(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all for coming to pure. It's Baptist Church. Song number four hundred and six. Four hundred and six. Who is on the Lord's side? Song number four hundred and six. Who is on the Lord's side? They're on the first. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be his helpers? Other lives to bring. Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will go? By thy call of mercy, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Savior, we are thine. Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, Raise the warrior's song, But for love that claimeth, Lies for whom he died, He whom Jesus nameth, Must be on his side. By thy love constraining, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Savior, we are thine. Jesus thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with thine own lifeblood, For thy diadem, With thy blessing filling, Each who comes to thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free. By thy grand redemption, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Savior, we are thine. Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe, But the king's own army, None can overthrow. Round is standard raging, Victory is secure, For his truth unchanging, Makes the triumph sure. Joyfully enlisting, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Savior, we are thine. Amen. Let's go to song 409. So let's just write a few pages over. 409, the fight is on. Song 409, the fight is on. You're on the first? The fight is on, The trumpet sound is ringing out, The cry to arms is heard afar and near, The Lord of hosts is marching on to victory, The triumph of the Christ will soon appear. The fight is on, O Christian soldier, And face to face and stern array, With armor gleaming and colors streaming, The right and wrong engage today. The fight is on, but be not weary, Be strong and in his might hold fast, If God be for us, his banner o'er us, We'll sing the victor's song at last. The fight is on, A rousey Christian's proven true, Jehovah leads and victory will assure, The buckle on the armor God has given you, And in his strength forever will endure. The fight is on, O Christian soldier, And face to face and stern array, With armor gleaming and colors streaming, The right and wrong engage today. The fight is on, but be not weary, Be strong and in his might hold fast, If God be for us, his banner o'er us, We'll sing the victor's song at last. The fight is leading on to certain victory, The bow of Braum misbands the eastern sky, His glorious name in every land shall honor be, The morn will break the dawn of peace, The dawn of peace is nigh. The fight is on, O Christian soldier, And face to face and stern array, With armor gleaming and colors streaming, The right and wrong engage today. The fight is on, but be not weary, Be strong and in his might hold fast, If God be for us, his banner o'er us, We'll sing the victor's song at last. About a dozen or so, so hopefully every family can get one. It should be on that back cabinet. And if you have any questions you can just come see me. We do have our bulletins, it should be over there. On the front we have our psalm, 28 verse 7. We're working on Bible memorization. On the inside we have our service and so many times. As well as church stats. Is there any soul winning numbers to report In the last few days that had not gotten counted. Is there anything to report? Alright, keep up the good work on soul winning. And continue to pray for the Darnells who are expecting. Also on the right we have brother Ben Naim coming this Sunday. And that will be really exciting to have him come down here and preach for you guys. And so I highly encourage you to come and participate in those services. A couple upcoming events. Not this upcoming week but the following. We're going to have a soul winning seminar in Texas. It's in the Steadfast Baptist Church. He's going to be hosting that and we'll have. Basically it's going to be kind of a workshop conference along with lots of soul winning. And so the structure is going to essentially be in the morning on Thursday. We're going to meet for soul winning. We'll probably just meet at a local breakfast place. And then we'll go out soul winning for a couple hours. Then we'll go out soul winning in the afternoon. And then the church is going to provide a dinner at 6pm. And we'll be given that information out via email. And so you can meet with us. It'll be about a two hour event. So it's basically going to be dinner. A small little bit of an instruction time. And then kind of a little bit of time of workshop. So from six to eight. Basically Thursday night we're going to be having the seminar. And then Friday is going to have the exact same schedule. So morning we'll go out soul winning for a couple hours. Afternoon for a couple hours. And then 6pm we'll have dinner together. We'll have a little bit of an instruction and then kind of a workshop. And then Saturday from 830 to 10 we're basically going to put in there kind of the same little schedule. We'll have a little bit of a kind of instruction workshop. And then we'll get sent out and do soul winning for that day as well. So there'll be three sessions of a meal and some instruction. And then we'll have soul winning opportunities pretty much all day. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Especially geared to people that are coming from out of town that may not be working. They can participate in a lot of soul winning if they'd like to. And there's a lot of areas that we haven't even really hit at all. Just because the Dallas-Fort Worth area is just so big. It's kind of like Houston in the sense that there's just so many areas that we haven't even thought about yet. You know like Northeast Houston or something like that. You know we don't go over there. So like with our area we're going to try and focus on hitting some areas we haven't been to. It should be pretty receptive to soul winning. Theoretically you never know but obviously that's kind of the goal is to give people a great opportunity to go out and preach the gospel. So if you are thinking about coming you know I'd still encourage you to try and participate. The best thing to do is to email SteadfastBaptistKJVatGmail.com just to let us know that you're coming. That way we can give you all the details. I'll put another video out probably in another day or two. Just explaining all that one more time. Who's actually planning or thinking about coming? Is anybody planning on coming up? Okay so we've got some people that are thinking about coming up. That's great. And then also April 2nd we have the college station soul winning marathon. And then May 21st we have a soul winning marathon in Austin, Texas. Couple of prayer requests to continue to pray for our brethren in the Dallas where they're at Steadfast. Hopefully God willing he'll give us a roof over our head. You know what I mean? Up there and especially when there's rain. And then continue to pray for brother Edward for his health. So we'll continue to pray for those two things. I've been going through the book of 1 Thessalonians. That's kind of a Bible study that I started. But you know sometimes I like to still preach a topical sermon every once in a while. And so this evening I'm actually going to be preaching a sermon. I had preached a sermon at Steadfast but it didn't get recorded. And I thought you know what? Good opportunity to preach a topical sermon. Come down here. And so I'll be preaching a little bit different sermon this evening than I normally would. And then God willing next week or the following time I'll be going back through 1 Thessalonians and finishing that book. But it's great to be down here. It's great to see you guys. And it's great to have a building. So praise the Lord for us being here. Let's go to our third song this evening. We're going to do our handout Psalm 139 in our accompaniments. Our Psalm accompaniments here. And this is just a portion of Psalm 139. If you don't have a handout you always use a Bible. It's verses 19 through 22 found right in the King James Bible. Psalm 139 there in the verse. Amen. Depart from me therefore ye bloody men. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. Hamlet I grieve with those that rise up against thee. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. For they speak against thee wickedly. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. Hamlet I grieve with those that rise up against thee. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. I hate them with perfect hatred. I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. I count them mine enemies. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. Hamlet I grieve with those that rise up against thee. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee. At this time we'll turn in our Bibles to Romans chapter number 12. Romans chapter number 12 and we'll pass the offerings later on. Romans chapter number 12. We'll read the entire chapter before we get into the sermon here. Romans chapter number 12 verse number 1 the Bible reads, I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. For I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office, so we being many are one body in Christ and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith, or ministry, let us wait on our ministering, for he that teacheth on teaching, for he that exhorteth on exhortation, he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity, he that ruleth with diligence, he that showeth mercy with cheerfulness. Let love be without dissimulation, abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good, be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love and honor, preferring one another not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer, distributing to the necessity of saints given to hospitality, bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not, rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep, be of the same mind one toward another, mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate, be not wise in your own conceits, recompense to no man evil for evil, provide things honest in the sight of all men, if it be possible as much as life, and you live peaceably with all men, dearly beloved, revenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord, therefore of thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst give him drink, for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head, be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Let us pray before we begin this chapter. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us this opportunity to be gathered together to hear the word of God being preached. I pray that you would just fill us all with your Holy Spirit, that you would allow the word of God to ring in our hearts, that you would help us to transform and renew our minds with the word of God, and that we would come out as better Christians, and in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. We're here in Romans chapter number 12, and in fact it's a chapter that we've memorized as a church in the past, and so it should be familiar to some of you that have put the word of God into your hearts, and if you think about Romans 12 as a whole, the context is really stemming from the first few verses, and the first few verses are trying to articulate a very important point that we have to constantly renew our minds so as to not be conformed to this world. You have to constantly change what you believe from what the world's trying to tell you to what the word of God is telling you because there's a constant brainwashing and propaganda charge coming from the world that wants you to believe a certain way, act a certain way, think a certain way, and we have to constantly go back to the Bible to remind ourselves of what we should really believe, what we should really think, and in fact I think that it's great that we sing psalms like 139, because the world is teaching the exact opposite message today. The world does not believe that you should hate anyone for any reason, or at least that's what they say, but of course they hate. Of course they have their people that they demonize and would love to kill and would love for everyone to get on the bandwagon to hate them all while at the same time they say we shouldn't hate anyone, okay? So don't get confused in thinking that, oh, I'm on the moral high ground of the group of people that love everyone. No one loves everyone. No one. It's impossible to love everyone and to love everything, and the Bible tells us that God is love, but let me tell you something about love. Love has its boundaries. Love has its limits, and love actually hates at the same time. Look what it says in verse number nine. The Bible says, Let love be without the simulation, abhor that which is evil. So in the exact same verse, in the exact same thought, the Bible is telling us that love is going to also abhor at the same time, and on the surface you kind of think, well, how does that work? Well, if you love your grass, you hate weeds. If you love that which is good, you hate that which is evil. If you love the truth, you hate the lie, and you cannot have both. You cannot love both truth and lies. You cannot love both evil and good. You cannot both love the weeds and the grass because these things are opposite. These things are attacking one another, and so ultimately you're going to pick a side whether you like it or not. Whether you like it or not, you're going to fall on one of these two sides of the equation, and in Romans chapter 12, it's giving a lot of general instruction. Okay, it first is saying you need to renew your mind, but then it's basically just bringing up like every topic and every possible thing that you need to renew your mind on, and for the sake of the sermon, I'm not focusing on every single thing that Romans 12 is talking about because it's every topic we could possibly imagine. I want to focus here solely on verse number 9 that is bringing up the concept of love being without the simulation. Now, what is the simulation? The simulation is essentially deceit. It's fraud. It's not sincere. Okay, so a love that's not sincere is one that does not abhor that which is evil. It actually tolerates that which is evil, praises that which is evil, which really ends up becoming a fake love, and yet the world today, they want to tell you that they're so loving, but it's filled with the simulation, meaning that they're flattering you. They're flattering others. They're deceitful in what they really mean by their love. They say they love you all while stabbing you in the back. You know, et tu, Brute? I mean, they're not really the people that they say that they are. They're drawn swords with their tongues, and the Bible makes it abundantly clear that we are to love genuinely. When we say we love something, we should mean it. You know, we shouldn't just love in word. We should love in deed and truth, not just by what we say, not just by, oh, I love you so much, but then we hurt those who we claim to love. You know, it's one thing to tell your wife you love her. It's another thing to be faithful under your spouse. And, you know, not being faithful to your spouse basically proves you don't really love them that much. And the same is with God. How can you say that you love God so much when you constantly are turning your back on Him, you're not following His commandments, you're not serving Him? It shows that you don't really have love for Him. How can you love His enemies and love God at the same time? This is impossible. That's why the Bible teaches true love is going to abhor that which is evil. And, in fact, just by pure definition, if you don't hate evil, you can't be loving. Love in and of itself hates evil. It despises evil. And the title of the sermon this evening is this, Love Hates Sin. Love hates sin. And let me tell you something, God hates sin. God is holy. God is righteous. God is perfect and He can't stand sin. He can't even look upon sin. He's so holy. He's so righteous. And you know what? He's going to destroy all of sin. But there's a problem when destroying sin is it's being generated by someone. It's being generated by sinners. And so God has to destroy every single sinner. He has to completely eradicate every single sinner because God hates sinners. Now, go over to Proverbs 24. That statement on the surface might sound surprising to you, but let me tell you something. God loves sinners and God hates sinners. Now, this should be very easy for you to understand because everyone that's a sinner and doesn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is going to a place called hell. And I don't know if you know anything about hell, not loving. Why? Because God hates sinners. It's not that He just thinks like, oh, well, you're doing pretty good. You know, the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. The Bible says in Romans chapter number 5, 8, but God commended His love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. So there is a way in which God loves sinners. But if you want to understand how God loves sinners, it's because Jesus died on the cross. That's how He loved them. You know how God did not love sinners? By tolerating their sin, by liking their sin, by praising their sin, by wanting to be around their sin. What He did is He sacrificed His Son. He let His Son die on the cross for them. That's how He demonstrated love to these people, grace to these people. But let me tell you something. God hates sin and God hates sinners. That's why He sends all of them to hell that aren't redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Every single one. It doesn't matter if you're the greatest person on earth. You're still a sinner and you're still going to split hell wide open without Jesus Christ. Because true love hates sin. And you know what? Since God is love, let me tell you something. God hates sin and God doesn't tolerate it. And one way that a lot of people, they love to tolerate evil, they love to tolerate sin is by rejecting the death penalty. So many people reject the death penalty today and this is what they say. Well, I love those people too much to want them to be put to death. This is what you call love with the simulation. Basically it's a fake love. It's not a real love because they actually love that which is evil. They love murder. They love adultery. They love the pedophile. They love the rapist. They love everything that is evil and abhorrent today rather than loving justice, rather than loving righteousness, rather than having a true emotion of love. Because the true emotion of love is compatible with the death penalty, my friend. Now look at Proverbs 24 verse number 10. The Bible says, If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death and those that are ready to be slain, if thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not, doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? And he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? And shall not he render to every man according to his works? According to the Bible it's saying, Look, God already knows this guy is worthy of death. God already knows what's going on in the situation. Even if you decide, Well, I'm going to decide that I didn't see it. I know that all the evidence is stacked there. I know that the glove fits, you know, or whatever. I know that this guy is deserving of death, but I'm just going to decide that I, we just don't have enough information to make a decision. It's like, well, God does, and God knows, and God knows that you know, and if you're deciding not to put people to death, God will hold it against you. Go to Leviticus chapter number 20. Go to Leviticus chapter number 20. I didn't have this one in my notes, but I just thought of it, because some people think, Well, I'm just so loving. I won't put anybody to death. I don't believe in putting people to death, and you know what? God is going to be pleased with me, because I'm more righteous, you know. I'm more righteous than those evil people, those hateful people that want to put murderers to death or something. And people think, Well, you know, isn't everybody precious? Isn't everybody special? You know what? No. Not everyone is precious, and not everyone is special. But if you think about the death penalty, the death penalty is not aimed at just attacking people for who they are. It's not attacking them for who they were born to be. You know, a righteous death penalty is not based on immutable characteristics. It's based on criminal behavior. And those who commit criminal behavior are worthy of death, and they should be subject to every single person. If you commit murder, you're worthy of death. If you commit adultery, you're worthy of death. It's not that you're white, black, red, yellow. It doesn't matter what your height is. It doesn't matter what your gender is. It doesn't matter what class system you find yourself in, how much money you have. No, it should be equally applied to all people. Therefore, it's not an avocation of violence. It's not against a particular community. You know, and you always hear this when you bring up the death penalty. Oh, you're advocating violence towards the LGBTQ community. It's like, look, that's not a community. That's stupid. There's no such thing as the murder community. There's no such thing as the rape community, right? There's no such thing as the adultery community. Those are just criminals committing crimes, and they're not necessarily linked up to one another. They may even hate each other, and there's no such thing as a bunch of perverts just being linked up together in some random community. No, they're just criminals. And you know what? No one's just born a criminal. You willingly choose to commit crimes, and guess what? There is a punishment to those crimes. And if mankind will not punish those who are worthy of death, look what the Bible warns in Leviticus chapter number 20. Verse number 4, the Bible says, And if the people of the land do anyways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not, then I will set my face against that man and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go ahoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech from among their people. So according to the Bible, when someone's worthy of death, and in this case it's worshipping a false god, sacrificing children unto a false god, which is a horrible sin, but you know what? The principle is applied here that if someone's worthy of death and you don't put them to death, God is going to hold that against you. God is going to hold that against the people that do not execute the death penalty and execute it speedily. And you know what? In America, governors are suspending the death penalty for their entire state for all reasons. I believe Gavin Newsom a few years ago when he became governor of California suspended the death penalty in his area. You say, oh, those liberals, those democrats. Okay, how about Governor Stent or whatever, or Stent in Oklahoma did the exact same thing. Some guy was on death row. I don't know the reason exactly. I can't remember. Probably like a multiple homicide issue or something. That's the only way you can get the death penalty anymore is like you're a serial killer or something. But the guy was going to be put on death row, and the governor just suspended the death penalty for everybody. You know, praise the Lord in Texas, at one point in time, Governor Perry, who is the governor of Texas, he implemented the death penalty, and hundreds of people were put to death in recent modern times in the state of Texas for lots of different offenses. And you know, praise the Lord that we still have some men that have, you know, some hair on their legs that are willing to put people to death. Because you know what, it's necessary. There is real evil in this world, and God has commanded us to do this. And you know what, that tells me that that person has some love in their heart. Because the person that says, you know what, no death penalty has no love. Or they have a fake love, not a sincere love. And you know what, they get praised every time they do this for being so loving and being so compassionate. But you know what, it's fake. It's not real, because love hates sin. And you know what, you're a wicked person when you don't hate murder and rape and adultery and pedophiles and faggots. You know what, that is disgusting and filthy and abominable, and it should be put to death. If you want to have a real society, if you want a normal society, if you want to have a loving society, if you want a society that's blessed by God, you must, you must implement these type of punishments. Otherwise, really, you're just a weak coward. A spineless coward that has no real love in their heart. And you know what, the people that say, oh, I'm so loving, why don't you go tell that to the victim. Why don't you go look at the woman in the face that got raped and tell her, I'm so loving that I spared your rapist. And go tell the child that got abused by their pedophile, oh, I'm so loving, I'm letting him go out, you know, and go to another daycare and go to the next Catholic church and go to the next pedophile ring or whatever they're set up in. You know, it's disgusting, it's filthy, it's abominable, these people are a joke. Our society is a joke today when they won't execute the death penalty and they won't even do it speedily. Go to Psalms 119, Psalms 119, the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8, because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. You know, when you won't put people to death, you're gonna have more death. When you won't put rapists to death, you're gonna have more rape. When you won't put murderers to death, you're gonna have more murder. You're gonna have more adultery. You're gonna have more filth and abomination and smut. You're basically just opening up the door and just saying, do whatever you want, no one's gonna punish you, no one's going to hold you accountable. I mean, imagine just in your own household if you told your children, we've decided from now on, no bedtime. You get to go to bed whenever you want. Do you think they're gonna go to bed sooner or later than normal? Do you think they're gonna be like, oh, sweet, I have no rules? Okay, I'm gonna stay up till all night, right? I mean, they're gonna stay up until they literally pass out. I mean, they're just gonna stay up and eat as many things as they possibly can. I mean, if you just said no rules for your children, they would go crazy. You have to have rules for your children. And the same is with our society. When we have no real rules, when we have no real punishments today, what do men do? All manner of evil, all manner of wickedness, all manner of destruction in our society. That's why you have to have these type of punishments to deter future evil, to deter. You don't repeat offend when you're put to death. You know how many pedophiles repeat offend after they've been put to death? Zero. It's 100% effective. You know, it's like, hey, we wanna end these things. We wanna end sex trafficking. Okay, put all the sex traffickers to death. Put all the murderers to death. Put all the adulterers to death. You know, it'll start to dwindle to the point where it's virtually nonexistent. Now, Psalms 119, look at verse 163. The Bible says this. I hate and abhor lying, but by law do I love. Notice that you cannot have both. Either you love the law of God and you hate lies, or the opposite would be true, wouldn't it? If you love lies, then that must mean you hate the law of God. You hate the words of God, because you cannot have both. So if you have true love in your heart, you're going to hate sin. Notice what he does. I love the law, therefore I hate what? Lying. And don't get this Gandhi perspective where you say, well, you know what? I hate the sin, but I love the sinner. You know, you cannot abstract sin from the sinner. This is utter ridiculousness. Imagine you go to work and your coworker, he steals on the job, and your boss says, you know what, I really hate theft, but I really like you for stealing. But I just hate that theft. You know, that theft is just such an evil thing out there. We're gonna give you a promotion. You know, I sure hope theft doesn't happen again. Look, the theft is gonna be attributed to the thief, okay? The lie is associated with the liar. The murderer is associated with the murderer. And therefore you cannot abstract sin from the sinner. This is utter nonsense and foolishness taught by a literal moron. Gandhi is a moron, he's a fool, he's burning in hell right now. And you know what he's gonna hate? He's gonna hate himself for being such a fool and rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ, rejecting the law of God. And you know what, he didn't love. Oh, Gandhi's such a loving person. No, no, no. Gandhi hated because he didn't love the law of God, because he didn't love the word of God. Go to Numbers chapter 15, Numbers chapter 15. And not just unsaved people, even saved people can have hatred in their hearts, can have evil in their hearts towards the word of God. And so it's important that we realize the correlation to sinning and love. Sinning and love. Numbers chapter 15 is going to give us a little bit of insight of how God views sin. It says in verse number 29, Ye shall have one law for him that sineth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel and for the stranger that sojourneth among them. But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether it be born in the land or a stranger, the same reproacheth the Lord, and that soul shall be cut off from among his people, because he hath despised the word of the Lord and hath broken his commandment. So notice how God words it. When you break his commandment, what does that mean? You despise the word of God. You can't have both. You can't say, oh, I just love the law of God. I just love the Lord's commandment. But then you're just breaking them openly, presumptuously. No, it shows that you have hatred towards God's commandment. You have hatred towards the word of God when you sin. Is that how you do sin? When you sin, are you realizing, wow, I really hate God today. Wow, I really hated the Lord. I really despise the Bible today. I mean, maybe that would change your attitude a little bit when you sin is you realize, wow, I didn't realize I hate the Bible so much. I hate the word of God so much. You know, those that sin the most hate the Bible the most. And those that sin the least are the ones who love the Bible the most, who have the true love. But if you love me, keep my commandments. Now, praise God, you don't have to keep all the commandments to get saved. All you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved. In fact, you don't even have to love God to be saved. He loved us first. All you have to do is accept His love and you get saved. You know what? If you want to also have love, if you also want to love the Lord back, it's through the keeping of God's commandments. It's through hating sin. And you have to ask yourself, do I really love God? You know it's a really easy way to figure out how much you love God? Well, how much do you sin? I mean, if you sin, like, it's just nothing. If you just find yourself just constant transgressing the law of God, especially presumptuously, it just shows you really don't actually love God that much. And so you have to increase your love through what? Rejecting the world, rejecting temptation, rejecting sin. Even God's own people can fall victim to this. Let's go to 2 Samuel 12, 2 Samuel 12. You know, David is describing the Bible as the man after God's own heart. Now, wouldn't that be a great title? I mean, if someone were to describe you, it's like, man, this guy is after God's heart. That just sounds like an incredible title. David obviously is one of the greatest men in the Bible. When we talk about Jesus, he's known as the son of David. I mean, we're talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, and he's called the son of David, right? David's throne is considered an everlasting throne, and it's David's kingdom, and David is just one of the most notorious kings of all of Judah and throughout the whole Bible. The story of David and Goliath is one of the most popular Bible studies or stories ever told. Yet, let's read about David, part of his life. 2 Samuel 12, verse 7, the Bible says, And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul, and I gave thee thy master's house and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah. And if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. Therefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight? Thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon. So when God looks at David's sin, and in this context, what did David do? David was wandering around at night, not going to battle, not going to war, noticed an attractive woman, and then he didn't let that stop. Then he calls her over to his house. Then he sleeps with her. Then she gets pregnant. Then he tries to lie and conceal that pregnancy, but Uriah doesn't end up falling for the trap. So then he has to kill Uriah. He literally kills Uriah by sending him into the hottest part of the battle, retreating from him, getting Joab in the conspiracy against Uriah, committing horrible sin, and it's like, what happened, David? Well, notice how God describes it in verse number 9. Wherefore, or meaning why, hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord? Notice that there's a hatred for the commandment. There's a hatred for the word of God. When the Bible says thou shalt not commit adultery, somehow in David's flesh, he hated that commandment. And let me tell you something about your flesh. The flesh hates every single commandment of the Bible. All of them. You know, when the Bible says thou shalt not steal, your flesh is like, I want to steal. When you know the Bible says, let the Lord avenge, your flesh is like, dude, I got it. That guy, I'm going to put him out, you know. I got a knuckle sandwich for that guy, you know. I mean, when the Bible says thou should not commit adultery, your flesh says, I want to sleep with everything. I want to lie. I want to steal. I want to cheat. I want to do drugs. I want to get high. I want to do everything. That's what your old man is like. That's what the human flesh is like today. But you know what? No matter how much sin the Bible says that your flesh has desired, you can overcome that through the Spirit. You can walk in the new man. You can choose to crucify the flesh. You can choose to walk in his commandments. And you have to do that. You overcome that through love. But let me tell you something that love is, it hates sin. It hates that old man. You know, the Bible says if you want to be Christ's disciple, you have to hate even your own flesh also. Why? Because you have to say, you know what, even though there's a strong part of me that's desiring that, it's natural, it's normal, we all have a human sin nature, I have to decide, you know what, I'm not going to do that through my love for God's word, for my love for the commandments of the Lord to be pleasing and a sight. And I'm going to choose today to crucify that. I'm going to choose to walk in the Spirit today. And you have to realize that there's a correlation between loving God and hating that which is sinful. Hating that which is evil. Yet the world today wants to tell you don't hate anything. You know, in order to be successful in the Christian life, you must hate sin. You must hate that old man. You must crucify that old flesh. You must die daily is what the Bible says. And so there's a strong necessity for us to just hate evil and to hate sin and to abhor that which is evil and to cleave to that which is good as the Bible describes because that's what real love is anyway. Yet today the world is never going to get that. Why? Because they only have the old man and that old man doesn't like the word of God. He hates the word of God. So he's going to reject the word of God. When they hear a preacher preaching, you know what they hear? Hate. Because, of course, they hate that which is righteous. So they can't stand it. That's why hate speech is the dumbest thing in the world. Because, of course, everything that is spoken is hateful to someone. It doesn't matter what you say. Everyone thinks something's hateful. That's why hate speech is the dumbest policy. Countries that implement hate speech is one of the most dangerous things that a society or a country can have. And, in fact, even in our country we see a lot of the corporations implementing this hate speech nonsense. These hate speech policies. Now if you go to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, 1 Corinthians chapter 13, I was applying for some online giving sites recently and I ran into a particular company. And I'm talking to this guy and he's like, hey, we have other products that you should consider. And I'm like, okay, what are some of these other products? He says, look, we can put you on our app. We have an app and we can stream all of your services and you'll never get shut down. You know, where YouTube is shutting people down and Facebook's shutting people down. And, you know, you're fighting all this censorship and all these laws out there. We'll get you hooked up on our app. And I'm like, okay, well, what are your terms? Well, just look up our terms and policies. And if you abide by those, no problem. We'll keep you up. We won't take down any of your sermons or whatever. So I just pull up the terms and services and conditions and it just literally says, like, we don't allow any hate speech on our platform. And I'm like, I said, what is this? And he's like, oh, well, you know, we can't hate anything. You know, as Christians, we don't hate. This is like a Christian company or whatever, right? He's like, Jesus just tells us love. So as long as you're not hating anything, then you'll be fine. And I'm like, well, that's not going to work. I said, doesn't the Bible say in Psalm 139, do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And the guy's like, well, that's above my pay grade. And I'm just thinking, like, who's signing up for this junk? I mean, look, even just saying, I mean, if you said the most loving thing imaginable, I mean, you just say John 3.16. Some people hate that verse. Some people get mad at that verse. Who's defining what is hate speech? You know, are we letting unsaid people define what hate speech is? Or, I mean, you know, who are we deciding what even hate speech is? It's a nonsense concept. And, in fact, some hate is good. There's a time to love and there's a time to hate. You know, but the Bible literally commands us to abhor that which is evil, to hate that which is evil. Yet the world doesn't get this. The world does not understand this. There was a person that has a YouTube channel, and really it's basically if reprobates had a YouTube channel. It's called TYT, and it stands for the Young Turds. I mean, I'm sorry, Young Turks, okay? And basically this group is just a reprobate, God-hating group. They really do not like the Bible or the Word of God. And some, I don't know why, but this guy named Rashad Ritchie who has a YouTube channel called, like, Indisputable. You know, because you can't dispute with him. You know, Indisputable, he's just going to give you facts, okay? He took a whole bunch of my preaching and basically put it on his program, and it was from a sermon about how to be a great wife. And I'm just thinking, like, why do people have to, you know, listen to these sermons and then, like, you know, why do they care? Why do they care what I think about what the Bible says about how to be a great wife? You know, it just reproaches them that someone's preaching what the Bible says, okay? And teaching that women should submit to their husbands and dress appropriately, and God forbid they would make their husband a sandwich. You know, God forbid they would actually obey their husband and they would be a meek and quiet spirit as the Bible literally commands, literally says in the New Testament. But even today, many Christians, so-called, reject the concept of a woman being a meek and quiet spirit when it's right there in the New Testament. Sarah obeyed her husband calling him Lord. And you know what? I don't even tell my wife, you must call me Lord, okay? I mean, but that is what the Bible just literally says, and the world can't handle it. The world freaks out. And so this guy tries to rebuke me, he tries to quote some of the Bible against me. And he brings up 1 Corinthians chapter 13, which is clearly a chapter, is a passage about love. And he quotes from the NIV. You're in the King James, of course, because you have a real Bible in your hands. You don't have some kind of an STD. But it says in verse number 4, I'm going to read the NIV, what he brought up, okay? It says, Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envy, it is not boast, it is not proud, it is not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Now I have to say this, when I compare the NIV to what the King James is saying here, very similar. In fact, most of the components are about the exact same, they're bringing up the same concepts. So while I have a huge problem with the NIV, it's not like this portion of scripture was really that bastardized or anything like that. But what I find interesting is he used this to show how I'm not loving because I was preaching against things and I was standing against things and I was hating things. But it's interesting that he just stopped in verse number 5. What if we read verse number 6? Rejoiceeth not in iniquity. Notice what the Bible literally says, that we're not, love is not rejoicing in iniquity. Of course in your King James Bible it says charity, but charity is a true form of love, it is a synonym. And if we're going to describe love, let me tell you something about love. It does not rejoice in iniquity. You know what Rashad Ritchie loves to do? Rejoice in filth, rejoice in smut, rejoice in feminism, rejoice in faggotry, rejoice in adultery, rejoice in fornication, rejoice in drunkenness, rejoice in blasphemy. He rejoices in that which is iniquity and he's not loving. And what kind of a loser is going to quote the Bible to rebuke a pastor and literally the next phrase from the book that he's quoting rebukes himself. I'll tell you an idiot, a moron, that didn't actually read it. He's a fake, he's a phony, he's an imposter. This Rashad Ritchie, indisputable. How about I disputed you by just the next few verses, the next few words from your own NIV. Because even in the NIV, let me just read you the NIV. What he would have read if he just kept reading. Love does not delight in evil. I'm just thinking like, how can you literally do this? I mean these people are a parody unto themselves. Rashad Ritchie is such a joke and such a fraud, he can't even just read the next verse to realize everything he's saying is lies anyways. Then he brings up 1 John chapter number 4. Go to 1 John chapter number 4 towards the end of your Bible. And he quotes verse 16 but he only just picks out a phrase, acts like it's the whole verse, where it says God is love. Now I agree with that. God is love. But what did we already learn about love from the previous chapter is that it rejoices not in iniquity. What did we learn about it in Romans chapter number 12? That it abhors that which is evil. So of course if God is love, that means he's going to abhor that which is evil. If God is love, that means he doesn't rejoice in any iniquity. He hates all of iniquity. And in 1 John chapter 4 verse 16 the whole verse says this, And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love. And he that dwelt in love dwelt in God and God in him. So if that love from God is emanating towards us, that also means that he doesn't rejoice in our iniquity. That also means he abhors that which is evil that's coming from us. Now he then brings up one more verse in the same chapter, verse 20. And he kind of is populating like, oh, this is the NIV-NIV. The next one he populates, it just says a scholarly paraphrase. And I was like, a scholarly paraphrase? What does that mean? Okay, well, whenever I typed in his verse, I was like, okay, where is this coming from? I typed in the verse that he's about to quote for us. I couldn't find it anywhere. There was zero references for it. I just, even just parts of the phrasing I couldn't even find. So either his writer or himself, I don't know, must have just made this up. And then I read it and I'm thinking like, oh, okay, now I can see why no one has ever said this. Because it doesn't even make sense. Let me just read for you. 1 John chapter 4, verse 20, this is what he wrote. If a someone says, I love God. That doesn't even make proper sense. That's not even grammatically correct. If a someone, it's obvious that he took some other bastardized version that says something like if a person and they swapped the word person to a someone to be more gender neutral and didn't even realize in their twisting of the Bible by making it more gender neutral or something that they actually didn't even make grammatical sense anymore. They probably took some bastardized version that says if a man and then just changed it to a someone because they can't use the word man, of course, right? And then they just didn't even realize that it doesn't even make sense. It says if a someone says, I love God and hates humanity, they are liars. But what does your King James Bible actually say? First of all, it makes grammatical sense. If a man say, I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar. There's a difference between humanity and a brother, my friend. And let me tell you something, God hates some people. So by your own definition, you would be making God a liar. Because if God hates even one person, wouldn't that violate the bastardized version that he brings up? Because he's saying, oh, if you say you love God and you hate humanity, you know, any person, then I guess you just are such a liar. You know what? The Bible is distinguishing hating a brother, not humanity, okay? Because obviously there's certain people that are so wicked and evil, you should hate them. It makes no sense not to hate them. Go if you would to Psalms chapter number 5. Go to Psalms chapter number 5. Of course, we are to always love our brother and sister in Christ. We are not to wish evil upon them. We're not to curse them. Now, of course, the word love and hate have varying context because they are broad words, okay? If I said I love my mom and I said I love pizza, those are two different things, okay? We understand that love and hate can have various context, right? If I said I hate anchovies, you know, that's different than hating a pedophile, okay? Because I'm not going to take all the anchovies out in the world and blow them up, okay? I'm not going to wish the death penalty on anchovies, right? What does it mean in the context of, like, hating anchovies? It means, like, I don't want to eat them. I'm not going to choose to eat that, right? I'm going to kind of reject that. Whereas there could be a form of hatred that's more of an emotional feeling. It's deep-seated. So, like, some of the verses in the Bible talk about hating your father and mother. That's not talking about an emotion. That's not talking about, like, this act of attacking and just this vicious, just like, argh. It's talking about how you would not choose them. I would choose my brother physically over Jesus Christ. I would choose Christ if I had to pick between the two. Who am I going to hang out with? I would pick the one and not choose the other. And in some of our context, we would say, oh, man, it seems like you hate me because you never want to hang out with me, right? It's not saying that there's this, the same level of emotion, though, is necessarily attached to how much you would hate murder. You would hate, you know, rape or something like that. That's obviously contextualized, okay? So, when the Bible is talking about how you should always love your brother, there could be a time where hatred towards a brother is also appropriate in the sense that you're not choosing them, right? But these have to be understood in their context because the Bible never contradicts itself. Yet, atheists and unbelievers want to scoff at the Word of God, take verses where it'll say love and hate, twist them out of their context to try and make it seem like the Bible is confusing, but really, they're just the ones that are confused. The Bible is always right. It makes perfect sense. And here's the thing, while God loves sinners, excuse me, he also hates sinners, and it's contextually driven. How does he love sinners? He sent his son to die on the cross for all of them. He gives them grace. He's long suffering towards them. His reign comes on the just and on the unjust. So, that's the way that God loves sinners. How does God hate sinners? He punishes them on this earth, and if they reject Christ, they go to hell. So, we have to understand the context upon which we're making the statements that we're making. Let me tell you something. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that God hates wicked, evil sinners. He hates them. You can't read the Bible and not come to this conclusion. And, in fact, you're supposed to sing it, and people get all mad. Why do you sing Psalm 139? Which Psalm do you want us to sing? How about Psalm 5? Look at verse 5. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Notice what the Bible is saying. God hates all workers of iniquity. Now, how many people are excluded from that list that do iniquity? Zero. Notice he just hates every single one of them, all of them. Verse 6. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing. The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. Notice God hates and he abhors people. It doesn't say here that God abhors murder. It says that God abhors the bloody and deceitful man. Why? Because God hates the murderer. Oh, you know, we're supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin. When did the Bible say that? Gandhi said that. What does the Bible say? The Bible says the Lord abhors the bloody and deceitful man. Go to Psalms chapter number 10. Go to Psalms chapter number 10 and look at verse number 3. Psalms chapter number 10 and look at verse number 3. For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetousness, or covetous, whom the Lord abhorth. Notice that God hates the covetous and wicked person. How about chapter 11 verse 5? The Lord trieth righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hated. Notice how God feels about evil people. Notice how God feels about the wicked and the person that commits the violence. It doesn't say, oh, God hates the violence but loves the violent man. No, no, no, no. It says, but the wicked, and notice this word, and him. That's the person. The person that loves violence, God's soul hates the person who loves violence. That's what the Bible is clearly articulating. God hates that person. Go to Psalms 26. Go to Psalms 26. It seems like there's a lot more Psalms we could be singing that would trigger you and your liberal buddies. Look, Psalm 139 is just scratching the surface of what the Psalms are like. God hates the wicked. God hates the evil. He's angry with sinners. He hates them every day is what the Bible says. God is angry with the wicked every day. And it makes sense because when you just look out in the world today, you just see all this evil. If you have any love in your heart, it's going to grieve you. Think about the Psalm when we're singing it. Am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee? How can you not be grieved when someone takes Jesus' name in vain? When someone just says, you know, GG, or they use Jesus' name as a cuss word, throwing it around as much. You know, every time I hear that, I kind of cringe. I'm just like, ugh. It makes you feel gross. Why? Because I love that name. Just like if someone walked up to me and used my mom's name and said, Your mom's a whore. Using her proper name? I would just want to, like, hurt that person. Why? Because I love my mother. I wouldn't join in and think, oh, that's cool. Oh, no problem. Yeah, that's great. No, that would be highly offensive. And you know what? We're supposed to love Jesus more than our mother. We're supposed to hold His name as more sacred than our mother. Because let me tell you something about your mom's name. It's not getting anybody in heaven. But there is a name above every name, and that name is Jesus Christ, and that's the name that gets people into heaven. And why would I just be okay with people blaspheming the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? In fact, it's such a grievous sin that people that would just openly blaspheme the name of the Lord were put to death in the Bible. And let me tell you something. In America, in the 1600s, you blasphemed the name of God. You were killed in America. Obviously, it wasn't really America, quote, unquote, in the 1600s. I get that, okay? It was the British colonies, okay? But you know what? Some of those laws carried forth even passed the Declaration of Independence because our nation was a lot different back then, my friend. You want to know why America was so blessed? Because of that loss coming from God. You know why it was so blessed? Because it had love in their heart. But our society today, love is waxing cold today, and people are filled with iniquity today, and they don't have any real desire to serve God anymore. And that's why we have so much filth and smut and abomination. You know, they want to act like Texas is so friendly, but you know what? It doesn't seem really friendly when they are welcoming in literal pedophiles and all kinds of adultery and filth and faggotry into our society. That's not friendly. That's wicked. That's an abomination today. And you know what? There's no love coming from their heart. Why is Texas getting ruined? It's because people don't have real love. They're getting a bunch of fake love from all these fake Christians in our area. There are so many fake Christians in Houston, Texas. There are so many fake Christians in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It's sickening. There are literally churches everywhere. In this shopping center, when I started this church, there were eight other churches in this building and the one next to it. Owned by the same guy. Eight. And you know how many of them were a good church? One. Pure Words Baptist Church. That was the only one. It was just like, it was like, Pentecostal, Pentecostal, Pentecostal, Pentecostal, Hispanic Pentecostal, Pentecostus, you know. It's just like, is there any other option? Yeah, there's a Baptist church in the corner that actually believes the Bible and doesn't do gibberish during the service. You know, look, there's a problem with Texas. There's a huge problem with Texas when you notice that literally the biggest false prophets are here. I mean, think about it. Who are the literal biggest false prophets in America in the world? Joel Osteen. Where is he at? Downtown. I mean, you got all kinds, you got like, in the Dallas-Fort there, you got T.D. Jakes. You got Kenneth Copeland. I mean, you just name it. You got a church called Gateway with Robert Morris. I mean, that church is one of the largest churches in the world. All kinds of church plants. And, of course, they're never content just being in the little area. They start all these little satellite churches all over. It's just a cancer that's just constantly creeping all over our society. And the only reason that these people are successful is because Texans today, they just want spiritual junk food today. Right? Why is there a McDonald's on every single corner? Because people are too lazy and too slothful to actually make good food. And, basically, they don't want to actually work and do any effort and actually eat real food today. They just want to eat spiritual junk food. And you know what? Our society is turning into crap because of all the crap that they're eating. They're eating the N.I.V. They're eating the new American Standard version. They're eating all these fake versions and they're eating the fake burgers and all they like is just the soy and the G.M.O. that's coming from the fast food industry. You know, also what's hurting Texas is all the things that are being imported into Texas. And let me tell you something, it's not just McDonald's. It's even the In-N-Out Burger, isn't it? Right? You know, people want to give Texas a hard time, but it seems like we're being infiltrated by everything that's wicked and evil. I mean, we're shipping in all kinds of Californians like overnight. Every time I knock on the door, it's like, I just moved here. And I'm just like, okay, great. You know, and they just keep on bringing all these crappy businesses and crappy ideas with them. You know, and people bring in In-N-Out Burger and they're just like, it's so great. And I'm like, it has two items on its menu. You know, people want to give Texas a hard time for what they have. It's like In-N-Out has two things on their menu and they suck at one of those. They literally suck at 50% of their menu. Their fries are literally trash. I mean, it's like they didn't even cook them. It's like they just cut a potato and just got a little wet with some oil. And they're just like, here you go. And you're just like, what is that? Did you even cook this? I mean, you think about it, you go there and it's like, oh, I want a burger. Can I get some bacon? You don't have bacon? You literally sell burgers and fries and you don't even have bacon. I thought we were in the New Testament. I thought every creature was good and nothing to be refused. I mean, what kind of joint is this? You go there and it's like, you get a one, two, or three and it's just like, do you want a third of a burger, a half a burger, or a real burger? You know, that's basically your options. And then do you want us to serve you something that's called fries? I don't even know what it is. I mean, this is the type of country that we live in today where the churches, they're just offering you two items and 50% of the menu sucks. They won't even give you the whole smorgasbord. They won't even give you the bacon. You know, you go to a church today and it's like an in and out church. Just hurry up, get in, go out. It's really cheap. We don't really give you that much. We won't tell you about, you know, the fact that the Jews aren't God's chosen people. We won't give you the bacon of the New Testament. Oh, you want some fries? Yeah, sorry, here's what we got. We don't hate anyone, you know. We don't hate anything. Someone needs to learn how to hate because someone needs to walk up to the manager and in and out and say, your fries suck, dude. Your fries are terrible. Someone needs to love in and out enough to rebuke them. And you know what, hey, if in and out fixes their fries, I will make a public statement about how they did a good job, okay? I will endorse in and out. But someone needs to love them enough to abhor that which is evil called in and out fries and tell them about it and stop having this Californication of Texas. Like, why do I want to import all of that junk here too? You know, it's just silly. It's foolishness. It makes no sense. You know what, love hates sin today. And you know what, it's a sin to take a perfectly good potato and ruin it and call it fries that you have on your menu in and out. You know what, and it's the same thing at churches today where they have the perfectly good Bible and then they serve some kind of a wet, greasy thing that's not really fries. And they call it fries. And of course, people still order this junk. People literally go there and still eat it. And I'm thinking, like, how do they do this? It's the same. They go to church and they get served this crappy wet fry thing or whatever. And people are like, Pastor Shelley, there's a secret. You got to get the extra crispy. You know, it's like a secret menu. You tell them to actually cook them. But then they just burn them. And I'm like, well, that's not any better. It's like, do I want the wet, sloppy thing or do I want them, like, burnt? It's just like, you know, where's the Goldilocks? I want that which is right in the middle, you know. I want that which is good. Sorry, I have to hit back a little bit. People have been hitting on Texas. I mean, what do you think, California is now the promised land or something? Wake up. They're like, oh, Texas doesn't have freedom. No one has freedom then, you know. But we ought to fight for that freedom. We ought to fight for the truth. That's what real love looks like today. And let me tell you something. Love hates sin. Look what it says in Psalms 26, verse number 4. I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. I have hated the congregation of evildoers and will not sit with the wicked. Let me tell you something. I'm not going to church with a tranny. I'm not going to sit with the wicked. I'm not going to sit here with dissemblers. You know what I'm also not going to do? I'm not going to go to Lakewood and sit with the dissemblers that claim that they love God so much but they're a lying hypocrite. They're a deceitful jerk. I'm not going to go sit with Oprah Winfrey at Joel Osteen's service and pretend like she loves God with me and worship God with Oprah Winfrey and worship God with a tranny and worship God with all the freaks and the weirdos. Look, the Bible teaches in 1 Corinthians 5, not everybody is welcome in church. Hey, you're a fornicator. Get out. Hey, you're a drunkard. Get out. Hey, you're doing that which is evil. You're an idolater. You're an extortioner. The Bible says to get out of church, fix yourself, and then get back in. Start loving God. Start loving God's Word and stop being a fake. Stop being a phony. You know what? We're not going to change our country with hypocrites. We're not going to change our country with fake. We're not going to change our country with In-N-Out. We need some Outback, okay? You know what I like about Outback? They have great burgers and fries. There I said it, okay? And you know what? They have real chili because it doesn't have beans in it. They realize they can make a really great tasting item. They don't have to put filler into it. It's just steak and it's the right kind of food. You know, that's why it's so much better than In-N-Out. I don't need to go to, you know, the junk food. Now look, obviously if you're in a pinch, it's past 9 p.m. You got to do what you got to do. I get it. All right? We're all sinners, okay? But at the end of the day, we have to realize that if we're going to fix our country, we need men to stand up for the spiritual truths of the day. We need to hate that which is evil. And you know what? When I eat that junk, I hate it afterwards anyways. It's not like I was just, you know, no one eats Taco Bell and then after, they're like, I'm so glad I ate that. They're thinking like, oh man, I got to go to the bathroom and I had Taco Bell. You know, they're worried about what's going to happen later. Go ahead to Psalm 31, Psalm 31. But let me tell you something, God's not letting a single sinner in heaven. You know, the Bible says, For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth, and maketh a lie. A lie, one lie. Zero sinners are getting into heaven. You know why you get into heaven? Because your old man's dead and it's going to go on the ground and your new man's going to heaven. But your old man's not going to touch heaven. Your old man's not even going to do anything with heaven. Because God hates sinners. And you know what? That's why God wants your old man to die. That's why he wants to kill it. The Bible also says, you know, a verse that we always think about, All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth the fire and brimstone, which is the second death. That's why you have to get born again. So that you're not a liar. You know, the Bible says, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves, as mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkers, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Notice the Bible is constantly telling people, Hey, sinners aren't getting into heaven. Now, of course, a work salvationist loves these verses because he loves to twist them and try to say, See, you can't commit these sins and get into heaven. But that would mean no one's getting to heaven then. Because it said, Whosoever maketh, alie. Oops, that's every single person ever. James chapter number two makes it abundantly clear that if you keep the whole law, you're defending one point, you're guilty of all. Oops, everyone did that. So, then how does anybody get into heaven? Well, look at the next verse. Well, I'm sorry, you didn't turn there, but I'll just read for you. And such were some of you, but you're washed, but you're sanctified, but you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God. So, notice only redeemed people get into heaven. Because God hates sin. Love hates sin. God is so loving, he's not going to let anything bad into heaven. You know, when we get into heaven, when we inherit the new heaven and the new earth, no one's ever going to lie, no one's ever going to steal, no one's ever going to cheat, no one's going to murder anyone. There's not going to be a Cain killing Abel. There's not going to be the blood shed. The blood's already been shed for us. We're going to see the crucified Lord Jesus Christ. We're going to see the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. And we're going to just have rejoicing and peace. The Bible says there's no more tears when we get to that stage of our life. Why? Because God hates it so much, he wants it to be out of his sight forever. It's going to be in the lake of fire and no one's even going to remember it anymore. It's just going to be, you know, just gone. Because God hates it so much, he can't look at it. He's so holy, he's so righteous, and he loves us so much, he wants to separate us. You know, our sins are separated from us as far as the east is from the west is what the Bible says. Because if it was on us, he couldn't have anything to do with us. He would have to throw us into hell with everybody else. Look what it says in Psalm 31 verse 6. I have hated them that regard lying vanities. Notice that we've also changed. In the previous one, it was I hate. This one's I hate again. So not only does God hate, we hate. Hey, if you want to be like God, you have to hate. And notice you hate them. I have hated them that regard lying vanities. It doesn't say, like, I just hate lies. It says I hate the liars. Not only do I hate the liars, I hate the people that embrace the lies. It's like, I don't just hate CNN, I hate the CNN listeners. You idiot. The NPC, the guy that literally just stands for everything that the world tells them to do. It's just like, wear this flag, wear that flag, wear this hat. I mean, just stand on your head. I mean, it's just like, whatever they tell them to do, they literally do it. It's like, you know, it just irritates me. It should irritate every righteous person. When people just succumb to lies, you know, succumb to the most foolish, idiotic, false doctrines. Now, of course, you can still love people that are brain dead by giving them the gospel. But you know what? It still irritates the fire out of me. Psalm 45, look at Psalm 45 and look at verse number 7. Psalm 45, look at verse number 7. The Bible says thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness. And you know what this is being quoted to? It's quoted to Jesus Christ in the book of Hebrews. As Jesus Christ, when he was on this earth, you know, oh, Jesus loved everybody. Notice what the Bible says, oh, wait, he loved righteousness and hated wickedness. And if you think that Jesus loved everyone, you didn't read any of the gospels. Because most of the gospels, he's hating on the Pharisees harder than anybody's ever been hated. I mean, he's calling them the children of the devil. He's saying they can't escape the damnation of hell. He's calling them out in front of everybody. He made them so mad just by his words, they want to throw them off a cliff. You know, in Wood to God, we go back to a society that doesn't have these stupid hate speech laws and they'd say, hey, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. What happened to real men in this country today? Where they say, oh, you can say whatever you want and it's not going to hurt me. But today, men will literally cry and they have to get in their little safety bubble, their little personal space. You're in my personal space. Oh, that's mean. I can't hear that. Did you hear what he said to me? I need to tell somebody. It's like, what are you talking about? You're so effeminate. You're so effeminate to let your little feelings get hurt every time someone doesn't like you. You know what? If you have to have the entire government pass legislation, pass laws not to hate you, it's because there's something wrong with you. Look, when you are just so filthy and disgusting and abominable and wicked and evil, of course you have to have the entire government pass laws that say, like, you can't hate this person. Why? Because it's so easy to hate them. It's so easy to hate a pedophile. It's so easy to hate a disgusting, filthy, abominable faggot today that they have to pass all these laws and try to brainwash people into not hating them. Why? Because they're so evil. They're so wicked. No one likes them. They're so gross. It's like, I don't like vomit. I don't care what the government says, like, you can't hate vomit anymore. You have to like it. You have to appreciate it. In fact, next month is vomit month. All the companies, they're going to put out vomit for everybody on display and you get to look at it and see it. Look, I would rather have vomit month than pride month. I would rather be forced to go to a store and see vomit just hanging out than to see disgusting, filthy trannies and these drag freaks. And you know what? Every normal person agrees with me. You know what? They have to constantly propagandize and brainwash and try to twist everybody's mind to tell you that it's wonderful. You know, they make Caitlyn Jenner, the woman of the year, a dude. You know what that tells me? They hate women. Because how can you literally say a dude is better at being a woman than a woman? Let me tell you, every single woman is better at being a woman than Bruce Jenner. He can't be one. That is so sick and disgusting and filthy. And you know what? Men and women are different. You know, it's such a gender-bending society that we have, that we live in and of course the Republicans are never going to fix it. Why? Because the Republicans are fake. They love with the simulation today and they change their narrative with the wind. You know, it used to be in this country that they were against same-sex marriage. Who remembers that? I mean, it was a big deal. I mean, every single Republican is just like, we're against same-sex marriage. Now what is it? Now they're against trannies being in women's sports. Right? Now the new one is like, we can't let men compete in women's sports that are a tranny. You know, that's the new stand. It's like, how far have you fallen? What's the next stand? You know, now they have billboards that say, hey, we shouldn't let children get a sex change without their parental permission. It's like, what are you even talking about? That's the new stand? That's the new line that we're crossing now? I mean, it's just ever-changing. They're not really standing against these things. And they hate these. Here's a novel idea. How about I just cancel all women's sports? There I said it. How could you do such a thing? It's the worst NBA. It's not the women's NBA. It's the worthless NBA. Nobody wants to watch that. That's why they're always complaining about not having a big salary. And it's like, because they suck at basketball. Because literally a guy that can't even compete in college can go and dominate all the women in basketball. A guy that's never even played basketball in his life can basically make the roster of the WNBA because they just suck at basketball in comparison to men. Look, there's a difference between men and women. No matter how much I try, I'll never be able to give birth. Never. It doesn't matter how much I work out. It doesn't matter how much I try, huff and puff. It doesn't matter what I do. I'm never going to be able to give birth. And here's the thing. No matter how much a woman transforms her body, she's never going to compete at the same level as men. She's never going to be as fast. She's never going to be as strong. She's never going to be as good. That's why nobody really wants to watch it because they try to watch sports to watch greatness. Not to watch an agenda. Not to watch wokeness. Not to just see a bunch of just pandering. You know, they even do this in golf and it makes me sick. In golf, they made an entire tour for minorities. Basically, they say it's just such a white man's sport that they have this like black golf tour that they just let all these guys play and they suck at golf. But, you know, I guess because they're a minority, they just want to let them play. And I'm thinking like the sport that literally one of the greatest golfers to ever live was black. You have to literally make an entire black tour. I mean, have you ever heard of Tiger Woods? It's like, come on. I mean, do we really? I mean, how insulting is it to say like black people just suck at golf or something. They have to make their own special tour. What's next? Are we going to make a black hockey league too? Because, you know, I happen to notice that pretty much every hockey player is white. You know why? Because they all live in Canada. Because that's the only thing they have to do up there is basically eat waffles and syrup and skate. I saw this kid. He lives in Canada and he has a skating rink as his backyard. And it's just like, that's not going to happen in Houston. Good luck. You don't have ice in Houston. Okay. It's wet. But, you know, you get snow. It's like a miracle. You know, you have snow and your kids are like, is it the end times? Like, what is this? You know, is this hail from God or something? I mean, they don't even know what it is. They don't even know what snow looks like. Okay. And it's so silly the world that we live in today that they just can't hate sin anymore. They just have to love everything. We have to tolerate everything. And no one, you can't, you can't hate women's sports. Because then it means you hate women, right? Rather than just wanting women to, you know, actually, like, be a mother, how about raise children, guide the house, not go after Satan, not get abused by all their trainers, not transform their body into trying to be like a man, which it never will be, not constantly injuring itself. And look, women constantly are injuring their bodies and injuring themselves because they're in these sports, which they were never really designed to do anyways. Just like I wasn't designed to give birth. I'm sure I would injure myself if I tried, okay? Get a hernia or something, okay? No one wants to see that. Go to Galatians chapter 5. Let me tell you something. Following God's commandments is loving. And the world is not loving. And you have to understand that love hates sin. How many verses do I have to show you? But you know why I preach a sermon like this? Because the world will never, ever preach this. The world is so against this message. In fact, my employee, Dylan, he was just getting a haircut or something, and on the screen they had this commercial. And it's like this person that has a sign that says, like, God hates you or something like that. And they're basically, like, rebuking this idea of, like, God hating anybody for any reason. And they're just like, Jesus gets us. He loves us. He accepts everybody. And it's like they have an entire commercial dedicated to just saying, like, we should never hate anybody for any reason. And I'm thinking, like, who paid for that? The devil? Like, I mean, what per- Like, it wasn't like, you know, and then Nike at the end. You know, it wasn't like, oh, and then, you know, Skittles or something, you know. It was just like, just love everybody. Just a message of just love her. I mean, that is the world that we live in today where false doctrine is literally just on the TV. They're just like, hey, let's get a fake doctrine, a false doctrine that says love everything, love everybody, tolerate everything, don't hate anybody. But, you know, all the same while they hate the hate preacher. Oh, anybody that preaches what the Bible says, anybody that gets up and says, hey, the Bible says you should hate people. Like, what? You can't say that. And I'm like, why? Have you not seen the commercial? Well, look, I don't get brainwashed by commercials because I don't own a TV. You know how you fix that? Don't have a TV. You're like, how do you not have a TV? Don't buy one. Don't buy one. How do you live, Pastor Shelley? I live my life. I don't watch other people live their lives. I don't just let the government hook into me and just tell me, don't hate, buy Skittles, where's the In-N-Out Burger? Their fries are good. Their fries are good. It's like, no, they suck. I took out the plug and I tried them and I was like, ah. And then you get up and you're like, these fries suck. They're like, oh, you can't say that. It's like, yes, you can. You can say it. Say it. Okay. If everyone said it, maybe they would be like, okay, we're going to change our menu because we have two items and 50 percent of them suck. Like, how are you in business? How is it? I mean, you go to California and it's literally like 40 cars long. And I'm just thinking, like, you realize their fries are terrible, right? You realize that it's California. Okay. They talk about how Texas sucks. It's like, well, you know what? It's not a line back to California for In-N-Out. Okay. Galatians chapter 5, look at verse 14, the Bible says, For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. You know, the entire law can be summarized in one word, love. Every commandment is loving. The death penalty is loving. Every restriction, every instruction, every proof, it's all love. And the Bible says God is love. Why? Because, of course, he is his word. You know, in the beginning was the word and the word is with God and the word was God. The word of God is God. Okay. And the word of God is loving. And yet, there's so many Baptists, there's so many preachers today, you literally just read verses in the Bible and they're like, that's not loving. It's like, it has to be. It's literal love. If I read Leviticus 20, 13 out loud, I'm loving you. I'm loving every single person. Oh, we're in the New Testament today. Well, guess what? The New Testament's love and the Old Testament's love and they're compatible with one another. Jesus Christ literally said, Whoso cursed his father or mother, let him die the death. I mean, what else do you want Jesus to say? And if it wasn't for the death penalty, we wouldn't even be here because Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross for all of our sins. Think about the ultimate picture of love is him dying for us. We needed that love. Go to Romans 1, last place I'll return. The people that are not loving are the reprobates of this world today. And when you sin, it shows a lack of love and we see the people, why they do the things that they do is because they hate God. That's why they're so filled with sin. That's why they're a reprobate is because they don't want to believe in Jesus. They just hate God with every fiber of their being. They resist everything that which is holy. The Bible very clearly articulates that women with women and men with men, they hate God. They despise the Lord. They don't even want to think about God. And because of this, God's given them a reprobate mind. And because of this, these are their attributes described in Romans 1 verse 29. It says being. Now being is an action verb. Who's the context? Who's the noun here? The reprobates, the men with men. They're being filled with what? All unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. Who knowing the judgment of God that they which commits things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Now if the Bible says that I'm supposed to love without dissimulation, I'm supposed to abhor that which is evil, the Bible makes it clear that God hates the blood in this evil man. The Bible makes it clear that I hate those people as well. If I can't hate these people, then I submit to you, you can't hate anyone. I mean, this person is literally the embodiment of all sin, all unrighteousness, everything that which is evil, and the Bible made it abundantly clear that there's certain people we hate. If it can't be these people, there will be no one. Yet, you tell people, hey, I hate these people, and they just freak out. Why? Because they're so brainwashed today. And you know what? They hate. If you don't hate faggots, you're a hateful person. Don't look at, oh, you're so brainwashed, you're a hate preacher. You hate faggots. You know what? If you don't, it's because you're a hateful person, and you don't love God whatsoever. Because you know what? These reprobates, they're constantly lying about who they are. They say that they're men when they're women. They say they're women when they're men. How can you love them that regard lying vanities? The Bible says, I hate them that regard lying vanities. How can you not hate the guy that literally brings his son into your school, sits him next down to your daughter, and says, oh, he's a girl too. He wants to wrestle your daughter in the wrestling program, and go into the bathroom with them, and hang out with them, and have a tea party. Look, you're sick. You're disgusting. I mean, they dress wrong. They confuse who they are. They deny God. They deny the gospel. They molest children. They teach perversion. They blast him in the name of God. I mean, what do you need them to do to hate them? I mean, the fact that you can't hate someone that does all that just shows you have zero love of God, and zero love of the Bible. And people want to constantly sit here and tell me, oh, love is love. No. No. Sin is not loving. And let me tell you something, what they mean by that. The first love is describing what they do. They're love. Men with men, they call that love. That's sin is what that really is. And let me tell you something about sin. It's not love. Because love hates sin. And they're trying to brainwash the entire world by saying, oh, love is love. But you know what they're really saying? Sin is love. But there's something wrong with that because sin can never be loving, my friend. Never. Well, what two consenting adults do in private doesn't hurt anyone. You know what it does? It's hateful. It's hateful what they do. They hate God. They hate the commandments of the Lord. It's wickedness. It's abomination. It's filth. And let me tell you something, they don't love. Why do they have a thousand partners, according to the CDC? Are you going to tell me that's loving? Are you going to tell me that if your spouse said, you know what, I've been with 999 other people, you would feel loved? You would feel like it's just a number. You would feel like they hate you. These people don't love anyone. It's not loving to give people AIDS. It's not loving to give people HIV. It's not loving to give people herpes. And you know what? In certain parts of our country, they've even outlawed the fact that if you knowingly give people AIDS, that it's a crime anymore. It used to be a crime that if you would knowingly give people AIDS, that you could be punished. Well, they had to go ahead and revoke that in California because there's all these people knowingly giving people AIDS. Even. People that are even trying to get it. And trying to give it out. How is that love? Even these own sodomites, they hate each other because they get AIDS from one of them and they hate them. And look, they're not interested in any kind of love. They want to molest children. And as soon as they molest that child, they'll move on to the next one. They'll move on to the next one. They don't love that child. They're not going to take care of that child. They don't care what's in the best interest of the child. They want to just take their innocence away from them and move on to the next one. They just want to defile that which is wicked, defile that which is evil. And you know what? We need Baptist preachers. We need men in this country to stand against this filth, against this smut, to not succumb to the pressure of this world, to renew their minds with the Bible, and to say, you know what? Love hates sin. Love abhors that which is evil. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. That's what love is. Close in prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father for the Word of God. Thank you for giving us the Bible so that we could know the right way to think. We can know what real love looks like. I pray that we would never fall victim to the brainwashing, propaganda, satanic agenda out there to try and convince us that sin is somehow loving. To tell us that we should tolerate sin, that we should appreciate sin, that we should praise sin, that we should just let sin go rather than standing against wickedness, standing against that which is evil, loving the Word of God, loving the Bible, loving our neighbor, loving our brother. And if you love your brother, you're not going to suffer sin upon them. You're going to rebuke thy neighbor. I pray that we would have the confidence and the strength and the courage to believe the Bible in a dark, adulterous, and evil generation. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Let's go to our last song, 413. 413. Stand up, stand up for Jesus. Now I let y'all sit for most every song, but I like to stand for this one. Alright, so we're going to stand up. Stand up, stand up for Jesus. 413 there in the first. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross. Live high, Israel banner, it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory, his armies shall he lead, till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey. For to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day, he that our men now serve him against unnumbered foes. Let courage rise with danger and strength to strength oppose. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in his strength alone. The arm of flesh will fail you, ye do not trust your own. Put on the gospel armor and watching unto prayer. Where duty calls for danger, be never wanting there. God bless you guys for coming. You are dismissed. You are dismissed. You are dismissed. You are dismissed. You are dismissed. You are dismissed.