(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Oh Good evening. Thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church. If you'd please take your seats We're gonna get started with our first hymn of the evening song 404 when the battle is over If you please take your seats and turn your hymnals a song 404 when the battles over sing it out nice and loud There are the first The Oh All right now wait a second we're gonna get on the second verse But when we get to these yeses, I need all you kids to give me a nice loud. Yes All right, so we're gonna sing it out really loud when we get to those yeses Okay, we're on song 404 when the battles over second verse All right here on the second verse So Where I Oh All right, let us pray thank you Heavenly Father so much for this church service Thank you so much for giving us free salvation and also rewarding us according to our works So we have opportunities to wear a bright and shining crown and I thank you so much for all of us that are here Please also be with those that could not make it this evening and please just bless the preaching of your word tonight And Jesus name we pray. Amen We're gonna go to our second song 143 in your hymnal song 143 Blessed assurance song 143 blessed assurance Less It's a Oh Oh Raising my Ah Oh Very good singing if you need a bulletin You can lift up your hand nice and high when a rushers can come by get you guys a bulletin on the front We have our Bible memory passage We're working on Proverbs 31 verse 18 and then on the inside is our service soul winning times Also, we have our church stats, please submit all of your Salvations to your soul winning captain's lieutenant so we can make sure to update our bulletin on the right we have a list of several expecting ladies and There is a congratulations to the gore family because they actually did give birth But I don't have the stats of the details. So I apologize. I need to get that from somebody What it's all it's on the back of this, okay Congratulations Of the gore family on the birth of Travis James he was born on the 23rd at 743 p.m Weighing 9 pounds 6 ounces and measuring 22 inches long. Congratulations to them That's exciting and then also if you'd add to the prayer list and we'll get this in next Bulletin is the Holden's who are expecting in August. Congratulations them. That's exciting You Know we can't get rid of it. This list doesn't ever go down. It just keeps staying like at the same So now that's a blessing also we have our prayer list. We've been continuing to pray for brother Hall for his leg Also for the Cooley stepdad. We've been praying for him. We've been praying for brother Oz his brother been praying for the names grandmother Praying for the nigara. Mr. Negara's health We've been praying for the southern's uncle and I guess he has surgery at the end of the month And then we're praying for miss Miller her friend Tamra who's also dealing with cancer Also been praying for Elijah Scott his mom miss grace She's been experiencing a lot of pain and then we've been praying for brother Foley his brother Noah Also for miss Carlson's mother for her health as well. So a lot of a lot of health prayer requests and Make sure you're trying to pray for our church family throughout the week We'll just go ahead and say a quick prayer this evening for those that we've talked about Thank you only father so much for all of these expecting ladies. I pray that you just please give them wisdom and strength during their pregnancy Please help their children to be delivered In a timely fashion and that you'd be with them pray that you'd also bless our church family that has health issues and Some of our friends and family that are also struggling with cancer or with sickness or with illness I pray that you please give them favor. I pray that you'd please recover them. Please help restore them please also just give our church family wisdom and favor for giving the gospel out to our friends and family members and That you would just continue to bless the works here at this church and in Jesus name we pray. Amen On the back. There is a note about the baby shower for the crackers on Saturday the third it's gonna be from 1230 to 230 at the church if you would Like to bring a side dish or dessert, please RSVP to mrs. Milstead She helps she's been helping organize a lot of our baby showers, and they are nurselings only preferred So if you can leave the kids with that, please do we would really appreciate that so that we can make the baby showers as fun and enjoyable for everyone as possible and also other upcoming events This Saturday is gonna be another preaching class at 2 p.m It should not run nearly as long as the previous class last class ran a little long But we should get straight into the preaching a lot sooner brother Oz is gonna be helping me with the preaching class. So He'll also have some tips and some pointers and he's a really good preacher so if you are planning on coming just bring a five-minute sermon and you you can work on that and And really the preaching class is really designed to give you lots of opportunities to preach and actually put to practice just learning how to preach more because Just like most things you kind of learn by doing as opposed to a you know classroom setting so it's definitely a participation class alright and then That's pretty much all I have in regards to Announcements we're gonna sing our psalm of the week. So I'm 119 it's on our special handouts Psalm 119 I Oh Ah Except I beseech Teach me Oh Oh Oh I Very good singing at this time if you turn your Bibles to Revelation chapter 11 Revelation chapter 11 will pass our offering plates follow along as we'll read the entire chapter revelation chapter number 11 I I Revelation 11 the Bible reads and there was given me a read like unto a rod and the angels stood saying Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given under the Gentiles and the holy city Shall they tread underfoot forty and two months and I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand 203 scored days clothed in sackcloth These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth And if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies And if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed these have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will and When they shall have finished their testimony the beast that ascended that of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall Overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified and they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and in half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth and After three days and in half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear Fell upon them which saw them and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them and the same hour was there a great Earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men 7,000 and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven the second woe is past and behold the third woe cometh quickly and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon Their faces and worshiped God saying we give thee thanks Oh Lord God almighty which art and was and art to come Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast rained and the nations were angry and thy wrath has come And the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldest give reward under thy servants The prophets and to the Saints and them that fear thy name small and great and shouldest destroy them Which destroy the earth and the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the ark of his Testament and there were lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake and great hail Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer Father in heaven, we thank you for Revelation chapter 11 and I pray Lord that you help Pastor Shelley to Expound this chapter to us to the best of his ability and also Lord. I pray that you would Help us to be zealous not just about this chapter But you're the entire Bible Lord and help us to live for you in Jesus name. I pray. Amen Amen Revelation chapter 11 kind of concludes the first half of the book of Revelation and kind of the timeline That is portrayed in the book of Revelation and we're kind of nearing the end anyways as we've gone through all the different seals and we've gone through the trumpets and we're going through the woes and so it kind of ended but chapter 11 kind of gives us a little bit of a sneak peek going backwards in time for a moment and then fast-forwarding a little bit further into the future and It starts here in verse 1 it says and there was given me a read like unto a rod and an angel stood saying rise Measured the temple of God and the altar and then that worship therein But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given under the Gentiles and the holy city Shall they tread underfoot forty and two months now? Often what the Bible will do is It's giving a timeline or it's giving events in a chronological order But at some points it'll kind of go backwards in time just a little bit to revisit a particular subject But what will happen is it then it draws the narrative a little bit farther forward. So by the end of Chapter 11 or the new section it'll just kind of drive the storyline a little bit further ahead But to help understand it or the context that is bringing up it might still go backwards just a little bit first to just kind of give you an idea of Where we're coming from and so sometimes atheists use this as an example of contradictions in the Bible But atheists are contradictions. So there you go and really The Bible is not contradictory in any way. It's it's very well laid out It makes perfect sense Just like Genesis 1 and 2 when you get the Genesis chapter 2 it kind of actually goes backwards a little bit in time because in chapter 1 you had the man and the woman created and Then in chapter number 2 it kind of starts out with just Adam and then describes how How Adam and Eve were created where he was actually come from his rib now, you know, so funny Is that Jews? Jews will literally teach that Genesis 1 when it says that God created male and female that female is a different woman than Eve and Her name is Lilith who's heard of this? Okay. Okay, isn't that so weird? They'll say like Lilith was the first woman and she was so feminist or it's like Eve was pretty feminist, too Okay, I don't really understand where you're coming from on that point. But that's just a dumb way to read the Bible It's a dumb way to read the Bible and it's no shock that Jews of all people are screwed up on Bible interpretation Okay, and so they just invent all kinds of weird things and when it comes to the book of Revelation It you could come up with all kinds of weird things But when it brings this timeline up of 42 months, it's not throwing 42 months on to what we've already talked about it's going back in time and it's describing the last 42 months that we've already been talking about Experiencing and so that 40 in two months is really from the midpoint the midpoint of Daniel's 70th week and this is signifying the Antichrist Kingdom That's why it's kind of described as the time of the Gentiles or as it says here It says it's going to be Given unto the Gentiles. Okay. Well, that's that's kind of an interesting thing What is that? What's the significance of the fact that this area is going to be given to the Gentiles? Well, first of all Gentiles don't really have temples, you know as temples Jews, okay They have the synagogues they have the temples that's kind of more related to them Obviously you can have things like a Hindu temple and stuff But we're talking about the Bible and we're talking about the temple of God that's typically associated with Jews Because the temple that was actually constructed was constructed by the Hebrews and constructed by the Jews later And so usually we associate the temple of God with the Jews it being given to the Gentiles is of some significance Okay. Now I'm gonna be kind of talking about this timeline For quite a while and I want to talk about this Gentile subject But I want to get through the two witnesses first Before I kind of go back and describe this particular timeline because I believe the reason why It's giving us this 42 month indication is because the two witnesses Themselves are actually there for the whole 42 months Okay So the the two witnesses are actually ministering for the 42 months for a thousand two hundred and sixty days as the Bible describes it This is during that an Antichrist Kingdom This is during when we see all of those trumpets and vile judgments being poured out on the earth that's coinciding in the same timeline and I believe why it's waiting to kind of describe them is because a lot of the Significant stuff dealing with the two witnesses happens at the very end That's where we're at in the timeline So it's just kind of going back a little bit to talk about the two and this is to fast forward us to the point Where the two and this is have a lot of significance here now if you look at it says in verse number three and I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a Thousand two hundred and three square days clothed in sackcloth. So again, that's that same 42 month period Says in verse four These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth and if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and Devoureth their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed now This is some fire-breathing preaching. Okay, when you invite these guys to our next conference All right, no, but this is some intense You know preaching and you know, the Bible talks about the Word of God being like a fire fires often associated with the Word of God with God himself and so it makes sense that these Preachers of God preaching the Word of God that they also have this ability to literally breathe fire and to consume people Now there's a lot of ways to interpret the book of Revelation Most of Revelation could be interpreted as being just all metaphors But I typically lean towards a lot of it being a lot more literal Obviously not everything in the book of Revelation is literal, but most of the things described I typically find them as being pretty literal except for the obvious places where it tells you Hey, this is a metaphor like it says the seven stars You know, these are the seven churches, right or when it says I'm sorry The seven golden candlesticks are the seven churches and the seven stars of the angels Okay of those churches obviously that's a clear metaphor because it told you that was a metaphor but most of the time I think it's really describing things that are happening And I think these two guys have a supernatural ability to literally breathe fire and to consume their enemies Which is a pretty incredible thing. I mean, that's I don't know how that works I'm sure it's just a miracle right and of course a lot of things that are happening at this time or section of Scripture are miraculous in nature supernatural in nature Frankly speaking. I won't even be here. So it doesn't really even matter Entirely, I will be there for the very beginning of it. But for the most part of this, you know I'm not even gonna be here anyways So it doesn't really matter now would be cool Since we get about 75 days if we could actually see this and not just on Twitter, but like in real life You know, it'd be cool. I don't really want to visit Israel at all So I'm probably not going to but if you're in Jerusalem You got to catch a glimpse of these two guys and you know find some leftists and be like go troll them, you know Just cuz you want to watch right? I Don't know how it works But that would just be really cool to see these people being destroyed with fire literally, you know talk about Handling your protesters wouldn't that be a cool way to handle your protesters? I Mean you can just breathe fire on them. Oh, that would be great verse 6 These have power. This just makes me want to be one of the two witnesses and I know I'm not but I'm just you know That would be fun verse 6 these have power to shut heaven that it rain and not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as Often as they will meaning these guys It's almost like they're just given The ability like they're a real superhero and they can just kind of do these like special things and notice It's like whenever they want. It's not like they have to ask God permission or something. God just already said like here you go and based on some of these descriptions that kind of maybe leads to a Potential theory as to who these guys are but think about it who was able to just pray and then it didn't rain on the earth That was Elijah wasn't it? And who was it that was able to turn water into blood? That was Moses so, you know one theory is that the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah and There's a lot of reasons why that could be true Here's just another first that kind of leads to the idea that it could be Moses and Elijah But I wouldn't get super dogmatic about that. Even though I do believe that that's very likely that's who it is Look at verse 7 It says and when they shall have finished their testimony The beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them and Their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city Which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord is crucified and they have the people and kindreds and tongues and nations they'll see their dead bodies three days and in half and Shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make Mary And shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth and after three days And in half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them Which saw them? Now it says verse 12 and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven In a cloud and their enemies beheld them now I don't know exactly how to interpret all of these things, but just just kind of based on understanding how a lot of these plagues are poured out in the seventh seal and Based on how everybody feels about these two guys and based on the fact that they're kind of they're killing people with fire They're releasing a lot of plagues It may be perceived by some or maybe all that all the things that are happening are kind of directly resulted from these two guys as If most of these miracles are coming from these two men if we could just kill them Then all the horrible things that have been happening to us all the locusts and all these plagues and all these all this evil Would somehow cease, you know kind of like Maybe perhaps if we put ourselves back in time with Pharaoh and Egypt Many of them may have thought well if we could just kill Moses and Aaron Then we would be relieved of all these plagues and all the horrible things that are happening here in Egypt and obviously Moses is Making it clear that this is God doing it right and I'm sure that the two witnesses They're giving clear direction saying this is coming from God, but think about it the vast majority of the world's Atheists unbelievers weirdos and so they may kind of in their mind still be deluded and thinking, you know Somehow if we get rid of these guys, it'll stop, you know Or maybe they don't really necessarily attribute it to God even though it's being told them point-blank that it's coming from God think about Pharaoh's Magicians or his sorcerers. They're telling Pharaoh This is the finger of God kind of denoting the idea that like hey if you realize this was God You wouldn't keep fighting right and so they're trying to convince Pharaoh This is really of God, but it's almost as if Pharaoh just doesn't care or still doesn't believe Or still doesn't understand in some capacity and and perhaps that's what's going through the mind of a lot of people Maybe they just recognize it's from God. I don't know but it seems like they kind of are thinking They're celebrating through these two guys dying Maybe perhaps in their mind like oh, there's no more plagues or wrath or we finally Overcome all of this evil that to me makes sense Why they might be sending all these gifts and they're just so ecstatic and so excited about them having died and Why people are kind of gathered together to fight against them? proverbially speaking Now a lot of things that we could pick up through This section of Scripture these these two men are going to come Approximately right at the midpoint. So you have from a rough timeline perspective You have a lot of things happening in a very short window Okay and And this is where we kind of I want to talk about the times of the Gentiles and just these two witnesses and a lot Of things trying to get an idea of like what is this timeline really look like? Well, it seems like that midpoint Is really gonna kind of start and and not necessarily initially like the exact time But basically it's kicked off with the Antichrist being killed Because the Antichrist being killed is going to then give us about three days or so for him to be dead But then he's gonna rise again from the dead and as soon as he rises again from the dead He's gonna do a lot of things. Okay, excuse me. He's gonna basically declare himself God By going into the holy place going into the tabernacle Declaring himself God now. This is a chain of events This is this just does all kinds of stuff. First of all, it's gonna then cease the daily sacrifice It's gonna cause the daily sacrifice to cease because there's no longer a reason to sacrifice if you have your Messiah The Messiah has come so now there's no longer the sacrifice Of course, we understand that the sacrifice already stopped because the Messiah did come his name was Jesus Christ Okay, so to start animal sacrifices again is extremely blasphemous The Bible talked about in a previous chapter and we kind of brought it up there's like a 2,300 day window that talks about the daily sacrifice and Like the transgression and I believe that that's not just saying that the sacrifice is 2300 days But it's the sacrifice plus the Antichrist period so basically at some point when sacrifices start in a temple in Jerusalem You know you've arrived okay, you know things are getting really serious there could be lots of wars and all kinds of crazy things happening and And it's not necessarily the end when you read all of that discourse when you read a lot of the scripture that talks about The end times, you know It's already talking about nation rising against nation and there's Wars and rumors of Wars and all kinds of crazy things happening I don't even know if you could say for sure that we already have nation against nation. I think you'd be way worse I think there could be a lot more turmoil so You know you could see even more conflict. I some people have this idea like somehow Nothing's bad is gonna ever happen to America, or it could never go through any kind of war because we're Approaching in times, but I don't think that's necessarily true First of all America has already seen a lot of Wars like the Revolutionary War okay like the Civil War Okay, that was a pretty big war that involved a lot of people. There's nothing saying that Babylon USA has to include, Texas, okay Texas could concede could secede from the Union and everything else would still happen I mean, there's nothing stopping that right and I'm all for Texas becoming a country again, okay? Go, Texas all right You guys can have Washington DC and New York and all that kind of stuff up there right or or the south and the north Again, or you know there's a there's a million possibilities here So you know I'm not really that worried about how close are the end times what's gonna happen? I don't really know it doesn't really matter trying to think about it. Just makes your head hurt Makes you frustrated about how terrible the world is and you're usually wrong So it's like it's kind of just a lose-lose-lose But when there's a temple built in Jerusalem, and they're offering sacrifices I mean, we're we're pretty much just like dead on like okay We somehow entered in if we hadn't already figured it out, but I'm just saying by that point you're pretty much locked in then when you have a guy die that conquered the whole world and Then come back to life, and then he goes in the temple, and then he says I'm God Then you really know okay the Bible saying that's when the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition Okay who opposeth all that is godly like he's opposing God in the most triumphant way possible declaring himself God and then of course What does he do after this not only does he cease the? Daily sacrifice, but he's going to also Cause everybody to get a mark in their right hand or in their forehead Also, he you know it seems like according to scripture is going to cause Those in Jerusalem to be slaughtered like it seems like there's just a great slaughtering of those in Jerusalem And it kind of makes sense maybe in the sense that like they kind of have their religion And the Antichrist is actually kind of a little bit different Religion he's not really case coming like as a completely different Religion according to the book of Daniel like he's not honoring the God of his father's he's coming in his own name Now I think he's gonna potentially accept all the fulfillments of all false religion Generally speaking, but it almost seems like it's his own little deal its own kind of special unique version or understanding Plus if you're honest with yourself the biblical Messiah even from a work perspective doesn't really fit the Talmud Because the Talmud and the religion of Judaism is not Christian at all like it has nothing to do with the Old Testament It's just a complete fake garbage religion. That's like the antithesis of the Bible So I don't think that like Judaism is necessarily gonna thrive under the Antichrist system Okay plus there's a lot of indication that God may use the Antichrist to wipe out and destroy a lot of these God-hating Jews in Jerusalem, okay, so I believe they're gonna be a slaughter of the Jews in that point in time Plus then you're gonna have just a general slaughtering of those who refuse to get the mark and that's mostly Christians That's mostly the remnant of the woman seed. That's the saved. That's the Saints. That's who's being primarily targeted during this period of time Work from a worldwide scale from a broad scale, but obviously if you are anywhere near Jerusalem at this time you would want to get away as far as possible and as quickly as possible The Bible tells us that like don't be hanging out in Jerusalem near the Antichrist bad idea Okay, that's that's the worst place to be in is near him Additionally we have the two witnesses Their ministry is kind of like starting at this time now again I've said a lot of things but this could really happen in like one day Like in one day the Antichrist can come back from the dead go in the temple declare himself God stop the the sacrifice system that same day declare everybody get the mark the same day start slaughtering Jews that same day and even possibly even Empowering or authorizing other people to start slaughtering Christians and those who would refuse the mark, but it seems like this is all happening in extremely short window Additionally the two witnesses are kind of showing up right at this particular time Okay so then you'd have about a 75-day period of time where there's the greatest slaughter of Christians ever before and In fact the Bible even says that if these things weren't cut short no flesh would be saved like they're just like basically the the Antichrist is just going on a Tear to just slaughter humanity. Okay, and just killing lots and lots of people This is where it ushers in the sixth seal where Jesus Christ returns in the in the clouds and were gathered together with him He seals his hundred and forty four thousand sins them down and then he unleashes the seventh seal Which is all of these plagues and it ends with kind of where we're at here in Revelation with these two witnesses And then finally dying but notice there's a specific time period right there's 42 months There's a thousand two hundred and sixty days that they're going to be doing these type of things This is that time of the Antichrist kingdom And it says that the temple is going to be trodden underfoot of the Gentiles Okay, now I think it's significant He told him at the very beginning of chapter 11 what to have a rod and to measure the temple Okay, go if you would to Luke chapter 21 go to Luke chapter 21 Why I think that that is potentially significant is I think it helps us understand It's not a metaphor like you're not people aren't using rulers to measure metaphors Right. They're using Measuring tools to measure literal objects So I think what's trying to be communicated in some degree is that this is a real temple This is a literal temple that could be measured that we could see the size of this thing Okay, and of course we understand that you know This temple is not necessarily built by Christians or god-fearing people, but it's built in the holy place It's looked it's gonna most likely could be constructed very similar or if not exactly like previous temples First of all, the devil's the one leading the train and he saw both of the other ones So I'm sure he could help these people craft and create a similar looking temple Yet God is still gonna look at it as being his house as being his temple, you know It doesn't really matter who built it. Let's just be honest Most of the people that built it in the first place weren't saved Even David himself and Solomon Employed people that weren't even of them or Christians to even come in and build parts of the temple They hired people to build the temple, you know, it's just gonna be a bunch of you know, Hispanic people. No, I'm just kidding They build everything right? It's like it doesn't really matter. I mean, I'm sure it's not like a bunch of a pigtail Tiny hat wearing Jews that are gonna build it physically either right? They're gonna probably Employ certain individuals to bring it in and and if you feel bad about Christians not Building the temple. Well think about it. How many Christians have donated to the temple project and whatever to help build it So I guess there you go. They built it anyways, right? but it's looked at as being the temple of God and I believe that you know, there will be another temple and that will be Kind of in a sense the Antichrist and and obviously it's still the temple of God in a sense Okay, because that's what it's representing. That's what it's picturing Okay Now Luke chapter 21 is a parallel passage with the all of it discourse and look at verse number 20 It says and when ye shall see Jerusalem Compassed with armies then know that the desolation Thereof is not so the Bible is painting a picture and you know They're asking Jesus like when are these things gonna happen? When's gonna be the return of I? You know, when's gonna be the sign of thy coming when are you gonna return and He had mentioned how there's gonna be no stone left upon another So one fulfillment of the all of it discourse of Luke 21 is very clearly 70 AD where Jerusalem was literally destroyed and no stones were left upon another the wailing wall as it's called is a fraud Okay, there's no way to believe Jesus and believe in the wailing wall. You have to pick one Because they contradict each other and you know who I'm gonna always pick Jesus. All right, Jesus is right So that wall is a fake. It's an imposter. It's not part of the temple There's no point in you know, bowing at it or knocking your head on it. Okay? So if you think about 70 AD and again, none of us are necessarily gonna know everything about history perfectly But if you just look up the historical record on this particular section Titus and the Roman Empire came and they have a seven-year war and they do compass Jerusalem and they do Destroy it. Okay, and so this is kind of a precursor or a Foreshadowing of what it's gonna be like in the end times and it's interesting how God can actually recreate the exact same events in two different generations But that also helps to go to show The what the author of Ecclesiastes said that there's no new thing under the Sun is there It's kind of just a repeat of a lot of these similar type of events. And so you're gonna have This same event in essence Played out again. We're gonna have Jerusalem compass about armies most likely this is probably the end of the campaign for the Antichrist conquering the Bible talks about someone being on a white horse going forth to conquer Conquering and to conquer this is the Antichrist and it seems like his campaign kind of ends in the middle It's like risk, you know You play on the edges and then you try to get all the way to the center and then you usually kind of win Somewhere in the middle and it's like this is probably most likely what's gonna happen where the Antichrist is Basically converging on Jerusalem coming in there and that's kind of where the campaign trail ends or where there's a seeming resolution to this worldwide conflict this world war and he's Essentially taken over the entire earth, you know through military victory But when you see all these armies compassed about in Jerusalem, there's something going on right This is kind of like an event is gonna happen Look what it says in verse 21 then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains and let them Which are in the midst of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries enter there into For these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled But woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. So Let's first think about these verses in application to 70 AD. They work perfectly think about it. What would be the days of vengeance? What is being avenged? What's being avenged is Jesus Christ being crucified is the rejection of the Messiah is the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ and at this point Jerusalem has been filled with the doctrine of the Apostles Filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ and those who have chosen not to believe him at this point are without excuse By 70 AD the gospel has gone forward They've had plenty of time those who have not received it those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ are now gonna suffer the vengeance of God. And so he brings in the Roman in the Empire They level the city they destroy it they get rid of the temple if you won't stop the sacrifices God's like I will now Additionally that would make sense why these verses are saying hey if you're in this place at this time run away You know and in Matthew 24, I'll talk about like pray that your flights not on a Sabbath day Why because in the Sabbath things are closed shut down people aren't moving. It's more difficult to travel or get out of town So a lot of those verses would have definitely applied at this point in time Additionally You know, it makes sense where it says that they're led away captive into all nations There was a Jewish diaspora where they were scattered into all Nations and they went to all these different places now. It's interesting how if they were scattered in every nation That there's only one group of Polish people that are the real Jews You know it seems more likely is that they intermingled with all nations and that at all of us have some Jewish blood and In fact, if you do a lot of research on DNA studies and all these kind of things It's pretty much likely that all of us have some level of Jewish blood eventually and we're for sure Hebrew blood for sure Noah blood for sure Adam blood because there's no such thing as race folks. Okay. It's a made-up concept It's it's a satanic thing. Okay to really get fixated on race Racism is not a biblical concept Whatsoever there's it's not taught at all Okay nations is a thing that's talked about in the Bible race is just doesn't exist. Okay. It's a man-made construct now We also see though that it gives this this kind of like description says in Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles was basically was just Destroyed by the Gentiles that's pictured with the Romans and it says until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled in a sense We're kind of are in a time of Gentiles, right? I mean essentially the Jewish nation didn't exist and hasn't existed until Oh 1948 right, but generally speaking, you know, we're still kind of focused on the whole world's focused on the Gentiles You know, we're focused on America and Russia and China and just Gentiles are the ones ruling the world and in control of a lot Of the world now now some people say there's a hidden force, you know controlling this like an octopus that's pulling the strings but you know for the most part we kind of are in the times of the Gentiles and even if you were You know really aware or really woke about this you would realize that the people that are calling themselves Jews are actually Gentiles, too Okay, but We're all Gentiles, right? but for sake of argument the world considers a small group of people Jews and they've come back in 1948 and they have their tiny Little place in Israel makes sense that that could be in times significant but not in the way Zionists portray it but more in the way of the devil bringing about his Antichrist and his Blasphemous temple, you know It would make no sense to have a bunch of people get back and rebuild the temple that God destroyed for rejecting Jesus Why would you do that because you still reject Jesus, right? I mean that there's no reason for Christians or Christianity or the world want to rebuild this particular religion Plus this religion even in a carnal sense failed. I Mean they totally failed they lost they got destroyed Why in the world would Gentiles prop up a religion that didn't make it that totally just failed I mean imagine if Mormonism just collapsed and just got completely wiped out of the map and then 2,000 years later We say let's rebuild the Mormon temple and let's give the Mormons a special little part of Utah and let's let them just inhabit Utah because the Mormons are an oppressed people like that wouldn't make any sense Logically the only reason it would make sense is if the devil's the one driving that train and Bringing all these things to pass and trying to influence it through an Antichrist spirit now that makes a lot of sense. Okay? But that's what we see happening and being fulfilled. So another application of this Would be the end times prophecy where the Antichrist at the end of his three and a half year campaign compasses Jerusalem with armies Then what happens well, he's dies like we talked about comes back declares himself God and Wipes out Jerusalem with its current inhabitants to bring in his own people and bring in his own system You know, he's taking over. He's setting up the abomination desolation. It's his particular Program that you have to get on or get out and I'm sure that some Jews will accept the Antichrist and be part of his Club, you know if you understand 70 AD there was kind of like the fake Atheist type Jews helped the Romans get in there and kind of sided with him if you understand about World War two It was the fake Jews and the ones that were kind of atheists like George Soros Who literally sold out the other Jews and then they slaughtered a bunch of them So it would make a lot of sense that in the end times You'd probably have something similar where a lot of the fake Atheists just kind of like the worst scum of the scum Jews that are just Jews in name only end up assisting the Antichrist They're on his team and they bring them in to just wipe out all the actually religious Jews And all of these other people and and of course it would also make sense that God wiped them out Because they're a bunch of pedophiles perverts and Satanists I mean if you're gonna think like what people would God be the most angry with on the planet It's those people. Okay. It's the people that are digging tunnels and Running children through those tunnels. Okay, it's those people It's that particular group of individuals and you know what God has no problem bringing a lot of wrath on those Individuals, you know just destroying them Plus if you think about I mean the Antichrist is kind of like this pro-human Like Pro-humanities, you know slant and humanity itself hates these pedophile freaks Okay, so it wouldn't be that hard to convince all humanity like these are the evil people Let us all rally against them and destroy them and they're the ones that are constantly causing all this conflict in the Middle East Between Israel and Palestine if we just wipe them out we would be fine We would be good and it's most likely that that first wiping out was the Palestinians, right? You know the World War going through Europe Destroying all the Muslims that have been leaking through Europe Which a lot of people be on board and excited about that then culminating by just you know Having a giant war with Iran or Syria and all those places destroying all of them and then they're like peace and safety. I Mean once you've wiped out Islam, I mean wouldn't everybody kind of think like oh now we can have peace, right? Except for somehow there's gonna be some jihadists that kills the Antichrist, you know And sets off that that trigger and then all of a sudden the Antichrist is now thinking he's God saying he's God he wipes out the Jews and That's kind of similar to the exact same thing that we're reading here Right where those in Judea are wiped out and destroyed or slaughtered by and large and then you have another time of the Gentiles Which is most likely what this is really referring to is the 42 month period of the Antichrist ruling in the temple Because you technically have the Jews in charge of this temple at the before this point, right? They were doing the animal sacrifices. They were doing things. There's not like this timeline associated with them So it seems like the times of the Gentiles is a period of the Antichrist and his group of people That are ruling and reigning in Jerusalem as a 42 month. It's a 42 month period of blasphemy. It's 2300 period day period of blasphemy if you consider the daily sacrifice as well. This is another reason why I Typically lean towards the idea of the Antichrist being a Gentile You know because it doesn't really seem to indicate that the Antichrist is a Jew now I could be wrong on that point I've heard a lot of people have a different opinion than me But I lean towards the idea of the Antichrist probably being a Gentile First of all the first Antichrist Antiochus Epiphanes Gentile Titus another foreshadowing of the Antichrist Gentile. I think other foreshadowings of Antichrist people like Hitler Gentile you know this whole time period is called the times of the Gentiles is the period of the Holy City being trodden underfoot of the Gentiles It wouldn't make sense to me if this is some big Jewish party with the with their with their you know, quote Judaism False Christ or something now again, I could be wrong if you have a different opinion You can have your own opinion about that, but just from my understanding I don't see how you get away from this description kind of leading towards the idea of the Antichrist himself being a Gentile Okay, he's also according to the Bible of the seventh kingdom. He's the eighth the seventh kingdom is Babylon So it kind of makes sense that he's actually coming from that realm of the world Now if you say well, I think the Antichrist is gonna have some kind of a genealogy that goes back to David We probably all do so so I'm not necessarily offended by that particular idea but I don't think of him or perceive him to just be this like just Super Jewish person or something like that with a little hat. It's not Ben Shapiro. Okay. All right, his wife's a doctor. Okay. There you go But go to go to Daniel chapter 9. I want to go to another place go to Daniel chapter 9 I'm just trying to give you a sense of this timeline if you say I have a hard time Visualizing this without something to look at we'll get the chart I have the chart of the sequence of events and I have it all laid out there and you can just look at it And you can look all the verses that we've been going to okay, but there's a lot of stuff That's happening all right now, and it's a very short window That's why I kind of drew the chart that I have and have them kind of separate and spaced out a little bit extra Just so you can kind of see some of those distinctions and the verses that portray them But Dana chapter 9 if you look at verse 26 This is kind of prophesying about That you know when we talk about Daniel 70th week This is kind of giving the illusion says in verse 26 and after three score in two weeks shall Messiah be cut off But not for himself and the people of the Prince shall come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war Desolations are determined. This is a really difficult hard section of scripture, but essentially it's kind of giving a different timeline in Daniel because it's going from the time that the commandment comes from King Cyrus to build the temple to the timeline that Christ will actually come on this earth and Be killed which is him being cut off and then it kind of fast forwards to another period of time in Which there's gonna be some Prince that's going to end up destroying the temple Okay, and notice it even says after I'm sorry verse 27 and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and for the overspreading of abominations He shall make it desolate even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate So I believe what it's trying to say is like even in the 7080 period There's like a seven-year war and in the midst of that war That's when you have Titus Stopping the sacrifice going into the temple and even declaring himself God in the sense And so you kind of have this many form of the abomination desolation and I believe that's going to be Portrayed again in the future where you have that seven-year period in the middle You have the Antichrist stopping the Sacrifice system, but of course he then is going to declare himself God and we entered that but notice in both of these He's like destroying Everyone that's there It says very clearly that he's gonna make it desolate and there's gonna be a consummation And he's gonna pour this out on the desolate. So there's this like just destruction that's happening Simultaneously With this particular event now go to Matthew 24. So again Daniel's kind of the more cryptic passage But it kind of gives you the same essence the same elements the same timeline Matthew 24 look at verse 15 And It also makes sense when you think about Matthew 24 Luke 21 mark 13 These are known as the Olivet Discourse that when Jesus Christ is describing these events He's kind of only describing the first half plus 75 days Why well, he's talking to Christians and here's the thing us as Christians the last 42 months apart from that great tribulation Beard have nothing to do with us Like so there's not really there's not really a need for Jesus to tell us how bad everybody's gonna be tortured when we're gone So basically what he's leading up to and building up to in the event that they even asked him about was when Christ would return But we know that Christ returns some point shortly after the midpoint So what is Jesus Christ building up to that three and a half years and then that great tribulation cycle? That's what Matthew 24 is focused on. That's what Luke 21 is focused on That's what we kind of see foreshadowed continually throughout the scripture and in Matthew 24 look at verse 15 When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation Spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand now Of course, you have to tie Matthew 24 with Daniel because Jesus did Jesus is saying what I'm talking about is Mentioned in Daniel. Well, that's what we already read Okay And it says in verse 16 then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and Whoa unto them that are with child and of them that give suck in those days But pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day for then shall be great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time No, nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened. There should no flesh be saved But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened Notice what the Bible saying It's saying that when you see the abomination of desolation We know what's gonna happen. The time is nigh We know that it's an extremely different timeline than we've ever seen before in all of humanity Now some people that are preterist would try to say that everything has already been fulfilled. But wait a minute We're more the locust from hell Right, when did Jesus Christ come back in the clouds? When was the foul, I mean if that happened then when was the millennial reign and you start getting really weird interpretations It makes a lot more sense to say yeah, a lot of this was fulfilled in 70 AD in one sense But then he's also using this to fulfill it in another sense later. Okay, so Here would be you know, why do we read this passage? How does this relate to us? Well, you know what whenever you see the abomination desolation you better run away from Jerusalem. I Have no idea where you're gonna go what you're gonna do in your life but if you decide to visit Israel and then you see the abomination desolation get out of there if You're listening my voice and you're in Israel or anywhere near run away from that part of the world now I think it's interesting. He's like pray that your flight not be in winter Well half of the world has winter while the other half has summer all the time So I think he's just like he's like pray that you're in the right half when this happens You know pray that you're in the right spot. And I think that as you see these things approaching here would be a suggestion You know, maybe once you see the sacrifice is happening in Jerusalem and you're in the winter side of the hemisphere You're like, let's go take a trip to the north Let's take a trip to the other side of the hemisphere for when this thing happens because it's gonna be Really extreme it's gonna be really dangerous I think he's just trying to say like hey this is something to be paying attention to and watching for and thinking about this is really extreme and Notice that it even says this in verse number 12 22 I'm sorry and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved Now notice what it says but for the elect's sake so he's Contrasting all the flesh with the elect's sake meaning that hey if God just let the Antichrist do his thing Everyone would die you want to know why everyone would die Think about who is gonna take the mark Fags and feminists They don't repopulate They're one generation from being extinct Okay, and then everybody else that doesn't take the mark, you know happens them they get killed So it's just basically like the Antichrist system is just a just device Just sitting here grinding out and destroying humanity whether you realize it or not. I mean Being a reprobate isn't a good philosophy Reprobates don't really raise children. They destroy children. They abort children They sacrifice children they human traffic children Okay, so the reprobates that are so excited to get on the Antichrist system. They're not gonna further humanity They're gonna destroy humanity and then the people that don't take the mark They're gonna be destroyed by the fact that hey, they can't buy or sell they got people hunting them down. It's an extreme You know event situation So it's saying hey if we didn't even shorten these days if we just let the Antichrist do his thing He would kill all of humanity But for the elect's sake I'm gonna shorten them just so I don't let every Christian die Because even every Christian would die in this particular situation. So no, this is a very extreme thing Don't think oh the Jews think like hey, it's our Messiah. He's here to rescue us. No, he's here to slaughter you No, he's here to destroy you The Antichrist is not on anybody's team He's on team himself and in fact He's not even on his own team because you know what the devil's inhabiting his body and the devil's the one pulling the strings And the devil wants to kill everyone when we get it in chapter 12 It's an important point but when we get in a chapter 12 the devil tries to kill all of humanity through a flood The Bible says a flood now some people can theorize that that's like a spiritual flood or a metaphorical flood or whatever I think it's a literal flood and I think that's why it's so significant that in Genesis chapter number six God puts a rainbow in the sky to tell the whole world He'll never destroy all of humanity with a flood again And of course, what do you think the devil would love to do destroy humanity with a flood because it's the ultimate Dis to God God literally put the rainbow and what's the symbol the devil loves to use? Oh, yeah It was that rainbow, isn't it? Everybody going around? Champion that rainbow the devil would love nothing more than to make God a liar Like him because he's the father of lies. He loves lies He loves that he would love to disprove any part of the scripture, right? The devil tried to kill Jesus in Bethlehem's manger why just to snuff out all the prophecies about the Lord Jesus Christ The devil tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness just to snuff out all of the prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ The devil is constantly trying to kill Jesus early trying to kill him in all kinds of other ways and in fact He's the one that even killed him because ultimately that devil inhabited Judas his body to deliver him over Unto the Pharisees, okay so the devil is the ultimate mastermind behind all of this and he's leading the charge to try and kill all of Humanity and you have to realize this is an extreme period of time The two witnesses are only surviving because they can breathe fire and do miracles. Okay, you can't do that Go back if you would to Revelation chapter number 11. So Here is just a quick recap again of these events When we get really close to the midpoint the Antichrist is gonna be killed he's gonna come back to life He's gonna stop the daily sacrifice When he performs the abomination of desolation He's gonna cause everyone small and great to receive a mark. The two witnesses are gonna start their ministry The Antichrist is gonna slaughter the Jews and those in Jerusalem The Antichrist is also gonna slaughter Christians in mass By them and just humanity by not receiving a mark those who don't receive it are gonna be slaughtered and killed additionally Right after that some period of time Jesus is gonna return in the clouds most likely 75 days He's gonna return in the clouds ratchet the church He's gonna seal 144,000 send them down here and then God's gonna pour out his plagues and wrath For the remaining portion of that 42 months at the end of the 42 months at the end of the thousand 260 days what happens? Well, you have the Antichrist overcoming the two witnesses and destroying the two Witnesses now that's what we kind of led up to here in verse number eight, right? And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom in Egypt Where also our Lord is crucified now it says Specifically about them that they're gonna be doing this for three days verse 11 and after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them if you understand kind of the timeline of the end times you have 1260 days, which is 42 months then you have another 1260 days, but that's not a full seven-year cycle. You then have a 30-day leftover period So we have that 1260 Ending with the the two witnesses dying then you have a three and a half days into what that last 30-day period Okay And that last 30-day period is where we have kind of these these final woes being poured out Look what it says in verse 13 and the same hour was there a great earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and The remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven so after these two witnesses ascend back up into heaven you have a earthquake that basically destroys Jerusalem in a sense Okay now again with the two witnesses. I think it's probably Moses and Elijah and And some people, you know could have different theories. It could it could be just two random guys I kind of doubt it, but one of the reasons why It's likely that it's them is based on the plagues that are being poured out You also have Elijah being carried up by a whirlwind into heaven. So in a sense, maybe he didn't die Does say that Moses died, but there's this dispute about where his body is So interestingly enough whoever these two guys are though, they don't go through the rapture They don't go through that particular period maybe that's why God in a sense raptured Elijah So he gets that rapture experience, but then you know, he's gonna not go through the rapture He's he's left behind. Okay, the real left behind series is about the two witnesses Okay, because all of us are in heaven. All right, the two witnesses are left behind, but then they finally die They get to be you know resurrected and they ascend up with Into heaven there's this great earthquake that comes and is poured out now it says in verse 14 the second woe is past and Behold the third woe cometh quickly So that also gives us a little bit of a timeline of where we are with all of these seven trumpets Notice that the final thing still hasn't quite happened in this sequence of events Says in verse number 15 and the seventh angel sounded and there was a there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and The four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshiped God saying we give thee thanks Oh Lord God almighty which art and was an art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and has reigned and the nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that that thou shouldst give reward under thy servants the prophets and of the Saints and them that fear thy name small and great and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth and the Temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament and there were Lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake in great. Hell now You you kind of have a Few of these events Coinciding and kind of coming full circle if you go back to Revelation chapter number nine and look at verse 13 It says in verse 13 in the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar Which is before God saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet loose the four angels which are bound in the great review frates and the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year for to slay The third part of men and the number of the army the horsemen were 200,000 thousand I heard the number of them and it says that they have horses and everything like that and They basically just wiped through the earth go go to Revelation chapter 16 now go to Revelation chapter 16 So you have this sixth seal that's being opened Look at Revelation chapter 16 verse number 12 and The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great review frates and the water thereof was dried up That the way of the kings of the East might be prepared It says and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of That great day of God Almighty be old I come as a thief blessed as he that Watcheth and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon now again, it seems likely that This this 200-man army that's marching towards Jerusalem and it's compassing about Jerusalem there that perhaps they were there to help overcome the two witnesses So that's where you know, I'm kind of I'm kind of you know, this is just my interpretation This is my theory maybe I'm wrong on this but it kind of seems like again that the two witnesses are perceived as The ones that all the wrath is coming from right and it's just this unstoppable wrath It just keeps happening happening happening. So essentially the false prophet and the Antichrist and them they send out their frog like spirits to everybody and Say we need all the troops. So everybody just sends their troops and of course in the process of this They're destroying the rebels too. They're saying there's all these rebel forces We got to destroy the rebel forces and then meet it ahead and kill these two witnesses and then we'll basically be good So you kind of have this giant army coming from the east just slaughtering everything in its path killing a ton of time people reaching ultimately the Two witnesses and then at that point they overcome them they destroy them and notice that says that the second woe is passed What was the second? Whoa, the second woe was the 200 million man army most likely their marches towards the two witnesses but along the way they're just destroying everything in its path and It kind of makes sense because it's likely that a lot of people are not gonna take the mark, you know They're not gonna do that stuff. What are they gonna do? They're gonna be living out somewhere just Foraging for food trying to live off the land forming little communities Just all these little tiny camps. And so this giant army while that's walking through It's just slaughtering all those people, you know and just torturing them and just this huge wrathful plague That's coming through that part of the world as well So from a timeline you kind of have that that any I also lean towards the idea of these Horsemen and this army being a literal horsemen army look at chapter 19 and look at verse 18 There's a lot of things that these things could be and I know a lot of people like to picture metaphors someone brought up to me the idea of these horse horses being like Robots like robot horses and that sounds like a plausible thing but let me explain why I still think is just literal horses look at Revelation chapter 19 and Look at verse number 18 And this is let's just back up a few Phrases here. It says come and gather yourselves together in the supper of the great guys talking all the birds verse 18 that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of Horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and bond both small and great I don't think that birds are gonna be feasting on tanks and helicopters and robot horses It probably makes more sense that it's literal horses Plus if you know something about the Bible talks about how there's gonna be so much bloodshed That it's literally gonna go up to the horse bridles You know, that's two fulfillments number one that you have horse bridles and number one that you have that much blood I mean, but think about it if you literally slaughtered 200 million men and horses. That's a lot of blood I mean that's gonna be a giant pool That's gonna gather in the low valleys and the low sections of that particular area So, you know, I think it's a literal bloodbath It is a literal slaughtering when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds and you know When it says that they're gathered together for the Battle of Armageddon I've always thought of this way and this is maybe there's just me I've always thought it's like that they literally showed up thinking they're gonna fight Jesus in heaven And I was wondering like how how are they gonna do that? You know, like I always kind of thought like how are all these people like what are you gonna shoot a bow and arrow in the Sky like you're gonna get Jesus But but more now I'm thinking Maybe it's it's a different sense. They're fighting against the two witnesses and in their mind They're fighting against God in that sense, but they're gathered together this battle. They didn't know they were showing up for this battle They're just they're ready for Jesus to come and slaughter them, but the battle found them, right? They didn't necessarily realize that where they were showing up was this gives this battle where Jesus is gonna come and slaughter them all He basically surprised them, you know a lot of military battles They don't necessarily always know exactly where they're gonna meet or what's gonna happen The battle just kind of happens when the the two forces collide So these individuals are brought here, but I don't know that they're necessarily thinking the Battle of Armageddon when they're going They just they're going to slaughter Maybe the two witnesses are going through and slaughtering mankind and then when they finally arrive, it's like oh you showed up You're just in time for the Battle of Armageddon and they're like, what's that? That's where Jesus comes and he slaughters you all with a sword that proceeds out of his mouth and all the bird He's like, why are all these birds, you know circling in the sky? It's like that's for you. Okay They're gonna eat you, you know, you'd always think of the marriage supper the lamb being like a really like nice meal This is the nice meal, okay Now go to Revelation 22 for a second. We'll just kind of finish, you know In Revelation 11 it ends though by saying all right, we finally arrived right? God's finally showed his power He's rained and it makes sense right like to some degree sometimes people they'll scoff at the idea of Christ raining They'll be like doesn't seem like he's doing much You know if there's really God what's he doing or why is he waiting or whatever? But you know why he's waiting because whenever he moves and acts it's over like You know, it wasn't a long battle when he was riding in the sky and he just shot a sword out of his mouth and it's Over, you know, so it's like he's just kind of waiting for that final event because it's just gonna be like that It's just like the fireworks grand finale. It only lasts a few minutes folks And you can't just have the the grand finale the whole time, you know You got to build up to it and wait and then you're finally there because it's just gonna be over so quickly Same with God, you know, it's such a it's such a quick fight. It's over like this, you know those pay-per-view fights They have to get all the people lined up and all the money and all the pre fights Because if it's a really good fighter, he's not going ten rounds. It's just ten second, you know, KO You know, it's just it's just over like that and you're like man. That was just so fast That's what it's gonna be like with God but not only is he gonna destroy all those that destroy the earth But he's gonna reward thy servants That's an interesting phrase though, right? He's gonna destroy them that destroy the earth It seems like a lot of the new world agenda seems like a lot of the Satanists today are destroying the earth They're destroying our atmosphere. They're destroying food. They're destroying the environment They're destroying a lot of different things and you know what God doesn't take kindly to that God is going to destroy them that destroy the earth, but it could be another end times Significant factor when people are destroying the earth when Bill Gates is buying all the farmland What what would be the point of Bill Gates buying all the farmland? It's not the best investment It's a means of control and what is he gonna do what it happens when he burns it all up? You know think about us. Why would we eat and all this stuff get jacked up in price? Well, what if you burn all the farmland What if you're the one person that owns all the farmland you refuse to farm it or you refuse to let anybody use it or? You destroy it on purpose You know what? that would be a means by which you would cause a lot of famine a lot of people will die as a result of just not having food and Product so in the end times it's likely that maybe some of these people are gonna do this stuff on purpose You know the people that are in control of the major corporations and a lot of the governments in the world They're open about their agenda and their agenda is coming straight from the Antichrist and devil playbook. They want to destroy humans They hate humanity. They're building themselves bunkers and arcs and all kinds of stuff to try and basically prevent it But they don't even realize what they're doing They're just pawns and tools of the devil. Most of them are probably demon possessed they're they literally worship the devil in secret and They're gonna ultimately fulfill as well the ten kings in the end times The Bible says that the Lord is literally putting his ideas in their mind to fulfill his will So these people are all just pawns at the top of the food chain, you know So sometimes we get frustrated by having wicked and evil leaders But that could just be how God's gonna bring in the end times, you know, it's not really something you can necessarily do About it whether you vote for Trump or not. It just switches to Biden, you know, it's just how it works Or Kamala or Big Mike or whatever. I don't know what's gonna happen Hey, I'm on the Lord's side, so I'm gonna win either way I Don't care who you put in the game. Okay, y'all are gonna lose and they're losers. Anyways, all right now revelation 22 look at verse 12 and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as His work shall be you know, he said it's also time to reward the Saints This is this is what's cool about the end times is not only the slaughter of all the wicked It's when we finally get paid and you know, what nothing's better than payday, right? I mean you work for a couple weeks and then you finally get paid and you're like, yes now I can spend it Right some of you already spent it before you got it But you know what? It's that payday and it's like that's gonna be a sweet day when we finally get paid You know who really likes getting paid on payday the people that worked The people that don't work that paid is meaningless to them Okay, but for us Christians that are actually working and putting on a labor and we're suffering and we're doing the things of God You know This is gonna be exciting day to finally get paid to finally get rewarded by the Lord Jesus Christ And you know, that's a great reason to give glory on the Father give glory unto God, you know these 24 elders Fall down again and worship him which makes it pretty clear that they're probably doing this on some kind of a timed regular basis Right, maybe like a morning Afternoon and the evening every day they kind of have this routine where they're falling down You have the seraphim saying holy holy holy and you kind of have this worship of God as a routine basis every single day We see that this is another significant event where they're falling down Worshipping the Lord and praising him why because now people are gonna be rewarded It said the prophets the Saints and all that fear thy name small and great So every woman boy child every single person that served God will be rewarded but notice according to zone labor go if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 Go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 3. I'm just gonna read a few other verses for you. The Bible says in 2nd John chapter 1 Verse 8 look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have wrought but that we receive a full reward You know what wouldn't it be a shame if you served God for like half of your life in a church like this And then you gave up the other half and then of it's done. It's like reward day It's like man, why didn't I just stick it out? You know how many people just quit church? Just didn't show, you know, we have tons of people coming and going all the time Church from soul-winning From serving God from doing the right thing following his commandments and you know what that is like the dumbest way to live Like you should just I like to me. It would be like I'm just gonna just not do anything Or I'm gonna do everything but this like half in half out just doesn't really make a lot of sense Now obviously you can't lose a reward that's been earned. I don't believe that it also if you go out and get someone saved You're gonna get rewarded for that period but there are certain rewards that are attached to Being a consistent Christian just being faithful Okay, and being faithful is where you get the big rewards and so I want to also get that that reward of being faithful not just the Times I went soul-winning or just those few events that I've already earned So it's important that you just keep serving God that you keep staying with it And I want to show you a few other verses here Before we finish but this is an important point look at he don't go there stay in first Corinthians 3 I'm gonna read for you Hebrews 10 Says this cast not away therefore that your confidence which have great recompense of reward So you're awarded for your confidence according to the Bible and Hebrews 11 5 it says this By faith Enoch was translated They should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation He had this testimony they pleased God But without faith it is impossible to please him for you that come at the God must believe that he is and that he is A rewarder of them that diligently seek him notice you get rewarded by believing God's gonna reward you You have to even believe that God's gonna reward you and then when you're doing things in faith You believe that God's gonna actually bless you for doing that You're not doing it out of spite or to be seen of men or out of necessity or obligation But rather you're doing it out of faith because you know God wants you to and you want to be blessed of God now first Corinthians chapter number three where I had you turn Emphasizes again how when we're rewarded and this is the major point We're rewarded according to what we did verse 8 now He that planteth and he that wateth are one and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor You Are not gonna get rewarded in heaven because your spouse was a great Christian You are not gonna be rewarded in heaven Because your dad was a great Christian You are not gonna be rewarded in heaven because your children was a great Christian You're not gonna be rewarded because your pastor was a great pastor You're not getting rewarded because your church was a great church You know, you're gonna be rewarded according to your own labor To what you did Now, you know who likes this doctrine people who work You know does not like this doctrine people are lazy The people are lazy and did nothing They're thinking like well I was hoping I'd get his reward or I'd get in on his work or his effort or you know I showed up at a good church every once in a while. Well, you know, there's nothing wrong with that I'm glad you did but you know what you're not gonna get rewarded for someone else's labor You're gonna be rewarded for your own labor For what you did That's great news for those who want to work hard. It's terrible news for those who are lazy It's terrible news for those who say I don't want to go to church. I don't want to go soul-wanting I don't read my Bible. I don't want to help anybody I don't want to go to steadfast Baptist Church go to Luke chapter 6 now, you know what I'm gonna be really excited when I go to heaven and It's reward day that I can say I was at steadfast Baptist Church You know why Because what the Bible says ready you ready for this? All right, Luke chapter number six Look at verse 23 and not some lame church Let's do verse 22 blessed are you and men shall hate you and When they shall separate you from their company and shall approach you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man's sake Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy for behold Your reward is great and heaven for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets You know, the Bible says you are gonna be rewarded for being hated You're gonna be rewarded for people separating their company from you That's what the Bible said, you know carnally speaking. This is really frustrating people come to me all the time All my family members are mad at me because I go to church and specifically your church And I you know, I should do the next time they do that yes Hey jump with me They're like, what are you doing? Pastor Shelley's crazy. No. No, that's what Jesus literally said Jesus literally said hey when your mom says I don't like your church When your dad says you're in a cult. Yeah When your brother says I'll never come to your church. Yes Right. What have you said? Hey everybody my whole family goes to my church. It's called lame Baptist Church No reward You know what I'm excited that when I go to heaven I'm gonna get rewarded because I went to steadfast Baptist Church And you know what steadfast Baptist Church is it's you guys and it's me. It's us It's us and you know what? They don't like us because we're like Jesus because we love Jesus because we love the Word of God Because of his name, that's why they're separating. That's why they don't like it They don't like the bright and shining light of the Word of God. They run away like cockroaches and you know what? They're not gonna get rewarded You know what praise God for people that have come to church on a Wednesday night. You know what but you should leap for joy When you when you're hated you should leap for joy when you're separated and especially falsely I've had people Literally that are close to me say that I'm a false prophet because I teach work salvation I'm just thinking like Like what are you talking about? You're crazy It's like I wouldn't even believe that that was possible They're like, yeah, you said you have to go so what are you're not saved never said it Nor do I believe that? Okay, I've had people tell me I believe in fairy god princesses and and all kinds of weird stuff You know and I know you've had similar experiences A lot of you have had people say these things and it sometimes cause you to be disappointed And cause you to be discouraged cause you be frustrated and look My normal natural emotion is not to be excited when a family member talks trash on me or says something bad about my church But if we had spiritual understanding we would realize well, it's actually good though There that is actually positive albeit, you know, I don't like that for their sake. I Still want to win them over. I still want to encourage them. Hey, why don't you come with me? Next time they do like hey, let me show you verse You Know what you should come with me and get separated from the world because if you're like the world no reward Separating yourself from the world. There's a great reward notice what it said I mean it says your reward is great in heaven. I believe that I Believe there's still a reward to serving God. There's still a reward to going to church There's still a reward to keeping his commandments. There's still a reward to preaching the gospel There's still a reward to compel people to get baptized and to serve God and to live for him and be a living sacrifice And you know what? You will be awarded according to your own labor the alms that you did and private the prayers that you did in private the times that you were separated and hated for Loving the Lord Jesus Christ and loving the Bible the times that you only just gave a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple the money that you Officially given to the Lord Jesus Christ the time the effort the energy you've given to help people Someone that was in need someone that you just cared for you will be greatly rewarded There is a great reward to serving God people say oh you want saved always say people just act like you live however you want You can but I don't want to live that way Yeah, and you're nuts if you think that's what this church is like You are nuts if you think this group of people are just wondering what giant sins can I get away with? it's Like that's if you even do like half the stuff the world does you would get thrown out of our church literally Okay, I mean most of the church is a drunkard. I'm sorry not in the church. Sorry. Sorry Most of the world are drunkards most of the world are committing fornication Just on those two alone Most of the world can't even show up here. Oh You guys just want to live however you want y'all are so carnal. You don't even know what you're saying But I appreciate it because it gives me extra words. Thank you, right That's also another good reason to make your soul winning public so that you can get more people to criticize it So just it's like add-on rewards. Okay? What are you doing? Yeah. Oh, that's so any doesn't work. Just keep saying it, buddy Cuz it really works for me, you know and Obviously, you know, I'll be honest with you most of the things I do I'm not really even thinking about rewards But when you think about rewards, it's just kind of a nice, you know cherry on top It's a cherry on top to serving God because we should do it out of love appreciation care for others There's a lot of motivations to serve God, but you know, one of the best ones that we're gonna be rewarded And we read the book of Revelation. It's a it's pretty big downer in general, but that's a pretty big upper like hey Pay Day is coming We're gonna be rewarded and not only get to watch all of our enemies suffer the greatest misery ever and be destroyed We're gonna be greatly rewarded and it's an important day because you know, you don't get other paydays It's not like oh, well, I missed I missed the first labor experience Where do I sign up to get plugged in again? It's like well the 24 elder seats are taken The mansions are taken It's all been dished out You missed out You know, you only live once he only had one time to be mortal You only had one time to serve God by faith. Nobody serves God by faith anymore. We serve him by sight You know, there's there's coming a day when your faith becomes sight. We're serving God is Evident where God is manifest, you know, and the only way to please him is through what? faith So let us be the giants of the faith so we can be greatly rewarded in the end times. Let's close in prayer Thank You Heavenly Father so much for giving us a free salvation But then on top of that giving us this opportunity to have great rewards to wear crowns and to have All kinds of inheritance and blessings and we can't even fathom How great the rewards are and what you have to give to us? But I pray that we would see them through faith that we believe them through faith. We believe that going to church is important Suffering for your name is important preaching the gospel is important I pray that you would touch our hearts and motivate us to see with spiritual eyes and to walk by faith and not by sight I pray that you would encourage us and strengthen us I pray that when we get into these times if it's in our generation or if anybody in this room is alive during that time I pray you give them supernatural wisdom that you would help them to know where to go and and how to flee the death and destruction and To get people saved and to still do works to the bitter end and I pray that if it be possible that these things happen in our lifetime that many of us would be raptured and would just Get to be caught up together with the Lord in the clouds But if not that we would even just be willing to be faithful unto death And I thank you so much for all you give us in Jesus name we pray. Amen We're gonna go to our last song for the evening 96 God leads us along Song 96 God leads us along Here on the first in shady green Pastures so rich and so sweet God leads Oh Bangs the weary one's feet God Some through the water Some Some Some Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Very good thing yours miss You