you know what Robert Morris exists for one reason to get paid if people didn't go to his church he would have enough he would just quit church he would quit being a pastor he'd go back to being a used car salesman or something the why does he exist because a lot of people been sucked into that garbage and the devil is tricking people in the thing like if you go to his church to get money go to first Timothy chapter 6 we're gonna finish in that section of Scripture first Timothy chapter 6 now I'm not preaching this for you to stop being a false prophet because you're not going to be one okay but you could get you could get infected with that you can say I don't like all the protesters I don't like coming to church over here you know gateways right next door I just want to go to gate it's fun they got Star Wars you know I mean my kids are gonna love it right I mean every kid any kid walking in there would just love it instantly it's super cool-looking it's a lot of fun they're not gonna be sitting there boy like oh man I have to read the Bible or whatever this is gonna be fun cool interesting hip but that of course that's what the devil wants to do is he wants to make sin seem fun and cool and hip and look there's nothing wrong with enjoying movies or having fun you know what that shouldn't replace Church and and why in the world would anybody ever do that what spiritual benefit do you have from watching Star Wars none but you know you do you show up and you give money to the church it is for one reason it's for money and you know yeah do people come less to church on the summer sure probably you know what I do about it nothing different in fact I'm trying to preach hard so y'all quit coming and we were filling up this place I don't know what to do I can't preach hard enough I'm just kidding I can't preach all away I'll try harder okay all right buckle up no it's kidding but look at first Timothy chapter 6 verse 5 purse perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godless you know I've had a lot of people accuse me of not being godly because I don't have the money fame and success of Robert Morris oh well if you were of God well then you would you would be like them obviously God's blessing them oh yeah which God the God of this world because I don't remember oh okay let's take your logic and let's apply it to Jesus real quick when did Jesus have a 60 million dollar budget and building when did Jesus roll around in the fancy cars and all the other stuff when did Jesus give six guitars away I don't remember that okay that's a that's a false equivalency and I remember they were arguing me about the preacher of rapture or whatever and they were like well I know that they're right on this doctrine and I said why do you know that they're right because look how much money and success they have but you know so funny is now Robert Morris's post trip but you know what how can you literally say I think this church is right because look how much money they have that is the wrong way to evaluate churches and you know even our church our church has been growing but don't let that be the determining factor of why you think our church is good and look I don't necessarily think it's a negative thing that we're growing but growing could be actually the result of negativity in the church maybe I'm watering down the preaching maybe people are coming for carnal reasons or perhaps we're becoming liberal I mean churches will grow for really bad reasons okay and you can't look at a church like oh well now we're growing so we're more godly that's wrong in fact some churches shrink and they're godly okay and you know when I took over this church we didn't necessarily grow right away we were shrinking at first okay throwing a lot of people out and and getting rid of the fat and getting rid of the junk and the heresy and I'm good with that you know I don't I don't have to I don't care about the numbers I care about what the Bible says you know what let us not ever get this attitude of thinking like our church is better than someone else's church because we're growing that's the wrong attitude the only reason our church will ever be good is because we're magnifying the Lord Jesus Christ that is the only reason and as soon as we stop magnifying the Lord Jesus Christ it doesn't matter how many people are walking in through the door it's a failure it's a failure we we should exist to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ and that is it and we should have what verse 6 says godliness with contentment is great gain we just we should just be happy no matter where we're at you know hotel church you know Watauga even you being godly Watauga is great game but you know what not being content is never good and supposing that somehow gain is godliness that's a wicked attitude we should never get infected with this attitude and we shouldn't look at other churches even maybe like friends of ours and if they had a smaller church or their churches declining and think like oh well they're not they're not as good as we are or maybe they're not as godly you know that's the wrong attitude the right attitude is what are they magnifying God do they have the right doctrine are they going so any are they emphasizing the things of Scripture that's the things that matter and what's important because when we look at Gateway they keep growing but you know what they keep getting worse folks they're not magnifying God when you walk in and it's a Star Wars themed church you know what magnifies God more soul winners showing up and more converts and more baptisms it and people with right doctrine and people with a King James Bible in their hand not a Star Wars lightsaber that's not the light of the world this is the light of the world this is my sword you know it's sick what's happening in this country in this culture where they're supposing that gain is godliness don't let the devil infect you with the love of money what does the Bible say verse 7 for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out even those two guitars you kept you're not going to get with you they're not going down to hell with you verse 8 and having food and raiment let us be there with content but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and in many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows but thou man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness every single person in this room is susceptible to the love of money and we need to do the best that we can to never get going down this road and I'll tell you these fake churches is is a fast track to getting infected with the love of money and according the Bible it's a trap and that's true it is a trap because let's be honest you know in today's society it's not really much different than other times past but you know if I were in total pursuit of just money which there's been times in my life probably you know in my past where I definitely had more of an inclination of just like desiring to just make as much money as possible or to increase my wealth or just kind of focused more on making money than anything else and you know in order to make a lot of money you have to make certain compromises okay compromises of your time compromises of your effort of your attention and even specifically you know who's gonna make a lot of money business owners I went to business school I got a management degree a marketing minor and you know if you want to make money pretty much the only way to make serious money is to go into business for yourself you have to own something people that own stuff make money now whether that be real estate a restaurant clothing line I don't care what it is that's how you make money okay and there's nothing wrong with owning stuff there's nothing wrong with being a business owner that's just how you make money but a lot of times when you get in this route what do you do well you're willing to make a lot of compromises to satisfy this world why all these businesses and whatever supporting Ukraine and supporting the current thing and supporting whatever it's just because they're afraid of losing money it's all about money to them and making money and so they start losing integrity and they start becoming what I talked about earlier a whore where they'll do anything for money it's just all about money and just making money and it ends up becoming a trap it becomes a trap because you say you know what I can't own this business and be preaching it steadfast Baptist Church publicly it'll destroy my business and you know what in many cases that's just fact that's just reality I mean pastor Stephen Anderson literally lost his fire alarm business as a result of preaching the Bible just fact happened you know and I knew for myself you know back home I got invested into a lot of real estate and and you know really likes doing rentals and things like that it wouldn't have been realistic for me to have that business and then for it to thrive and then we move to a completely different area and be serious about Church or pastoring a church you know I can't do both successfully because if I'm paying attention to the business you know far away I'm gonna be paying attention to the church and paying church not really paying attention to the real estate so it's like I've got to kind of pick right so I just sold all of my assets I just say you know what I'm selling my interest in that company and making money or whatever because you know what that's a trap and at the end I can't take any of those crappy rental houses with me anyways I can't take all these things in this life with me you know and I'm not telling you to not start a business you know if you want to have your own business or make money that way I think it's a great opportunity but at the same time the love of money is a snare in a trap and some people I I think there's plenty of people in this world that God would be happier with them having less money not having more you know they always talk about hey give money to the church like tithe and God will bless you even more money there's some people that God might want you to even have less money because you're just too and you're too involved with money like you don't you're not going to give it to anybody that matters what is it what does it matter if you have ten million dollars when you die or no money when you die it matters nothing when you're in heaven when you're standing at the judgment seat of Christ it matters literally zero but what does the devil want to do the devil wants to convince you that it's more important to have a big bank account down here than it is to have one in heaven and he's destroyed a lot of people because they get wrapped up in their 401k in their business in their career and having tons and tons of money and satisfying all the lust that they could possibly have and you know to be honest it's not even just men sometimes women do this women are thinking like well I want to have the you know 15 car garage and I want to have everything you could ever want and they put so much pressure on their husband and they're never satisfied it's like they they want the three-bedroom house they get it well now I need the four-bedroom now I need the five now I need the pool now I need the condo you know getaway place now I need something in south it's like they're just never satisfied it's always have to have more it's always the next house there's no such thing as the dream house in America for the world today you go find women to say hey what's your dream home and then six months from now they have a new dream home and then six months from then they'll have a new dream home and then six months from then they'll get a new dream home look the Hollywood celebrities they don't move into their dream home they buy and sell houses all the time because you can't have enough you can never ever have enough and you know what this love of money will destroy you folks who cares about where you live who cares about the car that you drive who care I mean have you seen my van you know not I have one nice one but I have the other one is like no one would look at that van and be like wow it's like hanging on by clips and ties okay my truck that doesn't work anymore I would still be driving it it doesn't work literally no one's seen that it just like wow and you know what I don't care at all what you think about my truck cuz I like it and you know what hey having a nice car there's nothing wrong with that either because I hate going and getting repaired every five days too right but you know it doesn't matter if you drive a Ferrari or a beat-up pickup or anything in between it matters nothing it doesn't matter if you do they have the designer suit designer clothes it matters nothing it doesn't matter if you brought PB&J sandwiches for lunch today or you had filet mignon it matters nothing it doesn't matter if you go home to your 25 bedrooms or you all sleep in the same bed with all your 12 kids it doesn't matter now obviously you didn't get any sleep but it just doesn't matter but you know what the world wants to tell you it matters so much and folks this church needs to be the farthest thing away from the lovers of money that'll destroy us and we need to stop caring about success you know hey if our church grows praise God but let us not think that that means that we're godly if you start getting more money don't think that you're more godly because of it Oh God gave me a big promotion at work well is that actually a good thing though oh well I got this big promotion now I go so any less now I read my Bible less now I'm not going to churches more but I got a brand new truck but I got a nice suit now you know what God's thinking like you suck what are you trying to be like Robert Morris the devil's trying to influence you and he wants to offer that shiny apple he wants to offer you that money but you know what it's just his way of destroying you don't let money destroy you it's not worth it it doesn't matter nobody cares you know the best preachers in this world has nothing to do with money the best preacher that ever lived didn't have any money Jesus Christ is walking around as humble as can be preaching the greatest truths of the Bible John the Baptist didn't have any money one of the greatest preachers to ever live and of course he was a Baptist all right and you know let us not give Baptist a bad name of being infected with money because it's worthless and it really is in America's economy anyways all right so somebody like Bitcoin it doesn't matter either it's a Ponzi scheme folks okay don't let Andrew Tate sell you on that either all right that's a different sermon all right let's close in prayer thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the Bible the true riches of this world I pray that we wouldn't get our eyes set on the the lust of the flesh and the things of this world please help us not to get infected with the love of money please help us to be focused on eternal things please help the women and the men in this room to be content with the things that they have let the let the women in this room be content with having a godly husband not a rich husband let the men in this room be content with a godly wife not with a big paycheck let the children in this in this in this church want to be of godly Christian when they grow up not a rich person not a person with just lots of money and I pray that even if you do bless people in this room or you give people lots of money that they wouldn't let that affect them they wouldn't let the devil influence them negatively but rather we keep all of our eyes on Jesus and that we would wish to serve you better in Jesus name we pray interesting prayer our last song is 261 turn your eyes upon Jesus song number 261 turn your eyes upon Jesus everybody singing out together Oh soul are you and trouble no light in the darkness you see there's the light for a look at the same and life more abundant and free turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful things and the things of earth will go strangely and the light of his glory and the death through to life everlasting he passed and we follow him there over us and no more has domain more than we are turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things will grow strangely when the light of his glory and praise his word shall not fail you be then go to a world that is dying is perfect salvation turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely and the light of his glory and praise so if you want there's ice cream here for everybody also we had some leftovers maybe a dozen or so people if you want any it's first come first serve there's some leftover ribs and stuff like that so please help yourself god bless you are dismissed you