(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amazing now first Peter chapter number three it gives us a great godly example of a woman Sarah Sarah who is Abraham's wife we find out about her in the book of Genesis and Sarah is an example not just in the Old Testament But for us in the New Testament of how women ought to behave themselves What a godly woman actually looks like how women should behave in this society But there's a lot of ungodly women and wicked women that exist in the world today and the title of my sermon this morning is Sarah Silverman versus Sarah and the Bible Sarah Silverman versus Sarah and the Bible you say who's Sarah Silverman? Well, it's this C-list celebrity who is a comedian who's not funny who has no skill Who has no talent, but basically what she does is she just provides herself as a very provocative Poorish ungodly person Jesus Christ, he has no skill no ability So the only way she can gain any attention is just by saying the most provocative disgusting ungodly Grotesque thing and because our world is getting so perverted and sick and disgusting I guess she has a big following, you know amongst the really disgusting people and vile people of this world today but the reason why I'm preaching against her specifically is When we had the church before about a year ago Adam Fan was the evangelist that was sent out of this church to start a church in Jacksonville, Florida And while I was there who's preaching bad sermon after bad sermon Well, one of the clips that he had made was something against this woman Sarah Silverman Now a lot of things he said about her. I agree with I mean he was talking about her being ungodly Or being a whore, you know, all these different things But he also said that she was a witch I don't really think those things are probably accurate so he kind of mixed in a little bit of truth with some hair But he made this clip a long time ago but very recently like just a few days ago Sarah Silverman decided to tweet and said she's Fearful for her life because Adam Fan is trying to kill her or something to the effect of death and it's getting a lot of publicity I don't understand why I don't know how Fox News cares what Sarah Silverman tweets But whatever reason steadfast Baptist Church has got a lot of attention for it and I figured it's a good timely sermon Just go ahead and talk about what a godly woman actually looks like and now Sarah Silverman is the exact opposite Of what a godly example truly is. So let's get through this chapter a little bit That's a little bit of preface. We don't know what's going on. Just type in Sarah Silverman It's just like every news article and headlines. So Look at verse number one. The Bible says likewise he wise be in subjection to your own husband's That the Word of God I'm sorry that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the Conversation of the wives while they behold your chase Conversation coupled with fear. So in these first two verses we notice a couple things About Sarah right off the bat. First of all is the fact that she is married She desires marriage right and we also see that she is chase. She has chase conversation That's gonna be my first two points but I have seven points this morning on the difference between Sarah Silverman and the Sarah in your Bible and the Example that we have but keep your finger because we'll keep coming back but go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 Flip backwards in your Bible 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 chapter Romans 1st Corinthians and The Bible talks about marriage as being a good thing Now the Bible does not command for every single person to get married That is not a commandment that you have to get married But the Bible does emphasize marriage and it teaches that marriage is a blessing that is a good thing And I believe for 99% of people on this earth. It is God's will for them to be married You say how do I know it's God's will for me to be married? Well, look at 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the things where have you wrote unto me? It is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own Husband let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife Unto the husband the wife hath not power of her own body But the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body But the wife the froggy not one the other Except to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves the fasting and prayer and come together again That Satan tempt you not for your incontinency So what are the Bible teaching the Bible is teaching that one of the main reasons why we have marriage is to avoid fornication And in fact, that's one of the main aspects of marriage is the duty of marriage for the husband's body's not his own It's the wife's and the wife's body is not her own it is the husband So any person that desires that physical relationship the Bible teaches you should get married That is how you fulfill that natural desire that you have and look we're talking about 99% of people today, but what is the world want to do? Well, the world just commits a whole bunch of fornication today. They call it love but it's sin. It's wicked It's actually not love love is when you actually put a ring on someone's finger and say till death do us part And you know what when you say till death do us part you actually mean it It's sad today people can get up and say to God say before man till death do us part Oh, well, I don't really like him anymore. I guess I can get divorced. God wouldn't want me to be in this relationship Well, why did you vow to him till death do us part? God does want you to honor your vows. God doesn't take those lightly Jephthah in the Bible He honored his vow by actually having to sacrifice his own daughter. So God didn't really want to do that Yeah, God did want to do that God keeps his vows and you know what we ought to keep our vows and that's why marriage is very serious That's true love loving when the person doesn't deserve it. You say my spouse doesn't deserve my love Well, it sounds like that's a good opportunity for you to exercise your love You know what God loved us when we were sinners God loved us when we were wicked God sent his son to Bear our sins on the cross for God So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and he's not the privatization for our sins But for the sins of the whole world So the example of love is not loving someone that's good to you not loving someone that's kind to you Not loving someone that deserves it, but rather Loving someone that does not deserve it That's the picture of a good marriage a marriage is when you do good on your spouse and they don't deserve it You say oh my spouse doesn't deserve love today. We'll give it to them. Anyways Be kind to them anyways, look for opportunities to love them when they don't deserve it But what does Sarah Silverman think about marriage? Here's a quote from her in 2014. I Just read that I want to get married which is hilarious because I will never get married adding Why would I want the government involved in my love life you? It's barbaric She attacks marriage and look Sarah Silverman is not looking for a life of celibacy my friend She loves being a whore she loves whoring herself and talking about that which is lewd and promiscuous and defiled and Disgusting and horrifying and you know what if she was godly she would seek marriage to satisfy that lust She would seek marriage to satisfy that desire. It's a god-given desire There's nothing wrong with desiring your spouse, but you know what it should be done within the confines of marriage not outside of Marriage now go view into the Hebrews chapter 13 Flip forward in your Bible. It's after all the T's Hebrews first and second Timothy Titus Philemon and then Hebrews look at chapter number 13. Look at verse number 4. This is what the Bible has to say about marriage Marriage is honorable in all and The bad undefiled But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge, you know based on this verse This is why I would perform a wedding for virtually anybody as long as they're not violating the other commandments of the Bible You know, someone's already been married and they've been divorced the Bible teaches They should not be married But if there is a fornicating couple that came to me and said hey, I want to get married I would say let's do it. Why cuz marriage is honorable in all It doesn't matter who you are marriage is a good thing Marriage is always a blessing marriage is something that we should seek for but what's the flip side of that? Well, that's Sarah Silverman. What does the Bible say it says but whoremongers and adulterers God will Judge God will judge that whorish life Listen up young children. You want to forsake marriage? God will judge your fornication God will judge that sin and you know what? it's it's something that's constantly judged today with all the STDs with all the Getting pregnant outside of wedlock with all the bastard children with all the abortion in our society God is constantly judging this nation for all of its fornication for all of its whoredom for all its harlotry I mean we are a wicked and ungodly nation Virtually, nobody is a virgin on their wedding night anymore, and it's a shame It's it's awful We ought to be a generation that rises up and lets our children Actually honor marriage and look at marriage is a good thing and be chased on their wedding night I actually have a bunch of virgins that it get married be different than the world today Because the world is not going to be virgin on their wedding night. Sarah Silverman is not a virgin my friend She's far from a virgin now go if you would to Proverbs chapter 18. I want to drive in this point Proverbs chapter 18 Now if you've already made that mistake you can't fix it, but you know you can do is from now on you can keep yourself pure You can limit the damage some people think well. I've already committed fornication might as well. Just keep going well Do you have every STD that's on the CDC website? It can get worse my friend more burning more you know Hopefully God's long-suffering and merciful of you, and you don't even have an STD You know there's some people they can get away with sin a little bit and that what's causes them to think oh cool I got away with it Like your sin will catch up with you And you ought not tempt the Lord's long-suffering and mercy and grace you ought to decide I'm gonna be pure now because I understand what the Bible says and I'm gonna keep myself as pure as I possibly can and Get to that wedding night You know it's a shame to have to look at your future spouse in the face and say you know what I? Have been with all these other people That's not a fun conversation to have Something that is glorious you don't rejoice in that you know it's rejoicing saying you know what I've been saved myself for you I Considered you special and ultimately I fear God and I fear his commandments And I want this marriage to be just between us not other people marriage should be between husband and wife Not husband and mother-in-law and wife not husband and father-in-law and wife not Husband and brother and wife it's just them two they become one flesh and Everything within the marriage bed should be contained within the marriage bed right you want to keep everything together You become one that's your closest partner. You know my best friend my wife You know I can find everything to my wife. It's a great thing. God has blessed us That's why it says in Proverbs chapter number 18 look at verse 22 Whoso findeth a wife Findeth a good thing and obtain in favor of the Lord the Bible says that marriage is good It's a great thing I want the young people in our church that desire marriage to get married and Have a good relationship with their spouse and have closeness with their spouse That's why the Bible emphasizes it and I want to emphasize it and a lot of people want to tear down Marriages today they think marriage is a joke and look yeah, obviously The government has to be involved in the sense that they give you a marriage certificate But the marriage is not involved in my in my wife's relationship. That's that's a lie. That's an exaggeration I don't call the government up to see you know hey What do you think I should where should I take my wife out for dinner? They would say the same thing I have no idea That's way too hard. We don't want to get involved there. You know just pick a restaurant, buddy Just pick the place that she knows she wants to go to okay, where do you want to go? I don't care What about here? No Rinse and repeat for about 30 minutes. All right Now look at chapter 19 look at verse 14 House and riches are the inheritance of fathers and a prudent wife is from the Lord So notice God is the one that's involved in marriage. You say who's really involved in marriage It should be God when God is at the center of your marriage You're gonna have a great marriage and we see Sarah Silverman. She despises marriage. She thinks marriage is gross She's trying to keep people from getting married Marriage is a blessing from God marriage is a gift from God God looked down at the man and says it's not good for him to be alone And you know what all this fornication it just causes more heartbreak and no satisfaction There's no joy and fornication it might be pleasure for a short moment But you know what? It's a lifetime of pain and suffering and all the people that have committed fornication in this room I guarantee they regret it. They don't look at it and think oh, I was wonderful. That was great I wish I could do more. No, they think I wish I'd been more pure. I Wish I had saved myself more for my spouse Why because you're always gonna have regret for doing that wicked sin now go to Leviticus chapter number 19 So I see Sarah in the Bible She's married Sarah Silverman is not married, but she's still in that kind of a relationship you know that makes you a whore a whore a harlot Let's not downgrade the words of the Bible this morning You know what word the Bible uses a lot whore and you know what when you go outside of marriage You're a whore. If you're a male, you're a whore monger. You get a little bit longer of a word there All right, you're just a whore monger and look it's not like the men are better than the women there There's a lot more whore mongers than there are whores Actually statistically, there's a lot more guys that are whore mongers than there are whores when you look at the number of partners It seems like there's 20 guys for one girl But the whores are really bringing down society today because if they didn't exist Well, then you wouldn't have all the whoredom you say is that biblical? Well, look at Leviticus chapter number 19 Genesis Exodus Leviticus and to me the fact that we have whores is it's kind of mind-blowing because virtually every dad Every dad is seemingly jealous for his daughter He doesn't want his daughter to be used up and treated like a whore and if dad's actually cared You know what you could reduce a lot of the fornication happening in this world today. Look at Leviticus chapter 19 verse 29 Do not Prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness Notice what God says is a precursor to a whole nation being full of fornication What is it? The daughters are allowed to become whores a dad who doesn't care for his daughter and let me help you out If you just let your daughter go out on the town without anybody chaperoning or watching out You're gonna let her become a whore today You say how do girls become whores? Well, nobody's looking They just let their daughter go out to all hours of the day all hours of the night with who knows what with their Friends with their boyfriends doing whatever, you know, my daughter's not gonna be a whore. She's always with me or my wife period And no, isn't he committing fornication in my sight or my dead body You say how do you keep your daughter pure you keep her with you now, most people they're like, huh? How do I do that? Well, you actually have your wife stay home You actually provide all the income and you have your wife stay with their daughter and then whenever she's not there you're there That way you can make sure your daughter is not a whore like Sarah Silverman You say what happened to her her dad apparently just didn't care and just let her go out on the town and just do all this Hoardom commit all this fornication all these different things I see dads and they're with their daughter in public with their teenage daughter and You can literally see the butt cheeks of these girls out of their shorts with their dad in public that is Prostituting your daughter my friend in the miniskirts and the low tops and all these disgusting clothing articles I mean you ought to be ashamed of yourself if you're a dad and you let your daughter walk out in the attire of a harlot Advertising her saying oh how much guys You know, she's just a cheap whore Look and if she can dress like that in front of her dad What is she doing in private? That's disgusting letting guys put their hands all over them and look It's ten times worse in private You ought never let your daughter get alone with a young man in private go to Proverbs 23 Proverbs chapter 23 We had a increased chastity today. What's chastity being pure? Being virgin being undefiled and you know, what's gonna keep that good fathers Good men that decide that their daughters are valuable that they're precious that they're worthy of being protected They're worthy of being honored, you know It's dishonoring to allow your daughter to walk out like trash and look like trash and act like trash and think that that's good You know, I've even seen dads they encourage their daughters to dress more provocative How perverted how disgusting I even saw it, you know in close proximity to me The the young daughter felt you know She was nervous or she was anxious or she felt awkward or shameful to dress, you know, very provocative She wanted to be a cheerleader and she didn't like how high the cheerleading skirts are But basically her parents are trying to convince her. No, that's normal. It's natural Just do it and then eventually becomes second nature. But at first she was thinking I don't know about this. I feel uncomfortable I feel like I'm naked. I feel like I'm not covered up And you know what children understand nakedness without you teaching them. Isn't that interesting? You don't even have to really teach them there comes a point in time where your kids they just all of a sudden They just feel naked. They are like, oh they want to cover up they feel they feel the natural shame They feel this but over time through the desensitization of TV and our America What they start losing that innate desire inside their heart to realize how they're naked They start losing that conscience They start searing their conscience and defiling their conscience and thinking that it's normal thinking that it's natural But it's naturally natural and normal to be covered up Adam and Eve nobody even told them he said who told you that was naked They just went hid themselves. It's a natural thing inside your heart So for people to be walking outside today looking naked dressing naked a day. They have a defiled Conscience, they've perverted their conscience today. That's the only way they can do it Proverbs 23 verse 27 For a whore is a deep ditch and a strange woman is a narrow pit She also lies and wait as for a prey and increases the transgressors among men notice that the whore is Increasing the transgressions the whore is causing the land to fall to a whoredom So it's important for men to guard their daughters. Look if all the daughters are off-limits less fornication Less whoredom in the land Why because men are men of opportunity men do things whenever they have the chance But if you don't have the chance, well, okay, then you don't have the chance We need to decrease the chances for our children to commit fornication We have to flee fornication now go to Jeremiah chapter number three last place. I want you to turn for this point Jeremiah chapter number three But you can get to a point where you keep defiling your conscience where you keep doing Provoking yourself onto more perverted and sick and grotesque things that you get to the point where you don't even feel bad About it anymore. I Mean if you were to ask some of the people in this room, how would you feel to stand up here half-naked? Most of us would be you know, terrified that would be grotesque. We would never want to do that That would be extremely shameful. You would turn blush in your face You know what these Hollywood celebrities and whores are like they get completely naked in front of a huge group of people and they feel no shame It's disgusting. How do they get there? well slowly they start chipping away and chipping away at their conscience and defiling their conscience and Searing their conscience till they get to a point where they don't even feel bad for the worst smut For the worst filth Sarah Silverman does the most disgusting Grotesque perverted things and she feels no shame about it. She doesn't even feel bad about it. She thinks it's funny She thinks it's a joke. Well, let's do it proper Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 1 says They say if a man put away his wife and she go from him and become another man's Shall he return unto her again shall not that land be greatly polluted but thou's played the harlot with many lovers Yet return again to me say the Lord lift up thine eyes into the high places and see where thou has not been lined with And the ways has thou sat for them as the Arabian in the wilderness and thou has polluted the land with thy Hortons and with thy wickedness Therefore the showers have been withholding and there has been no ladder rain and thou has the whores forehead thou refuses to be Ashamed now God uses carnal truths to expound Spiritual truths and when he's talking about Jerusalem as a nation He's saying you've committed so much fornication and so much whoredom Spiritually that now you don't even feel ashamed to do it now. What was their whoredom? Well, their whoredom was in the sense that they were worshipping false gods. So those in Jerusalem They're only supposed to be worshiping the Lord The only supposed to worship God But they go to the other nations and they start worshipping their false gods and setting up incense and burning sacrifice That's what God called the spiritual adultery and whoredom of those in Jerusalem And he said they got to such a point they hoard it around so much They lied with every single one all of them to the point where now they're not even ashamed Now they have a horse forehead. What does that mean? It's like, you know, I don't even care It's stiff. It's strong. It's resistant. It's rebellious and that's what Sarah Silverman's like She has a horse forehead and you know what? She's not ashamed when she commits whoredom. She's not ashamed to be a pervert She's not ashamed to defile herself What a horrifying attribute for people to get to and you know what your children could get the same way That's why you got to keep them pure That's why you got to keep them chase like Sarah so that they would still feel shame when they do something so unimaginable so abominable You know how you get to the point where you're desensitized to sin because you kept sinning You know, there's certain things that you feel less and less shame for you know what they were you were doing You kept sinning you kept feeling you kept doing it and you know, I'll bring you back that shame God's Word the fear of the Lord by hearing Bible preaching by realizing how sinful and wicked it is You know, there's a lot of people that go to church this morning and they're in fornication and they don't feel bad You say how do they not feel bad? Well because they're not hearing God's Word preached Because nobody's reminding them how wicked and ungodly fornication is the whole world today's in fornication virtually Do they feel bad? Are they afraid to show their face in public? No They go around glorifying in it triumphing in it. Oh, look at my live-in boyfriend It used to be you'd be ashamed to let your dad know. Hey, we're living together Even though even Hollywood would do that. They would have movies and TV shows It was like a fearful thing to let them know that they were living together They would say no We're just dating and then the daughter would have to let the dad know actually we're at we're living together And it was like this really fearful thing They're ashamed of it. It was an embarrassment. It made the guy look like a loser like a jerk Why aren't you marrying this woman if you're just gonna shack up with her you're shallow But now today they're just trying to throw marriage in the trash and say that's what's desired Anyways, these hooking up shacking up relationships and look the desensitization Desensitization is happening rapidly even amongst Christians today Amongst people that go to church every single week if I were to say hey such-and-such is living together. They're like, okay They're not even horrified. They're not even ashamed anymore. It's not even that big a deal Why because they've seen it time and time and time and was anybody thrown out of church because of it? Was anybody publicly reviewed for it or are they just the Sunday school leaders Or are they the ones that are hosting parties at their house for the whole church I've been in an independent Fundamental Baptist Church where they have the Christmas party at the fornicating couple's house. I Mean what kind of world do we live in today where you keep getting desensitized? We don't even realize what the Sarah of the Bible is like the Sarah of the Bible is chased She is married and she's honoring in her marriage and we ought not be like the whore Sarah Silverman Go view it back to first Peter chapter number three. So is my first two points Let's get some more points though. It's a great chapter It says in verse 3 who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel so according to the Bible Women need to adorn themselves, but how they adorn themselves should be with good works Not with the physical attributes not with the physical accoutrements not with all the fancy clothing and the fancy hair and the Earrings and the gold and it just seems like the most ungodly women, you know what they're obsessed with Makeup and hair and their clothing and how they look and all the things that they do about themselves how they look physically They want to adorn themselves on the outward appearance, but you know what inside they're wicked Inside they're disgusting. They're gross. They don't have any good works. This is Sarah Silverman She tries to dress up the pig that's underneath. She tries to dress up the dung that's underneath She's so disgusting and defiled and wicked and I don't care how much lipstick and makeup and how much she does her hair and The fancy clothes she puts on when God looks at her it's disgusting. It's gross. He has no love for that He doesn't look down at that and is pleased with that. He's horrified by how evil and how wicked she is You know what when God looked at Sarah now, let me say this Sarah according the Bible is a very attractive woman So it's not about the fact that you have to be ugly. Okay, but even if Sarah was Physically unattractive even if she wasn't, you know the best-looking gal in the world no matter what when God looked at Sarah He thought she was beautiful. He thought she was gorgeous Why because she is adorned with good works and my question is who are you dressing to impress? Are you dressing to impress me? Because I'm not impressed. I'm married. I'm good. I don't want you know that Are you trying to dress to impress God you say how do I do that? Well, it's not by curling your hair a couple more times. It's not by putting on more lipstick You know what it is good works. You say hey, I got ready this morning pastor Shelley for God. What'd you do? I read my Bible God's like awesome That's great Women today, they'll spend three hours getting dressed Three hours and Look, sometimes it takes a while to get dressed. I get it takes longer to dry your hair But why would you spend three hours a day getting dressed and zero time reading your Bible? Because you don't care what God thinks about you you only care what men think about you What people think about you and look we all need time to get dressed. Okay, I'm not saying that's all coming to pajamas I'm not saying that we should not take a shower look take a shower Dress yourself comb your hair brush your hair Look, I'm not even saying that it would be a sin for you to wear a nice clothing or for you to wear Jewelry, but obviously that should not be the goal You know some people take this list to a weird extreme where they're like no a jewelry. You're so wicked You're a jasmine belt wearing jewelry. Did you read this chapter? Did you read this passage? Cuz what did it say it was talking about, you know putting on the jewelry Let me flip back there for just a second it says look at verse 3 again who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and Of wearing of gold so people stop there and they'll say this if you braid your hair you're a sinner You're wicked man. If you're putting on the gold you're sinful and you're wicked the Bible says never to do that Well, let's apply that logic to the third item. Okay It says or putting out of apparel Obviously Wearing clothes is not sinful So you know what wearing gold is not sinful and you know what plating the hair is not sinful, but you know, it is sinful replacing your time with God With all the physical, you know getting ready and dressing yourself I mean, who are you getting dressed for you should be getting dressed for your husband First of all, whatever your husband likes. That's how you should dress and whatever your husband desires That's what you should do. And then additionally, I think you know, it's kind of a vanity thing anyways So I might as well spend as least amount of time as possible Now obviously some people also need to you know, learn you need to take a shower, too Okay, we should all smell good and try to look good I'm not advocating for us to look ugly on purpose like the Amish the Amish going on I mean you can just immediately pick out the Amish You know what if I look at this group, I would not be able to pick you out of the crowd of the world Say yeah, but the women are wearing dresses and skirts. Look I see ungodly women wearing dresses and skirts all the time And look, there's all kinds of people the Jovis witness are Wicked as hell, but you know what they dress, you know the same pretty much There's a lot of people that dress in a normal way still I am not acting asking you to dress in a way that would you know stick out like a sore thumb That would be a modest too. We should still dress, you know in a garb that looks like American garb That's normal, you know, I'm also not advocating to dress like an Egyptian Do you dress like someone from Russia? Do you dress like someone from Africa? If I was dressed like that, I would stick out like a sore thumb That's not modest We should dress in the normal garb that we have in the area that we're in But the purpose of my life is not to dress to impress You know what the purpose of my life is? To fear God and to keep his commandments Go over to Proverbs chapter number seven Proverbs chapter number seven. So you say hey, I want God to be pleased with me. Well worry about how you're adorned with good works That's how God is concerned. That's how God looks at your beauty God determines how beautiful you are based on that and the thing about your good works is you can continue looking beautiful for your entire life You know old age is gonna set in and that that beautiful face that you had it's gonna gain some wrinkles You're gonna get older you're gonna gain weight you're gonna get some scars you're gonna get I mean things are gonna happen You know, we don't get more attractive as we get older. I mean, that's just the reality. Okay? Eventually, we're gonna get older and older and older now obviously beauty's in the eye of the beholder I think my wife continually gets more attractive for me and that's great And as people age their desires and what they look at changes as well You know when you're a young man you desire young women when you're an older man you desire older women Not a not the pedophiles. Okay, that's wicked. That's disgusting But the reality is you can't maintain your physical beauty for your entire life It's gonna wax away You know you can achieve is you can have the good works keep you for your entire life And the thing about Sarah Silverman is she's extremely disgusting and ugly on the inside And she continually looks that way and eventually her outward appearance is gonna be just as ugly and disgusting For her living such a wicked life, too Maybe you should get like herpes on her face or something Proverbs chapter 7 look at verse number 10 and Behold there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot and subtle of heart She is loud and stubborn her feet abide not in her house Now is she without now in the streets and lieth and wait at every corner So she caught him and kissed him with an impudent face Said unto him I have peace offerings with me this day have I paid my vows therefore came I forth to meet thee diligently to seek thy face and have found thee I've decked my bed with coverings of tapestry with carved works with fine linen of Egypt I perfumed my bed with myrrh aloes and cinnamon This woman actually is doing a lot of things. You know what it's not good works Evil works when God looks at these works. She's preparing for a fornication She's getting ready for a fornication, and you know what it smells good It looks good. She's in the attire of a harlot. I bet she's dolled up I bet she spent a lot of time on her hair and on her makeup And she's got the bed all pretty and it's you it's all you know attractive in the flesh You know what God looks at it, and he says it's wicked as hell It's disgusting. It's gross. It's abominable. You know what's a good thing Sarah with her husband in the marriage bed Not this whore You know dolling herself up and not having any good works Go to the first Timothy chapter number two and notice. She said she had an impudent face. What is that brazen? Cheeky she's trying to say I have you know I have peace offerings with me today I don't know she's being serious there, or maybe she's being sarcastic You know if we think about Sarah Silverman she'll say a lot of those things, but she's always saying it tongue-in-cheek She's always saying it as a joke like oh, I said a prayer to Jesus But she doesn't really pray to Jesus. She doesn't actually love the Lord everything. She says is blasphemous She's very irreverent. She mocks sin the Bible warns about those that would mock sin, but look at verse Timothy chapter 2 verse 9 The Bible says and like manner also that women adorn themselves and modest apparel With shame facedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array But which we come with women professing godliness with good works Let the woman learn in silence with all Subjection so what are the Bible saying the Bible is saying that a woman when she dresses herself? She ought to have shame facedness. What does that mean? It means that if she was dressed as a whore She would cover her face Because she would be so ashamed She'd be so ashamed for a part of her body to be exposed That's ungodly that she would end up covering her face She would have shame facedness for letting that part of her body be exposed But today women go out and they gallivant and their whorish outfits They expose the thigh they expose the butt cheeks They expose all of this grotesque parts of their body that I don't want to see I'm not interested in seeing Why are you letting your daughter dress like a whore? I? Don't want to see it. Why do you want to see it? That makes me feel gross about you. How can the dad want to see the naked parts of his own daughter? That's disgusting you ought to be ashamed And you know what your daughter ought to be ashamed to be dressed like that in front of her family members in Front of her church in front of God, you know you should dress yourself with good works Why don't you cover up and then come to church with good works? Now go if you would to Proverbs chapter 9, I'm gonna go to my fourth point But we have Sarah Silverman You know is not like this. She's only caring about the hour-to-dawning She doesn't care about any good works, and in fact she mocks all the things that we've been talking about so far You know the Bible says fool make a mock at sin Fools make a mock. She's very foolish today She mocks all the things that we would teach from the Bible she considered herself a feminist She advocates for many things that are very ungodly But mostly she's a very loud person I Mean she wants to shout her voice. She wants people to be known that she is out there She's not like the meek and quiet spirit that we see in first Peter chapter number three About Sarah being a godly woman being someone that the Bible desires Proverbs chapter 9 look at verse 13 a Foolish woman is clamorous She is simple and knoweth nothing For she said it at the door of her house on a seed in the high place of the city to call Passengers to go right on their ways who so is simple let him turn hither and as from that one of their standing She saved them stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten and secret is pleasant But he knoweth not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell That sounds pretty terrifying Hey, you want to hang out with Sarah Silverman guess what all of her guests are in the depths of hell It's what the Bible says you know what she's a very foolish woman. She's clamorous. What's clamor clamors like a loud noise It's it's annoying clamming. You know it's just some you know brazen noise, and that's what she's like she comes into a room She's loud. She's obnoxious Everything that's pouring out of her mouth is foolish She needs to learn in silence with all subjection is what she needs to be and you know what that's what Sarah was like You Say pastor Shelley. I want my voice to be heard well You know what Sarah didn't feel the need to just go around and blow off her mouth She was able to be quiet, and you know what someone who's quiet is doing their steaming other better than themselves They're saying it's not important for my opinion necessarily be heard and you know what that's the opposite of Sarah Silverman She wants her voice to be heard why she wants to promote her filled and her shame And it makes me think of Revelation chapter 2 go there revelation chapter number 2 And you know what this feminist Ideology is is creeped in to the world so much That many women today even Christian women today think that is acceptable for them to just teach their opinion If I went to virtually every Baptist Church in this area I guarantee this morning There was plenty of women that got up and preached the Bible this morning Look, I went to virtually every southern bastard convention church, okay They have women getting up and teaching Sunday school every single week every single service Getting up and preaching lies. I went to a southern bastard convention church not that long ago. Maybe three or four years ago I can't remember and there's this Feminist woman that gets up there and she wants to teach us the Bible and she basically teach for an hour Why young earth creationism is false? And her short haircut and her butch haircut Advocating wicked doctrine and look you say that really happens Yeah, I mean the Bible already told us there's gonna be women that get up in church and teach wicked false doctrine Joyce Meyer Beth Moore, you know And I don't care even if they're King James only Gail Ripplinger should not get up in a church service and preach why the Bible is King James only Why can't a hair-legged man get up and preach that is there not a man that believes that too? You really need a little girl to get up and show you that the Bible is God's Word To show you to advocate the King James Bible Look, we gotta let men get up here and preach the Bible and you say oh you're down on women Well, I'm just biblical So if you think that that's wrong you have to take it up with God because that's what he said Revelation chapter number two look at verse number 14 I'm sorry at verse 19 Bible says I know thy works in charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more Than the first not withstanding out a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols now Obviously Sarah Silverman is not necessarily promoting herself as some kind of religious person She does she claims to be agnostic She claims to be atheist or some variation thereof, but she doesn't claim to have any kind of tie to any real religion She says she's culturally Jewish But these Hollywood celebrities are very like and unto prophets. They love to preach their message They love to advocate and they have a big influence They have a big following many people look to them as a source of authority as a source of information I mean, they're heavily involved in politics. They're heavily involved in legislation I mean a lot of these celebrities even become politicians, you know Arnold Schwarzenegger How did he become governor? Not because he could pronounce words well Not because he's intelligent Ronald Reagan Donald Trump Nobody voted for that guy for any reason other than the fact that he's a celebrity Other than the fact he's like you're fired, you know, I Guess people like that. I don't know the weird hair I mean these celebrities they're getting involved in the world's politics and they're their own little prophet There go these false prophets and Sarah Silverman reminds me of Jezebel if I could Personify her in the Bible. It's Jezebel. She's rebellious. She's stubborn. She's loud She's preaching her own false doctrine and notice what Jezebel is doing She was trying to get people to commit fornication and you know what she's doing and advocating fornication You know what her two biggest platforms are abortion and Sodomy, you know both those have in common lots and lots of fornication She wants people to commit fornication all of her jokes are about committing fornication about being a whore about Defiling yourself about lying with as many partners as possible about doing the most perverted disgusting things imaginable She's constantly getting up and perverting the minds and pushing the limits of what's normal of what's considered appropriate Why because she wants the whole world to follow her down into hell into the depths of hell You say what does the Bible have to say about a woman like this and the New Testament Jesus is love Jesus would have just loved this person Jesus would had so much grace and mercy and kindness. I mean having read the New Testament pastor Shelley Yeah, I have and you know what Jesus Christ is gonna give us his own personal private Feelings about this woman. Okay. So remind you this is not pastor Shelley's opinion This is Jesus Christ's own opinion about this whorish woman, okay Let's see. Let's read it again verse number 20 Notwithstanding I who's the either Jesus have a few things against thee because thou suffers that woman Jezebel Which called herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication Anything sacrificed unto idols and I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not now There's the grace long suffering and mercy of Jesus He gave her space he said, you know what you're doing wickedly I don't like it But you know what? I'm gonna give you a chance to get it right. What happens when she doesn't get it Right verse 22 behold. I will cast her into a bed and then that commit adultery with her and a great tribulation except they repent of their deeds and I will kill her children with death and All the churches shall know that I am he which searches the reins and hearts and I will give unto every one of You according to your works That's what Jesus thought. He said I'm gonna kill your children with death. I Bet they don't read that verse when the the woman gets up for the Sunday school lesson Hey, let me just remind you that this is what God thinks of women preachers. He's gonna kill all their children with death Sorry little Johnny. I'm gonna just keep preaching Mommy's gonna keep getting up here and preaching because God in the New Testament might just kill your children with death Why in the world I mean, let's get Joyce Meyer up here she literally hates her own children She wants her own children to be killed. I Jesus, you know Jesus would love that person Well, Jesus does love this person enough chastiser and her abuker and obviously someone that's unsaved They're not gonna get that loving chastisement. They're gonna get wrath from God But let's go if you would to Exodus chapter number 20 Exodus chapter 20. I'm gonna read for you From 1st Peter the my fifth point. I'm gonna finish these last few points pretty quickly, but it says in Verse 5 wrapped to this manner in the old time the holy women also trusted in God adorned themselves being in subjection with own husbands That's we're gonna drive the last three points, but we see in this we see that Sarah she trusted in God Sarah Silverman blasphemes Jesus Christ we see that Sarah she was in subjection to her husband Sarah Silverman doesn't want to be subjection to any man. She wants to be her own woman I'm the feminist and I'll tell you what to do and I'll kill my baby whether you like it or not And I'll eat it, too She said in a joke a joke that she would love she wants to eat babies She said that she like gets excited when she hears about them using, you know, aborted fetuses and products that are made for food She that like gets her excited to eat it She wants to eat it And we see the Jezebel here. She wants them to eat things sacrifice on idols. That's pretty wicked. Okay, she wants to eat babies How horrifying look the truth is stranger than friction my friend these Hollywood celebrities The Bible already told us what they're like, they're wicked as hell and this woman is horrifying But you know what? She constantly blasphemes Jesus Christ. She blasphemes the Lord. She says everything that's possibly irreverent She makes all these skits. She has numerous numerous videos of this fake Jesus She has all these fake Jesus's and she's blaspheming Jesus and blaspheming the Bible and then she'll be like, oh, it was a joke Well, the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh is what the Bible says, you know what? I'm not gonna joke about things that I actually believe to be true I'm not gonna get up here and and joke about the Bible and joke about God's Word. I don't think that's funny You know what laughing is really it's mocking at the root essence of what laughter is You're laughing at something's expense Why do you think something's funny because someone got hurt? Right because you think negatively about a certain a certain person a racist joke is the racist joke because you just really love that race a Racist joke is because you think derogatory thoughts about them and the joke seems funny That's why you laughed Why do you laugh at people you're making fun of them you're mocking them So if I make a bunch of jokes about Jesus Christ, you know what I'm doing. I'm mocking Jesus Christ You know, we learned what laughter is like from God, you know, it needs me its own sermon But you know every time that God is laughing it's negative He's mocking people. He's laughing at their their destruction at their misery read Proverbs chapter number one He says he's gonna laugh at their calamity When their fear cometh, he's gonna mock them Laughter even though we enjoy laughter and we and we have a good time Most of the time laughter is in the context of mocking something or something being awkward There's another time you laugh whenever you feel really uncomfortable, you know, someone just lets one rip really loud in the auditorium We're all gonna laugh Well, it's just awkward. There's nothing else you can do, right? I mean somebody does something kind of awkward or silly we laugh. This is where laughter comes from So whenever you're laughing at the Lord Jesus Christ, you can't hide behind the fact that you have no respect for him People that have respect for the Lord Jesus Christ cannot laugh at a joke about the Lord Jesus Christ Why because it's not funny to them. They would they're horrified. They don't like it. Look at Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 I'm sorry. I want to go to a different verse here Exodus chapter 20 Look at verse 7. Let's back up It says thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain What does the Bible say when you blaspheme the Lord when you blaspheme his name? God will recompense you God will judge you it's not something to be taken lightly today and the Hollywood celebrities They interjected in their daily language. They interjected in all their movies. They interjected all kinds of things There's been reports that even said that when someone would blaspheme Jesus name they use it irreverently That your brain can actually lose like a sense of time like as soon as someone says You know blaspheme Jesus Christ your brain will shut off a Christian like someone that actually, you know fears that It'll shut off and they won't even hear the next few seconds of the words like they'll lose their brain will just kind of like It's like so revolting. It's like a shock to the system I mean they just hear that and it's just so blasphemous that it's like this alert goes off in your body It's like this warning sign that goes off in your body. Why because we all know that God is the Lord We all know that Jesus Christ is the Lord. That's why that's the only name they blaspheme Notice that Sarah Silverman doesn't go around blaspheming Buddha She doesn't black. I mean she has like one clip where she blasphemes all and it's kind of like see I've last named Allah, but the exception proves the rule she has numerous clips about the Lord Jesus Christ specifically Why because we know he's the Lord Every other religion they all want to attack the Christianity. They're not trying to attack each other They could care less about each other. We see that Christianity is the true religion. Why that's what everybody thinks The unsaved they don't go around blaspheming Buddha and Allah they blaspheme Jesus Christ now go through it to mark chapter 3 There's a strong warning in the Bible for those that would be a blasphemer mark check number two three And I'm gonna read for you in John But the Bible warns about people they can get to a point when they just continually blaspheme the Lord They continually reject the Lord that they can become what's known as reprobate. It says in John chapter 12 verse 35 Then Jesus said to them yet a little while is the light with you walk He or walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whether you Go with while you have light believe in the light That you may be the children of the light these things spake Jesus and departed and did hide himself from them But though he had done so many miracles before them yet They believed not on him that the saying of Isaiah's the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath believed our report So then I was about to quote Rowan's 10 and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed Therefore they could not believe because that Isaiah said again He hath blinded their eyes and harden their heart That they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them So in John chapter number 12 the Bible tells us that the Jews even though they'd seen so many miracles And that's pretty much the cause because they just seen Jesus heal person after person after person and they rejected it They didn't want to believe in it. They blasphemed it. They got to a point where they were just completely done they could never believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Look people that continually hear the gospel and blaspheme it and reject it and ridicule it and mock it The Bible warns that these people will become Reprobate if you reject the cure there is no cure You say hey, how could someone be reprobate? Well, they don't want to believe the gospel They reject the gospel. They hate the gospel Sarah Silverman hates Jesus Christ Blasphemed Jesus Christ. She literally says with her own mouth. I'm not gonna believe in Jesus Christ I don't want to believe in Jesus Christ. I'm not gonna believe in you You know what that's gonna happen to this person They're gonna get so hardened like Pharaoh that they're gonna become Reprobate and the Bible warns in Mark chapter number three look at verse 29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation the Bible warns that people on this earth that want to blaspheme the Holy Ghost that they can lose their salvation forever and The sense that obviously they're not saved but what I'm saying is they lose the opportunity to receive salvation They're in danger of eternal judgment. They're gonna go to hell I don't care what they do for the rest of their life because they're never gonna believe in Jesus Christ You can't blaspheme the Holy Ghost and at the same time believe in Jesus Christ now the Pharisees They saw Jesus Christ before in the miracles They saw him healing people before their eyes and even though they'd seen many miracles yet. They didn't believe in him. They became Reprobate they got to the point where they could not believe and Sarah Silverman. She's not ignorant of the Bible She's not ignorant of Jesus She's constantly mocking him and mocking his word and if not, you know She's as close as you could possibly to eating reprobate if she's not already. I personally believe she is I personally believe she's already done for there's no way that this woman who's constantly blaspheming Jesus Christ Advocating for abortion the way that she is the whore that she is I don't know what she's doing in private, but you know what? I believe she is a reprobate Based on the things that we see based on the the words that come out of her mouth Let me give you some quotes from her. Okay She says she's agnostic her sister's a rabbi Talk about another Jezebel getting up preaching wicked doctrine She says I have no religion, but culturally I can't escape it. I'm very Jewish. So she likes the wearing the hat She likes the funny, you know dancing and all the weird stuff, but she doesn't like I guess the false religion She says I don't believe in Jesus or God But I do believe that fundamentalists and religion or anything else are bad and that they have more hate than love Jesus words have become so perverted over time. It's been like a game of telephone if he existed Jesus would blank kill himself What kind of blasphemous trash to come out of a person's mouth She says because of us Because we actually believe the Bible because we believe God's Word We would actually cause the Lord Jesus Christ to want to harm himself What wicked blasphemous garbage now you say can someone blasting the Holy Ghost today? Well We clearly see in Mark chapter number three look at verse 30 Because they said he hath an unclean spirit there came then his brethren his mother and saying without sin on him calling him So the reason why the Bible says that they were guilty of blaspheme the Holy Ghost is because they saw Jesus Christ Performing a miracle before their eyes and they said it was done by an unclean spirit Okay. Now we don't have Jesus Christ walking in the flesh today We don't actually see him performing the physical miracles by the Holy Ghost so in that essence, I don't think that anybody could blaspheme the Holy Ghost from that per se but Here's one thing How about when you read in the Bible all the miracles and then you start blaspheming the miracles saying it was done by an unclean spirit Saying the wicked things you said about Jesus Christ if you can blaspheme Jesus Christ if you can blaspheme Jesus Christ this way You know, I believe that you are reprobate no man by the Spirit of God called Jesus Christ accursed How can she go around and say these type of wicked things? She had a fear and she needs to be in subjection go if you had to first Timothy to go back there I want to read again Bible says in Genesis chapter number three, I'm gonna read for you quickly. It says in verse number 16 Under the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow thy conception and sorrow thou shalt bring forth children And thy desire shall be thy husband and he shall rule over thee You know in the Genesis chapter number three God told us that the woman was supposed to be ruled over by her husband That's how God's ordained it and the Bible gives us a reason why it says in verse 13 For Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression Notwithstanding she shall be saved and childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety so according to the Bible Eve was deceived and That's the purpose why God wants her to be in subjection under own husband so that the husband can protect her So the husband can guard her so the husband can keep her safe You know the Bible tells us that the woman is the weaker vessel Now you say that's because you're down on women. No, I'm just pointing out reality Here's another reality all of your children are weaker vessels. Does that make your children less important? Of course not your children are precious. You know my baby son who's only a month old. He's very fragile He needs someone to guard him and protect him and keep him safe I mean, it's crazy if you know you pick him up. He can't even support his own head You know head, you know go like oh all kind of weird places He needs to know does that mean that he's not have a great value Of course he has great value He's priceless. I can't even put a price on the value of my son, and you know what my wife's the same way Just because my wife might be physically weaker than me does not mean that her value is any less I think our values of great price and so does God But it is a reality and Because it is a reality It's my job to protect her and to guard her and to keep her safe And that's why the Bible wants women to be in subjection to their own husbands so that the husband can keep them safe What if my little baby James could talk? He's like, I don't want y'all to protect me Don't hold me. Don't feed me. That would seem silly, right? He needs to just submit himself unto his parents so that his parents can take care of him So those parents can guard him little kids cannot fend for themselves They can't go out in this world and take care of themselves and look I'm not trying to say that a woman can't you know isn't capable of getting a job and taking care of herself But what I am saying is that the Bible teaches it's important to have a man To guard you and to protect you and to keep you safe. That's why women I believe should stay with their dad Until they get married and then they should stay with their husband so that the husband can keep them safe Can guard them and protect them because they're of great value because there's something to be they're very worthy Now go if you would to Matthew 10 The Bible warns about women that would usurp the authority over the man Like Sarah Silverman and your Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty So you say ah, I have to subject myself to my husband. That's that's like being a slave. No No Subjection is a choice Slavery is not a choice That's called bondage and the reality is if you do not women if you do not subject yourselves to your husband You know you're gonna end up doing you're gonna be going into the bondage of sin You're gonna be you're gonna sue you're gonna serve someone you can either willingly serve your husband or you can be forcibly Enslaved to sin today, that's the options Sarah Silverman while she's not in subjection to a husband Guess what? She is in bondage to sin today She is subject unto sin today She is subject to all those STDs crawling through all of her body and she has to take all kinds of pills And all kinds of drugs Let me give you some more statistics or information about Sarah Silverman, did you know that she's been clinically depressed her entire life? Oh, I'm so free feminism is so great that I had to literally take antidepressants every day of my life and Then I gained dependency upon them She had a she was addicted to Xanax Which was causing her even more problems You know what? She's in complete bondage to her depression Why cuz she's blaspheming Jesus because she has nothing good in her life because she has all these adulterous fornicating relationships Because she's not dressing herself with good works because she's a whore Because she's a Jezebel because she's loud and stubborn You know what? If she'd actually submit herself unto her husband and serve her husband. She'd be happy. I Guarantee the happiest woman in this room serves her husband the best is The greatest servant unto her husband true happiness comes from service It doesn't come from being lazy and selfish people aren't actually happy that way Sarah Silverman's not happy If that was true happiness, all those Hollywood celebrities would be the happiest people on earth But it's a lot She has to literally force herself with drugs every single day just so she can get bare through it It's also probably cuz he's a vegetarian now that would be pretty bad too. That would cause me to go in depression, but Matthew chapter number 10 last point. Okay, so she's not in subjection. Let's let's do a quick review. All right Sarah Silverman versus Sarah in the Bible Sarah in the Bible Esteems marriage a great thing. She's married under husband Sarah Silverman attacks marriage Sarah in the Bible. She's chased Sarah Silverman's a whore Sarah in the Bible she adorns herself with good works. Sarah Silverman adorns herself with cheap vanity cheap substitutes Sarah in the Bible is meek and quiet Sarah Silverman is a loud and stubborn and rebellious woman Sarah in the Bible trusts God Sarah Silverman trusts in herself Trusted her own wickedness Sarah in the Bible is subject under her husband. Sarah Silverman is a slave to sin She caught she thinks she's free We could read second Peter where the Bible talks about while they promised them liberty. They themselves are the servants of corruption But lastly she put out this tweet, okay, and she said I'm afraid for my life Now if you're afraid of your life because of Adam Fannin, you're really you have some problems He is not terrifying. Okay, he's not scary, but the reality is a godly woman She only has one person. She has a fear. That's God But you know the ungodly woman she has all kinds of fears herpes AIDS HIV All the different drugs that she's taking I mean if you read the side effects of these prescription drugs They're horrifying all kinds of bleeding and you know stuff in the bathroom I don't want to mention that can happen even suicide. It's like hey, I'm suicidal We'll take this drug, but it may increase your chances of suicide. It's like how does that work? Look at Matthew chapter number 10 verse number 24. The Bible says The disciples not above his master nor the servant above his Lord It is enough for disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his Lord if they have called the mass of the House Beelzebub how much more should they call them of his household? Fear them not therefore for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known What I tell you in darkness that Speakey and light and what you hear in the ear that preachy upon the housetops and fear not them Which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul But rather fear in which is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell, you know, the only person we ought to fear is God today and you say you know what? I don't like your message faster Silly I want to dress like a whore and act like a whore and do all these things Because I'm afraid of what my friends will think I'm afraid of what the world will say about me I'm afraid of all of the people in my life how they'll say you don't wear makeup and you don't dress like us You don't go party with us and you don't commit whoredom like us You don't go, you know dancing and gallivating like us and you want to print your opinion and you don't murder your children like us Yeah, cuz I fear God I Don't care what they can do to me and look It's silly because she wants to get up and say how she's so fearful for her life We literally got hundreds hundreds and hundreds of voicemails and emails and all manner stuff people say We're gonna burn your church down and we hope your family dies and all this stuff I'm not afraid. I fear God I'm not afraid of these weak pedantic keyboard warriors and for to be terrified of Adam fan and she's afraid of her own shadow The righteous are as bold as a lion. You know what the wicked fleeth when no man pursues Adam fans not pursuing you, honey He's too selfish Adam fan is not coming after you Sarah. Neither is any of us ten followers or whatever the trolls on the internet and Look, I don't care your 12 million Twitter followers They can all write how they hate me and go to hell like for me to die and whatever disease or whatever I don't care because I only fear God and I fear God's Word and that's who we ought to fear We ought not to be afraid of the people get out here and lie and rail, you know I don't think I'm God what a weird accusation They say this pastor lies a lot, but I have a sign that says he thinks he's God. Okay. Talk about a liar Who was a liar, but he that denied that Jesus the Christ these atheists They're liars. They're the ones that the Bible condemns Go everyone one more place. Go to 1st Corinthians chapter 16. I had a lot of the verses We could read Psalms 139 today if you don't like my sermon do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee. I'm not I agreed with them that rise up against thee. I Count the mine enemies what the Bible says and look what do you think about Sarah Silverman? Well, I believe she's a reprobate Therefore I hate her with perfect hatred. I Have no love for her. You say why look she's advocating for the murder of children every day That's like her main agenda is to kill children is the harm children is to tell people that they're not Children to try to say it's some kind of cell or cyst or tumor in your body. You just need to remove and She mocks people that believe that it's a life. She mocks people that believe it's a precious child She's not your friend She doesn't love people and people want to say oh, she's so loving and you're so hateful pastor Shelly Well, guess what? I love babies. I Love children and you know what? I love Jesus Christ And you know, it's very clear she hates Jesus Christ and she hates the unborn You know what? You have to pick and choose who you think is loving the person that loves Jesus Christ our Creator and the person who loves the unborn and hates Sarah Silverman or the person that hates me hates the unborn hates Jesus Christ hates anything that's godly and That's what she doesn't love any other person that's earth either. She's so selfish and ungodly She hates them teaching them lies Perverting the truth defiling the world increasing the transgressors amongst men with all of our whoredoms Look at 1st Corinthians chapter number 16. Somebody like you need to read the New Testament pastor Shelley, okay, I Love the New Testament. I love all of it though. I don't love just the verses that you cherry-pick and twist You know, I I got some interview from some Christian pastor yesterday and he's trying to tell me he says Well, the Bible says we're supposed to love everybody. I said, where's that verse? crickets He says yeah, but the Bible says we're supposed to we're gonna be known by our testimony And I said, I don't that verse is in my Bible And I said every time the Bible talks about a testimony. It's our testimony of Jesus Christ I'm not gonna get up here and say oh man I was a wicked sinner and I did all these evil things and then I found Jesus And then I got right with the Lord. That's what people think about their testimony. That's garbage I'm not interested in that. I don't want to hear that and let let me let me actually give you Let me play the fool's errand for a second. Let me give you my testimony All right, I was five years old and I had disobeyed my parents sometimes And I didn't feel that bad about it. In fact, I wasn't even aware how sinful it was But someone said if you don't believe in Jesus Christ You're gonna burn in hell for all of eternity and that terrified me and so I said, you know what? I'm gonna believe in Jesus Christ so that I can go to heaven That was my testimony and guess what? Then when I got older I started sinning worse than when I was five years old All of my worst sins were after I got saved Did you repent of your sins to get saved? I actually got worse for a while The teenage in college years way worse than when I was five Does that mean you're not saved pastor Shelley? Nope. I'm just one saved always saved once you believe in Lord Jesus Christ you're saved And let some people might be worse after they get saved Think about a lot of godly people in the Bible Were they the best at their life at the beginning or at the end thing of Solomon? Think it's all think of David. Thank you. Just anybody in the Old Testament Think of lot. What does he do? That's good. I mean they get worse, right? How can you say they're repenting of your sin or persevering to then as anything to the salvation Nothing to do with self. I don't know how I get off that tangent But let's go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 16. Look at verse 22. All right, I love this verse If any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ Let him be anathema Maranatha the Bible says love everybody Well, my Bible says someone that does not love the Lord Jesus Christ to let him be an anathema maranatha My Bible says if any man preached any other gospel unto you then that which he ever received Let him be accursed is what my Bible says How can you sit here and read the New Testament and tell me? Oh, you just love everybody my Bible says to sing the Psalms like Psalm 139 Do not I hate them Oh Lord, you know, you'd freak everybody's mind out when we sing that song We're working on all right, we're gonna sing that song But don't be like the Sarah Silverman today be like the Sarah of the Bible You know what young women? There's a lot of pressure on you today to be ungodly to be whorish and I feel bad that there's more pressure on you But you know why I believe that's the case Because the reality you're the weaker vessel and what is the devil like to do? He likes to prey on the weak. He likes to prey on the innocent He likes to prey on those that have a great influence and women today have a significant influence in our world The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world And you know what? We're not having a lot of today is babies and I love babies I love every time I look at my bulletin and there's another name added to that expected mothers list And we are not just pray for the expected mothers We ought to pray for all the women to have conception, too We ought to pray for God to open up the wombs of the women in our church and for us to raise more Sarah's today. Let's close in prayer. Thank you father so much for your word Thank you for the example that you gave us of Sarah I pray that we would desire to raise up young women to be like Sarah in the Bible not like the horror Sarah Silverman. I Pray that we would just desire your word that we'd have more love to you more love for the unborn More love for that which is holy and righteous and we'd have more hatred. We'd have a shoe evil We'd abhor that which is evil that we cleave under that which is good that we'd make a distinction between good and evil today And that we'd not let the temptations and the pressures of this world corrupt and pervert our minds But rather we'd be renewed and transformed by God's Word in Jesus name we pray. Amen