(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 164. Let's sing it out and pay attention to the words we're singing. 164. Praise Him. Praise Him. Hail Him, hail Him, highest of angels in glory. Strength and honor give to His holy name. Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children. In His arms He carries them, hold them all. Praise Him. Praise Him. For His presence we bring Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. Ever the joyful Son. 164 on the second. Praise Him. Praise Him. Jesus our blessed Redeemer. For our sins He suffered and fled and died. He our God, our hope and eternal salvation. Hail Him, hail Him, Jesus the crucified. Sound His praises, Jesus who bore our sorrows. Love and love Him, all who believe Him strong. Praise Him. Praise Him. For His presence we bring Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. Ever the joyful Son. Praise Him. Praise Him. Jesus our blessed Redeemer. Ever the joyful Son. Praise Him. Jesus our blessed Redeemer. Round Him, round Him, Prophet and Priest indeed. Christ is coming over the world victorious. Power and glory unto the Lord befall. Praise Him. Praise Him. Tell of His excellent greatness. Praise Him. Praise Him. Ever the joyful Son. Amen. All right. Let's go to our second song of the evening. 167 all hail the power of Jesus name. 167 all hail the power of Jesus name. 167 all hail the power of Jesus name. All hail the power of Jesus name. Let angels prostrate all. Bring forth the Royal Diet and crown Him Lord of all. Bring forth the Royal Diet and crown Him Lord of all. He chose in seed of Israel's grace. He ransomed from the fall. Hail Him who say to by His grace and crown Him Lord of all. Hail Him who say to by His grace and crown Him Lord of all. Let every kindred, every truck on this terrestrial wall. To Him all majesty a strike and crown Him Lord of all. To Him all majesty a strike and crown Him Lord of all. Oh that with yonder sacred hope we at His feet may fall. We'll join the everlasting Son and crown Him Lord of all. We'll join the everlasting Son and crown Him Lord of all. And one of our ushers would love to come by get you guys a bulletin. We have happy Mother's Day. Thanks again to all the mothers who are in attendance. We have our Bible and passage Revelation chapter 1 verse 15. On the inside we have our service and soul wanting times as well as our regional soul wanting times and church stats. And then on the right we have the list of expecting ladies if you'd also add Miss Megan to that list so we can be in prayer for her as well. And then also we have our prayer request list. If you have any prayer requests throughout the week please just submit those via email and we'll try to update accordingly. Then on the back we have church reminders as well as upcoming events. May 20th is the spring swap. The Shreveport Louisiana Soul Waning marathon looks like there might have been a mistake. It's June 3rd. Is that accurate? Okay sorry. So it should be that Saturday June 3rd Shreveport Louisiana. Also July 1st is a wedding for Brother Suhail and Miss Lori May. So if you'd be in prayer for them also if you'd like to attend they've invited the entire church and we'd love for you to come. Even if you don't know them very well it's a great place to come and get to know them better and we'd love for you to participate. Brother Suhail has been gathering just RSVPs and so if you can email him that would be a great way for him to be able to capture that data. I believe it's going to be 11 o'clock service that day with a 12 o'clock reception and so you know that way you can kind of have an idea but July 1st. Also if you were not already in attendance this morning I don't know if we have we have more of these in these altars up front. Brother Oz can we hand out? Okay if you did not already get one we'd like to give you a gift for Mother's Day. You can pick between the nail clippers or the sewing kits and so I think we might have we might have yeah let's get one over here okay right over here. Anybody else that needs one just go ahead and wave down our bald guy and he'll get you he'll get you taken care of. So that's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. Brother Oz come lead for us psalm 149 our psalm of the week 149 it's in our separate handouts. All right psalm 149. Sing to the Lord children sing a lot to execute to the first peter chapter two so so first peter chapter two first peter chapter two the Bible reads wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and all evil speakings as newborn babes desiring the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby if so be you have tasted that the Lord is gracious to whom coming as onto a living stone disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient where unto also they were appointed but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who have called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshy lusts which war against the soul having your conversation honest among the gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorify God in the day of visitation submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as free not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as the servants of God honor all men love the brotherhood fear God honor the king servants be subject to your masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the forward for this is thank worthy if a man for conscience toward God endure grief suffering wrongfully for what glory is it if when you be buffeted for your faults you take you shall take it patiently but if when you do well and suffer for it you take it patiently this is acceptable with God for even here on to where you called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judges righteously who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed for you were a sheep going astray but now returned onto the shepherd and bishop of your souls let us pray father thank you so much for this day thank you for all the great mothers in this room we just pray that you would strengthen them day by day and help them for the big work they have raising up the next generation and we thank you also for pastor and his family we just pray that you would uh the holy the power of the holy spirit would rest upon pastor this evening and that you would help him to articulate his words and help us to take application away from the sermon that we can apply to our lives and be better christians we love you jesus in jesus name amen amen so i want to look back at the beginning of this passage of first peter chapter two look at verse one again the bible says wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and apocrisies and envies and all evil speakings as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby if so be you have tasted that the lord is gracious and first peter is clearly an epistle written to the saved and it's giving instructions that are very important in just understanding the audience that we're talking to once someone gets saved they're sealed under the day of redemption they can't lose their salvation it doesn't matter what happens to them even if they fall away even if they never serve god with their life but you know as a newborn babe as someone that gets saved for the first time you're supposed to continue growing and developing just like every baby you know once your baby is born you of course want it to continue to grow up and be nourished and to become a man or become a young woman and and end up having a full life and being mature becoming an adult and the same is from a christian perspective that the day that you get born again the day that you become saved it's kind of like you hit zero years old as a christian and you're kind of that infant baby and it's going to take time to end up developing no one just gets saved and immediately knows everything understands everything is a completely mature christian there's going to be a process by which they have to go through in order to develop and to grow up and it kind of reminds me of again since we're thinking about mother's day the important of how the importance of how a mother treats an infant versus how she would treat a grown adult and she shows a lot different um nurture and and and patience and grace with a baby than a mother would with an adult you know she's going to get upset with an adult who's crying and whining and using the bathroom on themselves whereas an infant you give them a lot more grace and you're loving to them and and really also even how you feed them notice it's saying in verse two as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word so it's kind of illustrating that a baby christian or a young christian in the faith is going to need more milk and actually desires milk and of course why would a young christian in the faith like milk well milk is associated with the word of god okay and so it's kind of just using this symbol just like a baby loves breast milk it loves that kind of food at the very beginning why because it can handle that and and think about this when you first get saved you're not going to understand everything in the bible that just that's just not realistic that's just not what happens but there's going to be a lot of things that you still can understand and that you still can kind of chew on and and and get nutrients from but it's going to be the more simple basic fundamental truths of the bible but you know what they're still great and they're still wonderful and they still need to be learned and so when it comes to a baby christian they need the sincere milk they need the sincere milk and that's the title of my sermon this evening is sincere milk now when we think about the word sincere what does sincere mean you can look it up in a dictionary but sincere is truthful honest no deceit and so when we talk about sincere milk you know one application that i like to take is the fact that we have a king james bible today we have some sincere milk here right we don't have we don't have some junky formula that we're offering to people we have the sincere milk of the word that we're offering under onto christians don't we and of course you're going to always experience problems when you're not getting the sincere milk of the word what would be the carnal way to look at this well you could kind of look at this as a mother who chooses to breastfeed versus a mother who uses formula and and here's the thing if you have to use formula i'm not mad at you but i'm using this example all right so here's the thing when it comes to breast milk that is the preferred that is what the babies are going to desire more and you're going to see a difference between the two you know number one breast milk's cheaper okay that's a nice that's that's benefit right and isn't the same with the king james bible you can go to the dollar tree and get a dollar you can get a king james bible for a dollar whereas you want to go get the fancy one they're way more expensive aren't they and the same is with formula formula is actually very expensive i have no idea what it is today because inflation is super high and i haven't bought it in a long time but even back when we had our first child we ended up using formula and that's what's wrong with clayton but no i'm just kidding and but we did buy the formula and we bought the nice formula okay the good stuff or whatever i think it was like 40 bucks for a little tiny little container or whatever and you know we might even buy i can't remember exactly but it seems like we bought three or four a month so we're spending almost a hundred hundred and thirty dollars a month just on formula which is something that you could have gotten for free you know just through breastfeeding and not only that the formula diapers are just worse folks okay they're just terrible and and they're way different anybody that's done both and look we've done both anybody that's ever done both it is a just observable difference it's not even close to the same well think about it they got to get a lot more junk out from the formula don't they they have a lot more you know i don't think i'm the right word but you know they have they have a lot more junk in there okay and it's kind of like the modern versions where it's filled with a bunch of extra junk in there and it's going to cause more problems in the diapers right and it's going to cause more you know digestion issues and bloating and gas and just like all kinds of abdominal issues and it's just the reality now of course obviously if your child had no option formula is going to get them through right formula is going to get them to survive just like theoretically it's like could you get someone saved with a modern version sure you could but is that really going to be the best diet for them are they going to really grow up to be the the greatest christians when they're using the niv and they're using the uh new american standard and they're using the nlt and all these different junky versions no they need the sincere milk of the word the king james bible and that's why we're king james only also here's here's another aspect of this you know if you don't like the formula thing if you're offended you can go somewhere else but here's here's another application sometimes even in the breastfeeding they're not necessarily a mother's not always doing it completely like they're kind of supplementing like they're doing some breastfeeding but then they're also kind of supplementing either with formula or foods or all the other kind of options and what ends up happening if the baby's not exclusively breastfed then they're not always getting the front like the they're not getting all the the front milk and the hind milk okay and the hind milk is actually a lot fattier it's going to sustain the child more it's going to cause them to be more satisfied sleep longer and an application i made for this or i thought of is it's kind of like you go to some churches and you only ever get a few passages from the new testament don't you but you never seem to get that hind milk you never get the old testament you never get psalm 139 you never really get a lot of romans one you never seem to get matthew 24 verse 29 you know they always just seem to skip that verse and it's like they're not really getting the sincere milk of the word they're just kind of getting a little bit here and there and you know here at this church we want to make sure we're giving everybody the sincere milk of the word and all of it you know basic stuff but not just the basic new testament or the basic nice passages even the basic not nice passages even the basic parts that are a little ugly or a little difficult and and so we want to make sure as a church that we're giving people everything that they need to grow up and to develop go if you would to isaiah chapter 28 in the bible go to isaiah 28 i want to look at a few different places here that talk about milk in general and how it's related to the word of god and of course when we preach the word of god we want it to be sincere one thing that i think turns away a lot of christians is just insincerity and you know a baby can tell the difference if you've been feeding it breast milk and then you try to switch on it it's gonna get mad and it's gonna know the difference it can tell and in fact especially you can tell the difference between temperature babies notice a lot of things about it they the consistency the temperature if you're going from breastfed to bottle fed they can tell a difference between what they call nipple confusion and things like that but there's all these different subtle things that even a baby who cannot communicate verbally yet can understand and just because someone is you know ignorant of things in the bible maybe they haven't read it cover to cover maybe they haven't studied the bible maybe they're new to these type of things but they can see the insincerity when they visit one of these phony churches or when they get around fake christians and they just think like why in the world are you letting these rainbow freaks in the church you know they're thinking like i thought you all loved the bible you know like i thought you didn't like this kind of filth or this kind of smut or or they go and they hear just love everybody and they're just thinking like what about pedophiles and rapists and what about hitler and you know it's like what about all these weird people what about biden you know and and frankly speaking there's baptist churches here that say let's pray for biden and it's like i do but it's different than what you're thinking okay all right but even just even someone that just got saved five minutes ago you start bringing up a lot of these things that these kind of phony imitators kind of the formula fed cold weird nipple and they're just like this is gross you know i don't like this this isn't sincere and for all you breastfed mothers you're going to love this sermon lots of application i'm kidding but you have to understand that there is a correlation here and just like a baby can understand differences and the subtleties and understand there's something wrong with it even a baby christian often can see you know there's something off here there's something wrong here and that's why we need to make sure we're giving them the sincere milk of the word jesus said it and i believe it that my sheep hear my voice and they're not going to follow the voice of a stranger that has to have some meaning and look it does it's because people go to churches and they're like this isn't right something off about this this is wrong and it was so frustrating to me and so many other people in our country they're going to church and they're constantly tolerating things that don't feel right and it's like why can't we have church where it pretty much just feels good all the time right where it just is is almost right all the time and i think that's what a lot of babies wish it's like hey why can't i just have the consistent sincere milk you know that feels right all the time look what it says in isaiah 28 verse 9 whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts now i love this point and and we usually talk about the next portion that's kind of more famous but i love putting this in context because think about what he just said who are we going to teach knowledge to who are we going to give someone you know understanding of doctrine notice it's someone that's weaned from milk so is this person going to be a baby christian or no no because the baby is one that's on the milk the baby has been the one that's actually been drinking in and digesting the sincere milk and after they've got all of that lined up after they got all of that locked in now we can add knowledge to that we can acknowledge their faith as other portions of first peter say we can add other things we can add the understanding of doctrine and just like a child children learn things before they understand them they they learn how to eat and even sometimes how to make certain sounds before they even understand that they're even communicating they'll say words and they have no idea what the word actually even means they're just saying it because it gives them the response that they want but they don't understand it my little ellie if you ask her a question if you say hey do you want this food you know what she says no you know what she means yes okay she has no idea what what she's doing it you know but she knows that she's trying to communicate and she thinks because we reward that you know wrong response she thinks that it's right and so she's getting what she wants but does she even understand what she's saying no she doesn't understand it yet she's just got some basics of yes no things like that and it comes with christianity you know people need to get some basics first before they're going to really understand the doctrines of the bible you know you first lay down some just clear basics like hey the king james bible is the word of god hey salvations by faith hey you can't lose your salvation um jesus christ is the son of god he was god manifest in the flesh there's a trinity you know there's certain core things that we're just laying down right on the surface then beyond that you know there's no contradiction in the bible god didn't speak outside the bible you know some of these things the earth is only about 6 300 years old you know there's some some real basic core doctrines um the fact that men are men and women are women right i guess that's a pretty controversial teaching these days but once you kind of get a lot of the milk of the word then we can start understanding things like end times bible prophecy we can start understanding what it means to love your neighbor and hate those who hate the lord but for some reason so many christians they've never even gotten the milk of the word yet so then they end up can't understand doctrine can they they can't understand how to balance these things they can't understand how to actually get some knowledge because they're still a baby in essence and what we need to do as god's people is give baby christians a lot of milk we need to start giving them a lot of sincere milk so that they can start growing up and then we can actually all grow together and learn a lot of of knowledge and a lot of doctrine now go if you would back to first corinthians go back to the new testament go to first corinthians and i want to show you some more here now when it comes to the context or the the purpose of this sermon is i want you to be motivated to approach new believers with the right mindset and i believe because it's mother's day it's important timing because we need to approach new christians like a mother does her baby and just like when a baby cries it gets milk on demand and it gets what it needs you know we as a congregation whenever we have new believers young believers people we just get saved and they start wanting to ask questions we need to be able to lay down doctrine for them we need to give them the sincere milk of the word and and here's another thing though that you know while we're on this topic and we're talking about the milk please give them milk don't necessarily feel compelled to give them filet mignon okay it's like let me explain the finer workings of end times bible prophecy i know you got saved five minutes ago but i think it's really important that i explain this to you you know you know it's a great doctrine explain someone who's got saved baptism it's like well that's not cool that's not edgy you know here's the sodomite deception you know it's like it's like okay look i'm not against handing those out don't hear me wrong but what i am saying is let's not get too far ahead of ourselves and not think you know what let's lay down some basics here let's give people some milk you know baptism hey this is the right but king james bible right here's a preserved bible documenter it's gonna explain you know why we use the bible that we do and honestly even though i i love our film there's nothing that i would say negative against it but i will say this to someone that's pretty carnal or worldly it might be really boring and they may not even want to like watch the whole film because it may not just interest them so it might be good for you to learn all of that good meat you know learn lots of good reasons about the candidates and you can just explain it to them quickly you know so they at least get that without having to you know just watch the movie or just watch this sermon or you know we as a congregation should be educating and and helping along the new believers and treating them with this kind of approach of giving them sincere milk now look at first corinthians chapter 3 verse 1 and i brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as unto babes in christ i have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you are not able to bear it neither yet now are you able notice again this is not necessarily the same context we're talking about but it has the same application because the apostle paul is kind of getting mad at a church for the church being too carnal and look this happens i've seen it i've been i've been i've experienced it where you go to a church and it's like you can't even teach them anything fun because the church just has too many carnal issues and it's like you have to just basically start laying down basics and trying to deal with carnality and division in the church before you can actually even move on and grow up as a church and actually start going to some more deep doctrine and but the apostle paul he doesn't misdiagnose the issue he doesn't say hey i recognize y'all are carnal here so i'm going to give you steak no i'm not going to give you that i'm going to give you milk because when someone's a babe in christ you give them milk notice the common pattern that we have here who are we going to teach things to people that have been weaned from the milk meaning that they were babes at one point here it's talking about someone being a baby and of course it's going to be done in sincerity go to philippians chapter one go to philippians chapter number one let's let's just be honest babies need the most work babies need the most attention you have to constantly hold they can't clothe themselves they can't bathe themselves they can't pick themselves up they can't eat and feed themselves virtually i mean they can do nothing they can cry right they can cry and their body functions that's about it so they need so much help there's so much effort you have to pay so much attention to them you have to carry them around everywhere and let's be real sometimes that's going to be brand new christians we're going to if we're going to actually reach people and start bringing them in the church and growing our church and you have people like this expect them to be needy expect them to need hand holding expect to have to actually treat them with a different a different mode than you would someone that's already a mature christian look a mature christian is going to benefit you okay they're going to bless you whereas a baby christian is going to be a needy you know kind of a drain on your life okay and so if you want to actually benefit others you actually want to be that mature christian you're going to have to tolerate these baby christians and realize they need a lot a lot of work and you're going to have to sit there and explain basic things and go through all the the remedial tasks you know teaching a child how to read is like got to be one of the most frustrating things ever from personal experience okay but you know after you teach the first kid you still have to teach the second kid and you have to teach the third kid and then you have to teach the fourth kid it's like the gospel you know when you go to the next door it's not like did you not i already explained the gospel to the guy over here it's like you got to start all right romans 323 okay revelation 21 8 again and you just keep going the same pattern right well it's going to be the same pattern after salvation too where you have to all right baptism all right king james bible all right you know and you just have to keep going through that same mode that same method but we want to be sincere about it and the bible talks about one thing one aspect of sincerity that's really important and it's not being a hypocrite it's not being a hypocrite and look what it says in philippians chapter 1 verse 9 and this i pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment that you may approve things that are excellent that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of christ being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by jesus christ under the glory and praise of god so notice he kind of explains it in two different ways number one he says that you may be sincere and notice this and without offense till the day of christ so if you're giving some new believer the milk of the word but then you're just a giant hypocrite over here on the side you know what's going to do it's going to discourage that christian that new christian to want to actually serve christ i'm going to say well why am i having to go through all these remedial steps and learn all these basic things from this guy who's not even he doesn't care what the bible says he just showed me something in the bible and he does the exact opposite this guy is telling me this guy's telling me i need to be baptized and he's never been baptized this guy's telling me that i need to call the name of the lord and i've never called him that guy's not even that guy's a bozo but it's like hey this guy's telling me i need to go to church but i don't go to church this guy's telling me to you know get my house in order but his house isn't in order right i mean this guy's telling me i need to work hard at the job he doesn't even work you know it's like if you're a big hypocrite how are you going to then teach other people these different things that are from the bible and notice that we're supposed to abound in our love we abound in our love through serving god you know being righteous obviously has its benefits for yourself but the bible often is trying to encourage you to be righteous not for yourself but for others sake because you're setting a certain example because other people are going to follow your lead and it's important that if you are a sincere christian without offense it'll help you to then nourish up and encourage and build up other people because you're feeding them with the sincere milk of the word you know how can you sit here and say this is the most important book in the bible and act like it's super important to people and then you're just a big hypocrite about it you're not taking it seriously you're having all kinds of problems you know that is going to cause a lot of you know anguish in the minds and the hearts of new believers because they don't want to follow some you know fake religion think about muslims think about other false religion why would you want to be a convert of that when you end up finding out the truth about muhammad when you start finding out the truth about these prophets you know why would someone ever want to be catholic when they learn about what the priests are like i mean that's a horrible example and frankly speaking even other you know christian denominations have been recently been giving people a bad name the southern baptists the southern baptists have recently had a lot of exposure about sweeping a lot of pedophiles under the rug out of the rug and and shifting them around to different youth departments and not actually dealing with problems and you know that just causes a lot of reproach on the baddest name i wish southern baptists would just drop the baptist because it's like i don't want to someone just ruin the name baptist or to ruin you know what if the southern baptist just has even more of a train wreck in the future then we come and knock on the door and we say we're baptists like oh baptist gross they're going to be associating that and it causes an offense to where newborn babes don't want to actually come to your church or visit you know that's why it's important to be above approach that's why important to set a good example go to titus chap number two go to titus chap number two i want to look at another example of this but we need to be sincere and we need to feed people with the sincere milk of the word of course the bible itself doesn't have any blemishes or issues it's without offense but at the same time we by delivering that word and giving that word we also want to be without offense we want that organic for that raw milk you know we don't want to have put a bunch of extra stuff in there we want to give them the cream too right titus chapter two look at what it says in verse number seven the bible says in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to save you you know another thing i notice is how a lot of christians they haven't really formed the proper doctrine so when they explain their viewpoint it's full of hypocrisy it's full of doublespeak where they'll just say well i love everyone and it's like but you don't love everyone you know that's not even true and you start pointing out oh so you love hitler well i don't love hitler and you're like oh so you love steadfast baptist church well i don't know if it's been church yeah it's like you start pointing out all these different people and they're like well i don't love them is but i love everyone and it's like no you're just a hypocrite and of course people just don't like this kind of hypocrisy and you see it just constantly in churches where churches are just full of hypocrites and their their doctrine is hypocritical things like church discipline they're all over the map on church discipline in lots of churches and it causes people to think like well what's going on here or if they don't have standards for the pastor the pastor is not even meeting the qualifications of a bishop and you're thinking like why do we even claim that the bible is our final authority if you're going to just not even abide by the qualifications of a bishop and so you don't want to just be living in an arena where you're not even lined up with the bible because then when you start showing people hey this is what the bible says but you know i know it says call no man father but this is father so-and-so i mean how how weird is that got to be you go to the you go to church and it's like oh we're not supposed to have any graven images all right let's bow down to this mary statute now it's like what what's going on here it's like everything i'm just reading is like right off the surface is contradicting what you're doing how about a woman preacher it's like so common now if it's not a baptist church it's basically just the husband and wife or co-pastors it seems like and you would just think like what is what are these passages where it talks about the husband of one wife what does that mean you know what does it mean that that the women aren't supposed to speak in the church and so that's why it's important to have sound doctrine because new christians new believers they're going to find things in their bible and they're going to say this isn't matching and if you're being a hypocrite on this issue what else are you being a giant hypocrite on what else are you just not really following in the bible so number one we want to be sincere and we want to give people the sincere milk of the word and we don't want to just give lip service the idea oh this is our final authority and i'll tell you i've been to a lot of fundamental baptist churches where they get up and they say whatever this says we're going to do and then i'm sitting here thinking like well then do it i remember i went to a church it was not a baptist church it was a non-denominational church and the pastor gets up and he just says whatever the bible says we're going to do we're not going to let culture dictate what we believe we i don't care how counterculture the you know the bible is we're going to follow it and that's why we have women pastors i was just like what are you talking about i mean it's like they say all these things that sound good and then they're just like but here's our woman pastor and you're just like it just gives a bad taste in the mouth isn't it and it's just the milk was too hot or was too cold or there was something weird going on you know like this isn't even milk what is this junk and you just spew it out of your mouth it's that lukewarm go if you would to hebrews chapter number five go to hebrews chapter five so point one is again we want to have sincere milk that we're feeding to the new believers and the christians and it's and that's why it's important that we believe every part of the bible so that we don't appear to be hypocrites and i don't want to be a hypocrite i'm not interested and seeing how big a church we can get i'm interested in seeing how close i can be to the bible and whether that means five people or 500 i don't really care i care more about being right with the word of god than just seeing how many how many yahoos we could just pack into a room because you know what having a lot of people is a big problem it's like you got to find a space for all these people and especially if they're a bunch of carnal people it's just that much more complaining it's just that much more ungratefulness it's just that many more people that want things and are needy and everything else it's like i don't want those problems you know i try to preach hard enough that you wouldn't come but it's like i can't for i can't stop you from showing up apparently okay and yet there's nothing wrong with having a lot of people you know god willing we'd run tens of thousands we should we live in an area of eight million people there should be a lot more people showing up to this church folks but at the end of the day i'm not interested in watering it down so more people might come and if we start watering it down some of you guys might leave and you're the only people i like so i don't want these watered down people coming into my church anyways number two point though that was from our passage in first peter chapter 2 the whole point of giving them the sincere milk of the word was that they may grow thereby what's the whole point of feeding a baby milk it's so that it grows it's so that it gets bigger and at the end of the day we need we need people to start growing in this country you know we we probably do have a lot of safe people in america i don't know what the exact number is i hypothesize that about five percent of the people that we encounter seem to be saved so you know that's about one out of 20 people you talk to i think that seems pretty reasonable who else would say that seems pretty reasonable it goes so winning yeah lots of hands over because i feel like when i go out so winning i usually run into at least one person that's saved maybe two and i might talk to a maximum of 30 40 people in an hour or two of soul winning so that's around my personal estimate maybe i'm off if you go to other parts of the world it'll be very different it varies all over the map you know you go to the bahamas i didn't meet a single same person ever when i was there now there's a lot of same people there now but i'm just saying like in previous visits i would go virtually no one saved you go to mexico virtually no one that i've ever talked to is saved there um i'm sure if you go to canada it's probably a wilderness folks okay uh it's there's not a lot of hope outside of america when it comes to just save people there are pockets and there is plenty of saved christians in every nation but at the end of the day it's not as many as probably the united states the united states probably still has the largest saved population but if we just think about it let's say it's just five percent just for sake of numbers we have approximately what 350 million people in america i don't know could be 335 there's numbers all over the map let's just say there's 350 million people right ten percent would be 35 million if it's five percent that we have saved that means you cut that in half so that would be about 17 and a half million people in america 17 and a half million people in america that's a lot of saved christians in america what if 17 million christians were actually just like you and me and going soul winning i mean what if 17 million people are going soul winning this week i mean don't you think that might make an impact in america pretty fast if you have 17 million people going soul winning i mean if you think about it we don't even have to think a bit really hard about numbers if one out of 20 people is saved you know what that means every saved person needs to give the gospel 20 times and we're done folks that's not that hard everybody in this room that's a soul winner has probably given the gospel hundreds of times if you just imagine i mean if just every christian just evangelized to just 20 people we would cover the entire united states in about an hour like one hour one hour soul winning just oh we're done we got it that would be pretty cool wouldn't it but you notice that not very many people are doing it are they you know why because they're babies just like how many babies today made lunch for mom not very many did they okay and so of course again the a big problem we have in america is that we have a lot of people that are saved but they haven't grown at all and they virtually know nothing and they're being lulled to sleep thinking that they're growing by going to these fake churches these incubation pods but they're doing nothing but just staying warm at best and they're not growing they're malnutrition they're just staying baby forever and we need to get them a lot of milk so they can start growing you know pumping them full of doctrine getting them baptized getting them these basic doctrines and notice the bible you know illustrates how the author here gets very mad at the idea of christians not growing it says in verse number 12 for when the time he ought to be teachers you have neither one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of god and to become as such as have need of milk and not a strong meek for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe notice what it's saying if the only thing you can handle and the only thing you can dish out is milk you are a babe did he say that there's another alternative here so haven't we pretty much established beyond any you know any doubt that when it talks about milk we're talking about babies every single time we're always talking about the babies and he says hey if you can only handle milk if you're only dishing out the milk then you're basically a babe you haven't grown up yet you haven't matured yet and this is a problem because notice he's saying in verse number 12 for the time you ought to be teachers so he's saying you should find you should be a teacher but you're not a teacher because you haven't grown up at all just like a baby that's not growing it can't really do anything yet it says in verse 14 but strong meat belongeth to them that are a full age even those by reason of use have their senses exercised discern both good and evil also notice this unless you're full age and you're constantly using the Bible you cannot accurately discern between good and evil and I'll tell you people that are not mature Christians are often confusing what good and evil are aren't they they'll even they'll even say they'll look at a good pastor or a good message and they'll say oh that was evil because they haven't really even understood anything in the Bible yet they haven't really even read it they haven't even gotten the milk yet yet they just there's they're just confused and they need to grow up just like children babies and children they can't understand everything they don't know what's good and what's bad and what's evil they just like everything you know kids kids can look at people and they say like I want to grow up to be the garbage man you know and you're like not really okay but they don't know they just think it's cool right I mean kids think everything's cool you know my kids some of my kids have told me they like want to be making desserts I'm like no okay it's like it's like but they don't even they don't know they just like desserts don't they and they just think that sounds cool but you know you'll hear you'll hear baby Christians say stuff like this too won't they they say then you're like no they're like I want to make desserts no no you don't that's that's unrealistic right they're like I want to be a missionary to Israel it's like no you don't I I can't wait to get South Lake saved let's have a South Lake marathon who's with me and you're just like hmm let's wait on that one you know it's just like it's as they don't really understand what's going on yet they haven't really discerned and or they think like oh man I can't wait to get the mayor saved and we're gonna get all of our Republican Congress saved and I'm just gonna get you know you're just like mmm no now I'm all for trying I'm all for witnessing and preaching the gospel of these people and of course we don't want to get down on someone I remember one time I went so winning with the young man for the first time and he had eight Bibles in his hand he's like I can't wait to hand out all of these today in a one-hour so anytime I was like mmm not gonna happen but it's okay I like his zeal I like that he's trying but you know he just hasn't really figured it out yet he doesn't really know how these things work it's just like my kids you know they lose a tooth and they get a dollar and they're like all right let's go to the store I want to buy a bunch of stuff I want to buy a bicycle like yeah it's not quite how it works you know a dollar right and so of course people that are saved and just a babe and Chris and Christianity they're not gonna understand everything are they they're unskillful they don't really understand all these things they can't really discern everything that's going out in the world right now they don't know they're like hey I like CNN you know you haven't really discerned what's going on just yet have you okay now go to a deficiency happen before go to Ephesians chapter 4 this is you know another thing that's important when we think about mothers mothers are always concerned with the growth of their child aren't they they're always concerned about if they're getting enough food if they're if their cheeks are fat enough or whatever their thighs are fat enough I don't know all the things they care way more than I do but they're just so concerned with them growing and you know what we should have that same kind of earnest and zeal for young Christians where we're trying to make sure that they're coming along in the faith and they're and they're understanding these different passages and you know what moms do is they they have to feed their babies don't they I mean the baby is not gonna always feed itself the moms have to feed them and the moms are putting the food on the table and sometimes the moms cutting the crust off of the PBJ sandwich isn't she you know she's like all right I have to cut this Romans one section off you know I have to cut off this Leviticus 2013 section yet because they can't handle it or it's like cheese pizza they can't eat the crust on the pizza but you know what as an adult I love crust on pizza who loves the crust on pizza all right but you know what kids don't necessarily always love the crust on these things and it's like you know what maybe some Christians can't handle some of the gnarly passages in the Bible just yet and so you kind of cut them off at first just to give them the cheese pizza part right but you just want them to grow you want them to be nourished and really the only way for them to handle Leviticus 2013 is to reveal Leviticus chapter 1 and then chapter 2 in the chip so you say look hey let's start a reading plan together let's read the Bible together let's start in Leviticus chapter 1 and you know after the first seven chapters of Leviticus it's gonna be so boring they'll want to read anything else so you finally get the chapter 20 like this is awesome you know I mean it's talking about witches and there were some kind of weird incest stuff is like Kentucky and New Jersey or whatever but then we got to the gnarly parts right and you have to understand that sometimes newer Christians they might need a little more hand they might need a little more feeding right picking them up for church driving them to places encouraging them your baptism reading the Bible with them showing them things in the Bible talking doctrine with them you know when they come to church and they don't understand anything not berating them but taking them aside reading passage of Scripture with them being patient with them right sharing certain sermons with them maybe you've learned a lot of great truths or you have a lot of knowledge and and one thing that can happen is you talk down to people that are inferior you not even that you're trying to oh you don't understand that oh how do you not know this you how do you not know that story in the Bible and it's like it can intimidate people to stop wanting to ask questions or to gain interest and so we sometimes need to be careful when we handle someone that's maybe younger than us you know and and be compassionate with them and be more concerned with their growth than you lifting yourself up in knowledge oh I already know that I understand that rather than trying to build other people up so they can be just like you you know what if mom is looking at the baby and it's like well I can eat ha ha ha and she did you just pounding away like I love the crust you know as opposed to actually spoon feeding the child making sure they're taken care of look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ now the word edify means to build up you know the point of a pastor a teacher or evangelist any of these positions is not for them to be lifted up and glorified Wow look how smart he is let's all go just give him a round of applause for the evangelist how smart he is no no the whole point of that person being smart is so they can build other people up so you can lift other people up and bring them up to his level rather than trying to constantly push them down like the Catholic Church did for centuries basically just creating a chasm between the priest and the layman Oh laymen are not allowed to touch the Bible they're not allowed to learn the doctrines or preach the doctrines of the Bible you know frankly speaking we have quote laymen in our church to get up and preach sermons of the congregation and you know they preach great sermons of the congregation and we shouldn't want to separate those in positions of authority from those that are not we want to build everyone up so that they're more equal so they're all come we're all coming to the same unity and knowledge of the Bible look what it says in verse 13 till we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man under the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cutting craftiness whereby they lie and wait to deceive but speaking the truth and love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ so what he's trying to emphasize the same points will be making if we have people that are a little behind a little bit younger in the faith we want to identify those people and build them up we want to invest in them we want to come alongside them we want to make sure that they're growing and saying hey here's some extra you know PBJ sandwich I cut the crust off for you I picked I you know I plucked the grapes off and I washed them here you go because isn't it annoying to pick grapes off the vine I hate picking grapes off the vine you know the most important food to me that's already been prepared is watermelon oh man my dad he would he would carve up a watermelon and he would pick every single seed out of them and they would be in perfect little chunks and you'd put them in this giant Tupperware and then just hand it to me I didn't realize what a blessing that was when I was a child because anybody's actually carved up a watermelon and I got all the seeds out and got it all nice and prepared for you it's like that's a lot of work but you know what eating watermelon like that it's just fun it's just delicious I love a good watermelon like that you can't beat it I mean especially the heart of a watermelon when it's juicy now you can ruin it by putting salt on it okay don't ever do this all right I will be mad at you it's an invisible enemy but it's an enemy all right and you know but but watermelon like that is delicious and the same thing it could come to the fact that hey sometimes younger Christians they need to just be served the watermelon maybe there was a doctrine that for you you had to go and buy the watermelon you had to thump all of them make sure which one was hollow or whatever and then you had to slice it and it's all you got juice everywhere and it ruined your clothes and then you had to slice it into bigger chunks and then you had to slice it again and get the section and then you had to slice all the good parts out and you had to get all the seeds and then you put it in the bucket and then you ate it you're like that was good because of all the effort energy but then someone else's walks by and they're just like hey that looks good you're like yeah here you go you didn't appreciate that at all and isn't that sometimes it is with doctrine like you look at a passage you're like I don't understand what this means and then you like read other sections you pray about it you study it for a really long time and it just takes all this effort energy for you to finally figure it out and then the next person comes along you can just explain like that but you know don't get this like oh that's gonna be really hard for you to get you know it's just like just give it to them right and isn't that the point of the pastor and the evangelist there I mean they might have to be toiling a little bit more than you laboring a little bit more for you but they can just serve up the beautiful watermelon but here's the thing we're all getting to enjoy the same meal together aren't we we all get the delicious milk or the strong meat or all the food we're not like holding back certain portions and saying well I get the watermelon you just get you know watermelon flavored tea or something is like gross you just get the leftover scraps you just get the you know the green part or whatever it's like no we want to give everybody the same portion the same things because we want everybody to grow we don't want to hold back anything from those who are safe you know a good pastor a good evangelist is not concerned with being smarter than his flock he's concerned with everybody being in unity I don't have to be the smartest person here I don't care about that because I would love it for other people to have a lot of zeal and learn a lot of things in the Bible and even learn from them but you know what as a pastor is my job to try and help grow up people and edify and to build up other people and it's not a competition the whole point of us being built up is a little have unity if we're not growing up if we're not maturing you know it's gonna be it's gonna be a daycare center and who loves a daycare center no one the daycare workers sure don't like it no one likes the daycare center and you know what I've been to churches and it feels like a daycare center and you know why because no one in there's mature no one understands doctrine nobody really cares about the Bible and so it just ends up becoming a carnal fest where there's all this strife division issues problems and you know you just can't really do anything with that kind of church either usually doesn't go anywhere you know you need a church to grow up and get the sincere milk and get past that so then you can actually move on but you're gonna still as you go on bring other new people in we don't want to have a bad attitude towards those and be like well we've already matured see ya no no we want to bring them alongside and give them the milk and be compassionate loving to them we want to give them grace go if you would back to our main passage first Peter chapter number two I want to show you this and this is probably the most important point that I'll make this evening be sincere number one number two be concerned about the growth of new believers but beyond anything please please please be gracious to new Christians be gracious just like you should just like mothers are so gracious to babies and they're so compassionate and tender and loving towards them we need to have this attitude towards those who are newly saved look what it says in verse 3 again if so be have tasted that the Lord is gracious praise God that the Lord Jesus Christ himself is super gracious I mean consider how wrecked up messed up we are and how the Lord keeps doing good unto us that we don't deserve and the same should be applied to new believers in the faith you know if you get someone saved and you buy a miracle bring them into church that same day please please do not expect them to know or do anything right they certainly won't be dressed right they probably won't act right they might not even hold the Bible right you know they're not gonna get anything right and that's okay people that find stuff online and get saved and they come in please expect them to have lots of problems then their wife their children their brother all of it but you know what let's give them some grace here let's allow them to make a lot of mistakes and to be still a little carnal because at the end of the day they're not gonna walk in you know looking like a polished you know soul winning captain of our church or something day one they're not gonna look like the Usher team day one that just usually doesn't happen we need to give them a lot of grace go if you would to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 and look I see it and and again also don't look at where they're at right now and expect them to always be there well this guy got saved but he doesn't seem to be making a lot of changes he's a baby still don't expect the baby to play an NBA yet okay don't expect the baby to know how he's gonna do yet let's give them some time let's see where they're at let's give them some grace if you're concerned with them why don't you encourage them then why don't you help them grow a little bit why don't you come alongside them and lovingly and within sincerity try to do good under them look what the Bible says in Romans chapter 12 verse 16 be of the same mind one toward another mine not high things but condescend men of low estate be not wise in your own conceits notice that the Bible is telling us to condescend to men of low estate now Judas Iscariots can never get this okay and in false brethren always seem to struggle with this issue but just to give you an example you know if someone is young in the faith or some new believer comes into church and we start talking after service you know what I would expect them to bring up in conversation basketball football their job all kinds of just carnal worldly things because this is who they are and they cannot but help but speak the things that they've seen it hurt folks and you know what I do I start talking baseball and football on their job with them you know what I don't do they'll sinner stand back you watch that how dare you you know do you not know what the Bible says you know or they say hey last week I went to this one church what church the TD Jake's Church oh you're not one of these demon possessed tongue-talking freaks are you they're like what are you saying you know and it's like look is TD Jake's Church terrible yes it is are some people that are Pentecostal filled with demonic spirits yes they are is every single one of them no okay and it's like if this guy just got saved I don't have to scare him and freak him out because he's not the most zealous Christian day one okay and I can condescend to men of low estate and try to meet them where they're at because hey I was there you were there many of us have been carnal at points in our lives some are still a testament okay I'm just I know it's a Sunday night crowd but at the end of the day you know we can still meet people where they're at now I'm not saying let's stay there forever I'm not saying let's not try to make positive steps you know we should do we should try to be gracious we should try to extend them grace and we should try to lower ourselves and not try to be like well I would never do such a thing I've never seen such a thing I've never said that I don't know what let's go branded means well I've never cussed in my life you know well you're just too holy for all of us aren't you you know you're just so amazing and so godly let's just build you a little podium to stand on during the service right go to second Peter chapter number three second Peter chapter number three you know I'm sure you this little little shock you but you know when I've had new believers cuss in my presence I didn't freak out okay I wasn't like oh how dare you you Bible corrupt her you know that doesn't mean I have to say everything they say necessarily but at the end of the day you know I can sometimes condescend myself lower myself a little bit meet people where they're at and try to help build them up and try to help encourage them and taking the right steps look at second Peter chapter number three look at verse 17 either for beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest you also being led away with the air of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Tim be glory both now and forever amen now this is why I think is really important about these verses and I think you probably heard him a lot but think about the fact that he's saying that you need to grow in grace you know that tells me is that when you get saved you're not already an expert at grace grace is actually a mature Christians concept and most people almost every person struggles with this myself included everybody struggles with this we have to learn how to actually grow in grace and give people things that they don't deserve respect that they don't deserve love that they don't deserve you know any kind of different things that you would bestow under the conversation they don't deserve friendship they don't deserve money they don't deserve I mean this is what true grace is when someone doesn't deserve something and you give it to them right why do I get to go to heaven not because I deserve it we believe in grace don't we and it's like you know I'm not getting to heaven because I also repented of my sins or I also got baptized or I also did good none of it I didn't deserve a lick of it and it's like that's what true grace is so when I'm looking at another person if I'm gonna have real grace it would be an example where they deserve 0% of my attention 0% of my love 0% of my money 0% of anything that my friendship any of this and I just give it to them anyways that's what real grace is and this is how we should treat new concretions with the sincere milk you know we want to be sincere so they can grow and that we're being gracious unto them while we deliver it so that they can grow as well now I kind of want to end on this but go to Romans chapter 1 go to Romans chapter 1 you know I love the fact that we have passages like this in 1st Peter but you know another great person to model this was Paul the Apostle Paul and you know I know that Paul modeled this because he always always extended grace always look what it says in Romans chapter 1 verse 7 to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 go to 1st Corinthians let's just let's do a quick just flip through our Bible 1st Corinthians is turning the right to the next book this is the next epistle written by Paul that was the first look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 grace be unto you and peace go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 go to 2nd Corinthians we're learning the Bible together Romans 1st and 2nd Corinthians look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 look at verse number 2 grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ go to Galatians chapter 1 go to Galatians chapter 1 you know you really think it's a coincidence that the Apostle Paul writes a bunch of epistles to churches and these churches are screwed up man these churches have problems these churches are filled with carnal Christians problems doctrinal issues on I mean all kinds of just headaches but you know what he always extends to them grace he's always giving them grace look at Galatians chapter 1 verse 3 grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ Galatians is a book written to a church that's screwed up on the gospel folks yet how many new Christians that are a little bit screwed up on the gospel would you extend grace to Oh heretic false prophet get away from me you know it's like let's give people a little bit of grace and figure out where they're even at did they get confused beguiled like why what's the issue here you know do we want to just instantly just label anybody that disagrees with us on anything unsaved no that's the bad approach go if you would do Ephesians you know I've heard people they say hey if you think that Jesus died and went to hell and suffered you're not saved and then I have people on the other side to say if you don't believe that Jesus died went to hell and suffered you're not saved and it's like this you're just not saved just everybody's just pointing at everybody and just like you're not saved you know you you got a long hair Jesus not saved you know you think it's six thousand three hundred and two years not saved you know you you use the Oxford version of the kingdom about not saved right it's like you think Michelle Obama's a woman not saved like where are you gonna draw the line I mean it's like come on folks it's like we got it we got to extend some grace to people and look when someone's a heretic let's call them heretic I'm not I'm not I'm not preaching against that ideology what I'm saying though is let's approach them first with grace let's first give them grace and let's first give them benefit of the doubt and then when they prove beyond all reasonable you know suspicion that they're a raging heretic okay bye you know freak but at the same time let's start with and let's begin with grace just like Paul look at Ephesians chapter 1 verse 2 grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ go to Philippians go to flippin chapter 1 you know don't you think the Christians that were saved and mixed up in Galatia are appreciative that Paul warned them and it wanted to extend grace them don't you think it would be nice that if you got screwed up on the gospel that God didn't judge you as harshly as he should and maybe got some grace that came from Paul for Paul interceding on your behalf hey that'd be nice that when you get screwed up you do something wrong you make a mistake you visit the wrong church where I mean how many people get saved that we go out and get sold like get saved out of so many and they go to a bad church and the next few weeks or something the next few months probably all the time what we what we should do should we just start smacking around like what are you doing bro or would we give them grace and help them understand like that's a bad church you know that's not somewhere you should go you know why would you visit a bad church look what it says in Philippians chapter 1 verse 2 grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus it's like a broken record go to Colossians I'm trying to make a point but the point is really important let us extend grace Colossians chapter 1 look at verse 2 to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colossae grace be unto you go to first Thessalonians first Thessalonians what I love about Paul is how gracious he is first Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 1 Paul and Sylvanius and Timotheus into the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ go to second Thessalonians second Thessalonians chapter number 1 and look at verse number 2 grace unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ go to first Timothy even when just writing to a singular individual the apostle Paul still so in the same grace verse 2 unto Timothy my own son in the faith grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord he got so he got a triple dipper there second Timothy look at chapter 1 second Timothy chapter 1 look at verse 2 to Timothy my dearly beloved son grace mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord go to Titus chapter number 1 Titus chapter 1 and look at verse 4 to Titus mine own son after the common faith grace mercy and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior go to go to Philippians I'm sorry Philemon I'm Philemon and look at verse 3 grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ now you have now you have Hebrews all right go all the way to the end of Hebrews go to Hebrews chapter 13 it wouldn't be an epistle by Paul if we didn't have grace would it last verse grace be with you all amen no notice this is the Bible has a common theme doesn't it grace grace grace grace great so please please please when we have new big new babies new Christians let us treat them like a mother would her baby let us give them the sincere milk let us to be sincere with them let us be sincere and not causing offense let us be concerned with their growth let us help them to grow and edify and build them up and most importantly please please let us be a church that extends grace to people that are young in the faith people that don't get everything people that aren't like us you know the world and us is getting sharper contrast every day I mean it's becoming such a sharp contrast that it's almost unrecognizable and what we're going to need to do as the body of Christ is we're gonna have to extend even more grace to those that want to come out from among them and be separate as opposed to condemning and shaming and ridiculing those who don't know any better let us be the most gracious people on the planet and welcome them with loving arms and try to reach a dying and lost world I'm so glad that Jesus offered me so much grace the least we can do is extend it to others let's close in prayer thank you Heavenly Father for giving us so much grace and giving us the sincere milk the Word of God that we can grow and thank you so much that after we grow we also get the strong meat and I I understand that you you care so much about our growth let us also care about the growth of others let us try to love others let us try to reach new people and not just get them saved but also let us care about their personal growth let us try to help those that are saved and newly saved to grow up and and so that they can be a mature Christian and so that our church can have unity and can be used by you in an honoring and glorifying way and in Jesus name we pray amen all right for a final song let's go to 165 O worship the king 165 O worship the king of glorious above, and gratefully sing with wonderful love, our shield and we plunder the ancient of days, a billion in splendor and burden with praise. O tell of his mind, and sing of his grace, whose throne is the light, whose canopy's face, his chariots of rattling thunder, bounce warm, and dark is his path of the wings of the storm. I'm bound to fulfill what on can reside, it breathes in the air, it shines in the light, it streams from the hills, it descends through the plain, and sweetly distills in the dew and the rain, frail children of dust, and feeble as trail, standing duly just, nor fighting to fail, thine mercies how tender, how firm to the end, our beaver, the fender, redeemer, and friend.