(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I want to focus on verse number 30 this morning where the Bible reads, When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished, and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost. Now the title of my sermon this morning is this, It is Finished. It is finished, a very iconic phrase that we find in the Bible, and there's definitely been lots of different ideas of what this means. What did he try to emphasize here at the last moments of dying on the cross when he says it's finished? What really was finished? What is all this about? Well I believe the Bible is very clear on this subject, yet there is sometimes confusion when it comes to what people preach regarding this verse, but I don't want to leave any stone unturned this morning. I want to really dive in and understand what this phrase means and what it does not mean. Now in order to give you a full picture, what I'd like to do is also give you an idea of the setting that we're in. You know Christ is kind of known for having about seven different phrases or seven different sayings that he had while he was on the cross, and so I want to take a moment and kind of put together this picture here. Keep your finger in John 19, but go to Luke chapter 23 for a moment. Go to Luke chapter 23 for a moment, and I'm going to give this board over here for a second. I want to kind of give you an idea of the seven things that Christ said while he was on the cross, and give you kind of an order so you can kind of see what's going on. We have Matthew, we have Mark, we have Luke, and we have John. All record the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's why they're called the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the Gospel of John. They also contain different things that he said while he was on the cross and his last moments of life, and I believe the first thing that we actually find when you actually compare these verses that he said is found in Luke, and it's in Luke chapter 23, look at verse number 34. Jesus said, Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. So this is the first thing we see in red letters, if you have a red letter Bible, while Christ is hanging on the cross, it says, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. So I would say this is, I'm going to use a couple different colors here, this is verse 34, Father, all right, this is pretty much the first thing that we see Christ saying, this one green one doesn't work. That's numero uno, okay, and then in this same passage, we have another thing, look at verse number 43, and Jesus said, and I'm verily I say unto thee, today thou shalt be with me in paradise. So you have the two malefactors hanging, one on one side, one on the other, one says, Lord, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom, and he says, today thou shalt be with me in paradise. And so that was verse number, what, 43, is that what I said, 43? We have another thing that he said on the cross, verily, numero dos, okay? Then let's go back to John chapter number 19, okay? Let's go back to John chapter number 19. And some of these, you could argue that possibly two and three could be swapped around, maybe. But generally speaking, this is what I believe when you actually compare them. And some of these, you know for sure the kind of order or where they're located as far as a timeline. But if you look at verse number 26, it says, when Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, woman, behold thy son, I always think it's weird how he's dressed as his mom and woman, but that's what he said. Then said he to the disciple, behold thy mother, and from that hour the disciple took her unto his home. So we see even Jesus Christ dying on the cross in the last moments of breath, and even in his last moments of life, he still is thinking of other people. Isn't that incredible? He says, Father, forgive them. He says, hey, you're gonna go to heaven. Yeah, and you know what, Mom, here's someone to take care of you. We see he's directing everybody's life circumstances, even while he's in the most agonizing pain ever. He still cares about other people. He's still concerned with their well-being and what they're doing. We have 26 to 27, we have woman, all right? And that's pretty much the third, carry that marker, where did I put it? Well, this is a numeral trace, all right? Then we have another one in the same passage, verse 28. He says, After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith I thirst, okay? Now, I believe it's possible this is number five, okay? It's either number four or number five. But I wanted to just, since we're already here, read it. Let's go to Matthew 27. Keep your finger here and go to Matthew chapter 27. This is verse 28, I thirst. It feels consistent. And if we go to Matthew chapter number 27, we're gonna see, let's look at verse number 46. So, we're in Matthew 27, verse number 46. And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, that is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And that's actually repeated in Mark chapter number 15 as well. So, go if you would to Mark chapter 15, we'll look at verse 34, that's number 46. We have number four. And in Matthew, I know this is taking just a second, but I think it's good to just kind of slow down and we'll just look at the passages together. Matthew, I'm sorry, Mark chapter 15, look at verse 34, the Bible reads. And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, which is being interpreted, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? So, we have that also recorded in Mark chapter number 15. Look at verse number 36, it says, and one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar and put it on a reed and gave him to drink, saying, let alone, let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. So, we have Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, then we see them giving him vinegar. We see in John chapter 19, he says, I thirst, and then they give him vinegar. We see in Matthew, he has Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, and they say the same thing, and we get vinegar. So, we can kind of have an idea of like the timeline of when these things were said, some matching and some parallel, but then we pretty much have vinegar given. This isn't necessarily anything he said, this is just kind of like a line of a timeline perspective. So, we have, you know, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, and then he's telling the malefactor, today thou shalt be with me in paradise. Then he's telling his mom, now the disciple whom I love is going to be your son. Then we have Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Then he says, I thirst. So, we have five things so far. Now, go, look at verse 37, because we're right here. It says, and Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost. Now, it doesn't say what happened here in the sense of, did he just go like, ah, did he like scream, or was this actually words? Okay. Go, if you would, back to Matthew 27, and we're going to see the same thing, Matthew 27, and look at verse number 50. It says this, Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. So, it also has a cry, and then he yields up the ghost. Go, if you would, back to Luke, though. Go, if you would, back to Luke 23. And so, we're kind of getting a real quick overview of all the things that were said while he's on the cross, and this would be a good sermon to go through all of them and talk about them in detail, but that's not the point of the sermon. I want to focus in on one of the sayings. It says in verse number 46, and said unto them, thus it is written, I'm sorry, verse 46 of verse 23, and when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit, and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. So, we have a similar statement here of he cried with a loud voice. They mentioned him crying. Then he says, Father, in thy hands I commend my spirit. Okay. So, it says in verse 46, and then if we go back to John 19, okay, so we've kind of set a little bit of a tone here. If we go back to John and we look back at chapter number 19, we kind of have an idea and we have a semblance of what's happening here in the last moments of Christ's life. It says in verse number 29, now there was a set of vessel full of vinegar and they filled a sponge with vinegar and put it upon hyssop and put it to his mouth, and when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, okay, so we have vinegar, so we know where we're at in the timeline, and then it says, as soon as he had tasted the vinegar, what does he say? He says, it is finished, okay? So we have, I don't want to get the exact verse number here. We verse 30. So I believe this would be the sixth thing that he said, and then the Bible says he bowed his head and gave up the ghost, and the Bible told us in Luke chapter 23 that as soon as he had said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit, he gave up the ghost. Right? So we kind of have a semblance of what's being said while he's on the cross. It says in verse 30, and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost. So you can kind of imagine the scene there. He drinks the vinegar, he says it is finished, he bows his head, and then with a loud voice, Father, in thy hands I commend my spirit, and he gives up the ghost. So that's the last moments of his life. So we kind of have an idea of the order. I mean, when he says it is finished, that makes kind of sense since that's like literally it's over, right? His life is over, he's done, he's going to pass on, and he's going to physically die. Now go if you would to John chapter number 4. So here's the question then, okay? What does that mean? What did he mean by it is finished? Because that's a very short phrase, right? We have lots of different things on the cross that he's saying, but at least from a timeline perspective we see that it's like pretty much the end, right? Well, let's just see if the Bible helps us understand what he meant by it is finished. And in fact, if you stay in the book of John, which is where it's quoted, it is finished, it's the only place that has that phrase, the word finish or finished is found three other times in the Gospel of John, and let's look at those. John chapter 4, look at verse 28. The Bible says this, the woman then left her water pot and went her way into the city and saith to the men, come see a man, which told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city and came unto him, and in the meanwhile his disciples prayed him saying, Master, eat, but he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore said the disciples one to another, that any man brought him ought to eat. Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. So notice Jesus Christ, he's preaching to the woman at the well, and the Bible makes it clear he gets her saved, then she goes into the town and she's going to bring out other people. The disciples had left to get lunch, they return, and he's talking about eating food, eating meat, and they're confused. They're thinking like, who brought them Subway, who brought them a sandwich, Uber Eats doesn't deliver out here, like what happened, and he's talking spiritually though, and the meat, meaning the stuff that he wants to do, is to finish the work that God gave him to do. So at this point, has Christ finished the work? No. But it implies that he's going to finish the work that God the Father gave him to do. So that would be a pretty good indication of what maybe he meant when he said it is finished. Sounds like he's probably finishing what? The work that the Father gave him to do. Go to chapter 5 and look at verse 33. Chapter 5 verse 33, he sinned unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth, but I received not testimony from man, but these things I say that ye might be saved. He was a burning and a shining light, and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light, but I have greater witness than that of John. For the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me. So again, he gives reference to the fact that God the Father gave Jesus Christ specific works to finish, and what are those works supposed to do? They're supposed to testify of him. They're supposed to prove who he is. Because let me just give you the answer here, go to John chapter 17. The work that he's talking about is every Old Testament prophecy that was about his life. Because here's the thing, only Christ could fulfill the prophecies about himself, like being born of a virgin, like being sinless, like being the perfect spotless lamb, like the one going around doing good, and preaching the gospel, and healing people, and raising people from the dead. Look, these are not works that the other prophets in the Bible were doing. Now you have occasionally a prophet doing one of those things, or picturing a few things, but nobody's fulfilling the scripture of Christ like Jesus did. Jesus is the one fulfilling the work that God the Father gave him. And from a timeline perspective, since we're humans, we're locked into time, it makes sense. God gives through his prophets all these different things that Christ is going to do in the Old Testament. And then when Christ comes on the scene, he's like, hey, I'm ready to do what was written in the volume of the book for me to do. Hey, I'm ready to go and fulfill Genesis, and Exodus, and Leviticus, and Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Hey, I'm ready to fill all of the Old Testament scripture that was about moi, about me. That makes perfect sense. John chapter 17, John chapter number 17, look at verse number 1. These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour has come. Glorify thy son, that thy son also may glorify thee. As thou has given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him. This is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. So he's saying, hey, it's the time to glorify me. This is the hour, this is the last moment in which it's time for me to be finally glorified because I've finished the work. Now what does that sound like he did? He finished everything that was necessary to be accomplished before dying on the cross. Everything that needed to be fulfilled was fulfilled at that point, so now it's time for what? It's time for Judas to come with the band of Romans and to drag him off and for them to falsely accuse him and for him to be that spotless, perfect sacrifice lamb. So we see work is very consistent. God the Father gave him work to finish. He said, I'm going to finish the works. Then he says, hey, I've finished the work that's necessary to this point. It's time to glorify me. And then when he's on the cross, when he says again it is finished, what does he mean by that? Well, let's keep reading the Bible. Hopefully the Bible will just tell us. Go to John chapter 19. Wouldn't it be nice if the Bible would just tell you all the answers? Oh wait, it does. There's nothing that you need that the Bible doesn't tell you. John chapter 19 verse 28, the Bible reads, after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled. Hey, I feel like the Bible might have just told us why he's going to say it's finished. Because all things were now accomplished. Hey, if I give you a job duty and I say, do all these tasks and they're all accomplished, what would you say to me? It is finished. Right? Wouldn't that just make perfect sense? It's exactly what it's talking about. So what does it mean when Jesus is on the cross? What is he about to do? Die. Now you know what you can't do when you're dead? Anything that alive people do. So here's the thing. In order to die successfully, he has to finish every single thing he needed to do while he was alive. What was the last thing he needed to do? Drink of the vinegar. So what did he say immediately after drinking the vinegar? It is finished. Then what's left for him to do? Die. He just dies. So it makes perfect sense. What is this about? It's about the vinegar and it's about every other thing he's ever done in his life has finally been accomplished. So then he says it is finished. That's what he means. That's what the Bible means. That's what the Bible just said. Now why am I preaching this sermon? You'll go to a lot of independent Baptist churches this morning, you could have, and they'll say the title of the sermon, it is finished. What that means is that all sin was paid in full on the cross and so there was nothing left to accomplish. All that was needed for salvation has been fully accomplished. That's why he said it is finished. Let me tell you something. That is a false statement. Now yes, it is true that all the sins of the world were laid upon Jesus Christ and he took our sin upon him, but let me tell you what. When he says it is finished, what was needed for salvation was not finished. I don't even have to wonder if that's the case. I know for certainty that that is not the case and I'm going to prove that to you. Go to Acts chapter number 13. So number one, we've looked at what? The order. We've looked at how this fits with the time. We took a little time to look at this, but this helps us understand where we're at. Now we looked at the meaning. What does it mean? He accomplished everything in his physical life that was needed to be fulfilled in the Scriptures. Everything in the Old Testament about Jesus was completely fulfilled in the Bible, was completely fulfilled by Jesus Christ. He did it all. But there were other things mentioned in the Bible that Jesus is going to fulfill that does not have to do with his physical life. It goes beyond his physical life. It's called the word gospel. Notice that the gospels didn't end in verse 30 of John chapter 19. Oh, it's finished. Done. Amen. Just go home. No, there's a few other things that have to happen. You know, like the death, the burial, the resurrection, the thing called the gospel maybe? I don't know. Let me ask you this question. When he said it is finished, what percentage of the most strict definition of the gospel has been fulfilled? Because the strict definition of the gospel, according to 1 Corinthians 15, is the death, burial, and resurrection. Okay? Let's check. Has he died yet? No. Has he been buried yet? No. Has he rose from the dead? No. That's interesting. That's interesting that literally zero of the most strict definition of the gospel has not been fulfilled, yet so many people get up and say, it is finished. You know, and look, that's a great phrase. I'm not attacking that phrase. That phrase is great, but let's put it in the right context. Let's put it in the context that the Bible put it in, that all the scripture that was written about his physical life, he accomplished on the cross. He accomplished at that last moment on the cross. If they didn't offer him vinegar, it wasn't finished. They gave him gall for his meat, and they gave him vinegar to drink, is what it says in the Psalms. And he drank that vinegar, it is finished. And the only person that could say that is Christ, because he knows the whole Bible. He is the Bible. He's like, hey, I got it all. I was checking everything up on the list, and that was the last one, and bam, it's finished. But you know what? There were still things that had to be accomplished in order for us to be saved. Now in Acts chapter number 13, I had you go there. Why would I say this? No one believes that when they say it is finished, that that was everything we needed for salvation. Oh, yes, they do. And yes, they teach this. Now there's these three stooges that made this stupid little one-hour podcast the other day. This is from Barry, Joe Major, and Michael Johnson. And basically, they're just attacking, like they just say every new IFB pastor is basically a false prophet, because they said that they're teaching false doctrine, okay? So whatever. But this is what Manley Perry said. He said, you know, he's talking in context of people like us, okay? He doesn't actually name names because he's a coward, but you can tell he's talking about. He's like saying, I can't understand how anybody can see the Jesus hanging on the cross and say he didn't buy me and say that it's a different Jesus, a Jesus that went to hell paid for me. So he's saying, we look at the Christ on the cross and somehow are making the statement that Jesus didn't pay for us or something, which no one's ever said, okay? It's stupid. And then saying that the Jesus in hell, which is a completely different Jesus supposedly, is the one that bought and paid for our sins, okay? Well, I want to show you a third option too, okay? Because, you know, these people don't know the Bible. And frankly speaking, they'll bring up a verse and they'll be like, you know where that's in the Bible? Like, I don't know. You know, it's like, duh, I'm in the Bible. You know, without Bible software to search through, they would have no idea where anything is in the scripture. Herod would say, like, where is he supposed to be born, and they're like, I don't know. Acts chapter 13, look at verse number 29, it says, and when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a sepulcher, but God raised him from the dead. And he was seen many days of them, which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people, and we declare unto you glad tidings, how the promise which made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same unto us, their children, and that he raised up Jesus again, as it is also written in the second Psalm, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee, and as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption. He said unto this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David, wherefore he saith also in another Psalm, thou shall not suffer thy holy one to see corruption. For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on his sleep, and was laid unto his fathers and saw corruption. That he whom God raised again saw no corruption, be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. So notice he says, oh, the man on the cross isn't the one that, you know, we look at the man on the cross and say he didn't buy us, you know, we saved the one in hell, well, you know what, this was saying the man that was risen again, that's the one that saved you. Okay? Notice what he says, be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. So who's the man? If we're going to pick one aspect, was it the death? Was it the burial? Or was it the resurrection? Because he's saying, well, there's some people looking at the death and saying that's not the man that bought you. They're looking at the guy in hell. Okay, well, you know what I'm looking at? The one he told me the one that rose again. That's the man that gives me the forgiveness of sins. Because you know what? The malefactor dying next to Jesus didn't give me forgiveness of sins either. You know what the man is? The one that rose again is the one that gave me the forgiveness of sins. And you know what? He's the same one that was in hell and he's the same one that was on the cross. Stupid. These guys are just moronic. They come up with these stupid straw man arguments to try and sound cool and clever, yet they don't even know the scriptures. And they don't even point to any clear scripture. This is a clear scripture. Hey, which man is it? The one that rose again. So riddle me this, how do you say it is finished when he hasn't even risen from the dead yet? And that's in reference to everything needed for salvation. That's not what he meant. He was talking about the work that he was going to do in his physical life. Because if Jesus Christ didn't rise again, you're in your sin. Okay, now go to chapter 17. I want to show you a few more verses here. It says this, and by him, all that believe are justified from all things. You know, if you believe in the resurrected Jesus, that's the one that saves you. If you only have a crucified Jesus, if you're Jesus only crucified but never rose again from the dead, you're not saved. There I said it. Why can you look, how can you only look at the cross? Look, and it's sick how these people, they can take something so beautiful like the cross of Jesus Christ and emphasize it to a point of false doctrine. It's like, what are you doing? And it's the same people that take the beautiful King James Bible and emphasize it to a point of false doctrine. Acts chapter number 17, look at verse 31. Because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurance unto all men that he hath raised him from the dead. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. And in order to be raised from the dead, you have to do something. You have to die. That's the man that gives you salvation. Go back to Acts chapter 3, I want to show you a few more verses here. Acts chapter number 3. This is what they also said. They said that we're denying the Lord that bought us. By saying that Jesus went to hell, I'm denying the man that bought me. I'm denying the Lord that bought me because I'm looking at the one on the cross and saying he didn't really pay for me somehow. This is such a bad argument. They can't actually take what we say and use it against us. They have to make things up and then use them against us. We take their verbatim words and that's not what I meant. It's like, okay, they attack us for things that we didn't say. We attack them for things that they actually said but somehow didn't mean. It's weird how that works. Acts chapter number 3, look at verse number 15. And killed the prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead, whereof we are all witnesses. Now is Jesus Christ life? Oh yeah, but you know what they said? They said this. Well, if you believe that God died in hell, then that's damnable heresy and you're attacking the nature of God because Jesus Christ himself is eternal life. Let me tell you something. This is a false doctrine that they're trying to twist because what they're trying to say is that God didn't die at all. And this is what Manly Perry already taught. He's digging in. He says the man part died on the cross and then the God part didn't die. So they don't believe that God died. Now they'll get up and say, he asked Bob Gray, hey, did you get from me saying that God didn't die, that God didn't die, and he's like, uh, no, yeah, maybe, I don't know. I didn't walk away with it. But they're digging in with this idea. Because let me ask this question, if Jesus Christ, who is God, is not dead for three days and three nights, how did he get risen from the dead? It's like he never died according to them, basically. The only definition they use for dying is just a physical shedding from your body. That's the only definition they can kind of cling on to. Because any other definition will immediately demolish their false doctrine. But they say, well, this is a paradox. It's a paradox that eternal life could go to hell is kind of their argument, okay? Well you're going to have a lot of paradoxes in the Bible because I think it's called kill the prince of life. Think about that statement. You killed the prince of life. Everything in the Bible is paradoxes to the carnal mind. Ask Nicodemus, oh, do I have to enter into my mother's womb a second time? It's like, no, you idiot. You have to be born again spiritually, okay? The Bible is full of these types of paradoxes. How can Jesus Christ be the root and the offspring of David? Riddle me that one. I mean, how can the creator be created through his creation in a sense? Riddle me that. And obviously he has no origin. His origin is from everlasting because he's both, okay? You say, well, yeah, but eternal life, it can't die. Okay, go to John chapter 1, 1 John chapter 1. Go to 1 John chapter 1, okay? Go to 1 John chapter 1. So apparently I believe a damnable heresy by believing the prince of life was killed. That's what the Bible said. Apparently I believe heresy because it says hereby perceives me the love of God that he laid down his life for us. So by believing that God died. How about 1 John chapter 1, that which is from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life. So let me ask you this. When they were handling Jesus, you know what they were handling? Eternal life. So if you say eternal life didn't die, well, it sounds like you don't even believe he died on the cross then. How can you make these stupid separations? You have to have like a modalist type Jesus. One that wasn't really 100% God and 100% man. And look, you know who said this statement? Joe Major. Oh, these guys believe in damnable heresy. Sounds like you're projecting a little bit. And then they come up with this idea, they say, well, they believe in a hell atonement. I've never heard anybody even use that phrase until them. Number one, I looked it up on Google, okay? I tried to find any site that had hell atonement. You know how many results I had with that type of phrase? Zero. The only results that will come up, just because I know computer programming, it'll be hell, comma, atonement. Because someone is having like an ordered list, or they have like a slash. There is no, I couldn't find a single result on a search engine where it just says hell space atonement. Now at Google you can't really manufacture that type of a search because they'll always find you the comma ones or whatever. But I'm telling you that there was, I couldn't find one. Now I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm saying I couldn't even find it. Not even one time. They're gonna say I believe in damnable heresy for a doctrine that no one's ever taught. No one. And look, hell atonement. This is so foolish because you know how many times the word atonement's even found in your testament? Once. And it's never coupled with hell, okay? Go over to Revelation 13, I want to continue with this point though for a moment. Revelation chapter number 13. They also said if you make memes that you're gonna be thrown out of church, so. You better be, you better not like memes and go to any of their churches, alright? Because that's railing now. Because their definition of railing is mocking, and they said the best application of this is memes. And they said, so everybody that makes memes should basically be thrown out of church. Because they're all railers. And they said railing's just mocking. Well, I'm pretty sure God says that he mocks people, so how do you feel about that one? I'm pretty sure he's like calling people like white as sepulchers, art thou a master of Israel and knowest not these things? You think that was mocking? Or was he being really kind? Art thou a master of Israel and knowest not these things, Nicodemus? You really think, he looks at his mom and says, woman. Look, he's not going to, look, God mocks. If your definition of rail is mocking, you're not gonna make any sense of the Bible, okay? You know why they don't like memes? Because memes are true. If a meme is not true, it's not funny. So if it's not funny, it's not mocking. You know what makes it really funny and really mocking? Because it's true. And you know who really hates memes? CNN and these guys. Isn't that interesting? Now I'm taking this verse a little bit out of context, but I like this phrase, okay? Revelation 13, look at verse number 8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him. This is talking about the antichrist whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Now talk about paradoxes. It's the book of life of who? The lamb slain. The book of life from the lamb slain. Isn't it interesting that when you go to heaven, you know what your savior's gonna be? The lamb that was slain. Oh, eternal life can't die. It's against his nature. It sounds like it's his exact nature. I mean what are you talking about? Like what verse even runs through these guys' mind when they preach this nonsense? Go to Ephesians chapter 1. Go to Ephesians chapter 1. Well, I don't get the paradoxes in the Bible. Is that because you're not saved? I mean I don't know. Or are you just too carnal? One of those has got to be the option because the Bible is full of paradoxes. Hey, blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. That's a paradox. The Bible is full of paradoxes. Hey, if you want to be exalted, humble yourself. It's full of paradoxes. Hey, you want to be blessed? Give. You want God to give you money? You give. The Bible is full of things that seem contradictory to one thing, the flesh, to the carnal mind because it can't understand the things of God. They're foolishness unto him. This is the same attitude of these atheists saying, well, why couldn't God just let us all go to heaven? Why would he have to kill a son? And it's like they just mock the Bible. They mock and ridicule. How could God die? Well, how could God do anything that he did? How could God become a man? How did God become born of a virgin? You're going to riddle me that from a physical perspective. It's impossible. With man, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible. Hey, praise God that not only can he create the entire world, he can enter into his own creation. Not only that, he can die for his own creation. That doesn't change that he's eternal life. That doesn't change that he's God. Jesus never ceased to be God. And you know what? God laid down his life for us. That's the Bible. I'm sorry you hate the Bible so much. Ephesians chapter 1, verse number 19, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who are to believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. The emphasis in the New Testament is that Christ was risen from the dead. But they want to downplay the death. They want to downplay what it means to even be dead. They just try to take away the death as just a physical shedding of a loner body is what they want to basically put it out to. Go to Revelation chapter 1. I know we're turning a lot of places in our Bible. You know what? I love the phrase, it is finished, but let me tell you what. That statement is not in reference to everything needed to save you. You needed Christ to be risen from the dead. Now, we've been talking about paradoxes. Here's a paradox. Verse number 18, I am he that liveth and was dead. And behold, I am alive forevermore, amen, and have the keys of hell and of death. He's the great I am. But how can you say, well, that was just his physical body. How is verse 18 just his physical body? That's stupid. This is the transfigured Jesus Christ standing there looking and talking to them. Hey, the Jesus Christ in Revelation, in heaven, is the lamb slain. For all of eternity, we're going to see, you know what, the eternal life that was slain for us, my friend. Put it in your pipe and smoke it. It's the lamb slain. And you know what? You can see another lamb in hell, and he'll burn you for all of eternity. But you know what? You have to believe in that lamb that was slain for your salvation. And not just slain, risen again. Now, go if you would to Romans chapter number 10, go to Romans chapter number 10. You know, it's funny, they want to talk about, they want to just emphasize the phrase, it is finished. Okay? And especially about salvation. But then when we go to the clearest verses on salvation, like what do you have to do to be saved or what salvation even looks like, let's see if this is even in view. Now, you know Romans 10, but let's just think about what these verses are saying. Verse number 9, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Where is this in view in that verse? What is it emphasizing? The resurrection from the dead. And guess what? That was after this. All of those, all of that statement, he hadn't died yet, and he hadn't been risen from the dead yet. None of the gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection. Isn't one of these, like, I'm saying, hey, I want to get someone saved. Where do we go? Romans 10, 9, and 10, right? Verse number 10, for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. This is what we preach for people to get saved, is that he was risen from the dead. Hey, if I went to the heathen and I preached that some guy died, okay, but you know what they mocked? They mocked the resurrection. It wasn't just some guy died. It was some guy died and then rose again. Now go, if you would, to chapter 5, chapter number 5. Well, I think that the only thing necessary for salvation is just the cross. Just that's it. Well, you're going to be blown away by this verse, okay? Romans chapter 5, look at verse number 10, for if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And you know what the life there is? The resurrection. Hey, much more the resurrection. Much more. Look, it's so stupid that they emphasize this to a point of insanity. Look at chapter 6 and look at verse number 9, they say, well, if God could die, then he could die again. Okay, human logic. He said, behold, I'm alive forevermore. I think that was a good verse. How about this one? Romans chapter 6, verse number 9. Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more. Now look at this. Death hath no more dominion over him. Okay, riddle me this. If Christ is in control in hell after he died, then when did it have dominion over him? And notice it says death, death had dominion over him. Is this death? I'm pretty sure when you're hanging on the cross talking, you're not dead. You know when death had dominion over Christ is when he was in hell. That's when they had dominion over him. But notice it says it no more hath dominion over him. And that he died once, hey, he dieth no more. It's the whole emphasis of the Bible, you idiots. You morons, you fools, you imbeciles, you false teachers, sick. They don't know the Bible. They will admit that they don't know the Bible. Michael Johnson got up in like four different times. He's saying that Diotrephes kicked the apostle Paul out of church. It's called Third John. Look, and I can understand like a normal person getting mixed up, a pastor? And I misspeak, okay? But it was like four times in a row, he was super clear what he was saying. It wasn't even just like an accident. And here's the thing, there was two other pastors listening and they never even corrected him. Just like, did y'all even realize what he's saying right now? It's like these guys are just idiots, okay? Everything they say is so false. You know, I listen to this podcast and sometimes when people attack you, they'll make like a good point every once in a while or they'll say something interesting about the scripture or they'll say something that's true. It was like literally watching CNN for an hour, just 100% lies. These guys are spiritual CNN. It's just 100% gaslighting. They don't even know the Bible whatsoever. Everything they're teaching is just heresy after heresy, false accusation. They never one time quote anything that anybody even said. They're just making crap up. Now, go if you would to chapter seven. We have more, okay? If I haven't already destroyed it, I'm not going to convince you at this point, but I just want to keep nailing that stake in, you know? I'm pretty sure in jail, she didn't just do one hammer spike. She was just like, bam, bam, you know, just keep nailing it. Romans chapter seven verse four, wherefore, my brethren, he also become dead to the law by the body of Christ that you should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Jesus was raised from the dead. Look at chapter eight verse 34. Who is he that commended? It is Christ that died. Hey, Christ died, revelation, okay? Yea, rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Hey, he died, but you know what? He rose again. Go to first Corinthians chapter number two. Go to first Corinthians chapter two. Now, obviously, I could take like five or six verses in the Bible and ignore everything else and try to like come up with a way to convince you that what they're saying is right. And this is going to be like their live verse or whatever, okay? First Corinthians chapter number two, look at verse number two, for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified. That's basically what they're preaching. Now they take this statement in the most overly literal sense and if you get the tone, the apostle Paul's mocking these people. He's ridiculing them because he's saying you guys are so carnal and you guys are such babes and I can barely even say anything to you guys. So I just decided I'm only going to preach Christ and him crucified. But we all know that that's not a literal statement. He's not saying that's the only words that came out of his mouth. It wasn't like Christ and him crucified, Christ and him crucified, Christ and him crucified. He obviously used other words, okay? And how about just chapter one before he even made that statement? Look at verse 17, for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel. And you know what's the gospel? The death, the burial, and the resurrection. It wasn't just that he was slain. It wasn't just the crucifixion. It was the death, burial, and resurrection. But the apostle Paul's making an overly emphatic statement of saying, look, I basically just came here to preach Christ and him crucified because that's all I really wanted to get across to you guys. I just want you to get saved first, okay? I just want to drill in that point. I'm not even focused on the baptism, which is the very next step. He's saying I'm just starting to light the biggest fire of the gospel message throughout the world as possible, and I'll let others enter into my labor and get you baptized, teach you the Bible, build the church, do the other things, because the apostle Paul's mission is to get the gospel to as many people as possible as fast as possible. Now if I sat at every door after I get someone saved and I said, all right, time to learn the entire Bible, that's not going to work, you know, and when we do evangelism, you know, we pretty much preach from the gospel and move on. And you say, well, you ought to get him baptized. Well, Paul didn't. I'm just trying to be like Paul. Who are you trying to be like? Who's your role model? Go to Romans chapter 1. Go back to Romans. Look at chapter number 1. What gets somebody saved? It's not hard. It's not a gospel. And you know, if any Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John didn't contain the death, burial, and resurrection, it wouldn't be a gospel. That's why you know that the ending of Mark is legit, because without it, you wouldn't have the gospel. You wouldn't have the death, burial, and resurrection. Don't let someone convince you the ending of Mark's not in your Bible. It is in your Bible, okay? Those heretics like James White trying to say, oh, Mark 16 doesn't really, you know, it's not in there, lying devil. Romans chapter 1 verse 16, for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also the Greek. We need to emphasize not just him dying on a cross, but also the burial and the resurrection. We have to have all three. And anybody that just says only one of these matters is lying, is ignorant, is foolish, has a limited view of what salvation is. Now go to Romans chapter 3 verse 25, we're already here. They say, well, these guys, they deny the blood atonement. When have I ever said that? Never, okay? But again, let me help you something. The blood atonement was not accomplished here. Sorry to burst your bubble. And, you know, they want to really emphasize this phrase, blood atonement, but you know that's not found in your Bible. And I'm not saying I don't believe the blood atonement. I do. I think it's great doctrine. I love it. But let me just remind you of something that's never found in your Bible. The word atonement is found one time, okay, and it doesn't say blood atonement. Now, I'm sorry, as far as in the New Testament, obviously the word atonement in the Old Testament several other times. I don't want you to misunderstand what I said, but the word atonement in the New Testament mentioned one time, okay, and I'm not saying like any variation, atone, atone, atonement, one time, okay, and we believe the blood atonement, but let me tell you something. The blood atonement was not accomplished here. It was accomplished after the death, burial, and resurrection, and he ascended up in heaven, and then he sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat. That's when it was accomplished, okay? Very big difference. And you know what? We're saved by the blood. Romans chapter 3, look at verse 25, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the mission of sins that are passed through the aberrance of God. Yeah, the Bible emphasized the blood. Go to Ephesians chapter 1, Ephesians chapter 1. I'm not trying to downplay the blood by saying that Christ went to hell, just like I'm not trying to downplay the blood by saying he was born of a virgin, just like I said I'm not trying to downplay the blood by saying he rose again. I'm not trying to downplay the resurrection by saying we're saved by his blood. It's not one or other. It's not like, well, it's only the blood, or it's only the cross, or it's only the resurrection, or it's only the fact that he went to hell, or it's only the fact that he died. It's all of it. It's every single piece. It's every single iota. Christ fulfilled all of it, okay? It was even drinking the vinegar. That was important. Drinking the vinegar was important. Now I had you go to Ephesians. Look at chapter number 1 and look at verse number 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace. Yeah, hey, it's through the blood. Go to Colossians. Go back, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, or go forward, Colossians chapter number 1. Look at verse number 14. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Go to chapter, or verse 20 here. And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things in himself, by him I say, whether it be things in earth or things in heaven, and you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unprovable in his sight. And here's the thing. The Bible's making it clear. Hey, it's his body, it's his blood, it's his death, it's the cross. I could get up here and preach all day long on those things being great. But you know what? I'm not going to emphasize one aspect only and say that's the only part that mattered. Just like I wouldn't just only emphasize the resurrection. I wouldn't only emphasize this in his life. I wouldn't only say the only thing that matters is death. It's all of it. Go over to Hebrews chapter number 9. Go to Hebrews chapter number 9. It is finished. What was finished? His physical work. But notice, he had already said it was finished earlier too. Meaning what? When he said it was finished in John chapter 17, he was in reference to the works leading up to his betrayal. And then when he says it's finished on the cross, it would be the same logic if I said in John chapter 17, everything was finished to pay for your sins at that point. You're like, what about the cross? It's like, nope, didn't matter. That's the same logic as then saying it is finished on the cross. Oh, it was all finished then too. No. No. It was finished when the blood's on the mercy seat. And obviously it was finished before the foundation of the world too. We understand that it's always been finished in that essence. But from a timeline perspective, it's not finished until, in fact, we've even risen again until the redemption of our body and our faith becomes sight. Because he's still making intercession for us. He still ever liveth to make intercession for us. The blood is still on the mercy seat atoning for us. And God is satisfied and pacified with that. Not until we put on incorruption has it been fully finished. He's the author and finisher of our faith. But you know what? That finishing work is not going to happen until you get your glorified state. That's when it's ultimately going to be finished. And then you have in the back of your Bible, you know, there's a place where it says it is finished again too, you know, in Revelation. Because it's in context. You have to ask what was the context of being finished, okay? Don't just attach whatever context you want. Let the Bible speak for itself. Hebrews chapter 9, look at verse 11. The Christ being come in high priests of good things that come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands. That is to say not of this building. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us. So notice Christ had to enter into the holy place with his blood. This is what we talk about. We talk about the blood atonement. He's taking the blood that was shed on this earth, he took it up into heaven, and he's going to put it on the mercy seat in heaven. He's the only person that can enter into that. Just like the high priest was a physical picture of that, he's the only one that can enter in the physical, Christ is the only one that can enter into the heavenly. Look at verse 23. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of the things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these, for Christ is not entered in the holy place made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God forth. So if you're going to say, hey, where was the blood atonement, Pastor Shelley? Heaven. Heaven in the true tabernacle. If you want to tell me that the blood atonement was only here on the physical cross, you're a liar. You're a liar, and that is not true. It was not a physical tabernacle. It was not made by hands. No, it was the true tabernacle up in heaven where he had put his blood, and that's when we get the blood atonement. To say that the blood atonement is finished here is just ignorant of all scripture. You do greatly err not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. You know the power of God is the resurrection. Quit making up stupid ideas. Verse 25, nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters in the holy place every year with blood of others, for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world, but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself, and as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment, so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that looked for him shall he appear the second time without sin and salvation. Now what they love to do is they love to cherry pick a phrase where it says, oh, he's offered once, so that means he couldn't have gone to hell because that's like a second offering. That's not a second offering. That's so stupid. He died once physically, he went to hell because he died, and then he rose again, and that whole event is one time. There's not one time Christ suffered. You know it's called the sufferings of Christ. Go look it up. Sufferings of Christ. He suffered when they shoved a crown of thorns on his head. He suffered when they whipped him. He suffered when he hungered for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness, my friend. He suffered when Lazarus died and he wept. Jesus wept. He wasn't weeping for joy. He had all kinds of sufferings. He was tempted in all points like as we are. He died without sin. Hey, how about this for your nature paradox? He who knew no sin became sin. Oh, that's against his nature. That's because you're an idiot. You're a fool. You're a fool to say, oh, God didn't die in hell because that's not something you can do. Well, can someone who knows no sin become sin? Riddle me that, you moron. You say, you're mean. No, they're attacking Jesus Christ. You know what? They're attacking my friends who love the Lord, calling them false prophets. Ridiculous. We're making memes, mind you. We point out the false doctrine that they teach. They don't like the meme when we point out their false doctrine. Well, if you weren't preaching so much false doctrine, it wouldn't even be funny. You know what? God's sitting up in heaven laughing at you, too. Hebrews chapter 10, look at verse 12. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, notice this, sat down on the right hand of God. So what is the immediate thing that happens after the one sacrifice? Was it he triumphed in hell? No, he sat down on the right hand of God. But what happened before that? He offered the blood on the mercy seat. What happened before that? He ascended up into heaven. What happened before that? He rose again from the dead. What happened before that? He rose again from the dead. What happened before that? He died on the cross. Oh, there was a lot of events that happened there, didn't it? It was still the one sacrifice, though. That whole thing was the one sacrifice. He didn't die multiple times. He died once. And death hath no more dominion over him. No more. Go to verse Peter chapter 3, verse Peter chapter 3. You say, this seems really basic. It is. We're an independent, fundamental Baptist church. We don't get up and just start teaching that Judas got everybody saved. Good night. The fact that anybody would go to that church after that, I mean, I would rather go to every pre-trib Zionist church ever. I would rather hear every pre-trib sermon and every pro-Zionist sermon than to hear that Judas is the best soul winner. People are just ignorant of just knowledge. First Peter chapter 3, look at verse 18. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins. Oh, see, proved it. Jesus didn't go to hell because it was one suffering. One suffering. The just for the unjust that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh. Yeah, he died once. That's what it's saying. But notice what it also says in chapter 4, verse 13. God rejoice in as much as you're a partaker of Christ's sufferings. Now, if I once suffered, okay, and it says sufferings, it sounds like you have a problem with interpreting the Bible. Because the once suffering is in reference to the fact that he died. The sufferings is in reference to the fact that there was lots of other stuff that he suffered from. Okay. Go to 1 Corinthians 15, the last place we're going to go to. Sounds like a good chapter to find a name for a church. Be steadfast, unmovable. Don't change doctrine every five minutes. Don't constantly contradict yourself. Don't constantly go back and start teaching all this weird junk and nonsense. Why can't you be steadfast and unmovable? Always abounding in the work of the Lord. Look at verse number 1. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also you have received and wherein ye stand, by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I have preached unto you. Sounds like they forgot what the gospel is. Unless ye have believed in vain, I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Now look, I love this verse. It is finished. It has so much meaning. It's so impactful. It's a great phrase. I'm not going to attach it to something that's not true because this statement is before the gospel. It's before the death. It's before the burial. It's before the resurrection. And you know what? If we were just going to say in general, is our salvation accomplished? It's finished. But that would be taking that verse out of context. And then when you take this little bitty verse out of context, look how much false doctrine you can start teaching. It's crazy. I want you to go down to verse 12. But look, Matthew, it's about his life, it's about his death, it's about his burial, it's about his resurrection. Mark, in fact, it says at the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, okay? It's his life, it's his death, it's his burial, it's his resurrection. It's all of it. And I'm not going to take away Matthew 1 or Mark 1 or any of it. I'm going to start in Mark 1 and I'm going to go all the way to Mark 16 and to the last verse of Mark, okay? Verse number 12, the Bible says this, Now if Christ be preached that he arose from the dead, how say some of you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen? And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain? And your faith is also vain. Yea, and we have found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ, whom he raised not up. If so be that the dead rise not, for if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised. And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins. You have to believe in the resurrection or you're not saved. The resurrection had to happen or you're not saved. But listen to this statement from Manly Perry's sermon. The resurrection is the receipt of payment. Now you know what a receipt is? It's proof that it's already paid, okay? I don't have to have a receipt to leave the restaurant. And in fact, don't they offer you no receipt? Can I walk out of the restaurant and say I fully paid for that meal? Okay, so if the resurrection is the receipt, Manly Perry, then that means it wasn't needed for you to get saved. I'm using his exact verbatim quote. And I actually have that sermon downloaded. Well, that's not what I meant. I'm sure. Because it's clearly provable that you're a false prophet. Anything that's just proof that you just keep teaching false doctrine, well, that's not what I meant either. What do you mean about anything? It's like the only thing you really care about is to call us false prophets for marking you for preaching false doctrine. Like, you have to believe in the resurrection. And you know what? It's sick to watch these people, you know, ruining other people's lives. Because there's good people, you know, in my estimation, at least in the past, that have been sucked in by this nonsense, have been sucked in by these liars. I've had to rid a lot of these weirdos and freaks out of this church. Adam Fanon. Manly Perry's like, oh, man, Pastor Shelley preached against him like 28 times. I was like, it's probably more than that, come on. Why are you so sick and tired of me preaching against him? Oh, man, I just can't stand talking about it so much, you know. Do you like him now or what? You know, I'm going to keep preaching against false doctrine. And if you don't like it, you can find any other church. I promise you. You know what? I don't take kindly to people attacking Jesus Christ, attacking his sacrifice, attacking me and my friends, and you know what? Attacking God's people. Because I guarantee there's safe people that go to those churches and they're just getting their lives destroyed by these wicked false prophets on their pernicious ways. If you preach the truth, why would you censor yourself? Look, it's like a daily moment-by-moment fight of me fighting censorship. I mean, we're constantly trying to figure out new ways to get the truth out there. We want to get our preaching out there. It's like, hey, Pastor Shelley, do you want to moderate this sermon? No! Hey, I want it on every platform, on every media station, on every – you're like, hey, is that what you meant when you said sodomites should all die? Yes! It's not like, well, that's not what I meant. What kind of pastor do you want that every time any controversial statement he says is like, well, that's not what I meant? It's like I try to mean what I say. That's the point of speaking. It doesn't make sense to not say things you mean. I'm not getting up here giving a sarcastic sermon where I meant nothing. That's basically the only thing that can exist on YouTube and anything anymore is sarcasm because they have to get up there and be like, the election was real, Joe Biden is not a pedophile, Mala Harris is a lovely person, you know. No, they didn't run ballots through multiple times, even though you saw that on a video and people are saying that they did, didn't happen. It's like that's the only thing that can exist is sarcasm. You know, I don't want to preach sarcasm. I do occasionally, but here's the thing. I don't want that to be the whole essence of my sermon. I want you to actually entrust what I'm saying, okay. And so we need to go to a church that believes the Bible. And let me tell you what. I would rather go to a non-denom church than these guys' church. I'm not going to sit, look, it's bad because at least the non-denom church, their lies are going to be really obvious. These guys are trying to be pretty crafty and they're trying to be pretty cunning about it. And if you really just kind of flip over the Bible, you can just destroy it quickly. Why do they attack David so much? You know, they're literally spiritual CNN. What does CNN do? All they do is just hate Trump all day long and lie about him. And it's like Pastor Anderson is their Trump because all they can do is just lie about him and rail on him and call him a false prophet and they have this Judas doctrine to try and justify it because they're like, well, I know all these people got saved by him, but Judas gets people saved so, you know, we can't, he can't hide behind that. And it's like, what are you hiding behind? It just doesn't, just hatred towards Pastor Anderson. If you hate Pastor Anderson and your buddies, well, I don't want those buddies. I don't want to hate David. I don't want to hate God's people because I know Pastor Anderson is saved. And you know what? Hating on any saved person is a bad thing. I don't know about these guys. Let's close in prayer. Thank you, Father, so much for your word. Thank you for what you did for us on the cross. Thank you for finishing all the work that you had to do while you were on this earth. Thank you while you were even dying on the cross, you were caring for other people. You're caring for the people killing you. You're caring for your mother. You're caring for the thief on the cross that never did anything good in his entire life. And you cared for us while you were dying on that cross and you taste the vinegar and you said it's finished and you did everything needed in this physical life. Not only that, that you died for us, that you suffered in hell for us, that you rose again for us, and that you put your blood on the mercy seat for us. I pray that we wouldn't take anything away from that, that we'd appreciate everything needed for the gospel, and I thank you for the gospel and I pray that we'd go out and continue to preach the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.