(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) familiar carols play and wild and sweet the words repeat a peace on earth goodwill to head all right so that is 426 i heard the bells on christmas day on the second 426 i thought how as the day had come the bell frees up all christ and got rolled along the broken song a piece on earth goodwill to man and in despair i bowed my head there is no peace on earth i said for hate is strong and mocks the song the peace on earth goodwill to men then build the bells more loud indeed god is not dead nor does he sleep for all shall feel the right prevail with peace on earth goodwill to him till reagan singing on his way the world revolved from night to day a voice a chime a chance of peace on earth goodwill to man all right with that we're gonna have a word of prayer dear heavenly father thank you for allowing us to be back here this evening and to celebrate the birth of your son lord thank you for sending him to be here to be the savior of the world lord and thank you for eternal life lord because it was a free gift lord that we celebrate as we offer many presents to one another and receive gifts the greatest gift that we could ever have is to have your son lord and thank you lord for all that you've done for us and i pray that all that this service will be done for all for your glory in jesus name amen all right for the next song we're doing song number 434 434 oh little town of bethlehem 434 oh little town of bethlehem 434 oh little town of bethlehem how still we see thee lie above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by yet in thy dark streets shine at the everlasting light the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight for christ is born a merry and gathered all above while mortal sleep the angels keep their watch of wandering love oh morning stars together proclaim the holy birth and praises sing to god the king and peace man on earth how silently how silently the wondrous good is kept so god imparts to human hearts the blessings of his head no ear may hear his coming but in this world of sin where mean souls will receive him still the dear christ enters in oh holy child of bethlehem he sent to us we pray cast out our sin and enter in be born in us today we hear the christmas angels the great plant tidings tell oh come to us abide with us our lord emmanuel good evening thank you so much for coming to steadfast baptist church and again merry christmas thank you to all who brought dishes to share and dessert for lunch and thank you to brother ryan for cooking lots of good food for us and lunch was great and so also thank you to all those who helped clean up and everything like that it was a lot of fun this evening if you don't already have a bulletin you need one our ushers can still come by and get you guys a bulletin if you'd like one so please just slip your hand up nice and high on the front we have again our bible memory passage psalm 146 on the inside we have our service times our soul winning times and our church stats on the right we have the list of our expecting ladies and our prayer list and please continue to pray for them it was pointed out to me and since we were having the luncheon we didn't quite schedule it but we were supposed to have sunday sundays and so if you're a kiddo and you went soul winning today you can have ice cream after the service all right so we need to get rid of some of it anyways so um that that way i didn't miss anything out all right and if you just feel like you're a kid i know brother conley sometimes tells me he likes ice cream too so and you went soul winning you can get some as well all right um that's pretty much all i have as far as announcements we are going to be doing a candlelight service right at the end so the last song we'll be doing that we're going to turn the lights out and we'll be handing out candles and there will be real fire so um you might need to make sure that your kids can handle that or whatever just pay attention please we don't really want to burn the church down okay so um then we'd have to leave or something i'm just kidding we want to make sure that we're being safe okay so just fyi um and uh that's pretty much all i again like i have for announcements we'll go ahead and sing our third song for the evening and we're going to be doing psalm 147 again sing it out nice and loud if you know it psalm 147 so that's psalm 147 in your white handouts if you don't have a white handout you could turn to your bibles to psalm 147 psalm 147 praise thee the lord for it is good to sing praises unto our god for it is blessed and praises comely the lord built up jerusalem he gathered together the outcasts of israel he feel it the broken in heart and binded of the ones he tell it the number of the stars he called them all he called them all by their names great is our lord and a great power his understanding is infinite the lord lifted up the meek he casted the wicked down to the ground sing unto the lord with thanksgiving sing praise upon the harp unto our god who covered the heaven with clouds who rain for the earth who make it grass grass to grow upon the mountains he gave it to to the beast his food and to the young ravens which cry he delighted not in the strength of the horse he take it not pleasure in the legs of a man the lord take it pleasure and then that fear him and those that open his mercy praise the lord of jerusalem praise the god praise the lord oh jerusalem love for he had strengthened the bars of the gates he had blessed thy children within thee he make at peace in thy borders and filleth thee with the finest of the way he sanded forth his commandment upon earth his work running very swiftly he giveth snow like wool he scatter with the hoarfrost like ashes scatter with the hoarfrost like ashes he casted for his eyes like more souls who can stand before his cold he sendeth out his word and melted them because of his wind to blow and the waters flow he showed with his word unto jacob his statutes and his judgments unto israel he hath not dealt so with any nation and asked for his judgments they had not no they praise he the lord all right with that as the offer of play goes around turn to your bible so second peter chapter two second peter chapter number two so second peter two the bible reads but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not for if god spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared not the old world but saved noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensemble unto those that after should live on godly and deliver just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds the lord knoweth how to deliver the ungodly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under the day of judgment to be punished but chiefly them that walk after the flesh and the lust of uncleanness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities whereas angels which are greater in power and might bring not railing accusation against them before the lord but these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime spots they are and blemishes sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls and heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following the way of balaam the son of bosor who loved the wages of unrighteousness but was rebuked for his iniquity the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbade the madness of the prophet these are wells without water clouds that are carried with a tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lusts of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escape from them who live in error while they promise them liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption for of whom a man is overcome of the same as he brought in bondage for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ they are again entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them but it has happened unto them according to the true proverb the dog has turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire let's buy our heads for a word of prayer father god we thank you for second peter chapter two lord and for the message that you're attempting to communicate here through this passage of scripture and i pray lord that you would give us ears to ear to hear and soften hearts in the room to receive the message fill pastor shelly with your spirit helping to preach a sermon with boldness and in jesus name i pray amen amen let's look back at verse seven the bible says and delivered just lot vex with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing vex his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds and of course the context here from verse six is talking about sodom and gomorrah and describes them in verse number seven as having a filthy conversation and so the title of my sermon this evening is this merry christmas you filthy animals merry christmas you filthy animals and you say where are you getting that title well number one the bible says that they're filthy all right skip down to verse 12 but these is natural brute beasts made to be taken to destroyed let me explain to you what a beast is it's an animal so of course filthy animals is describing those from sodom and gomorrah also the day is christmas so merry christmas okay third i love the movie home alone all right so there you go and what's funny is within the movie home alone they show another movie and it has that famous quote where it says merry christmas you filthy animals the title of that movie is called filthy angels with even filthier souls and the guy blows away some girl for being like an adulterous whore and of course you know all these things are coming straight from the bible because even this group of people verse 14 having eyes full of adultery it's the same group of people and they're filthy and they're disgusting and the bible says there are people out there today that are filthy and abominable and wicked and reprobate but here's the thing that they cannot escape they cannot escape christmas you know why they can't escape christmas is because we all have the same god the same lord reigns over this entire earth and you cannot escape god that's why it's so funny to me how these people think oh i'm an atheist god doesn't affect me well i'm about to prove to you how much god affects your life okay go if you went to romans chapter 10 for a minute romans chapter number 10 you know these these people who are trying to pretend like god doesn't exist acknowledge him every day of their lives they acknowledge him in so many different ways and you can't escape god you can't escape christmas even when i knocked on doors this afternoon going soul winning people told me hey i'm not a christian and then that's what they say to me merry christmas it's like well why are they saying that it's you can't escape christ and you can't escape god and you can't escape the truth of the bible and we all live within the realm of christianity now of course there are certain aspects of the bible and christianity that our culture has perverted and got to a place where it's you can't even quite really see the semblance of god's word but there are certain things in our lives that you cannot escape the fact that regardless of your christian or not you do them because they're coming from the bible there are certain things that everybody does and everybody follows and everybody observes regardless of religion regardless of ideology regardless of being baptist or muslim or atheist we're all just locked into god's reality and the bible proves this over and over that everybody's locked in there and that's why it's funny to me when we have christmas every single year it's because we just keep reminding these people hey you still live in christ's world now look what it says in romans 10 verse 12 the bible says this for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich and all the call upon him notice that it says that it's the same lord over all we all have the same lord the same god the same set of rules and reality exist and permeate our being so whether or not you acknowledge god's existence whether or not you're religious whether or not you're christian you still have to follow god's rules god's reality because he is god there is no other god go if you would to genesis chapter one genesis chapter one now i have a few points of how you can't escape god and you can't escape christmas and you can't escape christ number one is our calendar everything about time is coming from the god of the bible and is coming from the bible itself everything you know in fact to some degree time is kind of if you think about it almost a man-made concept even though it's been delivered to us from god but in essence there's nothing really dictating time in and of itself we could decide as a human population to calculate time however we want i mean there's nothing forcing us necessarily to count time the way that we do yet we all count time exactly as the bible tells us to the bible tells us how to calculate time and then we do it exactly like the bible says no real deviation there's only been a few times throughout history where people have tried to deviate from the timelines found in the bible and they totally got screwed up and destroyed and it didn't even work out okay of course we have 12 months cycle and that was kind of a shift from some of the biblical structures and we added months like augustus you know after caesar augustus and things like that but generally speaking time in our calendar is based on the word of god look at genesis chapter one verse five and god called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening in the morning where the first day of course everything that we describe about time is biblical words we talk about the daytime and we talk about the night time and we have the evening and we have the morning and we have days and this is how we measure time you know what if what if people decided to measure days as you have a day one and that's just for a 12-hour period and then day two is just a nighttime period why is the day encompassing both evening and morning why is it that a day is comprised of about a 24-hour period of time couldn't you just decide a day is 48 hours or 50 hours or 10 hours or three hours i mean you could technically decide whatever you want but what does all humanity do all of humanity accepts that a 24-hour period of time is a day just like the bible has we have the evening we have the morning and of course there is a slight differentiation in the bible their kind of distinction is from about 6 p.m to 6 a.m is kind of how they delineate we kind of shifted it to about midnight that's kind of what we do but generally speaking we're still observing the same concept the same idea if you skip down a little bit further look at verse 14 and god said that there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for season and for days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so so according to the bible our entire calendar all of our time is dictated by the solar system so we dictate a day based on how much time it takes for the earth to spin and of course that's changing our observance of the sky and the atmosphere in the solar system we base our calendar year on how long it takes to travel around the sun you know months are more or less a lunar phenomena where we basically calculate the lunar cycle and everything that we calculate and everything that's based on time is always based on the sun moon and stars even when you're going to get into you know more strange ways to calculate calendars all kinds of civilizations what do they use they use the stars and they use the planets and they've always used these things to calculate time why i mean couldn't we calculate time based on anything how about how long it takes for grass to grow or how long it takes for a tree to grow or you know why did we decide to use the sun moon and stars as our basis of calculation for time it's because god said that's how you do it god told us how to calculate time and we've never deviated nor will we deviate we are going to always base our calendar on god's calendar and of course we have such reliability you know how how can we decide that evolution or the big bang theory is going to cause all these planets and solar system bodies to have a perfect synchrony where they just go around and travel around each other and all these perfect little seasons we have the four seasons unless you live in the desert or some bizarre place or something like that texas certainly has four seasons and while they some might be shorter or longer than another we basically observe summer winter spring fall we have these four seasons and the bible brings these up the bible even tells us that we're never going to lose that chip flip to chapter eight i know there's this idea of global warming it's kind of been freezing over the weekend you know genesis chapter eight look at verse 22 while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease and have we ever seen any you know differentiation or any deviation from what god said here of course not that's always been the case it always will be the case there is never going to be a time where we just summer's gone or winter's gone or any of these type of things we're always going to have climate change you know what a stupid title it's like what day has it ever been the exact same of course the climate is changing every second it rapidly changes it goes from hot to cold i mean in texas it could be hot one second cold the next and windy and rain and all kinds of different things could happen all over the time and there's no predictability to it you can't even tell even weatherologists even meteorologists they're wrong all the time in trying to predict weather and predict weather patterns even just within a few hours they'll say hey this is going to happen in a few hours and then it doesn't happen or this is not going to happen and then it does happen so they can't even tell you what's going to happen two hours from now yet they're going to tell you what's going to happen in 2030 they're going to tell you what's going to happen in 2050 they have no idea and it's never but here's the thing that i know it's never going to deviate from what we've already had we're going to have hot we're going to have cold we're going to have everything in between and and because of a lack of understanding of history a lot of times people will freak out about phenomena they don't they don't understand they'll have a winter like we had a couple years ago where it's really cold and then someone will convince them like oh the earth's getting colder you know it used to be there was this scam about how the earth was cooling and it i can't remember the timeline this is several decades ago it was in the 20th century but there was this scam going around that the whole earth was cooling and we need to worry about the whole earth freezing over and then all of a sudden it switched to global warming and then now it's just climate change and basically they just say oh we're going to have more more disasters it'll get hot and cold we'll probably have more natural disasters wasn't that a convenient theory leading up to the end times that there's going to be a lot of natural disasters when god said the same thing and then they're going to blame human population instead of blaming themselves for being sinful and wicked and being in the end times and waking up to god's reality but everything about the world that we live in it's exactly what the bible said and we follow its model perfectly think about this you know we have the morning and we have the evening and most of us you know unless you have a weird job or something sleep in the evening and you don't even need to eat necessarily unless you're pregnant you know you don't need these extra meals or anything like that i mean isn't it interesting that we can just live during the day we can just sleep during the night like the bible says and we don't need to deviate from that we all basically live by that again i'm preaching about things that it doesn't matter if you're a christian or not we could go find tons of atheists and tons of buddhists and tons of whatever religion you want and guess what they do they eat in the daytime and work in the daytime and they sleep at night and that's just what the vast majority of every single person and we just follow that model and we've been following it you know isn't it nice that god gave us these 24-hour cycles and it just happens to fit our body perfectly because how from an evolutionary perspective would you explain the fact that our bodies seem to just function perfectly within that cycle what if your body needed to eat like eight times during a 24-hour period well a 12-hour sleep cycle is going to mess with that yet we can function perfectly within exactly how our solar system works and exactly how the earth works and everybody that's not a christian they already just accept all these things as just granted and they just don't even realize all the benefits that god has given us of the world that we live in the oxygen that we breathe isn't it nice we're never running out of oxygen and isn't it nice that we don't we don't even think about it we don't have to think about hey i wonder if it's gonna the sun's gonna rise again tomorrow or i wonder if you know we're not gonna just get hit by a comet and all be destroyed like deep impact some stupid movie okay you know you always you always for the person that doesn't believe in god it would be a terrifying world to live in yet when you believe in god and you realize we just have all these things given to us that we just take for granted every single day and we don't even think about or ever worry about why why do we worry about the small trivial stuff too as a christian you know as a christian we should also realize i don't need to worry about these things god's going to take care of it look at chapter 2 verse 1 thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he made now this is what's interesting pretty much all of our calendar and timelines are based on solar system bodies when we think about the heaven the the earth and the moon that basically gives us all of our calendar except for one thing the week the seven day week is not an observance from a solar system heavenly body aspect where does the seven day week come from you know where it comes from genesis chapter one and two that's where it comes from and is it any coincidence that we've all followed that virtually all of history there has been exceptions and i'm not saying that there hasn't but again the exception always proves the rule people try weird stuff and then it doesn't work out like people trying to stay up all night yeah people have done that but it didn't work out very well and people have tried not doing a seven day week but it never really seems to work out and even if you could observe it the whole rest of the world's gonna not do that they don't care about you and so you're gonna you and your little cult of not observing seven days a week are just gonna get run over by the steamroller of everybody else and there's no way to change it there's no way to change that culture just like changing the english language even if you changed it or started speaking differently everybody else is going to keep saying the same things and just basically force you to keep up force you to go long it's the same with software if you know anything about software development you know especially with online source code when it comes to just free source code or free code things where there's projects that everybody's collaborates on so in software a lot of coding is not proprietary it's not owned by a singular person just the community owns it well if you don't continue to go with that community your code is going to be branched off and it's going to get weird and it's going to be hard to even implement you kind of have to just stay with the community whether you like it or not and when it comes to the world that we live in you kind of just have to go along with god's program or you're going to get steamrolled over you have to go with the seven-day week you have to go with the calendar and here's another thing you have to go with 2022 i mean you can decide to change that to whatever you want but everybody else in the world is going to write on their check 2022 everybody else is going to get out their credit card and it's going to say expires in 2023 expires in 2024 what's that number it's representing how many years it's been from the lord jesus christ birth and of course what are we celebrating on today the birth of the lord jesus christ merry christmas you filthy animal every single time you get that credit card out to buy anything you're acknowledging jesus every time you have to look at that expiration date every time you have to tell someone the time everything about time itself is just always pointing to jesus and it'll never change of course you know us bio believing christians we live in 2022 ad which what does ad stand for it's latin for anno domini in the year of our lord and they've tried to change this to like ce you know common era but it's not catching on and it won't catch on and losers will just fade in existence in history and nobody will remember their stupid little common era but here's even if it was common era what was that common event that you're remembering still they're not going to get rid of the numbers nope the numbers are going to stick with us and we're always going to be remember the lord jesus christ and we're always going to have the calendar in honor of the lord jesus christ look atheist agnostic chinese buddhist african antarctica even if you move to mars you'll still use the year of our lord you can't escape that good luck trying go over to psalms 147 you know another thing it says in genesis chap number one is that the animals produce animals everything produces after its own kind and that's all we've ever seen that's all we've ever observed everything in genesis chap number one which has existed with us for thousands of years none of it has changed all scientific study all understanding everything it still is just looking exactly to this chapter and is explaining everything about it explains our world our phenomena everything we live in it explains that one man and one woman create other babies and it's never changed you know they've never been able to there's been a lot of people trying you know what two guys can't get a baby and two girls can't get a baby it's never happened and never will happen it's always one man and one woman that's why in culture across this world people love the institution of marriage and marriage while of course there's perversions of this in america of the day generally speaking marriage has always been one man one woman and it's always going to triumph to that that's what everybody even wants even these weirdos and freaks that's what they want because even these like lesbians and whatever they'll have one that's dresses like a dude and it looks like a guy and then the other lesbian looks like a girl and it's like why are y'all doing that if it's cool to just have two chicks why don't you just look like two chicks but it's like one has to look like the dude and the other one has to look like the girl because they're still trying to emulate what god set up because one man and one woman is always the perfect picture of marriage it's the best union you can have it's the greatest institution and you can't escape these things you can't escape god's world and god's institutions and god's ideas have always been the best ideas and whether you go and find some atheist they'll still desire marriage i've known tons of people and there's plenty of people they're not religious whatsoever but they still want to have one wife you know they want one husband one wife and they want to be faithful to each other and they still want to have that kind of relationship regardless if they're christian or not because it's the same lord with the same rules in the same life says in psalm 147 look at verse 8 who covereth the heaven with clouds who prepareth rain for the earth who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains did you know you do none of that i mean who in here has caused rain no indians okay i mean you know you got to get your indian dance you know the bible says can any of the vanity of the gentiles cause rain and the answer is no we can't cause rain we can't cause any of these phenomena we can't prepare rain we can't create clouds now you can spray chemicals in the sky i get that okay but you can't create clouds and you can't even make grass to grow up on the mountains that's god that does that we can plant the seed but we don't even know how that works all we do is just simply follow his instructions okay plant stuff and water it and somehow a miracle happens and it turns into grass we don't know and most of the world if you think about this the vast majority of our world no one humanly speaking planted i mean did you plant the majority of the grass in the world today the majority of the trees and the vegetation i mean of course humans have created gardens and we've created some places we've planted trees we've done some of these things but the vast majority of the vegetation on this earth is just done by god and even if you went and destroyed some area god could just cause it to have a bunch of vegetation again god can just create all of these things and you can't escape it because he just keeps redistributing seed and material and life look at this verse 9 he give it to the beast this food and the young ravens which cry you know god created all kinds of animals all kinds of plants and they don't seem to cease to exist unless you have human means the animals and the plants that exist in this world today are just perpetual of course you could have mankind go out and hunt some kind of animal make it endangered or make it extinct but typically it's not even an animal it's a species and good luck eliminating an entire animal kind but you would think if we lived in an evolutionary anti-god world that they want us to they claim that we live in wouldn't we just see complete animals going into existence and just being destroyed i mean what's preventing and what's stopping just ravens from just all dying or a predator just destroying all the ravens you know how how are they getting their food how are the badgers and how the raccoons how are chihuahuas in existence okay you know there's certain animals and there's certain things and i mean there's some animals and there's some creatures that you're just thinking like how does this thing even exist you know little geckos or little prairie dogs little rodents these these stupid little uh garbage kitties is what we call them at home possums it's like how does that thing exist it's gross and it's weird but even if i tried i couldn't get rid of all the possums god just somehow has created an entire universe and put us in the center of it in a sense put us in the world in the the earth where it's the most important part of the universe and then within our planet within what we live in is the earth we have all kinds of animals and vegetation and all these things and we can't change any of it now i'm not saying i don't think that the earth spins around the sun okay don't don't take one of my statements out of context but in general i mean we're the apple of god's eye the the earth and our his creation and we have all of these living organisms that we get to enjoy and whether you're an atheist or not you get to enjoy i mean you get to enjoy all the ravens and the birds and the fish and all of god's creation that he constantly supplies for you that you can do nothing to prevent destroy add to nothing i mean even the greatest of zoologists and people that care pita they're not really protecting the environment you know they always want to pretend like they're saving ducks or something it's like i could never cut a six-pack of cola and i could just dump oil on the ocean and i could just pollute as much as i want and ducks will still exist and whales will still exist and dolphins and yeah there's collateral damage and i'm not saying let's destroy our planet but it's like there's it's not by human means that we have these animals that we live and see and enjoy that is god god is protecting and giving us all of these different things go go to john chapter number one john chapter number one and we see all of these phenomena in the world today that the bible already prescribed just exist regardless of what you think about them regardless of what you would do about it regardless of how you behave and even the marriage again it's exactly exactly how god laid it out here's another thing that god laid out there's a man and there's a woman and there's nothing in between and even the the most perverted sodomite freaks they understand this this is what's so bizarre to me is how liberal christians don't get this point because i have i have people argue with me ad nauseum about women wearing men's pants and i always bring this up and say okay well what does every drag queen wear why is it that drag queens when they go to do a stupid story time perverting children why are they not wearing women's pants why are they always wearing a dress or a skirt and here's another thing why do they always have long hair why is it that when a dude wants to be a woman he doesn't get a short haircut and put pants on he puts on long hair and a skirt or dress and i'm like this is a tranny he doesn't even like the bible he hates the bible he could care less what first corinthians chapter 11 says he could care less what deuteronomy 22 says but he just knows for a fact there's only men and there's only women and when they want to be a woman they dress exactly like a woman would and then when the the lesbian wants to be a lesbian what do they they get a short haircut and they put the pants on and then liberal christians want to argue with me and say oh you're making things up well then how come every tranny and every one of these sodomites knows exactly what i'm saying because they follow it to a t you know i've never you never see the lesbian who has long flowing hair and wearing girly dresses and being frilly it just doesn't exist i mean you have ellen degenerate you have hillary clinton you have you have her partner whatever the weird person is i mean you know they virtually never miss the right stereotype here and that's why it's actually confusing when you meet these people because they're dressing exactly like the opposite and you miss pronoun them but you would think like how am i miss pronouncing you because if you're a lady dressed like a dude you know and i say ma'am or whatever does it how am i miss pronouncing you because you're you're being both actually to me both would work because you really are a girl so if i say that then reality and if i say dude you're trying to look like a dude and is it really my fault if i just tell you exactly what you look like i mean because what's what's the point of using pronouns or whatever it's just the facts and the reality of what you see and i think this is this is what's so funny good luck ever convincing people that you're the man or the sir based on your voice alone when you go through the drive-through we can't see and i guarantee you always know if it's a girl or a man you've never even thought about it you've never just you know when they order hey are you a dude or a chick it just yes sir or yes ma'am and you can always say it every single time because there's just distinctions in the gender isn't it interesting that you can literally hear the distinction and you know of course if they have a list then you know it's non-binary okay no i'm just kidding then you know it's a sodomite too isn't it interesting you can almost tell when someone's a fag instantly right i mean they just they say something you're just like whoa just by hearing it you can tell exactly what it is and the same is with animals you identify animals by sound you identify animals by sight and we observe filthy animals by sight and by what they say but you can't escape any of these realities we live in a world where there's only men and there's only women and they'll say oh this is coming from the patriarchy no no it is coming from god and it's coming from this universe because they don't even want to destroy it they're not destroying it they're be they're just switching roles but they didn't destroy anything they still only have men and they only have women and you read all their little stupid nicknames that they came up with themselves like left of sinner and tranny bi whatever they want to call it's like it's still just men or women it's like a woman pretending to be a dude or a dude pretending to be a girl or some variation of that or all of the above or you know i go back and forth or whatever it's like it's so funny to me that all of their definitions are like a dude being a girl or a girl being a dude but there's more than two genders and it's like then how come every time you explain it there's only two then how come every time you point it out i mean can you dress in a certain way where someone would would think of a third no because there's a scientific reality there's men and there's women and you're locked in and all these freaks they're locked into the gender that they are they try to change it and they can never change it ever change it you look at it and you're like i know you're a chick you look at it and i know you're a dude you know you look at michelle obama you're like i know you're a dude you look at britney griner's adam's apple and you're like it's a dude you know why do we trade that you know why do we you know i don't want to give it back to russia please look i'll give you the arms dealer if you can keep it you know i would rather have just given them the arms dealer and say keep it than to trade for it and you know no matter what they do to themselves what drugs they take what they chop off whatever they dress like you can never change their physical reality you can't change the time it's 2022 you can't change if you're a man you can't change your woman you can't change the animals you can't change anything here's nothing you can't change the law you cannot change what's right and wrong what is right and wrong is already locked in and everybody knows it now in john chapter number one look at verse 17 for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ look law comes from god and and christians a lot of times are hypocrites because they will get up and and get mad at laws that are falling that are coming from the bible but that's the only authority we have for law in and of itself all law is coming from the bible the concept of law or commandments is coming from god's word and the only way for something to be a law and for it to be right if it was coming from god because if i just make up my own arbitrary rules how is that something that everyone wants to agree with but yet societies have almost always universally codified god's law in some form or fashion where they realize yeah lying and stealing and rape and adultery all these things are wrong and they pass laws that are based on the biblical principles that we all already have and we have them deep into our heart go to romans chapter number two romans chapter two now of course the law itself there was commandments and law before moses and where do we get that genesis i mean god commanded the man not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden so god had already given commandments and rules and law and we understand that without god morality doesn't even make sense this is an argument that's often brought up by people that want to argue with atheists and you know they want to champion christianity and they'll use logic and here's the thing there's nothing wrong with logic obviously you can use logic all day long to prove an atheist to be a liar but the problem is you can't use logic to reason with the illogical so when someone's illogical it doesn't matter how much logic i pour into the equation it's never going to change their mind it's never going to affect them in the right manner so it's not always profitable to go around and argue and pontificate with atheists about how smart you are of course you should win a debate against an atheist he's an atheist he's arguably the dumbest person in the world atheists are the dumbest people on the planet according to the bible because the bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no god i would rather hang out with a flat earther than an atheist flat earthers can go to heaven atheists can't i mean atheists are literally the scum of the earth they are stupid on purpose there's nothing logical about their reasoning they're giant hypocrites and they don't even realize how much of a hypocrite they are because if we ask them hey do you think it's wrong to steal they'll say yeah you think it's wrong to kill yep and then you ask this question where are you getting that morality well i'm a moral atheist there's no such thing because atheism doesn't is not compatible with law or morality whatsoever but you know why you know those things are wrong well look at romans chap number two look at verse twelve for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are just before god but the doers of the law shall be justified for when the gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness in their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another the reason why an atheist knows that stealing is wrong is because he has a conscience but the only way to have a conscience is if god put it there a rock does not have a conscience because a rock thrown at your head will kill you regardless of its feelings i mean there's never been a rock that's like you know what i can't do it nope every bullet that is in the direction of human flesh always pierces through the exact same it's no discrimination why because the rocks have no feelings they have no emotion they have no conscience whereas mankind has a conscience and that conscience was put into it because we're not inanimate objects we're living souls and we're living souls with the word of god's written in our heart and it doesn't even matter how disgusting how filthy or how unsaved someone is they all believe this jews believe this and if you want to talk about filthy animals i mean the jews are some of the worst people on the planet yet they do not will not tolerate or allow for a jew to steal from another jew for jews to kill other jews for jews to lie to other jews they have to create other people as a subhuman race called goyim and they can lie to them and steal from them and damage them but amongst themselves oh you're not allowed to lie steal to you know do all of the things that are found what in the bible the law is written in the heart even thieves there's this thing called the code of honor and even amongst thieves you know it's like i can steal from other people but amongst us we can't steal from each other and we can't lie to each other and we can't kill each other and you have this code among thieves or this honor among thieves but there is no honor among thieves and and they're you know you don't want to hang out with those kind of people because they'll always break the law that they break continually why because everyone knows that it's wrong to steal everyone knows that it's wrong to lie everyone knows that it's wrong to do all of these things how do we all know that how does everybody just inherently know that it's because god all gave us a conscience and literally wrote the law in all of our hearts and unless someone is a complete psychopath they feel bad when they do something wrong even Judas Iscariot felt bad having betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ even Pharaoh felt remorse at times for some of the decisions that he had made and these people were psychopaths I mean these people were really bad people yet they still had emotion they still had some level of feeling because God has just ingrained it into every single person you know right or wrong regardless of what you think go if you would to Matthew chapter number five Matthew chapter five isn't interesting you can't escape those commandments and I'll say this there is nothing that's a sin that's not in the Bible you know if the Bible was not God's word it was just a book written by a bunch of you know peasants or something like this caveman or whatever lies that atheists want to say then wouldn't you think that they would leave out some pretty obvious sins I mean are these peasants and these shepherds and whatever they're just so smart they gave us every single sin that could ever be thought of or ever brought up I mean if this is just a book written by man it would leave out things like rape or would leave out things like you know hurting your neighbor or causing problems that they would leave out something because man is not possible just thinking of every single concept yet God has already given us every single sin every single thing that's right and every single thing that's wrong and nobody can contradict it we all know all the right and all the wrong and everybody agrees to it everybody realizes it and even when they don't agree they still they still agree what I mean by this is it's funny to me people that'll get mad at me about minor commandments like the sense that women should wear skirts and dresses and men should wear pants it's funny to me because I'll just be hanging out with them and they just bring it up or I'll be hanging out with their family and then they'll call me later and be like man we just feel so uncomfortable being around you and I'm like why and like because you believe that and I'm like did I say something like no but your wife wears dresses and skirts and so I'm like so the fact that my wife wears a dress and a skirt is making you feel uncomfortable they're like yes it's like I'm like you know why because it's true that's why because if I said you know what my wife can only wear a blue bonnet on her head and she's never allowed to leave the house without a blue bonnet on you know would not feel awkward about that is my family members they might feel awkward for her but they wouldn't be like you know what I feel like I need to put a blue bonnet on you know it's like they would be like that's weird because that's not true that's not there's nothing about that that's you know innate in nature but everybody just knows oh wow that's the right thing to do and so that's why it always bothers them and they get so bent out of shape about it and they always want to bring it up and I'm just thinking like there's so much in the Bible we can talk about why are we fixated on this one thing it's because you know that we're right and it's not that I'm right it's that God's right and you can just see it you can just feel it we all know and of course there's no sin there's nothing wrong there's nothing weird out there that the Bible doesn't tell us that and there's plenty of things that you knew were wrong and you had never even read the Bible and then you read the Bible and you're like wow that's what the Bible said now I know why that was wrong like I just remember growing up I didn't know first Corinthians chapter 11 but I knew this there was a girl that I really liked and she always had really long hair and then one day I come to school and she's like shot it down to where it's like a boy's haircut and I was like that is hideous like that is so ugly and I was just like man used to be attractive you know it's weird how she could go from being like so attractive to like just like that and it wasn't because I read first Corinthians 11 it wasn't because I knew the Bible doctrine there I was never taught that I just knew there was something off about that and then it's like I read the Bible and I go yeah of course that makes perfect sense now I understand why that is there's a reason why women wear dresses on their wedding day because they know that they want to look as beautiful as possible that's the goal so what do they wear? They always wear a long flowing dress and it's because that's the most beautiful and we get everything from the Bible everything that we live in our lives even our character everybody knows that the best character and the best morality is coming from the Bible even the atheists even the people that hate us they are always trying to have the same character that the Bible talks about and so they'll use our language they'll use our proverbs you know they talk about humility being a positive attribute you know it's people will be prideful and be openly prideful but there's really outside of the sodomites no one really going around acting like pride is a good thing we all look that as a society we all recognize just pride is wrong and you'll even go to your secular job and they'll have a code of ethics or they'll have basically a handout that is their rules for their company and they'll employ all the character attributes of the Bible be polite be courteous be kind you know not to lie not to steal not do all these things and they're just codifying what the Bible says constantly of the right character you know you don't go and work for someone and they say be prideful and arrogant and rude and demeaning you know they never bring up the anti character attributes that are found in the Bible always bring up the same character attributes of the Bible says you know we have things like the Beatitudes Matthew chapter five is known as a really famous portion of Scripture of essentially how you're supposed to behave yourself but look at verse number nine the Bible says blessed are the peacemakers for they should be called the children of God everybody's lauded as being a peacemaker and isn't that every woman that ran for Miss Universe or Miss USA wouldn't have these pageants what do they always say what's the one thing if you could get anything that you would want and they say world peace why because they know blessed are the peacemakers because they all know the right character the right answer whether they mean that or not they know that's what you're supposed to say all the world knows that peace is good humility is good being honest is good keeping your word is good all of these character attributes that are being found in the Bible whether you're Christian or not it's exactly what is right go to Proverbs let's look at a couple proverbs here and also everything it says about bad people's right to how are you going to escape the word of God it tells you everything whether you're a filthy animal or not you can't escape the truths of the Bible Proverbs 12 verse 24 the hand of the diligent shall bear rule but the slothful shall be under tribute good luck escaping that lazy people never come out on top lazy people are always in oppression look at chapter 18 verse number nine he also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster we always see a correlation between people who are slothful and then wasteful with lots of different things you know here's somebody that's both slothful and wasteful the United States government the United States government is extremely slothful and they're just a giant waste they waste so much money and time and resources I mean they've just destroyed our economy for no reason through covid pandemic measures it's just a man made artificial garbage thing where the government is just destroying our economy and destroying our world and they're just a big waste of space because they're slothful they're lazy they'll even talk about in Congress they're going to pass bills that they haven't even read what how how are you an elected official and you're going to put into you're going to put laws on the books that you have not even read and then of course you know what portions that they're not really they'll be giant portions they're like oh give two billion dollars to this stupid fund or give a hundred million dollars to this you know fund and nobody read it except for the person that wrote it and put it in there because you understand how our politics kind of work is they basically all the politicians they go and ask all of their donors and lobbyists they say hey what do you want and Coca-Cola says I want this law and so Coca-Cola writes it and then hands it to the lobbyists and the lobbyists hands it to the representative and then the representative hands it to their chair men and he basically just says section two and then the next guy comes and he's like hey what do you want Google and Google's like here's what I want you to pass and then Google hands it to their lobbyists and then their lobbyists hands it to their representative and the representative hands of their chairperson he's like section three and then what happens well eventually you have about seventeen thousand pages of some stupid thing written by the oligarch companies that are in this world and it's all about hey I want this five hundred million dollar you know program that's going to go straight to us and then they just send it in and nobody wants to read they didn't even read what was written because they didn't even write it they're just like Google yep check okay and of course what Google does is they say hey we want this to be passed this law to be passed we'll give you a hundred thousand dollars and they're like I don't need to read it right and they're like no and then they just hand it to their chairperson and the chairperson puts it in and they just pass laws and they just have all this stuff in the books and then they just give all that money back to Google or whatever and they just wasting your money because they're too slothful to even write their own legislation most of the legislators in this land don't even write their own legislation they just let other crooked thieves and Jews and whoever write the legislation of this world let Google write the policy and let Apple write the policy and let all the oligarchs in this country you want to know why we live in a country where these social media companies and whatever dominate our society they write the laws folks where do you think some of these policies are coming from section 230 oh we're we're not a publisher we're just we're just a platform so we can't ever be sued you know who came up with the legislation that made it where manufacturers of vaccines can't be sued do you really think some legislator was just sitting in his office one day and is like you know what I'm really worried about the vaccine industry getting sued I think we should pass some laws to protect them or do you think the vaccine manufacturers were doing some research on their drug and they're like man all the rats are dying yikes but we got to deliver this product like in April you know or we're gonna lose a lot of money well let's get a lot of insurance and you know well the insurance we did the ratios we're still gonna get sued and lose more money than the insurance is gonna cover like man if we could just get rid of this lawsuit problem oh hey politician if I give you five hundred thousand dollars will you just pass a bill that says vaccine manufacturers can't get sued no problem because I'm a I'm a psychopath that's a Democrat and I'll do anything I'm just a horror and I'll do anything that you ask me to and of course that's the society we live in and they're just great wasters you can't escape what the Bible says and of course it's because they're slothful our government is slothful and lazy and a giant waster people are slothful waste things all of the time you know lazy people like these homeless derelicts you'll give them food and they'll just throw it on the ground there's litter and they're just a big weight they always have a shopping cart full of trash and then they just leave it everywhere and they're just the worst people look at chapter 21 and verse 25 so I had to go on a rant against the government for a while so Proverbs 21 verse 25 the desire of the slothful killeth him for his hands refuse to labor you know what I've noticed about these sodomites is they just refuse to work and they never even have good jobs you know why customer service is so terrible these days is because like that's the only job these terrible people can get and they suck at it I mean it's just getting to a point where customer service and all of this all this labor just our whole country is just being just destroyed because people aren't following Christian morals anymore they're not following the proverbs anymore and we're going to get to a point where it could literally crumble so many businesses they can't even keep up they can't hire anybody nobody wants to work even when they hire people I saw Olive Garden there was a there was an article about Olive Garden which me and my wife used to love Olive Garden who used to love Olive Garden or still does ok tons of people now who doesn't like them anymore ok a lot of people and here's the thing when me and my wife were dating it was our first date we went to Olive Garden ok and we loved it and I love Italian food but there's just been like an obvious decline in their food or something and it used to feel like the food was kind of fresh and it was it was good the salad was pretty good and the bread was pretty good now it just feels like they put it in a dirty microwave and they didn't even heat it a hundred percent it's like fifty percent in the dirty microwave and they just hand it to you and just slop it down on the table people aren't even cleaning the carpets or anything and it just smells dirty and musky and it's gross and of course these restaurants are always hiring the worst people because the people that have a waiting job are usually like have a weird lifestyle anyways and I saw this Olive Garden manager she got fired because she threatened the employee saying if you call in sick for work or you say you have some excuse like your dog or something ran away or whatever you have to prove it for me to grant you time off she got fired for doing that because there was so many people just calling in sick and just calling in and saying that they had all these excuses to not show up for work and they were getting mad about people being a bum employee so she basically wrote a letter sent it to all the employees and just said hey standard policy if you're sick or you have these problems you need to show us a medical note or whatever if you want us to grant that petition of time off otherwise you could be terminated or fired for not showing up at work or lying about it and they just fired the manager and said that she was an extremist and I'm like what in the world you don't even want them I mean it's a manager what is the point of a manager if it can't even tell its employees to show up to work I mean this is the kind of society and the culture that we're just we're becoming and of course it's because people are lazy they refuse to labor and these sodomites are the same way they don't want to labor they're just entitled they just want a paycheck they can hardly even do their job that they've been instructed let alone if they had to do a task that wasn't on their job description go if you went to chapter 9 go backwards to chapter 9 how come everything in the bible is true how come every one of these proverbs is something we see in our world today Proverbs chapter 9 look at verse 13 a foolish woman is clamorous she is simple and knows nothing how come when we see stupid women they're always loud and how come the loudest women are the dumbest women and the most foolish women why is it just always the case look at chapter 14 and verse 9 chapter 14 verse 9 fools make a mock at sin why is it that the dumbest people are always making fun of the bible or making fun of the word of God look at chapter 17 verse 7 excellent speech becometh not a fool how come everybody that's one of these atheists god hating agnostics or something like that they never say anything intelligent they're dumb in every area of their life they give bad marriage advice they give bad family advice they give bad counsel they're not hard workers everything about them is foolish nonsense I mean you don't see these atheists doing great things out in the world today they're usually selfish arrogant pricks is what they usually are they're full of themselves they're full of hot air and they just want to blow off their mouth all the time which of course social media has given rise to a lot of atheists because it's the perfect vacuum for them to get up and just blow their mouth about nonsense and they just keep gaining more stupid lazy followers like them that have nothing to do you know people like Hemet Mehta the stupid atheist that has nothing to live for has no skills no talent and just simply wants to just blow his mouth off and curse god and of course he only has a following because there's a bunch of other idiots that follow him I mean the guy is scum he doesn't contribute anything to society all he does is just blow off his mouth and say foolish nonsense he's not helping families he's not helping young people he's not encouraging marriage he's not helping people work hard all he does is just attack churches he's not building a church you know and the stupid thing about atheism is if atheism was even true the worst thing you could ever do is convince everybody else that atheism is true because the only thing holding back everybody from killing you and raping you and doing everything else is their belief in Christianity their belief in the Bible why would I want to convince to everybody like you can hurt me and take all my money and there's no consequences of that that is the dumb thing to convince everybody of I mean if you want to destroy society go for it I mean if you were an atheist the worst thing you could do is tell other people you just keep that to yourself and let everybody else be dumb you know let everybody else be following all the laws of god while you live the superior life the problem is you don't have a superior life you have nothing to show for it I mean where is Hemet Mehta's all his wonderful children that he has modeled for us where's all the atheists that are raising families of 8, 10, 12 children to follow and carry on their name that are great contributors to society of course when these atheists even have kids they're typically even worse than them because they're raised by an atheist and they typically have all kinds of serious issues drug addiction, adultery, filled with all kinds of diseases, just morons just destroying themselves and if you're the exception to that great but you know virtually every atheist is destroying his entire life and lineage look at Proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 that's why cultures don't really typically exist that are atheists and if they do they're destroyed quickly I mean what successful nation throughout history has been atheist all of the nations of the world are religious all the great nations you know have some form of religion Proverbs chapter 20 look at verse 1 wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise how are you going to escape that you know drinking alcohol makes you stupid and you look stupid and there's nothing cool about it go to 2 Peter chapter 2 go all the way back I've already preached on 1 Corinthians chapter 11 but you know the Bible gives us the right idea about our lifestyle and of course the sodomite disgusting filthy animals they are described in the Bible as being filthy and it's because they literally are 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 7 again the Bible says and delivered just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked the word conversation is a little bit older word for lifestyle go to Jude 1 just flip the page to the right Jude 1 and look at verse number 8 likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh notice that the Bible calls them filthy in both 2 Peter and in Jude yet so many Christians won't even bring that word up you know how they're so much more filthy is because they get HIV I was looking at the CDC this is what it says I just typed in like CDC homo's aids you know that was like the trinity of word search and the first thing that pops up CDC article and I just looked at one of the first paragraphs this is what it says and I'm going to censor the words of hair but I'm going to say what it says gay bi and other men who reported men to men contact are disproportionately affected by HIV I mean that's not coming from steadfast baptism this is coming from the CDC they're saying homo's get aids they get HIV way more than straight people in fact they did they kind of broke it down into a couple categories of all new diagnosis is 68% are sodomite men specifically 68 when they looked at it from a young person perspective 13 years old to 24 years old which is how sick and depraved our culture is they even have 13 as a number there 84% are coming from just strictly sodomite men 84% of all new diagnosis and then I was looking at another website that was one of the top results and it says this the myth that only gay people get HIV is dangerous because it may encourage straight people to avoid protecting themselves because they falsely believe that they can't get the virus well let me tell you something you know what me and my wife are never going to give each other HIV so you know what I'm not worried about my wife or me getting HIV from that whereas sodomites give that to each other regularly all the time so they say hey this is a dangerous thing because pastor Shelly isn't afraid of getting HIV you're right here's their second reason why it's so dangerous it may also contribute to discrimination against gay people I'm like these are great oh man we can't tell everybody that only homos are getting AIDS because then they'll realize only homos are getting AIDS that was the point of the sentence because if they're the only ones getting it then straight people aren't worried about it and you're going to discriminate against people getting AIDS because it's gross and filthy and disgusting and nobody wants AIDS because if there was a straight person bleeding and there was a sodomite bleeding one's going to make me more afraid of the other you know obviously I don't want anyone's blood but you really don't want someone with sodomite blood you know that's why when people go and they need a blood transfusion they want to know the source they want to say hey is this coming from a sodomite? Is this coming from someone that had the COVID jab? You know that's real. Is this coming from you know even hospitals are starting to recognize like we can't be giving babies this like COVID jab blood because it's going to cause clots and kill these babies or there's even been vice versa where parents realize they don't want that and then the babies die because the hospitals refuse to give them good blood and you know when it comes to these sodomites usually the same people they're probably filled with the COVID jab and AIDS because they'll put anything in their body the filthy animal the disgusting perverts and freaks I mean when you do what they do there's nothing that's off the table for them animals and everything else Go to Romans chapter 1 that's when we're finished not only this these disgusting filthy people are predators so they're not just filthy physically they're filthy in their mind and I looked up some more statistics even on a pro-med article so this is not Christian pubmed where they just basically allow only the verified doctors to even publish on this type of stuff they had an article where they said that homosexuals are disproportionately child molesters now their statistics were still favorable for them but even after they they changed all the neighbors and the names they did the best that they possibly could they still came to the conclusion well you still have to admit homos are 50 times more likely to be a predator there are 50, not 50, 50% more likely in this pubmed article now according to actual decent research there's a Christian family research council or something that puts out stats they looked at all the different statistics and they noticed that 33% of all pedophilic acts were done by a sodomite so 33% of the acts done are by a sodomite or sodomite type act when they're only making up 2-5% of the population they even said that they're 16 times more likely to be a pedophile 16 times more likely another thing is that they're almost always men because they did a study where they found 3,000 pedophiles that have been convicted and put in prison only 12 of them were women out of 3,000 only 12 were actually women and of course they're hurting all kinds of people in Germany there was a research done about the Catholic Church specifically and from 1946 to 2014 there's been over 3,600 reported victims by the clergy by the priests of course we realize that this is a spiritual problem these people are filthy in their mind why is it that these people are related to the false prophet? why is it that Sodom and Gomorrah is being brought up in the same passage as the false prophet and the false teacher? because it's the same person and why is it that the Catholic Church has such a serious problem with this? it's because the false prophets are often given over to these reprobate minds and they hurt children and of course they're filled with all kinds of diseases and they can't get around it you know if being a sodomite is so natural then why is it that they're constantly getting diseases and straight people aren't? you know the only way for a straight person to get this disease is from a blood transfusion, drug needles being shared or for them to be attacked by one of these sodomite freaks or something like that and of course sometimes women who are too stupid to realize that they're lying with a guy that's a sodomite they sometimes can get these diseases as well but straight men, when you look at the statistics on people getting HIV and AIDS it is like, it's like sodomite men, drug users, women who sleep with sodomite men and then it's just like some other category and you know what's not even, doesn't even make the chart straight men it's like straight men and you know it should also be women that are straight, you know going with only straight men it's like there's like zero chance of getting these filthy AIDS diseases and you know there's zero percent chance of me ever being a pedophile because I'm saved and I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and I like Lot and Vex with the filthy conversation of the wicked on a regular basis but the point of the sermon is this no matter how depraved and disgusting our society gets and those people get, they still have to recognize the Lord Jesus Christ because you can't escape God and if these people are subject to his reality then we ourselves should subject ourselves to the reality of Christianity you know we're celebrating the Lord's birth this morning and there's atheists celebrating it and they don't even realize but let us not get to a point where the whole world celebrates Jesus on accident let us be the people that celebrate him on purpose and of course they know they're going to hell because it says in Romans 1 32 that knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death they know they know they're going to hell they know right from wrong they know there's only two genders they know there's only seven days in a week they know that Jesus Christ is coming back they know we're righteous and they know they're wicked they know that we love children and they know they molest children we already know all of it and you know what they also know today is Christmas and so this is what I have to say to them Merry Christmas you filthy animals alright let's close the prayer thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the word of God and giving us truth and giving us the light I pray that we would never we would never just fall away from Christianity we wouldn't stop worshipping you and being focused on the things that you've given us I mean you've already given us all the truth and all the wisdom and all the information and we can even see the most God hating person can recognize Jesus and realizes who he is and realizes his laws and realizes the Bible how much more should we as Christians believe the entire Bible believe every single verse I pray that you would challenge all of us to be more like Christ and for us to be more convicted to follow God's word and His law every single day this year to the bitter end in Jesus' name we pray Amen so I'm gonna they're gonna play an interlude we're gonna pass out candles and then once they're all passed out we're gonna sing 431 Silent Night Holy Night so you want to turn there and help your kids get a candle now it might be a little dark in here once we start but we're gonna wait until everybody's got their candles passed out and then I'll let everybody know I'll be right back you you you you okay so whenever whenever I whenever we start the song the lights are gonna go off so don't run out of the building or do something weird and I'll I'm gonna light my candle first and then I need two of you ushers down here I'm gonna give them their light they're gonna come down the aisle and they're gonna just basically light the first person on each row and then you as the person on that row you need to then share with the person sitting next to you until you get it all the way down on the row so you guys you guys ready so I'll light mine and then I'll light my two ushers and then they're gonna go down the line and they're gonna light each row and each row is gonna be responsible to light each others okay so we'll go ahead and dim the lights and we'll start oh silent night holy night all is gone all is bright crown yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace silent night holy night shepherds quake at the sight glories stream from heaven afar heavenly hosts sing Alleluia Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born silent night holy night Son of God loves your life radiant beams from thy holy face with the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, born at thy birth Jesus, Lord at thy birth silent night holy night wondrous star lend thy light with the angels let us sing Alleluia to our King Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born God bless your dismiss, Merry Christmas you