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For the wickedness of their doings, I will drive them out of mine house. I will love them no more. All their princes are revolters. That doesn't sound very nice. You know, words that God never said, I love everyone unconditionally. Words God actually said, I will love them no more. And let me tell you something. People in hell, God will love no more. Yeah, you can quote John 3.16 to me all day you want. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but everlasting life. But notice a word there, loved. Loved. It doesn't say permanently love. It says loved, meaning that it can be passed. Look, if I said I loved you, there was a time when I loved you. What am I saying? That I don't love you. Notice, for God so loved the world, so there was a point when God loved it, but then there was a point when He didn't love it. Because God hates the world. God is in enmity with the world. He despises wickedness. He despises sin. That's why He sends people to hell. He doesn't send people to hell because He loves them. It's because He will love them no more. That's why we go out and preach the love of God so they can receive the love of God. Once you've received the love of God, which is not automatic, the Bible says at that point, you cannot be separated from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. But here's the thing. When Christ Jesus is not your Lord, you don't have the love of God on you. You have the wrath of God abiding on you, as John chapter 3 to 36 says. That's why it's important. Go to Romans chapter 9. Let me show you a few more verses here. Romans chapter 9. This will shock the liberal out there because first of all, they probably won't even hear the word hell in a sermon anymore. Number two, they think that everybody can get mercy whenever. Not true. They think that God will always answer your prayer no matter what. Not true. And they think that God loves everyone unconditionally. Not true! In fact, you must hate people to tell them that God just automatically loves them. That is wicked. You actually hate them. If you loved them, you would say you need to believe on Jesus Christ. And then he'll love you. Forever. Then he'll give you mercy forever. Then he'll answer you forever. But you know what? You have a short window while you're under God's long suffering and forbearance of wrath to receive his love. And if you choose not to love, or not to believe on him, you don't have to technically love the Lord to be saved, even though you should. But you have to believe on his son. You have to accept his love. Praise the Lord, we don't have to love him back to get to heaven. Because this is the love of God that you keep my commandments. And guess what? No one keeps the commandments perfectly. But at the end of the day, all you have to do is trust Christ and you can be saved. You know what? Some people God hates. Welcome to the Bible. Romans chapter number 9, look at verse 13. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. It's just real clear. Now, it's not even just talking about a person. It's talking about a whole group of people. When you really get the context, when you really understand what's being communicated here, he's saying he hates a whole group of people. For the sake of time, I don't want to read the whole passage. Go to 2 Thessalonians chapter number 2. I want to at least just show you that one verse. Look, when God gets done with you, it's scary. He gets done with some people. 2 Thessalonians chapter number 2, look at verse number 7. The Bible says, For the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. Then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, and them that perish, because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. So we have a group of people that are going to fall victim of the Antichrist. The Bible makes it clear in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, describing the Antichrist, and how the Antichrist is going to be loved of these reprobates, of those that hate God. And notice the description of them in verse number 10, because they received not the love of the truth. Notice they didn't receive what? God's love. Why? That they might be saved. Because when you receive the free gift of salvation, you're saved. When you don't receive the free gift of salvation, you're damned. And even while being alive, look what God can do to you. And for this cause, because they didn't get saved yet, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that Michelle Obama's a dude, I mean, a girl, sorry, that they might, they all might be damned to believe not the truth, but unpleasured unrighteousness. Notice, look, the Bible makes it clear, God takes someone that's already hearted, that already didn't want to believe in him, that already didn't receive the love of the truth, and says, you know what? I'm gonna make it worse for you. I'm gonna give you even more delusion that you should believe a lie, and they're gonna literally take the mark of the Antichrist. They're gonna literally damn their soul to hell. And you know, that's why we read in Revelation, chapter 14, everyone that took the mark came to hell, and the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever. None of those people are ever getting saved. You know, these fools, like John MacArthur, John MacArthur literally taught that people can take the mark of the beast and still get saved, and still go to heaven. The only person that would ever advocate that is the devil himself. Where does that come from? It comes from this stupid idea that no matter what, if you have breath in your lungs, you can still go to heaven. You can still be saved on that deathbed confession. No, no, no, my friend, now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. You know, you can't just reject God's mercy and his answers and his love and everything. Just never want anything to do with them over and over and over again, and not think that God won't just say, all right, I'm done with you then. Well, you say like, well, why would God do that? Go to Romans chapter one for a moment. Go to Romans chapter one. Here's the thing. God could obviously be done with someone and just kill them and they go straight to hell. But because we never get to go to hell, because we'll never be there, God wants the evidence for us, his wrath on earth. So he shows us things on earth that are so horrific and so unimaginable and things that we would never want just to help us realize that hell is a scary place, okay? Now, Romans chapter number one has a really clear verse on this, and this is how you have to understand the whole second portion of Romans chapter one. Look at verse 18. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Now, here's the thing. Can anyone in this room see hell right now? What is something that's being revealed, something you can see? It's something that's evidence. It's something that's obvious, okay? Hell is not obvious to anybody. No one in this room has seen it. If you have, you might want to leave now and get some drugs or help or something, okay? Or maybe we'll pray for you that the demon will leave and get saved or something. No one's seen hell. We've only figments of our imagination, only through movies or whatever, cartoons or something. We don't know what it actually looks like. But you know what? We have seen the wrath of God. And you say, how have you seen the wrath of God, Pastor Shelley? Reprobates living on this earth. Men with men. Women with women. The most unimaginable, filthy, disgusting, reprobate thing imaginable. You know, John Chrysostom said that he would rather go to hell than be a fag. Why? Because it's literally worse in his mind. Because he's straight. Because he's normal, okay? I don't know if he's saved, but he was at least normal. That gives me hope. As much as he studied the Bible and he's not one of these freaks, maybe he was saved. I don't know. You know, because typically the people that study that long and aren't saved are the Catholic pope and the predators and the pedophiles. And they give Christianity a bad name, don't they? That's why everybody's like, oh, all these pastors are a bunch of pedophiles and perverts. And it's like, yeah, a lot of them are. Because they've been hardened because they rejected the Lord over and over and over. And we see the wrath of God. Don't we? Evidence on this earth. That should just, you know, every time you see the rainbow flag, it should just remind you that hell exists. And it reminds them that hell exists because they're like, well, I'm not going to be punished by a flood. Yeah. But it's going to be a different kind of flood, a flood of fire. Liquid fire. And there's no water there. You won't have to touch water again in hell. You'll wish that you were drowning. You'll wish that you had any kind of water. None. Go to Psalms chapter 5. Go to Psalms chapter 5. You know, 1 Corinthians 16, New Testament. If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha. I didn't make up that verse. It's in the Bible. And hey, people that hate God, that reject God, let them be cursed. And you know what? This is what the Bible teaches. You know, the Bible tells us to sing the Psalms. Look at Psalms chapter number 5. Yes, God hates people. And you know, this is what's weird. When you realize that God hates people, and then you say, yeah, but I'm just going to love everybody just in case. Oh, so you're more loving than God. Thanks for letting us know that. You can't be more loving than God because the Bible says that God is love. And here's the thing. Loving pedophile freaks is not loving. You can't love everyone. You can't love everything. Here's the thing. You can love filth and smut, but because God loves holiness and righteousness and truth, he can't love the pedophile and the pervert and the freak. He hates them because he loves innocence. He loves righteousness. He loves children. He loves that which is right. And look how the Bible describes God. Psalm 5, 5. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. What about this one? All of them. And notice he doesn't say he hates iniquity. He hates the workers of iniquity. That's people. He hates the people. Go to Psalms 26. Go to Psalms 26. Now people get really offended at this doctrine. Why? Because they've been brainwashed 24-7. Just love everybody. Love wins. Love, love, love, love, love. They don't even know what love is. These are the same people that prey on children and hurt them and molest them. These are the Joseph Rosenbalms of this world who literally sodomized five children and the day he was released from prison was chasing another minor. I mean these sick, disgusting predators are the same ones that hold him aside and say, Love wins. The same ones that will say, We want to talk to your children. I'm sure you do. Not because you love them, though. You're a liar. You're a freak. Psalms 26, look at verse 5. I have hated the congregation of evildoers and will not sit with the wicked. How many people in this room could say that? How many Christians today can say, I have hated the congregation of evildoers? You know, congregation is a group of people. Why just love everybody? Well, look at the next verse. I will wash my hands in innocency, so will I encompass thine altar, O Lord. So notice the one that's innocent is the one that actually hates the congregation of evildoers, not the one that loves everybody. Go to Psalm 139. Actually, no, read two more verses. Verse 8. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honor dwelleth. Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men. You know, he loves church and hates the congregation of evildoers. Some people love the congregation of evildoers, and guess what they do? They hate church. Notice the same people that just love. They, I just love you. I love the congregation of evildoers. They hate church. They would love for church to be destroyed. They despise the house of God. They hate everything they can to attack the house of God. But please don't hurt those poor little congregation of evildoers, the bloody and deceitful man, the workers of iniquity. Look, you love filth. Go to Psalm 139. Psalm 139, they're a bunch of hypocrites. The Bible says there's a time to love and a time to hate. And let me tell you something, God loves and hates all of the emotions. And because he loves the truth, he hates lies. I'm telling you, if you don't hate anything, it's because you don't love anything. Because, let's say, I love the congregation of evildoers. Well, then you're going to have to hate the church. Because what does the church do? The church preaches against the congregation of evildoers. It stands against and fights against the congregation of evildoers. Right? If I love church, then I'm going to hate the congregation of evildoers. Right? If I love my children, I'm going to hate the pedophile. If I love the pedophile, I hate children. It's real simple. If you love the Cowboys, you hate the Eagles. You hate the Steelers. You hate Ben Rapelessburger. Now, if you love church, you hate all the congregation of evildoers, which is most of the NFL anyways. Okay? Michael Vick, too. I don't know. Who else is playing on these teams? I'm sure there's plenty of criminals on the Cowboys, too. Don't give them a break. I just don't know any of them. All right? But at the end of the day, we should not stand with the congregation of the evildoers. We should love the Lord. And if you love the Lord a lot, you're going to hate those that hate God. Oh, I don't hate anybody. Well, it sounds like you don't love God enough. Because I'm telling you, the more you love God, the more you'll hate. Look at Psalm 139 and look at verse 19. Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God. Depart from me, therefore, you bloody men. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. You know, the Bible says to love your enemies, and we have to balance all the scripture. Jesus said it. But what did he mean? He's talking about people that are not your friend. People that attack you or say something evil to you. But you know what? There's a line that gets crossed when someone's not just your enemy, they're God's enemy. This is not talking about somebody that did you wrong. This is talking about someone that did God wrong. There are plenty of people that do you wrong that you can't hate back. In fact, the most hateful thing you can do is not preach in the Gospel. I go out there and there's plenty of people that don't like me and I try to give them the Gospel. On regular basis. In fact, the Bible says preach the Gospel to every creature. We're supposed to do that. Why? Because there could be a point when God will love you no more. When you're in hell! And I don't want anyone to go to hell. God is not willing that anyone should perish, but that also come under repentance. But after rejection and rejection and rejection and rejection, it gets to the point where God says, Well, I'll love you no more. And sends them to hell. You know what? For most people on this earth, they still have an opportunity to receive the love of God. Go to Jude chapter... Jude, and we'll finish. Jude. And in Ecclesiastes chapter 9, the Bible says in the grave, there is no more preaching and speaking and singing. There's nothing in the grave. When you're dead, it's over. The poor man that's being comforted by Lazarus, if he wanted to give mercy to the rich man, he can't. There's no more mercy for him to extend. When he asks, Hey, will you give me some water? He can't answer him. When he asks for love, he can't love him. This is your opportunity to show how much mercy you really have. This is your opportunity to show how many answers you really have. This is your opportunity to show how much love you really have. It's by going out and preaching the gospel and getting people saved. I mean, all of you that are saved, obviously you believed enough in hell to be saved. You're obviously convinced of it a little bit. I'm just trying to help you believe in it more and realize how scary it is and how horrible it is and realize this is your one opportunity. This is your life. God put you on this earth to save people from hell. What are you doing with your life? Shame on Christians that have no interest in saving anyone. It boggles the mind to think about how much you must hate people to not want to give them the gospel. Look at Jude 22. And some have compassion making a difference and others saved with fear, pulling them out of the fire. There are some people to save with fear. Why preach a sermon like this? Well, you know what? Jesus preached on hell. Jesus said it would be better to literally rip your own eyeball out of its socket than to go to hell, where the fire is not quenched and their worm dieth not, where there's no mercy. There's no answers. There's no love. Let us not be a church that's unloving. Let us get our love back. Let us have the first works, the first love at all times. We're going out and sharing the gospel. And even if we have to, we'll even save people with fear because we're terrified of hell. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us all these warnings in the Bible. Thank you for giving us mercy. Thank you for giving us answers. Thank you for giving us love. We know that the whole world is in darkness today. We know that there's so many people that are lost. They don't know the mercy they have through salvation of Jesus Christ. They don't know the answer of the Bible. They don't know the answer to the truth. They don't understand the love of God. No one showed them what the love of God really looks like. I pray that our church would be motivated and tugged in their heart to open their mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. They would feel compelled with their feet to go into all the world and preach the gospel of every creature. And to realize that the only person we should fear is you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our final song, we'll go to song 118 near to the heart of God. 118 near to the heart of God. 118 near to the heart of God. 118 near to the heart of God. There is a place of quiet rest Near to the heart of God A place where sin cannot coalesce Near to the heart of God O Jesus, blessed Redeemer Sent from the heart of God Hold us who wait before Thee Near to the heart of God There is a place of comfort sweet Near to the heart of God A place where we our Savior meet Near to the heart of God O Jesus, blessed Redeemer Sent from the heart of God Hold us who wait before Thee Near to the heart of God There is a place of full release Near to the heart of God A place where all is joy and peace Near to the heart of God O Jesus, blessed Redeemer Sent from the heart of God Hold us who wait before Thee Near to the heart of God Good singing, God bless, you are dismissed. .