(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Like You Good afternoon everybody and welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. We can go ahead and find our seats. We'll go ahead and get started tonight and For our first song this evening. We'll start in song number 200 You Song number 200 he's a wonderful savior to me song number 200 And watch me as we get to the chorus if you haven't sung this before The first three words of the course we're gonna hold out a little bit together Just watch me and I think you'll be able to pick it up pretty easily You Everybody sing it out real loud together on the first song number 200. I Was lost in sin But Jesus rescued me. He's a wonderful savior to me I was bound by fear But Jesus set me free. He's a wonderful savior to me For he He's a Wonderful savior to me He's a wonderful savior to me I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in wonderful savior to me He's a friend so true so patient and so kind He's a wonderful savior to me Everything I need in him I always find he's a wonderful savior Wonderful savior to me. He's a wonderful savior to me But Jesus took me He is always near to comfort and to cheer He forgives my sins, he drives my every tear he's a wonderful savior For he He's a wonderful savior to me He's a wonderful savior to me I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in He's a wonderful savior to me Dear glows the love of Jesus every day He's a wonderful savior to me Sweeter is his grace while pressing on my way. He's a wonderful savior to me Wonderful savior to me He's a wonderful savior to me He's a wonderful savior to me Great job everybody now pray together or we thank you so much for steadfast Baptist Church And I'm just allowing us to gather here together And fellowship Lord under one roof and to hear your preaching Lord and be a part of your people We love you, and we just ask you to bless this church and bless this service in Jesus name. Amen All right for our next song. Let's go to song number 29 Song number 29 At the cross Song number 29 at the cross And Receive my side All the day Was it for crimes that I have done he groaned up on the tree? Amazing Unknown and love beyond degree Where I first saw the light and the burden It was there I received my sight and now I am happy all the day Well might the Sun in darkness high and shut his glories When cries the mighty maker died for man the creature At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away It was there my faith. I received my sight But drops of grief and every day the dead of love I owe Dear Lord, I hid myself awake Tis all that I can do At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart It was there by faith And now I am happy all the day All right Thank you for coming to CFS Baptist Church if you didn't already have a bulletin you'd like another one just lift your hand real quick And I shall come by get you a bulletin on the front Psalm 58 verse 5 Kids that are 18 and under and can quote the verse of the week will have ice cream treat for you immediately following the service And considering how hot it is. You want to memorize that verse right get some ice cream Service time soul winning times church stats, please continue to send that in also your maps if they are completed or done that bottom Rung on the rack is for the done and completed maps that way we can make sure we're putting in those in there I've noticed a couple times. There's been some done maps in the other section So, please try to put those in the done section and we'll get those updated We also have several ladies that are expecting please be in prayer for them We also have our prayer lists We've been praying for miss nigera for health. We've been praying for miss Lucy's mother for her tumors We've been praying for brother Cameron's leg We've been praying for brother Wallach's daughter. Who's also pregnant miss Haley. We've been praying for The Cooley's for their stepdad's cancer treatment. I've been praying for the radari family and Verity their infant John is very sick and has been receiving chemotherapy sessions And so if you just be in prayer for them Also for brother rich we've been praying for a job. We've been praying for brother Oz's brother And while he's deployed we've been praying for brother freedoms job as well. So Lots of things to be in prayer for if you have other prayer requests Please make sure you're sending those in so we can add them to our bulletin and we'll just say another quick word of prayer for our church family Thank Heavenly Father for The ladies that are expecting I pray that you'd please I'll be with every single one of them Please help them with their children and their development. I pray that you help them with their pregnancy I pray that you give them a timely birth. Please. Give them strength. I pray that you give them favor I pray that also you would help our church family with their Sickness and their issues and that you would please help them with their illnesses. Please give them healing I pray that you'd also give them comfort Please just help our family that needs help with the job Please also help our our friends and our family that need safety that also need encouragement also need health and We just thank you for all that you've given us in Jesus name we pray. Amen The back we have church reminders and then our upcoming events men's conference on the 17th and then October 12th is the FBB f so make sure you're signing up for those events. I think we have a couple other things I want to make sure that they're not gonna creep up on us and Because I think we had another like soul winning marathon or something. That's coming up. Eventually. Is that in September? Oh No Let me just make sure real quick Okay, so we don't we have one at the end of October we were gonna do an Abilene marathon so it's October 28 is gonna be that date. So I just want to put that out there since we're getting a little bit closer Abilene's like maybe two to three hours west of the Dallas forward area if you're obviously on the Fort Worth side it's a lot closer if you're on the Dallas side, it might be a little bit a little bit further, but We'll end up going over that way We've never been to the Abilene area for so many marathon But I've definitely been there a few times in the past and so it'll be good to just go to a new area And again, we've been trying to go to all kinds of new areas. We've gone to Waco or have we gone to Waco? Maybe not. Okay. We went to Waco we went to Wichita Falls We've obviously gone to Shreveport several times because that's been really receptive We went to Austin Not as receptive and then you know We've been all over so hopefully this will be a good one to go up to kind of not that far away And I know some people that like our church live over there anyway, so it'll be great to visit them October 28th That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements We'll go ahead and sing our psalm of the week psalm 15 if you have those special handouts It makes a lot easier or you could even just use your Bible You All right again that was psalm chapter 15 In your laminated handout or in your King James Bible psalm chapter number 15 Psalm chapter 15 Oh Lord who shall abide in my tabernacle? Shall dwell in my holy hill he that walketh by Rightly and worketh righteousness And speaketh the truth in his heart He that walketh up rightly and worketh Righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart He that back by did not with his tongue Nor do with Evil to his neighbor nor taketh up a reproach against his Neighbor he that back by did not with his tongue But he honored Him And whose eyes a vile person is content He that swearth to his own hurt and change it not He that put it not out his money To usury he that swearth to his own hurt and change it not He that put it not out his money to usury nor taketh He that do with these things shall never be moved nor take it free Lord against he is he that do with these things shall never be moved Lord who shall abide in my tabernacle? Who shall dwell in my holy hill? Great singing everybody now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your bibles to romans chapter 9 romans chapter number nine So Romans chapter 9 the bible reads I say the truth in christ. I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy ghost That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart For I could wish that myself were accursed from christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh Who are israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption? And the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of god and the promises Whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh christ came who is overall god blessed forever. Amen Not as though the word of god hath taken none effect for they are not all israel which are of israel Neither because they are the seed of abraham are they all children but in isaac shall thy seed be called That is they which are the children of the flesh These are not the children of god, but the children of the promise are counted for the seed For this is the word of promise at this time will I come and sarah shall have a son And not only this but when rebecca also would conceive by one even by our father isaac for the children being not yet born Neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of god according to election might stand not of works But of him that calleth it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but esau have I hated what shall we say then is there unrighteousness with god? God forbid for he saith to moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of god that showeth mercy For the scripture saith unto pharaoh even for this same purpose If I raise thee up that I might show my power in thee and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth Therefore hath the mercy on whom he will have mercy in whom he will he hardeneth Thou wilt say then unto me why did they yet find fault for who hath resisted his will? Nay, but oh man who art thou that repliest against god shall the thing formed say to him that formed it? Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor? What if god willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath? Fitted to destruction and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy Which he had afore prepared unto glory even us whom he hath called not of the jews only but also of the gentiles As he saith also in osi, I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved And it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there shall they be called the children of the living god Esaias also crieth concerning israel though the number of the children of israel be as the sand of the sea A remnant shall be saved For he will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness Because a short work will the lord make upon the earth and as isaias said before Except the lord of sabaoth had left us a seed we had been as sadama and had been like unto gomorrah What shall we say then that the gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained a righteousness? Even the righteousness which is a faith but israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness Wherefore because they sought it not by faith But as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in zion a stumbling stone and rock of the fence and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed Let's buy our heads for a word of prayer Father in heaven, we thank you for romans chapter 9 lord and The chance we have tonight to hear it expounded. I pray that you fill pastor Shelly with your spirit and help him to explain this chapter to us and also lord I pray that you help us to receive your word this evening and in jesus name. I pray. Amen Man so we're going through the book of romans and Uh here in chapter 9 We kind of make a little bit of a shift as far as the narrative is concerned But as just a kind of a quick recap reminder Um romans chapter 1 it made it abundantly clear that salvation Has been revealed and in chapter number two that We're all going to face judgment regardless of how good or bad a person you are We're all going to receive judgment and that's a problem because everyone's sinned And so that's what chapter three talks about that. We've all sinned chapter four makes it abundantly clear Therefore salvation is only by faith chapter five tells us that once we're saved we're always saved And chapter six then says well even though we're saved by faith and we can't lose it We should still decide to serve god with our lives Chapter seven tells us that it's actually a struggle to serve god You're going to have a constant warring between your flesh and between your spirit and chapter eight We kind of talked about how you can actually have victory over the flesh If you decide to walk in the spirit and no matter what at the end of the day We're all going to receive victory in the sense that we will eventually shed this flesh and we'll get a new flesh And god's going to rescue us from this body of death and we're going to have that ultimate victory and that was kind of a conclusion If you think about the train of thought From chapter one to chapter number eight and so nine ten and eleven Are a little bit different subject matter It still makes sense that we're falling off of that conclusion or coming off of that particular context but nine ten and eleven explain What I would call replacement theology and it's an important point that the apostle paul is going to bring up because He's saying look salvation's been revealed to everyone and we're all going to be judged. We've all sinned salvation's clearly by faith You can't lose it we need to serve god we're going to struggle we're going to have victory But then it leads him to this opening of chapter nine where he's he's very upset though That the children of israel specifically are going to reject everything. He just said They're going to as a whole they're going to reject the fact that salvation's been revealed They're going to reject the fact that they're going to be judged. They're going to reject the fact that they're sinners They're going to reject the fact that salvation's by faith alone They're going to reject once saved always saved. I mean they're going to reject all of the things that we've already talked about And it really grieves the apostle paul at his heart and it says here in verse one. I say the truth in christ I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy ghost That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart For I could wish that myself were cursed from christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh who are israelites To whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of god and the promises Whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh christ came who is overall god blessed forever Amen, so the apostle paul is saying I just feel very sad every day Because The nation of israel as a whole is not accepting christ because they're just not getting saved and it just it really bothers me It really makes me so upset that he's Saying and he's saying he doesn't he's not lying He's saying he would potentially wish that he himself could just be cursed if the whole nation as a whole could get right with god So that means that apostle paul it really does bother him a lot For him to be willing to sacrifice himself or to be a curse from god Just so the entire nation of israel could be saved is a very You know loving Statement it kind of reminds me of the guy that's in hell And he wants his family to be saved He just has like a really strong desire for his family to be saved and you could see how maybe someone could right could possibly have the idea of thinking like well If it's if it's me going to hell or my whole family I'd rather just go to hell for my whole family so that they don't have to And so just kind of like you see the love that the apostle paul had for the jews For the israelites that he wanted them all to be saved and a lot of people say the apostle paul's anti-semitic But this is like the most anti. This is the most like pro-semitic thing Anybody has ever Thought of is the fact that he'd be willing to be a curse from christ just so that they could be saved Shows that he loved jews. He loved israel. He loved these people Now he also has some choice words about them in some places But you have to understand that he does have a desire for them to be saved And you know, that's a that's an encouragement. You see his love for his country and you see a love for his physical israelites notice again What the bible says in verse three? It says my kinsmen according to the flesh so who is he referencing he's referencing physical israel He says this again in verse number five Whose are the fathers as concerning the and of whom as concerning the flesh? Christ came so christ truly came to minister to the physical nation of israel And that's who he was sent to that's who he ministered to he came unto his own And what is the rest of her and his own received him not Okay, so that's talking about he came unto his own physical brethren Flesh and blood brethren. They did not receive him But as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of god So there was some that did receive him but as a whole the majority of physical israel did not Receive jesus christ. They did not believe on jesus christ. They rejected him and they were complicit in his death They even said let his blood be on us and on our children that's what they said so It's very clear that the nation of israel as a whole did not accept christ But it still didn't change the fact that paul wanted them to be saved now look at verse number six. This is important It says not as though the word of god hath taken none effect for they are not all israel Which are of israel neither because are they the seed of abraham? Are they all children? But an isaac shall thy seed be called so You know, it's interesting because the apostle paul's trying to help us understand a couple things he's trying to help us understand that even though as a whole israel didn't get saved and Didn't accept jesus. It's not like all the promises and all the things that god talked about in the old testament Were just in vain he's saying You got to understand that there's two different israel's because That's what verse six says for they are not all israel Which are israel therefore that verse proves that there's two different israel's Now it's funny because I looked up an article today About replacement theology and it was like this super pro-zionist website and it's like we are one with israel or something like that and They they actually approached some of these verses. I've never even heard a theory on this until today, but They said well we have to understand is that in romans chapter 2 and it talks about the jew Being the one that believes in the israel that believes in order to be that jew of romans too or to be this israel You have to be physically of israel and you have to believe But it's definitely not gentiles And so i've never heard that interpretation before But apart from that weirdo interpretation, which we're not going to necessarily dive into too much Virtually, most zionists. They just don't even look at these verses. They won't even talk about them But what the bible is really saying here is there's a difference between physical israel and spiritual israel That's what it's saying. And in fact the first israel that is describing here is spiritual israel So a way to kind of understand this as you read it for they are not all spiritual israel Which are of physical israel. That's the way that you understand this verse Meaning that not everybody that was an israelite physically Was saved and a spiritual israelite. That's why in verse 7 it's saying because they are the seed of abraham Just because they're physically of abraham does not mean they were all children or children of god children of god are those who believe and it kind of talks about a A metaphor that the bible used with isaac how isaac was a child of promise And in isaac was the promise made and it was made the isaac seed now We know from galatians chapter 3 that seed was jesus christ And we also get to be a partaker Of that particular seed if we believe in jesus christ Then we also are the seed with jesus christ and we are in isaac. It has nothing to do with ethnicity though And the apostle paul he he still loves those that are physically israel. He wants them to be saved. Jesus loved them jesus died for them, but They're not really children and they're not really the true seed of abraham unless they believed on jesus christ And it is true that Those who are physical israel and believed in jesus. They are the they are the true spiritual seed, but it's not limited to them It's also For us gentiles us that believe in him. We also become that seed we also become the spiritual israel and that can be proven from a lot of places in scripture, but Just so we can get through this chapter. I'm not going to prove every point verse eight It says this that is they which are the children of the flesh. These are not the children of god now That's an important verse for zionists It's saying literal physical jews literal physical israelites Are not the children of god And you know, I we made a movie That came out recently and and one part of it has a jew being interviewed and he says we're the chosen of god We're the children of god Sorry pigtails you're not You know You can you can sit there and dance at the wailing wall and put a little hat on and you can speak hebrew But that doesn't make you a child of god. You have to believe in jesus christ to be a child of god Now It's really clear it says but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. So notice what makes you a child is a promise Not anything physical. There's nothing there's nothing special about our flesh. God doesn't take pleasure in our flesh The flesh is enmity with god what god takes pleasure in is our spirit and us believing in jesus christ and things by faith What's a promise it's something you can put faith in okay without promises then there is no faith We don't walk by sight we walk by faith. And so of course we're children of promise. We're children of faith We're children that believed we're not children of a physical Descendency we don't have some kind of a physical inheritance. We have a spiritual inheritance, which is based on Spiritual promises. Okay. And so that's what the bible is really hammering verse nine for this is the word of promise At this time will I come and sarah shall have a son so Isaac was promised unto sarah and abraham now I'm, not going on back to the story. But when was when was it promised before they'd ever conceived? So that's a promise. It wasn't something that had happened. There was nothing physical That could tell you that they were going to have a child because they weren't like already pregnant and in fact Arguably their past age it was a miracle. So from a carnal perspective. It was impossible from a carnal That's why sarah laughed in her heart. That's why abraham laughed when they they heard about this like, oh i'm gonna have a child Because it was a promise and by faith They believed it's what it says in romans chapter number four by faith They ended up trusting the lord they conceived and they had the child Isaac and it was really, you know, think about it. It was something that happened really long Away from when they should have it took a long time to happen, right? They were waiting a really really long time Well, that's because it's picturing and foreshadowing something. What is it foreshadowing and picturing well Foreshadowing picturing the fact that christ isn't going to come for a long time and then additionally foreshadowing how the gentiles are going to end up Becoming the children of god Yet they are a lot later and they're going to take a lot longer to end up coming into the picture And so it's kind of a dual fulfillment there when we talk about some of the metaphors that we're looking here But that's what it's referencing Is isaac being a child of promise we're children of promise we trusted in this promise You know, that's one of the versions that people love You know when it talks about and he hath promised us eternal life, right? It's we put our faith in that promise of eternal life and that's what he promised unto us and he can't break that promise And and you know in hope of eternal life, you know, he's something he can't lie So we're just trusting what the lord said, but none of us have been Physically redeemed none of us have had physical salvation We've only had a spiritual salvation because we believed in Jesus christ now it says in verse 10 and not only this so That's an important key phrase when we think about what's going to be brought up here is that it's it's the same Concept being explained in another way, so we're not radically changing the context We're saying the exact same context that we've been in Here's another example. So not only in the same way that isaac was a child of promise It's saying what but when rebecca also had conceived by one even by our father isaac For when for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil That the purpose of god according to election might stand not of works But of him that calleth it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger now The thing about a parenthetical statement or this parenthesis of verse 11 Is that you don't need it? For the sentence it's just extra information, right? So you could technically read this without the parenthetical statement, right? We could say and not only this but when rebecca also conceived by one even by our father isaac It was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger. So if we just focus on that statement for a second It's the same thing just like isaac was promised before he was ever conceived Before these people were born before esau and jacob were ever born. God already knew God already decided that jacob was gonna Kind of be the one the successor over esau and that jacob would replace esau in a sense And that esau would serve jacob And what is chap? What is verse 11 telling us verse 11 is telling us that The decision god made was not based on anything jacob or esau had ever done yet because they hadn't done anything yet That hadn't even been born yet. So he's saying it's not based on something they did yet It was based on god's election Now again, romans chapter 9 is a verse or maybe a chapter. I'm, sorry That calvinists love to go to to try and teach their version of election and here's the thing sometimes even Fundamental baptists they hear the word election and might cause them to have like an a visceral reaction or something But here's the thing. It's obviously a biblical doctrine. It's a word found in the bible. So there's nothing wrong with the word election There's nothing wrong with saying god's elect there's nothing wrong with talking about god electing certain people So the language that calvinists use oftentimes is biblical language. It's biblical concepts It's just more the conclusions that I strongly disagree with. Okay, and we're going to kind of talk about that in a second, but Here's the thing. What is what does election mean? Well in america, it's hard to understand because you vote for trump and then it gets flipped to biden, okay? Or you don't vote and you voted for biden Or a bunch of people that don't even exist voted for biden. Okay So it's weird how to understand election but what the word elect or election means is to choose It's really easy. It's real basic. You're just choosing someone right when we have an election. We're theoretically choosing someone of course the machines choose for us nowadays and so you know, I don't really know how that works, but When it comes to this particular context, it's just saying god Is choosing someone or he's choosing something he's making a decision, right? So god chose Jacob over esau Before they ever existed Okay, and before they'd ever done anything before they'd even been born. He already decided he's choosing jacob over esau now That's just fact Whether you're if you're a calvinist, they'll say the same thing if you're a fundamental Baptist like me I'll say the exact same thing. We don't disagree with calvinists on the fact that god chose Jacob over esau Before they had ever done anything Now here's here's the difference a calvinist would say well god chose him based on absolutely nothing Just whatever just on a whim or whatever he wants, right? We would say or I would say that jacob was chosen based on his foreknowledge So it's not like It's not that he had done anything But god knew what jacob would do And based on him's knowledge about who jacob was and who jacob would be and the decisions jacob would make then god decided to choose him Okay, so I mean it's not that hard to understand. It's like think about this How many of you guys have played a sports team event or played a game maybe in school where you pick your own team, right? Who's who's been there and you stood over the wall and you pick people right? Now, why are you picking certain people? It's because you believe they're going to do a good job, isn't it? You're not just like I don't really care just you and you and you and you it's not random You're not just like picking random people. You're like this guy's tall. This guy's strong. This guy's fast This guy wins every game he plays right? You're like i'm gonna pick that guy Now here's the thing at that point he's never scored a point for you he hasn't passed the ball yet You haven't even started playing nothing's happened But why did you pick that particular individual because you have confidence you feel like you know, this guy's gonna do a good job Now what if you could actually what if god just came down? He said before the game i'm just going to give you a little bit of it I'm going to show you this tape and it's going to actually show you exactly how they're going to play And this tape's called for knowledge, okay And then you got to know exactly how good every single person was going to be Well, then you would i'm going to pick that guy You know, it'd be kind of like if you could go back to the nfl draft and you have payton manning and you have ryan leaf And it's like well, which one do we pick? It's like payton manning, you know, it's like You would want to pick that guy. He's never played for the nfl yet But it's like if you have the knowledge that we have today, you know who you would pick You wouldn't even wonder every single draft You would just be an expert if you already knew how good every single player would be You knew if they were going to get injured or not You would be a savant your team would always win because you'd always pick the right guys This is how god works. God already knows Who he wants to draft on his team And of course they haven't done anything yet You know why he's going to draft certain individuals because he knows what they're going to do folks But it's definitely not based on nothing That is not scriptural. It's not what the bible teaches and i'm going to prove that here in a minute a little bit stronger, but It's based on Decisions they are going to make So don't get confused by verse 11 and start becoming a calvinist and this saying well Nothing matters. I don't have free will God just wants me to be a lazy jerk. No, god doesn't want you to be a lazy jerk If you're a lazy jerk don't blame god for that blame you You for being a lazy jerk, right? Calvinists are like well if people are going to get saved god will make it happen I don't need to go out there and witness. No, you're just being lazy You know, you're just being you're just being selfish is what you're being and you're blaming god for your own selfishness for your own laziness Okay, god obviously wants us to go out there and work hard Now it says in verse 13 as it is written. Jacob have I loved but esau have I hated? What shall we say then is there unrighteousness with god god forbid now? some people Don't even think that god hates anyone What does this verse say? I mean it's well that's old testament. This is new testament. This is the book of romans In my in my bible it says in the new testament that god hated esau whose whose bible says this Okay, hands all over the building. All right, your bible doesn't say this you need to get a king james, okay All right, or a real bible now Here's the thing obviously if we look this up in malachi It's talking about nations as a whole But but that doesn't help your doctrine because we went from him hating one person to a lot of people You know think like if you were going to say god doesn't hate anyone You got to understand this is talking about a group of people that doesn't help your argument Okay, because it just went from hating one person to hating a whole group of people But be it known. Yes. God hated a whole group of people. They were called edamites Now that's what malachi actually teaches and of course god chose He chose israel over edom and he gave blessings in favor under the israelites And he gave cursing and he he took a lot of things away from the edamites and that's what it's talking about And we see that it ends up being that the edamites served israel. And that's what he meant by Jacob and isaw because really in jacob and isaw's life Esau didn't really serve jacob That wasn't really a fulfillment of their own personal lives It's a fulfillment of what the nations were going to be like in the future and how the nation of jacob the nation of israel Ended up replacing And taking the inheritance taking the blessing of their father and becoming the blessed of god Whereas edom kind of took the smaller portion and ended up serving israel for a long period of time so that's what it's kind of in reference to Now then you'd ask this question verse 14. What shall we say then is there unrighteousness with god? So so this is kind of the the calvinist Line of thinking like well if god's just hooking people up and You know ruining people over here loving people over here and hating people over here and giving blessings over here and cursing other people like How's that fair? That's kind of the accusation being laid against god like well Does that make god unrighteous then that he's just like doing good randomly to some people and terrible things to other people? And then what's the answer god forbid? Okay now Let's be honest though. If you really think about what he's saying This question in verse number 14 is basically saying are you saying that god's the the calvinist god and the answer was god forbid? Because the calvinist god is literally doing that Like the question's like wait a minute. Is this a calvinist god and it's like no No, god's not calvinist. Okay God forbid. Okay, that's not what's happening verse 15 for he saith to moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion so You have to understand this though It is saying that god Determines whom he's going to give mercy to and who he's not going to give mercy to And it's not really for us to argue with god if we get mercy or if we don't get mercy If we get compassion or if we don't get compassion And it says in verse 16, so then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of god that showeth mercy Meaning that some people may try harder to receive god's mercy than someone else But god can still decide whom he wants to show mercy to And whom he doesn't want to show mercy to some guy may try harder to get it and not get any mercy Some guy might try not at all and get mercy And it's just god gets to decide whom he's going to give mercy to who he's not going to give mercy to It's not for us to decide verse 17 for the scripture saith unto pharaoh even for the same purpose Have I raised thee up that I might show my power in thee and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth Therefore hath the mercy on whom you have mercy and whom he will whom he will he hardeneth. So What it's saying is that god is just going to give mercy to who he wants and he's going to like curse And harden whom he wants now Of course, the question is then is this baseless is this is like based on nothing and again? This is where the calvinists are going to get a lot of things wrong in this particular chapter, but it is clearly saying That god is is deciding how he's going to dole out mercy and how he's going to dole out hardening And of course pharaoh if we understand the story was one who hardened his own heart so it's not like It's not like god is just deciding like hey, here's a really good christian that I really like I'm, just going to curse him for no reason and here's a really evil wicked person I'm, just going to give him lots of mercy for no reason. That's not really happening But of course there is some examples where god is a little bit more merciful with some He's maybe harsher with others and it's it's his decision making he gets to decide what he wants to do But but I want you to think about something If we talk about mercy or if we talk about hardening, you know, what both of these have in common Transgression They both have transgression in common meaning what? I only need mercy or I only get mercy because I did something wrong Okay, and I get hardened because why because I did something wrong So in both cases, it's just god deciding how he's going to punish someone For their particular actions. It's meaning in some cases He gives them mercy not necessarily punishing the way that they should be And in some cases punishing them even harsher Than maybe he would other people But in both cases, we're talking about someone doing something wrong So how do we have any right or wrong? How do we have any right to accuse god Of how he decides to deal with us as a form of punishment, right? So it'd be kind of like in your own family if one sibling Eats cookies before dinner and another sibling eats cookies before dinner And the dad said no Now isn't it in the dad's purview to decide how he's going to discipline each child? Couldn't you decide well one sibling i'm going to give no punishment to and another sibling is going to get a spanking Now you might say like oh, how's that fair? Okay, but what if one of those? Children that did it is one and has no idea what they're doing And the other one's 10 years old and knows exactly what they're doing Now wouldn't that make a little bit more sense as to why he may have gave mercy? To the one year old and then he spanked the 10 year old What if when he comes home and he finds us out one child goes and says dad i'm really sorry I shouldn't have eaten the cookie Please please forgive me And he says you know what he gives mercy to that one and what if the other one says I don't care I'm gonna eat more cookies Wouldn't you see like oh, okay. Well, maybe that's why The dad is deciding different judgments or just different punishments on these particular children, right? So But is it really fair for us to judge when it's appropriate for god to dole out mercy or from the not dole out mercy No, that's for god to decide and god's a perfect judge Is it right for us to accuse him and say like well It's not fair that I got punished for the thing that you told me you're going to punish me for No, you deserve punishment Right, so it's always merited. It's always fair It's just god can decide when he wants to be merciful and god can decide when he's going to be harsh, right? In the old testament some people were killed for committing fornication How many people today have committed fornication and weren't killed right on the spot? So are you going to really get be mad at god for not having killed you right on the spot? Or say like wow, I didn't deserve that mercy, right? Isn't there plenty of cases where we've sinned or done evil and we didn't get judged as harshly as some people did in the bible So god gets to decide how he's going to punish people. This is not Teaching that we don't have free will It has nothing to do with that It's just saying god gets to decide whom he's going to punish how he's going to punish them and when he's going to punish them Why didn't god just kill pharaoh immediately? Well, because he wanted to sit here and just punish him with so many plagues that it would become so evident that god is real And show how much of a reprobate pharaoh really was Of how he could just literally see the finger of god and still reject god And yet that's how people are in today's society where they can see God's so obvious and so evident to them and yet they can still reject him And it just shows how hard god is hard in that person's heart And how what punishment god can give to somebody and what reprobation really looks like it's an ugly sin I mean reprobation gets so ugly I mean think about this there are men in this country That are willing to chop off their private parts and try to tell people that they're a woman Like that is some serious reprobation folks That is some serious rejection of god and truth and reality. I mean what could possess you to do that willingly? Not only are you doing you're paying for it Yeah You're willing to give somebody money some jewish doctor money to to chop off your privy member I mean that's insanity Okay, that's just to show you like wow you reject god Let's see how much he can reject you and harden you and punish you, right? So we should really what it should do is it just motivate you to just fear god Like wow, I need to be on god's side and begging for mercy And seeking for mercy in my life and hoping that he would show it unto me. It's not that I deserve it It's not that i'm guaranteed it God gets to decide if he's going to dole it out or not and I can't you know accuse god of Being wrong when he doesn't dole it out But you know, let's be real god decides whom he's going to do what to verse 18 therefore Hath the mercy on whom you'll have mercy and on whom he will He hardness that will save in unto me why did the yet find fault for who hath resisted his will And of course, this is the calvinist like favorite line in the bible for who has resisted his will It's like well, let's just read the next word what if we just read the next word in the bible nay You know if if you are basing your doctrine on a question And the next word is no You're wrong Okay, it's saying like hey, this is this is our whole doctrine who can resist his will wrong It's like that's the the wrong idea the wrong question the wrong attitude saying like well How is that fair to judge somebody? If god's like forcing you to be bad No, that's not what the that's not what we're saying and that's not what god's saying Okay, nay, but oh man who art thou that repliest against god shall the thing formed say to him that formed it Why hast thou made me thus now, what is it really getting at? It's like well, why would god Make me pharaoh king of egypt and put me in this position and me having been raised with these false gods and this False religion and having the upbringing I did why would god put me in this situation? If then he's just going to harden me and destroy me No, that's that you still had free will buddy Why did god put me into the the life and the family And the body and all the things that god gave me. Why did god do that to me? He has a he has a reason Why he did it but you know what at the end of the day You are still accountable for your actions no matter where you're found in life whether you're the king of egypt or Whether you were born blind now, I want you to go somewhere go to john chapter nine Keep your finger here and go to the book of john the gospel of john just to the left chapter number nine And I want to explain something to you. And again, this is just kind of my personal understanding or way of explaining this but I believe that god Has decided Everything about you based on your future decisions So the way I kind of explain this is it's it's kind of like if you were going to make your own comic book And in your comic book, you're thinking about all the different characters You're thinking about the good guy and you're thinking about your bad guy and you're deciding you know what I want my good guy To be really strong and tall and fast and you can shoot lightning bolts out of his fingers or something like that You're just you're just thinking about all the stuff you want the good guy to do right and then your bad guy you're like Well, I want my bad guy to also be strong and I want my bad guy to have these special abilities and everything So you're kind of like designing this particular individual based on The decisions that he's going to make in the future. This guy is going to be bad And what you didn't want to do for your comic book is to make your bad guy be some weak puny vegan That can't even lift a five pound dumbbell That's an idiot because then it wouldn't be a really cool comic book right superman would just come and just crush him Right, he makes lex luther who's a genius mastermind and super rich and has All of these capabilities to fight superman and to to attack superman. He's evil, right? Like he's giving him all these characteristics Because he wants it to be Interesting. He wants it. It's there for a particular reason And of course, you know, those aren't the only two people in the comic book are there there's lois lane and we're thinking about superman, right? lois lane Is a you know, just a normal person, but she's interested in reporting everything like that There's the guy that runs the daily planet the the chief right? There's the barry white. Yeah, I need some help here. Okay What's the what's the photographer? That's their friend jimmy. Yeah little jimmy He's also put in this in the story, you know, superman has his parents martha kent and mr kent And you've got all kinds of random people in this storyline, right? You couldn't just have a story with just superman and only lex luther And then you have all the people that just live in the metropolis. You have all the people So there's just all these different characters and they're all built together in this beautiful mosaic of a particular story The same is with god and his story of jesus christ jesus christ is our main character And you know what? The devil is the main antagonist and you know, god didn't make the devil some just puny Weak insignificant character. No according to the bible. He's the smartest Most beautiful creation of all the angels He's very, you know powerful. He has a lot of capability. He's a strong adversary He's described as a roaring lion going about seeking whom he may devour, right? So god has built a very intense character as a foe and you and I Are in the story literally We are characters put into god's story and god gave you the characteristics. He wanted to give you He gave you the face the nose the eyes the hair. He gave you the parents. He gave you the language He gave you the country. I believe that god gave you Every single thing about you on purpose And I want to prove this With with some some other scripture, but look at john chapter 9 verse 1 And as jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth And his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents? That he was born blind. Jesus answered neither had this man sinned nor his parents But that the works of god should be made manifest in him, you know what god created someone blind on purpose And this man had to be blind for a long portion of his life So that one day jesus could come into town And this blind man could encounter the main character jesus and jesus could heal him to show the works and the power of god And that he could be used by god Used by god So god purposefully made this guy blind couldn't that person his whole life just been so mad that god had made him blind I mean, yeah, I mean you could see how someone born with that severe of a deformity could just be mad at god their whole life Because honestly being blind is probably one of the worst disabilities You know of all the disabilities, there's a lot of bad things out there, but being blind would just be really frustrating It's really difficult you're dependent on other people your whole life I mean, you don't even know where to go people have to lead you by the hand. You haven't seen anything One of the greatest pleasures of our life is our eyes think about it. Most people spend their whole life just watching tv Because it's just so pl like there's just so much pleasure Just through the eyes of your life The pride of life and the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh I mean, it's one of the major categories of just pleasure of this life is just your eyes Your eyes is just a major form, but this guy has missed out on it for such a long period of life Happening to live such a grievous life and you know what god did it to him on purpose Why so that he could then get healed and have a powerful testimony of the miracles of jesus christ in his life To illustrate also a great spiritual truth of those of us that were not saved how we're blind In a sense and then when we get the gospel we can see And it shows the physical representation of the spiritual miracle that god wants to perform in everybody's life because you know It's worse than being born blind For a long portion of life and then finally getting healed later Is being unsaved and dying and going to hell Is being spiritually blind and never getting saved and going to hell that person's life is infinitely worse than this guy being born blind And many people just don't even realize that they think it would be a travesty be born poor Or have with a deformity or have a problem, you know, it'd be worse than being born without arms Is being born as tom brady And being so prideful and having so much money and luxury and pleasure in this life and never getting saved and going to hell Then being born with no arms yet being humble and getting saved and going to heaven Just like the the rich man in the book of luke who fared sumptuously every single day And the poor beggar who's just sitting in the corner and having dogs lick his sores But you know what when he died he went to heaven and he's in abraham's chest bosom. Okay. Sorry It's not a special compartment next to hell folks. Okay, it's just abraham Abraham had him around his shoulder. They were hanging out like buddies and he was comforted. It's like he's best friends with abraham now Okay, and the rich man's in hell burning and he doesn't even get a drop of water ever again You know that guy's been wanting a drop of water since a long time ago till now Like yesterday he wanted a drop of water and he didn't get it And I mean we laugh but it's not even funny. It's sad It's sad that guy doesn't want to be in hell That guy didn't have that guy didn't like live his whole life. Just saying like I can't wait to go to hell He was just blind He was just spiritually blinded. He was blinded by the things of this life and the things of this world And you know what? He's one of the type of people that the apostle paul is just so upset at is just going to die and go to hell All the israelites and all the people are just going to die and go to hell and nobody You know, he's so upset that no one's getting them saved or that they won't get saved That they won't believe in jesus christ, but i'm telling you this that I believe you Every single one of you in this room you look The way you look on purpose You are the person you are on purpose god puts you into the body. He wanted you to be in on purpose He doesn't want you to chop it up He doesn't want you to make it look silly and stupid He doesn't want you to dye your hair pink and purple and green and blue And he doesn't want you to get stupid tattoos all over your body And he doesn't want you to poison it with alcohol and drugs And he doesn't want you to destroy it through the the lust of this life You know, he built you and gave you that body so you could serve him with it And you know, he put you into the life that you live on purpose I mean we could all wish to have been at a different time or a different era or different country or whatever But you know what? He gave you the parents and the life and everything that you have for a reason And he wants you to be the best version of yourself that you can be And to serve god in the capacity That he gave you and the position of life that he puts you in and we can always wish for something different But you know what? That's a carnal vain thought Why can't you just be satisfied with the life that you do have? I mean, I don't know anybody here that was born blind. So you're already starting off pretty bet pretty good Pretty decent plus most of us are in here are saved already. So we're already in really good shape You know, so there's nothing to be upset about with god go back to romans chapter number nine So can we really look at god and say like Ow, you know you made me this way or whatever. No, no, no, here's the thing. I still had free will though, didn't I? God still gives me the opportunity to make all the decisions i'm going to make yet I can't necessarily overcome god's will in the sense that You know, I can't stop the anti-christ from coming I can't stop jesus christ from coming I can't stop salvation Only being by faith. I can't stop the king james bible being true, you know There's certain things that god's will is going to triumph over mine No matter how much free will he gives me but at the end of the day he lets me do virtually anything I want like rejecting calvinism. He lets me do that. Okay I have the free will to do that and It says in verse 21 have not the potter power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel under honor And another under dishonor, so you know what god formed pharaoh to be a vessel under dishonor And he fair he he shaped and formed moses to be a vessel under honor and you know, even his own parents could say At the very beginning of his life. They knew that he was a goodly child They could just look at moses and know this man this child is born for some reason. He's special There's something special about moses, you know, there's something special about john the baptist There was something special about that individual and you know what they could see it and they wanted something special special for their children Says what verse 22 what if god willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction so Here's the reality It's not like god just said, you know what i'm going to make pharaoh evil and he's going to be evil No, he gave him a lot of power and prestige and strength and put them in a special place in history But then pharaoh resisted god's will Over and over and over and god endured for a long time Pharaoh resisting him and then eventually dealt with him You know what? It wasn't that god just randomly hated pharaoh. No pharaoh hated god first Pharaoh rejected god first pharaoh resisted him first So it's not to sit here and accuse god of doing something like forcing people to hit themselves or something like that No, no, no pharaoh willingly chose to reject god He even says at one point in the scripture I and my servants are wicked the lord is righteous And I and my servants are wicked. He knew he was wicked. He knew what he was doing He knew he was rejecting god. He just didn't care. He wanted to do it And god decided hey, you know who should be the king of egypt Someone that hates me so much That they'll never believe in me period It doesn't matter what I do to him. It doesn't matter what miracle I show him It doesn't matter what help I give him. It doesn't matter what his counselors say It doesn't matter what relationship he has with moses. He will never ever ever ever obey my will ever That's the guy i'm going to make the king of egypt And that's why he put him into that position And why did he pick abraham because he said here's a guy that'll do whatever I say If I say give me your firstborn give me your child a promise and sacrifice him on the altar He'll do it. And so that's why he put abraham's soul into abraham's body and he gave him that opportunity and so god Is often deciding to put certain people into certain positions because he knows what's in their heart He knows what kind of person this is And that's why he chose that person to do that task. That's why he wants that person to do that particular task you know Obviously, there's a lot of wicked people in our world But it seems like god was like hey, I want to put this person in position of power For a specific reason and he wants to put you know, all of us here. We're here for a reason You're here and god has a plan for your life. The question is are you going to do it or not? But that doesn't give us a reason to get mad at god God can decide to put us wherever he wants in the game Just think about you know, if you play sports And you have a coach you're not supposed to argue with the coach where he puts you in in the game You're just supposed to play that position And you know if that position is getting water for everybody you just get water for everybody, right? If that if that position is the most important position then you play the most important position, right? But it's not for you to decide how to be coach you just say coach put me in You know, wherever i'm wherever you want me in coach and you know what god is our coach and he's just saying you know what? I'm going to put you in where I want you and sometimes he puts bad people in their positions as well Says in verse 23 and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy Which he had prepared he had a four prepared in the glory like this blind guy Was a vessel of mercy god had already prepared beforehand so that he could show his glory and show his mercy on that particular Individual verse 24 even us whom he hath called not of the jews only but also of the gentiles so He's making these points with these metaphors to make the greater point That he suffered a long time with the israelites And with the jews who rejected him and rejected him and didn't care and didn't want to believe in him And then he brought jesus and that was the last straw so that he can then what show mercy unto the gentiles Now you would say well, how's that fair because the gentiles they weren't even caring about the bible They didn't even care about moses and they didn't even care about the oracles of god and they weren't even seeking god But you know what god can be merciful to them if he wants to and he can harden the jews if he wants to Just like I used this analogy earlier Maybe I wouldn't punish the one-year-old for taking the cookie because he doesn't really know what he's doing But the 10 year old he's going to get a harsher punishment because he kind of knows what he's doing, right? So the children of israel who've had the bible and had the prophets and had the word of god Well, they get a little bit harsher of a punishment than the gentiles who basically don't even know what's going on And have been a lot more ignorant and a lot more foolish And so god is choosing to show more mercy on the gentiles than he is on The israelis on the israelites on the hebrews on the jews whatever you want to call them synagogue of satan. That's another colloquialism But that's the point that's being made here verse 25 as he saith also in oc That's reference to hosea I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not Beloved and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them You're not my people there shall they be called the children of the living god. So this is a prophecy in the book of hosea about The gentiles becoming the children of god and being called the children of god go there for a moment Go to hosea chapter one. I want to show you a verse in this This is also another important point and and we'll read it in romans again, too But in the book of hosea chapter number one He's telling the prophet to marry a whore And the whore ends up having children that are not his They're children of whoredom And it's to represent the fact that those children are not his isn't that make sense when the children are not yours that they're not yours And then hosea is supposed to look at that child and be like you're not my child Right, it's like when you're snow white and he's snow white and the child's black as night. It's not yours. Okay? And It starts getting real obvious And that's what he's kind of talking about here. Look at verse eight now when she had weaned lo ruma She conceived and bear a son then said god call his name loami for you're not my people And I will not be your god Yet the number of the children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea Which cannot be measured nor numbered and has come to pass then the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the living god so notice a couple things number one And let's go back but notice that what he had said was that they were not his children They're not his people even though they may be as the sand of the sea So what god is saying it doesn't matter how many people I have i'm rejecting here. They're just not my children And I think some people they'll be like, oh no No, there's no way that god just rejected all of israel all those people No, no, it doesn't matter if the count is innumerable. God rejected them. They're still not his children It doesn't matter how many there are. It doesn't matter if there's six million of them Still not his children He still doesn't care. Okay And what he is saying though is where there was people that were not his people they are going to be called The sons of god foreshadowing what the gentiles us being the sons of god And how he's rejecting and calling the children of israel not his children They're not his look what it says here in verse number 27 isaiah's also crieth concerning israel though the number of the children of israel be as the sand of the sea a remnant Shall be saved for he will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness because the short work will the lord make upon the earth And as isaiah said before except the lord of sabbath had left as a seed we had been a sedoma And been made like unto gomorrah, so the point that he's making here is sodom and gomorrah when they were destroyed no one was saved except for lot lot And his wife and two children, but of course Remember lot's wife she turned back and turned into a pillar of salt And so according to the scripture he's saying we would have been like them in the sense that they were all destroyed If he didn't give us a remnant and so when we look at the children of israel By and large the vast majority of them were all rejected not saved And in the scheme of how many people there were Only a very small fraction of them actually believed in jesus got saved and of course they were that remnant and He gives a remnant, you know pasa paul The disciples there was people at the time of christ that did get saved and did believe john the baptist Of course, he didn't survive past christ's passion yet He was part of that remnant. He was part of that spiritual israel. That was also physical israel So then the question is in verse 30. What shall we say then? That the gentile so what's the conclusion of this whole chapter that we've been talking about that the gentiles which followed not after righteousness Have attained to righteousness Specifically or even the righteousness which is of faith. So he's saying The israelite was seeking for it and was wanting Righteousness and they didn't get it. They got hardened and rejected And those who weren't even looking for righteousness didn't even want it. They ended up getting it by faith verse 31 But israel which followed after the law of righteousness have not attained the law of righteousness And here's the really this is probably the most important verse in this chapter verse 32 wherefore meaning why? Because they sought it not by faith But as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled that stumbling stone as it is written behold. I lay in zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense whosoever believeth and on him shall not be ashamed, so Verse 32 is your key to understanding everything we talked about. Oh Well, he just picked certain people based on nothing. No, no, no, he picked them based on if they would seek him by faith or not That's what it was based on. It's based on his foreknowledge. Go keep your finger here Go to 1st Peter chapter 1 for a second go to 1st Peter chapter number 1 It's important when you when you're thinking about what a word means in the Bible to look it up in other places in the Bible and The word elect or election is used in 1st Peter chapter number 1 look at verse number 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father So notice when he talks about people being elect does it say here elect based on absolutely nothing? elect based on the whims of God based on No, no, it says elect According to the foreknowledge of God. So when we talk about election everywhere in the Bible It's always according to the foreknowledge of God and what is God's foreknowledge? He knows those who would believe in him and he knows those who would not and God shows before the foundation of the world That those who would believe in Jesus would be the elect and those who would not believe in Jesus would not be elect Has nothing to do with works and that's why it constantly refers the fact that it's not of works It's not of what we do. It's not based on any of those items. It's based on who would put faith in Jesus Christ Now if you go back to Romans chapter 9, I want to kind of just Emphasize a few other verses here and make sure we understood them really well But if we kind of go back to verse number 16 Notice what it says so then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth But of God that showeth mercy now I can see how on the surface or just in the immediate context someone might look at this verse and say well this sounds like though If it's not of him that will it then it's not even based on those who would who would believe in him And I've heard Calvinists make this argument They'll say no no If you think that you're going to heaven because you chose to believe in Jesus That's pride That's what they'll literally say that so you're so prideful. You think you're better than people that would not believe in him If you want to get that trivial then yes, okay, you know when it's not pride, okay, that's a bizarre idea What is it? What does it mean here though when it talks about the willing or the running? Of course in this context we were talking about The difference of God showing mercy or not showing mercy and Essentially we have to understand is it's not necessarily based on What you do that God gives you mercy or or what you want is? Something else now go through it to John 1 and I'm gonna explain this a lot more clearly And it uses the same phrase ology here that we're talking about But the Bible tells us that salvation is a free gift by faith and it's by receiving Jesus that you get saved John 1 12 says this but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God Even or meaning specifically to them that believe on his name. So what is the requirement to be saved believing? How do you receive Jesus believing? Believing in Jesus gives you the power to become the sons of God those who are not the sons of God Gentiles by receiving and believing in Jesus They became the sons of God the children of Israel who never believed in Jesus that did not receive him Even though the seed of Abraham, they're not the sons of God. They're not the children according to the promise and Notice though in verse 13, it says this which were born This is talking about our spiritual birth our second birth Not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God This is the same essence that we're getting in Romans chapter number nine now notice there's three elements here not born of blood What does that mean? It means that being a child of God has nothing to do with your physical birth Your parents your DNA. It's not a Ethnicity there's not such thing as the ethnicity of sons of God and then the non sons of God You know or this weird Nephilim doctrine like sons of angel hybrids or whatever and you know All of this race stuff is just fake There's no such thing as like black people and white people Sorry to burst your bubble Because it's like you could have like a thousand white people on your side of the family and one black guy and you'll look black And then people like oh you're black Why you know, why is it that you get one person? Dominating everybody else as far as your heritage of who you are You're 99% white from all of your DNA, but you're 1% black and it just makes you black right? How does that even work? You know, it doesn't even make any sense and it's like what even makes you black because there could be someone that's from Africa and They're black folks like at night. You can only see their teeth. Okay, and Then there's white people. They're like from where Dylan's like that, you know, they kind of look like Dylan and If if you know if there was a you know A guy that was that black and a lady that was that white and they had a child It's not going to be that white or that black. It's gonna be like somewhere in the middle But you know, everybody'll just say it's black just automatic, you know, it's just black but really, you know in times past It's called like mulatto or something else and look most every black person in America. They does not look like African black Okay, they're a lighter skin They're they're all every shade you could ever imagine. Okay, and there's there's no problem who cares, right? But it's silly to arbitrarily assign people like someone that's like Kamala Harris and say she's black somehow and Then take someone like Elizabeth Warren say she's Native American, you know, like all these arbitrary race things it's like they're not even real folks and If you're gonna really subdivide people based on just skin color, we'd have a lot more than five They have like 500 or something, you know, it doesn't really fit. It's just like you get that crinola that The the crayon box or something. It only has 12 colors and everything just has it It's like it's just red, you know There's really like 20 shades of red or 50 shades of red and the same as with race. There's no such thing as race We're just human We're just man, okay, we're all came from Adam and Eve and then even past that we all came from Noah You know, we're all virtually related and it's funny to me I was talking to somebody and they said that their mother was Jewish And so that would make him technically Jewish according to like modern-day standard, but even him I was talking to he's like What is that even mean? Because he's just like and we were talking about like everybody if you looked up your DNA and went far enough back We'd probably all be Jewish We probably all have at least one Jew in our in our background Okay, probably even more and so it's just silly to sit here and pretend like there's all these arbitrary division lines You know, it doesn't really matter Even at the time of Christ and even throughout the lineage in the history of Israel. They weren't always this pure ethnic race They had tons of sojourners and Canaanites and all kinds of mixing in with them Women from all kinds of foreign countries mixing in with them. It wasn't this this pure blood pure race thing that's all fake and it's all lies folks and If you think that has that's what's getting you into heaven You're not saved if you think that Jews are going to heaven because of their ethnicity or their race You're lying and they're lying and they're not saved. They're not children of God by physical birth Second point is it's not of the will of the flesh. What is this? This is what you can do with your flesh your body your strength you repenting of your sins will not get you saved You can will yourself to quit drinking you can will yourself to stop sinning You can will yourself to change your life and you will still be unsaved because salvation is not a will of the flesh Nor is it the will of man and this one's kind of an important one go to Luke chapter 13 for a second Go to Luke chapter 13 What is this will this is the will that's an internal desire or an internal motivation, okay And I want you to understand that just having an internal motivation or desire to be saved will not save you I'm going to prove this look what it says in Luke chapter 13 verse 24 Strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able that's a scary verse Saying that there's many people that are trying to go to heaven. They want to be saved They want to be with Jesus and they're not going to get in. This is all of your work salvationists This is your Lord self salvation. This is your Catholic. This is even in fact other fake religions and false religions There are many sincere people that want to be saved and they're they're trying internally to be saved they're praying I mean, how many people do you knock on the door and they say I they pray every day They pray to be saved or they pray to the Lord or whatever and they want to but they're just not going to get in Because they they haven't received Jesus. They haven't believed on the Lord Jesus Christ Go back to Romans and we'll finish go back to Romans so when it's talking about that It's not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth We're talking about the sense that if I want God's mercy It's not necessarily going to be something that I can control based on my wills like I can't just be like I just really want mercy and God's gonna give it to me or Just because I'm really seeking it doesn't mean he's gonna always deliver and give me that mercy You know, there's some people that sought mercy of the Lord and didn't get any mercy So it's not just because you want it that you're gonna get it And it's not just because you tried really hard. They're gonna get it the children of Israel We're trying way harder than the Gentiles Gentiles trial at trying level was zero Okay, the Israelites they were trying to get God's mercy. They were trying to get God's righteousness, but here's the problem. They were doing it wrong look what it says in Romans 10 and Look what it says in verse number two fry bear them record talking about Israel that they have a zeal of God But not according to knowledge So you can have a zeal you can be seeking the Lord and still not get mercy and still not be saved Why because you have to do it by faith and you know what they weren't willing to accept Jesus Christ They weren't willing to be Humble, they were prideful and really this chapter just epitomizes pride What is pride thinking that you're better than others? You know thinking that you know It's the kind of the what they said in Romans chapter number two verse three That they think they're gonna escape the judgment of God because they're not as bad as the wicked reprobates of Romans 1 But you know what just because you're better than other people doesn't mean that God won't judge you Doesn't mean that you wouldn't still deserve hell and the children of Israel thought that they were better than the Gentiles and that's why they deserved Heaven they were like, oh, we're not like these sinners. We're not like the publicans. We're not like the harlots We're not like the lawyers. We're not like these Tax collectors and so they thought because they were more righteous than other people They were going to go to heaven and you knock on most every door And why does someone tell you they're gonna go to heaven? I'm a good person. You know what they're saying? I'm better than other people I'm good, but you know what that pride will send them to hell It doesn't matter how much they seek or have zeal. You know, what pride is what destroyed the devil pride is what destroyed Pharaoh and Really God gives us a lot of examples of this to show us that God can replace you We shouldn't be prideful. You know Cain is first the fleshly Abel is a faith. He was the second right Adam was the first man Jesus was the last Adam. He was the spiritual you had the flesh first Then you had the spiritual you had Esau which was the first was the flesh But then Jacob came and he was the replacement you had Ishmael first, which was of the flesh But then you had Isaac come second, which was the spiritual, you know, we get the flesh first We have the first birth is flesh But our second birth is spiritual and God gave the first nation Israel a physical nation But the second nation was a spiritual nation of believers and you know what God has replaced the physical nation of Israel with the spiritual nation of Israel of believers and Replacement theology is an important doctrine because honestly it affects our whole world America's entire foreign policy is based on Zionism It is literally based on believing that a bunch of Christ rejecting God hating Jews deserve the Middle East Based on Old Testament promises, but you know what? They're not given to them They were given to the seed which is Jesus Christ and they were given to his seed Which is us who believed in Jesus Christ You know what it's crazy almost every decision made on foreign policy has to do with our ally Israel and a false view of Zionism You know, our government is just inundated with so much Zionism It's filled with so many Jews and our presidential cabinet, you know If you actually want to change America, you need preachers to get up and preach replacement theology And they're so afraid of this replacement theology is almost like cursing. It's like saying let's go Brandon or something, you know You know and it's that's a byword, you know, that's what the Bible teaches And I'm not going to be afraid of preaching about replacement theology or embracing that term or talking about the Jews We're not even on YouTube. So I can't even you know, they can't take my sermon down because I'm not even on there You know what? We need people to not be afraid to teach what the Bible says in this issue You know a lot of people want to attack Calvinism on this doctor on this particular chapter and that there's a place for that You know, it's way more dangerous than Calvinism Zionism And we have to realize hey they were replaced by us and we need to keep preaching the gospel And preaching what the Bible says on these issues and you know, God put us on this on this planet for a reason Let us not shy away from our calling but let us embrace what God has elected us to do. All right, let's go some prayer Thank Heavenly Father for this great chapter for Choosing us to be the sons of God not based on our Blood not based on the will of our flesh not based on the will inside of us But rather just the free gift that was offered to us being accepted by faith And I thank you for making salvation so free and so easy for us I pray that you would help motivate us to realize the lives We have are very purposeful that we have a special calling in our lives to reach people with the gospel to get people saved I pray that we wouldn't shy away from that purpose and that calling you have for us But rather we'd be faithful to what you've given us and in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right in closing let's go to song number 227 Song number 227 saved by the blood Like a real Jew saved by the blood Song number 227 Everybody sing out real loud together on the first song 227 Father and praise to the son My I'm Saved by the blood of the crucified one The angels rejoicing because it is done a child of the father join air with the son say crucified My I'm saved by the blood of the crucified One Saved by the blood of the crucified One the father he spake and his will it was done great price of my pardon his own precious son say Oh My Saved by the blood All hail to the father all hail to the son The great three and one My All right, great singing everybody was missed You