(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you alright everybody welcome to steadfast baptist church thank you for being here this afternoon go ahead and take care of your hymnals we'll get started with our first song go ahead and turn to song number 162 to god be the glory song 162 again that's song number 162 to god be the glory to god be the glory great things he had done so loved he the world that he gave us his son who yielded his life an atonement for sin and opened the light of the world to god be the glory to god be the glory to god be the glory and opened the life gate that all may go in praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory great things he had done oh perfect redemption the purchase of blood through every believer the promise of god the vilest offender who truly believes the moment from jesus supported receives praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory great things he had done great things he had taught us great things he had done and great are rejoicing through jesus the son but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder our transport when jesus we see praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory great things he had done amen word of prayer thank you that we could all be here this afternoon to hear again the preaching of your word and I just pray you'd help us to hear the message and apply it to our hearts and bless pastor Shelley fill him with your holy spirit give him boldness and utterance to speak your word to give us more wisdom today we love you father and we pray this things in jesus christ's name amen next song is going to be psalm 67 in your white handouts there if you want to raise up your hand and usher we'll try and bring one to you psalm 67 you can always take out your bible again that's psalm 67 oh god let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shall judge the people righteously and govern all the nations upon earth the nations upon earth see the hall is the oh god let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy then shall the earth yield her and grace and god even our own god shall bless us god shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him let the people praise thee oh god let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy amen go through announcements now thank you so much for coming to steadfast baptist church again if you didn't get a bulletin already could you lift up your hand on the front we have Exodus chapter 20 we're on week number 3 we also have no other gods before me on the inside we have our service and soul winning times obviously we're having a modified schedule this evening the Spanish services and our soul winning is cancelled for today just due to all the snow and the driving conditions being a little bit worse and it's supposed to even continue snowing throughout the evening and so the goal is to get everybody home safely please make sure to just use caution when driving home also other soul winning times for this week just make sure to pay attention to either our Facebook group or we may send an email out if there's any kind of other alterations in regards to soul winning but nothing to announce just yet it's likely the Tuesday soul winning time for the ladies may not meet but I'll give you I'll have my wife update everyone on that also we have our expecting ladies in our prayer list please keep those in mind also there's a sign up sheet for those that want to go down to pure words to hear pastor Mahih on the 21st if not there's definitely going to be some great preaching here as well just make sure you're in church on the back we have the Galveston Marathon March 6 and we'll be meeting on Galveston Island so there'll still be people that are gathering at the church like in the morning and having like breakfast and then we'll drive out to Galveston Island but we'll probably have it to where we're going to meet still in a central location in Galveston for those people too so that not everyone has to meet at the church so it'll kind of be like two rendezvous points and we'll give you that information just because if some people are staying near Galveston it's kind of weird to like drive all the way to the church and then drive all the way back to the soul winning so we'll kind of have two rendezvous points for people that want to meet at the church and then go and those that are just going to meet us there in the Galveston area specifically also we have a mega marathon April 3rd we also have the 4th the evening service the Lord's Supper May 8th we're going to have a ladies tea in honor of Mother's Day so all ladies and their daughters will be welcome to participate and to celebrate even if you don't have a daughter you have a mom so everybody has a mom that's an iron clad guarantee or you're not alive and then also May 20th through the 22nd we have the men's retreat and really excited about this it's very similar except for this time you might actually bring like a towel or sheets or a pillow or whatever so I kind of called it affectionately prison camp last time this one will be light prison camp okay so it'll be a little bit more prepared for it but it was a lot of fun all the guys that went down there had a really good time and so I really encourage you if you can make it it's definitely a unique experience a lot of the guys told me they've never had that much fun or they've never enjoyed some kind of retreat like that before and so I got a lot of good feedback from people maybe they were just flattering me I don't know but it seemed like they were really genuine so I'm really excited about this and encourage you guys to come down there let's go ahead and go to our third song for this evening this afternoon 261 Turn your eyes upon Jesus 261 again that's song number 261 Turn your eyes upon Jesus 261 Oh soul are you weary and troubled the light in the darkness you see there's light for a look at the Savior and life more abundant and free Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace Through death into life everlasting He passed and we follow him there over us and no more at dominion for more than conquers we are Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace his word shall not fail you he promised believe him and all will be well then go to a world that is dying his perfect salvation to tell Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace Amen. Go ahead and turn in your Bibles to 1 Peter chapter number 3 1 Peter chapter number 3 1 Peter chapter 3 1 Peter chapter 3 1 Peter chapter 3 1 Peter chapter 3 1 Peter chapter 3 Likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in God adorn themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters ye are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement Likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered. Finally be ye all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren be pitiful be courteous not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contrary wise blessing knowing that ye are thereunto called that you should inherit a blessing for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile let him eschew evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil and who is he that will harm you if ye be followers of that which is good but and if ye suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ for it is better if the will of God be so that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil doing for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison which sometime were disobedient when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water the like figure where into even baptism that also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ who has gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him so a word of prayer Lord thank you so much for this day and thank you for the sermon this morning for the food we had I pray that you would bless the sermon as well that you help us all to improve our marriages Lord that you fill passage like the Holy Ghost and in Jesus name we pray amen man let's look back at the beginning of this chapter verse number one the Bible reads likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands and I preach this morning on how men can improve their marriage and I'm preaching a counterpart this afternoon and how women can improve their marriage and so like I said it takes two to tango in any marriage and ultimately you can only affect your own personal decisions your own personal choices and so this is kind of the counterpart where women also have the opportunity to strive to be the best wife that they can possibly be regardless of who their husband is or how great a husband they're married to and I have three points and then I'm going to kind of give you some statements again it's going to be organized kind of the same manner but my first point is this women need to submit women need to submit and specifically to their own husband if you want to improve your marriage it's through submission today and the Bible makes this very clear let's read a little bit more in this passage again it says if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise while the beholder chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair or wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price and it's interesting how the Bible is worded here it says in verse four the hidden man of the heart the Bible says that a woman instead of adorning their outward man that they really should be adorning their inward man and their inward man is that of a meek and quiet spirit if they want to be godly if they want to be a good wife and you know being quiet is a feminine attribute you know it's not a manly attribute it's a feminine attribute and today we have a lot of women who don't want to be quiet they want their voice to be heard you know the feminist movement you know our voices will be heard and you know they're going out and they're loud and they're obnoxious and everything like that it just shows how ungodly they are because a truly godly woman would be one who's very quiet one who's very meek and unassuming and ultimately she's in subjection to God or I'm sorry as well as God but obviously her husband as well and notice how God says this he says that in the sight of God it's of great price so you know women they love to adorn themselves on their outward appearance their clothes their hair you know whether that be makeup or all the different ways they all the accoutrements and all the different things they can do their purse matches their outfit and you know they've got special braids in their hair they've got the tiara or they've got you know a veil I mean the bonnets and the hats and just everything that goes I mean there's so much right and women really they spend so much time adorning themselves physically and the Bible tells us that it should be the exact opposite it should be that they're spending all their time adorning themselves on the inward man on their hidden man not on what's visible and really we see the ploy of the devil the devil likes to attack us where we're most vulnerable and women they're most vulnerable in the area of wanting to adorn themselves physically you know and again you know you can't take these verses and run with them and take them out of balance because obviously it's not saying here that wearing you know having plates in your hair or having gold is going to be wrong because notice the next one putting on of apparel okay obviously all women are supposed to wear clothes okay so it's not saying don't wear clothes it's not saying don't try to be attractive or don't put on things that are nice or you couldn't have an earring or something that's sinful you know people take this to a weird extreme where they try to look as Amish as possible and that's also not the Bible saying what it's saying is that your emphasis your focus is not on the outward appearance it's more on the inward appearance it's more on being a godly person having a meek and quiet spirit it says in verse number five in this manner in the holy time the holy women also who trusted in god adorned themselves being in subjection under their own husbands so here's the thing you can please the world today by trying to dress and act and look like them or you can be in subjection to your husband and then god likes the way that you're dressed and not in the favor of your physical clothing he's saying on the inward man the question is who are you truly trying to impress today and let me give you some bad news no matter how much you doll yourself up the world will not be impressed the world will not care the world will always tell you that you're inadequate the world will always tell you that's out of fashion you need the new the new fashion the new dress the new whatever and again today's worldly fashion is never going to match an independent fundamental Baptist I mean the clothing options that they have for women today are so ungodly they're so modest they're revealing of their bodies they're sometimes cross-dressing you know it's all kinds of weird stuff that's going on and if you're going to try and dress like the world they still won't be impressed even if you do it exactly like they say they'll say oh that was last week you know oh that was that was five minutes ago you know because it's always the new fashion and you got to be ahead of the curve some of us are ahead of the curve or whatever and really I feel like it's just a it's all a scam they're like let's see what they can we can sell them next trash bags you know there's they'll just design a new trash bag that women wear and they're like it's the new fashion you know it's like women just fall for it because they just spend all this money I mean the things they have on these runway models like in France and all that stuff it's bizarre you know it makes me feel like I'm living in the hunger games or something living in the capital you know these people the way they're dressing is so weird and again that's not your objective in life is to see how weird you can get and how much you can dress yourself up now really you need to work on the inward person and notice those women trusted in God because at the end of the day no one's going to go around and praise you for being an independent fundamental Baptist godly woman people are going to go around and look at you like wow you're so godly oh you look so nice they're going to say oh you're better than me because you're wearing a dress because you're wearing a skirt oh you know you're not showing up your cleavage oh you're not showing us off your thigh you're not showing us off your buttocks or whatever you're not walking around like a whore and so you know what it reproaches them because you don't look like a whore today but let me tell you what you should trust in God and not in the world why would you want to be a whore you're still not going to impress them and then you know what you're going to really do you're going to attract some really bad guys you're going to attract men that look at you when you look like a whore why do you want to attract that guy why do you want to attract Howard Stern why do you want to attract Donald Trump why do you want to attract all the scumbags and sleazebags of the day the casino owning strip club owning guys you know why don't you dress like a godly woman and be above reproach look stop trusting in the world and trust in God verse 6 it says even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him lord oh she obeys her husband yeah because that's what the Bible says that's what Sarah was like you know why don't you whenever someone criticizes you say oh do you not like Sarah in the Bible you do it your husband you know someone will say hey can you go do this well I have to ask my husband oh why is he in charge of you yeah do you just not like Sarah in the Bible what other Bible stories do you not like do you not like Ruth do you not like oh do you not like the story when Jesus Christ is in the garden of Gethsemane he says not my will but thine be done did you not like that story because you know that's the example for women today and why is it so demeaning for a woman to obey her husband when it's not demeaning for Christ to obey God the father yet the world wants to brainwash you the world wants to attack you and let me tell you what when you live godly they're not going to praise you they're not going to say oh wow you're so great go girl you know they're going to be like why are you attacking us and why are you you know why don't you let your voice be heard and you're so repressed you know they ask you like you know write a message if you're if you're hurting you know send us an SOS or whatever are you okay you know and you're like I'm fine you know I like it I'm I'm good I don't have to let my voice you know the person that has to speak is very prideful only a prideful person has to have their voice be heard has to be known has to tell them what their opinion is you know someone that's humble and someone that's meek says you know what other people can voice their opinion I'd rather just hear what they have to say I don't have to voice my opinion I don't have to go and tell everybody what they're going to do you know I can just worry about my realm of authority and my children go if you went to Colossians chapter number three go to Colossians chapter number three point number one is women need to submit the Bible tells us very clearly that women are supposed to submit under their own husbands and you know in this church if you get married by you know our church one of the parts of the vows is to love cherish and obey and it's not for the man the man doesn't say that one the man doesn't say to the wife to love cherish and obey he says love and cherish the wife says love cherish and obey because that's what the Bible says because Sarah obeyed and you know what in order for someone to lead someone has to obey in order for someone to lead someone has to follow in order for you to have unity you need one person to make the decisions and you know what this works out in all kinds of other areas of life and you know there's people in here that aren't even married and you know God willing you know if they desire marriage they'll be married one day but you can take everything that I'm teaching you right now and just apply it to your job at work and it's going to be the exact same you can apply these principles no matter what these principles are going to be the same and really ultimately when we look at a relationship in marriage it's the same as a parent and a child in some ways not every way it's the same as a boss to an employee it's the same as God the father to Christ and it's the same as Christ to the man and it's the same as me as the pastor unto Christ you know that I'm supposed to be in submission to him and perfect submission you know there's the same level of authority and the same level of obedience and it doesn't matter who's your authority you're just supposed to obey your authority and I notice that people who are constantly in rebellion to the authority that they have all of the people that are subject unto them end up emulating the same type of behavior you know if you really want your kids to obey you in the home here's my question how obedient are you to your husband how do you treat your husband because the same way that you treat your husband is going to often be the way that your children treat you are you submissive to your husband you obey your husband you do what your husband says you know are you talking back to them all the time well expect your children to treat you that way Colossians chapter 3 look at verse 18 wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord now fit is like suitable and you know the Bible's making it more neat and it's just saying look as suitable as appropriate as it is for a person to submit to God and to the Lord to the Lord Jesus Christ it would be the same for a wife to submit to her own husband and the same would be hey an employee to his employer you're supposed to be submissive you're not supposed to usurp the authority that's been placed over you and go if you went to Ephesians chapter 5 now you know I know that you living here in America I guaranteed none of the women in here were just forced to marry their husband here's the thing no one forced you to submit to that relationship just like you know probably ever in this room you chose to work for the company that you're working for so if you choose to submit yourself then submit you know they're not forcing you to be their employee necessarily obviously when we get into communism it'll be different okay I have to preach differently I'll be like remember back in the day when you didn't have to just do whatever they told you but I'm just saying you know in most cases in the world people are choosing who they want to marry and people are choosing where they're going to work and whenever you choose to submit yourself hey submit hey you know people they get mad at this church sometimes they're like well I don't want to do what Pastor Shelley said or I don't want to listen to that sermon or I don't agree with this program it's like go to any other church hey the door's open hey you can go at any time you can leave at any time but you know what if you're going to come to this church why don't you just submit to the authority that you're under instead of always trying to buck at the authority and try to pick everybody apart and always getting mad at everything they do you know why don't you just go ahead and just submit and be in submission to the authorities that have been put in your life and especially the ones that you're choosing I have how many people are forced to be here except for my family okay I mean you're not I mean obviously my employee but you know he chose to work for me alright I asked him if he wanted to work for me okay anybody that works for me it's going to be they choose to work for me not that I'm forcing them to work for me people that come to this church you're not being forced to be here but if you're going to be here go ahead and submit while you're here okay go ahead if you say I don't like this church okay well the other church that you go to submit to that church do what they say be obedient submit to the rulers now look at Ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord you say why are you making this such a big deal Pastor Shelley what's interesting every time the Bible brings up wives this is the first thing that it brings up you know for the men it was like love your wife for the women it was like obey submit submit submit be in submission obey obey obey why because that's the most important thing that a wife can learn it's one of the most difficult things for women to do is just to go ahead and submit and you know in America today it's a lot harder than it used to be it used to be if a wife wouldn't submit to her husband in public people would be would gasp you know if a wife talked back to her husband if a wife disobeyed her husband if a wife did something you know it would be it'd be shame it'd be folly people would look down upon them today you would get it you'd be like viral you know everybody's like whoa look at this woman go and she stuck it to her husband you know it's now the TV show you know that's modern family where the wife's sticking it to the husband and she's telling him what to do and whatever you know it's a shame and it's a folly and it makes no sense and that level of rebellion is just being manifested in this world today people are just so rebellious children are so rebellious why are children more rebellious now than ever because wives are rebelling against their husbands that's why you know if a wife submits to her husband it's gonna be easier for the children than to submit to her and to their father you know when they see the mom not obeying the mom not submitting the mom not doing what's right why would the children have to I mean if the mom's not doing it you know I'll be like mom and I'll tell dad what to do and I'm smarter than dad look every teenager thinks they're smarter than their dad so if you as the wife also think that you're smarter than your husband and you're gonna tell your husband what to do I guarantee your teenagers will have the same attitude they'll have the same philosophy and it's interesting how everybody's smarter than their husband how's that possible I mean maybe it's in some cases true because they're just addicted to video games and football and beer but you know it ought not be so you know you ought to go ahead and sober up throw the marijuana in the trash throw the alcohol in the trash grow up get a pair start leading start being a man look the Bible says they're the weaker vessel and you know when men start leading in their home it's easier for women to submit but I don't care if you're married to the biggest soy boy on the planet submit to him hey if you're married to PB Herman you better submit I didn't force you to marry him that was a bad decision but at the end of the day you're supposed to submit to your husband no matter how weak of a leader he may be and you know what by you submitting maybe you'll encourage him to be a stronger leader go if you would to 1 Timothy chapter 2 the Bible says that the head of the woman is the man the apostle Paul said that he had the power to lead about a sister and we need some men to lead women today but you know what no matter how bad a leader men are today as long as you submit he's still leading as long as you just go ahead and just whatever he's doing just let him lead and you know what even if he's a weak leader at least let him lead let him be a weak leader don't say well he's a weak leader so I better take over no continue to let him being a weak leader and maybe once he's a weak leader and he sees the failure in his leadership he might get better but if you just go ahead and take over he's never going to lead he's never going to be the man that he's supposed to be 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 8 so notice how is a woman supposed to be godly? she has good works she's known by her works by the things that she does not by the way she dresses herself not by the way that she adorns herself verse 11 notice how the Bible words it you say well what does subject what does usurping authority look like? it sounds like if I'm reading this verse right it sounds like it says talking because notice the way that you ensure that you're not usurping authority how do you do that? you're in silence verse 13 for Adam was first formed you know that tells me that the creation order is important that God created things on purpose he didn't accidentally create the man first he created the man first for a reason because he's supposed to have the preeminence in that relationship he's supposed to be the leader he is first Eve is supposed to be submissive in that regard she doesn't have that same preeminence in the world today men get the preeminence it's a man's world sorry that's how God created it I'm not upset with that I like that I don't want it to be any other way because that's what God decided not because you just happen to be a man you just want it to be a man's world it's not even a man's world anymore it's supposed to be I want it to be a man's world because that's what God said and that's the best way to live in harmony with God and his commandments and you know what women should just realize it's supposed to be a man's world and let him be the man verse 14 Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness now some people they like to teach a works based salvation or they twist the word saved a lot of times in the bible but here's a really good example of how having children isn't going to get you into heaven the Mormons are trying to have lots of babies but it's not going to get them into heaven it's not about having children what is the saving that's happening because the word saved could be used in multiple ways in the bible a lot of people just like to look at the word saved and they just think that must be the way that I get to heaven that's not necessarily true because the bible says he that endureth under the end the same shall be saved that's not saying you're necessarily going to go to heaven it's just saying you're saved from that physical wrath that physical tribulation now obviously it is in somewhat tandem with the fact of those who are technically saved but that's just not what that's really referring to and in this verse it's being saved from the deceptions of this world from transgressions of this world the devil tempted and tricked Eve with the forbidden fruit with the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but you know what, if she was busy with the task that God gave her perhaps she wouldn't have all the idle time to get deceived and to go into that transgression go into that sin and you know what, women who are idle who have nothing to do it's easier for them to sin than a woman who's busy taking care of children and you say oh taking care of children is so hard it's so difficult to take care of children it's so difficult to you know, cut up their meals and you know to clean up all the vomit and to do all the breastfeeding and I never sleep ever and I never have any joy maybe that one's a little exaggerative but sometimes it feels like that and you know, just all the different difficulties of being a mother and having all these kids and it's like I have no one to talk to you know, and their communication's so low and it's all these burdens well let me tell you something the way of transgressors is harder you know what's really hard? having an STD you know what's really hard? when you get knocked up by a loser who abandons you and not only do you have to raise kids you have to work too you have to work night shifts and then raise those kids and then usually you're letting some other random person raise your kid who could possibly be molesting them you know what's really hard to sleep at night? when your kid's been molested you know what's really hard to sleep at night? when your kid hates God when your kid goes missing when your kid gets hurt when your kid marries a horrible person when your kid's a drunk when your kid's a loser you know what that's really hard you know what's really hard? women that have no children and they're sitting in the nursing home and nobody cares about them and they just cry night after night after night because nobody cares about them see them from their work, from their job they're not going to have and now that they're old, guess what? putting all on their fancy clothes doesn't really matter anymore you say, oh, it's so hard to have all these things you know what's really hard? being wicked you know what's really hard? going against God's commandments that's what's really hard you think that it's hard? you don't even know what hard is you know what's hard? being addicted to drugs being addicted to meth and cocaine and being a whore when you don't even want to just to get the next high that's hard you know what's hard? having no one love you no one care about you no one to protect you and you're laying in bed at night in Portland, Oregon wondering when the next antifa of people are going to come through and murder you because you know what? if you take off and you have no guy to protect you because you won't submit to anybody you know it's hard when you're going through a hard time and you don't have a husband that loves you and wants to take care of you you don't have kids that look up to you you know what? there is way, way, way, way worse harder things in life and the Bible is saying you know what? she's going to be saved how is she going to be saved? in childbearing you're going to be saved from all that heartache and that woe charity and holiness with sobriety it's hard when you're drunk all the time hard when you're drunk and you end up giving your kid a deformity because you're a drunkard you know even the secular world says that women who drink while pregnant can cause severe damage to their baby I mean there are signs they won't give you an alcoholic beverage if they can tell you're pregnant the world won't the world won't give this to you women do that you know it's hard having a child that's been deformed and horribly damaged because of your alcohol abuse because of your drug abuse you know what? that's why you're supposed to be sober today go to 1 Corinthians chapter 14 go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 14 oh I have it hard my life's so hard no it's not it's just because you have nothing to compare it to it's just because you're looking at the Hollywood lies today of Mary Tyler Moore being the successful businesswoman and you know the Bill Cosby show where you have the successful businesswoman and you have all these things yeah the problem is Cosby is your husband then you find out all your kids were molested by him and then you find out he was raping all these women and abusing them I bet that's a real nice life now that you're out working and whoring yourself at work so then your husband has no one to be with and obviously I'm taking the TV show in real life and remixing them but at the end of the day it's similar and you watch the TV shows and you want to believe that that's what reality looks like oh that's what it would be like if I had a job and oh that's what it would be like if I had less kids and oh that would be what it's like if I was pretty and beautiful look the pretty beautiful women in Hollywood they treat like dirty scummy whores have you heard of the hashtag me too movement it's like the worst women are like I'm a victim too all of them are victims they're all victims of themselves why because they're just a dirty disgusting skank whore and they can't even live with themselves they're constantly taking pills trying to kill themselves and even when they have so much money they're like when Noah Ryder who's going and stealing stuff in the store because she still doesn't have enough you know when you'll have enough clothes never the billboard's a lie says hey you know divorce your husband and get half the closet first of all you won't get half because he doesn't have half already number two once you get that whole closet filled up you'll still want more you'll never be satisfied you'll never have it all and at the end of the day that's not where satisfaction comes from you know where satisfaction comes from you know where true joy comes from seeing your children walk in the truth I have no greater joy than that my children walk in truth you know it's a really bad heartache because when your children aren't walking in truth like in first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 35 let's read verse 34 let your women keep silence in the churches for not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also sayeth the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church again you know women are supposed to ask their husband what to do and you know some people get a little offended by this but notice that it does not say ask the other women in the church hey you want to improve your marriage today ask your husband what you're supposed to do hey I want to know you know how to make this or do this or where to go or the home school or whatever ask your husband don't ask another lady and it sure doesn't say hey you as a lady start teaching all the other ladies what to do no notice it says in verse 35 let's read it again because I'm reading the Bible I don't know what you're reading look what it says if they will learn anything now if you ask a Calvinist they might not know what anything means but let me tell you what anything means anything anything and you know what I don't care how gently women lead other women it says for a husband to be the one who teaches his wife oh I want to learn something ask your husband and you know what it will help your marriage you know what ruins marriages when women tell them all the things that they're doing they have a different situation they have a different husband they have a different lifestyle it may even cause problems in that person's marriage because you know what you're not thinking about what their life's like but when he has a pastor my schedule is like crazy okay and maybe I could make it better right now I'm torturing myself with a weird schedule okay but like my schedule is super bizarre and so things for my wife are different you know sometimes I work a lot in the evenings or I have weekends and like our family day is Monday you know where we try to like most people spend time on Saturday or something and we end up on Mondays or whatever and sometimes that changes and it's all over the place and we're traveling so my wife might be able to do something that other women can't do during the middle of the day right or vice versa and it would be wrong for my wife to go around and tell her well you do this during this time you know or you go and partake in this this is what I do this is how I do it you know you have a different situation why don't you ask your husband well then why did God say this and you know what I'm not saying that women can't teach women certain things I'm not saying that but you know you should ask first your husband and if your husband says you know what why don't you ask this other lady specifically about how she does it then go for it but you know what you shouldn't just get unsolicited advice from all kinds of different women from Oprah Oprah you know she's not going to give you good advice anyways Ellen DeGeneres is not going to give you good advice and you know what even in the church some women may not be the right person to get advice from why don't you ask your husband and then let him give you some advice why don't you let him dictate where you're getting your information from go if you would to Titus chapter 2, Titus chapter number 2 what's our point point one submit to your own husband submit to your own husband hey who am I supposed to obey my husband if you're a wife you submit to your husband who else that's it that's your supreme authority you know and whenever I work for a company you know what I don't do I don't go look at the competitor and see how the competitor does it and then start doing it that way I say hey boss how do you want me to do it well they you know they're not using you know Apple products they're using Microsoft products so I got my Microsoft computer boss and he's like well that's stupid because we have Apple products here you know or whatever that doesn't that's not how it works and that's the same way why is a woman going around and asking other couples what they're doing what they're supposed you know no and you know if a woman comes to you and asks you an inappropriate question you should say I think you should ask your husband because this is what I asked my husband about that how to cook clean whatever he wants me to do he's going to tell me what to do not you not your relationship and it also you're always going to get a whitewashing from another woman and you're going to end up being envious of their relationship well I get all this great stuff and I have all this stuff you know look you're going to have a different budget from your husband you're going to have a different house you're going to have different kids you're going to have a different schedule you're going to have all these things that are different why does it make sense to go around and ask other people how they're doing it ask your husband how he wants you to do it but women want to go around and they want to tell you what to do there's how many blogs are there I don't even know there's like a million blogs out there and YouTube videos women just want to go and tell every other woman what they're doing and how they do it and you know it's big business I'll tell you what but it's not a meek and quiet spirit number one and it's also teaching other women not to submit their own husbands but submit to the blog and end up critically thinking above and beyond what their husband's saying I'm not saying don't be a critical thinker what I am saying is you should let your husband lead you and whenever your husband tells you something to do you know there's some women they'll do everything that their husband wants but not right away they'll nag him about it they have nagging submission and nagging submission is almost worse than not even doing it I don't know it's kind of a toss up but I'll I'm going to show you some verses here in the Bible here in a moment but look what it says in Titus chapter 2 verse 9 exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters and to please them well in all things notice this not answering again now again if you're not married this verse was intended for you anyways saying hey obey your master but you can apply to marriage saying when your husband gives you a commandment tells you something to do well I don't want to do that I don't like that well that's not what I would choose well that's dumb but I'll do it it's like that sucks you don't want to give somebody some kind of a command or tell them to do something you know try that at your work you know and it's so funny women love to want to go work but they would never act like that to their boss or they'll get fired go to Proverbs chapter 21 go to Proverbs chapter 21 for a moment the Bible says therefore the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything you say what is a wife supposed to be obedient and everything now obviously there is a caveat in the sense that you know if your husband's asking you to sin you don't have to sin you shouldn't sin but in this sermon I don't feel the need to caveat every single statement hey obey how many times is it really when we look at marriage is the biggest problem in our country husbands are constantly forcing their wives to sin or is it that wives just don't want to obey their husband when it's legitimate that's really the big issue Proverbs 21 look at verse 9 it is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house and the Bible makes it clear that the worst thing is to have a woman brawling with you meaning what? she's resistant to your authority she's resistant to your leading she's resistant to your commanding you know a wife is supposed to just obey and submit and to follow that's what's better I'd rather have you know a woman who's not working on her physical appearance at all but obeys me than just all dolled up dressed to the nines wearing the fanciest garment and all the gold and all the jewelry and her hair's you know coming out to here whatever and I'm like where's dinner and she's like make your own buddy I look too good I've been working on my appearance it's like well go make me a sandwich while you're at it I don't care about all that you know men just want a wife to submit they just want a wife to obey they want her to do what he says and it says this guy's like well okay I'm just gonna go up to the attic I'm gonna go hide in the attic and eat some corn chips or something a hungry man Proverbs 21 verse 19 it is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman you know if you really want your husband to dwell with you I feel like you cannot argue with him if you want him to be around you you can't argue with him you can't be contentious what's contentious is just willing to contend with everything there's every statement there's something wrong with it everything he says, everything he does every kind of rule there's just something like well that's not right and why are you doing that and just trying to pick a fight about everything and why is the plate over here and why did you put the toilet paper on wrong again and you know why are you saying this and oh I wish you'd do this with the kids better and you know why don't you you know just constant nag and constant contention and constant strife and why did you not take this out and why didn't you do this and where are you at and why didn't you call me and you're just like I'm ready to leave you're like bye and he's like it's cold out but I'd rather be out there I'd rather face the bitter cold than just have my wife just constantly nagging my ear off go to Proverbs 25 and she's like well I'm doing what he says yeah but if you're complaining the whole time it doesn't really work it doesn't feel like submission and you know what your boss you could do everything at your job perfect but if you're constantly nagging your boss about it you will be fired sure fine yeah I'll come in at 8 yeah I'll leave at 5 okay sure you want me to work the whole time too you want me to really fill out the time sheet you know you really want me to actually get those reports in you know okay it's like what do you mean okay you know you're going to get fired you just say yes sir and do it Proverbs 25 verse 24 it is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in the white house exact same verse I mean it's identical okay it's important and you say why does it say this because women have a proclivity to argue and be contentious and to fight with their husband go if you would back to 1 Peter chapter 3 point number 1 submit and really that's the biggest point look you want to improve your marriage just get better at obeying just get better at submitting and get better at never arguing never back talking never answering again whatever your husband says just goes and you say oh man if I did that what would my life be like well maybe your kids would be like that I bet you every mother in here would say I wish my kids when I told them to do something would just say yes mom and do it and they get all mad about how they constantly contend they constantly fight they constantly nag and they're constantly disobedient you're like no I know exactly what that's like and it's interesting how you can you can understand these concepts when you look downstream well you need to look upstream too and you say well my wife's really nagging me okay well are you nagging God are you disobedient to God are you submitting to God as a husband you know it all rolls downhill number 2 look at verse 2 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 2 while the beholder chase conversation coupled with fear look at verse number 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corrupt which in the sight of God a great price now God not only wants you to be submissive he also wants you to serve women need to serve their husband chased conversation now you say chase what does chase mean well just add an in to it what is chase in? discipline so if someone is chased what does that mean they're disciplined disciplined conversation now conversation could mean what we typically think of how you speak how you talk it can also just be in reference to your lifestyle just how you are your works your persona who you are and it's saying disciplined or self controlled lifestyle you know and if you're having a self controlled lifestyle you know you realize I'm submitting to him I'm going to end up serving him but that's a great thing go over to Proverbs 31 I'll read for you Genesis 2 and it says in the word God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him and help meet for him now the word meet there m-e-e-t means suitable appropriate fit ok so he's like I want to make someone that's going to help Adam that's suitable for him you know the polar bear wasn't suitable the porcupine is real not suitable not a cuddler ok the giraffe is awkward so you know what was suitable? the woman he married his rib that was the best option that he had but at the end of the day she was made to help him she is supposed to help him so if you're going to help him serve him if you serve your husband you improve your marriage if you look at your husband as hey this is the person I'm serving this is the person that is over me this is the person I'm supposed to be obedient to this will improve your marriage Proverbs 12 says a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that make it ashamed is his rottenness and his bones you can be the best person in your husband's life or the worst person in your husband's life a wife is either the absolute best person in a man's life or the absolute worst person in a man's life and you know what? you get to choose which way you're going to go and you know who's going to be the absolute best? the one that's obeying and serving you know who's going to be the absolute worst? the one who's rebellious and does nothing for him that's my ex-wife you know and no guy has anything good to say about his ex-wife he's like she's married to the devil she makes the devil blush or whatever why? because a woman is either going to be the absolute crown on your head or it's going to be the rottenness in your bones and you say what about the good one? Proverbs 31 look at verse 10 so notice that a good woman is going to do good under her husband a godly woman, a virtuous woman she's going to serve her husband and notice she's never going to do evil to him and notice what it says all the days of her life don't let that escape you for a moment think about that verse which days is she a good wife? all the days of her life which day does she nag her husband? well it says not evil all the days of her life what day is she disobedient to her husband? not evil all the days of her life that's a tall order that's a tough and again, hey, when you go to work you should do no evil to your boss to your company every day all day, all the days of her life, if you want to be the virtuous woman, you know what you're going to say? I'm going to serve my husband every day and let me tell you how to be a really good servant you don't only do what you're told without arguing you also anticipate the wants and wishes of the person especially in this case, your husband you want to be the best servant you not only do everything your husband says you anticipate all the wants and wishes of your husband and do that on top go above and beyond look, you want to get promoted at work? don't just do everything you're told go above and beyond what you're told hey, work later, work longer do more hey, whenever your boss wants to do a little bit on the project do a lot on the project go above and beyond, put in extra hours make sure it's really good hey, that's how you get promoted in your job that's how you get ahead in your job hey, if you want to be a great wife you not only do what your husband tells you anticipate his wants and his wishes and go above and beyond do it even better you say, why would I do that? it's called improve your marriage hey, you want to improve your marriage obey your husband more in every single way, all the days of your life you serve him all the days of your life I guarantee no man in here is thinking, oh, I don't want that go to Hebrews chapter 13 go to Hebrews chapter 13 I'm almost finished with my three points then I'm going to give you the same 25 just statements for you to think on to chew on and don't be thinking as the women in here don't be thinking, I really like the morning sermon and you men don't be thinking that afternoon sermon was fire you think about yourself and even if you say I can't wait for them to employ all those things in their life I can't wait for them to get I printed out those 25 things Pastor Shelley said and I'm going to put it up for him I'm going to put it in his lunch box no, you get the ones for you and you worry about those you say, even if my spouse doesn't import any of this if they get worse tomorrow I'm going to do better don't wait for your spouse to do good you just start doing good right away here's my third point women not only need to submit serve, they also need to salute their husband, salute their husband look what it says in Hebrews 13 verse 24 salute all them that have the rule over you and all the saints, they of Italy salute you the Bible says to salute, notice this all that have the rule over you think about a salute I usually think of Germans salute, you know, whatever but what is the picture or you take your military they salute the president or they salute their commanding officer but what's the essence of saluting? it's respecting, isn't it? it's fearing it's having reverence and honor towards that person that's over you and notice what the Bible says salute all them that have the rule over you go to 1 Peter chapter 3 go back to that I'm going to show you this point again but wives should salute their husbands and I'm not saying like you know, when he comes home it's like, I'm so glad you're home yes, Lord you know what? you can salute him with your words you could say, honey, I'm so glad you're home I was so happy that you're home let me take your hat let me take your coat let me take your briefcase you know, there's other ways to salute a person rather than just a little military salute or just, you know, have all the kids and you just lined up just like he comes in hail husband of home and great father and leader of the north you know, obviously I'm not getting super weird but you know what? if you did that, I guarantee you would feel pretty special he'd be like he'd be like, I'm not missing coming home I can't wait for that salutation and you know what? if you as soon as your husband comes home oh, finally where have you been at? oh, take the screaming baby take out the trash take out the trash already he's like, he pulls in the parking lot and he's like, I'm just going to sit here for a few minutes he's about to pull around the corner and he's like, I don't know but if he's waiting for that Hitler howl you know, he's just like, he's racing home I'm telling you what you laugh and I'm trying to be funny here a little bit but I'm also being serious I'm being serious if you salute your husband, if you treat him with respect you know what? he'll want to come home, he'll want to be around you 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 2 while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear now that fear is not because he hits you, that fear is because you respect him that fear is because you respect him and you know what? it's hard to respect someone that's not worthy of respect you know what? just respect him anyways because he's still your husband, still married you he's still the man over you and you know what? even in his imperfections and you know what? he has lots of problems you can still respect him and that's how you get the salute, you know the military doesn't think like, well my commanding officer doesn't really deserve respect today, they just, yes sir he's just in that position so he automatically commands respect your boss automatically commands respect whoever's over you just automatically commands respect look at verse 5, for after this manner in the holy time the holy one also who trusted in God adorn themselves being his objection to their own husbands even as Sarah Obeid Abram knows this calling him Lord, there's your salutation she called him Lord and you know what? obviously it's not going to be like Lord Shelley at home but what would be a modern equivalent? yes sir and I'll tell you what when you add a salutation to your language, it changes your attitude towards the person when you change how you speak to a person it'll change your attitude towards that person if you tell your boss yes sir at work you'll want to be more obedient to him you'll want to obey him more you'll have more respect for him inherently and you know what? they deserve that respect because they've been put in that position and you know what? if your boss has a title if your boss has some kind of an accolade or whatever, give him that accolade you know, give him that title it shows him that respect and you know what? respect your husband your husband deserves respect and notice Sarah is obeying Abraham calling him Lord but really it's because she's in subjection to God because she trusts God she's not saying like he really deserves it today and you know what? you're like Sarah as long as you do well what if you don't do well? you're not like Sarah you should honor and respect him when he comes home you know what? he's in charge and you should be glad that he's home now I'm going to give you I'm going to give you 25 statements here just a few verses just to think about and chew on too but what did I teach? hey, if you are a woman and you say I want to improve my marriage I want my marriage to get better submit, serve, salute hey, that'll fix a lot of problems but let me give you some practical ways that this looks like number one, be your husband's helper and this is kind of in the submit category so we're thinking about submitting be your husband's helper I'm going to show you another verse here be your husband's helper do you help your husband or are you causing more work for him? does your husband look at you and think wow, I like it when I'm around her because she's always helping me or is he thinking this is a detriment you know, if your boss looks at you and thinks man, you're more work than you are help your job's in trouble and obviously most employees when they first get hired let's just be honest, they're more work than they are help and really you have to grow in your role and start becoming more help than you are work you don't want to be a detriment, you want to be a benefit and as a wife, you should be a benefit not a detriment look what it says in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 8 for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman nor the man that's an intense verse it says the man was not created for the woman notice what it says, the woman for the man, you say what's my purpose to help him to be his help me he's not there to help me, I'm there to help him and I'm not saying that husbands shouldn't help their wives but what I'm saying is that the primary function is that the wife is helping the husband not vice versa my job is not to go around and help my wife my wife's job is to go around and help me and you know what? she helps me a lot I've got four of them over there with one on the way that's a big help being around the kids is tough I like going to work sometimes because it's rough not because I want to get away from her but the kids, it's rough she takes care of them she helps make the meals, she helps clean the house she helps do the laundry, she helps do all these kind of things that I would have to do but I don't and you know what, you as a man, you should appreciate the things that your wife's doing that you probably take for granted some of you may not be that good a cook probably look different if you had to cook all your meals okay you just go out to eat and you look different too number two give your husband first place in your life give your husband first place in your life is your husband the priority in your life? number three do not brag about other men it's like men shouldn't brag about other women women shouldn't brag about other men Johnny Depp's a fag looking dude he's a queerbait he might even be a queer, I don't know someone knows Robert Downey Jr., he's probably a fag isn't he a fag? Kevin Spacey, he's definitely a fag you know, all your heartthrobs are probably just fags anyways quit liking fags he wouldn't want to be around him he wouldn't even be interested in you don't brag about other men and don't even brag about your father just make your husband your hero number four if your husband is unsaved do not antagonize him about church do not antagonize him about church if your husband is unsaved do not antagonize him about church and again, you're supposed to submit into your husband now, look if I was in a situation where I was married if you're putting yourself in the wife's position and she's married to a man and he's not going to take her to church I would still go to church I'm still going to serve God, I'm still going to read my Bible I'm still going to pray but I'm not going to come home and then nag him about not going to church he's not even saved I'm going to pray for him and encourage him and be kind to him and if the opportunity arises and it's not a bad thing maybe I'll give him the gospel or whatever but I'm not going to nag him about church and in fact, even if he is saved you shouldn't antagonize him about it you shouldn't antagonize him about anything number five boost your husband do not tear him down boost your husband, do not tear him down focus on the good things about your husband and just tell him that don't tell him all the things he sucks at because I'm sure there's plenty I'm sure you could criticize me up and down if you wanted to I'm sure there's tons of things that I could do better but you know what, you should just boost your husband and the things that he's doing well put your husband before the children now that's even more specific than the other one but look, your children are not the top priority you're a wife first, a mother second you are a wife first and a mother second and that also goes with grandchildren and great-grandchildren you're not a sister first you're a wife first you're not a daughter first you're a wife first you're a wife first do not take the children's side in discipline never and that can be hard because obviously you know, women are more empathetic so when they see a father disciplining the child they're like, oh man, I want to rush to his rescue and tell him, or be mad look, never undermine the authority of your husband just accept his discipline number eight, never argue with him that's a hard one but it's real you say, I don't agree with this one just agree we're in the Bible to give a caveat when do you see any godly woman arguing with her husband and it turned out well? it never turns out well how many times should people argue with their authority? they just shouldn't they just submit I'm not going to argue with God and you shouldn't argue with your husband just never do it just stop doing it number nine, this is going into the service category let your husband know that you love him you should constantly tell your husband that you love him and again while women probably need words of affirmation more than men men still need it men are a bunch of babies we're real sensitive we need like a constant cheerleader you missed out on being a cheerleader in high school well now's your chance you get to be cheerleader at home and you've got one guy that you're cheering for and he may lose every game but you're still cheering for him hey, I've noticed that the cheerleaders for the losing team they still cheer and they're still like F-I-G-H-T fight, fight, fight, go, we're going to win it's like 50 to nothing and they're doing somersaults and they're like, fight, we're going to win and it's like your bank account's got five bucks in it and you're like, we're going to win yeah, fight, woo it's hard but you know what, just let your husband know that you love him just tell him that you love him regardless and you know what, it probably means more to your husband when you're going through a rough patch than when you're going through a good patch to give him those words of affirmation number 10 be interested in his activities be interested in his activities you know just like I said for the men to go shopping, which I detest women should also make an effort to appreciate and enjoy the things of your husband number 11, have everything done before your husband gets home to maximize your time with him I've noticed, I've seen women, they complain about their husband not wanting to spend time with them yet when they come home, they haven't even started on dinner and I've seen it in cases where it's not like they were having a rough day with the kids or something like, there wasn't really an excuse, they just were lazy about it and I'm thinking like, hey, if your husband knows that dinner's going to be hot at 5.30 he's going to make an effort to be there at 5.30 but if he knows she's always slacking and dinner's usually not ready until 6.30 he might slack on his way home because there's not any real pressing effort and you know, if you want to maximize your time with your husband, then why don't you say, hey, everything's done I have all of my attention, all of my focus is on you, hey, when he's at work get everything done and you have to get done, and anything that you can say you know what, I can get that done tomorrow I'm going to put on a back burner I'm not going to be a Martha about it, I'm going to be a Mary and when he's here, I'm going to give him time, and whenever he's not here, I'm going to be a Martha all day long, but you know what when you go ahead and you waste all the time that you have when he's not there and then you're so busy when he is there, it kind of shows that you don't really care that much you want to improve your marriage? Get everything done and maximize the time that you have with him because you know what, you're not going to give every second with your husband, so why don't you just maximize the time you get number 12, be beautiful and appealing now obviously you know, the emphasis is not on the outward appearance, but you know what, don't let the outward appearances go Bible doesn't teach like just try to be as unattractive or unappealing as possible, it's saying that the most important aspect is the inward person but you know what, the outward still matters hey, you should still dress feminine and act feminine and be as attractive as you possibly can and be as appealing as you possibly can and 13 follows on this, dress the way he wants, you know, don't dress the way you want dress the way he wants if he doesn't like a certain garment, don't wear it if he likes the way you dress, if he likes another way that you dress better, do that if he likes a certain way you do your hair, do your hair that way stop worrying about what Vanity Fair likes and start worrying about what your husband likes that's the only person that matters anyways, when it comes to your physical appearance 14, be a good listener that'll help you that'll help you on that meek and quiet spirit 15, be frugal financially you know, when we read Proverbs it says that his husband does safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil no need of it why? because she's frugal financially 16, never criticize his parents 17, encourage him to take the lead hey, your husband's not leading well encourage him whenever there's a decision and he's indecisive don't go ahead and make the decision for him encourage him to make a decision encourage him to lead encourage him to do that which is right number 18, do not boss your husband do not tell him what to do around the house stay away from strong suggestions or orders it's just plain I don't want to tell him what to do, just don't and if you're like well I'm not a wife, I'm a dude okay, well don't tell your boss what to do and if you have anything you want to say to him don't tell him don't be a strong suggestion or an order just say if you please if this is what you want not my will but thine be done number 19, have fun together think of things that are fun to do number 20, think of a way to help him accomplish his tasks whether that be making his lunch you know, maybe he makes his lunch maybe you can start making his lunch for him you know, put a note in his lunch I worked with a guy and his wife put a note in his lunch every single day I'm sure that that made him, and you know what it was special to them and he didn't go around bragging about it I just happened to notice because I'm a pretty observant person, I had lunch with him all the time and I finally just kind of like realized what was going on you know, think of ways to accomplish things for him that he's already doing number 21, satisfy his needs you know, the Bible says to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife you know, one of the reasons men get married is to be intimate with his wife whole point and you need to satisfy his needs, not yours, his think about what his needs are and say satisfy his you say, why would I do that? look, this is to improve your marriage you want to improve your marriage? I'm giving you a lot of practical tips and I'm a man, I know what they like you know and I know what the Bible says I've got four more for you, okay here's the salute category be home when your husband is home it's going to be impossible to salute your husband at home when you're not there how can you even do that? 23, be pleasant at home that might be a tall order but be pleasant at home 24, praise him for the good things he does make your husband feel important for you to be a queen you have to make him a king make your husband feel important last one, cheer for him to succeed cheer for him to succeed and this is kind of the last one and I think it's really important cheer for him to succeed what does that mean? if you and your husband disagree on a decision and you think what he's doing is wrong and you think he should do something different you need to change your attitude so much that you're cheering that his decision will work out oh, I don't like that he took this job no, your attitude would be like I hope he's really successful at that job why I don't like where we move? well you should actually cheer that that decision is going to go well I don't like where he's going, what he's doing it doesn't matter you need to start cheering that he's going to be successful in the decisions that he makes because guess what, it's going to affect you I think some women they want their husband to fail in the decisions they make so they can say this I told you so I told you you shouldn't make that decision they're like hoping that their husband fails in some of the decisions that they make no, you as a wife should only cheer for the decisions your husband makes you should want every single decision your husband makes to work out and let me give you an example in the Bible and I'll close on this we're talking about Sarah, right? Abraham or Abram told Sarai to lie that they were even married and that was weird and it ended up being a really bad situation but she still did it and she wasn't like actively lying I don't think I don't think she was going around just saying like I'm not his husband or whatever but she just said hey he's my brother or whatever and she was trying to use discretion and obviously she's put in a weird situation but what would have been the failure in that situation for some guy to take her and marry her and just have a different life or whatever but somehow God had mercy on Abraham and he closed up all the wombs he rebuked Pharaoh he rebuked Abimelech because he did it twice it was weird he's like we've done this again before why are we doing this again but she was obedient both times the Bible says she was a good example of someone that obeyed Abraham, okay and then it ended up God blessed Abraham out of that horrible situation didn't he but what why would Sarah want to have cheered against Abraham in that situation and been like I hope it goes really bad no it ended up going really well somehow and you know what God can take your husband's crappy decisions and turn them into good things somehow and that's what you should want you should want for things to go well for your family and for your husband I need to cheer for your husband because in your heart you just you're his helper you're his one person on this planet that's just always for him no matter what you know they say a dog's man's best friend and I don't like dogs that much but why do they say that because a dog's happy with you no matter what a dog's like you on your team no matter what he'll lick your hand and he'll come curl up in your lap and he's your buddy and he's always on your team but it should be the wife is the one that's like that it should be the wife is just always on your team you know the dog's not going to argue with you you tell the dog to do he just does whatever you tell him to do a good dog you can train him to just submit and obey he'll just serve you and he'll salute you even I mean dogs are so excited when you come home I've known a guy he had a dog it would pee on his leg every time he came home because he was so excited to see him it was just so excited and look I'm not saying that women need to be exactly like a dog but I am saying you could learn some things from Fido why don't you say I'm going to be man's best friend I'm going to be my husband's best friend and I'm going to what? I'm going to submit to him I'm going to serve him and I'm going to salute him let's go in prayer thank you Father so much for your word thank you for these commandments I pray that you would motivate men and women in this room to love and cherish their spouse even more that you would help women to submit to their husbands that they would just trust the Bible and not the world they would trust the Bible and not their own logic they would trust the Bible and not their friends and how they were raised but rather they would try to be like Sarah and I pray that you would just help bless people's marriages you would help encourage them to have more intimacy to have more love and no matter what happens in their relationship they could see the motivation and the benefit of just serving their spouse to the best of their ability regardless of the situation I pray that you would lead them in this room that we would learn something from the sermon in Jesus' name we pray, Amen Amen with that let's take out our hymnals for the last song for this afternoon it's going to be song 187 Jesus Loves Me song number 187 in that song number 187 Jesus Loves Me on the top Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so little ones to hear Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible little ones to Him belong they are weak but He is strong yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so Jesus loves me He who died opens gate to open wide He will wash away my sin let His little child come in yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so Jesus He will stay close beside me all the way Thou has bled and died for me I will henceforth live for Thee yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so Thank you all for coming today Y'all get home safely. God bless. Take care. Thank you.