(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's look at verse number 10 of the Bible read. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine. You say, what doctrine? Well, the doctrine of Christ. It says, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. For he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds. Now the Bible warns against people that will come to you, and they will preach another Christ. They will preach another gospel. They will transgress the doctrine of Christ. And some people would say, well, how are you supposed to respond to this person? Are you supposed to just be really nice to them, and really loving, and invite them in, and give them some tea and some cookies? Oh, it's OK. Let's just have a get together, and let's hang out. What does this look like? Well, there's people that will come and knock on your door today. Yes, the only people other than us pretty much will come knock on your door will be the Mormons or the Jehovah's false witness. They'll come and they'll knock on your door, and guess what? They transgress the doctrine of Christ. And you say, how am I supposed to react to this? Am I supposed to say, have a good day? No, it says neither bid them God speed. Because if you do, you're going to be partaker of his evil deeds. And we're going to find out how evil these deeds are in a minute. But the title of my sermon is Jehovah's false witness. Jehovah's false witness. And if you go out soul winning, if you just live anywhere, you'll run into one of these people. You'll run into these people trying to pervert you, and trying to draw you away from the doctrines of Christ, trying to speak perverse things. They are a false witness. They're not trying to give you God's word. They're not trying to teach you Christ's doctrine. They're trying to draw you away from God's doctrine. Before we really get into this, though, I'm going to just go ahead and read a lot of history. Because let's just understand, where are these people coming from? I mean, you probably wonder where all these different religions come from. Where do these denominations come from? Let's just find out where they really come from. So you just go on Wikipedia. And you look up Jehovah's Witnesses. It says, Jehovah's Witnesses is a millenarian, restorationist, Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity. Now, there's a guy named William Miller. And so that's what it means to be a millenarian. A millenarian, it's hard for me to even say. A millenarian is someone who's of William Miller. And you say, who's William Miller? Well, William Miller is one of the founders of Seventh-day Adventism. So yes, cult begets what? Cult. Look, it's cult begets cult. You say, where do those cults come from? Well, they come from a lot of Seventh-day Adventist cultish teachings. So there's a man named William Miller. He's from the 1800s. He predicted that Christ would come back in 1844. It's known as the Great Disappointment. Because guess what? Christ did not come back in 1844. But a lot of people continue to follow this guy. And in the Seventh-day Adventists, they just continue to make false prediction after false prediction after false prediction. They keep saying, well, Christ came back this year. No, this year. No, this year. And what they're trying to do is they're trying to say, well, Christ would come back at exactly 6,000 years of creation. So they keep trying to create a new timetable where that would somehow fit with their doctrine. And they say, oh, Christ is going to definitely come in 6,000 years, just because of their own viewpoint, just because of their own made-up things in their head. And so why are they Seventh-day Adventists? Well, Advent is basically just meaning Second Coming. It's just meaning like an event. So they're awaiting what? The Second Coming of Christ. Why are they called Seventh-day? It's because they celebrate on Saturday. And that's considered the seventh day, the Sabbath. So they observe the Sabbath. They believe that you should observe that holiday, even though the New Testament makes it clear that Jesus Christ is our Sabbath. Jesus Christ is our rest. So I'll continue reading for you. So this is where they come from. They come from this Miller-type viewpoint. They're trying to predict that Christ is coming back. They just keep trying, and keep trying, and keep trying, and keep failing. Now, it says restorationist. What is a restoration? A restorationist is meaning that they believe that when Christ comes, he's going to restore this physical world to some proper order, which is basically loosely interpreting Christ's millennial reign. But they don't believe in what the Bible really teaches about it. They think there's going to be this great person coming in the future that is going to, through a great war, basically set up a new kingdom on which it's going to rule the whole Earth. Guess what? There's another person that's going to try and do that. He's called the Antichrist. And you know what? Joe's false witnesses are primed to believe in the Antichrist, to not believe in Christ's coming. Let me keep reading this article for you, though. It says the group reports worldwide membership of 8.45 million adherents involved in evangelism. They have an annual conference where they have over 20 million people usually show up. It says that they have directed by a governing body a group of elders in Warwick, New York, which establishes all doctrines based on its interpretations of the Bible. So basically, they have a secret group in New York that determines all the doctrines for all Jehovah's Witnesses across the whole Earth. Just this one special little group, they know it's right. They have the doctrine. And then they pass it out through their information, through their watchtower, tract, society, through all of their magazines, through all their literature. They make all the determinations. The doctrine comes from this centralized location. Now, look what the Bible teaches. It's the Bible teaching, hey, we need to have a special group of people over in some other area. And they're going to decide on the Bible for you. No, the Bible says you don't need that any man teach you. Look, you can learn the whole Bible by yourself. You don't have to have somebody teach you the Bible for you to learn any doctrine. Now, it doesn't mean that you can't have a teacher. It doesn't mean that you can't go to a church and learn the Bible and have somebody instruct you. It just means if you needed someone to teach you some doctrine, you couldn't find it out on your own in the Bible, it's false. It's not true. The Bible makes it clear you could understand any doctrine of the Bible on your own Bible study from your own reading, from the Holy Ghost teaching you and guiding you into all truth. Now, keep reading this article. I'll read a little bit more. It says they believe the destruction of the present world system at Armageddon is imminent and that the establishment of God's kingdom over the earth is the only solution for all problems faced by humanity. Man, they think that there's going to be this great battle and it could happen at any time. So they're not really free trip. Their doctrine of intimacy is that there's going to be this world leader coming in at any moment and then he's going to just take over the whole world. Hey, the Bible prophesies that. There is going to be a guy that comes in through peace and through warfare and he's going to take over the whole world. He's going to have a one-world system. And guess what? The Jehovah's false witness are going to be right on his track. They're going to think, oh, man, we're ready. We're here. We're going to get on board. So where did this come from? Well, it comes from a guy named Charles Taze Russell. And look, if you're not a Jehovah's false witness, you can admit, look, he's the founder of Jehovah's false witness, OK? If you're from one of them, they'll kind of say, well, he's not really the founder. Christ is the founder. But obviously, he restored it all and he's the one that brought it to be what it is today. So this guy named Charles Taze Russell, basically in the 1870s, it says they created a Bible student movement. So they basically have a bunch of students. This guy, Charles Taze Russell, is 17 years old. And they're just having Bible studies with all these kids, OK? And that's where he gets his start. That's where he gets the foundations for this wicked false religion. Some 17-year-old punk, yeah, I'm sure he's been enlightened with all of God's word. The great prophet that we should learn everything from, this 17-year-old kid. He co-found the Zion's Watchtower Track Society in 1881. Now, after he's dead, there's other guys that kind of come in, Joseph Franklin Rutherford. He comes in, they change all the doctrine again. Then they change the name to Jehovah's false witness, and I'm sorry, Jehovah's witness in 1931. And then they're basically well known for going door-to-door preaching. They're basically just handing out their literature, handing out this Watchtower magazine, handing out their pamphlets. They're really famous for refusing military service and blood transfusions. They consider God's name a vital part of proper worship. They reject the Trinity. They reject the soul. Or I'm sorry, not the soul, but the inherent immortality of the soul. And they reject hellfire, meaning what? They don't believe that your soul will live forever somewhere. Now, the Bible teaches, look, you have one or two places your soul's going to go. It's either going to be with the Lord in heaven or it's going to be an eternal lake of fire where you're tormented forever. They believe that the soul will be destroyed. So it's a punishment, but you just basically cease to exist. They don't believe that your soul will continue on somewhere. So they have a lot of different motivations when they go out of soul in here, I guess. This group's position regarding conscientious objecting to military service and refusal to salute national flags is broadened in conflict with some governments. It says it's even had legal challenges. The organization has received criticism for regarding their Bible translation doctrines and alleged coercion of its members. Okay, let me read this. The Watchtower Society has made various unfulfilled predictions about major biblical events such as Christ's second coming, the advent of God's kingdom, and Armageddon. Their policies for handling cases of child sexual abuse have been the subject of various formal inquiries. Now, one thing that they like to do is they love to cover up a wicked false prophet of their own. If somebody in their little club is a pedophile, they will never turn them into the authorities. They will never go to the law. It doesn't matter what they do. So they just harbor all these pedophiles, all these sodomites, and all these freaks in their club, and then just continually is this fest of just preying on children, preying on weak people, preying on all kinds of things in their secret societies. You don't know what they believe. You don't know what they're doing in their closed doors. You look in these buildings, no windows. Oh, okay, that sounds really scary. Oh, man, it's really dark. Look, they hide because they're in darkness. They don't put their sermons online. They're not trying to teach everything that they know. You've got to buy it. You've got to buy your magazine. You've got to invite them in your home. Look, when someone comes to you transressing the doctrine of Christ, don't receive them. Don't even be nice to them. I'm telling you, don't be nice to these Jehovah's false witnesses if they come to your door. If they're trying to pervert you and draw you away from God, you need to reject them. You need to tell them, get out of here. Now I'm going to read for you from their own website. It says, the modern day organization of Jehovah's Witnesses began at the end of the 19th century. At the time, a small group of Bible students who lived near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the United States began a systematic analysis of the Bible. They compared the doctrines taught by the churches with what the Bible really teaches. They began posting what they learned in books, newspapers, and a journal that is now called The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. Among that group of sincere Bible students was a man named Charles Taze Russell. While Russell took the lead in the Bible education work at that time and was the first editor of The Watchtower, he was not the founder of a new religion. The goal of Russell and the other Bible students, as the group was then known, was to promote the teaching of Jesus Christ and to follow the practices of the first century Christian congregation. Since Jesus is the founder of Christianity, we view him as the founder of our organization. So to help you in your Bible is Deuteronomy chapter 18. Deuteronomy chapter number 18. So what are they saying? They're trying to say, well, you know, obviously God started, and obviously he was the first leader, and obviously he was the first editor, and obviously all these things, but it's really just from Christ. But here's the problem. If nobody on the earth has the right doctrine, and you have to go start on the new doctrine, you got a problem. You're not teaching the God's Word. Look, the Bible's not a private interpretation. It's not, well, we just lost all the right doctrine. Nobody has it. Now we just got to restore it with these 17-year-old puns having a Bible study. They're going to teach us the Bible. Look, God's Word's time-tested. There's been hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and thousands of people who love God, who read God's Word every day, studied the Bible meticulously, they sought out the doctrines. Look, they're already established. There's not new doctrines. We have to get all these new doctrines. There's a problem with the Bible. There's a problem with our theology, because look, men have always been studying the Word of God. They've been always trying to learn the Bible. Look, the core doctrines of the faith, they're already established. God's the Trinity. The King James Bible's God's Word. It's salvation by faith. Look, it's baptism after salvation. These aren't things that are questionable. Well, I don't know. What do we think? Hell, no, not a wondering if that's real doctrine, you know, real doctrine. That's what the Bible teaches. It's on every page, okay? But when you start questioning core doctrines, you have a problem. When you're the only person on the planet that's right, you have a huge problem. You have some false doctrine. Look, you're not saved. Look, if you have to start something new, my question is where'd you get it, right? Are you just the father of Christianity now? Are you Father Abraham? Are you gonna teach us about the faith that you have? No, if everybody else is unsaved, look, you have a pulse. That's not Christianity. The Bible says that it went from faith to faith. Look, you know how Christianity passed down from a saved person to another saved person, to another saved person, to another saved person. Look, you learn from somebody. You know who he learned from? The Seventh-day Adventists. Guess what? They're a cult that never reads the Bible anyways. They don't believe in Christ's Word. They don't believe the Bible. Look at Deuteronomy 18, verse 20. It says, But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou shalt say in thy heart, How shall we know the words which the Lord hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken. But the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously, thou shalt not be afraid of him. Look, what is he saying? He's saying when someone would get up and say, Hey, this is what God said. This is what the Bible's saying. You know, they're teaching, Hey, thus saith the Lord, Christ is going to come in 1844. Oh, oh, he didn't come? Oh, I'm a false prophet. I shall be put to death, according to the Bible. You shouldn't be afraid of this guy. Look, there's so many prophets today. They'll get up on TV. Oh, prophet T.D. Jakes. And they'll make all these pronunciations of the future. This is going to happen and Hillary's going to be the president. Oops. Did I say that? She didn't really become the president, though. False prophet. Look, that's not somebody, well, he looks a little off. You know, but unfortunately, false prophets can get up and constantly be wrong, constantly make false predictions, constantly say things that never happen, and people keep following them. People keep harkening unto them, keep doing whatever they're saying. Look, if God said it, it's going to happen. His word cannot be broken. It's going to be established. If God said it, it's going to happen. You better believe it, OK? But if a false prophet gets up and starts speaking lies, you can tell it when he says, hey, this is going to happen and it doesn't happen. It wasn't the word of God. It wasn't the Lord speaking because when the Lord speaks, it's going to happen every single time. That doesn't mean that a preacher can't get up and make a mistake. That doesn't mean, you know, several times I might just even misfeed. I might say Old Testament when I mean New Testament or vice versa, or I might explain something wrong, or I could have something a little off. But if I just get up and start saying, hey, Christ talked to me last night and he wants me to get a special message for you, OK, tomorrow there's going to be this great hurricane that comes and wipes out all of New York. Guess what? When that doesn't happen, never come to my church again. Amen. Never even talk to me. Don't even bid me Godspeed. Have nothing to do with me. And that's the way I should have for this Charles H. Russell. Look, they keep predicting that Christ is coming back and then they keep failing and failing, have nothing to do with this heretic, with this false teacher. Now, I'm going to give you the history of the Jehovah's Witness. We kind of got some overview. We kind of got a little bit of history. But I'm going to go through because this history is just ridiculous. It says in 1869, 17-year-old Russell attended a meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of a group he called Second Adventists and heard Advent Christian preacher, Jonas Wendell, expound his views on Bible prophecy. Wendell, influenced by the teachings of William Miller, rejected traditional Christian beliefs of the immortal soul and a literal hell and interpreted scriptures in the books of Daniel and Revelation to predict that Christ would return in 1873. So William Miller had to break his appointment in 1844. But then some other guys, they liked his teachings. They basically agreed with all his doctrine, but they're like, we need to figure out a new date. So now it's going to be 1873. This is happening in 1870. So it's three years from now. They're saying, oh, three years, Christ is coming. Well, this 17-year-old punk, he likes their doctrine. He's like, oh, I'm on board. Yeah, I believe in this Charles H. Russell. So they're just starting to have all these Bible things with all these students. Where does doctrine come from? Well, did you realize that all the doctrines I just read are the same doctrines as you know as false witness? Shocker. Shocker, they just have all the same teachings. I'll read a little bit more. It says, in January 1876, Russell read an issue of Herald of the Morning, a periodical edited by Adventist preacher Nelson H. Barber of Rochester, New York, but which had almost ceased publication because of dwindling subscriptions. Barber, like other Adventists, had earlier applied the biblical time prophecies of Miller and Wendell to calculate that Christ would return in 1874 to bring a bonfire. When this failed to eventuate, he and co-writer J.H. Patton had concluded that their calculations of the timing of Christ's return were correct. They had erred about its manner. They subsequently decided that Christ's return, or parosia, was invisible, and that Christ had therefore been present since 1874. So what did they say? They said, 1874 comes and gone, and it didn't happen. Christ didn't really come, OK? And they're like, well, now we're losing all our subscribers to our paper. Nobody wants to buy our paper anymore, because there's all this fear mongering about Christ coming, and people love it. They're eating it up. They're buying, like, hot things, OK? But then after it doesn't happen, they're kind of like, well, maybe these guys involve prophets, right? So they're deciding, well, what happened? Let's study our calculations, hope our calculations are right. So what happened? Oh, it was invisible. It was an invisible return of Jesus Christ. OK. Well, go to Acts chapter number 1, if you will. Acts chapter number 1. Let's see if that even makes any sense. Now, at this time, Charles James Russell, he became married in 1879. So for all his part of his ministry, for basically 10 years of his ministry, he's just this single guy. This is a single young punk, just starting this new revolution. He never even had any children. And he gets divorced in 1908. But he was separated in 1897. So basically, they were separated for, like, 11 years. But back in the olden days, you couldn't just get a divorce because you didn't like the person, just because, well, I just don't think they're cute anymore, or whatever. You know, irreconcilable differences, right? Back then, you actually had to have proof of something that was a reason to get a divorce. Well, guess what? His wife had provided a bunch of documentation proving that this guy was an adulterer. And not only adulterer, but with children. Oh, he kept finding young women locked in a room with some young women they brought in their home. Oh, I wonder what's going on there, buddy. And then he's like, now she's granted the divorce because she can provide all this evidence, and all this testimony, and all these things about him being locked away with young women that are coming over to his house, the guy that never had any children. He sounds like a great guy. I mean, I'm just really starting to become a jealous lost witness all of a sudden. Look at Acts chapter number one. Look at verse number nine. And when he had spoken these things while they be held, he was taken up. And a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white of herald, which also said, you men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which was taken up from you into heaven, so shall come in light manner as you have seen him go into heaven. So when the disciples, the apostles, are standing there, they're with the Lord Jesus Christ, it's 40 days after his resurrection, he goes and ascends up into heaven. He goes into the clouds. And I mean, they're just gazing at it. I mean, I'll be staring at it too, right? You're just staring at it, you're like, whoa. But then they just keep staring. You know, they're like, I don't know what's gonna happen. Right? And then these two angels coming in, they're like, why do you keep staring at heaven? Look, he's gonna come back in the same way. The same, you know, incredible way that you saw him go up, you're gonna see him come back in the same way. Well, go to Revelation chapter number one. Because they say, well, Christ did come in 1874, but it was invisible. You know, nobody really saw him. Nobody really knew what was gonna happen. Does that even fit with what these angels said? These angels were saying, hey, he's gonna come back in light manner. Okay. Well, they say, well, maybe he came back in clouds, but we just couldn't see him. Well, let's see what Revelation chapter one says. Look at verse six. And it made us kings and priests unto God his Father. To him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, he cometh with clouds. Okay, check one, right? And every eye shall see him. And they also had pierced him, and all kings of the earth shall will because of him, even so, amen. So when Christ comes back, is it invisible? Wrong, false. The Bible makes it clear, every eye shall see Christ when he returns. You're not gonna wonder, hey, is this Christ? Look, you're gonna see him, and you're gonna know that Christ is coming in the clouds. It's gonna be that obvious, okay? I'm gonna keep reading in this article for you. It says in, I'm sorry, I'm gonna skip ahead a little bit. It says in 1881, okay? So the Zion's Watchtower Tract Society was formed as an unincorporated administrative agency for the purpose of disseminating tracts, papers, doctrinal treatises, and Bibles with Pastor Russell as he was by then called. As secretary and William Henry calmly as president. So now all of a sudden, he's become a pastor. Well, how many kids does he have? Oh yeah, zero again, right? So I guess he doesn't really care about the qualifications of a bishop or an elder anymore. Well, it also says that he wrote some book called Studies in the Scriptures, where he basically writes a six-volume series giving all of his false doctrine, and they're handing it out. It says in 1879, the first student groups or congregations were established, and within a year, more than 30 of them were meeting for six-hour study sessions under Russell's direction to examine the Bible and his writings. The groups were autonomous ecclesia and organizational structure Russell regarded as a return to primitive simplicity. So he's saying, man, your church service isn't long. Hey, they're going for six hours. I mean, they're six-hour Bible studies. Talk about trash. And he says, primitive simplicity, you know what he's saying? No, he's in charge. Hey, it's a six-hour life group. Everybody just gets around, and we just all open our Bible, and we just share ideas and talk about how wonderful everything is. Look, this is what these people draw on them. You say, how does anybody ever come to these stupid groups? It's because they come into your house, and they let you just share all your ideas. Well, I think this is about God, and I think God loves everybody, and I think everybody's a child of God, and I think there's no hell, and we should just all hug and have rainbows. They're like, yeah, that's what we believe, too. Come with us. Let's hang out. I mean, let's just jump. They don't care about God's word. They don't care about doctrine. They don't care about anything that Christ commanded them. They just want to speak the utterances of their own heart. A fool just wants to hear himself speak, and this is what they track, attract fools. They track people that don't want to hear God's word, that have nothing to do with God's word. They're just ignorant of God's word. It says in 1895, discussing the best form of meaning to study his writings, Russell warned, beware of organization. It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind others' consciences and do not permit others to bind yours. Now, of course, these false prophets, these cult leaders, they'll always give lip service to things that are right. They'll say, well, the Bible's our final authority. Well, the Bible's our rule, except for the fact that, well, we don't really believe in the Bible, and here's all of our doctrines that are different from the Bible, and guess what? Here's our Bible. We have a different Bible than the one you have, but it just happens to be our final authority. Our final authority is the Bible that we made up. Talks about final authority, huh? In 1969, they published their own Bible, the New World Translation, okay? Not based on new manuscript evidence, not based on other manuscripts, just based on their own doctrine is where it came from. It says in 1894, Russell introduced the role of pilgrim workers, men chosen for their maturity, uniqueness, and vital knowledge, who would visit congregations throughout the three days when requested, giving talks. The pilgrims, who initially served part-time but later became full-time workers, also delivered talks at conventions. It says basically by 1895, though, he's kind of been giving lips towards the Bible, saying the Bible's your final authority. He doesn't really care who's coming. He doesn't care what your doctrine is. You're not even having a label, but by 1895, he recommends that you study his studies in the scriptures, paragraph by paragraph, to learn the truth, as he had discovered, and in 1905, he recommended replacing verse-by-verse Bible studies with what he called the Rean studies of topics he chose. So he's basically having no control over these groups, so then he's like, well, start using my papers. Start using my literature. Start reading what I'm going to tell you about the Bible. And if you go to these non-evangelical churches, these big, non-evangelical churches, you know what they'll try to do? They'll try to sell you their book and book store, and they'll say, hey, this is my interpretation of the Bible. Let me tell you about the Bible. They don't want you to actually read the Bible for yourself verse-by-verse. They want to tell you what the Bible says. Hey, buy our book. We'll tell you what the Bible says. Look, this is the starting of a cult when you have to go to a man to teach you the Bible. You know what I want you to do? Only study verse-by-verse. Only study God's Word. Rip out your commentary. Rip out all the books. Take the books that are, you know, not God's Word. Just burn them. Get your New World translation. Have nothing to do with it. And if I start teaching otherwise, don't come to my church. Don't listen to me. I'm a heretic. Look, you should only be studying God's Word. That's the only source of information we should be getting it from. That's how we should be getting fed. Not some GMO, you know, version of the Bible. All right? It says, Russell advertised for a thousand preachers in 1881 and encouraged all our members of the body of Christ to go forth as copiliters or evangelizers and preach to the neighbors in order to gather the remainder of the little flock of saints before they were called to heaven. Copiliters remained pioneers in the 1930s, left household for the first time in the 19th century, and the first time in the 19th century, left household with a copy of Russell's 130 page booklet, Food for Thinking Christians, and a sample copy of Zion's Watchtower and returned days later to retrieve the book or accept a payment for it. The workers received a commission on the sale, but Russell warned them to concentrate less on the money than on the task of spreading the truth. So basically, Charles starts getting his magazine, and he starts getting pioneers, okay, to go take their magazine, and they just leave their magazine. And they just leave their magazine. And they just leave their magazine. And they just leave their magazine. And they just leave it on someone's door, all right? And then they come back a couple days later, and they say, give me back the magazine or give me 20 bucks. Now this is, if you actually understand what's happening, this is how magazine subscriptions work. You know magazines will just send you, they'll just send you their subscription. They'll just send you, you know, ESPN or Better Housewives or, you know, whatever, Better Homekeeping or whatever. They'll send you any kind of magazine, and then they'll just send you a bill. They'll just send you this bill, and they'll make it seem like you ordered it. And you'll have to be like, oh man, I ordered this subscription, I better go pay it. You know, I better go pay the 20 bucks. Because they realize nobody's going to buy their magazine otherwise. But if you just kind of get it to them and plan it on them, and be like, you got to give us money now, people just kind of pay it. And guess what? These Jehovah's Falls witnesses, these pioneers, they got a commission on the sale. So they actually got incentive to actually sell this magazine. They're peddling the truth. They're going out to see what the mail teaches. Go to 2 Corinthians Chapter 2 now. 2 Corinthians Chapter 2. He was titled in newspapers, The People's Favorite Preacher. Well the Bible says, Blown to you, when all men shall speak well of you, for so to their fathers are the false prophets. But if the newspaper starts telling me I'm the best preacher ever, we've probably got some serious problems in this church. They got some real issues. Guess what? They wouldn't want to touch this church with a ten-foot pole. They would never want to publish our sermons in the newspaper. They're publishing all of his sermons in the newspaper. I mean, they're literally taking his word-for-word sermons and publishing in the newspapers, and they're selling like crazy, like hotcakes. Why? Because false doctrine spreads like hotcakes. Because people love to hear lies about how everybody's going to heaven, nobody's going to hell. You know, kumbaya, let's just love everybody. It's just so great. Look, these false prophets love to speak lies, making people feel good about themselves. Well, I guess I'm just going to heaven no matter what. Oh, okay. Is that what the Bible says? Let's look at 2 Corinthians chapter number two, verse 17. For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God, but as of sincerity, but as of God in the sight of God, speak we Christ. Now, this is a great verse. It proves the fact that the King James Bible is the word of God in my mind, because guess what? There's a lot of corruptions out there. There's a lot of false versions. That just gives me even more evidence that this must be God's word that corruptions even exist. The NIV makes me believe the King James Bible even more. The NLT makes me believe the Bible even more. Why? Because it's obvious that they're corrupting the word of God. You know, if you read this verse in NIV, if you read this verse in the modern versions, they change the word corrupt to peddle. They say, hey, we're not as many with peddle the word of God. You know the difference between the King James Bible and every other English version? Copyright. Do you know you can't just buy a King James Bible for a dollar like all the other Bibles? I'm sorry, I may have said that wrong. If you go to the Dollar Tree, you can buy a King James Bible for a dollar. Why? Because it has no copyright. But if you go and you try to buy the ESV or the NIV, they want 17, 18, 19, 20 bucks, because guess what? They gotta pay that copyright. And you can't even use any of their scripture with a large percentage of not being in violation of their copyright. Look, they literally are peddling the word of God. And then they change this verse about how they're not corrupting it and say, well, we're not peddling it. Oh wait, yes we are. Yes, we are peddling the word of God. And guess what? The Jones false witness, they're peddling the word of God too. But of course, they're doing their own dodger and their own newspaper, their own information. Look, we're not supposed to be trying to sell the truth to people. Look, when we've got soul winning, you better not be asking, hey, I'll give you the gospel. You gotta give me five bucks, buddy. Hey, you wanna turn to life? Well, it's gonna cost you. No, we're going out and preaching the gospel. We're giving away free Bibles. Everything on that table's free. We're giving it out. Why? Because we want people's sake. Because we love people. We're not trying to make a profit. We're not just trying to rip people off. Now in 1917, you know, Russell dies. So then another guy kind of comes along, all right, is Joseph Franklin Rutherford. Says, disregarding Russell's rejection of 1925 as a year of importance, Rutherford announced in 1920 that Christ's thousand year reign would begin in that year, bringing the restoration of earthly paradise and the resurrection to earth of the ancient Jewish prophets referred to as the ancient worthies such as Abraham and Isaac Jerusalem would become the world capital and the princes would communicate with all humankind by radio. The pronouncements prompted many Bible students to give up their businesses and jobs and sell their homes while Bible student farmers in Canada and the US refused to see their spring crops in 1925 and mocked members of their movement who did. Rutherford had a luxury villa, Beth Sarum, built in San Diego, California in 1930 to house the biblical princes who were expected to be resurrected before Armageddon. Watchtower Publications made no admission of the error over the predictions for 1925, but Rutherford gave apologies at IDSA conventions. So what happened? Well, a new guy comes, a new sheriff comes in town and guess what? He learned from all the former, you know, false prophets that if you make a false prediction, nobody really cares apparently. So guess what? I'm gonna make a new false prediction. 1925, we're gonna have the millennial reign of Christ. Wow, that's a pretty big prophecy that's gonna come to pass, right? He says that basically the whole world is gonna be ruled by Jerusalem, okay? And then he says, well, all of the princes, meaning the rulers like Abraham and Isaac, the people that will be ruling over this new kingdom, they're gonna appear in his new villa in San Diego, California. So he gets everybody in their church to sell all their houses, sell all their goods, have no money so they can build this fancy villa for all of these prophets and princes where he actually resides too. I mean, it just happens to be, oh, I'm one of those special princes too. So I'm just gonna live in this fancy villa while people literally sold every single one of their possessions thinking, well, we're gonna all, you know, it's all gonna burn up anyways. People weren't even planting cross. How wicked of a person you have to be to make these false predictions. People aren't even planting their cross. They're basically ruining their whole future. And they're just destroying people's lives. And then, oh, I guess it didn't really happen. I'll just do some apology at some conference later. Look, and then their numbers grow. What in the world? I mean, how is this stuff happening? It's sick, it's twisted. Go to 2 Peter chapter one. 2 Peter chapter number one. Yeah, these sound like a bunch of really good people. I mean, we should be really, really nice to them, shouldn't we? Go to 2 Peter chapter one, verse 20. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God said, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The Bible says, look, if you have a private interpretation, it's false. Look, we all have God's word. We should all be able to see the same things, the same parallels, the same information. If I'm telling you, why is it really private information? Let me, you know, 1925, Christ is gonna set up the millennial reign of the kingdom. Can you show me that in the Bible? Well, no, it's private information. No, it just came to me. Look, don't believe it. Look, if you don't see it in the Bible, clear as day, if it's not coming from God's word, if the Holy Spirit isn't showing you this when comparing spiritual to spiritual, it's false. It's not God's word. It's not what God said. And look, there's gonna be a lot of false Christs and a lot of false prophets that come up and preach, oh, Christ is coming. He's over here, he's over there. Look, we shouldn't believe any of them. They're gonna lie to you. Not only that, it says Rutherford was succeeded by Nathan Horman Kors, so now he's succeeded by some new guy. Now, this guy was popular because he stopped, you know, having just an individual run the society and gave it back to the corporation. So basically now it's just this group of people, okay? So now it's not just this one person that just reached all the benefits of their false prophets. So in 1942, now all of a sudden, all their publications have no authorship. So before, they would say, hey, this is what Charles A. Russell said, or this is what Rutherford said, or this is what this guy said. Now all of a sudden, it's just anonymous. Oh, anonymous is gonna tell us what the Bible says. I thought it was a no private invitation. Why are you so afraid to put your name on your own document? Why are you so afraid to tell people that you wrote it? All right, then it says, he commissioned a new translation of the Bible, which was released progressively from 1950 up to 1961. So for 11 years, we're basically progressively releasing this new Bible version, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It says the offices of elder and ministerial servant deacon were restored to witness congregations in 1972, with appointments being made from headquarters. So now all of a sudden they decide, well, maybe we need some elders. Maybe we need some deacons, according to what the Bible says. Before it was just basically a chaotic mess, just some students getting together, just some people getting together, but it was running amok, it was getting so crazy, so popular. It says during a chorus presidency, membership of Jehovah's Witness grew from 108,000 to more than two million. So now when they make it really generic, and they start getting the leadership in place, and they start trying to establish a doctrine, getting the new Bible out, now all of a sudden, I mean, they're starting to grow. We go to Revelation chapter 22. Revelation chapter number 22. Look at verse number 18. The Bible says, For I testify in every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto them the plagues that are written in this book, and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part in the book of life, out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Look, God says if you add or remove from God's word, you're damning your soul. You're damning your place. You're going to hell, and look, he's gonna take plagues, and he's gonna take your name out of the book of life, and the Bible says the people whose names are not written in the book of life shall be cast in the lake of fire. Look, you're gonna be burning for all of eternity when you corrupt God's word. Look, all these people are damned reprobates. Damned reprobates, teaching all kinds of wicked false doctrine. Now, I could read more about their history. It doesn't get any better. Basically now, you know, in 1980, after this guy, they basically fired everybody. They fired everybody, and they were like, all the leadership's bad. They said, well, the members are spiritual fornicators, make you look diseased and insane. Look, how is it that, you know, you start out with Williams, you know, Charles T. Russell, okay? Charles T. Russell, he takes Miller's teachings. He's like, well, he's kind of wrong, though. We're the only ones that are right. Then you get Rutherford. He's like, well, Charles T. Russell's teachings are wrong. Now I'm right. Now we're just going to anonymous, and guess what? In 1980, they were all wrong. So now they just keep changing the doctrine over and over and over and over. Look, it just keeps evolving and over and over. Look, that's not God's word. The Bible says I am the Lord, I change not. God's word's the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's what Jesus Christ is. Look, when you keep having your goal changed, it's because they keep realizing your stupid doctrines. False. You know, people are realizing you're liars, and so this is what they call them, spiritual fornicators, mental disease, and insane. So imagine, all your leaders say, hey, we've been going to these Baptist churches, and now we believe every single one of the pastor is mentally insane. Wow, maybe you should go to a different church then. Maybe you have some problems. Good night. You're all of them. Okay, so if you go to their website, all right? So I went to their website, and they ended up saying frequently asked questions. Their number one question. Guess what their number one question is? Why have Joe's Witnesses changed some of their beliefs? They already know that people are going to be attacked so that's their number one point, you know? And they only have like two small paragraphs. They basically say, well, in the Bible, sometimes the men of God are wrong, so it's okay if we're wrong too. All right, we're not better than them. I didn't know. They were just ignoring, just brushing off, all of this history, all their false predictions, all their false teachings, all their false prophesies of Christ returning and the millennial reign. Well, some of the Bible characters are wrong sometimes too, so you know, whatever. Who cares if the guy sold the farm and ruined his life? Who cares that we just keep ruining people's lives? Well, let's understand their doctrines though. Let's move on from their history. Let's understand what these damn little heretics really believe. Well, they use a different version. Wrong already there, right? What about the Trinity? Go to Hebrews chapter number one. Now, essentially, we're non-Trinitarian, okay? And that's a key of, you know, Jehovah's false witness. They believe that there's only one, you know, father, Jehovah. And they deny that Jesus Christ is God. They deny the deity of Jesus Christ. And they say, well, he can't be, you know, God because of, and they point to these verses. They say, John 14, where the Bible read, my father is greater than I, Jesus speaking, saying, well, my father is greater than I. But that's just referring to the fact that the father has more authority than the son. It doesn't mean that he's not God. It says in John 20, they say, and Jesus speaking, I ascend unto my father and your father and to my God and your God. They're saying, well, if Jesus is referring to the father as his God, then how could he be God at the same time? But here's the problem. In Psalms chapter 110, the Bible says, the Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. So when the Lord, you know, talks to the Lord, guess what he calls him? The Lord. And when the Lord talks to the Lord, guess what he calls him? The Lord. And guess what the father says to the son? Well, look at Hebrews one, verse eight. But unto the son he saith, thy throne, O God, is there ever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is a scepter of thy kingdom. So you only get one part of the equation. Well, you know, Jesus Christ is talking to the father and he calls him God. Well, guess what the father says to the son? He's talking to the, O God, doesn't he? He calls him God because the Lord Jesus Christ is God. But you say, well, how is that true? Because of the Trinity. The Bible teaches three persons, one God. So then they point to another verse, 1 Corinthians eight says to us, there is but one God, the father. Go if you would to, go to John chapter one. Now they love to just take this first part of this verse. Even one that's, you know, heretics will take this one part of this verse. They're like, oh, there's only one God, the father. But they always leave off the latter part of the verse where it says, of whom are all things, and me and him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. So they say, look, there's only one God, the father, and there's only one Lord Jesus Christ. But we're just gonna focus on the one part where I said there's only one God, the father, okay? And just try to teach a bunch of false doctrine with that. Revelation chapter three, they point to one other place. They say, these things said, amen, the beginning of the creation of God. So in Revelation it says that Jesus Christ is the creation of God. And they say, well, how could he be God if he's a creation of God? But the reality is, is when it's talking about him being created, it's talking about the fact that he's the first begotten of the dead. That he's the first that's risen from the dead. And in Acts chapter 13, when the Bible says, God has fulfilled the same unto us their children, and that he raised up Jesus again, as it is also written in the second Psalm, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. So when Jesus Christ rose and came from the dead, God the father looks at Jesus Christ and he says, this is the day that I begotten thee. So what happened? A creation happened, right? Jesus Christ is glorified in that moment. Does that mean that Jesus Christ didn't exist before he died on the cross? He didn't exist before he rose again from the dead? Look, obviously Jesus Christ's from everlasting. That's what Micah 5 2 says, but at the same time, God prepared him a body that he died in. Then guess what? He glorified his body. That's the creation of God, okay? That does not mean that he's not from everlasting. That does not mean that he's God. Let's understand from John 1, how he is actually God. Look at John chapter 1 verse 1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. So who made all things? The word. Who's the word? The Lord Jesus Christ. Look, you can't say that he's created. He's the one that created everything. He's the one that all things are created from. Go to Colossians chapter 1. Colossians chapter 1. The Bible points to the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the creator, and that God the father, he spoke into existence to the world. So what was it created by? It was created by the word of God. We can understand this through faith of the Trinity. The people, they just wanna focus, basically the oneness heretics, they wanna focus on all the verses that are different than Job's false words. Job's false words wanna point out all the ones that prove that Jesus has a father. All the oneness ones wanna point to the fact that Jesus Christ is saying he's like the father, and they basically need to come together to realize it's a Trinity. Hey, you know what? He wasn't created, he's from everlasting, but at the same time, he has a father too. He's not the same person. There's two of them, yeah. There's so many verses. Look at Colossians chapter 1 verse 16. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or men, or kings, fathers, or powers. All things were created by him and for him. Look, Jesus Christ is the creator. He's the one that created all things. So when it talks about the meaning of creation of God, it's talking about the fact that when he rose again, basically he's the first creation of God. He's the first begotten of the dead. He's the only begotten of the father, okay? Now go if you would to Exodus chapter 3. Now if you run into one of these Jehovah's Falls witness, I mean, what's the main thing they're gonna point at you? What's the one thing that they're gonna come at you with? What's the first interaction they'll probably have with these people? They'll say, oh, you got a King James? Go to Psalms 83. If you run into Jehovah's witness, they'll say go to Psalms 83. This is where they're gonna attack you. This is where they think they got their gotcha card on you. What does Psalms 83 say? Whenever they say that to me, I just basically quote it for them. Oh, you're talking about how it says, you know, that his name alone is Jehovah? And they're kind of like, they think you don't know what Psalms 83 is. So they're already kind of like, oh, what do you mean? So then I'm flipping somewhere else to show them something else, okay? I'm gonna tell you what I'll flip to, but this is another way that you can basically destroy the stupid doctrine. Because what does Psalms 83 say? It says that men may know that thou whose name alone is Jehovah are the most high over all the earth. So it says, hey, his name alone is Jehovah. Oh, does that mean the only name of God is Jehovah? It's Joseph's witness. No, it's basically saying, look, God the Father, God in general, is the only one with the name Jehovah. It's saying, hey, does anybody else have this name? No, he alone is the one that has the name Jehovah. There's one Jehovah, okay? That's the Lord God, all right? That does not mean he doesn't have more than one name. That just means he's the only one with that name. So if you just explain that to a Jehovah's witness, they're kind of like, oh. And then you start flipping. Do you want me to get into other names? Let's look at what the Bible says about that, okay? Exodus chapter three, verse 13. And Moses said unto God, behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers has sent me unto you, and they shall say unto me, what is his name? What shall I say unto them? I guess it's Jehovah, right? Well, it's verse 14, and God said unto Moses, I am that I am. And he said, thus shall they say unto the children of Israel, I am, hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, thus shall they say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me unto you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. Wow, pretty sure he said that he has another name. Didn't you get that? Go to Exodus chapter six now. Go to Exodus chapter number six. Well, let's see, maybe it's something else. Maybe there's another explanation here. Well, we're gonna get real specific here in a minute. Because if you study the Bible, the name of God is the tetragrammaton, which is four Hebrew consonants. It doesn't have any vowels, and it's not exactly certain how to pronounce it, so people in the English language will say Jehovah to pronounce the tetragrammaton. Or many times in your Bible, it'll be translated as all capital letters, L-O-R-D, which just represents the name of God, the tetragrammaton, okay? So you say, well, maybe the tetragrammaton here said Jehovah. Well, look at Exodus chapter six, verse two, and God spoke unto Moses and said unto him, I am the Lord, and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. Now, how in the world can you read this verse and then say, well, I guess his name, you know, the only name Jehovah, you know, he just clearly said, hey, before when Abraham and Isaac were worshiping me, when they're calling upon the name of God, they didn't know Jehovah. They were calling him like God Almighty. And you know what? Hey, do you read in the Jehovah's false translation, the New World translation? This is what it says. It says, then God said to Moses, I am Jehovah, and I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but with regard to my name Jehovah, I did not make myself known to them. It says the same thing. They don't even have their doctrines straight in their own Bible. Their own Bible saying, look, I was by the name of God Almighty, but then I didn't know about Jehovah. Go if you went to Genesis 28. Genesis 28. Even when you read in the Old Testament, they still use the word Jehovah. It says in Genesis 28, 16 in their version, it says, then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, truly Jehovah is in this place, and I did not know it. So they're saying, look, you know, Jacob's literally calling on the name Jehovah, even though it says later in their Bible that nobody knew their name. Well, it sounds like they kind of messed up again, didn't they? Look at Genesis 28, verse one. And Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him, thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. Arise, go to Padamran, to the house of Bethuel, thy mother's father, and take thee a wife and fence of the daughters of Laban, thy mother's brother. And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people. So when Jacob is describing God to them, what does he say? He says God Almighty. That's the name that he was telling them. Hey, it's God Almighty that I'm talking to you about. Even in their false version, it says God Almighty will bless you and make you fruitful and multiply you. So look, they can't even understand their own doctrine, because they're calling them God Almighty, then they're saying they would never call them Jehovah, but then they're like, well, our doctrine says his only name is Jehovah. Look, they need to figure out their doctrine. And guess they're gonna have to make some more changes in the future, aren't they? I mean, if he made them more changes, glad to update this part of the Bible, too. But go to Psalm 68. Psalm 68, if they come at me with this, you know, I might have to turn there and just kind of, you know, piece them into one verse. Let's go to Psalm 68, see if he has another name. Well, there's a Bible described, and he has another name anywhere. Do we have any other name than God? I've tried to use things like how the Bible of Jesus Christ, you know, his name is the word of God. It says that in Revelation very clearly. It's like, oh, it's just a title. Like, these people don't believe the Bible. Look at Psalm 68, verse four. Singing unto God, sing praises to his name, extoll him that writeth upon the heavens by his name, Yom, and rejoice before him. Look, here's another clear name, Yom. So how can it just be Jehovah? It can't. Look, God has many names. He's revealed many names unto men. We have many names to, you know, call upon him. But look, in the New Testament, there's only one name that we call upon for salvation. There's only one name given among men whereby we must be saved. That's the name of Jesus Christ. And that's the name that we call upon to be saved in the New Testament. Not only that, they believe that the return of Christ is happening, you know, imminently. I mean, they just constantly predicted, false predicted, false predicted. They don't even believe in holidays. I mean, they don't believe in birthdays. Just some weird junk. They also don't believe in hell. Go to Matthew chapter five. I'll say, hey, the Bible's got a place called hell. Would you believe it if the Bible said it? What would Jesus Christ say out of his own mouth, right? Matthew chapter number five is a good place to go. He actually uses the word hell three different times in Matthew 25, or Matthew five. Look at verse 29. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from me. For it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. So here, I just asked him, well, where's this place? Jesus said there's a place called hell. He said it'd be better for you if you just cut your own arm off and go here. And they say, well, it's just destruction. You know, we don't really believe. It's like, if you go back to the Greek, it's like Sheol. We'll go to Revelation 20, 10 then. Revelation 20, 10. One of the verses I love to use when I'm going soul winning. Why? Because it has so much good doctrine. Revelation chapter 20, verse 10, the Bible reads. And the devil that deceived them was cast in the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast of false quagmire and shall be tormented day and night, forever and ever. That doesn't sound like destruction for, you know, where you're actually never, you're ceasing to exist. Now, the Bible does describe it as destruction, but guess what? It's an everlasting destruction. It's a destruction where their worm dieth not, is what the Bible says. Look at forever and ever and ever. That's what motivates me to go out and preach the gospel. But you know what? To Joseph's witness, look at you and just say, well, he might just be destroyed. Who cares? Who cares about this guy? He might just cease to exist. Well, what if you thought about dying forever and ever and ever? Now, go if you would to 1 Peter chapter one. This is the last thing I'm gonna address. What about salvation? What do these people really believe about salvation? You know, they also believe that Jesus Christ did not die on a cross, but rather he died on a stake. So they'll try to say that there's only, you know, he got his hands up here and there's only one nail. Even though in John chapter 20, it clearly says the print of the nails with an S on it, saying that there's multiple nails. And even in chapter 19, it constantly refers to it as a cross, cross, cross. So there's another thing that you can prove wrong. But I looked on their article, they have an article that says, who goes to heaven? Who go to heaven? So they don't even know how to, you know, write a complete sentence. Who go? Who go to heaven? You know what I'm saying? I'm like, what? Well, guess what? When you ask Jehovah's false witness, if he died today or if I'm 100% sure you go to heaven, you're like, well, I don't wanna go to heaven. You know why? Because they don't believe it. They have so many weird false doctors about salvation. It says God selects a limited number of faithful Christians who after their death will be resurrected to life in heaven. Once they have been chosen, they must continue to maintain a Christian standard of faith and conduct in order not to be disqualified from receiving their heavenly inheritance. Man, this sounds like those Justin LeBlanc losers. Oh yeah, if you're not faithful, you'll lose out on your inheritance. You'll still go to the lake of fire. Look, all false religions are saying it's based on your works. It's based on all you do in your life. Look, the gospel is free. The gospel is by faith. The gospel is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Look at 1 Peter chapter one verse three. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Tell that to his oneness here it is. Yeah, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy have begotten us again into a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. Look, if you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, you have an inheritance reserved for you. Now, go if you would. I'm gonna skip a little bit just for sake of time. I'm kinda running out of time. Go if you would to Philippians chapter number three. Philippians chapter number three. Now, the Bible makes it clear that, look, the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. And they'll point to all these lists. They'll say, you know, fornicators and adulterers and drunkards and railers. They're not gonna go into the kingdom of heaven. They'll have no inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, which is true. But you know what? Look, the Bible says that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. And guess what every single one of you have? Flesh and blood. Oh, guess we're all out. I guess none of us are gonna make it. I'll even talk about people that are covetous aren't gonna go there. Oh yeah, I've never been covetous. What? That's what these prideful, arrogant jerks have to believe. They actually believe they're good enough to somehow get into heaven. Well, I'm sorry, I've been covetous before. I desire things that don't belong unto me. I also have flesh and blood. You know what the Bible's saying? Look, when you're resurrected, your physical body's not gonna inherit the kingdom of heaven. That's why you get a new body. That's why you put on incorruption. You put on immortality. That's what's gonna inherit the kingdom of heaven. So when it's talking about these things, it's saying, look, your flesh and body's not gonna inherit. The works of the flesh, they're not gonna make it in. That's why you need a savior. That's why you need a new body. That's what it teaches in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. Look at Philippians chapter three, verse eight. Yea, Dallas, I covet all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but done, that I may win Christ and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. What does the Bible teach? I'm going to heaven because of Christ's righteousness, because of what he did. So if I don't fit in, it's not because of what I did, it's because of what Christ did. But guess what? He was perfect, he was without sin, and his righteousness was imputed unto me by faith. I'm gonna go to heaven, I'm gonna inherit because of my faith because I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. But these false prophets, these false teachers, they wanna work their way to heaven, and they wanna damn your soul to hell by teaching you. Well, you're just supposed to be a fornicator, buddy, and you must be covetous, and you must be living in the flesh Yeah, we're all in the flesh. And if you don't calm down your flesh, if you don't die to yourself daily, if you don't pick up the cross daily, if you don't read your Bible and try to study God's word and go to church and pray and sing the hymns, you will fulfill the lust of the flesh. I don't care who you are, I don't care if you're saved, you're unsaved, look, you're gonna fulfill the lust of the flesh. We have to read God's word, and we have to study and try to serve God. And look, this has nothing to do with whether or not you're gonna inherit. You're gonna inherit if you're in Christ, if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. So then they say, well, how many people are gonna be in heaven? The Bible indicates that only 144,000 people will be resurrected to heavenly life. So go to Revelation chapter seven, Revelation chapter number seven. So they love to say there's only this 144,000 in heaven. But it even describes the 144,000 in Revelation chapter number seven. But if they would just keep reading, or actually if they'd read before, it says, look at verse number one. And after these things, I saw four angels standing in the four corners of the earth, holding four winds of the earth, and the wind should not blow on the earth, nor the sea, nor any tree. And I saw another angel sending from the east, having the seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, not the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God and their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, and they were sealed 144,000, all the tribe of the children of Israel. And then it goes on to list all the different tribes. But here's the thing. It's saying they're of the tribes of Israel. My question is, are you of the tribe of Reuben? Are you the tribe of Issachar? Are you the tribe of Judah? Look, they don't believe that they're the tribe. You know, they're not these Hebrew root, or Hebrew, I'm losing my train of thought for a second. The Hebrew, No, I'm sorry. It's basically the black keeper of Israelites. Sorry, I'll say it in a second. The black keeper of Israelites, they actually claim that they're of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. They actually claim, the Joseph of Israelites, they don't even claim that. So my question is, how are you gonna make it in? How are you gonna be in? Well, if you keep reading, they'll tell you how. Look at verse number nine. After this, behold, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne and before the land, clothed with white robes and palms of hand. You know what the Bible says? Hey, there's gonna be from all nations, all tongues, all lands, and heaven. But they don't tell you that, there's only 144,000. Why do they just keep reading? It told us. And if you actually read about the 144,000, it says that they're only male virgins. So it's really funny when you get a woman telling you about this. She's like, look, you can't even make it, hun. You're not gonna be one of the 144,000. You've got a tribe with this great multitude that we've read about right here. All right. Go if you would. I'm just gonna skip a little bit more. Just go to Galatians chapter one. It's the last place I'll be doing it. So what are we reading? We read 2 John chapter one. You say, why are you preaching the sermon? Well, I actually got a call this week. Somebody called me, and they were like, hey, are you the pastor? And I was like, sure. Well, somebody came and knocked on my door, and they were giving me some information about your church. I said, okay, and she's like, well, this person's really disrespectful. They were just really rude to me. They were just really mean. I was like, well, what'd they do? She's like, well, they were like rolling their eyes. I mean, they were talking bad about Mormons as the Mormons passed by. I don't know how you conduct the business, but I just wanted to let you know, this person's representing you and your church. And I was like, well, okay, what's the description? They basically just described Scott Thompson to me. I'm like, hey, this guy, he's coming at me. I just tried to play cool with her. I figured out it was him. And I said, well, the Bible says that man is an heretic after the first and second ammunition. Reject. And she's like, well, I'm Joe's false witness. She didn't say false. She's basically like, well, so it sounds like you're just defending him being disrespectful to me. And I was like, well, yeah, if you don't believe the gospel, if you're teaching false doctrine, then yeah, the Bible says we shouldn't even bid you Godspeed. And she's like, well, I'm gonna tell every single person that y'all are disrespectful. Amen. Hey, that's what the Bible's telling us to do. And that's what I want you to do. Look, you shouldn't be coddling these false prophets, these false religions. Now look, if you go to someone's door and they're Joe's false witness, I'm not saying throw them leather face and beat me. Look, try preaching the gospel. Try to get them saved. But the Bible says an heretic after the first and second ammunition, reject. Oh, that sounds mean. Yeah, it is. Yeah, it's not very nice. I've had people, I just turn around after they're not interested in the gospel, they're just a heretic, they're not gonna hear me. I'm just like, see ya. They're like, oh, you're so rude. You're not a man of God. You don't know what the Bible says. Actually, I do know what the Bible says. That's why I'm not gonna waste my time with you anymore. And I'm gonna be disrespectful to you. Now the Joe's false witness actually comes and knocks on your door. Look, I'm not even gonna try and beat them the gospel. I'm gonna scream at them and tell them to get off of my street, you damn little heretic, damning people's souls. You know what, those witnesses run away like that. I mean, they get scared real quick. I remember one time I'm pumping gas and this little girl comes up behind me and she's just like, sir, sir, would you read this? And you know, I don't know what's going on. I didn't see this person coming behind me. My gut reaction was just kind of spin around and be like, no, you know. And she just zip lines to her car and runs away. I was like, what do you expect? You approach somebody, they don't even see you and they're just kind of like, will you read this? And you're just kind of like, no. And it's just like, straight away. Look, most people, their gut reactions probably just say no anyways. You shouldn't be like them when you're out preaching the gospel. If you're out preaching the gospel and saying, hey, we're from the baddest church but I'm not interested, I'm just gonna say, hey, well, more important than going to church, if you're gonna die today, you're 100% sure you go to heaven, why? Because these homeless false witnesses plant all these bad seeds out there. They go ahead and give us a bad name. They make people not want to answer their door. They're like, are you a homeless false witness? No, I'm not. No, I actually believe the Bible. No, I'm not in a cult. No, I don't believe all these false predictions of Messiah. No, I don't harbor pedophiles in my organization. No, I actually believe God's word. No, I'm actually using God's word. I didn't twist it and prefer to take God's word out of it and damn my soul to hell. No, I didn't do any of these wicked things. Now look at Galatians chapter one. Sometimes we forget what the Bible says. Look at verse six. I marvel that you're so soon removed from Him that called you under the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Look, what is he saying? He's saying these false prophets, when they go out, they're not going in another name. They're not going to say, hey, we're teaching you about the spaghetti monster. You know, the flying spaghetti monster and all these other false visions. No, he's saying, look, hey, I don't Jesus Christ. Oh, you like Jesus? I like Jesus. See my Jesus necklace? No, they're perverting the doctrines of Christ. Just because they say they, you know, are of Christ, just because they say they've got a Bible in their hand, look, they're perverting the gospel of Christ. Look at verse eight. But though we are an angel from heaven preached any other gospel unto you, and that which he had preached unto you, let him be accursed, as we said before. So say I now again, if any man preached any other gospel unto you, then that he received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. Oh, you're just so mean. You're just so disrespectful. Yes, I am. I'm not going out to seek to please men. And you know what? If you go out and preach the gospel, men will not be pleased with you. Men will not give you, you know, respect and adoration. They'll say all men are evil against you. Oh, you're just one, two, three, you're beat after me. Oh, you don't understand how to love people. Oh, did they come to church? Oh, they'll just be so negative against your soul winning. They'll talk against their soul winning. Look, you going out and preaching the gospel, the only people that will rejoice with you are in this room. When you bring your seeds with you into God's house, they're gonna be excited you got somebody saved. They're gonna be excited you went out and preached gospel. Every other person in your life will be negative against it. Why? It's not going out to please men. I'm not going out to prove, look, nobody likes the fact that I go out and preach the gospel, except for the people in this room and the angels in heaven and my Father, which is in heaven, he's pleased with me. And that's where I'm seeking to please. Is God the Father? Is the Lord Jesus Christ when I go out and preach his everlasting gospel? And you know what, when you go out and preach and there's somebody that's a heretic, there's someone that's teaching damnable heresy that's preaching another gospel and you reject them, you let them be a curse. People will be, you're so mean. You just want that guy to go to hell. Well, what did the Bible say? Let him be a curse. That sounds pretty damning to me, doesn't it? I mean, this guy, he's a heretic. He doesn't wanna hear the gospel. He's trying to convert the doctrines of Christ. Let him be a curse. But you know what, he will say, just not love him. Look, I'm not there to please you. I'm not there to please what you think. It doesn't matter what I think. What does God think? God says let this guy be a curse. And you know what, when you run into a Jehovah's false witness, okay, this is the last point that's really important, okay? Most of them, unfortunately, will not get saved. Most of them will sit there and they'll wanna argue with you and try to convert the doctrines of Christ. And what I'm saying is I'm not saying don't preach in the gospel. I'm not saying don't try and get these people saved. I'm not saying don't try to speak the truth in love. I'm not saying don't be patient with them. But look, after the first and second Ham edition, you need to reject these people. And if someone's coming to your house to preach you their false doctrine, their false view, you better not have any, you know, dealing with these people. Don't invite them to your house. Don't, you know, bid them Godspeed. Don't say, well, you just have a good day. No, I'm gonna say, you know, get out of your Daniel heretic, go to hell. Be a curse. Get out of here. Quit damning my whole neighborhood. What if somebody literally walked up to your door and was trying to get you to eat arsenic? Say, hey, I've got some arsenic. I'm handing it out. I've got these little arsenic pops. Can I give them to your kids? Look, teaching somebody Daniel heresy and saying the hell is worse. You really think I'm gonna be, oh, it's okay. Just go to the neighbors. They got lots of kids. What? No, I'm gonna say get the hell out of here, you damn little false prophet. You son of Satan, son of Belial, get out of here. Oh, what if they get discouraged and don't want to go out sowing anymore? Amen. I hope that happens. I hope I discourage them. Because you know what? We go out with the power of the Holy Ghost. We get bones from the Holy Ghost, but you know what these damn little heretics get? Nothing. They have to go out in their flesh. That's pretty weak. So if I can get out there and praise the word of God, if I can spit some fire at them, maybe it'll discourage them from ever going out and damning the other souls to hell again, all right? So if you have someone coming to you trying to spread poison in your neighborhood, look, just yell at them and scream at them. If someone calls me and says, you're being mean to the host false witness, I'm going to hope that you're meaner than you were probably, all right? I'm not going to be like, man, that's all he did? He just rolled your eyes on them? I mean, come on, Scott. You got more than that, buddy. I was like, I kept not understanding. I kept saying, what? He was disrespectful? What did he do? He's like, I already told you. He rolled his eyes at me. Look, a bunch of snowflakes, this generation, you can't even handle someone rolling their eyes at you? Come on. All right, let's go in prayer. Thank you, Father, so much for your word. Thank you so much for our church. Thank you so much for giving us the truth. Thank you for not having private interpretation, that every single one of us could go home and we can study our Bible and we can have all knowledge to all mysteries of the kingdom, that you can give us everything for free. It's at our fingertips. I pray that we would just continue to study thy word and that we would not decide what's right and wrong based on our own fleshly mind, but we'd let your word be our truth, be our guide, teach us how we should behave ourselves, and if we are to be disrespectful, that we do it in the proper time, in the proper place, to the proper people, and that we would just damn all these false prophets of hell to keep destroying our country and destroying people's lives. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.