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was with him of life and peace and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me and was afraid before my name the law of truth was in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips he walked with me in peace and equity and did turn away and did turn many away from iniquity for the priests lips should keep knowledge and they should seek the law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts but ye are departed out of the way you have caused many to stumble at the law you have corrupted the covenant of Levi sayeth the Lord of hosts therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people according as he have not kept my ways but have been partial in the law have we not all one father hath not one God created us why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother by profaning the covenant of our fathers Judah hath dealt treacherously and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved and hath married the daughter of a strange God the Lord will cut off the man that do with this the master and the scholar out of the tabernacles of Jacob and him that offerth an offering unto the Lord of hosts and this have you done again covering the altar of the Lord with tears with weeping and with crying out insomuch that he regardeth not the offering anymore or regardeth it with good will at your hand yet ye say wherefore because the Lord hath been witnessed between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou hast dealt treacherously yet is she thy companion and the wife of thy covenant it did not he make one yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one that he might seek a godly seed therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth for the Lord the God of Israel saith that he hateth putting away for one covereth violence with his garment saith the Lord of hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that ye deal not treacherously ye have wearied the Lord with your words yet ye say wherein have we wearied him when you say everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord and you delighteth in them or where is the God of judgment let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father god we thank you for malachi chapter two and i pray that you just enable pastor shelly to go over this chapter to the best of his ability with us and i pray also lord that you help us to shine in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation we love you and in jesus name i pray amen amen so we're picking back up in our bible study on malachi chapter number two and just as kind of a little bit of reminder um the book of malachi kind of starts off with a pretty clear negative message um if you just look at chapter one verse one it says the burden of the word of lord to israel so you have to understand the context of malachi is not really necessarily a positive message god is definitely upset with israel about a lot of different issues and in chapter one um we talked about how they kind of just despised the service of god they didn't really enjoy the things of god they weren't offering their best sacrifices they were offering the lame they're um kind of talking poorly about the lord saying that serving the lord doesn't really benefit them and it's contemptible and so you just kind of see there's a lot of disdain towards the things of god the people aren't taking the service of god very seriously and in chapter two he transitions a little bit from just being broadly about the children of israel to the priest specifically so he's dialing it in and he's wanting to talk about the leadership at that time which would be the priest and he says in verse one and now oh ye priests this commandment is for you so he gets really specific that this is talking about the priesthood says in verse two if you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart to give glory unto my name say the lord of hosts i will even send a curse upon you and i will curse your blessings yea i have cursed them already because you do not lay it to heart now one thing that's you know you have to understand is as a priest it doesn't really matter what the country or the populace is doing you as a priest are still supposed to give glory to god and so you know you can see certain men struggle with this you have like jeremiah jeremiah is a prophet and he is supposed to honor god and preach the word of god but the people at that time just don't want to i mean the people don't want to harken on jeremiah they don't want to listen and you know it's not jeremiah's fault for the people not responding to the preaching but you know what would be jeremiah's fault for him holding back on the preaching and we see this as a common temptation of the priest to kind of hold back on the preaching of god's word to not deliver the message to not say what needs to be said because of how people respond to it because of the culture that they're in and ultimately what they're not doing is they're not giving glory unto god's name now we could take a couple applications of this number one according to the bible we're a royal priesthood in the new testament so what that actually means is that we are all priests in some capacity and i could see how in our culture and in our today that there's very few christians who are wanting to give glory unto god's name because of the fact that it's not popular because of the fact that there's uh it's kind of there's been a culture shift and being christian is not necessarily as honorable as it's been in the past it's not as popular as it's been in the past there's maybe a little bit more persecution than there has been and i'm talking about in the very recent past not necessarily all throughout history of course there's been times where persecution has been much more intense than americans have ever felt okay but i'm just saying in general in the 50s 60s and 70s you're probably not going to see as much opposition for preaching the things of god as you may today in 2023 america and so you can see that a lot of christians may have a temptation not to give glory unto god not to praise his name not to lift him up not to celebrate the things of god for fear of being ostracized being ostracized at work being ostracized by their family by their friends by telling people yeah i go to church three times a week they might be afraid to even say that why because they don't want to oh three times a week oh what are you doing and they just but doesn't that give some glory to god when you say like i go to church three times a week and when you say you know what i do like reading the bible or people say hey what do you think would be a good idea to do and it's like well the bible says this it's like oh you always gotta bring up the bible and it's like yeah because the best wisdom comes from the bible well what do you think you should do in this situation well here's a sermon from somebody i like oh you always like what's the bible says or what a pastor says and it's like yeah you know what do you want me to give you jordan peterson what do you what do you need dr phil is that is that what you're kind of looking for we're looking at joel osteen book i mean you know what is it that you're looking for do you want a witch doctor to do a seance for you i mean you know sometimes i think christians are afraid of being christian and they don't really want to give glory into god's name and that makes god upset because you know he's not really expecting today for joe biden to be giving glory to jesus he's not expecting for all these unsaved you know non-christians to be giving glory unto jesus name but you know he does expect christians the royal priesthood the chosen nation those of us that are actually saved we are the ones that are supposed to be the ones giving him honor and giving him glory and what does he say he says when the priest won't do that what does he do to them he curses them that's pretty extreme i mean on one side you think like well i don't want to be embarrassed in front of my friends or i don't want to be ostracized but it's like on one side it's a little bit of potential shame from the world versus cursing from god it's like i know which one i would prefer right i'd rather god be blessing me and not be cursed of god and have the world not really like me that much rather than having the world still not like me just maybe make fun of me less and then be cursed of god right i mean that's really what's on the table that's the real equation that we're looking at i just think a lot of christians kind of forget this and i think this chapter it kind of is trying to peel back uh our our the the film over our eyes the the the dullness of our of our eyesight as to where we kind of just have this view of like god's just pleased with everything i'm doing or just pleased with me and starting to realize like you know what god's not necessarily pleased with everything that i'm doing god's not just automatically pleased with christians because they're christians and you know let's take it a step further god's not just automatically pleased with you because you're in the new ifb or because you go to steadfast baptist church or because you go soul winning you know just because you do some things right doesn't just automatically make it to where god's just happy with everything you're doing and delighting in you regularly you know we have to we have to examine ourselves a little bit more than just some on the on the surface type things here and you know it notice that it says he's cursed them because they do not lay it to heart well he's saying you need to be taking your job seriously and you know ask yourself this question do you take christianity seriously are you taking your walk with god and your relationship with the lord jesus christ and your job as an ambassador of christ are you taking that seriously do you say you know what i do need to read my bible today because i'm a christian because i'm a representative of jesus christ and i need to remind it what the bible says today you know are you taking your opportunities in life to make sure that when you're presented with the temptation of sin are you saying no to sin or do you find yourself constantly giving in to the sins that you are in habit you just i have these habitual sins and i just don't even make i just no progress just you know just same thing just every day just constantly lying the same times and stealing the same times and doing things that i shouldn't do you know we should take it serious and say you know what i need to improve myself i need to work on this i need to make a difference right taking church seriously taking soul winning seriously taking every aspect of your christian life seriously taking being a husband seriously taking being a father seriously taking being a child seriously you know being a good child you know we need to take it to heart and lay it to heart hey i'm a priest of god here i have a i have a really important job and i need to take my christianity very seriously and notice he's going to curse them because they won't they won't take their job seriously and they're not taking it to heart i mean isn't it frustrating to you now in 2023 america when you go to any restaurant and the they just basically don't even take their job seriously anymore i mean customer service in this country it just feels like no one cares anymore at all i mean you ask them a question they're like i don't know i don't care or i'll get to you later or now it's like cool for them to just basically blow off the customer and think like the customers are bad or something like that you work with other people and they're lazy on the job they're not taking things seriously they they sell defective products to the customer they take shortcuts they steal from their employer they show up late they don't wear the right dress code you know and that sloppiness doesn't just irritate you but then it's like god is looking down from heaven and looking at you being a sloppy christian and he's saying like well how is it any different when the guy at mcdonald's doesn't take his job seriously and you as a christian aren't taking your job seriously and how much more is it important for you to take your job seriously than the guy at the fast food restaurant and i mean man it would be like a miracle if you ever ordered fast food and they actually got your order right it'd be a miracle if they got your order right and quick like actually fast food it'd be a miracle if they got your order right it was quick and it tasted good you know i mean that trifecta is like out the window isn't it and it seems like today people just aren't taking life seriously they're not taking their job seriously they're not taking themselves seriously and you know if there's anything to take serious it's christianity we should take our christianity seriously and we need to lay it to our heart and and realize that it's not even just a well i just want to take it seriously so i can get that extra award it's like he's saying i'm going to curse you because you're not doing it too you know god's pretty extreme and how he deals with us it's like when you do right extreme blessing and prosperity and favor and all this stuff and then it's like when you don't it's like cursing and you know he's gonna really attack that that area of your life that needs it i mean when he talks about uh in john chapter 15 when you're not abiding in the vine i mean he talks about pruning or just cutting you out i mean you know god deals pretty harshly with his own people and it's a fearful thing to fall in the hands of a living god i mean we shouldn't take god lightly and of course i'm preaching to the choir a little bit on wednesday night but you know what you need to be reminded of why you're even here and you know maybe you're here just like you're like i don't even know why i'm here like why did i come on wednesday night well you know what you need to say like i'm here because i'm going to take christianity serious because i'm laying it to heart that my christianity is important it's important for god you say why is it important to give glory unto him you know you shouldn't be here for anyone other than jesus did you realize that like you say well why do i have to go to steadfast baptist church you don't have to go to step as baptist church but you need to go somewhere to glorify god and i'll tell you what the pentecostal church down the street that's five minutes from your house wasn't going to be glorifying god even though you showed up okay so you got to go somewhere that's at least going to be within god's delight and then within there you're not going for the church or for the pastor or for someone your friend you should be going for god and to give him glory you know why is it that we sing three songs before we even get in the preaching it's not because we're just training you to be a professional singer here most of you won't cut it i'm just sorry but you know you know what you know why we're singing we're singing to give glory to god and you know you shouldn't just sit here and just uh why am i here i wonder what the game's you know it's game can i play chess right now you know it's like look that's embarrassing if you're in church and you're playing games on your phone while you're in church like that's not laying it to heart when you're not even taking church that seriously when you're not even coming for the right reasons you know you're taking a nap look it's not nearly as comfortable to nap here as it is at home okay and i get it look i could fall asleep anywhere all right and i've grown up i had family members that would sleep in church almost every single time and i'm not talking about kids i'm talking about grown adults okay it's embarrassing why why go to church to take a nap folks you know and do you really think do you really think that encourages the preacher do you really think that you know brother brother aus when he finally gets an opportunity to come here to preach and y'all are taking a nap while he's preaching it's like that's not that's not cool you know just don't even come if you're going to take a nap right and look i get it some people have like really tough jobs they work nights and whatever and it's going to be harder on those people and i'm not i'm not trying to shame you for having a harder schedule but at the same time it's like take christianity seriously though right take your job seriously because you know if it was really important to you you wouldn't nap if it was the world series or it was the super bowl or whatever you're not going to be taking a nap during the middle of it you're going to be laser locked in focus you know if you have to have a snack or whatever you have to go jump in an ice cold shower whatever you have to do like you would do it just to enjoy that experience right and so you know we should take that same kind of care and earnest for the church for the things of god and you never know when it'll be an exciting you know church service or not sometimes it isn't sometimes it's really fun right you know you didn't know if this sermon is going to turn into a prop sermon with dung here in the next verse spread in people's faces no i'm just kidding my wife says like i don't know if i like props but this one would be an interesting one you know look at verse three it says behold i will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces even the dung of your solemn feast and one shall take you away with it now that's a pretty extreme example that god's metaphor that god's kind of using here obviously it's not literal in the sense that god wasn't literally spreading dung in anybody's face but he's trying to use this metaphor to give you an idea of how upset he is and i mean imagine imagine how degrading it would be imagine how humiliating it would be for your boss to walk in at you at work and literally just pick up feces and just smear it on your face and say this is how i feel about your work today this is what i think about your effort on the job like that would be pretty embarrassing that would be pretty humiliating for your boss to literally spread dung on your face but you know what that's what he's saying about these priests of the old testament and he's saying you guys what you're doing is in my opinion equivalent to just spreading dung in someone's face and he's saying i'm going to corrupt your seed that's an extreme punishment he's saying like not only am i going to curse you your children are going to suffer as a result of this too and you know sometimes we don't realize that by us not serving god or taking christianity seriously we're not hurting just ourselves we're also in many cases hurting our children as well and by you taking church lightly it could cause your children to take the things of god lightly and unfortunately in many cases your children will sometimes even go a little bit more extreme than you were you know you do things in moderation they'll do things in extremity so you take church lightly then they may go to joel osteen's church or just not even go to church in the future just because you just weren't very serious you weren't very zealous and let's face it folks most of the time when you read about people in the bible the sons often zeal is a little bit lower than their dads and in many cases you know especially if it wasn't even someone that was that great the sons can be really bad you know you look at david david zeal and then solomon you know solomon at first kind of starts out hot but like he kind of ends pretty rough and you could kind of see how it seems like the zeal kind of knocked down a little bit but then look at where it goes from solomon to ray of bowen like whoa that's a big jump and then you kind of have like a reciprocating situation in the kings of juda where it's just kind of like kind of good bad kind of good bad and this is kind of like alternates but you know you don't really even see that many people or hardly anybody having the zeal of david again do you i mean you don't really see that king of david or or even a solomon later down the line you have a couple guys that do pretty good i mean you have hezekiah and you have josiah and they they do some right but even they are kind of a mixed bag even they have their issues and their shortcomings and their and their failings and it just kind of seems like a consistent theme you know you have moses great joshua did pretty good but then after that it's just like you know gideon and then his sons it's like you know just kind of like this wave and so it's really important if you want your children to actually be successful that you have to take your life very seriously you have to take things uh you know you know very carefully be very careful lay it to heart and otherwise it could corrupt your seed even and notice it says he's going to spread the dung of your solemn feast you know solemn means that it's serious that it's sober you know it's kind of a quiet thing or you're taking it with caution or care sometimes it's considered kind of a sad it could be you know in a context of something that's kind of sad or your take but again it's really serious he's saying they're taking these things very seriously they're feasts and he still doesn't like it why because you know god's not that interested as much in our physical emotions as it is our hearts meaning that god isn't happy just because your physical body showed up at church today you know god god doesn't want church attendance to be your body physically being present he wants your heart to be in it and god is more pleased when your heart is in it than your physical body and in some cases you know even when i brought up hezekiah i believe i'm accurate here but it was hezekiah where they were going to perform the passover but they hadn't cleansed themselves and so they ended up just doing it anyways and then he asked for a pardon and says lord you know just pardon them because their heart was right and then he ends up partying and it's like god is more pleased with the people that didn't follow the instructions correctly but their heart was right than the guy that took it solemnly and had it was completely cleansed physically but his heart wasn't even in it he wasn't even doing the passover he didn't even care you know and and the same would be with church that there's some people they show up religiously and they are physically present but in their heart and in their mind they're not there and you know what god doesn't really god's not really pleased with that god doesn't really care about that that much god care i mean think about how many people are devoted catholics and they're physically present doing all these works physically but they're not even saved their heart's not even in the things of god they don't even care about the things of god and god's not pleased with that person it's not about how serious you take something it's about doing things that are honest and with integrity and according to god's word you know you've heard you can hear this phrase they're sincere but they're sincerely wrong and here's the thing being sincerely wrong god's not like well at least you're sincere he doesn't care in fact you just shouldn't be sincerely wrong you shouldn't be wrong because he gave us the clear commandments and you know this particular chapter is really dealing with the idea of what is right and what is wrong not you know well i tried well i gave him my best effort you know god doesn't really care about you giving effort towards the wrong thing he wants you to just do the right thing and he wants you to have the right heart and the right attitude otherwise you know your service to god can end up being like dung upon your face and let's be honest a many christian services and many churches today are literally their services are like dung upon face i mean these churches that are having movies shown at their church service that is done folks there's no other there's no other way to word it i mean these services where you're getting a 10 minute 15 minute sermon and it's not even from the bible it's not even teaching anything worthwhile you know it's just done there's many worship songs that in my opinion they're just done because they're just kind of worthless and it doesn't matter that people are singing their heart out it doesn't matter that they're screaming and waving their hands and doing with juking and jiving it's just done because you know what it's not with their heart being serious or the things of god and you know what we need to make sure that our hearts are right with god because that's the thing that really matters look at verse 4 and you shall know that i have sent this commandment unto you that my covenant might be with levi sayeth the lord of hosts my covenant was with him of life and peace and i gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me and was afraid before my name he's saying i gave the commandments to levi because levi actually feared me and you know it kind of makes me think of it this way it's like we get saved by grace but then he gives us the commandments because we feared him and it's like you know we don't uh make void the law yay we established the law and the thing is is people act like oh well you're giving people license to sin but it it's it's complete opposite the people who believe in the freest salvation live the strictest lives don't they and they care the most about the law and they care most about the commandments and you know he was giving the commandments unto the levites because they feared him and who fears them the most the people that got saved the people that were humble enough to trust in him and put their faith in jesus christ they're the ones that feared him and then he gave them the commandments to show them how to truly fear the lord how to truly be pleasing in his sight how to truly do the works and the service of god verse 6 the law of truth was in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips he walked with me in peace and equity and did turn many away from iniquity for the priest's lips should keep knowledge and they should seek the law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the lord of hosts this is really important because it's saying the priest is one who should be kind of three different things here he should have the law of truth in his mouth he should keep knowledge and people are seeking the law at his mouth what is the priest doing he's giving the law he's got the law of truth he's keeping knowledge so it's like when people come to you and you say hey this is what the bible says this is what the law of god says you know that's what a faithful priest is supposed to do why why is it though that many people are not preaching this or not acting like this or not saying these things it's because very few people want to know the truth very few people want to know the truth and you know even this chapter we're going to get into a few things but you should desire to know what's right and what the truth is no matter how much it may hurt your feelings no matter how much how uncomfortable it may make you feel because of your prior decisions your past who you are or where you find yourself just like a perfect mirror is going to give you an exact replication of what you really look like this is what we should want in the bible this is what we should want and seek for we shouldn't want to look for a clown mirror or we shouldn't look for a painting of somebody else and say like oh this i didn't know i looked this good you know it's like but that's not a mirror that's a painting of somebody else right you should want a perfect representation of what you look like you know and not like the mirror at the restaurant where it's all dark and you just kind of like look good because it's like dark no you want that bright mirror with the bright lights and the white light and then you can see it's like oh man it's kind of rough you know or i've got this issue or i got this thing i need to fix so i got this thing i got to work on you know we should seek for that we should seek for knowing how we really look what is when god looks at me what does he really see if i want to please god what i would want to know is exactly what's true exactly what's right exactly what god said and do it exactly as god said but a lot of people today they're just not interested in knowing what's really right they're not interested in knowing what's really true because they're afraid of how ugly they're going to look but you know what it's better to know so that you can fix it because here's the thing if i don't look in a mirror it doesn't change how ugly i am right if i if i've got something going on in my face that's really ugly me not looking in the mirror doesn't change the fact that that's how i look right me looking in the mirror and recognizing it and saying wow maybe i should make a change that could then help me right so the truth will never hurt you in the sense that it's not going to cause any kind of damage to you but it could hurt your feelings right it could it could cause you to like you didn't realize you looked that way and then you're like whoa you know it's kind of like the scale sometimes you've been eating and you've been avoiding the scale you know what i mean but the scale is not going to hurt you the scale is not going to come out and like punch you in the face or something right but what could happen is eventually you're like you know what i'm gonna go step on that scale and you're like this thing's broken you know obviously this is not accurate but you know never stepping on the scale doesn't give you an a chance to improve right you may think like oh wow i am a lot more overweight than i thought i need to fix that right that's this is an issue there's a problem here and i should work on this potentially i should try to improve in this area and the same is with the law of god the same is with church you know why show up on wednesday night it's not to get a pat on the back it's to put yourself on the scale it's to hold up a mirror and just kind of see okay what's going on and you know as a priest you know one other application just beyond just say christians is kind of similar to pastors pastors as a as a pastor as a preacher or someone that's delivering god's word what does the bible say you are the messenger of the lord so you're not to get up and deliver your message you're to get up and deliver his message and you're supposed to get up and just show the mirror of god's word and and show people what they really look like and not to hold back not to decide you know what they're not going to really like it if i tell them this you know it's the proverbial your wife says do i look fat in this dress okay and it's it's kind of like a no win in marriage and you know in marriage i'm not recommending being a pastor you know in this context you should just i just avoid these questions you know the bible says avoid foolish questions say you always look beautiful okay well that's not answer the question exactly right there's some trap questions in this world you don't have to answer them okay all right but you know as a pastor you don't get the skate you don't get to just ignore the question you just have to answer the question you know do i look fat in this and then you just have to answer it okay and and you know this is what pastors and preachers and men of god should be why why do they not want to do it for the same reason right they don't want to make people uncomfortable upset them cause them to be mad at them you know lose people you're going to lose people if you preach the bible but you know what you're going to lose people you don't you're always going to lose people so you might as well just preach what you're supposed to preach anyways you know and if you're jeremiah and you have to preach to a reprobate crowd then do it with all your might right and if you get to be a josiah and you get to be someone that gathers a lot of people or a david you know then do it right but if you're going to be the man of god if you're going to be the preacher if you're going to be the pastor you better just say what the bible says and not hold back this is what causes god to get very angry look at verse 8 but you are departed out of the way you have caused many to stumble at the law you have corrupted the covenant of levi saith the lord of hosts therefore have i also made you contemptible and base before all the people according as you have not kept my ways but have been partial in my in the law so according to the bible he's going to end up making the priest's base and you know i see that in america today where many of the preachers and pastors of america are some of the worst and the scummiest people aren't they i mean kenneth copeland is just a loser folks and you know he's just he's just making so many people like dumb people pastors now and people have no integrity no talent they commit some of the worst sins they're greedy and he just kind of made you know the preachers and the these people just some of the worst of the worst and you know what it's a shame why because they're not preaching the whole council of god they're not preaching all the bible and you know unfortunately it just kind of made it where christianity is kind of a joke like the world makes fun of christianity because of tv preachers why because even even the world can recognize these guys are a joke these guys are silly they're not they're not people to be feared you know the world has a harder time making fun of men that have integrity and actually believe the bible and preach it with conviction you know they'll do it and they'll attack them i get it you know what they end up respecting them it's kind of like uh john the baptist and harrod harrod he kind of like wanted to hear john the baptist preach he kind of respected him because he knew he was legit you know and it's also kind of like the king of israel and the king of judo when they're seeking for a man of god to tell them and they get all these guys to be like oh go and prosper and he's like isn't there a man of god besides you know isn't there like a real preacher somewhere that we can ask and there's like well there's this one guy makaya but you know like i hate his preaching you know why because he never says anything positive and it'd be like biden it'd be like what does pastor shelly say positive about biden let's go brandon that's about the most positive thing i've said about him you know and it's like he wouldn't he wouldn't want me to come around but you know what it's it's it's a shame and a mockery when the men of god are the worst sinners are the greediest losers people that don't even have any kind of education they don't even know what the bible says they're ignorant of the scripture they don't actually uh practice what they preach and you know it's just a shame and embarrassment to christianity and to god when that's what christianity is when the vast majority of christianity is just this fake garbage prosperity preaching word of faith movement snake handling junk you know just makes christianity look bad and we need more priests we need more men of god that are willing to actually do what the bible says and make christianity respectable again you know not for our sake for god's sake for the lord's sake for his name's sake you know we're supposed to be the ambassadors of christ you know how embarrassing it is when america all the ambassadors that are sent out are trannies right oh what's america like here's a tranny to tell you what america is like here's a transvestite to represent america here's michael obama i mean sorry michelle i said it like brock did that one time it's like how is that you know not an embarrassment when that's who's representing us you know and of course you know olympics used to be a big thing and you know for some countries if you go on the national stage in the olympics and you fail or you you kind of embarrass the country sometimes they'll kill you or they'll put you in prison just because it's like you know it's such an embarrassing thing for you to be this representative of our country on the national stage and then you embarrass us like this you know there's a harsh and strict punishment you know what god feels the same way when we are christians on the national stage on the world stage representing christ and then we aren't even willing to take things seriously it's like when christians get asked like what do you think about homosexuality oh you know jesus didn't say anything about it what what are you talking about well you know homosexuality is a sin what verse i don't know you know it's like no you should be like leviticus 2013 i'm ready to quote it right now hey it's on my shirt hey i've got a dvd for you hey i've got a poster for you right it's like that should be the attitude why would you be embarrassed of your lord and savior's own words of your cap you know well i know this is what you know our boss said this is what i think you know how presumptuous are you when you have a better idea or better way to word things than god than our boss you know that's that's the real embarrassment verse 10 the bible says have we not all one father have not one god created us why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother by profaning the covenant of our fathers judath dealt treacherously and an abomination is committed in israel and in jerusalem for judath profaned the holiness of the lord which he loved and hath married the daughter of a strange god the lord will cut off the man that doeth this the master and the scholar out of the tabernacles of jacob and him that offerth an offering under the lord of hosts so he's saying look we all have the same god yet people are dealing treacherously against god breaking covenants and dealing treacherously by committing abominations they're literally going after false religion marrying false religion with his religion you know this kind of makes me think of roman catholicism mixing pagan religion with christianity and you're just getting a completely strange god at that point you're getting a false god you're getting a false religion catholicism is not christianity it's a perversion it's a it's a completely different religion and it's a false religion you know and it's a shame when the priests drive the religion that you have into a completely different religion into a completely different ideology and they just kind of destroy these things he says he's going to destroy them and the master and the scholar and cause them to just be completely dumb make fun of them keep your finger and go to first committee chapter number five and i mean honestly that that makes me think of these quote church fathers many times you know you look at the christian church fathers but many of these masters and scholars are complete imbeciles when it comes to christian doctrine they believe really dumb things they believe really silly things things that don't make any sense infant baptism i mean what a stupid ideology how about just the doctrine of mary altrey where they literally think that mary is this perfect virgin that's never sinned nowhere in the bible the bible says for all of sin and comes short of the glory of god why did she even have to offer an offering after she gave birth to jesus christ and she's perfect you know that doesn't really fit and then when it literally says that he has brothers and sisters they're like oh those are just cousins why don't you fix your bible then but they won't fix that they literally pray to mary they have statues of mary i mean god is saying have no other gods before me and not make any graven image these are like the top two commandments in the bible and then they're literally bringing in giant graven images of a mary and worshiping it oh i'm not worshiping it i'm i'm kneeling down and praying to it that's called worshiping it well but it's it's it's false religion it's wicked and it's stupid i love those videos where they're carrying it down the aisle and then they stumble and then it just falls and shatters like they're false gods or whatever it just breaks like their fish god dagon or whatever just their head just like bam you know and it just shatters that's just funny it's funny because of how stupid these people are and he's saying i'm gonna take your master and your scholar and i'm gonna make them worship a little woman image how embarrassing for a grown man to bow down to a statue of a woman talk about effeminate talk about just ridiculous right and he's just saying look i'm gonna just completely annihilate you you know he said this to jeremiah that if jeremiah would not preach the word of god then he would confound him before them and you know this is a warning to us and to the pastors out there that know what the bible says to not be partial because what could be the punishment god could cause you to just become a complete fool and a complete idiot and start believing really dumb things and start sounding like a complete idiot look at first timothy chapter number five kind of towards the latter portion of this chapter it's bringing up just some different commandments it says in verse number uh let's look at verse 21 i charge thee therefore i'm sorry i charge thee before god and the lord jesus christ and the elect angels that they observe these things without preferring one before another doing nothing by partiality now this is clearly you know instructions given to a pastor to a leader in the church and he's saying look i'm telling you before god and the lord jesus christ and all of the angels for all of them you better do everything that the bible says and not hold back and of course why would you ever hold back because you don't want to do it because it's not popular do nothing by partiality whatever the bible says do it if the bible says kick your best friend out of church you kick your best friend out of church if the bible says rebuke them sharply then you rebuke them sharply if the bible says give them grace and mercy and forgiveness then you give them grace and forgiveness and you give them mercy right it doesn't matter what your personal feelings are it doesn't matter what you have to do where you have to go if the bible says to be an evangelist do the do the work of an evangelist then you do the work of evangelist whether you want to or not you know if the bible says he that swereth his own hurt and changeth not and you've sworn you know what you don't change to your own hurt right keep your promises keep your integrity do what the bible says love your wives be not bitter against them preach the word be instant in season out of season you know we need men of god that are not going to be partial because when you're partial god will make you look like an idiot god is giving you the opportunity to look wise you have to do all of it and he gives you the opportunity to look like an idiot when you start skipping stuff when you start messing up stuff when you start deciding not to do certain things he'll confound you he'll cause you to have lots of problems and you know look at the next verses lay hands suddenly on no man neither be partaker of other men's sins keep thyself pure look we're supposed to keep ourselves pure and we keep ourselves pure by doing everything not just being partial not just picking the parts of the bible that we like hey i really like soul winning so i'm gonna do that what about the other stuff i don't want to do that go to church you know respect respect pastors no i don't want to do that you know love your wife i would if i had a good one you know be a good husband be a good father yeah my kids are brats you know work hard at the job well i would if i had a good job you wouldn't if you had a good job you wouldn't have you had a good spouse you wouldn't have you had good show you know that attitude just shows us what you're really like anyways and you know the person that says well i really like the part of the bible that i'm doing good and i like okay good i'm glad you like the part that you like how about the parts that you don't like you know there's going to be things in christianity that you don't want to do you know what the bible says doing nothing impartiality you know and not just you know with the laying hands suddenly this is like ordination but it's like don't just you don't want to be in a church where they're just ordaining people like hotcakes or something you know and because again if you if you're hasty in a matter it's not going to really pan out you know you want to take your time know people be serious about it vet them talk to them test them prove them make sure that they don't have some issue that you're going to have a problem with down the road it's like i'd rather ask all the uncomfortable questions now then have to have the uncomfortable question the uncomfortable conversation afterwards and be like oh wow if i had known that then i would have never obtained you you know i would have never want to put you in that position right and obviously anybody can make mistakes but he's saying look don't be a partaker of his sin don't end up you know ordaining some bozo and then you know scarring your reputation by having that bozo as be someone that you kind of uh have to take credit for you know be careful and who you ordain be careful and who you lay hands on be careful and who you set up in the next spot and who takes over for you you know and this is important you know don't do anything partially like well i just really like this guy you know i'm not going to ordain people just because i like them in fact it has no bearing on whether or not i would ordain somebody i don't really care if i like you or not that much you know and there's going to be there's going to be great people that'll never get ordained by me and that's okay like being ordained doesn't mean that i don't like you or something like that but you know the people that should be ordained are people that aren't going to be partial either and that don't have these glaring sin issues and everything like that go back if you would to malachi chapter number two why because these look this priest job is really important isn't it and the bible's talking about how he's going to destroy their seed and the whole nation's going to hell in a hand basket because of who the pastors and the priests are and you know if we as christians say well you know what there's just so many bad churches so we're just going to start ordaining everybody you know where's jonathan the levite let's just get him ordain him and just send him out and send the next guy you know we'd rather care more about quality than quantity and i'll tell you what you take the right guy and you put him somewhere in america that doesn't really have much going for it and in the long run he could build a successful church and you take an idiot and you put him in a great church and pretty soon that thing will be destroyed because you know it's not really about like some people think like oh if i was given a good church then it would go well it's like look if you take tyler baker and you give him faith board baptist church he'll destroy it in five years and you take pastor anderson and you put him out in the middle of nowhere and he'll build a big church in five ten years again why because it's not so much about the opportunity is is the character of that person and of course if you have somebody that's really great you know i don't want to necessarily put them in a town of six you know like let's let's put them in a place where they have a lot of opportunity right we don't want to just squander that opportunity but what i am telling you is that you know what we need to get some quality priests out there as opposed to quantity priests and you know i'm all for let's let's ordain a million people okay but you know what let's have a million high quality individuals then okay and let's not sacrifice on quality just for quantity's sake because in the long run that's not going to benefit christianity what's not going to benefit christianity is sending all these people out that are constantly failing preaching false doctrine getting a caught away getting caught away in sin causing all kinds of problems quitting fail i mean that's just not going to really do what we need what we need is fire brands that aren't going to be put out by the waters of this life that you know you're just going to put them out there and they're going to be a jeremiah to the end you know what i mean and these priests are just you know ruining the things of god they're destroying the things of god and it's causing everybody to commit treachery verse 12 it says i'm sorry verse uh 13 and this have you done again covering the altar of the lord with tears with weeping and with crying out insomuch that he regardeth not the offering anymore or receiveth it with good will at your hand now this is kind of silly but you know what it's saying it's saying like they're crying like they know that they've screwed up and they cause all these problems and they literally are crying about it and that makes god more upset he's he's more upset that they're crying about and you kind of see this a couple places in scripture i'm not going to turn to him for sake of time but esau he he's like sought you know for you know basically repentance but even though he sought it with tears he found no place for repentance though he sought it carefully with tears he found no place for repentance meaning it's like god doesn't care that you're crying he cares that you change he cares that you actually in your heart it means something and look plenty of people cry when they're caught you know bill clinton will cry that he got caught you know but he's not sorry that he did it he's sorry he got caught pharaoh will cry that his son died but he's not sorry in the sense that he's going to change he's going to still go after the children of israel he's still going to destroy them you know there's sin in the camp akins caused sin in the camp and joshua's feeling bad and just crying and god's like get up and just kill him you know he doesn't say it that way but he's just like get up and deal with the sin issue right and instead of priests just going around and crying and weeping why don't you just deal with sin why don't you just be a man and fix the problem and you know what people don't really like men that are cry babies they like guys that just fix the problem and you know if you're at work and you screw up instead of just being like i'm so sorry boss i didn't mean it please don't fire me man you know what he'd rather you do just fix it and in fact by the whining and crying he might just fire you because you're crying it's like there's no crying in baseball okay you know just get over it but he's mad at them he's like they're covering the altar with the lord with tears with weeping and crying out and so much that he regardeth not the offering anymore he's like you're crying annoys me so much i don't even want to look at the offering anymore and you know it it makes me think of some of these non-denom churches where the pastors are literally getting up and crying on the boat like like it's like it's so fake crocodile tears god's just like this is annoying why can't you just preach the bible it's like why do you have to get up there and cry you know maybe it's just you have too tight of pants on you know those skinny jeans are causing you to be uncomfortable get some loose pants and maybe you'll stop crying so much right look at verse 14 yet you say we're four because the lord has been witnessed between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou has dealt treacherously yet is she thy companion and the wife of thy covenant and did not he make one yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one that he might seek a godly seed therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth for the lord the god of israel sayeth that he hated putting away for one covered violence with his garment sayeth the lord of hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that you deal not treacherously according to the bible god hates divorce and that's not my opinion that's the opinion of the bible and let me point something out to you malachi is in the old testament did you let me explain something it's in the old testament and whenever they ask jesus christ about divorce and remarriage and they're quoting moses why didn't they quote this chapter hey moses said to give a bill of divorce but malachi said that god hates divorce so so we divorce uh there's your obvious answer no what god has joined together let not man put asunder isn't that what jesus answered and he's saying hey don't divorce and then they're like well then why is that in the law it's just because god allows people to do things that aren't necessarily the best option but one thing that's really clear you know in this uh passage is he's saying they're dealing treacherously against the wife of thy youth and you know the only provision for divorce according to the bible was where essentially there was fraud at that early stage of the engagement and then it's immediately discovered upon that uh commencement of the marriage and so they would be put away immediately you wouldn't be dealing treacherously with the wife of thy youth in that context because you never really were married for very long i mean it was it's kind of like an annulment in a sense but here's the thing even though the bible does not prescribe or allow for divorce in the context of anything other than that annulment scenario sinful man was obviously doing all kinds of divorce like we have today and you can see consistently you know like a woman at the well she's had five husbands okay you know it's like obviously people were not treating divorce the way god actually intended and that's why he was kind of rebuking them for it and it's super clear the way the pharisees and the disciples act that was not a common practice because then they're thinking like well then who should get married like you're saying that i'd be stuck with her forever it's pretty obvious that people were constantly divorcing their spouses and putting their spouses away for all kinds of different reasons and all kinds of different situations and things like that but how did god feel about it he hates it he hates divorce divorce is wrong divorce is not right and we shouldn't divorce now look i if you've divorced in here i'm not trying to be mad at you because frankly i personally don't care like that's a mistake that you made in the past and i don't i don't really care that's for you to deal with but you know now that you've already made that mistake don't make it again stick with the spouse that you have stay with the one that you've got but you know what for those of us that have never been divorced and those of us that are young those children in this room never divorced and when you're deciding who you think you might be interested in for marriage make sure it's somebody that you're going to say like i'm going to be with this person until they die even if i have to kill them okay i'm just kidding but i'm not going to divorce them okay no i'm just kidding and at the end of the day you know it's just frustrating how many people want to justify divorce and i wonder how many times the non-denom churches and these these liberal pastors get up and use this verse when when they even talk about divorce shouldn't this at least be brought up when you're discussing divorce oh yeah god hates it but if you know it's marital infidelity well you know what that's a really broad statement these days and look is that bad sure does the does the bible deal with that sure but you know what josea had to deal with it and he stayed married i mean if god's wanting josea to get divorced for that then why didn't he get divorced why does he have to pay for his wife to stay with him talk about that's like the worst thing it's like not only did they commit adultery i have to pay you to stick around and be with me too it's like this is weird but you know it's to show how god can love someone when they're not loving him back and you know that's the picture of marriage true marriage is loving someone when they don't deserve it and you're like well but they don't deserve it exactly that's what marriage is you know it's easy to love someone that loves you it's easy to love someone that does good to you it's easy to love someone when they're blessing you and giving you gifts and money and they're healthy and they're in their their perfect shape and perfect health and their youth and everything it's like it's just easy you know what when they're not any of those things that's why it's hard and that's why at the marriage vows it's not like only in prosperity and health it's like in poverty as in wealth right in sickness as in health forsaking all others forsaking all others you know one aspect of marriage is forsaking all others it's like how should you as a married man treat other women forsake them it's like they're in the wilderness they're like they were gonna die if i didn't help them so i left them in the wilderness to die i forsook her you know it's like yeah but what about this flame what if my what if my marriage doesn't work out i don't want to like burn this bridge burn it it's like but you know i just want to keep her number in my phone delete it well i just want to be facebook friends delete her just delete facebook just become a terrorist like me and then you don't have to worry about it i'm just kidding you know it's like i have this old love letter from my high school sweetheart burn it you're like this is harsh forsake them don't think about them don't keep anything in the memory banks don't keep any memorabilia don't keep it just just burn it trash it you know and if you held on it for this long your wife doesn't know just secretly go out and just burn it or whatever you know it'd be like drubel and do it at night or whatever overthrow the bail statue or whatever but you know it's important that we get the right and proper balance in the bible and we realize that of course we're supposed to love our spouse and do good but even if even if they don't reciprocate just don't don't even let divorce be an option you know here's another thing just take it out of your vocabulary like if you guys have fights and i know some of you fight okay and if you fight just never threaten divorce or any anything like that leaving them or whatever you know i'd rather my wife threaten to kill me than to threaten divorce okay i'm not saying that's okay that's appropriate but what i am saying is that you know you just just take it out of vocabulary you know you know it really hurts when you threaten divorce is the children that hear your fight and i mean i've been there and you know as a child you don't realize sometimes that your parents just say stupid things but like it can really terrify kids when they hear like that their parents say dumb things like that or they say i hate you or they say you know i'm gonna divorce you or whatever and you know i've seen it i've been around it and you know what it really hurts the kids badly and i'm just telling you just don't do it you know the best thing is just to not even fight in front of your kids um if you can help it but even if you do you know you want to make sure that you're careful with what you say around your children and sometimes what you like you're fighting if you're not careful you'll notice that that's how they're going to fight with their spouse in the future so you should be careful you know how you handle yourself let's read one more verse you have weary the lord with your words yet you say wherein have we wearied him when you say everyone that do with good evil is good in the sight of the lord and he delighted in them or where's the god of judgment you can spend a whole day on this but um i do want to go to one more place go to proverbs chapter 28 you know it's just frustrating how creatures today just justify sin so much that i mean you'll have people that are clearly in violation of first corinthians five and they'll be like oh no it's great that they're here and god wants them to be here in church and it's like god's not delighting in this person god's not delighting in the drunkard at church god's not delighting in the railer at church god's not delighting in the extortioner church or the covetous person in church god wants them to be thrown out and god's not pleased with that person and you know god doesn't think that everyone who's evil is doing it i mean think about some of the things we've heard and some of the movies that we've made people like john getch getting up in his church and literally saying you can't have a hateful attitude towards transvestites and lgbt and that they're made in god's image and we have to have respect for them almost as if god has some delight in this individual and it's like when you can't even say that that person's evil then who's evil anymore like what there's no such thing as an evil person at that point when the the god-hating atheist transvestite is not evil no one's evil anymore and you know the only people that really seem to want to do that are false prophets because they're technically the only people worse than them and you see why false prophets and false teachers have an inclination to try and downgrade sin and try to make it seem like god's not mad at anybody because downward inside they're trying to justify themselves and they're trying to make it seem like god's not mad at them either but you know what god's very angry with with the wicked he's angry with the wicked every day according to the bible and you know i think that we just want to believe that we're just constantly his delight but that's not necessarily true and look what the bible says in proverbs 28 verse 4 they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law content with them there's a good parallel verse notice the people that actually care about the law will condemn the wicked but the people that don't care about the bible and don't care about the things of god they'll end up praising wicked people and evil people and acting like they're great um you know to just kind of summarize this chapter i mean you look at the priests and you look at the pastors of the day and notice what was the problem with the the priests of the old time they were partial on the law they would cry but not fix anything they were permitting divorce and then they would praise wicked people you know what makes me think you know what i think of when i think of this greg lock why because he's partial in the commandments of god he doesn't preach the whole council of god he's a crybaby he obviously permits divorce because he himself ran away with the secretary and you know what he got married the same year that he divorced his wife he got remarried it's like he got divorced officially in like may of 2018 and then he married his secretary wife in 2018 and i saw the art there was an article saying he got married and the article was dated august of 2018 so it almost makes me think it was like only a few months like the ink's barely dry on the divorce and he's already married to this other woman i mean how could you take the marriage vow seriously when the person that you're getting married to just literally divorced their spouse just literally was treacherous against the wife of my youth like for better for worse it's like okay like does he gonna mean it this time like why do you think he's gonna be this time and you know greg lock got married when he was 19 he was married for 23 years and then just divorced his wife claimed she has mental health issues or something it's probably just because she was married to you buddy you probably gave her those mental health issues and then the guy praised the wicked you say how does he praise the wicked he's literally glorifying israel and he's acting like oh all these people that are you know replacement theology and and saying negative things about jews it's like yeah because they're literally the worst they're bringing in pornography and crime and interest and some of the worst sins that are imaginable on this planet i mean the things that these priests do these rabbis do to little boys after they get them circumcision how could you even kind of want to wear their stupid prayer shawl and their stupid little tiny hat and blow this show far i mean you are praising the wicked why would i want to continue to encourage pedophilia and all the evil and the sin that's going on in israel waving their flag i mean i'm not even gonna wave the american flag let alone the israel flag oh does that mean you're gonna wave the palestinian flag no i'm not gonna wave that one either okay there's really not an i'll wave the bahamas flag maybe okay i like them all right and and you know what that might not even be right but you know what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to just praise the wicked just to get street cred with the neo-cons or the republicans or something like that or look how awesome look how zionist i am i got a tattoo of the star on my chest it's like you know that it just these guys can't even praise anything worthwhile and look oh greg lock made fun of joe biden yeah but you know what you know who's worse than joe biden israel i i don't respect anybody you criticize joe biden but then you say israel's awesome you know i have no respect for you you're praising someone way more wicked than joe biden joe biden doesn't even know where he's at okay this guy's brain dead yeah is he wicked sure but you know who's also wicked israel and their war crimes that they're committing right now and the slaughter of women and children that they're doing as well and their constant lies and propaganda to prop up uh their justification for warfare they literally stole that land they blaspheme christ's name they give they give homage to the worst religion the worst religion in the world is judaism the worst it blasphemes our messiah they spit on christians when christians visit israel these you know pigtail false prophets are going around spitting on them i mean these people are filled with pedophilia they think that the whole world is goyim they hate the gospel they hate the name of our savior they blaspheme his name they teach the worst false gospel they're going to try and usher in and bring in the anti-christ i mean why is it that i would sit here and praise them oh let's give money to rebuild the temple how blasphemous i mean you can't get much more blasphemous than rebuilding the temple that jesus christ said hey not even a stone is going to be standing upon another and why was it knocked down because he was the ultimate sacrifice there is no more need for that temple there is no more need for sacrifice why in the world would i give money to bring in blasphemous sacrifices against the lord jesus christ you know that's that's the embarrassing thing of america is that anybody goes to this guy's church you know the bible says if a ruler hearkened to lies all his servants are wicked and you know what all the people going to gregg lock's church right now are wicked and they need to repent and leave that wicked false prophet and leave that priest and get away from him and go to a real church because you know what their solemn feast god would literally pick up dung and spread it in gregg lock's face and he would spread dung in the face of every single person in those church services worshiping and idolizing israel and the star of rem fan that wicked false religion they've married themselves into a strange god into a false god we're not i'm not judeo-christian i'm just christian i'm not married under some false religion and some false god and you know we as god's people need to take these things seriously oh but you know if you preach replacement theology people get mad let them get mad you know what i'm not gonna be partial in the law and look if i stop preaching replacement theology i'm gonna have very little bible to preach anymore dude the thing is filled with replacement theology you can see why these people don't preach much bible or don't understand hardly any of it because they're partial in the law and god's going to make them look like the idiots that they are the fools that they are and gregg lock looks like a fool he acts like a fool and you know we should stay away from any of these israel flag-waving creatures they they're forsaking the law oh i i think they take the law seriously are they praising the wicked though are they praising the police chief and the mayor and israel well you know what the banker are they bringing the banker in hey here's the guy ripping us all off let's give him a round of applause this guy's bankrupting our country you know let's make sure to you know get him a third a third boat or whatever it is you know a third pigtail you know we need to make sure that we care about what the truth is and not what our feelings are let's go in prayer thank you heavenly father so much for giving us this chapter of the bible i pray that we would care more about the truth in our own feelings that we would take church seriously we lay it to heart we decide that we're not here for ourselves we're here to glorify you and that our life is not to glorify ourselves but rather glorify you i pray that you would embolden christians today you embolden preachers and pastors to preach the whole council of god not to be partial that they wouldn't lay hands suddenly on any man but rather they would find faithful men who are going to take the bible seriously and are going to take pastoring seriously and preach what the bible says and and not fear the faces of man pray that you would help us to have a revival in this country that you'd help waken people up to the real truth and that we could see many people saved and not only saved but turned to righteousness turned away from true inequity in jesus name we pray amen all right in closing let's go to song number one zero nine one song number one oh nine song number one oh nine savior like a shepherd lead us for our needs forever there in thy blessed lands we'll never ever be in thy blessed lands we'll never ever be for our needs forever bear in thy blessed lands we'll never ever be Are you to bear? Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, yet for us not we are. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, yet for us not we are. We are as one, we are as one, we are part of the way. Keep thy forearms in within us, seek us when we go astray. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, he will hear us when we pray. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, he will hear us when we pray. Thou hast promised to receive us, for and single though we be, thou hast purged to receive us, with praise to right about thee. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, Hurry, let us turn to thee. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, Hurry, let us turn to thee. Hurry, let us do thy favor, Hurry, let us do thy will. Blessed Lord, who is in you, give thy love unto you. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, thou hast come, thou hast come us here. Blessed is he to us, blessed is he to us, thou hast come, thou hast come us here. All right, for our next song, sing one more. Go to song number 64, song number 64. Sing another one of the baptismal beings prepared. Song number 64, Shall We Gather at the River? Shall we gather at the river, where thy name to be is called, in this blissful time forever, though the fire of the full of God? Yes, it is, it is, and it is, and it is, And it is, and it is, and it is, and it is, and it is, and it is, and it is, yes, we'll gather at the river, the beautiful and beautiful river. Gather with the saints at the river, and don't fire from the flood, for the blurs of the river, Where the Savior keepeth all, He shall keep us all forever. Leave the glory of the Lord. Yes, we'll gather at the river, gather for the beautiful river, gather with the saints at the river, gather close by the dawn of God. Here he meets the shining river, made the earth burn now. Praise the tears in the river, yet the blood of the land now. Yes, we'll gather at the river, gather with the saints at the river, gather close by the dawn of God. Here he meets the shining river, gather with the saints at the river, gather close by the river, gather with the saints at the river, gather with the saints at the river, gather with the saints at the river, gather close by the dawn of God. Are you ready? Do you want to take a picture of this? Okay. I'll just have you step right here. I'm going to use my shoulder bar. Good. I'll just have you sit all the way down on your bottom for me. Scoot up just a little bit. There we go. When I need the saving of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I'll have you hold your nose. I'll get you down and bring you back up. Sister Ophelia, have you trusted Christ as your Savior? Yes. Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, bearing the legs of his death, raised to walk in newness of life. There you go. I need to. No, you're okay. Take your time. Do we have Brother Jorge coming as well? Yes, sir. All right. Do you want to take your glasses off? Yeah. Just be careful. I'll be sitting all the way down on your bottom for me. Thank you. Scoot up this way a little bit. When I say the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I'll hold your nose, and I'll get you down and bring you back up, okay? Brother Jorge, have you trusted Christ as your Savior? Yes, I do. Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, bearing the legs of his death, raised to walk in newness of life. Make sure to congratulate our baptisms. God bless you. You're dismissed. You're dismissed.