(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you 148 you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you what you you you you you you you you you you you of the lord made a necessity you know you you you you you you you you you you you you there's God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father God the father Hey I keep thy law I keep thy precept He just says it over and over and over again Verse 61 The bands of the wicked have robbed me But I have not forgotten thy law Don't forget the law of God No matter what they do to you Verse 70 Their heart is as fat as grease But I delight in thy law You know what? I love the law of God I love every verse in the Bible I love Marcus I love Exodus I love Deuteronomy I love all of it I love Genesis 19 I love Judges 19 I love Romans 1 I love Jude I love 2 Peter I'm not afraid of any verse in the Bible I delight in it I love it I get excited when someone wants to preach it Verse 72 You know how many preachers are not preaching some of these parts of the Bible I just mentioned for money? You know what I'd rather have than thousands THOUSANDS of gold and silver is thy law I would rather go to a church where they're going to preach the Bible and they have no money to rub together not even two nickels to rub together than to go to some fancy palace where they won't preach the law of God And you know what? Shame on Texas and shame on the churches here that look like a palace but they won't even just open up the Bible that's free and preach the law of God today We need some people to start establishing the law of God in this country Look at verse 77 Let thy tender mercies come unto me that I may live for thy law is my delight We're not even done with this chapter, folks How can you read this book and not cover it? How can you read this book and not come to the right conclusion? We need the repetition Verse 97 O how O how love I thy law it is my meditation all the day Wow That's a powerful verse He's always thinking about the law of God 109 My soul is continually in my hand but do I not forget thy law Well, if you're always thinking about it then you're not gonna forget it, right? He's always meditating on it Verse 113 I hate vain thoughts but thy law do I love I hate CNN I hate MSNBC I hate a lot of these statutes and ordinances that are coming from the federal government I love God Boy, I just love that Go to 136 Rivers of waters run down mine eyes because they keep not thy law When's the last time men of God cried about how horrible our nation is going? The direction it's going? It's just sickening It's just sickening It's horrifying I mean, he says, look at this because they keep not thy law This guy's so upset because people are not keeping the law of God And you know what? It should honestly vex us when people are not following God's commandments It should not be like, oh, who cares? Not a big deal I mean, this is the God that paid for our sins This is the God that spoke everything into existence This is the God that gives us blessing or cursing You know, whenever the children of Israel realized that there was sin in the camp the whole camp would mourn and cry and weep because they realized the grievousness and the fact that God was not going to bless them And you know what? How can we not sit here and cry and mourn for our children and for the next generation when we look at our country when we look at the direction we're headed God's not blessing this country right now It's getting worse and worse every single day I mean, there's more and more curse There's much more consequence that's coming down the pike I mean, we just have all kinds of oppression and evil and filth and smut and censorship of the truth happening in this nation How can people not be vexed at what's happening in our culture? But you know what? They don't want to go to church How can you sit here and tell me you love the law of God and it's your meditation all the day and then you don't even come to church Or you go to TD Jake's church Or Joyce Meyer's church What a joke What a joke you are You know what? You should be crying and weeping that people are not keeping God's law But how can we expect the world to keep God's law when you won't even go to church Let alone keep God's law And look, just showing up at church doesn't put you on this list You know, you need to be keeping God's law Monday and Tuesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday and on church days Not just, oh well I do it while I'm in the service No, no, no You keep all of his commandments We should love them, we should meditate on them, we should be extremely greed when people are not following his commandments. Look at 142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth I just love truth And you know what? Truth is always in God's law It's just the truth. That's why people get They gnash their teeth at it That's why they hate it so much Is because no matter what they do, they can't change reality You can't change reality You can dress yourself up You can call yourself all kinds of names But you just can't change reality And it just vexes the wicked so much They just hate the fact that God still exists They can't do anything You realize they could nuke America They could imprison all of us And still God is still just on his throne laughing at them God is still laughing at you God is still going to make a meme out of you God is still going to throw you into hell He's sitting on his throne laughing at you at how stupid you are And you know what? The wicked in our nation are so stupid and so foolish They don't even know what a man is They don't even know what a woman is You think that when members of our Congress and our government get up and say amen and a woman God bust out laughing He was just like, what an idiot What a fool I mean, he was just laughing at these people And they can't change any of it You know what? When wicked people try to burn the Bible and they try to destroy the Bible God's just up there laughing thinking like, you're not going to get rid of every King James Bible Good luck, buddy And even if you got rid of every Bible on the earth which will never happen It's still settled in heaven Forever thy word is settled in heaven, folks They can't get rid of God's law They can't get rid of the fact that Judgment Day is coming Yeah, they might be on bail right now You know, but guess what? Pretty soon, Judgment Day and they keep getting older and that's just one step closer to hell every single day and they know they're going there and at the end of the day we have to realize that the law is the truth period The Bible is the truth period You and I, right now our lives, according to the scriptures, is a vapor You know, if you read it really just kind of blew me away because I struggle with this too but in 1 Corinthians it's talking about in chapter 7 about how pretty soon those that were married it'll be like they were never even married and those that had children as they that never had children and like that was radical to me because I'm thinking like my life is just consumed with being married and having children like so many of my thoughts are about being married and remembering anniversaries and Valentine's Day and flowers and talking to her and trying to get my kids to learn how to read trying to help them and educate them and worrying about all these things and it's like somehow in the scope of eternity that's meaningless it won't even matter at all it's that those that possessed things as if they had never possessed anything all our life it's about making money and getting promotions and doing all this stuff and it's like in this world it matters so much in this world it just matters so much how much money you have what kind of house you have, who your wife is what kind of kids you have but it's like when we all stand before God and all of that stripped away the only thing left remaining is the works that you did for him and everything else won't even matter you'll look at another person and it won't be like who is your wife, who is your kids what kind of job you have it'll be like wow you were a really good soul winner wow you must have kept the law of God and from the scope of eternity nothing that we are fixated on in a carnal sense matters at all vanity of vanity sayeth the preacher all is vanity you know we're just so fixated on things that appear not realizing they're all going to be destroyed instead of focusing on the things that are invisible things that are of eternal value though and of eternal weight and consequence and let me tell you something if you read Ecclesiastes at the end he told you there was only two things that really mattered to fear God what is it? and keep his commandments exactly you know what it's really important you know even the Bible says about godliness it's profitable in this life and the next you know what it doesn't say having children is profitable in the next life having lots of money is profitable in the next life none of that matters possessing lots of great things doesn't matter you know what matters? being godly you know what matters? keeping the law you know what matters? being saved you know what matters? getting other people saved that's what matters that's what the focus should be on and you know what if we even love this world we would try to model for them how to establish the law and tell them how wonderful it is and how great it is and to be focused on the things of God and not on the things of man our country is just so obsessed with things that are not spiritual that's why we're in the heap of mess that we are we need to get our country back to spiritual things and forsaking the carnal look at 153 consider mine affliction and deliver me for I do not forget thy law there are connections in the bible with getting deliverance and being righteous you know when you're not righteous God doesn't want to deliver you God's not going to necessarily prevent you from being taken out of danger or harm's way that's why it's really important to be righteous you know when we're headed into a darker and darker world there's a premium on being right with God and you say well I'm saved well King Saul is saved what happened to him? him and his family are destroyed just being saved isn't going to protect you from the evils of this world but you know what can be righteous you say well what about info wars that's not going to help you what about storeable food? no I mean Elisha didn't have any storeable food he just had birds coming and delivering it to him okay I'm more worried about being right with God and having birds deliver me food and it's not going to be Indian they like meat okay they wouldn't touch that stuff either no I'm just kidding it's more important to be righteous with God than you know to be so fixated on the carnal I better get a house out there and build me like an underground shelter and have all this storeable food it's like that's not going to necessarily protect you what happens when they you know derail a train in your area and you basically just put toxins and poisons all in your land or something right I mean the southern border is basically wide open they're just letting immigrants just come and invade all of your land good luck there and if you defend yourself you could be put in prison or in jail jail might become the safest place pretty soon it's like the Monopoly game have you ever played Monopoly? it's like inflation gets so high that the only safe place is jail so you don't get eliminated from the game and at this rate they keep letting all the criminals out of prison and keep putting like conservatives and patriots in there it might be a party you know like sweet what are you in for I shared one of your sermons you're like cool it's great you know we're making prison safe again or something I don't know but you know what's important? I mean Joseph was safe in the prison look at 163 I hate and abhor lying what thy law do I love man I hate lies it's so vexing 165 great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them look at 174 I have longed for thy salvation O Lord and thy law is my delight let my soul live and it shall praise thee and let thy judgments help me I have gone astray like a lost sheep seek thy servant for I do not forget thy commandments notice the heart of the psalmist what is the heart of the psalmist that he meditates on the law he's not going to forget the law and most importantly he's going to keep the law but I love this last verse because notice what it says I have gone astray like a lost sheep seek thy servant we understand that we're going to come short though obviously no one in this room will keep the law perfectly but you know what what was the heart of the psalmist to keep it the heart of the psalmist was to meditate the heart of the psalmist was not to forget it so we're supposed to do the best that we possibly can you know why would God give us commandments like be ye holy because he wants us to strive for that he wants us to do the best that we possibly can even realizing we're still going to fall short and he'll make up that edge that gap for us he'll give us his grace but at the end of the day he gets pleasure in us seeking to be holy as much as possible separate as much as possible and loving the word of God go to Matthew chapter number 5 now go to Matthew chapter number 5 what side of the sermon keep the law? oh well we're in the new testament pastor Shelly didn't you know? yeah I did but let's see what Jesus said about this Matthew 5 verses 17 think not that I'm come to destroy the law of the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill did he make the impression that the law of God has gone away? no he didn't say he didn't destroy it you know why I know he didn't destroy it? because he said that he was not going to destroy it so he didn't destroy the law we still have it he came to fulfill now what does he say in verse 18? for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled now here's the thing has the original aspect of the Old Testament been fulfilled? the answer is no now of course everything about Christ himself and everything about his initial coming that was fulfilled and Christ totally fulfilled the necessity of the law for our salvation that has been fulfilled but you know what? there are still prophecies there are still aspects of the Bible that have not yet been fulfilled and they will be fulfilled and think about this at some point there will only be saved people and at that point all the law is going to be fulfilled because we'll never sin again there will never be false witness there will be no killing there will be no more theft there will be no more any of that evil that's going on in the earth the whole law will be fulfilled all the prophecies will be fulfilled and we will rule and wane with Christ in eternity we will just enjoy the earth for all of eternity you know it's like the permanent golfing trip you know it's just so much fun we're going to enjoy football no I'm just kidding we're going to enjoy with Christ we're going to eat the best food we're going to have the greatest church services ever we're going to be with Christ we're going to get to learn from Jesus himself no more Pastor Shelley you don't have to learn from me ever again it'll be wonderful and essentially we're just going to get to enjoy the habitable part of his earth again we're going to have a new heaven and a new earth I don't know what all that is I'm sure I can't even understand it but it'll be wonderful one day but notice that it still is here though and that the jots and the tittles are still here notice it's not saying the commas and the periods yet there's a group of people out there that deny that the Hebrew's been preserved and only want an English Bible what a stupid way to interpret this verse go if you would to Romans chapter 13 for a moment now go to Romans chapter 13 actually go there but go to Matthew 22 as well I want to go to another place some people say oh well you know what in the New Testament all I have to do is just love God and all I have to do is just just love the New Testament's about love don't bring me back under the law we need to just love get the spirit of love flowing well you know what they are right about one aspect of this it is all about love and love is all that you have to do but they're wrong about the fact that the Old Testament is incompatible with that notice what it says in Matthew 22 verse 36 master which is the great commandment of the law Jesus said in them thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments saying all the law and the prophets so you know what there is not a single verse in this book that is not either loving God or loving your neighbor oh love wins amen you know what love is going to win you know what they say though their lust and sodomy and filth and perversion is not going to win that's going to burn in hell but you know what loving God and loving your neighbor every verse in this book is neither one of those and in fact ultimately just loving God in general because it's all his word, it's all his law he told his loving neighbor and of course love is the fulfilling of the law that's what it literally says in Romans 13 I had you turn there as well look at Romans chapter 13 verse number 10 love worketh no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law hey you can summarize the law in one word love it's love now let's read backwards let's go back to verse 7 render therefore to all their dues tribute to him tribute is due custom to him custom fear to him fear honor to him honor owe no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law notice again the reiteration of the fact that love is the law these are synonyms in essence verse 9 for this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet and if there be any other commandment it is briefly complimented in saying namely thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself so notice he's saying every single commandment of the Old Testament law is love and it's loving your neighbor as yourself now one part of this I struggle with is the fact that somehow taxes are loving you know it doesn't feel loving but that's what he says that I have to pay tribute and custom and somehow that's the fulfilling of the law through love but of course if we had good government officials it would be loving and it wouldn't matter obviously when you have to pay taxes to Biden it hurts a little bit okay and we get that but love is the Old Testament law so if someone says that they love but they disagree with any verse that I can show them in the Old Testament they're lying they're a liar because every verse in Leviticus, every verse in Deuteronomy, all these verses are loving and they're loving God and they're loving their neighbors and stuff so that's why it's so foolish when people will get up and they'll be like well that's, you know, no on that I'm loving, no no no you're not loving, you're a liar is what you are because if you were loving you would do exactly what those verses are instructing it's pointing out tons of verses lying and adultery and stealing those are things that are not loving you know Galatians tells us that the law is fulfilled through love as well there's so many things that we could point to but I just want to go to 1 Corinthians 14 for a moment 1 Corinthians 14 anytime someone breaks the law they're wrong and they're not loving now of course the Bible teaches us that the law is a schoolmaster and once we have Christ we walk according to the spirit and we don't have to necessarily go by the letter of the law, we go by the spirit of the law and we get all those things and we understand that even when it came to the law the Pharisees struggled with this thinking that Christ and his disciples are breaking the law so there is a possibility that someone could on the surface it looks like they're breaking the law but you're just misinterpreting it so when it came to the Sabbath his disciples are doing good things on the Sabbath Jesus is doing good things on the Sabbath and Jesus even kind of asked them is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath and they didn't know how to answer the question because they're like so the answer is obviously yes but if I say yes then I'm going to look like a giant hypocrite so they didn't answer and it's interesting anytime you have someone have a stupid position and you call them out and they don't answer, you know why? it's because they realize they're a giant hypocrite on that particular issue so you can have that situation but know this when people are just breaking the clear commandments of the Old Testament it's just not loving time and it's not like the law of God just disappeared in the New Testament or that it doesn't apply anymore we have plenty of people in the New Testament bringing up the Old Testament law quoting it using it, talking about it here's a really clear example look at 1 Corinthians 14 verse 34 let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law did the Apostle Paul think oh well the Old Testament throw that out we're in the New Testament church here no, no, no he said your women need to keep silence just like the law said he's bringing up the law and saying women shouldn't be getting up and preaching Joyce Meyer and of course what does Joyce Meyer do? she forsakes the law of God and she praises the wicked now I want to give you a real specific example it's funny my wife had shared something with me about this but Joyce Meyer female preacher apparently has recently gotten a couple tattoos or something who's heard about this? okay a lot of people have heard about this well go to Isaiah 44 for a moment you say ah, tattoos? how is that a sin Pastor Shelley? well the Old Testament we're in the New Testament I already showed you how the Apostle Paul just brought up the Old Testament in the New Testament Jesus didn't destroy it and you know what? I love the law of God and you know what? I'm going to contend with those that forsake the law like Joyce Meyer who forsake the law and get a tattoo and are essentially encouraging everyone to get tattoos now you say well why? well it kind of even ties back to my morning sermon it's important that we have the same mind and what's that same mind? the mind of Christ which is the King James Bible now let's read the verse that convinced Joyce Meyer to get a tattoo according to her testimony alright? Isaiah 44 verse 5 one shall say I am the Lord's and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord and surname himself by the name of Israel that's why she decided to get a tattoo and you say what in the world? that has nothing to do with tattoos right, okay because you have a King James Bible, because you have the word of God in your lap now here's the thing, I looked this up in other versions because of course she's using another version in the new King James in the new King James where it says and another shall subscribe with his hand the new King James says and another shall write with his hand now here's the thing that means the same thing so you know what, she wasn't using the new King James now if you get an NIV ESV, NLT or amplified that's what it would say in this verse instead of saying and another shall subscribe with his hand it will say and another shall write on his hand the name of the Lord or something like that but she didn't use that version either she used some amplified classic now who knows who's seen the amplified okay, a handful of people if you read an amplified, this is what the amplified does it'll be just like the NIV or the ESV but then every word that could have multiple definitions they'll put in brackets next to it a bunch of extra words that it could possibly mean too so if it says you know, any kind of word that has multiple definitions or synonyms it's just putting like this garbage list of opportunity for you to just change to whatever you like or whatever fit the context you're liking it's kind of like mad gab anybody play mad gab? where you just pick synonyms or someone's like just name a thing and you just put a thing in a blank and then it's just like name a verb and you just put a verb and then you read the sentence and it's garbly goop that's the amplified, okay well Isaiah 44 and verse 5 it still says the same thing as the NIV where it says it write on but then in brackets it says brand or tattoo so not only do we have to go to a false version we have to go to the bracket extra extra option where it says tattoo and that's what convinced Joyce Meyer that she needed to get a tattoo so she got like a tattoo on her ankle and you know what it says? love but you know what, that was the most unloving thing she could do because the Bible clearly tells her not to print marks on her body go to Leviticus chapter 19 go to Leviticus chapter 19 what a stupid thing to do to get the tattoo of love on your body I mean obviously the people that are getting demons and all kinds of stuff on their body I guess it makes sense since they worship the devil but why would someone that's actually saved or a Christian be printing marks on their body and basically making a mockery of the Bible well they probably shouldn't but of course Joyce Meyer isn't even saved so I'm not even worried about that but it's not a shocker that someone like her would get a tattoo and I think you know what's crazy apparently she's like 70 or something I guess plastic surgery is like doing something she just looked like the same for the last like 50 years I don't even know she takes it off at night or something I don't know she's like what's going on the joker mask or something but she's apparently like 70 or something I think she said that when she went to the tattoo artist she was the oldest client they've ever had really shocked okay they were like you can keep your clothes on you know it's like but what does Leviticus say verse 28 it says ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you I am the Lord so the Bible says we're not supposed to print marks on our body so you know what I think? Tattoos are stupid and you know what praise God I've always thought that I've never liked tattoos I've always thought they were dumb they're definitely not biblical they're wrong I did not send his son to die on the cross so you could tat your body up so you could mark it up with whatever nonsense you want and I don't care if you tattoo John 3.16 on your body it's wrong it's wrong I'm against it I don't like it now of course if you've gotten a tattoo I don't hate you I'm not mad at you good luck ever changing that you're pretty much marked forever here in Webster tattoo this is what it says an indelible mark or figure made by puncturing the skin and introducing some pigment into the punctures a mode of ornamentation practiced by various barbarous races both in ancient and modern times and also by some among civilized nations that's a pretty great definition of a tattoo there hey you want to be like savages that eat each other? get tattoos it also said sailors so a sailor a barbarous savage or some among the civilized culture not very civilized another definition to color as the flesh by pricking in a coloring manner so as to form marks or figures which cannot be washed out and of course that's what you know a tattoo is is getting a permanent marking on your body whether that be lettering numbers, a drawing, a picture it doesn't matter and honestly probably most people that have ever gotten a tattoo regret it I mean you know obviously maybe not initially but even in some cases a lot of people initially regret it and laser removal I mean it's a booming business why? why do you think laser removal is a booming business? because they're like that was stupid why did I get this dumb tattoo? I went to college with a guy who had literal batman symbol on his chest like he had the batman inside on his chest now you'd be like that's cool for you to have but I don't want that I mean what kind of bizarre nonsense you know and people you know when they look at someone with tattoos they're going to judge you whether you like it or not they're going to judge you they're going to think differently of you they're going to be like look at this barbarous person or maybe a sailor I don't know neither really suits me you say well this isn't loving Pastor Shelley you're supposed to love Joyce Meyer well you know what I'm going to contend with her is what I'm going to do because that's what the Bible actually said now what does it say in this chapter well why do you use Leviticus it's not loving we're not supposed to do that anymore okay well let's keep reading verse 15 go back thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him this sounds like some really good preaching right here hey don't allow your neighbor to sin don't just allow people to do wickedly rebuke him don't suffer the stupid tattoos on him if someone says hey I was thinking about getting a tattoo say that's stupid don't do that that's dumb rebuke him don't hate him and say like get a Batman symbol what does it say in the next verse thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself I am the Lord how oh I love that part of Leviticus well guess what then you have to love the whole part of Leviticus it's not just pick and choose which verses you like look this one verse is summarizing the whole chapter it's summarizing the whole book it's summarizing the whole Bible we're supposed to love and you know what we keep the law because we love our neighbor and we contend with those that forsake the law because we love our neighbor and you know what we preach the gospel because we love our neighbor and we show them what the Bible says because we love our neighbor and we rebuke the sin in their life because we love our neighbor and we rebuke the sin in our country because we love our country and we rebuke everything that's ungodly because we love God it's about the love of God don't tell me well I don't want to keep the law or I'm not under the law you're just not spiritual and you just don't love you might as well just say I don't love that's what Joyce Meyer should do she should get an I don't love right you know above her love just put an I don't I don't love God I don't love my neighbor and of course it's shocking that a woman preacher would preach false doctrine show me show me the one preacher not preaching false doctrine show me the one preacher that's even saved I listen to a sermon Joyce Meyer's salvation and it's she like makes this video and it's like can you lose your salvation then she never answers it she just she just she's just like well you know I've thought about that for a long time and when I was little I totally thought I could lose my salvation and I thought that whenever I said and this is the biggest thing she could think of one time I peaked whenever I was playing high and go seek oh what a big sinner you are Joyce you know you're going to tell me you thought you lost your salvation because she's telling a whole congregation of people that she thought she lost her salvation for a decade for a decade she got away from God and thought she lost her salvation because she peaked in high to go seek as a kid this is so believable and then you're thinking like okay then she's going to say but then I realized you can't lose your salvation no she's just like you know what I just realized God just always loves us and then the clip just ends and you're just like what happened and look every false preacher that's how they are they just never answer the question it's like what do you have to do to be saved well there's a lot well that's a complicated question it's like is Jesus God well it's like look we need preachers that are just going to be like yes no yay I mean when they ask Christ art thou the son of the blessed I am he wasn't like well this is a complicated question you know it's not Jordan Peterson you know well when you say son of the blessed what do you mean by that you know we talk about blessing are we talking about goodness it's like dude just shut up you're stupid Jordan Peterson's not going to give you the answer to anything he's going to make you more confused after listening to him you know we need people that are clear and direct to the blunt and to the point like God like thou shalt not kill done right he just gives you clear statements clear answers and we need to just love the law of God you say I'm struggling read Psalm 119 that'll give you a love for the Bible that'll just give you a love for the law of God and you know what we want to be a church that keeps the law let's close in prayer let's just love God so that we can know it's true we can know it's holy we can know how to love you've taught us how to love how to love you how to love our neighbor I pray that we would not be ashamed of your love we would not be ashamed of your word we would not be ashamed of your law but we would be ashamed of this sinful and adulterous generation we would cry and weep and mourn and be horrified by what's going on in this country but we would love thy law we would not be ashamed of the word of God we would encourage everyone around us to love the law of God more that we as a church would establish the law and we would show everyone how loving the law of God is in Jesus' name we pray, Amen Alright, for the final song Psalm 119 Psalm 119 Till the storm passes by That's Psalm 119 Till the storm passes by 119 On the first In the dark of the midnight Have I hopped in my face While the storm howls above me And there's no hiding place Mid the crash of the thunder Precious Lord Hear my cry Keep me safe Till the storm passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll past Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast Let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe Till the storm passes by Many times Satan whispered There is no need to try For there's no end of sorrow There's no hope by and by But I know thou art with me And tomorrow I'll rise Where the storm never dark in the sky Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast Let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe Till the storm passes by When the long night has ended And the storms come no more Let me stand in thy presence On that bright peaceful shore In that land where the tempest never comes Lord may house dwell with thee When the storm passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast Let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe Till the storm passes by God bless you are dismissed this evening.