(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵MUSIC🎵 You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Good morning everyone welcome to steadfast baptist church. Thank you for being here this morning. We're gonna start out by singing song 437 battle hymn of the Republic 437 battle hymn of the Republic Let's sing it out nice and loud together 437 battle hymn Public Fine eyes have seen I Can't read his right Oh He has sound and forth the trumpet that shall never sound retreat He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat. Oh be swift my soul to answer My feet bar In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea with In his bosom that transfigures you with me as he died to make men holy let us die Great singing this morning. Let's open up in a word of prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for this great church. Thank you for everyone here gathered together Pray that you please bless this service and the soul winning just every aspect of serving you today We pray that you'd fill our hearts with love for you. We love you in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All right for a second song we go to 247 saved saved 247 Saved saved Song 247 saved safe Sing it out nice and loud I've Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Good morning. Thank you so much for being at steadfast Baptist Church If you didn't already get a bulletin, you would like one. Please lift up your hand nice and high Also on the front we have the Bible memory passage Psalm 58 We're working on that if you can quote the verse of the week If you're 18 and under you can get an ice cream treat on the midweek service Also, we have our service so winning times there below our church stats Please make sure if you go soul winning to update your soul winning captain's lieutenants on your soul winning Statistics so that way we can make sure we're keeping our bulletins up to date on the right Several ladies that you're in that you can be in prayer for who are expecting also we have a prayer list that you can be added to Also tonight we are having a church finance meeting immediately after the service and so I do encourage you if you don't normally come Sunday nights and or You're even listening online to at least consider coming to that particular church service meeting it's not gonna be broadcasted or anything like that and it is for members only that portion of the Service and so it shouldn't necessarily be too too long I like to try and keep them pretty short and sweet but and I also though I'm gonna make just just kind of give an update about some Some of the future of our church and some plans and things like that. So if you are Member I do highly encourage you to participate in that On the back. We have Church Reminders also upcoming events. There is consent forms that we have to fill out for our men's conference and so if you have those out there Because you might die but other than that, you know, it's it's a lot of fun and we really enjoy it But of course there is risk, all right, so October 12th through the 15th the FBB F and then November 4th is the Abilene, Texas soul-winning marathon. So really looking forward to that as well That's really all I have for announcements this morning. We can go ahead and go to our third song We're gonna do Psalm 119. It's in your special handouts Or if you would like to turn your Bible you can it's a little bit easier though If you have the handouts All right, Psalm 119 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and alive I Have sworn That I will keep thy righteous judgments I am Very much quick Oh Dang The wicked Yet I air not from my recess my Testimonies have I taken It's forever I Accept I beseech be the free will offerings of my mouth And teach me thy judgments My soul is continually And yet do I not My testimonies Oh Hard I have in mind my Lies that you Even on to the end I hate many thoughts, but I take it Ah Good seeing as the operating plates are being passed around please turn your Bibles to Philippians chapter number two Philippians chapter number two You Philippians chapter two the Bible reads if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and mercies Fulfill ye my joy that ye be like-minded Having the same love being of one accord of one mind let nothing be done through strife or vainglory But in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Look not every man on his own things But every man also on the things of others let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God? but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and Being found in fashion as a man. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Wherefore my beloved as he have always obeyed not in my presence only But now much more in my absence Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his Good pleasure do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless The sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation Among whom ye shine as lights in the world Holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain neither labored in vain Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith I joy and rejoice with you all for the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send to Mothius shortly unto you that I also may be of good comfort When I know your state For I have no man like-minded who will naturally care for your state for all seek their own Not the things which are Jesus Christ's but you know the proof of him that as a son with the Father He hath served with me in the gospel him Therefore I hope to send presently so soon as I shall see how it will go with me But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you a path for Ditus my brother and Companion in labor and fellow soldier, but your messenger and he that ministered to my wants For he longed after you all and was full of heaviness because that ye had heard that he had been sick for Indeed he was sick nigh unto death But God had mercy on him and not on him only but on me also lest I should have sorrow. I Sent him therefore the more carefully that when you see him again Ye may rejoice and that I may be the less sorrowful Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness and hold such in reputation because for the work of Christ He was nigh unto death not regarding his life to supply your lack of service Toward me. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father in heaven we thank you for pastor Shelley and his family and I pray that you fill in with your spirit now and Just help him Lord to preach the message You've laid on his heart with clarity of mind and with boldness and help us Father God to pay close attention To what he has prepared for us Lord so that we may glorify you better in everything that we do We love you and in Jesus name. I pray amen men So I'm continuing my series that we've started about the shiny happy people documentary and Specifically, I just feel like this documentary touches on a lot of accusations against fundamental Baptist Baptist Christians and I felt like it was important to kind of address and talk about a lot of different issues and we've talked a lot about all kinds of things that are prevalent in a church like ours large families and the importance of being fruitful and multiplying Discipline proper discipline and of course, I think they take the IBLP because they have a lot of the right ideas But then they kind of go to extremes or they go overboard or you see some abuse going on in those circles but I really want to make it clear that the vast majority of things that the IBLP or the Duggars or other people like them do are actually found in Scripture a lot of the things that they have in and most of the People that are really interested in this kind of a documentary or exposee. They just hate the Bible. They hate Christianity and Really? They're just God hating atheists in most situations But the topic I wanted to talk about this morning is that of Christian nationalism Christian nationalism now who who's heard that term Christian nationalism It's actually a very difficult term to define Because many people have their own definitions, it's it's kind of a broad Scale of what that even particularly means But this is something that's brought up in the documentary and it's something that they're very afraid of They're really upset about and they talk about how the IBLP would train young men to potentially enter into the political realm Maybe be involved in their local politics or potentially in the federal government learning about the Constitution learning about the mock You know the democracy or democratic processes learning about their public learning about all the different things that are associated with being an American and being an American citizen frankly and trying to prepare many of them if possible that they would enter into the political realm in the future one Kind of loosely connected idea that they have in this documentary is something called the Joshua generation Which was a program designed to raise up the next generation to greatly influence America and its politics and you know It kind of makes sense where they're coming up with that name because the children of Israel are wandering in the wilderness They're not able to go into the promised land because they've sinned because they have too many problems, but their children Which is Joshua's generation have the opportunity to end up going into the promised land and having great success whereas they failed and honestly, you know to some degree that even seems like a pretty good idea because let's be honest the boomers and that kind of generation kind of just failed and they really just left a lot of things to be desired and While it may be impossible for us right now to just reclaim America We could raise a future generation that could actually have a big impact on America and the world and so we should never give up on the youth or the future just because our situation isn't that great or just because we may have to go through a lot of Difficulty and adversity or because we have to wander through the wilderness now again. I don't know everything about these programs or these institutions or what they train them in But that's just generally what the documentary is bringing up and what is very against now Why is it that they're very against this? Is there something really? Sinister or criminal about teaching people about American politics or teaching them about Christianity or trying to have them influence the culture No, no, but you know, what terrifies them is the fact that our country go back to being Christian again Why because being Christian again? Will not allow them to Live the life that they're living and it will not spread their satanic message throughout this world And so they hate it now when it comes to Christian nationalism I'm going to mostly focus my sermon this morning on just what the Bible says History and just kind of my perspective So I'm kind of giving you a trifecta here of what the Bible just clearly plainly says What history of America has been and then just kind of my personal interpretation of the facts that we have here this morning but Philippians chapter 2 Makes it clear that we as Christians Should be Christ like and we should affect the culture that is around us. Look what it says verse 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure so, you know what God lives inside of us and God wants us to be Christ like now, of course, this is unique to Christians, you know, don't listen to Vivek Reswamwe or whatever you want to say Reswama Hindu or whatever this presidential candidate who someone asked him like, you know What's the difference between Christians and you and he's like, oh, well, we basically have the same Judaic Christian values I'm like, well first of all, I don't have to date Christian values I have Christian values and my Christian values are not your Hindu values Have you ever visited India? Okay, very different. All right, the whole place stinks literally, okay Now he's trying to say well, you know, I've learned from the the Christian God and you know Hinduism that we have this commonality about how God lives in all of us and You know, we're all image bearers of God. And so therefore God lives inside of us Well, here's the thing Technically man was made in the image of God women or not. So you're already half wrong Additionally only those who are saved Those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ have God living inside of them and they are the habitation of God So as God living inside of us It's important that our lives are living in a way that's pleasing unto God and we're fulfilling His will because it's God's opportunity to still walk on this earth Jesus Christ already came and Jesus Christ ascended back up into heaven and Jesus Christ isn't going to literally walk on the earth anytime soon He wasn't doing it for the last 2,000 years. He's been in heaven You know what? He lives inside of us and us walking on this earth gives God an opportunity to still be walking Among us and preaching his word and showing his works and it's God that's enabling and empowering us To be his hands and his feet and to go out and to preach the gospel and to be a bright and shining light Therefore it says in verse 14 do all things without murmurings and disputings Everyone hates complainers. Okay, just shut up verse 15 They may be blameless and harmless the sons of God Without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world so some people Really? They they get so offended by the perverseness or the crookedness of their particular nation that they just hide And I get that I get the desire to just want to get away or to separate and to just basically not confront The world as far as on its crooked and perverseness But the Bible says that we are supposed to shine as lights in the world So we are supposed to be in this world being Christian and affecting the culture, isn't it? Interesting that Mormons have no problem affecting the culture They're there in a literal cult folks Mormons are a literal cult. I mean they're women Have to like marry a certain prophet in a temple in order to go to heaven and they have to have like a million babies Afterwards, I mean their beliefs are so much weirder than yours could ever be and they're going out and dresses and skirts not afraid They've in a little name tags elder 18 year old girls walking around with some like name tag and name badge going around talking to people confronting people I've literally been approached by Mormon girl missionaries multiple times And as soon as I start giving them any Bible they run away like scared or whatever but I've had Mormon guys Mormon girls all of them I've had tons of Mormons approached me in my personal life and Why is it that I've never been approached by a Baptist ever? I've never had a fundamental Baptist ever knock on my door and try to get me the gospel I've never had a fundamental Baptist approach me randomly out in the parking lot or wherever and try to give me a tract or Anything like that now. I've had Jehovah's Witnesses do it. I Remember one time I was at a gas station now. They're not always super bold I get it, but they still approach me I remember one time on a gas station, and I'm getting gas and I noticed someone parked far away But I'm not really paying attention I don't really care and just kind of out of the maybe the corner of my eye kind of noticed They're walking towards my direction, but I mean they're going to the store or something, right? So I'm just sitting there just not paying attention look at my phone I don't know and all of a sudden they get really close and I hadn't noticed how close they got and They're just like hey, do you want this pamphlet or something and and just kind of them talking to me and being so close kind of just Gave me a little bit of maybe startled me a little bit. So I just like no and then these are like ran away And I was just thinking like wow that wasn't very bold Like if you sneak up behind someone hoping to give them an invite they might just be startled at first, right? But you know what? I've never even had a Baptist startle me I've never even had a Baptist try to like hand me anything. Isn't that a shame? Isn't that embarrassing? That Baptists are so afraid of the gospel to give it out. Whereas Mormons Muslims, I mean the the outfit that Muslim women wear is so ridiculous folks It's like clown world. I mean that they're wearing like a tent. I remember going to the Airport recently and I saw this lady kind of I mean I saw like a little bit of her eyeball Or something. She's just wearing like this giant tent and it's hot Like that is there's no way that that's comfortable. So think about it. They're physically uncomfortable Socially uncomfortable and yet they're willing to go out and proclaim their faith how come Christians then can't go out and affect the culture and be unashamed of being a Christian and being a Baptist and being a fundamentalist and Loving the Bible and loving Christianity, you know, we should be shining as lights in this world We should not I mean how can Westboro Baptist Church not be ashamed of their church and then people be ashamed of steadfast Baptist Church or Embarrassed or not willing to affect the culture or whatever. I mean these people are a laughingstock of the world and they don't care They don't care Isn't it isn't it a shame that false prophets can have more courage and more bravery than sometimes God's own people Than Christians the day and you know living in the Dallas forward area. It's not even really that Difficult to be a Christian because it's like everybody's fake Christian at least You know, I mean you go to Chick-fil-a and there's like eight Bible studies going on at Chick-fil-a or whatever And it's just like what's going on here? you know that usually makes me upset because it's all like the NLT and NLV and Faith healers and all kinds of weird stuff going on at Chick-fil-a, but We as fundamental Baptist should be the ones that are influencing the culture and being Christian So when we talk about this concept of Christian nationalism, I'm breaking it into the two words first one's Christian sounds good to me Hey, let's be Christians. Let's be Christlike. Let's affect the culture. Let's be a bright and shining light Verse 16 holding forth the Word of Life Okay, so we should be the ones giving out the Bible and and preaching the gospel go if you would to Revelation chapter 5 for A moment. So if we look at the first word Christian, I think that's a no-brainer Anything Christian? I mean we should probably be already on board with Now, of course, there is a lot of fake Christianity out there and I get that but there's nothing wrong with the word Christian We should embrace the term and love the term and we should be Christian in our actions So, what about nationalism well What is nationalism? Usually this is kind of in contrast with different government policies or ideals as far as economics or just how we're going to govern our Our citizens and really, you know, you got a different you got several different options here but I think it's kind of in contrast of you know Globalism in Essence because that's really what's affecting our culture and our world today There's a lot of other things out there, but you know, we were really trying contrast. Like why are people against nationalism? Typically, it's because they're they want to be more global or globalism is kind of what they're advocating for where we don't really necessarily have the boundaries at a nation level but more we have governing bodies that police the entire world and and becoming more unified as an entire one-world system Now economically this pretty much already happened You could even argue in some ways There's certain coalitions and groups the UN and other groups that have kind of already started to create Some governing bodies that police more than just a particular nation but nationalism would be the idea of having separate nations and mostly from the context of Legal governing bodies, so I think that it comes to economics You could make the case that throughout the Bible people are constantly trading with foreign nations There's always been kind of a global currency global economy Goods are always going to be transported from one nation to another but when it comes to the laws Legality the identity of a particular area the Bible heavily influenced Sorry advocates for Nationalism and nations. Okay, you could think of this in Genesis chapter 11 with the Tower of Babel where it's kind of a one-world government being formed there at the very beginning stages and God does not like that and God literally Confounded the languages so that there would not be a one-world system now Frankly speaking. It's probably Impossible to ever have a very successful one-world system when we all still have varying languages and you know What God didn't get rid of languages languages still exist and because of that it's important to have Varying countries and varying nations, you know that language is a really important component And as long as we have languages that are diverse, you know This thing could never work and I'm I'm not for the idea of just merging everything into one language I like the idea of having the multiple languages and having the different nations, you know Who's ever been to Epcot anybody ever been to Epcot? Okay, a few of you worldly people like me are out there All right, but the cool thing about Epcot and this is a park in the Walt Disney World area But it's one of their I think they have seven parks or something like that Maybe five parks, but one of their parks called Epcot and it's not necessarily a rollercoaster theme park It's more of just like eating food, okay, that's that's basically the whole point you go There's this little tiny ride at the front. It's called a small world after wall. It's not it's not cool It's just you just basically go on a long journey around all these different countries but then they have this big pond in the middle and then in the back of the theme park They just have all these different countries and whenever you walk from one section of the next it just transforms dramatically So all the architecture is a particular country all of the gifts that they have at the gift shop are based on that country and then all the food is kind of based on that country so you walk into Italy and It's got Italian Architecture and it's got Italian style dishes then you walk into France and they've got croissants and you know All kinds of great pastries you go to Germany and it's like sausages and all kinds of everything They'll have music that's from that country and it's cool because when you go from each country, you know what? It's not a bunch of Muslims Now you go to Europe and you go into France and it's just Muslims and then you go to Sweden and it's Muslims And then you go somewhere. No. No, you know, what's cool is that they had some diversity in some culture and you get some Croissants, you know, what food did the Muslims ever bring to this world? I Don't Don't even know They're hiding their women, you know, and the women there. I guess they're not cooking What are they just ruined women didn't they Muslims, you know, and I'm not talking about an ethnicity folks I'm talking about the religion. Okay, if you happen to be ethnically Muslim, I don't care whatsoever but I'm talking about this religion that can't read hides their women and Essentially, they don't even make any good food. Okay, say I don't know about that pastelite I don't eat halal. All right, so You know it I don't because they sacrifice under their God Allah and you know what? I'm not gonna eat it and I don't know what they bring to the table. They bring basically nothing to society The oil, okay, they own a bunch of oil and they rip everybody off on it. That's basically what they do but Islam is a religion of the devil and You know, that's that's the one plate, you know when you go to Epcot, you know, they didn't have a Middle East section Because it's not cool. There was nothing unique about it. There was nothing fun about it You know you walk into that section everybody gets arrested and you hot it or something, you know It's like it's like what is this? You know, it's like you go out into the desert somewhere. It's like that's not cool It's not fun But you go and visit all these European countries and you say like why why is Europe interesting and cool? Because that's where Christianity was for a long time folks. Hey, you know what Christianity is what makes a nation great Christianity is why they had such great architecture Christianity is why they had such great food Christianity is why they were really cool for all those reasons, you know They didn't want to visit all the other places in the world. Why because Christianity wasn't really there It is not nearly as cool and let me tell you something Christianity brings the good food It brings the good culture. It brings the good architecture. It brings everything that's wonderful in society And you know, there's nothing wrong with having various versions of this Nationalism right the French version the German version the British version the American version all these different versions. It's wonderful but what we don't want to do is to just try and Meld all of this into just one melting pot of just no culture. No heritage No, just nothing It will is not what God has designed and it's not what God wants and every time the world did It was the most wicked evil country where that was Egypt whether that was the Assyrians whether that was the Babylonians Whether that was the Medo-Persian Empire Whether that was the Grecian Empire or the Roman Empire or hey the new Babylonian Empire, which arguably could be America it's very wicked and we don't want to go that route. It's best if we stay in nations, okay Now Revelation chapter 5 I want you to look at verse number 9 I want to show you something when it comes to people getting saved People get saved according the Bible out of every single nation in the world like what it says and they sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and Open the seals thereof for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation now, I Think this is important to think about okay when we get into heaven You are still going to observe something you are still going to observe Diversity you are going to observe What every kind of kindred tongue people and nation in heaven? It's not like when we all go up into heaven We just all turn into Mormons or something or just all these white You know because that's what Mormonism taught Mormonism literally taught that the more sinful you are the dark your skin color is And they literally taught the black people are more sinful than white people, okay So like I guess when you get to heaven we just all turn snow white or something. That's not true That's not what the Bible teaches when the when we get into heaven. We're still gonna have that diversity of every tongue How could you even tell if they all looked identical they just turned into NPCs or something just a bunch of robots No, no, they kept their Diversity okay. Now this is important go if you would to Revelation chapter 22 go to Revelation chapter 23. So the very beginning It doesn't really make sense with Adam and Eve in the garden to have nations Since there's two people Right. I mean you're not gonna really have a Russian nation and a European nation and an African nation when it's Adam and Eve Okay, folks, so it makes sense that when we start the Bible there wasn't really a thing about nations yet because there wasn't any people yet So we had to wait until human population got to a certain point where nations becomes relevant Becomes a part of society, but almost instantly God then starts giving us nations I mean Genesis 11 is not that far into the book. We basically just start with nations Now revelation 22 if you know anything about the Bible, this is the last Chapter in the Bible. This is the last chapter in the New Testament look what it says in verse 2 in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there the tree of life which bear 12 manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the Nations Hey, when are we going back to this one world government? We're not God wants nations. And in fact, Jesus Christ is going to rule over the Nations because God is a nationalist God likes Nations God wants nations when we get into heaven you see people from every nation Every tongue. Oh, what do you think about Christian nationalism? It's gonna happen whether you like it or not Let me tell you something. It is the right Philosophy it is the correct ideology I am for Nations, and of course even before the millennial reign even before Christ is a ruler and before we have that particular system Nations keep us in safety because when you don't have as much concentrated power It's much more difficult to oppress people to have Tyrants come in for top-down corruption to come in the more spread out the powers are Then the more difficult it is to take them over and so having separate nations all over this world It's going to bring more freedom to this world than if we have just a one world government or a one world system so even from that perspective it is in the best interest of every single person of separate nations and You know, it is a biblical concept. I'm not going to go all the way into that forever, but I Basically have three things that I want to kind of talk about that was just defining our terms Number one Christian sounds good to me number two nationalism sounds good to me. Let's mix them together It's not beans and chili folks. It works Okay So Christian nationalism makes a lot of sense that we're going to influence our nation And we want to have a separate nation from the rest of the nations of the world. I'm on board. Okay now let's emphasize a couple of these points a little bit point number one is this as Christian nationalists or someone that believes in this ideology You should influence the culture go to John chapter 17 in the Bible go to John chapter 17 It is our job to influence the nation now It's kind of sad But I was just thinking about this about how it feels like independent fundamental Baptists are in hiding and What I mean by that is you know, I grew up Christian my whole life I lived in Texas my whole life and You know, I knew a lot about churches I went to I went to several different kinds of churches I remember going to school. I would sometimes visit the Baptist Church the first Baptist Church in my area I visited the the Methodist Church in my area. I visited the University Church of Christ in my area Mostly because they would have youth programs and you know I would sometimes just go because I didn't really understand that these people Didn't believe the gospel if I had known that they didn't believe the gospel I would have not wanted to go into their establishments, but many of the people there, you know seem to believe Similar to me. I know that a lot of these programs they had at school like they would just pick people up for lunch and you could go to the Methodist Church on Mondays and have pizza for free and I was like sure yeah, or you know Go to the Church of Christ and they would have pizza on Wednesdays or they have different youth programs Or there's a cute girl that goes to one of these programs You're like, I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go so I can hang out with her You know, right you just going and you're trying out all these different churches So I knew a lot of I knew a lot of the church in the area I heard a lot of these things, but I'll tell you even into my young adulthood I didn't even know that independent fundamental Baptists existed Isn't that sad isn't that kind of just and I mean look I think a lot of us could probably attest to this if you Weren't raised I have beat you didn't even know it existed Until you kind of got exposed to it for the first time, which is probably Pastor Anderson you know and Let's be honest about it. You know, I had not really even heard about fundamental Baptist very much before Pastor Anderson I think my first exposure was Ken Hovind And I knew that Ken Hovind was kind of an independent fundamental Baptist But I didn't even know there was all these distinctions between Southern Baptists and you know American Baptists and missionary Baptists and independent Baptists and primitive Baptists and free will Baptists and hey There's a lot of Baptists out there. Okay, it's a lot of different sex But you know, what's sad is that I just didn't know and when I finally figured it out I realized there was eight independent Baptist churches in my area. I Was thinking like wow, that's a lot But you know what? it's really hard to find information about them and they're not going out and reaching anybody in their area and Telling anybody what they believe they're not going soul-winning. They're not preaching the gospel They're not knocking on doors. And so it seems like a lot of independent Baptist are just hiding and They they live in a echo chamber Most independent Baptist either homeschool or their church offers a private Christian school So from that perspective, they're not interacting that the world at all and they just go to church They just go to the little private Christian school. They just do their little homeschool or something like that And then, you know, you just never hear about them. They're not saying anything at work. They're not making any controversy they're not doing anything and it's just there it's like they're hiding in plain sight and Here's the question. Is that really what God wants us to do is just to hide in plain sight Well, look what it says in John chapter 17 verse 14 I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world Even as I am NOT of the world now Let me ask you this question If no one even knows who you are has never heard of you and you basically don't exist to them Do they hate you? No, because they don't even know who you are in order for them to hate you They have to get to know you a little bit Verse 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world But that thou shouldest keep them from the evil They are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth as thou has sent me into the world Even so have I also sent them into the world now Jesus Christ for the first 30 so years of his life was basically You know a nobody nobody really knows about him. He's not a public figure He's not someone that anybody really is gonna pick out of a crowd. Even John the Baptist was given instructions by God the Father about the fact that he would know was Jesus when he saw the heavens open and The dove descending upon him and the voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am Well pleased it was like a special thing because it wasn't just like looking at it. Oh, there's Jesus You couldn't do that. There wasn't anything necessarily Really unique about him amongst his own people What was unique about him was his words? Was unique about him was the fact that he was the Son of God. Okay, but it wasn't necessarily obvious in the flesh and The same is with you know, a lot of Christians where they live in this this world where no one even knows who they Are you know what Jesus eventually got sent into the world by God the Father and now all of a sudden everybody knows who he is Everybody's hearing about Jesus Everybody has an opportunity to be exposed to Jesus Christ and I would argue that fundamental Baptist Should not live this life where no one in the world knows who they are We should be known We should be out there now. Does that mean we're of the world? am I gonna get the skinny jeans and a tight tee graphic tee up here and Get a get one of these clear podiums and we're gonna black black out everything and turn down the lights And it's gonna be a 20-minute sermon. You know, I can't do that anyways No, and we're just gonna go out and be super cool we just love everybody yeah soup kitchen man just love Jesus I Noticed there was some Baptist Church. I saw in Tennessee I was looking at it for some reason last night and this this pastor gets up there. He looks super cool, man this is super awesome and He's like trying to shame the congregation and He's trying to tell him this story and he's like there's this there was this pastor of a mega church 10,000 people and no one's ever met him before and so he decided He would just try to look like a homeless man and he would just like grow out his beard He'd put on gross clothes and didn't shower for a long time. And then he just showed up Outside the church right before the service and just he wanted to see you know, how many people would interact with him you know, and so he's like approaching people as they're coming up to the church and He's like this pastor realized that only three people even interacted with him You know out of the thousands and thousands that are pouring into this building and they didn't even give him any you know No one he gave him any money so then he decided to walk in and come and just pop himself down right on the front row and The ushers came and they were like, hey, do you mind kind of sitting over in this other section? And they were kind of monitoring him or whatever so then they say oh, it's time to introduce you to our new pastor and And then they this guy from the back dressed like a homeless bum that smells like garbage walks up and he's like hey I'm your new pastor and I want to read a passage from Matthew 25 Where it's you know, and we can go there let's just go there for a second. Let's go to Matthew 25 And he starts in verse 34 then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come you blessed of my father Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for I was hungered and you gave me meat I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me in naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and he came unto me then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord When saw we thee hungered and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink when saw we thee a stranger and took the inner naked and clothed thee or when saw we be sick or in prison and came unto thee and the king shall answer and Say unto them verily I say unto you in so much as you have done it unto one of the least of These my brethren you have done it unto me He says it's so it's so shameful that I came here and no none of y'all Are going to be entering in the kingdom of heaven none of you, you know It's just like he basically just telling his whole congregation of 10,000 people on none of them are Christian. None of them are saved none of Thanks for twisting Matthew 25, buddy because let me tell you something if a smelly homeless bum was sitting next to the front door and I'm bringing my children in yeah, I'm not gonna say like hey kids You want to sit on his lap and ask him for a present on Christmas? Yeah, I probably wouldn't drag my family over there because the guy might knife me or stab me or or be filled with rabies Or whatever. I don't know what's going on with this guy Okay, and yeah I'm sure that some of our ushers or security team would probably approach the person to see what's going on Like hey, you smell like booze hit the road Jack Right didn't say hey, I was a drunk homeless person and You offered me more booze money. No, it didn't say that did it? Okay now obviously You know, there's truth to this story. I'm not trying to mock the Bible here You know who is someone that was like hungry and naked that was helped How about the guy that got beat up along the side of the road and the Good Samaritan came along and helped him out? Not the guy that's purposely not showering and smelling like a bum Refusing to work because the Bible says that person should not be allowed to eat That's what the New Testament literally says this guy should have you know gotten slapped in the face with you know Second Thessalonians chapter number three. Hey, buddy. We're not even giving you a paycheck until you take a shower Stupid pastor and then you know so funny about this story then I look it up. It's fake Everything I just told you is not even real That pastor just told a fake story. Somebody is just putting out this fake story and this gullible idiot Preacher got up and retold it and I was thinking like wow how much research did you put into this zero? Just like you do in your Bible study and in your church and everything and look I'm telling you something about this world Is that Christians aren't influencing the culture anymore? They're not influencing the coach because they're listening to these fake stories by false prophets Like you know what happened if that really did happen to the church ever You just go find some random homeless bum and give them more drug money. How is that gonna fix society? How is that gonna benefit society? When that's the message when that's being brought forth in this in the service You know what and even independent fundamental Baptist, I'll tell you something They're getting away from influence the culture as well And they seem to be going the same way as these non-denom mega churches And you know what we should have nothing to do with them. We should never be like them ever Because they're fake they tell fake stories and it's garbage Why in the world what I why in the world would you want to get a random pastor? You've never even seen or heard before anyways. It's like hey, we found this homeless bum up the street He's gonna come preach to you You know that the whole story just is just bizarre, but it's so funny that this guy's is literally telling lies To his congregation and in an effort to get them to what feed more homeless bums Because here's the thing even though that was a fake story It's a real story that this pastor preached it to his congregation of 10,000 So it has the same effect though of the fact that they're gonna go out and feel like oh man We better go feed some homeless bum and bring him into our house You know, I'm not doing that I'm not gonna go find the derelicts of society that refused to work and let me tell you something about homeless people They're like 30 or 40 percent sodomites If maybe not even higher than that So you better know I'm not gonna just bring in stray cats off the street and start giving them milk You know what? Hey they need to figure out how to clean themselves up a little bit before they can start coming into the house of God and We need to be the ones that are going out influencing the culture and telling people Hey homeless people that can work should not get any handout zero Why is it that there's such a homeless problem in our society because of fake? Christianity and because people aren't preaching what the Bible says on this issue Where are all the thousands of fundamental Baptist getting up and ripping on people helping these homeless derelict losers? You know what if you really wanted to help them you would preach the truth to them you would tell them hey buddy sober up Hey, buddy, get a job. Hey, buddy Quit being lazy because let me tell you something if you don't give food to a man. He'll get a job I've never I've never even heard like homeless man dies of hunger Most homeless guys are fat anyways Okay, the worst thing you can do is help that guy continue to be a slob and helping him be lazy and help him be A derelict in society, you know I have with me the laws of Connecticut an exact reprint of the original edition of 1673 This literally even said you would get fined You would be penalized criminally if your child was not a productive member of society Like if you if your kid is like one of these derelict bombs of society You would get criminally punished for doing that. I like that law You know what That's it. He's a drain on society. He's not helping society. Hey, you know what? Jesus wasn't going around helping homeless bums folks The few people that he helped in this situation were blind or a paraplegic Or couldn't walk or whatever and as soon as they could they they started working Hey pick up my mat and go home, you know go get a job Jesus was helping people get jobs. Like now you have legs go work You know the parables that he give are people standing around doing nothing and he shows up and gives them a job He didn't he didn't come up and just say hey, do you guys want a penny for the day Don't do any work. No. No, he said hey go work in my vineyard. Hey, why is no man hired thee? And they were like, well, we're just you know, we're just living alternative lifestyle man Cool. No, no go work God created man to work. He didn't create them to lay around and be a lazy jerk today And let me tell you something He also didn't create fundamental Baptist to do the same work as a homeless person and just hide from society and do nothing What makes fundamental Baptist better than the homeless guy doing nothing when you're hiding and you won't preach the gospel And you're not affecting the culture. You know what it's meaningless God doesn't want us to go and hide in some commune somewhere hide in the jungle somewhere Hide in the wilderness somewhere and do nothing with our lives. No. No, he wants us to be in the world Why is it that people won't do it because people hate you people hate you. You know, what? Why do we even have the country we do today? It's because Christians were affecting the world around them And when did Jesus the Apostles the disciples or any of the churches in the New Testament? Hide With I mean, I'm pretty sure anytime Paul walked into a city everybody figured out who he was real quick Pretty sure when Jesus walked into a town everybody figured out who he was real quick I'm pretty sure everybody knew John the Baptist was Oh John the Baptist went on the wilderness. Yeah, everyone knew where he was though Literally everyone went to go see him. They're bringing out the news reporters and the whatever they're like Hey this guy moved out there. We're going out there to see him, you know, it doesn't matter how far they move out They're gonna come find you and hear what you have to say So that's what a New Testament Church should really be like it should be riling everyone up We should be influencing our culture Christian nationalism. Do you think we should be influencing the culture? Yes, I do I was step as Baptist Church. You have such a bad reputation online good. It sounds like we're in the world then And it also sounds like we're not of the world either So it sounds like we're doing exactly what Jesus said. Hey be in the world, but don't be of the world. Oh Well, what happens when you're in the world, they're gonna hate you You know go find me the positive article about our church that we didn't write. Okay, you know Like it doesn't exist. Okay, and that's fine I don't expect a bunch of Jews to write good articles about us and that's the only media that exists. So Go go to Psalm 19 for a second. Now. I just I want you to still pay attention But I'm gonna read a several things to you real quick. Okay, and And what I'm gonna read to you is the laws of America You know from from years past and this is important because some people would be like, oh you're trying to you're trying to make us You know Christian, you know, that's not what the founders wanted or are you trying to make us a theocracy? Yeah, they don't even know what a theocracy is number one. They couldn't define it number two I think people have no idea They'd like have zero concept of what our country was really like Let me just give you a sample of what our country was like from Pre-constitution pre 1776 and then a little bit after This is the laws of Connecticut 1673. So this is for the entire colony or as we call it a state now and If you just open it up, this is like the very beginning of it Okay, so this is just how they introduce us to the subject To our beloved brethren and neighbors the inhabitants of the colony of Connecticut the general court of that Colony with grace and peace and our Lord Jesus This is how the law the government of the entire colony of Connecticut starts Wow, you're trying to make us Christian we were folks, okay The Serious consideration of the necessity of the establishment of wholesome laws for the regulating of each body Politic hath inclined us mainly and obedience under Jehovah the great lawgiver You know what? I love about that word Jehovah find that in another religious text Find that in the NID Hey, I like your job because it's in the King James Bible folks. We're getting real specific real fast Obviously got the Joe's false witnesses, but I mean we're not we're not talking about Hinduism here We're talking about the God of the Bible and they're saying hey, it's necessary that we establish good laws in our country Let's figure out who's the best lawgiver. Oh, yeah, Jehovah. Why don't we use his laws? It says this who have been pleased to set down a divine platform Not only of the moral but also of judicial laws Suitable for the people of Israel, you know, I like about this in 1673 they realized that the Old Testament was broken apart into moral law and judicial laws Because they're saying hey God didn't just tell us that things are right and wrong. He told us how a judicial System should work how a government should literally regulate itself and that there are certain laws that are judicial You know when Jesus Christ died on the cross He didn't just throw out the judicial law and say you know what these judicial laws are relevant Don't worry about those. No. No, those are still relevant. And you know what? They thought they were relevant 1600 years later. Oh You're trying to bring us back under the law This is 1600 years after Jesus Christ has died buried and rose again And they are saying let's use the laws of Jehovah. Why because they're not a bunch of brain-dead leftists. All right Says suitable for the people of Israel as Also in conformity to the manifest pleasure of our sovereign Lord the King and His Majesty's gracious Charter requiring and granting liberty thereby of making of laws and Constitutions suiting our state and condition for the safety and welfare of the people the colony of Connecticut. She said look God is granted unto our King and our King is also granting unto us the ability to make our own Constitutions and our own local governments for the safety and welfare of the people You know what laws do they bring safety and welfare? Anarchy brings chaos destruction death. We need wholesome laws laws that are good laws, how do you get good laws you get them from the Bible and It makes it very clear in this particular document that The king of England or the king over these colonies was allowing them to pass their own laws as long as they're in accordance with British law and the laws of God and of course, that's what you get in this particular document So there's a lot about that. I would love to just read the whole thing to you, but I'm just giving you a little sample, okay Fact they already were praising the Lord Jesus Christ and making it clear that their laws are coming from God That's why when you read the capital punishment section, it's basically just the Old Testament Albeit, they I don't think they were right on adultery the way they did it and this but other than that It's virtually exactly what the Bible says on capital punishment. It even has a section on heretics. All right Well, I'm not gonna get there How about Another document from Pennsylvania. This is 1682. So just a little bit further into the future So this is the act for freedom of conscience in Pennsylvania chapter 1 Almighty God being only Lord of conscience father of lights and spirits and the author as well as object of all divine knowledge faith and worship who can only enlighten the mind and persuade and convince the Understandings of people and do reverence to his sovereignty over the souls of mankind. So this is how they started They're already praising the God of the Bible They say this be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that no person now Or at any time you're after living in this province who shall confess and acknowledge one Almighty God To be the creator upholder and ruler of the world and who professes him or herself obliged and conscious to live peaceably and quietly Under the civil government shall in any case be molested or prejudiced for his or her conscientious persuasion or practice Nor shall he or she? At any time be compelled to frequent or maintain any religious worship place or ministry Whatever contrary to his or her mind But shall freely and fully enjoy his or her Christian liberty in that respect without any interruption or reflection And if any person shall abuse or deride any other for his or her different persuasion and practice and matters of religion Such person shall be looked upon as a disturber of the peace and be punished accordingly Let me explain this the protesters would not be allowed to do what they're doing They're disturbers of the peace and would be punished for doing what they're doing according to this statue Okay, and this statue is basically saying if you don't want to be Catholic you don't have to be Catholic if you want to be Presbyterian Baptist Methodist Episcopalian you can basically be whatever denomination of Christianity you want and someone can't interrupt your services if you're worshiping The God of the Bible as you see fit now, this is an important next paragraph but That's a good word, right but to the end that looseness Irreligion and atheism may not creep in Under pretense of conscience in this province. So they're saying well, even though we're saying you have religious liberty We're not saying this so that you can be an atheist We're not saying this so you so you're not religious we're not saying this so you can just be loose and permissive It says this be it further enacted by the authority of force said that according to the example of the primitive Christians and for the ease Of the creation every first day of the week called the Lord's Day People shall abstain from their usual and common toil and labor that whether masters parents children or servants They may the better Dispose themselves to read the scriptures of truth at home or frequent such meetings of religious worship abroad Has made best suit their respective persuasions So, you know what they said they said and in order to try and make sure that our colony never gets away from Christianity No one's allowed to work on Sunday So that everyone is basically just forced into reading the Bible everyone just forced into having some kind of religious worship because Frankly everything shut down but Church so then what's gonna happen people are gonna go to church Because there's not really anything else to do. So it kind of helps society realize. Look. This is the Lord's Day We're setting as our society. We're setting a whole day to dedicate to the Lord We're gonna read the Bible go to church serve God This is the government's own document. This is Pennsylvania's got covering governing document. Oh Our founding fathers weren't Christian What? What are you talking about How about this? This is this is where it gets even more interesting 1682 same year Charter of the liberties and frame of government of Pennsylvania. So the same same colony so this is another document also passed around this time and Provision 34 it says that all treasurer's judges masters of the roles Sheriff's justices of the peace and other officers and persons whatsoever relating to courts or trials of causes or any other service in the government and All members elected to serve in provincial council and General Assembly and all that have right to elect such members Shall be such as possess faith in Jesus Christ Do you hear what I just said? Every single person in the government had to had to profess faith in Jesus Christ They're not Christian. What are you talking about? It's literally saying the government has to be Christian. The government has to be people that have faith in Jesus Christ That's why even up to the most recent timeframe Every single president has claimed to be Christian. Did you not realize that? Every single President gives lip service to having faith in Jesus or being a Christian because you know, in fact many different statutes It's still the reality and people wouldn't vote for him Anyways, this is why they give lip service to it But at the end of the day this nation was founded as a nation under God. Have you ever heard that phrase before? I Mean you could go to the local city council and before the city council, you know what they're gonna do They're gonna basically pledge allegiance to the flag and they're gonna They might even sing a song and they're gonna talk about we're one nation under God They're gonna get some pastor up there to pray before the ceremony and then you're gonna try and convince me that we're this secular deist nation No, we're not secular. That's ridiculous How about 1732? So we're fast-forwarding. This is religion in the Georgia Charter So this is not we've talked about Connecticut talked about Pennsylvania, let's talk about Georgia for a moment 1732 so this is coming directly from the law and For the greater ease and encouragement of our loving subjects and such others as shall come to inhabit in our said colony We do by these presence for us our heirs and successors grant established and ordained That forever hereafter there should be a liberty of conscience allowed in the worship of God to all persons inhabiting or Which shall inhabit or be resident within our said provinces and that all such persons Except papists shall have a free exercise of their religion Now that's pretty funny Says so they be contented with the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the same not giving offense or scandal the government Do you know what they said in Georgia? You can be any form of Christian except for Catholic Like That's the law the law is saying we're not even allowing Catholics to be in Georgia period Now, of course, this is still in the context of also being Christian. It's not even gonna be a Hindu How bizarre would that be? And look if you understand anything about Georgia, it is filled with Baptist. I mean it has all kinds of Baptist in it Why they wouldn't even let Catholics be in there folks. They were a lot closer to the truth when it comes to their origin Now it started to slowly erode. Of course. Here's some commentary about what happened in Georgia after this It says although Catholicism was the only region expressly forbidden in the Charter the Georgia trustees also decided to forbid Judaism in the new colony That's a good idea, but they should have gotten that in the law. Okay, that was their problem It says but the harsh realities of colonial life opened the doors for Judaism to enter, Georgia The first summer the colonists lived in Savannah they suffered from the heat and illness that accompanied it I guess heat, you know waves were back then to write climate change At one point 60 colonists were dreadfully sick and it was thought they wouldn't be able to recover There was no real doctor except for Noble Jones who himself had taken ill but fortunately That's a questionable word a ship with Jewish passengers unexpectedly arrived Included a doctor Samuel Nunez Dr. Nunez went to work Healing the sick all of whom recovered and the doctor refused payment for his services Even though the trustees expressly forbade Jewish people from settling in the new colony Ogle Thorpe allowed the group to stay based on legal advice that the Charter did not allow religious freedom For all non Catholics or sorry did allow religious freedom for all non Catholics So Ogle Thorpe in defiance of his fellow trustees went further by allowing the Jewish immigrants to own land in the new colony They founded the Temple Mikvi Israel the third oldest Jewish congregation America and the oldest in the south in 1733 so here here was the mistake I believe of a lot of our founders is Every one of our documents was always in the context of Christianity, but they just didn't explicitly state it So it allowed and opened the door or then other of course if they're not letting Catholics invoke You really think they want Jews? I mean that's insane They and they didn't want it But they just didn't have the law in place and then they just have the Jews start infiltrating coming in creating their synagogues of Satan And that's how they started creeping in by the 1790s Finally the Catholic Church was established the first Catholic Church was established in Georgia. So it just starts to Slowly degrade and get to just a worse and worse spiritual situation but the fact is that for a long period of our history of the colonies and even leading into Past the Constitution many of these places were strictly Christian not allowing other kinds of sex I mean this has literally a passage about even heretics within the Christian sex not allowed to be in their colony and You know what? That is why we have the country we have today a lot of you think this sounds horrible Can you imagine America being Christian again and forcing Christianity and making it where people have to be Christian in our country? Yeah, I can because that's why we have such an amazing country People act like it's such a horrible thing, but it's like where do you think America came from? Do you think America was a super world power in? 1673 You think that America could have take taken over or conquered any country in 1673 they were barely able to survive So what took a bunch of random pilgrims and Colonists from just basically starting from scratch to becoming the most dominant Superpower in all of the world. It was the fact that they were built upon the rock. That's why That's so scary what if we went back to that sounds like we'd have a great nation again But let me tell you something, you know, what makes America great again, it's not Donald Trump at Jesus Christ It's not Donald Trump in politics, it's Jesus Christ in politics It's the God of the Bible in politics It's this book in politics that would make America great again and you know, even in Texas if you look today at Texas Constitution present-day This is how it opens humbly invoking the blessings of Almighty God The people of the state of Texas do ordain and establish this Constitution How am I supposed to sit here and say that we're secular when literally our own Constitution today is? Is already talking about Almighty God You know Atheism is not a concept that was allowed for in America. It wasn't tolerated It wasn't appreciated. Yeah, was there some people that probably were there a few people that were atheists back then? I'm sure there was Atheism is gonna always exist in society because there's always gonna people that reject God There's gonna always be people that hate God. There's always gonna be fools in the society But you know what? We shouldn't allow them to take over our government We shouldn't allow them to take over our country. We shouldn't allow them to take over our churches We shouldn't allow them to take over this world. That just is that's absurd You know, we need laws that are based on the Word of God if we're gonna have a wholesome country now I had you turn to Psalm 19 a long time ago, but look at verse 7 the Bible says the law of the Lord Is perfect? Converting the soul the Testament Lord is sure making wise The simple the Bible will make us wise as a nation It made America wise because they based their country on the Bible and that's why our country is so much better than other countries Go to Psalm 119 for a moment. Go to Psalm 119 You say that are you saying that we should influence the laws in our country? Yes, I am Yes Christians should be putting forth the law putting forth the law of God and saying this is what our law should be advocating for wholesome laws Advocating for abortion to be illegal you say at what month all of them every month It's it's set, you know, we give a whole month to a bunch of sodomite perverts We should give a whole month to abortion like the idea of like pro-life Right. Yeah, they're saying hey, we're advocating for life this whole month as a reminder that you should never kill children Like it's wicked. It's satanic. It's always been evil Look what it says in Psalm 119 verse 1 blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord You know, it makes you undefiled walk in law of the court Look at verse 9 wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way By taking heed thereto according to thy word, you know, you're not going to cleanse your way watching andrew tape videos That'll defile the way that'll destroy young men The only way for young men to end up getting on the right path and living a clean life is they have to take heed to this word This is what changes people's lives Nothing else. This is your oh, this is your ivermectin. Okay for your kovat 19. All right Sorry if my now these not very good, I don't know I've never taken ivermectin so But this is your antidote, this is your cure to the disease that's out there in this world And this is the only antidote. This is the only cure to the society that we live in Go to Ephesians chapter 6 and we'll kind of wrap these thoughts together quickly, but Look folks. The only way we're gonna change America is the King James Bible and I Mean it literally King James Now think about when did American society really start to road quickly, I Mean, I think a lot of people would agree that kind of the 60s 70s and 80s we saw a rapid decline of culture Obviously, there's always been bad people in politics. Obviously the Federal Reserve was wicked Obviously, there's been a lot of issues of the past and I get that but just whole-scale our society is radically different From the 1950s because we went through the 60s 70s and 80s Now what's another? Interesting thing that happened in the 60s 70s and 80s people got away from the King James Bible started going to modern versions we saw the literal explosion of people getting away from the Bible and That had a big influence on our culture now this makes perfect sense and and from a really basic Perspective and for me, I feel like I hadn't really thought about this way, but it's just it's so basic I feel like I should have but you know when we talk about in the Bible a lot of times it'll use this the terminology of like turning to God or turning away from God and And it it's just kind of seems abstract to me But then when you just think about it practically that God is the Bible It's like people are turning away from the King James Bible that's literally all this and You know when you study it throughout the Bible People are always turning away from what hearing the Word of God from what the Prophet was saying They didn't want to hear what the Prophet was saying They didn't want to hear what the Bible is saying They didn't want to hear what the Word of God was saying the Word of God is put on the shelf And you know what the devil knows that that tactic works, but he knew he couldn't get rid of these things everywhere So he replaced them with garbage versions With fake version and we're living the fruit of that today And the only way to fix America today is to take all of the Christians and get them back on this book This one specifically the King James Bible, that's why it's so important Look at Ephesians 6 verse 12 for we wrestled not against flesh and blood But against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness and high places So point one is we need to influence our culture point one we need to influence the laws and point three though, we need to influence souls and You know, we fight a battle today, but it's not a physical battle. It is a spiritual battle and Christianity has never You know since the New Testament has never been successful through physical violence and physical force You don't see any great Christian societies coming from the result of some religious holy war That's a physical war You don't see the Catholics doing a great exploits for God Forcing people to be Catholic or murdering them or killing them and I do not believe that we will ever have success as Christians or a Christian nation or as a church trying to force people through physical violence to be like us and We shouldn't But that doesn't mean that we aren't still fighting. It's just we're not fighting physically We're fighting spiritually and the spiritual battle is always a spirit is a battle over words It's about information about the information being spread and they know the truth is so powerful that if they gave us or Churches like us or other preachers that preach the truth a platform it would change the culture like that Because the Bible is so powerful. And so it's so important for us to engage the culture with this And how do we do that? We go out soul winning It's like how do I become a Christian nationalist pastor Shelley go soul winning? Step one go so in step two getting people baptized Step three getting people into church That is how we win the Christian nationalist movement over we need to get people saved and baptized into church That is the only way to fix this nation We have to just get tons and tons of people saved and baptized in a church And then we also need to be speaking the truth in the gate You know the Bible says in Amos chapter 5 they hate him that rebuketh in the gate and they abhor him that speaketh of Rightly, let me tell you some Christians were always preaching in the gate and we shouldn't stop now We shouldn't say you know what? We're gonna go and hide, you know, Jude 1 tells us that we're supposed to earnestly contend for the faith Go to Acts chapter 17. I want to show you a few verses here acts chapter 17 So our primary goal is sewing baptizing church but I think that we also need to be going into the marketplace of ideas and Challenging the culture on the scripture because think about this the Apostle Paul Left Israel the nation of Israel and went into a completely heathen pagan God-hating world. I mean there was not a fundamental Baptist Church out there. He wasn't going anywhere it was very pagan very ungodly and Think about this America came out of that eventually So if the Apostle Paul can go to a hundred percent pagan world and get to a point where literal Multiple Christian nations are formed out of that eventually and we even have countries like America being formed We could always do it again. I mean, it's way easier now than it would have been back then So the the solution is already there, but what did the Apostle Paul do? He went out preaching the gospel getting people saved. He got people baptized. He was getting them plugged into church Also, he was going into the marketplace of ideas and preaching the truth and Exposing mass audiences to the truth, but what it says in Acts chapter 17 verse 17 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews and with the devout persons and in the market daily With them that met him notice where he's going the synagogue and the market Daily and he's just telling everybody just large groups about it the marketplace of ideas He's just going out there and just trying spread it daily is all the time Just trying to get the truth out there trying to talk to people you say well the Jews didn't get saved True, but a lot of people did look at verse 34. How be it certain men clave unto him and believed Among the witch was Dionysus the arrow arrow paga and a woman named Amarius and others with them. So How effective is it? Well, you're not gonna get already saved, but he got some people saved didn't he? look at chapter 18 verse 19 chapter 18 verse 19 and He came to Ephesus and Left them there, but he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews So the Apostle Paul you have to understand something about him. He's not a street preacher Okay, but he is emphasizing soul winning baptism in church But you know he also do he would go and enter the marketplace of ideas and he would go and engage with a ton of unsaved people and Constantly try and preach the truth of them and reason with them and debate with them and Discourse with them trying to win them over trying to get people saved look at verse 26 and He began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when Akila and Priscilla had heard they took him unto them and expounded on him the way of God more perfectly now this is one of the disciples of the Apostle Paul a policy he also went in and This marketplace of ideas and no he didn't necessarily get someone saved and in this verse But with his verses saying he ended up networking with other people And you know sometimes you just going out there and preaching and these marketplace of ideas You may not only get people safe. You might end up hooking up with other Like-minded godly people and getting them on the right course or getting them plugged in or influencing their lives as well look at chapter 19 verse 8 and He went into the synagogue and spake boldly for the space of three months Disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God So notice that the Apostle Paul is constantly going into the marketplace of ideas constantly challenging the narrative and Did the Jews by and large get saved no because they're not But a lot of Gentiles did tons and tons scores and scores of Gentiles are getting saved by him going out there Hey, you know what we need to be the people that are going into the marketplace of ideas and preaching the truth unashamed Reasoning with them giving them the scripture. You know Some of the activities I do they're not even really church-related. They're just trying to get information out there and I think that we should try our best to just get our ideas out there and be willing to contend with them That's why they don't want to debate us That's why they don't want to platform us That's why they don't want to put us on the show because they realize when they see the two-edged sword Placed up against their lies. It's gonna slice and dice them to pieces They're so afraid of the truth today because it's so powerful So what does the devil do? Well, the devil tries to not contend with you but also he just gets a bunch of Christians and just trade out their two-edged sword for a plastic knife and Then they realize it's so weak and puny that they don't even want to go out there and fight with it So then they do nothing they do nothing. Let me tell you some this thing is a two-edged sword We shouldn't fear anyone and I don't care who it is. They're gonna lose in the marketplace of ideas of this every time I don't care if you're smart brilliant whatever it makes the wise the simple We need to go out there and engage with the culture go to 2nd Chronicles chapter 7. We'll finish there How about John the Baptist? What did he say to hear it it is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife Oh, this guy's hiding. No. No, this guy was challenging political authority Preaching the truth getting in the face of political leaders calling it like it is saying it like it is You know We need bold men to get up and to get in the face of Joe Biden and calm the pedophile further he is And call these liberal wicked politicians. I mean hunter Biden is a pedophile. He should be six feet under Are you saying spiritually well, he's already twice dead, but let me tell you something pedophiles should be put to death legally Are you calling to arms? No, I never have I never will But let me tell you something. Our government should have so much pressure on it right now to be putting pedophiles to death Everyone should be saying like we need to put the pedophiles to death put the metal and you say like are we ever Leviticus 2013, I don't know but just eliminating pedophiles will get rid of a large swath of them You know, it's so funny. You'll be like, ah all these Christians against pedophilia. It's really anti-semitic and anti-lgbtq I'm thinking like Why is me being as pedophiles so obviously against Jews and facts? Because Jews and facts are pedophiles. That's why they literally admit it and You know what we need more politicians that aren't afraid of these labels like oh you're anti-lgbtq. Yes, I am Praise God, I don't want to be pro that I Don't want to be for this nonsense. I don't want to be forced Satanism literally You know, we need to get people back on the King James Bible and to adhere to the laws of the King James Bible We need to turn back to God as a nation and the only way our nation will be better as we get back to this book This book is what will save our nation turning to God and we need to model our lives Based on this without compromise the Apostle Paul engaged with Agrippa. He appealed to Caesar He reasoned in the synagogues. He reasoned in the marketplace Hey, you know what? We need Christians to get out there and be a bright and shining light But what happens when we decide to just hide or not do anything You know, it's just failure and You know it people in complaining about it being hot and not having any rain Well, look what the Bible says in 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 verse 13 if I shut up heaven that there be no rain Or if I command the locusts devour the land that's hunter Biden, okay Or if I send pestilence among my people That's Michelle Obama, okay Verse 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and Pray and seek my face and turn from the wicked ways Then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land You know America could be fixed today if every Christian would just say, you know what we're throwing out the NIV We're gonna burn it in a bonfire. We're all getting a King James Bible and we're gonna do what it says And you know when the Bible is your boss you're a Baptist And you know what God Wants us to turn back to him and you know what? God is willing to do anything and the question is if we turn back to God is he going to give us revival Or are we going to turn away and he's going to give us the arrival? Okay We're gonna have the arrival of Jesus or we're gonna have the revival of Jesus You know, it's based on us if we're gonna turn to him or not and we need to influence the culture You know what Christian nationalism sounds great to me. It's closing prayer Thank Heavenly Father for giving us the Word of God for giving us the truth I pray that we wouldn't be afraid of the truth It wouldn't be ashamed of the truth that we willing to influence our culture and world around us I pray that we could be Christians wherever we go and that we would embrace and love the nation that we live in that we wouldn't look to Radically change it from what it was but rather we turn back to The godly principles that it was established on and we try to influence our culture and our world around us to become More Christian and to love the things of the Bible and Jesus name we pray. Amen All right for a final song 316 I have decided to follow Jesus 316 I Have decided to follow Jesus 316 I have decided to follow Jesus To follow Jesus Oh Let's go ahead and turn to song 64 shall we gather at the river Song number 64. Shall we gather at the river? Shall we Where bright angels eat Crystal-tide forever Oh Oh For baptism You