(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome. I remember hearing that the first time on the like the CD and like what? All right. Anybody. Welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. Glad you could all make it here this Sunday night Let's go ahead and take out our hymnal to our first song this evening It's gonna be 165 Oh Worship the king That's why we came here tonight right worship the king 165 165 Oh worship the king All together Oh Worship the king all glorious above and gratefully sing his wonderful love our shield and defender the ancient of days pavilion in splendor and girded with praise Oh tell of his mind and sing of his grace Whose robe is alive? Whose canna be spaced his chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form and Arcus's path on the wings of the storm thy bountiful care What tongue can reside it breathes in the air It shines in the light His dreams from the hills and descends to the plain and sweetly distills in the dew and the rain braille Hilton of dust and feeble as rail in Thee do we trust nor find thee to fail thy Mercies out tender how firm to the end our maker Defender redeemer and friend Amen, great singing. Let's fire. It's word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father, we just thank you again that we could be here tonight I just pray you to help us all to grow in our faith You just thank that our love for you and our love for each other you feel pastor Shelley with your Holy Spirit Help them to teach the people here Please follow their help our church to continue to be blessed in our soul winning that we could just continue to be more and more Fruitful each and every week and in Jesus name we pray. Amen Next is gonna be 167 right next door All Hail the power of Jesus name song 167 Altogether all hail the power of Jesus thing that angels prostrate form Bring forth the royal diadem and crown him Lord of all Bring forth the royal diadem and crown him He chose and seed of Israel's race he ransomed from the fall Hail him who saves you by his grace and crown him Lord of all Hail him who saves you by his grace and crown him Lord of all Let every kindred every tribe of this terrestrial ball To him all majesty astride and crown him Oh With younger sacred throne we at his feet may fall will join the Everlasting song and crown him Lord of all will join the Everlasting song and crown him Lord of all And then thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church, and it's great to sing this song and sing about that terrestrial ball. Amen and Also, if you didn't get a bull actually we printed out all new bulletins So if you already got one, we'll still give you one just there's a typo on there We just want to make sure that everything's accurate But if you definitely don't have one lift up your hand nice and high and we'll get you a bullets in But if the ushers want to come around and get some bulletins the people also in the front We have the Bible memory passage John chapter 1 we are on starting a brand new one If you did not get your prize from this morning, just see brother Dylan and he can get you your prize for Quoting someone 48 don't double dip. All right. We'll know if you did All right, and then also on the inside we have our service and soul winning times. We also have our stats I'm gonna go ahead and get a count for the last few days. Was there anything to report from? This past Thursday as far as soul winning numbers Right three for Thursday, what about Friday anything from Friday? All right, nothing for Friday, what about Saturday anything for Saturday It's like seven for Saturday and then what about today? I don't even think I got the church van number So if you please make sure let's get those That different Psych we had 15 for Sunday. So praise the Lord on that And then on the right we have a list of our expecting ladies several ladies there to be in prayer for We also have a prayer list continue to pray for all of those Listed we also have the congratulations the Hernandez family brother Alberto's with us You can go congratulate him after the service on the birth of Lydia Annalise Hernandez. She was born 11 14 21 at 533 p.m. And she weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces measuring 21 inches long. Congratulations to them And On the back we have the Note again about the church yearbook photos if you signed up I think there was still a few people that signed up for today that still need to get their picture So just see my wife real quick over by my office and get those evening pictures Done. We'll also have next Sunday. We'll also have a makeup day So we want to get we want to get your picture All right, and then also we have our baby shower for miss Megan wood and her baby girl they're registered on bye-bye-bye bye-bye baby and It's December 18th. If you're able to bring a dish to share nursing is only preferred also on our upcoming events Thanksgiving dessert fellowship November 24th. We also have Christmas caroling December 14th, and then we have The bullets and this is where the error was December 24 is actually December 22nd Which is just our normal regular Wednesday evening service. We're gonna be doing our candlelight service and cookie bake-off. So If you show up Friday, you can have your own special service outside, but there won't be anything going on here So I would advise you just come on Wednesday like normal and we'll have our candlelight service and our cookie bake-off and it's it's on Those cards too. So the cards have the 22nd on there. So it should be all accurate Also December 31st, we have our New Year's Eve party at 7 p.m. So I think that's all that I had for announcements. Let's go ahead and go to our third song Psalm 139 Psalm 139 it's gonna be in your little separate handouts Psalm 139 This is coming straight from the Bible, so don't you dare get offended Psalm 139 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked Surely thou wilt slay the wicked O God Depart from me therefore ye bloody men Depart from me therefore ye bloody men Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee Him not I agree with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee For they speak against thee wickedly for they speak against thee wickedly And thine enemies Take thy name in vain and thine enemies. Take thy name in vain Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee Him not I agree with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee I hate them with perfect hatred I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies I count them mine enemies Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee do not I hate them O Lord That ain't thee Am not I agree with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee Amen great singing As offering plates are being passed around please turn your Bible to Proverbs chapter 18 Proverbs chapter 18 You Proverbs chapter 18 Through desire a man having separated himself seeketh an intermetallith with all wisdom a Fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself When the wicked cometh then cometh also contempt with ignominy reproach The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook It is not good to accept the person of the wicked to overthrow the righteous in judgment a fool's lips enter into contention and his mouth calleth for strokes a Fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are at the snare of his soul The words of a tale bearer are as wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him. That is a great waster Name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runneth into it and is safe The rich man's wealth is his strong city and as an high wall in his own conceit Before destruction the heart of man is haughty before honor his humility He that answerth a matter before he heareth it it is folly and shame unto him The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity, but a wounded spirit who can bear the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge a Man's gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men He that is first in his own cause seemeth just but his neighbor cometh and searcheth him the lot cause of contentions to cease and parteth between the mighty a Brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city and their contentions are like the bars of a castle a Man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof Whoso findeth the wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord The poor useth in treaties, but the rich answerth roughly Amen that hath friends must show himself friendly and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord Thank you for all the souls that were won today Please Lord bless our church and bless our pastor as he preaches Fill him with your spirit allow him to preach boldly and help us pay attention and apply the message to our lives in Jesus name Amen And then the verse I want to look at was in verse 5 where the Bible reads it is not good to accept the person of the wicked to overthrow the righteous and Judgment and the time of my sermon this evening is this Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdict Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdict now Who doesn't know Kyle Rittenhouse at all is at all? Okay, we got one person All right, so pretty much everybody else knows who we're talking about. I'll still explain a little bit. There is a young man He was 17 a year ago. I believe it was approximately that was in Kenosha, Washington Or Wisconsin, I'm sorry, and there was like a BLM riot Essentially he was there trying to provide medical aid trying to put out fires and Someone chased him down. He ended up shooting the individual was chasing him down. He fled to the police officers multiple other individuals attacked him he shot and fired and killed another person injured another and Was most recently a really famous trial on trial for first-degree murder Intentional or reckless homicide and multiple charges I think at least six charges were brought against them initially one was dropped and most recently those five charges that went to The jury they found him not guilty or acquitted on all charges And so that's basically I want to talk about this public thing that's happened from a biblical Perspective and how Christians should view things like this happening and kind of what the Bible has to say about this topic So I have three easy points that I want to kind of bring up here But first point that I'm going to make this evening is this you know according to the Bible We need to have a righteous judgment a righteous judgment the world today would Incinuate or put forth this idea that we should never judge for any reason Let's gonna be pretty hard when you have people in the world called judges, right? Like how how is a judge in the world not gonna judge in fact making a judgment if you just look it up in a dictionary It says to make a decision What if I went for we're not supposed to make decisions like that would be a really strange world to live in Obviously everyone judges everything Constantly you probably make thousands of judgments every single day when someone Often pontificates about how they don't judge people. This is what they mean by that they don't Publicly state the negative things they thought about you in their head That's what they're trying to say But we all know you thought negative things about people in your head because it's inescapable, and there's nothing wrong with judging situations The the reality is though that we need to have a righteous judgment meaning that we should judge rightly judge According to God's word and God's standard not the standard that we make up not the standard that we think is right But the standard that God has already set forth and is objectively right now in Proverbs chapter 18 verse 5 It says it is not good to accept the person of the wicked to overthrow The righteous and judgment meaning that if someone's guilty of a wicked criminal act something That's a heinous sin just because you like the person Doesn't mean that you should change how you would judge them to accept someone's person means you just like that person Your fate you have a favoritism towards that person in some way and so you're not willing to actually do that Which is right or judge appropriately you're basically respecting their person. What would be an example of this. I don't know like OJ Simpson the juice a Guy who literally kills his ex-wife writes a book like if I did it. This is how I did it But on when he's on trial he gets acquitted of all charges because if the glove doesn't fit a quit Okay, that's basically the famous line from this rock everybody knew he was guilty right everybody knew that he basically committed this murder and look It's not like he's the only celebrity The only rich person that's ever gotten away with some kind of criminal activity it happens on a regular Basis, and it's wicked But the opposite can happen to where a person who's actually innocent a person who has done nothing wrong Stands before the judge and based on their prejudice based on Maybe getting facts wrong based on a multitude of factors they end up condemning the righteous They condemn the person that didn't do anything wrong And they have a bad judgment and we as God's people should not ever accept anyone's person But rather we should always Strive to have righteous judgment meaning even if we like the guy Even if we say oh man this guy's somebody I like he's my friend if they're wicked we should judge rightly You know if someone comes up with some stupid heresy some false doctrine even if they're your best friend you should Discard them a man that is an heretic after the first and second ammunition reject. He doesn't say well What if he's your buddy though? What if he's your brother? What if he's a family member what if you know you he's your pastor? You know it doesn't matter It's just after you realize this guy's a heretic and is in this extreme you know you would reject this person now obviously that verse I would take in context of a Really damnable heresy or something really extreme just because you disagree with your parents your pastor doesn't mean he's a heretic And you have to leave the church okay, because I'm sure lots of people would run with that idea But ultimately if someone is an extreme heretic or believing some kind of a dental heresy you got to get away from that person You don't want that to affect you and affect your judgment now go ahead to X is 23 I want to go to a lot of places in the Bible this evening, and I'll try to as we go through this sermon Explain a little bit more about the Kyle Rittenhouse situation But I think the general public actually knows a lot about this trial I mean he's probably one of the most famous people on the planet Just because of the the fact about this trial and things that have been going on and so I think it's good that we kind Of talk about it and a lot of people given their opinion But let's just see what the Bible has to say on these topics look at Exodus 23 verse 1 That should not raise a false report put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous Witness that should not follow a multitude to do evil neither Shout they'll speak in a cause of decline after many to rest judgment, so the Bible warns that there could be a temptation Where there's this mob mentality where public pressure basically wants to either condemn someone or Exonerate somebody, but it's not the right thing to do. I won't be an example of this in the Bible. How about Barabbas and Jesus? Isn't public opinion lets crucify Jesus, but was that right no How about releasing Barabbas the murderer you know is that right? You know how can you say these people believe Moses when they literally want a murderer to go free? I mean according to the Bible for committing murder that capital offense would be you know worthy of death penalty itself That person should be executed so they literally want a murderer But they want to condemn someone that was perfect someone those righteous. Let's think about this Kyle written out situation Kyle a young 17 year old boy who has been working for the police department as a fire cadet He goes to his hometown. He lives in this area his father lives in this area He's going and cleaning up graffiti and seeing all of his city being burned all the businesses all the establishment Probably people he knows his friends whatever and he goes there, and he's providing medical aid in the evening he's going and protecting property from being destroyed even further and Then he's putting out fires literal fires And then he has people chasing him trying to kill him and firing guns in his direction And then the fear of his life he ends up shooting and killing them, right? Now if we ask CNN what they think they say a white Supremacist went to just murder people as they play too much video games or something or because they're too much of a Trumper Whereas we look at the facts. He has not where's the white supremacy just because he's white Just because you're white doesn't make you a white supremacist I don't know if the news media is brainwashed you on that idea or not You know just because you play video games doesn't make you a mass murderer Because I'm sure every guy in this room would probably be in trouble at that point You know every guy's probably video games at this point especially the younger generation Maybe not some of the older gentlemen or something like that But any guy that's you know of the age of 25 or under probably played video games You know I mean just when we look at the facts of what's going on We can really tell what's going on, but when the whole media and the whole public opinion is hey Let's just find him guilty. Let's lock him away Let's you know throw away the key cuz he's white cuz he likes guns You know they don't really even care about Kyle all they want is this destroy America and get rid of the Second Amendment So they don't care who they crucify they just say crucify him crucify him That's all they're yelling Give us the murderer Give us you know the other these poor little victims that attacked Kyle And I'll get into that in a minute. They're not victims It was a long time coming what they deserve go to do to remain 25 go to do to running 25 I'm gonna get into the people that died that night and It's a shame that it had to be Kyle that did it, but you know what it was worthy Deuteronomy chapter 25, let's keep look. We're talking about judgment for a moment. Okay, Deuteronomy 25 look at verse 1 If there be a controversy between men and they come on a judgment that the judges may judge them Then they shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked so even if the whole world is saying guilty guilty guilty If the facts and the evidence say innocent you're supposed to go with innocent You know in juries today need to get a backbone and do that which is right and not cower to mob mentality the public pressure You know I watched another case this year the Derek Chauvin trial and let me just go ahead and put my opinion out there He was definitely innocent It's cuz you're white oh No, if you looked at the facts of the case there was beyond reasonable doubt on the charges They brought against him He should have been let go But because he's a cop and because he's a white cop and it was a black guy and you have this picture of his knee You know on the neck area of George Floyd Well that was just enough with all the public pressure and all the jury members getting constantly docks and all the fear that they had in their life that they just Did a guilty verdict because if you watch the trial if you watch the facts the case I mean the guy is on literal drugs They found literal drugs in the cop car that they took him out of That they were half consumed and in fact George Floyd like year or two years prior Was literally in a situation where he's arrested the cops were like taking him and trying to basically you know arrest him and hold him down everything like that and he ingested drugs the exact same way and They had like a nurse come and take his blood pressure, and it was something crazy Wish I could remember the exact no don't quote me on this you look it up It was something crazy like a hundred and eighty over something or maybe two hundred and twenty over something I mean like basically the nurse that his heart's gonna explode Because he just took all these drugs as fentanyl and took all those other drugs. That's gonna kill I mean the amount of fentanyl that was in his system whenever the police officers arrested him Derek Chauvin and the other police officers It was three times the lethal amount in his system It's like but there's no reasonable doubt that anything could have killed him other than what the police officer did right That's just a joke. That's just that's just not caring what the evidence is that's just saying well the mob says he's guilty So therefore is guilty nope the Bible makes it clear that we're supposed to justify the righteous and condemn the wicked And I'll say another thing just because someone's a cop doesn't make them wicked There I said it I know somebody on this stupid idea that all all cops are wicked or all cops are bastards as antifa likes to paint and Graffiti everywhere in the world you know what that's a wicked railing accusation Now hey are there some bad cops sure Should bad cops be found guilty of their crimes and go to prison yeah because we're supposed to justify the righteous and condemn the wicked It doesn't matter just because his cop doesn't make he's good just because his cop doesn't make him bad We're supposed to weigh the evidence, and we're not supposed to be respect or a person We're not supposed to be respect a person no matter what the situation is no matter what you know other Circumstances are in play that have nothing to do with whether or not they're guilty or not okay? Let's look at a few more verses go to do a 16 go backwards Deuteronomy chapter number 16 Look at verse number 18 And we need more judges in America that are willing to follow God's laws and not America's idea of justice, but rather God's view of justice because ultimately God is the God of gods He's the king of kings you know he's the Lord of Lords and guess what he's the judge of judges and If you want God's blessing you need to be a righteous judge no matter What position you hold no matter where you find yourself Deuteronomy chapter 16 look at verse 18? Judges and officers shalt thou make be in all thy gates Which the Lord thy God giveth thee throughout thy tribes, and they shall judge the people with just judgment They'll should not rest judgment they'll should not respect persons neither take a gift for a gift of blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the words of the righteous You know it should be illegal for a judge to take any money or any Gift or any kind of favor from any single person, and you know what I guarantee that would make a lot of judges Not qualified anymore a lot of judges you know that they're really questionable and America they you know it's not that their position is bad didn't God literally set to say hey Point judges and all thy gates meaning every city should have judges. We should have a system of judges in fact America's Legal system is actually very similar to the Bible it actually if it was We evaluated how the Bible is supposed to be followed It's very close the problem is not so much the system. It's the people that are in the system That's the problem. You know it's really set up to run very efficiently to run very effectively It's just people don't actually do it people don't actually do just judgment. There's not speedy judgment There's not speedy execution we have bad laws for them to enforce, but theoretically you know the system is not really that bad It's really more the people that are running it It's the laws that they have to enforce that is the biggest problem that we have in America but we still need judges to do that which is right and justify the righteous and condemn the wicked Now I could dwell in this all day as far as these verses are concerned But let's go to Isaiah chapter 1 for more good Isaiah chapter number 1 We need to have righteous judgment in America And this is what I like about the the Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdict is it was a righteous judgment Guy was not guilty it was super clear it was super evident You know there was no evidence of him doing the things that the prosecution was accusing him of in fact their opening statement I remember I haven't watched all that I've only watched some of it But I remember the opening statement of the prosecution, and he said we're gonna show That Kyle Rittenhouse chased Joseph Rosenbaum down and shot him in the back and I'm thinking like everyone's seen the video How in the world are you gonna prove that when it's literally the exact opposite I mean for a jury to literally convict when the prosecution just bold-faced lies to you I mean I was gonna be so you know just demoralized at Humanity for them to literally harken allies that bad You know praise the Lord that enough courage and enough boldness to give the right verdict Even though I'm sure it wasn't popular necessarily. I'm sure that they felt pressure I'm sure they felt uncomfortable doing it even though they knew it was right, and you know that's what we call courage Doing that which is right even though. It's not easy you know and look sometimes we have to make hard decisions But what world do you want to live in do you want to live in a world where? Serial pedophile rapists can come and rip guns out of your hand And you can't shoot them or ones where you can shoot pedophiles in the face whenever they're chasing you down trying to kill you I know squirrels. I want to live in The one where look someone trying to attack you and gunshots are heard in your direction I mean you should have the ability to defend yourself if you can't in that scenario, then you never can I Mean you have to wait until the bullets like going into your heart to be able to respond I mean like at what level are you allowed to defend yourself? You know it's way beyond that in reality It's just sad that we live in such a leftist Propagandistic You know communist type world today where they're trying to get everybody to warp their idea of what self-defense and protecting themselves are You know a lot of the things they said in this trial from the prosecution's perspective are just anti biblical the soul against what the Bible actually teaches and really even what the Constitution teaches even what American rights have been Throughout history, and you know we need people to exercise their rights today You know praise God for people like Kyle right now to actually defend themselves so that other people can be emboldened to defend themselves and Praise the Lord that we have juries that will give a not guilty verdict to embolden other Juries to give a not guilty verdict if this charade happens again if this circus happens again Isaiah chapter 1 look at verse 21 How was the faithful city become a harlot? It was full of judgment Righteousness lodged in it, but now murderers Thy silvers become dross thy wine is mixed with water thy princes are rebellious and companions of thieves Everyone loveth gifts and followeth after rewards they judge not the fatherless neither Doth the cause of the widow come unto them therefore sayeth the Lord The Lord of hosts the mighty one of Israel ah I will ease me of mine in this adversaries and avenge me of mine enemies and I will turn my hand upon thee and purely purge away thy dross and take away all thy ten and I will restore thy judges is at the first and thy counselors is at the beginning Afterward thou shalt be called the city of righteousness the faithful city Zion shall be redeemed with judgment and are converts with righteousness notice God says look you guys were so great when you're full of judgment Now you guys are terrible because you're taking bribes Because all of your judges are paid off because all of the judgment has ceased and now they're buddies with murderers and These and they're their companions And you know what a nation will fall when its judges are given to the love of money When they have all these gifts and all these bribes and they're bought and they're paid for you know when George Soros is buying every single Judge the city's gonna fall You know what God says I'm gonna restore you I'm gonna fix this and you know he's gonna fix it with judgment You know what fixes problems judgment. You know what ruins people no judgment You know I don't see people walking out of Planet Fitness looking like you know super mr.. Buff the note the judgment-free zone You know it's more like Stroud's over here or whatever It's more where it's lots of judgment, and then people are walking out. You're like man I would look like that guy you know I want to you know maybe not legs, but you know arms He's got that going on you know Look we need some judgment in America It makes you better. I mean what if we said hey, we're gonna have this really big competition But we're not gonna keep score That's not gonna make you better Hey, we're gonna have a spelling bee, but it doesn't matter if you spell the words right or not everybody wins How hard are you gonna study for that right? I mean we need judgment today to actually get better to improve to understand where we're at Go to Amos chapter number five go to Amos chapter five. We're working up to the New Testament here Amos Hosea Joel Amos So if you get into the minor prophets right before the New Testament Look at chapter number five and look at verse number 15 Look we need to bring back the word judgment And it not be a cringe word people like cringe when they hear the word judge or judgment as if it's a bad word Or something it's a great word There's nothing wrong with judgment Amos chapter number five look at verse 15 hate the evil and love the good and Establish judgment in the gate it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious under the remnant of Joseph So they're saying hey we need to do some we need to hate the evil and we need to love the good You know you love good judgment You know you hate evil judgment What happens when you don't have judgment you end up loving the evil and hating the good? This is what you end up doing when you reject judgment go back to Proverbs chapter 21 I want to show you a couple more verses here real quick, and then we move on to my second point But notice that the Bible has a completely different message on the word judgment then most churches today Then the news media they think that judging is wrong or somehow bad But the Bible is full of it is fact is gonna judge everything this is judgment I mean if you don't like judgment you can't like the Bible It's full of judgment, and you know what the Lord loves judgment Proverbs 21 look at verse 3 The do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice Well I'd rather sacrifice God says he'd rather you be just you know full of justice and judgment You know our nation would be better off if we had stopped Sacrificing so much the Lord and we'd be more about justice and judgment. Oh I'm gonna give my life to Christ You know I'm gonna. I'm gonna lay it all on the altar, and it's like well. You need to change these areas of your life Oh, don't judge me It's like look you should rather go to the church that's gonna judge you then it's gonna be all about sacrifice You know and look. I'm not downplaying sacrifice, but notice what the Bible said I didn't make this verse up to do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice I don't like that church. It's so judgmental Sounds better than your church Sounds like God's more pleased with that church That's judgmental, and they're gonna actually be just in their decision-making rather than just having all this sacrifice Okay, we want to do things that are right not just say well I tried really hard You know efforts good, but you know what effort and the wrong thing doesn't benefit anyone We want to put all of our effort all of our energy and all of our sacrifice into the right bucket into the right works There's a lot of churches where people are sacrificing a lot But unfortunately their sacrifices are meaningless because it's not in the right works It's not the right thing that they're doing They'll give they'll give all their money all their effort and their energy I mean what if I said hey I gave I gave all of my money to Joel Osteen Is that is that really gonna help me is that gonna help the cause of Christ That's a pretty big sacrifice isn't it and in fact even 1st Corinthians chapter number 13 makes it abundantly clear That even if you were willing to give your body your body's willing to be burned, but you have not charity It's meaningless We need to start judging our heart first and deciding what the right actions are Before we end up sacrificing a great a great deal and in fact God wants us to have justice and judgment Before we do all this sacrifice go to Proverbs 28 and look at verse 5 Proverbs 28 look at verse 5 They say well all these people are mad about the Kyle Rittenhouse You know verdict well, let me explain something about every single person. That's mad about it Anybody that does not like the verdict anybody that's upset about it Let me explain this for you Proverbs chapter 28 verse 5 evil men understand not judgment But they that seek the Lord understand all things You know why they don't understand it because they hate judgment they hate the Lord They hate the Word of God, and you say how do you know that I know someone that's a Christian And they you know they're a leftist It's a different Christianity They hate judgment Look these two things you know people get all mad about the left and Democrats and all these people you know I notice what fixes that the gospel of Jesus Christ The Word of God and really just shows that they're evil Look people that vote for Biden are evil People that are brainwashed by the this world and they're brainwashed by the stupidity Of in the nonsense of the left and the communists. They're evil now that doesn't mean they can't all that They're all damned or something a lot of people could still be saved, and we should still reach them with the gospel You know what it's there's no point really explaining all these things to them It's better just explain the gospel of them and try to get them saved and let the truth come into their heart now They'll be enlightened and have the ability to even understand truth because before that they had no idea. They can't understand it notice It says evil men understand not judgment They hate it. That's why it's silly to try and reason with these people You know it's like let's get Don Lemon on and let's do an interview Let's try to explain to him what happened with the cow right now if we just explain it and make it logical He'll get it. No he won't because he's evil He'll never get it. There's no point. You know we're supposed to be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men Because not everyone's gonna get things not everybody wants to get things You know explaining to a criminal why they're bad they don't want to understand that They're gonna constantly justify all their actions tell you what they did isn't wrong Right it's this kind of like this gauge gross crutes guy Okay, there was a guy that it later in the scene He's coming at Kyle, and you can see this on video with a gun He like comes at Kyle and then Kyle like shoots his arm, and it blows his bias up away. He described as vaporizing his bicep Well he then gets on the stand to explain himself And he's like I just thought this guy was an active shooter And I just I just wanted to help and he's like and when I pointed my gun you know while I'm a Second Amendment advocate. I would never shoot anyone. I would never I would never want to hurt anyone Well, then later it comes out that there's a social media post from his like best friend or his roommate and his best friend roommates Posted on social media said I just got done talking to gauge the night that this happened Okay, he posted this like the night or the night after that have he said I just got done talking to the gauge And he said the only regret he had is that he didn't shoot the kid and unload his entire clip in him Like I would never hurt anybody I Would never I was just there to help you know and then they have the audio of him He's like get his ass. You know all this swearing and like kill. You know kill him and what other whatever His friend got on the stand and they said all right, so did he tell you this when you were there? And you posted that and he's like no oh So you just randomly? Texted that you just randomly posted that on social media, okay? We all believe you this happens to be that gauge Grosskreutz is suing the city of Kenosha for ten million dollars I wonder if he had any reasons to lie That's not really a righteous judgment if anybody's gonna believe that story, but then guess what right after the trial CNN and MSNBC and all these please bring him back on and have him explain his side of the story They're not interested in the truth. They're just interested in pushing an agenda Helping themselves trying to use this guy Look it was super clear who was lying and who was not in that situation But even the prosecution didn't seem to care which is a scary day Go go to June on a chapter I think I don't know what chapter. I want go to X's 21 for a moment go to X's 21 for a moment So point one is this and in luck in the New Testament we could spend a lot of time on judgment there We need righteous judgment in fact Jesus said judge not according to the parents, but judge righteous judgment So we shouldn't even look at someone and think well this guy looks guilty or this guy looks innocent We still need to judge righteous judgment Okay, determine what the facts of the case are what the situation is is there a reason for this person to lie? You know that's a good question. You should ask yourself when someone comes up to you and makes a claim That doesn't seem legitimate You should use that intuition that God gave you to question their motives Question their idea you know as some stranger comes up to me and says hey You know I just I just really like your suit and tie can you give me 20 bucks? I'm gonna question if he really likes my suit and tie Hey, you know you're my best buddy my best pal. You know when someone comes after me first time They've been to the church. That was the greatest sermon. I've ever heard can I have $100 I'm gonna question if that was really the greatest sermon that I've ever heard Any normal person would like start thinking about like what are their motives here? What's actually happening here? You know why are they saying the things they think we need to have righteous judgment today and not judge according to parents Not judge you know what's necessarily what we like or what we favor But try to figure out if this person is being honest with us because look people will lie to you I don't know if this is a shock In fact it's hard to find people to be honest with you The point one is this when the cow right now is not guilty verdict came out I said praise the Lord because that's a righteous judgment Here's another thing I said praise the Lord because you know what self-defense is a biblical doctrine Self-defense is a biblical doctrine, and we need self-defense in this country and not just this country the whole world Okay, but just just so we're clear not every shooting or killing is justified the Bible does condemn certain Actions like first-degree murder look at Exodus 21 and look at verse number 12 He that smite of the man so that he die Shall be surely put to death and if a man lie not in wait But God deliver him in his hand then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall flee so according to the Bible if You end up killing somebody on purpose that was the goal that was the intention you you had hatred in your heart towards him Beforehand you planned it in some way, then the Bible says you should be surely put to death But if you didn't line wait, let's say you accidentally kill someone This is what we call on America manslaughter, so you're driving down the road and you run a red light and Someone pulls out and you hit the car and you accidentally killed someone You know an accident or as the Bible describes it you're you're chopping wood and the hell You know the head slops there slips off the head Helve and it hit someone in the head and the guy dies or whatever Then it explains that you would run to the city of refuge From the Bible they had a little bit different concept where you could get mercy or grace if you ran to the city of refuge now here's the thing though if you killed someone like that and Someone witnessed it and they are mad about it They had every right to kill you they're called the Avenger of blood So let's say you're like chopping wood and the head slips off kill some guy his brother standing right there He has every opportunity to kill you So you have to run you have to run for your life You know and if you can get to the city of refuge before he gets you then he can't kill you but if he ever finds you outside of that city he can kill you and it's totally justified and You know even in America we have something similar where you know Maybe a man comes home and he catches his wife with another man if he kills that other man Oftentimes he'll get away with it because he can claim that he was just you know really heated He was in the moment You know it's a cry it's a passion a crime of passion is what it's described as in America And so that's why it's dangerous. You know also you have a short window though in America all right in America It's not like forever if you don't find him in the city of refuge So you know but you have to be careful in these situations That's why you don't want to do something really bad to somebody because they could just kill you If it was necessary, you know you're hurting their child In fact if you're just hurting a stranger They don't even know the person But they witness you hurting the person they have a legal right to defend that person from being harmed They could literally you know Stop you and that stopping you could cause you to die and it'd be legally justified in America Okay According to the Bible the only death penalty is prescribed when it's first-degree murder as we know it Meaning that you had some kind of inclination to kill the person beforehand thought of it beforehand you dreamed it up You you planned it there was some kind of a scheme that goes into You wanted to kill that person Now this is what's so insane that they literally brought first-degree murder charges from Kyle on to these other people He's never met them in his life He can't dream up a plan to kill all these people that he's never met and then they say well It's because he's a white supremacist. So he just wanted to get some All the people he shot were white You know and there's all these like people these like People of color of black people standing out in Kenosha, and they're just like what are we gonna get justice? And I'm thinking like no one here is black Like What justice do you want? You know one white guy shoots three other white guys and it's like, you know, man. Can you believe the injustice? It's like who cares about skin color Kyle didn't care about skin color that night He cared about the guy chasing him down Joseph Rosenbaum Let's talk about him for half a second Five three, but he was pretty buff. Okay Now this guy was literally released from a mental hospital that day This guy had 11 charges against him in 2002 in the state of Arizona for sodomizing five children between the ages of nine and eleven So basically a scheme was to find a young woman who had a young boy and she wasn't married and he would start dating the woman just to get access to the child Now, I don't know if every single charge is related to all five children. It's basically a minimum of five and Every act is it's all the worst acts you could ever imagine on these children And you know if you watch our documentary which I highly recommend called sodomite deception It says that statistically these homosexual predators have an average of a hundred and fifty victims And not only that the I think it was something insane like they have like Thousand or something like that number of occurrences across all their victims like how many times they hurt these children You don't even want to know We don't want to know I don't want to know the guy got like Ten years in prison for most of those charges like another two years and six months for other charges who is in the Arizona State penitentiary or prison for about 12 years or 10 years or something like that while in prison He had 40 disciplinary infractions against him 40 different ones stuff like stabbing people stuff like Possessing drugs things like making weapons all kinds of just disobeying orders and just just constant 40 infractions Basically from the beginning of his term in prison all the way to the end Well, then it's like oh, let's just let him out Yeah, prison really worked didn't it? That the day he got out of the mental hospital. He's chasing minors again He literally had court orders saying he wasn't allowed to have any contact with anybody of the age under the age of 18 Okay guys running around just like lighting things on fire that night Kyle heard the guy say if he caught him alone, he would kill him earlier that night and Then whenever he shows up back in his presence again, the guy's literally chasing him down Literally hunting him down and a gunshot goes off Which he doesn't know who's firing guns as he turns around the guy reaches for his gun and it I can't confirm it But some people said he actually touched the gun. He actually grabbed the gun and then Kyle shot him four times It's like how is that not self-defense Who says that's lying in wait? I mean, how do you lie in wait when you're being hunted down? That was a pretty interesting scheme that he drew up there You know, it's just insane and look we need people Look if your children are being hunted down by pedophiles and they're of the ability to shoot them. They should shoot them and You should take your young boys out and teach them how to use firearms And say, you know Take on someone your own size He messed with the wrong hombre that night and praise the Lord He shot him, you know what the God would have a righteous government that would take a child molester of that many Charges and put him to death Why do we have to let Kyle do it? It's an embarrassment All these government employees should give their paycheck to Kyle for him doing their actual job It's sick the country that we live in when that's the reality go to Matthew 24 go to Matthew 24 and yes Self-defense is biblical. Let me prove it to you in the Bible You know The Bible does say if someone smites you on the cheek to turn to him the other cheek also You know, it doesn't say when a pedophile is hunting you down. Let him do whatever he wants That's stupid. Okay, that's foolish Obviously someone just smiting on the cheek it's about respect, you know, it's someone disrespecting you some little punk Just kind of pushing you and look that's what they always try to do They just try to push you and smack you around a little bit hoping you'll throw the first punch because if you throw the first punch They have the legal ability to do whatever they want to you after that and they can claim it with self-defense Even though they might have hit you on the cheek or pushed you around a little bit and that's what all these punks try to Do they try to get you to instigate the first time? So you should just turn them the other cheek and say go ahead I'm not gonna sit. I'm not gonna you know, succumb to your little stupid tactics or whatever I'm not gonna just you know, put my life on the line now Look, if someone's closed fist just trying to attack you and assault you you have every right to stand your ground and defend yourself I'll say this though if you have the ability to get away sometimes best always just get away though Just because someone punches me doesn't mean I'm gonna defend my life You know at that moment if I still have the opportunity to walk away or to get away That's the best thing I can do But if I'm trapped if I'm cornered and someone is trying to hurt me or my family or my friends or whatever You better believe that the gloves are coming off They were never on to start with all right, and I don't fight fair. Okay, so just FYI Matthew 24 look at verse 42 Watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord doth come But know this that of the Goodman of the house had known and what watch the thief would come He would have watched and would have not and would not have suffered his house to be broken up You know this is called red letters, this is Jesus Christ speaking He's saying hey the Goodman of the house would not let his house be broken up Meaning if someone tries to come and invade your house You're allowed to defend that Jesus said it. He said the Goodman house would not let that happen You know we need some men today to protect their house and to protect their goods and Europe They're trying to pass laws. I don't know if they've done it already they're trying to pass laws that if someone comes to steal your goods you're not allowed to defend yourself and You're not even allowed to go exceed The weapon that they're using like they come in with a six-inch knife. You can't use a seven-inch knife It's like what kind of silliness is this Let's see what the Bible says go back to Exodus 22 for a moment go to back to Exodus chapter 22 You know I this is what I heard in this trial often. Well. You're not allowed to use deadly force to protect property Well guess what you know I'm pretty sure in 1776 they were using deadly force to protect property So I think America was started on different principles than that, but let me tell you something the Bible doesn't say that Look what it says in Exodus chapter 22 and look what it says in verse number one If a man shall steal an ox or a sheep and kill it and sell it or sell it he shall restore Five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep if a thief be found breaking up and be smitten that he die There shall no blood be shed for him Did you read that I just read that verse let's read that again if a thief be found breaking up What did we read in Matthew 24? He wouldn't suffer his house to be what? broken up Sounds pretty similar to me doesn't it? Notice what it says and be smitten that he die There shall no blood be shed for him Now this is the caveat verse 3 if the Sun be risen upon him there shall be blood shed for him Okay, what the Bible teaches is if someone steals in broad death daylight, and that's all they're doing only theft There's no like violence necessarily associated with them, then you're not allowed to just kill them Okay, so this would be like you know someone at the grocery stores takes $20 out of the cash register You can't just blow his head off for that. Okay. You should arrest them, and you should have to pay back That wouldn't be legitimate even if it was more extreme than that if someone's only stealing You know a lot of white-collar crime happens during the daytime. I'm not gonna kill people for this, but it's saying if it's night and People are stealing stuff. They can literally be killed according to the Bible And I believe that It doesn't even say if they were threatening your life necessarily It just says they're stealing and they're not stopping or you catch them or there's any threat to your life whatsoever You have complete justification to stop that individual and if you by you stopping them it kills them so be it You've forfeited your right to live when you steal at night and let me tell you something all these riots happened at night and They were doing all kinds of thievery and all kinds of vandalism and whatever nonsense look if we were gonna live by a biblical standard Kyle was totally within his rights and There should be no bloodshed for him for Kyle You know it's silly the world that we live in today Those would the second Samuel chapter 2 note second Samuel chapter number 2 let me show you another verse here So point one Kyle right now is not guilty verdict Righteous judgment number two is self-defense According to the Bible and we live in a society where that becomes true again now praise the Lord you live in, Texas And again, I can't say that enough all right I know that some of you don't realize the privilege you have living in Texas, but in Texas you have something called castle law Castle doctrine however you want to word that okay? I like doctrine castle doctrine Castle doctrine means if someone is in your house or on your property That's not authorized to be there you can do whatever you want to stop that threat period Castle because it's your castle and you're the Goodman of the castle and this guess what you get to defend that castle And we need some men to defend their castles today and not allowed to be broken up I'm gonna exercise that right if someone tests me don't test me You know oh, I was just coming to give donations. No not at night Not a me casa not a me castle Second Samuel chapter number two now. Here's the thing Obviously when you're in a situation where you didn't plan it You do it the best that you can okay, and it comes to self-defense But if you're purposely going to a situation where it's dangerous Where there's evil don't go alone? This is why when we do so many we don't send people out alone. We send them out two by two okay, and If you were in a dangerous situation don't purposely do anything alone now Let's find a story in the Bible where someone's doing this alone 2nd Samuel chapter number two look at verse number 17 and there was a very sore battle that day and Abner was beaten and the men of Israel before the servants of David and there were three sons of Zairei of their Joab and Abishai and as a hell and as a hell was as light of foot as a wild row and Azel pursued after Abner and in going he turned not to the right hand nor to the left following Abner Then Abner looked behind him and said art thou as hell and he answered I am and Abner said to him turn thee aside to thy right hand or thy left and lay thee hold on one of the young men and Take thee as armor, but as I would not turn aside from following of him And Abner said again to as hell turn thee aside from following me Wherefore should I smite thee to the ground how then shall I hold up my face to Joab thy brother? Albeit he refused to turn aside wherefore Abner with the hindering of the spear smote him Under the fifth rib that the spear came out behind him and he fell down there and he and died in the same place And it came to pass that as many as came to the place where as I'll fell down and died stood still Now this is a story of a young man as a hell and he's one of the fastest people on the planet I mean this guy is super quick is what the Bible describes in there And there was a battle and here's the thing about as hell as a hell is on the right side of that battle As a hell is of the house of David. So as I was fighting the righteous battle He's fighting on the right side of things, but you know what? I believe he gets a little cocky here and that's me reading between the lines But why is he chasing after Abner by himself? I think he just he really wanted to get one on his own and he's faster than everyone so he can catch up to Abner But here's the problem. He's gonna catch up to a better and more skilled warrior by himself big mistake and here's the thing just because Kyle might be armed with an AR 15 and Just because he might have the ability to protect himself doesn't mean he should go alone and walk around where there's trouble and He was walking around all night with other people and nothing happened But as soon as he's alone, then they chase him then they attack him and you know what? Praise God that Kyle lived and Joseph Rosenbaum died Praise the Lord what a righteous judgment that is, you know what it could have been the opposite Very easily he could have read about how a young kid put himself in this dangerous situation and died and And so, you know, why didn't he grab another person? and he knew better he even said in the trial we're supposed to be going with other people and At the point that he went right before moments work He was surrounded with other people that he was familiar with to some degree that had weapons that could have gone with him He should have waited and at least taken another person with him before he went over there Let alone the idea of him being there a 17 year old kid by himself, you know without his parents and all that I get all that but I'm just saying even just in the moment Don't just go run into an angry mob by yourself. Even if you have a gun That's a pretty foolish thing to do and I believe the Bible teaches the opposite because think about like things like Matthew 7 Where it says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast your pearls before swine Lest they turn again and trample them under their feet and turning and rend you so according the Bible, you know, don't look for trouble Don't put yourself in a dangerous situation if you don't have to okay now Him going there or not. That's kind of debatable But to me if you're gonna go there, even if you can justify that You need to be there with other people you need to be surrounded with not put yourself in a hyper dangerous situation Some people say well, he shouldn't be there and defending and I can see those points. Obviously. Where's his dad? Where's other responsible adults to be there to guard after the child, you know, what throughout history 17 year olds have fought and died in wars Literally defending their country and you know it at least they have somewhat some you know Some courage to actually do that, which is right and defend things. He's trying to defend his area He's trying to fit a city when no one else will Where where are the fire department putting out the but he's putting out the fire, where's the fire department? He's protecting the personal property. Where are the police officers? He's providing medical aid. Where are the EMTs? You know, he's killing pedophiles Where is the government when you need it? He's volunteering He's doing what all these government people that are literally paid to do aren't doing you know Why because they're hirelings and the hireling flees when the wolf come in It's sick the country we live in today Where all the police and EMTs and all of our government is just filled with hirelings today where they're nothing better Than just getting a paycheck. They don't actually want to put their life on the line They don't actually want to have the courage to defend things and I get it obviously they're getting orders from upstairs To stand aside and not do that, which is right. You know what we need some real men to have some real courage Why aren't they even if that was true, why don't they just be off-duty and do it? I Mean they take these oaths to protect and to serve and do where's all your protecting and serving buddy when you're letting 17 year old kids do your job for you It's just it's just crazy the world that we live in you know what praise God for people like Kyle that are willing to stand Up because if all men and all Americans would actually stand up for their rights and for the Bible today You know what all this evil would actually have a chance to be destroyed Go if you went to Deuteronomy chapter 19 go to Deuteronomy chapter 19 point 1 of Kyle right now It's not guilty verdict is we need the righteous judgment point 2. It's self-defense And we need that we need more judgment. We need more defense, but we also need this we need more punishment in this country When is the prosecution going to now pull these other? People up and play charges on them the guy that was firing the first gunshot or Gage Gross Crutes, you know Gage Gross Crutes had a criminal record, too He had a felony But it was expunged you know and all the charges brought against him were conveniently Maybe dropped so he could testify against Kyle You know it's off the record or whatever The guy who's had all kinds of he had a possession of a firearm when he was a felon and was arrested for it But then those charges got dropped or something then his felony charge gets expunged or something like that performing armed robbery you Anthony Huber The other individual that was hitting Kyle with a skateboard twice He ended up got shot and killed he had been arrested and had felony charges first wrangulation And it told he wanted to kill his whole family or something. It was like weird just mastic Dismant or a domestic dispute between his family where he told his whole family wanted to kill them. He like stabbed his brother With some sharp instrument strangled people, I mean these are the people that Kyle took out It's like we need to get him back roaming the streets Give this guy a badge already. You know I mean man come you know deal with our protesters Deuteronomy chapter 19 You know there is a legitimate function of government, and it's like they just don't care about this one Putting away evil look at verse 15 one witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity or for any sin and Any sin that he sent at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses shall the matter be? Established you know praise the Lord that at least in a real court. This is still true. They are not allowed to just lie You know without some kind of a proof or something you can lie, but Theoretically, it's a lot more difficult because you can't just make stuff up It actually has to be based on some kind of evidence or corroborating witness testimony because oftentimes many people are willing to lie They're willing to you know say all manner of evil and do these type of things But you're not allowed to condemn somebody on one person's testimony Meaning if nobody else can say the same facts Then you're supposed to discard it if it's hearsay it's supposed to be discarded if there's no evidence It's supposed to be discarded and for the most part a lot of that still happens today You know maybe at some court systems They don't but you know it's still supposed to be where hearsay and all this other kinds of evidence is taken out It's not allowed to be resented in court not allowed to be resented in trial And you have to have multiple witnesses because one witness will often be motivated to lie But it's very difficult to get multiple people to tell the same story. That's not true It's funny when you've kept when you see people and I've witnessed this okay multiple witnesses trying to tell a story that's not true, and it starts getting real shady real quick and You start nail them down on facts, and it's like I don't really seem to add up That doesn't really seem to make any sense anymore, and and they end up being found to be a liar, okay? Let's keep reading verse 16 if a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong Then both the men between whom the controversy is they'll stand before the Lord Before the priests and the judges which shall be in those days and the judges shall make diligent Inquisition and behold if the witness be a false witness and a testified falsely against his brother Then shall you do unto him as he had thought to have done unto his brother So shalt they'll put the evil away from among you now wouldn't it be great If all the people that lied in the last few weeks in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial were now facing 30 years Or life in prison like he was because every single person that lied and look there was multiple people that lied The owners of the business that asked him to do the property thing they lied The friend of Gage Groskis lied Gage Groskis lied all these people are just liars and They should have the same punishment. They wanted to happen to Kyle happen to them You know what that'll actually scare people when they're gonna lie on the stand When you say oh you want to lie about first-degree murder well, you're gonna be guilty of it if you get if we catch you lying A lot less people will be willing to lie But what happens today? Oh they get their charges dropped What? How does that work like the exact opposite of what should happen to these people? you know what when man fails God prevails and When man failed Joseph Rosenbaum God came in and cleaned up that mess and all those liars You should be terrified what God's gonna do to you And you should never lie Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor what God God hates lying lips It's an abomination go to Deuteronomy 21 look at verse 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he died So shalt thou put evil away from among you and all Israel shall hear and fear You know I love the death penalty because it's biblical and it puts evil away from our society And we need more people to appreciate this doctrine chapter 22 verse 21 Then shall they bring out the dams of the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her with stones That she died Because she hath wrought folly in Israel to play the horror in her father's house so shall put evil away from among you Notice what the death penalty does again puts evil away, and it's not just for men. It's for women to Verse 22 and if a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband Then they shall both of them die both the man that lay with the woman and the woman so shut they'll put away evil from Israel Verse 24, then he shall bring them both out Under the gate of that city and he shall stone them with stones that they die The damsel because she cried not being in the city and the man because he hath humbled his neighbor's wife, so Thou shalt put away evil from among you look at chapter 24 verse 7 If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel and maketh merchandise of him or sell them then that thief Shall die and thou shalt put evil away from among you notice that the Bible shows thieves as being put to death Now Obviously is an extreme version This is you know basically the sex slavery happened today you want to get rid of sex slavery start putting them all to death Line them up and put them to death You know it's sad all these politicians. Oh, we need to end sex slavery. I'll tell you how kill them You know do what you did to Jeffrey Epstein and kill him we know he didn't kill himself We know you killed him. You know why they killed him, so they wouldn't have to kill all the other ones Because he was gonna testify apparently We needed that testimony go to judges chapter 20 good just after 20 You know in America in Texas there is still the death penalty and praise the Lord for it. We need to keep preaching it so people believe it We need to keep showing people that it's biblical so they'll believe it So they don't get so brainwashed and just handing back all of their rights and all the things that the Bible actually teaches Handing back their guns I mean this stupid Beto O'Rourke wants to run for governor of Texas again The guy that literally said he wants to take our guns away from us. He wants to take the way the ar-15 He's not going to be taking away evil. He's gonna be bringing up evil We need more of the Kyle Rittenhouse is armed with an ar-15 And you know what I don't know what's gonna happen in the state of Texas Part of me want to vote for anybody, but you know what I sure hope that Beto O'Rourke doesn't even get on the ticket And we need to preach against this idiot this fool this moron for wanting to take away guns He doesn't care about that. I guarantee he'll still have guns He'll still have private security with guns. He'll find some loophole for this He just wants to take it away from you because he's a puppet of the devil He's a puppet of the New World Order. He's a puppet of these leftists and communists that want to stop, Texas from being, Texas You know it'll stop, Texas from being, Texas Yeah people not believe in the Bible Look it's the Word of God that makes us who we are It's not like Texas is special because it's Texas. Texas is special because it believes more the Bible than other states That's it and we need to keep it that way Judges chapter number 20 look at verse 13 Now therefore deliver us the men the children of Belial which are in Gibeah that we may put them to death and Put away evil from Israel, but the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children Look you got to put evil away from your society. You say why is it all this evil? Oh? I can't believe in a God that would allow all this evil. He doesn't He tells you to put those people to death You know child molesters never repeat offend when you tell them Anybody that tells me a child molester should have anything less than death is wicked I? Mean you're probably a pedophile I Mean what kind of a sick disgusting person defends pedophiles? Oh yeah the prosecution and Kenosha calling them victims I Mean how much do you have to hate little boys? To let these child molesting sick pervert freaks do their thing you know wouldn't God there be some real men in this country That would stand up and condemn them Instead of saying oh, it's a different orientation minor attracted persons You sound like a faggot. Yeah Don't say that to me again Never unless you're mocking someone don't ever say that my presence, or I'll think you're a faggot Be like oh, I would use that word well look there's two kinds of people in the world People that hate the word faggot and people that hate fags which one are you because I know which one I am I? Hate God hating pedophiles. I hope they all die. I've said it in the past. I'll say it again Of course I could But look I'm not advocating violence on anyone You know the Bible says thou should not kill We should never kill anybody we should never murder anybody the government should legally and lawfully Execute criminals, and you know what it should be a crime to be a fag it used to be let's bring it back I Have no problem with it You know it's a sick world when you want to defend child molesters You're sick something wrong with you. I don't like this picture use the word fact well you like child molesters then Well I think they're wonderful people you think child molesters are wonderful Look the LA Police Department used to put out whole documentary saying these people are child molesters and predators and freaks And they're sick in the head the LA Police Department We're not talking about the Bible belt here in the 60s Something happened You know what it's called the devil the devil the spirit of the prince of the power of the air Getting into all the minds and the hearts of all these wicked false prophets in our country preaching false doctrine and perverting Christianity and perverting our nation and a lot of men just letting women rule the house and rule the government and rule in this world And just allow this filth and disgusting freaks that just take over our country. I hate it Disgusting Someone's got to stand up to it What did God we get more Kyle's in this world today that would defend themselves from predators? and We need to put the evil away from our society We need more judges, and we need more law enforcement. We need more government to do the things that the Bible said You know people like oh, let's defund the police no Let's give them more money and better laws I say and you know what getting rid of police will only give us more evil You know the reason why our police sometimes get a bad rep it let me just explain it it's because they have to enforce bad laws I I Really you know I don't even get that mad at cops a lot of times when they do things because I'm thinking that's what he's Supposed to be doing you know if he's doing what he's supposed to be doing you shouldn't be getting mad at him He should be getting mad at the legislators that pass the laws that they're supposed to enforce Not the guy for doing his job because he's supposed to do his job You know how would you like it if someone comes into you and says well? I don't like how your company runs you shouldn't do your job the way they're telling you No you do the way your job's telling you It doesn't matter what you think it doesn't matter what outsiders think necessarily You know and if you're really mad about it, then put public pressure on our lawmakers to pass righteous laws You know and look I if I ever get pulled over for a ticket. This is what I always think I probably deserve a hundred more Anybody that's taking the church van because yell amen of that one I Don't know gonna be like oh Give me a ticket obviously. I don't like it obviously. I don't want it obviously I'm not interested in having that you know what if it's if it's right give me a ticket That's not it's he's an extortioner look. He's not pocketing my money He got my driver's license. You know I didn't hand him any money. It's not Mexico, okay? It's America And this anti-cop Anti-government anti-law enforcement is a wicked spirit It's a you know a very unbiblical spirit Now look if you want to be against the things that they do because it's wicked laws. They're enforcing hey I'll yell amen at that. They do a lot of weird stuff But it's not really their fault and look. I'm not saying that every cops a good guy. There's some super wicked cops That's why they have internal affairs You know obviously when you give a guy gun in a badge, and you tell him he's in charge you might abuse that power Okay, and they need to be held in check, but last time I checked They have these like little body cameras on following them around everywhere being constantly monitored Constantly demonized by every single person on the planet I'm pretty sure that they're gonna be held in check for the most part I mean how many of you work with a body camera monitoring all of your work? They'd be like you're playing some like games that work you're checking Facebook a little too much, buddy Looks like you're taking a nap Where are you? You come in late every day. You know I mean if they watch every single one of your moves. You'd probably be sweating some buckets Why don't you give cops a little bit of a break? You know I mean, it's it's silly we need to tell law enforcement You know what we think and you know there's nothing wrong with saying hey, this isn't biblical This isn't right y'all shouldn't be doing this here's what the Bible says and and try to compel them to do the thing Which is right you know what we need them go to first Peter chapter 2 is last place of your turn Like I know I'm not like you know expounding a whole passage of Scripture here We're just kind of talking about things But we need to get a biblical perspective on the world that we live in now let the media. Tell us what to think Now let Republicans tell us what to think certainly not Democrats Okay, pretty much everything. They think you should think the opposite Okay, I mean, I I just I am baffled at the idea of anybody being saved and being a Democrat Just because it's just so evil now. It's so horrible like they're just pro baby murdering pro sodomy Pro filth they think that Joe Biden is coherent. I mean, I'm just like what in the world I saw a mark dice video He was talking to some people. He's like. What do you think about Biden and this guy's like. I think he's great He's wearing a mask And he's like not joking you can tell he's like yeah, I think he's doing really good up And he's like well. What do you like about him? He's like. He's just a really good speaker And You would think like the guy's trolling he was not trolling You're just like what in the world you know what kind of world do we live in you know obviously this guy needs some truth first Peter chapter number two look at verse 13 submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king as Supreme or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and For the praise of them that do well, you know what government has a legitimate function It's the punishment of evildoers, and we need that please start doing that you know unfortunately Gavin Newsom in California He stopped all executions in a state recently Joe Biden stopped all executions federal federally recently after coming into office Oklahoma Sorry step on some Oklahoma. They recently had a guy that was supposed to be executed and the governor Let him go let him just go stay in jail didn't execute them And it's like Texas one of the last holdout states We need to put public pressure. They don't be like these compromising cowards Please put evil away from among us Please strike fear in the hearts of people to say like don't Commit murder don't commit and look in Texas you have to do something extreme to get the death penalty You don't even have to just be a child molester. You have to be a child molester twice in the state of Texas I mean, how could you not want to put that guy to death? You have to commit an extreme version of first-degree murder in the state of Texas to get the death penalty And I say please put all of them to death, please That's your job and look it's not an easy job Not necessarily a fun job. You know nobody wants that job. You know what someone's got to do it someone's got to be the Kyle and You know what if you're putting the life-or-death situation? Where self-defense is there you need to be the person that pulls the trigger? We need more men in this country that are willing to pull the trigger They need to have pull the trigger on righteous judgment They need to pull the trigger on self-defense, and they need to pull the trigger to put evil away from our society Closing prayer. Thank you. Heavenly Father for giving us this this great lesson from the Word of God I Pray that you would embolden men's hearts today to realize the importance of defending themselves that there's real evil out there and That we have to put a stop to it You know that there's gonna be implacable people who will never stop And they have to be and I pray that you would just protect and guard every single one of us that If possible we never have to go through any of these situations or these scenarios But if any of us ever do that we'd have the boldness and the courage to pull the trigger in Jesus name we pray Amen You Man let's go ahead and sing one more song before we head home tonight. You'll take out your hymnal again to 177 when love shines in Song number 177 177 when love shines in Jesus Comes with power to plan and when love shines in Every life that woke in setting when love shines in Love will teach us how to pray love will drive the bloom away Turn our darkness into day when love shines in when love shines in When love shines in How the heart is due to singing when love shines in when love shines in when love shines in Joy and peace to others bringing when love shines in How the world will glow with beauty when love shines in And the heart rejoice in duty when love shines in Trials may be sanctified and the soul and peace of life will all be glorified with love When love shines in when love shines in How the heart is due to singing when love shines in when love shines in when love shines in Joy and peace to others bringing when love shines in Darkest sorrow will grow brighter when love shines in And the heaviest burden lighter when love shines in Tis the glory that will throw light to show us where to go Oh the heart shall blessing know when love shines in when love shines in when love shines in How the heart is due to singing when love shines in when love shines in when love shines in Joy and peace to others bringing when love shines in On the last we may have a fading splendor when love shines in and a friendship true and tender when love shines in When earth victory shall be won and our life and have begun There will be no need of Sun when love shines in when love shines in when love shines in When love shines in How the heart is due to singing when love shines in when love shines in When love shines in Joy and peace to others bringing when love shines in Amen, great singing. Thank you all for being here for tonight. God bless you are dismissed